Moved a few hints to std. distro.
authorJan Lahoda <>
Tue, 26 Jun 2012 16:30:27 +0200
changeset 17842358ed6173792
parent 17840 7c823b3566f3
child 17843 5ee1ca55870e
Moved a few hints to std. distro.
     1.1 --- a/javahints/nbproject/	Thu Jun 14 15:02:44 2012 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/javahints/nbproject/	Tue Jun 26 16:30:27 2012 +0200
     1.3 @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
     1.5  javac.compilerargs=-Xlint:unchecked
     1.6  javac.source=1.6
     1.7 -spec.version.base=2.56.0
     1.8 +spec.version.base=2.57.0
    1.10  nbm.needs.restart=true
    1.11  requires.nb.javac=true
     2.1 --- a/javahints/src/org/netbeans/modules/javahints/	Thu Jun 14 15:02:44 2012 +0200
     2.2 +++ b/javahints/src/org/netbeans/modules/javahints/	Tue Jun 26 16:30:27 2012 +0200
     2.3 @@ -130,16 +130,6 @@
     2.4  FIX_ConvertAnonymousToInner=Convert Anonymous to Inner
     2.7 -DN_NPECheck=Null Dereference
     2.8 -DESC_NPECheck=Checks various problems related to dereferencing nulls
     2.9 -ERR_DereferencingNull=Dereferencing null
    2.10 -ERR_PossiblyDereferencingNull=Possibly Dereferencing null
    2.11 -ERR_AssigningNullToNotNull=Assigning Null to NotNull Variable
    2.12 -ERR_PossibleAssigingNullToNotNull=Possibly Assigning Null to NotNull Variable
    2.13 -ERR_NULL_TO_NON_NULL_ARG=Passing null to not-null argument
    2.14 -ERR_POSSIBLENULL_TO_NON_NULL_ARG=Passing possible null to not-null argument
    2.15 -
    2.16 -
    2.17  DN_NegateCondition=Negate if condition
    2.18  DESC_NegateCondition=Negate if condition
    2.19  FIX_NegateCondition=Negate if condition
     3.1 --- a/javahints/src/org/netbeans/modules/javahints/	Thu Jun 14 15:02:44 2012 +0200
     3.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     3.3 @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
     3.4 -/*
     3.6 - *
     3.7 - * Copyright 2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     3.8 - *
     3.9 - * Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
    3.10 - * Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
    3.11 - *
    3.12 - * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
    3.13 - * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
    3.14 - * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
    3.15 - * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
    3.16 - * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
    3.17 - *
    3.18 - * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
    3.19 - * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
    3.20 - * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
    3.21 - * Notice in each file and include the License file at
    3.22 - * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Oracle designates this
    3.23 - * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
    3.24 - * by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
    3.25 - * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
    3.26 - * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
    3.27 - * your own identifying information:
    3.28 - * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
    3.29 - *
    3.30 - * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
    3.31 - * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
    3.32 - * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
    3.33 - * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
    3.34 - * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
    3.35 - * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
    3.36 - * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
    3.37 - * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
    3.38 - * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
    3.39 - * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
    3.40 - *
    3.41 - * Contributor(s):
    3.42 - *
    3.43 - * Portions Copyrighted 2012 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    3.44 - */
    3.45 -package org.netbeans.modules.javahints;
    3.46 -
    3.47 -import com.sun.source.util.TreePath;
    3.48 -import org.netbeans.spi.editor.hints.ErrorDescription;
    3.49 -import;
    3.50 -import;
    3.51 -import;
    3.52 -import;
    3.53 -import;
    3.54 -import org.openide.util.NbBundle.Messages;
    3.55 -
    3.56 -@Hint(displayName = "#DN_InvertIf", description = "#DESC_InvertIf", category = "general", hintKind= Hint.Kind.ACTION)
    3.57 -@Messages({
    3.58 -    "DN_InvertIf=Invert If",
    3.59 -    "DESC_InvertIf=Will invert an if statement; negate the condition and switch the statements from the then and else sections."
    3.60 -})
    3.61 -public class InvertIf {
    3.62 -
    3.63 -    @TriggerPattern(value = "if ($cond) $then; else $else;")
    3.64 -    @Messages({"ERR_InvertIf=Invert If",
    3.65 -               "FIX_InvertIf=Invert If"})
    3.66 -    public static ErrorDescription computeWarning(HintContext ctx) {
    3.67 -        TreePath cond = ctx.getVariables().get("$cond");
    3.68 -        long conditionEnd = ctx.getInfo().getTrees().getSourcePositions().getEndPosition(cond.getCompilationUnit(), cond.getParentPath().getLeaf());
    3.69 -        if (ctx.getCaretLocation() > conditionEnd) return null;
    3.70 -        return ErrorDescriptionFactory.forName(ctx, ctx.getPath(), Bundle.ERR_InvertIf(), JavaFixUtilities.rewriteFix(ctx, Bundle.FIX_InvertIf(), ctx.getPath(), "if (!$cond) $else; else $then;"));
    3.71 -    }
    3.72 -
    3.73 -}
     4.1 --- a/javahints/src/org/netbeans/modules/javahints/	Thu Jun 14 15:02:44 2012 +0200
     4.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     4.3 @@ -1,691 +0,0 @@
     4.4 -/*
     4.6 - * 
     4.7 - * Copyright 1997-2012 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
     4.8 - * 
     4.9 - * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
    4.10 - * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
    4.11 - * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
    4.12 - * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
    4.13 - * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
    4.14 - *
    4.15 - * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
    4.16 - * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
    4.17 - * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
    4.18 - * Notice in each file and include the License file at
    4.19 - * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Sun designates this
    4.20 - * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
    4.21 - * by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
    4.22 - * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
    4.23 - * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
    4.24 - * your own identifying information:
    4.25 - * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
    4.26 - * 
    4.27 - * Contributor(s):
    4.28 - * 
    4.29 - * Portions Copyrighted 2007-2012 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    4.30 - */
    4.31 -
    4.32 -package org.netbeans.modules.javahints;
    4.33 -
    4.34 -import com.sun.source.tree.*;
    4.35 -import com.sun.source.tree.Tree.Kind;
    4.36 -import com.sun.source.util.TreePath;
    4.37 -import com.sun.source.util.TreePathScanner;
    4.38 -import java.util.ArrayList;
    4.39 -import java.util.EnumSet;
    4.40 -import java.util.HashMap;
    4.41 -import java.util.HashSet;
    4.42 -import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
    4.43 -import java.util.List;
    4.44 -import java.util.Map;
    4.45 -import java.util.Map.Entry;
    4.46 -import java.util.Set;
    4.47 -import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
    4.48 -import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
    4.49 -import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;
    4.50 -import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
    4.51 -import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
    4.52 -import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
    4.53 -import;
    4.54 -import org.netbeans.spi.editor.hints.ErrorDescription;
    4.55 -import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
    4.56 -
    4.57 -import static org.netbeans.modules.javahints.NPECheck.State.*;
    4.58 -import*;
    4.59 -
    4.60 -/**XXX: null initializer to a non-null variable!
    4.61 - *
    4.62 - * @author lahvac
    4.63 - */
    4.64 -@Hint(displayName="#DN_NPECheck", description="#DESC_NPECheck", category="bugs", enabled=false)
    4.65 -public class NPECheck {
    4.66 -
    4.67 -    @TriggerPattern("$var = $expr")
    4.68 -    public static ErrorDescription assignment(HintContext ctx) {
    4.69 -        Element e = ctx.getInfo().getTrees().getElement(ctx.getVariables().get("$var"));
    4.70 -
    4.71 -        if (e == null || !VARIABLE_ELEMENT.contains(e.getKind())) {
    4.72 -            return null;
    4.73 -        }
    4.74 -        
    4.75 -        TreePath expr = ctx.getVariables().get("$expr");
    4.76 -        State r = computeExpressionsState(ctx.getInfo()).get(expr.getLeaf());
    4.77 -
    4.78 -        State elementState = getStateFromAnnotations(e);
    4.79 -
    4.80 -        if (elementState != null && elementState.isNotNull()) {
    4.81 -            String key = null;
    4.82 -
    4.83 -            if (r == NULL) {
    4.84 -                key = "ERR_AssigningNullToNotNull";
    4.85 -            }
    4.86 -
    4.87 -            if (r == POSSIBLE_NULL_REPORT) {
    4.88 -                key = "ERR_PossibleAssigingNullToNotNull";
    4.89 -            }
    4.90 -
    4.91 -            if (key != null) {
    4.92 -                return ErrorDescriptionFactory.forTree(ctx, ctx.getPath(), NbBundle.getMessage(NPECheck.class, key));
    4.93 -            }
    4.94 -        }
    4.95 -
    4.96 -        return null;
    4.97 -    }
    4.98 -    
    4.99 -    @TriggerPattern("$select.$variable")
   4.100 -    public static ErrorDescription memberSelect(HintContext ctx) {
   4.101 -        TreePath select = ctx.getVariables().get("$select");
   4.102 -        State r = computeExpressionsState(ctx.getInfo()).get(select.getLeaf());
   4.103 -        
   4.104 -        if (r == State.NULL) {
   4.105 -            String displayName = NbBundle.getMessage(NPECheck.class, "ERR_DereferencingNull");
   4.106 -            
   4.107 -            return ErrorDescriptionFactory.forName(ctx, ctx.getPath(), displayName);
   4.108 -        }
   4.109 -
   4.110 -        if (r == State.POSSIBLE_NULL_REPORT) {
   4.111 -            String displayName = NbBundle.getMessage(NPECheck.class, "ERR_PossiblyDereferencingNull");
   4.112 -            
   4.113 -            return ErrorDescriptionFactory.forName(ctx, ctx.getPath(), displayName);
   4.114 -        }
   4.115 -        
   4.116 -        return null;
   4.117 -    }
   4.118 -    
   4.119 -    @TriggerTreeKind(Kind.METHOD_INVOCATION)
   4.120 -    public static List<ErrorDescription> methodInvocation(HintContext ctx) {
   4.121 -        MethodInvocationTree mit = (MethodInvocationTree) ctx.getPath().getLeaf();
   4.122 -        List<State> paramStates = new ArrayList<State>(mit.getArguments().size());
   4.123 -        Map<Tree, State> expressionsState = computeExpressionsState(ctx.getInfo());
   4.124 -
   4.125 -        for (Tree param : mit.getArguments()) {
   4.126 -            State r = expressionsState.get(param);
   4.127 -            paramStates.add(r != null ? r : State.POSSIBLE_NULL);
   4.128 -        }
   4.129 -
   4.130 -        Element e = ctx.getInfo().getTrees().getElement(ctx.getPath());
   4.131 -
   4.132 -        if (e == null || e.getKind() != ElementKind.METHOD) {
   4.133 -            return null;
   4.134 -        }
   4.135 -
   4.136 -        ExecutableElement ee = (ExecutableElement) e;
   4.137 -        int index = 0;
   4.138 -        List<ErrorDescription> result = new ArrayList<ErrorDescription>();
   4.139 -
   4.140 -        for (VariableElement param : ee.getParameters()) {
   4.141 -            if (getStateFromAnnotations(param) == NOT_NULL) {
   4.142 -                switch (paramStates.get(index)) {
   4.143 -                    case NULL:
   4.144 -                        result.add(ErrorDescriptionFactory.forTree(ctx, mit.getArguments().get(index), NbBundle.getMessage(NPECheck.class, "ERR_NULL_TO_NON_NULL_ARG")));
   4.145 -                        break;
   4.146 -                    case POSSIBLE_NULL_REPORT:
   4.147 -                        result.add(ErrorDescriptionFactory.forTree(ctx, mit.getArguments().get(index), NbBundle.getMessage(NPECheck.class, "ERR_POSSIBLENULL_TO_NON_NULL_ARG")));
   4.148 -                        break;
   4.149 -                }
   4.150 -            }
   4.151 -        }
   4.152 -        
   4.153 -        return result;
   4.154 -    } 
   4.155 -    
   4.156 -    private static final Object KEY_EXPRESSION_STATE = new Object();
   4.157 -    //Cancelling:
   4.158 -    private static Map<Tree, State> computeExpressionsState(CompilationInfo info) {
   4.159 -        Map<Tree, State> result = (Map<Tree, State>) info.getCachedValue(KEY_EXPRESSION_STATE);
   4.160 -        
   4.161 -        if (result != null) {
   4.162 -            return result;
   4.163 -        }
   4.164 -        
   4.165 -        VisitorImpl v = new VisitorImpl(info);
   4.166 -        
   4.167 -        v.scan(info.getCompilationUnit(), null);
   4.168 -        
   4.169 -        info.putCachedValue(KEY_EXPRESSION_STATE, result = v.expressionState, CompilationInfo.CacheClearPolicy.ON_TASK_END);
   4.170 -        
   4.171 -        return result;
   4.172 -    }
   4.173 -    
   4.174 -    private static State getStateFromAnnotations(Element e) {
   4.175 -        return getStateFromAnnotations(e, State.POSSIBLE_NULL);
   4.176 -    }
   4.177 -
   4.178 -    private static State getStateFromAnnotations(Element e, State def) {
   4.179 -        for (AnnotationMirror am : e.getAnnotationMirrors()) {
   4.180 -            String simpleName = ((TypeElement) am.getAnnotationType().asElement()).getSimpleName().toString();
   4.181 -
   4.182 -            if ("Nullable".equals(simpleName) || "NullAllowed".equals(simpleName)) {
   4.183 -                return State.POSSIBLE_NULL_REPORT;
   4.184 -            }
   4.185 -
   4.186 -            if ("CheckForNull".equals(simpleName)) {
   4.187 -                return State.POSSIBLE_NULL_REPORT;
   4.188 -            }
   4.189 -
   4.190 -            if ("NotNull".equals(simpleName) || "NonNull".equals(simpleName)) {
   4.191 -                return State.NOT_NULL;
   4.192 -            }
   4.193 -        }
   4.194 -
   4.195 -        return def;
   4.196 -    }
   4.197 -        
   4.198 -    private static final class VisitorImpl extends TreePathScanner<State, Void> {
   4.199 -        
   4.200 -        private final CompilationInfo info;
   4.201 -        private Map<VariableElement, State> variable2State = new HashMap<VariableElement, NPECheck.State>();
   4.202 -        private Map<VariableElement, State> testedTo = new HashMap<VariableElement, NPECheck.State>();
   4.203 -        private final Map<Tree, State> expressionState = new IdentityHashMap<Tree, State>();
   4.204 -
   4.205 -        public VisitorImpl(CompilationInfo info) {
   4.206 -   = info;
   4.207 -        }
   4.208 -
   4.209 -        @Override
   4.210 -        public State scan(Tree tree, Void p) {
   4.211 -            State r = super.scan(tree, p);
   4.212 -            
   4.213 -            if (r != null) {
   4.214 -                expressionState.put(tree, r);
   4.215 -            }
   4.216 -            
   4.217 -            return r;
   4.218 -        }
   4.219 -
   4.220 -        @Override
   4.221 -        public State visitAssignment(AssignmentTree node, Void p) {
   4.222 -            Element e = info.getTrees().getElement(new TreePath(getCurrentPath(), node.getVariable()));
   4.223 -            
   4.224 -            if (e == null || !VARIABLE_ELEMENT.contains(e.getKind())) {
   4.225 -                return super.visitAssignment(node, p);
   4.226 -            }
   4.227 -            
   4.228 -            State r = scan(node.getExpression(), p);
   4.229 -            
   4.230 -            variable2State.put((VariableElement) e, r);
   4.231 -            
   4.232 -            scan(node.getVariable(), p);
   4.233 -            
   4.234 -            return r;
   4.235 -        }
   4.236 -
   4.237 -        @Override
   4.238 -        public State visitVariable(VariableTree node, Void p) {
   4.239 -            Element e = info.getTrees().getElement(getCurrentPath());
   4.240 -            
   4.241 -            if (e == null) {
   4.242 -                return super.visitVariable(node, p);
   4.243 -            }
   4.244 -            
   4.245 -            State r = scan(node.getInitializer(), p);
   4.246 -            
   4.247 -            variable2State.put((VariableElement) e, r);
   4.248 -            
   4.249 -            return r;
   4.250 -        }
   4.251 -
   4.252 -        @Override
   4.253 -        public State visitMemberSelect(MemberSelectTree node, Void p) {
   4.254 -            State expr = scan(node.getExpression(), p);
   4.255 -            boolean wasNPE = false;
   4.256 -            
   4.257 -            if (expr == State.NULL) {
   4.258 -                wasNPE = true;
   4.259 -            }
   4.260 -
   4.261 -            if (expr == State.POSSIBLE_NULL_REPORT) {
   4.262 -                wasNPE = true;
   4.263 -            }
   4.264 -            
   4.265 -            Element e = info.getTrees().getElement(new TreePath(getCurrentPath(), node.getExpression()));
   4.266 -            
   4.267 -            if (isVariableElement(e)) {
   4.268 -                State r = getStateFromAnnotations(e);
   4.269 -                
   4.270 -                if (wasNPE) {
   4.271 -                    variable2State.put((VariableElement) e, NOT_NULL_BE_NPE);
   4.272 -                }
   4.273 -                
   4.274 -                return r;
   4.275 -            }
   4.276 -            
   4.277 -            return State.POSSIBLE_NULL;
   4.278 -        }
   4.279 -
   4.280 -        @Override
   4.281 -        public State visitLiteral(LiteralTree node, Void p) {
   4.282 -            if (node.getValue() == null) {
   4.283 -                return State.NULL;
   4.284 -            } else {
   4.285 -                return State.NOT_NULL;
   4.286 -            }
   4.287 -        }
   4.288 -
   4.289 -        @Override
   4.290 -        public State visitIf(IfTree node, Void p) {
   4.291 -            Map<VariableElement, State> oldTestedTo = testedTo;
   4.292 -            
   4.293 -            testedTo = new HashMap<VariableElement, NPECheck.State>();
   4.294 -            
   4.295 -            scan(node.getCondition(), p);
   4.296 -            
   4.297 -            Map<VariableElement, State> oldVariable2State = variable2State;
   4.298 -            
   4.299 -            variable2State = new HashMap<VariableElement, NPECheck.State>(oldVariable2State);
   4.300 -            variable2State.putAll(testedTo);
   4.301 -            
   4.302 -            scan(node.getThenStatement(), null);
   4.303 -            
   4.304 -            Map<VariableElement, State> variableStatesAfterThen = new HashMap<VariableElement, NPECheck.State>(variable2State);
   4.305 -            
   4.306 -            variable2State = new HashMap<VariableElement, NPECheck.State>(oldVariable2State);
   4.307 -            
   4.308 -            for (Map.Entry<VariableElement, State> entry : testedTo.entrySet()) {
   4.309 -                variable2State.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().reverse());
   4.310 -            }
   4.311 -
   4.312 -            scan(node.getElseStatement(), null);
   4.313 -            
   4.314 -            Map<VariableElement, State> variableStatesAfterElse = new HashMap<VariableElement, NPECheck.State>(variable2State);
   4.315 -            
   4.316 -            variable2State = oldVariable2State;
   4.317 -            
   4.318 -            Set<VariableElement> uncertain = new HashSet<VariableElement>();
   4.319 -            
   4.320 -            if (node.getElseStatement() == null) {
   4.321 -                for (Entry<VariableElement, State> e : variableStatesAfterThen.entrySet()) {
   4.322 -                    if (testedTo.get(e.getKey()) == State.NULL) {
   4.323 -                        if (e.getValue() != null) {
   4.324 -                            switch (e.getValue()) {
   4.325 -                                case NOT_NULL:
   4.326 -                                case NOT_NULL_BE_NPE:
   4.327 -                                    variable2State.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
   4.328 -                                    break;
   4.329 -                                case POSSIBLE_NULL:
   4.330 -                                    variable2State.put(e.getKey(), POSSIBLE_NULL);
   4.331 -                                    uncertain.add(e.getKey());
   4.332 -                                    break;
   4.333 -                            }
   4.334 -                        }
   4.335 -                    } else {
   4.336 -                        State c = collect(variable2State.get(e.getKey()), e.getValue());
   4.337 -                        
   4.338 -                        variable2State.put(e.getKey(), c);
   4.339 -                    }
   4.340 -                }
   4.341 -            } else {
   4.342 -                for (Entry<VariableElement, State> e : variableStatesAfterThen.entrySet()) {
   4.343 -                    State t = e.getValue();
   4.344 -                    State el = variableStatesAfterElse.get(e.getKey());
   4.345 -                    
   4.346 -                    if (t == el) {
   4.347 -                        variable2State.put(e.getKey(), t);
   4.348 -                    } else {
   4.349 -                        if (t == State.NULL && el == State.NOT_NULL) {
   4.350 -                            variable2State.put(e.getKey(), State.POSSIBLE_NULL_REPORT);
   4.351 -                        }
   4.352 -                        if (el == State.NULL && t == State.NOT_NULL) {
   4.353 -                            variable2State.put(e.getKey(), State.POSSIBLE_NULL_REPORT);
   4.354 -                        }
   4.355 -                    }
   4.356 -                }
   4.357 -            }
   4.358 -            
   4.359 -            boolean thenExitsFromAllBranches = new ExitsFromAllBranches(info).scan(new TreePath(getCurrentPath(), node.getThenStatement()), null) == Boolean.TRUE;
   4.360 -            
   4.361 -            if (!thenExitsFromAllBranches) {
   4.362 -                for (Entry<VariableElement, State> test : testedTo.entrySet()) {
   4.363 -                    if ((variable2State.get(test.getKey()) == POSSIBLE_NULL || variable2State.get(test.getKey()) == null) && !uncertain.contains(test.getKey())) {
   4.364 -                        variable2State.put(test.getKey(), POSSIBLE_NULL_REPORT);
   4.365 -                    }
   4.366 -                }
   4.367 -            } else {
   4.368 -                for (Entry<VariableElement, State> test : testedTo.entrySet()) {
   4.369 -                    variable2State.put(test.getKey(), test.getValue().reverse());
   4.370 -                }
   4.371 -            }
   4.372 -            
   4.373 -            testedTo = oldTestedTo;
   4.374 -            
   4.375 -            return null;
   4.376 -        }
   4.377 -
   4.378 -        @Override
   4.379 -        public State visitBinary(BinaryTree node, Void p) {
   4.380 -            State left = scan(node.getLeftOperand(), p);
   4.381 -            boolean rightAlreadyProcessed = false;
   4.382 -            
   4.383 -            if (node.getKind() == Kind.CONDITIONAL_AND) {
   4.384 -                boolean isParentAnd = getCurrentPath().getLeaf().getKind() == Kind.CONDITIONAL_AND;
   4.385 -                Map<VariableElement, State> oldVariable2State = variable2State;
   4.386 -                Map<VariableElement, State> oldTestedTo = testedTo;
   4.387 -                
   4.388 -                variable2State = new HashMap<VariableElement, NPECheck.State>(variable2State);
   4.389 -                variable2State.putAll(testedTo);
   4.390 -                
   4.391 -                testedTo = new HashMap<VariableElement, State>();
   4.392 -                
   4.393 -                scan(node.getRightOperand(), p);
   4.394 -                variable2State = oldVariable2State;
   4.395 -                
   4.396 -                if (isParentAnd) {
   4.397 -                    Map<VariableElement, State> o = new HashMap<VariableElement, NPECheck.State>(oldTestedTo);
   4.398 -                    
   4.399 -                    o.putAll(testedTo);
   4.400 -                    
   4.401 -                    testedTo = o;
   4.402 -                }
   4.403 -                
   4.404 -                rightAlreadyProcessed = true;
   4.405 -            }
   4.406 -            
   4.407 -            if (node.getKind() == Kind.CONDITIONAL_OR) {
   4.408 -                boolean isParentOr = getCurrentPath().getLeaf().getKind() == Kind.CONDITIONAL_OR;
   4.409 -                Map<VariableElement, State> oldVariable2State = variable2State;
   4.410 -                Map<VariableElement, State> oldTestedTo = testedTo;
   4.411 -                
   4.412 -                variable2State = new HashMap<VariableElement, NPECheck.State>(variable2State);
   4.413 -                
   4.414 -                for (Entry<VariableElement, State> e : testedTo.entrySet()) {
   4.415 -                    variable2State.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().reverse());
   4.416 -                }
   4.417 -                
   4.418 -                testedTo = new HashMap<VariableElement, State>();
   4.419 -                
   4.420 -                scan(node.getRightOperand(), p);
   4.421 -                variable2State = oldVariable2State;
   4.422 -                
   4.423 -                if (isParentOr) {
   4.424 -                    Map<VariableElement, State> o = new HashMap<VariableElement, NPECheck.State>(oldTestedTo);
   4.425 -                    
   4.426 -                    o.putAll(testedTo);
   4.427 -                    
   4.428 -                    testedTo = o;
   4.429 -                }
   4.430 -                
   4.431 -                rightAlreadyProcessed = true;
   4.432 -            }
   4.433 -            
   4.434 -            State right = null;
   4.435 -            
   4.436 -            if (!rightAlreadyProcessed) {
   4.437 -                right = scan(node.getRightOperand(), p);
   4.438 -            }
   4.439 -            
   4.440 -            if (node.getKind() == Kind.EQUAL_TO) {
   4.441 -                if (right == State.NULL) {
   4.442 -                    Element e = info.getTrees().getElement(new TreePath(getCurrentPath(), node.getLeftOperand()));
   4.443 -                    
   4.444 -                    if (isVariableElement(e)) {
   4.445 -                        testedTo.put((VariableElement) e, State.NULL);
   4.446 -                        
   4.447 -                        return null;
   4.448 -                    }
   4.449 -                }
   4.450 -                if (left == State.NULL) {
   4.451 -                    Element e = info.getTrees().getElement(new TreePath(getCurrentPath(), node.getRightOperand()));
   4.452 -                    
   4.453 -                    if (isVariableElement(e)) {
   4.454 -                        testedTo.put((VariableElement) e, State.NULL);
   4.455 -                        
   4.456 -                        return null;
   4.457 -                    }
   4.458 -                }
   4.459 -            }
   4.460 -            
   4.461 -            if (node.getKind() == Kind.NOT_EQUAL_TO) {
   4.462 -                if (right == State.NULL) {
   4.463 -                    Element e = info.getTrees().getElement(new TreePath(getCurrentPath(), node.getLeftOperand()));
   4.464 -                    
   4.465 -                    if (isVariableElement(e)) {
   4.466 -                        testedTo.put((VariableElement) e, State.NOT_NULL);
   4.467 -                        
   4.468 -                        return null;
   4.469 -                    }
   4.470 -                }
   4.471 -                if (left == State.NULL) {
   4.472 -                    Element e = info.getTrees().getElement(new TreePath(getCurrentPath(), node.getRightOperand()));
   4.473 -                    
   4.474 -                    if (isVariableElement(e)) {
   4.475 -                        testedTo.put((VariableElement) e, State.NOT_NULL);
   4.476 -                        
   4.477 -                        return null;
   4.478 -                    }
   4.479 -                }
   4.480 -            }
   4.481 -            
   4.482 -            return null;
   4.483 -        }
   4.484 -
   4.485 -        @Override
   4.486 -        public State visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpressionTree node, Void p) {
   4.487 -            //TODO: handle the condition similarly to visitIf
   4.488 -            scan(node.getCondition(), p);
   4.489 -                
   4.490 -            Map<VariableElement, State> oldVariable2State = variable2State;
   4.491 -
   4.492 -            variable2State = new HashMap<VariableElement, State>(variable2State);
   4.493 -            
   4.494 -            variable2State.putAll(testedTo);
   4.495 -                
   4.496 -            State thenSection = scan(node.getTrueExpression(), p);
   4.497 -            
   4.498 -            variable2State = new HashMap<VariableElement, State>(variable2State);
   4.499 -            
   4.500 -            for (Entry<VariableElement, State> e : testedTo.entrySet()) {
   4.501 -                variable2State.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().reverse());
   4.502 -            }
   4.503 -            
   4.504 -            State elseSection = scan(node.getFalseExpression(), p);
   4.505 -            
   4.506 -            variable2State = oldVariable2State;
   4.507 -                
   4.508 -            State result;
   4.509 -            
   4.510 -            if (thenSection == elseSection) {
   4.511 -                result = thenSection;
   4.512 -            } else {
   4.513 -                result = NPECheck.State.NOT_NULL.POSSIBLE_NULL;
   4.514 -            }
   4.515 -            
   4.516 -            for (Entry<VariableElement, State> test : testedTo.entrySet()) {
   4.517 -                if (variable2State.get(test.getKey()) == POSSIBLE_NULL || variable2State.get(test.getKey()) == null) {
   4.518 -                    variable2State.put(test.getKey(), POSSIBLE_NULL_REPORT);
   4.519 -                }
   4.520 -            }
   4.521 -                
   4.522 -            return result;
   4.523 -        }
   4.524 -
   4.525 -        @Override
   4.526 -        public State visitNewClass(NewClassTree node, Void p) {
   4.527 -            super.visitNewClass(node, p);
   4.528 -            
   4.529 -            return State.NOT_NULL;
   4.530 -        }
   4.531 -
   4.532 -        @Override
   4.533 -        public State visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree node, Void p) {
   4.534 -            scan(node.getTypeArguments(), p);
   4.535 -            scan(node.getMethodSelect(), p);
   4.536 -            
   4.537 -            for (Tree param : node.getArguments()) {
   4.538 -                scan(param, p);
   4.539 -            }
   4.540 -            
   4.541 -            Element e = info.getTrees().getElement(getCurrentPath());
   4.542 -            
   4.543 -            if (e == null || e.getKind() != ElementKind.METHOD) {
   4.544 -                return State.POSSIBLE_NULL;
   4.545 -            }
   4.546 -            
   4.547 -            return getStateFromAnnotations(e);
   4.548 -        }
   4.549 -
   4.550 -        @Override
   4.551 -        public State visitIdentifier(IdentifierTree node, Void p) {
   4.552 -            super.visitIdentifier(node, p);
   4.553 -            
   4.554 -            Element e = info.getTrees().getElement(getCurrentPath());
   4.555 -
   4.556 -            if (e == null) {
   4.557 -                return State.POSSIBLE_NULL;
   4.558 -            }
   4.559 -            
   4.560 -            if (e != null) {
   4.561 -                State s = variable2State.get(e);
   4.562 -                
   4.563 -                if (s != null) {
   4.564 -                    return s;
   4.565 -                }
   4.566 -            }
   4.567 -            
   4.568 -            return getStateFromAnnotations(e);
   4.569 -        }
   4.570 -
   4.571 -        @Override
   4.572 -        public State visitWhileLoop(WhileLoopTree node, Void p) {
   4.573 -            Map<VariableElement, State> oldTestedTo = testedTo;
   4.574 -            
   4.575 -            testedTo = new HashMap<VariableElement, State>();
   4.576 -            
   4.577 -            Map<VariableElement, State> oldVariable2State = variable2State;
   4.578 -
   4.579 -            variable2State = new HashMap<VariableElement, State>(variable2State);
   4.580 -            
   4.581 -            scan(node.getCondition(), p);
   4.582 -            
   4.583 -            variable2State.putAll(testedTo);
   4.584 -            
   4.585 -            scan(node.getStatement(), p);
   4.586 -            
   4.587 -            variable2State = new HashMap<VariableElement, State>(oldVariable2State);
   4.588 -            
   4.589 -            for (Entry<VariableElement, State> e : testedTo.entrySet()) {
   4.590 -                State o = variable2State.get(e.getKey());
   4.591 -                
   4.592 -                if (e.getValue() == NOT_NULL && (o == POSSIBLE_NULL || o == null)) {
   4.593 -                    variable2State.put(e.getKey(), POSSIBLE_NULL_REPORT);
   4.594 -                }
   4.595 -            }
   4.596 -            
   4.597 -            testedTo = oldTestedTo;
   4.598 -            
   4.599 -            return null;
   4.600 -        }
   4.601 -        
   4.602 -    }
   4.603 -    
   4.604 -    static enum State {
   4.605 -        NULL,
   4.606 -        POSSIBLE_NULL,
   4.607 -        POSSIBLE_NULL_REPORT,
   4.608 -        NOT_NULL,
   4.609 -        NOT_NULL_BE_NPE;
   4.610 -        
   4.611 -        public State reverse() {
   4.612 -            switch (this) {
   4.613 -                case NULL:
   4.614 -                    return NOT_NULL;
   4.615 -                case POSSIBLE_NULL:
   4.616 -                case POSSIBLE_NULL_REPORT:
   4.617 -                    return this;
   4.618 -                case NOT_NULL:
   4.619 -                case NOT_NULL_BE_NPE:
   4.620 -                    return NULL;
   4.621 -                default: throw new IllegalStateException();
   4.622 -            }
   4.623 -        }
   4.624 -        
   4.625 -        public boolean isNotNull() {
   4.626 -            return this == NOT_NULL || this == NOT_NULL_BE_NPE;
   4.627 -        }
   4.628 -        
   4.629 -        public static State collect(State s1, State s2) {
   4.630 -            if (s1 == s2) return s1;
   4.631 -            if (s1 == NULL && s2 != null && s2.isNotNull()) return POSSIBLE_NULL_REPORT;
   4.632 -            if (s1 != null && s1.isNotNull() && s2 == NULL) return POSSIBLE_NULL_REPORT;
   4.633 -            if (s1 == POSSIBLE_NULL_REPORT && s2 != POSSIBLE_NULL) return POSSIBLE_NULL_REPORT;
   4.634 -            if (s1 != POSSIBLE_NULL && s2 == POSSIBLE_NULL_REPORT) return POSSIBLE_NULL_REPORT;
   4.635 -            
   4.636 -            return POSSIBLE_NULL;
   4.637 -        }
   4.638 -    }
   4.639 -    
   4.640 -    //XXX copied from IntroduceHint:
   4.641 -    private static final class ExitsFromAllBranches extends TreePathScanner<Boolean, Void> {
   4.642 -        
   4.643 -        private CompilationInfo info;
   4.644 -        private Set<Tree> seenTrees = new HashSet<Tree>();
   4.645 -
   4.646 -        public ExitsFromAllBranches(CompilationInfo info) {
   4.647 -   = info;
   4.648 -        }
   4.649 -
   4.650 -        @Override
   4.651 -        public Boolean scan(Tree tree, Void p) {
   4.652 -            seenTrees.add(tree);
   4.653 -            return super.scan(tree, p);
   4.654 -        }
   4.655 -
   4.656 -        @Override
   4.657 -        public Boolean visitIf(IfTree node, Void p) {
   4.658 -            return scan(node.getThenStatement(), null) == Boolean.TRUE && scan(node.getElseStatement(), null) == Boolean.TRUE;
   4.659 -        }
   4.660 -
   4.661 -        @Override
   4.662 -        public Boolean visitReturn(ReturnTree node, Void p) {
   4.663 -            return true;
   4.664 -        }
   4.665 -
   4.666 -        @Override
   4.667 -        public Boolean visitBreak(BreakTree node, Void p) {
   4.668 -            return !seenTrees.contains(info.getTreeUtilities().getBreakContinueTarget(getCurrentPath()));
   4.669 -        }
   4.670 -
   4.671 -        @Override
   4.672 -        public Boolean visitContinue(ContinueTree node, Void p) {
   4.673 -            return !seenTrees.contains(info.getTreeUtilities().getBreakContinueTarget(getCurrentPath()));
   4.674 -        }
   4.675 -
   4.676 -        @Override
   4.677 -        public Boolean visitClass(ClassTree node, Void p) {
   4.678 -            return false;
   4.679 -        }
   4.680 -
   4.681 -        @Override
   4.682 -        public Boolean visitThrow(ThrowTree node, Void p) {
   4.683 -            return true; //XXX: simplification
   4.684 -        }
   4.685 -        
   4.686 -    }
   4.687 -    
   4.688 -    private static boolean isVariableElement(Element ve) {
   4.689 -        return ve != null && VARIABLE_ELEMENT.contains(ve.getKind());
   4.690 -    }
   4.691 -    
   4.692 -    private static final Set<ElementKind> VARIABLE_ELEMENT = EnumSet.of(ElementKind.EXCEPTION_PARAMETER, ElementKind.FIELD, ElementKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE, ElementKind.PARAMETER);
   4.693 -    
   4.694 -}
     5.1 --- a/javahints/src/org/netbeans/modules/javahints/jdk5/	Thu Jun 14 15:02:44 2012 +0200
     5.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     5.3 @@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
     5.4 -/*
     5.6 - *
     5.7 - * Copyright 2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     5.8 - *
     5.9 - * Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
    5.10 - * Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
    5.11 - *
    5.12 - * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
    5.13 - * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
    5.14 - * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
    5.15 - * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
    5.16 - * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
    5.17 - *
    5.18 - * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
    5.19 - * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
    5.20 - * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
    5.21 - * Notice in each file and include the License file at
    5.22 - * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Oracle designates this
    5.23 - * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
    5.24 - * by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
    5.25 - * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
    5.26 - * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
    5.27 - * your own identifying information:
    5.28 - * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
    5.29 - *
    5.30 - * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
    5.31 - * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
    5.32 - * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
    5.33 - * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
    5.34 - * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
    5.35 - * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
    5.36 - * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
    5.37 - * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
    5.38 - * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
    5.39 - * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
    5.40 - *
    5.41 - * Contributor(s):
    5.42 - *
    5.43 - * Portions Copyrighted 2012 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    5.44 - */
    5.45 -
    5.46 -package org.netbeans.modules.javahints.jdk5;
    5.47 -
    5.48 -import com.sun.source.tree.Tree;
    5.49 -import com.sun.source.util.TreePath;
    5.50 -import com.sun.source.util.TreePathScanner;
    5.51 -import java.util.Collection;
    5.52 -import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
    5.53 -import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
    5.54 -import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
    5.55 -import org.netbeans.spi.editor.hints.ErrorDescription;
    5.56 -import;
    5.57 -import;
    5.58 -import;
    5.59 -import;
    5.60 -import;
    5.61 -import org.openide.util.NbBundle.Messages;
    5.62 -
    5.63 -@Hint(displayName="#DN_IteratorToFor", description="#DESC_IteratorToFor", category="rules15")
    5.64 -@Messages({
    5.65 -    "DN_IteratorToFor=Use JDK 5 for-loop",
    5.66 -    "DESC_IteratorToFor=Replaces simple uses of Iterator with a corresponding for-loop.",
    5.67 -    "ERR_IteratorToFor=Use of Iterator for simple loop",
    5.68 -    "FIX_IteratorToFor=Convert to for-loop"
    5.69 -})
    5.70 -public class IteratorToFor {
    5.71 -
    5.72 -    @TriggerPattern("java.util.Iterator $it = $coll.iterator(); while ($it.hasNext()) {$type $elem = ($type) $; $rest$;}")
    5.73 -    public static ErrorDescription whileIdiom(HintContext ctx) {
    5.74 -        if (uses(ctx, ctx.getMultiVariables().get("$rest$"), ctx.getVariables().get("$it"))) {
    5.75 -            return null;
    5.76 -        }
    5.77 -        if (!iterable(ctx, ctx.getVariables().get("$coll"), ctx.getVariables().get("$type"))) {
    5.78 -            return null;
    5.79 -        }
    5.80 -        return ErrorDescriptionFactory.forName(ctx, ctx.getPath(), Bundle.ERR_IteratorToFor(),
    5.81 -                JavaFixUtilities.rewriteFix(ctx, Bundle.FIX_IteratorToFor(), ctx.getPath(), "for ($type $elem : $coll) {$rest$;}"));
    5.82 -    }
    5.83 -
    5.84 -    @TriggerPattern("for (java.util.Iterator $it = $coll.iterator(); $it.hasNext(); ) {$type $elem = ($type) $; $rest$;}")
    5.85 -    public static ErrorDescription forIdiom(HintContext ctx) {
    5.86 -        if (uses(ctx, ctx.getMultiVariables().get("$rest$"), ctx.getVariables().get("$it"))) {
    5.87 -            return null;
    5.88 -        }
    5.89 -        if (!iterable(ctx, ctx.getVariables().get("$coll"), ctx.getVariables().get("$type"))) {
    5.90 -            return null;
    5.91 -        }
    5.92 -        return ErrorDescriptionFactory.forName(ctx, ctx.getPath(), Bundle.ERR_IteratorToFor(),
    5.93 -                JavaFixUtilities.rewriteFix(ctx, Bundle.FIX_IteratorToFor(), ctx.getPath(), "for ($type $elem : $coll) {$rest$;}"));
    5.94 -    }
    5.95 -
    5.96 -    // adapted from
    5.97 -    private static boolean uses(final HintContext ctx, Collection<? extends TreePath> statements, TreePath var) {
    5.98 -        final Element e = ctx.getInfo().getTrees().getElement(var);
    5.99 -        for (TreePath tp : statements) {
   5.100 -            boolean occurs = Boolean.TRUE.equals(new TreePathScanner<Boolean, Void>() {
   5.101 -                @Override public Boolean scan(Tree tree, Void p) {
   5.102 -                    if (tree == null) {
   5.103 -                        return false;
   5.104 -                    }
   5.105 -                    TreePath currentPath = new TreePath(getCurrentPath(), tree);
   5.106 -                    Element currentElement = ctx.getInfo().getTrees().getElement(currentPath);
   5.107 -                    if (e.equals(currentElement)) {
   5.108 -                        return true;
   5.109 -                    }
   5.110 -                    return super.scan(tree, p);
   5.111 -                }
   5.112 -                @Override public Boolean reduce(Boolean r1, Boolean r2) {
   5.113 -                    if (r1 == null) {
   5.114 -                        return r2;
   5.115 -                    }
   5.116 -                    if (r2 == null) {
   5.117 -                        return r1;
   5.118 -                    }
   5.119 -                    return r1 || r2;
   5.120 -                }
   5.121 -            }.scan(tp, null));
   5.122 -            if (occurs) {
   5.123 -                return true;
   5.124 -            }
   5.125 -        }
   5.126 -        return false;
   5.127 -    }
   5.128 -
   5.129 -    private static boolean iterable(HintContext ctx, TreePath collection, TreePath type) {
   5.130 -        TypeMirror collectionType = ctx.getInfo().getTrees().getTypeMirror(collection);
   5.131 -        TypeElement iterable = ctx.getInfo().getElements().getTypeElement("java.lang.Iterable");
   5.132 -        TypeMirror iterableType = ctx.getInfo().getTypes().getDeclaredType(iterable, ctx.getInfo().getTypes().getWildcardType(ctx.getInfo().getTrees().getTypeMirror(type), null));
   5.133 -        TypeMirror bogusIterableType = ctx.getInfo().getTypes().getDeclaredType(iterable, ctx.getInfo().getTypes().getNullType());
   5.134 -        return ctx.getInfo().getTypes().isAssignable(collectionType, iterableType) && !ctx.getInfo().getTypes().isAssignable(collectionType, bogusIterableType);
   5.135 -    }
   5.136 -
   5.137 -}
     6.1 --- a/javahints/test/unit/src/org/netbeans/modules/javahints/	Thu Jun 14 15:02:44 2012 +0200
     6.2 +++ b/javahints/test/unit/src/org/netbeans/modules/javahints/	Tue Jun 26 16:30:27 2012 +0200
     6.3 @@ -14,11 +14,5 @@
     6.4  #The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
     6.5  # Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun
     6.6  #Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
     6.7 -ERR_DereferencingNull=DN
     6.8 -ERR_PossiblyDereferencingNull=Possibly Dereferencing null
     6.9 -ERR_AssigningNullToNotNull=ANNNV
    6.10 -ERR_PossibleAssigingNullToNotNull=PANNNV
    6.13  DN_NegateCondition=Negate condition
    6.14  FIX_AddReturn=FIX_AddReturn
     7.1 --- a/javahints/test/unit/src/org/netbeans/modules/javahints/	Thu Jun 14 15:02:44 2012 +0200
     7.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     7.3 @@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
     7.4 -/*
     7.6 - *
     7.7 - * Copyright 2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     7.8 - *
     7.9 - * Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
    7.10 - * Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
    7.11 - *
    7.12 - * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
    7.13 - * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
    7.14 - * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
    7.15 - * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
    7.16 - * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
    7.17 - *
    7.18 - * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
    7.19 - * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
    7.20 - * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
    7.21 - * Notice in each file and include the License file at
    7.22 - * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Oracle designates this
    7.23 - * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
    7.24 - * by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
    7.25 - * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
    7.26 - * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
    7.27 - * your own identifying information:
    7.28 - * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
    7.29 - *
    7.30 - * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
    7.31 - * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
    7.32 - * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
    7.33 - * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
    7.34 - * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
    7.35 - * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
    7.36 - * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
    7.37 - * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
    7.38 - * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
    7.39 - * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
    7.40 - *
    7.41 - * Contributor(s):
    7.42 - *
    7.43 - * Portions Copyrighted 2012 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    7.44 - */
    7.45 -package org.netbeans.modules.javahints;
    7.46 -
    7.47 -import org.junit.Test;
    7.48 -import;
    7.49 -
    7.50 -public class InvertIfTest {
    7.51 -
    7.52 -    @Test
    7.53 -    public void testComments() throws Exception {
    7.54 -        HintTest.create()
    7.55 -                .setCaretMarker('|')
    7.56 -                .input("package test;\n" +
    7.57 -                       "public class Test {\n" +
    7.58 -                       "    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
    7.59 -                       "        i|f\n" +
    7.60 -                       "        // A\n" +
    7.61 -                       "        (args[0].isEmpty())\n" +
    7.62 -                       "        // B\n" +
    7.63 -                       "        { //1\n" +
    7.64 -                       "            //2\n" +
    7.65 -                       "            System.err.println(\"1\");\n" +
    7.66 -                       "            //3\n" +
    7.67 -                       "        } \n" +
    7.68 -                       "        // C\n" +
    7.69 -                       "        else\n" +
    7.70 -                       "        // D\n" +
    7.71 -                       "        {//4\n" +
    7.72 -                       "            //5\n" +
    7.73 -                       "            System.err.println(\"2\");\n" +
    7.74 -                       "            //6\n" +
    7.75 -                       "        } //E\n" +
    7.76 -                       "    }\n" +
    7.77 -                       "}\n")
    7.78 -                .run(InvertIf.class)
    7.79 -                .findWarning("3:9-3:9:verifier:" + Bundle.ERR_InvertIf())
    7.80 -                .applyFix()
    7.81 -                .assertCompilable()
    7.82 -                .assertOutput("package test;\n" +
    7.83 -                              "public class Test {\n" +
    7.84 -                              "    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
    7.85 -                              "        if\n" +
    7.86 -                              "        // A\n" +
    7.87 -                              "        (!args[0].isEmpty())\n" +
    7.88 -                              "        // B\n" +
    7.89 -                              "        {//4\n" +
    7.90 -                              "            //5\n" +
    7.91 -                              "            System.err.println(\"2\");\n" +
    7.92 -                              "            //6\n" +
    7.93 -                              "        } \n" +
    7.94 -                              "        // C\n" +
    7.95 -                              "        else\n" +
    7.96 -                              "        // D\n" +
    7.97 -                              "        { //1\n" +
    7.98 -                              "            //2\n" +
    7.99 -                              "            System.err.println(\"1\");\n" +
   7.100 -                              "            //3\n" +
   7.101 -                              "        } //E\n" +
   7.102 -                              "    }\n" +
   7.103 -                              "}\n");
   7.104 -    }
   7.105 -    
   7.106 -    @Test
   7.107 -    public void testCaretPosition() throws Exception {
   7.108 -        HintTest.create()
   7.109 -                .setCaretMarker('|')
   7.110 -                .input("package test;\n" +
   7.111 -                       "public class Test {\n" +
   7.112 -                       "    public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
   7.113 -                       "        if (args[0].isEmpty()) |{\n" +
   7.114 -                       "            System.err.println(\"1\");\n" +
   7.115 -                       "        } else {\n" +
   7.116 -                       "            System.err.println(\"2\");\n" +
   7.117 -                       "        }\n" +
   7.118 -                       "    }\n" +
   7.119 -                       "}\n")
   7.120 -                .run(InvertIf.class)
   7.121 -                .assertWarnings();
   7.122 -    }
   7.123 -}
     8.1 --- a/javahints/test/unit/src/org/netbeans/modules/javahints/	Thu Jun 14 15:02:44 2012 +0200
     8.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     8.3 @@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
     8.4 -/*
     8.6 - * 
     8.7 - * Copyright 1997-2012 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
     8.8 - * 
     8.9 - * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
    8.10 - * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
    8.11 - * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
    8.12 - * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
    8.13 - * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
    8.14 - *
    8.15 - * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
    8.16 - * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
    8.17 - * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
    8.18 - * Notice in each file and include the License file at
    8.19 - * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Sun designates this
    8.20 - * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
    8.21 - * by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
    8.22 - * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
    8.23 - * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
    8.24 - * your own identifying information:
    8.25 - * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
    8.26 - * 
    8.27 - * Contributor(s):
    8.28 - * 
    8.29 - * Portions Copyrighted 2007-2012 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    8.30 - */
    8.31 -
    8.32 -package org.netbeans.modules.javahints;
    8.33 -
    8.34 -import org.netbeans.junit.NbTestCase;
    8.35 -import;
    8.36 -
    8.37 -/**
    8.38 - *
    8.39 - * @author lahvac
    8.40 - */
    8.41 -public class NPECheckTest extends NbTestCase {
    8.42 -    
    8.43 -    public NPECheckTest(String testName) {
    8.44 -        super(testName);
    8.45 -    }
    8.46 -
    8.47 -    public void testSimpleNull1() throws Exception {
    8.48 -        performAnalysisTest("test/", "package test; class Test {private void test() {Object o; o = null; o.toString();}}", "0:69-0:77:verifier:DN");
    8.49 -    }
    8.50 -    
    8.51 -    public void testSimpleNull2() throws Exception {
    8.52 -        performAnalysisTest("test/", "package test; class Test {private void test() {Object o = null; o.toString();}}", "0:66-0:74:verifier:DN");
    8.53 -    }
    8.54 -    
    8.55 -    public void testIf1() throws Exception {
    8.56 -        performAnalysisTest("test/", "package test; class Test {private void test(Object o) {if (o == null) {o.toString();}}}", "0:73-0:81:verifier:DN");
    8.57 -    }
    8.58 -    
    8.59 -    public void testIf2() throws Exception {
    8.60 -        HintTest.create()
    8.61 -                .input("package test; class Test {private void test(Object o) {if (o == null) {o = \"\";} o.length();}}", false)
    8.62 -                .run(NPECheck.class)
    8.63 -                .assertWarnings();
    8.64 -    }
    8.65 -    
    8.66 -    public void testIf3() throws Exception {
    8.67 -        performAnalysisTest("test/", "package test; class Test {private void test() {String s = null; if (s == null) {s = \"\";} s.length();}}");
    8.68 -    }
    8.69 -    
    8.70 -    public void testIf4() throws Exception {
    8.71 -        performAnalysisTest("test/", "package test; class Test {private void test() {String s = null; if (s == null) {s = \"\";} else {s = \"\";} s.length();}}");
    8.72 -    }
    8.73 -    
    8.74 -    public void testIf5() throws Exception {
    8.75 -        performAnalysisTest("test/", "package test; class Test {private void test() {String s = null; if (s == null) {s = \"\";} else {s = null;} s.length();}}", "0:108-0:114:verifier:Possibly Dereferencing null");
    8.76 -    }
    8.77 -    
    8.78 -    public void testIf6() throws Exception {
    8.79 -        performAnalysisTest("test/", "package test; class Test {private void test(Object o) {if (null == o) {o.toString();}}}", "0:73-0:81:verifier:DN");
    8.80 -    }
    8.81 -    
    8.82 -    public void testIf7() throws Exception {
    8.83 -        performAnalysisTest("test/", "package test; class Test {private void test() {String o = null; if (o != null) {o.toString();}}}");
    8.84 -    }
    8.85 -    
    8.86 -    public void testIf8() throws Exception {
    8.87 -        performAnalysisTest("test/", "package test; class Test {private void test() {String o = null; if (null != o) {o.toString();}}}");
    8.88 -    }
    8.89 -    
    8.90 -    public void testIf9() throws Exception {
    8.91 -        HintTest.create()
    8.92 -                .input("package test; class Test {private void test(String s) {if (s == null) {} s.length();}}")
    8.93 -                .run(NPECheck.class)
    8.94 -                .assertWarnings("0:75-0:81:verifier:Possibly Dereferencing null");
    8.95 -    }
    8.96 -    
    8.97 -    public void testIfa() throws Exception {
    8.98 -        HintTest.create()
    8.99 -                .input("package test; class Test {private void test(String s1, String s2) {if (s1 == null) {s1 = s2;} s1.length();}}")
   8.100 -                .run(NPECheck.class)
   8.101 -                .assertWarnings();
   8.102 -    }
   8.103 -    
   8.104 -    public void testIfb() throws Exception {
   8.105 -        HintTest.create()
   8.106 -                .input("package test; class Test {private void test(@Null String s) {if (s == null) {throw new UnsupportedOperationException();} s.length();}} @interface Null {}")
   8.107 -                .run(NPECheck.class)
   8.108 -                .assertWarnings();
   8.109 -    }
   8.110 -    
   8.111 -    public void testIfc() throws Exception {
   8.112 -        performAnalysisTest("test/",
   8.113 -                            "package test; class Test {\n"+
   8.114 -                            "    private void test(int i, @CheckForNull String o) {\n" +
   8.115 -                            "        if (i > 2 && o != null && o.length() > 2) {\n" +
   8.116 -                            "        }\n" +
   8.117 -                            "    }\n" +
   8.118 -                            "    @interface CheckForNull{}\n" +
   8.119 -                            "}\n");
   8.120 -    }
   8.121 -    
   8.122 -    public void testIfd() throws Exception {
   8.123 -        performAnalysisTest("test/",
   8.124 -                            "package test; class Test { private void test(int i, @CheckForNull String o) {\n" +
   8.125 -                            "        if (i > 2 || o == null || o.length() > 2) {\n" +
   8.126 -                            "        }\n" +
   8.127 -                            "    }\n" +
   8.128 -                            "    @interface CheckForNull{}\n" +
   8.129 -                            "}\n");
   8.130 -    }
   8.131 -    
   8.132 -    public void testTernary1() throws Exception {
   8.133 -        performAnalysisTest("test/", "package test; class Test {private void test(int i) {String s = i == 0 ? \"\" : null; s.length();}}");
   8.134 -    }
   8.135 -    
   8.136 -    public void testTernary2() throws Exception {
   8.137 -        performAnalysisTest("test/",
   8.138 -                            "package test; class Test {private void test(String s) {Object o = s == null ? \"\" : s; s = s.toString();}}",
   8.139 -                            "0:92-0:100:verifier:Possibly Dereferencing null");
   8.140 -    }
   8.141 -    
   8.142 -    public void testTernary3() throws Exception {
   8.143 -        performAnalysisTest("test/",
   8.144 -                            "package test;\n" +
   8.145 -                            "class Test {\n" +
   8.146 -                            "    public void test() {" +
   8.147 -                            "        String e = null;" +
   8.148 -                            "        String f = e == null ? \"\" : e.trim();" +
   8.149 -                            "    }" +
   8.150 -                            "}");
   8.151 -    }
   8.152 -    
   8.153 -    public void testNewClass() throws Exception {
   8.154 -        performAnalysisTest("test/", "package test; class Test {private void test() {String s = null; if (s == null) {s = new String(\"\");} s.length();}}");
   8.155 -    }
   8.156 -    
   8.157 -    public void testCheckForNull1() throws Exception {
   8.158 -        performAnalysisTest("test/", "package test; class Test {private void test() {String s = get(); s.length();} @Nullable private String get() {return \"\";} @interface Nullable {}}", "0:67-0:73:verifier:Possibly Dereferencing null");
   8.159 -    }
   8.160 -    
   8.161 -    public void testCheckForNull2() throws Exception {
   8.162 -        performAnalysisTest("test/", "package test; class Test {private void test() {s.length();} @Nullable private String s; @interface Nullable {}}", "0:49-0:55:verifier:Possibly Dereferencing null");
   8.163 -    }
   8.164 -    
   8.165 -    public void testAssignNullToNotNull() throws Exception {
   8.166 -        performAnalysisTest("test/", "package test; class Test {private void test() {s = null;} @NotNull private String s; @interface NotNull {}}", "0:47-0:55:verifier:ANNNV");
   8.167 -    }
   8.168 -    
   8.169 -    public void testPossibleAssignNullToNotNull() throws Exception {
   8.170 -        performAnalysisTest("test/", "package test; class Test {private void test(int i) {String s2 = null; if (i == 0) {s2 = \"\";} s = s2;} @NotNull private String s; @interface NotNull {}}", "0:93-0:99:verifier:PANNNV");
   8.171 -    }
   8.172 -    
   8.173 -    public void testNullCheckAnd1() throws Exception {
   8.174 -        performAnalysisTest("test/", "package test; class Test {private void test() {String s = null; if (s != null && s.length() > 0) {}}}");
   8.175 -    }
   8.176 -    
   8.177 -    public void testNullCheckAnd2() throws Exception {
   8.178 -        performAnalysisTest("test/", "package test; class Test {private void test() {String s = null; if (s == null && s.length() > 0) {}}}", "0:83-0:89:verifier:DN");
   8.179 -    }
   8.180 -    
   8.181 -    public void testNullCheckOr1() throws Exception {
   8.182 -        performAnalysisTest("test/", "package test; class Test {private void test() {String s = null; if (s != null || s.length() > 0) {}}}", "0:83-0:89:verifier:DN");
   8.183 -    }
   8.184 -    
   8.185 -    public void testNullCheckOr2() throws Exception {
   8.186 -        performAnalysisTest("test/", "package test; class Test {private void test() {String s = null; if (s == null || s.length() > 0) {}}}");
   8.187 -    }
   8.188 -    
   8.189 -    public void testContinue1() throws Exception {
   8.190 -        performAnalysisTest("test/",
   8.191 -                            "package test; class Test {private void test(String[] sa) {for (String s : sa) {if (s == null) continue; s.length();}}}");
   8.192 -    }
   8.193 -    
   8.194 -    public void testCondition1() throws Exception {
   8.195 -        performAnalysisTest("test/",
   8.196 -                            "package test; class Test {private void test(String sa) {boolean b = sa != null && (sa.length() == 0 || sa.length() == 1);}}");
   8.197 -    }
   8.198 -    
   8.199 -    public void testCondition2() throws Exception {
   8.200 -        performAnalysisTest("test/",
   8.201 -                            "package test; class Test {private void test(String sa) {boolean b = sa == null || (sa.length() == 0 && sa.length() == 1);}}");
   8.202 -    }
   8.203 -    
   8.204 -    public void testCondition3() throws Exception {
   8.205 -        performAnalysisTest("test/",
   8.206 -                            "package test; class Test {private void test(int i) {Object o2 = i < 1 ? null : \"\"; boolean b = true && o2 != null && o2.toString() != \"\";}}");
   8.207 -    }
   8.208 -    
   8.209 -    public void testWhileAndIf() throws Exception {
   8.210 -        performAnalysisTest("test/",
   8.211 -                            "package test;\n" +
   8.212 -                            "class Test {\n" +
   8.213 -                            "    private void test(int i, boolean b, Object o2) {\n" +
   8.214 -                            "        Object o = null;\n" +
   8.215 -                            "        while (--i > 0) {\n" +
   8.216 -                            "            if (b) {\n" +
   8.217 -                            "                o = o2;\n" +
   8.218 -                            "            }\n" +
   8.219 -                            "        }\n" +
   8.220 -                            "        o.toString();\n" +
   8.221 -                            "    }" +
   8.222 -                            "}",
   8.223 -                            "9:10-9:18:verifier:DN");
   8.224 -    }
   8.225 -    
   8.226 -    public void testWhile1() throws Exception {
   8.227 -        performAnalysisTest("test/",
   8.228 -                            "package test;\n" +
   8.229 -                            "class Test {\n" +
   8.230 -                            "    private void test(String o) {\n" +
   8.231 -                            "        while (o != null && o.length() > 1) {\n" +
   8.232 -                            "            o = o.substring(1);\n" +
   8.233 -                            "        }\n" +
   8.234 -                            "        o.toString();\n" +
   8.235 -                            "    }" +
   8.236 -                            "}",
   8.237 -                            "6:10-6:18:verifier:Possibly Dereferencing null");
   8.238 -    }
   8.239 -    
   8.240 -    public void testWhile2() throws Exception {
   8.241 -        performAnalysisTest("test/",
   8.242 -                            "package test;\n" +
   8.243 -                            "class Test {\n" +
   8.244 -                            "    private void test(@CheckForNull String o) {\n" +
   8.245 -                            "        while (o != null) {\n" +
   8.246 -                            "            o = o.substring(1);\n" +
   8.247 -                            "        }\n" +
   8.248 -                            "    }" +
   8.249 -                            "    @interface CheckForNull {}\n" +
   8.250 -                            "}");
   8.251 -    }
   8.252 -    
   8.253 -    public void testParameter1() throws Exception {
   8.254 -        performAnalysisTest("test/",
   8.255 -                            "package test; class Test {private void test(int i) {String s = null; ttt(s);} private void ttt(@NotNull String s){}} @interface NotNull {}",
   8.256 -                            "0:73-0:74:verifier:ERR_NULL_TO_NON_NULL_ARG");
   8.257 -    }
   8.258 -    
   8.259 -    public void testParameter2() throws Exception {
   8.260 -        performAnalysisTest("test/",
   8.261 -                            "package test; class Test {private void test(int i) {ttt(t());} private void ttt(@NotNull String s){} private @CheckForNull String t() {return \"\";} } @interface NotNull {} @interface CheckForNull {}",
   8.262 -                            "0:56-0:59:verifier:ERR_POSSIBLENULL_TO_NON_NULL_ARG");
   8.263 -    }
   8.264 -    
   8.265 -    public void testNoMultipleReports1() throws Exception {
   8.266 -        performAnalysisTest("test/",
   8.267 -                            "package test;\n" +
   8.268 -                            "class Test {\n" +
   8.269 -                            "    private void test(@CheckForNull String o) {\n" +
   8.270 -                            "        o.toString();\n" +
   8.271 -                            "        o.toString();\n" +
   8.272 -                            "        o.toString();\n" +
   8.273 -                            "    }" +
   8.274 -                            "    @interface CheckForNull {}\n" +
   8.275 -                            "}", "3:10-3:18:verifier:Possibly Dereferencing null");
   8.276 -    }
   8.277 -    
   8.278 -    public void testNoMultipleReports2() throws Exception {
   8.279 -        performAnalysisTest("test/",
   8.280 -                            "package test;\n" +
   8.281 -                            "class Test {\n" +
   8.282 -                            "    private void test(@CheckForNull String o) {\n" +
   8.283 -                            "        if (o.length() > 1 && o.length() > 2);\n" +
   8.284 -                            "    }" +
   8.285 -                            "    @interface CheckForNull {}\n" +
   8.286 -                            "}", "3:14-3:20:verifier:Possibly Dereferencing null");
   8.287 -    }
   8.288 -    
   8.289 -    public void testNoMultipleReports3() throws Exception {
   8.290 -        performAnalysisTest("test/",
   8.291 -                            "package test;\n" +
   8.292 -                            "class Test {\n" +
   8.293 -                            "    private void test(@CheckForNull String o) {\n" +
   8.294 -                            "        boolean b = o.length() > 1 && o.length() > 2;\n" +
   8.295 -                            "    }" +
   8.296 -                            "    @interface CheckForNull {}\n" +
   8.297 -                            "}", "3:22-3:28:verifier:Possibly Dereferencing null");
   8.298 -    }
   8.299 -    
   8.300 -    public void testNoMultipleReports4() throws Exception {
   8.301 -        performAnalysisTest("test/",
   8.302 -                            "package test;\n" +
   8.303 -                            "class Test {\n" +
   8.304 -                            "    private void test(@CheckForNull String o) {\n" +
   8.305 -                            "        boolean b = o.length() > 1 && o.length() > 2 ? false : true;\n" +
   8.306 -                            "    }" +
   8.307 -                            "    @interface CheckForNull {}\n" +
   8.308 -                            "}", "3:22-3:28:verifier:Possibly Dereferencing null");
   8.309 -    }
   8.310 -    
   8.311 -    public void testCCE() throws Exception {
   8.312 -        HintTest.create()
   8.313 -                .input("package test;\n" +
   8.314 -                       "class Test {\n" +
   8.315 -                       "    private void test() {\n" +
   8.316 -                       "        c.s Object method = new Object();\n" +
   8.317 -                       "    }" +
   8.318 -                       "}", false)
   8.319 -                .run(NPECheck.class)
   8.320 -                .assertWarnings(/*"3:20-3:28:verifier:Possibly Dereferencing null"*/);
   8.321 -    }
   8.322 -    
   8.323 -    private void performAnalysisTest(String fileName, String code, String... golden) throws Exception {
   8.324 -        HintTest.create()
   8.325 -                .input(fileName, code)
   8.326 -                .run(NPECheck.class)
   8.327 -                .assertWarnings(golden);
   8.328 -    }
   8.329 -}
     9.1 --- a/javahints/test/unit/src/org/netbeans/modules/javahints/jdk5/	Thu Jun 14 15:02:44 2012 +0200
     9.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     9.3 @@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
     9.4 -/*
     9.6 - *
     9.7 - * Copyright 2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     9.8 - *
     9.9 - * Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
    9.10 - * Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
    9.11 - *
    9.12 - * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
    9.13 - * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
    9.14 - * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
    9.15 - * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
    9.16 - * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
    9.17 - *
    9.18 - * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
    9.19 - * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
    9.20 - * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
    9.21 - * Notice in each file and include the License file at
    9.22 - * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Oracle designates this
    9.23 - * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
    9.24 - * by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
    9.25 - * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
    9.26 - * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
    9.27 - * your own identifying information:
    9.28 - * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
    9.29 - *
    9.30 - * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
    9.31 - * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
    9.32 - * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
    9.33 - * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
    9.34 - * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
    9.35 - * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
    9.36 - * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
    9.37 - * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
    9.38 - * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
    9.39 - * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
    9.40 - *
    9.41 - * Contributor(s):
    9.42 - *
    9.43 - * Portions Copyrighted 2012 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    9.44 - */
    9.45 -
    9.46 -package org.netbeans.modules.javahints.jdk5;
    9.47 -
    9.48 -import org.junit.Test;
    9.49 -import;
    9.50 -
    9.51 -public class IteratorToForTest {
    9.52 -
    9.53 -    @Test public void whileWarning() throws Exception {
    9.54 -        HintTest.create().input("package test;\n"
    9.55 -                + "import java.util.*;"
    9.56 -                + "public class Test {\n"
    9.57 -                + "    void m(List<String> strings) {\n"
    9.58 -                + "        Iterator it = strings.iterator();\n"
    9.59 -                + "        while (it.hasNext()) {\n"
    9.60 -                + "            String s = (String);\n"
    9.61 -                + "            System.out.println(s);\n"
    9.62 -                + "            System.err.println(s);\n"
    9.63 -                + "        }\n"
    9.64 -                + "    }\n"
    9.65 -                + "}\n").run(IteratorToFor.class).assertWarnings("2:33-9:5:verifier:" + Bundle.ERR_IteratorToFor());
    9.66 -    }
    9.67 -
    9.68 -    @Test public void whileUsedSpecially() throws Exception {
    9.69 -        HintTest.create().input("package test;\n"
    9.70 -                + "import java.util.*;"
    9.71 -                + "public class Test {\n"
    9.72 -                + "    void m(List<String> strings) {\n"
    9.73 -                + "        Iterator it = strings.iterator();\n"
    9.74 -                + "        while (it.hasNext()) {\n"
    9.75 -                + "            String s = (String);\n"
    9.76 -                + "            if (s.isEmpty()) {\n"
    9.77 -                + "                it.remove();\n"
    9.78 -                + "            } else {\n"
    9.79 -                + "                System.out.println(s);\n"
    9.80 -                + "            }\n"
    9.81 -                + "        }\n"
    9.82 -                + "    }\n"
    9.83 -                + "}\n").run(IteratorToFor.class).assertWarnings();
    9.84 -    }
    9.85 -
    9.86 -    @Test public void whileRaw() throws Exception {
    9.87 -        HintTest.create().input("package test;\n"
    9.88 -                + "import java.util.*;"
    9.89 -                + "public class Test {\n"
    9.90 -                + "    void m(List strings) {\n"
    9.91 -                + "        Iterator it = strings.iterator();\n"
    9.92 -                + "        while (it.hasNext()) {\n"
    9.93 -                + "            String s = (String);\n"
    9.94 -                + "            System.out.println(s);\n"
    9.95 -                + "            System.err.println(s);\n"
    9.96 -                + "        }\n"
    9.97 -                + "    }\n"
    9.98 -                + "}\n").run(IteratorToFor.class).assertWarnings();
    9.99 -    }
   9.100 -
   9.101 -    @Test public void whileWrongType() throws Exception {
   9.102 -        HintTest.create().input("package test;\n"
   9.103 -                + "import java.util.*;"
   9.104 -                + "public class Test {\n"
   9.105 -                + "    void m(List<> strings) {\n"
   9.106 -                + "        Iterator it = strings.iterator();\n"
   9.107 -                + "        while (it.hasNext()) {\n"
   9.108 -                + "            String s = (String);\n"
   9.109 -                + "            System.out.println(s);\n"
   9.110 -                + "            System.err.println(s);\n"
   9.111 -                + "        }\n"
   9.112 -                + "    }\n"
   9.113 -                + "}\n").run(IteratorToFor.class).assertWarnings();
   9.114 -    }
   9.115 -
   9.116 -    @Test public void whileNotRaw() throws Exception {
   9.117 -        HintTest.create().input("package test;\n"
   9.118 -                + "import java.util.*;"
   9.119 -                + "public class Test {\n"
   9.120 -                + "    void m(MyList strings) {\n"
   9.121 -                + "        Iterator it = strings.iterator();\n"
   9.122 -                + "        while (it.hasNext()) {\n"
   9.123 -                + "            String s = (String);\n"
   9.124 -                + "            System.out.println(s);\n"
   9.125 -                + "            System.err.println(s);\n"
   9.126 -                + "        }\n"
   9.127 -                + "    }\n"
   9.128 -                + "    static class MyList extends ArrayList<String> {}\n"
   9.129 -                + "}\n").run(IteratorToFor.class).assertWarnings("2:27-9:5:verifier:" + Bundle.ERR_IteratorToFor());
   9.130 -    }
   9.131 -
   9.132 -    @Test public void whileNotIterable() throws Exception {
   9.133 -        HintTest.create().input("package test;\n"
   9.134 -                + "import java.util.*;"
   9.135 -                + "public class Test {\n"
   9.136 -                + "    void m(MyList strings) {\n"
   9.137 -                + "        Iterator it = strings.iterator();\n"
   9.138 -                + "        while (it.hasNext()) {\n"
   9.139 -                + "            String s = (String);\n"
   9.140 -                + "            System.out.println(s);\n"
   9.141 -                + "            System.err.println(s);\n"
   9.142 -                + "        }\n"
   9.143 -                + "    }\n"
   9.144 -                + "    interface MyList {\n"
   9.145 -                + "        Iterator<String> iterator();\n"
   9.146 -                + "    }\n"
   9.147 -                + "}\n").run(IteratorToFor.class).assertWarnings();
   9.148 -    }
   9.149 -
   9.150 -    @Test public void whileSubtype() throws Exception {
   9.151 -        HintTest.create().input("package test;\n"
   9.152 -                + "import java.util.*;"
   9.153 -                + "public class Test {\n"
   9.154 -                + "    void m(List<PropertyResourceBundle> bundles) {\n"
   9.155 -                + "        Iterator it = bundles.iterator();\n"
   9.156 -                + "        while (it.hasNext()) {\n"
   9.157 -                + "            ResourceBundle bundle = (ResourceBundle);\n"
   9.158 -                + "            System.out.println(bundle);\n"
   9.159 -                + "            System.err.println(bundle);\n"
   9.160 -                + "        }\n"
   9.161 -                + "    }\n"
   9.162 -                + "}\n").run(IteratorToFor.class).assertWarnings("2:49-9:5:verifier:" + Bundle.ERR_IteratorToFor());
   9.163 -    }
   9.164 -
   9.165 -    @Test public void whileGenericSubtype() throws Exception {
   9.166 -        HintTest.create().input("package test;\n"
   9.167 -                + "import java.util.*;"
   9.168 -                + "public class Test {\n"
   9.169 -                + "    void m(List<ArrayList<String>> lists) {\n"
   9.170 -                + "        Iterator it = lists.iterator();\n"
   9.171 -                + "        while (it.hasNext()) {\n"
   9.172 -                + "            List<String> list = (List<String>);\n"
   9.173 -                + "            System.out.println(list);\n"
   9.174 -                + "        }\n"
   9.175 -                + "    }\n"
   9.176 -                + "}\n").run(IteratorToFor.class).findWarning("2:42-8:5:verifier:" + Bundle.ERR_IteratorToFor()).
   9.177 -                applyFix().
   9.178 -                assertCompilable().
   9.179 -                assertOutput("package test;\n"
   9.180 -                + "import java.util.*;"
   9.181 -                + "public class Test {\n"
   9.182 -                + "    void m(List<ArrayList<String>> lists) {\n"
   9.183 -                + "        for (List<String> list : lists) {\n"
   9.184 -                + "            System.out.println(list);\n"
   9.185 -                + "        }\n"
   9.186 -                + "    }\n"
   9.187 -                + "}\n");
   9.188 -    }
   9.189 -
   9.190 -    @Test public void whileNotSubtype() throws Exception {
   9.191 -        HintTest.create().input("package test;\n"
   9.192 -                + "import java.util.*;"
   9.193 -                + "public class Test {\n"
   9.194 -                + "    void m(List<ResourceBundle> bundles) {\n"
   9.195 -                + "        Iterator it = bundles.iterator();\n"
   9.196 -                + "        while (it.hasNext()) {\n"
   9.197 -                + "            PropertyResourceBundle bundle = (PropertyResourceBundle);\n"
   9.198 -                + "            System.out.println(bundle);\n"
   9.199 -                + "            System.err.println(bundle);\n"
   9.200 -                + "        }\n"
   9.201 -                + "    }\n"
   9.202 -                + "}\n").run(IteratorToFor.class).assertWarnings();
   9.203 -    }
   9.204 -
   9.205 -    @Test public void whileFix() throws Exception {
   9.206 -        HintTest.create().input("package test;\n"
   9.207 -                + "import java.util.*;"
   9.208 -                + "public class Test {\n"
   9.209 -                + "    void m(List<String> strings) {\n"
   9.210 -                + "        Collections.reverse(strings);\n"
   9.211 -                + "        Iterator it = strings.iterator();\n"
   9.212 -                + "        while (it.hasNext()) {\n"
   9.213 -                + "            String s = (String);\n"
   9.214 -                + "            System.out.println(s);\n"
   9.215 -                + "            // OK\n"
   9.216 -                + "            System.err.println(s);\n"
   9.217 -                + "        }\n"
   9.218 -                + "        System.out.println();\n"
   9.219 -                + "    }\n"
   9.220 -                + "}\n").run(IteratorToFor.class).findWarning("2:33-12:5:verifier:" + Bundle.ERR_IteratorToFor()).
   9.221 -                applyFix().
   9.222 -                assertCompilable()
   9.223 -                .assertOutput("package test;\n"
   9.224 -                + "import java.util.*;"
   9.225 -                + "public class Test {\n"
   9.226 -                + "    void m(List<String> strings) {\n"
   9.227 -                + "        Collections.reverse(strings);\n"
   9.228 -                + "        for (String s : strings) {\n"
   9.229 -                + "            System.out.println(s);\n"
   9.230 -                + "            // OK\n"
   9.231 -                + "            System.err.println(s);\n"
   9.232 -                + "        }\n"
   9.233 -                + "        System.out.println();\n"
   9.234 -                + "    }\n"
   9.235 -                + "}\n");
   9.236 -    }
   9.237 -
   9.238 -    @Test public void forWarning() throws Exception {
   9.239 -        HintTest.create().input("package test;\n"
   9.240 -                + "import java.util.*;"
   9.241 -                + "public class Test {\n"
   9.242 -                + "    void m(List<String> strings) {\n"
   9.243 -                + "        for (Iterator it = strings.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {\n"
   9.244 -                + "            String s = (String);\n"
   9.245 -                + "            System.out.println(s);\n"
   9.246 -                + "            System.err.println(s);\n"
   9.247 -                + "        }\n"
   9.248 -                + "    }\n"
   9.249 -                + "}\n").run(IteratorToFor.class).assertWarnings("3:8-3:11:verifier:" + Bundle.ERR_IteratorToFor());
   9.250 -    }
   9.251 -
   9.252 -    @Test public void forUsedSpecially() throws Exception {
   9.253 -        HintTest.create().input("package test;\n"
   9.254 -                + "import java.util.*;"
   9.255 -                + "public class Test {\n"
   9.256 -                + "    void m(List<String> strings) {\n"
   9.257 -                + "        for (Iterator it = strings.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {\n"
   9.258 -                + "            String s = (String);\n"
   9.259 -                + "            if (s.isEmpty()) {\n"
   9.260 -                + "                it.remove();\n"
   9.261 -                + "            } else {\n"
   9.262 -                + "                System.out.println(s);\n"
   9.263 -                + "            }\n"
   9.264 -                + "        }\n"
   9.265 -                + "    }\n"
   9.266 -                + "}\n").run(IteratorToFor.class).assertWarnings();
   9.267 -    }
   9.268 -
   9.269 -    @Test public void forRaw() throws Exception {
   9.270 -        HintTest.create().input("package test;\n"
   9.271 -                + "import java.util.*;"
   9.272 -                + "public class Test {\n"
   9.273 -                + "    void m(List strings) {\n"
   9.274 -                + "        for (Iterator it = strings.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {\n"
   9.275 -                + "            String s = (String);\n"
   9.276 -                + "            System.out.println(s);\n"
   9.277 -                + "            System.err.println(s);\n"
   9.278 -                + "        }\n"
   9.279 -                + "    }\n"
   9.280 -                + "}\n").run(IteratorToFor.class).assertWarnings();
   9.281 -    }
   9.282 -
   9.283 -    @Test public void forFix() throws Exception {
   9.284 -        HintTest.create().input("package test;\n"
   9.285 -                + "import java.util.*;"
   9.286 -                + "public class Test {\n"
   9.287 -                + "    void m(List<String> strings) {\n"
   9.288 -                + "        Collections.reverse(strings);\n"
   9.289 -                + "        for (Iterator it = strings.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {\n"
   9.290 -                + "            String s = (String);\n"
   9.291 -                + "            System.out.println(s);\n"
   9.292 -                + "            // OK\n"
   9.293 -                + "            System.err.println(s);\n"
   9.294 -                + "        }\n"
   9.295 -                + "        System.out.println();\n"
   9.296 -                + "    }\n"
   9.297 -                + "}\n").run(IteratorToFor.class).findWarning("4:8-4:11:verifier:" + Bundle.ERR_IteratorToFor()).
   9.298 -                applyFix().
   9.299 -                assertCompilable()
   9.300 -                .assertOutput("package test;\n"
   9.301 -                + "import java.util.*;"
   9.302 -                + "public class Test {\n"
   9.303 -                + "    void m(List<String> strings) {\n"
   9.304 -                + "        Collections.reverse(strings);\n"
   9.305 -                + "        for (String s : strings) {\n"
   9.306 -                + "            System.out.println(s);\n"
   9.307 -                + "            // OK\n"
   9.308 -                + "            System.err.println(s);\n"
   9.309 -                + "        }\n"
   9.310 -                + "        System.out.println();\n"
   9.311 -                + "    }\n"
   9.312 -                + "}\n");
   9.313 -    }
   9.314 -
   9.315 -    // XXX also ought to match: for (Iterator i = coll.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {use((Type);}
   9.316 -    // XXX match final modifiers on iterator and/or element vars
   9.317 -    // XXX remove import of java.util.Iterator if present
   9.318 -
   9.319 -}