Merging in the new test version async
authorJaroslav Tulach <>
Sat, 08 Mar 2014 09:32:33 +0100
changeset 588a8356d5f7750
parent 586 213efcfc5a0c
parent 587 5ea94c2d4cf2
child 589 07daf24cd76c
Merging in the new test version
     1.1 --- a/json-tck/src/main/java/net/java/html/json/tests/	Fri Mar 07 19:45:56 2014 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/json-tck/src/main/java/net/java/html/json/tests/	Sat Mar 08 09:32:33 2014 +0100
     1.3 @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
     1.4  import java.util.Random;
     1.5  import;
     1.6  import;
     1.7 +import;
     1.8  import;
     1.9  import;
    1.10  import;
    1.11 @@ -61,48 +62,67 @@
    1.12      @Property(name = "rows", type = Row.class, array = true),
    1.13  })
    1.14  public final class MinesTest {
    1.15 -    @KOTest public void paintTheGrid() throws Throwable {
    1.16 -        BrwsrCtx ctx = Utils.newContext(KnockoutTest.class);
    1.17 -        Object exp = Utils.exposeHTML(KnockoutTest.class, 
    1.18 -"            <table class=\"field\">\n" +
    1.19 -"                <tbody id='table'>\n" +
    1.20 -"                    <!-- ko foreach: rows -->\n" +
    1.21 -"                    <tr>\n" +
    1.22 -"                        <!-- ko foreach: columns -->\n" +
    1.23 -"                        <td data-bind=\"css: style, click: $parents[1].click\" >\n" +
    1.24 -"                            <div data-bind='text: html'></div>\n" +
    1.25 -"                        </td>\n" +
    1.26 -"                        <!-- /ko -->\n" +
    1.27 -"                    </tr>\n" +
    1.28 -"                    <!-- /ko -->\n" +
    1.29 -"                </tbody>\n" +
    1.30 -"            </table>\n" +
    1.31 -""
    1.32 -        );
    1.33 -        try {
    1.34 +    Mines m;
    1.35 +    @KOTest public void paintTheGridOnClick() throws Throwable {
    1.36 +        if (m == null) {
    1.37 +            BrwsrCtx ctx = Utils.newContext(MinesTest.class);
    1.38 +            Object exp = Utils.exposeHTML(MinesTest.class, 
    1.39 +    "            <button id='init' data-bind='click: normalSize'></button>\n" +
    1.40 +    "            <table>\n" +
    1.41 +    "                <tbody id='table'>\n" +
    1.42 +    "                    <!-- ko foreach: rows -->\n" +
    1.43 +    "                    <tr>\n" +
    1.44 +    "                        <!-- ko foreach: columns -->\n" +
    1.45 +    "                        <td data-bind='css: style' >\n" +
    1.46 +    "                            <div data-bind='text: html'></div>\n" +
    1.47 +    "                        </td>\n" +
    1.48 +    "                        <!-- /ko -->\n" +
    1.49 +    "                    </tr>\n" +
    1.50 +    "                    <!-- /ko -->\n" +
    1.51 +    "                </tbody>\n" +
    1.52 +    "            </table>\n" +
    1.53 +    ""
    1.54 +            );
    1.55 +            m = Models.bind(new Mines(), ctx);
    1.56 +            m.applyBindings();
    1.57 +            int cnt = countChildren("table");
    1.58 +            assert cnt == 0 : "Table is empty: " + cnt;
    1.59 +            scheduleClick("init", 100);
    1.60 +        }
    1.62 -            Mines m = Models.bind(new Mines(), ctx);
    1.63 -            m.init(10, 10, 0);
    1.64 -            m.applyBindings();
    1.66 -            int cnt = countChildren("table");
    1.67 -            assert cnt == 10 : "There is ten rows in the table: " + cnt;
    1.68 -        } catch (Throwable t) {
    1.69 -            throw t;
    1.70 -        } finally {
    1.71 -            Utils.exposeHTML(KnockoutTest.class, "");
    1.72 +        int cnt = countChildren("table");
    1.73 +        if (cnt == 0) {
    1.74 +            throw new InterruptedException();
    1.75          }
    1.76 +        assert cnt == 10 : "There is ten rows in the table now: " + cnt;
    1.77 +        
    1.78 +        Utils.exposeHTML(MinesTest.class, "");
    1.79      }
    1.81      private static int countChildren(String id) throws Exception {
    1.82          return ((Number)Utils.executeScript(
    1.83 -          KnockoutTest.class,
    1.84 +          MinesTest.class,
    1.85            "var e = window.document.getElementById(arguments[0]);\n "
    1.86          + "if (typeof e === 'undefined') return -2;\n "
    1.87          + "return e.children.length;", 
    1.88              id
    1.89          )).intValue();
    1.90      }
    1.91 +
    1.92 +    private static void scheduleClick(String id, int delay) throws Exception {
    1.93 +        String s = "var id = arguments[0]; var delay = arguments[1];"
    1.94 +            + "var e = window.document.getElementById(id);\n "
    1.95 +            + "var f = function() {;\n "
    1.96 +            + "  var ev = window.document.createEvent('MouseEvents');\n "
    1.97 +            + "  ev.initMouseEvent('click', true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);\n "
    1.98 +            + "  e.dispatchEvent(ev);\n"
    1.99 +            + "};\n"
   1.100 +            + "window.setTimeout(f, delay);";
   1.101 +        Utils.executeScript(
   1.102 +            MinesTest.class,
   1.103 +            s, id, delay);
   1.104 +    }
   1.106      enum GameState {
   1.107          IN_PROGRESS, WON, LOST;
   1.108 @@ -159,6 +179,9 @@
   1.109          return state != null;
   1.110      }
   1.112 +    @Function static void normalSize(Mines m) {
   1.113 +        m.init(10, 10, 10);
   1.114 +    }
   1.116      @ModelOperation static void init(Mines model, int width, int height, int mines) {
   1.117          List<Row> rows = new ArrayList<Row>(height);