author Jaroslav Tulach <>
Thu, 30 Oct 2014 20:46:27 +0100
changeset 408 9a439a79c6d0
parent 154 0fd5e9c500b9
permissions -rw-r--r--
Use scala 2.10.4 to compile on JDK8
     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     2 <project name="differentreturntype" default="run" basedir=".">
     3     <target name="clean">
     4         <delete dir="build"/>
     5     </target>
     6     <target name="test"/>
     8     <!-- BEGIN: theory.binary.differentreturntype.ant -->
     9     <!-- This is the target that does the whole trick - e,g. it compiles
    10         the Java source and then replaces tokens 
    11         inside of the .class file
    12      -->
    13     <target name="-build-and-rename">
    14         <mkdir dir="build/apimerge/classes"/>
    15         <javac 
    16             srcdir="src-apimerge" destdir="build/apimerge/classes" 
    17             source="1.4" target="1.4" classpath="${cp}"
    18         />
    20         <!-- this is the replace. As the replace is done textually,
    21             we need to use some reasonable encoding that treats all 
    22             byte values as characters. E.g. it is not possible to 
    23             use UTF-8 as it does not like the standard Java header 
    24             0xCAFEBABE. Western Europe encoding is fine
    25         -->
    26         <replace 
    27             dir="build/apimerge/classes" casesensitive="true" 
    28             encoding="iso-8859-1" summary="true"
    29         >
    30             <include name="**/*.class"/>
    31             <replacetoken>g3tIcon</replacetoken>
    32             <replacevalue>getIcon</replacevalue>
    33         </replace>
    34     </target>
    35     <!-- END: theory.binary.differentreturntype.ant -->
    37     <target name="compile" depends="build"/>
    38     <target name="build" depends="clean">
    39         <antcall target="-build-one">
    40             <param name="version" value="api1.0"/>
    41         </antcall>
    42         <antcall target="-build-one">
    43             <param name="version" value="api2.0"/>
    44         </antcall>
    45         <antcall target="-build-and-rename"/>
    46         <antcall target="-build-one">
    47             <param name="version" value="impl"/>
    48             <param name="target" value="impl-with-api1.0"/>
    49             <param name="cp" location="build/api1.0/classes"/>
    50         </antcall>
    51         <antcall target="-build-one">
    52             <param name="version" value="impl"/>
    53             <param name="target" value="impl-with-api2.0"/>
    54             <param name="cp" location="build/api2.0/classes"/>
    55         </antcall>
    56     </target>
    58     <target name="run" depends="build">
    59         <echo level="info" message="Running the Implementation Compiled against Version 1.0 with Version 1.0. This should succeeds."/>
    60         <antcall target="-run-one">
    61             <param name="version" value="api1.0"/>
    62         </antcall>
    63         <echo level="info" message="Running the Implementation Compiled against Version 2.0 with Version 2.0. This should succeeds."/>
    64         <antcall target="-run-one">
    65             <param name="version" value="api2.0"/>
    66         </antcall>
    67         <echo level="info" message="Running the Implementation Compiled against Version 1.0 with Version 2.0. This should fail."/>
    68         <antcall target="-run-one">
    69             <param name="version" value="api2.0"/>
    70             <param name="target" value="api1.0"/>
    71         </antcall>
    72         <echo level="info" message="Running the Implementation Compiled against Version 2.0 with Version 1.0. This should fail."/>
    73         <antcall target="-run-one">
    74             <param name="version" value="api1.0"/>
    75             <param name="target" value="api2.0"/>
    76         </antcall>
    77         <echo level="info" message="Final success1: Running the Implementation Compiled against Version 1.0 with Merged Version."/>
    78         <antcall target="-run-one">
    79             <param name="version" value="apimerge"/>
    80             <param name="target" value="api1.0"/>
    81         </antcall>
    82         <echo level="info" message="Final success2: Running the Implementation Compiled against Version 2.0 with Merged Version."/>
    83         <antcall target="-run-one">
    84             <param name="version" value="apimerge"/>
    85             <param name="target" value="api2.0"/>
    86         </antcall>
    87     </target>
    90     <!-- support methods -->
    92     <target name="-run-one">
    93         <fail message="You need to specify API version number" unless="version"/>
    94         <property name="target" value="${version}"/>
    95         <java classpath="build/${version}/classes:build/impl-with-${target}/classes" classname="impl.Impl"
    96             failonerror="false"
    97         />
    98     </target>
   100     <target name="-build-one">
   101         <fail message="You need to specify version number" unless="version"/>
   103         <property name="cp" value=""/>
   104         <property name="target" value="${version}"/>
   105         <mkdir dir="build/${target}/classes"/>
   106         <javac 
   107             srcdir="src-${version}" 
   108             destdir="build/${target}/classes" 
   109             source="1.4" target="1.4"
   110             classpath="${cp}"
   111         />
   112     </target>
   113 </project>