author Rudolf Balada <>
Mon, 23 Jun 2008 17:15:13 +0200
changeset 4311 d5f6df7ecebb
parent 4309 9f1a200dd09f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added PatchesInfo reference into English files (fixed the original changeset 3ef588ff73ea)
     1 #
     2 # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development
     3 # and Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in
     4 # compliance with the License.
     5 # 
     6 # You can obtain a copy of the License at
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     9 # When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file
    10 # and include the License file at
    11 # If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header, with the fields
    12 # enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
    13 # "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
    14 # 
    15 # The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
    16 # Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun
    17 # Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    18 #
    20 OpenIDE-Module-Name=FILE WSDL Extension
    21 OpenIDE-Module-Short-Description=FILE extension for wsdl editor.
    22 OpenIDE-Module-Long-Description=For the list of included fixed bugs please check <A HREF=""></A> <BR> <BR> \
    23 This module provides file schema and plugs into wsdl editor.
    24 OpenIDE-Module-Display-Category=CAPS
    25 WSDLEditor/Binding/FileBinding= File Binding
    26 WSDLEditor/BindingOperation/FileBindingOperation= File Operation
    27 WSDLEditor/BindingOperationInput/FileBindingMessage= File Message
    28 WSDLEditor/BindingOperationOutput/FileBindingMessage=File Message
    29 WSDLEditor/BindingOperationFault/FileBindingOperationFault= File Operation Fault
    30 WSDLEditor/ServicePort/FileServicePort=File Address
    31 DESC_Element_binding="binding" indicates a file protocol based binding.
    32 DESC_ComplexType_tOperation="operation" defines the file protocol based operation binding details.
    33 DESC_Element_message=Defines the file transport based operation binding details.
    34 DESC_Attribute_fileType=Defines the file type of the input file.
    35 DESC_Attribute_fileName=Defines the file name relative to the specified directory to read from or write to. If fileNameIsPattern is not true, this attribute specifies an actual file name. Otherwise, this attribute specifies a pattern marker used for filtering input files from the directory, or a file name format to write to the directory; The supported patterns are: 1. <anyString>%d<anyString>.<anySuffix> where "%d" denotes an unique number for input and an one-up sequence number for output file names; 2. <anyString>%u<anyString>.<anySuffix> where %u denotes a wild card match for input and an UUID for output file names. 3.<anyString>%t<anyString>.<anySuffix> where %t denotes an unique timestamp for both input and out file names. The expected date format is yyyymmdd-HH-mm-ss-SSS. For input file names, the -HH-mm-ss-SSS part may be omitted if unique-ness is guaranteed. 4.<anyString>%{<seq_name>}<anyString>.<anySuffix> where %{<seq_name>} denotes an integer number in input file name or a one up sequence number persisted in a sequence file by name <seq_name> if it is for output file.
    36 DESC_Attribute_fileNameIsPattern=Indicates whether or not the fileName attribute designates a file name pattern.
    37 DESC_Attribute_pollingInterval=Defines the polling interval that File Binding Component searches for input files in the specified directory.  The polling interval is specified in milliseconds and has a default value of 1000ms. This attribute has no effect for writing.
    38 DESC_Attribute_part=Defines the reference to the abstract message part in the WSDL.
    39 DESC_Attribute_removeEOL=Defines whether or not end-of-line characters should be removed before processing. If multiple records are present, this attribute defines whether or not end-of-line characters should be removed for each record. This attribute has no effect for writing.
    40 DESC_Attribute_addEOL=Defines whether or not end-of-line characters should be appended to the outbound message. If multiple records are present, this attribute defines whether or not end-of-line characters should be appended to each record. This attribute has no effect for reading.
    41 DESC_Attribute_multipleRecordsPerFile=Defines whether or not the file to read from or write to the file system contains multiple records or should be considered a single payload.
    42 DESC_Attribute_maxBytesPerRecord=Defines the maximum number of bytes to be read per record. If only single record is present, this attribute defines the total number of bytes to be read. This attribute has no effect for writing.
    43 DESC_Attribute_recordDelimiter=Defines the record delimiter when multiple records are present. This value of this attribute is considered only if multipleRecordsPerFile is true. If no value is specified for this attribute but maxBytesPerRecord is defined when reading a file, it is assumed that each record is of fixed length with the length being the value defined for maxBytesPerRecord; Otherwise, the default record delimiter is line feed.
    44 DESC_Attribute_archive=Indicate if archive is required for processed (read) message, when true, processed message is archived, otherwise, it is removed, default is 'false'.
    45 DESC_Attribute_archiveDirectory=Directory where processed (read) message will be moved to, note, the message moved here is UUID tagged to avoid file name conflict in archive area, the value can be either an absolute or relative (relative to fileDirectory of <file:address>) directory, when left unspecified, 'archive' (relative to fileDirectory) is assumed.
    46 DESC_Attribute_archiveDirIsRelative=Indicate if archiveDirectory is relative to fileDirectory in <ftp:message>, default is 'true'.
    47 DESC_Attribute_protect=Indicate if overwrite protection is required for message write, when true, existing message will be moved to a directory before the current message is written, otherwise, existing message will be overwritten, default is 'false'.
    48 DESC_Attribute_protectDirectory=Directory where 'in the way' message will be moved to in order to avoid being overwritten by incoming message (with same file name), note, the message moved here is UUID tagged to avoid file name conflict in protect area, the value can be either an absolute or relative (relative to fileDirectory of <file:address>) directory, when left unspecified, 'protect' (relative to fileDirectory) is assumed.
    49 DESC_Attribute_protectDirIsRelative=Indicate if protectDirectory is relative to fileDirectory in <ftp:message>, default is 'true'.
    50 DESC_Attribute_stage=Indicate if staging is enabled for message write, i.e. the message is written to a staging area and moved to its destination when the complete message is written, default is 'false'.
    51 DESC_Attribute_stageDirectory=Directory for staging message write, note, the message moved here is UUID tagged to avoid being overwritten by other messages in staging area, the value can be either an absolute or relative (relative to fileDirectory of <file:address>) directory, when left unspecified, 'stage' (relative to fileDirectory) is assumed.
    52 DESC_Attribute_stageDirIsRelative=Indicate if stageDirectory is relative to fileDirectory in <ftp:message>, default is 'true'.
    53 DESC_Element_address="address" indicates a file protocol based service address.
    54 DESC_Attribute_fileDirectory=Defines the directory name where WSDL provisioner should read input files from, and where client should write files to.
    55 DESC_Attribute_relativePath=Defines whether the directory is a relative path.
    56 DESC_Attribute_pathRelativeTo=Defines what the fileDirectory is relative to. The root path is a standard Java system property that can be read from runtime JVM settings.
    57 DESC_Attribute_lockName=Specifies the lock file name which is created under directory as in "fileDirectory", inbound readers use the lock to synchronize their concurrent access to the target directory - "fileDirectory".
    58 DESC_Attribute_workArea=Specifies the temp directory name where UUID tagged input files wait to be furhter processed - it is functioning as 'staging area' for inbound processing, and is relative to the target directory as in "fileDirectory"
    59 DESC_Attribute_seqName=Specifies the file name where the current value of a persistence backed sequence number is stored, the file resides in the target directory as in "fileDirectory".