Physically removed Web csh folder topics from Visual Web Ravehelp folder
Wed, 15 Apr 2009 11:45:24 +0200
changeset 286556638ddd1e03
parent 2864 7281e31c2b0a
child 2866 632da6618e8d
Physically removed Web csh folder topics from Visual Web Ravehelp folder
     1.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/dbox_other/tomcat_edit_tomcatuser.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
     1.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.3 @@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
     1.4 -<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
     1.5 -<!--
     1.6 - *     	  Copyright � 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. 
     1.7 - *	  Use is subject to license terms.
     1.8 --->
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    1.10 -<html>
    1.11 -<head>
    1.12 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    1.13 -<meta name="lastupdated" content="13Jul07">
    1.14 -<!-- p1 -->
    1.15 -
    1.16 -<title>HTTP Authentication dialog box</title>
    1.17 -<link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    1.18 -</head>
    1.19 -<body>
    1.20 -
    1.21 -<h2>HTTP Authentication dialog box</h2>
    1.22 -<p><small> 
    1.23 -<a href="#seealso">See Also</a> 
    1.24 -</small></p> 
    1.25 -<p>It would not be safe to ship web servers with default settings that allowed 
    1.26 -anyone on the Internet to execute them on your server. 
    1.27 -Therefore, the web servers are shipped with the requirement that anyone 
    1.28 -who attempts to use them must authenticate themselves, using a username and password 
    1.29 -with the appropriate role associated with them. </p> 
    1.30 -
    1.31 -<p>For example, to authenticate yourself when you want to use
    1.32 -   the Tomcat Manager to deploy your web application, 
    1.33 -   you need a username
    1.34 -   and password for a user with the "manager" role. 
    1.35 -   This username and password are stored in the
    1.36 -   <tt>tomcat-users.xml</tt> file that is in your user
    1.37 -   directory.</p>
    1.38 -<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0">
    1.39 -  <tr valign="top">
    1.40 -      
    1.41 -    <td><img src="../../../images/tip.gif" alt="tip">&nbsp;</td>
    1.42 -      
    1.43 -    <td> You can only use the usernames and passwords that are defined in the 
    1.44 -      IDE's <b>user</b> directory's <tt>tomcat-users.xml</tt> file, and not those 
    1.45 -      that are in the IDE's <b>installation</b> directory. </td>
    1.46 -  </tr>
    1.47 -</table>
    1.48 -<p> During installation, the IDE generates a user called "ide" that is assigned 
    1.49 -  the "manager" role. This user is created in your user directory's <tt>tomcat-users.xml</tt> 
    1.50 -  file.</p>
    1.51 -  <b>To set the username and password forTomcat server:</b>
    1.52 -  <ol>
    1.53 -  <li>In the Services window, right-click the Servers node and choose Add Server. <br>
    1.54 -    The Add Server Instance dialog box opens.  </li>
    1.55 -  <li>Select the applicable server and click Next.</li>
    1.56 -  <li>Browse for the Catalina Home directory. You can also choose to use a private configuration folder. </li>
    1.57 -  <li>Enter the username and password you want to use for the server instance. If the user does not exist, click the checkbox to create the user. </li>
    1.58 -  <li>Click Finish to add the server instance. <br>
    1.59 -    The new username and password is added to the <code>tomcat-users.xml</code> file. </li>
    1.60 -</ol>
    1.61 -<b>To get the username and password   from your user directory:</b>
    1.62 -<ol>
    1.63 -  <li>Select Help &gt; About 
    1.64 -    from the main menu. </li>
    1.65 -  <li>Make a note of the path to the Userdir folder.</li>
    1.66 -  <li>In your file system, go to your Userdir and then to the <tt>apache-tomcat-6.0.x_base\conf</tt> 
    1.67 -    folder.</li>
    1.68 -  <li>Open the <tt>tomcat-users.xml</tt> file and make a note of the password
    1.69 -  that is defined for the "ide" username.</li>
    1.70 -</ol>
    1.71 -<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0">
    1.72 -  <tr valign="top">
    1.73 -      
    1.74 -    <td><img src="../../../images/tip.gif" alt="tip">&nbsp;</td>
    1.75 -      <td>
    1.76 -	 The username and password are <b>not</b> saved when you enter them
    1.77 -	 in this dialog box. The username and password are only saved if
    1.78 -	 you define them in the Tomcat Web Server's Properties dialog box. 
    1.79 -	 To open the Properties dialog box, right-click the Tomcat Web Server's 
    1.80 -	 instance node in the Services window and select
    1.81 -	 Properties.
    1.82 -      </td>
    1.83 -  </tr>
    1.84 -</table>
    1.85 -<dl>
    1.86 -    <dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
    1.87 -  <dd><a href="../../about/about_webapps.html">About Web Applications</a></dd>
    1.88 -</dl>
    1.89 -
    1.90 -<hr>
    1.91 -<small><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></small>
    1.92 -</body></html>
     2.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/dbox_projprops/CustomizerFrameworks.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
     2.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     2.3 @@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
     2.4 -<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
     2.5 -<!--       
     2.6 -*     Copyright � 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
     2.7 -*     Use is subject to license terms.
     2.8 --->
     2.9 -<html>
    2.10 -<head>
    2.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    2.12 -<title>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box: Frameworks</title>
    2.13 -<link rel="StyleSheet" href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    2.14 -</head>
    2.15 -<body>
    2.16 -<h2>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box: Frameworks</h2>
    2.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
    2.18 -<p>You open the Standard Web Project Properties dialog box by right-clicking 
    2.19 -  any <object classid="">
    2.20 -        <param name="content" value="nbdocs://">
    2.21 -        <param name="viewerActivator" value="">
    2.22 -        <param name="viewerStyle" value="">
    2.23 -        <param name="viewerSize" value="400,220">
    2.24 -        <param name="text" value="standard Web project">
    2.25 -        <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
    2.26 -        <param name="textFontFamily" value="SansSerif">
    2.27 -        <param name="textFontStyle" value="italic">
    2.28 -        <param name="textFontWeight" value="bold">
    2.29 -        <param name="textColor" value="blue">
    2.30 -    </object> 
    2.31 -  and choosing Properties. In the Frameworks page, you choose one or more frameworks that you
    2.32 -want to use to provide a structure for your web application.
    2.33 -<p>Click Add and then choose one or both of the following:
    2.34 -<ul>
    2.35 -	<li><b>JavaServer Faces.</b> Specifies that you want the IDE to
    2.36 -	provide the <tt>JSF 1.1</tt> libraries and create the following files for
    2.37 -	 your application:
    2.38 -	 <ul><li><tt>welcomeJSF.jsp</tt> 
    2.39 -	<li><tt>faces-config.xml</tt></ul>
    2.40 - For details, see:
    2.41 -	<p><object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
    2.42 -        <param name="content" value="">
    2.43 -	<param name="text" value="<html><u></u></html>">
    2.44 -        <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
    2.45 -        <param name="textColor" value="blue">
    2.46 -</object>
    2.47 -<p>You can set the JSF Servlet Name and Servlet URL Mapping. 
    2.48 - You can also specify whether the IDE validates the XML and verifies the objects.
    2.49 -	<li><b>Struts 1.2.9.</b> Specifies that you want the IDE to
    2.50 -	provide the <tt>Struts 1.2.9 </tt>libraries and create the following files for
    2.51 -	 your application:
    2.52 -	 <ul><li><tt>welcomeStruts.jsp</tt> 
    2.53 -	<li><tt>struts-config.xml</tt>
    2.54 -	<li><tt>tiles-defs.xml</tt>
    2.55 -	<li><tt>validator-rules.xml</tt>
    2.56 -	<li><tt></tt></ul>
    2.57 - For details, see:
    2.58 -	<p><object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
    2.59 -        <param name="content" value="">
    2.60 -	<param name="text" value="<html><u></u></html>">
    2.61 -        <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
    2.62 -        <param name="textColor" value="blue">
    2.63 -	</object>
    2.64 -	<p>You can set the Action Servlet Name, Action URL Pattern, and Application Resource. 
    2.65 -	You can also specify whether the IDE adds Struts TLDs.
    2.66 -  <li><b>Visual Web JavaServer Faces.</b>      Specifies that you want the IDE to
    2.67 -	provide the <tt>Visual Web JSF 1.1 and 1.2 </tt>libraries and create the following files for
    2.68 -	 your application:
    2.69 -	 <ul>
    2.70 -	   <li><tt>faces-config.jsf</tt>
    2.71 -       <li><tt>faces-config.xml</tt>           
    2.72 -    </ul>
    2.73 -
    2.74 -For details, see:
    2.75 -	<p><object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
    2.76 -        <param name="content" value="">
    2.77 -	<param name="text" value="<html><u></u></html>">
    2.78 -        <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
    2.79 -        <param name="textColor" value="blue">
    2.80 -</object>
    2.81 -<p>You can set the default Java package, JSF servlet name, and servlet URL mapping. You can also specify whether the IDE validates the XML and verifies the objects.</p>	
    2.82 -<li><b>Spring Web MVC 2.5.</b> Specifies that you want the IDE to
    2.83 -	provide the <tt>Spring Web MVC 2.5 </tt> libraries and create the following files for
    2.84 -	 your application:
    2.85 -     <ul><li><tt>applicationContext.xml</tt>
    2.86 -	   <li><tt>dispatcher-servlet.xml</tt>      
    2.87 -	 </ul>
    2.88 - For details, see:
    2.89 -	<p><object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
    2.90 -        <param name="content" value="">
    2.91 -	<param name="text" value="<html><u></u></html>">
    2.92 -        <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
    2.93 -        <param name="textColor" value="blue">
    2.94 -</object>
    2.95 -<p>You can set the Dispatcher Name and Dispatcher Mapping. 
    2.96 - You can also specify whether to include JSTL. </p></li>
    2.97 - <p>You can set the default Java package, JSF servlet name, and servlet URL mapping. You can also specify whether the IDE validates the XML and verifies the objects.</p>	
    2.98 -<li><b>Hibernate 3.2.5.</b> Specifies that you want the IDE to
    2.99 -	provide the <tt>Hibernate 3.2.5 </tt> libraries and create the following files for
   2.100 -	 your application:
   2.101 -     <ul><li><tt>hibernate.cfg.xml</tt>
   2.102 -	         
   2.103 -	 </ul>
   2.104 - For details, see:
   2.105 -	<p><object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
   2.106 -        <param name="content" value="">
   2.107 -	<param name="text" value="<html><u></u></html>">
   2.108 -        <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   2.109 -        <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   2.110 -</object>
   2.111 -<p>You can set the Dispatcher Name and Dispatcher Mapping. 
   2.112 - You can also specify whether to include JSTL.  </p></li>
   2.113 -</ul>
   2.114 -<dl>
   2.115 -    
   2.116 -	<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt> 
   2.117 -  <dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Standard Projects</a></dd>
   2.118 -<dd>  <a href="nbdocs://">About Free-Form Projects</a> </dd>
   2.119 -<dd>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box:</dd>
   2.120 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerSources.html">Sources</a> </dd>
   2.121 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerLibraries.html">Libraries</a></dd> 
   2.122 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerCompile.html">Compiling</a> </dd>
   2.123 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerWar.html">Packaging</a> </dd>
   2.124 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerJavadoc.html">Documenting</a></dd>
   2.125 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerRun.html">Run</a></dd>
   2.126 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerWSServiceHost.html">Web Services</a></dd>
   2.127 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerWSClientHost.html">Web Service Clients</a></dd>
   2.128 -</dl>
   2.129 -
   2.130 -<hr><font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font>
   2.131 -
   2.132 -<table border="0" cellpadding="20">
   2.133 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   2.134 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   2.135 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   2.136 -</table></body>
   2.137 -</html>
     3.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/dbox_projprops/CustomizerWSClientHost.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
     3.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     3.3 @@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
     3.4 -<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
     3.5 -<!--       
     3.6 -*     Copyright � 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
     3.7 -*     Use is subject to license terms.
     3.8 --->
     3.9 -<html>
    3.10 -<head>
    3.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    3.12 -	<title>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box: JAX-RPC Web Service Clients</title>
    3.13 -	
    3.14 -<link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    3.15 -</head>
    3.16 -<body>
    3.17 -<h2>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box: JAX-RPC Web Service Clients</h2>
    3.18 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
    3.19 -<p>You open the Standard Web Project Properties dialog box by right-clicking 
    3.20 -  any <object classid="">
    3.21 -        <param name="content" value="nbdocs://">
    3.22 -        <param name="viewerActivator" value="">
    3.23 -        <param name="viewerStyle" value="">
    3.24 -        <param name="viewerSize" value="400,220">
    3.25 -        <param name="text" value="standard Web project">
    3.26 -        <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
    3.27 -        <param name="textFontFamily" value="SansSerif">
    3.28 -        <param name="textFontStyle" value="italic">
    3.29 -        <param name="textFontWeight" value="bold">
    3.30 -        <param name="textColor" value="blue">
    3.31 -    </object>
    3.32 -  &nbsp;and choosing Properties.
    3.33 -<p>The JAX-RPC Web Service Clients page lets 
    3.34 -  you preconfigure the features that are used by the <a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.platform/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/platform/docs/webservice/consume/wsc_build.html"><tt>wscompile</tt> tool</a> 
    3.35 -  to compile a <a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.platform/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/platform/docs/webservice/consume/about_wsc.html">JAX-RPC web service client</a>.
    3.36 - 
    3.37 -      <ul class="note">
    3.38 -        <li>If the project does not contain JAX-RPC web service clients, the JAX-RPC Web Service Clients page does not exist.</li>
    3.39 -    </ul>
    3.40 -  
    3.41 -<p><b>WsComplie features available for the selected web service client:</b></p>
    3.42 -
    3.43 -<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" summary="The left column lists the
    3.44 -   element. The right column lists the purpose.">
    3.45 -  <tr valign="top"> 
    3.46 -    <th scope="col" align="left">Feature</th> 
    3.47 -    <th scope="col" align="left">Effect on Web Service Client</th>
    3.48 -  </tr>
    3.49 -  <tr valign="top"> 
    3.50 -	  <td><tt>datahandleronly </tt></td>
    3.51 -	  <td>Maps attachments to the <tt>DataHandler</tt> type.
    3.52 -    </td>
    3.53 -  </tr>
    3.54 -  <tr valign="top"> 
    3.55 -	  <td><tt>donotoverride </tt></td>
    3.56 -	  <td>No regeneration of classes that already exist on the classpath.</td>
    3.57 -  </tr>
    3.58 -  <tr valign="top"> 
    3.59 -	  <td><tt>donounwrap </tt></td>
    3.60 -	  <td>Disables unwrapping of document/literal wrapper elements in WSI mode (default).</td>
    3.61 -  </tr>
    3.62 -  <tr valign="top"> 
    3.63 -	  <td><tt>explicitcontext </tt></td>
    3.64 -	<td>Turns on explicit service context mapping.</td>
    3.65 - </tr>
    3.66 - <tr valign="top"> 
    3.67 -	  <td><tt>jaxbenumtype</tt></td>
    3.68 -	<td>Maps anonymous enumeration to its base type.</td>
    3.69 - </tr>
    3.70 - <tr valign="top"> 
    3.71 -	  <td><tt>nodatabinding </tt></td>
    3.72 -	<td>Turns off data binding for literal encoding.</td>
    3.73 -  </tr>
    3.74 -  <tr valign="top"> 
    3.75 -	  <td><tt>noencodedtypes </tt></td>
    3.76 -	  <td>Turns off encoding type information.</td>
    3.77 -       
    3.78 -  </tr>
    3.79 -  <tr valign="top"> 
    3.80 -	  <td><tt>nomultirefs</tt></td>
    3.81 -	  <td>Turns off support for multiple references.</td>
    3.82 -  </tr>
    3.83 -  <tr valign="top"> 
    3.84 -	  <td><tt>norpcstructures</tt></td>
    3.85 -	  <td>No generation of RPC structures (-import only).</td>
    3.86 -  </tr>
    3.87 -  <tr valign="top"> 
    3.88 -	  <td><tt>novalidation</tt></td>
    3.89 -	  <td>Turns off full validation of imported WSDL documents.</td>
    3.90 -  </tr>
    3.91 -  <tr valign="top"> 
    3.92 -	  <td><tt>resolveidref</tt></td>
    3.93 -	  <td>Resolve xsd:IDREF.</td>
    3.94 -  </tr>
    3.95 -  <tr valign="top"> 
    3.96 -	  <td><tt>searchschema</tt></td>
    3.97 -	<td>Searches schema aggressively for types.</td>
    3.98 -  </tr>
    3.99 -  <tr valign="top"> 
   3.100 -	  <td><tt>serializeinterfaces</tt></td>
   3.101 -	  <td>Turns on direct serialization of interface types.</td>
   3.102 -  </tr>
   3.103 -  <tr valign="top"> 
   3.104 -	  <td><tt>strict</tt></td>
   3.105 -	  <td>Generates code strictly compliant with JAX-RPC Specification.</td>
   3.106 -  </tr>
   3.107 -  <tr valign="top"> 
   3.108 -	  <td><tt>unwrap</tt></td>
   3.109 -	  <td>Enables unwrapping of document/literal wrapper elements in WSI mode.</td>
   3.110 -  </tr>
   3.111 -  <tr valign="top"> 
   3.112 -	  <td><tt>wsi</tt></td>
   3.113 -	  <td>Checks for compliance with the WSI-Basic Profile, which is a specification for improved 
   3.114 -	      interoperability.
   3.115 -	      For example, the WS-I Basic Profile prohibits the use of <tt>rpc/encoded</tt>. Therefore, if you set
   3.116 -	      the <tt>wsi</tt> feature, a warning will be generated when you build a web service client that uses
   3.117 -	      a WSDL file that uses <tt>rpc/encoded</tt>.</td>
   3.118 -  </tr>
   3.119 -</table>
   3.120 -<p><b>Additional WsCompile Options :</b></p>
   3.121 -<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" summary="The left column lists the
   3.122 -   element. The right column lists the purpose.">
   3.123 -  <tr valign="top"> 
   3.124 -    <th scope="col" align="left">Feature</th> 
   3.125 -    <th scope="col" align="left">Effect on Web Service Client</th>
   3.126 -  </tr>
   3.127 -  <tr valign="top">
   3.128 -    <td><tt>debug</tt></td>
   3.129 -    <td>Generates debugging information. </td>
   3.130 -  </tr>
   3.131 -  <tr valign="top">
   3.132 -    <td><tt>optimize</tt></td>
   3.133 -    <td>Optimizes generated coded. </td>
   3.134 -  </tr>
   3.135 -  <tr valign="top">
   3.136 -    <td><tt>xSerializable</tt></td>
   3.137 -    <td>Generates value types that implement Serializable interface.</td>
   3.138 -  </tr>
   3.139 -  <tr valign="top">
   3.140 -    <td><tt>xPrintStackTrace</tt></td>
   3.141 -    <td>Prints exception stack traces.</td>
   3.142 -  </tr>
   3.143 -  <tr valign="top">
   3.144 -    <td><tt>verbose
   3.145 -	</tt></td>
   3.146 -    <td>Outputs messages about what the compiler is doing.</td>
   3.147 -  </tr>
   3.148 -</table>
   3.149 -<p><strong></strong></p>
   3.150 -<dl>
   3.151 -    
   3.152 -<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt> 
   3.153 -<dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Standard Projects</a></dd>
   3.154 -<dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Free-Form Projects</a></dd>
   3.155 -<dd>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box:</dd>
   3.156 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerSources.html">Sources</a></dd>
   3.157 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerFrameworks.html">Frameworks</a></dd>
   3.158 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerLibraries.html">Libraries</a> </dd>
   3.159 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerCompile.html">Compiling</a></dd>
   3.160 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerWar.html">Packaging</a></dd>
   3.161 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerJavadoc.html">Documenting</a></dd>
   3.162 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerRun.html">Run</a></dd>
   3.163 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerWSServiceHost.html">Web Services</a></dd>
   3.164 -
   3.165 -</dl>
   3.166 -
   3.167 -<hr>
   3.168 -<font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font> 
   3.169 -<table border="0" cellpadding="20">
   3.170 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   3.171 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   3.172 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   3.173 -</table></body>
   3.174 -</html>
     4.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/dbox_projprops/CustomizerWSClientHostDisabled.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
     4.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     4.3 @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
     4.4 -<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
     4.5 -<!--       
     4.6 -*     Copyright � 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
     4.7 -*     Use is subject to license terms.
     4.8 --->
     4.9 -<html>
    4.10 -<head>
    4.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    4.12 -        <title>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box: Disabled JAX-RPC Web Service Clients</title>
    4.13 -        
    4.14 -        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    4.15 -    </head>
    4.16 -    <body>
    4.17 -        <h2>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box: Disabled JAX-RPC Web Service Clients</h2>
    4.18 -        <p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
    4.19 -        <p>You open the Standard Web Project Properties dialog box by right-clicking 
    4.20 -        any <object classid="">
    4.21 -            <param name="content" value="nbdocs://">
    4.22 -            <param name="viewerActivator" value="">
    4.23 -            <param name="viewerStyle" value="">
    4.24 -            <param name="viewerSize" value="400,220">
    4.25 -            <param name="text" value="standard Web project">
    4.26 -            <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
    4.27 -            <param name="textFontFamily" value="SansSerif">
    4.28 -            <param name="textFontStyle" value="italic">
    4.29 -            <param name="textFontWeight" value="bold">
    4.30 -            <param name="textColor" value="blue">
    4.31 -        </object>
    4.32 -        &nbsp;and choosing Properties.
    4.33 -        <p>The JAX-RPC Web Service Clients page lets 
    4.34 -        you preconfigure the features that are used by the <tt>wscompile</tt> tool 
    4.35 -        to compile a <a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.platform/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/platform/docs/webservice/consume/about_wsc.html">JAX-RPC web service client</a>.
    4.36 -        
    4.37 -        <p>If you have not created any JAX-RPC web service clients, this page is empty. To create
    4.38 -        JAX-RPC web service clients, see <a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.platform/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/platform/docs/webservice/consume/wsc_create.html">Creating a Web Service Client</a>.
    4.39 -        
    4.40 -        <ul class="note">
    4.41 -            <li>This page is for JAX-RPC (J2EE 1.4) web service clients only.
    4.42 -                Even though the project does not contain JAX-RPC web service clients,
    4.43 -            it could contain JAX-WS (Java EE 5) web service clients. </li>
    4.44 -        </ul>
    4.45 -        
    4.46 -        <dl>
    4.47 -            <dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt> 
    4.48 -            <dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Standard Projects</a></dd>
    4.49 -            <dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Free-Form Projects</a></dd>
    4.50 -            <dd>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box:</dd>
    4.51 -            <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerSources.html">Sources</a></dd>
    4.52 -            <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerFrameworks.html">Frameworks</a></dd>
    4.53 -            <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerLibraries.html">Libraries</a></dd>
    4.54 -            <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerCompile.html">Compiling</a></dd>
    4.55 -            <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerWar.html">Packaging</a></dd>
    4.56 -            <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerJavadoc.html">Documenting</a></dd>
    4.57 -            <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerRun.html">Run</a></dd>
    4.58 -            <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerWSServiceHost.html">Web Services</a></dd>
    4.59 -        </dl>
    4.60 -        <hr>
    4.61 -        <font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font> 
    4.62 -        <table border="0" cellpadding="20">
    4.63 -            <tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
    4.64 -            <tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
    4.65 -            <tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
    4.66 -    </table></body>
    4.67 -</html>
     5.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/dbox_projprops/CustomizerWSServiceHost.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
     5.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     5.3 @@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
     5.4 -<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
     5.5 -<!--       
     5.6 -*     Copyright � 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
     5.7 -*     Use is subject to license terms.
     5.8 --->
     5.9 -<html>
    5.10 -<head>
    5.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    5.12 -        <title>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box: JAX-RPC Web Services</title>
    5.13 -        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    5.14 -    </head>
    5.15 -    <body>
    5.16 -    <h2>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box: JAX-RPC Web Services</h2>
    5.17 -    <p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
    5.18 -    <p>You open the Standard Web Project Properties dialog box by right-clicking 
    5.19 -    any <object classid="">
    5.20 -        <param name="content" value="nbdocs://">
    5.21 -        <param name="viewerActivator" value="">
    5.22 -        <param name="viewerStyle" value="">
    5.23 -        <param name="viewerSize" value="400,220">
    5.24 -        <param name="text" value="standard Web project">
    5.25 -        <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
    5.26 -        <param name="textFontFamily" value="SansSerif">
    5.27 -        <param name="textFontStyle" value="italic">
    5.28 -        <param name="textFontWeight" value="bold">
    5.29 -        <param name="textColor" value="blue">
    5.30 -    </object>
    5.31 -    &nbsp;and choosing Properties.
    5.32 -    <p>The JAX-RPC Web Services page lets 
    5.33 -    you preconfigure the features that are used by the wscompile  tool 
    5.34 -    to compile a <a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.platform/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/platform/docs/webservice/about/about_ws.html">JAX-RPC web service</a>:
    5.35 -            
    5.36 -    <ul> <li>If you are <a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.platform/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/platform/docs/webservice/create/create_ws_from_wsdl.html">implementing an existing WSDL file</a>,
    5.37 -    the <tt>wscompile</tt> tool
    5.38 -    will create a service endpoint interface and implementation class for your JAX-RPC web service.</li>
    5.39 -    <li>If you are <a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.platform/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/platform/docs/webservice/create/create_ws_from_scratch.html">creating a web service from scratch</a>,
    5.40 -    the <tt>wscompile</tt> tool creates 
    5.41 -    a WSDL file.</li></ul>
    5.42 -            
    5.43 -            
    5.44 -    <ul class="note">
    5.45 -        <li>If the project does not contain JAX-RPC web services, the JAX-RPC Web Services page does not exist.</li>
    5.46 -    </ul>
    5.47 -            
    5.48 -    <p><b>Features:</b></p>
    5.49 -    <p>If you are implementing an existing WSDL file, you can check or type one or more of the following
    5.50 -    <tt>wscompile</tt> tool features:</p>
    5.51 -    <table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" summary="The left column lists the
    5.52 -        element. The right column lists the purpose.">
    5.53 -        <tr valign="top"> 
    5.54 -            <th scope="col" align="left">Feature</th>
    5.55 -            <th scope="col" align="left">Effect on Web Service</th>
    5.56 -        </tr>
    5.57 -        <tr valign="top"> 
    5.58 -            <td><tt>datahandleronly </tt></td>
    5.59 -            <td>Maps attachments to the <tt>DataHandler</tt> type.
    5.60 -            </td>
    5.61 -        </tr>
    5.62 -        <tr valign="top"> 
    5.63 -            <td><tt>donotoverride </tt></td>
    5.64 -            <td>No regeneration of classes that already exist on the classpath.</td>
    5.65 -        </tr>
    5.66 -        <tr valign="top"> 
    5.67 -            <td><tt>donotunwrap </tt></td>
    5.68 -            <td>Disables unwrapping of document/literal wrapper elements in WSI mode (default).</td>
    5.69 -        </tr>
    5.70 -        <tr valign="top"> 
    5.71 -            <td><tt>explicitcontext </tt></td>
    5.72 -            <td>Turns on explicit service context mapping.</td>
    5.73 -        </tr>
    5.74 -        <tr valign="top"> 
    5.75 -            <td><tt>jaxbenumtype</tt></td>
    5.76 -            <td>Maps anonymous enumeration to its base type.</td>
    5.77 -        </tr>
    5.78 -        <tr valign="top"> 
    5.79 -            <td><tt>nodatabinding </tt></td>
    5.80 -            <td>Turns off data binding for literal encoding.</td>
    5.81 -        </tr>
    5.82 -        <tr valign="top"> 
    5.83 -            <td><tt>noencodedtypes </tt></td>
    5.84 -            <td>Turns off encoding type information.</td>
    5.85 -                    
    5.86 -        </tr>
    5.87 -        <tr valign="top"> 
    5.88 -            <td><tt>nomultirefs</tt></td>
    5.89 -            <td>Turns off support for multiple references.</td>
    5.90 -        </tr>
    5.91 -        <tr valign="top"> 
    5.92 -            <td><tt>norpcstructures</tt></td>
    5.93 -            <td>No generation of RPC structures (<tt>-import</tt> only).</td>
    5.94 -        </tr>
    5.95 -        <tr valign="top"> 
    5.96 -            <td><tt>novalidation</tt></td>
    5.97 -            <td>Turns off full validation of imported WSDL documents.</td>
    5.98 -        </tr>
    5.99 -        <tr valign="top"> 
   5.100 -            <td><tt>resolveidref</tt></td>
   5.101 -            <td>Resolve <tt>xsd:IDREF</tt>.</td>
   5.102 -        </tr>
   5.103 -        <tr valign="top"> 
   5.104 -            <td><tt>searchschema</tt></td>
   5.105 -            <td>Searches schema aggressively for types.</td>
   5.106 -        </tr>
   5.107 -        <tr valign="top"> 
   5.108 -            <td><tt>serializeinterfaces</tt></td>
   5.109 -            <td>Turns on direct serialization of interface types.</td>
   5.110 -        </tr>
   5.111 -        <tr valign="top"> 
   5.112 -            <td><tt>strict</tt></td>
   5.113 -            <td>Generates code strictly compliant with the JAX-RPC Specification.</td>
   5.114 -        </tr>
   5.115 -        <tr valign="top"> 
   5.116 -            <td><tt>unwrap</tt></td>
   5.117 -            <td>Enables unwrapping of <tt>document/literal</tt> wrapper elements in WSI mode.</td>
   5.118 -        </tr>
   5.119 -        <tr valign="top"> 
   5.120 -            <td><tt>wsi</tt></td>
   5.121 -            <td>Checks for compliance with the WSI-Basic Profile, which is a specification for improved 
   5.122 -            interoperability.
   5.123 -            For example, the WS-I Basic Profile prohibits the use of <tt>rpc/encoded</tt>. Therefore, if you set
   5.124 -            the <tt>wsi</tt> feature, a warning will be generated when you build a web service that uses
   5.125 -            a WSDL file that uses <tt>rpc/encoded</tt>.</td>
   5.126 -        </tr>
   5.127 -    </table>
   5.128 -    <p>If you want to compile a document-style web service, you can check or type one or more of the following
   5.129 -    <tt>wscompile</tt> tool features:</p>
   5.130 -    <table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" summary="The left column lists the
   5.131 -        element. The right column lists the purpose.">
   5.132 -        <tr valign="top"> 
   5.133 -            <th scope="col" align="left">Feature</th>
   5.134 -            <th scope="col" align="left">Description</th>
   5.135 -            <th scope="col" align="left" width="70">Required?</th>
   5.136 -        </tr>
   5.137 -        <tr valign="top">
   5.138 -            <td><tt>documentliteral</tt></td>
   5.139 -            <td>Use this to specify in the WSDL file that the
   5.140 -            web service is of style "document".
   5.141 -            <p>By default, all web services that do not have at least one operation
   5.142 -            are compiled as document-style web services.</p></td>
   5.143 -            <td>Yes</td>
   5.144 -        </tr>
   5.145 -        <tr valign="top"> 
   5.146 -            <td><tt>donotoverride </tt></td>
   5.147 -            <td>No regeneration of classes that already exist on the classpath.</td>
   5.148 -            <td>No</td>
   5.149 -        </tr>
   5.150 -        <tr valign="top"> 
   5.151 -            <td><tt>rpcliteral </tt></td>
   5.152 -            <td>Not applicable.</td>
   5.153 -            <td>-</td>
   5.154 -        </tr>
   5.155 -        <tr valign="top"> 
   5.156 -            <td><tt>strict</tt></td>
   5.157 -            <td>Generates code strictly compliant with the JAX-RPC Specification.</td>
   5.158 -            <td>No</td>
   5.159 -        </tr>
   5.160 -        <tr valign="top"> 
   5.161 -            <td><tt>useonewayoperations</tt></td>
   5.162 -            <td>Not applicable.</td>
   5.163 -            <td>-</td>
   5.164 -        </tr>
   5.165 -    </table>
   5.166 -    <p>If you want to compile a RPC-style web service, you can check or type one or more of the following
   5.167 -    <tt>wscompile</tt> tool features:</p>
   5.168 -    <table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" summary="The left column lists the
   5.169 -        element. The right column lists the purpose.">
   5.170 -        <tr valign="top"> 
   5.171 -            <th scope="col" align="left">Feature</th>
   5.172 -            <th scope="col" align="left">Description</th>
   5.173 -            <th scope="col" align="left" width="70">Required?</th>
   5.174 -        </tr>
   5.175 -        <tr valign="top">
   5.176 -            <td><tt>documentliteral</tt></td>
   5.177 -            <td>Not applicable</td>
   5.178 -            <td>-</td>
   5.179 -        </tr>
   5.180 -        <tr valign="top"> 
   5.181 -            <td><tt>donotoverride </tt></td>
   5.182 -            <td>No regeneration of classes that already exist on the classpath.</td>
   5.183 -            <td>No</td>
   5.184 -        </tr>
   5.185 -        <tr valign="top"> 
   5.186 -            <td><tt>noencodedtypes </tt></td>
   5.187 -            <td>Encoding rules are defined in the XML Schema.<p></p>
   5.188 -                <p>By default, RPC-style web services have their encoding rules defined 
   5.189 -                in the SOAP 1.1 Specification. With this feature, it uses the XML 
   5.190 -                Schema defined in the <tt>types</tt> element for encoding purposes 
   5.191 -                instead.</p>
   5.192 -          <td>No</td>
   5.193 -            
   5.194 -        </tr>
   5.195 -        <tr valign="top"> 
   5.196 -            <td><tt>nomultirefs</tt></td>
   5.197 -            <td>Turns off support for multiple references.</td>
   5.198 -            <td>No</td>
   5.199 -        </tr>
   5.200 -        <tr valign="top"> 
   5.201 -            <td><tt>rpcliteral </tt></td>
   5.202 -            <td>Use this to specify in the WSDL file that the
   5.203 -            web service is of style "rpc".
   5.204 -            <p>By default, all web services that have at least one operation are 
   5.205 -            compiled as RPC-style web services.</td>
   5.206 -            <td>Yes</td>
   5.207 -        </tr>
   5.208 -        <tr valign="top"> 
   5.209 -            <td><tt>serializeinterfaces</tt></td>
   5.210 -            <td>Turns on direct serialization of interface types.</td>
   5.211 -            <td>No</td>
   5.212 -        </tr>
   5.213 -        <tr valign="top"> 
   5.214 -            <td><tt>strict</tt></td>
   5.215 -            <td>Generates code strictly compliant with the JAX-RPC Specification.</td>
   5.216 -            <td>No</td>
   5.217 -        </tr>
   5.218 -        <tr valign="top"> 
   5.219 -            <td><tt>useonewayoperations</tt></td>
   5.220 -            <td>Methods with void return types are mapped as one-way operations.</td>
   5.221 -            <td>No</td>
   5.222 -            
   5.223 -        </tr>
   5.224 -    </table>
   5.225 -        
   5.226 -        
   5.227 -    <dl>
   5.228 -            
   5.229 -        <dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt> 
   5.230 -        <dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Free-Form Projects</a></dd>
   5.231 -        <dd>  Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box:</dd>
   5.232 -        <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerSources.html">Sources</a></dd>
   5.233 -        <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerFrameworks.html">Frameworks</a> </dd>
   5.234 -        <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerLibraries.html">Libraries</a> </dd>
   5.235 -        <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerCompile.html">Compiling</a></dd>
   5.236 -        <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerWar.html">Packaging</a></dd>
   5.237 -        <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerJavadoc.html">Documenting</a></dd>
   5.238 -        <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerRun.html">Run</a></dd>
   5.239 -        <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerWSClientHost.html">Web Service Clients</a></dd>
   5.240 -    </dl>
   5.241 -        
   5.242 -    <hr>
   5.243 -    <font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font> 
   5.244 -    <table border="0" cellpadding="20">
   5.245 -        <tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   5.246 -        <tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   5.247 -        <tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   5.248 -    </table></body>
   5.249 -</html>
     6.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/dbox_projprops/CustomizerWSServiceHostDisabled.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
     6.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     6.3 @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
     6.4 -<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
     6.5 -<!--       
     6.6 -*     Copyright � 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
     6.7 -*     Use is subject to license terms.
     6.8 --->
     6.9 -<html>
    6.10 -<head>
    6.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    6.12 -        <title>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box: Disabled JAX-RPC Web Services</title>
    6.13 -        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    6.14 -    </head>
    6.15 -    <body>
    6.16 -        <h2>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box: Disabled JAX-RPC Web Services</h2>
    6.17 -        <p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
    6.18 -        <p>You open the Standard Web Project Properties dialog box by right-clicking 
    6.19 -        any <object classid="">
    6.20 -        <param name="content" value="nbdocs://">
    6.21 -        <param name="viewerActivator" value="">
    6.22 -        <param name="viewerStyle" value="">
    6.23 -        <param name="viewerSize" value="400,220">
    6.24 -        <param name="text" value="standard Web project">
    6.25 -        <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
    6.26 -        <param name="textFontFamily" value="SansSerif">
    6.27 -        <param name="textFontStyle" value="italic">
    6.28 -        <param name="textFontWeight" value="bold">
    6.29 -        <param name="textColor" value="blue">
    6.30 -    </object>
    6.31 -        &nbsp;and choosing Properties.
    6.32 -        <p>The JAX-RPC Web Services page lets 
    6.33 -        you preconfigure the features that are used by the <tt>wscompile</tt> tool 
    6.34 -        to compile a JAX-RPC web service:
    6.35 -        
    6.36 -        <p>If you have not created any JAX-RPC web services, this page is empty. To create
    6.37 -        JAX-RPC web services, see <a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.platform/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/platform/docs/webservice/create/about_implement_ws.html">About Implementing Web Services</a>.
    6.38 -        
    6.39 -        <ul class="note">
    6.40 -            <li>This page is for JAX-RPC (J2EE 1.4) web services only.
    6.41 -                Even though the project does not contain JAX-RPC web services,
    6.42 -            it could contain JAX-WS (Java EE 5) web services. </li>
    6.43 -        </ul>
    6.44 -        
    6.45 -        <dl>
    6.46 -            <dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
    6.47 -            <dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Standard Projects</a></dd>
    6.48 -            <dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Free-Form Projects</a> </dd>
    6.49 -            <dd>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box:</dd>
    6.50 -            <dd>	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerSources.html">Sources</a> </dd>
    6.51 -            <dd>   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerFrameworks.html">Frameworks</a> </dd>
    6.52 -            <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerLibraries.html">Libraries</a></dd>
    6.53 -            <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerCompile.html">Compiling</a></dd>
    6.54 -            <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerWar.html">Packaging</a></dd>
    6.55 -            <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerJavadoc.html">Documenting</a></dd>
    6.56 -            <dd>    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerRun.html">Run</a></dd>
    6.57 -            <dd>  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerWSClientHost.html">Web Service Clients</a></dd>
    6.58 -        </dl>
    6.59 -        
    6.60 -        <hr>
    6.61 -        <font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font> 
    6.62 -        <table border="0" cellpadding="20">
    6.63 -            <tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
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    6.67 -</html>
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    7.10 -<head>
    7.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    7.12 -<title>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box: Compiling</title>
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    7.14 -</head>
    7.15 -<body>
    7.16 -<h2>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box: Compiling</h2>
    7.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
    7.18 -<p>You open the Standard Web Project Properties dialog box by right-clicking 
    7.19 -  any <object classid="">
    7.20 -        <param name="content" value="nbdocs://">
    7.21 -        <param name="viewerActivator" value="">
    7.22 -        <param name="viewerStyle" value="">
    7.23 -        <param name="viewerSize" value="400,220">
    7.24 -        <param name="text" value="standard Web project">
    7.25 -        <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
    7.26 -        <param name="textFontFamily" value="SansSerif">
    7.27 -        <param name="textFontStyle" value="italic">
    7.28 -        <param name="textFontWeight" value="bold">
    7.29 -        <param name="textColor" value="blue">
    7.30 -    </object>
    7.31 -  &nbsp;and choosing Properties.
    7.32 -<p>In the Compiling page, you can set the following properties:
    7.33 -</p>
    7.34 -<ul>
    7.35 -	<li><b>Compiler Options. </b>Specifies the type of information to be generated during compilation.
    7.36 -	 You can generate debugging information (default), usage of deprecated APIs, or both.</li>
    7.37 -	 <li><b>Additional Compiler Options.</b> Specifies additional compiler options in a space-separated list. 
    7.38 -	 For example, if you type <tt>-help -version</tt>, the Output window displays the Java compiler's synopsis
    7.39 -	 of standard options together with the Java compiler's version information. 
    7.40 -	 <p>For a full list of compiler options, see: 
    7.41 -      <p>
    7.42 -<object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
    7.43 -	<param name="content" value="">
    7.44 -    <param name="text" value="<html><u></u></html>">
    7.45 -    <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
    7.46 -    <param name="textColor" value="blue">
    7.47 -</object></li>
    7.48 -<li><b>Test compile all JSP files during build. </b> Specifies that the project's JSP files
    7.49 -are to be compiled when you build the project. By default, the IDE does not compile JSP
    7.50 -files while building a project. This is because JSP compilation can take a long time 
    7.51 -because JSP files have to be translated to servlets before they can be compiled. For more information
    7.52 -on JSP compilation, see <a href="../../create/jsp/jsp_compile.html">Compiling a JSP File</a>.</li>
    7.53 -
    7.54 -</ul>
    7.55 -
    7.56 -<b>Notes:</b>
    7.57 -<ul><li>Do not use compiler options like <tt>-bootclasspath</tt> to cross-compile between Java 
    7.58 -	platforms. Instead, register the target Java platform by clicking Manage Platforms 
    7.59 -	in the Libraries page and <a href="nbdocs://">set 
    7.60 -    the target JDK</a> for the project.</li>
    7.61 -	<li>You can manage the project's classpath in the Libraries page. 
    7.62 -	You can set up file filters for WAR file creation in the Packaging page.</li></ul>
    7.63 -
    7.64 -<dl>
    7.65 -    
    7.66 -<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt> 
    7.67 -  <dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Standard Projects</a></dd>
    7.68 -<dd>  <a href="nbdocs://">About Free-Form Projects</a> </dd>
    7.69 -<dd>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box:</dd>
    7.70 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerSources.html">Sources</a> </dd>
    7.71 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerFrameworks.html">Frameworks</a> </dd>
    7.72 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerLibraries.html">Libraries</a></dd>
    7.73 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerWar.html">Packaging</a></dd>
    7.74 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerJavadoc.html">Documenting</a></dd>
    7.75 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerRun.html">Run</a></dd>
    7.76 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerWSServiceHost.html">Web Services</a></dd>
    7.77 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerWSClientHost.html">Web Service Clients</a></dd>
    7.78 -  </dl>
    7.79 -
    7.80 -<hr><font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font>
    7.81 -
    7.82 -<table border="0" cellpadding="20">
    7.83 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
    7.84 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
    7.85 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
    7.86 -</table></body>
    7.87 -</html>
     8.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/dbox_projprops/WebCustomizerJavadoc.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
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    8.10 -<head>
    8.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    8.12 -<title>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box: Documenting</title>
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    8.14 -</head>
    8.15 -<body>
    8.16 -<h2>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box: Documenting</h2>
    8.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
    8.18 -<p>You open the Standard Web Project Properties dialog box by right-clicking 
    8.19 -  any <object classid="">
    8.20 -        <param name="content" value="nbdocs://">
    8.21 -        <param name="viewerActivator" value="">
    8.22 -        <param name="viewerStyle" value="">
    8.23 -        <param name="viewerSize" value="400,220">
    8.24 -        <param name="text" value="standard Web project">
    8.25 -        <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
    8.26 -        <param name="textFontFamily" value="SansSerif">
    8.27 -        <param name="textFontStyle" value="italic">
    8.28 -        <param name="textFontWeight" value="bold">
    8.29 -        <param name="textColor" value="blue">
    8.30 -    </object>
    8.31 -  &nbsp;and choosing Properties.
    8.32 -<p>The Documenting page lets you configure 
    8.33 -  how the IDE generates Javadoc documentation for your classes.<p>You can set the most 
    8.34 -  commonly used Javadoc options by selecting the checkboxes in the dialog box. You can 
    8.35 -  also enter additional Javadoc options in a space-separated list in the Additional 
    8.36 -  Javadoc Options field. For more infomation on Javadoc options, see:
    8.37 -<p><object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
    8.38 -    <param name="content" value=" ">
    8.39 -    <param name="text" value="<html><u> </u></html>">
    8.40 -    <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
    8.41 -    <param name="textColor" value="blue">
    8.42 -  </object></p>
    8.43 -<dl>
    8.44 -    
    8.45 -<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt> 
    8.46 -  <dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Standard Projects</a></dd>
    8.47 -<dd>  <a href="nbdocs://">About Free-Form Projects</a></dd>
    8.48 -<dd>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box:<br>
    8.49 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerSources.html">Sources</a></dd>
    8.50 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerFrameworks.html">Frameworks</a></dd>
    8.51 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerLibraries.html">Libraries</a></dd>
    8.52 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerCompile.html">Compiling</a></dd>
    8.53 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerWar.html">Packaging</a> </dd>
    8.54 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerRun.html">Run</a></dd>
    8.55 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerWSServiceHost.html">Web Services</a></dd>
    8.56 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerWSClientHost.html">Web Service Clients</a></dd>
    8.57 -  </dl>
    8.58 -
    8.59 -<hr><font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font>
    8.60 -
    8.61 -<table border="0" cellpadding="20">
    8.62 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
    8.63 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
    8.64 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
    8.65 -</table></body>
    8.66 -</html>
     9.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/dbox_projprops/WebCustomizerLibraries.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
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     9.4 -<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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    9.10 -<head>
    9.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    9.12 -<title>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box: Libraries</title>
    9.13 -<link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    9.14 -</head>
    9.15 -<body>
    9.16 -<h2>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box: Libraries</h2>
    9.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
    9.18 -<p>You open the Standard Web Project Properties dialog box by right-clicking 
    9.19 -  any <object classid="">
    9.20 -        <param name="content" value="nbdocs://">
    9.21 -        <param name="viewerActivator" value="">
    9.22 -        <param name="viewerStyle" value="">
    9.23 -        <param name="viewerSize" value="400,220">
    9.24 -        <param name="text" value="standard Web project">
    9.25 -        <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
    9.26 -        <param name="textFontFamily" value="SansSerif">
    9.27 -        <param name="textFontStyle" value="italic">
    9.28 -        <param name="textFontWeight" value="bold">
    9.29 -        <param name="textColor" value="blue">
    9.30 -    </object>
    9.31 -  &nbsp;and choosing Properties.
    9.32 -<p>The Libraries page lets you specify the 
    9.33 -  classpath for the project, by setting the following properties: 
    9.34 -
    9.35 -<ul><li><b>Java Platform:</b> Specifies the target Java platform against which all
    9.36 -	source files are compiled and run. Available Java platforms are those that have been registered in the 
    9.37 -	<a href="nbdocs://">Java Platform Manager</a>.</li>
    9.38 -<p><b>Libraries Folder. </b>To make it easier to 
    9.39 -<a href="nbdocs://">share libraries</a> among different 
    9.40 -users and projects, you can set a folder to hold those libraries (or references to 
    9.41 -those libraries). You can create a new folder or specify an existing folder that 
    9.42 -already contains copies of the libraries on which your project depends. 
    9.43 -</p>
    9.44 -<p>To specify the folder, click Browse. If there is already a libraries folder, a 
    9.45 -file chooser opens. Within the file chooser, you can select a folder for your libraries. 
    9.46 -You can also configure whether each library is referenced with a relative path or 
    9.47 -an absolute path. If there is not a libraries folder, the New Libraries wizard opens. 
    9.48 -In the New Libraries wizard, you set a libraries folder and then specify how to reference 
    9.49 -each library. The simplest case is to have the libraries copied to that folder. 
    9.50 -You can also refer to the libraries in their existing location 
    9.51 -(with a relative path or an absolute path). If you have specified an existing folder, 
    9.52 -you also have the option of using copies of libraries that are already in that folder 
    9.53 -instead of the copies that are contained in the IDE's Library Manager.</p>	
    9.54 -	<li><b>Compile.</b><br>
    9.55 -	<b>Compile Tests.</b><br>
    9.56 -	<b>Run Tests.</b> Specifies entries that are on each of the classpaths. 
    9.57 -	You can add any of the following entries: 
    9.58 -	<ul>
    9.59 -  <li><b><a href="nbdocs://">Project</a>.</b> The build output, source 
    9.60 -    files, and Javadoc files of another IDE project.</li>
    9.61 -  <li><b><a href="nbdocs://">Library</a>. </b>A collection of binary 
    9.62 -  files, source files, and Javadoc files.</li>
    9.63 -  <li><b>JAR/Folder.</b> A JAR file or folder containing classes. The folder must contain classes. If the
    9.64 -  folder does not contain classes but, for example, images instead, use the Packaging page to add them to
    9.65 -  the project.</li></ul>
    9.66 -
    9.67 -By default, all items that are on the classpath are packaged in the WAR file. Uncheck
    9.68 -     the Package checkbox for each classpath item that you want to exclude from the WAR file.</li>
    9.69 -
    9.70 -<li><b>Build Required Projects (Libraries and additional WAR content).</b> 
    9.71 -By default, the projects required by the current project are built when the current
    9.72 -    project is built. Required projects are projects on the classpath as well as projects
    9.73 -    defined in the Packaging page. Unselect the Build Required Projects checkbox if you do
    9.74 -    not want the required projects to be built when the current project is built.</li></ul>
    9.75 -
    9.76 -
    9.77 -<p><b>Notes:</b>
    9.78 -<ul>
    9.79 -	<li>If you want to include a resource in the project, but not on the classpath,  use the Packaging page instead.
    9.80 -  <li>If a JAR file is registered as a Java Class Library and has attached source 
    9.81 -    code and Javadoc documentation, you can just add the JAR file to the classpath 
    9.82 -    and the IDE finds the Javadoc documentation and source code automatically. 
    9.83 -    You should use the Add Library button if you want to add a library that contains 
    9.84 -    several JAR files. Adding a Java Class Library rather than a regular JAR file 
    9.85 -    also makes it easier for other developers you share the project with to fix 
    9.86 -    broken references to Javadoc documentation and source code.</li>
    9.87 -  <li>Adding a <object classid="">
    9.88 -    <param name="content" value="project/csh/glossary_freeform.html">
    9.89 -    <param name="viewerActivator" value="">
    9.90 -    <param name="viewerStyle" value="">
    9.91 -    <param name="viewerSize" value="400,160">
    9.92 -    <param name="text" value="free-form project">
    9.93 -    <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
    9.94 -    <param name="textFontFamily" value="SansSerif">
    9.95 -    <param name="textFontStyle" value="italic">
    9.96 -    <param name="textFontWeight" value="bold">
    9.97 -    <param name="textColor" value="blue">
    9.98 -  </object> to the classpath of a standard project does nothing 
    9.99 -    unless you have declared the free-form project's build outputs in the Output 
   9.100 -    page of its Project Properties dialog box.</li>
   9.101 -</ul>
   9.102 -<dl>
   9.103 -    
   9.104 -<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt> 
   9.105 - <dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Standard Projects</a></dd>
   9.106 -<dd> <a href="nbdocs://">About Free-Form Projects</a></dd>
   9.107 -<dd>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box:</dd>
   9.108 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerSources.html">Sources</a></dd>
   9.109 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerFrameworks.html">Frameworks</a> </dd>
   9.110 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerCompile.html">Compiling</a></dd>
   9.111 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerWar.html">Packaging</a></dd>
   9.112 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerJavadoc.html">Documenting</a></dd>
   9.113 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerRun.html">Run</a></dd>
   9.114 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerWSServiceHost.html">Web Services</a></dd>
   9.115 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerWSClientHost.html">Web Service Clients</a></dd>
   9.116 -  </dl>
   9.117 -
   9.118 -<hr><font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font>
   9.119 -
   9.120 -<table border="0" cellpadding="20">
   9.121 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   9.122 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   9.123 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   9.124 -</table></body>
   9.125 -</html>
    10.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/dbox_projprops/WebCustomizerRun.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
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   10.10 -<head>
   10.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   10.12 -<title>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box: Run</title>
   10.13 -<link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
   10.14 -</head>
   10.15 -<body>
   10.16 -<h2>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box: Run</h2>
   10.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   10.18 -<p>You open the Standard Web Project Properties dialog box by right-clicking 
   10.19 -  any <object classid="">
   10.20 -        <param name="content" value="nbdocs://">
   10.21 -        <param name="viewerActivator" value="">
   10.22 -        <param name="viewerStyle" value="">
   10.23 -        <param name="viewerSize" value="400,220">
   10.24 -        <param name="text" value="standard Web project">
   10.25 -        <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   10.26 -        <param name="textFontFamily" value="SansSerif">
   10.27 -        <param name="textFontStyle" value="italic">
   10.28 -        <param name="textFontWeight" value="bold">
   10.29 -        <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   10.30 -    </object>
   10.31 -  &nbsp;and choosing Properties.
   10.32 -<p>The Run page 
   10.33 -  lets you configure options for deploying your project.
   10.34 -<p>In the Run page, you can set the following properties:
   10.35 -</p>
   10.36 -<ul>
   10.37 -  <li><b>Server. </b>Specifies the server to which the web application is deployed. 
   10.38 -    To register servers, choose Tools &gt; Servers from the main menu.</li>
   10.39 -  <li><b>Java EE Version</b>. Specifies which version of Java EE is to be used. </li>
   10.40 -  <li><b>Context Path.</b> Specifies a way to distinguish resources in one web 
   10.41 -    application from resources in others that are deployed on the same server 
   10.42 -    instance. The context of an application determines the URL namespace of the 
   10.43 -    contents of the web application. When a web application's context property 
   10.44 -    value is set, you access the web application at <tt>http://hostname:port/context/servlet_or_jsp</tt>. 
   10.45 -    For example, with the property value set to <tt>/HelloWeb</tt>, you access 
   10.46 -    the web application at <tt>http://hostname:port/HelloWeb/index.jsp</tt>.</li>
   10.47 -  <li><b>Display Browser on Run. </b> Specifies whether the browser is displayed. 
   10.48 -  </li>
   10.49 -  <li><b>Relative URL.</b> Specifies the URL relative to the context path to run. 
   10.50 -    For example, if you want a specific servlet to be the entry point to a web 
   10.51 -    application, specify the servlet's URL-pattern here. The IDE generates a servlet's 
   10.52 -    URL-pattern in the <tt>WEB-INF/web.xml</tt> file when you use the New File 
   10.53 -    (Ctrl-N) wizard to create a servlet.</li>
   10.54 -  <li><b>Deploy on Save.</b> Specifies whether changed files are automatically
   10.55 -    redeployed. This option saves you time when you run or debug your application in the IDE.</li>
   10.56 -    <li><b>VM Options.</b> Type options that are used for running main classes or unit tests.</li>
   10.57 -</ul>
   10.58 -<dl>
   10.59 -    
   10.60 -<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt> 
   10.61 -<dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Standard Projects</a></dd>
   10.62 -<dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Free-Form Projects</a> </dd>
   10.63 -<dd>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box:</dd>
   10.64 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerSources.html">Sources</a> </dd>
   10.65 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerFrameworks.html">Frameworks</a> </dd>
   10.66 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerLibraries.html">Libraries</a></dd>
   10.67 - <dd>     &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerCompile.html">Compiling</a></dd>
   10.68 -<dd> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerWar.html">Packaging</a></dd>
   10.69 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerJavadoc.html">Documenting</a></dd>
   10.70 -  <dd>    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerWSServiceHost.html">Web Services</a></dd>
   10.71 - <dd>    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerWSClientHost.html">Web Service Clients</a><br></dd>
   10.72 -</dl>
   10.73 -
   10.74 -<hr><font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font>
   10.75 -
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   11.12 -<title>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box: Sources</title>
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   11.14 -</head>
   11.15 -<body>
   11.16 -<h2>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box: Sources</h2>
   11.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   11.18 -<p>You open the Standard Web Project Properties dialog box by right-clicking 
   11.19 -  any <object classid="">
   11.20 -        <param name="content" value="nbdocs://">
   11.21 -        <param name="viewerActivator" value="">
   11.22 -        <param name="viewerStyle" value="">
   11.23 -        <param name="viewerSize" value="400,220">
   11.24 -        <param name="text" value="standard Web project">
   11.25 -        <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   11.26 -        <param name="textFontFamily" value="SansSerif">
   11.27 -        <param name="textFontStyle" value="italic">
   11.28 -        <param name="textFontWeight" value="bold">
   11.29 -        <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   11.30 -    </object>
   11.31 -  &nbsp;and choosing Properties.
   11.32 -<p>The Sources page 
   11.33 -  lets you define the folders that contain the project's source packages
   11.34 -  and test packages. Use the buttons on the right of the dialog box to add, remove, 
   11.35 -  and change the order of the folders.</p>
   11.36 -<p>You can have multiple source roots in a standard project, with the following 
   11.37 -  exceptions: 
   11.38 -</p><ul>
   11.39 -  <li>The source root cannot already exist in another IDE project. </li>
   11.40 -  <li>The source root cannot already be added to another compilation unit of the 
   11.41 -    same project. For example, a source root that is registered under Test Packages 
   11.42 -    cannot be added to the list of Source Packages.</li>
   11.43 -  <li>All of the source roots are packaged into the same WAR file and share the 
   11.44 -    same classpath.</li>
   11.45 -</ul>
   11.46 -<ul class="note">
   11.47 -  <li>If you have a source root that needs to be used by several projects, you 
   11.48 -    should create a separate project for the source root and <a href="nbdocs://">set 
   11.49 -    up compilation dependencies</a> between the projects.</li>
   11.50 -</ul>
   11.51 -<p>You can use the Source/Binary Format combo box  
   11.52 -to set the lowest Java platform version with which the generated Java code should be 
   11.53 -compatible. This setting corresponds to the javac <tt>-source</tt> option. 
   11.54 -Setting the source/binary format helps prevent you from using Java language constructs 
   11.55 -that are not available in the platform version to which you want to deploy. 
   11.56 -However, setting the source/binary format does not ensure that the platform APIs 
   11.57 -are used compatibly with that platform version. To make sure that your application 
   11.58 -is fully compatible with an earlier Java platform version, you need to 
   11.59 -switch to the <a href="WebCustomizerLibraries.html">Libraries tab</a> 
   11.60 -and set the Java Platform setting to the minimum version on which you plan
   11.61 -to deploy.</p>
   11.62 -
   11.63 -</p><ul class="note">
   11.64 -  <li>Specifying the source/binary format does not change the Java platform whose libraries 
   11.65 -    and executables are used to compile and run your project. To set the Java 
   11.66 -    platform that is used for compiling and running your project, click Libraries 
   11.67 -    and set the Java Platform setting accordingly. You cannot set the source/binary format 
   11.68 -    of a project to a higher release than the project's Java platform.</li>
   11.69 -</ul>
   11.70 -
   11.71 -<p><b>Test Packages Folders</b></p>
   11.72 -<p>You can use this pane to specify the folder that the IDE uses when creating JUnit tests. 
   11.73 -By default, when you create a project the IDE creates a test packages folder called <tt>test</tt> with the label Test Packages.
   11.74 -Use the buttons to the right of the list to remove the selected folder or to specify the folder that the IDE uses when creating tests.
   11.75 -You can also modify the Label field to change how the folder is displayed in the Projects window.</p>
   11.76 -<p>To create JUnit tests with the IDE, a project must have a test packages folder.
   11.77 -If the test packages folder for your project is missing or unavailable, you can create a new folder in your project and 
   11.78 -then use this pane to designate the new folder as the test packages folder.</p>
   11.79 -
   11.80 -<dl>
   11.81 -    
   11.82 -<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt> 
   11.83 -<dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Standard Projects</a></dd>
   11.84 -<dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Free-Form Projects</a> </dd>
   11.85 -<dd><a href="nbdocs://">Creating a JUnit Test</a> </dd>
   11.86 -<dd>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box:</dd>
   11.87 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerFrameworks.html">Frameworks</a></dd>
   11.88 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerLibraries.html">Libraries</a></dd>
   11.89 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerCompile.html">Compiling</a></dd>
   11.90 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerWar.html">Packaging</a> </dd>
   11.91 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerJavadoc.html">Documenting</a></dd>
   11.92 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerRun.html">Run</a></dd>
   11.93 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerWSServiceHost.html">Web Services</a></dd>
   11.94 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerWSClientHost.html">Web Service Clients</a></dd>
   11.95 -</dl>
   11.96 -
   11.97 -<hr><small><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></small>
   11.98 -
   11.99 -<table border="0" cellpadding="50">
  11.100 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
  11.101 -</table></body>
  11.102 -</html>
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   12.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   12.12 -<title>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box: Packaging</title>
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   12.14 -</head>
   12.15 -<body>
   12.16 -<h2>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box: Packaging</h2>
   12.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   12.18 -<p>You open the Standard Web Project Properties dialog box by right-clicking 
   12.19 -  any <object classid="">
   12.20 -        <param name="content" value="nbdocs://">
   12.21 -        <param name="viewerActivator" value="">
   12.22 -        <param name="viewerStyle" value="">
   12.23 -        <param name="viewerSize" value="400,220">
   12.24 -        <param name="text" value="standard Web project">
   12.25 -        <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   12.26 -        <param name="textFontFamily" value="SansSerif">
   12.27 -        <param name="textFontStyle" value="italic">
   12.28 -        <param name="textFontWeight" value="bold">
   12.29 -        <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   12.30 -    </object>
   12.31 -  &nbsp;&nbsp;and choosing Properties.
   12.32 -<p>The Packaging page lets 
   12.33 -  you specify the JAR files, folders, libraries, and projects that are part of
   12.34 -  your project but that are excluded from the classpath. For example, a library of
   12.35 -  applets or a folder of images can be included in the project in this page. You can also
   12.36 -  set up the filter for which files are excluded from the WAR file.
   12.37 -  <p>You can add any of the following: 
   12.38 -<ul>
   12.39 -  <li><b>JAR file.</b> A JAR file somewhere on your system.</li>
   12.40 -  <li><b><a href="nbdocs://">Library</a>. </b>A collection of binary 
   12.41 -    files, source files, and Javadoc files.</li>
   12.42 -    <li><b><a href="nbdocs://">Project</a>.</b> The build output, source 
   12.43 -    files, and Javadoc files of another IDE project.</li>
   12.44 -</ul>
   12.45 -<p><b>Notes:</b>
   12.46 -<ul>
   12.47 -  <li>To include an item in the classpath, use the Libraries page.</li>
   12.48 -  <li>To change the WAR name and location, open the file. Enter 
   12.49 -    the full path to the WAR file in the <tt>dist.dir</tt> property and the WAR 
   12.50 -    file's name in the <tt></tt> property. Notice that these two properties 
   12.51 -    are concatenated to form the <tt>dist.war</tt> property</li>
   12.52 -  <li>To disable building of WAR files for a project, open <tt>build.xml, </tt>override 
   12.53 -    the <tt>do-dist</tt> target and remove all the dependencies from the target, 
   12.54 -    like so:<br>
   12.55 -    <pre>&lt;target name=&quot;do-dist&quot; /&gt;</pre>
   12.56 -    </li>
   12.57 -    <li>By default, the projects required by the current project are built when the current project is built. 
   12.58 -    Required projects are projects on the classpath, which is defined in the Libraries page, as well as projects defined in the Packaging page. 
   12.59 -    Unselect the Build Required Projects checkbox in the Libraries page if you do not want the required 
   12.60 -    projects to be built when the current project is built.</li>
   12.61 -</ul>
   12.62 -<dl>
   12.63 -    
   12.64 -<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt> 
   12.65 -  <dd> <a href="nbdocs://">About Standard Projects</a></dd>
   12.66 -<dd>  <a href="nbdocs://">About Free-Form Projects</a></dd>
   12.67 -<dd>Standard Web Project Properties Dialog Box:</dd>
   12.68 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerSources.html">Sources</a></dd>
   12.69 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerFrameworks.html">Frameworks</a></dd>
   12.70 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerLibraries.html">Libraries</a></dd>
   12.71 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerCompile.html">Compiling</a></dd>
   12.72 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerJavadoc.html">Documenting</a></dd>
   12.73 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebCustomizerRun.html">Run</a></dd>
   12.74 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerWSServiceHost.html">Web Services</a></dd>
   12.75 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="CustomizerWSClientHost.html">Web Service Clients</a></dd>
   12.76 -  </dl>
   12.77 -
   12.78 -<hr><font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font>
   12.79 -
   12.80 -<table border="0" cellpadding="20">
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   12.84 -</table></body>
   12.85 -</html>
    13.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/dbox_projprops_freeform/WebClasspathPanel.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
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   13.14 -</head>
   13.15 -<body>
   13.16 -<h2>Free-Form Project Properties Dialog Box: Web Sources Classpath</h2>
   13.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   13.18 -<p>The Free-Form Project Properties dialog box enables you to alter the settings you entered when you created a
   13.19 -<object classid="">
   13.20 -        <param name="content" value="nbdocs://">
   13.21 -        <param name="viewerActivator" value="">
   13.22 -        <param name="viewerStyle" value="">
   13.23 -        <param name="viewerSize" value="400,220">
   13.24 -        <param name="text" value="standard Web project">
   13.25 -        <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   13.26 -        <param name="textFontFamily" value="SansSerif">
   13.27 -        <param name="textFontStyle" value="italic">
   13.28 -        <param name="textFontWeight" value="bold">
   13.29 -        <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   13.30 -    </object>&nbsp;.
   13.31 -<p>You open the Free-Form Project Properties dialog box by right-clicking the
   13.32 -free-form project's node in the Projects window and choosing Properties.
   13.33 -<p>In the Web Sources Classpath panel,
   13.34 -  you can add libraries, such as tag libraries, that you use in JSP pages.
   13.35 -  If you have not specified libraries containing the JSP and Servlet API (the <tt>jsp-api.jar</tt> and <tt>servlet-api.jar</tt>
   13.36 -  or the whole <tt>j2ee.jar</tt>, which contains both) in the Java Sources Classpath panel, you must specify these here. You need these
   13.37 -  API libraries for code completion in scriptlets in JSP pages. If you do not have your own API libraries, you can use those 
   13.38 -  provided by the IDE at <tt><i>IDE-install-directory</i>/enterprise5/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.<i>x</i>/common/lib</tt>. 
   13.39 -
   13.40 -<p><b>Notes:</b> 
   13.41 -<ul>
   13.42 -<li>The Web Sources Classpath panel is applicable to web free-form projects only. </li>
   13.43 -  <li>Like all settings in the Free-Form Project Properties Dialog Box,
   13.44 -  	 declaring the project's classpath does not change the actual classpath of
   13.45 -  	 your project as specified in your Ant script. These settings only configure
   13.46 -  	 your project to mirror your Ant script so that features such as code completion,
   13.47 -  	 error highlighting, and refactoring work correctly.</li>
   13.48 -  <li>To add the build output of another IDE project to the classpath, add the 
   13.49 -    project's JAR file to the classpath. </li>
   13.50 -</ul>
   13.51 -
   13.52 -<dl>
   13.53 -<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   13.54 -<dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Free-Form Projects</a></dd>
   13.55 -<dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Standard Projects</a></dd>
   13.56 -<dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/project/csh/proj_wiz.html">New Project Wizard:</a></dd>
   13.57 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="nbdocs://">Java Sources</a></dd>
   13.58 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebLocationsPanel.html">Web Sources</a></dd>
   13.59 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="nbdocs://">Java Sources Classpath</a></dd>
   13.60 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="nbdocs://">Output</a></dd>
   13.61 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="nbdocs://">Build and Run</a><br></dd>
   13.62 - </dl>
   13.63 -<hr>
   13.64 -<font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font> 
   13.65 -<table border="0" cellpadding="20">
   13.66 -  <tr>
   13.67 -    <td>&nbsp;</td>
   13.68 -  </tr>
   13.69 -  <tr>
   13.70 -    <td>&nbsp;</td>
   13.71 -  </tr>
   13.72 -  <tr>
   13.73 -    <td>&nbsp;</td>
   13.74 -  </tr>
   13.75 -</table>
   13.76 -</body>
   13.77 -</html>
    14.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/dbox_projprops_freeform/WebLocationsPanel.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
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   14.10 -<head>
   14.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   14.12 -<title>Free-Form Project Properties Dialog Box: Web Sources</title>
   14.13 -<link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
   14.14 -</head>
   14.15 -<body>
   14.16 -<h2>Free-Form Project Properties Dialog Box: Web Sources</h2>
   14.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   14.18 -<p>The Free-Form Project Properties dialog box enables you to alter the settings you entered when you created a
   14.19 -<object classid="">
   14.20 -        <param name="content" value="nbdocs://">
   14.21 -        <param name="viewerActivator" value="">
   14.22 -        <param name="viewerStyle" value="">
   14.23 -        <param name="viewerSize" value="400,220">
   14.24 -        <param name="text" value="standard Web project">
   14.25 -        <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   14.26 -        <param name="textFontFamily" value="SansSerif">
   14.27 -        <param name="textFontStyle" value="italic">
   14.28 -        <param name="textFontWeight" value="bold">
   14.29 -        <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   14.30 -  </object>&nbsp;.
   14.31 -
   14.32 -<p>You open the Free-Form Project Properties dialog box by right-clicking the
   14.33 -free-form project's node in the Projects window and choosing Properties.
   14.34 -<p>In the Web Sources panel, you specify which folders contain the project's web pages.
   14.35 -  You can also specify the context path and J2EE specification level.
   14.36 -
   14.37 -<p>In the Web Sources panel, you can set the following properties:
   14.38 -<ul>
   14.39 -  <li><b>Web Pages Folder. </b>Specifies the location of the existing Web pages.</li>
   14.40 -  <li><b>WEB-INF Content.</b> Specifies the location of the project's WEB-INF folder. </li>
   14.41 -  <li><b>Context Path.</b> Specifies a way to distinguish resources in one web 
   14.42 -    application from resources in others that are deployed on the same server instance.
   14.43 -    The context of an application determines the URL namespace of the contents of the web 
   14.44 -    application. When a web application's context property value is set, you access the web application 
   14.45 -    at <tt>http://hostname:port/context/servlet_or_jsp</tt>. For example, with the property value 
   14.46 -    set to <tt>/HelloWeb</tt>, you access the web application at <tt>http://hostname:port/HelloWeb/index.jsp</tt>.</li>
   14.47 -  <li><b>Java EE Version.</b> Specifies the Java EE version. </li>
   14.48 -</ul>
   14.49 -<p><b>Notes:</b> 
   14.50 -<ul>
   14.51 -	<li>The Web Sources panel is applicable to web free-form projects only. </li>
   14.52 -</ul>
   14.53 -<dl>
   14.54 -	<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   14.55 -	<dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Free-Form Projects</a></dd>
   14.56 -	<dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Standard Projects</a></dd>
   14.57 -	<dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/project/csh/proj_wiz.html">New Project Wizard:</a></dd>
   14.58 -	<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="nbdocs://">Java Sources</a></dd>
   14.59 -       <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="nbdocs://">Java Sources Classpath</a></dd>
   14.60 -       <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebClasspathPanel.html">Web Sources Classpath</a></dd>
   14.61 -       <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="nbdocs://">Output</a></dd>
   14.62 -       <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="nbdocs://">Build and Run</a></dd>
   14.63 -
   14.64 -</dl>
   14.65 -
   14.66 -<hr>
   14.67 -<font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font> 
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    15.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/graphic_editor/dd_multiview_filters_filtersNode.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
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   15.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   15.12 -<title>web.xml Visual Editor: Servlet Filters</title>
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   15.15 -<body>
   15.16 -<h2><tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor: Servlet Filters</h2>
   15.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   15.18 -<p>Use the Servlet Filters section and the Filter Mappings section of the <tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor
   15.19 - to add, remove, and
   15.20 -view the deployment information of your web application's servlet filters.
   15.21 - A filter is a piece of re-usable code that modifies requests to and responses 
   15.22 -  from a servlet.
   15.23 -<p>Filters can perform many functions, including (but not limited 
   15.24 -  to):</p>
   15.25 -<ul>
   15.26 -  <li>Authentication, that is, blocking requests based on user identity</li>
   15.27 -  <li>Logging and auditing, that is, tracking users of a web application</li>
   15.28 -  <li>Localization, that is, tailoring the request and response to a particular 
   15.29 -    locale</li>
   15.30 -  <li>Data compression, that is, making downloads smaller</li>
   15.31 -  <li>XSLT transformations of XML content, that is, targeting web application 
   15.32 -    responses to more than one type of client</li>
   15.33 -</ul>
   15.34 -
   15.35 -<p>To deploy a filter, you must register it in the <tt>web.xml</tt> file.
   15.36 - When you do this, you provide information needed by the server to deploy the filter.
   15.37 - For example, you tell the server which types of requests should cause the
   15.38 - filter to be deployed.</p>
   15.39 -
   15.40 -<p>Before you can register a filter in the <tt>web.xml</tt> file, you must
   15.41 -<a href="../../create/filter/filter_create.html">create it</a> in the New File wizard
   15.42 -or  <a href="../../csh/projwiz_standard/ThePanel.html">import it</a> from your existing sources.
   15.43 -You can use the Configure Filter Deployment panel of the New File wizard
   15.44 - to register a filter.
   15.45 -If you have not done so, or if you want to modify a registered filter's
   15.46 -deployment information, use the Filters view of the
   15.47 -<tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor.</p>
   15.48 -<p>You open the <tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor 
   15.49 - from the Projects window by 
   15.50 -expanding the Web Pages node, then the WEB-INF node, and then double-clicking
   15.51 -the <tt>web.xml</tt> file. Click Filters at the top of the editor
   15.52 - to open the Filters view. </p>
   15.53 -<p>First, click Add Filter Element to define the filter element with the following properties:</p>
   15.54 -<ul>
   15.55 -<li><b>Filter Name. </b>Specifies the filter's display name, such as <tt>LoginFilter</tt>.</li>
   15.56 -<li><b>Description. </b> Specifies a description, such as <tt>Performs pre- and post-login operations</tt>.</li>
   15.57 -<li><b>Filter Class. </b>Specifies the filter's class, such as <tt>MyLoginFilterClass</tt>.</li>
   15.58 -
   15.59 -</ul>
   15.60 -<p>Next, click Add within the filter element and define its initialization parameters:</p>
   15.61 -<ul>
   15.62 -<li><b>Param Name. </b>Specifies the parameter's display name, such as <tt>encoding</tt>.</li>
   15.63 -<li><b>Param Value. </b>Specifies the parameter's value, such as <tt>UTF-8</tt>.</li>
   15.64 -<li><b>Description. </b> Specifies a description, such as <tt>Acceptable encoding formats</tt>.</li>
   15.65 -</ul>
   15.66 -<p>Finally, click Add in the Filter Mappings section to map the filter to servlets or URL patterns
   15.67 -to which the filter applies:
   15.68 -</p>
   15.69 -<ul>
   15.70 -<li><b>Filter Name. </b>Selects the filter to which the mapping applies, such as <tt>LoginFilter</tt>.</li>
   15.71 -<li><b>Apply To. </b>Specifies the URL pattern or servlet to which the filter applies, such as <tt>/Authenticate</tt>.</li>
   15.72 -<li><b>Dispatcher types. </b> Constrains how the filter will be applied to requests:
   15.73 -<ul><li><b>Request.</b> (Default) Only when the request come directly from the client.</li>
   15.74 -	<li><b>Forward.</b> Only when the request has been forwarded to a component.</li>
   15.75 -	<li><b>Include.</b> Only when the request is being processed by a component that has been included.</li>
   15.76 -	<li><b>Error.</b> Only when the request is being processed with the error page mechanism.</li></ul>
   15.77 -<p>You can select one or more of the dispatcher types above.</p>
   15.78 -</li>
   15.79 -</ul>
   15.80 -<p>Note that when you click Remove at the top of the Servlet Filters section, 
   15.81 - you remove the filter's deployment information from the
   15.82 - <tt>web.xml</tt> file, but you do not remove the filter itself. To delete the filter,
   15.83 -  right-click it in the Projects window and choose Delete.</p>
   15.84 -<dl>
   15.85 -	<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   15.86 -	<dd><a href="../../create/filter/about_filter.html">About Servlet Filters</a></dd>
   15.87 -	<dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.platform/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/platform/docs/ejb/general/about_deployment_descriptors.html">About Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   15.88 -	<dd><a href="../../configure/about_webapp_configure.html">About Configuring Web Applications</a></dd>
   15.89 -       <dd><a href="../../configure/configure_webapp_dd.html">Configuring Web Application Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   15.90 -      </dl> 
   15.91 -<hr>
   15.92 -<font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font> 
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   15.99 -  </tr>
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  15.105 -</html>
  15.106 -
    16.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/graphic_editor/dd_multiview_overview_contextParamsNode.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
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   16.15 -<body>
   16.16 -<h2><tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor: Context Parameters</h2>
   16.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   16.18 -
   16.19 -<p>Use the Context Parameters section in the <tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor to add, remove, and
   16.20 -view the web application's context parameters.
   16.21 -Context parameters are initialization paramaters that are available throughout a web application.
   16.22 - You can use them, for example, to provide configuration information to all servlets and JSP pages in
   16.23 -  a web application.
   16.24 - 
   16.25 - <p>You can access context parameters in your code using the
   16.26 -<tt>javax.servlet.ServletContext.getInitParameter()</tt>
   16.27 -and <tt>javax.servlet.ServletContext.getInitParameterNames()</tt> methods, as illustrated below:
   16.28 -
   16.29 -<pre>   ServletContext context = this.getServletContext();
   16.30 -   String mainPage = context.getInitParameter("mainPage");</pre>
   16.31 -
   16.32 -<p>If a company name changes frequently, you can define
   16.33 -its value as a context parameter in the <tt>web.xml</tt> file instead of hard-coding
   16.34 - it in all your JSP files and servlets. Then 
   16.35 -<a href="../../create/listener/listener_create.html">define</a> and 
   16.36 -<a href="dd_multiview_overview_listenersNode.html">declare a listener</a>
   16.37 -that reads the value and stores it in the servlet context. Next,
   16.38 -define and declare another listener that monitors changes to the name.</p>
   16.39 -
   16.40 -
   16.41 -<p>To declare a context parameter, you must register it in the <tt>web.xml</tt> file.
   16.42 - When you do this, you provide information needed by the server to use the parameter.
   16.43 - You tell the server which value should be returned when a context parameter is referred to in
   16.44 - the web application.</p>
   16.45 -
   16.46 -<p>You open the <tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor 
   16.47 - from the Projects window by 
   16.48 -expanding the Web Pages node, then the WEB-INF node, and then double-clicking
   16.49 -the <tt>web.xml</tt> file. Click General at the top of the editor
   16.50 -to open the General section, then click the Context Parameters header
   16.51 - to open the Context Parameters section. </p>
   16.52 -<p>Click Add to define the context parameter element with the following properties:
   16.53 -</p><ul>
   16.54 -<li><b>Param Name. </b>Specifies the parameter's name, such as <tt>MyCompanyName</tt>.</li>
   16.55 -<li><b>Param Value. </b>Specifies the parameter's value, such as <tt>Sand For Africa Inc</tt>.</li>
   16.56 -<li><b>Description. </b> Specifies a description, such as <tt>Current name of my company</tt>.</li>
   16.57 -</ul>
   16.58 -<dl>
   16.59 -	<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dd>
   16.60 -	<dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.platform/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/platform/docs/ejb/general/about_deployment_descriptors.html">About Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   16.61 -       <dd>	<a href="../../configure/about_webapp_configure.html">About Configuring Web Applications</a></dd>
   16.62 -<dd><a href="../../configure/configure_webapp_dd.html">Configuring Web Application Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   16.63 -</dl>
   16.64 -<hr>
   16.65 -<font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font> 
   16.66 -<table border="0" cellpadding="20">
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   16.72 -  </tr>
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   16.78 -</html>
   16.79 -
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   17.14 -</head>
   17.15 -<body>
   17.16 -<h2><tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor: Web Application Listeners</h2>
   17.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   17.18 -
   17.19 -<p>Use the Web Application Listeners section of the <tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor to add, remove, and
   17.20 - view the deployment information of your web application's listeners.
   17.21 - Web application listeners give you more control over interactions with 
   17.22 - the <tt>ServletContext</tt> and <tt>HttpSession</tt> objects 
   17.23 - and let you efficiently manage the resources used by a web application.
   17.24 - Web application listeners are classes that implement one or more of the servlet event listener interfaces.
   17.25 - Application events notify web application listeners when servlet contexts and sessions are 
   17.26 - initialized and destroyed, as well as when attributes are added or removed from a context or session. </p>
   17.27 -
   17.28 - <p>To deploy a web application listener, you must register it in the <tt>web.xml</tt> file.
   17.29 - When you do this, you provide information needed by the server to deploy the web application listener.
   17.30 - You tell the server which class should be loaded when a web application listener is called.</p>
   17.31 -<p>Before you can register a web application listener in the <tt>web.xml</tt> file, you must
   17.32 -<a href="../../create/listener/listener_create.html">create it</a> in the New File wizard
   17.33 -or  <a href="../../csh/projwiz_standard/ThePanel.html">import it</a> from your existing sources.
   17.34 -You can use the Name and Location panel of the New File wizard
   17.35 - to register a web application listener.
   17.36 -If you have not done so, or if you want to modify a registered web application listener's
   17.37 -deployment information, use the Web Application Listeners section of the
   17.38 -<tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor.</p>
   17.39 -<p>You open the <tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor 
   17.40 - from the Projects window by 
   17.41 -expanding the Web Pages node, then the WEB-INF node, and then double-clicking
   17.42 -the <tt>web.xml</tt> file. Click General at the top of the editor
   17.43 -to open the General section, then click the Web Application Listeners header
   17.44 - to open the Web Application Listeners section. 
   17.45 -<p>Click Add to define the listener element with the following properties:
   17.46 -</p><ul>
   17.47 -<li><b>Listener Class. </b>Specifies the listener's class, such as <tt>MonitorMyCompanyName</tt>.</li>
   17.48 -<li><b>Description. </b> Specifies a description, such as <tt>Monitor the servlet context for changes 
   17.49 -	to the <a href="dd_multiview_overview_contextParamsNode.html">context parameter</a> that defines the company name</tt>.</li>
   17.50 -</ul>
   17.51 -<dl>
   17.52 -    <dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   17.53 -    <dd><a href="../../create/listener/about_listener.html">About Web Application Listeners</a></dd>
   17.54 -    <dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.platform/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/platform/docs/ejb/general/about_deployment_descriptors.html">About Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   17.55 -    <dd><a href="../../configure/about_webapp_configure.html">About Configuring Web Applications</a></dd>
   17.56 -   <dd> <a href="../../configure/configure_webapp_dd.html">Configuring Web Application Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   17.57 -      </dl> 
   17.58 -<hr>
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   17.71 -</body>
   17.72 -</html>
   17.73 -
    18.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/graphic_editor/dd_multiview_overview_overviewNode.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
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   18.10 -<head>
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   18.12 -<title>web.xml Visual Editor: General</title>
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   18.14 -</head>
   18.15 -<body>
   18.16 -	<h2>web.xml Visual Editor: General</h2>
   18.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   18.18 -<p>You open the <tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor 
   18.19 - from the Projects window by 
   18.20 -expanding the Web Pages node, then the WEB-INF node, and then double-clicking
   18.21 -the <tt>web.xml</tt> file. Click General at the top of the editor
   18.22 -to open the General view. 
   18.23 - Use the General view to add, remove, and
   18.24 - display the <tt>web.xml</tt> file's general information. </p>
   18.25 - <h3>Overview of the Web Application Deployment Descriptor</h3>
   18.26 -<p>Each web application has a deployment descriptor, which is an XML file that describes 
   18.27 -  how the application should be deployed. The deployment descriptor tells the server 
   18.28 -  about the components that make up the application. The elements of a deployment 
   18.29 -  descriptor can include: 
   18.30 -<ul>
   18.31 -  <li><b>Context Parameters.</b> These define the shared String constants that 
   18.32 -  are used by the web application. Set these in the <a href="dd_multiview_overview_contextParamsNode.html">Context Parameters section</a>.</li>
   18.33 -  <li><b>Web Application Listeners.</b> These list the listeners that the web application 
   18.34 -  uses. Set these in the <a href="dd_multiview_overview_listenersNode.html">Web Application Listeners section</a>.</li>
   18.35 -  <li><b>Servlet Declarations.</b> These list the servlets that the web application 
   18.36 -  uses and provide initialization parameters. Set these in the <a href="dd_multiview_servlets_servletsNode.html">Servlets section</a>.</li>
   18.37 -  <li><b>Servlet Mappings.</b> These tell the servlet container which servlet 
   18.38 -  to call for a given (context-relative) request URI or for a request URI pattern.
   18.39 -  Set these in the <a href="dd_multiview_servlets_servletsNode.html">Servlets section</a>.</li>
   18.40 -   <li><b>Filter Declarations.</b> These list the filters that the web application uses.
   18.41 -   Set these in the <a href="dd_multiview_filters_filtersNode.html">Filters section</a>.</li>
   18.42 -  <li><b>Filter Mappings.</b> These tell the servlet which filters to invoke for 
   18.43 -  a servlet. Set these in the <a href="dd_multiview_filters_filtersNode.html">Filters section</a>.</li>
   18.44 -  <li><b>Welcome File List.</b> This list specifies the file to use for the default 
   18.45 -  welcome file, such as <tt>index.html</tt>. Set these in the <a href="dd_multiview_pages_welcomeFilesNode.html">Welcome Files section</a>.</li>
   18.46 -  <li><b>Error Page Declarations.</b> These declare the JSP and HTML files that 
   18.47 -  are to be used for handling specified error states and exceptions. 
   18.48 -  Set these in the <a href="dd_multiview_pages_errorPagesNode.html">Error Pages section</a>.</li>
   18.49 -  <li><b>JSP Property Groups.</b> These declare a set of properties defined for a group of JSP files within a web application.
   18.50 -  Note that this is supported from J2EE 1.4 onwards only.
   18.51 -  Set these in the <a href="dd_multiview_pages_jspPropertyGroupsNode.html">JSP Property Groups section</a>.</li>
   18.52 -  <li><b>References.</b> These declare logical names for different types of references
   18.53 -  used in the web application. 
   18.54 -  Set these in the <a href="dd_multiview_references_envEntriesNode.html">Environment Entries section</a>, the
   18.55 -  <a href="dd_multiview_references_resRefsNode.html">Resource References section</a>, 
   18.56 -  the <a href="dd_multiview_references_resEnvRefsNode.html">Resource Environment References section</a>,
   18.57 -  the <a href="dd_multiview_references_ejbRefsNode.html">EJB References section</a>, or the
   18.58 -  <a href="dd_multiview_references_messageDestRefsNode.html">Message Destination References section</a>.</li>
   18.59 -  <li><b>Security.</b> These declare the login configuration, security roles, and security constraints for the application.</li>
   18.60 -</ul>
   18.61 -<p>You can define most of the contents of a <tt>web.xml</tt> file in the 
   18.62 -<tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor. For elements that cannot be defined
   18.63 -in the editor, click XML at the top to view and edit the deployment
   18.64 - descriptor's XML code.</p>
   18.65 - <p>The following general elements of the <tt>web.xml</tt> file can be defined
   18.66 -  in the General section:
   18.67 -</p><ul>
   18.68 -<li><b>Display Name. </b>Specifies the file's display name, such as <tt>Pizza Delivery Application, Version 1.13</tt>.</li>
   18.69 -<li><b>Description. </b> Specifies a description, such as <tt>Deployment information for Version 1.13 of Pizza Delivery Application</tt>.</li>
   18.70 -<li><b>Distributable. </b> Specifies that all requests that are part of a session
   18.71 -must be handled by one Java Virtual Machine (JVM) at a time. See section 7.7.2 of
   18.72 - the Java Servlet Specification Version 2.4 for details.</li>
   18.73 -<li><b>Session Timeout. </b> Specifies the default session timeout interval in seconds
   18.74 -for all sessions created in the current web application. To set the session timeout interval for a
   18.75 -specific session, use the <tt>HttpSession.setMaxInactiveInterval(int interval)</tt> method.
   18.76 -By definition, if the timeout period for a session is set to -1, the session will never expire.</li>
   18.77 -</ul>
   18.78 -<dl>
   18.79 -    <dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   18.80 -    <dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.platform/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/platform/docs/ejb/general/about_deployment_descriptors.html">About Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   18.81 -   <dd> <a href="../../configure/about_webapp_configure.html">About Configuring Web Applications</a></dd>
   18.82 -  <dd> <a href="../../configure/configure_webapp_dd.html">Configuring Web Application Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   18.83 -</dl> 
   18.84 -<hr>
   18.85 -<font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font> 
   18.86 -<table border="0" cellpadding="20">
   18.87 -  <tr>
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    19.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/graphic_editor/dd_multiview_pages_errorPagesNode.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
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    19.4 -<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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    19.9 -<html>
   19.10 -<head>
   19.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   19.12 -	<title>web.xml Visual Editor: Error Pages</title>
   19.13 -<link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
   19.14 -</head>
   19.15 -<body>
   19.16 -	<h2><tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor: Error Pages</h2>
   19.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   19.18 -<p>Use the Error Pages section to add, remove, and
   19.19 - view the deployment information of your web application's error pages.
   19.20 - An error page is a <a href="../../create/about/about_create_webapps.html">web component</a> that handles errors. </p>
   19.21 -<p>Web components such as servlets and JSP pages may throw exceptions to indicate 
   19.22 -error conditions. Usually, a web component catches and handles its own exceptions, 
   19.23 -as well as exceptions from the other components it uses. When a web component receives 
   19.24 -or generates an exception that it does not catch, the exception is passed to the 
   19.25 -web container (part of the J2EE server). If another web component is defined as an
   19.26 -error page for that exception, 
   19.27 -the request is directed to the error page's URL.</p>
   19.28 -<p>To define the web component that handles an error, you can register it 
   19.29 -in the <tt>web.xml</tt> file. For example, you can register a JSP file or a Java class
   19.30 - as an error page in the <tt>web.xml</tt> file.
   19.31 - When you do this, you must provide information needed by the server for handling an exception.
   19.32 - For example, you specify the error code or the exception type that must occur
   19.33 - for the error page to be called.</p>
   19.34 - <p>Before you can register an error page in the <tt>web.xml</tt> file, you must create it
   19.35 - or  <a href="../../csh/projwiz_standard/ThePanel.html">import it</a> from your existing sources.
   19.36 - For example, you can use the New File wizard to 
   19.37 - <a href="../../create/jsp/jsp_create.html">create a JSP file</a>.</p>
   19.38 -<p>You open the <tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor 
   19.39 - from the Projects window by 
   19.40 -expanding the Web Pages node, then the WEB-INF node, and then double-clicking
   19.41 -the <tt>web.xml</tt> file. Click Pages at the top of the editor
   19.42 -to open the Pages view. Click the Error Pages header
   19.43 - to open the Error Pages section.
   19.44 -<p>Click Add to define the error page element with the following properties:
   19.45 -</p><ul>
   19.46 -<li><b>Error Page Location. </b>Specifies the location of the error page.</li>
   19.47 -<li>Now specify one of the following:
   19.48 -<ul>
   19.49 -	<li><b>Error Code. </b> Specifies the HTTP error code that invokes the error page, such as <tt>404</tt>.
   19.50 -	 See the link below for a complete list of HTTP error codes and their descriptions.</li>
   19.51 -<li><b>Exception Type. </b> Specifies the Java exception type that invokes the error page,
   19.52 -such as <tt>java.lang.NullPointerException</tt>.</li>
   19.53 -</ul>
   19.54 -</li>
   19.55 -</ul>
   19.56 -<dl>
   19.57 -    <dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   19.58 -    <dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.platform/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/platform/docs/ejb/general/about_deployment_descriptors.html">About Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   19.59 -   <dd> <a href="../../configure/about_webapp_configure.html">About Configuring Web Applications</a></dd>
   19.60 -  <dd> <a href="../../configure/configure_webapp_dd.html">Configuring Web Application Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   19.61 -  <dd><object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
   19.62 -        <param name="content" value="">
   19.63 -        <param name="text" value="<html><u>JavaServer Pages (JSP) Error Pages and Preventing Repeated Operations</u></html>">
   19.64 -        <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   19.65 -        <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   19.66 -</object></dd>
   19.67 -<dd><object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
   19.68 -        <param name="content" value="">
   19.69 -	<param name="text" value="<html><u>HTTP Error Code Definitions</u></html>">
   19.70 -        <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   19.71 -        <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   19.72 -</object></dd>
   19.73 -      </dl> 
   19.74 -<hr>
   19.75 -<font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font> 
   19.76 -<table border="0" cellpadding="20">
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    20.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/graphic_editor/dd_multiview_pages_jspPropertyGroupsNode.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
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    20.4 -<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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   20.10 -<head>
   20.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   20.12 -<title>web.xml Visual Editor: JSP Property Groups</title>
   20.13 -<link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
   20.14 -</head>
   20.15 -<body>
   20.16 -<h2><tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor: JSP Property Groups</h2>
   20.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   20.18 -
   20.19 -<p>Use the JSP Property Groups section to add, remove, and
   20.20 - view a web application's JSP property groups.
   20.21 - A JSP property group is a set of properties defined for a group of JSP files
   20.22 - within a web application. </p>
   20.23 -<p>You open the <tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor 
   20.24 - from the Projects window by 
   20.25 -expanding the Web Pages node, then the WEB-INF node, and then double-clicking
   20.26 -the <tt>web.xml</tt> file. Click Pages at the top of the editor to open the Pages view.
   20.27 - Click the JSP Property Groups header
   20.28 - to open the JSP Property Groups section. 
   20.29 -<p>First, click Add JSP Property Group to define the JSP property group with the following properties:
   20.30 -</p><ul>
   20.31 -<li><b>Display Name. </b>Specifies the group's display name, such as <tt>Bookstore</tt>.</li>
   20.32 -<li><b>Description. </b> Specifies a description, such as <tt>All JSP files in Bookstore component</tt>.</li>
   20.33 -<li><b>URL Pattern(s). </b> Specifies the group of JSP files that will use the properties,
   20.34 -such as <tt>bookstore/*.jsp</tt>. You can specify more than one URL pattern.
   20.35 - Note that all the properties in the group apply to the 
   20.36 -JSP files that match any of the URL patterns. If a JSP file matches URL patterns in 
   20.37 -more than one group, the pattern that is most specific applies.</li>
   20.38 -</ul>
   20.39 -<p>After you click OK, you can define the following properties for the group:</p>
   20.40 -<ul>
   20.41 -<li><b>Page Encoding. </b> Specifies the <a href="../../create/jsp/about_jsp_encoding.html">page encoding</a> for all the JSP files in
   20.42 -the group. Valid values are the same as those used by the <tt>pageEncoding</tt> attribute of 
   20.43 -an individual JSP file's page directive. A translation-time error results if you define the page 
   20.44 -encoding with one value in the JSP property group and 
   20.45 -then give it a different value in an invidual JSP file's <tt>pageEncoding</tt> directive.</li>
   20.46 -<li><b>Ignore Expression Language. </b> Overrides the default expression language (EL)
   20.47 - evaluation mode for all the JSP files that belong to the group. 
   20.48 - The default value varies depending on the version of the <tt>web.xml</tt> file. 
   20.49 -The default mode for JSP files delivered using a Servlet 2.3 or earlier <tt>web.xml</tt> file is to ignore EL 
   20.50 -expressions; this provides backwards compatibility. The default mode for JSP files delivered with 
   20.51 -a Servlet 2.4 <tt>web.xml</tt> file is to evaluate EL expressions; this automatically provides the default
   20.52 -that most applications want. EL expressions that are not evaluated are treated as regular text.</li>
   20.53 -<li><b>Disable Scripting. </b> Invalidates scripting for all the JSP files that belong to the group. By default, 
   20.54 -scripting in JSP files is valid. Since scripting can make pages difficult to maintain, 
   20.55 -you may want to invalidate it. When scripting is invalid, scriptlets, scripting expressions, 
   20.56 -and declarations will produce a translation error if present in any of the pages in the group.</li>
   20.57 -<li><b>XML Syntax. </b> Specifies that all JSP pages in the group are JSP documents, instead of JSP files. This means
   20.58 -that they use <a href="../../create/jsp/about_jsp_syntax.html#document">JSP document syntax</a>, 
   20.59 -instead of <a href="../../create/jsp/about_jsp_syntax.html#standard">standard JSP syntax</a>.</li>
   20.60 -<li><b>Trim Directive Whitespaces.</b> Eliminates the extra white space from the page.</li>
   20.61 -<li><b>Deferred Syntax Allowed as Literal.</b> Controls whether the character sequence <code>#{</code> is allowed when used as a String literal.</li>
   20.62 -<li><b>Include Preludes (Headers). </b><br>
   20.63 -<b>Include Codas (Footers). </b> Specifies the headers and footers implicitly included by all the JSP files in
   20.64 -the group, such as <tt>/template/header.jspf</tt> and <tt>/template/footer.jspf</tt>.
   20.65 -The values of headers and footers are context-relative paths that 
   20.66 -must correspond to elements in the web application. When the elements are present, the 
   20.67 -given paths are automatically included (as in an include directive) at the beginning and 
   20.68 -end of each JSP page in the property group respectively. When there is more than one header 
   20.69 -or footer element that belong to the group, they are included in the order they appear. When more than one JSP 
   20.70 -property group applies to a JSP page, the corresponding elements will be processed in the 
   20.71 -same order as they appear in the group.</li>
   20.72 -</ul>
   20.73 -<dl>
   20.74 -	<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   20.75 -		<dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.platform/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/platform/docs/ejb/general/about_deployment_descriptors.html">About Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   20.76 -	       	<dd>	<a href="../../configure/about_webapp_configure.html">About Configuring Web Applications</a></dd>
   20.77 -	       	<dd>	<a href="../../configure/configure_webapp_dd.html">Configuring Web Application Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   20.78 -</dl> 
   20.79 -<hr>
   20.80 -<font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font> 
   20.81 -<table border="0" cellpadding="20">
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    21.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/graphic_editor/dd_multiview_pages_welcomeFilesNode.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
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    21.4 -<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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    21.9 -<html>
   21.10 -<head>
   21.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   21.12 -<title>web.xml Visual Editor: Welcome Files</title>
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   21.14 -</head>
   21.15 -<body>
   21.16 -<h2><tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor: Welcome Files</h2>
   21.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   21.18 -
   21.19 -<p>Use the Welcome Files section to add, remove, and
   21.20 - view your web application's welcome files.
   21.21 - A welcome file is a JSP file, HTML file, or servlet that is displayed when
   21.22 - the web application is deployed. </p>
   21.23 - <p>To define one ore more JSP files, HTML files, or servlets as welcome files, you can register them 
   21.24 -in the <tt>web.xml</tt> file.</p>
   21.25 - <p>Before you can register a welcome file in the <tt>web.xml</tt> file, you must create the
   21.26 - <a href="../../create/jsp/jsp_create.html">JSP file</a>,
   21.27 - <a href="../../create/html/html_create.html">HTML file</a>, or 
   21.28 - <a href="../../create/servlet/servlet_create.html">servlet</a> 
   21.29 - or  <a href="../../csh/projwiz_standard/ThePanel.html">import it</a> from your existing sources.</p>
   21.30 -<p>You open the <tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor 
   21.31 - from the Projects window by 
   21.32 -expanding the Web Pages node, then the WEB-INF node, and then double-clicking
   21.33 -the <tt>web.xml</tt> file. Click Pages at the top of the editor to open the Pages view.
   21.34 - Click the Welcome Files header
   21.35 - to open the Welcome Files section. 
   21.36 - <p>Click Browse to find and select the welcome file of your choice. You can choose
   21.37 -  more than one welcome file, but only the first existing welcome file is used as
   21.38 -  the web application's welcome file. You can register other files as welcome files
   21.39 -  for testing and debugging purposes.</p>
   21.40 -<p>During development time only, you can specify the application's
   21.41 - welcome file by right-clicking the project node
   21.42 - in the Projects window, choosing Properties, clicking Run, and typing it in the Relative URL
   21.43 - text box. Note that the welcome file specified in the Project Properties dialog box is the welcome
   21.44 - file that is used first. If no welcome file is defined in the Project Properties dialog box, the
   21.45 - first existing welcome file defined in the <tt>web.xml</tt> file is used.</p>
   21.46 -<dl>
   21.47 -	<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   21.48 -		<dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.platform/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/platform/docs/ejb/general/about_deployment_descriptors.html">About Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   21.49 -			<dd><a href="../../configure/about_webapp_configure.html">About Configuring Web Applications</a></dd>
   21.50 -				<dd><a href="../../configure/configure_webapp_dd.html">Configuring Web Application Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   21.51 -      </dl> 
   21.52 -<hr>
   21.53 -<font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font> 
   21.54 -<table border="0" cellpadding="20">
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   21.65 -</body>
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    22.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/graphic_editor/dd_multiview_references_ejbRefsNode.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
    22.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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    22.4 -<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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    22.9 -<html>
   22.10 -<head>
   22.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   22.12 -<title>web.xml Visual Editor: EJB References</title>
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   22.14 -</head>
   22.15 -<body>
   22.16 -<h2><tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor: EJB References</h2>
   22.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small>
   22.18 -
   22.19 -<p>Use the EJB References section to add, remove, and
   22.20 -view the web application's references to EJB modules.
   22.21 -The reference created here is mapped to the actual location of the EJB module at 
   22.22 -deployment time, when you define the necessary mappings in the server-specific deployment descriptor.</p>
   22.23 -
   22.24 -<p>You open the <tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor 
   22.25 - from the Projects window by 
   22.26 -expanding the Web Pages node, then the WEB-INF node, and then double-clicking
   22.27 -the <tt>web.xml</tt> file. Click References at the top of the editor
   22.28 -to open the References section, then click the EJB References header
   22.29 -to open the EJB References section. 
   22.30 - Use the EJB References section to add, remove, and
   22.31 - view the web application's EJB references.</p>
   22.32 - <p>Click Add to define a resource reference element with the following properties:
   22.33 -</p><ul>
   22.34 -<li><b>EJB Reference Name.</b> Specifies the resource reference's name, such as <tt>myDataSource</tt>.</li>
   22.35 -<li><b>EJB Type.</b> Specifies the expected Java class type of the referenced EJB.</li>
   22.36 -<li><b>Interface Type.</b> Specifies the expected interface type of the referenced EJB.</li>
   22.37 -<li><b>Home Interface.</b> Specifies the fully qualified class name of the EJB home interface.</li>
   22.38 -<li><b>Remote/Local Interface.</b> Specifies the fully qualified class name of the EJB remote/local interface.</li>
   22.39 -<li><b>Linked EJB.</b> Specifies the name of an EJB module in an encompassing J2EE application package.</li>
   22.40 -<li><b>Description.</b> Specifies a description.</li>
   22.41 -</ul>
   22.42 -
   22.43 -
   22.44 -<dl>
   22.45 -	<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>	
   22.46 -	<dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.platform/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/platform/docs/ejb/general/about_deployment_descriptors.html">About Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   22.47 -		<dd><a href="../../configure/about_webapp_configure.html">About Configuring Web Applications</a></dd>
   22.48 -			<dd><a href="../../configure/configure_webapp_dd.html">Configuring Web Application Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   22.49 -      </dl> 
   22.50 -<hr>
   22.51 -<font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font> 
   22.52 -<table border="0" cellpadding="20">
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   22.63 -</body>
   22.64 -</html>
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    23.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/graphic_editor/dd_multiview_references_envEntriesNode.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
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    23.4 -<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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   23.10 -<head>
   23.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   23.12 -<title>web.xml Visual Editor: Environment Entries</title>
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   23.14 -</head>
   23.15 -<body>
   23.16 -<h2><tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor: Environment Entries</h2>
   23.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   23.18 -<p>Use the Environment Entries section to add, remove, and
   23.19 - view the web application's environment variables.
   23.20 -Application environment entries are initialization variables that are available throughout a web application.
   23.21 - You can use them, for example, to validate the object's type.
   23.22 -<p> You access application environment variables 
   23.23 - in the <tt>java:comp/env</tt> context through a JNDI lookup, unlike
   23.24 - <a href="dd_multiview_overview_contextParamsNode.html">context parameters</a>, which
   23.25 - you access via a <tt>ServletContext</tt> object. So, you would extract the value of an application environment variable
   23.26 -  as follows:
   23.27 - 
   23.28 -
   23.29 -<pre>   InitialContext context = new InitialContext();
   23.30 -   String header = (String) context.lookup("java:comp/env/headerPage");</pre>
   23.31 -
   23.32 -  <p>The JNDI lookup method expects the type specified by the <tt>env-entry-type</tt> element and throws
   23.33 -   an exception if the returned value is not of that type.
   23.34 -<p>To declare an application environment variable, you must register it in the <tt>web.xml</tt> file.
   23.35 - When you do this, you provide information needed by the server to use the parameter.
   23.36 - You tell the server which value should be returned when an environment entry is referred to in
   23.37 - the web application.</p>
   23.38 -<p>You open the <tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor 
   23.39 - from the Projects window by 
   23.40 -expanding the Web Pages node, then the WEB-INF node, and then double-clicking
   23.41 -the <tt>web.xml</tt> file. Click References at the top of the editor
   23.42 -to open the References section, then click the Environment Entries header
   23.43 - to open the Environment Entries section. 
   23.44 -  <p>Click Add to define an environment entry element with the following properties:
   23.45 -</p><ul>
   23.46 -<li><b>Entry Name.</b> Specifies the variable's name, such as <tt>headerPage</tt>.</li>
   23.47 -<li><b>Entry Type.</b> Specifies the variable's name for validation, such as <tt>java.lang.String</tt>.</li>
   23.48 -<li><b>Entry Value.</b> Specifies the parameter's value, such as <tt>mypages/header-0034.html</tt>.</li>
   23.49 -<li><b>Description.</b> Specifies a description, such as <tt>Header Page for Travel Agency Application</tt>.</li>
   23.50 -</ul>
   23.51 -
   23.52 -<dl>
   23.53 -	<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>	
   23.54 -	<dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.platform/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/platform/docs/ejb/general/about_deployment_descriptors.html">About Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   23.55 -       	<dd>	<a href="../../configure/about_webapp_configure.html">About Configuring Web Applications</a></dd>
   23.56 -		<dd><a href="../../configure/configure_webapp_dd.html">Configuring Web Application Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   23.57 -      </dl> 
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   24.16 -<h2><tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor: Message Destination References</h2>
   24.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   24.18 -<p>Use the Message Destination References section to add, remove, and
   24.19 - view the web application's message destination references. </p>
   24.20 -
   24.21 - <p>The J2EE 1.4 specification lets J2EE components refer to message destination objects
   24.22 - by using logical names called message destination references.
   24.23 - A message destination reference points to a message destination 
   24.24 - that can be defined in an EJB module, application client module, or web module.</p>
   24.25 - 
   24.26 - <p>To declare a message destination reference, you must register it in the <tt>web.xml</tt> file.
   24.27 - When you do this, you provide information needed by the server to use the resource reference.</p>
   24.28 - <p>You open the <tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor 
   24.29 - from the Projects window by 
   24.30 -expanding the Web Pages node, then the WEB-INF node, and then double-clicking
   24.31 -the <tt>web.xml</tt> file. Click References at the top of the editor
   24.32 -to open the References section, then click the Message Destination References header
   24.33 -to open the Message Destination References section. 
   24.34 - <p>Click Add to define a message destination reference element with the following properties:
   24.35 -</p><ul>
   24.36 -<li><b>Reference Name.</b> Specifies the reference's name, such as <tt>myDataSource</tt>. Note that the name of the message 
   24.37 -destination reference is relative to the <tt>java:comp/env context</tt>. For example, the name should be 
   24.38 -<tt>jms/MyBidQueue</tt> and not <tt>java:comp/env/jms/MyBidQueue</tt>.</li>
   24.39 -<li><b>Reference Type.</b> Specifies the expected type of the referenced destination, either <tt>java.jms.Queue</tt> or <tt>java.jms.Topic</tt>.</li>
   24.40 -<li><b>Usage.</b> Specifies what the message destination does to messages: consumes, produces, or both.
   24.41 -<li><b>Link to Message Destination.</b> Name of the message destination.</li>
   24.42 -<li><b>Description.</b> Specifies a description for the reference.</li>
   24.43 -</ul>
   24.44 -<dl>
   24.45 -	<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>	
   24.46 -	<dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.platform/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/platform/docs/ejb/general/about_deployment_descriptors.html">About Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   24.47 -       	<dd>	<a href="../../configure/about_webapp_configure.html">About Configuring Web Applications</a></dd>
   24.48 -		<dd><a href="../../configure/configure_webapp_dd.html">Configuring Web Application Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   24.49 -	</dl>
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   25.15 -<body>
   25.16 -<h2><tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor: Resource Environment References</h2>
   25.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   25.18 -<p>Use the Resource Environment References section to add, remove, and
   25.19 - view the web application's resource environment references.
   25.20 - Resource environment references contain a declaration of a web application's reference
   25.21 - to an administered object associated with a resource in the web application's environment. 
   25.22 - It consists of an optional description, the resource environment reference name, and an 
   25.23 - indication of the resource environment reference type expected by the web application code.
   25.24 -<p>To declare an resource environment reference, you must register it in the <tt>web.xml</tt> file.
   25.25 -When you do this, you provide information needed by the server to use the reference.
   25.26 -<p>You open the <tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor 
   25.27 - from the Projects window by 
   25.28 -expanding the Web Pages node, then the WEB-INF node, and then double-clicking
   25.29 -the <tt>web.xml</tt> file. Click References at the top of the editor
   25.30 -to open the References section, then click the Resource Environment References header
   25.31 - to open the Resource Environment References section. 
   25.32 - <p>Click Add to define a resource environment reference with the following properties:
   25.33 -</p><ul>
   25.34 -<li><b>Resource Name.</b> Specifies the name of a resource environment reference, such as <tt>jms/SharePriceQueue</tt>. The specified value is the
   25.35 -environment entry name used in the web application code. The name is a JNDI name relative to the 
   25.36 -<tt>java:comp/env</tt> context and must be unique within a web application.</li>
   25.37 -<li><b>Resource Type.</b> Specifies the type of a resource environment reference, either <tt>javax.jms.Queue</tt>
   25.38 - or <tt>javax.jms.Topic</tt>. It is the fully qualified name 
   25.39 - of a Java language class or interface.
   25.40 -<li><b>Description.</b> Specifies a description, such as <tt>Queue for My Share Prices</tt>. </li>
   25.41 -</ul>
   25.42 -<dl>
   25.43 -	<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   25.44 -	<dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.platform/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/platform/docs/ejb/general/about_deployment_descriptors.html">About Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   25.45 -       	<dd>	<a href="../../configure/about_webapp_configure.html">About Configuring Web Applications</a></dd>
   25.46 -		<dd><a href="../../configure/configure_webapp_dd.html">Configuring Web Application Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   25.47 -	</dl>
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   26.15 -<body>
   26.16 -<h2><tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor: Resource References</h2>
   26.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   26.18 -<p>Use the Resource References section to add, remove, and
   26.19 - view the web application's resource references. </p>
   26.20 -
   26.21 - <p>To access a data source, a JMS connection factory, a JavaMail session, or a URL link
   26.22 -  from a web application, you must 
   26.23 - declare a resource reference in the application's web application
   26.24 - deployment descriptor. The resource reference specifies a JNDI name, 
   26.25 - the object type, and the kind of authentication used when the resource is accessed.
   26.26 - To connect the resource reference to the resource, you must map the 
   26.27 - JNDI name of the former to the latter. This mapping is done in the server-specific
   26.28 - deployment descriptor file, such as the <tt>sun-web.xml</tt> file for
   26.29 - the Glassfish application server.
   26.30 -
   26.31 - <p>You use the resource reference in your code to to extract the resource you need. For example,
   26.32 - a resource reference defined in the <tt>web.xml</tt> file is used to extract data from a data source as follows:
   26.33 -
   26.34 -<pre>public BookDBAO () throws Exception {
   26.35 -  try  { 
   26.36 -    Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
   26.37 -    Context envCtx = (Context)
   26.38 -      initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env");
   26.39 -    <b>DataSource ds = (DataSource) envCtx.lookup("jdbc/BookDB");</b>
   26.40 -    con =  ds.getConnection();
   26.41 -    System.out.println("Created connection to database.");
   26.42 -  } catch (Exception ex) {
   26.43 -    System.out.println("Couldn't create connection." + 
   26.44 -      ex.getMessage());
   26.45 -    throw new 
   26.46 -      Exception("Couldn't open connection to database: "
   26.47 -      + ex.getMessage());
   26.48 -}</pre>  
   26.49 -
   26.50 - 
   26.51 - <p>To declare a resource reference, you must register it in the <tt>web.xml</tt> file.
   26.52 - When you do this, you provide information needed by the server to use the resource reference.</p>
   26.53 - <p>You open the <tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor 
   26.54 - from the Projects window by 
   26.55 -expanding the Web Pages node, then the WEB-INF node, and then double-clicking
   26.56 -the <tt>web.xml</tt> file. Click References at the top of the editor
   26.57 -to open the References section, then click the Resource References header
   26.58 -to open the Resource References section. 
   26.59 - <p>Click Add to define a resource reference element with the following properties:
   26.60 -</p><ul>
   26.61 -<li><b>Resource Name.</b> Specifies the resource reference's name, such as <tt>myDataSource</tt>.</li>
   26.62 -<li><b>Resource Type.</b> Specifies the variable's name for validation, such as <tt>java.lang.String</tt>.</li>
   26.63 -<li><b>Authentification.</b> Specifies the source of the authentification credentials:
   26.64 -<ul><li><tt>Application.</tt> Programmatic authentification, provided by the application.
   26.65 -	<li><tt>Container.</tt> (Default) Provided by the caller who logged in to the server and created the component instance.</ul>
   26.66 -<li><b>Sharing Scope.</b> By default, connections to a resource manager are shareable across web components in an application
   26.67 - that use the same resource in the same transaction context.</li>
   26.68 -<li><b>Description.</b> Specifies a description, such as <tt>Resource Reference for My Data Source</tt>.</li>
   26.69 -</ul>
   26.70 -<dl>
   26.71 -    <dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   26.72 -	   <dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.platform/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/platform/docs/ejb/general/about_deployment_descriptors.html">About Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   26.73 -	   	   <dd><a href="../../configure/about_webapp_configure.html">About Configuring Web Applications</a></dd>     
   26.74 -		   	   <dd><a href="../../configure/configure_webapp_dd.html">Configuring Web Application Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>     
   26.75 -      </dl> 
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   27.16 -<h2><tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor: Login Configuration</h2>
   27.17 -<p><small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a></small></p>
   27.18 -<p>Use the Login Configuration section of the <tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor to configure authentication for your web application. </p>
   27.19 -<ul>
   27.20 -<li><b>None.</b> No authentication, this is the equivalent of removing the login configuration element from the deployment descriptor.</li>
   27.21 -<li><b>Digest.</b> An authentication mechanism in which a Web application authenticates itself to a Web server by sending the server a message digest along with its HTTP request message. The digest is computed by employing a one-way hash algorithm to a concatenation of the HTTP request message and the password of the client. The digest is typically much smaller than the HTTP request and does not contain the password.</li>
   27.22 -<li><b>Client Certificate.</b> An authentication mechanism that uses HTTP over SSL, in which the server and, optionally, the client authenticate each other with a public key certificate that conforms to a standard that is defined by X.509 Public Key Infrastructure.</li>
   27.23 -<li><b>Basic.</b> You can type the name of the security realm in the Realm Name field. There is no validation for this value.</li>
   27.24 -<li><b>Form.</b> Lets you select JSP pages for the login and error pages.</li>
   27.25 -</ul>
   27.26 -<dl>
   27.27 -<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   27.28 -<dd><a href="dd_multiview_security_securityrolesNode.html"><tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor: Security Roles</a></dd>
   27.29 -<dd><a href="dd_multiview_security_securityconstraintsNode.html"><tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor: Security Constraints</a></dd>
   27.30 -<dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.platform/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/platform/docs/ejb/general/about_deployment_descriptors.html">About Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   27.31 -<dd><a href="../../configure/about_webapp_configure.html">About Configuring Web Applications</a></dd>
   27.32 -<dd><a href="../../configure/configure_webapp_dd.html">Configuring Web Application Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   27.33 -</dl>
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   28.15 -<body>
   28.16 -<h2><tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor: Security Constraints</h2>
   28.17 -<p><small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a></small></p>
   28.18 -<p>Use the Security Constraints section of the <tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor to add and configure security constraints for your web application. </p>
   28.19 -<p>The following fields appear in a <i>constraint</i> section when you create a new constraint or edit an existing one:</p>
   28.20 -<ul>
   28.21 -<li><b>Display Name.</b> A unique name that identifies the security constraint.</li>
   28.22 -<li><b>Web Resource Collection.</b> A list of URL patterns and HTTP methods that describe a set of Web resources to be protected.
   28.23 -<ul>
   28.24 -<li><b>Name.</b> A unique name that identifies the web resource.</li>
   28.25 -<li><b>URL Pattern.</b> URL patterns separated by commas.</li>
   28.26 -<li><b>HTTP Method.</b> The HTTP method or methods used for this web resource.</li>
   28.27 -<li><b>Description.</b> An optional description of the web resource.</li>
   28.28 -</ul></li>
   28.29 -<li><b>Enable Authentication Constraint.</b> An authorization rule that determines who belong to a particular role is permitted to access a Web resource collection.
   28.30 -<ul>
   28.31 -<li><b>Description.</b> An optional description of the authentication constraint.</li>
   28.32 -<li><b>Role Name(s).</b> List of roles separated by commas. These roles must match the roles defined in the Security Roles table.</li>
   28.33 -</ul></li>
   28.34 -<li><b>Enable User Data Constraint.</b> Indicates how data between a client and a Web container should be protected. The protection can be the prevention of tampering with the data or prevention of eavesdropping on the data.
   28.35 -<ul>
   28.36 -<li><b>Description.</b> An optional description of the user data constraint.</li>
   28.37 -<li><b>Transport Guarantee.</b> The type of guarantee for the transport: NONE, INTEGRAL, or CONFIDENTIAL.
   28.38 -<ul>
   28.39 -<li><b>INTEGRAL</b> ensures that communication between entities is not being tampered with by another party, especially one that can intercept and modify their communications. Integrity mechanisms can also be used to ensure that messages can only be used once.</li>
   28.40 -<li><b>CONFIDENTIAL</b> ensures private communication between entities. Privacy is achieved by encrypting the message contents. </li>
   28.41 -</ul>
   28.42 -</li>
   28.43 -</ul></li>
   28.44 -</ul>
   28.45 -<p>After you add a security constraint, a Remove button appears at the top of the constraint section. Click the Remove button to remove the constraint.</p>
   28.46 -<dl>
   28.47 -<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   28.48 -<dd><a href="dd_multiview_security_loginconfigNode.html"><tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor: Login Configuration</a></dd>
   28.49 -<dd><a href="dd_multiview_security_securityrolesNode.html"><tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor: Security Roles</a></dd>
   28.50 -<dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.platform/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/platform/docs/ejb/general/about_deployment_descriptors.html">About Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   28.51 -<dd><a href="../../configure/about_webapp_configure.html">About Configuring Web Applications</a></dd>
   28.52 -<dd><a href="../../configure/configure_webapp_dd.html">Configuring Web Application Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   28.53 -</dl>
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   29.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   29.12 -<title>web.xml Visual Editor: Security Roles</title>
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   29.16 -<h2><tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor: Security Roles</h2>
   29.17 -<p><small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a></small></p>
   29.18 -<p>Use the Security Roles section of the <tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor to add, edit, and remove security roles.</p>
   29.19 -<p><b>To add a role:</b></p>
   29.20 -<ol>
   29.21 -<li>In the Security Roles section, click Add.</li>
   29.22 -<li>In the Add Security Role dialog box, enter the name and a description for the role and click OK.</li>
   29.23 -</ol>
   29.24 -<p><b>To edit a role:</b></p>
   29.25 -<ol>
   29.26 -<li>In the Security Roles section, select the role you want to edit and click Edit.</li>
   29.27 -<li>In the Edit Security Role dialog box, make your changes and click OK.</li>
   29.28 -</ol>
   29.29 -<p><b>To remove a role:</b></p>
   29.30 -<ul>
   29.31 -<li>In the Security Roles section, select the role you want to delete and click Remove.</li>
   29.32 -</ul>
   29.33 -<dl>
   29.34 -<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   29.35 -<dd><a href="dd_multiview_security_loginconfigNode.html"><tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor: Login Configuration</a></dd>
   29.36 -<dd><a href="dd_multiview_security_securityconstraintsNode.html"><tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor: Security Constraints</a></dd>
   29.37 -<dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.platform/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/platform/docs/ejb/general/about_deployment_descriptors.html">About Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   29.38 -<dd><a href="../../configure/about_webapp_configure.html">About Configuring Web Applications</a></dd>
   29.39 -<dd><a href="../../configure/configure_webapp_dd.html">Configuring Web Application Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>
   29.40 -</dl>
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   30.16 -<h2><tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor: Servlets</h2>
   30.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   30.18 - 
   30.19 -<p>Use the Servlet section of the <tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor to add, remove, and
   30.20 - view the deployment information of your web application's servlets and, optionally,
   30.21 - JSP files. </p>
   30.22 - <h3>Servlets</h3>
   30.23 - <p>Servlets are Java classes that can be loaded dynamically into a server 
   30.24 - and executed by the server to extend its feature set. Servlets are useful 
   30.25 - for tasks that involve processing an HTTP request. Servlets are also helpful 
   30.26 - for tasks that do not generate an HTTP response at all or that generate a relatively 
   30.27 - simple HTTP response. Servlets use the javax.servlet API.</p>
   30.28 - <p>To deploy a servlet, you must register it in the <tt>web.xml</tt> file. 
   30.29 - Doing this provides information needed by the server to deploy the servlet.
   30.30 - For example, you tell the server which class should be loaded to deploy
   30.31 - the servlet.</p>
   30.32 - <h3>JSP Files</h3>
   30.33 - <p>JSP technology was designed to simplify the process of creating servlets. 
   30.34 - In fact, the main function of servlets is to generate HTML output in cases where 
   30.35 - dynamic portions can be encapsulated. Servlets are generated by JSP pages when compiled.
   30.36 - In many applications, the response sent to the client is a combination of template data 
   30.37 - and dynamically-generated data. In this situation, it is often easier to work with JSP pages 
   30.38 - than to do everything with servlets.</p>
   30.39 - <p>Unlike servlets, the server automatically deploys JSP files, therefore
   30.40 - you do not have to register a JSP files in
   30.41 - the <tt>web.xml</tt> file in order to deploy it. However, if you register a JSP file
   30.42 - in the <tt>web.xml</tt> file, you can use servlet elements to set initialization parameters 
   30.43 - and mappings for the JSP file, just as if it were a servlet.</p>
   30.44 -<p>Before registering a servlet or JSP file in the <tt>web.xml</tt> file, you can
   30.45 -<a href="../../create/servlet/servlet_create.html">create the servlet</a>
   30.46 -or <a href="../../create/jsp/jsp_create.html">create the JSP file</a> in the New File wizard,
   30.47 -or  <a href="../../csh/projwiz_standard/ThePanel.html">import it</a> from your existing sources.
   30.48 -You can use the Configure Servlet Deployment panel of the New File wizard
   30.49 -to register a servlet. If you have not done so, or if you want to modify a registered servlet's
   30.50 -deployment information, use the Servlets view of the
   30.51 -<tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor. Note that you cannot use the New File wizard
   30.52 -to register JSP files.</p>
   30.53 -
   30.54 -<p>You open the <tt>web.xml</tt> Visual Editor 
   30.55 - from the Projects window by 
   30.56 -expanding the Web Pages node, then the WEB-INF node, and then double-clicking
   30.57 -the <tt>web.xml</tt> file. Click Servlets at the top of the editor
   30.58 - to open the Servlets view.
   30.59 -
   30.60 -<p>First, click Add Servlet Element to define the servlet element with the following properties:
   30.61 -</p><ul>
   30.62 -<li><b>Servlet Name. </b>Specifies the display name of the servlet or JSP file, such as <tt>MyVeryUsefulComponent</tt>.</li>
   30.63 -<li><b>Description. </b> Specifies a description, such as <tt>Initialization settings for my JSP file</tt>.</li>
   30.64 -<li>Now specify the servlet class or JSP file, by doing one of the following:
   30.65 -<ul>
   30.66 -<li><b>Servlet Class. </b>Specifies the servlet's class, such as <tt>MyVeryUsefulServlet</tt>.</li>
   30.67 -<li><b>JSP File. </b>Specifies the JSP file, such as <tt>MyVeryUseFulPage</tt>.</li>
   30.68 -</ul>
   30.69 -
   30.70 -<li><b>URL Pattern(s). </b> Specifies a mapping between the 
   30.71 - servlet definition or JSP file definition and a URL pattern, such as <tt>/bookstore/*, *.jsp</tt>.
   30.72 - All requests to the specified URL patterns are handled by the servlet or JSP file associated with the 
   30.73 - servlet or JSP file definition.</li>
   30.74 -</ul>
   30.75 -<p>When you click OK, the values you entered are displayed in the Servlets section. Optionally, you can now
   30.76 -specify the startup order of the servlets in the application. In the Startup Order edit box, type an
   30.77 -integer indicating the order in which the servlets should be loaded.</p>
   30.78 -
   30.79 -<p><b>Initialization Parameters</b></p>
   30.80 -<p>Next, click Add within the servlet element and define its initialization parameters:</p>
   30.81 -<ul>
   30.82 -<li><b>Param Name. </b>Specifies the parameter's display name, such as <tt>encoding</tt>.</li>
   30.83 -<li><b>Param Value. </b>Specifies the parameter's value, such as <tt>UTF-8</tt>.</li>
   30.84 -<li><b>Description. </b> Specifies a description, such as <tt>Acceptable encoding formats</tt>.</li>
   30.85 -</ul>
   30.86 -
   30.87 -<p><b>Security Role References</b></p>
   30.88 -<p>Optionally, click Add under Security Role References for the servlet to add role references:</p>
   30.89 -<ul>
   30.90 -<li><b>Role Ref Name.</b> Specifies the security role reference's display name.</li>
   30.91 -<li><b>Role Ref Link.</b> Specifies the security role defined in the Security Roles table in the Security section of the visual editor.</li>
   30.92 -<li><b>Description.</b> Specifies a description.</li>
   30.93 -<li><b>Run As.</b> Specifies the run-as element for the security roles.</li>
   30.94 -</ul>
   30.95 -
   30.96 -<p>Note that when you click Remove at the top of the Servlets section, 
   30.97 -you remove the definitions for the servlet or JSP file from the
   30.98 -<tt>web.xml</tt> file, but you do not remove the servlet or JSP file itself. To delete the servlet
   30.99 - or JSP file,
  30.100 -  right-click it in the Projects window and choose Delete.</p>
  30.101 -<dl>
  30.102 -	<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
  30.103 -	<dd><a href="../../create/servlet/about_servlet.html">About Servlets</a></dd>     
  30.104 -	<dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.platform/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/platform/docs/ejb/general/about_deployment_descriptors.html">About Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>     
  30.105 -       <dd>	<a href="../../configure/about_webapp_configure.html">About Configuring Web Applications</a></dd>     
  30.106 -      <dd> <a href="../../configure/configure_webapp_dd.html">Configuring Web Application Deployment Descriptors</a></dd>     
  30.107 -      </dl>
  30.108 -     
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   31.16 -<h2>New Free-Form Project Wizard: Web Sources Classpath</h2>
   31.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   31.18 -<p>The New Free-Form Project wizard imports an existing Java, web,
   31.19 - or EJB module into a  
   31.20 -	<object classid="">
   31.21 -        <param name="content" value="nbdocs://">
   31.22 -        <param name="viewerActivator" value="">
   31.23 -        <param name="viewerStyle" value="">
   31.24 -        <param name="viewerSize" value="400,220">
   31.25 -        <param name="text" value="standard Web project">
   31.26 -        <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   31.27 -        <param name="textFontFamily" value="SansSerif">
   31.28 -        <param name="textFontStyle" value="italic">
   31.29 -        <param name="textFontWeight" value="bold">
   31.30 -        <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   31.31 -    </object>&nbsp;.
   31.32 -<p>In the Web Sources Classpath page,
   31.33 -you add libraries, such as tag libraries, that you use in JSP pages.
   31.34 -  If you have not specified libraries containing the JSP and Servlet API (the <tt>jsp-api.jar</tt> and <tt>servlet-api.jar</tt>
   31.35 -  or the whole <tt>j2ee.jar</tt>, which contains both) in the Java Sources Classpath panel, you must specify these here. You need these
   31.36 -  API libraries for code completion in scriptlets in JSP pages. If you do not have your own API libraries, you can use those 
   31.37 -  provided by the IDE at <tt><i>IDE-install-directory</i>/enterprise5/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.<i>x</i>/common/lib</tt>.
   31.38 -<p><b>Notes:</b> 
   31.39 -<ul>
   31.40 -  <li>Like all settings in the New Web Free-Form Project wizard,
   31.41 -  	 declaring the project's classpath does not change the actual classpath of
   31.42 -  	 your project as specified in your Ant script. These settings only configure
   31.43 -  	 your project to mirror your Ant script so that features such as code completion,
   31.44 -  	 error highlighting, and refactoring work correctly.</li>
   31.45 -  <li>To add the build output of another IDE project to the classpath, add the 
   31.46 -    project's JAR file to the classpath. </li>
   31.47 -</ul>
   31.48 -<dl>
   31.49 -	<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   31.50 -	                                                        
   31.51 -	<dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Free-Form Projects</a></dd>
   31.52 -<dd>	<a href="nbdocs://">About Standard Projects</a></dd>
   31.53 -<dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/project/csh/proj_wiz.html">New Project Wizard:</a></dd>
   31.54 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="nbdocs://">Name and Location</a></dd>
   31.55 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="nbdocs://">Build and Run Actions</a></dd>
   31.56 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebLocationsWizardPanel.html">Web Sources</a> (for web projects only)</dd>
   31.57 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="nbdocs://">Source Package Folders</a></dd>
   31.58 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="nbdocs://">Java Sources Classpath</a></dd>
   31.59 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="nbdocs://">Project Output</a></dd> 
   31.60 -
   31.61 -</dl>
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   32.15 -<body>
   32.16 -<h2>New Free-Form Project Wizard: Web Sources</h2>
   32.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   32.18 -<p>The New Free-Form Project wizard imports an existing Java, web,
   32.19 - or EJB module into a  
   32.20 -	<object classid="">
   32.21 -        <param name="content" value="nbdocs://">
   32.22 -        <param name="viewerActivator" value="">
   32.23 -        <param name="viewerStyle" value="">
   32.24 -        <param name="viewerSize" value="400,220">
   32.25 -        <param name="text" value="standard Web project">
   32.26 -        <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   32.27 -        <param name="textFontFamily" value="SansSerif">
   32.28 -        <param name="textFontStyle" value="italic">
   32.29 -        <param name="textFontWeight" value="bold">
   32.30 -        <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   32.31 -    </object>&nbsp;.
   32.32 -<p>In the Web Sources page, you have to set the following properties:
   32.33 -<ul>
   32.34 -  <li><b>Web Pages Folder. </b>Specifies the location of the existing Web pages.</li>
   32.35 -  <li><b>WEB-INF Content Folder.</b> Specifies the location of the project's WEB-INF folder.</li>
   32.36 -  <li><b>Context Path.</b> Specifies a way to distinguish resources in one web 
   32.37 -  application from resources in others that are deployed on the same server instance.
   32.38 -  The context of an application determines the URL namespace of the contents of the web 
   32.39 -  application. When a web application's context property value is set, you access the web application 
   32.40 -  at <tt>http://hostname:port/context/servlet_or_jsp</tt>. For example, with the property value 
   32.41 -  set to <tt>/HelloWeb</tt>, you access the web application at <tt>http://hostname:port/HelloWeb/index.jsp</tt>.</li>
   32.42 -  <li><b>Java EE Version.</b> Specifies the Java EE verison. </li>
   32.43 -</ul>
   32.44 -<dl>
   32.45 -	<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   32.46 -	<dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Free-Form Projects</a></dd>
   32.47 -	<dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Standard Projects</a></dd>
   32.48 -	<dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/project/csh/proj_wiz.html">New Project Wizard:</a></dd>
   32.49 -       <dd>	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="nbdocs://">Name and Location</a></dd>
   32.50 -      <dd> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="nbdocs://">Build and Run Actions</a></dd>
   32.51 -     <dd> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="nbdocs://">Source Package Folders</a></dd>
   32.52 -     <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="nbdocs://">Java Sources Classpath</a></dd>
   32.53 -<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="nbdocs://">Project Output</a></dd> 
   32.54 -     <dd> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="WebClasspathWizardPanel.html">Web Sources Classpath</a> (for web projects only)</dd>
   32.55 -     </dl>
   32.56 -<hr>
   32.57 -<font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font> 
   32.58 -<table border="0" cellpadding="20">
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   33.16 -<h2>New Web Application Wizard: JSF Framework</h2>
   33.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   33.18 -
   33.19 -
   33.20 -<p>In the fourth panel of the New Web Application wizard, if you select JavaServer Faces your framework, you can modify the JavaServer Faces configuration. The Configuration tab displays the following configuration options:</p>
   33.21 -<ul>
   33.22 -  <li><b>JSF Servlet Name.</b> This field displays the name of the JavaServer Faces servlet. </li>
   33.23 -<li><b>Servlet URL Mapping.</b> Specify the servel URL mapping. The default setting is <code>/faces/*</code>.</li>
   33.24 -</ul>
   33.25 -<p>You can also choose the following options:</p>
   33.26 -            <ul>
   33.27 -                <li><b>Validate XML.</b> If selected, JSF XML files are validated by the server when the application is deployed.
   33.28 -                    Deselecting this option can reduce deployment time.
   33.29 -                This option is selected by default. </li>
   33.30 -                <li><b>Verify Objects.</b> If selected, JSF objects are created and verified by the server when the application is deployed.
   33.31 -                    Selecting this option can increase deployment time.
   33.32 -                This option is deselected by default.</li></ul>
   33.33 -            <p>In
   33.34 -              
   33.35 -              the Libraries tab, you can 
   33.36 -              specfy the following:</p>
   33.37 -            <ul>
   33.38 -              <li><strong>Registered Libraries.</strong> When this is selected,  you can specify which registered library to use from the drop down list. </li>
   33.39 -              <li><strong>Create New Library.</strong> 
   33.40 -			  When this is selected, you  create a new library.
   33.41 -                <ul>
   33.42 -                  <li>JSF Directory.  Type or browse for the JSF Directory.</li>
   33.43 -			      <li>Library Name. Type the name of the JSF library. </li>
   33.44 -                </ul>
   33.45 -			  </li>
   33.46 -              <li><strong>Do not append any libraries. </strong>When this is selected, libraries will not be appended.    </li>
   33.47 -            </ul>
   33.48 -            <dl>
   33.49 -    <dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   33.50 - 
   33.51 -<dd>  <a href="nbdocs://">About Standard Projects</a></dd>
   33.52 -<dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/project/csh/proj_wiz.html">New Project Wizard</a></dd>
   33.53 -</dl>
   33.54 -
   33.55 -<hr><font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font>
   33.56 -
   33.57 -<table border="0" cellpadding="20">
   33.58 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   33.59 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   33.60 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   33.61 -</table></body>
   33.62 -</html>
    34.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/projwiz_standard/PanelConfigureProject.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
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    34.4 -<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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    34.9 -<html>
   34.10 -<head>
   34.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   34.12 -<title>New Web Application Wizard: Name and Location</title>
   34.13 -<link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
   34.14 -</head>
   34.15 -<body>
   34.16 -<h2>New Web Application Wizard: Name and Location</h2>
   34.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   34.18 -<p>The New Web Application wizard creates a new <object classid="">
   34.19 -    <param name="content" value="nbdocs://">
   34.20 -    <param name="viewerActivator" value="">
   34.21 -    <param name="viewerStyle" value="">
   34.22 -    <param name="viewerSize" value="400,220">
   34.23 -    <param name="text" value="standard project">
   34.24 -    <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   34.25 -    <param name="textFontFamily" value="SansSerif">
   34.26 -    <param name="textFontStyle" value="italic">
   34.27 -    <param name="textFontWeight" value="bold">
   34.28 -    <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   34.29 -  </object>
   34.30 -&nbsp; containing an empty web application. You open the New Web Application 
   34.31 -  wizard by opening the <a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/project/csh/proj_wiz.html">New Project wizard</a> and selecting 
   34.32 -the Web Application template from the Java Web category.</p>
   34.33 -<p>In the Name and Location page, you have to set the following properties:</p>
   34.34 -<ul>
   34.35 -  <li><b>Project Name. </b>Specifies the display name of the project. This name 
   34.36 -    is also used to create the project folder and the context path.</li>
   34.37 -  <li><b>Project Location. </b>Specifies the location where you want to store the 
   34.38 -  project metadata and source code.</li>
   34.39 -  <li><b>Project Folder. </b>Specifies the folder where you want 
   34.40 -  to store the project metadata and source code. The folder is a concatenation
   34.41 -  of the project location and the project name.</li>
   34.42 -  <li><b>Use Dedicated Folder for Storing Libraries.</b> When selected, you can specify a Libraries Folder where required compilation libraries are stored.</li>
   34.43 -  <li><b>Libraries Folder.</b> Specifies the location of the folder containing shared libraries. 
   34.44 -   Click Browse to specify a location other than the default.</li>
   34.45 -  <li><b>Set as Main Project.</b> Sets the newly created project as the <a href="nbdocs://">main
   34.46 -	project</a>.</li>
   34.47 -</ul>
   34.48 -<p>Click Next to specify the target server and the Java EE source level.</p>
   34.49 -<dl>
   34.50 -    <dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   34.51 -    <dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Standard Projects</a></dd>
   34.52 -    <dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/project/csh/proj_wiz.html">New Project Wizard</a></dd>
   34.53 -    <dd><a href="nbdocs://">Sharing Libraries in a Java Project</a></dd>
   34.54 -</dl>
   34.55 -
   34.56 -<hr><small><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></small>
   34.57 -
   34.58 -<table border="0" cellpadding="50">
   34.59 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   34.60 -</table></body>
   34.61 -</html>
    35.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/projwiz_standard/PanelConfigureProject_servers.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
    35.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    35.3 @@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
    35.4 -<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    35.5 -<!--       
    35.6 -*     Copyright � 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
    35.7 -*     Use is subject to license terms.
    35.8 --->
    35.9 -<html>
   35.10 -<head>
   35.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   35.12 -<title>New Web Application Wizard: Server and Settings</title>
   35.13 -<link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
   35.14 -</head>
   35.15 -<body>
   35.16 -<h2>New Web Application Wizard: Server and Settings</h2>
   35.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   35.18 -<p>The New Web Application wizard creates a new <object classid="">
   35.19 -    <param name="content" value="nbdocs://">
   35.20 -    <param name="viewerActivator" value="">
   35.21 -    <param name="viewerStyle" value="">
   35.22 -    <param name="viewerSize" value="400,220">
   35.23 -    <param name="text" value="standard project">
   35.24 -    <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   35.25 -    <param name="textFontFamily" value="SansSerif">
   35.26 -    <param name="textFontStyle" value="italic">
   35.27 -    <param name="textFontWeight" value="bold">
   35.28 -    <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   35.29 -  </object>
   35.30 -&nbsp; containing an empty web application. You open the New Web Application 
   35.31 -  wizard by opening the <a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/project/csh/proj_wiz.html">New Project wizard</a> and selecting 
   35.32 -the Web Application template from the Java Web category.</p>
   35.33 -  <p>In the Server and Settings page, you have to set the following properties:</p>
   35.34 -<ul>
   35.35 -  <li><b>Add to Enterprise Application.</b> Lets you add the web project to any open enterprise application project. 
   35.36 -  If you do not add it here, you can do so later by expanding the enterprise application project node and
   35.37 -  right-clicking the Java EE Modules node.</li>
   35.38 -  <li><b>Server.</b> Specifies the web application's server. Only servers that are
   35.39 -  <a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.platform/org/netbeans/modules/j2ee/platform/docs/server/server_register.html">registered</a> with the IDE
   35.40 -  are available to be selected here:
   35.41 -  <ul><li>For versions of the IDE that are bundled only with the Tomcat Web Server, 
   35.42 -	  the Tomcat Web Server is automatically registered in the IDE.</li>
   35.43 -	  <li>For versions of the IDE that are bundled with both the Tomcat Web Server 
   35.44 -	  and the Glassfish application server, both servers are automatically registered in the IDE. </li>
   35.45 -  </ul>
   35.46 -  </li>
   35.47 -  <li><b>Copy Server JAR Files to Libraries Folder.</b> If you are using a dedicated folder for storing libraries,
   35.48 -  you can select this option to copy the server JAR files required for compilation into the dedicated libraries folder.
   35.49 -  If not selected, other users will need local copies of the server JAR files to build the project.</li>
   35.50 -  <li><b>Java EE Version.</b> Specifies the Java EE level against which your web application
   35.51 -  	will run.
   35.52 -        <p><b>Notes</b></p>
   35.53 -	<ul class="note">
   35.54 -	  <li>If you create a web application with the Visual Web JSF framework that uses J2EE 1.4, you must download the JavaServer Faces 1.1 library from the IDE's <a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/configure/modules/autoupdate.html">Update Center</a>.</li>
   35.55 -          <li>One of the following checkboxes will appear
   35.56 -          if JDK 1.5 is set as the default platform in the 
   35.57 -          <a href="nbdocs://">Java Platform Manager</a>
   35.58 -          and you set the source level to a version other than JDK 1.5.
   35.59 -          The J2EE 1.4 and J2EE 1.3 specifications do not recommend JDK 1.5. Therefore, if you want
   35.60 -          to create a portable application, select the appropriate checkbox:
   35.61 -          <ul><li><b>Use JDK 1.4 and Set Source Level to 1.4.</b> This checkbox appears if 
   35.62 -          JDK 1.4 is available in the
   35.63 -          Java Platform Manager. Select this checkbox to set both your JDK level and your source level to 1.4.</li>
   35.64 -          <li><b>Set Source Level to 1.4.</b> This checkbox appears if JDK 1.4 is not available
   35.65 -          in the Java Platform Manager. Select this checkbox so that at least your source level is set to 1.4.</li></ul>
   35.66 -          </li>
   35.67 -	</ul>
   35.68 -  </li>
   35.69 -  <li><b>Context Path.</b> Specifies a way to distinguish resources in one web 
   35.70 -  application from resources in others that are deployed on the same server instance.
   35.71 -  The context of an application determines the URL namespace of the contents of the web 
   35.72 -  application. When a web application's context property value is set, you access the web application 
   35.73 -  at <tt>http://hostname:port/context/servlet_or_jsp</tt>. For example, with the property value 
   35.74 -  set to <tt>/HelloWeb</tt>, you access the web application at <tt>http://hostname:port/HelloWeb/index.jsp</tt>.</li>
   35.75 -  
   35.76 -</ul>
   35.77 -<p>If you click Next, you can let the IDE provide your application with all the source files and libraries
   35.78 -needed to work with JSF, Struts, or both frameworks.
   35.79 - If you click Finish, the project is created on your computer and opened in the IDE. 
   35.80 -You can view its logical structure in the Projects window and its file structure in the Files window. </p>
   35.81 -<ul class="note"><li>If you are creating a web project from existing sources, you must click Next
   35.82 -to specify the location of your web pages, Java sources and libraries. </li></ul>
   35.83 -<dl>
   35.84 -    <dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   35.85 -    <dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Standard Projects</a></dd>
   35.86 -    <dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/project/csh/proj_wiz.html">New Project Wizard</a></dd>
   35.87 -    <dd><a href="nbdocs://">Sharing Libraries in a Java Project</a></dd>
   35.88 -</dl>
   35.89 -
   35.90 -<hr><small><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></small>
   35.91 -
   35.92 -<table border="0" cellpadding="50">
   35.93 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   35.94 -</table></body>
   35.95 -</html>
    36.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/projwiz_standard/PanelSupportedFrameworks.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
    36.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    36.3 @@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
    36.4 -<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    36.5 -<!--       
    36.6 -*     Copyright � 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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    36.8 --->
    36.9 -<html>
   36.10 -<head>
   36.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   36.12 -<title>New Web Application Wizard: Frameworks</title>
   36.13 -<link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
   36.14 -</head>
   36.15 -<body>
   36.16 -<h2>New Web Application Wizard: Frameworks</h2>
   36.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   36.18 -<p>The New Web Application wizard creates a new <object classid="">
   36.19 -        <param name="content" value="nbdocs://">
   36.20 -        <param name="viewerActivator" value="">
   36.21 -        <param name="viewerStyle" value="">
   36.22 -        <param name="viewerSize" value="400,220">
   36.23 -        <param name="text" value="standard project">
   36.24 -        <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   36.25 -        <param name="textFontFamily" value="SansSerif">
   36.26 -        <param name="textFontStyle" value="italic">
   36.27 -        <param name="textFontWeight" value="bold">
   36.28 -        <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   36.29 -    </object>
   36.30 -&nbsp; containing an empty web application. You open the New Web Application 
   36.31 -    wizard by opening the <a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/project/csh/proj_wiz.html">New Project wizard</a> and selecting 
   36.32 -the Web Application template from the Java Web category. </p>
   36.33 -<p>In the Frameworks page, you choose one or more frameworks that you
   36.34 -want to use to provide a structure for your web application. </p>
   36.35 -
   36.36 -<p>Choose one or both of the following:</p>
   36.37 -<ul>
   36.38 -
   36.39 -<li><b>Visual Web JavaServer Faces.</b> Specifies that you want the IDE to
   36.40 -	provide the JSF libraries and create the following files for
   36.41 -	 your application:
   36.42 -            <ul>
   36.43 -                <li><tt>faces-config.xml</tt></li> 
   36.44 -            </ul>
   36.45 -            <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
   36.46 -                <param name="content" value="">
   36.47 -                <param name="text" value="<html><u></u></html>">
   36.48 -                <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   36.49 -                <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   36.50 -            </object>
   36.51 -    <p>If you select the JavaServer Faces checkbox, you can set the default Java package, JSF servlet name, and servlet  URL mapping.</p>
   36.52 -</li>
   36.53 -
   36.54 -      <li><b>JavaServer Faces.</b> Specifies that you want the IDE to
   36.55 -	  provide the JSF libraries and create the following files for
   36.56 -	   your application:
   36.57 -            <ul>
   36.58 -                <li><tt>welcomeJSF.jsp</tt></li> 
   36.59 -                <li><tt>faces-config.xml</tt></li>
   36.60 -            </ul>
   36.61 -            For details, see:
   36.62 -            <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
   36.63 -                <param name="content" value="">
   36.64 -                <param name="text" value="<html><u></u></html>">
   36.65 -                <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   36.66 -                <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   36.67 -            </object>
   36.68 -            <p>If you select the JavaServer Faces checkbox, you can set the JSF servlet name and servlet URL mapping in the Configuration tab. In the Libraries tab, you can specify which registered libraries to use. You can also create a new library and choose whether  libraries can be appended. </p>
   36.69 -            <p>If you choose Visual Web JavaServer Faces or JavaServer Faces, you can also choose the following options:</p>
   36.70 -            <ul>
   36.71 -                <li><b>Validate XML.</b> If selected, JSF XML files are validated by the server when the application is deployed.
   36.72 -                    Deselecting this option can reduce deployment time.
   36.73 -                This option is selected by default.</li>
   36.74 -                <li><b>Verify Objects.</b> If selected, JSF objects are created and verified by the server when the application is deployed.
   36.75 -                    Selecting this option can increase deployment time.
   36.76 -                This option is deselected by default.</li>
   36.77 -            </ul>
   36.78 -      </li>
   36.79 -			
   36.80 -      <li><b>Spring Web MVC</b> Specifies that you want the IDE to provide the 
   36.81 -                Spring libraries and create the following files for your application:
   36.82 -                <ul>
   36.83 -                    <li><tt>web/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml</tt></li>
   36.84 -                    <li><tt>web/WEB-INF/[dispatcher]-servlet.xml</tt></li>
   36.85 -                    <li><tt>web/WEB-INF/redirect.jsp</tt></li>
   36.86 -                    <li><tt>web/WEB-INF/jsp/index.jsp</tt></li>
   36.87 -                </ul>
   36.88 -                
   36.89 -                <p>If you select the Spring Web MVC checkbox, you can set the default dispatcher name 
   36.90 -                    and mapping.</p>
   36.91 -                
   36.92 -                <ul class="note">
   36.93 -                    <li>Dispatcher mappings are based on the Java Servlet Specification Section SRV.11.2. 
   36.94 -                        In the web application deployment descriptor, the following syntax is used to 
   36.95 -                        define standard mappings:
   36.96 -
   36.97 -                        <ul>
   36.98 -                            <li>A string beginning with a '<tt>/</tt>' character and ending with a '<tt>/*</tt>' 
   36.99 -                                postfix is used for path mapping.</li>
  36.100 -                            <li>A string beginning with a '<tt>*.</tt>' prefix is used as an extension
  36.101 -                                mapping.</li>
  36.102 -                            <li>A string containing only the '<tt>/</tt>' character indicates the default 
  36.103 -                                servlet of the application. In this case the servlet path is the requested 
  36.104 -                                URI minus the context path and the path info is <tt>null</tt>.</li>
  36.105 -                            <li>All other strings are used for exact matches only.</li>
  36.106 -                        </ul>
  36.107 -                    </li>
  36.108 -                </ul>           
  36.109 -
  36.110 -                <p>When you click Finish, the project is created in your file system and opened in the 
  36.111 -                    IDE. The following libraries are automatically added to the project's classpath:</p>
  36.112 -                    
  36.113 -                <ul>
  36.114 -                    <li><tt>spring-2.5.jar</tt></li>
  36.115 -                    <li><tt>spring-webmvc-2.5.jar</tt></li>
  36.116 -                    <li><tt>commons-logging-1.1.jar</tt></li>
  36.117 -                    <li><tt>jstl.jar</tt> (optional)</li>
  36.118 -                    <li><tt>standard.jar</tt> (optional)</li>                    
  36.119 -                </ul>    
  36.120 -                    
  36.121 -                    
  36.122 -                <p>You can view the project's logical structure in the Projects window and its file 
  36.123 -                    structure in the Files window.</p>
  36.124 -      </li>            
  36.125 -            
  36.126 -      <li><b>Struts</b> Specifies that you want the IDE to
  36.127 -              provide the Struts libraries and create the following files for
  36.128 -              your application:
  36.129 -                  <ul>
  36.130 -            <li><tt>welcomeStruts.jsp</tt></li>
  36.131 -            <li><tt>struts-config.xml</tt></li>
  36.132 -            <li><tt>tiles-defs.xml</tt></li>
  36.133 -            <li><tt>validator-rules.xml</tt></li>
  36.134 -            <li><tt></tt></li>
  36.135 -                  </ul>
  36.136 -                  For details, see:
  36.137 -                  <p><object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
  36.138 -            <param name="content" value="">
  36.139 -            <param name="text" value="<html><u></u></html>">
  36.140 -            <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
  36.141 -            <param name="textColor" value="blue">
  36.142 -          </object>
  36.143 -                  <p>If you select the Struts 1.2.9 checkbox, you can set the servlet name and URL pattern. 
  36.144 -        You can also set the application resource and specify whether the IDE adds Struts TLDs.</p>
  36.145 -                </li>
  36.146 -                
  36.147 -    <li><b>Hibernate.</b> Specifies that you want the IDE to provide the Hibernate libraries and create 
  36.148 -        the Hibernate configuration file <tt>hibernate.cfg.xml</tt> for your project.
  36.149 -           <p>For details, see:</p>
  36.150 -            <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
  36.151 -                <param name="content" value="">
  36.152 -                <param name="text" value="<html><u></u></html>">
  36.153 -                <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
  36.154 -                <param name="textColor" value="blue">
  36.155 -            </object>
  36.156 -            <p>If you select the Hibernate checkbox, you need to provide the database connection for the project by
  36.157 -            selecting a connection from the drop-down list.
  36.158 -            The drop-down list contains the database connections registered with the IDE in the Services window.
  36.159 -            If the desired database connection is not listed, select New Database Connection from the list to create a new connection.
  36.160 -            When you select the database connection the IDE automatically determines the appropriate database dialect.</p>
  36.161 -            <p>The IDE uses the information you supply in this dialog to generate the Hibernate configuration file.</p>
  36.162 -      </li>
  36.163 -</ul>
  36.164 -<p>When you click Finish, the project is created in your filesystem and opened in the IDE. 
  36.165 -You can view its logical structure in the Projects window and its file structure in the Files window.</p>
  36.166 -<dl>
  36.167 -    <dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt> 
  36.168 -    <dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Standard Projects</a></dd>
  36.169 -    <dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/project/csh/proj_wiz.html">New Project Wizard</a></dd>
  36.170 -</dl>
  36.171 -
  36.172 -<hr><font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font>
  36.173 -
  36.174 -<table border="0" cellpadding="50">
  36.175 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
  36.176 -</table></body>
  36.177 -</html>
    37.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/projwiz_standard/SecondPanel.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
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    37.4 -<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    37.5 -<!--       
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    37.9 -<html>
   37.10 -<head>
   37.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   37.12 -<title>New Web Project with Existing Sources Wizard: Existing Sources and Libraries</title>
   37.13 -<link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
   37.14 -</head>
   37.15 -<body>
   37.16 -<h2>New Web Project with Existing Sources Wizard: Existing Sources and Libraries</h2>
   37.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   37.18 -<p>The New Web Project with Existing Sources wizard creates a new <object classid="">
   37.19 -    <param name="content" value="nbdocs://">
   37.20 -    <param name="viewerActivator" value="">
   37.21 -    <param name="viewerStyle" value="">
   37.22 -    <param name="viewerSize" value="400,220">
   37.23 -    <param name="text" value="standard project">
   37.24 -    <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   37.25 -    <param name="textFontFamily" value="SansSerif">
   37.26 -    <param name="textFontStyle" value="italic">
   37.27 -    <param name="textFontWeight" value="bold">
   37.28 -    <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   37.29 -  </object>
   37.30 -&nbsp; from an existing web application source folder. You open the 
   37.31 -  New Web Project with Existing Sources wizard by opening the <a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/project/csh/proj_wiz.html">New 
   37.32 -  Project wizard</a> and selecting the Web Project with Existing Sources template 
   37.33 -from the Java Web category.</p>
   37.34 -<p>Your existing web application source does not have to adhere to any particular directory 
   37.35 -  structure. You specify the locations of the configuration files, libraries, 
   37.36 -  and source roots. The only requirement is that the module contain a valid <tt>web.xml</tt> 
   37.37 -  deployment descriptor.</p>
   37.38 -<p>In the Existing Sources and Libraries page, you specify the following properties: </p>
   37.39 -
   37.40 -<ul>
   37.41 -<li><b>Web Pages Folder. </b>Specifies the location of your web pages.
   37.42 -   You must have at least a valid <tt>web.xml</tt> 
   37.43 -   deployment descriptor in the web pages folder to complete the wizard. 
   37.44 -    <ul class="note">
   37.45 -
   37.46 -      <li>The IDE does not convert deployment descriptors for unsupported application 
   37.47 -        servers to the Glassfish application server deployment descriptors. There are external 
   37.48 -        tools you can use for this purpose.</li>
   37.49 -    </ul>
   37.50 -  </li>
   37.51 -  <li><b>WEB-INF Content.</b> Specifies the location of the application's WEB-INF content. </li>
   37.52 -  <li><b>Libraries Folder.</b> Specifies the location of the class libraries that the 
   37.53 -     web application depends on. All JAR files in this folder are added to the web application 
   37.54 -      project's classpath and packaged with the application for deployment. 
   37.55 -    <ul class="note">
   37.56 -      <li>The IDE only scans this folder once when you create the project. After 
   37.57 -          the project is created, adding JAR files to this folder outside the IDE 
   37.58 -          does not add them to the module's classpath. You have to add them manually 
   37.59 -        through the Libraries tab of the module's Project Properties dialog box.</li>
   37.60 -    </ul>
   37.61 -  </li>
   37.62 -  <li><b>Source Package Folders.</b></li>
   37.63 - <li> <b>Test Package Folders.</b> Specifies each of the project's source package folders (containing 
   37.64 -  source packages) and test package folders (containing JUnit tests). You can 
   37.65 -  have multiple source roots in a standard project, with the following exceptions: 
   37.66 -</li>
   37.67 -<ul>
   37.68 -    <li>The source root cannot already exist in another IDE project. </li>
   37.69 -  <li>The source root cannot already be added to another compilation unit of the 
   37.70 -    same project. For example, a source root that is registered under Test Packages 
   37.71 -    cannot be added to the list of Source Packages.</li>
   37.72 -    <li>All of the source roots are packaged into the same WAR file and share the 
   37.73 -    same classpath.</li>
   37.74 -</ul>
   37.75 -<ul class="note">
   37.76 -  <li>If you have a source root that needs to be used by several projects, you 
   37.77 -    should create a separate project for the source root and <a href="nbdocs://">set 
   37.78 -    up compilation dependencies</a> between the projects.</li>
   37.79 -
   37.80 -</ul>
   37.81 -<p>When you click Finish, the folder specified as the Location property
   37.82 -   is used to determine where the web pages, Java sources and libraries are found. The
   37.83 -   project is created on your computer and opened in
   37.84 -   the IDE. You can view its logical structure in the Projects window and its file
   37.85 -   structure in the Files window. </p>
   37.86 -
   37.87 -<dl>
   37.88 -    <dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   37.89 -
   37.90 -<dd>   <a href="nbdocs://">About Standard Projects</a></dd>
   37.91 -<dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/project/csh/proj_wiz.html">New Project Wizard:</a></dd>
   37.92 - <dd>   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="ThePanel.html">Add Existing Sources</a></dd>
   37.93 -</dl>
   37.94 -
   37.95 -<hr><small><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></small>
   37.96 -
   37.97 -<table border="0" cellpadding="50">
   37.98 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   37.99 -</table></body>
  37.100 -</html>
    38.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/projwiz_standard/StrutsConfigurationPanelVisual.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
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    38.4 -<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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    38.9 -<html>
   38.10 -<head>
   38.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   38.12 -	<title>New Web Application Wizard: Struts Framework</title>
   38.13 -<link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
   38.14 -</head>
   38.15 -<body>
   38.16 -<h2>New Web Application Wizard: Struts Framework</h2>
   38.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   38.18 -
   38.19 -
   38.20 -<p> In the fourth panel of the New Web Application wizard, if you select Struts as your framework, you can  modify the Struts configuration. The panel displays the following configuration options:</p>
   38.21 -<ul>
   38.22 -  <li><b>Action Servet Name.</b> An action servlet is a servlet that is started by the servlet container of a Web server to process a request that invokes an action. You cannot change this setting. </li>
   38.23 -<li><b>Action URL Pattern.</b> Specify the pattern of the Action URL. The default is set to <code>*.do</code>. Type the new Action URL Pattern or use the drop down list. </li>
   38.24 -<li><b>Application Resource.</b> Specify the name of the application resource, the location of your resource bundle. </li>
   38.25 -</ul>
   38.26 -If you check Add Struts TLDs, Struts tag libraries are added to the project.
   38.27 -<dl>
   38.28 -	<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   38.29 -
   38.30 - <dd> <a href="nbdocs://">About Standard Projects</a></dd>
   38.31 -<dd> <a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/project/csh/proj_wiz.html">New Project Wizard</a></dd>
   38.32 -</dl>
   38.33 -
   38.34 -<hr><font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font>
   38.35 -
   38.36 -<table border="0" cellpadding="20">
   38.37 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   38.38 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   38.39 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   38.40 -</table></body>
   38.41 -</html>
    39.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/projwiz_standard/ThePanel.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
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    39.4 -<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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   39.10 -<head>
   39.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   39.12 -<title>New Web Project with Existing Sources Wizard: Name and Location</title>
   39.13 -<link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
   39.14 -</head>
   39.15 -<body>
   39.16 -<h2>New Web Project with Existing Sources Wizard: Name and Location</h2>
   39.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   39.18 -<p>The New Web Project with Existing Sources wizard creates a new <object classid="">
   39.19 -    <param name="content" value="nbdocs://">
   39.20 -    <param name="viewerActivator" value="">
   39.21 -    <param name="viewerStyle" value="">
   39.22 -    <param name="viewerSize" value="400,220">
   39.23 -    <param name="text" value="standard project">
   39.24 -    <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   39.25 -    <param name="textFontFamily" value="SansSerif">
   39.26 -    <param name="textFontStyle" value="italic">
   39.27 -    <param name="textFontWeight" value="bold">
   39.28 -    <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   39.29 -  </object>
   39.30 -&nbsp; from an existing web application source folder. You open the 
   39.31 -  New Web Project with Existing Sources wizard by opening the <a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/project/csh/proj_wiz.html">New 
   39.32 -  Project wizard</a> and selecting the Web Project with Existing Sources template 
   39.33 -from the Java Web category.</p>
   39.34 -<p>In the Name and Location page, you have to set the following properties:</p>
   39.35 -<ul>
   39.36 -  <li><b>Location. </b>Specifies the folder that contains the source code for
   39.37 -    the web application. You must set the Location to the top-level folder
   39.38 -    of the web application. It is where your JSP pages, client-side classes and
   39.39 -    archives, and static web resources, such as images, are stored.</li>
   39.40 -  <li><b>Project Name. </b>Specifies the display name of the project. This name 
   39.41 -    is also used to create the project folder.</li>
   39.42 -    <li><b>Project Folder. </b>Specifies the folder where you want to store the 
   39.43 -    project metadata and source code.</li>
   39.44 -  <li><b>Use Dedicated Folder for Storing Libraries.</b> When selected, you can specify a Libraries Folder where required compilation libraries are stored.</li>
   39.45 -  <li><b>Libraries Folder.</b> Specifies the location of the folder containing shared libraries. 
   39.46 -   Click Browse to specify a location other than the default.</li>
   39.47 -  <li><b>Set as Main Project.</b> Sets the newly created project as the <a href="nbdocs://">main
   39.48 -	project</a>.</li>
   39.49 -</ul>
   39.50 -<p>Click Next to specify the target server and source level.</p>
   39.51 -
   39.52 -<dl>
   39.53 -    <dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   39.54 -    <dd><a href="nbdocs://">About Free-Form Projects</a></dd>
   39.55 -    <dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/project/csh/proj_wiz.html">New Project Wizard:</a></dd>
   39.56 -    <dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="SecondPanel.html">Existing Sources and Libraries</a></dd>
   39.57 -    <dd><a href="nbdocs://">Sharing Libraries in a Java Project</a></dd>
   39.58 -</dl>
   39.59 -<hr><small><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></small>
   39.60 -
   39.61 -<table border="0" cellpadding="50">
   39.62 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   39.63 -</table></body>
   39.64 -</html>
    40.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/projwiz_standard/VWJSFConfigurationPanelVisual.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
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    40.4 -<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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    40.9 -<html>
   40.10 -<head>
   40.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   40.12 -	<title>New Web Application Wizard: Visual Web JSF Framework</title>
   40.13 -<link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
   40.14 -</head>
   40.15 -<body>
   40.16 -<h2>New Web Application Wizard: Visual Web JSF Framework</h2>
   40.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   40.18 -
   40.19 -
   40.20 -<p>In the fourth panel of the New Web Application wizard, if you select Visual Web JavaServer Faces as your framework, you can modify the JavaServer Faces configuration. The panel displays the following configuration options:</p>
   40.21 -<ul>
   40.22 -  <li><b>Default Java Package.</b> Specify the default Java package for you application.</li>
   40.23 -  <li><b>JSF Servlet Name.</b> This field displays the name of the JavaServer Faces servlet. </li>
   40.24 -  <li><b>Servlet URL Mapping.</b> Specify the servel URL mapping. The default setting is <code>/faces/*</code>.</li>
   40.25 -</ul>
   40.26 -<p>You can also choose the following options:</p>
   40.27 -            <ul>
   40.28 -                <li><b>Validate XML.</b> If selected, JSF XML files are validated by the server when the application is deployed.
   40.29 -                    Deselecting this option can reduce deployment time.
   40.30 -                This option is selected by default.</li>
   40.31 -                <li><b>Verify Objects.</b> If selected, JSF objects are created and verified by the server when the application is deployed.
   40.32 -                    Selecting this option can increase deployment time.
   40.33 -                This option is deselected by default.</li></ul>
   40.34 -    
   40.35 -<dl>
   40.36 -    <dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   40.37 - 
   40.38 -<dd>  <a href="nbdocs://">About Standard Projects</a></dd>
   40.39 -<dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/project/csh/proj_wiz.html">New Project Wizard</a></dd>
   40.40 -</dl>
   40.41 -
   40.42 -<hr><font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font>
   40.43 -
   40.44 -<table border="0" cellpadding="20">
   40.45 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   40.46 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   40.47 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   40.48 -</table></body>
   40.49 -</html>
    41.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/projwiz_standard/springConfigurationPanelVisual.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
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    41.4 -<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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    41.9 -<html>
   41.10 -<head>
   41.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   41.12 -	<title>New Web Application Wizard: Spring Framework</title>
   41.13 -<link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
   41.14 -</head>
   41.15 -<body>
   41.16 -<h2>New Web Application Wizard: Spring Framework</h2>
   41.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   41.18 -
   41.19 -
   41.20 -<p> In the fourth panel of the New Web Application wizard, if you select Spring as your framework, you can  modify the Spring configuration. The panel displays the following configuration options:</p>
   41.21 -<ul>
   41.22 -  <li><b>Dispatcher Name.</b> Specify the name of the Spring dispatcher servlet. </li>
   41.23 -  <li><b>Dispatcher Mapping.</b> Specify the mapping of the dispatcher. The default is set to <tt>*.htm</tt>. </li>
   41.24 -</ul>
   41.25 -In the Libraries tab, you can specify whether JSTLs will be included in the project.
   41.26 -<dl>
   41.27 -	<dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   41.28 -
   41.29 - <dd> <a href="nbdocs://">About Standard Projects</a></dd>
   41.30 -<dd> <a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/project/csh/proj_wiz.html">New Project Wizard</a></dd>
   41.31 -</dl>
   41.32 -
   41.33 -<hr><font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font>
   41.34 -
   41.35 -<table border="0" cellpadding="20">
   41.36 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   41.37 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   41.38 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   41.39 -</table></body>
   41.40 -</html>
    42.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/servletwiz/PanelConfigureServlet.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
    42.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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    42.4 -<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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    42.9 -<html>
   42.10 -<head>
   42.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   42.12 -<title>New Servlet Wizard: Name and Location</title>
   42.13 -<link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
   42.14 -</head>
   42.15 -<body>
   42.16 -<h2>New Servlet Wizard: Name and Location</h2>
   42.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   42.18 -<p>The New Web Servlet wizard creates a new servlet. Servlets are server-side programs that give Java technology-enabled servers additional features.&nbsp;You open the New Servlet 
   42.19 -  wizard by right-clicking a node in the Projects windows and choosing New &gt; Servlet from the contextual menu.
   42.20 -<p>In the Name and Location panel, you  set the following properties:
   42.21 -<ul>
   42.22 -  <li><b>Class Name. </b>Specifies the class name of the servlet. The IDE name the class <code>NewServlet</code> by default. </li>
   42.23 -  <li><b>Project.</b> Specifies the project where the servlet is located. You cannot change this value. </li>
   42.24 -  <li><b>Location. </b>Specifies the location where you want to store the 
   42.25 -    servlet.</li>
   42.26 -  <li><b>Package. </b>Specifies the package where you want 
   42.27 -  to store the  file containing the source code for the servlet. Select the package from the drop down list. 
   42.28 -    <ul class="warning"><li><b>Warning: </b>It is highly recommended that you do not place Java classes in the default package.</li></ul> </li>
   42.29 -  <li><b>Created File.</b> Specifies the file created containing the servlet. The name of the file is identical to the class name.</li>
   42.30 -</ul>
   42.31 -To specify more parameters, click Next. If you click Finish,  the IDE creates the servlet based on the parameters you have specified. The servlet then appears in the Project window under the <em>package-name </em>node. 
   42.32 -<dl>
   42.33 -    <dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   42.34 - 
   42.35 -<dd>  <a href="../../create/servlet/about_servlet.html">About Servlets </a></dd>
   42.36 -<dd>  <a href="../../create/servlet/servlet_create.html">Creating Servlets </a></dd>
   42.37 -
   42.38 -<dd><a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/project/csh/proj_wiz.html">New Project Wizard</a></dd>
   42.39 -</dl>
   42.40 -
   42.41 -<hr><font size=-2><a href="../../../credits.html">Legal Notices</a></font>
   42.42 -
   42.43 -<table border="0" cellpadding="50">
   42.44 -<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
   42.45 -</table></body>
   42.46 -</html>
    43.1 --- a/visualweb.ravehelp.rave_nbpack/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/visualweb/ravehelp/rave_nbpack/docs/web/csh/servletwiz/PanelConfigureServletDeploy.html	Wed Apr 15 11:40:58 2009 +0200
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    43.4 -<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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    43.9 -<html>
   43.10 -<head>
   43.11 -<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   43.12 -<title>New Servlet Wizard: Configure Servlet Deployment</title>
   43.13 -<link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
   43.14 -</head>
   43.15 -<body>
   43.16 -<h2>New Servlet Wizard: Configure Servlet Deployment </h2>
   43.17 -<p> <small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a>&nbsp; </small> 
   43.18 -<p>In this panel of the New Servlet wizard, you configure the deployment of the servlet. You open the New Servlet 
   43.19 -  wizard by right-clicking a node in the Projects windows and choosing New &gt; Servlet from the contextual menu.
   43.20 -<p>In the Configure Servlet Deployment panel, you  set the following properties:
   43.21 -<ul>
   43.22 -  <li><b>Add information to deployment descriptor (web.xml). </b>Specifies whether the deployment descriptor is updated with the information in this panel. </li>
   43.23 -  <li><b>Class Name .</b> Specifies the project where the servlet is located. </li>
   43.24 -  <li><b>Servlet Name . </b>Specifies the internal name of the 
   43.25 -    servlet.</li>
   43.26 -  <li><b>URL Pattern(s) . </b>Specifies patterns that identify the URLs that invoke the servlet.</li>
   43.27 -  <li><b>Initialization Parameters.</b> Specifies the parameters for initializing the servlet. <ul>
   43.28 -    <li>To add a new parameter, click New and type the name and value of the new parameter.</li>
   43.29 -	  <li>To edit a parameter, click Edit and type the new information. Click OK to return to the wizard. </li>
   43.30 -  <li>To delete a parameter, click Delete.</li>
   43.31 -  </ul>
   43.32 -  </li>
   43.33 -</ul>
   43.34 -<p>Click Finish to create the servlet. The servlet then appears in the Project window under the <em>package-name </em>node.</p> 
   43.35 -<dl>
   43.36 -    <dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   43.37 - 
   43.38 -<dd>  <a href="../../create/servlet/about_servlet.html">About Servlets </a></dd>
   43.39 -<dd>  <a href="../../create/servlet/servlet_create.html">Creating Servlets </a></dd>
   43.40 -
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