Taking advantage of 8f439a91333f (#211273) to simplify rewrite.
authorJesse Glick <jglick@netbeans.org>
Thu, 19 Apr 2012 12:20:09 -0400
changeset 178161f86cca7a83c
parent 17815 5df2d064fa29
child 17817 6fd564374553
Taking advantage of 8f439a91333f (#211273) to simplify rewrite.
     1.1 --- a/javahints/src/org/netbeans/modules/javahints/jdk5/IteratorToFor.java	Mon Apr 16 15:13:19 2012 -0400
     1.2 +++ b/javahints/src/org/netbeans/modules/javahints/jdk5/IteratorToFor.java	Thu Apr 19 12:20:09 2012 -0400
     1.3 @@ -42,28 +42,16 @@
     1.5  package org.netbeans.modules.javahints.jdk5;
     1.7 -import com.sun.source.tree.BlockTree;
     1.8 -import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree;
     1.9 -import com.sun.source.tree.StatementTree;
    1.10  import com.sun.source.tree.Tree;
    1.11 -import com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree;
    1.12  import com.sun.source.util.TreePath;
    1.13  import com.sun.source.util.TreePathScanner;
    1.14 -import java.util.ArrayList;
    1.15  import java.util.Collection;
    1.16 -import java.util.Collections;
    1.17 -import java.util.List;
    1.18 -import java.util.Map;
    1.19  import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
    1.20 -import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier;
    1.21 -import org.netbeans.api.java.source.TreeMaker;
    1.22 -import org.netbeans.api.java.source.WorkingCopy;
    1.23  import org.netbeans.spi.editor.hints.ErrorDescription;
    1.24  import org.netbeans.spi.java.hints.ErrorDescriptionFactory;
    1.25  import org.netbeans.spi.java.hints.Hint;
    1.26  import org.netbeans.spi.java.hints.HintContext;
    1.27 -import org.netbeans.spi.java.hints.JavaFix;
    1.28 -import org.netbeans.spi.java.hints.JavaFix.TransformationContext;
    1.29 +import org.netbeans.spi.java.hints.JavaFixUtilities;
    1.30  import org.netbeans.spi.java.hints.TriggerPattern;
    1.31  import org.openide.util.NbBundle.Messages;
    1.33 @@ -81,47 +69,8 @@
    1.34          if (uses(ctx, ctx.getMultiVariables().get("$rest$"), ctx.getVariables().get("$it"))) {
    1.35              return null;
    1.36          }
    1.37 -        return ErrorDescriptionFactory.forName(ctx, ctx.getPath(), Bundle.ERR_IteratorToFor(), new WhileFix(ctx).toEditorFix());
    1.38 -    }
    1.39 -
    1.40 -    // like JavaFixUtilities.rewriteFix(..., "for ($type $elem : $coll) {$rest$;}"))
    1.41 -    // but does not mess up interior comments
    1.42 -    private static final class WhileFix extends JavaFix {
    1.43 -
    1.44 -        private final HintContext hctx;
    1.45 -
    1.46 -        WhileFix(HintContext hctx) {
    1.47 -            super(hctx.getInfo(), hctx.getPath());
    1.48 -            // XXX #211273 comment #3: should not be keeping hctx here, ought to rewrite
    1.49 -            this.hctx = hctx;
    1.50 -        }
    1.51 -
    1.52 -        @Override protected String getText() {
    1.53 -            return Bundle.FIX_IteratorToFor();
    1.54 -        }
    1.55 -
    1.56 -        @Override protected void performRewrite(TransformationContext ctx) {
    1.57 -            WorkingCopy wc = ctx.getWorkingCopy();
    1.58 -            TreeMaker tm = wc.getTreeMaker();
    1.59 -            Map<String,TreePath> vars = hctx.getVariables();
    1.60 -            Map<String,Collection<? extends TreePath>> multivars = hctx.getMultiVariables();
    1.61 -            BlockTree block = (BlockTree) vars.get("$_").getLeaf();
    1.62 -            List<StatementTree> stmts = new ArrayList<StatementTree>(block.getStatements());
    1.63 -            boolean deleted = stmts.remove((StatementTree) vars.get("$it").getLeaf());
    1.64 -            assert deleted;
    1.65 -            int idx = stmts.indexOf((StatementTree) vars.get("$elem").getParentPath().getParentPath().getLeaf());
    1.66 -            assert idx != -1;
    1.67 -            VariableTree decl = tm.Variable(tm.Modifiers(Collections.<Modifier>emptySet()), hctx.getVariableNames().get("$elem"), vars.get("$type").getLeaf(), null);
    1.68 -            ExpressionTree expr = (ExpressionTree) vars.get("$coll").getLeaf();
    1.69 -            List<StatementTree> rest = new ArrayList<StatementTree>();
    1.70 -            for (TreePath p : multivars.get("$rest$")) {
    1.71 -                rest.add((StatementTree) p.getLeaf());
    1.72 -            }
    1.73 -            StatementTree body = tm.Block(rest, false);
    1.74 -            stmts.set(idx, tm.EnhancedForLoop(decl, expr, body));
    1.75 -            wc.rewrite(block, tm.Block(stmts, false));
    1.76 -        }
    1.77 -
    1.78 +        return ErrorDescriptionFactory.forName(ctx, ctx.getPath(), Bundle.ERR_IteratorToFor(),
    1.79 +                JavaFixUtilities.rewriteFix(ctx, Bundle.FIX_IteratorToFor(), ctx.getPath(), "for ($type $elem : $coll) {$rest$;}"));
    1.80      }
    1.82      @TriggerPattern("for (java.util.Iterator $it = $coll.iterator(); $it.hasNext(); ) {$type $elem = ($type) $it.next(); $rest$;}")
    1.83 @@ -129,37 +78,8 @@
    1.84          if (uses(ctx, ctx.getMultiVariables().get("$rest$"), ctx.getVariables().get("$it"))) {
    1.85              return null;
    1.86          }
    1.87 -        return ErrorDescriptionFactory.forName(ctx, ctx.getPath(), Bundle.ERR_IteratorToFor(), new ForFix(ctx).toEditorFix());
    1.88 -    }
    1.89 -
    1.90 -    private static final class ForFix extends JavaFix {
    1.91 -
    1.92 -        private final HintContext hctx;
    1.93 -
    1.94 -        ForFix(HintContext hctx) {
    1.95 -            super(hctx.getInfo(), hctx.getPath());
    1.96 -            this.hctx = hctx;
    1.97 -        }
    1.98 -
    1.99 -        @Override protected String getText() {
   1.100 -            return Bundle.FIX_IteratorToFor();
   1.101 -        }
   1.102 -
   1.103 -        @Override protected void performRewrite(TransformationContext ctx) {
   1.104 -            WorkingCopy wc = ctx.getWorkingCopy();
   1.105 -            TreeMaker tm = wc.getTreeMaker();
   1.106 -            Map<String,TreePath> vars = hctx.getVariables();
   1.107 -            Map<String,Collection<? extends TreePath>> multivars = hctx.getMultiVariables();
   1.108 -            VariableTree decl = tm.Variable(tm.Modifiers(Collections.<Modifier>emptySet()), hctx.getVariableNames().get("$elem"), vars.get("$type").getLeaf(), null);
   1.109 -            ExpressionTree expr = (ExpressionTree) vars.get("$coll").getLeaf();
   1.110 -            List<StatementTree> rest = new ArrayList<StatementTree>();
   1.111 -            for (TreePath p : multivars.get("$rest$")) {
   1.112 -                rest.add((StatementTree) p.getLeaf());
   1.113 -            }
   1.114 -            StatementTree body = tm.Block(rest, false);
   1.115 -            wc.rewrite(ctx.getPath().getLeaf(), tm.EnhancedForLoop(decl, expr, body));
   1.116 -        }
   1.117 -
   1.118 +        return ErrorDescriptionFactory.forName(ctx, ctx.getPath(), Bundle.ERR_IteratorToFor(),
   1.119 +                JavaFixUtilities.rewriteFix(ctx, Bundle.FIX_IteratorToFor(), ctx.getPath(), "for ($type $elem : $coll) {$rest$;}"));
   1.120      }
   1.122      // adapted from org.netbeans.modules.java.hints.declarative.conditionapi.Matcher.referencedIn