changeset 550 d0041e85a350
parent 523 48f01cef55c2
parent 549 8f0a97d446a1
child 551 ca781bc82662
     1.1 --- a/javaquery/demo-calculator/src/main/resources/org/apidesign/bck2brwsr/mavenhtml/Calculator.xhtml	Tue Jan 22 17:53:05 2013 +0100
     1.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.3 @@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
     1.4 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     1.5 -<!--
     1.6 -
     1.7 -    Back 2 Browser Bytecode Translator
     1.8 -    Copyright (C) 2012 Jaroslav Tulach <>
     1.9 -
    1.10 -    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    1.11 -    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    1.12 -    the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License.
    1.13 -
    1.14 -    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    1.15 -    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    1.17 -    GNU General Public License for more details.
    1.18 -
    1.19 -    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    1.20 -    along with this program. Look for COPYING file in the top folder.
    1.21 -    If not, see
    1.22 -
    1.23 --->
    1.24 -<!DOCTYPE html>
    1.25 -<html xmlns="">
    1.26 -    <head>
    1.27 -        <title>Simple Calculator in HTML5 and Java</title>
    1.28 -
    1.29 -        <style type="text/css">
    1.30 -        body {color: #ffffff; background-color: #121e31; font-family: Monospaced}
    1.31 -        pre {color: #ffffff; background-color: #121e31; font-family: Monospaced}
    1.32 -        table {color: #ffffff; background-color: #121e31; font-family: Monospaced}
    1.33 -        .string {color: #e2ce00}
    1.34 -        a {color: #e2ce00}
    1.35 -        .ST1 {color: #0000cc; font-family: Monospaced; font-weight: bold}
    1.36 -        .ST0 {color: #0000ff}
    1.37 -        .comment {color: #428bdd}
    1.38 -        .keyword-directive {color: #f8bb00}
    1.39 -        .tag {color: #f8bb00}
    1.40 -        .ST0 {color: #628fb5; background-color: #1b3450}
    1.41 -        .sgml-comment {color: #808080}
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    1.45 -        </style>    
    1.46 -        </head>
    1.47 -    <body>
    1.48 -        <h1>Java and HTML5 - Together at Last!</h1>
    1.49 -        <table border="0" cellspacing="2">
    1.50 -            <tbody>
    1.51 -                <tr>
    1.52 -                    <td colspan="4"><input id="display" value="0" 
    1.53 -                            style="text-align: right"/>
    1.54 -                </td>
    1.55 -                </tr>
    1.56 -                <tr>
    1.57 -                    <td><button id="n1">1</button></td>
    1.58 -                    <td><button id="n2">2</button></td>
    1.59 -                    <td><button id="n3">3</button></td>
    1.60 -                    <td><button id="plus">+</button></td>
    1.61 -                </tr>
    1.62 -                <tr>
    1.63 -                    <td><button id="n4">4</button></td>
    1.64 -                    <td><button id="n5">5</button></td>
    1.65 -                    <td><button id="n6">6</button></td>
    1.66 -                    <td><button id="minus">-</button></td>
    1.67 -                </tr>
    1.68 -                <tr>
    1.69 -                    <td><button id="n7">7</button></td>
    1.70 -                    <td><button id="n8">8</button></td>
    1.71 -                    <td><button id="n9">9</button></td>
    1.72 -                    <td><button id="mul">*</button></td>
    1.73 -                </tr>
    1.74 -                <tr>
    1.75 -                    <td><button id="clear">C</button></td>
    1.76 -                    <td><button id="n0">0</button></td>
    1.77 -                    <td><button id="result">=</button></td>
    1.78 -                    <td><button id="div">/</button></td>
    1.79 -                </tr>
    1.80 -            </tbody>
    1.81 -        </table>
    1.82 -
    1.83 -        <script src="bootjava.js"/>
    1.84 -        
    1.85 -        <hr/>
    1.86 -    <pre>
    1.87 -    <span class="keyword-directive">package</span> org.apidesign.bck2brwsr.mavenhtml;
    1.88 -
    1.89 -    <span class="keyword-directive">import</span> org.apidesign.bck2brwsr.htmlpage.api.OnClick;
    1.90 -    <span class="keyword-directive">import</span> org.apidesign.bck2brwsr.htmlpage.api.Page;
    1.91 -
    1.92 -    <span class="comment">/**</span> <span class="comment">HTML5</span><span class="comment"> &amp; </span><span class="comment">Java</span> <span class="comment">demo</span> <span class="comment">showing</span> <span class="comment">the</span> <span class="comment">power</span> <span class="comment">of</span> <a href="">annotation processors</a>
    1.93 -    <span class="comment"> * </span><span class="comment">as</span> <span class="comment">well</span> <span class="comment">as</span> <span class="comment">other</span> <span class="comment">goodies</span><span class="comment">, including type-safe association between</span>
    1.94 -    <span class="comment"> * </span><span class="comment">an XHTML page and Java.</span>
    1.95 -    <span class="comment"> * </span>
    1.96 -    <span class="comment"> * </span><span class="ST1">@author</span> <span class="comment">Jaroslav</span> <span class="comment">Tulach</span> <span class="ST0">&lt;;</span>
    1.97 -     <span class="comment">*/</span>
    1.98 -    @Page(xhtml=<span class="string">&quot;</span><span class="string">Calculator.xhtml</span><span class="string">&quot;</span>)
    1.99 -    <span class="keyword-directive">public</span> <span class="keyword-directive">class</span> App {
   1.100 -        <span class="keyword-directive">private</span> <span class="keyword-directive">static</span> <span class="keyword-directive">double</span> memory;
   1.101 -        <span class="keyword-directive">private</span> <span class="keyword-directive">static</span> String operation;
   1.102 -
   1.103 -        @OnClick(id=<span class="string">&quot;</span><span class="string">clear</span><span class="string">&quot;</span>)
   1.104 -        <span class="keyword-directive">static</span> <span class="keyword-directive">void</span> clear() {
   1.105 -            memory = <span class="number">0</span>;
   1.106 -            operation = <span class="keyword-directive">null</span>;
   1.107 -            Calculator.DISPLAY.setValue(<span class="string">&quot;</span><span class="string">0</span><span class="string">&quot;</span>);
   1.108 -        }
   1.109 -
   1.110 -        @OnClick(id= { <span class="string">&quot;</span><span class="string">plus</span><span class="string">&quot;</span>, <span class="string">&quot;</span><span class="string">minus</span><span class="string">&quot;</span>, <span class="string">&quot;</span><span class="string">mul</span><span class="string">&quot;</span>, <span class="string">&quot;</span><span class="string">div</span><span class="string">&quot;</span> })
   1.111 -        <span class="keyword-directive">static</span> <span class="keyword-directive">void</span> applyOp(String op) {
   1.112 -            memory = getValue();
   1.113 -            operation = op;
   1.114 -            Calculator.DISPLAY.setValue(<span class="string">&quot;</span><span class="string">0</span><span class="string">&quot;</span>);
   1.115 -        }
   1.116 -
   1.117 -        @OnClick(id=<span class="string">&quot;</span><span class="string">result</span><span class="string">&quot;</span>)
   1.118 -        <span class="keyword-directive">static</span> <span class="keyword-directive">void</span> computeTheValue() {
   1.119 -            <span class="keyword-directive">switch</span> (operation) {
   1.120 -                <span class="keyword-directive">case</span> <span class="string">&quot;</span><span class="string">plus</span><span class="string">&quot;</span>: setValue(memory + getValue()); <span class="keyword-directive">break</span>;
   1.121 -                <span class="keyword-directive">case</span> <span class="string">&quot;</span><span class="string">minus</span><span class="string">&quot;</span>: setValue(memory - getValue()); <span class="keyword-directive">break</span>;
   1.122 -                <span class="keyword-directive">case</span> <span class="string">&quot;</span><span class="string">mul</span><span class="string">&quot;</span>: setValue(memory * getValue()); <span class="keyword-directive">break</span>;
   1.123 -                <span class="keyword-directive">case</span> <span class="string">&quot;</span><span class="string">div</span><span class="string">&quot;</span>: setValue(memory / getValue()); <span class="keyword-directive">break</span>;
   1.124 -                <span class="keyword-directive">default</span>: <span class="keyword-directive">throw</span> <span class="keyword-directive">new</span> IllegalStateException(operation);
   1.125 -            }
   1.126 -        }
   1.127 -
   1.128 -        @OnClick(id={<span class="string">&quot;</span><span class="string">n0</span><span class="string">&quot;</span>, <span class="string">&quot;</span><span class="string">n1</span><span class="string">&quot;</span>, <span class="string">&quot;</span><span class="string">n2</span><span class="string">&quot;</span>, <span class="string">&quot;</span><span class="string">n3</span><span class="string">&quot;</span>, <span class="string">&quot;</span><span class="string">n4</span><span class="string">&quot;</span>, <span class="string">&quot;</span><span class="string">n5</span><span class="string">&quot;</span>, <span class="string">&quot;</span><span class="string">n6</span><span class="string">&quot;</span>, <span class="string">&quot;</span><span class="string">n7</span><span class="string">&quot;</span>, <span class="string">&quot;</span><span class="string">n8</span><span class="string">&quot;</span>, <span class="string">&quot;</span><span class="string">n9</span><span class="string">&quot;</span>}) 
   1.129 -        <span class="keyword-directive">static</span> <span class="keyword-directive">void</span> addDigit(String digit) {
   1.130 -            digit = digit.substring(<span class="number">1</span>);
   1.131 -            String v = Calculator.DISPLAY.getValue();
   1.132 -            <span class="keyword-directive">if</span> (getValue() == <span class="number">0.0</span>) {
   1.133 -                Calculator.DISPLAY.setValue(digit);
   1.134 -            } <span class="keyword-directive">else</span> {
   1.135 -                Calculator.DISPLAY.setValue(v + digit);
   1.136 -            }
   1.137 -        }
   1.138 -
   1.139 -        <span class="keyword-directive">private</span> <span class="keyword-directive">static</span> <span class="keyword-directive">void</span> setValue(<span class="keyword-directive">double</span> v) {
   1.140 -            StringBuilder sb = <span class="keyword-directive">new</span> StringBuilder();
   1.141 -            sb.append(v);
   1.142 -            Calculator.DISPLAY.setValue(sb.toString());
   1.143 -        }
   1.144 -
   1.145 -        <span class="keyword-directive">private</span> <span class="keyword-directive">static</span> <span class="keyword-directive">double</span> getValue() {
   1.146 -            <span class="keyword-directive">try</span> {
   1.147 -                <span class="keyword-directive">return</span> Double.parseDouble(Calculator.DISPLAY.getValue());
   1.148 -            } <span class="keyword-directive">catch</span> (NumberFormatException ex) {
   1.149 -                Calculator.DISPLAY.setValue(<span class="string">&quot;</span><span class="string">err</span><span class="string">&quot;</span>);
   1.150 -                <span class="keyword-directive">return</span> <span class="number">0.0</span>;
   1.151 -            }
   1.152 -        }
   1.153 -    }
   1.154 -
   1.155 -    </pre>
   1.156 -    </body>
   1.157 -</html>