Removed global definition of compilation classpaths. The global definition was causing clean build to fail because openide/netbeans/lib does not already exist when the mdr's clean target is called. BLD200208060100
Mon, 05 Aug 2002 08:16:22 +0000
changeset 9852b372488d0d4
parent 984 ababf9ed5a7d
child 986 601168687f8b
Removed global definition of compilation classpaths. The global definition was causing clean build to fail because openide/netbeans/lib does not already exist when the mdr's clean target is called.
     1.1 --- a/mdr/build.xml	Fri Aug 02 18:51:08 2002 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/mdr/build.xml	Mon Aug 05 08:16:22 2002 +0000
     1.3 @@ -67,31 +67,6 @@
     1.4    </target>
     1.6    <!-- =========================================================== -->
     1.7 -  <!-- == Compilation classpath ================================== -->
     1.8 -  <!-- =========================================================== -->
     1.9 -
    1.10 -  <path id="compile.class.path">
    1.11 -    <pathelement location="${openide-13javac-workaround.jar}"/>
    1.12 -    <fileset dir="${openide.jar.dir}">
    1.13 -       <include name="openide*.jar"/>
    1.14 -    </fileset>        
    1.15 -    <pathelement location="${xml-apis.jar}"/>
    1.16 -    <pathelement location="${djava.jar}"/>
    1.17 -    <pathelement location="${build.jmi.classes.dir}/"/>
    1.18 -    <pathelement location="${openidex.jar}"/>
    1.19 -  </path>
    1.20 -
    1.21 -  <!-- =========================================================== -->
    1.22 -  <!-- == Compilation classpath for MDR-Explorer ================= -->
    1.23 -  <!-- =========================================================== -->
    1.24 -
    1.25 -  <path id="explorer.compile.class.path">
    1.26 -    <path refid="compile.class.path"/>
    1.27 -    <pathelement location="${naming.jar}"/>
    1.28 -    <pathelement location="${looks.jar}"/>
    1.29 -  </path>
    1.30 -
    1.31 -  <!-- =========================================================== -->
    1.32    <!-- == Compilation of all parts =============================== -->
    1.33    <!-- =========================================================== -->
    1.35 @@ -102,7 +77,16 @@
    1.36      <javac srcdir="jmi" destdir="${build.jmi.classes.dir}"
    1.37             debug="${build.compiler.debug}" 
    1.38             deprecation="${build.compiler.deprecation}">
    1.39 -      <classpath refid="compile.class.path"/>
    1.40 +      <classpath>
    1.41 +        <pathelement location="${openide-13javac-workaround.jar}"/>
    1.42 +        <fileset dir="${openide.jar.dir}">
    1.43 +            <include name="openide*.jar"/>
    1.44 +        </fileset>
    1.45 +        <pathelement location="${xml-apis.jar}"/>
    1.46 +        <pathelement location="${djava.jar}"/>
    1.47 +        <pathelement location="${build.jmi.classes.dir}/"/>
    1.48 +        <pathelement location="${openidex.jar}"/>
    1.49 +      </classpath>
    1.50      </javac>    
    1.51    </target>
    1.53 @@ -111,8 +95,17 @@
    1.54      <javac srcdir="src" destdir="${build.mdr.classes.dir}"
    1.55             debug="${build.compiler.debug}" 
    1.56             deprecation="${build.compiler.deprecation}">
    1.57 -      <classpath refid="compile.class.path"/>
    1.58 -       <exclude name="org/netbeans/modules/mdrexplorer/**"/>
    1.59 +      <classpath>
    1.60 +        <pathelement location="${openide-13javac-workaround.jar}"/>
    1.61 +        <fileset dir="${openide.jar.dir}">
    1.62 +            <include name="openide*.jar"/>
    1.63 +        </fileset>
    1.64 +        <pathelement location="${xml-apis.jar}"/>
    1.65 +        <pathelement location="${djava.jar}"/>
    1.66 +        <pathelement location="${build.jmi.classes.dir}/"/>
    1.67 +        <pathelement location="${openidex.jar}"/>
    1.68 +      </classpath>
    1.69 +      <exclude name="org/netbeans/modules/mdrexplorer/**"/>
    1.70      </javac>    
    1.71    </target>
    1.73 @@ -120,7 +113,18 @@
    1.74      <javac srcdir="src" destdir="${build.mdr.classes.dir}"
    1.75             debug="${build.compiler.debug}" 
    1.76             deprecation="${build.compiler.deprecation}">
    1.77 -      <classpath refid="explorer.compile.class.path"/>
    1.78 +      <classpath>
    1.79 +        <pathelement location="${openide-13javac-workaround.jar}"/>
    1.80 +        <fileset dir="${openide.jar.dir}">
    1.81 +            <include name="openide*.jar"/>
    1.82 +        </fileset>
    1.83 +        <pathelement location="${xml-apis.jar}"/>
    1.84 +        <pathelement location="${djava.jar}"/>
    1.85 +        <pathelement location="${build.jmi.classes.dir}/"/>
    1.86 +        <pathelement location="${openidex.jar}"/>
    1.87 +        <pathelement location="${naming.jar}"/>
    1.88 +        <pathelement location="${looks.jar}"/>
    1.89 +      </classpath>
    1.90      </javac> 
    1.91    </target>