changeset 1043 57843026e60b
parent 1027 205b7632914c
parent 1040 f7b6892fd754
child 1044 7feb751ba76b
     1.1 --- a/sandbox/java.hints/	Mon Dec 19 11:37:36 2016 +0100
     1.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.3 @@ -1,1642 +0,0 @@
     1.4 -/*
     1.6 - *
     1.7 - * Copyright 2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     1.8 - *
     1.9 - * Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
    1.10 - * Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
    1.11 - *
    1.12 - * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
    1.13 - * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
    1.14 - * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
    1.15 - * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
    1.16 - * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
    1.17 - *
    1.18 - * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
    1.19 - * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
    1.20 - * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
    1.21 - * Notice in each file and include the License file at
    1.22 - * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Oracle designates this
    1.23 - * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
    1.24 - * by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
    1.25 - * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
    1.26 - * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
    1.27 - * your own identifying information:
    1.28 - * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
    1.29 - *
    1.30 - * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
    1.31 - * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
    1.32 - * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
    1.33 - * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
    1.34 - * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
    1.35 - * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
    1.36 - * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
    1.37 - * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
    1.38 - * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
    1.39 - * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
    1.40 - *
    1.41 - * Contributor(s):
    1.42 - *
    1.43 - * Portions Copyrighted 2012 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    1.44 - */
    1.45 -package;
    1.46 -
    1.47 -import com.sun.javadoc.Doc;
    1.48 -import com.sun.javadoc.Tag;
    1.49 -import com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree;
    1.50 -import com.sun.source.tree.AssignmentTree;
    1.51 -import com.sun.source.tree.BinaryTree;
    1.52 -import com.sun.source.tree.BlockTree;
    1.53 -import com.sun.source.tree.CaseTree;
    1.54 -import com.sun.source.tree.CatchTree;
    1.55 -import com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree;
    1.56 -import com.sun.source.tree.CompilationUnitTree;
    1.57 -import com.sun.source.tree.CompoundAssignmentTree;
    1.58 -import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionStatementTree;
    1.59 -import com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree;
    1.60 -import com.sun.source.tree.IdentifierTree;
    1.61 -import com.sun.source.tree.IfTree;
    1.62 -import com.sun.source.tree.LambdaExpressionTree;
    1.63 -import com.sun.source.tree.LiteralTree;
    1.64 -import com.sun.source.tree.MemberSelectTree;
    1.65 -import com.sun.source.tree.MethodInvocationTree;
    1.66 -import com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree;
    1.67 -import com.sun.source.tree.ModifiersTree;
    1.68 -import com.sun.source.tree.NewArrayTree;
    1.69 -import com.sun.source.tree.NewClassTree;
    1.70 -import com.sun.source.tree.ParameterizedTypeTree;
    1.71 -import com.sun.source.tree.ParenthesizedTree;
    1.72 -import com.sun.source.tree.Scope;
    1.73 -import com.sun.source.tree.StatementTree;
    1.74 -import com.sun.source.tree.SwitchTree;
    1.75 -import com.sun.source.tree.Tree;
    1.76 -import com.sun.source.tree.Tree.Kind;
    1.77 -import com.sun.source.tree.TryTree;
    1.78 -import com.sun.source.tree.TypeParameterTree;
    1.79 -import com.sun.source.tree.UnaryTree;
    1.80 -import com.sun.source.tree.UnionTypeTree;
    1.81 -import com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree;
    1.82 -import com.sun.source.util.SourcePositions;
    1.83 -import com.sun.source.util.TreePath;
    1.84 -import com.sun.source.util.TreePathScanner;
    1.85 -import com.sun.source.util.TreeScanner;
    1.86 -import;
    1.87 -import java.util.ArrayList;
    1.88 -import java.util.Arrays;
    1.89 -import java.util.Collection;
    1.90 -import java.util.Collections;
    1.91 -import java.util.EnumMap;
    1.92 -import java.util.EnumSet;
    1.93 -import java.util.HashMap;
    1.94 -import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
    1.95 -import java.util.Iterator;
    1.96 -import java.util.LinkedList;
    1.97 -import java.util.List;
    1.98 -import java.util.Map;
    1.99 -import java.util.Map.Entry;
   1.100 -import java.util.Set;
   1.101 -import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
   1.102 -import java.util.logging.Level;
   1.103 -import java.util.logging.Logger;
   1.104 -import java.util.regex.Matcher;
   1.105 -import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
   1.106 -import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;
   1.107 -import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier;
   1.108 -import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
   1.109 -import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
   1.110 -import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
   1.111 -import;
   1.112 -import;
   1.113 -import;
   1.114 -import;
   1.115 -import;
   1.116 -import;
   1.117 -import;
   1.118 -import;
   1.119 -import;
   1.120 -import;
   1.121 -import;
   1.122 -import;
   1.123 -import;
   1.124 -import org.netbeans.api.project.FileOwnerQuery;
   1.125 -import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
   1.126 -import;
   1.127 -import;
   1.128 -import;
   1.129 -import org.netbeans.modules.refactoring.spi.SimpleRefactoringElementImplementation;
   1.130 -import org.netbeans.spi.editor.hints.Fix;
   1.131 -import;
   1.132 -import;
   1.133 -import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
   1.134 -import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
   1.135 -import org.openide.loaders.DataFolder;
   1.136 -import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
   1.137 -import org.openide.loaders.DataObjectNotFoundException;
   1.138 -import org.openide.modules.SpecificationVersion;
   1.139 -import org.openide.text.PositionBounds;
   1.140 -import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
   1.141 -import org.openide.util.Lookup;
   1.142 -import org.openide.util.NbBundle.Messages;
   1.143 -import org.openide.util.NbCollections;
   1.144 -
   1.145 -/**Factory methods for various predefined {@link JavaFix} implementations.
   1.146 - *
   1.147 - * @author lahvac
   1.148 - */
   1.149 -public class JavaFixUtilities {
   1.150 -
   1.151 -    /**Prepare a fix that will replace the given tree node ({@code what}) with the
   1.152 -     * given code. Any variables in the {@code to} pattern will be replaced with their
   1.153 -     * values from {@link HintContext#getVariables() }, {@link HintContext#getMultiVariables() }
   1.154 -     * and {@link HintContext#getVariableNames() }.
   1.155 -     *
   1.156 -     * @param ctx basic context for which the fix should be created
   1.157 -     * @param displayName the display name of the fix
   1.158 -     * @param what the tree node that should be replaced
   1.159 -     * @param to the new code that should replaced the {@code what} tree node
   1.160 -     * @return an editor fix that performs the required transformation
   1.161 -     */
   1.162 -    public static Fix rewriteFix(HintContext ctx, String displayName, TreePath what, final String to) {
   1.163 -        return rewriteFix(ctx.getInfo(), displayName, what, to, ctx.getVariables(), ctx.getMultiVariables(), ctx.getVariableNames(), ctx.getConstraints(), Collections.<String, String>emptyMap());
   1.164 -    }
   1.165 -
   1.166 -    static Fix rewriteFix(CompilationInfo info, String displayName, TreePath what, final String to, Map<String, TreePath> parameters, Map<String, Collection<? extends TreePath>> parametersMulti, final Map<String, String> parameterNames, Map<String, TypeMirror> constraints, Map<String, String> options, String... imports) {
   1.167 -        final Map<String, TreePathHandle> params = new HashMap<String, TreePathHandle>();
   1.168 -        final Map<String, Object> extraParamsData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
   1.169 -
   1.170 -        for (Entry<String, TreePath> e : parameters.entrySet()) {
   1.171 -            params.put(e.getKey(), TreePathHandle.create(e.getValue(), info));
   1.172 -            if (e.getValue() instanceof Callable) {
   1.173 -                try {
   1.174 -                    extraParamsData.put(e.getKey(), ((Callable) e.getValue()).call());
   1.175 -                } catch (Exception ex) {
   1.176 -                    Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
   1.177 -                }
   1.178 -            }
   1.179 -        }
   1.180 -
   1.181 -        final Map<String, Collection<TreePathHandle>> paramsMulti = new HashMap<String, Collection<TreePathHandle>>();
   1.182 -
   1.183 -        for (Entry<String, Collection<? extends TreePath>> e : parametersMulti.entrySet()) {
   1.184 -            Collection<TreePathHandle> tph = new LinkedList<TreePathHandle>();
   1.185 -
   1.186 -            for (TreePath tp : e.getValue()) {
   1.187 -                tph.add(TreePathHandle.create(tp, info));
   1.188 -            }
   1.189 -
   1.190 -            paramsMulti.put(e.getKey(), tph);
   1.191 -        }
   1.192 -
   1.193 -        final Map<String, TypeMirrorHandle<?>> constraintsHandles = new HashMap<String, TypeMirrorHandle<?>>();
   1.194 -
   1.195 -        for (Entry<String, TypeMirror> c : constraints.entrySet()) {
   1.196 -            constraintsHandles.put(c.getKey(), TypeMirrorHandle.create(c.getValue()));
   1.197 -        }
   1.198 -
   1.199 -        if (displayName == null) {
   1.200 -            displayName = defaultFixDisplayName(info, parameters, to);
   1.201 -        }
   1.202 -
   1.203 -        return new JavaFixRealImpl(info, what, options, displayName, to, params, extraParamsData, paramsMulti, parameterNames, constraintsHandles, Arrays.asList(imports)).toEditorFix();
   1.204 -    }
   1.205 -
   1.206 -    /**Creates a fix that removes the given code corresponding to the given tree
   1.207 -     * node from the source code.
   1.208 -     * 
   1.209 -     * @param ctx basic context for which the fix should be created
   1.210 -     * @param displayName the display name of the fix
   1.211 -     * @param what the tree node that should be removed
   1.212 -     * @return an editor fix that removes the give tree from the source code
   1.213 -     */
   1.214 -    public static Fix removeFromParent(HintContext ctx, String displayName, TreePath what) {
   1.215 -        return new RemoveFromParent(displayName, ctx.getInfo(), what).toEditorFix();
   1.216 -    }
   1.217 -
   1.218 -    private static String defaultFixDisplayName(CompilationInfo info, Map<String, TreePath> variables, String replaceTarget) {
   1.219 -        Map<String, String> stringsForVariables = new HashMap<String, String>();
   1.220 -
   1.221 -        for (Entry<String, TreePath> e : variables.entrySet()) {
   1.222 -            Tree t = e.getValue().getLeaf();
   1.223 -            SourcePositions sp = info.getTrees().getSourcePositions();
   1.224 -            int startPos = (int) sp.getStartPosition(info.getCompilationUnit(), t);
   1.225 -            int endPos = (int) sp.getEndPosition(info.getCompilationUnit(), t);
   1.226 -
   1.227 -            if (startPos >= 0 && endPos >= 0) {
   1.228 -                stringsForVariables.put(e.getKey(), info.getText().substring(startPos, endPos));
   1.229 -            } else {
   1.230 -                stringsForVariables.put(e.getKey(), "");
   1.231 -            }
   1.232 -        }
   1.233 -
   1.234 -        if (!stringsForVariables.containsKey("$this")) {
   1.235 -            //XXX: is this correct?
   1.236 -            stringsForVariables.put("$this", "this");
   1.237 -        }
   1.238 -
   1.239 -        for (Entry<String, String> e : stringsForVariables.entrySet()) {
   1.240 -            String quotedVariable = java.util.regex.Pattern.quote(e.getKey());
   1.241 -            String quotedTarget = Matcher.quoteReplacement(e.getValue());
   1.242 -            replaceTarget = replaceTarget.replaceAll(quotedVariable, quotedTarget);
   1.243 -        }
   1.244 -
   1.245 -        return "Rewrite to " + replaceTarget;
   1.246 -    }
   1.247 -
   1.248 -    private static void checkDependency(CompilationInfo copy, Element e, boolean canShowUI) {
   1.249 -        SpecificationVersion sv = computeSpecVersion(copy, e);
   1.250 -
   1.251 -        while (sv == null && e.getKind() != ElementKind.PACKAGE) {
   1.252 -            e = e.getEnclosingElement();
   1.253 -            sv = computeSpecVersion(copy, e);
   1.254 -        }
   1.255 -
   1.256 -        if (sv == null) {
   1.257 -            return ;
   1.258 -        }
   1.259 -
   1.260 -        Project currentProject = FileOwnerQuery.getOwner(copy.getFileObject());
   1.261 -
   1.262 -        if (currentProject == null) {
   1.263 -            return ;
   1.264 -        }
   1.265 -
   1.266 -        FileObject file = getFile(copy, e);
   1.267 -
   1.268 -        if (file == null) {
   1.269 -            return ;
   1.270 -        }
   1.271 -
   1.272 -        FileObject root = findRootForFile(file, copy.getClasspathInfo());
   1.273 -
   1.274 -        if (root == null) {
   1.275 -            return ;
   1.276 -        }
   1.277 -
   1.278 -        Project referedProject = FileOwnerQuery.getOwner(file);
   1.279 -
   1.280 -        if (referedProject != null && currentProject.getProjectDirectory().equals(referedProject.getProjectDirectory())) {
   1.281 -            return ;
   1.282 -        }
   1.283 -
   1.284 -        for (ProjectDependencyUpgrader pdu : Lookup.getDefault().lookupAll(ProjectDependencyUpgrader.class)) {
   1.285 -            if (pdu.ensureDependency(currentProject, root, sv, canShowUI)) {
   1.286 -                return ;
   1.287 -            }
   1.288 -        }
   1.289 -    }
   1.290 -
   1.291 -    private static java.util.regex.Pattern SPEC_VERSION = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)+");
   1.292 -
   1.293 -    static SpecificationVersion computeSpecVersion(CompilationInfo info, Element el) {
   1.294 -        if (!Utilities.isJavadocSupported(info)) return null;
   1.295 -
   1.296 -        Doc javaDoc = info.getElementUtilities().javaDocFor(el);
   1.297 -
   1.298 -        if (javaDoc == null) return null;
   1.299 -
   1.300 -        for (Tag since : javaDoc.tags("@since")) {
   1.301 -            String text = since.text();
   1.302 -
   1.303 -            Matcher m = SPEC_VERSION.matcher(text);
   1.304 -
   1.305 -            if (!m.find()) {
   1.306 -                continue;
   1.307 -            }
   1.308 -
   1.309 -            return new SpecificationVersion(*ver.toString()*/);
   1.310 -        }
   1.311 -
   1.312 -        return null;
   1.313 -    }
   1.314 -
   1.315 -    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
   1.316 -    private static FileObject getFile(CompilationInfo copy, Element e) {
   1.317 -        return SourceUtils.getFile(e, copy.getClasspathInfo());
   1.318 -    }
   1.319 -
   1.320 -    private static FileObject findRootForFile(final FileObject file, final ClasspathInfo cpInfo) {
   1.321 -        ClassPath cp = ClassPathSupport.createProxyClassPath(
   1.322 -            new ClassPath[] {
   1.323 -                cpInfo.getClassPath(ClasspathInfo.PathKind.SOURCE),
   1.324 -                cpInfo.getClassPath(ClasspathInfo.PathKind.BOOT),
   1.325 -                cpInfo.getClassPath(ClasspathInfo.PathKind.COMPILE),
   1.326 -            });
   1.327 -
   1.328 -        FileObject root = cp.findOwnerRoot(file);
   1.329 -
   1.330 -        if (root != null) {
   1.331 -            return root;
   1.332 -        }
   1.333 -
   1.334 -        for (ClassPath.Entry e : cp.entries()) {
   1.335 -            FileObject[] sourceRoots = SourceForBinaryQuery.findSourceRoots(e.getURL()).getRoots();
   1.336 -
   1.337 -            if (sourceRoots.length == 0) continue;
   1.338 -
   1.339 -            ClassPath sourcePath = ClassPathSupport.createClassPath(sourceRoots);
   1.340 -
   1.341 -            root = sourcePath.findOwnerRoot(file);
   1.342 -
   1.343 -            if (root != null) {
   1.344 -                return root;
   1.345 -            }
   1.346 -        }
   1.347 -        return null;
   1.348 -    }
   1.349 -
   1.350 -    private static boolean isStaticElement(Element el) {
   1.351 -        if (el == null) return false;
   1.352 -
   1.353 -        if (el.asType() == null || el.asType().getKind() == TypeKind.ERROR) {
   1.354 -            return false;
   1.355 -        }
   1.356 -
   1.357 -        if (el.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.STATIC)) {
   1.358 -            //XXX:
   1.359 -            if (!el.getKind().isClass() && !el.getKind().isInterface()) {
   1.360 -                return false;
   1.361 -            }
   1.362 -
   1.363 -            return true;
   1.364 -        }
   1.365 -
   1.366 -        if (el.getKind().isClass() || el.getKind().isInterface()) {
   1.367 -            return el.getEnclosingElement().getKind() == ElementKind.PACKAGE;
   1.368 -        }
   1.369 -
   1.370 -        return false;
   1.371 -    }
   1.372 -
   1.373 -    private static class JavaFixRealImpl extends JavaFix {
   1.374 -        private final String displayName;
   1.375 -        private final Map<String, TreePathHandle> params;
   1.376 -        private final Map<String, Object> extraParamsData;
   1.377 -        private final Map<String, Collection<TreePathHandle>> paramsMulti;
   1.378 -        private final Map<String, String> parameterNames;
   1.379 -        private final Map<String, TypeMirrorHandle<?>> constraintsHandles;
   1.380 -        private final Iterable<? extends String> imports;
   1.381 -        private final String to;
   1.382 -
   1.383 -        public JavaFixRealImpl(CompilationInfo info, TreePath what, Map<String, String> options, String displayName, String to, Map<String, TreePathHandle> params, Map<String, Object> extraParamsData, Map<String, Collection<TreePathHandle>> paramsMulti, final Map<String, String> parameterNames, Map<String, TypeMirrorHandle<?>> constraintsHandles, Iterable<? extends String> imports) {
   1.384 -            super(info, what, options);
   1.385 -
   1.386 -            this.displayName = displayName;
   1.387 -   = to;
   1.388 -            this.params = params;
   1.389 -            this.extraParamsData = extraParamsData;
   1.390 -            this.paramsMulti = paramsMulti;
   1.391 -            this.parameterNames = parameterNames;
   1.392 -            this.constraintsHandles = constraintsHandles;
   1.393 -            this.imports = imports;
   1.394 -        }
   1.395 -
   1.396 -        @Override
   1.397 -        protected String getText() {
   1.398 -            return displayName;
   1.399 -        }
   1.400 -
   1.401 -        @Override
   1.402 -        protected void performRewrite(TransformationContext ctx) {
   1.403 -            final WorkingCopy wc = ctx.getWorkingCopy();
   1.404 -            TreePath tp = ctx.getPath();
   1.405 -            final Map<String, TreePath> parameters = new HashMap<String, TreePath>();
   1.406 -
   1.407 -            for (Entry<String, TreePathHandle> e : params.entrySet()) {
   1.408 -                TreePath p = e.getValue().resolve(wc);
   1.409 -
   1.410 -                if (p == null) {
   1.411 -                    Logger.getLogger(JavaFix.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot resolve handle={0}", e.getValue());
   1.412 -                }
   1.413 -
   1.414 -                parameters.put(e.getKey(), p);
   1.415 -            }
   1.416 -
   1.417 -            final Map<String, Collection<TreePath>> parametersMulti = new HashMap<String, Collection<TreePath>>();
   1.418 -
   1.419 -            for (Entry<String, Collection<TreePathHandle>> e : paramsMulti.entrySet()) {
   1.420 -                Collection<TreePath> tps = new LinkedList<TreePath>();
   1.421 -
   1.422 -                for (TreePathHandle tph : e.getValue()) {
   1.423 -                    TreePath p = tph.resolve(wc);
   1.424 -
   1.425 -                    if (p == null) {
   1.426 -                        Logger.getLogger(JavaFix.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot resolve handle={0}", e.getValue());
   1.427 -                    }
   1.428 -
   1.429 -                    tps.add(p);
   1.430 -                }
   1.431 -
   1.432 -                parametersMulti.put(e.getKey(), tps);
   1.433 -            }
   1.434 -
   1.435 -            Map<String, TypeMirror> constraints = new HashMap<String, TypeMirror>();
   1.436 -
   1.437 -            for (Entry<String, TypeMirrorHandle<?>> c : constraintsHandles.entrySet()) {
   1.438 -                constraints.put(c.getKey(), c.getValue().resolve(wc));
   1.439 -            }
   1.440 -
   1.441 -            Scope scope = Utilities.constructScope(wc, constraints, imports);
   1.442 -
   1.443 -            assert scope != null;
   1.444 -
   1.445 -            Tree parsed = Utilities.parseAndAttribute(wc, to, scope);
   1.446 -            
   1.447 -            if (parsed.getKind() == Kind.EXPRESSION_STATEMENT && ExpressionTree.class.isAssignableFrom(tp.getLeaf().getKind().asInterface())) {
   1.448 -                parsed = ((ExpressionStatementTree) parsed).getExpression();
   1.449 -            }
   1.450 -            
   1.451 -            Map<Tree, Tree> rewriteFromTo = new IdentityHashMap<Tree, Tree>();
   1.452 -            Tree original;
   1.453 -
   1.454 -            if (Utilities.isFakeBlock(parsed)) {
   1.455 -                TreePath parent = tp.getParentPath();
   1.456 -                List<? extends StatementTree> statements = ((BlockTree) parsed).getStatements();
   1.457 -                
   1.458 -                if (tp.getLeaf().getKind() == Kind.BLOCK) {
   1.459 -                    BlockTree real = (BlockTree) tp.getLeaf();
   1.460 -                    rewriteFromTo.put(original = real, wc.getTreeMaker().Block(statements, real.isStatic()));
   1.461 -                } else {
   1.462 -                    statements = statements.subList(1, statements.size() - 1);
   1.463 -
   1.464 -                    if (parent.getLeaf().getKind() == Kind.BLOCK) {
   1.465 -                        List<StatementTree> newStatements = new LinkedList<StatementTree>();
   1.466 -
   1.467 -                        for (StatementTree st : ((BlockTree) parent.getLeaf()).getStatements()) {
   1.468 -                            if (st == tp.getLeaf()) {
   1.469 -                                newStatements.addAll(statements);
   1.470 -                            } else {
   1.471 -                                newStatements.add(st);
   1.472 -                            }
   1.473 -                        }
   1.474 -
   1.475 -                        rewriteFromTo.put(original = parent.getLeaf(), wc.getTreeMaker().Block(newStatements, ((BlockTree) parent.getLeaf()).isStatic()));
   1.476 -                    } else {
   1.477 -                        rewriteFromTo.put(original = tp.getLeaf(), wc.getTreeMaker().Block(statements, false));
   1.478 -                    }
   1.479 -                }
   1.480 -            } else if (Utilities.isFakeClass(parsed)) {
   1.481 -                TreePath parent = tp.getParentPath();
   1.482 -                List<? extends Tree> members = ((ClassTree) parsed).getMembers();
   1.483 -
   1.484 -                members = members.subList(1, members.size());
   1.485 -
   1.486 -                assert parent.getLeaf().getKind() == Kind.CLASS;
   1.487 -
   1.488 -                List<Tree> newMembers = new LinkedList<Tree>();
   1.489 -
   1.490 -                ClassTree ct = (ClassTree) parent.getLeaf();
   1.491 -
   1.492 -                for (Tree t : ct.getMembers()) {
   1.493 -                    if (t == tp.getLeaf()) {
   1.494 -                        newMembers.addAll(members);
   1.495 -                    } else {
   1.496 -                        newMembers.add(t);
   1.497 -                    }
   1.498 -                }
   1.499 -
   1.500 -                rewriteFromTo.put(original = parent.getLeaf(), wc.getTreeMaker().Class(ct.getModifiers(), ct.getSimpleName(), ct.getTypeParameters(), ct.getExtendsClause(), ct.getImplementsClause(), newMembers));
   1.501 -            } else if (tp.getLeaf().getKind() == Kind.BLOCK && parametersMulti.containsKey("$$1$") && parsed.getKind() != Kind.BLOCK && StatementTree.class.isAssignableFrom(parsed.getKind().asInterface())) {
   1.502 -                List<StatementTree> newStatements = new LinkedList<StatementTree>();
   1.503 -
   1.504 -                newStatements.add(wc.getTreeMaker().ExpressionStatement(wc.getTreeMaker().Identifier("$$1$")));
   1.505 -                newStatements.add((StatementTree) parsed);
   1.506 -                newStatements.add(wc.getTreeMaker().ExpressionStatement(wc.getTreeMaker().Identifier("$$2$")));
   1.507 -
   1.508 -                parsed = wc.getTreeMaker().Block(newStatements, ((BlockTree) tp.getLeaf()).isStatic());
   1.509 -
   1.510 -                rewriteFromTo.put(original = tp.getLeaf(), parsed);
   1.511 -            } else {
   1.512 -                while (   tp.getParentPath().getLeaf().getKind() == Kind.PARENTHESIZED
   1.513 -                       && tp.getLeaf().getKind() != parsed.getKind()
   1.514 -                       && tp.getParentPath() != null
   1.515 -                       && tp.getParentPath().getParentPath() != null
   1.516 -                       && !requiresParenthesis(parsed, tp.getParentPath().getLeaf(), tp.getParentPath().getParentPath().getLeaf())
   1.517 -                       && requiresParenthesis(tp.getLeaf(), tp.getParentPath().getLeaf(), tp.getParentPath().getParentPath().getLeaf()))
   1.518 -                    tp = tp.getParentPath();
   1.519 -                rewriteFromTo.put(original = tp.getLeaf(), parsed);
   1.520 -            }
   1.521 -
   1.522 -            //prevent generating QualIdents inside import clauses - might be better to solve that inside ImportAnalysis2,
   1.523 -            //but that seems not to be straightforward:
   1.524 -            boolean inImport = parsed.getKind() == Kind.IMPORT;
   1.525 -            boolean inPackage = false;
   1.526 -            TreePath w = tp;
   1.527 -
   1.528 -            while (!inImport && w != null) {
   1.529 -                inImport |= w.getLeaf().getKind() == Kind.IMPORT;
   1.530 -                inPackage |= w.getParentPath() != null && w.getParentPath().getLeaf().getKind() == Kind.COMPILATION_UNIT && ((CompilationUnitTree) w.getParentPath().getLeaf()).getPackageName() == w.getLeaf();
   1.531 -                w = w.getParentPath();
   1.532 -            }
   1.533 -
   1.534 -            final Set<Tree> originalTrees = Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<Tree, Boolean>());
   1.535 -            
   1.536 -            new TreeScanner<Void, Void>() {
   1.537 -                @Override public Void scan(Tree tree, Void p) {
   1.538 -                    originalTrees.add(tree);
   1.539 -                    return super.scan(tree, p);
   1.540 -                }
   1.541 -            }.scan(original, null);
   1.542 -            
   1.543 -            new ReplaceParameters(wc, ctx.isCanShowUI(), inImport, parameters, extraParamsData, parametersMulti, parameterNames, rewriteFromTo, originalTrees).scan(new TreePath(tp.getParentPath(), rewriteFromTo.get(original)), null);
   1.544 -
   1.545 -            if (inPackage) {
   1.546 -                String newPackage = wc.getTreeUtilities().translate(wc.getCompilationUnit().getPackageName(), new IdentityHashMap<Tree, Tree>(rewriteFromTo))./*XXX: not correct*/toString();
   1.547 -
   1.548 -                ClassPath source = wc.getClasspathInfo().getClassPath(PathKind.SOURCE);
   1.549 -                FileObject ownerRoot = source.findOwnerRoot(wc.getFileObject());
   1.550 -
   1.551 -                if (ownerRoot != null) {
   1.552 -                    ctx.getFileChanges().add(new MoveFile(wc.getFileObject(), ownerRoot, newPackage.replace('.', '/')));
   1.553 -                } else {
   1.554 -                    Logger.getLogger(JavaFix.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "{0} not on its source path ({1})", new Object[] {FileUtil.getFileDisplayName(wc.getFileObject()), source.toString(PathConversionMode.PRINT)});
   1.555 -                }
   1.556 -            }
   1.557 -            
   1.558 -            for (Entry<Tree, Tree> e : rewriteFromTo.entrySet()) {
   1.559 -                wc.rewrite(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
   1.560 -            }
   1.561 -        }
   1.562 -    }
   1.563 -
   1.564 -    private static final Set<Kind> NUMBER_LITERAL_KINDS = EnumSet.of(Kind.FLOAT_LITERAL, Kind.DOUBLE_LITERAL, Kind.INT_LITERAL, Kind.LONG_LITERAL);
   1.565 -
   1.566 -    private static class ReplaceParameters extends TreePathScanner<Number, Void> {
   1.567 -
   1.568 -        private final CompilationInfo info;
   1.569 -        private final TreeMaker make;
   1.570 -        private final boolean canShowUI;
   1.571 -        private final boolean inImport;
   1.572 -        private final Map<String, TreePath> parameters;
   1.573 -        private final Map<String, Object> extraParamsData;
   1.574 -        private final Map<String, Collection<TreePath>> parametersMulti;
   1.575 -        private final Map<String, String> parameterNames;
   1.576 -        private final Map<Tree, Tree> rewriteFromTo;
   1.577 -        private final Set<Tree> originalTrees;
   1.578 -
   1.579 -        public ReplaceParameters(WorkingCopy wc, boolean canShowUI, boolean inImport, Map<String, TreePath> parameters, Map<String, Object> extraParamsData, Map<String, Collection<TreePath>> parametersMulti, Map<String, String> parameterNames, Map<Tree, Tree> rewriteFromTo, Set<Tree> originalTrees) {
   1.580 -            this.parameters = parameters;
   1.581 -   = wc;
   1.582 -            this.make = wc.getTreeMaker();
   1.583 -            this.canShowUI = canShowUI;
   1.584 -            this.inImport = inImport;
   1.585 -            this.extraParamsData = extraParamsData;
   1.586 -            this.parametersMulti = parametersMulti;
   1.587 -            this.parameterNames = parameterNames;
   1.588 -            this.rewriteFromTo = rewriteFromTo;
   1.589 -            this.originalTrees = originalTrees;
   1.590 -        }
   1.591 -
   1.592 -        @Override
   1.593 -        public Number visitIdentifier(IdentifierTree node, Void p) {
   1.594 -            String name = node.getName().toString();
   1.595 -            Tree newNode = handleIdentifier(name, node);
   1.596 -            
   1.597 -            if (newNode != null) {
   1.598 -                rewrite(node, newNode);
   1.599 -                if (NUMBER_LITERAL_KINDS.contains(newNode.getKind())) {
   1.600 -                    return (Number) ((LiteralTree) newNode).getValue();
   1.601 -                }
   1.602 -            }
   1.603 -
   1.604 -            Element e = info.getTrees().getElement(getCurrentPath());
   1.605 -
   1.606 -            if (e != null && isStaticElement(e) && !inImport) {
   1.607 -                rewrite(node, make.QualIdent(e));
   1.608 -            }
   1.609 -
   1.610 -            return super.visitIdentifier(node, p);
   1.611 -        }
   1.612 -
   1.613 -        @Override
   1.614 -        public Number visitTypeParameter(TypeParameterTree node, Void p) {
   1.615 -            String name = node.getName().toString();
   1.616 -            Tree newNode = handleIdentifier(name, node);
   1.617 -            
   1.618 -            if (newNode != null) {
   1.619 -                rewrite(node, newNode);
   1.620 -                if (NUMBER_LITERAL_KINDS.contains(newNode.getKind())) {
   1.621 -                    return (Number) ((LiteralTree) newNode).getValue();
   1.622 -                }
   1.623 -            }
   1.624 -            
   1.625 -            return super.visitTypeParameter(node, p);
   1.626 -        }
   1.627 -        
   1.628 -        private Tree handleIdentifier(String name, Tree node) {
   1.629 -            TreePath tp = parameters.get(name);
   1.630 -
   1.631 -            if (tp != null) {
   1.632 -                if (tp.getLeaf() instanceof Hacks.RenameTree) {
   1.633 -                    Hacks.RenameTree rt = (Hacks.RenameTree) tp.getLeaf();
   1.634 -                    return make.setLabel(rt.originalTree, rt.newName);
   1.635 -                }
   1.636 -                if (!parameterNames.containsKey(name)) {
   1.637 -                    Tree target = tp.getLeaf();
   1.638 -                    if (NUMBER_LITERAL_KINDS.contains(target.getKind())) {
   1.639 -                        return target;
   1.640 -                    }
   1.641 -                    //TODO: might also remove parenthesis, but needs to ensure the diff will still be minimal
   1.642 -//                    while (target.getKind() == Kind.PARENTHESIZED
   1.643 -//                           && !requiresParenthesis(((ParenthesizedTree) target).getExpression(), getCurrentPath().getParentPath().getLeaf())) {
   1.644 -//                        target = ((ParenthesizedTree) target).getExpression();
   1.645 -//                    }
   1.646 -                    if (   getCurrentPath().getParentPath() != null
   1.647 -                        && getCurrentPath().getParentPath().getLeaf().getKind() == Kind.LOGICAL_COMPLEMENT
   1.648 -                        && (   tp.getParentPath() == null
   1.649 -                            || tp.getParentPath().getLeaf().getKind() != Kind.LOGICAL_COMPLEMENT)) {
   1.650 -                        Tree negated = negate((ExpressionTree) tp.getLeaf(), getCurrentPath().getParentPath().getParentPath().getLeaf(), true);
   1.651 -                        
   1.652 -                        if (negated != null) {
   1.653 -                            rewrite(getCurrentPath().getParentPath().getLeaf(), negated);
   1.654 -                        }
   1.655 -                    }
   1.656 -                    if (requiresParenthesis(target, node, getCurrentPath().getParentPath().getLeaf())) {
   1.657 -                        target = make.Parenthesized((ExpressionTree) target);
   1.658 -                    }
   1.659 -                    return target;
   1.660 -                }
   1.661 -            }
   1.662 -
   1.663 -            String variableName = parameterNames.get(name);
   1.664 -
   1.665 -            if (variableName != null) {
   1.666 -                return make.Identifier(variableName);
   1.667 -            }
   1.668 -            
   1.669 -            return null;
   1.670 -        }
   1.671 -
   1.672 -        @Override
   1.673 -        public Number visitMemberSelect(MemberSelectTree node, Void p) {
   1.674 -            Element e = info.getTrees().getElement(getCurrentPath());
   1.675 -
   1.676 -            if (e != null && (e.getKind() != ElementKind.CLASS || ((TypeElement) e).asType().getKind() != TypeKind.ERROR)) {
   1.677 -                //check correct dependency:
   1.678 -                checkDependency(info, e, canShowUI);
   1.679 -
   1.680 -                if (isStaticElement(e) && !inImport) {
   1.681 -                    rewrite(node, make.QualIdent(e));
   1.682 -
   1.683 -                    return null;
   1.684 -                }
   1.685 -            }
   1.686 -            
   1.687 -            MemberSelectTree nue = node;
   1.688 -            String selectedName = node.getIdentifier().toString();
   1.689 -
   1.690 -            if (selectedName.startsWith("$") && parameterNames.get(selectedName) != null) {
   1.691 -                nue = make.MemberSelect(node.getExpression(), parameterNames.get(selectedName));
   1.692 -            }
   1.693 -
   1.694 -            if (nue.getExpression().getKind() == Kind.IDENTIFIER) {
   1.695 -                String name = ((IdentifierTree) nue.getExpression()).getName().toString();
   1.696 -
   1.697 -                if (name.startsWith("$") && parameters.get(name) == null) {
   1.698 -                    //XXX: unbound variable, use identifier instead of member select - may cause problems?
   1.699 -                    rewrite(node, make.Identifier(nue.getIdentifier()));
   1.700 -                    return null;
   1.701 -                }
   1.702 -            }
   1.703 -
   1.704 -            if (nue != node) {
   1.705 -                rewrite(node, nue);
   1.706 -            }
   1.707 -            
   1.708 -            return super.visitMemberSelect(node, p);
   1.709 -        }
   1.710 -
   1.711 -        @Override
   1.712 -        public Number visitVariable(VariableTree node, Void p) {
   1.713 -            String name = node.getName().toString();
   1.714 -
   1.715 -            if (name.startsWith("$")) {
   1.716 -                String nueName = parameterNames.get(name);
   1.717 -
   1.718 -                if (nueName != null) {
   1.719 -                    name = nueName;
   1.720 -                }
   1.721 -            }
   1.722 -            
   1.723 -            VariableTree nue = make.Variable(node.getModifiers(), name, node.getType(), resolveOptionalValue(node.getInitializer()));
   1.724 -
   1.725 -            rewrite(node, nue);
   1.726 -
   1.727 -            return super.visitVariable(nue, p);
   1.728 -        }
   1.729 -
   1.730 -        @Override
   1.731 -        public Number visitIf(IfTree node, Void p) {
   1.732 -            IfTree nue = make.If(node.getCondition(), node.getThenStatement(), resolveOptionalValue(node.getElseStatement()));
   1.733 -            
   1.734 -            rewrite(node, nue);
   1.735 -            
   1.736 -            return super.visitIf(nue, p);
   1.737 -        }
   1.738 -
   1.739 -        @Override
   1.740 -        public Number visitMethod(MethodTree node, Void p) {
   1.741 -            String name = node.getName().toString();
   1.742 -            String newName = name;
   1.743 -
   1.744 -            if (name.startsWith("$")) {
   1.745 -                if (parameterNames.containsKey(name)) {
   1.746 -                    newName = parameterNames.get(name);
   1.747 -                }
   1.748 -            }
   1.749 -
   1.750 -            List<? extends TypeParameterTree> typeParams = resolveMultiParameters(node.getTypeParameters());
   1.751 -            List<? extends VariableTree> params = resolveMultiParameters(node.getParameters());
   1.752 -            List<? extends ExpressionTree> thrown = resolveMultiParameters(node.getThrows());
   1.753 -            
   1.754 -            MethodTree nue = make.Method(node.getModifiers(), newName, node.getReturnType(), typeParams, params, thrown, node.getBody(), (ExpressionTree) node.getDefaultValue());
   1.755 -            
   1.756 -            rewrite(node, nue);
   1.757 -            
   1.758 -            return super.visitMethod(nue, p);
   1.759 -        }
   1.760 -
   1.761 -        @Override
   1.762 -        public Number visitClass(ClassTree node, Void p) {
   1.763 -            String name = node.getSimpleName().toString();
   1.764 -            String newName = name;
   1.765 -
   1.766 -            if (name.startsWith("$")) {
   1.767 -                if (parameterNames.containsKey(name)) {
   1.768 -                    newName = parameterNames.get(name);
   1.769 -                }
   1.770 -            }
   1.771 -
   1.772 -            List<? extends TypeParameterTree> typeParams = resolveMultiParameters(node.getTypeParameters());
   1.773 -            List<? extends Tree> implementsClauses = resolveMultiParameters(node.getImplementsClause());
   1.774 -            List<? extends Tree> members = resolveMultiParameters(Utilities.filterHidden(getCurrentPath(), node.getMembers()));
   1.775 -            Tree extend = resolveOptionalValue(node.getExtendsClause());
   1.776 -            ClassTree nue = make.Class(node.getModifiers(), newName, typeParams, extend, implementsClauses, members);
   1.777 -            
   1.778 -            rewrite(node, nue);
   1.779 -            
   1.780 -            return super.visitClass(nue, p);
   1.781 -        }
   1.782 -
   1.783 -        @Override
   1.784 -        public Number visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatementTree node, Void p) {
   1.785 -            CharSequence name = Utilities.getWildcardTreeName(node);
   1.786 -
   1.787 -            if (name != null) {
   1.788 -                TreePath tp = parameters.get(name.toString());
   1.789 -
   1.790 -                if (tp != null) {
   1.791 -                    rewrite(node, tp.getLeaf());
   1.792 -                    return null;
   1.793 -                }
   1.794 -            }
   1.795 -
   1.796 -            return super.visitExpressionStatement(node, p);
   1.797 -        }
   1.798 -
   1.799 -        @Override
   1.800 -        public Number visitLiteral(LiteralTree node, Void p) {
   1.801 -            if (node.getValue() instanceof Number) {
   1.802 -                return (Number) node.getValue();
   1.803 -            }
   1.804 -
   1.805 -            return super.visitLiteral(node, p);
   1.806 -        }
   1.807 -
   1.808 -        @Override
   1.809 -        public Number visitBinary(BinaryTree node, Void p) {
   1.810 -            Number left  = scan(node.getLeftOperand(), p);
   1.811 -            Number right = scan(node.getRightOperand(), p);
   1.812 -
   1.813 -            if (left != null && right != null) {
   1.814 -                Number result = null;
   1.815 -                switch (node.getKind()) {
   1.816 -                    case MULTIPLY:
   1.817 -                            if (left instanceof Double || right instanceof Double) {
   1.818 -                                result = left.doubleValue() * right.doubleValue();
   1.819 -                            } else if (left instanceof Float || right instanceof Float) {
   1.820 -                                result = left.floatValue() * right.floatValue();
   1.821 -                            } else if (left instanceof Long || right instanceof Long) {
   1.822 -                                result = left.longValue() * right.longValue();
   1.823 -                            } else if (left instanceof Integer || right instanceof Integer) {
   1.824 -                                result = left.intValue() * right.intValue();
   1.825 -                            } else {
   1.826 -                                throw new IllegalStateException("left=" + left.getClass() + ", right=" + right.getClass());
   1.827 -                            }
   1.828 -                            break;
   1.829 -
   1.830 -                    case DIVIDE:
   1.831 -                            if (left instanceof Double || right instanceof Double) {
   1.832 -                                result = left.doubleValue() / right.doubleValue();
   1.833 -                            } else if (left instanceof Float || right instanceof Float) {
   1.834 -                                result = left.floatValue() / right.floatValue();
   1.835 -                            } else if (left instanceof Long || right instanceof Long) {
   1.836 -                                result = left.longValue() / right.longValue();
   1.837 -                            } else if (left instanceof Integer || right instanceof Integer) {
   1.838 -                                result = left.intValue() / right.intValue();
   1.839 -                            } else {
   1.840 -                                throw new IllegalStateException("left=" + left.getClass() + ", right=" + right.getClass());
   1.841 -                            }
   1.842 -                            break;
   1.843 -
   1.844 -                    case REMAINDER:
   1.845 -                            if (left instanceof Double || right instanceof Double) {
   1.846 -                                result = left.doubleValue() % right.doubleValue();
   1.847 -                            } else if (left instanceof Float || right instanceof Float) {
   1.848 -                                result = left.floatValue() % right.floatValue();
   1.849 -                            } else if (left instanceof Long || right instanceof Long) {
   1.850 -                                result = left.longValue() % right.longValue();
   1.851 -                            } else if (left instanceof Integer || right instanceof Integer) {
   1.852 -                                result = left.intValue() % right.intValue();
   1.853 -                            } else {
   1.854 -                                throw new IllegalStateException("left=" + left.getClass() + ", right=" + right.getClass());
   1.855 -                            }
   1.856 -                            break;
   1.857 -
   1.858 -                    case PLUS:
   1.859 -                            if (left instanceof Double || right instanceof Double) {
   1.860 -                                result = left.doubleValue() + right.doubleValue();
   1.861 -                            } else if (left instanceof Float || right instanceof Float) {
   1.862 -                                result = left.floatValue() + right.floatValue();
   1.863 -                            } else if (left instanceof Long || right instanceof Long) {
   1.864 -                                result = left.longValue() + right.longValue();
   1.865 -                            } else if (left instanceof Integer || right instanceof Integer) {
   1.866 -                                result = left.intValue() + right.intValue();
   1.867 -                            } else {
   1.868 -                                throw new IllegalStateException("left=" + left.getClass() + ", right=" + right.getClass());
   1.869 -                            }
   1.870 -                            break;
   1.871 -
   1.872 -                    case MINUS:
   1.873 -                            if (left instanceof Double || right instanceof Double) {
   1.874 -                                result = left.doubleValue() - right.doubleValue();
   1.875 -                            } else if (left instanceof Float || right instanceof Float) {
   1.876 -                                result = left.floatValue() - right.floatValue();
   1.877 -                            } else if (left instanceof Long || right instanceof Long) {
   1.878 -                                result = left.longValue() - right.longValue();
   1.879 -                            } else if (left instanceof Integer || right instanceof Integer) {
   1.880 -                                result = left.intValue() - right.intValue();
   1.881 -                            } else {
   1.882 -                                throw new IllegalStateException("left=" + left.getClass() + ", right=" + right.getClass());
   1.883 -                            }
   1.884 -                            break;
   1.885 -
   1.886 -                    case LEFT_SHIFT:
   1.887 -                            if (left instanceof Long || right instanceof Long) {
   1.888 -                                result = left.longValue() << right.longValue();
   1.889 -                            } else if (left instanceof Integer || right instanceof Integer) {
   1.890 -                                result = left.intValue() << right.intValue();
   1.891 -                            } else {
   1.892 -                                throw new IllegalStateException("left=" + left.getClass() + ", right=" + right.getClass());
   1.893 -                            }
   1.894 -                            break;
   1.895 -
   1.896 -                    case RIGHT_SHIFT:
   1.897 -                            if (left instanceof Long || right instanceof Long) {
   1.898 -                                result = left.longValue() >> right.longValue();
   1.899 -                            } else if (left instanceof Integer || right instanceof Integer) {
   1.900 -                                result = left.intValue() >> right.intValue();
   1.901 -                            } else {
   1.902 -                                throw new IllegalStateException("left=" + left.getClass() + ", right=" + right.getClass());
   1.903 -                            }
   1.904 -                            break;
   1.905 -
   1.906 -                    case UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT:
   1.907 -                            if (left instanceof Long || right instanceof Long) {
   1.908 -                                result = left.longValue() >>> right.longValue();
   1.909 -                            } else if (left instanceof Integer || right instanceof Integer) {
   1.910 -                                result = left.intValue() >>> right.intValue();
   1.911 -                            } else {
   1.912 -                                throw new IllegalStateException("left=" + left.getClass() + ", right=" + right.getClass());
   1.913 -                            }
   1.914 -                            break;
   1.915 -
   1.916 -                    case AND:
   1.917 -                            if (left instanceof Long || right instanceof Long) {
   1.918 -                                result = left.longValue() & right.longValue();
   1.919 -                            } else if (left instanceof Integer || right instanceof Integer) {
   1.920 -                                result = left.intValue() & right.intValue();
   1.921 -                            } else {
   1.922 -                                throw new IllegalStateException("left=" + left.getClass() + ", right=" + right.getClass());
   1.923 -                            }
   1.924 -                            break;
   1.925 -
   1.926 -                    case XOR:
   1.927 -                            if (left instanceof Long || right instanceof Long) {
   1.928 -                                result = left.longValue() ^ right.longValue();
   1.929 -                            } else if (left instanceof Integer || right instanceof Integer) {
   1.930 -                                result = left.intValue() ^ right.intValue();
   1.931 -                            } else {
   1.932 -                                throw new IllegalStateException("left=" + left.getClass() + ", right=" + right.getClass());
   1.933 -                            }
   1.934 -                            break;
   1.935 -
   1.936 -                    case OR:
   1.937 -                            if (left instanceof Long || right instanceof Long) {
   1.938 -                                result = left.longValue() | right.longValue();
   1.939 -                            } else if (left instanceof Integer || right instanceof Integer) {
   1.940 -                                result = left.intValue() | right.intValue();
   1.941 -                            } else {
   1.942 -                                throw new IllegalStateException("left=" + left.getClass() + ", right=" + right.getClass());
   1.943 -                            }
   1.944 -                            break;
   1.945 -                }
   1.946 -
   1.947 -                if (result != null) {
   1.948 -                    rewrite(node, make.Literal(result));
   1.949 -
   1.950 -                    return result;
   1.951 -                }
   1.952 -            }
   1.953 -
   1.954 -            return null;
   1.955 -        }
   1.956 -
   1.957 -        @Override
   1.958 -        public Number visitUnary(UnaryTree node, Void p) {
   1.959 -            Number op  = scan(node.getExpression(), p);
   1.960 -
   1.961 -            if (op != null) {
   1.962 -                Number result = null;
   1.963 -                switch (node.getKind()) {
   1.964 -                    case UNARY_MINUS:
   1.965 -                            if (op instanceof Double) {
   1.966 -                                result = -op.doubleValue();
   1.967 -                            } else if (op instanceof Float) {
   1.968 -                                result = -op.floatValue();
   1.969 -                            } else if (op instanceof Long) {
   1.970 -                                result = -op.longValue();
   1.971 -                            } else if (op instanceof Integer) {
   1.972 -                                result = -op.intValue();
   1.973 -                            } else {
   1.974 -                                throw new IllegalStateException("op=" + op.getClass());
   1.975 -                            }
   1.976 -                            break;
   1.977 -                    case UNARY_PLUS:
   1.978 -                        result = op;
   1.979 -                        break;
   1.980 -                }
   1.981 -
   1.982 -                if (result != null) {
   1.983 -                    rewrite(node, make.Literal(result));
   1.984 -
   1.985 -                    return result;
   1.986 -                }
   1.987 -            }
   1.988 -
   1.989 -            return super.visitUnary(node, p);
   1.990 -        }
   1.991 -
   1.992 -        @Override
   1.993 -        public Number visitBlock(BlockTree node, Void p) {
   1.994 -            List<? extends StatementTree> nueStatement = resolveMultiParameters(node.getStatements());
   1.995 -            BlockTree nue = make.Block(nueStatement, node.isStatic());
   1.996 -
   1.997 -            rewrite(node, nue);
   1.998 -
   1.999 -            return super.visitBlock(nue, p);
  1.1000 -        }
  1.1001 -
  1.1002 -        @Override
  1.1003 -        public Number visitCase(CaseTree node, Void p) {
  1.1004 -            List<? extends StatementTree> statements = (List<? extends StatementTree>) resolveMultiParameters(node.getStatements());
  1.1005 -            CaseTree nue = make.Case(node.getExpression(), statements);
  1.1006 -
  1.1007 -            rewrite(node, nue);
  1.1008 -            return super.visitCase(node, p);
  1.1009 -        }
  1.1010 -
  1.1011 -        @Override
  1.1012 -        public Number visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocationTree node, Void p) {
  1.1013 -            List<? extends ExpressionTree> typeArgs = (List<? extends ExpressionTree>) resolveMultiParameters(node.getTypeArguments());
  1.1014 -            List<? extends ExpressionTree> args = resolveMultiParameters(node.getArguments());
  1.1015 -            MethodInvocationTree nue = make.MethodInvocation(typeArgs, node.getMethodSelect(), args);
  1.1016 -
  1.1017 -            rewrite(node, nue);
  1.1018 -
  1.1019 -            return super.visitMethodInvocation(nue, p);
  1.1020 -        }
  1.1021 -
  1.1022 -        @Override
  1.1023 -        public Number visitNewClass(NewClassTree node, Void p) {
  1.1024 -            List<? extends ExpressionTree> typeArgs = (List<? extends ExpressionTree>) resolveMultiParameters(node.getTypeArguments());
  1.1025 -            List<? extends ExpressionTree> args = resolveMultiParameters(node.getArguments());
  1.1026 -            NewClassTree nue = make.NewClass(node.getEnclosingExpression(), typeArgs, node.getIdentifier(), args, node.getClassBody());
  1.1027 -
  1.1028 -            rewrite(node, nue);
  1.1029 -            return super.visitNewClass(nue, p);
  1.1030 -        }
  1.1031 -
  1.1032 -        @Override
  1.1033 -        public Number visitParameterizedType(ParameterizedTypeTree node, Void p) {
  1.1034 -            List<? extends ExpressionTree> typeArgs = (List<? extends ExpressionTree>) resolveMultiParameters(node.getTypeArguments());
  1.1035 -            ParameterizedTypeTree nue = make.ParameterizedType(node.getType(), typeArgs);
  1.1036 -
  1.1037 -            rewrite(node, nue);
  1.1038 -            return super.visitParameterizedType(node, p);
  1.1039 -        }
  1.1040 -
  1.1041 -        @Override
  1.1042 -        public Number visitSwitch(SwitchTree node, Void p) {
  1.1043 -            List<? extends CaseTree> cases = (List<? extends CaseTree>) resolveMultiParameters(node.getCases());
  1.1044 -            SwitchTree nue = make.Switch(node.getExpression(), cases);
  1.1045 -
  1.1046 -            rewrite(node, nue);
  1.1047 -            return super.visitSwitch(node, p);
  1.1048 -        }
  1.1049 -
  1.1050 -        @Override
  1.1051 -        public Number visitTry(TryTree node, Void p) {
  1.1052 -            List<? extends Tree> resources = (List<? extends Tree>) resolveMultiParameters(node.getResources());
  1.1053 -            List<? extends CatchTree> catches = (List<? extends CatchTree>) resolveMultiParameters(node.getCatches());
  1.1054 -            TryTree nue = make.Try(resources, node.getBlock(), catches, node.getFinallyBlock());
  1.1055 -
  1.1056 -            rewrite(node, nue);
  1.1057 -            return super.visitTry(node, p);
  1.1058 -        }
  1.1059 -
  1.1060 -        @Override
  1.1061 -        public Number visitModifiers(ModifiersTree node, Void p) {
  1.1062 -            List<AnnotationTree> annotations = new ArrayList<AnnotationTree>(node.getAnnotations());
  1.1063 -            IdentifierTree ident = !annotations.isEmpty() && annotations.get(0).getAnnotationType().getKind() == Kind.IDENTIFIER ? (IdentifierTree) annotations.get(0).getAnnotationType() : null;
  1.1064 -
  1.1065 -            if (ident != null) {
  1.1066 -                annotations.remove(0);
  1.1067 -                
  1.1068 -                String name = ident.getName().toString();
  1.1069 -                TreePath orig = parameters.get(name);
  1.1070 -                ModifiersTree nue;
  1.1071 -                
  1.1072 -                if (orig != null && orig.getLeaf().getKind() == Kind.MODIFIERS) {
  1.1073 -                    ModifiersTree origMods = (ModifiersTree) orig.getLeaf();
  1.1074 -                    Object actualContent = extraParamsData.get(name);
  1.1075 -                    Set<Modifier> actualFlags = EnumSet.noneOf(Modifier.class);
  1.1076 -                    boolean[] actualAnnotationsMask = new boolean[0];
  1.1077 -                    
  1.1078 -                    if (actualContent instanceof Object[] && ((Object[]) actualContent)[0] instanceof Set) {
  1.1079 -                        actualFlags.addAll(NbCollections.checkedSetByFilter((Set) ((Object[]) actualContent)[0], Modifier.class, false));
  1.1080 -                    }
  1.1081 -                    
  1.1082 -                    if (actualContent instanceof Object[] && ((Object[]) actualContent)[1] instanceof boolean[]) {
  1.1083 -                        actualAnnotationsMask = (boolean[]) ((Object[]) actualContent)[1];
  1.1084 -                    }
  1.1085 -                    
  1.1086 -                    nue = origMods;
  1.1087 -                    
  1.1088 -                    for (Modifier m : origMods.getFlags()) {
  1.1089 -                        if (actualFlags.contains(m)) continue;
  1.1090 -                        nue = make.removeModifiersModifier(nue, m);
  1.1091 -                    }
  1.1092 -                    
  1.1093 -                    for (Modifier m : node.getFlags()) {
  1.1094 -                        nue = make.addModifiersModifier(nue, m);
  1.1095 -                    }
  1.1096 -                    
  1.1097 -                    int ai = 0;
  1.1098 -                    
  1.1099 -                    OUTER: for (AnnotationTree a : origMods.getAnnotations()) {
  1.1100 -                        if (actualAnnotationsMask.length <= ai || actualAnnotationsMask[ai++]) continue;
  1.1101 -                        for (Iterator<AnnotationTree> it = annotations.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
  1.1102 -                            AnnotationTree toCheck =;
  1.1103 -                            Collection<? extends Occurrence> match = TreePath(getCurrentPath(), a)).match(Pattern.createSimplePattern(new TreePath(getCurrentPath(), toCheck)));
  1.1104 -                            
  1.1105 -                            if (!match.isEmpty()) {
  1.1106 -                                //should be kept:
  1.1107 -                                it.remove();
  1.1108 -                                break OUTER;
  1.1109 -                            }
  1.1110 -                        }
  1.1111 -                        
  1.1112 -                        nue = make.removeModifiersAnnotation(nue, a);
  1.1113 -                    }
  1.1114 -                    
  1.1115 -                    for (AnnotationTree a : annotations) {
  1.1116 -                        nue = make.addModifiersAnnotation(nue, a);
  1.1117 -                        scan(a, p);
  1.1118 -                    }
  1.1119 -                } else {
  1.1120 -                    nue = make.removeModifiersAnnotation(node, 0);
  1.1121 -                }
  1.1122 -                
  1.1123 -                rewrite(node, nue);
  1.1124 -                
  1.1125 -                return null;
  1.1126 -            }
  1.1127 -            
  1.1128 -            return super.visitModifiers(node, p);
  1.1129 -        }
  1.1130 -
  1.1131 -        @Override
  1.1132 -        public Number visitNewArray(NewArrayTree node, Void p) {
  1.1133 -            List<? extends ExpressionTree> dimensions = (List<? extends ExpressionTree>) resolveMultiParameters(node.getDimensions());
  1.1134 -            List<? extends ExpressionTree> initializers = (List<? extends ExpressionTree>) resolveMultiParameters(node.getInitializers());
  1.1135 -            NewArrayTree nue = make.NewArray(node.getType(), dimensions, initializers);
  1.1136 -
  1.1137 -            rewrite(node, nue);
  1.1138 -            return super.visitNewArray(node, p);
  1.1139 -        }
  1.1140 -
  1.1141 -        @Override
  1.1142 -        public Number visitLambdaExpression(LambdaExpressionTree node, Void p) {
  1.1143 -            List<? extends VariableTree> args = resolveMultiParameters(node.getParameters());
  1.1144 -            LambdaExpressionTree nue = make.LambdaExpression(args, node.getBody());
  1.1145 -
  1.1146 -            rewrite(node, nue);
  1.1147 -
  1.1148 -            return super.visitLambdaExpression(node, p);
  1.1149 -        }
  1.1150 -
  1.1151 -        @Override
  1.1152 -        public Number visitAnnotation(AnnotationTree node, Void p) {
  1.1153 -            List<? extends ExpressionTree> args = resolveMultiParameters(node.getArguments());
  1.1154 -            AnnotationTree nue = make.Annotation(node.getAnnotationType(), args);
  1.1155 -
  1.1156 -            rewrite(node, nue);
  1.1157 -
  1.1158 -            return super.visitAnnotation(node, p);
  1.1159 -        }
  1.1160 -
  1.1161 -        private <T extends Tree> List<T> resolveMultiParameters(List<T> list) {
  1.1162 -            if (list == null) return null;
  1.1163 -            if (!Utilities.containsMultistatementTrees(list)) return list;
  1.1164 -
  1.1165 -            List<T> result = new LinkedList<T>();
  1.1166 -
  1.1167 -            for (T t : list) {
  1.1168 -                if (Utilities.isMultistatementWildcardTree(t)) {
  1.1169 -                    Collection<TreePath> embedded = parametersMulti.get(Utilities.getWildcardTreeName(t).toString());
  1.1170 -
  1.1171 -                    if (embedded != null) {
  1.1172 -                        for (TreePath tp : embedded) {
  1.1173 -                            result.add((T) tp.getLeaf());
  1.1174 -                        }
  1.1175 -                    }
  1.1176 -                } else {
  1.1177 -                    result.add(t);
  1.1178 -                }
  1.1179 -            }
  1.1180 -
  1.1181 -            return result;
  1.1182 -        }
  1.1183 -        
  1.1184 -        private <T extends Tree> T resolveOptionalValue(T in) {
  1.1185 -            if (in != null && Utilities.isMultistatementWildcardTree(in)) {
  1.1186 -                TreePath out = parameters.get(Utilities.getWildcardTreeName(in).toString());
  1.1187 -                if (out != null) return (T) out.getLeaf();
  1.1188 -                return null;
  1.1189 -            }
  1.1190 -            
  1.1191 -            return in;
  1.1192 -        }
  1.1193 -
  1.1194 -        private ExpressionTree negate(ExpressionTree original, Tree parent, boolean nullOnPlainNeg) {
  1.1195 -            ExpressionTree newTree;
  1.1196 -            switch (original.getKind()) {
  1.1197 -                case PARENTHESIZED:
  1.1198 -                    ExpressionTree expr = ((ParenthesizedTree) original).getExpression();
  1.1199 -                    return make.Parenthesized(negate(expr, original, nullOnPlainNeg));
  1.1200 -                case LOGICAL_COMPLEMENT:
  1.1201 -                    newTree = ((UnaryTree) original).getExpression();
  1.1202 -                    while (newTree.getKind() == Kind.PARENTHESIZED && !JavaFixUtilities.requiresParenthesis(((ParenthesizedTree) newTree).getExpression(), original, parent)) {
  1.1203 -                        newTree = ((ParenthesizedTree) newTree).getExpression();
  1.1204 -                    }
  1.1205 -                    break;
  1.1206 -                case NOT_EQUAL_TO:
  1.1207 -                    newTree = negateBinaryOperator(original, Kind.EQUAL_TO, false);
  1.1208 -                    break;
  1.1209 -                case EQUAL_TO:
  1.1210 -                    newTree = negateBinaryOperator(original, Kind.NOT_EQUAL_TO, false);
  1.1211 -                    break;
  1.1212 -                case BOOLEAN_LITERAL:
  1.1213 -                    newTree = make.Literal(!(Boolean) ((LiteralTree) original).getValue());
  1.1214 -                    break;
  1.1215 -                case CONDITIONAL_AND:
  1.1216 -                    newTree = negateBinaryOperator(original, Kind.CONDITIONAL_OR, true);
  1.1217 -                    break;
  1.1218 -                case CONDITIONAL_OR:
  1.1219 -                    newTree = negateBinaryOperator(original, Kind.CONDITIONAL_AND, true);
  1.1220 -                    break;
  1.1221 -                case LESS_THAN:
  1.1222 -                    newTree = negateBinaryOperator(original, Kind.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL, false);
  1.1223 -                    break;
  1.1224 -                case LESS_THAN_EQUAL:
  1.1225 -                    newTree = negateBinaryOperator(original, Kind.GREATER_THAN, false);
  1.1226 -                    break;
  1.1227 -                case GREATER_THAN:
  1.1228 -                    newTree = negateBinaryOperator(original, Kind.LESS_THAN_EQUAL, false);
  1.1229 -                    break;
  1.1230 -                case GREATER_THAN_EQUAL:
  1.1231 -                    newTree = negateBinaryOperator(original, Kind.LESS_THAN, false);
  1.1232 -                    break;
  1.1233 -                default:
  1.1234 -                    if (nullOnPlainNeg)
  1.1235 -                        return null;
  1.1236 -                    newTree = make.Unary(Kind.LOGICAL_COMPLEMENT, original);
  1.1237 -            }
  1.1238 -         
  1.1239 -            if (JavaFixUtilities.requiresParenthesis(newTree, original, parent)) {
  1.1240 -                newTree = make.Parenthesized(newTree);
  1.1241 -            }
  1.1242 -            
  1.1243 -            return newTree;
  1.1244 -        }
  1.1245 -        
  1.1246 -        private ExpressionTree negateBinaryOperator(Tree original, Kind newKind, boolean negateOperands) {
  1.1247 -            BinaryTree bt = (BinaryTree) original;
  1.1248 -            BinaryTree nonNegated = make.Binary(newKind,
  1.1249 -                                                bt.getLeftOperand(),
  1.1250 -                                                bt.getRightOperand());
  1.1251 -            if (negateOperands) {
  1.1252 -                ExpressionTree lo = negate(bt.getLeftOperand(), nonNegated, false);
  1.1253 -                ExpressionTree ro = negate(bt.getRightOperand(), nonNegated, false);
  1.1254 -                return make.Binary(newKind,
  1.1255 -                                   lo != null ? lo : bt.getLeftOperand(),
  1.1256 -                                   ro != null ? ro : bt.getRightOperand());
  1.1257 -            }
  1.1258 -            return nonNegated;
  1.1259 -        }
  1.1260 -        
  1.1261 -        private void rewrite(Tree from, Tree to) {
  1.1262 -            if (originalTrees.contains(from)) return ;
  1.1263 -            rewriteFromTo.put(from, to);
  1.1264 -        }
  1.1265 -    }
  1.1266 -
  1.1267 -    private static final Map<Kind, Integer> OPERATOR_PRIORITIES;
  1.1268 -
  1.1269 -    static {
  1.1270 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES = new EnumMap<Kind, Integer>(Kind.class);
  1.1271 -
  1.1272 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.IDENTIFIER, 0);
  1.1273 -
  1.1274 -        for (Kind k : Kind.values()) {
  1.1275 -            if (k.asInterface() == LiteralTree.class) {
  1.1276 -                OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(k, 0);
  1.1277 -            }
  1.1278 -        }
  1.1279 -
  1.1280 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.ARRAY_ACCESS, 1);
  1.1282 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.MEMBER_SELECT, 1);
  1.1285 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.NEW_ARRAY, 1);
  1.1286 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.NEW_CLASS, 1);
  1.1287 -
  1.1290 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.PREFIX_DECREMENT, 2);
  1.1291 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.PREFIX_INCREMENT, 2);
  1.1292 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.UNARY_MINUS, 2);
  1.1293 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.UNARY_PLUS, 2);
  1.1294 -
  1.1295 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.TYPE_CAST, 3);
  1.1296 -
  1.1297 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.DIVIDE, 4);
  1.1298 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.MULTIPLY, 4);
  1.1299 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.REMAINDER, 4);
  1.1300 -
  1.1301 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.MINUS, 5);
  1.1302 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.PLUS, 5);
  1.1303 -
  1.1304 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.LEFT_SHIFT, 6);
  1.1305 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.RIGHT_SHIFT, 6);
  1.1307 -
  1.1308 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.INSTANCE_OF, 7);
  1.1309 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.GREATER_THAN, 7);
  1.1310 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL, 7);
  1.1311 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.LESS_THAN, 7);
  1.1312 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.LESS_THAN_EQUAL, 7);
  1.1313 -
  1.1314 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.EQUAL_TO, 8);
  1.1315 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.NOT_EQUAL_TO, 8);
  1.1316 -
  1.1317 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.AND, 9);
  1.1318 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.OR, 11);
  1.1319 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.XOR, 10);
  1.1320 -
  1.1321 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.CONDITIONAL_AND, 12);
  1.1322 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.CONDITIONAL_OR, 13);
  1.1323 -
  1.1325 -
  1.1326 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.AND_ASSIGNMENT, 15);
  1.1327 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.ASSIGNMENT, 15);
  1.1328 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.DIVIDE_ASSIGNMENT, 15);
  1.1330 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.MINUS_ASSIGNMENT, 15);
  1.1332 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.OR_ASSIGNMENT, 15);
  1.1333 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.PLUS_ASSIGNMENT, 15);
  1.1337 -        OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.put(Kind.XOR_ASSIGNMENT, 15);
  1.1338 -    }
  1.1339 -
  1.1340 -    /**Checks whether putting {@code inner} tree into {@code outter} tree,
  1.1341 -     * when {@code original} is being replaced with {@code inner} requires parentheses.
  1.1342 -     *
  1.1343 -     * @param inner    the new tree node that will be placed under {@code outter}
  1.1344 -     * @param original the tree node that is being replaced with {@code inner}
  1.1345 -     * @param outter   the future parent node of {@code inner}
  1.1346 -     * @return true if and only if inner needs to be wrapped using {@link TreeMaker#Parenthesized(com.sun.source.tree.ExpressionTree) }
  1.1347 -     *              to keep the original meaning.
  1.1348 -     */
  1.1349 -    public static boolean requiresParenthesis(Tree inner, Tree original, Tree outter) {
  1.1350 -        if (!ExpressionTree.class.isAssignableFrom(inner.getKind().asInterface())) return false;
  1.1351 -        if (!ExpressionTree.class.isAssignableFrom(outter.getKind().asInterface())) return false;
  1.1352 -
  1.1353 -        if (outter.getKind() == Kind.PARENTHESIZED || inner.getKind() == Kind.PARENTHESIZED) return false;
  1.1354 -
  1.1355 -        if (outter.getKind() == Kind.METHOD_INVOCATION) {
  1.1356 -            if (((MethodInvocationTree) outter).getArguments().contains(original)) return false;
  1.1357 -        }
  1.1358 -
  1.1359 -        if (outter.getKind() == Kind.NEW_CLASS) {
  1.1360 -            if (((NewClassTree) outter).getArguments().contains(original)) return false;
  1.1361 -        }
  1.1362 -
  1.1363 -        Integer innerPriority = OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.get(inner.getKind());
  1.1364 -        Integer outterPriority = OPERATOR_PRIORITIES.get(outter.getKind());
  1.1365 -
  1.1366 -        if (innerPriority == null || outterPriority == null) {
  1.1367 -            Logger.getLogger(JavaFix.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "Unknown tree kind(s): {0}/{1}", new Object[] {inner.getKind(), outter.getKind()});
  1.1368 -            return true;
  1.1369 -        }
  1.1370 -
  1.1371 -        if (innerPriority > outterPriority) {
  1.1372 -            return true;
  1.1373 -        }
  1.1374 -
  1.1375 -        if (innerPriority < outterPriority) {
  1.1376 -            return false;
  1.1377 -        }
  1.1378 -
  1.1379 -        //associativity
  1.1380 -        if (BinaryTree.class.isAssignableFrom(outter.getKind().asInterface())) {
  1.1381 -            BinaryTree ot = (BinaryTree) outter;
  1.1382 -
  1.1383 -            //TODO: for + it might be possible to skip the parenthesis:
  1.1384 -            return ot.getRightOperand() == original;
  1.1385 -        }
  1.1386 -
  1.1387 -        if (CompoundAssignmentTree.class.isAssignableFrom(outter.getKind().asInterface())) {
  1.1388 -            CompoundAssignmentTree ot = (CompoundAssignmentTree) outter;
  1.1389 -
  1.1390 -            return ot.getVariable() == original;
  1.1391 -        }
  1.1392 -
  1.1393 -        if (AssignmentTree.class.isAssignableFrom(outter.getKind().asInterface())) {
  1.1394 -            AssignmentTree ot = (AssignmentTree) outter;
  1.1395 -
  1.1396 -            return ot.getVariable() == original;
  1.1397 -        }
  1.1398 -
  1.1399 -        return false;
  1.1400 -    }
  1.1401 -
  1.1402 -    private static final class RemoveFromParent extends JavaFix {
  1.1403 -
  1.1404 -        private final String displayName;
  1.1405 -
  1.1406 -        public RemoveFromParent(String displayName, CompilationInfo info, TreePath toRemove) {
  1.1407 -            super(info, toRemove);
  1.1408 -            this.displayName = displayName;
  1.1409 -        }
  1.1410 -
  1.1411 -        @Override
  1.1412 -        protected String getText() {
  1.1413 -            return displayName;
  1.1414 -        }
  1.1415 -
  1.1416 -        @Override
  1.1417 -        protected void performRewrite(TransformationContext ctx) {
  1.1418 -            WorkingCopy wc = ctx.getWorkingCopy();
  1.1419 -            TreePath tp = ctx.getPath();
  1.1420 -            
  1.1421 -            doRemoveFromParent(wc, tp);
  1.1422 -        }
  1.1423 -        
  1.1424 -        private void doRemoveFromParent(WorkingCopy wc, TreePath what) {
  1.1425 -            TreeMaker make = wc.getTreeMaker();
  1.1426 -            Tree leaf = what.getLeaf();
  1.1427 -            Tree parentLeaf = what.getParentPath().getLeaf();
  1.1428 -
  1.1429 -            switch (parentLeaf.getKind()) {
  1.1430 -                case ANNOTATION:
  1.1431 -                    AnnotationTree at = (AnnotationTree) parentLeaf;
  1.1432 -                    AnnotationTree newAnnot;
  1.1433 -
  1.1434 -                    newAnnot = make.removeAnnotationAttrValue(at, (ExpressionTree) leaf);
  1.1435 -
  1.1436 -                    wc.rewrite(at, newAnnot);
  1.1437 -                    break;
  1.1438 -                case BLOCK:
  1.1439 -                    BlockTree bt = (BlockTree) parentLeaf;
  1.1440 -
  1.1441 -                    wc.rewrite(bt, make.removeBlockStatement(bt, (StatementTree) leaf));
  1.1442 -                    break;
  1.1443 -                case CASE:
  1.1444 -                    CaseTree caseTree = (CaseTree) parentLeaf;
  1.1445 -
  1.1446 -                    wc.rewrite(caseTree, make.removeCaseStatement(caseTree, (StatementTree) leaf));
  1.1447 -                    break;
  1.1448 -                case CLASS:
  1.1449 -                    ClassTree classTree = (ClassTree) parentLeaf;
  1.1450 -                    ClassTree nueClassTree;
  1.1451 -
  1.1452 -                    if (classTree.getTypeParameters().contains(leaf)) {
  1.1453 -                        nueClassTree = make.removeClassTypeParameter(classTree, (TypeParameterTree) leaf);
  1.1454 -                    } else if (classTree.getExtendsClause() == leaf) {
  1.1455 -                        nueClassTree = make.Class(classTree.getModifiers(), classTree.getSimpleName(), classTree.getTypeParameters(), null, classTree.getImplementsClause(), classTree.getMembers());
  1.1456 -                    } else if (classTree.getImplementsClause().contains(leaf)) {
  1.1457 -                        nueClassTree = make.removeClassImplementsClause(classTree, leaf);
  1.1458 -                    } else if (classTree.getMembers().contains(leaf)) {
  1.1459 -                        nueClassTree = make.removeClassMember(classTree, leaf);
  1.1460 -                    } else {
  1.1461 -                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
  1.1462 -                    }
  1.1463 -
  1.1464 -                    wc.rewrite(classTree, nueClassTree);
  1.1465 -                    break;
  1.1466 -                case UNION_TYPE:
  1.1467 -                    UnionTypeTree disjunct = (UnionTypeTree) parentLeaf;
  1.1468 -                    List<? extends Tree> alternatives = new LinkedList<Tree>(disjunct.getTypeAlternatives());
  1.1469 -
  1.1470 -                    alternatives.remove(leaf);
  1.1471 -
  1.1472 -                    wc.rewrite(disjunct, make.UnionType(alternatives));
  1.1473 -                    break;
  1.1474 -                case METHOD:
  1.1475 -                    MethodTree mTree = (MethodTree) parentLeaf;
  1.1476 -                    MethodTree newMethod;
  1.1477 -
  1.1478 -                    if (mTree.getTypeParameters().contains(leaf)) {
  1.1479 -                        newMethod = make.removeMethodTypeParameter(mTree, (TypeParameterTree) leaf);
  1.1480 -                    } else if (mTree.getParameters().contains(leaf)) {
  1.1481 -                        newMethod = make.removeMethodParameter(mTree, (VariableTree) leaf);
  1.1482 -                    } else if (mTree.getThrows().contains(leaf)) {
  1.1483 -                        newMethod = make.removeMethodThrows(mTree, (ExpressionTree) leaf);
  1.1484 -                    } else {
  1.1485 -                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
  1.1486 -                    }
  1.1487 -
  1.1488 -                    wc.rewrite(mTree, newMethod);
  1.1489 -                    break;
  1.1490 -                case METHOD_INVOCATION:
  1.1491 -                    MethodInvocationTree iTree = (MethodInvocationTree) parentLeaf;
  1.1492 -                    MethodInvocationTree newInvocation;
  1.1493 -
  1.1494 -                    if (iTree.getTypeArguments().contains(leaf)) {
  1.1495 -                        newInvocation = make.removeMethodInvocationTypeArgument(iTree, (ExpressionTree) leaf);
  1.1496 -                    } else if (iTree.getArguments().contains(leaf)) {
  1.1497 -                        newInvocation = make.removeMethodInvocationArgument(iTree, (ExpressionTree) leaf);
  1.1498 -                    } else {
  1.1499 -                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
  1.1500 -                    }
  1.1501 -
  1.1502 -                    wc.rewrite(iTree, newInvocation);
  1.1503 -                    break;
  1.1504 -                case MODIFIERS:
  1.1505 -                    ModifiersTree modsTree = (ModifiersTree) parentLeaf;
  1.1506 -
  1.1507 -                    wc.rewrite(modsTree, make.removeModifiersAnnotation(modsTree, (AnnotationTree) leaf));
  1.1508 -                    break;
  1.1509 -                case NEW_CLASS:
  1.1510 -                    NewClassTree newCTree = (NewClassTree) parentLeaf;
  1.1511 -                    NewClassTree newNCT;
  1.1512 -
  1.1513 -                    if (newCTree.getTypeArguments().contains(leaf)) {
  1.1514 -                        newNCT = make.removeNewClassTypeArgument(newCTree, (ExpressionTree) leaf);
  1.1515 -                    } else if (newCTree.getArguments().contains(leaf)) {
  1.1516 -                        newNCT = make.removeNewClassArgument(newCTree, (ExpressionTree) leaf);
  1.1517 -                    } else {
  1.1518 -                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
  1.1519 -                    }
  1.1520 -
  1.1521 -                    wc.rewrite(newCTree, newNCT);
  1.1522 -                    break;
  1.1523 -                case PARAMETERIZED_TYPE:
  1.1524 -                    ParameterizedTypeTree parTree = (ParameterizedTypeTree) parentLeaf;
  1.1525 -
  1.1526 -                    wc.rewrite(parTree, make.removeParameterizedTypeTypeArgument(parTree, (ExpressionTree) leaf));
  1.1527 -                    break;
  1.1528 -                case SWITCH:
  1.1529 -                    SwitchTree switchTree = (SwitchTree) parentLeaf;
  1.1530 -                    SwitchTree newSwitch;
  1.1531 -
  1.1532 -                    if (switchTree.getCases().contains(leaf)) {
  1.1533 -                        newSwitch = make.removeSwitchCase(switchTree, (CaseTree) leaf);
  1.1534 -                    } else {
  1.1535 -                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
  1.1536 -                    }
  1.1537 -
  1.1538 -                    wc.rewrite(switchTree, newSwitch);
  1.1539 -                    break;
  1.1540 -                case TRY:
  1.1541 -                    TryTree tryTree = (TryTree) parentLeaf;
  1.1542 -                    TryTree newTry;
  1.1543 -
  1.1544 -                    if (tryTree.getResources().contains(leaf)) {
  1.1545 -                        LinkedList<Tree> resources = new LinkedList<Tree>(tryTree.getResources());
  1.1546 -
  1.1547 -                        resources.remove(leaf);
  1.1548 -
  1.1549 -                        newTry = make.Try(resources, tryTree.getBlock(), tryTree.getCatches(), tryTree.getFinallyBlock());
  1.1550 -                    } else if (tryTree.getCatches().contains(leaf)) {
  1.1551 -                        newTry = make.removeTryCatch(tryTree, (CatchTree) leaf);
  1.1552 -                    } else {
  1.1553 -                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
  1.1554 -                    }
  1.1555 -
  1.1556 -                    wc.rewrite(tryTree, newTry);
  1.1557 -                    break;
  1.1558 -                case EXPRESSION_STATEMENT:
  1.1559 -                    doRemoveFromParent(wc, what.getParentPath());
  1.1560 -                    break;
  1.1561 -                default:
  1.1562 -                    wc.rewrite(what.getLeaf(), make.Block(Collections.<StatementTree>emptyList(), false));
  1.1563 -                    break;
  1.1564 -            }
  1.1565 -        }
  1.1566 -
  1.1567 -    }
  1.1568 -
  1.1569 -    //TODO: from FileMovePlugin
  1.1570 -    private static class MoveFile extends SimpleRefactoringElementImplementation {
  1.1571 -
  1.1572 -        private FileObject toMove;
  1.1573 -        private final FileObject sourceRoot;
  1.1574 -        private final String targetFolderName;
  1.1575 -
  1.1576 -        public MoveFile(FileObject toMove, FileObject sourceRoot, String targetFolderName) {
  1.1577 -            this.toMove = toMove;
  1.1578 -            this.sourceRoot = sourceRoot;
  1.1579 -            this.targetFolderName = targetFolderName;
  1.1580 -        }
  1.1581 -
  1.1582 -        @Override
  1.1583 -        @Messages({"#{0} - original file name", "TXT_MoveFile=Move {0}"})
  1.1584 -        public String getText() {
  1.1585 -            return Bundle.TXT_MoveFile(toMove.getNameExt());
  1.1586 -        }
  1.1587 -
  1.1588 -        @Override
  1.1589 -        public String getDisplayText() {
  1.1590 -            return getText();
  1.1591 -        }
  1.1592 -
  1.1593 -        DataFolder sourceFolder;
  1.1594 -        DataObject source;
  1.1595 -        @Override
  1.1596 -        public void performChange() {
  1.1597 -            try {
  1.1598 -                FileObject target = FileUtil.createFolder(sourceRoot, targetFolderName);
  1.1599 -                DataFolder targetFolder = DataFolder.findFolder(target);
  1.1600 -                if (!toMove.isValid()) {
  1.1601 -                    String path = FileUtil.getFileDisplayName(toMove);
  1.1602 -                    Logger.getLogger(JavaFix.class.getName()).fine("Invalid FileObject " + path + "trying to recreate...");
  1.1603 -                    toMove = FileUtil.toFileObject(FileUtil.toFile(toMove));
  1.1604 -                    if (toMove==null) {
  1.1605 -                        Logger.getLogger(JavaFix.class.getName()).severe("Invalid FileObject " + path + "\n. File not found.");
  1.1606 -                        return;
  1.1607 -                    }
  1.1608 -                }
  1.1609 -                source = DataObject.find(toMove);
  1.1610 -                sourceFolder = source.getFolder();
  1.1611 -                source.move(targetFolder);
  1.1612 -            } catch (DataObjectNotFoundException ex) {
  1.1613 -                ex.printStackTrace();
  1.1614 -            } catch (IOException ex) {
  1.1615 -                ex.printStackTrace();
  1.1616 -            }
  1.1617 -        }
  1.1618 -
  1.1619 -        @Override
  1.1620 -        public void undoChange() {
  1.1621 -            try {
  1.1622 -                source.move(sourceFolder);
  1.1623 -            } catch (DataObjectNotFoundException ex) {
  1.1624 -                ex.printStackTrace();
  1.1625 -            } catch (IOException ex) {
  1.1626 -                ex.printStackTrace();
  1.1627 -            }
  1.1628 -        }
  1.1629 -
  1.1630 -        @Override
  1.1631 -        public Lookup getLookup() {
  1.1632 -            return Lookup.EMPTY;
  1.1633 -        }
  1.1634 -
  1.1635 -        @Override
  1.1636 -        public FileObject getParentFile() {
  1.1637 -            return toMove;
  1.1638 -        }
  1.1639 -
  1.1640 -        @Override
  1.1641 -        public PositionBounds getPosition() {
  1.1642 -            return null;
  1.1643 -        }
  1.1644 -    }
  1.1645 -}