Correcting newlines in text files. All developers should take care that they commit NL files on Unix and CRNL on BLD200411101900
Wed, 10 Nov 2004 05:17:09 +0000
changeset 16164d5596b56e10
parent 1615 2ebbe07d0335
child 1617 ae49b1f7ffc4
Correcting newlines in text files. All developers should take care that they commit NL files on Unix and CRNL on
Windows (and who knows what on Mac OS X). A text file checked out on Unix should always be using NL and CRNL on
Windows if this rule is followed.
     1.1 --- a/mdr/test/perf/src/org/netbeans/mdr/test/data/java-model.xml	Fri Nov 05 14:58:33 2004 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/mdr/test/perf/src/org/netbeans/mdr/test/data/java-model.xml	Wed Nov 10 05:17:09 2004 +0000
     1.3 @@ -1512,7 +1512,7 @@
     1.4        name = 'TypeDescriptor' 
     1.5        isRoot = 'false' isLeaf = 'false' isAbstract = 'true' visibility = 'public_vis' 
     1.6        isSingleton = 'false' >
     1.7 -      <Model:ModelElement.annotation>Specification of an identifier -- it consist of an (possibly empty) top-level entity name, and of zero or more names, which identify a nested entity.
     1.8 +      <Model:ModelElement.annotation>Specification of an identifier -- it consist of an (possibly empty) top-level entity name, and of zero or more names, which identify a nested entity.
     1.9  Both primitive types and reference types can be named. </Model:ModelElement.annotation>
    1.10        <Model:Namespace.contents>
    1.11          <!-- ==================== Physical.TypeDescriptor.descriptor    [Attribute] ==================== -->
    1.12 @@ -1533,7 +1533,7 @@
    1.13            isChangeable = 'false' 
    1.14            isDerived = 'false' 
    1.15            type = 'a3A9E6CD100EA' >
    1.16 -          <Model:ModelElement.annotation>Specifies names of entities, which are members of the outermost entity named by "outermostId" or the preceding entities. The last string must identify the entity, which is the one referenced by this Identifier instance.
    1.17 +          <Model:ModelElement.annotation>Specifies names of entities, which are members of the outermost entity named by "outermostId" or the preceding entities. The last string must identify the entity, which is the one referenced by this Identifier instance.
    1.18  The name list may be empty, which means that the Identifier denotes the outermost entity named by "outermostId".</Model:ModelElement.annotation>
    1.19            <Model:StructuralFeature.multiplicity>
    1.20              <Model:MultiplicityType lower = '0' upper = '-1' is_ordered = 'true' is_unique = 'false' />