sigtest .sig files generated for all modules with some packages being public or friend. The sigtest generally complained a lot about 'hidden classes' - e.g. classes that are shown in a signature of a visible method, but are not itself visible at all. I have modified such methods to be package private. Some modules have tons of such APIs (especially library wrappers), for them I have disabled the check by adding Some modules causes the current version of sigtestdev.jar to fail with NPE, for them I have disabled the fail on error as well. The whole check can be executed with ant -f nbbuild/build.xml gen-sigtests -Dsigtest.jar=the_path_to_jar_that_jtulach_netbeans_org can sent you, as it does not seem to be opensourced yet webapi_public_112441_trunk_merge_1
Thu, 13 Sep 2007 07:59:50 +0000
changeset 295e5f7296c108f
parent 294 f23c5a077289
child 296 a0e5f61d56a2
sigtest .sig files generated for all modules with some packages being public or friend. The sigtest generally complained a lot about 'hidden classes' - e.g. classes that are shown in a signature of a visible method, but are not itself visible at all. I have modified such methods to be package private. Some modules have tons of such APIs (especially library wrappers), for them I have disabled the check by adding Some modules causes the current version of sigtestdev.jar to fail with NPE, for them I have disabled the fail on error as well. The whole check can be executed with ant -f nbbuild/build.xml gen-sigtests -Dsigtest.jar=the_path_to_jar_that_jtulach_netbeans_org can sent you, as it does not seem to be opensourced yet
     1.1 --- a/openide.util/nbproject/org-openide-util.sig	Tue Sep 11 19:27:23 2007 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/openide.util/nbproject/org-openide-util.sig	Thu Sep 13 07:59:50 2007 +0000
     1.3 @@ -891,6 +891,8 @@
     1.4  meth public final java.util.Set[] unsortableSets()
     1.5  meth public final void printStackTrace(
     1.6  meth public final void printStackTrace(
     1.7 +meth public java.lang.String getMessage()
     1.8 +meth public java.lang.String toString()
     1.9  supr java.lang.Exception
    1.10  hfds counter,dualGraph,edges,result,vertexes
    1.11  hcls Vertex