Remove sierra build script from trunk
authorVladimir Yaroslavskiy <>
Tue, 17 Jun 2008 17:09:12 +0400
changeset 447867b4f97e4a2f
parent 4477 14d36577a1ad
child 4479 4b8fdc9328e4
child 4583 abe034c2595a
child 4624 3600804d54a5
child 4625 2ec18557ea24
child 4626 50350fce624f
child 4627 691e749f67a9
child 4628 8095fe3ef786
child 4629 0b045460c395
child 4630 ad0b1ee246ac
child 4631 372bda476544
child 4632 ba2c0c7fadd8
child 4636 1588be448a2c
child 4638 a51e7f24ea20
child 4639 e4466652d0f9
Remove sierra build script from trunk
     1.1 Binary file sierra/build.jar has changed
     2.1 --- a/sierra/	Tue Jun 17 13:37:15 2008 +0400
     2.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     2.3 @@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
     2.4 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     2.5 -<!--
     2.7 -
     2.8 -  Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
     2.9 -
    2.10 -  The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
    2.11 -  General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
    2.12 -  Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
    2.13 -  "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
    2.14 -  License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
    2.15 -
    2.16 -  or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
    2.17 -  specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
    2.18 -  License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
    2.19 -  Notice in each file and include the License file at
    2.20 -  nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Sun designates this
    2.21 -  particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
    2.22 -  by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
    2.23 -  accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
    2.24 -  License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
    2.25 -  your own identifying information:
    2.26 -  "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
    2.27 -
    2.28 -  Contributor(s):
    2.29 -
    2.30 -  The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
    2.31 -  Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2006 Sun
    2.32 -  Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    2.33 -
    2.34 -  If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
    2.35 -  or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
    2.36 -  "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
    2.37 -  under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
    2.38 -  single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
    2.39 -  your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
    2.40 -  to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
    2.41 -  However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
    2.42 -  Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
    2.43 -  made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
    2.44 --->
    2.45 -<project name="sierra-properties" default="none" basedir=".">
    2.46 -    <property environment="env"/>
    2.47 -
    2.48 -    <!-- dev -->
    2.49 -    <property name="" value=""/>
    2.50 -    <property name="netbeans.path" value="hudson/job/trunk/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/nbbuild/dist/zip"/>
    2.51 -
    2.52 -    <!-- daily -->
    2.53 -    <property name="" value=""/>
    2.54 -    <property name="netbeans.path" value="dev/nightly/latest/zip"/>
    2.55 -
    2.56 -    <property name="test.cvs.root" value=""/>
    2.57 -    <property name="test.cvs.path" value="open-jbi-components/driver-tests/bpelse"/>
    2.58 -    <property name="test.cvs.branch" value="-A"/>
    2.59 -    <property name="test.cvs.modules" value="
    2.60 -        ${test.cvs.path}/assign/ActivateBilling_Simple
    2.61 -        ${test.cvs.path}/assign/AssignBpel
    2.62 -        ${test.cvs.path}/assign/AssignNamespaces
    2.63 -        ${test.cvs.path}/assign/AtomicAssign
    2.64 -        ${test.cvs.path}/assign/CopyByValue/CopyByValueBpel
    2.65 -        ${test.cvs.path}/assign/DataTypes
    2.66 -        ${test.cvs.path}/assign/MessageWithNoParts
    2.67 -        ${test.cvs.path}/assign/predicates
    2.68 -        ${test.cvs.path}/assign/VariableAssignments
    2.69 -        ${test.cvs.path}/assign/virtualassignBpel
    2.70 -        ${test.cvs.path}/benchmark/BenchmarkBpel
    2.71 -        ${test.cvs.path}/benchmark/Ericsson/AlarmIRPBpel2
    2.72 -        ${test.cvs.path}/benchmark/purchaseOrderCoordinator
    2.73 -        ${test.cvs.path}/benchmark/PurchaseOrderService
    2.74 -        ${test.cvs.path}/benchmark/TravelReservationService/TravelReservationService
    2.75 -        ${test.cvs.path}/blueprints/bp1/BluePrint1
    2.76 -        ${test.cvs.path}/blueprints/bp2/BluePrint2
    2.77 -        ${test.cvs.path}/blueprints/bp3/BluePrint3
    2.78 -        ${test.cvs.path}/blueprints/bp4/BluePrint4
    2.79 -        ${test.cvs.path}/blueprints/bp5/BluePrint5
    2.80 -        ${test.cvs.path}/BpelToBpel/ClientEmployeeInfo
    2.81 -        ${test.cvs.path}/BpelToBpel/EmployeeInfo
    2.82 -        ${test.cvs.path}/BpelToBpel/InAServiceUnit
    2.83 -        ${test.cvs.path}/BpelToBpel/RemoteClientEmployeeInfo
    2.84 -        ${test.cvs.path}/clusterSupport/ClusterBPEL
    2.85 -        ${test.cvs.path}/compensation/IterativeScopes
    2.86 -        ${test.cvs.path}/compensation/NestedScope
    2.87 -        ${test.cvs.path}/correlation/correlationBPEL
    2.88 -        ${test.cvs.path}/correlation/correlationBPEL2
    2.89 -        ${test.cvs.path}/correlation/outoforder
    2.90 -        ${test.cvs.path}/correlation/CorrelationOnePropBPEL
    2.91 -        ${test.cvs.path}/correlation/CorrelationTwoPropBPEL
    2.92 -        ${test.cvs.path}/correlation/FlowAsStartActivity
    2.93 -        ${test.cvs.path}/correlation/MatchingInstanceTwoCorrBPEL
    2.94 -        ${test.cvs.path}/correlation/ThreeCorrSetsBpel
    2.95 -        ${test.cvs.path}/dynamicpartnerlink/dynamicPartnerLinkBPEL
    2.96 -        ${test.cvs.path}/dynamicpartnerlink/justhttpAndBPEL
    2.97 -        ${test.cvs.path}/dynamicpartnerlink/JustHTTPandBPEL2
    2.98 -        ${test.cvs.path}/dynamicpartnerlink/sendCallBackInfo
    2.99 -        ${test.cvs.path}/dynamicpartnerlink/SyncSampleEPRAssign
   2.100 -        ${test.cvs.path}/dynamicpartnerlink/SyncSampleEPRLiteral
   2.101 -        ${test.cvs.path}/empty/EmptyBpel
   2.102 -        ${test.cvs.path}/eventHandlers/onAlarm
   2.103 -        ${test.cvs.path}/eventHandlers/onEvent
   2.104 -        ${test.cvs.path}/exit/ExitBpel
   2.105 -        ${test.cvs.path}/faulthandling/FaultHandlingBpel
   2.106 -        ${test.cvs.path}/faulthandling/StandardFaultsBpel
   2.107 -        ${test.cvs.path}/faulthandling/SystemFaultsBpel
   2.108 -        ${test.cvs.path}/flow/FlowBpel
   2.109 -        ${test.cvs.path}/foreach-bpel20/ForEachBpel
   2.110 -        ${test.cvs.path}/i18n/assign/AssignBpel
   2.111 -        ${test.cvs.path}/if/ifBpel
   2.112 -        ${test.cvs.path}/implementMultiOperations/MultipleBPELs
   2.113 -        ${test.cvs.path}/implementMultiOperations/OneBPEL
   2.114 -        ${test.cvs.path}/JavaEEIntegration/BPToJavaEE/JavaEEFault/FaultBP
   2.115 -        ${test.cvs.path}/JavaEEIntegration/DirectElem/MsgDirectElem
   2.116 -        ${test.cvs.path}/JavaEEIntegration/InOnlyMultipleBPJava/InOnlyMultiBP
   2.117 -        ${test.cvs.path}/JavaEEIntegration/JavaEEToBP/FaultTest/bplGreetService
   2.118 -        ${test.cvs.path}/JavaEEIntegration/JavaEEToBP/JavaEEToBPProj
   2.119 -        ${test.cvs.path}/JavaEEIntegration/JavaEEToBP/ProdMngmntSamples/CreditApplicationProcessorBusinessProcess
   2.120 -        ${test.cvs.path}/JavaEEIntegration/TwoWayEjbToBP/TwoWay
   2.121 -        ${test.cvs.path}/MessageExchange/MessageExchangeBpel
   2.122 -        ${test.cvs.path}/misc/MiscBpel
   2.123 -        ${test.cvs.path}/PartnerLinks/DuplicateProject1
   2.124 -        ${test.cvs.path}/PartnerLinks/DuplicateProject2
   2.125 -        ${test.cvs.path}/PartnerLinks/OneBP
   2.126 -        ${test.cvs.path}/PartnerLinks/PLTLocalNamespace
   2.127 -        ${test.cvs.path}/PartnerLinks/TwoBPDuplicateImpl
   2.128 -        ${test.cvs.path}/PartnerLinks/TwoBPs
   2.129 -        ${test.cvs.path}/pick/PickBpel
   2.130 -        ${test.cvs.path}/repeatuntil/RepeatUntilBpel
   2.131 -        ${test.cvs.path}/rethrow/Rethrow
   2.132 -        ${test.cvs.path}/samples/AsynchronousSample
   2.133 -        ${test.cvs.path}/samples/EndToEndScenario
   2.134 -        ${test.cvs.path}/samples/samplesBPEL
   2.135 -        ${test.cvs.path}/samples/SynchronousSample
   2.136 -        ${test.cvs.path}/scalability/ScalabilityBpel
   2.137 -        ${test.cvs.path}/scalability/Test2/ScalabilityTest2BP
   2.138 -        ${test.cvs.path}/scenarios/CandidateSelection/SelectionProcess
   2.139 -        ${test.cvs.path}/SchemaElemDecl/BPwithElemRef
   2.140 -        ${test.cvs.path}/SchemaElemDecl/BPwithMsgElement
   2.141 -        ${test.cvs.path}/SchemaElemDecl/BPwithMsgElemQualified
   2.142 -        ${test.cvs.path}/SchemaElemDecl/BPwithNestedElem
   2.143 -        ${test.cvs.path}/SchemaElemDecl/BPwithNestedElemQualified
   2.144 -        ${test.cvs.path}/ScopeTermination/ScopeTerminationBpel
   2.145 -        ${test.cvs.path}/systemicqualities/Redelivery/RedeliverWithinRetries
   2.146 -        ${test.cvs.path}/systemicqualities/Redelivery/RedeliverWithSuspend
   2.147 -        ${test.cvs.path}/systemicqualities/Redelivery/RedirectOnFailure
   2.148 -        ${test.cvs.path}/TerminationHandler/TerminationHandlerBpel
   2.149 -        ${test.cvs.path}/TestsForBugs/Bug6431708/testBPEL
   2.150 -        ${test.cvs.path}/wait/WaitBpel
   2.151 -        ${test.cvs.path}/while/WhileBpel
   2.152 -        ${test.cvs.path}/xpathfunctions/XPathFunctionsBpel
   2.153 -        ${test.cvs.path}/xpathfunctions/XSDFunctions
   2.154 -        ${test.cvs.path}/xsddatatypes/XSDDataTypesBpel
   2.155 -        ${test.cvs.path}/xslt/DoXslTransformBPEL
   2.156 -        ${test.cvs.path}/xslt/InOutBPXSLT/InOutBP
   2.157 -    "/>
   2.158 -    <property name="home" value="../.."/>
   2.159 -    <property name="cache" value="${home}/../cache"/>
   2.160 -    <property name="sierra.dir"  value=".netbeans/sierra"/>
   2.161 -    <property name="netbeans.dir" value=".netbeans/dev"/>
   2.162 -    <property name="jbi" location="${cache}/test/${test.cvs.path}"/>
   2.163 -    <property name="samples" value="${home}/bpel.samples/resources"/>
   2.164 -    <property name="build.number" value="${home}/nbbuild/netbeans/platform8/build_number"/>
   2.165 -</project>
     3.1 --- a/sierra/build.tst	Tue Jun 17 13:37:15 2008 +0400
     3.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     3.3 @@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
     3.4 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     3.5 -<!--
     3.7 -
     3.8 -  Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
     3.9 -
    3.10 -  The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
    3.11 -  General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
    3.12 -  Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
    3.13 -  "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
    3.14 -  License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
    3.15 -
    3.16 -  or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
    3.17 -  specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
    3.18 -  License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
    3.19 -  Notice in each file and include the License file at
    3.20 -  nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Sun designates this
    3.21 -  particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
    3.22 -  by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
    3.23 -  accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
    3.24 -  License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
    3.25 -  your own identifying information:
    3.26 -  "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
    3.27 -
    3.28 -  Contributor(s):
    3.29 -
    3.30 -  The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
    3.31 -  Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2006 Sun
    3.32 -  Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    3.33 -
    3.34 -  If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
    3.35 -  or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
    3.36 -  "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
    3.37 -  under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
    3.38 -  single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
    3.39 -  your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
    3.40 -  to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
    3.41 -  However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
    3.42 -  Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
    3.43 -  made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
    3.44 --->
    3.45 -<project name="sierra-test" default="test" basedir=".">
    3.46 -    <import file=""/>
    3.47 -    
    3.48 -    <!-- test -->
    3.49 -    <target name="unit-test" depends="test"/>
    3.50 -    <target name="proj-test" depends="test-0,test-1,test-2,test-3,test-4,test-5,test-6,test-7,test-8,test-9,test-a,test-b,test-c"/>
    3.51 -    
    3.52 -    <target name="test">
    3.53 -        <!-- print -->
    3.54 -        <ant dir="${home}/print" target="test"/>
    3.55 -    </target>
    3.56 -
    3.57 -    <target name="do-test-jbi">
    3.58 -        <ant antfile="${jbi}/${dir}/build.xml" target="clean" inheritAll="false">
    3.59 -            <property name="caps.netbeans.home" location="${home}/nbbuild/netbeans"/>
    3.60 -        </ant>
    3.61 -        <ant antfile="${jbi}/${dir}/build.xml" inheritAll="false">
    3.62 -            <property name="caps.netbeans.home" location="${home}/nbbuild/netbeans"/>
    3.63 -        </ant>
    3.64 -    </target>
    3.65 -
    3.66 -    <target name="test-0">
    3.67 -        <!-- samples -->
    3.68 -        <subant target="default" inheritAll="false">
    3.69 -            <property name="caps.netbeans.home" location="${home}/nbbuild/netbeans"/>
    3.70 -            <buildpath location="${samples}/AsynchronousSample/AsynchronousSample/build.xml"/>
    3.71 -            <buildpath location="${samples}/AsynchronousSample/AsynchronousSampleApplication/build.xml"/>
    3.72 -            <buildpath location="${samples}/SynchronousSample/SynchronousSample/build.xml"/>
    3.73 -            <buildpath location="${samples}/SynchronousSample/SynchronousSampleApplication/build.xml"/>
    3.74 -            <buildpath location="${samples}/TravelReservationService/TravelReservationService/build.xml"/>
    3.75 -            <buildpath location="${samples}/TravelReservationService/TravelReservationServiceApplication/build.xml"/>
    3.76 -            <buildpath location="${samples}/BluePrint1/BluePrint1/build.xml"/>
    3.77 -            <buildpath location="${samples}/BluePrint1/BluePrint1Application/build.xml"/>
    3.78 -            <buildpath location="${samples}/BluePrint2/BluePrint2/build.xml"/>
    3.79 -            <buildpath location="${samples}/BluePrint2/BluePrint2Application/build.xml"/>
    3.80 -            <buildpath location="${samples}/BluePrint3/BluePrint3/build.xml"/>
    3.81 -            <buildpath location="${samples}/BluePrint3/BluePrint3Application/build.xml"/>
    3.82 -            <buildpath location="${samples}/BluePrint4/BluePrint4/build.xml"/>
    3.83 -            <buildpath location="${samples}/BluePrint4/BluePrint4Application/build.xml"/>
    3.84 -            <buildpath location="${samples}/BluePrint5/BluePrint5/build.xml"/>
    3.85 -            <buildpath location="${samples}/BluePrint5/BluePrint5Application/build.xml"/>
    3.86 -        </subant>
    3.87 -    </target>
    3.88 -
    3.89 -    <target name="test-1">
    3.90 -        <!-- assign -->
    3.91 -        <!-- antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="assign/ActivateBilling_Simple"/></antcall -->
    3.92 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="assign/AssignBpel"/></antcall>
    3.93 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="assign/AssignNamespaces"/></antcall>
    3.94 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="assign/AtomicAssign"/></antcall>
    3.95 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="assign/CopyByValue/CopyByValueBpel"/></antcall>
    3.96 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="assign/DataTypes"/></antcall>
    3.97 -        <!-- antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="assign/MessageWithNoParts"/></antcall -->
    3.98 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="assign/predicates"/></antcall>
    3.99 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="assign/VariableAssignments"/></antcall>
   3.100 -        <!-- antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="assign/virtualassignBpel"/></antcall -->
   3.101 -    </target>
   3.102 -        
   3.103 -    <target name="test-2">
   3.104 -        <!-- benchmark -->
   3.105 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="benchmark/BenchmarkBpel"/></antcall>
   3.106 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="benchmark/Ericsson/AlarmIRPBpel2"/></antcall>
   3.107 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="benchmark/purchaseOrderCoordinator"/></antcall>
   3.108 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="benchmark/PurchaseOrderService"/></antcall>
   3.109 -    </target>
   3.110 -        
   3.111 -    <target name="test-3">
   3.112 -        <!-- benchmark -->
   3.113 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="benchmark/TravelReservationService/TravelReservationService"/></antcall>
   3.114 -
   3.115 -        <!-- blueprints -->
   3.116 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="blueprints/bp1/BluePrint1"/></antcall>
   3.117 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="blueprints/bp2/BluePrint2"/></antcall>
   3.118 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="blueprints/bp3/BluePrint3"/></antcall>
   3.119 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="blueprints/bp4/BluePrint4"/></antcall>
   3.120 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="blueprints/bp5/BluePrint5"/></antcall>
   3.121 -    </target>
   3.122 -
   3.123 -    <target name="test-4">
   3.124 -        <!-- BpelToBpel -->
   3.125 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="BpelToBpel/ClientEmployeeInfo"/></antcall>
   3.126 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="BpelToBpel/EmployeeInfo"/></antcall>
   3.127 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="BpelToBpel/InAServiceUnit"/></antcall>
   3.128 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="BpelToBpel/RemoteClientEmployeeInfo"/></antcall>
   3.129 -
   3.130 -        <!-- clusterSupport -->
   3.131 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="clusterSupport/ClusterBPEL"/></antcall>
   3.132 -
   3.133 -        <!-- compensation -->
   3.134 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="compensation/IterativeScopes"/></antcall>
   3.135 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="compensation/NestedScope"/></antcall>
   3.136 -    </target>
   3.137 -        
   3.138 -    <target name="test-5">
   3.139 -        <!-- correlation -->
   3.140 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="correlation/correlationBPEL"/></antcall>
   3.141 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="correlation/correlationBPEL2"/></antcall>
   3.142 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="correlation/outoforder"/></antcall>
   3.143 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="correlation/CorrelationOnePropBPEL"/></antcall>
   3.144 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="correlation/CorrelationTwoPropBPEL"/></antcall>
   3.145 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="correlation/FlowAsStartActivity"/></antcall>
   3.146 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="correlation/MatchingInstanceTwoCorrBPEL"/></antcall>
   3.147 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="correlation/ThreeCorrSetsBpel"/></antcall>
   3.148 -    </target>
   3.149 -
   3.150 -    <target name="test-6">
   3.151 -        <!-- dynamicpartnerlink -->
   3.152 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="dynamicpartnerlink/dynamicPartnerLinkBPEL"/></antcall>
   3.153 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="dynamicpartnerlink/justhttpAndBPEL"/></antcall>
   3.154 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="dynamicpartnerlink/JustHTTPandBPEL2"/></antcall>
   3.155 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="dynamicpartnerlink/sendCallBackInfo"/></antcall>
   3.156 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="dynamicpartnerlink/SyncSampleEPRAssign"/></antcall>
   3.157 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="dynamicpartnerlink/SyncSampleEPRLiteral"/></antcall>
   3.158 -
   3.159 -        <!-- empty -->
   3.160 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="empty/EmptyBpel"/></antcall>
   3.161 -
   3.162 -        <!-- eventHandlers -->
   3.163 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="eventHandlers/onAlarm"/></antcall>
   3.164 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="eventHandlers/onEvent"/></antcall>
   3.165 -
   3.166 -        <!-- exit -->
   3.167 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="exit/ExitBpel"/></antcall>
   3.168 -    </target>
   3.169 -
   3.170 -    <target name="test-7">
   3.171 -        <!-- faulthandling -->
   3.172 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="faulthandling/FaultHandlingBpel"/></antcall>
   3.173 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="faulthandling/StandardFaultsBpel"/></antcall>
   3.174 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="faulthandling/SystemFaultsBpel"/></antcall>
   3.175 -        
   3.176 -        <!-- flow -->
   3.177 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="flow/FlowBpel"/></antcall>
   3.178 -
   3.179 -        <!-- foreach-bpel20 -->
   3.180 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="foreach-bpel20/ForEachBpel"/></antcall>
   3.181 -
   3.182 -        <!-- i18n -->
   3.183 -        <!-- antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="i18n/assign/AssignBpel"/></antcall -->
   3.184 -
   3.185 -        <!-- if -->
   3.186 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="if/ifBpel"/></antcall>
   3.187 -
   3.188 -        <!-- implementMultiOperations -->
   3.189 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="implementMultiOperations/MultipleBPELs"/></antcall>
   3.190 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="implementMultiOperations/OneBPEL"/></antcall>
   3.191 -    </target>
   3.192 -
   3.193 -    <target name="test-8">
   3.194 -        <!-- JavaEEIntegration -->
   3.195 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="JavaEEIntegration/BPToJavaEE/JavaEEFault/FaultBP"/></antcall>
   3.196 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="JavaEEIntegration/DirectElem/MsgDirectElem"/></antcall>
   3.197 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="JavaEEIntegration/InOnlyMultipleBPJava/InOnlyMultiBP"/></antcall>
   3.198 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="JavaEEIntegration/JavaEEToBP/FaultTest/bplGreetService"/></antcall>
   3.199 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="JavaEEIntegration/JavaEEToBP/JavaEEToBPProj"/></antcall>
   3.200 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="JavaEEIntegration/JavaEEToBP/ProdMngmntSamples/CreditApplicationProcessorBusinessProcess"/></antcall>
   3.201 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="JavaEEIntegration/TwoWayEjbToBP/TwoWay"/></antcall>
   3.202 -        
   3.203 -        <!-- MessageExchange -->
   3.204 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="MessageExchange/MessageExchangeBpel"/></antcall>
   3.205 -    </target>
   3.206 -
   3.207 -    <target name="test-9">
   3.208 -        <!-- misc -->
   3.209 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="misc/MiscBpel"/></antcall>
   3.210 -
   3.211 -        <!-- PartnerLinks -->
   3.212 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="PartnerLinks/DuplicateProject1"/></antcall>
   3.213 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="PartnerLinks/DuplicateProject2"/></antcall>
   3.214 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="PartnerLinks/OneBP"/></antcall>
   3.215 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="PartnerLinks/PLTLocalNamespace"/></antcall>
   3.216 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="PartnerLinks/TwoBPDuplicateImpl"/></antcall>
   3.217 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="PartnerLinks/TwoBPs"/></antcall>
   3.218 -
   3.219 -        <!-- pick -->
   3.220 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="pick/PickBpel"/></antcall>
   3.221 -
   3.222 -        <!-- repeatuntil -->
   3.223 -        <!-- antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="repeatuntil/RepeatUntilBpel"/></antcall -->
   3.224 -
   3.225 -        <!-- rethrow -->
   3.226 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="rethrow/Rethrow"/></antcall>
   3.227 -    </target>
   3.228 -        
   3.229 -    <target name="test-a">
   3.230 -        <!-- samples -->
   3.231 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="samples/AsynchronousSample"/></antcall>
   3.232 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="samples/EndToEndScenario"/></antcall>
   3.233 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="samples/samplesBPEL"/></antcall>
   3.234 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="samples/SynchronousSample"/></antcall>
   3.235 -
   3.236 -        <!-- scalability -->
   3.237 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="scalability/ScalabilityBpel"/></antcall>
   3.238 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="scalability/Test2/ScalabilityTest2BP"/></antcall>
   3.239 -
   3.240 -        <!-- scenarios -->
   3.241 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="scenarios/CandidateSelection/SelectionProcess"/></antcall>
   3.242 -
   3.243 -        <!-- SchemaElemDecl -->
   3.244 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="SchemaElemDecl/BPwithElemRef"/></antcall>
   3.245 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="SchemaElemDecl/BPwithMsgElement"/></antcall>
   3.246 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="SchemaElemDecl/BPwithMsgElemQualified"/></antcall>
   3.247 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="SchemaElemDecl/BPwithNestedElem"/></antcall>
   3.248 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="SchemaElemDecl/BPwithNestedElemQualified"/></antcall>
   3.249 -    </target>
   3.250 -
   3.251 -    <target name="test-b">
   3.252 -        <!-- ScopeTermination -->
   3.253 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="ScopeTermination/ScopeTerminationBpel"/></antcall>
   3.254 -
   3.255 -        <!-- systemicqualities -->
   3.256 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="systemicqualities/Redelivery/RedeliverWithinRetries"/></antcall>
   3.257 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="systemicqualities/Redelivery/RedeliverWithSuspend"/></antcall>
   3.258 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="systemicqualities/Redelivery/RedirectOnFailure"/></antcall>
   3.259 -        
   3.260 -        <!-- TerminationHandler -->
   3.261 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="TerminationHandler/TerminationHandlerBpel"/></antcall>
   3.262 -
   3.263 -        <!-- TestsForBugs -->
   3.264 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="TestsForBugs/Bug6431708/testBPEL"/></antcall>
   3.265 -
   3.266 -        <!-- wait -->
   3.267 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="wait/WaitBpel"/></antcall>
   3.268 -
   3.269 -        <!-- while -->
   3.270 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="while/WhileBpel"/></antcall>
   3.271 -    </target>
   3.272 -
   3.273 -    <target name="test-c">
   3.274 -        <!-- xpathfunctions -->
   3.275 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="xpathfunctions/XPathFunctionsBpel"/></antcall>
   3.276 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="xpathfunctions/XSDFunctions"/></antcall>
   3.277 -
   3.278 -        <!-- xsddatatypes -->
   3.279 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="xsddatatypes/XSDDataTypesBpel"/></antcall>
   3.280 -
   3.281 -        <!-- xslt -->
   3.282 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="xslt/DoXslTransformBPEL"/></antcall>
   3.283 -        <antcall target="do-test-jbi"><param name="dir" value="xslt/InOutBPXSLT/InOutBP"/></antcall>
   3.284 -    </target>
   3.285 -</project>
     4.1 --- a/sierra/build.xml	Tue Jun 17 13:37:15 2008 +0400
     4.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     4.3 @@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
     4.4 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     4.5 -<!--
     4.7 -
     4.8 -  Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
     4.9 -
    4.10 -  The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
    4.11 -  General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
    4.12 -  Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
    4.13 -  "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
    4.14 -  License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
    4.15 -
    4.16 -  or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
    4.17 -  specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
    4.18 -  License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
    4.19 -  Notice in each file and include the License file at
    4.20 -  nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Sun designates this
    4.21 -  particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
    4.22 -  by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
    4.23 -  accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
    4.24 -  License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
    4.25 -  your own identifying information:
    4.26 -  "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
    4.27 -
    4.28 -  Contributor(s):
    4.29 -
    4.30 -  The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
    4.31 -  Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2006 Sun
    4.32 -  Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    4.33 -
    4.34 -  If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
    4.35 -  or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
    4.36 -  "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
    4.37 -  under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
    4.38 -  single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
    4.39 -  your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
    4.40 -  to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
    4.41 -  However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
    4.42 -  Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
    4.43 -  made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
    4.44 --->
    4.45 -<project name="sierra" default="all" basedir=".">
    4.46 -    <import file="build.tst"/>
    4.47 -    
    4.48 -    <target name="all" depends="init,get-netbeans,clean,build-tiny,zip-tiny,build-dev,zip-dev,build-xtest"/>
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    4.50 -
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    4.64 -
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    4.69 -
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    4.75 -
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    4.78 -        <get src="${netbeans.url}" dest="${cache}/netbeans/" usetimestamp="true"/>
    4.79 -
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    4.83 -
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    4.85 -        <property name="env.BUILD_NUMBER" value=""/>
    4.86 -
    4.87 -        <echo file="${build.number}" message="netbeans hudson build: ${netbeans.file}${line.separator}" append="true"/>
    4.88 -        <echo file="${build.number}" message="sierra hudson: ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}${line.separator}" append="true"/>
    4.89 -        <echo file="${build.number}" message="sierra build: ${long.stamp}${line.separator}" append="true"/>
    4.90 -
    4.91 -        <chmod file="${home}/nbbuild/netbeans/bin/netbeans" perm="ugo+rx"/>
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    4.93 -
    4.94 -    <!-- zip -->
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    4.98 -
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   4.105 -                <include name="netbeans/harness/**"/>
   4.106 -                <include name="netbeans/ide9/**"/>
   4.107 -                <include name="netbeans/java2/**"/>
   4.108 -                <include name="netbeans/nb6.1/**"/>
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   4.116 -
   4.117 -    <target name="zip-dev" depends="run-extra">
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   4.120 -
   4.121 -        <zip destfile="${cache}/latest/">
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   4.127 -
   4.128 -        <copy file="${cache}/latest/" tofile="${cache}/dist/sierra_${env.BUILD_NUMBER}_${long.stamp}"/>
   4.129 -    </target>
   4.130 -
   4.131 -    <!-- extra -->
   4.132 -    <target name="run-extra" depends="check-extra,do-extra"/>
   4.133 -
   4.134 -    <target name="check-extra">
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   4.136 -    </target>
   4.137 -
   4.138 -    <target name="do-extra" if="extra.available">
   4.139 -        <move file="${home}/nbbuild/netbeans/extra" tofile="${home}/nbbuild/netbeans/soa2"/>
   4.140 -    </target>
   4.141 -
   4.142 -    <!-- daily -->
   4.143 -    <target name="run-daily" depends="check-daily,do-daily"/>
   4.144 -    
   4.145 -    <target name="check-daily">
   4.146 -        <mkdir dir="${cache}/lock"/>
   4.147 -
   4.148 -        <tstamp>
   4.149 -            <format property="daily" pattern="yyyyMMdd"/>
   4.150 -        </tstamp>
   4.151 -
   4.152 -        <available property="lock.available" file="${cache}/lock/${daily}"/>
   4.153 -    </target>
   4.154 -
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   4.156 -        <delete>
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   4.158 -        </delete>
   4.159 -
   4.160 -        <echo file="${cache}/lock/${daily}" message="${daily}"/>
   4.161 -
   4.162 -        <antcall target="get-test"/>
   4.163 -    </target>
   4.164 -
   4.165 -    <target name="get-test">
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   4.167 -    </target>
   4.168 -
   4.169 -    <!-- clean & build -->
   4.170 -    <target name="build" depends="build-tiny,build-dev"/>
   4.171 -    <target name="clean" depends="clean-tiny,clean-dev"/>
   4.172 -
   4.173 -    <target name="build-tiny" depends="build-xml,build-libs,build-compapp,build-soa,build-bpel,build-xslt"/>
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   4.175 -
   4.176 -    <target name="build-dev" depends="build-etl,build-iep,build-sql,build-wsdlextensions"/>
   4.177 -    <target name="clean-dev" depends="clean-etl,clean-iep,clean-sql,clean-wsdlextensions"/>
   4.178 -
   4.179 -    <!-- xml -->
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   4.185 -            <buildpath location="${home}/"/>
   4.186 -            <buildpath location="${home}/xml.xpath.ext"/>
   4.187 -            <buildpath location="${home}/xml.wsdl.extensions"/>
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   4.189 -    </target>
   4.190 -
   4.191 -    <!-- libs -->
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   4.193 -    <target name="clean-libs"><antcall target="do-libs"><param name="action" value="clean"/></antcall></target>
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   4.197 -            <buildpath location="${home}/o.n.soa.libs.jbiadmincommon/build.xml"/>
   4.198 -            <buildpath location="${home}/o.n.soa.libs.jgo/build.xml"/>
   4.199 -            <buildpath location="${home}/o.n.soa.libs.wsdl4j/build.xml"/>
   4.200 -            <buildpath location="${home}/o.n.soa.libs.xmlbeans/build.xml"/>
   4.201 -        </subant>
   4.202 -    </target>
   4.203 -        
   4.204 -    <!-- compapp -->
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   4.206 -    <target name="clean-compapp"><antcall target="do-compapp"><param name="action" value="clean"/></antcall></target>
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   4.210 -            <buildpath location="${home}/compapp.manager.jbi/build.xml"/>
   4.211 -            <buildpath location="${home}/compapp.projects.jbi/build.xml"/>
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   4.213 -            <buildpath location="${home}/compapp.projects.base/build.xml"/>
   4.214 -            <buildpath location="${home}/compapp.projects.wizard/build.xml"/>
   4.215 -            <buildpath location="${home}/compapp.configextension/build.xml"/>
   4.216 -        </subant>
   4.217 -    </target>
   4.218 -
   4.219 -    <!-- soa -->
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   4.221 -    <target name="clean-soa"><antcall target="do-soa"><param name="action" value="clean"/></antcall></target>
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   4.227 -            <buildpath location="${home}/soa.mapper/build.xml"/>
   4.228 -            <buildpath location="${home}/soa.reportgenerator/build.xml"/>
   4.229 -        </subant>
   4.230 -    </target>
   4.231 -
   4.232 -    <!-- bpel -->
   4.233 -    <target name="build-bpel"><antcall target="do-bpel"><param name="action" value="netbeans"/></antcall></target>
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   4.239 -            <buildpath location="${home}/bpel.editors.api/build.xml"/>
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   4.241 -            <buildpath location="${home}/bpel.core/build.xml"/>
   4.242 -            <buildpath location="${home}/bpel.project/build.xml"/>
   4.243 -            <buildpath location="${home}/bpel.debugger.bdi/build.xml"/>
   4.244 -            <buildpath location="${home}/bpel.debugger/build.xml"/>
   4.245 -            <buildpath location="${home}/bpel.debugger.ui/build.xml"/>
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   4.247 -            <buildpath location="${home}/bpel.editors/build.xml"/>
   4.248 -            <buildpath location="${home}/bpel.refactoring/build.xml"/>
   4.249 -            <buildpath location="${home}/bpel.samples/build.xml"/>
   4.250 -            <buildpath location="${home}/bpel.validation/build.xml"/>
   4.251 -        </subant>
   4.252 -    </target>
   4.253 -
   4.254 -    <!-- etl -->
   4.255 -    <target name="build-etl"><antcall target="do-etl"><param name="action" value="netbeans"/></antcall></target>
   4.256 -    <target name="clean-etl"><antcall target="do-etl"><param name="action" value="clean"/></antcall></target>
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   4.260 -            <buildpath location="${home}/etl.project/build.xml"/>
   4.261 -        </subant>
   4.262 -    </target>
   4.263 -
   4.264 -    <!-- iep -->
   4.265 -    <target name="build-iep"><antcall target="do-iep"><param name="action" value="netbeans"/></antcall></target>
   4.266 -    <target name="clean-iep"><antcall target="do-iep"><param name="action" value="clean"/></antcall></target>
   4.267 -    <target name="do-iep">
   4.268 -        <subant target="${action}" inheritAll="false">
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   4.270 -            <buildpath location="${home}/iep.editor/build.xml"/>
   4.271 -            <buildpath location="${home}/"/>
   4.272 -            <buildpath location="${home}/iep.project/build.xml"/>
   4.273 -        </subant>
   4.274 -    </target>
   4.275 -
   4.276 -    <!-- sql -->
   4.277 -    <target name="build-sql"><antcall target="do-sql"><param name="action" value="netbeans"/></antcall></target>
   4.278 -    <target name="clean-sql"><antcall target="do-sql"><param name="action" value="clean"/></antcall></target>
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   4.281 -            <buildpath location="${home}/"/>
   4.282 -            <buildpath location="${home}/sql.project/build.xml"/>
   4.283 -            <buildpath location="${home}/sql.wizard/build.xml"/>
   4.284 -        </subant>
   4.285 -    </target>
   4.286 -  
   4.287 -    <!-- wsdlextensions -->
   4.288 -    <target name="build-wsdlextensions"><antcall target="do-wsdlextensions"><param name="action" value="netbeans"/></antcall></target>
   4.289 -    <target name="clean-wsdlextensions"><antcall target="do-wsdlextensions"><param name="action" value="clean"/></antcall></target>
   4.290 -    <target name="do-wsdlextensions">
   4.291 -        <subant target="${action}" inheritAll="false">
   4.292 -            <buildpath location="${home}/wsdlextensions.ftp/build.xml"/>
   4.293 -            <buildpath location="${home}/wsdlextensions.snmp/build.xml"/>
   4.294 -            <buildpath location="${home}/wsdlextensions.file/build.xml"/>
   4.295 -            <buildpath location="${home}/wsdlextensions.jms/build.xml"/>
   4.296 -        </subant>
   4.297 -    </target>
   4.298 -  
   4.299 -    <!-- xslt -->
   4.300 -    <target name="build-xslt"><antcall target="do-xslt"><param name="action" value="netbeans"/></antcall></target>
   4.301 -    <target name="clean-xslt"><antcall target="do-xslt"><param name="action" value="clean"/></antcall></target>
   4.302 -    <target name="do-xslt">
   4.303 -        <subant target="${action}" inheritAll="false">
   4.304 -            <buildpath location="${home}/xslt.model/build.xml"/>
   4.305 -            <buildpath location="${home}/xslt.mapper/build.xml"/>
   4.306 -            <buildpath location="${home}/xslt.tmap/build.xml"/>
   4.307 -            <buildpath location="${home}/xslt.project/build.xml"/>
   4.308 -            <buildpath location="${home}/xslt.core/build.xml"/>
   4.309 -            <buildpath location="${home}/xslt.validation/build.xml"/>
   4.310 -            <buildpath location="${home}/"/>
   4.311 -        </subant>
   4.312 -    </target>
   4.313 -</project>