author Tim Boudreau <>
Sat, 03 Sep 2016 02:41:36 -0400
changeset 18374 04a79821e760
parent 18372 25e1d840480b
child 18400 c87c223efe6a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Eliminate duplicates in graph files
     1 /*
     3  *
     4  * Copyright (C) 1997-2015 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     5  *
     6  * Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
     7  * Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
     8  *
     9  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
    10  * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
    11  * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
    12  * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
    13  * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
    14  *
    15  * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
    16  * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
    17  * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
    18  * Notice in each file and include the License file at
    19  * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Oracle designates this
    20  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
    21  * by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
    22  * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
    23  * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
    24  * your own identifying information:
    25  * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
    26  *
    27  * Contributor(s):
    28  *
    29  * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
    30  * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2006 Sun
    31  * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    32  *
    33  * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
    34  * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
    35  * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
    36  * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
    37  * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
    38  * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
    39  * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
    40  * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
    41  * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
    42  * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
    43  */
    44 package org.netbeans.lib.callgraph;
    46 import;
    47 import;
    48 import java.util.Collections;
    49 import java.util.HashSet;
    50 import java.util.Iterator;
    51 import java.util.LinkedList;
    52 import java.util.List;
    53 import java.util.Set;
    55 /**
    56  * Parses and validates command-line arguments.
    57  *
    58  * @author Tim Boudreau
    59  */
    60 final class Arguments implements CallgraphControl {
    62     private Set<File> folders = new HashSet<>();
    63     private static final Command[] commands = new Command[]{
    64         new NoSelfReferencesCommand(),
    65         new ShortNamesCommand(),
    66         new ExtendedPropertiesCommand(),
    67         new AntCommand(),
    68         new MavenCommand(),
    69         new GradleCommand(),
    70         new IgnoreCommand(),
    71         new OutfileCommand(),
    72         new ExcludeCommand(),
    73         new PackageGraphFileCommand(),
    74         new ClassGraphFileCommand(),
    75         new OmitAbstractCommand(),
    76         new DisableEightBitStringsCommand(),
    77         new OmitAbstractCommand(),
    78         new QuietCommand(),
    79         new ReverseCommand(),
    80         new AggressiveCommand(),
    81         new VerboseCommand()
    82     };
    83     private boolean noSelfReferences = false;
    84     private boolean shortNames = false;
    85     private boolean maven = false;
    86     private boolean gradle = false;
    87     private boolean ant = false;
    88     private boolean xprop = false;
    89     private boolean aggressive = false;
    90     private File outfile;
    91     private Set<String> exclude = new HashSet<>();
    92     private Set<String> ignore = new HashSet<>();
    93     private boolean quiet;
    94     private File classGraphFile;
    95     private File packageGraphFile;
    96     private boolean verbose;
    97     private boolean omitAbstract;
    98     private boolean disableEightBitStrings;
    99     private boolean reverse;
   101     Arguments(String... args) throws IOException {
   102         this(true, args);
   103     }
   105     Arguments(boolean abortIfWillNotOutput, String... args) throws IOException {
   106         List<String> unknownArguments = new LinkedList<>();
   107         List<String> errors = new LinkedList<>();
   108         for (int i = 0; i < args.length;) {
   109             int oldPos = i;
   110             for (Command c : commands) {
   111                 try {
   112                     @SuppressWarnings("LeakingThisInConstructor")
   113                     int increment = c.parse(i, args, this);
   114                     if (increment > 0) {
   115                         i += increment;
   116                         break;
   117                     }
   118                 } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
   119                     errors.add( + ": " + ex.getMessage());
   120                 }
   121             }
   122             if (oldPos == i) {
   123                 unknownArguments.add(args[i]);
   124                 i++;
   125             }
   126         }
   127         Set<String> folders = new HashSet<>();
   128         for (String unknown : unknownArguments) {
   129             if (unknown.startsWith("-")) {
   130                 // bad line switch
   131                 errors.add("Unknown argument '" + unknown + "'");
   132             } else {
   133                 folders.add(unknown);
   134             }
   135         }
   136         if (folders.isEmpty()) {
   137             errors.add("No folders of Java sources specified");
   138         } else {
   139             for (String folderName : folders) {
   140                 File folder = new File(folderName);
   141                 if (!folder.exists()) {
   142                     errors.add("Folder does not exist: " + folderName);
   143                 } else if (!folder.isDirectory()) {
   144                     errors.add("Not a folder: " + folderName);
   145                 } else {
   146                     this.folders.add(folder.getCanonicalFile());
   147                 }
   148             }
   149         }
   150         if ((maven && gradle) || (ant && gradle) || (ant && maven)) {
   151             errors.add("--maven, --ant and --gradle are mutually exclusive");
   152         } else if (maven) {
   153             findMavenSubfolders(errors);
   154         } else if (gradle) {
   155             findGradleSubfolders(errors);
   156         } else if (ant) {
   157             findAntSubfolders(errors);
   158         }
   159         Set<File> toIgnore = new HashSet<>();
   160         for (String ig : ignore) {
   161             File ff = new File(ig);
   162             if (ff.exists() && ff.isDirectory()) {
   163                 ff = ff.getCanonicalFile();
   164                 for (File f : this.folders()) {
   165                     File f1 = f.getCanonicalFile();
   166                     if (f1.equals(ff)) {
   167                         toIgnore.add(f1);
   168                     } else {
   169                         if (f1.getPath().startsWith(ff.getPath())) {
   170                             toIgnore.add(f1);
   171                         }
   172                     }
   173                 }
   174             } else {
   175                 for (String u : unknownArguments) {
   176                     if (!u.startsWith("-")) {
   177                         File f = new File(u);
   178                         if (f.exists()) {
   179                             f = f.getCanonicalFile();
   180                             File maybeIgnore = new File(f, ig);
   181                             if (maybeIgnore.exists() && maybeIgnore.isDirectory()) {
   182                                 maybeIgnore = maybeIgnore.getCanonicalFile();
   183                                 for (File fld : this.folders()) {
   184                                     if (fld.equals(maybeIgnore)) {
   185                                         toIgnore.add(fld);
   186                                     } else if (fld.getAbsolutePath().startsWith(maybeIgnore.getAbsolutePath())) {
   187                                         toIgnore.add(fld);
   188                                     }
   189                                 }
   190                             }
   191                         }
   192                     }
   193                 }
   194             }
   195         }
   196         if (verbose && !toIgnore.isEmpty()) {
   197             System.err.println("Ignoring the following projects:");
   198             for (File ti : toIgnore) {
   199                 System.err.println(" - " + ti.getAbsolutePath());
   200             }
   201         }
   202         this.folders.removeAll(toIgnore);
   203         if (verbose && !this.folders.isEmpty()) {
   204             System.err.println("Will scan the following source roots:");
   205             for (File f : folders()) {
   206                 System.err.println("  " + f.getAbsolutePath());
   207             }
   208         }
   210         if (packageGraphFile != null) {
   211             File parent = packageGraphFile.getParentFile();
   212             if (!parent.exists() || !parent.isDirectory()) {
   213                 errors.add("Parent folder for package graph output file does not exist: " + parent);
   214             }
   215         }
   216         if (classGraphFile != null) {
   217             File parent = classGraphFile.getParentFile();
   218             if (!parent.exists() || !parent.isDirectory()) {
   219                 errors.add("Parent folder for class graph output file does not exist: " + parent);
   220             }
   221         }
   222         if (outfile != null) {
   223             File parent = outfile.getParentFile();
   224             if (!parent.exists() || !parent.isDirectory()) {
   225                 errors.add("Parent folder for output file does not exist: " + parent);
   226             }
   227         } else if (abortIfWillNotOutput && quiet && packageGraphFile == null && classGraphFile == null) {
   228             errors.add("-q or --quiet specified, but no output file specified - would not produce any output at all");
   229         }
   230         // XXX check if any folders are children of each other?
   231         if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
   232             throw new InvalidArgumentsException(help(errors), errors);
   233         }
   234     }
   236     private void findMavenSubfolders(List<String> errors) {
   237         Set<File> flds = new HashSet<>(this.folders);
   238         this.folders.clear();
   239         for (File f : flds) {
   240             recurseSubfoldersLookingForMavenProjects(f);
   241         }
   242         if (this.folders.isEmpty()) {
   243             errors.add("Did not find any maven projects (looked for pom.xml and src/main/java in all subfolders of folder list)");
   244         }
   245     }
   247     private void recurseSubfoldersLookingForMavenProjects(File file) {
   248         if (file.isDirectory()) {
   249             if (hasPom(file)) {
   250                 File sources = srcMainJavaFolder(file);
   251                 if (sources != null) {
   252                     this.folders.add(sources);
   253                 }
   254             }
   255             for (File child : file.listFiles()) {
   256                 recurseSubfoldersLookingForMavenProjects(child);
   257             }
   258         }
   259     }
   261     private boolean hasPom(File fld) {
   262         File pom = new File(fld, "pom.xml");
   263         return pom.exists() && pom.isFile() && pom.canRead();
   264     }
   266     void findAntSubfolders(List<String> errors) {
   267         Set<File> flds = new HashSet<>(this.folders);
   268         this.folders.clear();
   269         for (File f : flds) {
   270             recurseSubfoldersLookingForAntProjects(f);
   271         }
   272         if (this.folders.isEmpty()) {
   273             errors.add("Did not find any ant projects (looked for build.xml and src/ in all subfolders of folder list)");
   274         }
   275     }
   277     private void recurseSubfoldersLookingForAntProjects(File file) {
   278         if (file.isDirectory()) {
   279             if (hasBuildXml(file)) {
   280                 File sources = new File(file, "src");
   281                 if (sources.exists() && sources.isDirectory()) {
   282                     this.folders.add(sources);
   283                 }
   284             }
   285             for (File child : file.listFiles()) {
   286                 recurseSubfoldersLookingForAntProjects(child);
   287             }
   288         }
   289     }
   291     private boolean hasBuildXml(File fld) {
   292         File pom = new File(fld, "build.xml");
   293         return pom.exists() && pom.isFile() && pom.canRead();
   294     }
   296     void findGradleSubfolders(List<String> errors) {
   297         Set<File> flds = new HashSet<>(this.folders);
   298         this.folders.clear();
   299         for (File f : flds) {
   300             recurseSubfoldersLookingForGradleProjects(f);
   301         }
   302         if (this.folders.isEmpty()) {
   303             errors.add("Did not find any gradle projects (looked for *.gradle and src/main/java in all subfolders of folder list)");
   304         }
   305     }
   307     private void recurseSubfoldersLookingForGradleProjects(File file) {
   308         if (file.isDirectory()) {
   309             if (hasGradleFile(file)) {
   310                 File sources = srcMainJavaFolder(file);
   311                 if (sources != null) {
   312                     this.folders.add(sources);
   313                 }
   314             }
   315             for (File child : file.listFiles()) {
   316                 recurseSubfoldersLookingForGradleProjects(child);
   317             }
   318         }
   319     }
   321     boolean hasGradleFile(File fld) {
   322         return fld.listFiles((File pathname) -> {
   323             return pathname.getName().endsWith(".gradle") && pathname.isFile() && pathname.canRead();
   324         }).length > 0;
   325     }
   327     public boolean isGradle() {
   328         return gradle;
   329     }
   331     private File srcMainJavaFolder(File projectFolder) {
   332         File src = new File(projectFolder, "src");
   333         File main = new File(src, "main");
   334         File java = new File(main, "java");
   335         if (java.exists() && java.isDirectory()) {
   336             return java;
   337         }
   338         return null;
   339     }
   341     public boolean isVerbose() {
   342         return verbose;
   343     }
   345     public boolean isDisableEightBitStrings() {
   346         return disableEightBitStrings;
   347     }
   349     public boolean isReverse() {
   350         return reverse;
   351     }
   353     @Override
   354     public File methodGraphFile() {
   355         return outfile;
   356     }
   358     @Override
   359     public Set<File> folders() {
   360         return Collections.unmodifiableSet(folders);
   361     }
   363     @Override
   364     public boolean isSelfReferences() {
   365         return noSelfReferences == false;
   366     }
   368     @Override
   369     public boolean isShortNames() {
   370         return shortNames;
   371     }
   373     @Override
   374     public boolean isMaven() {
   375         return maven;
   376     }
   378     @Override
   379     public boolean isAnt() {
   380         return ant;
   381     }
   383     @Override
   384     public boolean isExtendedProperties() {
   385         return xprop;
   386     }
   388     public boolean isAggressive() {
   389         return aggressive;
   390     }
   392     @Override
   393     public File classGraphFile() {
   394         return classGraphFile;
   395     }
   397     @Override
   398     public File packageGraphFile() {
   399         return packageGraphFile;
   400     }
   402     @Override
   403     public Iterator<File> iterator() {
   404         return folders().iterator();
   405     }
   407     @Override
   408     public Set<String> excludePrefixes() {
   409         return Collections.unmodifiableSet(exclude);
   410     }
   412     public boolean isOmitAbstract() {
   413         return omitAbstract;
   414     }
   416     public boolean isExcluded(String qname) {
   417         for (String ex : exclude) {
   418             if (qname.startsWith(ex)) {
   419                 return true;
   420             }
   421         }
   422         return false;
   423     }
   425     @Override
   426     public boolean isQuiet() {
   427         return quiet;
   428     }
   430     private String help(List<String> errors) {
   431         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Callgraph prints a graph of things that call each other in a tree of Java sources,\n"
   432                 + "and can output graphs of what methods / classes / packages (or all of the above) call each other\nwithin that"
   433                 + "source tree."
   434                 + "\n\nUsage:\njava -jar callgraph.jar ");
   435         for (Command c : commands) {
   436             if (c.optional) {
   437                 sb.append('[');
   438             }
   439             sb.append("--").append(" | -").append(c.shortcut);
   440             if (c.takesArgument) {
   441                 sb.append(" ").append(;
   442             }
   443             if (c.optional) {
   444                 sb.append(']');
   445             }
   446             sb.append(' ');
   447         }
   448         sb.append("dir1 [dir2 dir3 ...]");
   449         sb.append('\n');
   450         for (Command c : commands) {
   451             sb.append("\n\t");
   452             sb.append("--").append(" / -").append(c.shortcut).append(" :\t").append(;
   453         }
   454         if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
   455             sb.append("\nErrors:\n");
   456             for (String err : errors) {
   457                 sb.append('\t').append(err).append('\n');
   458             }
   459         }
   460         return sb.toString();
   461     }
   463     private static abstract class Command {
   465         protected final String name;
   466         protected final String shortcut;
   467         protected final boolean optional;
   468         private final boolean takesArgument;
   470         Command(String name, String shortcut, boolean optional, boolean takesArgument) {
   471    = name;
   472             this.shortcut = shortcut;
   473             this.optional = optional;
   474             this.takesArgument = takesArgument;
   475         }
   477         public int parse(int position, String[] args, Arguments toSet) {
   478             boolean match = ("-" + shortcut).equals(args[position])
   479                     || ("--" + name).equals(args[position]);
   480             if (!match) {
   481                 return 0;
   482             }
   483             return doParse(position, args, toSet);
   484         }
   486         protected abstract int doParse(int i, String[] args, Arguments toSet);
   488         protected abstract String help();
   490         public String toString() {
   491             return name;
   492         }
   493     }
   495     private static final class NoSelfReferencesCommand extends Command {
   497         NoSelfReferencesCommand() {
   498             super(CMD_NOSELF, "n", true, false);
   499         }
   501         @Override
   502         protected int doParse(int i, String[] args, Arguments toSet) {
   503             toSet.noSelfReferences = true;
   504             return 1;
   505         }
   507         @Override
   508         protected String help() {
   509             return "Hide intra-class calls (i.e. if calls Foo.baz(), don't include it)";
   510         }
   511     }
   513     private static final class DisableEightBitStringsCommand extends Command {
   515         DisableEightBitStringsCommand() {
   516             super(CMD_DISABLE_EIGHT_BIT_STRINGS, "u", true, false);
   517         }
   519         @Override
   520         protected int doParse(int i, String[] args, Arguments toSet) {
   521             toSet.noSelfReferences = true;
   522             return 1;
   523         }
   525         @Override
   526         protected String help() {
   527             return "Disable string memory optimizations - runs faster and supports unicode class names, but may run out of memory";
   528         }
   529     }
   531     private static final class ReverseCommand extends Command {
   533         ReverseCommand() {
   534             super(CMD_REVERSE, "r", true, false);
   535         }
   537         @Override
   538         protected int doParse(int i, String[] args, Arguments toSet) {
   539             toSet.reverse = true;
   540             return 1;
   541         }
   543         @Override
   544         protected String help() {
   545             return "Reverse the edges of graph nodes";
   546         }
   547     }
   549     private static final class AggressiveCommand extends Command {
   551         AggressiveCommand() {
   552             super(CMD_AGGRESSIVE_MEMORY, "z", true, false);
   553         }
   555         @Override
   556         protected int doParse(int i, String[] args, Arguments toSet) {
   557             toSet.aggressive = true;
   558             return 1;
   559         }
   561         @Override
   562         protected String help() {
   563             return "Aggressively optimize the 8-bit string intern table "
   564                     + "for large graphs, sacrificing performace for space";
   565         }
   566     }
   568     private static final class ShortNamesCommand extends Command {
   570         ShortNamesCommand() {
   571             super(CMD_SIMPLE, "s", true, false);
   572         }
   574         @Override
   575         protected int doParse(int i, String[] args, Arguments toSet) {
   576             toSet.shortNames = true;
   577             return 1;
   578         }
   580         @Override
   581         protected String help() {
   582             return "Use simple class names without the package (may confuse results if two classes have the same name)";
   583         }
   584     }
   586     private static final class ExtendedPropertiesCommand extends Command {
   588         ExtendedPropertiesCommand() {
   589             super(CMD_EXTENDED_PROPERTIES, "x", true, false);
   590         }
   592         @Override
   593         protected int doParse(int i, String[] args, Arguments toSet) {
   594             toSet.xprop = true;
   595             return 1;
   596         }
   598         @Override
   599         protected String help() {
   600             return "Find all maven projects that are children of the passed folders, and scan their src/main/java subfolders";
   601         }
   602     }
   604     private static final class AntCommand extends Command {
   606         AntCommand() {
   607             super(CMD_ANT, "a", true, false);
   608         }
   610         @Override
   611         protected int doParse(int i, String[] args, Arguments toSet) {
   612             toSet.ant = true;
   613             return 1;
   614         }
   616         @Override
   617         protected String help() {
   618             return "Find all ant projects that are children of the passed folders, and scan their src/ subfolders";
   619         }
   620     }
   622     private static final class MavenCommand extends Command {
   624         MavenCommand() {
   625             super(CMD_MAVEN, "m", true, false);
   626         }
   628         @Override
   629         protected int doParse(int i, String[] args, Arguments toSet) {
   630             toSet.maven = true;
   631             return 1;
   632         }
   634         @Override
   635         protected String help() {
   636             return "Find all maven projects that are children of the passed folders, and scan their src/main/java subfolders";
   637         }
   638     }
   640     private static final class GradleCommand extends Command {
   642         GradleCommand() {
   643             super(CMD_GRADLE, "g", true, false);
   644         }
   646         @Override
   647         protected int doParse(int i, String[] args, Arguments toSet) {
   648             toSet.gradle = true;
   649             return 1;
   650         }
   652         @Override
   653         protected String help() {
   654             return "Find all gradle projects that are children of the passed folders, and scan their src/main/java subfolders";
   655         }
   656     }
   658     private static final class OmitAbstractCommand extends Command {
   660         OmitAbstractCommand() {
   661             super(CMD_OMIT_ABSTRACT, "a", true, false);
   662         }
   664         @Override
   665         protected int doParse(int i, String[] args, Arguments toSet) {
   666             toSet.omitAbstract = true;
   667             return 1;
   668         }
   670         @Override
   671         protected String help() {
   672             return "Don't emit calls to abstract methods";
   673         }
   674     }
   676     private static final class VerboseCommand extends Command {
   678         VerboseCommand() {
   679             super(CMD_VERBOSE, "v", true, false);
   680         }
   682         @Override
   683         protected int doParse(int i, String[] args, Arguments toSet) {
   684             toSet.verbose = true;
   685             return 1;
   686         }
   688         @Override
   689         protected String help() {
   690             return "Print output about what is being processed";
   691         }
   692     }
   694     private static final class QuietCommand extends Command {
   696         QuietCommand() {
   697             super(CMD_QUIET, "q", true, false);
   698         }
   700         @Override
   701         protected int doParse(int i, String[] args, Arguments toSet) {
   702             toSet.quiet = true;
   703             return 1;
   704         }
   706         @Override
   707         protected String help() {
   708             return "Supress writing the graph to the standard output";
   709         }
   710     }
   712     private static final class OutfileCommand extends Command {
   714         OutfileCommand() {
   715             super(CMD_METHODGRAPH, "o", true, true);
   716         }
   718         @Override
   719         protected int doParse(int index, String[] args, Arguments toSet) {
   720             if (args.length == index + 1) {
   721                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("--outfile or -o present but no output file specified");
   722             }
   723             toSet.outfile = new File(args[index + 1]);
   724             return 2;
   725         }
   727         @Override
   728         protected String help() {
   729             return "Set the output file for the method call graph";
   730         }
   731     }
   733     private static final class ClassGraphFileCommand extends Command {
   735         ClassGraphFileCommand() {
   736             super(CMD_CLASSGRAPH, "c", true, true);
   737         }
   739         @Override
   740         protected int doParse(int index, String[] args, Arguments toSet) {
   741             if (args.length == index + 1) {
   742                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("--outfile or -o present but no output file specified");
   743             }
   744             toSet.classGraphFile = new File(args[index + 1]);
   745             return 2;
   746         }
   748         @Override
   749         protected String help() {
   750             return "Set the output file for the class call graph";
   751         }
   752     }
   754     private static final class PackageGraphFileCommand extends Command {
   756         PackageGraphFileCommand() {
   757             super(CMD_PACKAGEGRAPH, "p", true, true);
   758         }
   760         @Override
   761         protected int doParse(int index, String[] args, Arguments toSet) {
   762             if (args.length == index + 1) {
   763                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("--outfile or -o present but no output file specified");
   764             }
   765             toSet.packageGraphFile = new File(args[index + 1]);
   766             return 2;
   767         }
   769         @Override
   770         protected String help() {
   771             return "Set the output file for the package call graph";
   772         }
   773     }
   775     private static final class ExcludeCommand extends Command {
   777         ExcludeCommand() {
   778             super("exclude", "e", true, true);
   779         }
   781         @Override
   782         protected int doParse(int i, String[] args, Arguments toSet) {
   783             if (args.length == i + 1) {
   784                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("--exclude or -e present but no exclusion list present");
   785             }
   786             for (String s : args[i + 1].split(",")) {
   787                 toSet.exclude.add(s);
   788             }
   789             return 2;
   790         }
   792         @Override
   793         protected String help() {
   794             return "Exclude any relationships where the fully qualified class name starts with any pattern in this comma-delimited list of strings, e.g. -e,foo.baz";
   795         }
   796     }
   798     private static final class IgnoreCommand extends Command {
   800         IgnoreCommand() {
   801             super(CMD_IGNORE, "i", true, true);
   802         }
   804         @Override
   805         protected int doParse(int i, String[] args, Arguments toSet) {
   806             if (args.length == i + 1) {
   807                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("--exclude or -e present but no exclusion list present");
   808             }
   809             for (String s : args[i + 1].split(",")) {
   810                 toSet.ignore.add(s);
   811             }
   812             return 2;
   813         }
   815         @Override
   816         protected String help() {
   817             return "Comma delimited list of folders or subfolders to ignore, absolute or relative to the base directory.";
   818         }
   819     }
   821     static final class InvalidArgumentsException extends IllegalArgumentException {
   823         private final List<String> errors;
   825         InvalidArgumentsException(String msg, List<String> errors) {
   826             super(msg);
   827             this.errors = errors;
   828         }
   830         public List<String> errors() {
   831             return errors;
   832         }
   834         public boolean errorContains(String test) { //for tests
   835             for (String err : errors) {
   836                 if (err.contains(test)) {
   837                     return true;
   838                 }
   839             }
   840             return false;
   841         }
   842     }
   843 }