#48509 folder chooser better handles projects with multiple generic source groups. BLD200409141800
Tue, 14 Sep 2004 15:33:34 +0000
changeset 52067552d24658a0
parent 5205 0e017f825bfe
child 5207 1cf2329da82f
#48509 folder chooser better handles projects with multiple generic source groups.
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/tasklist.docscan/src/org/netbeans/modules/tasklist/docscan/Choosers.java	Tue Sep 14 15:33:34 2004 +0000
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
     1.4 +/*
     1.5 + *                 Sun Public License Notice
     1.6 + *
     1.7 + * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
     1.8 + * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
     1.9 + * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
    1.10 + * http://www.sun.com/
    1.11 + *
    1.12 + * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
    1.13 + * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun
    1.14 + * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    1.15 + */
    1.16 +
    1.17 +
    1.18 +package org.netbeans.modules.tasklist.docscan;
    1.19 +
    1.20 +import org.openide.nodes.AbstractNode;
    1.21 +import org.openide.nodes.Children;
    1.22 +import org.openide.nodes.Node;
    1.23 +import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
    1.24 +import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
    1.25 +import org.openide.util.lookup.Lookups;
    1.26 +import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
    1.27 +import org.openide.loaders.DataObjectNotFoundException;
    1.28 +import org.netbeans.api.project.*;
    1.29 +import org.netbeans.api.project.ui.OpenProjects;
    1.30 +
    1.31 +import java.awt.*;
    1.32 +import java.util.Arrays;
    1.33 +import java.util.Comparator;
    1.34 +import java.util.Collections;
    1.35 +
    1.36 +/**
    1.37 + * Utility class defining project chooser.
    1.38 + *
    1.39 + * @author Petr Kuzel
    1.40 + */
    1.41 +class Choosers {
    1.42 +    // handle select folder life-time
    1.43 +    public static Node icons = null;
    1.44 +
    1.45 +    /**
    1.46 +     * Logical view over opened projects
    1.47 +     */
    1.48 +    public static Node projectView() {
    1.49 +
    1.50 +        Children.SortedArray kids = new Children.SortedArray();
    1.51 +        kids.setComparator(new Comparator() {
    1.52 +            public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
    1.53 +                return ((Node) o1).getDisplayName().compareToIgnoreCase(((Node) o2).getDisplayName());
    1.54 +            }
    1.55 +        });
    1.56 +
    1.57 +        Project[] projects = OpenProjects.getDefault().getOpenProjects();
    1.58 +        for (int pi = 0; pi < projects.length; pi++) {
    1.59 +            Project project = projects[pi];
    1.60 +            Sources sources = ProjectUtils.getSources(project);
    1.61 +            SourceGroup[] group = sources.getSourceGroups(Sources.TYPE_GENERIC);
    1.62 +
    1.63 +            if (group.length == 0) continue;
    1.64 +
    1.65 +            // here we work with assumption that if project has only one
    1.66 +            // source group it is project folder itself and that the project
    1.67 +            // folder source group is named by the project
    1.68 +
    1.69 +            if (group.length > 1) {
    1.70 +                kids.add(new Node[] {new ProjectNode(project)});
    1.71 +            } else {
    1.72 +                FileObject folder = group[0].getRootFolder();
    1.73 +                if (folder.isFolder() == false) continue;
    1.74 +                kids.add(new Node[]{new FolderNode(folder, group[0])});
    1.75 +                prepareFolderIcons(folder);
    1.76 +            }
    1.77 +        }
    1.78 +
    1.79 +        final Node content = new AbstractNode(kids) {
    1.80 +            public void setName(String name) {
    1.81 +                super.setName(name);
    1.82 +                super.setIconBase("org/netbeans/modules/tasklist/docscan/repository");  // NOI18N
    1.83 +            }
    1.84 +        };
    1.85 +
    1.86 +        content.setName(Util.getString("projects"));
    1.87 +        return content;
    1.88 +    }
    1.89 +
    1.90 +    /** Hack no way how to get L&F specifics folder icons. Get it from random folder node. */
    1.91 +    private static void prepareFolderIcons(FileObject fo) {
    1.92 +        if (icons == null) {
    1.93 +            try {
    1.94 +                DataObject dobj = DataObject.find(fo);
    1.95 +                icons = dobj.getNodeDelegate();
    1.96 +            } catch (DataObjectNotFoundException e) {
    1.97 +                // ignore
    1.98 +            }
    1.99 +        }
   1.100 +    }
   1.101 +
   1.102 +    /**
   1.103 +     * Used for project with multiple generic source groups
   1.104 +     */
   1.105 +    public static class ProjectNode extends AbstractNode {
   1.106 +
   1.107 +        private final Project project;
   1.108 +
   1.109 +        public ProjectNode(Project project) {
   1.110 +            this(new Children.SortedArray(), project);
   1.111 +        }
   1.112 +
   1.113 +        private ProjectNode(Children.SortedArray children, Project project) {
   1.114 +            super(children);
   1.115 +            this.project = project;
   1.116 +
   1.117 +            children.setComparator(new Comparator() {
   1.118 +                public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
   1.119 +                    return ((Node) o1).getDisplayName().compareToIgnoreCase(((Node) o2).getDisplayName());
   1.120 +                }
   1.121 +            });
   1.122 +
   1.123 +            Sources sources = ProjectUtils.getSources(project);
   1.124 +            SourceGroup[] group = sources.getSourceGroups(Sources.TYPE_GENERIC);
   1.125 +            Arrays.sort(group, new Comparator() {
   1.126 +                public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
   1.127 +                    return ((SourceGroup) o1).getDisplayName().compareToIgnoreCase(((SourceGroup) o2).getDisplayName());
   1.128 +                }
   1.129 +            });
   1.130 +
   1.131 +            for (int i = 0; i < group.length; i++) {
   1.132 +                FileObject folder = group[i].getRootFolder();
   1.133 +                if (folder.isFolder() == false) continue;
   1.134 +                children.add(new Node[]{new FolderNode(folder, group[i])});
   1.135 +                prepareFolderIcons(folder);
   1.136 +            }
   1.137 +        }
   1.138 +
   1.139 +        public String getDisplayName() {
   1.140 +            ProjectInformation pi = getProjectInformation();
   1.141 +            return pi != null ? pi.getDisplayName() : FileUtil.getFileDisplayName(project.getProjectDirectory());
   1.142 +        }
   1.143 +
   1.144 +        public Image getIcon(int type) {
   1.145 +            ProjectInformation pi = getProjectInformation();
   1.146 +            //TODO return pi != null ? pi.getIcon().
   1.147 +            if (icons != null) {
   1.148 +                return icons.getIcon(type);
   1.149 +            } else {
   1.150 +                return super.getIcon(type);
   1.151 +            }
   1.152 +        }
   1.153 +
   1.154 +        public Image getOpenedIcon(int type) {
   1.155 +            return getIcon(type);
   1.156 +        }
   1.157 +
   1.158 +        private ProjectInformation getProjectInformation() {
   1.159 +            return (ProjectInformation) project.getLookup().lookup(ProjectInformation.class);
   1.160 +        }
   1.161 +
   1.162 +    }
   1.163 +
   1.164 +    /**
   1.165 +     * Visualizes folder structure.
   1.166 +     */
   1.167 +    public static class FolderNode extends AbstractNode {
   1.168 +
   1.169 +        private final FileObject fileObject;
   1.170 +        private SourceGroup group;
   1.171 +
   1.172 +        public FolderNode(FileObject fileObject, SourceGroup root) {
   1.173 +            super(new FolderContent(fileObject, root), Lookups.singleton(fileObject));
   1.174 +            this.fileObject = fileObject;
   1.175 +            group = root;
   1.176 +        }
   1.177 +
   1.178 +        public FolderNode(FileObject fileObject) {
   1.179 +            super(new FolderContent(fileObject), Lookups.singleton(fileObject));
   1.180 +            this.fileObject = fileObject;
   1.181 +        }
   1.182 +
   1.183 +        public String getDisplayName() {
   1.184 +            if (group != null) {
   1.185 +                return group.getDisplayName();
   1.186 +            } else {
   1.187 +                return fileObject.getName();
   1.188 +            }
   1.189 +        }
   1.190 +
   1.191 +        public Image getIcon(int type) {
   1.192 +
   1.193 +            // XXX how to convert icon to image?
   1.194 +//            if (group != null) {
   1.195 +//                Icon icon  = group.getIcon(false);
   1.196 +//                if (icon != null) {
   1.197 +//                    return icon.
   1.198 +//                }
   1.199 +//            }
   1.200 +
   1.201 +            // XXX how to dynamically get icon (that is subject to L&F)
   1.202 +            if (icons != null) {
   1.203 +                return icons.getIcon(type);
   1.204 +            } else {
   1.205 +                return super.getIcon(type);
   1.206 +            }
   1.207 +        }
   1.208 +
   1.209 +        public Image getOpenedIcon(int type) {
   1.210 +            // XXX how to dynamically get icon (that is subject to L&F)
   1.211 +            if (icons != null) {
   1.212 +                return icons.getOpenedIcon(type);
   1.213 +            } else {
   1.214 +                return super.getOpenedIcon(type);
   1.215 +            }
   1.216 +        }
   1.217 +
   1.218 +        private static class FolderContent extends Children.Keys {
   1.219 +
   1.220 +            private final FileObject fileObject;
   1.221 +            private final SourceGroup group;
   1.222 +
   1.223 +            public FolderContent(FileObject fileObject) {
   1.224 +                this(fileObject, null);
   1.225 +            }
   1.226 +
   1.227 +            public FolderContent(FileObject fileObject, SourceGroup group) {
   1.228 +                this.fileObject = fileObject;
   1.229 +                this.group = group;
   1.230 +            }
   1.231 +
   1.232 +            protected void addNotify() {
   1.233 +                FileObject[] fo = fileObject.getChildren();
   1.234 +                Arrays.sort(fo, new Comparator() {
   1.235 +                    public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
   1.236 +                        return ((FileObject) o1).getNameExt().compareToIgnoreCase(((FileObject) o2).getNameExt());
   1.237 +                    }
   1.238 +                });
   1.239 +                setKeys(Arrays.asList(fo));
   1.240 +            }
   1.241 +
   1.242 +            protected void removeNotify() {
   1.243 +                setKeys(Collections.EMPTY_SET);
   1.244 +            }
   1.245 +
   1.246 +            protected Node[] createNodes(Object key) {
   1.247 +                FileObject fo = (FileObject) key;
   1.248 +                if (fo.isFolder() && (group == null || group.contains(fo))) {
   1.249 +                    return new Node[]{new FolderNode(fo)};
   1.250 +                } else {
   1.251 +                    return new Node[0];
   1.252 +                }
   1.253 +            }
   1.254 +        }
   1.255 +    }
   1.256 +}
     2.1 --- a/tasklist.docscan/src/org/netbeans/modules/tasklist/docscan/SourceTasksView.java	Mon Sep 13 20:49:57 2004 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/tasklist.docscan/src/org/netbeans/modules/tasklist/docscan/SourceTasksView.java	Tue Sep 14 15:33:34 2004 +0000
     2.3 @@ -1407,7 +1407,7 @@
     2.4          background = null;
     2.6          // prepare content for selector
     2.7 -        final Node content = projectView();
     2.8 +        final Node content = Choosers.projectView();
     2.9          NodeOperation op = NodeOperation.getDefault();
    2.11          try {
    2.12 @@ -1425,147 +1425,7 @@
    2.13          } catch (UserCancelException e) {
    2.14              // no folders selected keep previous one
    2.15          } finally {
    2.16 -            icons = null;
    2.17 -        }
    2.18 -    }
    2.19 -
    2.20 -    // handle select folder life-time
    2.21 -    static Node icons = null;
    2.22 -
    2.23 -    /** Logical view over opened projects */
    2.24 -    private Node projectView() {
    2.25 -
    2.26 -        Children.SortedArray kids = new Children.SortedArray();
    2.27 -        kids.setComparator(new Comparator() {
    2.28 -                public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
    2.29 -                    return ((FolderNode) o1).getDisplayName().compareToIgnoreCase(((FolderNode) o2).getDisplayName());
    2.30 -                }
    2.31 -            });
    2.32 -
    2.33 -        Project[] projects = OpenProjects.getDefault().getOpenProjects();
    2.34 -        for (int pi = 0; pi<projects.length; pi++) {
    2.35 -            Project project = projects[pi];
    2.36 -            Sources sources = ProjectUtils.getSources(project);
    2.37 -            SourceGroup[] group =sources.getSourceGroups(Sources.TYPE_GENERIC);
    2.38 -            Arrays.sort(group, new Comparator() {
    2.39 -                public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
    2.40 -                    return ((SourceGroup) o1).getDisplayName().compareToIgnoreCase(((SourceGroup) o2).getDisplayName());
    2.41 -                }
    2.42 -            });
    2.43 -
    2.44 -            for (int i=0; i<group.length; i++) {
    2.45 -                FileObject folder = group[i].getRootFolder();
    2.46 -                if (folder.isFolder() == false) continue;
    2.47 -                kids.add(new Node[] {new FolderNode(folder, group[i])});
    2.48 -                if (icons == null) {
    2.49 -                    try {
    2.50 -                        DataObject dobj = DataObject.find(folder);
    2.51 -                        icons = dobj.getNodeDelegate();
    2.52 -                    } catch (DataObjectNotFoundException e) {
    2.53 -                        // ignore
    2.54 -                    }
    2.55 -                }
    2.56 -            }
    2.57 -        }
    2.58 -        final Node content = new AbstractNode(kids) {
    2.59 -            public void setName(String name) {
    2.60 -                super.setName(name);
    2.61 -                super.setIconBase("org/netbeans/modules/tasklist/docscan/repository");  // NOI18N
    2.62 -            }
    2.63 -        };
    2.64 -
    2.65 -        content.setName(Util.getString("projects"));
    2.66 -        return content;
    2.67 -    }
    2.68 -
    2.69 -    /** Visualizes folder structure. */
    2.70 -    private static class FolderNode extends AbstractNode {
    2.71 -
    2.72 -        private final FileObject fileObject;
    2.73 -        private SourceGroup group;
    2.74 -
    2.75 -        public FolderNode(FileObject fileObject, SourceGroup root) {
    2.76 -            super(new FolderContent(fileObject, root), Lookups.singleton(fileObject));
    2.77 -            this.fileObject = fileObject;
    2.78 -            group = root;
    2.79 -        }
    2.80 -
    2.81 -        public FolderNode(FileObject fileObject) {
    2.82 -            super(new FolderContent(fileObject), Lookups.singleton(fileObject));
    2.83 -            this.fileObject = fileObject;
    2.84 -        }
    2.85 -
    2.86 -        public String getDisplayName() {
    2.87 -            if (group != null) {
    2.88 -                return group.getDisplayName();
    2.89 -            } else {
    2.90 -                return fileObject.getName();
    2.91 -            }
    2.92 -        }
    2.93 -
    2.94 -        public Image getIcon(int type) {
    2.95 -
    2.96 -            // XXX how to convert icon to image?
    2.97 -//            if (group != null) {
    2.98 -//                Icon icon  = group.getIcon(false);
    2.99 -//                if (icon != null) {
   2.100 -//                    return icon.
   2.101 -//                }
   2.102 -//            }
   2.103 -
   2.104 -            // XXX how to dynamically get icon (that is subject to L&F)
   2.105 -            if (icons != null) {
   2.106 -                return icons.getIcon(type);
   2.107 -            } else {
   2.108 -                return super.getIcon(type);
   2.109 -            }
   2.110 -        }
   2.111 -
   2.112 -        public Image getOpenedIcon(int type) {
   2.113 -            // XXX how to dynamically get icon (that is subject to L&F)
   2.114 -            if (icons != null) {
   2.115 -                return icons.getOpenedIcon(type);
   2.116 -            } else {
   2.117 -                return super.getOpenedIcon(type);
   2.118 -            }
   2.119 -        }
   2.120 -
   2.121 -        private static class FolderContent extends Children.Keys {
   2.122 -
   2.123 -            private final FileObject fileObject;
   2.124 -	    private final SourceGroup group;
   2.125 -
   2.126 -            public FolderContent(FileObject fileObject) {
   2.127 -	      this(fileObject, null);
   2.128 -	    }
   2.129 -
   2.130 -            public FolderContent(FileObject fileObject, SourceGroup group) {
   2.131 -                this.fileObject = fileObject;
   2.132 -		this.group = group;
   2.133 -            }
   2.134 -
   2.135 -            protected void addNotify() {
   2.136 -                FileObject[] fo = fileObject.getChildren();
   2.137 -                Arrays.sort(fo, new Comparator() {
   2.138 -                    public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
   2.139 -                        return ((FileObject) o1).getNameExt().compareToIgnoreCase(((FileObject) o2).getNameExt());
   2.140 -                    }
   2.141 -                });
   2.142 -                setKeys(Arrays.asList(fo));
   2.143 -            }
   2.144 -
   2.145 -            protected void removeNotify() {
   2.146 -                setKeys(Collections.EMPTY_SET);
   2.147 -            }
   2.148 -
   2.149 -            protected Node[] createNodes(Object key) {
   2.150 -                FileObject fo = (FileObject) key;
   2.151 -                if (fo.isFolder() && (group == null || group.contains(fo))) {
   2.152 -                    return new Node[] {new FolderNode(fo)};
   2.153 -                } else {
   2.154 -                    return new Node[0];
   2.155 -                }
   2.156 -            }
   2.157 +            Choosers.icons = null;
   2.158          }
   2.159      }