author Milutin Kristofic <mkristofic@netbeans.org>
Tue, 31 Jan 2017 14:20:36 +0100
changeset 1584 ddcac47bfed1
parent 1241 f7c3471c4a3f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added Missing license terms
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    50 <title>Configuring Services Using the WSDL View</title>
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    54 <body>
    56 <h2>Configuring Services Using the WSDL View</h2>
    57 <p><small><a href="#seealso">See Also</a></small></p>
    59 <p>You can use the WSDL Editor to create, edit, and delete services.</p>
    61 <p>In a WSDL file, a <i>service</i> consists of one or more related ports. 
    62 Each <i>port</i> associates a binding with a network address, thus defining an individual endpoint that clients can access.</p>
    64 <p>The WSDL view provides the following approaches:</p>
    66 <ul>
    67   <li>You can quickly create a binding and service from an existing port type.</li>
    68   <li>You can create the binding, service, and their subnodes individually. Before you can configure the service's port, you must create the binding.</li>
    69 </ul>
    73 <p><b>To create a binding and service from a port type:</b></p>
    75 <ol>
    76   <li>In the WSDL view, right-click the port type node and choose Add &gt; Binding and Service Port. <br>
    77     The Generate Binding and Service Port dialog box appears.</li>
    78   <li>Enter a name for the binding.</li>
    79   <li>Select the type of binding.</li>
    80   <li>Select the binding subtype. The choices vary depending on the binding type.</li>
    81   <li>Enter a name for the service.</li>
    82   <li>Enter a name for the port.</li>
    83   <li>Click OK.<br>
    84     A binding node and a service node appear.<br>
    85     The binding node contains an extensibility element (for example, <tt>file:binding</tt>) that identifies the type of binding. 
    86     The binding node also contains one or more operation nodes.<br>
    87     The service node contains a port node. 
    88     The port node contains an address extensibility element (for example, <tt>file:address</tt>).</li>
    89   <li>For information on how to configure the extensibility elements of the binding and service, see the appropriate binding component user's guide.</li>
    90 </ol>
    92 <p><b>To create a service individually:</b></p>
    94 <ol>
    95   <li>In the WSDL view, right-click the Services node and choose Add Service. <br>
    96     A service node appears.</li>
    97   <li>If the Properties window is not visible, choose Window &gt; Properties.</li>
    98   <li>Select the service node.</li>
    99   <li>(Optional) Change the value of the Name property.</li>
   100   <li>Right-click the service node and choose Add &gt; Service Port. <br>
   101     A port node appears.</li>
   102   <li>Select the port node.</li>
   103   <li>(Optional) Change the value of the Name property.</li>
   104   <li>Set the Binding property to the desired binding.</li>
   105   <li>Right-click the port node and add the address extensibility element (for example, File Address).</li>
   106   <li>For information on how to configure the address extensibility element, see the appropriate binding component user's guide.</li>
   107 </ol>
   109 <p><b>To delete a service or port:</b></p>
   111 <ol>
   112   <li>Select the service or port node.</li>
   113   <li>Press Delete.</li>
   114 </ol>
   116 <dl>
   117 <dt><a name="seealso">See Also</a></dt>
   118 <dd><a href="wsdl_editor_views.html" title="About the WSDL View">About the WSDL View</a></dd>
   119 <dd><a href="wsdl_editor_bindings.html" title="Configuring Bindings Using the WSDL View">Configuring Bindings Using the WSDL View</a></dd>
   120 </dl>
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