Moving the lookup pages into javadoc, fixing broken links I could find JMX_BETA_CANDIDATE_3_SPL apisupport_format_58966_newbase_20050516 apisupport_format_58966_newbase_20050519 apisupport_format_58966_newbase_20050519b experimental_hints_base jmi_migration_base uninstall_module_20323_M1 vcslite_sync1 version-2-3-25
Thu, 12 May 2005 06:29:13 +0000
changeset 19b15b17741705
parent 18 23bbdfb9aaa9
child 20 3789d4d84884
Moving the lookup pages into javadoc, fixing broken links I could find
     1.1 --- a/openide.util/apichanges.xml	Wed May 04 14:47:22 2005 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/openide.util/apichanges.xml	Thu May 12 06:29:13 2005 +0000
     1.3 @@ -314,40 +314,6 @@
     1.4       <class package="org.openide.util" name="HelpCtx"/>
     1.5       <issue number="32143"/>
     1.6      </change>
     1.7 -<change id="settings.separated">
     1.8 -      <api name="lookup"/>
     1.9 -      <summary>Support for XML settings fully modularized</summary>
    1.10 -      <version major="4" minor="26"/>
    1.11 -      <date day="19" month="3" year="2004"/>
    1.12 -      <author login="jglick"/>
    1.13 -      <compatibility binary="incompatible" source="compatible" semantic="compatible" deprecation="no" addition="no" deletion="no" modification="no">
    1.14 -        <!-- XXX is it worth making a ModuleAutoDeps fix for this? -->
    1.15 -        <p>
    1.16 -          Modules using XML settings files should declare a dependency on the
    1.17 -          separated module in order to guarantee that the functionality will
    1.18 -          work.
    1.19 -        </p>
    1.20 -      </compatibility>
    1.21 -      <description>
    1.22 -        <p>
    1.23 -          Some time ago (NetBeans 3.4), a module called the <a href="" shape="rect">Settings
    1.24 -          API</a> was created to handle persistent settings in customizable
    1.25 -          formats. The built-in support for
    1.26 -          <code>-//NetBeans//DTD Session settings 1.0//EN</code>
    1.27 -          (i.e., <code>*.settings</code> files) was moved to that module and
    1.28 -          client modules were encouraged to depend on it; but a copy remained in
    1.29 -          the core just in case. The redundant code has now been removed so
    1.30 -          anyone using <code>*.settings</code> files should declare in their
    1.31 -          manifest:
    1.32 -        </p>
    1.33 -        <pre xml:space="preserve">OpenIDE-Module-Module-Dependencies: org.netbeans.modules.settings/1 &gt; 1.4</pre>
    1.34 -        <p>
    1.35 -          Failure to do so <em>might</em> result in the settings module being
    1.36 -          disabled or missing, which would prevent <code>*.settings</code> files
    1.37 -          from functioning.
    1.38 -        </p>
    1.39 -      </description>
    1.40 -    </change>
    1.41  <change>
    1.42       <api name="util"/>
    1.43       <summary>Retrofit of interface Cancellable into RequestProcessor.Task</summary>
    1.44 @@ -617,207 +583,6 @@
    1.45          </description>
    1.46          <class package="org.openide.util" name="RequestProcessor"/>
    1.47      </change>
    1.48 -<change id="issue-19443-1">
    1.49 -      <summary>API separation, phase I</summary>
    1.50 -      <version major="3" minor="14"/>
    1.51 -      <date day="15" month="10" year="2002"/>
    1.52 -      <author login="jglick"/>
    1.53 -      <compatibility binary="compatible" source="incompatible" deprecation="yes" semantic="compatible" addition="no" deletion="no" modification="no">
    1.54 -        <p>
    1.55 -          The deprecated classes continue to be available in the module
    1.56 -          <code>org.openide.deprecated</code> which you may depend on it you
    1.57 -          cannot remove uses of the deprecated APIs. In order for
    1.58 -          <code>TopManager.getDefault()</code> to work, you must also require the
    1.59 -          token <code>org.openide.TopManager</code>, which is provided by an
    1.60 -          unspecified module. The deprecated API module and its implementation
    1.61 -          module are autoloads, meaning they will not be loaded unless some
    1.62 -          module still requires them.
    1.63 -        </p>
    1.64 -        <p>
    1.65 -          Similarly, the Java Hierarchy API was moved to the module
    1.66 -          <code>org.openide.src</code> which you should depend on in order to use
    1.67 -          this API.
    1.68 -        </p>
    1.69 -        <p>
    1.70 -          For compatibility, the above three dependencies are added to your module
    1.71 -          <em>automatically</em> in case it either requests no specific API
    1.72 -          version at all, or requests an API version prior to 3.14. Modules
    1.73 -          requesting APIs 3.14 or higher must declare these dependencies
    1.74 -          explicitly if they in fact need them.
    1.75 -        </p>
    1.76 -      </compatibility>
    1.77 -      <description>
    1.78 -        <p>
    1.79 -          Many classes were moved to a separate module,
    1.80 -          <samp>openide-deprecated.jar</samp>, not available to modules by
    1.81 -          default. Uses of these classes in modules should be cleaned up whenever
    1.82 -          possible.
    1.83 -        </p>
    1.84 -        <p>
    1.85 -          Additionally, the entire contents of <code>org.openide.src.*</code> and
    1.86 -          <code>org.openide.src.nodes.*</code>, as well as
    1.87 -          <code>org.openide.cookies.SourceCookie</code> and some associated
    1.88 -          property editors, were moved to a separate module.
    1.89 -        </p>
    1.90 -        <p>
    1.91 -          The most common apparent symptom for module authors will be the absence
    1.92 -          of <code>TopManager</code>. Most methods in this class have been
    1.93 -          replaced by newer utility classes in a straightforward manner. See the
    1.94 -          Upgrade Guide.
    1.95 -        </p>
    1.96 -      </description>
    1.97 -      <issue number="19443"/>
    1.98 -      <issue number="20898"/>
    1.99 -    </change>
   1.100 -<change id="issue-19443-2">
   1.101 -      <summary>API separation, phase II</summary>
   1.102 -      <version major="3" minor="17"/>
   1.103 -      <date day="1" month="11" year="2002"/>
   1.104 -      <author login="jglick"/>
   1.105 -      <compatibility binary="compatible" source="incompatible" modification="yes" semantic="compatible" deprecation="no" addition="no" deletion="no">
   1.106 -        <p>
   1.107 -          Module authors using the now-separated APIs will need to adjust their
   1.108 -          compilation classpaths to include the new JAR files. Modules wishing to
   1.109 -          use recent APIs and declaring a current openide specification version
   1.110 -          dependency will need to explicitly declare dependencies on these new
   1.111 -          APIs if there are any.
   1.112 -        </p>
   1.113 -        <p>
   1.114 -          For compatibility, modules with no declared Open APIs dependency, or
   1.115 -          declared on a version prior to 3.17, will have their dependencies
   1.116 -          automatically refined as if to include the declarations:
   1.117 -        </p>
   1.118 -        <pre xml:space="preserve">
   1.119 -OpenIDE-Module-Module-Dependencies: org.openide.compiler &gt; 1.0,
   1.120 -  org.openide.execution &gt; 1.0, &gt; 1.0
   1.121 -OpenIDE-Module-Requires: org.openide.compiler.CompilationEngine,
   1.122 -  org.openide.execution.ExecutionEngine,
   1.123 -        </pre>
   1.124 -        <p>
   1.125 -          And any package dependencies from old modules on
   1.126 -          <code>org.netbeans.lib.terminalemulator</code> will be converted to
   1.127 -          module dependencies.
   1.128 -        </p>
   1.129 -      </compatibility>
   1.130 -      <description>
   1.131 -        <p>
   1.132 -          Three sections of the Open APIs were split into new autoload modules.
   1.133 -        </p>
   1.134 -        <ul>
   1.135 -          <li>
   1.136 -            <p>
   1.137 -              The module <code>org.openide.compiler</code> (version 1.0) contains
   1.138 -              the Compiler API and some other classes directly related to it.
   1.139 -            </p>
   1.140 -          </li>
   1.141 -          <li>
   1.142 -            <p>
   1.143 -              The module <code>org.openide.execution</code> (version 1.0) contains
   1.144 -              the Execution API and some other classes directly related to it.
   1.145 -            </p>
   1.146 -          </li>
   1.147 -          <li>
   1.148 -            <p>
   1.149 -              The module <code></code> (version 1.0) contains
   1.150 -              <code>InputOutput</code> and related classes (formerly part of the
   1.151 -              Window System API, and still physically in the
   1.152 -              <code></code> package).
   1.153 -            </p>
   1.154 -          </li>
   1.155 -        </ul>
   1.156 -        <p>
   1.157 -          New modules wishing to use these APIs must declare regular module
   1.158 -          dependencies on them. Future changes in these APIs will be documented
   1.159 -          separately.
   1.160 -        </p>
   1.161 -        <p>
   1.162 -          Furthermore, modules wishing to use certain services must
   1.163 -          <code>OpenIDE-Module-Require</code> them if appropriate:
   1.164 -        </p>
   1.165 -        <ul>
   1.166 -          <li>
   1.167 -            <p>
   1.168 -              <code>org.openide.compiler.CompilationEngine</code>, in order to
   1.169 -              call <code>CompilationEngine.getDefault()</code>, or safely use
   1.170 -              <code>AbstractCompileAction</code> or one of its subclasses, or
   1.171 -              call <code>CompilerJob.start()</code>, or use
   1.172 -              <code>BeanInfo</code>s for Compiler API classes, etc.
   1.173 -            </p>
   1.174 -          </li>
   1.175 -          <li>
   1.176 -            <p>
   1.177 -              <code>org.openide.execution.ExecutionEngine</code>, in order to
   1.178 -              call <code>ExecutionEngine.getDefault()</code>, or safely use
   1.179 -              <code>ExecuteAction</code>, or call
   1.180 -              <code>Executor.execute(...)</code>, or use <code>BeanInfo</code>s
   1.181 -              for Execution API classes, etc.
   1.182 -            </p>
   1.183 -          </li>
   1.184 -          <li>
   1.185 -            <p>
   1.186 -              <code></code>, in order to call
   1.187 -              <code>IOProvider.getDefault()</code>.
   1.188 -            </p>
   1.189 -          </li>
   1.190 -        </ul>
   1.191 -        <p>
   1.192 -          Other minor changes:
   1.193 -        </p>
   1.194 -        <ul>
   1.195 -          <li>
   1.196 -            <p>
   1.197 -              Registration of URL stream handler factories using
   1.198 -              <code>NbfsStreamHandlerFactory.register(...)</code> is deprecated.
   1.199 -              Simply create an instance of <code>URLStreamHandlerFactory</code>
   1.200 -              and add it to Lookup instead.
   1.201 -            </p>
   1.202 -          </li>
   1.203 -          <li>
   1.204 -            <p>
   1.205 -              The method <code>FileUtil.nbfsURLStreamHandler</code> was added,
   1.206 -              but is not intended for use by modules.
   1.207 -            </p>
   1.208 -          </li>
   1.209 -          <li>
   1.210 -            <p>
   1.211 -              All uses of <code>ExecInfo</code> are deprecated as they abuse the
   1.212 -              distinction between Filesystems and the user classpath. Use and
   1.213 -              override only <code>Executor.execute(DataObject)</code>. Similarly,
   1.214 -              <code>ThreadExecutor</code> is deprecated for the time being
   1.215 -              because it suffers from similar problems.
   1.216 -            </p>
   1.217 -          </li>
   1.218 -          <li>
   1.219 -            <p>
   1.220 -              Direct use of <code>NbfsURLConnection</code> is deprecated in favor
   1.221 -              of the more general <code>URLMapper</code> from the Filesystems
   1.222 -              API.
   1.223 -            </p>
   1.224 -          </li>
   1.225 -          <li>
   1.226 -            <p>
   1.227 -              Package dependencies on
   1.228 -              <code>org.netbeans.lib.terminalemulator</code> must be replaced
   1.229 -              with module dependencies on a new autoload module
   1.230 -              <code>org.netbeans.lib.terminalemulator</code> (version 1.0).
   1.231 -            </p>
   1.232 -          </li>
   1.233 -          <li>
   1.234 -            <p>
   1.235 -              Several static convenience methods have been added to
   1.236 -              <code>AbstractCompileAction</code>. Of most interest is
   1.237 -              <code>prepareJobFor</code>. Module code should no longer assume
   1.238 -              that <code>DataFolder</code> has a <code>CompilerCookie</code>
   1.239 -              which recursively compiles the folder and subfolders (according to
   1.240 -              depth); while it is still true, for reasons of compatibility, new
   1.241 -              code should use <code>prepareJobFor</code> to create a compiler job
   1.242 -              from a folder.
   1.243 -            </p>
   1.244 -          </li>
   1.245 -        </ul>
   1.246 -      </description>
   1.247 -      <issue number="19443"/>
   1.248 -    </change>
   1.249  <change>
   1.250        <api name="util"/>
   1.251        <summary>Added helper methods to aid module developers to write code which works correctly with multiple monitors</summary>
     2.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/openide.util/arch.xml	Thu May 12 06:29:13 2005 +0000
     2.3 @@ -0,0 +1,940 @@
     2.4 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!-- -*- sgml-indent-step: 1 -*- -->
     2.5 +<!--
     2.6 +                Sun Public License Notice
     2.7 +
     2.8 +The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
     2.9 +Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
    2.10 +compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
    2.11 +
    2.12 +
    2.13 +The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
    2.14 +Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2005 Sun
    2.15 +Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    2.16 +-->
    2.17 +<!DOCTYPE api-answers PUBLIC "-//NetBeans//DTD Arch Answers//EN" "../../nbbuild/antsrc/org/netbeans/nbbuild/Arch.dtd" [
    2.18 +  <!ENTITY api-questions SYSTEM "../../nbbuild/antsrc/org/netbeans/nbbuild/Arch-api-questions.xml">
    2.19 +]>
    2.20 +
    2.21 +<api-answers
    2.22 +  question-version="1.25"
    2.23 +  module="Utilities"
    2.24 +  author=""
    2.25 +>
    2.26 +
    2.27 +  &api-questions;
    2.28 +
    2.29 + <answer id="arch-overall">
    2.30 +  <p>
    2.31 +    This module contains general classes needed in NetBeans, extensions to
    2.32 +    basic JRE contepts, useful methods and other 
    2.33 +    <api group="java" name="UtilitiesAPI" category="official" type="export" url="@TOP@/org/openide/util/doc-files/api.html" /> 
    2.34 +    classes.
    2.35 +  </p>
    2.36 +  
    2.37 +  <p>
    2.38 +    Also this module defines the <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/Lookup.html">
    2.39 +    Lookup</a> which the NetBeans way for dynamic registration 
    2.40 +    and lookup of 
    2.41 +    components in our modularized component system. It allows lookup and discovery 
    2.42 +    of features by description of their interfaces. The classes are devided 
    2.43 +    into two parts. The 
    2.44 +    <api group="java" name="LookupAPI" type="export" category="official" url="@TOP@/org/openide/util/lookup/doc-files/lookup-api.html">
    2.45 +    allows the discovery</api> and the 
    2.46 +    <api group="java" name="LookupSPI" type="export" category="official" url="@TOP@/org/openide/util/lookup/doc-files/lookup-spi.html">
    2.47 +    simplifies creation and registration of own lookup objects</api>.
    2.48 +  </p>
    2.49 + </answer>
    2.50 +
    2.51 +
    2.52 + <answer id="arch-quality">
    2.53 +  <p>
    2.54 +   There is a lot of unit tests in 
    2.55 +   <a href="">CVS</a>.
    2.56 +  </p>
    2.57 + </answer>
    2.58 +
    2.59 + <answer id="arch-time">
    2.60 +  <p>
    2.61 +   The module has been around since 1997 and is stilly improved
    2.62 +   from time to time.
    2.63 +  </p>
    2.64 + </answer>
    2.65 +
    2.66 +
    2.67 +
    2.68 + <answer id="arch-usecases">
    2.69 +  
    2.70 +    There is a great introduction to Lookup and its usage in its 
    2.71 +    <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/Lookup.html">javadoc</a>. Here is just
    2.72 +    a list of frequently asked or interesting questions slowly expanding as
    2.73 +    people ask them:
    2.74 +    
    2.75 +    <h3>Lookup faq:</h3>
    2.76 +    
    2.77 +    <usecase id="lookup-on-certain-platform" name="How to specify that a service in Lookup should be available only on Windows?" >
    2.78 +<em><b>Q:</b>
    2.79 +Most of the time I specify interfaces that I want to add to the Lookup class in the layer.xml file. 
    2.80 +But, let's say I have a platform-specific interface (something on Windows only, for instance).</em>
    2.81 +<p>
    2.82 +<em>
    2.83 +How can I specify (in the xml, or programmatically) that this service should only be added to the Lookup if the platform is Windows?
    2.84 +</em>>
    2.85 +</p>
    2.86 +In general there are three ways to achieve this.
    2.87 +<ul>
    2.88 +    <li><p>It is possible to write a specific module and enable it only on windows.
    2.89 +    See <a href="@org-openide-modules@/org/openide/modules/doc-files/api.html#how-os-specific">os specific modules</a> documentation.
    2.90 +    Then you can put a registration of your instance into your module's 
    2.91 +    <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/doc-files/api.html#service-lookup">META-INF/services</a> directory and it 
    2.92 +    will be available only on Windows.</p>
    2.93 +    </li>
    2.94 +    
    2.95 +    <li><p>Another possibility that does not require new module, but which executes 
    2.96 +    a code on startup (which may have performance implications) is to use <code>methodvalue</code>
    2.97 +    attribute. Register your instance in layer using <code>your-Object.instance</code> file
    2.98 +    as described at 
    2.99 +    <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/doc-files/api.html#ido-methodvalue">services
   2.100 +    </a> documentation and in your factory method either return the instance 
   2.101 +    your want or <code>null</code> depending on result of <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/Utilities.html#isWindows()">
   2.102 +    Utilities.isWindows()</a> call.</p>
   2.103 +    </li>
   2.104 +                <li>
   2.105 +                    <p>
   2.106 +                        In some cases, the interface for which you will register an implementation permits a
   2.107 +                        no-operation semantics. For example, <code>InstalledFileLocator.locate(...)</code> can
   2.108 +                        return a valid <code>File</code>, or null. You could always register an
   2.109 +                        <code>InstalledFileLocator</code> instance yet disable it on non-Windows platforms
   2.110 +                        (always returning null).
   2.111 +                    </p>
   2.112 +                </li>
   2.113 +</ul>
   2.114 +
   2.115 +    </usecase>
   2.116 +    
   2.117 +    <usecase id="lookup-extension-point" name="How shall I write an extension point for my module?" >
   2.118 +    <p>
   2.119 +        <em><b>Q:</b>
   2.120 +        I have more modules one of them providing the core functionality and
   2.121 +        few more that wish to extend it. What is the right way to do it?
   2.122 +        How does the Netbeans platform declare such extension point? 
   2.123 +        </em>
   2.124 +    </p>
   2.125 +
   2.126 +    <p>
   2.127 +    
   2.128 +    Start with declaring an extension interface in your
   2.129 +    core module and put it into the module's <em>public packages</em>. Imagine
   2.130 +    for example that the core module is in JAR file <code>org-my-netbeans-coremodule.jar</code>
   2.131 +    and already contains in manifests line like 
   2.132 +    <code>OpenIDE-Module:</code> and wants 
   2.133 +    to display various tips of the day provided by other modules and thus defines:
   2.134 +    </p><pre> 
   2.135 +<span class="java-keywords">package</span> <span class="java-identifier">org</span><span class="java-operators">.</span><span class="java-identifier">my</span><span class="java-operators">.</span><span class="java-identifier">netbeans</span><span class="java-operators">.</span><span class="java-identifier">coremodule</span><span class="java-operators">;</span>
   2.136 +
   2.137 +<span class="java-keywords">public</span> <span class="java-keywords">interface</span> <span class="java-identifier">TipsOfTheDayProvider</span> <span class="java-operators">{</span>
   2.138 +    <span class="java-keywords">public</span> <span class="java-identifier">String</span> <span class="java-layer-method">provideTipOfTheDay</span> <span class="java-operators">(</span><span class="java-operators">)</span><span class="java-operators">;</span>
   2.139 +<span class="java-operators">}</span>
   2.140 +</pre><p>
   2.141 +    And in its manifest adds line 
   2.142 +    <code>OpenIDE-Module-Public-Packages:*</code>
   2.143 +    to specify that this package contains exported API and shall be 
   2.144 +    accessible to other modules.
   2.145 +    </p>
   2.146 +    <p>
   2.147 +    When the core module is about to display the tip of the day it can ask
   2.148 +    the system for all registered instances of the <code>TipsOfTheDayProvider</code>,
   2.149 +    randomly select one of them:
   2.150 +    </p><pre>
   2.151 +<span class="java-keywords">import</span> <span class="java-identifier">java</span><span class="java-operators">.</span><span class="java-identifier">util</span><span class="java-operators">.</span><span class="java-identifier">Collection</span><span class="java-operators">;</span>
   2.152 +<span class="java-keywords">import</span> <span class="java-identifier">java</span><span class="java-operators">.</span><span class="java-identifier">util</span><span class="java-operators">.</span><span class="java-identifier">Collections</span><span class="java-operators">;</span>
   2.153 +<span class="java-keywords">import</span> <span class="java-identifier">org</span><span class="java-operators">.</span><span class="java-identifier">openide</span><span class="java-operators">.</span><span class="java-identifier">util</span><span class="java-operators">.</span><span class="java-identifier">Lookup</span><span class="java-operators">;</span>
   2.154 +
   2.155 +<a href="@TOP@org/openide/util/Lookup.Result.html"><span class="java-identifier">Lookup</span><span class="java-operators">.</span><span class="java-identifier">Result</span></a> <span class="java-identifier">result</span> <span class="java-operators">=</span> <a href="@TOP@org/openide/util/Lookup.html"><span class="java-identifier">Lookup</span></a><span class="java-operators">.</span><span class="java-layer-method">getDefault</span> <span class="java-operators">(</span><span class="java-operators">)</span><span class="java-operators">.</span><span class="java-layer-method">lookup</span> <span class="java-operators">(</span><span class="java-keywords">new</span> <a href="@TOP@org/openide/util/Lookup.Template.html"><span class="java-identifier">Lookup</span><span class="java-operators">.</span><span class="java-layer-method">Template</span></a> <span class="java-operators">(</span><span class="java-identifier">TipsOfTheDayProvider</span><span class="java-operators">.</span><span class="java-keywords">class</span><span class="java-operators">)</span><span class="java-operators">)</span><span class="java-operators">;</span>
   2.156 +<span class="java-identifier">Collection</span> <span class="java-identifier">c</span> <span class="java-operators">=</span> <span class="java-identifier">result</span><span class="java-operators">.</span><a href="@TOP@org/openide/util/Lookup.Result.html#allInstances()"><span class="java-layer-method">allInstances</span></a> <span class="java-operators">(</span><span class="java-operators">)</span><span class="java-operators">;</span>
   2.157 +<span class="java-identifier">Collections</span><span class="java-operators">.</span><span class="java-layer-method">shuffle</span> <span class="java-operators">(</span><span class="java-identifier">c</span><span class="java-operators">)</span><span class="java-operators">;</span>
   2.158 +<span class="java-identifier">TipsOfTheDayProvider</span> <span class="java-identifier">selected</span> <span class="java-operators">=</span> <span class="java-operators">(</span><span class="java-identifier">TipsOfTheDayProvider</span><span class="java-operators">)</span><span class="java-identifier">c</span><span class="java-operators">.</span><span class="java-layer-method">iterator</span> <span class="java-operators">(</span><span class="java-operators">)</span><span class="java-operators">.</span><span class="java-layer-method">next</span> <span class="java-operators">(</span><span class="java-operators">)</span><span class="java-operators">;</span>
   2.159 +</pre><p>    
   2.160 +    and then display the tip. Simple, trivial, just by the usage of 
   2.161 +    <a href="@TOP@org/openide/util/Lookup.html">Lookup</a> interface once 
   2.162 +    creates a registry that other modules can enhance. But such enhancing 
   2.163 +    of course requires work on the other side. Each module that would like
   2.164 +    to register its <code>TipsOfTheDayProvider</code> needs to depend on the 
   2.165 +    core module - add 
   2.166 +    <code>OpenIDE-Module-Module-Dependencies:</code>
   2.167 +    into its manifest and write a class with its own implementation of the
   2.168 +    provider:</p><pre>
   2.169 +<span class="java-keywords">package</span> <span class="java-identifier">org</span><span class="java-operators">.</span><span class="java-identifier">my</span><span class="java-operators">.</span><span class="java-identifier">netbeans</span><span class="java-operators">.</span><span class="java-identifier">extramodule</span><span class="java-operators">;</span>
   2.170 +
   2.171 +<span class="java-keywords">class</span> <span class="java-identifier">ExtraTip</span> <span class="java-keywords">implements</span> <span class="java-identifier">TipsOfTheDayProvider</span> <span class="java-operators">{</span>
   2.172 +    <span class="java-keywords">public</span> <span class="java-identifier">String</span> <span class="java-layer-method">provideTipOfTheDay</span> <span class="java-operators">(</span><span class="java-operators">)</span> <span class="java-operators">{</span>
   2.173 +        <span class="java-keywords">return</span> <span class="java-string-literal">"Do you know that in order to write extension point you should use Lookup?"</span><span class="java-operators">;</span>
   2.174 +    <span class="java-operators">}</span>
   2.175 +<span class="java-operators">}</span>
   2.176 +</pre><p>
   2.177 +    Then, the only necessary thing is to register such class by using the 
   2.178 +    J2SE standard <api name="ProviderRegistrationMechanism"
   2.179 +  type="import"
   2.180 +  category="standard"
   2.181 +  group="java" /> into plain text file
   2.182 +    <code>META-INF/services/</code>
   2.183 +    in the module JAR containing just one line: </p><pre>
   2.185 +</pre><p>    
   2.186 +    and your modules are now ready to communicate
   2.187 +    using your own <em>extension point</em>.
   2.188 +    </p>
   2.189 +    
   2.190 +    </usecase>
   2.191 +    
   2.192 +
   2.193 + </answer>
   2.194 +
   2.195 +
   2.196 +
   2.197 + <answer id="arch-what">
   2.198 +  <p>
   2.199 +    Described in the <a href="@TOP@/architecture-summary.html#answer-arch-overall">overall</a> answer.
   2.200 +  </p>
   2.201 + </answer>
   2.202 +
   2.203 +
   2.204 +
   2.205 + <answer id="compat-i18n">
   2.206 +  <p>
   2.207 +   There is not much things to localize in this module, so it is properly localized.
   2.208 +   But it is good to note that the module adds <api name="BrandingSupport" category="official" group="property" type="export" url="@TOP@/org/openide/util/NbBundle.html">
   2.209 +   which is similar to localization but also supports changes of resorces 
   2.210 +   for application build on top of NetBeans. This is handled by our
   2.211 +   class <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/NbBundle.html">NbBundle</a> which 
   2.212 +   reimplements the JDK's standard <a href="@JDK@/java/util/ResourceBundle.html">ResourceBundle</a>
   2.213 +   to to take branding into the consideration.
   2.214 +   </api>. 
   2.215 +  </p>
   2.216 + </answer>
   2.217 +
   2.218 +
   2.219 +
   2.220 + <answer id="compat-standards">
   2.221 +  <p>
   2.222 +    The default lookup registration follows the JDK's 
   2.223 +    <api name="ProviderRegistrationMechanism"
   2.224 +      type="import"
   2.225 +      category="standard"
   2.226 +      url=""
   2.227 +      group="java" 
   2.228 +    />
   2.229 +    but enhances it to also support the 
   2.230 +    <api 
   2.231 +      name="ProviderRegistrationRemoval" 
   2.232 +      type="export" 
   2.233 +      category="devel" 
   2.234 +      url="@TOP@/org/openide/util/doc-files/api.html#service-lookup"
   2.235 +      group="java" 
   2.236 +    />. 
   2.237 +  </p>
   2.238 + </answer>
   2.239 +
   2.240 + <answer id="compat-version">
   2.241 +  <p>
   2.242 +   This module has no settings. 
   2.243 +  </p>
   2.244 + </answer>
   2.245 +
   2.246 +
   2.247 +
   2.248 + <answer id="dep-jre">
   2.249 +  <p>
   2.250 +   Currently JRE 1.4 is needed.
   2.251 +  </p>
   2.252 + </answer>
   2.253 +
   2.254 +
   2.255 +
   2.256 + <answer id="dep-jrejdk">
   2.257 +  <p>
   2.258 +   JRE is enough.
   2.259 +  </p>
   2.260 + </answer>
   2.261 +
   2.262 +
   2.263 + <answer id="dep-nb">
   2.264 +  <p>
   2.265 +   This module is independent of other NetBeans modules and can be used 
   2.266 +   independently. For better interaction with UI parts of NetBeans it however
   2.267 +   indirectly communicates with <a href="@org-openide-awt@/overview-summary.html">UI Utilities</a>
   2.268 +   module using <api name="AWTBridge" category="private" group="java" type="export" 
   2.269 +   url="">
   2.270 +   a class that is looked up in <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/Lookup.html#getDefault()">Lookup.getDefault()</a>
   2.271 +   and if registered can provide better UI elements for <a href="@JDK@/javax/swing/Action.html">Action</a>s.
   2.272 +   </api>
   2.273 +   
   2.274 +  </p>
   2.275 + </answer>
   2.276 +
   2.277 + <answer id="dep-non-nb">
   2.278 +  <p>
   2.279 +   Reexports XML APIs so needs some XML parser implementation, but as one 
   2.280 +   is provided in any 1.4 java, it in fact has no dependencies except on JRE. 
   2.281 +  </p>
   2.282 + </answer>
   2.283 +
   2.284 + <answer id="dep-platform">
   2.285 +  <p>
   2.286 +   Platform independent.
   2.287 +  </p>
   2.288 + </answer>
   2.289 +
   2.290 +
   2.291 + <answer id="deploy-dependencies">
   2.292 +  <p>
   2.293 +  OpenIDE-Module-Module-Dependencies: org.openide.util > @SPECIFICATION-VERSION@
   2.294 +  </p>
   2.295 + </answer>
   2.296 +
   2.297 +
   2.298 +
   2.299 + <answer id="deploy-jar">
   2.300 +  <p>
   2.301 +   <api category="devel" group="" name="FileLocation" type="export" >
   2.302 +   the JAR file is located in platform cluster under <code>lib/org-openide-util.jar</code>
   2.303 +   </api>.
   2.304 +  </p>
   2.305 + </answer>
   2.306 +
   2.307 +
   2.308 +
   2.309 + <answer id="deploy-nbm">
   2.310 +  <p>
   2.311 +   No reason to not deploy nbm.
   2.312 +  </p>
   2.313 + </answer>
   2.314 +
   2.315 +
   2.316 + <answer id="deploy-packages">
   2.317 +  <p>
   2.318 +   Yes, public packages declared.
   2.319 +  </p>
   2.320 + </answer>
   2.321 +
   2.322 +
   2.323 +
   2.324 + <answer id="deploy-shared">
   2.325 +  <p>
   2.326 +   Module is on real java classpath and as such it has to be in the shared directory.
   2.327 +  </p>
   2.328 + </answer>
   2.329 +
   2.330 +
   2.331 + <answer id="exec-ant-tasks">
   2.332 +  <p>
   2.333 +   No.
   2.334 +  </p>
   2.335 + </answer>
   2.336 +
   2.337 +
   2.338 +
   2.339 + <answer id="exec-classloader">
   2.340 +  <p>
   2.341 +   No, we do not create own classloader.
   2.342 +  </p>
   2.343 + </answer>
   2.344 +
   2.345 +
   2.346 +
   2.347 +<!--
   2.348 +        <question id="exec-component" when="impl">
   2.349 +            Is execution of your code influenced by any (string) property
   2.350 +            of any of your components?
   2.351 +            
   2.352 +            <hint>
   2.353 +            Often <code>JComponent.getClientProperty</code>, <code>Action.getValue</code>
   2.354 +            or <code>PropertyDescriptor.getValue</code>, etc. are used to influence
   2.355 +            a behavior of some code. This of course forms an interface that should
   2.356 +            be documented. Also if one depends on some interface that an object
   2.357 +            implements (<code>component instanceof Runnable</code>) that forms an
   2.358 +            API as well.
   2.359 +            </hint>
   2.360 +        </question>
   2.361 +-->
   2.362 + <answer id="exec-component">
   2.363 +  <ul>
   2.364 +    <li><api name="HelpID" category="standard" group="property" type="export" url="@TOP@/org/openide/util/HelpCtx.html">
   2.365 +        read from <a href="@JDK@/javax/swing/JComponent.html">JComponent</a>.getClientProperty
   2.366 +        to simulate the standard javahelp behaviour and extract the help id for given component.
   2.367 +        </api>
   2.368 +    </li>
   2.369 +
   2.370 +    <li><api name="iconBase" category="standard" group="property" type="import" >
   2.371 +        <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/actions/SystemAction.html">SystemAction</a> 
   2.372 +        reacts to expected requests from <a href="@org-openide-awt@/overview-summary.html">UI Utilities</a>
   2.373 +        module for <code>iconBase</code> property by returning value based on its
   2.374 +        result of its <code>iconResource()</code> method.
   2.375 +        </api>
   2.376 +    </li>
   2.377 +        
   2.378 +    <li>
   2.379 +        <api name="org.openide.util.SharedClassObject.initialize" category="private" group="property" type="export">
   2.380 +        For purposes of 
   2.381 +        <a href="@org-openide-options@/org/openide/options/SystemOption.html">SystemOption</a>
   2.382 +        the
   2.383 +        <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/SharedClassObject.html">SharedClassObject</a>
   2.384 +        handles
   2.385 +        <code>getProperty ("org.openide.util.SharedClassObject.initialize")</code> 
   2.386 +        in a special way, by returning 
   2.387 +        <code>null</code> if initialization is not running and <code>Boolean.TRUE</code> if 
   2.388 +        it is.
   2.389 +        </api>
   2.390 +    </li>
   2.391 +    
   2.392 +    <li><api name="OpenIDE-Transmodal-Action" category="devel" group="property" type="export" >
   2.393 +        <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/actions/CallbackSystemAction.html">CallbackSystemAction</a> 
   2.394 +        checks whether <code>action.getValue("OpenIDE-Transmodal-Action")</code>
   2.395 +        returns <code>Boolean.TRUE</code> to enable it in dialogs, otherwise
   2.396 +        the action is disabled when there is an open dialog.
   2.397 +        </api>
   2.398 +    </li>
   2.399 +    
   2.400 +    
   2.401 +  </ul>
   2.402 + </answer>
   2.403 +
   2.404 +
   2.405 +
   2.406 +<!--
   2.407 +        <question id="exec-introspection" when="impl">
   2.408 +            Does your module use any kind of runtime type information (<code>instanceof</code>,
   2.409 +            work with <code>java.lang.Class</code>, etc.)?
   2.410 +            <hint>
   2.411 +            Check for cases when you have an object of type A and you also
   2.412 +            expect it to (possibly) be of type B and do some special action. That
   2.413 +            should be documented. The same applies on operations in meta-level
   2.414 +            (Class.isInstance(...), Class.isAssignableFrom(...), etc.).
   2.415 +            </hint>
   2.416 +        </question>
   2.417 +-->
   2.418 + <answer id="exec-introspection">
   2.419 +  <p>
   2.420 +   <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/Utilities.html">Utilities</a> provide wrapper
   2.421 +   for java beans introspection.
   2.422 +  </p>
   2.423 + </answer>
   2.424 +
   2.425 +
   2.426 +
   2.427 + <answer id="exec-privateaccess">
   2.428 +  <p>
   2.429 +  No.
   2.430 +  </p>
   2.431 + </answer>
   2.432 +
   2.433 + <answer id="exec-process">
   2.434 +  <p>
   2.435 +   No external processes executed.
   2.436 +  </p>
   2.437 + </answer>
   2.438 +
   2.439 +
   2.440 + <answer id="exec-property">
   2.441 +  <ul>
   2.442 +    <li><api type="export" group="property" name="netbeans.screen.insets" category="private">
   2.443 +    Influences results of Utilities.getUsableScreenBounds</api>.</li>
   2.444 +    <li><api type="export" group="property" name="netbeans.taskbar.height" category="private">
   2.445 +    Influences results of Utilities.getUsableScreenBounds</api>.</li>
   2.446 +    <li>
   2.447 +        <api type='import' group="property" name="line.separator" category="standard" >
   2.448 +        used on few places
   2.449 +        </api>.
   2.450 +    </li>
   2.451 +    
   2.452 +    <li>
   2.453 +    <api type="export" group="property" name="org.openide.util.Lookup" category="devel">
   2.454 +        checked by the initialization of the 
   2.455 +        <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/Lookup.html#getDefault()">Lookup.getDefault()</a>
   2.456 +        and can
   2.457 +        contain name of a class that extends <code>org.openide.util.Lookup</code> and
   2.458 +        has public constructor, that should be instantiated and returned from 
   2.459 +        <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/Lookup.html#getDefault()">Lookup.getDefault()</a>
   2.460 +        the class will be loaded by 
   2.461 +        <a href="@JDK@/java/lang/Thread.html#getContextClassLoader()">
   2.462 +        Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()</a>
   2.463 +        classloader the first time <code>Lookup.getDefault</code> is invoked.
   2.464 +        <p/>
   2.465 +        The property can also contain value <code>"-"</code> which means to completely
   2.466 +        disable the lookup instantiation and return <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/Lookup.html#EMPTY">Lookup.EMPTY</a>
   2.467 +        from <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/Lookup.html#getDefault()">Lookup.getDefault()</a>.
   2.468 +        <p/>
   2.469 +        If the property is unspecified, the default <code>MetaInfServicesLookup</code>
   2.470 +        is constructed for <code>Thread.currentThread().getContextclassLoader()</code>
   2.471 +        that implements the <a href="#answer-compat-standards">JDK's standard</a>. If, by 
   2.472 +        a chance an instance of 
   2.473 +        <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/Lookup.Provider.html">Lookup.Provider</a>
   2.474 +        is found
   2.475 +        in there, its lookup is returned as result. Otherwise the <code>MetaInfServicesLookup</code>
   2.476 +        is the result of <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/Lookup.html#getDefault()">Lookup.getDefault()</a>.
   2.477 +    </api>
   2.478 +    </li>
   2.479 +    
   2.480 +  </ul>
   2.481 + </answer>
   2.482 +
   2.483 +
   2.484 +
   2.485 +<!--
   2.486 +        <question id="exec-reflection" when="impl">
   2.487 +            Does your code use Java Reflection to execute other code?
   2.488 +            <hint>
   2.489 +            This usually indicates a missing or insufficient API in the other
   2.490 +            part of the system. If the other side is not aware of your dependency
   2.491 +            this contract can be easily broken.
   2.492 +            </hint>
   2.493 +        </question>
   2.494 +-->
   2.495 + <answer id="exec-reflection">
   2.496 +  <p>
   2.497 +   <api category="devel" group="java" name="SharedClassObject.setAccessible" type="export" url="@TOP@/org/openide/util/SharedClassObject.html">
   2.498 +   used to instantiate subclasses. 
   2.499 +   </api>. 
   2.500 +   <api category="devel" group="java" name="WeakListener.setAccessible" type="export" url="@TOP@/org/openide/util/WeakListeners.html">
   2.501 +   used to call the remove method using reflection
   2.502 +   </api>. 
   2.503 +   <api category="devel" group="java" name="Lookups.metaInfServices" type="export" url="@TOP@/org/openide/util/lookup/Lookups.html#metaInfServices(java.lang.ClassLoader)">
   2.504 +   calls constructor of registered classes using reflection
   2.505 +   </api>. 
   2.506 +   <api category="private" group="java" name="ActionManagerInvocation" type="import" >
   2.507 +    because of the API separation, <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/actions/CallableSystemAction.html">CallableSystemAction</a> uses reflection
   2.508 +    when looking for <a href="@org-openide-actions@/org/openide/actions/ActionManager.html">org.openide.actions.ActionManager</a> implementation.
   2.509 +    </api>.
   2.510 +
   2.511 +  </p>
   2.512 + </answer>
   2.513 +
   2.514 +
   2.515 +
   2.516 +<!--
   2.517 +        <question id="exec-threading" when="impl">
   2.518 +            What threading models, if any, does your module adhere to?
   2.519 +            <hint>
   2.520 +                If your module calls foreign APIs which have a specific threading model,
   2.521 +                indicate how you comply with the requirements for multithreaded access
   2.522 +                (synchronization, mutexes, etc.) applicable to those APIs.
   2.523 +                If your module defines any APIs, or has complex internal structures
   2.524 +                that might be used from multiple threads, declare how you protect
   2.525 +                data against concurrent access, race conditions, deadlocks, etc.,
   2.526 +                and whether such rules are enforced by runtime warnings, errors, assertions, etc.
   2.527 +                Examples: a class might be non-thread-safe (like Java Collections); might
   2.528 +                be fully thread-safe (internal locking); might require access through a mutex
   2.529 +                (and may or may not automatically acquire that mutex on behalf of a client method);
   2.530 +                might be able to run only in the event queue; etc.
   2.531 +                Also describe when any events are fired: synchronously, asynchronously, etc.
   2.532 +                Ideas: <a href="">Threading Recommendations</a> (in progress)
   2.533 +            </hint>
   2.534 +        </question>
   2.535 +-->
   2.536 + <answer id="exec-threading">
   2.537 +  <p>
   2.538 +   XXX no answer for exec-threading
   2.539 +  </p>
   2.540 + </answer>
   2.541 +
   2.542 +
   2.543 +
   2.544 + <answer id="format-clipboard">
   2.545 +  <p>
   2.546 +    <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/datatransfer/MultiTransferObject.html">MultiTransferObject</a> can be 
   2.547 +    used in <a href="@JDK@/java/awt/datatransfer/Transferable.html">Transferable</a> to represent content
   2.548 +    composed of multiple independent 
   2.549 +    <a href="@JDK@/java/awt/datatransfer/Transferable.html">Transferable</a>s.
   2.550 +  </p>
   2.551 + </answer>
   2.552 +
   2.553 +
   2.554 +
   2.555 + <answer id="format-dnd">
   2.556 +  <p>
   2.557 +  The same as for clipboard.
   2.558 +  </p>
   2.559 + </answer>
   2.560 +
   2.561 + <answer id="format-types">
   2.562 +  <p>
   2.563 +    The <a href="">META-INF/services/...</a> files.
   2.564 +    <api name="TranslateNames" category="official" type="export" group="" 
   2.565 +    url="@TOP@/org/openide/util/Utilities.html#translate(java.lang.String)">
   2.566 +    <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/Utilities.html#translate(java.lang.String)">Utilities.translate</a> 
   2.567 +    reads <code>META-INF/netbeans/translate.names</code> files from JARs</api>.
   2.568 +  </p>
   2.569 + </answer>
   2.570 +
   2.571 +
   2.572 +
   2.573 + <answer id="lookup-lookup">
   2.574 +    <ul>
   2.575 +    <li><api name="LookupInitializationLookup" category="devel" group="lookup" type="export" url="#property-org.openide.util.Lookup">
   2.576 +    during 
   2.577 +    initialization of the <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/Lookup.html#getDefault()">Lookup.getDefault()</a>
   2.578 +    the <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/Lookup.Provider.html">Lookup.Provider</a>
   2.579 +    is being searched</api>.
   2.580 +    </li>
   2.581 +    
   2.582 +    <li><api name="LookupSharedClassObject" category="devel" group="lookup" type="export">
   2.583 +    singleton subclasses of <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/SharedClassObject.html">SharedClassObject</a> 
   2.584 +    are searched for using Lookup.
   2.585 +    </api>.</li>
   2.586 +
   2.587 +    <li><api name="LookupContextGlobalProvider" category="stable" group="lookup" type="export">
   2.588 +    <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/Utilities.html#actionsGlobalContext()">actionsGlobalContext</a>
   2.589 +    searches for <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/ContextGlobalProvider.html">ContextGlobalProvider</a> in 
   2.590 +    <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/Lookup.html#getDefault()">Lookup.getDefault()</a>.
   2.591 +    The provider is usually provided by <a href="@org-openide-windows@/overview-summary.html">window 
   2.592 +    system implementation</a>.
   2.593 +    </api>.</li>
   2.594 +
   2.595 +    <li><api name="LookupEntityCatalog" category="devel" group="lookup" type="export">
   2.596 +    <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/xml/EntityCatalog.html">EntityCatalog</a> 
   2.597 +    delegates its methods to all instances of <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/xml/EntityCatalog.html">EntityCatalog</a>s
   2.598 +    found in Lookup
   2.599 +    </api>.</li>
   2.600 +    
   2.601 +    <li><api name="LookupErrorManager" category="devel" group="lookup" type="export">
   2.602 +    <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/ErrorManager.html">ErrorManager</a> 
   2.603 +    delegates its methods to all instances of <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/ErrorManager.html">ErrorManager</a>s
   2.604 +    found in Lookup
   2.605 +    </api>.</li>
   2.606 +            
   2.607 +    <li><api name="LookupClassLoader" category="devel" group="lookup" type="export">
   2.608 +    Nearly all resource looking functions and reflective code
   2.609 +    uses <a href="@JDK@/java/lang/ClassLoader.html">ClassLoader</a>
   2.610 +    obtained from <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/Lookup.html#getDefault()">Lookup.getDefault()</a>
   2.611 +    for loading system wide resources.
   2.612 +    </api>.</li>
   2.613 +    
   2.614 +    </ul>
   2.615 + </answer>
   2.616 +
   2.617 +
   2.618 +
   2.619 +<!--
   2.620 +        <question id="lookup-register" when="final">
   2.621 +            Do you register anything into lookup for other code to find?
   2.622 +            <hint>
   2.623 +            Do you register using layer file or using <code>META-INF/services</code>?
   2.624 +            Who is supposed to find your component?
   2.625 +            </hint>
   2.626 +        </question>
   2.627 +-->
   2.628 + <answer id="lookup-register">
   2.629 +  <p>
   2.630 +   No.
   2.631 +  </p>
   2.632 + </answer>
   2.633 +
   2.634 +
   2.635 +
   2.636 +<!--
   2.637 +        <question id="lookup-remove" when="final">
   2.638 +            Do you remove entries of other modules from lookup?
   2.639 +            <hint>
   2.640 +            Why? Of course, that is possible, but it can be dangerous. Is the module
   2.641 +            your are masking resource from aware of what you are doing?
   2.642 +            </hint>
   2.643 +        </question>
   2.644 +-->
   2.645 + <answer id="lookup-remove">
   2.646 +  <p>
   2.647 +   No.
   2.648 +  </p>
   2.649 + </answer>
   2.650 +
   2.651 +
   2.652 +
   2.653 +<!--
   2.654 +        <question id="perf-exit" when="final">
   2.655 +            Does your module run any code on exit?
   2.656 +        </question>
   2.657 +-->
   2.658 + <answer id="perf-exit">
   2.659 +  <p>
   2.660 +   Nothing.
   2.661 +  </p>
   2.662 + </answer>
   2.663 +
   2.664 +
   2.665 +
   2.666 +<!--
   2.667 +        <question id="perf-huge_dialogs" when="final">
   2.668 +            Does your module contain any dialogs or wizards with a large number of
   2.669 +            GUI controls such as combo boxes, lists, trees, or text areas?
   2.670 +        </question>
   2.671 +-->
   2.672 + <answer id="perf-huge_dialogs">
   2.673 +  <p>
   2.674 +   No.
   2.675 +  </p>
   2.676 + </answer>
   2.677 +
   2.678 +
   2.679 +
   2.680 +<!--
   2.681 +        <question id="perf-limit" when="init">
   2.682 +            Are there any hard-coded or practical limits in the number or size of
   2.683 +            elements your code can handle?
   2.684 +        </question>
   2.685 +-->
   2.686 + <answer id="perf-limit">
   2.687 +  <p>
   2.688 +    The default implementation of the <code>MetaInfServicesLookup</code> just 
   2.689 +    keeps hashmap between queried classes and their implementations. The amount
   2.690 +    of memory is linear to amount of registered classes, but of course we 
   2.691 +    are not counting the memory occupied by the instances which the lookup 
   2.692 +    creates, that can be arbitrary.
   2.693 +  </p>
   2.694 + </answer>
   2.695 +
   2.696 +
   2.697 +
   2.698 +<!--
   2.699 +        <question id="perf-mem" when="final">
   2.700 +            How much memory does your component consume? Estimate
   2.701 +            with a relation to the number of windows, etc.
   2.702 +        </question>
   2.703 +-->
   2.704 + <answer id="perf-mem">
   2.705 +  <p>
   2.706 +   There are no big data structures. The amount of memory occupied by
   2.707 +   instances of <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/lookup/AbstractLookup.html">AbstractLookup</a> 
   2.708 +   is measured by unit tests.
   2.709 +  </p>
   2.710 + </answer>
   2.711 +
   2.712 +
   2.713 +
   2.714 +<!--
   2.715 +        <question id="perf-menus" when="final">
   2.716 +            Does your module use dynamically updated context menus, or
   2.717 +            context-sensitive actions with complicated and slow enablement logic?
   2.718 +            <hint>
   2.719 +                If you do a lot of tricks when adding actions to regular or context menus, you can significantly
   2.720 +                slow down display of the menu, even when the user is not using your action. Pay attention to
   2.721 +                actions you add to the main menu bar, and to context menus of foreign nodes or components. If
   2.722 +                the action is conditionally enabled, or changes its display dynamically, you need to check the
   2.723 +                impact on performance. In some cases it may be more appropriate to make a simple action that is
   2.724 +                always enabled but does more detailed checks in a dialog if it is actually run.
   2.725 +            </hint>
   2.726 +        </question>
   2.727 +-->
   2.728 + <answer id="perf-menus">
   2.729 +  <p>
   2.730 +   There are no menus.
   2.731 +  </p>
   2.732 + </answer>
   2.733 +
   2.734 +
   2.735 +
   2.736 +<!--
   2.737 +        <question id="perf-progress" when="final">
   2.738 +            Does your module execute any long-running tasks?
   2.739 +            
   2.740 +            <hint>Long running tasks should never block 
   2.741 +            AWT thread as it badly hurts the UI
   2.742 +            <a href="">
   2.743 +            responsiveness</a>.
   2.744 +            Tasks like connecting over
   2.745 +            network, computing huge amount of data, compilation
   2.746 +            be done asynchronously (for example
   2.747 +            using <code>RequestProcessor</code>), definitively it should 
   2.748 +            not block AWT thread.
   2.749 +            </hint>
   2.750 +        </question>
   2.751 +-->
   2.752 + <answer id="perf-progress">
   2.753 +  <p>
   2.754 +   Actions declared as <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/actions/CallableSystemAction.html#asynchronous()">CallableSystemAction.asynchronous()</a> 
   2.755 +   are executed outside of AWT thread on a dedicated request processor one.
   2.756 +  </p>
   2.757 + </answer>
   2.758 +
   2.759 +
   2.760 +
   2.761 +<!--
   2.762 +        <question id="perf-scale" when="init">
   2.763 +            Which external criteria influence the performance of your
   2.764 +            program (size of file in editor, number of files in menu, 
   2.765 +            in source directory, etc.) and how well your code scales?
   2.766 +            <hint>
   2.767 +            Please include some estimates, there are other more detailed 
   2.768 +            questions to answer in later phases of implementation. 
   2.769 +            </hint>
   2.770 +        </question>
   2.771 +-->
   2.772 + <answer id="perf-scale">
   2.773 +  <p>
   2.774 +   Lookup code scales linearily.
   2.775 +  </p>
   2.776 + </answer>
   2.777 +
   2.778 +
   2.779 +
   2.780 +<!--
   2.781 +        <question id="perf-spi" when="init">
   2.782 +            How the performance of the plugged in code will be enforced?
   2.783 +            <hint>
   2.784 +            If you allow foreign code to be plugged into your own module, how
   2.785 +            do you enforce that it will behave correctly and quickly and will not
   2.786 +            negatively influence the performance of your own module?
   2.787 +            </hint>
   2.788 +        </question>
   2.789 +-->
   2.790 + <answer id="perf-spi">
   2.791 +  <p>
   2.792 +   No enforcing is done.
   2.793 +  </p>
   2.794 + </answer>
   2.795 +
   2.796 +
   2.797 +
   2.798 +<!--
   2.799 +        <question id="perf-startup" when="final">
   2.800 +            Does your module run any code on startup?
   2.801 +        </question>
   2.802 +-->
   2.803 + <answer id="perf-startup">
   2.804 +  <p>
   2.805 +   No.
   2.806 +  </p>
   2.807 + </answer>
   2.808 +
   2.809 +
   2.810 +
   2.811 +<!--
   2.812 +        <question id="perf-wakeup" when="final">
   2.813 +            Does any piece of your code wake up periodically and do something
   2.814 +            even when the system is otherwise idle (no user interaction)?
   2.815 +        </question>
   2.816 +-->
   2.817 + <answer id="perf-wakeup">
   2.818 +  <p>
   2.819 +   No. 
   2.820 +  </p>
   2.821 + </answer>
   2.822 +
   2.823 +
   2.824 +
   2.825 +<!--
   2.826 +        <question id="resources-file" when="final">
   2.827 +            Does your module use <code></code> directly?
   2.828 +            
   2.829 +            <hint>
   2.830 +            NetBeans provide a logical wrapper over plain files called 
   2.831 +            <code>org.openide.filesystems.FileObject</code> that
   2.832 +            provides uniform access to such resources and is the preferred
   2.833 +            way that should be used. But of course there can be situations when
   2.834 +            this is not suitable.
   2.835 +            </hint>
   2.836 +        </question>
   2.837 +-->
   2.838 + <answer id="resources-file">
   2.839 +  <p>
   2.840 +   No.
   2.841 +  </p>
   2.842 + </answer>
   2.843 +
   2.844 +
   2.845 +
   2.846 +<!--
   2.847 +        <question id="resources-layer" when="final">
   2.848 +            Does your module provide own layer? Does it create any files or
   2.849 +            folders in it? What it is trying to communicate by that and with which 
   2.850 +            components?
   2.851 +            
   2.852 +            <hint>
   2.853 +            NetBeans allows automatic and declarative installation of resources 
   2.854 +            by module layers. Module register files into appropriate places
   2.855 +            and other components use that information to perform their task
   2.856 +            (build menu, toolbar, window layout, list of templates, set of
   2.857 +            options, etc.). 
   2.858 +            </hint>
   2.859 +        </question>
   2.860 +-->
   2.861 + <answer id="resources-layer">
   2.862 +  <p>
   2.863 +   No.
   2.864 +  </p>
   2.865 + </answer>
   2.866 +
   2.867 +
   2.868 +
   2.869 +<!--
   2.870 +        <question id="resources-mask" when="final">
   2.871 +            Does your module mask/hide/override any resources provided by other modules in
   2.872 +            their layers?
   2.873 +            
   2.874 +            <hint>
   2.875 +            If you mask a file provided by another module, you probably depend
   2.876 +            on that and do not want the other module to (for example) change
   2.877 +            the file's name. That module shall thus make that file available as an API
   2.878 +            of some stability category.
   2.879 +            </hint>
   2.880 +        </question>
   2.881 +-->
   2.882 + <answer id="resources-mask">
   2.883 +  <p>
   2.884 +   No.
   2.885 +  </p>
   2.886 + </answer>
   2.887 +
   2.888 +
   2.889 +
   2.890 +<!--
   2.891 +        <question id="resources-read" when="final">
   2.892 +            Does your module read any resources from layers? For what purpose?
   2.893 +            
   2.894 +            <hint>
   2.895 +            As this is some kind of intermodule dependency, it is a kind of API.
   2.896 +            Please describe it and classify according to 
   2.897 +            <a href="">
   2.898 +            common stability categories</a>.
   2.899 +            </hint>
   2.900 +        </question>
   2.901 +-->
   2.902 + <answer id="resources-read">
   2.903 +  <p>
   2.904 +   No.
   2.905 +  </p>
   2.906 + </answer>
   2.907 +
   2.908 +
   2.909 +
   2.910 +<!--
   2.911 +        <question id="security-grant" when="final">
   2.912 +            Does your code grant additional rights to some other code?
   2.913 +            <hint>Avoid using a class loader that adds extra
   2.914 +            permissions to loaded code unless really necessary.
   2.915 +            Also note that your API implementation
   2.916 +            can also expose unneeded permissions to enemy code by
   2.917 +            calling AccessController.doPrivileged().</hint>
   2.918 +        </question>
   2.919 +-->
   2.920 + <answer id="security-grant">
   2.921 +  <p>
   2.922 +   No security permitions manipulated.
   2.923 +  </p>
   2.924 + </answer>
   2.925 +
   2.926 +
   2.927 +
   2.928 +<!--
   2.929 +        <question id="security-policy" when="final">
   2.930 +            Does your functionality require modifications to the standard policy file?
   2.931 +            <hint>Your code might pass control to third-party code not
   2.932 +            coming from trusted domains. This could be code downloaded over the
   2.933 +            network or code coming from libraries that are not bundled
   2.934 +            with NetBeans. Which permissions need to be granted to which domains?</hint>
   2.935 +        </question>
   2.936 +-->
   2.937 + <answer id="security-policy">
   2.938 +  <p>
   2.939 +   No security permissions manipulated.
   2.940 +  </p>
   2.941 + </answer>
   2.942 +
   2.943 +</api-answers>
     3.1 --- a/openide.util/nbproject/	Wed May 04 14:47:22 2005 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/openide.util/nbproject/	Thu May 12 06:29:13 2005 +0000
     3.3 @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
     3.4  module.jar.dir=lib
     3.5  javadoc.title=Utilities API
     3.7 -javadoc.arch=${basedir}/../arch/arch-openide-utilities.xml
     3.8 +javadoc.arch=${basedir}/arch.xml
     3.9  javadoc.apichanges=${basedir}/apichanges.xml
    3.10  #javadoc.check.failonerror=true
     4.1 --- a/openide.util/src/org/openide/package.html	Wed May 04 14:47:22 2005 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/openide.util/src/org/openide/package.html	Thu May 12 06:29:13 2005 +0000
     4.3 @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
     4.5  <html>
     4.6  <body>
     4.7 -Provides <a href="ErrorManager.html">ErrorManager</a> - the central place for logging and
     4.8 +Provides <a href="@TOP@/org/openide/ErrorManager.html">ErrorManager</a> - the central place for logging and
     4.9  reproting failures in <em>NetBeans</em> based system.
    4.10  </body>
    4.11  </html>
     5.1 --- a/openide.util/src/org/openide/util/	Wed May 04 14:47:22 2005 +0000
     5.2 +++ b/openide.util/src/org/openide/util/	Thu May 12 06:29:13 2005 +0000
     5.3 @@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
     5.4   * <p>
     5.5   * For a general talk about the idea behind the lookup pattern please see
     5.6   * <UL>
     5.7 - *      <LI><a href="">The Solution to Comunication Between Components</a>
     5.8 + *      <LI><a href="lookup/doc-files/index.html">The Solution to Comunication Between Components</a>
     5.9   *      page
    5.10 - *      <LI>the introduction to the <a href="">lookup API via
    5.11 + *      <LI>the introduction to the <a href="lookup/doc-files/lookup-api.html">lookup API via
    5.12   *      use cases</a>
    5.13 - *      <LI>the examples of <a href="">how to write your own lookup</a>
    5.14 + *      <LI>the examples of <a href="lookup/doc-files/lookup-spi.html">how to write your own lookup</a>
    5.15   * </UL>
    5.16   *
    5.17   * @see org.openide.util.lookup.AbstractLookup
     6.1 --- a/openide.util/src/org/openide/util/doc-files/api.html	Wed May 04 14:47:22 2005 +0000
     6.2 +++ b/openide.util/src/org/openide/util/doc-files/api.html	Thu May 12 06:29:13 2005 +0000
     6.3 @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
     6.4     -
     6.5     - 
     6.6     - The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
     6.7 -   - Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2000 Sun
     6.8 +   - Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2005 Sun
     6.9     - Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    6.10    -->
    6.12 @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
    6.13      <a href="@JDK@/java/util/Enumeration.html">Enumeration</a>s and especially
    6.14      their on-demand generation.
    6.15      </li>
    6.16 -<ol>
    6.17 +</ol>
    6.19  <!--
    6.20  <li><a href="../io/package-summary.html"><code></code></a>:
    6.21 @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@
    6.22  not very useful from a layer, because you should avoid putting
    6.23  binary data into a layer, but may be useful in some circumstances.</p>
    6.25 -<dt><a name="xml-instances"><em>XML-based instances</em></a>
    6.26 +<dt><a name="xml-instances"><em>XML-based instances</em></a></dt>
    6.29  <a href="../../xml/EntityCatalog.html"><code>EntityCatalog</code></a>
     7.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     7.2 +++ b/openide.util/src/org/openide/util/lookup/doc-files/index.html	Thu May 12 06:29:13 2005 +0000
     7.3 @@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
     7.4 +<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
     7.5 +<!--
     7.6 +   -                 Sun Public License Notice
     7.7 +   - 
     7.8 +   - The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
     7.9 +   - Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
    7.10 +   - compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
    7.11 +   -
    7.12 +   - 
    7.13 +   - The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
    7.14 +   - Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2005 Sun
    7.15 +   - Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    7.16 +  -->
    7.17 +<HTML>
    7.18 +<HEAD>
    7.19 +<TITLE>Lookup Library</TITLE>
    7.20 +<link rel="Stylesheet" href="@TOP@/prose.css" type="text/css" title="NetBeans Open APIs Style">
    7.21 +</HEAD>
    7.22 +<BODY>
    7.23 +
    7.24 +<H1>Lookup Library - The Solution to Comunication Between Components</H1>
    7.25 +
    7.26 +<B>$Revision$</B><BR>
    7.27 +<B>History:</B> Available in <a
    7.28 +href="">CVS</a>
    7.29 +
    7.30 +<P>
    7.31 +
    7.32 +This is the home page of the <em>lookup library</em> implementation, which 
    7.33 +is intended to solve a general problem that every <cite>component-based system</CITE>
    7.34 +has had to face: how different components <b>register</b> to the system 
    7.35 +and how other parts of the system can <b>look</b> them <b>up</B>. 
    7.36 +<P>
    7.37 +There already are libraries trying to solve this problem, usually by querying for 
    7.38 +an interface and finding its appropriate implementaion. The most famous is 
    7.39 +<A href="">Jini</A>, the platform for development of
    7.40 +distributed network services. Our library does something similar, but tries 
    7.41 +to stay small and easy
    7.42 +to use. The NetBeans <em>Lookup
    7.43 +Library</EM>'s main focus is a modular application consisting of independent modules
    7.44 +that want to communicate with each other. It does not try to solve networking or
    7.45 +legacy application integration. It is simple but powerful.
    7.46 +
    7.47 +<H2>Why would you want to use it?</H2>
    7.48 +
    7.49 +A well-written modular program separates <em>development</EM>
    7.50 +and <em>deployment</EM>.
    7.51 +There are many situations where a component needs some functionality but
    7.52 +does not actually care about the implementation. It is up to the <em>system
    7.53 +adminstrator</em> that deploys (installs) the application to decide which 
    7.54 +implementation to use.
    7.55 +<P>
    7.56 +The most simple and most often used method for allowing other implementations
    7.57 +to be plugged in is the <em>system property</em> pattern:
    7.58 +
    7.59 +<pre>
    7.60 +    <font class="keyword">public</font> <font class="type">Toolkit</font> <font class="function-name">getDefaultToolkit</font> () {
    7.61 +        java.awt.<font class="type">Toolkit</font> <font class="variable-name">t</font> = <font class="constant">null</font>;
    7.62 +        <font class="type">String</font> <font class="variable-name">classname</font> = System.getProperty (<font class="string">"java.awt.Toolkit"</font>);
    7.63 +        <font class="keyword">if</font> (classname != <font class="constant">null</font>) {
    7.64 +            <font class="keyword">try</font> {
    7.65 +                <font class="type">Class</font> <font class="variable-name">c</font> = Class.forName (classname);
    7.66 +                t = (java.awt.<font class="type">Toolkit</font>)c.newInstance ();
    7.67 +            } <font class="keyword">catch</font> (<font class="type">Exception</font> <font class="variable-name">ex</font>) {
    7.68 +                System.out.println (<font class="string">"Cannot initialize toolkit: "</font> + classname);
    7.69 +                ex.printStackTrace ();
    7.70 +            }
    7.71 +        }
    7.72 +        <font class="comment">// fallback </font>
    7.73 +        <font class="keyword">if</font> (t == <font class="constant">null</font>) {
    7.74 +            t = <font class="keyword">new</font> <font class="type">GenericAWTToolkit</font> ();
    7.75 +        }
    7.76 +    }
    7.77 +</pre>
    7.78 +
    7.79 +    
    7.80 +The idea is simple. The <em>deployer</em> can start the Java VM with the flag
    7.81 +<code>-Djava.awt.Toolkit=org.myorg.MyToolkit</code> where the <code>MyToolkit</code>
    7.82 +is his class with default constructor and the code in the <code>getDefaultToolkit</CODE>
    7.83 +method will instantiate the class and use it.
    7.84 +<P>
    7.85 +In principle this is general enough of a solution and works well, except that writing the 
    7.86 +code above is error prone and it also requires passing the arguments to the virtual machine. 
    7.87 +It would be much nicer if the registation could be done just by putting a JAR file with the <code>MyToolkit</code> class
    7.88 +into the application classpath.
    7.89 +<P>
    7.90 +Actually this has been realized also by the JDK development team and addressed in
    7.91 +JDK 1.3 as part of the <a href="">provider extension mechanism</A>. 
    7.92 +The <code>MyToolkit</code> could be registered by adding a file 
    7.93 +<code>/META-INF/services/java.awt.Toolkit</code> with one line
    7.94 +<code>org.myorg.MyToolkit</code> into the JAR file that contains the
    7.95 +<code>MyToolkit</CODE> implementation. The code in <code>getDefaultToolkit</CODE>
    7.96 +will scan all JAR files in classpath and search for that file,
    7.97 +create an instance of <code>MyToolkit</code> and use it. 
    7.98 +The deployer can influence which toolkit will be created by 
    7.99 +adding the right JAR files into the classpath.
   7.100 +<P>
   7.101 +Of course the code to access the <code>META-INF/services/</code> files is even
   7.102 +more error prone than the <em>property pattern</EM>.  And this is exactly the
   7.103 +place where the <em>lookup library</em> can help. It provides an implementation of
   7.104 +the search algorithm with an easy interface. Just write:
   7.105 +<pre>
   7.106 +    <font class="keyword">import</font> <font class="type">java.awt.Toolkit</font>;
   7.107 +    <font class="keyword">import</font> <font class="type">org.openide.util.Lookup;</font>;
   7.108 +    <font class="type">Toolkit</font> <font class="variable-name">t</font> = (<font class="type">Toolkit</font>)Lookup.getDefault().<a href="@TOP@org/openide/util/Lookup.html#lookup(java.lang.Class)">lookup</a>(Toolkit.<font class="keyword">class</font>);
   7.109 +</PRE>
   7.110 +and if the JAR with <code>MyToolkit</CODE> is in the class path, the simple call 
   7.111 +above will do the rest.
   7.112 +<P>
   7.113 +So whenever one writes an application divided into several independent modules (jar files)
   7.114 +that are being developed and deployed independently, there is a need for registering
   7.115 +and discovering components. First of all, a set of interfaces can be defined to enable 
   7.116 +inter-module communication (like the abstract class <code>java.awt.Toolkit</CODE>).
   7.117 +After that a set of modules providing implementation can written (<code>MyToolkit</code> and other concurent implementations)
   7.118 +and after that, whenever a module trying to utilitize the functionality wants to access
   7.119 +the <code>Toolkit</code> via lookup, the real implementation is returned.
   7.120 +<P>
   7.121 +It is the responsibility of lookup to find a suitable implementation of the
   7.122 +requested service and return an object implementing the service. This is the
   7.123 +the basic functionality and while the library provides you with a little bit
   7.124 +more, even this simple usage might be extremaly useful: the client code knows
   7.125 +nothing about the implementation and the implementation can be switched in
   7.126 +deployment time by simply replacing one implementation jar with other. There
   7.127 +is no code change required.
   7.128 +
   7.129 +<H2> Local lookup usage </H2>
   7.130 +The example in previous paragraph demostrated the usage of lookup as a global
   7.131 +registry (by using the <CODE>Lookup.getDefault()</CODE> call). One can also
   7.132 +consider another scenario where the lookup can help.
   7.133 +<P>
   7.134 +Let's switch hats to be an API designer for a while. The goal is to introduce a
   7.135 +new object into the system. But you either are not sure yet what all the roles
   7.136 +of the new object will be or you (more importantly) want to be able to add (or
   7.137 +change) roles of the object dynamically. So why not to introduce following
   7.138 +method to the object's interface:
   7.139 +<pre>
   7.140 +<font class="keyword">public class </FONT> <font class="type">MorphingObject</FONT> {
   7.141 +    <font class="keyword">public</FONT> <font class="type"><a href="@TOP@org/openide/util/Lookup.html">Lookup</A></FONT> getLookup() {
   7.142 +        <font class="keyword">return</FONT> <font class="variable-name">myLookup;</FONT>
   7.143 +    }
   7.144 +    ...
   7.145 +}
   7.146 +</pre>
   7.147 +By exposing the method getLookup you can attach different functionality to the
   7.148 +MorphingObject at runtime and whoever gets a reference to your object can ask it
   7.149 +whether the object supports a given interface like this:
   7.150 +<pre>
   7.151 +<font class="type">MorphingObject</FONT> <font class="variable-name">morph</FONT> = ...
   7.152 +<font class="type">AnInterface</font> <font class="variable-name">impl</font> = (<font
   7.153 +class="type">AnInterface</font>)morph.getLookup().<a
   7.154 +href="@TOP@org/openide/util/Lookup.html#lookup(java.lang.Class)">lookup</a>(AnInterface.<font class="keyword">class</font>);
   7.155 +<font class="keyword">if</font> (impl == <font class="constant">null</font>) {
   7.156 +    <font class="keyword">return;</font><font class="comment">/* AnInterface not supported now! */</font>
   7.157 +}
   7.158 +impl.useIt();
   7.159 +</PRE>
   7.160 +
   7.161 +<H2>Additional functionality</H2>
   7.162 +The NetBeans lookup library also provides:
   7.163 +<UL>
   7.164 +<LI>Support for dynamically changing the lookup content.</LI>
   7.165 +<LI>The ability to return multiple results.</LI>
   7.166 +<LI>Notification of changes. After retrieving the result, the client can attach a
   7.167 +listener and be notified when the result of the lookup is changed.</LI>
   7.168 +<LI>Lazy initialization of the implementation. The implementation objects are
   7.169 +initialized only after someone asks for them. Even the implementation classes
   7.170 +are not loaded if they are not going to be used! </LI>
   7.171 +</UL>
   7.172 +
   7.173 +<H2>Further information</H2>
   7.174 +<UL>
   7.175 +  <LI><A HREF="lookup-api.html">Lookup Library APIs</A> for those writing the client code.
   7.176 +Specifying the query, getting the result and listenning on changes.</LI>
   7.177 +  <LI><A HREF="lookup-spi.html">Lookup Library SPIs</A> for those writing the
   7.178 +implementaion code and registering it with lookup. Includes also writing own
   7.179 +lookup implementation.</LI>
   7.180 +  <LI>Download <A HREF="">NetBeans platform</A> which
   7.181 +contains <code>org-openide-util.jar</code></LI>
   7.182 +  <LI>Source code: 
   7.183 +    directly on on-line CVS view 
   7.184 +    <A HREF="">
   7.185 +    implementation package (org.openide.util.lookup) </A>
   7.186 +    + classes Lookup, LookupEvent, LookupListener in
   7.187 +    <A href="">util package</A></LI>
   7.188 +  <li><a href="">Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern</a> (Martin Fowler)</li>
   7.189 +</UL>
   7.190 +</BODY>
   7.191 +</HTML>
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    8.10 +   - compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
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    8.12 +   - 
    8.13 +   - The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
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    8.23 +<H1>Lookup library API</H1>
    8.24 +<B>History:</B> Available in
    8.25 +<a href="">
    8.26 +CVS</a>
    8.27 +<p>
    8.28 +This document describes usage of the API provided by the Lookup Library. In this
    8.29 +document we assume that someone has already provided us with a lookup
    8.30 +implementation (for those seeking how to write a lookup implementation please
    8.31 +check <A href="lookup-spi.html">the SPI document</A>).
    8.32 +
    8.33 +<H2> Getting the lookup </H2>
    8.34 +
    8.35 +The first question you might ask is this: how can I get hold of a
    8.36 +lookup instance? There are basically two ways how you can get it.
    8.37 +
    8.38 +<H3> Global lookup </H3>
    8.39 +As you can see in the
    8.40 +
    8.41 +<a href="@TOP@org/openide/util/Lookup.html">Lookup</a>
    8.42 +
    8.43 +Javadoc there is a static method
    8.44 +
    8.45 +<pre><a href="@TOP@org/openide/util/Lookup.html#getDefault()">public static Lookup getDefault()</a></pre>
    8.46 +
    8.47 +The object returned from this method is
    8.48 +a global lookup that can serve as a central place for registering services.
    8.49 +The default implementation is a lookup that implements
    8.50 +<a href="">
    8.51 +the JDK JAR services</A>
    8.52 +mechanism and delegates to <samp>META-INF/services/name.of.Class</samp> files.
    8.53 +<P>
    8.54 +If you want to add your class to this lookup just create a file in your
    8.55 +jar file under the <code>META-INF</code> directory (e.g. <samp>META-INF/services/</samp>)
    8.56 +and let the file contain only one line of text
    8.57 +
    8.58 +<pre></pre>
    8.59 +
    8.60 +The following code will return you a newly created instance of
    8.61 +<code></code>:
    8.62 +
    8.63 +<PRE>
    8.64 +   <font class="keyword">import</FONT> org.openide.util.Lookup;
    8.65 +   return (;
    8.66 +</PRE>
    8.67 +
    8.68 +<H3> Local lookup </H3>
    8.69 +
    8.70 +This is just a reminder that whenever you find a method called getLookup
    8.71 +or similar returning a lookup instance, the provided lookup is <EM>not</EM> the
    8.72 +general lookup described in the previous paragraph. Rather, it is a private lookup
    8.73 +implementation that is usually bound to the object you invoked the method on.
    8.74 +
    8.75 +<H2> Use of Lookup.Template and Lookup.Result </H2>
    8.76 +
    8.77 +There are more ways how you can ask lookup besides the variant with one class
    8.78 +parameter. If you want more functionality, you have to implement the interface
    8.79 +Lookup.Template and pass an instance of such object to the lookup call.
    8.80 +<p>
    8.81 +<EM>Note:</EM> If you use Lookup.Template, the object returned from the lookup is
    8.82 +<EM>not</EM> the object you are looking for but rather a result object
    8.83 +(Lookup.Result). You can call methods on such a result object to get the actual
    8.84 +results.
    8.85 +<p>
    8.86 +Let's examine following example:
    8.87 +
    8.88 +<pre>
    8.89 +        <font class="keyword">import</FONT> org.openide.util.Lookup;
    8.90 +
    8.91 +        <font class="type">Lookup</font> <font class="variable-name">lookup</font> = ...;
    8.92 +        Lookup.<font class="type">Template</font> <font class="variable-name">template</font> = <font class="keyword">new</font> Lookup.<font class="type">Template</font>(MyService.<font class="keyword">class</font>);
    8.93 +        Lookup.<font class="type">Result</font> <font class="variable-name">result</font> = lookup.lookup(template);
    8.94 +        <font class="type">Collection</font> <font class="variable-name">c</font> = result.allInstances();
    8.95 +        <font class="keyword">for</font> (<font class="type">Iterator</font> <font class="variable-name">i</font> = c.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
    8.96 +            <font class="type">MyService</font> <font class="variable-name">s</font> = (<font class="type">MyService</font>);
    8.97 +            s.callMyService();
    8.98 +        }
    8.99 +</pre>
   8.100 +
   8.101 +In this example the call to method lookup(...) returns immediately because the
   8.102 +result object can be constructed even without real results. The first time you
   8.103 +ask for the result object by calling r.allInstances(), the lookup has to supply you
   8.104 +the real results and this method can block until the required data are really
   8.105 +available.
   8.106 +<p>
   8.107 +If you are not interested in all objects as in the previous example, you can use the
   8.108 +template to ask for one resulting object (wrapped in special Item instance):
   8.109 +<pre>
   8.110 +        <font class="keyword">import</FONT> org.openide.util.Lookup;
   8.111 +
   8.112 +        <font class="type">Lookup</font> <font class="variable-name">lookup</font> = ...;
   8.113 +        Lookup.<font class="type">Template</font> <font class="variable-name">template</font> = <font class="keyword">new</font> Lookup.<font class="type">Template</font>(MyService.<font class="keyword">class</font>);
   8.114 +        Lookup.<font class="type">Item</font> <font class="variable-name">item</font> = lookup.lookupItem(template);
   8.115 +        <font class="type">MyService</font> <font class="variable-name">s</font> = (<font class="type">MyService</font>)item.getInstance();
   8.116 +        s.callMyService();
   8.117 +</pre>
   8.118 +
   8.119 +Again, the Item object can construct the real instance only if you call
   8.120 +getInstance. The item can be useful even without calling getInstance - you can get
   8.121 +its display name or an unique id. You can use this information, for example, for
   8.122 +constructing menu items without the need to instantiate (or even load!)
   8.123 +the class implementing the functionality. Only when the real functionality is
   8.124 +needed (e.g. the user has selected the menu item) you can call getInstance
   8.125 +and call the real meat of the implementation.
   8.126 +
   8.127 +<H2> Listenning on lookup changes </H2>
   8.128 +There is one additional piece of functionality bound to the Lookup.Result object worth
   8.129 +mentioning: you can attach a listener to it and be informed about any changes in
   8.130 +the lookup. This might be extremly usefull when the lookup dynamically changes
   8.131 +(from other threads). The listener can keep state of your object up-to-date even
   8.132 +in cases where the lookup changes asynchronously.
   8.133 +<p>
   8.134 +So here is some sample code using the listenner:
   8.135 +
   8.136 +<pre>
   8.137 +        <font class="keyword">import</FONT> org.openide.util.Lookup;
   8.138 +        <font class="keyword">import</FONT> org.openide.util.LookupListener;
   8.139 +        <font class="keyword">import</FONT> org.openide.util.LookupEvent;
   8.140 +
   8.141 +        <font class="type">Lookup</font> <font class="variable-name">lookup</font> = ...;
   8.142 +        Lookup.<font class="type">Template</font> <font class="variable-name">template</font> = <font class="keyword">new</font> Lookup.<font class="type">Template</font>(MyService.<font class="keyword">class</font>);
   8.143 +        <font class="keyword">final</font> <font class="variable-name">Lookup</font>.<font class="type">Result</font> <font class="variable-name">result</font> = lookup.lookup(template);
   8.144 +        result.addLookupListener(<font class="keyword">new</font> <font class="type">LookupListener</font>() {
   8.145 +            <font class="keyword">public</font> <font class="type">void</font> <font class="function-name">resultChanged</font>(<font class="type">LookupEvent</font> <font class="variable-name">e</font>) {
   8.146 +                reaction(result);
   8.147 +            }
   8.148 +        });
   8.149 +        reaction(result);
   8.150 +    }
   8.151 +    <font class="keyword">private</font> <font class="keyword">static</font> <font class="type">void</font> <font class="function-name">reaction</font>(Lookup.<font class="type">Result</font> <font class="variable-name">r</font>) {
   8.152 +        <font class="keyword">for</font> (<font class="type">Iterator</font> <font class="variable-name">i</font> = r.allInstances().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
   8.153 +            <font class="type">MyService</font> <font class="variable-name">s</font> = (<font class="type">MyService</font>);
   8.154 +            s.callMyService();
   8.155 +        }
   8.156 +    }
   8.157 +</pre>
   8.158 +
   8.159 +Please note that we first attach a listener and then call the reaction method.
   8.160 +This ensures that we always get the newest possible state. Also you must be
   8.161 +careful in the reaction method since it can be called from two different
   8.162 +threads simultaneously (your code has to be prepared for this).
   8.163 +</BODY>
   8.164 +</HTML>
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    9.23 +<H1>Lookup library SPI</H1>
    9.24 +<B>History:</B> Available in
    9.25 +<a href="">
    9.26 +CVS</a>
    9.27 +<p>
    9.28 +This document describe usage of the SPI provided by the Lookup Library 
    9.29 +(for those seeking how to use lookup instance please
    9.30 +check <A href="lookup-api.html">the API document</A>).
    9.31 +<p>
    9.32 +By using the SPI you can create lookups that can be used by the users of the
    9.33 +Lookup API. While the Lookup API consists of a couple of classes in the package
    9.34 +<em>org.openide.util.*</EM>,
    9.35 +the SPI has its own package <em>org.openide.util.lookup.*</EM>.
    9.36 +
    9.37 +<H2> Simple lookups </H2>
    9.38 +Let us start with the simplest case. You have decided that your newly created
    9.39 +object will provide an API in the form of a getLookup() method. You have to
    9.40 +return a functional lookup from this call. You can use static methods in class
    9.41 +<a href="@TOP@org/openide/util/lookup/Lookups.html">
    9.42 +<code>Lookups</code></A> to create a lookup for you. If you want only one
    9.43 +object to be returned, just call 
    9.44 +<a href="@TOP@org/openide/util/lookup/Lookups.html#singleton(java.lang.Object)">
    9.45 +<code>Lookups.singleton(x)</code></A> where x is the object to be 
    9.46 +returned by the lookup. Or if you want to supply more objects, use a call to the method
    9.47 +<a href="@TOP@org/openide/util/lookup/Lookups.html#fixed(java.lang.Object[])">
    9.48 +<code>fixed(Object []x)</CODE></A>.
    9.49 +<EM> Note: </EM> The lookups returned from methods <code>singleton(...)</code> and
    9.50 +<code>fixed(...)</code> do <EM>
    9.51 +not </EM> support dynamic changes and attaching listeners. Their content is
    9.52 +fixed from the time you call the creating method.
    9.53 +
    9.54 +<H2> ProxyLookup </H2>
    9.55 +There can be situations where you get a lookup object from someone else and you
    9.56 +want your lookup to return exactly the instances from the original lookup plus
    9.57 +your own results. Here the class ProxyLookup comes into the play.
    9.58 +<p>
    9.59 +You simply create a new lookup like this:
    9.60 +
    9.61 +<pre>
    9.62 +    <font class="keyword">import</FONT> org.openide.util.Lookup;
    9.63 +    <font class="keyword">import</FONT> org.openide.util.lookup.*;
    9.64 +
    9.65 +    <font class="type">Lookup</font> <font class="variable-name">lookup1</font> = ...;
    9.66 +
    9.67 +    <font class="type">Lookup</font> <font class="variable-name">lookup2</font> = Lookups.singleton(MyService.<font class="keyword">class</font>);
    9.68 +    <font class="keyword">return</font> <font class="keyword">new</font> <font class="type">ProxyLookup</font>(<font class="keyword">new</font> <font class="type">Lookup</font>[] { lookup, lookup2 });
    9.69 +</pre>
    9.70 +
    9.71 +<H2> AbstractLookup </H2>
    9.72 +<!-- This paragraph originally copied from
    9.73 +@TOP@org/openide/doc-files/services-api.html#lookup-impl
    9.74 +-->
    9.75 +
    9.76 +<p>The most powerful way to provide a lookup is to directly define
    9.77 +what instances and items it should provide, by subclassing. For this,
    9.78 +
    9.79 +<a href="@TOP@org/openide/util/lookup/AbstractLookup.html"><code>AbstractLookup</code></a>
    9.80 +
    9.81 +is recommended as it is easiest to use.
    9.82 +
    9.83 +<p>The simplest way to use <code>AbstractLookup</code> is to use its
    9.84 +public constructor (in which case you need not subclass it). Here you
    9.85 +provide an
    9.86 +
    9.87 +<a href="@TOP@org/openide/util/lookup/AbstractLookup.Content.html"><code>AbstractLookup.Content</code></a>
    9.88 +
    9.89 +object which you have created and hold on to privately, and which
    9.90 +keeps track of instances and permits them to be registered and
    9.91 +deregistered. Often
    9.92 +
    9.93 +<a href="@TOP@org/openide/util/lookup/InstanceContent.html"><code>InstanceContent</code></a>
    9.94 +
    9.95 +is used as the content implementation. To add something to the lookup,
    9.96 +simply use
    9.97 +
    9.98 +<a href="@TOP@org/openide/util/lookup/InstanceContent.html#add(java.lang.Object)"><code>add(Object)</code></a>
    9.99 +
   9.100 +(and <code>remove(Object)</code> for the reverse). These may be called
   9.101 +at any time and will update the set of registered instances (firing
   9.102 +result changes as needed).
   9.103 +
   9.104 +<pre>
   9.105 +    <font class="keyword">import</FONT> org.openide.util.lookup.*;
   9.106 +    <font class="type">InstanceContent</font> <font class="variable-name">ic</font> = <font class="keyword">new</font> <font class="type">InstanceContent</font> ();
   9.107 +    ic.add(firstObject);
   9.108 +    <font class="keyword">return</font> <font class="keyword">new</font> <font class="type">AbstractLookup</font> (ic);
   9.109 +</pre>
   9.110 +
   9.111 +<p>In case it is expensive to actually compute the object in the
   9.112 +lookup, but there is some cheap "key" which can easily generate it,
   9.113 +you may instead register the key by passing in an
   9.114 +
   9.115 +<a href="@TOP@org/openide/util/lookup/InstanceContent.Convertor.html"><code>InstanceContent.Convertor</code></a>.
   9.116 +
   9.117 +This convertor translates the key to the real instance that the lookup
   9.118 +client sees, if and when needed. For example, if you have a long list
   9.119 +of class names and wish to register default instances of each class,
   9.120 +you might actually register the class name as the key, and supply a
   9.121 +convertor which really loads the class and instantiates it. This makes
   9.122 +it easy to set up the lookup, but nothing is really loaded until
   9.123 +someone asks for it.
   9.124 +
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    10.5  A set of
    10.7 -<a href="doc-files/api.html">utility classes</a>
    10.8 +<a href="@TOP@/org/openide/util/doc-files/api.html">utility classes</a>
   10.10  covering a few general infrastructure points in the Open APIs.