changeset 51 3f1866fdb2a1
parent 49 945fbfff28f3
child 52 6bb4070d2c20
     1.1 --- a/chess/src/main/java/org/apidesign/html/demo/chess/	Tue Sep 24 22:20:24 2013 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/chess/src/main/java/org/apidesign/html/demo/chess/	Tue Sep 24 22:37:17 2013 +0200
     1.3 @@ -23,18 +23,86 @@
     1.4   */
     1.5  package org.apidesign.html.demo.chess;
     1.7 -import java.util.Locale;
     1.8 +import java.util.Arrays;
     1.9 +import java.util.Collections;
    1.10 +import java.util.List;
    1.11 +import java.util.Timer;
    1.12 +import java.util.TimerTask;
    1.13  import;
    1.14  import;
    1.15  import;
    1.16 +import;
    1.17 +import;
    1.18  import;
    1.19 +import;
    1.20 +import org.apidesign.html.demo.chess.Communication.AlertType;
    1.22  @Model(className="Board", properties={
    1.23 +    @Property(name = "player", type = String.class),
    1.24 +    @Property(name = "gameId", type = String.class),
    1.25 +    @Property(name = "whitePlayer", type = String.class),
    1.26 +    @Property(name = "blackPlayer", type = String.class),
    1.27 +    @Property(name = "alert", type = Alert.class),
    1.28 +    @Property(name = "alertMessage", type = String.class),
    1.29 +    @Property(name = "status", type = String.class),
    1.30      @Property(name = "rows", type = Row.class, array = true),
    1.31 -    @Property(name = "turn", type = BoardModel.ColorType.class)
    1.32 +    @Property(name = "turn", type = Color.class),
    1.33 +    @Property(name = "moves", type = Move.class, array = true),
    1.34 +    @Property(name = "pendingMove", type = Move.class),
    1.35 +    @Property(name = "active", type = boolean.class),
    1.36  })
    1.37  public class BoardModel {
    1.38 +    @ComputedProperty static String title(String status, String gameId) {
    1.39 +        String t = status != null ? status : gameId;
    1.40 +        if (t != null && t.length() > 10) {
    1.41 +            return t.substring(0, 10);
    1.42 +        }
    1.43 +        return t;
    1.44 +    }
    1.45 +
    1.46 +    @ModelOperation static void updateSummary(Board b, String summary) {
    1.47 +        if (summary != null) {
    1.48 +            b.setStatus(summary);
    1.49 +        }
    1.50 +    }
    1.51 +    
    1.52 +    @ComputedProperty static boolean myTurn(String player, String whitePlayer, String blackPlayer, Color turn) {
    1.53 +        if (turn != null && player != null) switch (turn) {
    1.54 +            case B: return player.equals(blackPlayer);
    1.55 +            case W: return player.equals(whitePlayer);
    1.56 +        }
    1.57 +        return false;
    1.58 +    }
    1.59 +    
    1.60 +    @ComputedProperty static boolean justObserving(String player) {
    1.61 +        return player == null;
    1.62 +    }
    1.63 +    
    1.64 +    private static final AudioClip MOVE = AudioClip.create("sounds/move.mp3");
    1.65 +    @OnPropertyChange("moves") static void playMove() {
    1.66 +;
    1.67 +    }
    1.68 +
    1.69 +    private static final AudioClip CHECK = AudioClip.create("sounds/check.mp3");
    1.70 +    private static final AudioClip CHECKMATE = AudioClip.create("sounds/checkmate.mp3");
    1.71 +    @OnPropertyChange("alert") static void warnCheckAndMate(Board b) {
    1.72 +        if (b.getAlert() == null) {
    1.73 +            return;
    1.74 +        }
    1.75 +        if (b.getAlert().getType() == AlertType.CHECK) {
    1.76 +  ;
    1.77 +        }
    1.78 +        if (b.getAlert().getType() == AlertType.CHECKMATE) {
    1.79 +  ;
    1.80 +        }
    1.81 +    }
    1.82 +    
    1.83      @Function static void selected(Board b, Square data) {
    1.84 +        if (!b.isMyTurn()) {
    1.85 +            b.setAlertMessage("Not your turn!");
    1.86 +            return;
    1.87 +        }
    1.88 +        
    1.89          Square previoslySelected = findSelectedSquare(b);
    1.90          if (previoslySelected == null) {
    1.91              if (data.getPiece() != null && data.getPieceColor() == b.getTurn()) {
    1.92 @@ -42,6 +110,11 @@
    1.93                  Rules.computeAccessible(b, data);
    1.94              }
    1.95          } else {
    1.96 +            if (previoslySelected == data) {
    1.97 +                data.setSelected(false);
    1.98 +                Rules.computeAccessible(b, null);
    1.99 +                return;
   1.100 +            }
   1.101              if (data.getPiece() != null && data.getPieceColor() == previoslySelected.getPieceColor()) {
   1.102                  previoslySelected.setSelected(false);
   1.103                  data.setSelected(true);
   1.104 @@ -50,34 +123,130 @@
   1.105              }
   1.106              if (data.isAccessible()) {
   1.107                  previoslySelected.setSelected(false);
   1.108 +
   1.109 +                Move newMove = new Move();
   1.110 +                newMove.setFrom(previoslySelected.getPosition());
   1.111 +                newMove.setTo(data.getPosition());
   1.112 +                newMove.setRound(b.getMoves().size() / 2 + 1);
   1.113 +                newMove.setPiece(previoslySelected.getPiece());
   1.114 +                newMove.setTurn(previoslySelected.getPieceColor());
   1.115 +                newMove.setTakes(data.getPiece() != null);
   1.116 +                b.getMoves().add(newMove);
   1.117 +                b.setPendingMove(newMove);
   1.118 +
   1.119 +                data.setPending(true);
   1.120                  data.setPieceColor(previoslySelected.getPieceColor());
   1.121                  data.setPiece(previoslySelected.getPiece());
   1.122 -                b.setTurn(b.getTurn() == ColorType.WHITE ? ColorType.BLACK : ColorType.WHITE);
   1.123 +                b.setTurn(null);
   1.124                  previoslySelected.setPiece(null);
   1.125                  previoslySelected.setPieceColor(null);
   1.126                  Rules.computeAccessible(b, null);
   1.127 +
   1.128 +                Request sm = new Request();
   1.129 +                sm.setMsg(MsgType.SendMove);
   1.130 +                sm.setGameId(b.getGameId());
   1.131 +                sm.setFrom(newMove.getFrom().getLocation());
   1.132 +                sm.setTo(newMove.getTo().getLocation());
   1.133 +                sm.setColor(newMove.getTurn());
   1.134 +                final UI ui = UIModel.findUI(b);
   1.135 +                if (ui != null) {
   1.136 +                    ui.sendMsg(sm);
   1.137 +                }
   1.138              }
   1.139          }
   1.140      }
   1.142 -    @ComputedProperty static boolean whiteTurn(ColorType turn) {
   1.143 -        return turn == ColorType.WHITE;
   1.144 +    static class NextMove extends TimerTask {
   1.145 +        private static final Timer T = new Timer("Animate moves");
   1.146 +        private final Board b;
   1.147 +        private final Move m;
   1.148 +
   1.149 +        public NextMove(Board b, Move m) {
   1.150 +            this.b = b;
   1.151 +            this.m = m;
   1.152 +            T.schedule(this, 1000);
   1.153 +        }
   1.154 +        
   1.155 +        
   1.156 +        @Override
   1.157 +        public void run() {
   1.158 +            b.showPosition(m);
   1.159 +        }
   1.160 +    }
   1.161 +    
   1.162 +    @ModelOperation @Function static void showPosition(Board b, Move data) {
   1.163 +        Rules.initBoard(b);
   1.164 +        boolean found = false;
   1.165 +        for (Move m : b.getMoves()) {
   1.166 +            if (found) {
   1.167 +                b.setTurn(null);
   1.168 +                new NextMove(b, m);
   1.169 +                return;
   1.170 +            }
   1.171 +            Square from = findSquare(b, (char)m.getFrom().getX(), m.getFrom().getY());
   1.172 +            Square to = findSquare(b, (char)m.getTo().getX(), m.getTo().getY());
   1.173 +            to.setPiece(from.getPiece());
   1.174 +            to.setPieceColor(from.getPieceColor());
   1.175 +            from.setPiece(null);
   1.176 +            from.setPieceColor(null);
   1.177 +            if (m == data) {
   1.178 +                found = true;
   1.179 +            }
   1.180 +        }
   1.181 +        b.setTurn(b.getMoves().size() % 2 == 0 ? Color.W : Color.B);
   1.182 +    }
   1.183 +    
   1.184 +    
   1.185 +
   1.186 +    @Function static void rotateBoard(Board b) {
   1.187 +        Collections.reverse(b.getRows());
   1.188 +        for (Row r : b.getRows()) {
   1.189 +            Collections.reverse(r.getColumns());
   1.190 +        }
   1.191 +        Square sq = findSelectedSquare(b);
   1.192 +        if (sq != null) {
   1.193 +            sq.setSelected(false);
   1.194 +            Rules.computeAccessible(b, null);
   1.195 +        }
   1.196 +    }
   1.197 +    
   1.198 +    @ComputedProperty static boolean whiteTurn(Color turn) {
   1.199 +        return turn == Color.W;
   1.200      }
   1.202 -    @ComputedProperty static boolean blackTurn(ColorType turn) {
   1.203 -        return turn == ColorType.BLACK;
   1.204 +    @ComputedProperty static boolean blackTurn(Color turn) {
   1.205 +        return turn == Color.B;
   1.206 +    }
   1.207 +    
   1.208 +    @ComputedProperty static List<String> columnNames(List<Row> rows) {
   1.209 +        boolean whiteDown = rows.isEmpty() || rows.get(0).getY() == 8;
   1.210 +        String[] arr = new String[8];
   1.211 +        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
   1.212 +            String s;
   1.213 +            if (whiteDown) {
   1.214 +                s = "" + (char)('A' + i);
   1.215 +            } else {
   1.216 +                s = "" + (char)('H' - i);
   1.217 +            }
   1.218 +            arr[i] = s;
   1.219 +        }
   1.220 +        return Arrays.asList(arr);
   1.221      }
   1.223      static Square findSquare(Board b, char column, int row) {
   1.224          for (Row r : b.getRows()) {
   1.225              for (Square square : r.getColumns()) {
   1.226 -                if (square.getX() == column && square.getY() == row) {
   1.227 +                if (square.getPosition().getX() == column && square.getPosition().getY() == row) {
   1.228                      return square;
   1.229                  }
   1.230              }
   1.231          }
   1.232          return null;
   1.233      }
   1.234 +
   1.235 +    private static Square findSquare(Board b, Position to) {
   1.236 +        return findSquare(b, (char)to.getX(), to.getY());
   1.237 +    }
   1.239      static Square findSelectedSquare(Board b) {
   1.240          for (Row row : b.getRows()) {
   1.241 @@ -89,52 +258,104 @@
   1.242          }
   1.243          return null;
   1.244      }
   1.245 -    
   1.246 +
   1.247 +    static void moveResponse(final Board b, final String errMsg, final List<String> whites, final List<String> blacks, final Color turn,
   1.248 +        Alert alert
   1.249 +    ) {
   1.250 +        if (errMsg != null) {
   1.251 +            b.getMoves().remove(b.getPendingMove());
   1.252 +            b.setPendingMove(null);
   1.253 +            b.setAlertMessage(errMsg);
   1.254 +        } else {
   1.255 +            b.setTurn(turn);
   1.256 +            b.setAlertMessage(null);
   1.257 +        }
   1.258 +        b.setAlert(alert);
   1.259 +        Rules.initBoard(b, whites, blacks, turn);
   1.260 +    }
   1.261 +
   1.262 +    static void moveUpdate(final Board b, final Move move, final List<String> whites, final List<String> blacks, final Color turn, Alert alert) {
   1.263 +        final Square from = BoardModel.findSquare(b, move.getFrom());
   1.264 +        final Square to = BoardModel.findSquare(b, move.getTo());
   1.265 +        move.setPiece(from.getPiece());
   1.266 +        move.setTurn(from.getPieceColor());
   1.267 +        if (to.getPiece() != null) {
   1.268 +            move.setTakes(true);
   1.269 +        }
   1.270 +        b.setAlert(alert);
   1.271 +        b.setAlertMessage(alert == null ? null : alert.getMessage());
   1.272 +        move.setRound(b.getMoves().size() / 2 + 1);
   1.273 +        b.getMoves().add(move);
   1.274 +        Rules.initBoard(b, whites, blacks, turn);
   1.275 +    }
   1.276 +
   1.277      @Model(className="Row", properties = {
   1.278          @Property(name = "columns", type = Square.class, array = true)
   1.279      })
   1.280      static class RowsImpl {
   1.281 +        @ComputedProperty static int y(List<Square> columns) {
   1.282 +            return columns.isEmpty() ? 0 : columns.get(0).getY();
   1.283 +        }
   1.284      }
   1.286      enum PieceType {
   1.287          PAWN(5), ROCK(2), KNIGHT(4), BISHOP(3), QUEEN(1), KING(0);
   1.288 -        
   1.289 +
   1.290          final int entityIndex;
   1.292          PieceType(int ei) {
   1.293              this.entityIndex = ei;
   1.294          }
   1.295 +
   1.296 +        static PieceType fromNotation(char notation) {
   1.297 +            switch (notation) {
   1.298 +                case 'R': return ROCK;
   1.299 +                case 'N': return KNIGHT;
   1.300 +                case 'B': return BISHOP;
   1.301 +                case 'Q': return QUEEN;
   1.302 +                case 'K': return KING;
   1.303 +                case 'P': return PAWN;
   1.304 +            }
   1.305 +            throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected: " + notation);
   1.306 +        }
   1.308 -        String computeEntity(ColorType color) {
   1.309 +        String computeEntity(Color color) {
   1.310              if (color == null) {
   1.311 -                color = ColorType.WHITE;
   1.312 +                color = Color.W;
   1.313              }
   1.314              int base;
   1.315              switch (color) {
   1.316 -                case WHITE: base = 12; break;
   1.317 -                case BLACK: base = 18; break;
   1.318 +                case W: base = 12; break;
   1.319 +                case B: base = 18; break;
   1.320                  default:
   1.321                      throw new AssertionError();
   1.322              }
   1.323              return "&#98" + String.valueOf(base + entityIndex) + ";";
   1.324          }
   1.325      }
   1.326 -    enum ColorType {
   1.327 -        WHITE, BLACK;
   1.328 +    
   1.329 +    @Model(className="Position", properties = {
   1.330 +        @Property(name = "x", type = char.class),
   1.331 +        @Property(name = "y", type = int.class),
   1.332 +    })
   1.333 +    static class PositionImpl {
   1.334 +        @ComputedProperty static String location(int x, int y) {
   1.335 +            return "" + (char)(x - 'A' + 'a') + y;
   1.336 +        }
   1.337      }
   1.339      @Model(className="Square", properties = {
   1.340 +        @Property(name = "position", type = Position.class),
   1.341 +        @Property(name = "color", type = Color.class),
   1.342          @Property(name = "piece", type = PieceType.class),
   1.343 -        @Property(name = "pieceColor", type = ColorType.class),
   1.344 -        @Property(name = "color", type = ColorType.class),
   1.345 -        @Property(name = "x", type = int.class),
   1.346 -        @Property(name = "y", type = int.class),
   1.347 +        @Property(name = "pieceColor", type = Color.class),
   1.348          @Property(name = "selected", type = boolean.class),
   1.349          @Property(name = "accessible", type = boolean.class),
   1.350 +        @Property(name = "pending", type = boolean.class),
   1.351      })
   1.352 -    static class PieceImpl {
   1.353 +    static class SquareModel {
   1.354          @ComputedProperty static String pieceEntity(
   1.355 -            PieceType piece, ColorType pieceColor
   1.356 +            PieceType piece, Color pieceColor
   1.357          ) {
   1.358              if (piece == null) {
   1.359                  return "";
   1.360 @@ -143,7 +364,7 @@
   1.361          }
   1.363          @ComputedProperty static String squareColor(
   1.364 -            ColorType color, boolean selected, boolean accessible
   1.365 +            Color color, boolean selected, boolean accessible, boolean pending
   1.366          ) {
   1.367              if (selected) {
   1.368                  return "selected";
   1.369 @@ -151,52 +372,80 @@
   1.370              if (accessible) {
   1.371                  return "accessible";
   1.372              }
   1.373 +            if (pending) {
   1.374 +                return "pending";
   1.375 +            }
   1.377              if (color == null) {
   1.378                  return "";
   1.379              } else {
   1.380 -                return color.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.US);
   1.381 +                if (color == Color.W) {
   1.382 +                    return "white";
   1.383 +                } else {
   1.384 +                    return "black";
   1.385 +                }
   1.386              }
   1.387          }
   1.388 +        
   1.389 +        @ComputedProperty static char x(Position position) {
   1.390 +            return position == null ? 'A' : position.getX();
   1.391 +        }
   1.392 +
   1.393 +        @ComputedProperty static int y(Position position) {
   1.394 +            return position == null ? 1 : position.getY();
   1.395 +        }
   1.396      }
   1.398 -    public static void initialize(String[] args) {
   1.399 -        Board b = createBoard();
   1.400 -        b.applyBindings();
   1.401 -    }
   1.402 +    @Model(className = "Move", properties = {
   1.403 +        @Property(name = "round", type = int.class),
   1.404 +        @Property(name = "turn", type = Color.class),
   1.405 +        @Property(name = "piece", type = PieceType.class),
   1.406 +        @Property(name = "from", type = Position.class),
   1.407 +        @Property(name = "to", type = Position.class),
   1.408 +        @Property(name = "promoted", type = PieceType.class),
   1.409 +        @Property(name = "takes", type = boolean.class),
   1.410 +        @Property(name = "check", type = boolean.class),
   1.411 +    })
   1.412 +    static class MoveImpl {
   1.413 +        @ComputedProperty static boolean whiteMove(Color turn) {
   1.414 +            return turn == Color.W;
   1.415 +        }
   1.416 +        
   1.417 +        @ComputedProperty static String html(
   1.418 +            Position from, Position to, boolean takes, PieceType piece, Color turn
   1.419 +        ) {
   1.420 +            if (from == null || to == null) {
   1.421 +                return "";
   1.422 +            }
   1.423 +            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
   1.424 +            if (piece != null && piece != PieceType.PAWN) {
   1.425 +                sb.append(piece.computeEntity(turn));
   1.426 +            }
   1.427 +            
   1.428 +            sb.append(from.getLocation());
   1.429 +            if (takes) {
   1.430 +                sb.append("x");
   1.431 +            }
   1.432 +            sb.append(to.getLocation());
   1.433 +            return sb.toString();
   1.434 +        }
   1.436 -    static Board createBoard() {
   1.437 -        Board b = new Board();
   1.438 -        b.setTurn(ColorType.WHITE);
   1.439 -        for (int i = 8; i > 0; i--) {
   1.440 -            Row r = new Row();
   1.441 -            b.getRows().add(r);
   1.442 -            for (int j = 'A'; j <= 'H'; j++) {
   1.443 -                Square s = new Square();
   1.444 -                s.setX(j);
   1.445 -                s.setY(i);
   1.446 -                s.setColor((i + j) % 2 == 1 ? ColorType.WHITE : ColorType.BLACK);
   1.447 -                r.getColumns().add(s);
   1.448 -                if (i == 2) {
   1.449 -                    s.setPiece(PieceType.PAWN);
   1.450 -                    s.setPieceColor(ColorType.WHITE);
   1.451 -                } else if (i == 7) {
   1.452 -                    s.setPiece(PieceType.PAWN);
   1.453 -                    s.setPieceColor(ColorType.BLACK);
   1.454 -                } else if (i == 8 || i == 1) {
   1.455 -                    s.setPieceColor(i == 1 ? ColorType.WHITE : ColorType.BLACK);
   1.456 -                    PieceType t;
   1.457 -                    switch (j) {
   1.458 -                        case 'A': case 'H': t = PieceType.ROCK; break;
   1.459 -                        case 'B': case 'G': t = PieceType.KNIGHT; break;
   1.460 -                        case 'C': case 'F': t = PieceType.BISHOP; break;
   1.461 -                        case 'D': t = PieceType.QUEEN; break;
   1.462 -                        default: t = PieceType.KING; break;
   1.463 -                    }
   1.464 -                    s.setPiece(t);
   1.465 -                }
   1.466 +        static Move valueOf(String move) {
   1.467 +            move = move.toUpperCase();
   1.468 +            Move m = new Move();
   1.469 +            {
   1.470 +                Position p = new Position();
   1.471 +                p.setX(move.charAt(0));
   1.472 +                p.setY(move.charAt(1) - '0');
   1.473 +                m.setFrom(p);
   1.474              }
   1.475 +            {
   1.476 +                Position p = new Position();
   1.477 +                p.setX(move.charAt(2));
   1.478 +                p.setY(move.charAt(3) - '0');
   1.479 +                m.setTo(p);
   1.480 +            }
   1.481 +            return m;
   1.482          }
   1.483 -        return b;
   1.484      }
   1.485  }