Fixed topic weak_dokument_38218_root
Tue, 09 Oct 2007 10:21:36 +0000
changeset 17242cbfa1daec91
parent 1723 b5a894326811
child 1725 09c38e28c4e5
Fixed topic
     1.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/ui_elements/options/visual_editor.html	Tue Oct 09 03:19:30 2007 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/ui_elements/options/visual_editor.html	Tue Oct 09 10:21:36 2007 +0000
     1.3 @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@
     1.4  <ul>
     1.5    <li><b>Target Browser Window.</b> Sets the size of the target browser used in the Visual Designer. The default is set to Any Browser. For more information, see the description of the Target Browser pop-up menu in <a href="../editors/about_visual_editor.html">About the Visual Designer</a>. </li>
     1.6    <li><b>Default Font Size.</b> Sets the default font size for pages opened in Java EE projects in the Visual  Designer. The default value is 16, a common size used in web browsers. For design experience that more closely matches the runtime rendering of your applications, you can set this value to match what you see in web browsers that your applications are likely to run in. <ul class="note">
     1.7 -    <li>This setting affects only Java EE projects, because the components used by those projects have relative fonts. Projects that use J2SE 1.4 or earlier have components that use absolute fonts, and those are not affected by this setting.</li>
     1.8 +    <li>This setting affects only Java EE projects, because the components used by those projects have relative font sizes. Projects that use J2SE 1.4 or earlier have components that use absolute font sizes, and those are not affected by this setting.</li>
     1.9    </ul></li>
    1.10    <li><b>Grid Height.</b> Sets the grid height. The default grid height is set to 24 </li>
    1.11    <li><b>Grid Width.</b> Sets the grid width. The default grid width is set to 24. </li>
    1.12 -  <li><b>Show Grid.</b> If selected, a grid is displayd in the Visual Designer. </li>
    1.13 -  <li><b>Snap to Grid</b>. If selected, components you add or move in the Visual Designer are positioned on the nearest grid lines. For more information, see <a href="../../components/howtocomponents/snap2grid.html">Seting the Grid</a>. </li>
    1.14 +  <li><b>Show Grid.</b> If selected, a grid is displayed in the Visual Designer. </li>
    1.15 +  <li><b>Snap to Grid</b>. If selected, components you add or move in the Visual Designer are positioned on the nearest grid lines. For more information, see <a href="../../components/howtocomponents/snap2grid.html">Setting the Grid</a>. </li>
    1.16  </ul>
    1.17  You can also change the way data providers and RowSets appear in the IDE by changing the following:
    1.18  <ul>
    1.19 @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
    1.20  </ul>
    1.21  <dl>
    1.22    <dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
    1.23 -  <dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/configure/options_editor.html">Options Window</a></dd>
    1.24 +  <dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/configure/configure_options.html">Using the Options Window</a></dd>
    1.25    <dd><a href="../server_nav/add_new_data_provider.html">Add New Data Provider with Rowset Dialog Box</a></dd>
    1.26  </dl>
    1.27  <hr>