changeset 1043 57843026e60b
parent 1027 205b7632914c
parent 1040 f7b6892fd754
child 1044 7feb751ba76b
     1.1 --- a/sandbox/java.hints/java.hints.test/apichanges.xml	Mon Dec 19 11:37:36 2016 +0100
     1.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.3 @@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
     1.4 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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    1.49 -<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xml" href="../nbbuild/javadoctools/apichanges.xsl"?>
    1.50 -<!DOCTYPE apichanges PUBLIC "-//NetBeans//DTD API changes list 1.0//EN" "../nbbuild/javadoctools/apichanges.dtd">
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    1.58 -change the XML. Rough syntax of a change (several parts optional):
    1.59 -
    1.60 -<change>
    1.61 -    <api name="compiler"/>
    1.62 -    <summary>Some brief description here, can use <b>XHTML</b></summary>
    1.63 -    <version major="1" minor="99"/>
    1.64 -    <date day="13" month="6" year="2001"/>
    1.65 -    <author login="jrhacker"/>
    1.66 -    <compatibility addition="yes"/>
    1.67 -    <description>
    1.68 -        The main description of the change here.
    1.69 -        Again can use full <b>XHTML</b> as needed.
    1.70 -    </description>
    1.71 -    <class package="org.openide.compiler" name="DoWhatIWantCompiler"/>
    1.72 -    <issue number="14309"/>
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    1.74 -
    1.75 -Also permitted elements: <package>, <branch>. <version> is API spec
    1.76 -version, recommended for all new changes. <compatibility> should say
    1.77 -if things were added/modified/deprecated/etc. and give all information
    1.78 -related to upgrading old code. List affected top-level classes and
    1.79 -link to issue numbers if applicable. See the DTD for more details.
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    1.98 -is the proper place.
    1.99 -
   1.100 --->
   1.101 -
   1.102 -<apichanges>
   1.103 -
   1.104 -    <!-- First, a list of API names you may use: -->
   1.105 -    <apidefs>
   1.106 -        <apidef name="JavaHintsTest">Java Hints Test API</apidef>
   1.107 -    </apidefs>
   1.108 -
   1.109 -    <!-- ACTUAL CHANGES BEGIN HERE: -->
   1.110 -
   1.111 -    <changes>
   1.112 -        <change id="HintTest-singleHint">
   1.113 -            <api name="JavaHintsTest"/>
   1.114 -            <summary>Allowed to check a single hint</summary>
   1.115 -            <version major="1" minor="9"/>
   1.116 -            <date day="3" month="4" year="2013"/>
   1.117 -            <author login="sdedic"/>
   1.118 -            <compatibility addition="yes" binary="compatible" deletion="no" deprecation="no" modification="no" semantic="compatible" source="compatible"/>
   1.119 -            <description>
   1.120 -                New method <code>run(Class, String)</code> was added so that hint with a specific ID can be run, if the
   1.121 -                class contains multiple hint implementations.
   1.122 -            </description>
   1.123 -            <class name="HintTest" package=""/>
   1.124 -            <issue number="227962"/>
   1.125 -        </change>
   1.126 -        <change id="HintTest-ensureJavaFixes">
   1.127 -             <api name="JavaHintsTest"/>
   1.128 -             <summary>Added assertFixes method to HintWarning</summary>
   1.129 -             <version major="1" minor="8"/>
   1.130 -             <date day="22" month="3" year="2013"/>
   1.131 -             <author login="jlahoda"/>
   1.132 -             <compatibility addition="no" binary="compatible" deletion="no" deprecation="no" modification="no" semantic="incompatible" source="compatible"/>
   1.133 -             <description>
   1.134 -                 <code>HintTest.HintWarning.applyFix</code> now enforces constraints for Inspect&amp;Transform. Unless a hint
   1.135 -                 is marked as <code>Options.QUERY</code>, <code>Options.NO_BULK</code> or <code>Kind.ACTION</code>,
   1.136 -                 the <code>Fix</code> that is being applied is tested to be <code>JavaFix</code> and repeatable,
   1.137 -                 which are the requirements of Inspect&amp;Transform.
   1.138 -             </description>
   1.139 -             <class name="HintTest" package=""/>
   1.140 -             <issue number="227271"/>
   1.141 -        </change>
   1.142 -        
   1.143 -        <change id="HintWarning-assertFixes">
   1.144 -             <api name="JavaHintsTest"/>
   1.145 -             <summary>Added assertFixes method to HintWarning</summary>
   1.146 -             <version major="1" minor="1"/>
   1.147 -             <date day="30" month="3" year="2012"/>
   1.148 -             <author login="jlahoda"/>
   1.149 -             <compatibility addition="yes" binary="compatible" deletion="no" deprecation="no" modification="no" semantic="compatible" source="compatible"/>
   1.150 -             <description>
   1.151 -                 Added assertFixes method to HintWarning
   1.152 -             </description>
   1.153 -             <class name="HintTest" package=""/>
   1.154 -             <issue number="209828"/>
   1.155 -        </change>
   1.156 -
   1.157 -    </changes>
   1.158 -
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   1.160 -
   1.161 -    <htmlcontents>
   1.162 -<!-- Generated from apichanges.xml -->
   1.163 -    <head>
   1.164 -      <title>Change History for the Editor Hints SPI</title>
   1.165 -      <link rel="stylesheet" href="prose.css" type="text/css"/>
   1.166 -    </head>
   1.167 -    <body>
   1.168 -
   1.169 -<p class="overviewlink"><a href="@TOP@/overview-summary.html">Overview</a></p>
   1.170 -
   1.171 -<h1>Introduction</h1>
   1.172 -
   1.173 -<p>This document lists changes made to the <a href="@TOP@/overview-summary.html">Editor Hints SPI</a>.</p>
   1.174 -
   1.175 -<!-- The actual lists of changes, as summaries and details: -->
   1.176 -      <hr/>
   1.177 -      <standard-changelists module-code-name="org.netbeans.spi.editor.hints/0"/>
   1.178 -
   1.179 -      <hr/><p>@FOOTER@</p>
   1.180 -
   1.181 -    </body>
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   1.183 -
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