author Julien Enselme <>
Tue, 29 Sep 2015 17:48:26 +0200
changeset 18327 dfeab4f40dfd
parent 18313 42555310aefb
permissions -rw-r--r--
#192816 avoid NullPointerException

Check that context is not null before using it. This prevents the exception from
occuring. However, the parameters are not taken into account.
     1 /*
     3  *
     4  * Copyright 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     5  *
     6  * Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
     7  * Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
     8  *
     9  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
    10  * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
    11  * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
    12  * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
    13  * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
    14  *
    15  * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
    16  * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
    17  * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
    18  * Notice in each file and include the License file at
    19  * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Oracle designates this
    20  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
    21  * by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
    22  * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
    23  * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
    24  * your own identifying information:
    25  * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
    26  *
    27  * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
    28  * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
    29  * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
    30  * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
    31  * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
    32  * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
    33  * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
    34  * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
    35  * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
    36  * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
    37  *
    38  * Contributor(s):
    39  *
    40  * Portions Copyrighted 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    41  */
    42 package org.netbeans.modules.python.source;
    44 import java.util.ArrayList;
    45 import java.util.Collections;
    46 import java.util.HashMap;
    47 import java.util.List;
    48 import java.util.Map;
    49 import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
    50 import javax.swing.text.Document;
    51 import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
    52 import org.netbeans.api.editor.EditorRegistry;
    53 import org.netbeans.api.lexer.TokenSequence;
    54 import org.netbeans.modules.python.source.lexer.PythonLexerUtils;
    55 import org.netbeans.modules.python.source.lexer.PythonTokenId;
    56 import org.netbeans.api.lexer.Token;
    57 import org.netbeans.api.lexer.TokenId;
    58 import org.netbeans.api.lexer.TokenUtilities;
    59 import org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument;
    60 import org.netbeans.editor.Utilities;
    61 import org.netbeans.modules.csl.api.EditList;
    62 import org.netbeans.modules.csl.api.Formatter;
    63 import org.netbeans.modules.csl.spi.GsfUtilities;
    64 import org.netbeans.modules.csl.spi.ParserResult;
    65 import org.netbeans.modules.editor.indent.api.IndentUtils;
    66 import org.netbeans.modules.editor.indent.spi.Context;
    67 import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
    69 /**
    70  * Implement formatting for Python. Since there are no {}'s etc. to uniquely
    71  * impose indentation on Python, this formatter really just tries to enforce
    72  * spaces-versus-tabs, and indentation width. E.g. it uses the existing indentation
    73  * to determine whether the next line should be idented more, same or less as the
    74  * current line and then enforces the current space and indent size settings.
    75  *
    76  * @todo Implement pretty printing: inserting newlines, removing spaces inside
    77  *  parentheses, etc. See the recommendations in
    78  *
    79  *  Do import statement cleanup too.
    80  * @todo Line up comment lines (# as a suffix, continued from a previous line)
    81  * @todo Handle continuation lines with extra indentation
    82  * @todo Line up list initializations better?
    83  * 
    84  * @author Tor Norbye
    85  */
    86 public class PythonFormatter implements Formatter {
    87     private int indentSize;
    88     private int continuationIndentSize;
    89     private CodeStyle codeStyle;
    91     public PythonFormatter() {
    92     }
    94     public PythonFormatter(CodeStyle codeStyle) {
    95         this.codeStyle = codeStyle;
    96     }
    98     @Override
    99     public void reformat(Context context, ParserResult compilationInfo) {
   101         // No AST pretty printing yet
   102         // I should offer to go and do space insert/removal around commas, parentheses, etc.
   103         //  as well as balancing long argument lists across lines
   104         Document document = context.document();
   105         int startOffset = context.startOffset();
   106         int endOffset = context.endOffset();
   108         reformat(context, document, startOffset, endOffset, (PythonParserResult) compilationInfo);
   109     }
   111     public void reformat(final Context context, Document document, int startOffset, int endOffset, PythonParserResult info) {
   112         if (codeStyle == null) {
   113             codeStyle = CodeStyle.getDefault(context.document());
   114         }
   115         if (info != null && codeStyle != null && codeStyle.formatImports() && !GsfUtilities.isCodeTemplateEditing(document) &&
   116                 PythonAstUtils.getParseResult(info) != null) {
   117             new ImportManager(info, (BaseDocument)document, codeStyle).cleanup(null, startOffset, endOffset, false);
   118         }
   120         if (codeStyle != null) {
   121             cleanup(document, info, startOffset, endOffset);
   122         }
   124         reindent(context, document, startOffset, endOffset);
   125     }
   127     @Override
   128     public boolean needsParserResult() {
   129 //        if (SourceUtils.isScanInProgress()) {
   130 //            return false;
   131 //        }
   133         // If we're going to format imports, then yes, we need the parser result
   134         JTextComponent target = EditorRegistry.lastFocusedComponent();
   135         if (target != null) {
   136             CodeStyle cs = CodeStyle.getDefault(target.getDocument());
   137             return cs != null ? cs.formatImports() : false;
   138         }
   139         return false;
   140     }
   142     @Override
   143     public int indentSize() {
   144         // 4 spaces: See
   145         return 4;
   146     }
   148     @Override
   149     public int hangingIndentSize() {
   150         return 4;
   151     }
   153     // Challenge: Two inconsistently formatted
   154     // Idea: Given a list of offsets and indentation, produce a graph (or recurse) where I mark all
   155     // siblings the exact same level
   157     // Algorithm:
   158     //   Find smallest indent: That's the top level
   159     //   Build a graph? Each indent line.
   160     //
   161     @Override
   162     public void reindent(final Context context) {
   163         Document document = context.document();
   164         int startOffset = context.startOffset();
   165         int endOffset = context.endOffset();
   167         reindent(context, document, startOffset, endOffset);
   168     }
   170     @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // For doc.getFormatter()
   171     public void reindent(final Context context, Document document, int startOffset, int endOffset) {
   172         endOffset = Math.min(endOffset, document.getLength());
   173         startOffset = Math.min(startOffset, endOffset);
   175         continuationIndentSize = indentSize = IndentUtils.indentLevelSize(document);
   178         final BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument)document;
   179         try {
   180             // Plan: Go through the lines, one by one, and compute the indentation levels relative to each other,
   181             // then normalize them (except inside strings), then apply!!
   182             // Also track whether we are used for newline indentation and if so, do smart bracket stuff
   184             // Current indentation for the given line. -1 means that it should be left alone (e.g.
   185             // we don't mess with multiline string literals.
   186             final List<Integer> offsets = new ArrayList<>();
   188             // Current indentation for the given line. -1 means that it should be left alone (e.g.
   189             // we don't mess with multiline string literals. Other negative numbers are offsets
   190             // pointing at a particular left parenthesis that this line should be aligned with
   191             final List<Integer> indentation = new ArrayList<>();
   192             final List<Integer> lParenOffsets = new ArrayList<>();
   194             try {
   195                 doc.readLock(); // For token hierarchy usage
   197                 TokenSequence<? extends PythonTokenId> ts = PythonLexerUtils.getPythonSequence(doc, startOffset);
   199                 int currentOffset = Utilities.getRowStart(doc, startOffset);
   200                 int balance = 0;
   201                 while (currentOffset <= endOffset) {
   202                     if (!(Utilities.isRowEmpty(doc, currentOffset) || Utilities.isRowWhite(doc, currentOffset))) {
   203                         Token<? extends PythonTokenId> token = PythonLexerUtils.getToken(doc, currentOffset);
   204                         int indent = GsfUtilities.getLineIndent(doc, currentOffset);
   205                         if (token != null) {
   206                             if ( == PythonTokenId.STRING_LITERAL || == PythonTokenId.STRING_END) {
   207                                 indent = -1;
   208                             }
   209                         }
   211                         if (indent != -1) {
   212                             if (balance <= 0) {
   213                                 indentation.add(indent);
   214                                 offsets.add(currentOffset);
   215                             } else {
   216                                 assert balance <= lParenOffsets.size();
   217                                 int parenOffset = lParenOffsets.get(lParenOffsets.size()-balance);
   218                                 indentation.add(-parenOffset);
   219                                 offsets.add(currentOffset);
   220                             }
   221                         }
   222                     }
   224                     // TODO - look up the tokens to make sure we don't have a problem with literal nodes
   226                     if (currentOffset > doc.getLength()) {
   227                         break;
   228                     }
   230                     // Update the line balance
   231                     int begin = Utilities.getRowStart(doc, currentOffset);
   232                     int end = Utilities.getRowEnd(doc, currentOffset);
   234                     ts.move(begin);
   236                     if (ts.moveNext()) {
   237                         do {
   238                             Token<? extends PythonTokenId> token = ts.token();
   239                             TokenId id =;
   241                             if (id == PythonTokenId.LPAREN) {
   242                                 balance++;
   243                                 lParenOffsets.add(ts.offset());
   244                             } else if (id == PythonTokenId.RPAREN) {
   245                                 balance--;
   246                                 if (!lParenOffsets.isEmpty()) {
   247                                     lParenOffsets.remove(lParenOffsets.size()-1);
   248                                 }
   249                             }
   250                         } while (ts.moveNext() && (ts.offset() <= end));
   251                     }
   253                     currentOffset = Utilities.getRowEnd(doc, currentOffset) + 1;
   254                 }
   255             } finally {
   256                 doc.readUnlock();
   257             }
   259             // Nothing to do
   260             if (offsets.size() == 0) {
   261                 return;
   262             }
   264             assert indentation.size() == offsets.size();
   266             final Map<Integer, Integer> offsetToLevel = new HashMap<>();
   267             final Map<Integer,Integer> offsetToIndex = new HashMap<>();
   268             List<Integer> parentIndentations = new ArrayList<>();
   269             int currentParentIndent = -1;
   270             int currentLevel = -1;
   272             int firstIndent = indentation.get(0);
   273             List<Integer> sorted = new ArrayList<>(indentation);
   274             Collections.sort(sorted);
   275             // Attempt to shift the computed indentation to fit the right indentation levels
   276             // that are currently in the file?
   277             int firstNonNeg = 0;
   278             for (; firstNonNeg < sorted.size(); firstNonNeg++) {
   279                 if (sorted.get(firstNonNeg) >= 0) {
   280                     break;
   281                 }
   282             }
   283             boolean shiftToCurrent = true;
   284             if (firstIndent > sorted.get(firstNonNeg)) {
   285                 shiftToCurrent = false;
   286                 // The start is not at the top level... e.g. we have something like
   287                 //      foo
   288                 //   else
   289                 //      bar
   290                 // (e.g. we are formatting a fragment of code which doesn't include
   291                 // the top). Here we need to find the "true" top levels, so we
   292                 // push levels on to the stack
   293                 int prev = -1;
   294                 for (int indent : sorted) {
   295                     if (prev == indent) {
   296                         continue;
   297                     }
   298                     prev = indent;
   299                     if (indent < firstIndent) {
   300                         parentIndentations.add(currentParentIndent);
   301                         currentParentIndent = indent;
   302                         currentLevel++;
   303                     } else {
   304                         break;
   305                     }
   306                 }
   307             }
   310             // TODO: What if I start in the middle of an expression such that I outdent
   311             // more than I indent? I have to build up the index levels if necessary
   312             // Go count popping levels
   314             for (int i = 0, n = offsets.size(); i < n; i++) {
   315                 int offset = offsets.get(i);
   316                 int indent = indentation.get(i);
   317                 if (indent == -1) {
   318                     // Leave line alone
   319                     offsetToLevel.put(offset, -1);
   320                     continue;
   321                 }
   322                 offsetToIndex.put(offset, i);
   324                 if (indent < 0) {
   325                     // Want to keep everything the same as the prev, plus delta
   326                 } else if (indent > currentParentIndent) {
   327                     // New level
   328                     currentLevel++;
   329                     parentIndentations.add(currentParentIndent);
   330                     currentParentIndent = indent;
   331                 } else if (indent < currentParentIndent) {
   332                     while (currentParentIndent > indent) {
   333                         currentLevel--;
   334                         if (parentIndentations.size() > 0) {
   335                             currentParentIndent = parentIndentations.remove(parentIndentations.size() - 1);
   336                         } else {
   337                             currentParentIndent = indent;
   338                         }
   339                     }
   340                 }
   342                 offsetToLevel.put(offset, currentLevel);
   343             }
   345             // Compute relative shift
   346             int firstLineIndent = indentation.get(0);
   347             int firstLineLevel = offsetToLevel.get(offsets.get(0));
   348             int computedIndent = firstLineLevel * indentSize;
   349             final int relativeShift = shiftToCurrent ? computedIndent - firstLineIndent : 0;
   351             doc.runAtomic(new Runnable() {
   352                 @Override
   353                 public void run() {
   354                     int[] computedIndents = new int[offsets.size()];
   355                     // Process backwards so I don't have to worry about updating offsets affected by
   356                     // indentation changes
   357                     for (int i = offsets.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
   358                         int indent = indentation.get(i);
   359                         if (indent == -1) {
   360                             // Leave line alone
   361                             continue;
   362                         }
   363                         if (indent >= 0) {
   364                             int offset = offsets.get(i);
   365                             int level = offsetToLevel.get(offset);
   366                             int computedIndent = level * indentSize - relativeShift;
   367                             if (computedIndent < 0) {
   368                                 computedIndent = 0;
   369                             }
   370                             computedIndents[i] =computedIndent;
   371                         } else {
   372                             computedIndents[i] = -1;
   373                         }
   374                     }
   376                     for (int i = offsets.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
   377                         int indent = indentation.get(i);
   378                         if (indent < -1) {
   379                             try {
   380                                 // Negative offset pointing to a left parenthesis we should align with
   381                                 int parenOffset = -indent;
   382                                 int lineStart = Utilities.getRowStart(doc, parenOffset);
   383                                 if (lineStart != -1) {
   384                                     int parenLineIndent = computedIndents[offsetToIndex.get(lineStart)];
   385                                     assert parenLineIndent >= 0;
   386                                     int textBegin = Utilities.getRowFirstNonWhite(doc, lineStart);
   387                                     assert textBegin != -1;
   388                                     // Indent to new indentation + text up to paren plus the paren itself
   389                                     int newIndent = parenLineIndent + (parenOffset-textBegin) + 1;
   390                                     computedIndents[i] = newIndent;
   391                                 }
   392                             } catch (BadLocationException ble) {
   393                                 Exceptions.printStackTrace(ble);
   394                             }
   395                         }
   396                     }
   398                     // Process backwards so I don't have to worry about updating offsets affected by
   399                     // indentation changes
   400                     for (int i = offsets.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
   401                         int indent = indentation.get(i);
   402                         if (indent == -1) {
   403                             // Leave line alone
   404                             continue;
   405                         }
   406                         int offset = offsets.get(i);
   407                         int computedIndent = computedIndents[i];
   408                         if (computedIndent < 0) {
   409                             computedIndent = 0;
   410                         }
   412                         if (computedIndent != indent && context != null) {
   413                             try {
   414                                 context.modifyIndent(offset, computedIndent);
   415                             } catch (BadLocationException ex) {
   416                                 Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
   417                             }
   418                         }
   419                     }
   420                 }
   421             });
   422         } catch (BadLocationException ble) {
   423             Exceptions.printStackTrace(ble);
   424         }
   425     }
   427     private boolean isLinePrefix(BaseDocument doc, int offset) throws BadLocationException {
   428         return Utilities.getRowFirstNonWhite(doc, offset) == offset;
   429     }
   431     private void cleanup(Document document, PythonParserResult info, int startOffset, int endOffset) {
   432         BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument)document;
   433         final EditList edits = new EditList(doc);
   434         try {
   435             doc.readLock(); // For token hierarchy usage
   437             TokenSequence<? extends PythonTokenId> ts = PythonLexerUtils.getPythonSequence(doc, startOffset);
   438             if (ts == null) {
   439                 return;
   440             }
   442             ts.move(startOffset);
   446             // TODO:
   447             // Control whether I collapse spaces to a single space, or just ensure there is at least one
   448             // "None", "1", "At least 1", "Leave Alone"
   450             // TODO: Insert and remove needed or unnecessary parentheses!
   451             // TODO: Alignment! Especially of trailing line comments on adjacent lines!
   452             // TODO: Collapse blank newlines!
   453             boolean addSpaceAroundOperators = true;
   454             boolean removeSpaceInsideParens = true; // also applies to braces and brackets
   455             boolean addSpaceAfterComma = true;
   456             //    boolean spaceArondParens = false;
   457             //    boolean spaceBeforeArgs = false; // before parentheses in a call
   458             boolean removeSpaceBeforeSep = true; // before comma, semicolon or colon
   459             //    boolean alignAssignments = false; // Only one space around assignments
   460             boolean removeSpaceInParamAssign = true; // Around assignment in parameter list, e.g.
   461             boolean collapseSpaces = true;
   462             //def complex(real, imag=0.0):
   463             //       return magic(r=real, i=imag)
   464             if (codeStyle != null) {
   465                 addSpaceAroundOperators = codeStyle.addSpaceAroundOperators();
   466                 removeSpaceInsideParens = codeStyle.removeSpaceInsideParens();
   467                 addSpaceAfterComma = codeStyle.addSpaceAfterComma();
   468                 removeSpaceBeforeSep = codeStyle.removeSpaceBeforeSep();
   469                 removeSpaceInParamAssign = codeStyle.removeSpaceInParamAssign();
   470                 collapseSpaces = codeStyle.collapseSpaces();
   471             }
   473             // TODO - back up to the nearest function or class or beginning of the document to get the right
   474             // parenthesis balance.
   475             int parenBalance = 0;
   477             Token<? extends PythonTokenId> prev = null;
   478             Token<? extends PythonTokenId> token = null;
   479             Token<? extends PythonTokenId> next = null;
   480             int tokenOffset = 0;
   481             int nextOffset = 0;
   482             int prevOffset = -1;
   483             if (ts.moveNext()) {
   484                 token = ts.token();
   485                 tokenOffset = ts.offset();
   486                 if (ts.moveNext()) {
   487                     next = ts.token();
   488                     nextOffset = ts.offset();
   489                 } else {
   490                     return;
   491                 }
   492             }
   493             boolean prevRemoved = false;
   494             boolean tokenRemoved = false;
   495             boolean nextRemoved = false;
   496             while (token != null) {
   497                 TokenId prevId = prev != null ? : null;
   498                 TokenId id =;
   499                 TokenId nextId = next != null ? : null;
   501                 if (id == PythonTokenId.LPAREN) {
   502                     parenBalance++;
   503                 } else if (id == PythonTokenId.RPAREN) {
   504                     parenBalance--;
   505                 }
   507                 if (removeSpaceInsideParens) {
   508                     if (id == PythonTokenId.LPAREN) {
   509                         if (nextId == PythonTokenId.WHITESPACE && !nextRemoved) {
   510                             edits.replace(nextOffset, next.length(), null, false, 0);
   511                             nextRemoved = true;
   512                         }
   513                     } else if (id == PythonTokenId.RPAREN) {
   514                         if (prevId == PythonTokenId.WHITESPACE && !prevRemoved && !isLinePrefix(doc, tokenOffset)) {
   515                             // I don't remove space in front of paren's at the beginning of the line; these might have
   516                             // been aligned with indented content above
   517                             edits.replace(prevOffset, prev.length(), null, false, 0);
   518                             prevRemoved = true;
   519                         }
   520                     } else if (id == PythonTokenId.LBRACKET) {
   521                         if (nextId == PythonTokenId.WHITESPACE && !nextRemoved) {
   522                             edits.replace(nextOffset, next.length(), null, false, 0);
   523                             nextRemoved = true;
   524                         }
   525                     } else if (id == PythonTokenId.RBRACKET) {
   526                         if (prevId == PythonTokenId.WHITESPACE && !prevRemoved && !isLinePrefix(doc, tokenOffset)) {
   527                             edits.replace(prevOffset, prev.length(), null, false, 0);
   528                             prevRemoved = true;
   529                         }
   530                     } else if (id == PythonTokenId.LBRACE) {
   531                         if (nextId == PythonTokenId.WHITESPACE && !nextRemoved) {
   532                             edits.replace(nextOffset, next.length(), null, false, 0);
   533                             nextRemoved = true;
   534                         }
   535                     } else if (id == PythonTokenId.RBRACE) {
   536                         if (prevId == PythonTokenId.WHITESPACE && !prevRemoved && !isLinePrefix(doc, tokenOffset)) {
   537                             edits.replace(prevOffset, prev.length(), null, false, 0);
   538                             prevRemoved = true;
   539                         }
   540                     }
   541                 }
   543                 if (addSpaceAfterComma) {
   544                     if (id == PythonTokenId.COMMA) {
   545                         if (collapseSpaces && nextId == PythonTokenId.WHITESPACE && next.length() > 1) {
   546                             edits.replace(nextOffset, next.length() - 1, null, false, 1); // NOI18N
   547                         } else if (next == null ||
   548                                 (nextId != PythonTokenId.WHITESPACE && nextId != PythonTokenId.NEWLINE)) {
   549                             edits.replace(nextOffset, 0, " ", false, 1); // NOI18N
   550                         }
   551                     }
   552                 }
   554                 if (removeSpaceBeforeSep &&
   555                         (id == PythonTokenId.COMMA || id == PythonTokenId.COLON ||
   556                         (id == PythonTokenId.ANY_OPERATOR && TokenUtilities.equals(token.text(), ";"))) && // NOI18N
   557                         prevId == PythonTokenId.WHITESPACE && !prevRemoved && !isLinePrefix(doc, tokenOffset)) {
   558                     edits.replace(prevOffset, prev.length(), null, false, 2);
   559                     prevRemoved = true;
   560                 }
   562                 if (addSpaceAroundOperators && id == PythonTokenId.ANY_OPERATOR) {
   563                     CharSequence seq = token.text();
   565                     // These aren't binary, and ; isn't really an operator and has its own setting
   566                     if (!(TokenUtilities.equals(seq, "@") || // NOI18N
   567                             TokenUtilities.equals(seq, "`") || // NOI18N
   568                             TokenUtilities.equals(seq, ";"))) { // NOI18N
   570                         boolean insertSpace = true;
   571                         if (removeSpaceInParamAssign && TokenUtilities.equals(seq, "=")) { // NOI18N
   572                             // Special handling: keyword arguments should typically NOT
   573                             // have space inserted
   574                             if (parenBalance > 0) {
   575                                 insertSpace = false;
   576                                 // Remove spaces around the =
   577                                 if (prevId == PythonTokenId.WHITESPACE && !prevRemoved) {
   578                                     edits.replace(prevOffset, prev.length(), null, false, 5); // NOI18N
   579                                     prevRemoved = true;
   580                                 }
   581                                 if (nextId == PythonTokenId.WHITESPACE && !nextRemoved) {
   582                                     edits.replace(nextOffset, next.length(), null, false, 6); // NOI18N
   583                                     nextRemoved = true;
   584                                 }
   585                             }
   586                         }
   588                         if (insertSpace && TokenUtilities.equals(seq, "-")/* && (nextId == PythonTokenId.FLOAT_LITERAL || nextId == PythonTokenId.INT_LITERAL)*/) {
   589                             // Leave -'s alone for now. The code is a little unclear on the difference between
   590                             //  x-1 and =-1 etc. For numbers (floating and integer) the minus isn't part of the lexical token for the number;
   591                             // it's a separate operator. However, it's tricky to tell this apart from the binary subtraction, since it depends
   592                             // on what came before. For now play it safe an leave these alone.
   593                             // TODO - implement this properly.
   594                             insertSpace = false;
   595                         }
   597                         if (insertSpace && TokenUtilities.equals(seq, "*")) { // NOI18N
   598                             // "*" in (*foo) doesn't mean multiplication; it's not a binary operator here,
   599                             // it's many args.
   600                             if (prevId == PythonTokenId.COMMA || prevId == PythonTokenId.LPAREN) {
   601                                 insertSpace = false;
   602                             }
   603                         }
   605                         if (insertSpace) {
   606                             // Ensure that we have space on both sides
   607                             if (collapseSpaces && prevId == PythonTokenId.WHITESPACE && next.length() > 1 &&
   608                                     !isLinePrefix(doc, tokenOffset)) {
   609                                 edits.replace(prevOffset, prev.length() - 1, null, false, 1); // NOI18N
   610                             } else if (prevId != PythonTokenId.WHITESPACE) {
   611                                 edits.replace(tokenOffset, 0, " ", false, 3); // NOI18N
   612                             }
   614                             if (collapseSpaces && nextId == PythonTokenId.WHITESPACE && next.length() > 1) {
   615                                 edits.replace(nextOffset, next.length() - 1, null, false, 1); // NOI18N
   616                             } else if (nextId != PythonTokenId.WHITESPACE && nextId != PythonTokenId.NEWLINE) {
   617                                 edits.replace(nextOffset, 0, " ", false, 4); // NOI18N
   618                             }
   619                         }
   620                     }
   621                 }
   623                 if (tokenOffset + token.length() >= endOffset) {
   624                     break;
   625                 }
   627                 prevRemoved = tokenRemoved;
   628                 tokenRemoved = nextRemoved;
   629                 nextRemoved = false;
   631                 prev = token;
   632                 token = next;
   633                 prevOffset = tokenOffset;
   634                 tokenOffset = nextOffset;
   635                 if (ts.moveNext()) {
   636                     next = ts.token();
   637                     nextOffset = ts.offset();
   638                 } else {
   639                     next = null;
   640                 }
   641             }
   642         } catch (BadLocationException ble) {
   643             Exceptions.printStackTrace(ble);
   644         } finally {
   645             doc.readUnlock();
   646         }
   648         doc.runAtomic(new Runnable() {
   649             @Override
   650             public void run() {
   651                 edits.apply();
   652             }
   653         });
   654     }
   655 }