Describing packaging options
authorJaroslav Tulach <>
Sat, 15 Mar 2014 16:01:40 +0100
changeset 615b9d3832309ad
parent 614 cf91336956b8
child 616 5c2f2f7bd238
Describing packaging options
     1.1 --- a/pom.xml	Sat Mar 15 14:40:27 2014 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/pom.xml	Sat Mar 15 16:01:40 2014 +0100
     1.3 @@ -115,6 +115,7 @@
     1.4                <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId>
     1.5                <version>2.9</version>
     1.6                <configuration>
     1.7 +                  <docfilessubdirs>true</docfilessubdirs>
     1.8                    <subpackages>${publicPackages}</subpackages>
     1.9                    <skip>false</skip>
    1.10                    <excludePackageNames>org.netbeans.html.*</excludePackageNames>
     2.1 --- a/src/main/javadoc/overview.html	Sat Mar 15 14:40:27 2014 +0100
     2.2 +++ b/src/main/javadoc/overview.html	Sat Mar 15 16:01:40 2014 +0100
     2.3 @@ -182,6 +182,103 @@
     2.4              debugging</a> support.
     2.5          </p>
     2.7 +        <a name="deploy">
     2.8 +        <h2>Deploy Your Application</h2>
     2.9 +        </a>
    2.10 +        
    2.11 +        <p>
    2.12 +        It is not goal of this documentation to list all possible ways
    2.13 +        to package and deploy applications which use this API. However it is 
    2.14 +        important for new comers to see the benefits of using the
    2.15 +        <a href="">HTML for Java</a> API and as such
    2.16 +        let's list at least few bundling options, known to work at the time of writing 
    2.17 +        this documentation.
    2.18 +        </p>
    2.19 +        
    2.20 +        <p>
    2.21 +        First of all, this is a <em>client technology</em>. You write client applications
    2.22 +        with it which may, but need not connect to a server. You don't need
    2.23 +        Tomcat or WebLogic to deploy 
    2.24 +        <a href="">HTML for Java</a> applications.
    2.25 +        </p>
    2.26 +        
    2.27 +        <p>
    2.28 +            <img src='resources/javafx_logo.jpg' width="64"
    2.29 +                 height="64" align="left"/>
    2.30 +            The sample project generated by
    2.31 +            <code>org.apidesign.html knockout4j-archetype</code> is configured
    2.32 +            to use <a href="">JavaFX</a>
    2.33 +            as the rendering technology. This setup is primarily suitable for 
    2.34 +            development - it needs no special packaging, starts quickly and
    2.35 +            allows you to use classical HotSpot VM debuggers. A final 
    2.36 +            artifact from the build is also a ZIP file which you can use
    2.37 +            and distribute to your users. Good for desktop applications.
    2.38 +        </p>
    2.39 +        
    2.40 +        <p>
    2.41 +            <img src='resources/netbeans_logo.jpg' width="64"
    2.42 +                 height="64" align="right"/>
    2.43 +            <img src='resources/eclipse_logo.png' width="64"
    2.44 +                 height="64" align="right"/>
    2.45 +            All the <a href="">HTML for Java</a> libraries
    2.46 +            are package as <a href="">OSGi</a>
    2.47 +            bundles and as such they can easily be run in NetBeans as well as
    2.48 +            in Eclipse. As a result one can use 
    2.49 +            <a href="">OSGi</a>
    2.50 +            and have a common module system for both platforms and render using
    2.51 +            HTML and have a common UI in both platforms. In such case
    2.52 +            your application would be packaged as a set of
    2.53 +            <a href="">OSGi</a> bundles.
    2.54 +            Read 
    2.55 +            <a href="">more</a>...
    2.56 +        </p>
    2.57 +        
    2.58 +        <p>
    2.59 +            <img src='resources/chrome_logo.png' width="64"
    2.60 +                 height="64" align="left"/>
    2.61 +            <img src='resources/safari_logo.png' width="64"
    2.62 +                 height="64" align="left"/>
    2.63 +            <img src='resources/ie_logo.png' width="64"
    2.64 +                 height="64" align="left"/>
    2.65 +            <img src='resources/firefox_logo.png' width="64"
    2.66 +                 height="64" align="left"/>
    2.67 +            
    2.68 +            There is more and more attempts to execute Java bytecode
    2.69 +            in any browser, without any special Java plugin installed.
    2.70 +            The <a href="">HTML for Java</a> is
    2.71 +            carefully designed to produce lightweight, well performing
    2.72 +            applications even on such restricted environments. It uses
    2.73 +            no reflection calls and that allows to statically pre-compile
    2.74 +            the applications into JavaScript. One of such environments
    2.75 +            is called <em>Bck2Brwsr</em>, another <em>TeaVM</em>. Both support the
    2.76 +            {@link} annotation. Read 
    2.77 +            <a href="">more</a> or play
    2.78 +            a minesweeper game packaged for your browser:
    2.79 +        </p>
    2.80 +        <p>
    2.81 +            <img src='resources/android_logo.jpg' width="64"
    2.82 +                 height="64" align="right"/>
    2.83 +            
    2.84 +            Now when we have seen that the 
    2.85 +            <a href="">HTML for Java</a> applications 
    2.86 +            can run on any modern browser, we can ask whether they can also
    2.87 +            fit into a phone!? Yes, they can and especially to phones 
    2.88 +            that can execute Java code already! Just by changing your
    2.89 +            packaging you can create an APK file and deploy it to your
    2.90 +            Android phone. 
    2.91 +            Read <a href="">more</a>...
    2.92 +        </p>
    2.93 +        <p>
    2.94 +            Convinced it makes sense to use 
    2.95 +            <a href="">HTML for Java</a>
    2.96 +            APIs for writing applications that are 
    2.97 +            <em>written once, displayed anywhere</em>? Or do you have an
    2.98 +            environment which is not supported? In such case you can bring
    2.99 +            <a href="">HTML for Java</a>
   2.100 +            to your environment yourself. Just implement your own
   2.101 +            {@link org.apidesign.html.boot.spi.Fn.Presenter}!
   2.102 +        </p>
   2.103 +        
   2.104          <h2>Other Resources</h2>
   2.106          <img src="net/java/html/json/doc-files/DukeHTML.png" width="256" height="184" alt="Duke and HTML5. Together at last!" align="right"/>
     3.1 Binary file src/main/javadoc/resources/android_logo.jpg has changed
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