author Jesse Glick <>
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 14:34:57 -0400
changeset 4888 cd8e1523a70a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Converted to a suite.
     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     2 <!--
     3 *** GENERATED FROM project.xml - DO NOT EDIT  ***
     4 ***         EDIT ../build.xml INSTEAD         ***
     5 -->
     6 <project name="" basedir="..">
     7     <fail message="Please build using Ant 1.7.1 or higher.">
     8         <condition>
     9             <not>
    10                 <antversion atleast="1.7.1"/>
    11             </not>
    12         </condition>
    13     </fail>
    14     <property file="nbproject/private/"/>
    15     <property file="nbproject/"/>
    16     <fail unless="suite.dir">You must set 'suite.dir' to point to your containing module suite</fail>
    17     <property file="${suite.dir}/nbproject/private/"/>
    18     <property file="${suite.dir}/nbproject/"/>
    19     <macrodef name="property" uri="">
    20         <attribute name="name"/>
    21         <attribute name="value"/>
    22         <sequential>
    23             <property name="@{name}" value="${@{value}}"/>
    24         </sequential>
    25     </macrodef>
    26     <macrodef name="evalprops" uri="">
    27         <attribute name="property"/>
    28         <attribute name="value"/>
    29         <sequential>
    30             <property name="@{property}" value="@{value}"/>
    31         </sequential>
    32     </macrodef>
    33     <property file="${}"/>
    34     <nbmproject2:property name="harness.dir" value="nbplatform.${}.harness.dir" xmlns:nbmproject2=""/>
    35     <nbmproject2:property name="" value="nbplatform.${}.netbeans.dest.dir" xmlns:nbmproject2=""/>
    36     <nbmproject2:evalprops property="cluster.path.evaluated" value="${cluster.path}" xmlns:nbmproject2=""/>
    37     <fail message="Path to 'platform' cluster missing in $${cluster.path} property or using corrupt Netbeans Platform (missing harness).">
    38         <condition>
    39             <not>
    40                 <contains string="${cluster.path.evaluated}" substring="platform"/>
    41             </not>
    42         </condition>
    43     </fail>
    44     <import file="${harness.dir}/build.xml"/>
    45 </project>