authorJesse Glick <jglick@netbeans.org>
Mon, 17 Oct 2011 12:28:25 -0400
changeset 17653791a65dd5289
parent 17652 761f0fd8ec70
child 17654 8cc155456c4e
     1.1 --- a/ant.freeform.samples/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/about.html	Wed Oct 12 15:16:08 2011 -0400
     1.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.3 @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
     1.4 -<html>
     1.5 -    <head>
     1.6 -        <title>Freeform Project Extras</title>
     1.7 -        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
     1.8 -        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
     1.9 -    </head>
    1.10 -    <body>
    1.11 -        <h2>Freeform Project Extras</h2>
    1.12 -        <p>
    1.13 -            This module contains documentation, templates, samples, and tools for
    1.14 -            getting more out of freeform projects. If you are already using
    1.15 -            freeform projects and want to explore their capabilities or handle an
    1.16 -            unusual project setup, this is for you.
    1.17 -        </p>
    1.18 -        <p>
    1.19 -            The IDE’s main help contains introductory information on this project type:
    1.20 -        </p>
    1.21 -        <p>
    1.22 -            <a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/project/proj_free_about.html">About Free-Form Projects</a>
    1.23 -        </p>
    1.24 -        <p>
    1.25 -            For other tips on using freeform projects please see the wiki-based FAQ
    1.26 -            (and feel free to edit these tips or add your own):
    1.27 -        </p>
    1.28 -        <p>
    1.29 -            <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
    1.30 -                <param name="content" value="http://wiki.netbeans.org/wiki/view/NetBeansUserFAQ">
    1.31 -                <param name="text" value="<html><u>http://wiki.netbeans.org/wiki/view/NetBeansUserFAQ</u></html>">
    1.32 -                <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
    1.33 -                <param name="textColor" value="blue">
    1.34 -            </object>
    1.35 -        </p>
    1.36 -    </body>
    1.37 -</html>
     2.1 --- a/ant.freeform.samples/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/custom-commands.html	Wed Oct 12 15:16:08 2011 -0400
     2.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     2.3 @@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
     2.4 -<html>
     2.5 -    <head>
     2.6 -        <title>Freeform Project Extras—Custom Commands</title>
     2.7 -        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
     2.8 -        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
     2.9 -    </head>
    2.10 -    <body>
    2.11 -        <h2>Custom Context-Sensitive Commands</h2>
    2.12 -        <p>
    2.13 -            It is straightforward to add support for custom menu items in the context
    2.14 -            menu of a freeform project’s root node. Just open the project’s <b>Properties</b>
    2.15 -            dialog, and in <b>Build and Run</b> add entries to the <b>Custom Menu Items</b>
    2.16 -            table.
    2.17 -        </p>
    2.18 -        <p>
    2.19 -            It is also not too hard to bind standard context-sensitive actions in the IDE,
    2.20 -            such as <b>Compile File</b> or <b>Run File</b>, to Ant targets. Details:
    2.21 -        </p>
    2.22 -        <p>
    2.23 -            <a href="format-general-actions.html">General Metadata—Actions</a>
    2.24 -        </p>
    2.25 -        <p>
    2.26 -            However on occasion you may wish to create your own context-sensitive actions
    2.27 -            <em>and</em> bind them to targets in one or more freeform projects. This module
    2.28 -            helps you do so:
    2.29 -        </p>
    2.30 -        <ol>
    2.31 -            <li>
    2.32 -                <p>
    2.33 -                    First edit your <code>project.xml</code> and <code>build.xml</code>
    2.34 -                    to include one or more bindings for a new
    2.35 -                    context-sensitive action. Pick any action name you like. For example:
    2.36 -                </p>
    2.37 -                <pre>
    2.38 -&lt;action name="reformat"&gt;
    2.39 -    &lt;target&gt;run-jalopy-on-files&lt;/target&gt;
    2.40 -    &lt;context&gt;
    2.41 -        &lt;property&gt;includes&lt;/property&gt;
    2.42 -        &lt;folder&gt;${src.dir}&lt;/folder&gt;
    2.43 -        &lt;pattern&gt;\.java$&lt;/pattern&gt;
    2.44 -        &lt;format&gt;relative-path&lt;/format&gt;
    2.45 -        &lt;arity&gt;
    2.46 -            &lt;separated-files&gt;,&lt;/separated-files&gt;
    2.47 -        &lt;/arity&gt;
    2.48 -    &lt;/context&gt;
    2.49 -&lt;/action&gt;
    2.50 -                </pre>
    2.51 -                <pre>
    2.52 -&lt;target name="run-jalopy-on-files"&gt;
    2.53 -    &lt;jalopy …options…&gt;
    2.54 -        &lt;fileset dir="${src.dir}" includes="${includes}"/&gt;
    2.55 -    &lt;/jalopy&gt;
    2.56 -&lt;/target&gt;
    2.57 -                </pre>
    2.58 -            </li>
    2.59 -            <li>
    2.60 -                <p>
    2.61 -                    Right-click the project and select <b>Create Custom Command...</b> from the context menu.
    2.62 -                    The <b>Command</b> should be preselected (here, <code>reformat</code>).
    2.63 -                    Choose a display name (e.g. <b>Custom Reformat</b>).
    2.64 -                    Pick a menu (e.g. <b>Source</b>) and position (e.g. <b>Reformat Code ↔ Shift Left</b>).
    2.65 -                    Click <b>Finish</b>.
    2.66 -                </p>
    2.67 -            </li>
    2.68 -            <li>
    2.69 -                <p>
    2.70 -                    Now you should be able to select some Java sources in your project
    2.71 -                    and select <b>Source &gt; Custom Reformat 3 Files</b> to run Jalopy on them.
    2.72 -                </p>
    2.73 -            </li>
    2.74 -            <li>
    2.75 -                <p>
    2.76 -                    You should be able to use <b>Tools &gt; Options &gt; Keymap</b> to add keyboard
    2.77 -                    bindings. To add a toolbar button, find the new action in
    2.78 -                    <b>Tools &gt; Options &gt; Advanced Options &gt; IDE Configuration &gt;
    2.79 -                    Look and Feel &gt; Actions</b>, copy it, and paste to a subfolder of <b>Toolbars</b>.
    2.80 -                </p>
    2.81 -            </li>
    2.82 -        </ol>
    2.83 -        <p>
    2.84 -            This feature should be considered experimental. In particular, there is not yet any way
    2.85 -            to customize the action name or display name once it is created; you will need to delete
    2.86 -            the old action from <b>Menu Bar</b> and rerun the wizard.
    2.87 -        </p>
    2.88 -    </body>
    2.89 -</html>
     3.1 --- a/ant.freeform.samples/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/format-general-actions.html	Wed Oct 12 15:16:08 2011 -0400
     3.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     3.3 @@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
     3.4 -<html>
     3.5 -    <head>
     3.6 -        <title>Freeform Project Extras—General Metadata—Actions</title>
     3.7 -        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
     3.8 -        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
     3.9 -    </head>
    3.10 -    <body>
    3.11 -        <h2>General Metadata—Actions</h2>
    3.12 -        <p>
    3.13 -            <code>&lt;ide-actions&gt;</code> <em>[optional]</em> binds predefined actions in the IDE GUI (e.g. Build
    3.14 -            Project) to Ant targets of your choice. You can make simple bindings to actions
    3.15 -            which take effect on the whole project, as well as "context-aware" bindings that
    3.16 -            let you somehow process particular files which have been selected (in the
    3.17 -            editor, <b>Projects</b> / <b>Files</b> tabs, etc.).
    3.18 -        </p>
    3.19 -        <pre>
    3.20 -&lt;action name="rebuild"&gt;
    3.21 -    &lt;script&gt;${home}/build.xml&lt;/script&gt;
    3.22 -    &lt;target&gt;clean&lt;/target&gt;
    3.23 -    &lt;target&gt;build&lt;/target&gt;
    3.24 -    &lt;property name="set-from-ide"&gt;true&lt;/property&gt;
    3.25 -&lt;/action&gt;
    3.26 -        </pre>
    3.27 -        <p>
    3.28 -            This binds the IDE action <b>Clean and Build Project</b> to targets in the Ant script
    3.29 -            in <code>${home}/build.xml</code>. (Default script if not specified: <code>build.xml</code>, i.e. at top
    3.30 -            level in the project.) <code>&lt;target&gt;</code> may be specified once, or several times (to run
    3.31 -            in sequence), or not at all (to use the default target)—all as on the Ant
    3.32 -            command line. You can use <code>&lt;property&gt;</code> elements to pass some special definitions
    3.33 -            to the target(s), just like <code>-D</code> on the Ant command line.
    3.34 -        </p>
    3.35 -        <pre>
    3.36 -&lt;action name="debug.fix"&gt;
    3.37 -    &lt;target&gt;debug-fix-nb&lt;/target&gt;
    3.38 -    &lt;context&gt;
    3.39 -        &lt;property&gt;fix.file&lt;/property&gt;
    3.40 -        &lt;folder&gt;src&lt;/folder&gt;
    3.41 -        &lt;pattern&gt;\.java$&lt;/pattern&gt;
    3.42 -        &lt;format&gt;relative-path-noext&lt;/format&gt;
    3.43 -        &lt;arity&gt;
    3.44 -            &lt;one-file-only/&gt;
    3.45 -        &lt;/arity&gt;
    3.46 -    &lt;/context&gt;
    3.47 -&lt;/action&gt;
    3.48 -        </pre>
    3.49 -        <p>
    3.50 -            This binds the IDE action <b>Fix</b> (used by the debugger) to a target
    3.51 -            <code>debug-fix-nb</code>. It will be enabled for a selection consisting of one <code>*.java</code> file
    3.52 -            in the project’s <code>src</code> subdirectory (the regular expression must match the
    3.53 -            relative path, using <code>/</code> as a separator, from the root folder); the path to the
    3.54 -            source (in the format <code>org/foo/pkg/Clazz</code> for a file <code>src/org/foo/pkg/Clazz.java</code>)
    3.55 -            will be passed to the target in the property named <code>fix.file</code>.
    3.56 -        </p>
    3.57 -        <p>
    3.58 -            The possible formats are:
    3.59 -        </p>
    3.60 -        <dl>
    3.61 -            <dt><code>absolute-path</code></dt>
    3.62 -            <dd>the full path to the file in native format</dd>
    3.63 -            <dt><code>absolute-path-noext</code></dt>
    3.64 -            <dd>the full path to the file, minus any <code>.ext</code></dd>
    3.65 -            <dt><code>relative-path</code></dt>
    3.66 -            <dd>the relative path from the folder (<code>/</code> separated)</dd>
    3.67 -            <dt><code>relative-path-noext</code></dt>
    3.68 -            <dd>the relative path minus any <code>.ext</code></dd>
    3.69 -            <dt><code>java-name</code></dt>
    3.70 -            <dd>a no-extension path with <code>.</code>, e.g. <code>org.foo.pkg.Clazz</code></dd>
    3.71 -        </dl>
    3.72 -        <p>
    3.73 -            In the special case of the IDE actions <code>run.single.method</code> and <code>debug.single.method</code>
    3.74 -            (supported since NetBeans 6.10), the Ant property <code>method</code> will be set to the method name
    3.75 -            in addition to setting your specified property according to the selected file(s).
    3.76 -        </p>
    3.77 -        <p>
    3.78 -            Currently you can only pass one "context" property at a time, which can be
    3.79 -            cumbersome:
    3.80 -        </p>
    3.81 -        <p>
    3.82 -            <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
    3.83 -                <param name="content" value="http://www.netbeans.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=48079">
    3.84 -                <param name="text" value="<html><u>Issue #48079</u></html>">
    3.85 -                <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
    3.86 -                <param name="textColor" value="blue">
    3.87 -            </object>
    3.88 -        </p>
    3.89 -        <pre>
    3.90 -&lt;action name="compile.single"&gt;
    3.91 -    &lt;target&gt;compile-selected-files&lt;/target&gt;
    3.92 -    &lt;context&gt;
    3.93 -        &lt;property&gt;includes&lt;/property&gt;
    3.94 -        &lt;folder&gt;src&lt;/folder&gt;
    3.95 -        &lt;pattern&gt;\.java$&lt;/pattern&gt;
    3.96 -        &lt;format&gt;relative-path&lt;/format&gt;
    3.97 -        &lt;arity&gt;
    3.98 -            &lt;separated-files&gt;,&lt;/separated-files&gt;
    3.99 -        &lt;/arity&gt;
   3.100 -    &lt;/context&gt;
   3.101 -&lt;/action&gt;
   3.102 -        </pre>
   3.103 -        <p>
   3.104 -            This binds <b>Compile Single</b> to the target <code>compile-selected-files</code>. It will be
   3.105 -            enabled for one or more Java sources in <code>src</code>. The context is equivalent to
   3.106 -            calling command-line Ant something like this:
   3.107 -        </p>
   3.108 -        <pre>
   3.109 -ant -Dincludes=org/foo/pkg/Clazz1.java,org/foo/pkg/Clazz2.java compile-selected-files
   3.110 -        </pre>
   3.111 -        <p>
   3.112 -            Currently you cannot have the action be enabled on a folder (or package):
   3.113 -        </p>
   3.114 -        <p>
   3.115 -            <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
   3.116 -                <param name="content" value="http://www.netbeans.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=53622">
   3.117 -                <param name="text" value="<html><u>Issue #53622</u></html>">
   3.118 -                <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   3.119 -                <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   3.120 -            </object>
   3.121 -        </p>
   3.122 -        <p>
   3.123 -            Common examples of these configurations can be found online:
   3.124 -        </p>
   3.125 -        <p>
   3.126 -            <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
   3.127 -                <param name="content" value="http://netbeans.org/kb/articles/freeform-config.html">
   3.128 -                <param name="text" value="<html><u>http://netbeans.org/kb/articles/freeform-config.html</u></html>">
   3.129 -                <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   3.130 -                <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   3.131 -            </object>
   3.132 -        </p>
   3.133 -        <p>
   3.134 -            The <a href="template-skeletal.html">Skeletal Project Template</a> can also be used
   3.135 -            as a source of examples.
   3.136 -        </p>
   3.137 -        <p>
   3.138 -            For <em>certain</em> commands, the IDE can set up basic bindings and Ant targets
   3.139 -            automatically. For example, try selecting <b>Compile File</b> from the context menu
   3.140 -            of a Java source in your project—if you do not already have a binding for
   3.141 -            <code>compile.single</code>, one will be created for you. (You may have to customize
   3.142 -            the Ant target to exactly match your requirements, but at least you have a starting
   3.143 -            point.) Similarly, you can try selecting <b>Debug Project</b> from the project’s
   3.144 -            context menu to create a <code>debug</code> binding. However, other IDE actions have
   3.145 -            not yet been implemented:
   3.146 -        </p>
   3.147 -        <p>
   3.148 -            <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
   3.149 -                <param name="content" value="http://www.netbeans.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=46886">
   3.150 -                <param name="text" value="<html><u>Issue #46886</u></html>">
   3.151 -                <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   3.152 -                <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   3.153 -            </object>
   3.154 -        </p>
   3.155 -    </body>
   3.156 -</html>
     4.1 --- a/ant.freeform.samples/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/format-general-artifacts.html	Wed Oct 12 15:16:08 2011 -0400
     4.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     4.3 @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
     4.4 -<html>
     4.5 -    <head>
     4.6 -        <title>Freeform Project Extras—General Metadata—Artifacts</title>
     4.7 -        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
     4.8 -        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
     4.9 -    </head>
    4.10 -    <body>
    4.11 -        <h2>General Metadata—Artifacts</h2>
    4.12 -        <p>
    4.13 -            <code>&lt;export&gt;</code> <em>[optional, may be repeated]</em> defines a build product of the project
    4.14 -            that may be seen by other IDE projects or IDE features. Permits this project to
    4.15 -            be used as a subproject of a plain Java project, for example.
    4.16 -        </p>
    4.17 -        <pre>
    4.18 -&lt;export&gt;
    4.19 -    &lt;type&gt;jar&lt;/type&gt;
    4.20 -    &lt;location&gt;${build.dir}/${build.jar}&lt;/location&gt;
    4.21 -    <i>&lt;!-- optional: &lt;script&gt;${home}/build.xml&lt;/script&gt; --&gt;</i>
    4.22 -    &lt;build-target&gt;jar&lt;/build-target&gt;
    4.23 -    &lt;clean-target&gt;clean&lt;/clean-target&gt; <i>&lt;!-- optional --&gt;</i>
    4.24 -&lt;/export&gt;
    4.25 -        </pre>
    4.26 -        <p>
    4.27 -            Declares that the file <code>${build.dir}/${build.jar}</code> is to be exported as a JAR
    4.28 -            build product of this project. (<code>&lt;type&gt;</code> should always be <code>folder</code> or <code>jar</code> for
    4.29 -            use from plain Java projects, but other project types may define other kinds of
    4.30 -            exports.) If used as a subproject of a plain Java project,
    4.31 -            <code>${build.dir}/${build.jar}</code> will be added to the parent project’s classpath;
    4.32 -            <code>build-impl.xml</code> in the parent project will call this project’s <code>build.xml#jar</code> when
    4.33 -            "building dependencies", and <code>build.xml#clean</code> when "cleaning dependencies".
    4.34 -        </p>
    4.35 -    </body>
    4.36 -</html>
     5.1 --- a/ant.freeform.samples/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/format-general-folders.html	Wed Oct 12 15:16:08 2011 -0400
     5.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     5.3 @@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
     5.4 -<html>
     5.5 -    <head>
     5.6 -        <title>Freeform Project Extras—General Metadata—Folders</title>
     5.7 -        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
     5.8 -        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
     5.9 -    </head>
    5.10 -    <body>
    5.11 -        <h2>General Metadata—Folders</h2>
    5.12 -        <p>
    5.13 -            <code>&lt;folders&gt;</code> <em>[optional]</em> enumerates file locations that are "owned" by this project.
    5.14 -        </p>
    5.15 -        <p>
    5.16 -            By default, everything underneath the main project directory (parent of
    5.17 -            <code>nbproject</code>) is owned by this project, unless it is part of a nested project.
    5.18 -            "Ownership" in the IDE can easily be seen by selecting a file in the <b>Projects</b>,
    5.19 -            <b>Files</b>, or <b>Favorites</b> tab and checking the title bar of the main window. A project
    5.20 -            decides how files it owns should be treated for purposes of compilation, etc.
    5.21 -        </p>
    5.22 -        <p>
    5.23 -            Using <code>&lt;folders&gt;</code> you can specify that externally located files are also to be
    5.24 -            owned by this project. Permitted child elements are <code>&lt;source-folder&gt;</code> and
    5.25 -            <code>&lt;build-folder&gt;</code>.
    5.26 -        </p>
    5.27 -        <pre>
    5.28 -&lt;source-folder&gt;
    5.29 -    &lt;label&gt;Project Sources&lt;/label&gt;
    5.30 -    &lt;location&gt;${home}&lt;/location&gt;
    5.31 -&lt;/source-folder&gt;
    5.32 -        </pre>
    5.33 -        <p>
    5.34 -            This specifies that everything under <code>${home}</code> (which must have been defined using
    5.35 -            <code>&lt;properties&gt;</code>, above) is owned by this project. This directory will be displayed
    5.36 -            as e.g. <b>&lt;project name&gt; - Project Sources</b> in the <b>Files</b> tab. If you use <b>File &gt;
    5.37 -            New</b> to add a text file to the project, <code>Project Sources</code> will be offered as a
    5.38 -            possible location.
    5.39 -        </p>
    5.40 -        <pre>
    5.41 -&lt;source-folder&gt;
    5.42 -    &lt;label&gt;Main Java Sources&lt;/label&gt;
    5.43 -    &lt;type&gt;java&lt;/type&gt;
    5.44 -    &lt;location&gt;${home}/java&lt;/location&gt;
    5.45 -&lt;/source-folder&gt;
    5.46 -        </pre>
    5.47 -        <p>
    5.48 -            This specifies that <code>${home}/java</code> should be treated as a folder of Java sources
    5.49 -            arranged in a package structure. <b>File &gt; New</b> will offer this as a choice for
    5.50 -            where to put new Java classes.
    5.51 -        </p>
    5.52 -        <p>
    5.53 -            Note that the <code>/</code> in <code>${home}/java</code> works on Windows as well as Unix, just as in
    5.54 -            Ant; <code>\</code> is permitted and equivalent. Also note that relative paths are resolved
    5.55 -            against the project directory, just as they would be from a <code>build.xml</code> at top
    5.56 -            level using <code>basedir="."</code> (or no explicit basedir).
    5.57 -        </p>
    5.58 -        <p>
    5.59 -            In NetBeans 6.0+, if you use the <code>/2</code> schema (a different namespace), you can also specify
    5.60 -            optional includes and/or excludes (in the usual Ant patternset format) and encoding for given folder, e.g.:
    5.61 -        </p>
    5.62 -        <pre>
    5.63 -&lt;source-folder&gt;
    5.64 -    &lt;label&gt;Main Java Sources&lt;/label&gt;
    5.65 -    &lt;type&gt;java&lt;/type&gt;
    5.66 -    &lt;location&gt;${home}/java&lt;/location&gt;
    5.67 -    &lt;includes&gt;packageOfInterest/&lt;/includes&gt;
    5.68 -    &lt;excludes&gt;**/unusedPackages/&lt;/excludes&gt;
    5.69 -    &lt;encoding&gt;UTF-16&lt;/encoding&gt;
    5.70 -&lt;/source-folder&gt;
    5.71 -        </pre>
    5.72 -        <p>
    5.73 -            The above declaration will show any subpackages of <code>packageOfInterest</code> which do not
    5.74 -            contain <code>unusedPackages</code> as a package component.
    5.75 -        </p>
    5.76 -        <pre>
    5.77 -&lt;build-folder&gt;
    5.78 -    &lt;location&gt;${build}&lt;/location&gt;
    5.79 -&lt;/build-folder&gt;
    5.80 -        </pre>
    5.81 -        <p>
    5.82 -            This specifies that <code>${build}</code> is a folder which contains build products from the
    5.83 -            project. It is thus to be "owned" by the project but not expected to be shared
    5.84 -            with other users (e.g. in version control). Not much used yet, but planned to
    5.85 -            be:
    5.86 -        </p>
    5.87 -        <p>
    5.88 -            <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
    5.89 -                <param name="content" value="http://www.netbeans.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=66597">
    5.90 -                <param name="text" value="<html><u>Issue #66597</u></html>">
    5.91 -                <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
    5.92 -                <param name="textColor" value="blue">
    5.93 -            </object>
    5.94 -        </p>
    5.95 -    </body>
    5.96 -</html>
     6.1 --- a/ant.freeform.samples/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/format-general-name.html	Wed Oct 12 15:16:08 2011 -0400
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     6.3 @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
     6.4 -<html>
     6.5 -    <head>
     6.6 -        <title>Freeform Project Extras—General Metadata—Name</title>
     6.7 -        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
     6.8 -        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
     6.9 -    </head>
    6.10 -    <body>
    6.11 -        <h2>General Metadata—Name</h2>
    6.12 -        <p>
    6.13 -            <code>&lt;name&gt;Stuff&lt;/name&gt;</code> <em>[required]</em> gives a display name for the project will be
    6.14 -            used throughout the IDE.
    6.15 -        </p>
    6.16 -    </body>
    6.17 -</html>
     7.1 --- a/ant.freeform.samples/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/format-general-properties.html	Wed Oct 12 15:16:08 2011 -0400
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     7.3 @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
     7.4 -<html>
     7.5 -    <head>
     7.6 -        <title>Freeform Project Extras—General Metadata—Properties</title>
     7.7 -        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
     7.8 -        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
     7.9 -    </head>
    7.10 -    <body>
    7.11 -        <h2>General Metadata—Properties</h2>
    7.12 -        <p>
    7.13 -            <code>&lt;properties&gt;</code> <em>[optional]</em> defines some Ant properties that can be referenced
    7.14 -            elsewhere in <code>project.xml</code>, using the same <code>${propertyname}</code> syntax as Ant uses.
    7.15 -            There are two kinds of subelements which may occur (order is significant):
    7.16 -        </p>
    7.17 -        <p>
    7.18 -            <code>&lt;property name="key"&gt;value&lt;/property&gt;</code> defines a property <code>key</code> with the value
    7.19 -            <code>value</code>. Similar to Ant <code>&lt;property name="key" value="value"/&gt;</code>. As with Ant, the
    7.20 -            value can use other Ant properties defined earlier in <code>&lt;properties&gt;</code>.
    7.21 -        </p>
    7.22 -        <p>
    7.23 -            <code>&lt;property-file&gt;file.properties&lt;/property-file&gt;</code> loads <code>file.properties</code> for its
    7.24 -            definitions. Similar to Ant <code>&lt;property file="file.properties"/&gt;</code>. The filename can
    7.25 -            use other Ant properties. As with Ant, the definitions in the file can refer to
    7.26 -            other Ant properties defined earlier in <code>&lt;properties&gt;</code>; or even other Ant
    7.27 -            properties defined in <code>file.properties</code> (so long as there is not a cyclic
    7.28 -            definition, of course).
    7.29 -        </p>
    7.30 -        <p>
    7.31 -            Java system properties passed to the IDE are predefined, as in Ant itself.
    7.32 -            Of course it is usually unwise to rely on such variables in portable build scripts.
    7.33 -        </p>
    7.34 -        <p>
    7.35 -            The variable <code>${basedir}</code> (also <code>.</code> in places where a file path is expected)
    7.36 -            is always defined to be the directory containing the <code>nbproject</code> directory, <em>regardless</em>
    7.37 -            of any <code>basedir</code> attribute in your Ant script(s).
    7.38 -            <code>${ant.home}</code> and <code>${ant.core.lib}</code> are also defined.
    7.39 -        </p>
    7.40 -    </body>
    7.41 -</html>
     8.1 --- a/ant.freeform.samples/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/format-general-subprojects.html	Wed Oct 12 15:16:08 2011 -0400
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     8.3 @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
     8.4 -<html>
     8.5 -    <head>
     8.6 -        <title>Freeform Project Extras—General Metadata—Subprojects</title>
     8.7 -        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
     8.8 -        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
     8.9 -    </head>
    8.10 -    <body>
    8.11 -        <h2>General Metadata—Subprojects</h2>
    8.12 -        <p>
    8.13 -            <code>&lt;subprojects&gt;</code> <em>[optional]</em> informs the IDE of other projects which should be
    8.14 -            considered "required projects" for purposes of the <b>Open Required Projects</b>
    8.15 -            context menu item, the checkbox in the <b>Open Project</b> dialog, etc.
    8.16 -        </p>
    8.17 -        <pre>
    8.18 -&lt;subprojects&gt;
    8.19 -    &lt;project&gt;subdir-with-project&lt;/project&gt;
    8.20 -    &lt;project&gt;${other.project.dir}&lt;/project&gt;
    8.21 -&lt;/subprojects&gt;
    8.22 -        </pre>
    8.23 -        <p>
    8.24 -            See also <a href="format-general-view.html"><code>subproject</code> view style</a>.
    8.25 -        </p>
    8.26 -    </body>
    8.27 -</html>
     9.1 --- a/ant.freeform.samples/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/format-general-view.html	Wed Oct 12 15:16:08 2011 -0400
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     9.3 @@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
     9.4 -<html>
     9.5 -    <head>
     9.6 -        <title>Freeform Project Extras—General Metadata—View</title>
     9.7 -        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
     9.8 -        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
     9.9 -    </head>
    9.10 -    <body>
    9.11 -        <h2>General Metadata—View</h2>
    9.12 -        <p>
    9.13 -            <code>&lt;view&gt;</code> <em>[optional]</em> specifies what to show in the <b>Projects</b> tab, in the intended
    9.14 -            order. Entries may be
    9.15 -        </p>
    9.16 -        <pre>
    9.17 -&lt;source-folder style="packages"&gt;
    9.18 -    &lt;label&gt;Sources&lt;/label&gt;
    9.19 -    &lt;location&gt;${src.dir}&lt;/location&gt;
    9.20 -&lt;/source-folder&gt;
    9.21 -        </pre>
    9.22 -        <p>
    9.23 -            Shows a package list view of <code>${src.dir}</code>, labelled <b>Sources</b>. (The label is
    9.24 -            optional; just defaults to folder name without path.)
    9.25 -        </p>
    9.26 -        <pre>
    9.27 -&lt;source-folder style="tree"&gt;
    9.28 -    &lt;label&gt;Docs&lt;/label&gt;
    9.29 -    &lt;location&gt;docs&lt;/location&gt;
    9.30 -&lt;/source-folder&gt;
    9.31 -        </pre>
    9.32 -        <p>
    9.33 -            Shows the subdir <code>docs</code> in a plain tree. Again the label is optional.
    9.34 -        </p>
    9.35 -        <pre>
    9.36 -&lt;source-folder style="packages"&gt;
    9.37 -    &lt;label&gt;Sources&lt;/label&gt;
    9.38 -    &lt;location&gt;${src.dir}&lt;/location&gt;
    9.39 -    &lt;includes&gt;${my.packages}&lt;/includes&gt;
    9.40 -&lt;/source-folder&gt;
    9.41 -        </pre>
    9.42 -        <p>
    9.43 -            (NetBeans 6.0+ only, with <code>/2</code> namespace.)
    9.44 -            Shows a package list view of <code>${src.dir}</code>. Only classes matching the
    9.45 -            pattern given by <code>${my.packages}</code> (Ant format) will be shown.
    9.46 -            Similar to includes and/or excludes in <code>source-folder</code>.
    9.47 -        </p>
    9.48 -        <pre>
    9.49 -&lt;source-folder style="subproject"&gt;
    9.50 -    &lt;location&gt;mylib&lt;/location&gt;
    9.51 -&lt;/source-folder&gt;
    9.52 -        </pre>
    9.53 -        <p>
    9.54 -            (NetBeans 6.0+ only.)
    9.55 -            Shows a node corresponding to the project located at <code>mylib</code>.
    9.56 -            The user can open that project from the context menu.
    9.57 -            (The label is optional, defaulting to the project's display name.)
    9.58 -            See also <a href="format-general-subprojects.html">subprojects</a>.
    9.59 -        </p>
    9.60 -        <pre>
    9.61 -&lt;source-file&gt;
    9.62 -    &lt;label&gt;Build Script&lt;/label&gt;
    9.63 -    &lt;location&gt;build.xml&lt;/location&gt;
    9.64 -&lt;/source-file&gt;
    9.65 -        </pre>
    9.66 -        <p>
    9.67 -            Shows <code>build.xml</code>. Again the label is optional (defaults to
    9.68 -            file name without path).
    9.69 -        </p>
    9.70 -        <p>
    9.71 -            After view items you may specify project-specific context menu items for the
    9.72 -            project’s root node:
    9.73 -        </p>
    9.74 -        <pre>
    9.75 -&lt;context-menu&gt;
    9.76 -    &lt;ide-action name="build"/&gt;
    9.77 -    &lt;ide-action name="clean"/&gt;
    9.78 -    &lt;ide-action name="rebuild"/&gt;
    9.79 -    &lt;separator/&gt;
    9.80 -    &lt;action&gt;
    9.81 -        <i>&lt;!-- optional: &lt;script&gt;build.xml&lt;/script --&gt;</i>
    9.82 -        &lt;label&gt;Format Sources&lt;/label&gt;
    9.83 -        &lt;target&gt;jalopy&lt;/target&gt;
    9.84 -        <i>&lt;!-- optional: &lt;property name="…"&gt;…&lt;/property&gt; --&gt;</i>
    9.85 -    &lt;/action&gt;
    9.86 -&lt;/context-menu&gt;
    9.87 -        </pre>
    9.88 -        <p>
    9.89 -            The <code>&lt;ide-action&gt;</code>s must refer to context-free predefined actions:
    9.90 -        </p>
    9.91 -        <p>
    9.92 -            <a href="format-general-actions.html">General Metadata—Actions</a>
    9.93 -        </p>
    9.94 -        <p>
    9.95 -            For the rest you can specify an action inline by just giving a label and an Ant target.
    9.96 -        </p>
    9.97 -    </body>
    9.98 -</html>
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    10.4 -<html>
    10.5 -    <head>
    10.6 -        <title>Freeform Project Extras—General Metadata</title>
    10.7 -        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    10.8 -        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    10.9 -    </head>
   10.10 -    <body>
   10.11 -        <h2>General Metadata</h2>
   10.12 -        <p>
   10.13 -            <code>&lt;general-data xmlns="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/freeform-project/1"&gt;</code>
   10.14 -        </p>
   10.15 -        <p>
   10.16 -            This is the main section for the project, and it is mandatory.
   10.17 -        </p>
   10.18 -        <p>
   10.19 -            In NetBeans 6.0+, you can also use a new format which supports setting includes and excludes:
   10.20 -        </p>
   10.21 -        <p>
   10.22 -            <code>&lt;general-data xmlns="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/freeform-project/2"&gt;</code>
   10.23 -        </p>
   10.24 -    </body>
   10.25 -</html>
    11.1 --- a/ant.freeform.samples/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/format-intro.html	Wed Oct 12 15:16:08 2011 -0400
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    11.3 @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
    11.4 -<!-- See http://www.netbeans.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=57757 -->
    11.5 -<html>
    11.6 -    <head>
    11.7 -        <title>Freeform Project Extras—Metadata</title>
    11.8 -        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    11.9 -        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   11.10 -    </head>
   11.11 -    <body>
   11.12 -        <h2>Freeform Project Metadata</h2>
   11.13 -        <p>
   11.14 -            In the NetBeans IDE version 4.0 and later, you may create projects <b>…with Existing Ant
   11.15 -            Script</b>, henceforth <dfn>freeform</dfn> projects. While there are several <b>New Project</b>
   11.16 -            wizards they all create the same kind of project, just with different initial
   11.17 -            configuration.
   11.18 -        </p>
   11.19 -        <p>
   11.20 -            For many purposes the IDE’s graphical user interface will suffice to
   11.21 -            create and use this project type. However, you may need to do some
   11.22 -            manual customizations to the project in areas where the IDE’s
   11.23 -            GUI does not yet support you; a variety of common tasks can be performed using
   11.24 -            the instructions given here:
   11.25 -        </p>
   11.26 -        <p>
   11.27 -            <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
   11.28 -                <param name="content" value="http://www.netbeans.org/kb/55/freeform-config.html">
   11.29 -                <param name="text" value="<html><u>http://www.netbeans.org/kb/55/freeform-config.html</u></html>">
   11.30 -                <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   11.31 -                <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   11.32 -            </object>
   11.33 -        </p>
   11.34 -        <p>
   11.35 -            The following pages tries to explain the configuration format of freeform projects in
   11.36 -            detail, for those who need to do more advanced things.
   11.37 -        </p>
   11.38 -    </body>
   11.39 -</html>
    12.1 --- a/ant.freeform.samples/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/format-j2ee.html	Wed Oct 12 15:16:08 2011 -0400
    12.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    12.3 @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
    12.4 -<html>
    12.5 -    <head>
    12.6 -        <title>Freeform Project Extras—J2EE Metadata</title>
    12.7 -        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    12.8 -        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    12.9 -    </head>
   12.10 -    <body>
   12.11 -        <h2>J2EE-Specific Metadata</h2>
   12.12 -        <p>
   12.13 -            <code>&lt;web-data xmlns="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/freeform-project-web/1"&gt;</code>
   12.14 -        </p>
   12.15 -        <p>
   12.16 -            Defines information about J2EE web modules (WARs) built from this project.
   12.17 -        </p>
   12.18 -        <p>
   12.19 -            <code>&lt;web-module&gt;</code> declares one web module.
   12.20 -        </p>
   12.21 -        <p>
   12.22 -            <strong>Need explanation!</strong>
   12.23 -        </p>
   12.24 -        <p>
   12.25 -            <code>&lt;ejb-data xmlns="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/freeform-project-ejb/1"&gt;</code>
   12.26 -        </p>
   12.27 -        <p>
   12.28 -            Defines information about J2EE EJB modules (EJB-JARs) built from this project.
   12.29 -        </p>
   12.30 -        <p>
   12.31 -            <code>&lt;ejb-module&gt;</code> declares one EJB module.
   12.32 -        </p>
   12.33 -        <p>
   12.34 -            <strong>Need explanation!</strong>
   12.35 -        </p>
   12.36 -    </body>
   12.37 -</html>
    13.1 --- a/ant.freeform.samples/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/format-java.html	Wed Oct 12 15:16:08 2011 -0400
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    13.3 @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
    13.4 -<html>
    13.5 -    <head>
    13.6 -        <title>Freeform Project Extras—Java Metadata</title>
    13.7 -        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    13.8 -        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    13.9 -    </head>
   13.10 -    <body>
   13.11 -        <h2>Java-Specific Metadata</h2>
   13.12 -        <p>
   13.13 -            <code>&lt;java-data xmlns="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/freeform-project-java/2"&gt;</code>
   13.14 -        </p>
   13.15 -        <p>
   13.16 -            This section describes any Java-language-specific aspects of the project.
   13.17 -            <code>http://www.netbeans.org/ns/freeform-project-java/1</code> can be used as well, for
   13.18 -            compatibility with older IDE versions, but lacks some features; refer to the
   13.19 -            schemas for details.
   13.20 -        </p>
   13.21 -        <p>
   13.22 -            <code>&lt;compilation-unit&gt;</code> can be listed one or more times
   13.23 -            in the <code>&lt;java-data&gt;</code> section.
   13.24 -            A <dfn>compilation unit</dfn> is a collection of Java source roots which
   13.25 -            are compiled at once and share the same classpath and other attributes.
   13.26 -        </p>
   13.27 -        <pre>
   13.28 -&lt;compilation-unit&gt;
   13.29 -    &lt;package-root&gt;${src.dir}&lt;/package-root&gt;
   13.30 -    &lt;classpath mode="compile"&gt;${lib.dir}/x.jar:${lib.dir}/y.jar&lt;/classpath&gt;
   13.31 -    &lt;built-to&gt;${classes.dir}&lt;/built-to&gt;
   13.32 -    &lt;built-to&gt;${jar.file}&lt;/built-to&gt;
   13.33 -    &lt;javadoc-built-to&gt;${javadoc.dir}&lt;/javadoc-built-to&gt;
   13.34 -    &lt;source-level&gt;1.5&lt;/source-level&gt;
   13.35 -&lt;/compilation-unit&gt;
   13.36 -        </pre>
   13.37 -        <p>
   13.38 -            Declares that the directory named by <code>${src.dir}</code> contains Java sources. They are
   13.39 -            expected to be compiled using the named classpath (as usual, <code>/</code> and <code>\</code> can be
   13.40 -            used interchangeably, as can <code>:</code> and <code>;</code>), so the IDE can offer code completion
   13.41 -            and other features accordingly.
   13.42 -        </p>
   13.43 -        <p>
   13.44 -            The classes will be compiled to the directory
   13.45 -            <code>${classes.dir}</code> and later packed into <code>${jar.file}</code>, so any other project using
   13.46 -            either of these locations in its classpath will show sources from <code>${src.dir}</code> in
   13.47 -            code completion, <b>Go to Source</b>, etc.
   13.48 -        </p>
   13.49 -        <p>
   13.50 -            Javadoc may be built to the directory
   13.51 -            <code>${javadoc.dir}</code>, so if other projects use this source root, and <code>${javadoc.dir}</code>
   13.52 -            exists, it may be used in Javadoc search.
   13.53 -        </p>
   13.54 -        <p>
   13.55 -            The sources are to be compiled with
   13.56 -            <code>-source 1.5</code>, i.e. they may contain generics and other JDK 5 language features.
   13.57 -        </p>
   13.58 -        <p>
   13.59 -            It is important to specify an accurate <code>&lt;built-to&gt;</code> (available in the <b>Properties</b> dialog
   13.60 -            in the <b>Output</b> tab) <em>even if no other code compiles against the output</em>. This is because
   13.61 -            the IDE’s background Java parser can run much faster on large source trees when most of the classes have
   13.62 -            been compiled already and it knows where they are.
   13.63 -        </p>
   13.64 -    </body>
   13.65 -</html>
    14.1 --- a/ant.freeform.samples/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/format-overview.html	Wed Oct 12 15:16:08 2011 -0400
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    14.3 @@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
    14.4 -<html>
    14.5 -    <head>
    14.6 -        <title>Freeform Project Extras—Metadata Overview</title>
    14.7 -        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    14.8 -        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    14.9 -    </head>
   14.10 -    <body>
   14.11 -        <h2>Metadata Overview</h2>
   14.12 -        <p>
   14.13 -            A freeform project is defined to be a directory containing a subdirectory named
   14.14 -            <code>nbproject</code> inside of which is a file <code>project.xml</code> matching the pattern
   14.15 -        </p>
   14.16 -        <pre>
   14.17 -&lt;project xmlns="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/project/1"&gt;
   14.18 -    &lt;type&gt;org.netbeans.modules.ant.freeform&lt;/type&gt;
   14.19 -    &lt;configuration&gt;
   14.20 -        <i>&lt;!-- metadata blocks … --&gt;</i>
   14.21 -    &lt;/configuration&gt;
   14.22 -&lt;/project&gt;
   14.23 -        </pre>
   14.24 -        <p>
   14.25 -            The metadata blocks must consist of at least a <code>&lt;general-data&gt;</code> section, and
   14.26 -            possibly some domain-specific sections such as <code>&lt;java-data&gt;</code> in different
   14.27 -            namespaces. The currently available XML schemas for validation are as follows:
   14.28 -        </p>
   14.29 -        <ul>
   14.30 -            <li>
   14.31 -                <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
   14.32 -                    <param name="content" value="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/freeform-project/1.xsd">
   14.33 -                    <param name="text" value="<html><u>http://www.netbeans.org/ns/freeform-project/1.xsd</u></html>">
   14.34 -                    <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   14.35 -                    <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   14.36 -                </object>
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   14.38 -            <li>
   14.39 -                <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
   14.40 -                    <param name="content" value="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/freeform-project/2.xsd">
   14.41 -                    <param name="text" value="<html><u>http://www.netbeans.org/ns/freeform-project/2.xsd</u></html>">
   14.42 -                    <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   14.43 -                    <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   14.44 -                </object>
   14.45 -            </li>
   14.46 -            <li>
   14.47 -                <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
   14.48 -                    <param name="content" value="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/freeform-project-java/1.xsd">
   14.49 -                    <param name="text" value="<html><u>http://www.netbeans.org/ns/freeform-project-java/1.xsd</u></html>">
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   14.51 -                    <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   14.52 -                </object>
   14.53 -            </li>
   14.54 -            <li>
   14.55 -                <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
   14.56 -                    <param name="content" value="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/freeform-project-java/2.xsd">
   14.57 -                    <param name="text" value="<html><u>http://www.netbeans.org/ns/freeform-project-java/2.xsd</u></html>">
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   14.60 -                </object>
   14.61 -            </li>
   14.62 -            <li>
   14.63 -                <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
   14.64 -                    <param name="content" value="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/freeform-project-web/1.xsd">
   14.65 -                    <param name="text" value="<html><u>http://www.netbeans.org/ns/freeform-project-web/1.xsd</u></html>">
   14.66 -                    <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   14.67 -                    <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   14.68 -                </object>
   14.69 -            </li>
   14.70 -            <li>
   14.71 -                <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
   14.72 -                    <param name="content" value="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/freeform-project-ejb/1.xsd">
   14.73 -                    <param name="text" value="<html><u>http://www.netbeans.org/ns/freeform-project-ejb/1.xsd</u></html>">
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   14.75 -                    <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   14.76 -                </object>
   14.77 -            </li>
   14.78 -        </ul>
   14.79 -        <p>
   14.80 -            Revisions of schemas are marked numerically, so <code>…/freeform-project-java/2.xsd</code>
   14.81 -            is an updated variant of <code>…/freeform-project-java/1.xsd</code>. The namespaces defined
   14.82 -            by the schemas are the same as the above URLs but without the <code>.xsd</code> suffix.
   14.83 -        </p>
   14.84 -        <p>
   14.85 -            Other than <code>project.xml</code>, there is no mandatory layout for a freeform project
   14.86 -            (hence its name!). It is common for there to be an Ant build script named
   14.87 -            <code>build.xml</code> at top level but this is not required.
   14.88 -        </p>
   14.89 -        <p>
   14.90 -            The behavior of the project inside the IDE is controlled by the contents of
   14.91 -            <code>project.xml</code>, together with any other files referenced by it. The permitted
   14.92 -            metadata sections are described in turn, followed by "best-practices"
   14.93 -            recommendations on how the complete project should be structured.
   14.94 -        </p>
   14.95 -    </body>
   14.96 -</html>
    15.1 --- a/ant.freeform.samples/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/format-recommendations.html	Wed Oct 12 15:16:08 2011 -0400
    15.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    15.3 @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
    15.4 -<html>
    15.5 -    <head>
    15.6 -        <title>Freeform Project Extras—Best Practices</title>
    15.7 -        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    15.8 -        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    15.9 -    </head>
   15.10 -    <body>
   15.11 -        <h2>Metadata Best Practices</h2>
   15.12 -        <p>
   15.13 -            The first thing to keep in mind is that a freeform <code>project.xml</code> does not
   15.14 -            determine <em>how</em> a project is built or run—that is done by an Ant script. The
   15.15 -            <code>project.xml</code> <em>declares</em> to the IDE what the project contains and produces, and
   15.16 -            which parts of the Ant script should be exposed in the IDE’s GUI to the
   15.17 -            developer. So you should always start by writing a well-structured and flexible
   15.18 -            Ant script that does what you want it to do (either on the command line or by
   15.19 -            invoking targets from the IDE). Then you can create a freeform project wrapper
   15.20 -            that presents the project in an attractive and efficient way and lets IDE
   15.21 -            features such as code completion work the way you expect.
   15.22 -        </p>
   15.23 -        <p>
   15.24 -            Ant properties can be used to good effect in your <code>project.xml</code>. Typically you
   15.25 -            will have some property definitions which are contained in one or more
   15.26 -            <code>*.properties</code> files and will define important aspects of the project, such as JAR
   15.27 -            files to include in the classpath, build locations, etc. The Ant script can load
   15.28 -            these properties files and the IDE can too. If you need to make configuration
   15.29 -            changes, make them in the properties files—the Ant build will honor them and
   15.30 -            the IDE should as well.
   15.31 -        </p>
   15.32 -        <p>
   15.33 -            You can study the <a href="template-anagram.html">Anagram Sample Project Pair</a> as an example
   15.34 -            of how to bring all of these things together into a complete project that works well both inside
   15.35 -            and outside the IDE.
   15.36 -        </p>
   15.37 -        <p>
   15.38 -            <strong>More needs to be written here.</strong>
   15.39 -        </p>
   15.40 -    </body>
   15.41 -</html>
    16.1 --- a/ant.freeform.samples/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/hs.xml	Wed Oct 12 15:16:08 2011 -0400
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    18.3 @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
    18.4 -<html>
    18.5 -    <head>
    18.6 -        <title>Freeform Project Extras—Anagram Sample</title>
    18.7 -        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    18.8 -        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    18.9 -    </head>
   18.10 -    <body>
   18.11 -        <h2>Anagram Sample Project Pair</h2>
   18.12 -        <p>
   18.13 -            This wizard creates a pair of freeform projects which together implement the
   18.14 -            same application as the IDE’s standard <b>Anagram Game</b> project sample.
   18.15 -            One project holds a nonvisual library (with accompanying unit tests), and the
   18.16 -            other project depends on the library and contains a runnable Swing-based GUI.
   18.17 -        </p>
   18.18 -        <p>
   18.19 -            The main point of interest for this sample beyond what is available in the
   18.20 -            <a href="template-skeletal.html">Skeletal Project Template</a> is that you
   18.21 -            can see an interproject dependency in action, working much like dependencies
   18.22 -            between regular Java projects:
   18.23 -        </p>
   18.24 -        <ol>
   18.25 -            <li>
   18.26 -                <p>
   18.27 -                    Building the GUI project automatically builds the library project as well.
   18.28 -                </p>
   18.29 -            </li>
   18.30 -            <li>
   18.31 -                <p>
   18.32 -                    The classes built by the library project are included in the classpath of
   18.33 -                    the GUI project; code completion, <b>Go to Source</b>, and other IDE features
   18.34 -                    work across the projects as you would expect.
   18.35 -                </p>
   18.36 -            </li>
   18.37 -            <li>
   18.38 -                <p>
   18.39 -                    The library project is treated as a subproject of the GUI project for purposes
   18.40 -                    of <b>Open Project</b> and <b>Open Required Projects</b>.
   18.41 -                </p>
   18.42 -            </li>
   18.43 -        </ol>
   18.44 -    </body>
   18.45 -</html>
    19.1 --- a/ant.freeform.samples/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/template-empty.html	Wed Oct 12 15:16:08 2011 -0400
    19.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    19.3 @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
    19.4 -<!-- Cf. issue #49029 -->
    19.5 -<html>
    19.6 -    <head>
    19.7 -        <title>Freeform Project Extras—Empty Project</title>
    19.8 -        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    19.9 -        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   19.10 -    </head>
   19.11 -    <body>
   19.12 -        <h2>Empty Project Template</h2>
   19.13 -        <p>
   19.14 -            This bare-bones project template just creates a minimal
   19.15 -            <code>nbproject/project.xml</code>. No Ant build script is created.
   19.16 -            In fact the "project" does not really do anything; it is essentially
   19.17 -            a placeholder for some files that you can open and close like a project
   19.18 -            for convenience, rather than using the <b>Favorites</b> tab.
   19.19 -        </p>
   19.20 -        <p>
   19.21 -            You might use this template to create a non-code project to hold design
   19.22 -            documents or similar files. If you actually want an Ant-based freeform
   19.23 -            project, but want to use your own custom project skeleton (e.g. based on
   19.24 -            company-mandated build scripts or source structures), take a look at:
   19.25 -        </p>
   19.26 -        <p>
   19.27 -            <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
   19.28 -                <param name="content" value="http://www.netbeans.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=49646">
   19.29 -                <param name="text" value="<html><u>Issue #49646</u></html>">
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   19.31 -                <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   19.32 -            </object>
   19.33 -        </p>
   19.34 -        <p>
   19.35 -            <a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.apisupport.project/org/netbeans/modules/apisupport/project/docs/create_plugin/filelevel_create/about_project_templates.html">About Project Templates</a>
   19.36 -            (requires use of NetBeans plug-in module development support, but is very flexible)
   19.37 -        </p>
   19.38 -    </body>
   19.39 -</html>
    20.1 --- a/ant.freeform.samples/javahelp/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/template-skeletal.html	Wed Oct 12 15:16:08 2011 -0400
    20.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    20.3 @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
    20.4 -<html>
    20.5 -    <head>
    20.6 -        <title>Freeform Project Extras—Skeletal Project</title>
    20.7 -        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    20.8 -        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    20.9 -    </head>
   20.10 -    <body>
   20.11 -        <h2>Skeletal Project Template</h2>
   20.12 -        <p>
   20.13 -            This project creates an empty but fully configured freeform project with
   20.14 -            most of the same capabilities as a regular Java project. For example, you
   20.15 -            can compile and run the project or individual classes with a <code>main</code> method,
   20.16 -            compile and run JUnit tests individually or together, build Javadoc, debug the project
   20.17 -            or JUnit tests (including <b>Run &gt; Apply Code Changes</b>!), and run the NetBeans
   20.18 -            Profiler on your code. In addition, you can add this project as a subproject of any
   20.19 -            regular Java project and have everything work as expected.
   20.20 -        </p>
   20.21 -        <p>
   20.22 -            Unlike a regular Java project, the <b>Properties</b> dialog is the same as for any
   20.23 -            freeform project, i.e. it only <em>describes</em> how the project works. If you wish
   20.24 -            to customize the behavior of any targets, you may simply edit the Ant scripts, or
   20.25 -            edit configuration in <code>build.properties</code>. There is not currently any way
   20.26 -            to get a <b>Properties</b> dialog that works like that for a regular Java project:
   20.27 -        </p>
   20.28 -        <p>
   20.29 -            <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
   20.30 -                <param name="content" value="http://www.netbeans.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=46485">
   20.31 -                <param name="text" value="<html><u>Issue #46485</u></html>">
   20.32 -                <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   20.33 -                <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   20.34 -            </object>
   20.35 -        </p>
   20.36 -        <p>
   20.37 -            This template is also a great way to understand how to make customizations to your own
   20.38 -            existing freeform project to support various actions. To explore the implementation, look
   20.39 -            in <code>project.xml</code> for IDE bindings; <code>build.properties</code> for configuration;
   20.40 -            <code>build.xml</code> for basic targets; <code>file-targets.xml</code> for targets which
   20.41 -            apply to a specific file selection rather than the whole project; and <code>netbeans-targets.xml</code>
   20.42 -            for special targets which can only be run inside the NetBeans IDE and serve to integrate Ant
   20.43 -            functionality with the rest of the IDE.
   20.44 -        </p>
   20.45 -    </body>
   20.46 -</html>
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   21.10 -            <tocitem text="Skeletal" target="org.netbeans.modules.ant.freeform.samples.template-skeletal"/>
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   21.12 -        </tocitem>
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   21.14 -        <tocitem text="Project Format Reference" target="org.netbeans.modules.ant.freeform.samples.format-intro">
   21.15 -            <tocitem text="Format Overview" target="org.netbeans.modules.ant.freeform.samples.format-overview"/>
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   21.18 -                <tocitem text="Ant Properties" target="org.netbeans.modules.ant.freeform.samples.format-general-properties"/>
   21.19 -                <tocitem text="Source and Build Folders" target="org.netbeans.modules.ant.freeform.samples.format-general-folders"/>
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   21.26 -            <tocitem text="J2EE-Specific Metadata" target="org.netbeans.modules.ant.freeform.samples.format-j2ee"/>
   21.27 -            <tocitem text="Best Practices" target="org.netbeans.modules.ant.freeform.samples.format-recommendations"/>
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   24.17                      <build-prerequisite/>
   24.18                      <compile-dependency/>
    25.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    25.2 +++ b/ant.freeform.samples/src/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/about.html	Mon Oct 17 12:28:25 2011 -0400
    25.3 @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
    25.4 +<html>
    25.5 +    <head>
    25.6 +        <title>Freeform Project Extras</title>
    25.7 +        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    25.8 +        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    25.9 +    </head>
   25.10 +    <body>
   25.11 +        <h2>Freeform Project Extras</h2>
   25.12 +        <p>
   25.13 +            This module contains documentation, templates, samples, and tools for
   25.14 +            getting more out of freeform projects. If you are already using
   25.15 +            freeform projects and want to explore their capabilities or handle an
   25.16 +            unusual project setup, this is for you.
   25.17 +        </p>
   25.18 +        <p>
   25.19 +            The IDE’s main help contains introductory information on this project type:
   25.20 +        </p>
   25.21 +        <p>
   25.22 +            <a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.usersguide/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/project/proj_free_about.html">About Free-Form Projects</a>
   25.23 +        </p>
   25.24 +        <p>
   25.25 +            For other tips on using freeform projects please see the wiki-based FAQ
   25.26 +            (and feel free to edit these tips or add your own):
   25.27 +        </p>
   25.28 +        <p>
   25.29 +            <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
   25.30 +                <param name="content" value="http://wiki.netbeans.org/wiki/view/NetBeansUserFAQ">
   25.31 +                <param name="text" value="<html><u>http://wiki.netbeans.org/wiki/view/NetBeansUserFAQ</u></html>">
   25.32 +                <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   25.33 +                <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   25.34 +            </object>
   25.35 +        </p>
   25.36 +    </body>
   25.37 +</html>
    26.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    26.2 +++ b/ant.freeform.samples/src/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/custom-commands.html	Mon Oct 17 12:28:25 2011 -0400
    26.3 @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
    26.4 +<html>
    26.5 +    <head>
    26.6 +        <title>Freeform Project Extras—Custom Commands</title>
    26.7 +        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    26.8 +        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    26.9 +    </head>
   26.10 +    <body>
   26.11 +        <h2>Custom Context-Sensitive Commands</h2>
   26.12 +        <p>
   26.13 +            It is straightforward to add support for custom menu items in the context
   26.14 +            menu of a freeform project’s root node. Just open the project’s <b>Properties</b>
   26.15 +            dialog, and in <b>Build and Run</b> add entries to the <b>Custom Menu Items</b>
   26.16 +            table.
   26.17 +        </p>
   26.18 +        <p>
   26.19 +            It is also not too hard to bind standard context-sensitive actions in the IDE,
   26.20 +            such as <b>Compile File</b> or <b>Run File</b>, to Ant targets. Details:
   26.21 +        </p>
   26.22 +        <p>
   26.23 +            <a href="format-general-actions.html">General Metadata—Actions</a>
   26.24 +        </p>
   26.25 +        <p>
   26.26 +            However on occasion you may wish to create your own context-sensitive actions
   26.27 +            <em>and</em> bind them to targets in one or more freeform projects. This module
   26.28 +            helps you do so:
   26.29 +        </p>
   26.30 +        <ol>
   26.31 +            <li>
   26.32 +                <p>
   26.33 +                    First edit your <code>project.xml</code> and <code>build.xml</code>
   26.34 +                    to include one or more bindings for a new
   26.35 +                    context-sensitive action. Pick any action name you like. For example:
   26.36 +                </p>
   26.37 +                <pre>
   26.38 +&lt;action name="reformat"&gt;
   26.39 +    &lt;target&gt;run-jalopy-on-files&lt;/target&gt;
   26.40 +    &lt;context&gt;
   26.41 +        &lt;property&gt;includes&lt;/property&gt;
   26.42 +        &lt;folder&gt;${src.dir}&lt;/folder&gt;
   26.43 +        &lt;pattern&gt;\.java$&lt;/pattern&gt;
   26.44 +        &lt;format&gt;relative-path&lt;/format&gt;
   26.45 +        &lt;arity&gt;
   26.46 +            &lt;separated-files&gt;,&lt;/separated-files&gt;
   26.47 +        &lt;/arity&gt;
   26.48 +    &lt;/context&gt;
   26.49 +&lt;/action&gt;
   26.50 +                </pre>
   26.51 +                <pre>
   26.52 +&lt;target name="run-jalopy-on-files"&gt;
   26.53 +    &lt;jalopy …options…&gt;
   26.54 +        &lt;fileset dir="${src.dir}" includes="${includes}"/&gt;
   26.55 +    &lt;/jalopy&gt;
   26.56 +&lt;/target&gt;
   26.57 +                </pre>
   26.58 +            </li>
   26.59 +            <li>
   26.60 +                <p>
   26.61 +                    Right-click the project and select <b>Create Custom Command...</b> from the context menu.
   26.62 +                    The <b>Command</b> should be preselected (here, <code>reformat</code>).
   26.63 +                    Choose a display name (e.g. <b>Custom Reformat</b>).
   26.64 +                    Pick a menu (e.g. <b>Source</b>) and position (e.g. <b>Reformat Code ↔ Shift Left</b>).
   26.65 +                    Click <b>Finish</b>.
   26.66 +                </p>
   26.67 +            </li>
   26.68 +            <li>
   26.69 +                <p>
   26.70 +                    Now you should be able to select some Java sources in your project
   26.71 +                    and select <b>Source &gt; Custom Reformat 3 Files</b> to run Jalopy on them.
   26.72 +                </p>
   26.73 +            </li>
   26.74 +            <li>
   26.75 +                <p>
   26.76 +                    You should be able to use <b>Tools &gt; Options &gt; Keymap</b> to add keyboard
   26.77 +                    bindings. To add a toolbar button, find the new action in
   26.78 +                    <b>Tools &gt; Options &gt; Advanced Options &gt; IDE Configuration &gt;
   26.79 +                    Look and Feel &gt; Actions</b>, copy it, and paste to a subfolder of <b>Toolbars</b>.
   26.80 +                </p>
   26.81 +            </li>
   26.82 +        </ol>
   26.83 +        <p>
   26.84 +            This feature should be considered experimental. In particular, there is not yet any way
   26.85 +            to customize the action name or display name once it is created; you will need to delete
   26.86 +            the old action from <b>Menu Bar</b> and rerun the wizard.
   26.87 +        </p>
   26.88 +    </body>
   26.89 +</html>
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    27.2 +++ b/ant.freeform.samples/src/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/format-general-actions.html	Mon Oct 17 12:28:25 2011 -0400
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    27.4 +<html>
    27.5 +    <head>
    27.6 +        <title>Freeform Project Extras—General Metadata—Actions</title>
    27.7 +        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    27.8 +        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    27.9 +    </head>
   27.10 +    <body>
   27.11 +        <h2>General Metadata—Actions</h2>
   27.12 +        <p>
   27.13 +            <code>&lt;ide-actions&gt;</code> <em>[optional]</em> binds predefined actions in the IDE GUI (e.g. Build
   27.14 +            Project) to Ant targets of your choice. You can make simple bindings to actions
   27.15 +            which take effect on the whole project, as well as "context-aware" bindings that
   27.16 +            let you somehow process particular files which have been selected (in the
   27.17 +            editor, <b>Projects</b> / <b>Files</b> tabs, etc.).
   27.18 +        </p>
   27.19 +        <pre>
   27.20 +&lt;action name="rebuild"&gt;
   27.21 +    &lt;script&gt;${home}/build.xml&lt;/script&gt;
   27.22 +    &lt;target&gt;clean&lt;/target&gt;
   27.23 +    &lt;target&gt;build&lt;/target&gt;
   27.24 +    &lt;property name="set-from-ide"&gt;true&lt;/property&gt;
   27.25 +&lt;/action&gt;
   27.26 +        </pre>
   27.27 +        <p>
   27.28 +            This binds the IDE action <b>Clean and Build Project</b> to targets in the Ant script
   27.29 +            in <code>${home}/build.xml</code>. (Default script if not specified: <code>build.xml</code>, i.e. at top
   27.30 +            level in the project.) <code>&lt;target&gt;</code> may be specified once, or several times (to run
   27.31 +            in sequence), or not at all (to use the default target)—all as on the Ant
   27.32 +            command line. You can use <code>&lt;property&gt;</code> elements to pass some special definitions
   27.33 +            to the target(s), just like <code>-D</code> on the Ant command line.
   27.34 +        </p>
   27.35 +        <pre>
   27.36 +&lt;action name="debug.fix"&gt;
   27.37 +    &lt;target&gt;debug-fix-nb&lt;/target&gt;
   27.38 +    &lt;context&gt;
   27.39 +        &lt;property&gt;fix.file&lt;/property&gt;
   27.40 +        &lt;folder&gt;src&lt;/folder&gt;
   27.41 +        &lt;pattern&gt;\.java$&lt;/pattern&gt;
   27.42 +        &lt;format&gt;relative-path-noext&lt;/format&gt;
   27.43 +        &lt;arity&gt;
   27.44 +            &lt;one-file-only/&gt;
   27.45 +        &lt;/arity&gt;
   27.46 +    &lt;/context&gt;
   27.47 +&lt;/action&gt;
   27.48 +        </pre>
   27.49 +        <p>
   27.50 +            This binds the IDE action <b>Fix</b> (used by the debugger) to a target
   27.51 +            <code>debug-fix-nb</code>. It will be enabled for a selection consisting of one <code>*.java</code> file
   27.52 +            in the project’s <code>src</code> subdirectory (the regular expression must match the
   27.53 +            relative path, using <code>/</code> as a separator, from the root folder); the path to the
   27.54 +            source (in the format <code>org/foo/pkg/Clazz</code> for a file <code>src/org/foo/pkg/Clazz.java</code>)
   27.55 +            will be passed to the target in the property named <code>fix.file</code>.
   27.56 +        </p>
   27.57 +        <p>
   27.58 +            The possible formats are:
   27.59 +        </p>
   27.60 +        <dl>
   27.61 +            <dt><code>absolute-path</code></dt>
   27.62 +            <dd>the full path to the file in native format</dd>
   27.63 +            <dt><code>absolute-path-noext</code></dt>
   27.64 +            <dd>the full path to the file, minus any <code>.ext</code></dd>
   27.65 +            <dt><code>relative-path</code></dt>
   27.66 +            <dd>the relative path from the folder (<code>/</code> separated)</dd>
   27.67 +            <dt><code>relative-path-noext</code></dt>
   27.68 +            <dd>the relative path minus any <code>.ext</code></dd>
   27.69 +            <dt><code>java-name</code></dt>
   27.70 +            <dd>a no-extension path with <code>.</code>, e.g. <code>org.foo.pkg.Clazz</code></dd>
   27.71 +        </dl>
   27.72 +        <p>
   27.73 +            In the special case of the IDE actions <code>run.single.method</code> and <code>debug.single.method</code>
   27.74 +            (supported since NetBeans 6.10), the Ant property <code>method</code> will be set to the method name
   27.75 +            in addition to setting your specified property according to the selected file(s).
   27.76 +        </p>
   27.77 +        <p>
   27.78 +            Currently you can only pass one "context" property at a time, which can be
   27.79 +            cumbersome:
   27.80 +        </p>
   27.81 +        <p>
   27.82 +            <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
   27.83 +                <param name="content" value="http://www.netbeans.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=48079">
   27.84 +                <param name="text" value="<html><u>Issue #48079</u></html>">
   27.85 +                <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   27.86 +                <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   27.87 +            </object>
   27.88 +        </p>
   27.89 +        <pre>
   27.90 +&lt;action name="compile.single"&gt;
   27.91 +    &lt;target&gt;compile-selected-files&lt;/target&gt;
   27.92 +    &lt;context&gt;
   27.93 +        &lt;property&gt;includes&lt;/property&gt;
   27.94 +        &lt;folder&gt;src&lt;/folder&gt;
   27.95 +        &lt;pattern&gt;\.java$&lt;/pattern&gt;
   27.96 +        &lt;format&gt;relative-path&lt;/format&gt;
   27.97 +        &lt;arity&gt;
   27.98 +            &lt;separated-files&gt;,&lt;/separated-files&gt;
   27.99 +        &lt;/arity&gt;
  27.100 +    &lt;/context&gt;
  27.101 +&lt;/action&gt;
  27.102 +        </pre>
  27.103 +        <p>
  27.104 +            This binds <b>Compile Single</b> to the target <code>compile-selected-files</code>. It will be
  27.105 +            enabled for one or more Java sources in <code>src</code>. The context is equivalent to
  27.106 +            calling command-line Ant something like this:
  27.107 +        </p>
  27.108 +        <pre>
  27.109 +ant -Dincludes=org/foo/pkg/Clazz1.java,org/foo/pkg/Clazz2.java compile-selected-files
  27.110 +        </pre>
  27.111 +        <p>
  27.112 +            Currently you cannot have the action be enabled on a folder (or package):
  27.113 +        </p>
  27.114 +        <p>
  27.115 +            <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
  27.116 +                <param name="content" value="http://www.netbeans.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=53622">
  27.117 +                <param name="text" value="<html><u>Issue #53622</u></html>">
  27.118 +                <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
  27.119 +                <param name="textColor" value="blue">
  27.120 +            </object>
  27.121 +        </p>
  27.122 +        <p>
  27.123 +            Common examples of these configurations can be found online:
  27.124 +        </p>
  27.125 +        <p>
  27.126 +            <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
  27.127 +                <param name="content" value="http://netbeans.org/kb/articles/freeform-config.html">
  27.128 +                <param name="text" value="<html><u>http://netbeans.org/kb/articles/freeform-config.html</u></html>">
  27.129 +                <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
  27.130 +                <param name="textColor" value="blue">
  27.131 +            </object>
  27.132 +        </p>
  27.133 +        <p>
  27.134 +            The <a href="template-skeletal.html">Skeletal Project Template</a> can also be used
  27.135 +            as a source of examples.
  27.136 +        </p>
  27.137 +        <p>
  27.138 +            For <em>certain</em> commands, the IDE can set up basic bindings and Ant targets
  27.139 +            automatically. For example, try selecting <b>Compile File</b> from the context menu
  27.140 +            of a Java source in your project—if you do not already have a binding for
  27.141 +            <code>compile.single</code>, one will be created for you. (You may have to customize
  27.142 +            the Ant target to exactly match your requirements, but at least you have a starting
  27.143 +            point.) Similarly, you can try selecting <b>Debug Project</b> from the project’s
  27.144 +            context menu to create a <code>debug</code> binding. However, other IDE actions have
  27.145 +            not yet been implemented:
  27.146 +        </p>
  27.147 +        <p>
  27.148 +            <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
  27.149 +                <param name="content" value="http://www.netbeans.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=46886">
  27.150 +                <param name="text" value="<html><u>Issue #46886</u></html>">
  27.151 +                <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
  27.152 +                <param name="textColor" value="blue">
  27.153 +            </object>
  27.154 +        </p>
  27.155 +    </body>
  27.156 +</html>
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    28.3 @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
    28.4 +<html>
    28.5 +    <head>
    28.6 +        <title>Freeform Project Extras—General Metadata—Artifacts</title>
    28.7 +        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    28.8 +        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    28.9 +    </head>
   28.10 +    <body>
   28.11 +        <h2>General Metadata—Artifacts</h2>
   28.12 +        <p>
   28.13 +            <code>&lt;export&gt;</code> <em>[optional, may be repeated]</em> defines a build product of the project
   28.14 +            that may be seen by other IDE projects or IDE features. Permits this project to
   28.15 +            be used as a subproject of a plain Java project, for example.
   28.16 +        </p>
   28.17 +        <pre>
   28.18 +&lt;export&gt;
   28.19 +    &lt;type&gt;jar&lt;/type&gt;
   28.20 +    &lt;location&gt;${build.dir}/${build.jar}&lt;/location&gt;
   28.21 +    <i>&lt;!-- optional: &lt;script&gt;${home}/build.xml&lt;/script&gt; --&gt;</i>
   28.22 +    &lt;build-target&gt;jar&lt;/build-target&gt;
   28.23 +    &lt;clean-target&gt;clean&lt;/clean-target&gt; <i>&lt;!-- optional --&gt;</i>
   28.24 +&lt;/export&gt;
   28.25 +        </pre>
   28.26 +        <p>
   28.27 +            Declares that the file <code>${build.dir}/${build.jar}</code> is to be exported as a JAR
   28.28 +            build product of this project. (<code>&lt;type&gt;</code> should always be <code>folder</code> or <code>jar</code> for
   28.29 +            use from plain Java projects, but other project types may define other kinds of
   28.30 +            exports.) If used as a subproject of a plain Java project,
   28.31 +            <code>${build.dir}/${build.jar}</code> will be added to the parent project’s classpath;
   28.32 +            <code>build-impl.xml</code> in the parent project will call this project’s <code>build.xml#jar</code> when
   28.33 +            "building dependencies", and <code>build.xml#clean</code> when "cleaning dependencies".
   28.34 +        </p>
   28.35 +    </body>
   28.36 +</html>
    29.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    29.2 +++ b/ant.freeform.samples/src/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/format-general-folders.html	Mon Oct 17 12:28:25 2011 -0400
    29.3 @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
    29.4 +<html>
    29.5 +    <head>
    29.6 +        <title>Freeform Project Extras—General Metadata—Folders</title>
    29.7 +        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    29.8 +        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    29.9 +    </head>
   29.10 +    <body>
   29.11 +        <h2>General Metadata—Folders</h2>
   29.12 +        <p>
   29.13 +            <code>&lt;folders&gt;</code> <em>[optional]</em> enumerates file locations that are "owned" by this project.
   29.14 +        </p>
   29.15 +        <p>
   29.16 +            By default, everything underneath the main project directory (parent of
   29.17 +            <code>nbproject</code>) is owned by this project, unless it is part of a nested project.
   29.18 +            "Ownership" in the IDE can easily be seen by selecting a file in the <b>Projects</b>,
   29.19 +            <b>Files</b>, or <b>Favorites</b> tab and checking the title bar of the main window. A project
   29.20 +            decides how files it owns should be treated for purposes of compilation, etc.
   29.21 +        </p>
   29.22 +        <p>
   29.23 +            Using <code>&lt;folders&gt;</code> you can specify that externally located files are also to be
   29.24 +            owned by this project. Permitted child elements are <code>&lt;source-folder&gt;</code> and
   29.25 +            <code>&lt;build-folder&gt;</code>.
   29.26 +        </p>
   29.27 +        <pre>
   29.28 +&lt;source-folder&gt;
   29.29 +    &lt;label&gt;Project Sources&lt;/label&gt;
   29.30 +    &lt;location&gt;${home}&lt;/location&gt;
   29.31 +&lt;/source-folder&gt;
   29.32 +        </pre>
   29.33 +        <p>
   29.34 +            This specifies that everything under <code>${home}</code> (which must have been defined using
   29.35 +            <code>&lt;properties&gt;</code>, above) is owned by this project. This directory will be displayed
   29.36 +            as e.g. <b>&lt;project name&gt; - Project Sources</b> in the <b>Files</b> tab. If you use <b>File &gt;
   29.37 +            New</b> to add a text file to the project, <code>Project Sources</code> will be offered as a
   29.38 +            possible location.
   29.39 +        </p>
   29.40 +        <pre>
   29.41 +&lt;source-folder&gt;
   29.42 +    &lt;label&gt;Main Java Sources&lt;/label&gt;
   29.43 +    &lt;type&gt;java&lt;/type&gt;
   29.44 +    &lt;location&gt;${home}/java&lt;/location&gt;
   29.45 +&lt;/source-folder&gt;
   29.46 +        </pre>
   29.47 +        <p>
   29.48 +            This specifies that <code>${home}/java</code> should be treated as a folder of Java sources
   29.49 +            arranged in a package structure. <b>File &gt; New</b> will offer this as a choice for
   29.50 +            where to put new Java classes.
   29.51 +        </p>
   29.52 +        <p>
   29.53 +            Note that the <code>/</code> in <code>${home}/java</code> works on Windows as well as Unix, just as in
   29.54 +            Ant; <code>\</code> is permitted and equivalent. Also note that relative paths are resolved
   29.55 +            against the project directory, just as they would be from a <code>build.xml</code> at top
   29.56 +            level using <code>basedir="."</code> (or no explicit basedir).
   29.57 +        </p>
   29.58 +        <p>
   29.59 +            In NetBeans 6.0+, if you use the <code>/2</code> schema (a different namespace), you can also specify
   29.60 +            optional includes and/or excludes (in the usual Ant patternset format) and encoding for given folder, e.g.:
   29.61 +        </p>
   29.62 +        <pre>
   29.63 +&lt;source-folder&gt;
   29.64 +    &lt;label&gt;Main Java Sources&lt;/label&gt;
   29.65 +    &lt;type&gt;java&lt;/type&gt;
   29.66 +    &lt;location&gt;${home}/java&lt;/location&gt;
   29.67 +    &lt;includes&gt;packageOfInterest/&lt;/includes&gt;
   29.68 +    &lt;excludes&gt;**/unusedPackages/&lt;/excludes&gt;
   29.69 +    &lt;encoding&gt;UTF-16&lt;/encoding&gt;
   29.70 +&lt;/source-folder&gt;
   29.71 +        </pre>
   29.72 +        <p>
   29.73 +            The above declaration will show any subpackages of <code>packageOfInterest</code> which do not
   29.74 +            contain <code>unusedPackages</code> as a package component.
   29.75 +        </p>
   29.76 +        <pre>
   29.77 +&lt;build-folder&gt;
   29.78 +    &lt;location&gt;${build}&lt;/location&gt;
   29.79 +&lt;/build-folder&gt;
   29.80 +        </pre>
   29.81 +        <p>
   29.82 +            This specifies that <code>${build}</code> is a folder which contains build products from the
   29.83 +            project. It is thus to be "owned" by the project but not expected to be shared
   29.84 +            with other users (e.g. in version control). Not much used yet, but planned to
   29.85 +            be:
   29.86 +        </p>
   29.87 +        <p>
   29.88 +            <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
   29.89 +                <param name="content" value="http://www.netbeans.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=66597">
   29.90 +                <param name="text" value="<html><u>Issue #66597</u></html>">
   29.91 +                <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   29.92 +                <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   29.93 +            </object>
   29.94 +        </p>
   29.95 +    </body>
   29.96 +</html>
    30.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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    30.3 @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
    30.4 +<html>
    30.5 +    <head>
    30.6 +        <title>Freeform Project Extras—General Metadata—Name</title>
    30.7 +        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    30.8 +        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    30.9 +    </head>
   30.10 +    <body>
   30.11 +        <h2>General Metadata—Name</h2>
   30.12 +        <p>
   30.13 +            <code>&lt;name&gt;Stuff&lt;/name&gt;</code> <em>[required]</em> gives a display name for the project will be
   30.14 +            used throughout the IDE.
   30.15 +        </p>
   30.16 +    </body>
   30.17 +</html>
    31.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    31.2 +++ b/ant.freeform.samples/src/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/format-general-properties.html	Mon Oct 17 12:28:25 2011 -0400
    31.3 @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
    31.4 +<html>
    31.5 +    <head>
    31.6 +        <title>Freeform Project Extras—General Metadata—Properties</title>
    31.7 +        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    31.8 +        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    31.9 +    </head>
   31.10 +    <body>
   31.11 +        <h2>General Metadata—Properties</h2>
   31.12 +        <p>
   31.13 +            <code>&lt;properties&gt;</code> <em>[optional]</em> defines some Ant properties that can be referenced
   31.14 +            elsewhere in <code>project.xml</code>, using the same <code>${propertyname}</code> syntax as Ant uses.
   31.15 +            There are two kinds of subelements which may occur (order is significant):
   31.16 +        </p>
   31.17 +        <p>
   31.18 +            <code>&lt;property name="key"&gt;value&lt;/property&gt;</code> defines a property <code>key</code> with the value
   31.19 +            <code>value</code>. Similar to Ant <code>&lt;property name="key" value="value"/&gt;</code>. As with Ant, the
   31.20 +            value can use other Ant properties defined earlier in <code>&lt;properties&gt;</code>.
   31.21 +        </p>
   31.22 +        <p>
   31.23 +            <code>&lt;property-file&gt;file.properties&lt;/property-file&gt;</code> loads <code>file.properties</code> for its
   31.24 +            definitions. Similar to Ant <code>&lt;property file="file.properties"/&gt;</code>. The filename can
   31.25 +            use other Ant properties. As with Ant, the definitions in the file can refer to
   31.26 +            other Ant properties defined earlier in <code>&lt;properties&gt;</code>; or even other Ant
   31.27 +            properties defined in <code>file.properties</code> (so long as there is not a cyclic
   31.28 +            definition, of course).
   31.29 +        </p>
   31.30 +        <p>
   31.31 +            Java system properties passed to the IDE are predefined, as in Ant itself.
   31.32 +            Of course it is usually unwise to rely on such variables in portable build scripts.
   31.33 +        </p>
   31.34 +        <p>
   31.35 +            The variable <code>${basedir}</code> (also <code>.</code> in places where a file path is expected)
   31.36 +            is always defined to be the directory containing the <code>nbproject</code> directory, <em>regardless</em>
   31.37 +            of any <code>basedir</code> attribute in your Ant script(s).
   31.38 +            <code>${ant.home}</code> and <code>${ant.core.lib}</code> are also defined.
   31.39 +        </p>
   31.40 +    </body>
   31.41 +</html>
    32.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    32.2 +++ b/ant.freeform.samples/src/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/format-general-subprojects.html	Mon Oct 17 12:28:25 2011 -0400
    32.3 @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
    32.4 +<html>
    32.5 +    <head>
    32.6 +        <title>Freeform Project Extras—General Metadata—Subprojects</title>
    32.7 +        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    32.8 +        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    32.9 +    </head>
   32.10 +    <body>
   32.11 +        <h2>General Metadata—Subprojects</h2>
   32.12 +        <p>
   32.13 +            <code>&lt;subprojects&gt;</code> <em>[optional]</em> informs the IDE of other projects which should be
   32.14 +            considered "required projects" for purposes of the <b>Open Required Projects</b>
   32.15 +            context menu item, the checkbox in the <b>Open Project</b> dialog, etc.
   32.16 +        </p>
   32.17 +        <pre>
   32.18 +&lt;subprojects&gt;
   32.19 +    &lt;project&gt;subdir-with-project&lt;/project&gt;
   32.20 +    &lt;project&gt;${other.project.dir}&lt;/project&gt;
   32.21 +&lt;/subprojects&gt;
   32.22 +        </pre>
   32.23 +        <p>
   32.24 +            See also <a href="format-general-view.html"><code>subproject</code> view style</a>.
   32.25 +        </p>
   32.26 +    </body>
   32.27 +</html>
    33.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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    33.3 @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
    33.4 +<html>
    33.5 +    <head>
    33.6 +        <title>Freeform Project Extras—General Metadata—View</title>
    33.7 +        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    33.8 +        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    33.9 +    </head>
   33.10 +    <body>
   33.11 +        <h2>General Metadata—View</h2>
   33.12 +        <p>
   33.13 +            <code>&lt;view&gt;</code> <em>[optional]</em> specifies what to show in the <b>Projects</b> tab, in the intended
   33.14 +            order. Entries may be
   33.15 +        </p>
   33.16 +        <pre>
   33.17 +&lt;source-folder style="packages"&gt;
   33.18 +    &lt;label&gt;Sources&lt;/label&gt;
   33.19 +    &lt;location&gt;${src.dir}&lt;/location&gt;
   33.20 +&lt;/source-folder&gt;
   33.21 +        </pre>
   33.22 +        <p>
   33.23 +            Shows a package list view of <code>${src.dir}</code>, labelled <b>Sources</b>. (The label is
   33.24 +            optional; just defaults to folder name without path.)
   33.25 +        </p>
   33.26 +        <pre>
   33.27 +&lt;source-folder style="tree"&gt;
   33.28 +    &lt;label&gt;Docs&lt;/label&gt;
   33.29 +    &lt;location&gt;docs&lt;/location&gt;
   33.30 +&lt;/source-folder&gt;
   33.31 +        </pre>
   33.32 +        <p>
   33.33 +            Shows the subdir <code>docs</code> in a plain tree. Again the label is optional.
   33.34 +        </p>
   33.35 +        <pre>
   33.36 +&lt;source-folder style="packages"&gt;
   33.37 +    &lt;label&gt;Sources&lt;/label&gt;
   33.38 +    &lt;location&gt;${src.dir}&lt;/location&gt;
   33.39 +    &lt;includes&gt;${my.packages}&lt;/includes&gt;
   33.40 +&lt;/source-folder&gt;
   33.41 +        </pre>
   33.42 +        <p>
   33.43 +            (NetBeans 6.0+ only, with <code>/2</code> namespace.)
   33.44 +            Shows a package list view of <code>${src.dir}</code>. Only classes matching the
   33.45 +            pattern given by <code>${my.packages}</code> (Ant format) will be shown.
   33.46 +            Similar to includes and/or excludes in <code>source-folder</code>.
   33.47 +        </p>
   33.48 +        <pre>
   33.49 +&lt;source-folder style="subproject"&gt;
   33.50 +    &lt;location&gt;mylib&lt;/location&gt;
   33.51 +&lt;/source-folder&gt;
   33.52 +        </pre>
   33.53 +        <p>
   33.54 +            (NetBeans 6.0+ only.)
   33.55 +            Shows a node corresponding to the project located at <code>mylib</code>.
   33.56 +            The user can open that project from the context menu.
   33.57 +            (The label is optional, defaulting to the project's display name.)
   33.58 +            See also <a href="format-general-subprojects.html">subprojects</a>.
   33.59 +        </p>
   33.60 +        <pre>
   33.61 +&lt;source-file&gt;
   33.62 +    &lt;label&gt;Build Script&lt;/label&gt;
   33.63 +    &lt;location&gt;build.xml&lt;/location&gt;
   33.64 +&lt;/source-file&gt;
   33.65 +        </pre>
   33.66 +        <p>
   33.67 +            Shows <code>build.xml</code>. Again the label is optional (defaults to
   33.68 +            file name without path).
   33.69 +        </p>
   33.70 +        <p>
   33.71 +            After view items you may specify project-specific context menu items for the
   33.72 +            project’s root node:
   33.73 +        </p>
   33.74 +        <pre>
   33.75 +&lt;context-menu&gt;
   33.76 +    &lt;ide-action name="build"/&gt;
   33.77 +    &lt;ide-action name="clean"/&gt;
   33.78 +    &lt;ide-action name="rebuild"/&gt;
   33.79 +    &lt;separator/&gt;
   33.80 +    &lt;action&gt;
   33.81 +        <i>&lt;!-- optional: &lt;script&gt;build.xml&lt;/script --&gt;</i>
   33.82 +        &lt;label&gt;Format Sources&lt;/label&gt;
   33.83 +        &lt;target&gt;jalopy&lt;/target&gt;
   33.84 +        <i>&lt;!-- optional: &lt;property name="…"&gt;…&lt;/property&gt; --&gt;</i>
   33.85 +    &lt;/action&gt;
   33.86 +&lt;/context-menu&gt;
   33.87 +        </pre>
   33.88 +        <p>
   33.89 +            The <code>&lt;ide-action&gt;</code>s must refer to context-free predefined actions:
   33.90 +        </p>
   33.91 +        <p>
   33.92 +            <a href="format-general-actions.html">General Metadata—Actions</a>
   33.93 +        </p>
   33.94 +        <p>
   33.95 +            For the rest you can specify an action inline by just giving a label and an Ant target.
   33.96 +        </p>
   33.97 +    </body>
   33.98 +</html>
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    34.4 +<html>
    34.5 +    <head>
    34.6 +        <title>Freeform Project Extras—General Metadata</title>
    34.7 +        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    34.8 +        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    34.9 +    </head>
   34.10 +    <body>
   34.11 +        <h2>General Metadata</h2>
   34.12 +        <p>
   34.13 +            <code>&lt;general-data xmlns="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/freeform-project/1"&gt;</code>
   34.14 +        </p>
   34.15 +        <p>
   34.16 +            This is the main section for the project, and it is mandatory.
   34.17 +        </p>
   34.18 +        <p>
   34.19 +            In NetBeans 6.0+, you can also use a new format which supports setting includes and excludes:
   34.20 +        </p>
   34.21 +        <p>
   34.22 +            <code>&lt;general-data xmlns="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/freeform-project/2"&gt;</code>
   34.23 +        </p>
   34.24 +    </body>
   34.25 +</html>
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    35.4 +<!-- See http://www.netbeans.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=57757 -->
    35.5 +<html>
    35.6 +    <head>
    35.7 +        <title>Freeform Project Extras—Metadata</title>
    35.8 +        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    35.9 +        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   35.10 +    </head>
   35.11 +    <body>
   35.12 +        <h2>Freeform Project Metadata</h2>
   35.13 +        <p>
   35.14 +            In the NetBeans IDE version 4.0 and later, you may create projects <b>…with Existing Ant
   35.15 +            Script</b>, henceforth <dfn>freeform</dfn> projects. While there are several <b>New Project</b>
   35.16 +            wizards they all create the same kind of project, just with different initial
   35.17 +            configuration.
   35.18 +        </p>
   35.19 +        <p>
   35.20 +            For many purposes the IDE’s graphical user interface will suffice to
   35.21 +            create and use this project type. However, you may need to do some
   35.22 +            manual customizations to the project in areas where the IDE’s
   35.23 +            GUI does not yet support you; a variety of common tasks can be performed using
   35.24 +            the instructions given here:
   35.25 +        </p>
   35.26 +        <p>
   35.27 +            <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
   35.28 +                <param name="content" value="http://www.netbeans.org/kb/55/freeform-config.html">
   35.29 +                <param name="text" value="<html><u>http://www.netbeans.org/kb/55/freeform-config.html</u></html>">
   35.30 +                <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   35.31 +                <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   35.32 +            </object>
   35.33 +        </p>
   35.34 +        <p>
   35.35 +            The following pages tries to explain the configuration format of freeform projects in
   35.36 +            detail, for those who need to do more advanced things.
   35.37 +        </p>
   35.38 +    </body>
   35.39 +</html>
    36.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    36.2 +++ b/ant.freeform.samples/src/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/format-j2ee.html	Mon Oct 17 12:28:25 2011 -0400
    36.3 @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
    36.4 +<html>
    36.5 +    <head>
    36.6 +        <title>Freeform Project Extras—J2EE Metadata</title>
    36.7 +        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    36.8 +        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    36.9 +    </head>
   36.10 +    <body>
   36.11 +        <h2>J2EE-Specific Metadata</h2>
   36.12 +        <p>
   36.13 +            <code>&lt;web-data xmlns="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/freeform-project-web/1"&gt;</code>
   36.14 +        </p>
   36.15 +        <p>
   36.16 +            Defines information about J2EE web modules (WARs) built from this project.
   36.17 +        </p>
   36.18 +        <p>
   36.19 +            <code>&lt;web-module&gt;</code> declares one web module.
   36.20 +        </p>
   36.21 +        <p>
   36.22 +            <strong>Need explanation!</strong>
   36.23 +        </p>
   36.24 +        <p>
   36.25 +            <code>&lt;ejb-data xmlns="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/freeform-project-ejb/1"&gt;</code>
   36.26 +        </p>
   36.27 +        <p>
   36.28 +            Defines information about J2EE EJB modules (EJB-JARs) built from this project.
   36.29 +        </p>
   36.30 +        <p>
   36.31 +            <code>&lt;ejb-module&gt;</code> declares one EJB module.
   36.32 +        </p>
   36.33 +        <p>
   36.34 +            <strong>Need explanation!</strong>
   36.35 +        </p>
   36.36 +    </body>
   36.37 +</html>
    37.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    37.2 +++ b/ant.freeform.samples/src/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/format-java.html	Mon Oct 17 12:28:25 2011 -0400
    37.3 @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
    37.4 +<html>
    37.5 +    <head>
    37.6 +        <title>Freeform Project Extras—Java Metadata</title>
    37.7 +        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    37.8 +        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    37.9 +    </head>
   37.10 +    <body>
   37.11 +        <h2>Java-Specific Metadata</h2>
   37.12 +        <p>
   37.13 +            <code>&lt;java-data xmlns="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/freeform-project-java/2"&gt;</code>
   37.14 +        </p>
   37.15 +        <p>
   37.16 +            This section describes any Java-language-specific aspects of the project.
   37.17 +            <code>http://www.netbeans.org/ns/freeform-project-java/1</code> can be used as well, for
   37.18 +            compatibility with older IDE versions, but lacks some features; refer to the
   37.19 +            schemas for details.
   37.20 +        </p>
   37.21 +        <p>
   37.22 +            <code>&lt;compilation-unit&gt;</code> can be listed one or more times
   37.23 +            in the <code>&lt;java-data&gt;</code> section.
   37.24 +            A <dfn>compilation unit</dfn> is a collection of Java source roots which
   37.25 +            are compiled at once and share the same classpath and other attributes.
   37.26 +        </p>
   37.27 +        <pre>
   37.28 +&lt;compilation-unit&gt;
   37.29 +    &lt;package-root&gt;${src.dir}&lt;/package-root&gt;
   37.30 +    &lt;classpath mode="compile"&gt;${lib.dir}/x.jar:${lib.dir}/y.jar&lt;/classpath&gt;
   37.31 +    &lt;built-to&gt;${classes.dir}&lt;/built-to&gt;
   37.32 +    &lt;built-to&gt;${jar.file}&lt;/built-to&gt;
   37.33 +    &lt;javadoc-built-to&gt;${javadoc.dir}&lt;/javadoc-built-to&gt;
   37.34 +    &lt;source-level&gt;1.5&lt;/source-level&gt;
   37.35 +&lt;/compilation-unit&gt;
   37.36 +        </pre>
   37.37 +        <p>
   37.38 +            Declares that the directory named by <code>${src.dir}</code> contains Java sources. They are
   37.39 +            expected to be compiled using the named classpath (as usual, <code>/</code> and <code>\</code> can be
   37.40 +            used interchangeably, as can <code>:</code> and <code>;</code>), so the IDE can offer code completion
   37.41 +            and other features accordingly.
   37.42 +        </p>
   37.43 +        <p>
   37.44 +            The classes will be compiled to the directory
   37.45 +            <code>${classes.dir}</code> and later packed into <code>${jar.file}</code>, so any other project using
   37.46 +            either of these locations in its classpath will show sources from <code>${src.dir}</code> in
   37.47 +            code completion, <b>Go to Source</b>, etc.
   37.48 +        </p>
   37.49 +        <p>
   37.50 +            Javadoc may be built to the directory
   37.51 +            <code>${javadoc.dir}</code>, so if other projects use this source root, and <code>${javadoc.dir}</code>
   37.52 +            exists, it may be used in Javadoc search.
   37.53 +        </p>
   37.54 +        <p>
   37.55 +            The sources are to be compiled with
   37.56 +            <code>-source 1.5</code>, i.e. they may contain generics and other JDK 5 language features.
   37.57 +        </p>
   37.58 +        <p>
   37.59 +            It is important to specify an accurate <code>&lt;built-to&gt;</code> (available in the <b>Properties</b> dialog
   37.60 +            in the <b>Output</b> tab) <em>even if no other code compiles against the output</em>. This is because
   37.61 +            the IDE’s background Java parser can run much faster on large source trees when most of the classes have
   37.62 +            been compiled already and it knows where they are.
   37.63 +        </p>
   37.64 +    </body>
   37.65 +</html>
    38.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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    38.3 @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
    38.4 +<html>
    38.5 +    <head>
    38.6 +        <title>Freeform Project Extras—Metadata Overview</title>
    38.7 +        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    38.8 +        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    38.9 +    </head>
   38.10 +    <body>
   38.11 +        <h2>Metadata Overview</h2>
   38.12 +        <p>
   38.13 +            A freeform project is defined to be a directory containing a subdirectory named
   38.14 +            <code>nbproject</code> inside of which is a file <code>project.xml</code> matching the pattern
   38.15 +        </p>
   38.16 +        <pre>
   38.17 +&lt;project xmlns="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/project/1"&gt;
   38.18 +    &lt;type&gt;org.netbeans.modules.ant.freeform&lt;/type&gt;
   38.19 +    &lt;configuration&gt;
   38.20 +        <i>&lt;!-- metadata blocks … --&gt;</i>
   38.21 +    &lt;/configuration&gt;
   38.22 +&lt;/project&gt;
   38.23 +        </pre>
   38.24 +        <p>
   38.25 +            The metadata blocks must consist of at least a <code>&lt;general-data&gt;</code> section, and
   38.26 +            possibly some domain-specific sections such as <code>&lt;java-data&gt;</code> in different
   38.27 +            namespaces. The currently available XML schemas for validation are as follows:
   38.28 +        </p>
   38.29 +        <ul>
   38.30 +            <li>
   38.31 +                <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
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   38.72 +                    <param name="content" value="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/freeform-project-ejb/1.xsd">
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   38.78 +        </ul>
   38.79 +        <p>
   38.80 +            Revisions of schemas are marked numerically, so <code>…/freeform-project-java/2.xsd</code>
   38.81 +            is an updated variant of <code>…/freeform-project-java/1.xsd</code>. The namespaces defined
   38.82 +            by the schemas are the same as the above URLs but without the <code>.xsd</code> suffix.
   38.83 +        </p>
   38.84 +        <p>
   38.85 +            Other than <code>project.xml</code>, there is no mandatory layout for a freeform project
   38.86 +            (hence its name!). It is common for there to be an Ant build script named
   38.87 +            <code>build.xml</code> at top level but this is not required.
   38.88 +        </p>
   38.89 +        <p>
   38.90 +            The behavior of the project inside the IDE is controlled by the contents of
   38.91 +            <code>project.xml</code>, together with any other files referenced by it. The permitted
   38.92 +            metadata sections are described in turn, followed by "best-practices"
   38.93 +            recommendations on how the complete project should be structured.
   38.94 +        </p>
   38.95 +    </body>
   38.96 +</html>
    39.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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    39.3 @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
    39.4 +<html>
    39.5 +    <head>
    39.6 +        <title>Freeform Project Extras—Best Practices</title>
    39.7 +        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    39.8 +        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    39.9 +    </head>
   39.10 +    <body>
   39.11 +        <h2>Metadata Best Practices</h2>
   39.12 +        <p>
   39.13 +            The first thing to keep in mind is that a freeform <code>project.xml</code> does not
   39.14 +            determine <em>how</em> a project is built or run—that is done by an Ant script. The
   39.15 +            <code>project.xml</code> <em>declares</em> to the IDE what the project contains and produces, and
   39.16 +            which parts of the Ant script should be exposed in the IDE’s GUI to the
   39.17 +            developer. So you should always start by writing a well-structured and flexible
   39.18 +            Ant script that does what you want it to do (either on the command line or by
   39.19 +            invoking targets from the IDE). Then you can create a freeform project wrapper
   39.20 +            that presents the project in an attractive and efficient way and lets IDE
   39.21 +            features such as code completion work the way you expect.
   39.22 +        </p>
   39.23 +        <p>
   39.24 +            Ant properties can be used to good effect in your <code>project.xml</code>. Typically you
   39.25 +            will have some property definitions which are contained in one or more
   39.26 +            <code>*.properties</code> files and will define important aspects of the project, such as JAR
   39.27 +            files to include in the classpath, build locations, etc. The Ant script can load
   39.28 +            these properties files and the IDE can too. If you need to make configuration
   39.29 +            changes, make them in the properties files—the Ant build will honor them and
   39.30 +            the IDE should as well.
   39.31 +        </p>
   39.32 +        <p>
   39.33 +            You can study the <a href="template-anagram.html">Anagram Sample Project Pair</a> as an example
   39.34 +            of how to bring all of these things together into a complete project that works well both inside
   39.35 +            and outside the IDE.
   39.36 +        </p>
   39.37 +        <p>
   39.38 +            <strong>More needs to be written here.</strong>
   39.39 +        </p>
   39.40 +    </body>
   39.41 +</html>
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    42.4 +/*
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   42.41 +
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   42.43 +package org.netbeans.modules.ant.freeform.samples.docs;
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    43.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    43.2 +++ b/ant.freeform.samples/src/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/template-anagram.html	Mon Oct 17 12:28:25 2011 -0400
    43.3 @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
    43.4 +<html>
    43.5 +    <head>
    43.6 +        <title>Freeform Project Extras—Anagram Sample</title>
    43.7 +        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    43.8 +        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    43.9 +    </head>
   43.10 +    <body>
   43.11 +        <h2>Anagram Sample Project Pair</h2>
   43.12 +        <p>
   43.13 +            This wizard creates a pair of freeform projects which together implement the
   43.14 +            same application as the IDE’s standard <b>Anagram Game</b> project sample.
   43.15 +            One project holds a nonvisual library (with accompanying unit tests), and the
   43.16 +            other project depends on the library and contains a runnable Swing-based GUI.
   43.17 +        </p>
   43.18 +        <p>
   43.19 +            The main point of interest for this sample beyond what is available in the
   43.20 +            <a href="template-skeletal.html">Skeletal Project Template</a> is that you
   43.21 +            can see an interproject dependency in action, working much like dependencies
   43.22 +            between regular Java projects:
   43.23 +        </p>
   43.24 +        <ol>
   43.25 +            <li>
   43.26 +                <p>
   43.27 +                    Building the GUI project automatically builds the library project as well.
   43.28 +                </p>
   43.29 +            </li>
   43.30 +            <li>
   43.31 +                <p>
   43.32 +                    The classes built by the library project are included in the classpath of
   43.33 +                    the GUI project; code completion, <b>Go to Source</b>, and other IDE features
   43.34 +                    work across the projects as you would expect.
   43.35 +                </p>
   43.36 +            </li>
   43.37 +            <li>
   43.38 +                <p>
   43.39 +                    The library project is treated as a subproject of the GUI project for purposes
   43.40 +                    of <b>Open Project</b> and <b>Open Required Projects</b>.
   43.41 +                </p>
   43.42 +            </li>
   43.43 +        </ol>
   43.44 +    </body>
   43.45 +</html>
    44.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    44.2 +++ b/ant.freeform.samples/src/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/template-empty.html	Mon Oct 17 12:28:25 2011 -0400
    44.3 @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
    44.4 +<!-- Cf. issue #49029 -->
    44.5 +<html>
    44.6 +    <head>
    44.7 +        <title>Freeform Project Extras—Empty Project</title>
    44.8 +        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    44.9 +        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   44.10 +    </head>
   44.11 +    <body>
   44.12 +        <h2>Empty Project Template</h2>
   44.13 +        <p>
   44.14 +            This bare-bones project template just creates a minimal
   44.15 +            <code>nbproject/project.xml</code>. No Ant build script is created.
   44.16 +            In fact the "project" does not really do anything; it is essentially
   44.17 +            a placeholder for some files that you can open and close like a project
   44.18 +            for convenience, rather than using the <b>Favorites</b> tab.
   44.19 +        </p>
   44.20 +        <p>
   44.21 +            You might use this template to create a non-code project to hold design
   44.22 +            documents or similar files. If you actually want an Ant-based freeform
   44.23 +            project, but want to use your own custom project skeleton (e.g. based on
   44.24 +            company-mandated build scripts or source structures), take a look at:
   44.25 +        </p>
   44.26 +        <p>
   44.27 +            <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
   44.28 +                <param name="content" value="http://www.netbeans.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=49646">
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   44.31 +                <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   44.32 +            </object>
   44.33 +        </p>
   44.34 +        <p>
   44.35 +            <a href="nbdocs://org.netbeans.modules.apisupport.project/org/netbeans/modules/apisupport/project/docs/create_plugin/filelevel_create/about_project_templates.html">About Project Templates</a>
   44.36 +            (requires use of NetBeans plug-in module development support, but is very flexible)
   44.37 +        </p>
   44.38 +    </body>
   44.39 +</html>
    45.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    45.2 +++ b/ant.freeform.samples/src/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/template-skeletal.html	Mon Oct 17 12:28:25 2011 -0400
    45.3 @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
    45.4 +<html>
    45.5 +    <head>
    45.6 +        <title>Freeform Project Extras—Skeletal Project</title>
    45.7 +        <link rel="stylesheet" href="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/usersguide/ide.css" type="text/css">
    45.8 +        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    45.9 +    </head>
   45.10 +    <body>
   45.11 +        <h2>Skeletal Project Template</h2>
   45.12 +        <p>
   45.13 +            This project creates an empty but fully configured freeform project with
   45.14 +            most of the same capabilities as a regular Java project. For example, you
   45.15 +            can compile and run the project or individual classes with a <code>main</code> method,
   45.16 +            compile and run JUnit tests individually or together, build Javadoc, debug the project
   45.17 +            or JUnit tests (including <b>Run &gt; Apply Code Changes</b>!), and run the NetBeans
   45.18 +            Profiler on your code. In addition, you can add this project as a subproject of any
   45.19 +            regular Java project and have everything work as expected.
   45.20 +        </p>
   45.21 +        <p>
   45.22 +            Unlike a regular Java project, the <b>Properties</b> dialog is the same as for any
   45.23 +            freeform project, i.e. it only <em>describes</em> how the project works. If you wish
   45.24 +            to customize the behavior of any targets, you may simply edit the Ant scripts, or
   45.25 +            edit configuration in <code>build.properties</code>. There is not currently any way
   45.26 +            to get a <b>Properties</b> dialog that works like that for a regular Java project:
   45.27 +        </p>
   45.28 +        <p>
   45.29 +            <object classid="java:org.netbeans.modules.javahelp.BrowserDisplayer">
   45.30 +                <param name="content" value="http://www.netbeans.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=46485">
   45.31 +                <param name="text" value="<html><u>Issue #46485</u></html>">
   45.32 +                <param name="textFontSize" value="medium">
   45.33 +                <param name="textColor" value="blue">
   45.34 +            </object>
   45.35 +        </p>
   45.36 +        <p>
   45.37 +            This template is also a great way to understand how to make customizations to your own
   45.38 +            existing freeform project to support various actions. To explore the implementation, look
   45.39 +            in <code>project.xml</code> for IDE bindings; <code>build.properties</code> for configuration;
   45.40 +            <code>build.xml</code> for basic targets; <code>file-targets.xml</code> for targets which
   45.41 +            apply to a specific file selection rather than the whole project; and <code>netbeans-targets.xml</code>
   45.42 +            for special targets which can only be run inside the NetBeans IDE and serve to integrate Ant
   45.43 +            functionality with the rest of the IDE.
   45.44 +        </p>
   45.45 +    </body>
   45.46 +</html>
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   46.10 +            <tocitem text="Skeletal" target="org.netbeans.modules.ant.freeform.samples.template-skeletal"/>
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   46.12 +        </tocitem>
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   46.26 +            <tocitem text="J2EE-Specific Metadata" target="org.netbeans.modules.ant.freeform.samples.format-j2ee"/>
   46.27 +            <tocitem text="Best Practices" target="org.netbeans.modules.ant.freeform.samples.format-recommendations"/>
   46.28 +        </tocitem>
   46.29 +    </tocitem>
   46.30 +</toc>
    47.1 --- a/ant.freeform.samples/src/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/helpset.xml	Wed Oct 12 15:16:08 2011 -0400
    47.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    47.3 @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
    47.4 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    47.5 -<!DOCTYPE helpsetref PUBLIC "-//NetBeans//DTD JavaHelp Help Set Reference 1.0//EN" "http://www.netbeans.org/dtds/helpsetref-1_0.dtd">
    47.6 -<helpsetref url="nbdocs:/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/docs/hs.xml"/>
    48.1 --- a/ant.freeform.samples/src/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/layer.xml	Wed Oct 12 15:16:08 2011 -0400
    48.2 +++ b/ant.freeform.samples/src/org/netbeans/modules/ant/freeform/samples/layer.xml	Mon Oct 17 12:28:25 2011 -0400
    48.3 @@ -57,13 +57,6 @@
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    48.7 -    <folder name="Services">
    48.8 -        <folder name="JavaHelp">
    48.9 -            <file name="org-netbeans-modules-ant-freeform-samples-helpset.xml" url="helpset.xml">
   48.10 -                <attr name="position" intvalue="3077"/>
   48.11 -            </file>
   48.12 -        </folder>
   48.13 -    </folder>
   48.14      <folder name="Templates">
   48.15          <folder name="Project">
   48.16              <folder name="Standard">