changeset 972 a2947558c966
parent 971 b3ae88304dd0
child 973 5653a70ebb56
     1.1 --- a/lookup/src/main/java/org/openide/util/lookup/SimpleLookup.java	Wed Jan 27 17:46:23 2010 -0500
     1.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.3 @@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
     1.4 -/*
     1.6 - *
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    1.43 - */
    1.44 -package org.openide.util.lookup;
    1.45 -
    1.46 -import org.openide.util.Lookup;
    1.47 -import org.openide.util.LookupListener;
    1.48 -
    1.49 -import java.util.*;
    1.50 -
    1.51 -
    1.52 -/**
    1.53 - * Simple lookup implementation. It can be used to create temporary lookups
    1.54 - * that do not change over time. The result stores references to all objects
    1.55 - * passed in the constructor. Those objecst are the only ones returned as
    1.56 - * result.
    1.57 - * @author David Strupl
    1.58 - */
    1.59 -class SimpleLookup extends org.openide.util.Lookup {
    1.60 -    /** This variable is initialized in constructor and thus null
    1.61 -     * value is not allowed as its value. */
    1.62 -    private Collection<Item<?>> allItems;
    1.63 -
    1.64 -    /**
    1.65 -     * Creates new Result object with supplied instances parameter.
    1.66 -     * @param instances to be used to return from the lookup
    1.67 -     */
    1.68 -    SimpleLookup(Collection<Object> instances) {
    1.69 -        allItems = new ArrayList<Item<?>>(instances.size());
    1.70 -
    1.71 -        for (Iterator i = instances.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
    1.72 -            allItems.add(new InstanceContent.SimpleItem<Object>(i.next()));
    1.73 -        }
    1.74 -    }
    1.75 -
    1.76 -    <T,R> SimpleLookup(Collection<T> keys, InstanceContent.Convertor<? super T,R> conv) {
    1.77 -        allItems = new ArrayList<Item<?>>(keys.size());
    1.78 -
    1.79 -        for (T item : keys) {
    1.80 -            allItems.add(new InstanceContent.ConvertingItem<T,R>(item, conv));
    1.81 -        }
    1.82 -    }
    1.83 -
    1.84 -    public String toString() {
    1.85 -        return "SimpleLookup" + lookup(new Template<Object>(Object.class)).allInstances();
    1.86 -    }
    1.87 -
    1.88 -    public <T> Result<T> lookup(Template<T> template) {
    1.89 -        if (template == null) {
    1.90 -            throw new NullPointerException();
    1.91 -        }
    1.92 -
    1.93 -        return new SimpleResult<T>(template);
    1.94 -    }
    1.95 -
    1.96 -    public <T> T lookup(Class<T> clazz) {
    1.97 -        for (Iterator i = allItems.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
    1.98 -            Object o = i.next();
    1.99 -
   1.100 -            if (o instanceof AbstractLookup.Pair) {
   1.101 -                AbstractLookup.Pair<?> p = (AbstractLookup.Pair<?>)o;
   1.102 -                if (p.instanceOf(clazz)) {
   1.103 -                    Object ret = p.getInstance();
   1.104 -                    if (clazz.isInstance(ret)) {
   1.105 -                        return clazz.cast(ret);
   1.106 -                    }
   1.107 -                }
   1.108 -            }
   1.109 -        }
   1.110 -        return null;
   1.111 -    }
   1.112 -
   1.113 -    /** A method that defines matching between Item and Template.
   1.114 -     * @param item the item to match
   1.115 -     * @return true if item matches the template requirements, false if not
   1.116 -     */
   1.117 -    private static boolean matches(Template<?> t, AbstractLookup.Pair<?> item) {
   1.118 -        if (!AbstractLookup.matches(t, item, true)) {
   1.119 -            return false;
   1.120 -        }
   1.121 -
   1.122 -        Class<?> type = t.getType();
   1.123 -
   1.124 -        if ((type != null) && !type.isAssignableFrom(item.getType())) {
   1.125 -            return false;
   1.126 -        }
   1.127 -
   1.128 -        return true;
   1.129 -    }
   1.130 -
   1.131 -    /**
   1.132 -     * Result used in SimpleLookup. It holds a reference to the collection
   1.133 -     * passed in constructor. As the contents of this lookup result never
   1.134 -     * changes the addLookupListener and removeLookupListener are empty.
   1.135 -     */
   1.136 -    private class SimpleResult<T> extends Lookup.Result<T> {
   1.137 -        /** can be null and is initialized lazily */
   1.138 -        private Set<Class<? extends T>> classes;
   1.139 -
   1.140 -        /** can be null and is initialized lazily */
   1.141 -        private Collection<? extends Item<T>> items;
   1.142 -
   1.143 -        /** Template used for this result. It is never null.*/
   1.144 -        private Template<T> template;
   1.145 -
   1.146 -        /** can be null and is initialized lazily */
   1.147 -        private Collection<T> results;
   1.148 -
   1.149 -        /** Just remembers the supplied argument in variable template.*/
   1.150 -        SimpleResult(Template<T> template) {
   1.151 -            this.template = template;
   1.152 -        }
   1.153 -
   1.154 -        /**
   1.155 -         * Intentionally does nothing because the lookup does not change
   1.156 -         * and no notification is needed.
   1.157 -         */
   1.158 -        public void addLookupListener(LookupListener l) {
   1.159 -        }
   1.160 -
   1.161 -        /**
   1.162 -         * Intentionally does nothing because the lookup does not change
   1.163 -         * and no notification is needed.
   1.164 -         */
   1.165 -        public void removeLookupListener(LookupListener l) {
   1.166 -        }
   1.167 -
   1.168 -        /**
   1.169 -         * Lazy initializes the results collection. Uses a call to allItems
   1.170 -         * to obtain the instances.
   1.171 -         */
   1.172 -        public java.util.Collection<? extends T> allInstances() {
   1.173 -            synchronized (this) {
   1.174 -                if (results != null) {
   1.175 -                    return results;
   1.176 -                }
   1.177 -            }
   1.178 -
   1.179 -
   1.180 -            Collection<T> res = new ArrayList<T>(allItems.size());
   1.181 -
   1.182 -            for (Item<T> item : allItems()) {
   1.183 -                res.add(item.getInstance());
   1.184 -            }
   1.185 -
   1.186 -            synchronized (this) {
   1.187 -                results = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(res);
   1.188 -            }
   1.189 -
   1.190 -            return results;
   1.191 -        }
   1.192 -
   1.193 -        /**
   1.194 -         * Lazy initializes variable classes. Uses a call to allItems to
   1.195 -         * compute the result.
   1.196 -         */
   1.197 -        public Set<Class<? extends T>> allClasses() {
   1.198 -            synchronized (this) {
   1.199 -                if (classes != null) {
   1.200 -                    return classes;
   1.201 -                }
   1.202 -            }
   1.203 -
   1.204 -            Set<Class<? extends T>> res = new HashSet<Class<? extends T>>();
   1.205 -
   1.206 -            for (Item<T> item : allItems()) {
   1.207 -                res.add(item.getType());
   1.208 -            }
   1.209 -
   1.210 -            synchronized (this) {
   1.211 -                classes = Collections.unmodifiableSet(res);
   1.212 -            }
   1.213 -
   1.214 -            return classes;
   1.215 -        }
   1.216 -
   1.217 -        /**
   1.218 -         * Lazy initializes variable items. Creates an item for each
   1.219 -         * element in the instances collection. It puts either SimpleItem
   1.220 -         * or ConvertingItem to the collection.
   1.221 -         */
   1.222 -        public Collection<? extends Item<T>> allItems() {
   1.223 -            synchronized (this) {
   1.224 -                if (items != null) {
   1.225 -                    return items;
   1.226 -                }
   1.227 -            }
   1.228 -
   1.229 -            Collection<Item<T>> res = new ArrayList<Item<T>>(allItems.size());
   1.230 -
   1.231 -            for (Iterator<Item<?>> i = allItems.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
   1.232 -                Item<?> o = i.next();
   1.233 -
   1.234 -                if (o instanceof AbstractLookup.Pair) {
   1.235 -                    if (matches(template, (AbstractLookup.Pair) o)) {
   1.236 -                        res.add(cast(o));
   1.237 -                    }
   1.238 -                }
   1.239 -            }
   1.240 -
   1.241 -            synchronized (this) {
   1.242 -                items = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(res);
   1.243 -            }
   1.244 -
   1.245 -            return items;
   1.246 -        }
   1.247 -
   1.248 -        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
   1.249 -        private Item<T> cast(Item<?> i) {
   1.250 -            return (Item<T>)i;
   1.251 -        }
   1.252 -    }
   1.253 -}