changeset 1043 57843026e60b
parent 1027 205b7632914c
parent 1040 f7b6892fd754
child 1044 7feb751ba76b
     1.1 --- a/sandbox/java.hints/	Mon Dec 19 11:37:36 2016 +0100
     1.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.3 @@ -1,586 +0,0 @@
     1.4 -/*
     1.6 - *
     1.7 - * Copyright 2009-2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     1.8 - *
     1.9 - * Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
    1.10 - * Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
    1.11 - *
    1.12 - * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
    1.13 - * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
    1.14 - * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
    1.15 - * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
    1.16 - * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
    1.17 - *
    1.18 - * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
    1.19 - * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
    1.20 - * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
    1.21 - * Notice in each file and include the License file at
    1.22 - * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Oracle designates this
    1.23 - * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
    1.24 - * by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
    1.25 - * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
    1.26 - * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
    1.27 - * your own identifying information:
    1.28 - * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
    1.29 - *
    1.30 - * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
    1.31 - * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
    1.32 - * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
    1.33 - * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
    1.34 - * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
    1.35 - * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
    1.36 - * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
    1.37 - * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
    1.38 - * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
    1.39 - * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
    1.40 - *
    1.41 - * Contributor(s):
    1.42 - *
    1.43 - * Portions Copyrighted 2009-2011 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    1.44 - */
    1.45 -package;
    1.46 -
    1.47 -import;
    1.48 -import;
    1.49 -import;
    1.50 -import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
    1.51 -import java.lang.reflect.Method;
    1.52 -import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
    1.53 -import java.nio.charset.Charset;
    1.54 -import java.util.ArrayList;
    1.55 -import java.util.Collection;
    1.56 -import java.util.Collections;
    1.57 -import java.util.HashMap;
    1.58 -import java.util.HashSet;
    1.59 -import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
    1.60 -import java.util.Iterator;
    1.61 -import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
    1.62 -import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
    1.63 -import java.util.LinkedList;
    1.64 -import java.util.List;
    1.65 -import java.util.Map;
    1.66 -import java.util.Map.Entry;
    1.67 -import java.util.Properties;
    1.68 -import java.util.Set;
    1.69 -import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
    1.70 -import java.util.logging.Level;
    1.71 -import java.util.logging.Logger;
    1.72 -import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
    1.73 -import javax.swing.text.Document;
    1.74 -import org.netbeans.api.annotations.common.CheckForNull;
    1.75 -import org.netbeans.api.annotations.common.NonNull;
    1.76 -import;
    1.77 -import;
    1.78 -import;
    1.79 -import;
    1.80 -import;
    1.81 -import;
    1.82 -import;
    1.83 -import;
    1.84 -import;
    1.85 -import;
    1.86 -import;
    1.87 -import;
    1.88 -import org.netbeans.api.project.FileOwnerQuery;
    1.89 -import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
    1.90 -import org.netbeans.api.project.ProjectUtils;
    1.91 -import org.netbeans.api.project.SourceGroup;
    1.92 -import org.netbeans.api.project.Sources;
    1.93 -import org.netbeans.api.queries.FileEncodingQuery;
    1.94 -import org.netbeans.api.queries.VisibilityQuery;
    1.95 -//import;
    1.96 -import;
    1.97 -import;
    1.98 -import;
    1.99 -import;
   1.100 -import;
   1.101 -import;
   1.102 -import;
   1.103 -import;
   1.104 -import;
   1.105 -import;
   1.106 -import;
   1.107 -import org.netbeans.modules.parsing.api.Source;
   1.108 -import org.netbeans.modules.refactoring.spi.RefactoringElementImplementation;
   1.109 -import org.netbeans.spi.editor.hints.ErrorDescription;
   1.110 -import org.netbeans.spi.editor.hints.Fix;
   1.111 -import;
   1.112 -import;
   1.113 -import org.openide.cookies.EditorCookie;
   1.114 -import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
   1.115 -import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
   1.116 -import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
   1.117 -import org.openide.loaders.DataObjectNotFoundException;
   1.118 -import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
   1.119 -import org.openide.util.Lookup;
   1.120 -
   1.121 -/**
   1.122 - *
   1.123 - * @author Jan Lahoda
   1.124 - */
   1.125 -public class BatchUtilities {
   1.126 -
   1.127 -    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(BatchUtilities.class.getName());
   1.128 -    
   1.129 -    public static Collection<ModificationResult> applyFixes(BatchResult candidates, @NonNull final ProgressHandleWrapper progress, AtomicBoolean cancel, final Collection<? super MessageImpl> problems) {
   1.130 -        return applyFixes(candidates, progress, cancel, new ArrayList<RefactoringElementImplementation>(), problems);
   1.131 -    }
   1.132 -    
   1.133 -    public static Collection<ModificationResult> applyFixes(BatchResult candidates, @NonNull final ProgressHandleWrapper progress, AtomicBoolean cancel, final Collection<? super RefactoringElementImplementation> fileChanges, final Collection<? super MessageImpl> problems) {
   1.134 -        return applyFixes(candidates, progress, cancel, fileChanges, null, problems);
   1.135 -    }
   1.136 -    
   1.137 -    public static Collection<ModificationResult> applyFixes(BatchResult candidates, @NonNull final ProgressHandleWrapper progress, AtomicBoolean cancel, final Collection<? super RefactoringElementImplementation> fileChanges, final Map<JavaFix, ModificationResult> changesPerFix, final Collection<? super MessageImpl> problems) {
   1.138 -        return applyFixes(candidates, progress, cancel, fileChanges, changesPerFix, false, problems);
   1.139 -    }
   1.140 -    
   1.141 -    public static Collection<ModificationResult> applyFixes(BatchResult candidates, @NonNull final ProgressHandleWrapper progress, AtomicBoolean cancel, final Collection<? super RefactoringElementImplementation> fileChanges, final Map<JavaFix, ModificationResult> changesPerFix, boolean doNotRegisterClassPath, final Collection<? super MessageImpl> problems) {
   1.142 -        final Map<Project, Set<String>> processedDependencyChanges = new IdentityHashMap<Project, Set<String>>();
   1.143 -        final Map<FileObject, List<ModificationResult.Difference>> result = new LinkedHashMap<FileObject, List<ModificationResult.Difference>>();
   1.144 -        final Map<FileObject, byte[]> resourceContentChanges = new HashMap<FileObject, byte[]>();
   1.145 -
   1.146 -        BatchSearch.VerifiedSpansCallBack callback = new BatchSearch.VerifiedSpansCallBack() {
   1.147 -            private ElementOverlay overlay;
   1.148 -            public void groupStarted() {
   1.149 -                overlay = ElementOverlay.getOrCreateOverlay();
   1.150 -            }
   1.151 -            public boolean spansVerified(CompilationController wc, Resource r, Collection<? extends ErrorDescription> hints) throws Exception {
   1.152 -                if (hints.isEmpty()) return true;
   1.153 -                
   1.154 -                Constructor<WorkingCopy> wcConstr = WorkingCopy.class.getDeclaredConstructor(CompilationInfoImpl.class, ElementOverlay.class);
   1.155 -                wcConstr.setAccessible(true);
   1.156 -
   1.157 -//                final WorkingCopy copy = new WorkingCopy(JavaSourceAccessor.getINSTANCE().getCompilationInfoImpl(parameter), overlay);
   1.158 -                WorkingCopy copy = wcConstr.newInstance(JavaSourceAccessor.getINSTANCE().getCompilationInfoImpl(wc), overlay);
   1.159 -                Method setJavaSource = CompilationInfo.class.getDeclaredMethod("setJavaSource", JavaSource.class);
   1.160 -                setJavaSource.setAccessible(true);
   1.161 -
   1.162 -//                copy.setJavaSource(JavaSource.this);
   1.163 -                setJavaSource.invoke(copy, wc.getJavaSource());
   1.164 -
   1.165 -                copy.toPhase(Phase.RESOLVED);
   1.166 -                progress.tick();
   1.167 -                
   1.168 -                if (applyFixes(copy, processedDependencyChanges, hints, resourceContentChanges, fileChanges, changesPerFix, problems)) {
   1.169 -                    return false;
   1.170 -                }
   1.171 -
   1.172 -                final JavacTaskImpl jt = JavaSourceAccessor.getINSTANCE().getJavacTask(copy);
   1.173 -                Log.instance(jt.getContext()).nerrors = 0;
   1.174 -                Method getChanges = WorkingCopy.class.getDeclaredMethod("getChanges", Map.class);
   1.175 -                getChanges.setAccessible(true);
   1.176 -
   1.177 -                result.put(copy.getFileObject(), (List<ModificationResult.Difference>) getChanges.invoke(copy, new HashMap<Object, int[]>()));
   1.178 -
   1.179 -                if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
   1.180 -                    LOG.log(Level.FINE, "fixes applied to: {0}", FileUtil.getFileDisplayName(wc.getFileObject()));
   1.181 -                }
   1.182 -
   1.183 -                return true;
   1.184 -            }
   1.185 -
   1.186 -            public void groupFinished() {
   1.187 -                overlay = null;
   1.188 -            }
   1.189 -
   1.190 -            public void cannotVerifySpan(Resource r) {
   1.191 -                problems.add(new MessageImpl(MessageKind.WARNING, "Cannot parse: " + r.getRelativePath()));
   1.192 -            }
   1.193 -        };
   1.194 -
   1.195 -        BatchSearch.getVerifiedSpans(candidates, progress, callback, doNotRegisterClassPath, problems, cancel);
   1.196 -        
   1.197 -        addResourceContentChanges(resourceContentChanges, result);
   1.198 -
   1.199 -        return Collections.singletonList(JavaSourceAccessor.getINSTANCE().createModificationResult(result, Collections.<Object, int[]>emptyMap()));
   1.200 -    }
   1.201 -
   1.202 -    public static void addResourceContentChanges(final Map<FileObject, byte[]> resourceContentChanges, final Map<FileObject, List<Difference>> result) {
   1.203 -        for (Entry<FileObject, byte[]> e : resourceContentChanges.entrySet()) {
   1.204 -            try {
   1.205 -                Charset encoding = FileEncodingQuery.getEncoding(e.getKey());
   1.206 -                final Document originalDocument = getDocument(e.getKey());
   1.207 -                final String[] origContent = new String[1];
   1.208 -                final Source[] s = new Source[1];
   1.209 -                if (originalDocument != null) {
   1.210 -                    originalDocument.render(new Runnable() {
   1.211 -                        @Override public void run() {
   1.212 -                            try {
   1.213 -                                origContent[0] = originalDocument.getText(0, originalDocument.getLength());
   1.214 -                                s[0] = Source.create(originalDocument);
   1.215 -                            } catch (BadLocationException ex) {
   1.216 -                                Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
   1.217 -                            }
   1.218 -                        }
   1.219 -                    });
   1.220 -                }
   1.221 -                
   1.222 -                if (origContent[0] == null) {
   1.223 -                    byte[] origBytes = e.getKey().asBytes();
   1.224 -                    origContent[0] = encoding.newDecoder().decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(origBytes)).toString();
   1.225 -                }
   1.226 -                String newContent  = encoding.newDecoder().decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(e.getValue())).toString();
   1.227 -
   1.228 -                result.put(e.getKey(), DiffUtilities.diff2ModificationResultDifference(e.getKey(), null, Collections.<Integer, String>emptyMap(), origContent[0], newContent, s[0]));
   1.229 -            } catch (BadLocationException ex) {
   1.230 -                Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
   1.231 -            } catch (IOException ex) {
   1.232 -                Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
   1.233 -            }
   1.234 -        }
   1.235 -    }
   1.236 -    
   1.237 -    public static @CheckForNull Document getDocument(@NonNull FileObject file) {
   1.238 -        try {
   1.239 -            DataObject od = DataObject.find(file);
   1.240 -            EditorCookie ec = od.getLookup().lookup(EditorCookie.class);
   1.241 -
   1.242 -            if (ec == null) return null;
   1.243 -
   1.244 -            return ec.getDocument();
   1.245 -        } catch (DataObjectNotFoundException ex) {
   1.246 -            LOG.log(Level.FINE, null, ex);
   1.247 -            return null;
   1.248 -        }
   1.249 -    }
   1.250 -
   1.251 -    private static String positionToString(ErrorDescription ed) {
   1.252 -        try {
   1.253 -            return ed.getFile().getNameExt() + ":" + ed.getRange().getBegin().getLine();
   1.254 -        } catch (IOException ex) {
   1.255 -            LOG.log(Level.FINE, null, ex);
   1.256 -            return ed.getFile().getNameExt();
   1.257 -        }
   1.258 -    }
   1.259 -
   1.260 -//    public static void removeUnusedImports(Collection<? extends FileObject> files) throws IOException {
   1.261 -//        Map<ClasspathInfo, Collection<FileObject>> sortedFastFiles = sortFiles(files);
   1.262 -//
   1.263 -//        for (Entry<ClasspathInfo, Collection<FileObject>> e : sortedFastFiles.entrySet()) {
   1.264 -//            JavaSource.create(e.getKey(), e.getValue()).runModificationTask(new RemoveUnusedImports()).commit();
   1.265 -//        }
   1.266 -//    }
   1.267 -//
   1.268 -//    private static final class RemoveUnusedImports implements Task<WorkingCopy> {
   1.269 -//        public void run(WorkingCopy wc) throws IOException {
   1.270 -//            Document doc = wc.getSnapshot().getSource().getDocument(true);
   1.271 -//            
   1.272 -//            if (wc.toPhase(Phase.RESOLVED).compareTo(Phase.RESOLVED) < 0) {
   1.273 -//                return;
   1.274 -//            }
   1.275 -//
   1.276 -//            //compute imports to remove:
   1.277 -//            List<TreePathHandle> unusedImports = SemanticHighlighter.computeUnusedImports(wc);
   1.278 -//            CompilationUnitTree cut = wc.getCompilationUnit();
   1.279 -//            // make the changes to the source
   1.280 -//            for (TreePathHandle handle : unusedImports) {
   1.281 -//                TreePath path = handle.resolve(wc);
   1.282 -//                assert path != null;
   1.283 -//                cut = wc.getTreeMaker().removeCompUnitImport(cut,
   1.284 -//                        (ImportTree) path.getLeaf());
   1.285 -//            }
   1.286 -//
   1.287 -//            if (!unusedImports.isEmpty()) {
   1.288 -//                wc.rewrite(wc.getCompilationUnit(), cut);
   1.289 -//            }
   1.290 -//        }
   1.291 -//    }
   1.292 -
   1.293 -    public static boolean applyFixes(WorkingCopy copy, Map<Project, Set<String>> processedDependencyChanges, Collection<? extends ErrorDescription> hints, Map<FileObject, byte[]> resourceContentChanges, Collection<? super RefactoringElementImplementation> fileChanges, Collection<? super MessageImpl> problems) throws IllegalStateException, Exception {
   1.294 -        return applyFixes(copy, processedDependencyChanges, hints, resourceContentChanges, fileChanges, null, problems);
   1.295 -    }
   1.296 -    
   1.297 -    public static boolean applyFixes(WorkingCopy copy, Map<Project, Set<String>> processedDependencyChanges, Collection<? extends ErrorDescription> hints, Map<FileObject, byte[]> resourceContentChanges, Collection<? super RefactoringElementImplementation> fileChanges, Map<JavaFix, ModificationResult> changesPerFix, Collection<? super MessageImpl> problems) throws IllegalStateException, Exception {
   1.298 -        Set<JavaFix> fixes = new LinkedHashSet<JavaFix>();
   1.299 -        for (ErrorDescription ed : hints) {
   1.300 -            if (!ed.getFixes().isComputed()) {
   1.301 -                throw new IllegalStateException();//TODO: should be problem
   1.302 -            }
   1.303 -
   1.304 -            Fix toApply = null;
   1.305 -
   1.306 -            for (Fix f : ed.getFixes().getFixes()) {
   1.307 -                if (f instanceof SyntheticFix) continue;
   1.308 -                if (toApply == null) toApply = f;
   1.309 -                else problems.add(new MessageImpl(MessageKind.WARNING, "More than one fix for: " + ed.getDescription() + " at " + positionToString(ed) + ", only the first one will be used."));
   1.310 -            }
   1.311 -
   1.312 -            if (toApply == null) {
   1.313 -                //TODO: currently giving a warning so that the hints can be augmented with "Options.QUERY", but that should be removed
   1.314 -                //if a non-query hint cannot produce any fix, it is likely Ok - if not, the hint should produce a warning itself
   1.315 -                boolean doWarning = false;
   1.316 -                assert doWarning = true;
   1.317 -                if (doWarning) {
   1.318 -                    problems.add(new MessageImpl(MessageKind.WARNING, "No fix for: " + ed.getDescription() + " at " + positionToString(ed) + "."));
   1.319 -                }
   1.320 -                continue;
   1.321 -            }
   1.322 -
   1.323 -            if (!(toApply instanceof JavaFixImpl)) {
   1.324 -                throw new IllegalStateException(toApply.getClass().getName());//XXX: hints need to provide JavaFixes
   1.325 -            }
   1.326 -
   1.327 -
   1.328 -            fixes.add(((JavaFixImpl) toApply).jf);
   1.329 -        }
   1.330 -        if (fixDependencies(copy.getFileObject(), fixes, processedDependencyChanges)) {
   1.331 -            return true;
   1.332 -        }
   1.333 -        for (JavaFix f : fixes) {
   1.334 -//                    if (cancel.get()) return ;
   1.335 -
   1.336 -            JavaFixImpl.Accessor.INSTANCE.process(f, copy, false, resourceContentChanges, fileChanges);
   1.337 -            
   1.338 -            if (changesPerFix != null) {
   1.339 -                ElementOverlay overlay = ElementOverlay.getOrCreateOverlay(); //XXX: will use the incorrect overlay?
   1.340 -                Constructor<WorkingCopy> wcConstr = WorkingCopy.class.getDeclaredConstructor(CompilationInfoImpl.class, ElementOverlay.class);
   1.341 -                wcConstr.setAccessible(true);
   1.342 -
   1.343 -//                final WorkingCopy copy = new WorkingCopy(JavaSourceAccessor.getINSTANCE().getCompilationInfoImpl(parameter), overlay);
   1.344 -                WorkingCopy perFixCopy = wcConstr.newInstance(JavaSourceAccessor.getINSTANCE().getCompilationInfoImpl(copy), overlay);
   1.345 -                Method setJavaSource = CompilationInfo.class.getDeclaredMethod("setJavaSource", JavaSource.class);
   1.346 -                setJavaSource.setAccessible(true);
   1.347 -
   1.348 -//                copy.setJavaSource(JavaSource.this);
   1.349 -                setJavaSource.invoke(perFixCopy, copy.getJavaSource());
   1.350 -
   1.351 -                perFixCopy.toPhase(Phase.RESOLVED);
   1.352 -                
   1.353 -                final Map<FileObject, byte[]> perFixResourceContentChanges = new HashMap<FileObject, byte[]>();
   1.354 -        
   1.355 -                JavaFixImpl.Accessor.INSTANCE.process(f, perFixCopy, false, perFixResourceContentChanges, new ArrayList<RefactoringElementImplementation>());
   1.356 -                
   1.357 -                final JavacTaskImpl jt = JavaSourceAccessor.getINSTANCE().getJavacTask(perFixCopy);
   1.358 -                Log.instance(jt.getContext()).nerrors = 0;
   1.359 -                Method getChanges = WorkingCopy.class.getDeclaredMethod("getChanges", Map.class);
   1.360 -                getChanges.setAccessible(true);
   1.361 -                
   1.362 -                Map<FileObject, List<Difference>> changes = new HashMap<FileObject, List<Difference>>();
   1.363 -                
   1.364 -                changes.put(perFixCopy.getFileObject(), (List<ModificationResult.Difference>) getChanges.invoke(perFixCopy, new HashMap<Object, int[]>()));
   1.365 -                
   1.366 -                addResourceContentChanges(resourceContentChanges, changes);
   1.367 -                
   1.368 -                for (Iterator<Entry<FileObject, List<Difference>>> it = changes.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
   1.369 -                    if ( it.remove();
   1.370 -                }
   1.371 -
   1.372 -                if (!changes.isEmpty()) {
   1.373 -                    ModificationResult perFixResult = JavaSourceAccessor.getINSTANCE().createModificationResult(changes, Collections.<Object, int[]>emptyMap());
   1.374 -
   1.375 -                    changesPerFix.put(f, perFixResult);
   1.376 -                }
   1.377 -            }
   1.378 -        }
   1.379 -        return false;
   1.380 -    }
   1.381 -    
   1.382 -    public static Collection<ModificationResult> applyFixes(final Map<FileObject, Collection<JavaFix>> toRun) {
   1.383 -        final Map<FileObject, List<ModificationResult.Difference>> result = new LinkedHashMap<FileObject, List<ModificationResult.Difference>>();
   1.384 -        final Map<FileObject, byte[]> resourceContentChanges = new HashMap<FileObject, byte[]>();
   1.385 -        Map<ClasspathInfo, Collection<FileObject>> cp2Files = BatchUtilities.sortFiles(toRun.keySet());
   1.386 -
   1.387 -        for (Entry<ClasspathInfo, Collection<FileObject>> e : cp2Files.entrySet()) {
   1.388 -            try {
   1.389 -                ModificationResult mr = JavaSource.create(e.getKey(), e.getValue()).runModificationTask(new Task<WorkingCopy>() {
   1.390 -                    @Override
   1.391 -                    public void run(WorkingCopy parameter) throws Exception {
   1.392 -                        if (parameter.toPhase(Phase.RESOLVED).compareTo(Phase.RESOLVED) < 0) return ;
   1.393 -
   1.394 -                        for (JavaFix jf : toRun.get(parameter.getFileObject())) {
   1.395 -                            JavaFixImpl.Accessor.INSTANCE.process(jf, parameter, false, resourceContentChanges, new ArrayList<RefactoringElementImplementation>());
   1.396 -                        }
   1.397 -                    }
   1.398 -                });
   1.399 -                
   1.400 -                result.putAll(JavaSourceAccessor.getINSTANCE().getDiffsFromModificationResult(mr));
   1.401 -            } catch (IOException ex) {
   1.402 -                Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
   1.403 -            }
   1.404 -        }
   1.405 -        
   1.406 -        addResourceContentChanges(resourceContentChanges, result);
   1.407 -        
   1.408 -        return Collections.singletonList(JavaSourceAccessor.getINSTANCE().createModificationResult(result, Collections.<Object, int[]>emptyMap()));
   1.409 -    }
   1.410 -
   1.411 -    public static Collection<FileObject> getSourceGroups(Iterable<? extends Project> prjs) {
   1.412 -        List<FileObject> result = new LinkedList<FileObject>();
   1.413 -        
   1.414 -        for (Project p : prjs) {
   1.415 -            Sources s = ProjectUtils.getSources(p);
   1.416 -
   1.417 -            for (SourceGroup sg : s.getSourceGroups("java")) {
   1.418 -                result.add(sg.getRootFolder());
   1.419 -            }
   1.420 -        }
   1.421 -
   1.422 -        return result;
   1.423 -    }
   1.424 -
   1.425 -    public static Map<ClasspathInfo, Collection<FileObject>> sortFiles(Collection<? extends FileObject> from) {
   1.426 -        Map<CPCategorizer, Collection<FileObject>> m = new HashMap<CPCategorizer, Collection<FileObject>>();
   1.427 -
   1.428 -        for (FileObject f : from) {
   1.429 -            CPCategorizer cpCategorizer = new CPCategorizer(f);
   1.430 -
   1.431 -            Collection<FileObject> files = m.get(cpCategorizer);
   1.432 -
   1.433 -            if (files == null) {
   1.434 -                m.put(cpCategorizer, files = new LinkedList<FileObject>());
   1.435 -            }
   1.436 -
   1.437 -            files.add(f);
   1.438 -        }
   1.439 -        
   1.440 -        Map<ClasspathInfo, Collection<FileObject>> result = new IdentityHashMap<ClasspathInfo, Collection<FileObject>>();
   1.441 -
   1.442 -        for (Entry<CPCategorizer, Collection<FileObject>> e : m.entrySet()) {
   1.443 -            result.put(ClasspathInfo.create(e.getKey().boot, e.getKey().compile, e.getKey().source), e.getValue());
   1.444 -        }
   1.445 -        
   1.446 -        return result;
   1.447 -    }
   1.448 -    
   1.449 -    private static final ClassPath getClassPath(FileObject forFO, String id) {
   1.450 -        ClassPath result = ClassPath.getClassPath(forFO, id);
   1.451 -        
   1.452 -        if (result == null) {
   1.453 -            if (ClassPath.BOOT.equals(id)) {
   1.454 -                result = JavaPlatformManager.getDefault().getDefaultPlatform().getBootstrapLibraries();
   1.455 -            } else {
   1.456 -                result = ClassPath.EMPTY;
   1.457 -            }
   1.458 -        }
   1.459 -        
   1.460 -        return result;
   1.461 -    }
   1.462 -    
   1.463 -    private static final class CPCategorizer {
   1.464 -        private final String cps;
   1.465 -        private final ClassPath boot;
   1.466 -        private final ClassPath compile;
   1.467 -        private final ClassPath source;
   1.468 -        private final FileObject sourceRoot;
   1.469 -
   1.470 -        public CPCategorizer(FileObject file) {
   1.471 -            this.boot = getClassPath(file, ClassPath.BOOT);
   1.472 -            this.compile = getClassPath(file, ClassPath.COMPILE);
   1.473 -            this.source = getClassPath(file, ClassPath.SOURCE);
   1.474 -            this.sourceRoot = source != null ? source.findOwnerRoot(file) : null;
   1.475 -            
   1.476 -            StringBuilder cps = new StringBuilder();
   1.477 -            
   1.478 -            if (boot != null) cps.append(boot.toString(PathConversionMode.PRINT));
   1.479 -            if (compile != null) cps.append(compile.toString(PathConversionMode.PRINT));
   1.480 -            if (source != null) cps.append(source.toString(PathConversionMode.PRINT));
   1.481 -            
   1.482 -            this.cps = cps.toString();
   1.483 -        }
   1.484 -
   1.485 -        @Override
   1.486 -        public int hashCode() {
   1.487 -            int hash = 5;
   1.488 -            hash = 53 * hash + this.cps.hashCode();
   1.489 -            hash = 53 * hash + (this.sourceRoot != null ? this.sourceRoot.hashCode() : 0);
   1.490 -            return hash;
   1.491 -        }
   1.492 -
   1.493 -        @Override
   1.494 -        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
   1.495 -            if (obj == null) {
   1.496 -                return false;
   1.497 -            }
   1.498 -            if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
   1.499 -                return false;
   1.500 -            }
   1.501 -            final CPCategorizer other = (CPCategorizer) obj;
   1.502 -            if (!this.cps.equals(other.cps)) {
   1.503 -                return false;
   1.504 -            }
   1.505 -            if (this.sourceRoot != other.sourceRoot && (this.sourceRoot == null || !this.sourceRoot.equals(other.sourceRoot))) {
   1.506 -                return false;
   1.507 -            }
   1.508 -            return true;
   1.509 -        }
   1.510 -        
   1.511 -    }
   1.512 -
   1.513 -    public static final String ENSURE_DEPENDENCY = "ensure-dependency";
   1.514 -
   1.515 -    public static boolean fixDependencies(FileObject file, Iterable<? extends JavaFix> toProcess, Map<Project, Set<String>> alreadyProcessed) {
   1.516 -        boolean modified = false;
   1.517 -//        for (FileObject file : toProcess.keySet()) {
   1.518 -            for (JavaFix fix : toProcess) {
   1.519 -                String updateTo = Accessor.INSTANCE.getOptions(fix).get(ENSURE_DEPENDENCY);
   1.520 -
   1.521 -                if (updateTo != null) {
   1.522 -                    Project p = FileOwnerQuery.getOwner(file);
   1.523 -
   1.524 -                    if (p != null) {
   1.525 -                        Set<String> seen = alreadyProcessed.get(p);
   1.526 -
   1.527 -                        if (seen == null) {
   1.528 -                            alreadyProcessed.put(p, seen = new HashSet<String>());
   1.529 -                        }
   1.530 -
   1.531 -                        if (seen.add(updateTo)) {
   1.532 -                            for (ProjectDependencyUpgrader up : Lookup.getDefault().lookupAll(ProjectDependencyUpgrader.class)) {
   1.533 -                                if (up.ensureDependency(p, updateTo, false)) { //XXX: should check whether the given project was actually modified
   1.534 -                                    modified = true;
   1.535 -                                    break;
   1.536 -                                }
   1.537 -                            }
   1.538 -                            //TODO: fail if cannot update the dependency?
   1.539 -                        }
   1.540 -                    }
   1.541 -                }
   1.542 -            }
   1.543 -
   1.544 -            return modified;
   1.545 -//        }
   1.546 -    }
   1.547 -
   1.548 -    public static void recursive(FileObject root, FileObject file, Collection<FileObject> collected, ProgressHandleWrapper progress, int depth, Properties timeStamps, Set<String> removedFiles, boolean recursive) {
   1.549 -        if (!VisibilityQuery.getDefault().isVisible(file)) return;
   1.550 -
   1.551 -        if (file.isData()) {
   1.552 -            if (timeStamps != null) {
   1.553 -                String relativePath = FileUtil.getRelativePath(root, file);
   1.554 -                String lastModified = Long.toHexString(file.lastModified().getTime());
   1.555 -
   1.556 -                removedFiles.remove(relativePath);
   1.557 -
   1.558 -                if (lastModified.equals(timeStamps.getProperty(relativePath))) {
   1.559 -                    return;
   1.560 -                }
   1.561 -
   1.562 -                timeStamps.setProperty(relativePath, lastModified);
   1.563 -            }
   1.564 -
   1.565 -            if (/*???:*/"java".equals(file.getExt()) || "text/x-java".equals(FileUtil.getMIMEType(file, "text/x-java"))) {
   1.566 -                collected.add(file);
   1.567 -            }
   1.568 -        } else {
   1.569 -            FileObject[] children = file.getChildren();
   1.570 -
   1.571 -            if (children.length == 0) return;
   1.572 -
   1.573 -            ProgressHandleWrapper inner = depth < 2 ? progress.startNextPartWithEmbedding(ProgressHandleWrapper.prepareParts(children.length)) : null;
   1.574 -
   1.575 -            if (inner == null && progress != null) {
   1.576 -                progress.startNextPart(children.length);
   1.577 -            } else {
   1.578 -                progress = null;
   1.579 -            }
   1.580 -
   1.581 -            for (FileObject c : children) {
   1.582 -                if (recursive || c.isData())
   1.583 -                    recursive(root, c, collected, inner, depth + 1, timeStamps, removedFiles, recursive);
   1.584 -
   1.585 -                if (progress != null) progress.tick();
   1.586 -            }
   1.587 -        }
   1.588 -    }    
   1.589 -}