changeset 1662 0412cb49d653
parent 1553 de2d7957003a
child 1802 e91aabdfdcf8
     1.1 --- a/src/ca/java/java-api-common/java-api-common/org/netbeans/modules/java/api/common/applet/	Tue Dec 07 17:16:24 2010 +0900
     1.2 +++ b/src/ca/java/java-api-common/java-api-common/org/netbeans/modules/java/api/common/applet/	Fri Jul 15 10:14:03 2011 +0900
     1.3 @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
     1.4  #generated HTML
     1.5  GEN_title=P\u00e0gina HTML mini-aplicaci\u00f3
     1.6  GEN_header=P\u00e0gina HTML mini-aplicaci\u00f3
     1.7 -GEN_copy=Generat pel IDE NetBeans
     1.8 +GEN_copy=Generat per l'IDE NetBeans
    1.10  #GEN_warning=<!--\n*** GENERATED applet HTML launcher - DO NOT EDIT IN 'BUILD' FOLDER ***\n\nIf you need to modify this HTML launcher file (e.g., to add applet parameters), \ncopy it to where your applet class is found in the SRC folder. If you do this, \nthe IDE will use it when you run or debug the applet.\n\nTip: To exclude an HTML launcher from the JAR file, use exclusion filters in \nthe Packaging page in the Project Properties dialog.\n\nFor more information see the online help.\n-->\n\n