toni@1303: toni@1302: toni@1302: toni@1302: Universal, flexible, capable, effective, highly efficient Canvas API for any device on the planet (and beyond). toni@1475: The purpose of this API is to create a common interface for drawing to a canvas using Java. Currently there are implementations for JavaFX Canvas and for toni@1475: HTML 5 Canvas. You can choose your implementation depending on the availability on your target platform and performance toni@1475: requirements. toni@1475: toni@1475: The entry point is the GraphicsUtils class. It gives you access to the GraphicsContext that you can use to draw. toni@1475: Currently you need to pass in a GraphicsEnvironment: toni@1475: // JavaFX implementation available here toni@1475: GraphicsContext gc = GraphicsUtil.create(new JavaFXGraphicsEnvironment()); toni@1475: toni@1475: toni@1475: toni@1302: toni@1302: