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    1.51 -<H1>Lookup library API</H1>
    1.52 -<p>
    1.53 -This document describes usage of the API provided by the Lookup Library. In this
    1.54 -document we assume that someone has already provided us with a lookup
    1.55 -implementation (for those seeking how to write a lookup implementation please
    1.56 -check <A href="lookup-spi.html">the SPI document</A>).
    1.57 -
    1.58 -<H2> Getting the lookup </H2>
    1.59 -
    1.60 -The first question you might ask is this: how can I get hold of a
    1.61 -lookup instance? There are basically two ways how you can get it.
    1.62 -
    1.63 -<H3> Global lookup </H3>
    1.64 -As you can see in the
    1.65 -
    1.66 -<a href="@TOP@org/openide/util/Lookup.html">Lookup</a>
    1.67 -
    1.68 -Javadoc there is a static method
    1.69 -
    1.70 -<pre><a href="@TOP@org/openide/util/Lookup.html#getDefault()">public static Lookup getDefault()</a></pre>
    1.71 -
    1.72 -The object returned from this method is
    1.73 -a global lookup that can serve as a central place for registering services.
    1.74 -The default implementation is a lookup that implements
    1.75 -<a href="http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/jar/jar.html#Service%20Provider">
    1.76 -the JDK JAR services</A>
    1.77 -mechanism and delegates to <samp>META-INF/services/name.of.Class</samp> files.
    1.78 -<P>
    1.79 -If you want to add your class to this lookup just create a file in your
    1.80 -jar file under the <code>META-INF</code> directory (e.g. <samp>META-INF/services/com.my.APIClass</samp>)
    1.81 -and let the file contain only one line of text
    1.82 -
    1.83 -<pre>com.foo.impl.ImplOfTheAPI</pre>
    1.84 -
    1.85 -<p>(This is more easily done using the <code>@ServiceProvider</code> annotation.)</p>
    1.86 -
    1.87 -The following code will return you a newly created instance of
    1.88 -<code>com.foo.impl.ImplOfTheAPI</code>:
    1.89 -
    1.90 -<PRE>
    1.91 -   <font class="keyword">import</FONT> org.openide.util.Lookup;
    1.92 -   return Lookup.getDefault().lookup(com.my.APIClass.class);
    1.93 -</PRE>
    1.94 -
    1.95 -<H3> Local lookup </H3>
    1.96 -
    1.97 -This is just a reminder that whenever you find a method called getLookup
    1.98 -or similar returning a lookup instance, the provided lookup is <EM>not</EM> the
    1.99 -general lookup described in the previous paragraph. Rather, it is a private lookup
   1.100 -implementation that is usually bound to the object you invoked the method on.
   1.101 -
   1.102 -<H2> Use of Lookup.Template and Lookup.Result </H2>
   1.103 -
   1.104 -There are more ways how you can ask lookup besides the variant with one class
   1.105 -parameter. If you want more functionality, you have to implement the interface
   1.106 -Lookup.Template and pass an instance of such object to the lookup call.
   1.107 -<p>
   1.108 -<EM>Note:</EM> If you use Lookup.Template, the object returned from the lookup is
   1.109 -<EM>not</EM> the object you are looking for but rather a result object
   1.110 -(Lookup.Result). You can call methods on such a result object to get the actual
   1.111 -results.
   1.112 -<p>
   1.113 -Let's examine following example:
   1.114 -
   1.115 -<pre>
   1.116 -        <font class="keyword">import</FONT> org.openide.util.Lookup;
   1.117 -
   1.118 -        <font class="type">Lookup</font> <font class="variable-name">lookup</font> = ...;
   1.119 -        Lookup.<font class="type">Template</font> <font class="variable-name">template</font> = <font class="keyword">new</font> Lookup.<font class="type">Template</font>(MyService.<font class="keyword">class</font>);
   1.120 -        Lookup.<font class="type">Result</font> <font class="variable-name">result</font> = lookup.lookup(template);
   1.121 -        <font class="type">Collection</font> <font class="variable-name">c</font> = result.allInstances();
   1.122 -        <font class="keyword">for</font> (<font class="type">Iterator</font> <font class="variable-name">i</font> = c.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
   1.123 -            <font class="type">MyService</font> <font class="variable-name">s</font> = (<font class="type">MyService</font>)i.next();
   1.124 -            s.callMyService();
   1.125 -        }
   1.126 -</pre>
   1.127 -
   1.128 -In this example the call to method lookup(...) returns immediately because the
   1.129 -result object can be constructed even without real results. The first time you
   1.130 -ask for the result object by calling r.allInstances(), the lookup has to supply you
   1.131 -the real results and this method can block until the required data are really
   1.132 -available.
   1.133 -<p>
   1.134 -If you are not interested in all objects as in the previous example, you can use the
   1.135 -template to ask for one resulting object (wrapped in special Item instance):
   1.136 -<pre>
   1.137 -        <font class="keyword">import</FONT> org.openide.util.Lookup;
   1.138 -
   1.139 -        <font class="type">Lookup</font> <font class="variable-name">lookup</font> = ...;
   1.140 -        Lookup.<font class="type">Template</font> <font class="variable-name">template</font> = <font class="keyword">new</font> Lookup.<font class="type">Template</font>(MyService.<font class="keyword">class</font>);
   1.141 -        Lookup.<font class="type">Item</font> <font class="variable-name">item</font> = lookup.lookupItem(template);
   1.142 -        <font class="type">MyService</font> <font class="variable-name">s</font> = (<font class="type">MyService</font>)item.getInstance();
   1.143 -        s.callMyService();
   1.144 -</pre>
   1.145 -
   1.146 -Again, the Item object can construct the real instance only if you call
   1.147 -getInstance. The item can be useful even without calling getInstance - you can get
   1.148 -its display name or an unique id. You can use this information, for example, for
   1.149 -constructing menu items without the need to instantiate (or even load!)
   1.150 -the class implementing the functionality. Only when the real functionality is
   1.151 -needed (e.g. the user has selected the menu item) you can call getInstance
   1.152 -and call the real meat of the implementation.
   1.153 -
   1.154 -<H2> Listenning on lookup changes </H2>
   1.155 -There is one additional piece of functionality bound to the Lookup.Result object worth
   1.156 -mentioning: you can attach a listener to it and be informed about any changes in
   1.157 -the lookup. This might be extremly usefull when the lookup dynamically changes
   1.158 -(from other threads). The listener can keep state of your object up-to-date even
   1.159 -in cases where the lookup changes asynchronously.
   1.160 -<p>
   1.161 -So here is some sample code using the listenner:
   1.162 -
   1.163 -<pre>
   1.164 -        <font class="keyword">import</FONT> org.openide.util.Lookup;
   1.165 -        <font class="keyword">import</FONT> org.openide.util.LookupListener;
   1.166 -        <font class="keyword">import</FONT> org.openide.util.LookupEvent;
   1.167 -
   1.168 -        <font class="type">Lookup</font> <font class="variable-name">lookup</font> = ...;
   1.169 -        Lookup.<font class="type">Template</font> <font class="variable-name">template</font> = <font class="keyword">new</font> Lookup.<font class="type">Template</font>(MyService.<font class="keyword">class</font>);
   1.170 -        <font class="keyword">final</font> <font class="variable-name">Lookup</font>.<font class="type">Result</font> <font class="variable-name">result</font> = lookup.lookup(template);
   1.171 -        result.addLookupListener(<font class="keyword">new</font> <font class="type">LookupListener</font>() {
   1.172 -            <font class="keyword">public</font> <font class="type">void</font> <font class="function-name">resultChanged</font>(<font class="type">LookupEvent</font> <font class="variable-name">e</font>) {
   1.173 -                reaction(result);
   1.174 -            }
   1.175 -        });
   1.176 -        reaction(result);
   1.177 -    }
   1.178 -    <font class="keyword">private</font> <font class="keyword">static</font> <font class="type">void</font> <font class="function-name">reaction</font>(Lookup.<font class="type">Result</font> <font class="variable-name">r</font>) {
   1.179 -        <font class="keyword">for</font> (<font class="type">Iterator</font> <font class="variable-name">i</font> = r.allInstances().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
   1.180 -            <font class="type">MyService</font> <font class="variable-name">s</font> = (<font class="type">MyService</font>)i.next();
   1.181 -            s.callMyService();
   1.182 -        }
   1.183 -    }
   1.184 -</pre>
   1.185 -
   1.186 -Please note that we first attach a listener and then call the reaction method.
   1.187 -This ensures that we always get the newest possible state. Also you must be
   1.188 -careful in the reaction method since it can be called from two different
   1.189 -threads simultaneously (your code has to be prepared for this).
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