#179668: JDK 6 cleanup, modules N-Z.
authorJesse Glick <jglick@netbeans.org>
Wed, 20 Jan 2010 17:59:42 -0500
changeset 966c08236dd63c9
parent 965 a2ff5283c160
child 967 793a9628c24b
#179668: JDK 6 cleanup, modules N-Z.
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/openide.util/src/org/openide/util/WeakSet.java	Wed Jan 20 17:59:42 2010 -0500
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
     1.4 +/*
     1.6 + *
     1.7 + * Copyright 1997-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
     1.8 + *
     1.9 + * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
    1.10 + * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
    1.11 + * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
    1.12 + * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
    1.13 + * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
    1.14 + * http://www.netbeans.org/cddl-gplv2.html
    1.15 + * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
    1.16 + * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
    1.17 + * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
    1.18 + * Notice in each file and include the License file at
    1.19 + * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Sun designates this
    1.20 + * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
    1.21 + * by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
    1.22 + * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
    1.23 + * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
    1.24 + * your own identifying information:
    1.25 + * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
    1.26 + *
    1.27 + * Contributor(s):
    1.28 + *
    1.29 + * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
    1.30 + * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2006 Sun
    1.31 + * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    1.32 + *
    1.33 + * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
    1.34 + * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
    1.35 + * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
    1.36 + * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
    1.37 + * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
    1.38 + * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
    1.39 + * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
    1.40 + * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
    1.41 + * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
    1.42 + * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
    1.43 + */
    1.44 +
    1.45 +package org.openide.util;
    1.46 +
    1.47 +import java.io.IOException;
    1.48 +import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
    1.49 +import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
    1.50 +import java.io.Serializable;
    1.51 +import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
    1.52 +import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
    1.53 +import java.util.AbstractSet;
    1.54 +import java.util.ArrayList;
    1.55 +import java.util.Collection;
    1.56 +import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
    1.57 +import java.util.Iterator;
    1.58 +import java.util.logging.Level;
    1.59 +import java.util.logging.Logger;
    1.60 +
    1.61 +/** Set which holds its members by using of WeakReferences.
    1.62 +* MT level: unsafe.
    1.63 + * <p><strong>Note:</strong> you can instead use
    1.64 + * <pre>
    1.65 + * Set&lt;T&gt; s = Collections.newSetFromMap(new WeakHashMap&lt;T, Boolean&gt;());
    1.66 + * </pre>
    1.67 +*
    1.68 +* @author Ales Novak
    1.69 +*/
    1.70 +public class WeakSet<E> extends AbstractSet<E> implements Cloneable, Serializable {
    1.71 +    static final long serialVersionUID = 3062376055928236721L;
    1.72 +
    1.73 +    /** load factor */
    1.74 +    private float loadFactor;
    1.75 +
    1.76 +    /** Number of items. */
    1.77 +    private int size;
    1.78 +
    1.79 +    /** Modification count */
    1.80 +    private long modcount;
    1.81 +
    1.82 +    /** Reference queue of collected weak refs */
    1.83 +    private transient ReferenceQueue<E> refq;
    1.84 +
    1.85 +    /** Count of <tt>null</tt> in this set */
    1.86 +    long nullCount;
    1.87 +
    1.88 +    /** An array of Entries */
    1.89 +    private transient Entry<E>[] entries;
    1.90 +    transient Entry<E> iterChain;
    1.91 +
    1.92 +    /** Constructs a new set. */
    1.93 +    public WeakSet() {
    1.94 +        this(11, 0.75f);
    1.95 +    }
    1.96 +
    1.97 +    /** Constructs a new set containing the elements in the specified collection.
    1.98 +    * @param c a collection to add
    1.99 +    */
   1.100 +    public WeakSet(Collection<? extends E> c) {
   1.101 +        this();
   1.102 +        addAll(c);
   1.103 +    }
   1.104 +
   1.105 +    /** Constructs a new, empty set;
   1.106 +    * @param initialCapacity initial capacity
   1.107 +    */
   1.108 +    public WeakSet(int initialCapacity) {
   1.109 +        this(initialCapacity, 0.75f);
   1.110 +    }
   1.111 +
   1.112 +    /** Constructs a new, empty set;
   1.113 +    *
   1.114 +    * @param initialCapacity initial capacity
   1.115 +    * @param loadFactor load factor
   1.116 +    */
   1.117 +    public WeakSet(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) {
   1.118 +        if ((initialCapacity <= 0) || (loadFactor <= 0)) {
   1.119 +            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
   1.120 +        }
   1.121 +
   1.122 +        size = 0;
   1.123 +        modcount = 0;
   1.124 +        this.loadFactor = loadFactor;
   1.125 +        nullCount = 0;
   1.126 +        refq = new ReferenceQueue<E>();
   1.127 +        entries = Entry.createArray(initialCapacity);
   1.128 +        iterChain = null;
   1.129 +    }
   1.130 +    
   1.131 +    /**
   1.132 +     * logs iterator chain (for debugging)
   1.133 +     * @param msg
   1.134 +     */
   1.135 +    void logIterChain(String msg) {
   1.136 +        Logger log = Logger.getLogger(WeakSet.class.getName());
   1.137 +        log.log(Level.FINE, msg);
   1.138 +        if (iterChain == null) {
   1.139 +            log.log(Level.FINE, "Empty");
   1.140 +            return;
   1.141 +        }
   1.142 +        StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
   1.143 +        Entry<E> it = iterChain;
   1.144 +        str.append(size + ": ");
   1.145 +        while (it != null) {
   1.146 +            str.append(it.get() + "(" + it.hashcode + ")" + "->");
   1.147 +            it = it.iterChainNext;
   1.148 +        }
   1.149 +        log.log(Level.FINE, str.toString());
   1.150 +    }
   1.151 +    
   1.152 +    /** Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already present.
   1.153 +    *
   1.154 +    * @param o an Object to add
   1.155 +    */
   1.156 +    public boolean add(E o) {
   1.157 +        if (o == null) {
   1.158 +            size++;
   1.159 +            nullCount++;
   1.160 +            modcount++;
   1.161 +
   1.162 +            return true;
   1.163 +        }
   1.164 +
   1.165 +        Entry e = object2Entry(o);
   1.166 +
   1.167 +        if (e != null) {
   1.168 +            return false;
   1.169 +        }
   1.170 +
   1.171 +        modcount++;
   1.172 +        size++;
   1.173 +
   1.174 +        int hash = hashIt(o);
   1.175 +        Entry<E> next = entries[hash];
   1.176 +        iterChain = entries[hash] = new Entry<E>(this, o, refq, next, iterChain);
   1.177 +        rehash();
   1.178 +
   1.179 +        return true;
   1.180 +    }
   1.181 +
   1.182 +    /** Removes all of the elements from this set. */
   1.183 +    public void clear() {
   1.184 +        for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
   1.185 +            entries[i] = null;
   1.186 +        }
   1.187 +
   1.188 +        nullCount = 0;
   1.189 +        modcount++;
   1.190 +        size = 0;
   1.191 +        iterChain = null;
   1.192 +    }
   1.193 +
   1.194 +    /** Returns a shallow copy of this WeakSet instance: the elements themselves are not cloned. */
   1.195 +    public Object clone() {
   1.196 +        WeakSet<E> nws = new WeakSet<E>(1, loadFactor);
   1.197 +        nws.size = size;
   1.198 +        nws.nullCount = nullCount;
   1.199 +
   1.200 +        Entry<E>[] cloned = Entry.createArray(entries.length);
   1.201 +        nws.entries = cloned;
   1.202 +
   1.203 +        for (int i = 0; i < cloned.length; i++) {
   1.204 +            Object ref;
   1.205 +
   1.206 +            if ((entries[i] == null) || ((ref = entries[i].get()) == null)) {
   1.207 +                cloned[i] = null;
   1.208 +            } else {
   1.209 +                cloned[i] = ((entries[i] == null) ? null : entries[i].clone(nws.refq));
   1.210 +                ref = null;
   1.211 +            }
   1.212 +
   1.213 +            // chains into nws iterator chain
   1.214 +            Entry<E> entry = cloned[i];
   1.215 +
   1.216 +            while (entry != null) {
   1.217 +                entry.chainIntoIter(nws.iterChain);
   1.218 +                nws.iterChain = entry;
   1.219 +                entry = entry.next;
   1.220 +            }
   1.221 +        }
   1.222 +
   1.223 +        return nws;
   1.224 +    }
   1.225 +
   1.226 +    /** Returns true if this set contains the specified element.
   1.227 +    *
   1.228 +    * @param o an Object to examine
   1.229 +    */
   1.230 +    public boolean contains(Object o) {
   1.231 +        if (o == null) {
   1.232 +            return nullCount > 0;
   1.233 +        }
   1.234 +
   1.235 +        return object2Entry(o) != null;
   1.236 +    }
   1.237 +
   1.238 +    /** Returns true if this set contains no elements.
   1.239 +    */
   1.240 +    public boolean isEmpty() {
   1.241 +        return ((nullCount == 0) && (size() == 0));
   1.242 +    }
   1.243 +
   1.244 +    /** Returns an iterator over the elements in this set. */
   1.245 +    public Iterator<E> iterator() {
   1.246 +        return new WeakSetIterator();
   1.247 +    }
   1.248 +
   1.249 +    /** Removes the given element from this set if it is present.
   1.250 +    *
   1.251 +    * @param o an Object to remove
   1.252 +    * @return <tt>true</tt> if and only if the Object was successfuly removed.
   1.253 +    */
   1.254 +    public boolean remove(Object o) {
   1.255 +        if (o == null) {
   1.256 +            if (nullCount > 0) {
   1.257 +                nullCount--;
   1.258 +                modcount++;
   1.259 +                size--;
   1.260 +            }
   1.261 +
   1.262 +            return true;
   1.263 +        }
   1.264 +
   1.265 +        Entry e = object2Entry(o);
   1.266 +
   1.267 +        if (e != null) {
   1.268 +            modcount++;
   1.269 +            size--;
   1.270 +            e.remove();
   1.271 +            rehash();
   1.272 +
   1.273 +            return true;
   1.274 +        }
   1.275 +
   1.276 +        return false;
   1.277 +    }
   1.278 +
   1.279 +    /** @return the number of elements in this set (its cardinality). */
   1.280 +    public int size() {
   1.281 +        checkRefQueue();
   1.282 +
   1.283 +        return size;
   1.284 +    }
   1.285 +
   1.286 +    public <T> T[] toArray(T[] array) {
   1.287 +        ArrayList<E> list = new ArrayList<E>(array.length);
   1.288 +        Iterator<E> it = iterator();
   1.289 +
   1.290 +        while (it.hasNext()) {
   1.291 +            list.add(it.next());
   1.292 +        }
   1.293 +
   1.294 +        return list.toArray(array);
   1.295 +    }
   1.296 +
   1.297 +    public Object[] toArray() {
   1.298 +        ArrayList<E> list = new ArrayList<E>();
   1.299 +        Iterator<E> it = iterator();
   1.300 +
   1.301 +        while (it.hasNext()) {
   1.302 +            list.add(it.next());
   1.303 +        }
   1.304 +
   1.305 +        return list.toArray();
   1.306 +    }
   1.307 +
   1.308 +    // #14772
   1.309 +    public String toString() {
   1.310 +        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
   1.311 +        Iterator e = iterator();
   1.312 +        buf.append("[");
   1.313 +
   1.314 +        while (e.hasNext()) {
   1.315 +            buf.append(String.valueOf(e.next()));
   1.316 +
   1.317 +            if (e.hasNext()) {
   1.318 +                buf.append(", ");
   1.319 +            }
   1.320 +        }
   1.321 +
   1.322 +        buf.append("]");
   1.323 +
   1.324 +        return buf.toString();
   1.325 +    }
   1.326 +
   1.327 +    /** Checks if the queue is empty if not pending weak refs are removed. */
   1.328 +    void checkRefQueue() {
   1.329 +        for (;;) {
   1.330 +            Entry entry = Entry.class.cast(refq.poll());
   1.331 +
   1.332 +            if (entry == null) {
   1.333 +                break;
   1.334 +            }
   1.335 +
   1.336 +            entry.remove();
   1.337 +            size--;
   1.338 +        }
   1.339 +    }
   1.340 +
   1.341 +    /** @return modcount */
   1.342 +    long modCount() {
   1.343 +        return modcount;
   1.344 +    }
   1.345 +
   1.346 +    /** @return an index to entries array */
   1.347 +    int hashIt(Object o) {
   1.348 +        return (o.hashCode() & 0x7fffffff) % entries.length;
   1.349 +    }
   1.350 +
   1.351 +    /** rehashes this Set */
   1.352 +    void rehash() {
   1.353 +        /*
   1.354 +        float currentLF = ((float) size) / ((float) entries.length);
   1.355 +        if (currentLF < loadFactor) {
   1.356 +          return;
   1.357 +        }
   1.358 +        */
   1.359 +    }
   1.360 +
   1.361 +    /** @return an Entry with given object */
   1.362 +    private Entry object2Entry(Object o) {
   1.363 +        checkRefQueue(); // clear ref q
   1.364 +
   1.365 +        int hash = hashIt(o);
   1.366 +        Entry e = entries[hash];
   1.367 +
   1.368 +        if (e == null) {
   1.369 +            return null;
   1.370 +        }
   1.371 +
   1.372 +        while ((e != null) && !e.equals(o)) {
   1.373 +            e = e.next;
   1.374 +        }
   1.375 +
   1.376 +        return e;
   1.377 +    }
   1.378 +
   1.379 +    private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream obtos)
   1.380 +    throws IOException {
   1.381 +        obtos.defaultWriteObject();
   1.382 +        obtos.writeObject(toArray());
   1.383 +    }
   1.384 +
   1.385 +    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
   1.386 +    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream obtis) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
   1.387 +        obtis.defaultReadObject();
   1.388 +
   1.389 +        Object[] arr = (Object[]) obtis.readObject();
   1.390 +        entries = new Entry[(int) (size * 1.5)];
   1.391 +        refq = new ReferenceQueue<E>();
   1.392 +
   1.393 +        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
   1.394 +            add((E)arr[i]);
   1.395 +        }
   1.396 +    }
   1.397 +
   1.398 +    class WeakSetIterator implements Iterator<E> {
   1.399 +        Entry<E> current;
   1.400 +        Entry<E> next;
   1.401 +        E currentObj;
   1.402 +        E nextObj;
   1.403 +        final long myModcount;
   1.404 +        long myNullCount;
   1.405 +
   1.406 +        WeakSetIterator() {
   1.407 +            myModcount = modCount();
   1.408 +            myNullCount = nullCount;
   1.409 +            current = null;
   1.410 +            next = null;
   1.411 +
   1.412 +            Entry<E> ee = iterChain;
   1.413 +
   1.414 +            if (ee == null) {
   1.415 +                return;
   1.416 +            }
   1.417 +
   1.418 +            E o = ee.get();
   1.419 +
   1.420 +            while (ee.isEnqueued()) {
   1.421 +                ee = ee.iterChainNext;
   1.422 +
   1.423 +                if (ee == null) {
   1.424 +                    return;
   1.425 +                }
   1.426 +
   1.427 +                o = ee.get();
   1.428 +            }
   1.429 +
   1.430 +            nextObj = o;
   1.431 +            next = ee;
   1.432 +        }
   1.433 +
   1.434 +        public boolean hasNext() {
   1.435 +            checkModcount();
   1.436 +
   1.437 +            return ((myNullCount > 0) || (next != null));
   1.438 +        }
   1.439 +
   1.440 +        public E next() {
   1.441 +            checkModcount();
   1.442 +            checkRefQueue();
   1.443 +
   1.444 +            if (myNullCount > 0) {
   1.445 +                myNullCount--;
   1.446 +
   1.447 +                return null;
   1.448 +            } else {
   1.449 +                if (next == null) {
   1.450 +                    throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException();
   1.451 +                }
   1.452 +
   1.453 +                current = next;
   1.454 +                currentObj = nextObj;
   1.455 +
   1.456 +                // move to next requested
   1.457 +                do {
   1.458 +                    next = next.iterChainNext;
   1.459 +
   1.460 +                    if (next == null) {
   1.461 +                        break;
   1.462 +                    }
   1.463 +
   1.464 +                    nextObj = next.get();
   1.465 +                } while (next.isEnqueued());
   1.466 +
   1.467 +                return currentObj;
   1.468 +            }
   1.469 +        }
   1.470 +
   1.471 +        public void remove() {
   1.472 +            checkModcount();
   1.473 +
   1.474 +            if (current == null) {
   1.475 +                throw new IllegalStateException();
   1.476 +            }
   1.477 +
   1.478 +            current.remove();
   1.479 +            size--;
   1.480 +        }
   1.481 +
   1.482 +        void checkModcount() {
   1.483 +            if (myModcount != modCount()) {
   1.484 +                throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
   1.485 +            }
   1.486 +        }
   1.487 +    }
   1.488 +
   1.489 +    /** Entries of this set */
   1.490 +    static class Entry<E> extends WeakReference<E> {
   1.491 +        /** reference to outer WeakSet */
   1.492 +        private WeakSet<E> set;
   1.493 +
   1.494 +        // double linked list
   1.495 +        Entry<E> prev;
   1.496 +        Entry<E> next;
   1.497 +        private final int hashcode;
   1.498 +        Entry<E> iterChainNext;
   1.499 +        Entry<E> iterChainPrev;
   1.500 +
   1.501 +        Entry(WeakSet<E> set, E referenced, ReferenceQueue<E> q, Entry<E> next, Entry<E> nextInIter) {
   1.502 +            super(referenced, q);
   1.503 +            this.set = set;
   1.504 +
   1.505 +            this.next = next;
   1.506 +            this.prev = null;
   1.507 +
   1.508 +            if (next != null) {
   1.509 +                next.prev = this;
   1.510 +            }
   1.511 +
   1.512 +            if (referenced != null) {
   1.513 +                hashcode = set.hashIt(referenced);
   1.514 +            } else {
   1.515 +                hashcode = 0;
   1.516 +            }
   1.517 +
   1.518 +            chainIntoIter(nextInIter);
   1.519 +        }
   1.520 +
   1.521 +        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
   1.522 +        static final <E> Entry<E>[] createArray(int size) {
   1.523 +            return new Entry[size];
   1.524 +        }
   1.525 +
   1.526 +        void chainIntoIter(Entry<E> nextInIter) {
   1.527 +            iterChainNext = nextInIter;
   1.528 +
   1.529 +            if (nextInIter != null) {
   1.530 +                nextInIter.iterChainPrev = this;
   1.531 +            }
   1.532 +        }
   1.533 +
   1.534 +        /** deques itself */
   1.535 +        void remove() {
   1.536 +            if (prev != null) {
   1.537 +                prev.next = next;
   1.538 +            }
   1.539 +
   1.540 +            if (next != null) {
   1.541 +                next.prev = prev;
   1.542 +            }
   1.543 +
   1.544 +            if (iterChainNext != null) {
   1.545 +                iterChainNext.iterChainPrev = iterChainPrev;
   1.546 +            }
   1.547 +
   1.548 +            if (iterChainPrev != null) {
   1.549 +                iterChainPrev.iterChainNext = iterChainNext;
   1.550 +            } else { // root
   1.551 +                set.iterChain = iterChainNext;
   1.552 +            }
   1.553 +
   1.554 +            if (set.entries[hashcode] == this) {
   1.555 +                set.entries[hashcode] = next;
   1.556 +            }
   1.557 +
   1.558 +            prev = null;
   1.559 +            next = null;
   1.560 +            iterChainNext = null;
   1.561 +            iterChainPrev = null;
   1.562 +        }
   1.563 +
   1.564 +        public int hashCode() {
   1.565 +            return hashcode;
   1.566 +        }
   1.567 +
   1.568 +        public boolean equals(Object o) {
   1.569 +            Object oo = get();
   1.570 +
   1.571 +            if (oo == null) {
   1.572 +                return false;
   1.573 +            } else {
   1.574 +                return oo.equals(o);
   1.575 +            }
   1.576 +        }
   1.577 +
   1.578 +        public Entry<E> clone(ReferenceQueue<E> q) {
   1.579 +            return new Entry<E>(set, get(), q, next != null ? next.clone(q) : null, null);
   1.580 +        }
   1.581 +    }
   1.582 +}
     2.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/openide.util/test/unit/src/org/openide/util/UtilitiesTest.java	Wed Jan 20 17:59:42 2010 -0500
     2.3 @@ -0,0 +1,643 @@
     2.4 +/*
     2.6 + *
     2.7 + * Copyright 1997-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
     2.8 + *
     2.9 + * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
    2.10 + * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
    2.11 + * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
    2.12 + * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
    2.13 + * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
    2.14 + * http://www.netbeans.org/cddl-gplv2.html
    2.15 + * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
    2.16 + * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
    2.17 + * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
    2.18 + * Notice in each file and include the License file at
    2.19 + * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Sun designates this
    2.20 + * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
    2.21 + * by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
    2.22 + * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
    2.23 + * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
    2.24 + * your own identifying information:
    2.25 + * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
    2.26 + *
    2.27 + * Contributor(s):
    2.28 + *
    2.29 + * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
    2.30 + * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2006 Sun
    2.31 + * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    2.32 + *
    2.33 + * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
    2.34 + * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
    2.35 + * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
    2.36 + * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
    2.37 + * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
    2.38 + * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
    2.39 + * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
    2.40 + * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
    2.41 + * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
    2.42 + * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
    2.43 + */
    2.44 +
    2.45 +package org.openide.util;
    2.46 +
    2.47 +import java.awt.Button;
    2.48 +import java.awt.Canvas;
    2.49 +import java.awt.Checkbox;
    2.50 +import java.awt.CheckboxMenuItem;
    2.51 +import java.awt.Choice;
    2.52 +import java.awt.Component;
    2.53 +import java.awt.Cursor;
    2.54 +import java.awt.Desktop;
    2.55 +import java.awt.Dialog;
    2.56 +import java.awt.Dialog.ModalExclusionType;
    2.57 +import java.awt.Dialog.ModalityType;
    2.58 +import java.awt.Dimension;
    2.59 +import java.awt.EventQueue;
    2.60 +import java.awt.FileDialog;
    2.61 +import java.awt.Font;
    2.62 +import java.awt.FontMetrics;
    2.63 +import java.awt.Frame;
    2.64 +import java.awt.HeadlessException;
    2.65 +import java.awt.Image;
    2.66 +import java.awt.Label;
    2.67 +import java.awt.Menu;
    2.68 +import java.awt.MenuBar;
    2.69 +import java.awt.MenuItem;
    2.70 +import java.awt.Panel;
    2.71 +import java.awt.Point;
    2.72 +import java.awt.PopupMenu;
    2.73 +import java.awt.PrintJob;
    2.74 +import java.awt.ScrollPane;
    2.75 +import java.awt.Scrollbar;
    2.76 +import java.awt.TextArea;
    2.77 +import java.awt.TextField;
    2.78 +import java.awt.Toolkit;
    2.79 +import java.awt.Window;
    2.80 +import java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard;
    2.81 +import java.awt.dnd.DragGestureEvent;
    2.82 +import java.awt.dnd.InvalidDnDOperationException;
    2.83 +import java.awt.dnd.peer.DragSourceContextPeer;
    2.84 +import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    2.85 +import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    2.86 +import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
    2.87 +import java.awt.im.InputMethodHighlight;
    2.88 +import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    2.89 +import java.awt.image.ColorModel;
    2.90 +import java.awt.image.ImageObserver;
    2.91 +import java.awt.image.ImageProducer;
    2.92 +import java.awt.peer.ButtonPeer;
    2.93 +import java.awt.peer.CanvasPeer;
    2.94 +import java.awt.peer.CheckboxMenuItemPeer;
    2.95 +import java.awt.peer.CheckboxPeer;
    2.96 +import java.awt.peer.ChoicePeer;
    2.97 +import java.awt.peer.DesktopPeer;
    2.98 +import java.awt.peer.DialogPeer;
    2.99 +import java.awt.peer.FileDialogPeer;
   2.100 +import java.awt.peer.FontPeer;
   2.101 +import java.awt.peer.FramePeer;
   2.102 +import java.awt.peer.LabelPeer;
   2.103 +import java.awt.peer.ListPeer;
   2.104 +import java.awt.peer.MenuBarPeer;
   2.105 +import java.awt.peer.MenuItemPeer;
   2.106 +import java.awt.peer.MenuPeer;
   2.107 +import java.awt.peer.PanelPeer;
   2.108 +import java.awt.peer.PopupMenuPeer;
   2.109 +import java.awt.peer.ScrollPanePeer;
   2.110 +import java.awt.peer.ScrollbarPeer;
   2.111 +import java.awt.peer.TextAreaPeer;
   2.112 +import java.awt.peer.TextFieldPeer;
   2.113 +import java.awt.peer.WindowPeer;
   2.114 +import java.io.File;
   2.115 +import java.net.URL;
   2.116 +import java.util.ArrayList;
   2.117 +import java.util.Arrays;
   2.118 +import java.util.List;
   2.119 +import java.util.Locale;
   2.120 +import java.util.Map;
   2.121 +import java.util.Properties;
   2.122 +import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
   2.123 +import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
   2.124 +import javax.swing.AbstractButton;
   2.125 +import javax.swing.Action;
   2.126 +import javax.swing.JButton;
   2.127 +import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
   2.128 +import javax.swing.JPopupMenu;
   2.129 +import javax.swing.JSeparator;
   2.130 +import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
   2.131 +import junit.framework.Assert;
   2.132 +import org.netbeans.junit.MockServices;
   2.133 +import org.netbeans.junit.NbTestCase;
   2.134 +import org.netbeans.modules.openide.util.AWTBridge;
   2.135 +import org.netbeans.modules.openide.util.NamedServicesProvider;
   2.136 +import org.openide.util.actions.Presenter;
   2.137 +import org.openide.util.lookup.AbstractLookup;
   2.138 +import org.openide.util.lookup.InstanceContent;
   2.139 +import org.openide.util.lookup.Lookups;
   2.140 +import org.openide.util.test.MockLookup;
   2.141 +
   2.142 +/**
   2.143 + * @author Jiri Rechtacek et al.
   2.144 + */
   2.145 +public class UtilitiesTest extends NbTestCase {
   2.146 +
   2.147 +    public UtilitiesTest (String testName) {
   2.148 +        super (testName);
   2.149 +    }
   2.150 +    
   2.151 +    private String originalOsName;
   2.152 +
   2.153 +    @Override
   2.154 +    protected void setUp() throws Exception {
   2.155 +        super.setUp();
   2.156 +        Utilities.resetOperatingSystem ();
   2.157 +        originalOsName = System.getProperty("os.name");
   2.158 +    }
   2.159 +    
   2.160 +    @Override
   2.161 +    protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
   2.162 +        System.setProperty("os.name", originalOsName);
   2.163 +        super.tearDown();
   2.164 +    }
   2.165 +
   2.166 +    public void testGetOperatingSystemWinNT () {
   2.167 +        System.setProperty ("os.name", "Windows NT");
   2.168 +        //assertEquals ("System.getProperty (os.name) returns Windows NT", "Windows NT", System.getProperty ("os.name"));
   2.169 +        assertEquals ("Windows NT recognized as OS_WINNT", Utilities.OS_WINNT, Utilities.getOperatingSystem ());
   2.170 +    }
   2.171 +
   2.172 +    public void testGetOperatingSystemFreebsd () {
   2.173 +        System.setProperty ("os.name", "FreeBSD");
   2.174 +        assertEquals ("System.getProperty (os.name) returns FreeBSD", "FreeBSD", System.getProperty ("os.name"));
   2.175 +        assertEquals ("System.getProperty (os.name) returns freebsd", "freebsd", System.getProperty ("os.name").toLowerCase (Locale.US));
   2.176 +        assertEquals ("FreeBSD recognized as OS_FREEBSD", Utilities.OS_FREEBSD, Utilities.getOperatingSystem ());
   2.177 +    }
   2.178 +
   2.179 +    public void testGetOperatingSystemFreeBSDLowerCase () {
   2.180 +        System.setProperty ("os.name", "freebsd");
   2.181 +        assertEquals ("FreeBSD recognized as OS_FREEBSD", Utilities.OS_FREEBSD, Utilities.getOperatingSystem ());
   2.182 +    }
   2.183 +
   2.184 +    public void testGetUnknownOperatingSystem () {
   2.185 +        System.setProperty ("os.name", "Unknown");
   2.186 +        if (File.pathSeparatorChar == ':') {
   2.187 +            assertTrue("Unknown os.name should be recognized as Unix.", Utilities.isUnix());
   2.188 +        } else {
   2.189 +            assertEquals("Unknown os.name not OS_OTHER.", Utilities.OS_OTHER, Utilities.getOperatingSystem());
   2.190 +        }
   2.191 +    }
   2.192 +
   2.193 +    public void testWhatIsWinXP () {
   2.194 +        System.setProperty ("os.name", "Windows XP");
   2.195 +        assertTrue ("Windows XP isWindows", Utilities.isWindows ());
   2.196 +        assertFalse ("Windows XP not isUnix", Utilities.isUnix ());
   2.197 +    }
   2.198 +
   2.199 +    public void testWhatIsLinux () {
   2.200 +        System.setProperty ("os.name", "Linux");
   2.201 +        assertFalse ("Linux not isWindows", Utilities.isWindows ());
   2.202 +        assertTrue ("Linux isUnix", Utilities.isUnix ());
   2.203 +    }
   2.204 +
   2.205 +    public void testWhatIsMac () {
   2.206 +        System.setProperty ("os.name", "Mac OS X");
   2.207 +        assertFalse ("Mac not isWindows", Utilities.isWindows ());
   2.208 +        assertTrue ("Mac isMac", Utilities.isMac ());
   2.209 +    }
   2.210 +
   2.211 +    public void testWhatIsFreeBSD () {
   2.212 +        System.setProperty ("os.name", "freebsd");
   2.213 +        assertFalse ("freebsd is not isWindows", Utilities.isWindows ());
   2.214 +        assertTrue ("freebsd isUnix", Utilities.isUnix ());
   2.215 +    }
   2.216 +
   2.217 +    public void testCustomCursorNotSupported() {
   2.218 +        NoCustomCursorToolkit toolkit = new NoCustomCursorToolkit();
   2.219 +        CustomToolkitComponent c = new CustomToolkitComponent( toolkit );
   2.220 +        Image icon = new BufferedImage( 16, 16, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY );
   2.221 +        Cursor cursor = Utilities.createCustomCursor( c, icon, "junittest" );
   2.222 +        assertTrue( "fallback to wait cursor", Cursor.getPredefinedCursor( Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR ).equals( cursor ) );
   2.223 +        assertTrue( "getBestCursorSize was called", toolkit.getBestCursorSizeCalled );
   2.224 +        assertFalse( "no custom cursor created", toolkit.createCustomCursorCalled );
   2.225 +    }
   2.226 +
   2.227 +    public void testKeyConversions() throws Exception {
   2.228 +        assertEquals("CS-F1", Utilities.keyToString(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F1, KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK | KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK)));
   2.229 +        assertEquals(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_EQUALS, KeyEvent.ALT_MASK), Utilities.stringToKey("A-EQUALS"));
   2.230 +        // XXX stringToKeys, Mac support, various more exotic conditions...
   2.231 +    }
   2.232 +
   2.233 +    public void testKeyConversionsPortable() throws Exception {
   2.234 +        if (Utilities.isMac()) {
   2.235 +            assertEquals("SD-D", Utilities.keyToString(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_D, KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK | KeyEvent.META_MASK), true));
   2.236 +            assertEquals("SO-D", Utilities.keyToString(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_D, KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK | KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK), true));
   2.237 +            assertEquals("A-RIGHT", Utilities.keyToString(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT, KeyEvent.ALT_MASK), true));
   2.238 +        } else {
   2.239 +            assertEquals("SD-D", Utilities.keyToString(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_D, KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK | KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK), true));
   2.240 +            assertEquals("O-RIGHT", Utilities.keyToString(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT, KeyEvent.ALT_MASK), true));
   2.241 +        }
   2.242 +    }
   2.243 +
   2.244 +    public void testSpecialKeyworksOn14AsWell15 () throws Exception {
   2.245 +        KeyStroke ks = Utilities.stringToKey("C-CONTEXT_MENU");
   2.246 +        assertNotNull ("key stroke created", ks);
   2.247 +        KeyStroke alt = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(ks.getKeyCode(), KeyEvent.ALT_MASK);
   2.248 +        String s = Utilities.keyToString(alt);
   2.249 +        assertEquals ("Correctly converted", "A-CONTEXT_MENU", s);    
   2.250 +    }
   2.251 +    
   2.252 +    public void testSpecialKeyworksOn14AsWell15WithoutModificators () throws Exception {
   2.253 +        KeyStroke ks = Utilities.stringToKey("CONTEXT_MENU");
   2.254 +        assertNotNull ("key stroke created", ks);
   2.255 +        String s = Utilities.keyToString(ks);
   2.256 +        assertEquals ("Correctly converted", "CONTEXT_MENU", s);
   2.257 +    }
   2.258 +
   2.259 +    public void testActionsToPopupWithLookup() throws Exception {
   2.260 +        MockServices.setServices(AwtBridgeImpl.class);
   2.261 +        final List<String> commands = new ArrayList<String>();
   2.262 +        class BasicAction extends AbstractAction {
   2.263 +            public BasicAction(String name) {
   2.264 +                super(name);
   2.265 +            }
   2.266 +            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
   2.267 +                commands.add((String) getValue(Action.NAME));
   2.268 +            }
   2.269 +        }
   2.270 +        class ContextAction extends BasicAction implements ContextAwareAction {
   2.271 +            public ContextAction(String name) {
   2.272 +                super(name);
   2.273 +            }
   2.274 +            public Action createContextAwareInstance(final Lookup actionContext) {
   2.275 +                return new AbstractAction() {
   2.276 +                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
   2.277 +                        commands.add(ContextAction.this.getValue(Action.NAME) + "/" + actionContext.lookup(String.class));
   2.278 +                    }
   2.279 +                };
   2.280 +            }
   2.281 +        }
   2.282 +        class SpecialMenuAction extends BasicAction implements Presenter.Popup {
   2.283 +            public SpecialMenuAction(String name) {
   2.284 +                super(name);
   2.285 +            }
   2.286 +            public JMenuItem getPopupPresenter() {
   2.287 +                JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem((String) getValue(Action.NAME));
   2.288 +                item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
   2.289 +                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
   2.290 +                        commands.add(((String) getValue(Action.NAME)) + "/popup");
   2.291 +                    }
   2.292 +                });
   2.293 +                return item;
   2.294 +            }
   2.295 +        }
   2.296 +        Action duplicated = new BasicAction("duplicated");
   2.297 +        Action[] actions = new Action[] {
   2.298 +            null,
   2.299 +            null,
   2.300 +            new BasicAction("first"),
   2.301 +            duplicated,
   2.302 +            null,
   2.303 +            null,
   2.304 +            new BasicAction("second"),
   2.305 +            duplicated,
   2.306 +            null,
   2.307 +            new ContextAction("context"),
   2.308 +            new SpecialMenuAction("presenter"),
   2.309 +            null,
   2.310 +            new BasicAction("top"),
   2.311 +            new BasicAction("HIDDEN"),
   2.312 +            null,
   2.313 +            new BasicAction("bottom"),
   2.314 +            null,
   2.315 +            null,
   2.316 +        };
   2.317 +        Lookup l = Lookups.singleton("thing");
   2.318 +        JPopupMenu menu = Utilities.actionsToPopup(actions, l);
   2.319 +        for (Component element : menu.getComponents()) { // including separators
   2.320 +            if (element instanceof AbstractButton) {
   2.321 +                ((AbstractButton) element).doClick();
   2.322 +            } else {
   2.323 +                commands.add(null);
   2.324 +            }
   2.325 +        }
   2.326 +        String[] expectedCommands = new String[] {
   2.327 +            // leading separators must be stripped
   2.328 +            "first",
   2.329 +            "duplicated",
   2.330 +            null, // adjacent separators must be collapsed
   2.331 +            "second",
   2.332 +            // do not add the same action twice
   2.333 +            null,
   2.334 +            "context/thing", // ContextAwareAction was checked for
   2.335 +            "presenter/popup", // Presenter.Popup was checked for
   2.336 +            null,
   2.337 +            "top",
   2.338 +            // exclude HIDDEN because of AwtBridgeImpl.convertComponents
   2.339 +            // separator should however remain
   2.340 +            null,
   2.341 +            "bottom",
   2.342 +            // trailing separators must be stripped
   2.343 +        };
   2.344 +        assertEquals("correct generated menu", Arrays.asList(expectedCommands), commands);
   2.345 +    }
   2.346 +
   2.347 +    public void testActionsForPath() throws Exception {
   2.348 +        MockLookup.setInstances(new NamedServicesProvider() {
   2.349 +            public Lookup create(String path) {
   2.350 +                if (!path.equals("stuff/")) {
   2.351 +                    return Lookup.EMPTY;
   2.352 +                }
   2.353 +                InstanceContent content = new InstanceContent();
   2.354 +                InstanceContent.Convertor<String,Action> actionConvertor = new InstanceContent.Convertor<String,Action>() {
   2.355 +                    public Action convert(final String obj) {
   2.356 +                        return new AbstractAction() {
   2.357 +                            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {}
   2.358 +                            public @Override String toString() {
   2.359 +                                return obj;
   2.360 +                            }
   2.361 +
   2.362 +                        };
   2.363 +                    }
   2.364 +                    public Class<? extends Action> type(String obj) {
   2.365 +                        return AbstractAction.class;
   2.366 +                    }
   2.367 +                    public String id(String obj) {
   2.368 +                        return obj;
   2.369 +                    }
   2.370 +                    public String displayName(String obj) {
   2.371 +                        return id(obj);
   2.372 +                    }
   2.373 +                };
   2.374 +                InstanceContent.Convertor<Boolean,JSeparator> separatorConvertor = new InstanceContent.Convertor<Boolean,JSeparator>() {
   2.375 +                    public JSeparator convert(Boolean obj) {
   2.376 +                        Assert.fail("should not be creating the JSeparator yet");
   2.377 +                        return new JSeparator();
   2.378 +                    }
   2.379 +                    public Class<? extends JSeparator> type(Boolean obj) {
   2.380 +                        return JSeparator.class;
   2.381 +                    }
   2.382 +                    public String id(Boolean obj) {
   2.383 +                        return "sep";
   2.384 +                    }
   2.385 +                    public String displayName(Boolean obj) {
   2.386 +                        return id(obj);
   2.387 +                    }
   2.388 +                };
   2.389 +                content.add("hello", actionConvertor);
   2.390 +                content.add(true, separatorConvertor);
   2.391 +                content.add("there", actionConvertor);
   2.392 +                return new AbstractLookup(content);
   2.393 +            }
   2.394 +        });
   2.395 +        // #156829: ensure that no tree lock is acquired.
   2.396 +        final Semaphore ready = new Semaphore(0);
   2.397 +        final Semaphore done = new Semaphore(0);
   2.398 +        EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
   2.399 +            public void run() {
   2.400 +                synchronized (new JSeparator().getTreeLock()) {
   2.401 +                    ready.release();
   2.402 +                    try {
   2.403 +                        done.acquire();
   2.404 +                    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
   2.405 +                        Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
   2.406 +                    }
   2.407 +                }
   2.408 +            }
   2.409 +        });
   2.410 +        ready.acquire();
   2.411 +        try {
   2.412 +            assertEquals("[hello, null, there]", Utilities.actionsForPath("stuff").toString());
   2.413 +        } finally {
   2.414 +            done.release();
   2.415 +        }
   2.416 +    }
   2.417 +
   2.418 +    private static class CustomToolkitComponent extends Component {
   2.419 +        private Toolkit customToolkit;
   2.420 +        
   2.421 +        public CustomToolkitComponent( Toolkit t ) {
   2.422 +            this.customToolkit = t;
   2.423 +        }
   2.424 +        
   2.425 +        public Toolkit getToolkit() {
   2.426 +            return customToolkit;
   2.427 +        }
   2.428 +    }
   2.429 +    
   2.430 +    private static class NoCustomCursorToolkit extends Toolkit {
   2.431 +        public FontMetrics getFontMetrics(Font font) {
   2.432 +            return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getFontMetrics( font );
   2.433 +        }
   2.434 +
   2.435 +        protected TextFieldPeer createTextField(TextField target) throws HeadlessException {
   2.436 +            throw new IllegalStateException("Method not implemented");
   2.437 +        }
   2.438 +
   2.439 +        protected ListPeer createList(java.awt.List target) throws HeadlessException {
   2.440 +            throw new IllegalStateException("Method not implemented");
   2.441 +        }
   2.442 +
   2.443 +        protected MenuBarPeer createMenuBar(MenuBar target) throws HeadlessException {
   2.444 +            throw new IllegalStateException("Method not implemented");
   2.445 +        }
   2.446 +
   2.447 +        public DragSourceContextPeer createDragSourceContextPeer(DragGestureEvent dge) throws InvalidDnDOperationException {
   2.448 +            return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createDragSourceContextPeer( dge );
   2.449 +        }
   2.450 +
   2.451 +        public boolean prepareImage(Image image, int width, int height, ImageObserver observer) {
   2.452 +            return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().prepareImage( image, width, height, observer );
   2.453 +        }
   2.454 +
   2.455 +        public int checkImage(Image image, int width, int height, ImageObserver observer) {
   2.456 +            return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().checkImage( image, width, height, observer );
   2.457 +        }
   2.458 +
   2.459 +        protected PopupMenuPeer createPopupMenu(PopupMenu target) throws HeadlessException {
   2.460 +            throw new IllegalStateException("Method not implemented");
   2.461 +        }
   2.462 +
   2.463 +        public PrintJob getPrintJob(Frame frame, String jobtitle, Properties props) {
   2.464 +            return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getPrintJob( frame, jobtitle, props );
   2.465 +        }
   2.466 +
   2.467 +        protected ButtonPeer createButton(Button target) throws HeadlessException {
   2.468 +            throw new IllegalStateException("Method not implemented");
   2.469 +        }
   2.470 +
   2.471 +        public Image createImage(ImageProducer producer) {
   2.472 +            return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage( producer );
   2.473 +        }
   2.474 +
   2.475 +        protected CanvasPeer createCanvas(Canvas target) {
   2.476 +            throw new IllegalStateException("Method not implemented");
   2.477 +        }
   2.478 +
   2.479 +        protected ScrollbarPeer createScrollbar(Scrollbar target) throws HeadlessException {
   2.480 +            throw new IllegalStateException("Method not implemented");
   2.481 +        }
   2.482 +
   2.483 +        public Image getImage(String filename) {
   2.484 +            return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage( filename );
   2.485 +        }
   2.486 +
   2.487 +        public Image createImage(String filename) {
   2.488 +            return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage( filename );
   2.489 +        }
   2.490 +
   2.491 +        protected MenuPeer createMenu(Menu target) throws HeadlessException {
   2.492 +            throw new IllegalStateException("Method not implemented");
   2.493 +        }
   2.494 +
   2.495 +        protected MenuItemPeer createMenuItem(MenuItem target) throws HeadlessException {
   2.496 +            throw new IllegalStateException("Method not implemented");
   2.497 +        }
   2.498 +
   2.499 +        public Map mapInputMethodHighlight(InputMethodHighlight highlight) throws HeadlessException {
   2.500 +            return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().mapInputMethodHighlight( highlight );
   2.501 +        }
   2.502 +
   2.503 +        public Image createImage(byte[] imagedata, int imageoffset, int imagelength) {
   2.504 +            return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage( imagedata, imageoffset, imagelength );
   2.505 +        }
   2.506 +
   2.507 +        public Image getImage(URL url) {
   2.508 +            return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage( url );
   2.509 +        }
   2.510 +
   2.511 +        protected CheckboxPeer createCheckbox(Checkbox target) throws HeadlessException {
   2.512 +            throw new IllegalStateException("Method not implemented");
   2.513 +        }
   2.514 +
   2.515 +        public Image createImage(URL url) {
   2.516 +            return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage( url );
   2.517 +        }
   2.518 +
   2.519 +        protected TextAreaPeer createTextArea(TextArea target) throws HeadlessException {
   2.520 +            throw new IllegalStateException("Method not implemented");
   2.521 +        }
   2.522 +
   2.523 +        protected FileDialogPeer createFileDialog(FileDialog target) throws HeadlessException {
   2.524 +            throw new IllegalStateException("Method not implemented");
   2.525 +        }
   2.526 +
   2.527 +        protected ScrollPanePeer createScrollPane(ScrollPane target) throws HeadlessException {
   2.528 +            throw new IllegalStateException("Method not implemented");
   2.529 +        }
   2.530 +
   2.531 +        protected DialogPeer createDialog(Dialog target) throws HeadlessException {
   2.532 +            throw new IllegalStateException("Method not implemented");
   2.533 +        }
   2.534 +
   2.535 +        protected PanelPeer createPanel(Panel target) {
   2.536 +            throw new IllegalStateException("Method not implemented");
   2.537 +        }
   2.538 +
   2.539 +        protected ChoicePeer createChoice(Choice target) throws HeadlessException {
   2.540 +            throw new IllegalStateException("Method not implemented");
   2.541 +        }
   2.542 +
   2.543 +        protected FramePeer createFrame(Frame target) throws HeadlessException {
   2.544 +            throw new IllegalStateException("Method not implemented");
   2.545 +        }
   2.546 +
   2.547 +        protected LabelPeer createLabel(Label target) throws HeadlessException {
   2.548 +            throw new IllegalStateException("Method not implemented");
   2.549 +        }
   2.550 +
   2.551 +        protected FontPeer getFontPeer(String name, int style) {
   2.552 +            throw new IllegalStateException("Method not implemented");
   2.553 +        }
   2.554 +
   2.555 +        protected CheckboxMenuItemPeer createCheckboxMenuItem(CheckboxMenuItem target) throws HeadlessException {
   2.556 +            throw new IllegalStateException("Method not implemented");
   2.557 +        }
   2.558 +
   2.559 +        protected WindowPeer createWindow(Window target) throws HeadlessException {
   2.560 +            throw new IllegalStateException("Method not implemented");
   2.561 +        }
   2.562 +
   2.563 +        public void sync() {
   2.564 +            Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().sync();
   2.565 +        }
   2.566 +
   2.567 +        protected EventQueue getSystemEventQueueImpl() {
   2.568 +            return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemEventQueue();
   2.569 +        }
   2.570 +
   2.571 +        public Clipboard getSystemClipboard() throws HeadlessException {
   2.572 +            return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard();
   2.573 +        }
   2.574 +
   2.575 +        public Dimension getScreenSize() throws HeadlessException {
   2.576 +            return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
   2.577 +        }
   2.578 +
   2.579 +        public int getScreenResolution() throws HeadlessException {
   2.580 +            return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenResolution();
   2.581 +        }
   2.582 +
   2.583 +        public String[] getFontList() {
   2.584 +            return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getFontList();
   2.585 +        }
   2.586 +
   2.587 +        public ColorModel getColorModel() throws HeadlessException {
   2.588 +            return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getColorModel();
   2.589 +        }
   2.590 +
   2.591 +        public void beep() {
   2.592 +            Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep();
   2.593 +        }
   2.594 +
   2.595 +        boolean createCustomCursorCalled = false;
   2.596 +        public Cursor createCustomCursor(Image cursor, Point hotSpot, String name) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, HeadlessException {
   2.597 +
   2.598 +            createCustomCursorCalled = true;
   2.599 +            return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createCustomCursor(cursor, hotSpot, name);
   2.600 +        }
   2.601 +
   2.602 +        boolean getBestCursorSizeCalled = false;
   2.603 +        public Dimension getBestCursorSize(int preferredWidth, int preferredHeight) throws HeadlessException {
   2.604 +            getBestCursorSizeCalled = true;
   2.605 +            return new Dimension(0,0);
   2.606 +        }
   2.607 +
   2.608 +        @Override
   2.609 +        protected DesktopPeer createDesktopPeer(Desktop target) throws HeadlessException {
   2.610 +            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
   2.611 +        }
   2.612 +
   2.613 +        @Override
   2.614 +        public boolean isModalityTypeSupported(ModalityType modalityType) {
   2.615 +            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
   2.616 +        }
   2.617 +
   2.618 +        @Override
   2.619 +        public boolean isModalExclusionTypeSupported(ModalExclusionType modalExclusionType) {
   2.620 +            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
   2.621 +        }
   2.622 +    }
   2.623 +
   2.624 +    public static final class AwtBridgeImpl extends AWTBridge {
   2.625 +        public JPopupMenu createEmptyPopup() {
   2.626 +            return new JPopupMenu();
   2.627 +        }
   2.628 +        public JMenuItem createMenuPresenter(Action action) {
   2.629 +            return new JMenuItem(action);
   2.630 +        }
   2.631 +        public JMenuItem createPopupPresenter(Action action) {
   2.632 +            return new JMenuItem(action);
   2.633 +        }
   2.634 +        public Component createToolbarPresenter(Action action) {
   2.635 +            return new JButton(action);
   2.636 +        }
   2.637 +        public Component[] convertComponents(Component comp) {
   2.638 +            if (comp instanceof JMenuItem && "HIDDEN".equals(((JMenuItem) comp).getText())) {
   2.639 +                return new Component[0];
   2.640 +            } else {
   2.641 +                return new Component[] {comp};
   2.642 +            }
   2.643 +        }
   2.644 +    }
   2.645 +    
   2.646 +}