Visitor.visit(with self) turned into sample
authorJaroslav Tulach <>
Sat, 14 Jun 2008 09:59:32 +0200
changeset 183e9f4bdb6a3f4
parent 182 77b3c0f1e4c3
child 184 6b2cd8df14c0
Visitor.visit(with self) turned into sample
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/samples/visitor/22-self/build.xml	Sat Jun 14 09:59:32 2008 +0200
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
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    1.36 +    
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    1.41 +        </antcall>
    1.42 +        <echo level="info" message="PrintVisitor on old API. This would not compile, but it runs as it does not deal with minus at all."/>
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    1.45 +        </antcall>
    1.46 +        <echo level="info" message="PrintVisitor on new API. This yields runtime error."/>
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    1.91 +        
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     2.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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    2.83 +                        <location>src-api2.0</location>
    2.84 +                    </source-folder>
    2.85 +                    <source-folder style="packages">
    2.86 +                        <label>Usage of 2.0 structures with 1.0 visitor</label>
    2.87 +                        <location>src-test2.0</location>
    2.88 +                    </source-folder>
    2.89 +                    <source-folder style="packages">
    2.90 +                        <label>API Version 3.0</label>
    2.91 +                        <location>src-api3.0</location>
    2.92 +                    </source-folder>
    2.93 +                    <source-folder style="packages">
    2.94 +                        <label>Usage of 3.0 visitor</label>
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     3.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/samples/visitor/22-self/src-api1.0/org/apidesign/visitor/	Sat Jun 14 09:59:32 2008 +0200
     3.3 @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
     3.4 +package org.apidesign.visitor;
     3.5 +
     3.6 +public final class Language {
     3.7 +    private Language() { }
     3.8 +    
     3.9 +    public interface Expression {
    3.10 +        public abstract void visit(Visitor v);
    3.11 +    }
    3.12 +    public interface Plus extends Expression {
    3.13 +        public Expression getFirst();
    3.14 +        public Expression getSecond();
    3.15 +    }
    3.16 +    public interface Number extends Expression {
    3.17 +        public int getValue();
    3.18 +    }
    3.19 +
    3.20 +    // BEGIN: visitor.clientprovider.self.v1
    3.21 +    public static abstract class Visitor {
    3.22 +        Visitor() {}
    3.23 +
    3.24 +        public static Visitor create(Version1_0 v) {
    3.25 +            return create1_0(v);
    3.26 +        }
    3.27 +
    3.28 +        public interface Version1_0 {
    3.29 +            public boolean visitUnknown(Expression e, Visitor self);
    3.30 +            public void visitPlus(Plus s, Visitor self);
    3.31 +            public void visitNumber(Number n, Visitor self);
    3.32 +        }
    3.33 +
    3.34 +        public abstract void dispatchPlus(Plus p);
    3.35 +        public abstract void dispatchNumber(Number n);
    3.36 +    }
    3.37 +    // END: visitor.clientprovider.self.v1
    3.38 +    
    3.39 +    static Visitor create1_0(final Visitor.Version1_0 v) {
    3.40 +        return new Visitor() {
    3.41 +            @Override
    3.42 +            public void dispatchPlus(Plus p) {
    3.43 +                v.visitPlus(p, this);
    3.44 +            }
    3.45 +
    3.46 +            @Override
    3.47 +            public void dispatchNumber(Number n) {
    3.48 +                v.visitNumber(n, this);
    3.49 +            }
    3.50 +        };
    3.51 +    }
    3.52 +}
     4.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/samples/visitor/22-self/src-api2.0/org/apidesign/visitor/	Sat Jun 14 09:59:32 2008 +0200
     4.3 @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
     4.4 +package org.apidesign.visitor;
     4.5 +
     4.6 +public final class Language {
     4.7 +    private Language() { }
     4.8 +    
     4.9 +    public interface Expression {
    4.10 +        public abstract void visit(Visitor v);
    4.11 +    }
    4.12 +    public interface Plus extends Expression {
    4.13 +        public Expression getFirst();
    4.14 +        public Expression getSecond();
    4.15 +    }
    4.16 +    public interface Number extends Expression {
    4.17 +        public int getValue();
    4.18 +    }
    4.19 +    /** @since 2.0 */
    4.20 +    public interface Minus extends Expression {
    4.21 +        public Expression getFirst();
    4.22 +        public Expression getSecond();
    4.23 +    }
    4.24 +    
    4.25 +    public static abstract class Visitor {
    4.26 +        Visitor() {}
    4.27 +        /** @since 2.0 */
    4.28 +        public static Visitor create(Version2_0 v) {
    4.29 +            return create2_0(v);
    4.30 +        }
    4.31 +
    4.32 +        /** @since 2.0 */
    4.33 +        public interface Version2_0 extends Version1_0 {
    4.34 +            public void visitMinus(Minus m, Visitor self);
    4.35 +        }
    4.36 +
    4.37 +
    4.38 +        /** @since 2.0 */
    4.39 +        public abstract void dispatchNumber(Number n);
    4.40 +        
    4.41 +        public static Visitor create(Version1_0 v) {
    4.42 +            return create1_0(v);
    4.43 +        }
    4.44 +
    4.45 +        public interface Version1_0 {
    4.46 +            public boolean visitUnknown(Expression e, Visitor self);
    4.47 +            public void visitPlus(Plus s, Visitor self);
    4.48 +            public void visitNumber(Number n, Visitor self);
    4.49 +        }
    4.50 +
    4.51 +        public abstract void dispatchPlus(Plus p);
    4.52 +        public abstract void dispatchMinus(Minus m);
    4.53 +    }
    4.54 +    
    4.55 +    static Visitor create1_0(final Visitor.Version1_0 v) {
    4.56 +        return new Visitor() {
    4.57 +            @Override
    4.58 +            public void dispatchPlus(Plus p) {
    4.59 +                v.visitPlus(p, this);
    4.60 +            }
    4.61 +
    4.62 +            @Override
    4.63 +            public void dispatchNumber(Number n) {
    4.64 +                v.visitNumber(n, this);
    4.65 +            }
    4.66 +
    4.67 +            @Override
    4.68 +            public void dispatchMinus(Minus m) {
    4.69 +                if (v.visitUnknown(m, this)) {
    4.70 +                    m.getFirst().visit(this);
    4.71 +                    m.getSecond().visit(this);
    4.72 +                }
    4.73 +            }
    4.74 +        };
    4.75 +    }
    4.76 +    static Visitor create2_0(final Visitor.Version2_0 v) {
    4.77 +        return new Visitor() {
    4.78 +            @Override
    4.79 +            public void dispatchPlus(Plus p) {
    4.80 +                v.visitPlus(p, this);
    4.81 +            }
    4.82 +
    4.83 +            @Override
    4.84 +            public void dispatchNumber(Number n) {
    4.85 +                v.visitNumber(n, this);
    4.86 +            }
    4.87 +
    4.88 +            @Override
    4.89 +            public void dispatchMinus(Minus m) {
    4.90 +                v.visitMinus(m, this);
    4.91 +            }
    4.92 +        };
    4.93 +    }
    4.94 +}
     5.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     5.2 +++ b/samples/visitor/22-self/src-api3.0/org/apidesign/visitor/	Sat Jun 14 09:59:32 2008 +0200
     5.3 @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
     5.4 +package org.apidesign.visitor;
     5.5 +
     5.6 +public final class Language {
     5.7 +    private Language() { }
     5.8 +    
     5.9 +    public interface Expression {
    5.10 +        public abstract void visit(Visitor v);
    5.11 +    }
    5.12 +    public interface Plus extends Expression {
    5.13 +        public Expression getFirst();
    5.14 +        public Expression getSecond();
    5.15 +    }
    5.16 +    public interface Number extends Expression {
    5.17 +        public int getValue();
    5.18 +    }
    5.19 +    /** @since 2.0 */
    5.20 +    public interface Minus extends Expression {
    5.21 +        public Expression getFirst();
    5.22 +        public Expression getSecond();
    5.23 +    }
    5.24 +    
    5.25 +    /** @since 3.0 */
    5.26 +    public interface Real extends Expression {
    5.27 +        public double getValue();
    5.28 +    }
    5.29 +    public static abstract class Visitor {
    5.30 +        Visitor() {}
    5.31 +        
    5.32 +        
    5.33 +        /** @since 3.0 */
    5.34 +        public static Visitor create(Version3_0 v) {
    5.35 +            return create3_0(v);
    5.36 +        }
    5.37 +
    5.38 +        /** @since 3.0 */
    5.39 +        public interface Version3_0 {
    5.40 +            public boolean visitUnknown(Expression e, Visitor self);
    5.41 +            public void visitPlus(Plus s, Visitor self);
    5.42 +            public void visitMinus(Minus s, Visitor self);
    5.43 +            public void visitReal(Real r, Visitor self);
    5.44 +        }
    5.45 +
    5.46 +        /** @since 3.0 */
    5.47 +        public abstract void dispatchReal(Real r);
    5.48 +        
    5.49 +        /** @since 2.0 */
    5.50 +        public static Visitor create(Version2_0 v) {
    5.51 +            return create2_0(v);
    5.52 +        }
    5.53 +
    5.54 +        /** @since 2.0 */
    5.55 +        public interface Version2_0 extends Version1_0 {
    5.56 +            public void visitMinus(Minus m, Visitor self);
    5.57 +        }
    5.58 +
    5.59 +
    5.60 +        /** @since 2.0 */
    5.61 +        public abstract void dispatchNumber(Number n);
    5.62 +        
    5.63 +        public static Visitor create(Version1_0 v) {
    5.64 +            return create1_0(v);
    5.65 +        }
    5.66 +
    5.67 +        public interface Version1_0 {
    5.68 +            public boolean visitUnknown(Expression e, Visitor self);
    5.69 +            public void visitPlus(Plus s, Visitor self);
    5.70 +            public void visitNumber(Number n, Visitor self);
    5.71 +        }
    5.72 +
    5.73 +        public abstract void dispatchPlus(Plus p);
    5.74 +        public abstract void dispatchMinus(Minus m);
    5.75 +    }
    5.76 +    
    5.77 +    static Visitor create1_0(final Visitor.Version1_0 v) {
    5.78 +        return new Visitor() {
    5.79 +            @Override
    5.80 +            public void dispatchPlus(Plus p) {
    5.81 +                v.visitPlus(p, this);
    5.82 +            }
    5.83 +
    5.84 +            @Override
    5.85 +            public void dispatchNumber(Number n) {
    5.86 +                v.visitNumber(n, this);
    5.87 +            }
    5.88 +
    5.89 +            @Override
    5.90 +            public void dispatchMinus(Minus m) {
    5.91 +                if (v.visitUnknown(m, this)) {
    5.92 +                    m.getFirst().visit(this);
    5.93 +                    m.getSecond().visit(this);
    5.94 +                }
    5.95 +            }
    5.96 +
    5.97 +            @Override
    5.98 +            public void dispatchReal(Real r) {
    5.99 +                v.visitUnknown(r, this);
   5.100 +            }
   5.101 +        };
   5.102 +    }
   5.103 +    static Visitor create2_0(final Visitor.Version2_0 v) {
   5.104 +        return new Visitor() {
   5.105 +            @Override
   5.106 +            public void dispatchPlus(Plus p) {
   5.107 +                v.visitPlus(p, this);
   5.108 +            }
   5.109 +
   5.110 +            @Override
   5.111 +            public void dispatchNumber(Number n) {
   5.112 +                v.visitNumber(n, this);
   5.113 +            }
   5.114 +
   5.115 +            @Override
   5.116 +            public void dispatchMinus(Minus m) {
   5.117 +                v.visitMinus(m, this);
   5.118 +            }
   5.119 +
   5.120 +            @Override
   5.121 +            public void dispatchReal(Real r) {
   5.122 +                v.visitUnknown(r, this);
   5.123 +            }
   5.124 +        };
   5.125 +    }
   5.126 +    static Visitor create3_0(final Visitor.Version3_0 v) {
   5.127 +        return new Visitor() {
   5.128 +            @Override
   5.129 +            public void dispatchReal(Real r) {
   5.130 +                v.visitReal(r, this);
   5.131 +            }
   5.132 +
   5.133 +            @Override
   5.134 +            public void dispatchNumber(final Number n) {
   5.135 +                class RealWrapper implements Real {
   5.136 +                    public double getValue() {
   5.137 +                        return n.getValue();
   5.138 +                    }
   5.139 +                    public void visit(Visitor v) {
   5.140 +                        n.visit(v);
   5.141 +                    }
   5.142 +                }
   5.143 +                v.visitReal(new RealWrapper(), this);
   5.144 +            }
   5.145 +
   5.146 +            @Override
   5.147 +            public void dispatchPlus(Plus p) {
   5.148 +                v.visitPlus(p, this);
   5.149 +            }
   5.150 +
   5.151 +            @Override
   5.152 +            public void dispatchMinus(Minus m) {
   5.153 +                v.visitMinus(m, this);
   5.154 +            }
   5.155 +        };
   5.156 +    }
   5.157 +}
     6.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     6.2 +++ b/samples/visitor/22-self/src-test/org/apidesign/test/visitor/	Sat Jun 14 09:59:32 2008 +0200
     6.3 @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
     6.4 +package org.apidesign.test.visitor;
     6.5 +
     6.6 +import org.apidesign.visitor.Language.Expression;
     6.7 +import org.apidesign.visitor.Language.Number;
     6.8 +import org.apidesign.visitor.Language.Plus;
     6.9 +import org.apidesign.visitor.Language.Visitor;
    6.10 +import org.apidesign.visitor.Language.Visitor;
    6.11 +import static junit.framework.Assert.*;
    6.12 +import org.junit.Test;
    6.13 +
    6.14 +public class PrintTest {
    6.15 +    
    6.16 +    public static Number newNumber(final int value) {
    6.17 +        return new Number() {
    6.18 +            public int getValue() {
    6.19 +                return value;
    6.20 +            }
    6.21 +
    6.22 +            public void visit(Visitor v) {
    6.23 +                v.dispatchNumber(this);
    6.24 +            }
    6.25 +        };
    6.26 +    }
    6.27 +    public static Plus newPlus(
    6.28 +        final Expression first, final Expression second
    6.29 +    ) {
    6.30 +        return new Plus() {
    6.31 +            public Expression getFirst() {
    6.32 +                return first;
    6.33 +            }
    6.34 +
    6.35 +            public Expression getSecond() {
    6.36 +                return second;
    6.37 +            }
    6.38 +
    6.39 +            public void visit(Visitor v) {
    6.40 +                v.dispatchPlus(this);
    6.41 +            }
    6.42 +        };
    6.43 +    }
    6.44 +
    6.45 +    // BEGIN: visitor.clientprovider.self.print
    6.46 +    public static class PrintVisitor implements Visitor.Version1_0 {
    6.47 +        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    6.48 +        
    6.49 +        public void visitPlus(Plus s, Visitor self) {
    6.50 +            s.getFirst().visit(self);
    6.51 +            sb.append(" + ");
    6.52 +            s.getSecond().visit(self);
    6.53 +        }
    6.54 +
    6.55 +        public void visitNumber(Number n, Visitor self) {
    6.56 +            sb.append (n.getValue());
    6.57 +        }
    6.58 +
    6.59 +        public boolean visitUnknown(Expression e, Visitor self) {
    6.60 +            sb.append("unknown");
    6.61 +            return true;
    6.62 +        }
    6.63 +    }
    6.64 +    
    6.65 +    @Test public void printOnePlusOne() {
    6.66 +        Number one = newNumber(1);
    6.67 +        Expression plus = newPlus(one, one);
    6.68 +        
    6.69 +        PrintVisitor print = new PrintVisitor();
    6.70 +        plus.visit(Visitor.create(print));
    6.71 +        
    6.72 +        assertEquals("1 + 1",;
    6.73 +    }
    6.74 +    // END: visitor.clientprovider.self.print
    6.75 +
    6.76 +    @Test public void printOnePlusTwoPlusThree() {
    6.77 +        Number one = newNumber(1);
    6.78 +        Number two = newNumber(2);
    6.79 +        Number three = newNumber(3);
    6.80 +        Expression plus = newPlus(one, newPlus(two, three));
    6.81 +        
    6.82 +        PrintVisitor print = new PrintVisitor();
    6.83 +        plus.visit(Visitor.create(print));
    6.84 +        
    6.85 +        assertEquals("1 + 2 + 3",;
    6.86 +    }
    6.87 +}
     7.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     7.2 +++ b/samples/visitor/22-self/src-test2.0/org/apidesign/test/visitor/	Sat Jun 14 09:59:32 2008 +0200
     7.3 @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
     7.4 +package org.apidesign.test.visitor;
     7.5 +
     7.6 +import org.apidesign.test.visitor.PrintTest.PrintVisitor;
     7.7 +import org.apidesign.visitor.Language.Expression;
     7.8 +import org.apidesign.visitor.Language.Minus;
     7.9 +import org.apidesign.visitor.Language.Number;
    7.10 +import static junit.framework.Assert.*;
    7.11 +import org.apidesign.visitor.Language.Visitor;
    7.12 +import org.junit.Test;
    7.13 +
    7.14 +public class PrintOfMinusStructureTest {
    7.15 +    public static Minus newMinus(
    7.16 +        final Expression first, final Expression second
    7.17 +    ) {
    7.18 +        return new Minus() {
    7.19 +            public Expression getFirst() {
    7.20 +                return first;
    7.21 +            }
    7.22 +
    7.23 +            public Expression getSecond() {
    7.24 +                return second;
    7.25 +            }
    7.26 +
    7.27 +            public void visit(Visitor v) {
    7.28 +                v.dispatchMinus(this);
    7.29 +            }
    7.30 +        };
    7.31 +    }
    7.32 +    
    7.33 +    
    7.34 +    @Test public void printOneMinusTwo() {
    7.35 +        Number one = PrintTest.newNumber(1);
    7.36 +        Number two = PrintTest.newNumber(2);
    7.37 +        Expression plus = newMinus(one, two);
    7.38 +        
    7.39 +        PrintVisitor print = new PrintVisitor();
    7.40 +        plus.visit(Visitor.create(print));
    7.41 +        
    7.42 +        assertEquals("1 - 2",;
    7.43 +    }
    7.44 +}
     8.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     8.2 +++ b/samples/visitor/22-self/src-test3.0/org/apidesign/test/visitor/	Sat Jun 14 09:59:32 2008 +0200
     8.3 @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
     8.4 +package org.apidesign.test.visitor;
     8.5 +
     8.6 +import org.apidesign.test.visitor.PrintTest.PrintVisitor;
     8.7 +import static junit.framework.Assert.*;
     8.8 +import org.apidesign.visitor.Language.Expression;
     8.9 +import org.apidesign.visitor.Language.Minus;
    8.10 +import org.apidesign.visitor.Language.Number;
    8.11 +import org.apidesign.visitor.Language.Plus;
    8.12 +import org.apidesign.visitor.Language.Real;
    8.13 +import org.apidesign.visitor.Language.Visitor;
    8.14 +import org.junit.Test;
    8.15 +
    8.16 +public class PrintRealTest {
    8.17 +    @Test public void printOneMinusTwo() {
    8.18 +        Real one = newReal(1);
    8.19 +        Real two = newReal(2);
    8.20 +        Expression plus = PrintOfMinusStructureTest.newMinus(one, two);
    8.21 +        
    8.22 +        PrintVisitor print = new PrintVisitor();
    8.23 +        plus.visit(Visitor.create(print));
    8.24 +        
    8.25 +        assertEquals("1.0 - 2.0",;
    8.26 +    }
    8.27 +    
    8.28 +    @Test public void visitorReadyForVersion3_0() {
    8.29 +        class PrintVisitor3_0 implements Visitor.Version3_0 {
    8.30 +            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    8.31 +
    8.32 +            public boolean visitUnknown(Expression exp, Visitor self) {
    8.33 +                sb.append("unknown");
    8.34 +                return true;
    8.35 +            }
    8.36 +
    8.37 +            public void visitPlus(Plus s, Visitor self) {
    8.38 +                s.getFirst().visit(self);
    8.39 +                sb.append(" + ");
    8.40 +                s.getSecond().visit(self);
    8.41 +            }
    8.42 +
    8.43 +            public void visitMinus(Minus m, Visitor self) {
    8.44 +                m.getFirst().visit(self);
    8.45 +                sb.append(" - ");
    8.46 +                m.getSecond().visit(self);
    8.47 +            }
    8.48 +
    8.49 +            public void visitReal(Real r, Visitor self) {
    8.50 +                sb.append(r.getValue());
    8.51 +            }
    8.52 +        }
    8.53 +        
    8.54 +        Number one = PrintTest.newNumber(1);
    8.55 +        Number two = PrintTest.newNumber(2);
    8.56 +        Expression plus = PrintOfMinusStructureTest.newMinus(one, two);
    8.57 +        
    8.58 +        PrintVisitor3_0 print = new PrintVisitor3_0();
    8.59 +        plus.visit(Visitor.create(print));
    8.60 +        
    8.61 +        assertEquals("1.0 - 2.0",;
    8.62 +
    8.63 +        Real five = newReal(5);
    8.64 +        Real three = newReal(3);
    8.65 +        Expression realPlus = PrintOfMinusStructureTest.newMinus(five, three);
    8.66 +        
    8.67 +        PrintVisitor3_0 printReal = new PrintVisitor3_0();
    8.68 +        realPlus.visit(Visitor.create(printReal));
    8.69 +        
    8.70 +        assertEquals("5.0 - 3.0",;
    8.71 +        
    8.72 +    }
    8.73 +    
    8.74 +    public static Real newReal(final double value) {
    8.75 +        return new Real() {
    8.76 +            public double getValue() {
    8.77 +                return value;
    8.78 +            }
    8.79 +
    8.80 +            public void visit(Visitor v) {
    8.81 +                v.dispatchReal(this);
    8.82 +            }
    8.83 +        };
    8.84 +    }
    8.85 +}