skip.upload not to check upload while parsing logs designer_refactoring2_root
Thu, 08 Nov 2007 18:24:10 +0000
changeset 26815ec5bb8e8852
parent 2680 b386203a2e09
child 2682 5386a5fe03ec
skip.upload not to check upload while parsing logs
     1.1 --- a/logger/uihandlerserver/build.xml	Thu Nov 08 17:38:06 2007 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/logger/uihandlerserver/build.xml	Thu Nov 08 18:24:10 2007 +0000
     1.3 @@ -14,34 +14,34 @@
     1.4          <mkdir dir="nbproject/private"/>
     1.5          <echo file="nbproject/private/" append="true" message="nbroot=${nbroot}${line.separator}"/>
     1.6      </target>
     1.7 -
     1.8 -
     1.9 +    
    1.10 +    
    1.11      <property name="cvsmodules" value="openide/util nbbuild libs junit/external xtest core/javahelp/external performance logger/uihandlerlib"/>
    1.12      <condition property="skip.checkout">
    1.13          <equals arg1="" arg2="${cvsmodules}"/>
    1.14      </condition> 
    1.15 -
    1.16 +    
    1.17      <target name="-post-test-run" if="have.tests" unless="ignore.test.failure" depends="init,compile-test,-pre-test-run,-do-test-run">
    1.18          <fail if="tests.failed">Some tests failed; see details above.</fail>
    1.19      </target>
    1.20 -
    1.21 -  <target name="checkout" depends="-nbroot-define,init" unless="skip.checkout" description="Check out all CVS modules which are needed to build the server">
    1.22 -      <!-- The following mess is an attempt to guess the correct CVSROOT and branch from the current checkout. -->
    1.23 -      <loadfile srcfile="CVS/Root" property="cvsroot" failonerror="false" quiet="true">
    1.24 -          <filterchain>
    1.25 -              <striplinebreaks/>
    1.26 -          </filterchain>
    1.27 -      </loadfile>
    1.28 -      <property name="cvsroot" value=""/>
    1.29 -      <loadfile srcfile="CVS/Tag" property="cvstag" failonerror="false" quiet="true">
    1.30 -          <filterchain> 
    1.31 -              <tokenfilter delimoutput="">
    1.32 -                  <containsregex pattern="^T(.+)" replace="\1"/>
    1.33 -              </tokenfilter>
    1.34 -          </filterchain>
    1.35 -      </loadfile>
    1.36 -      <property name="cvstag" value=""/>
    1.37 -      <!-- on my hudson date 2007. is not seen as valid date for the cvs task
    1.38 +    
    1.39 +    <target name="checkout" depends="-nbroot-define,init" unless="skip.checkout" description="Check out all CVS modules which are needed to build the server">
    1.40 +        <!-- The following mess is an attempt to guess the correct CVSROOT and branch from the current checkout. -->
    1.41 +        <loadfile srcfile="CVS/Root" property="cvsroot" failonerror="false" quiet="true">
    1.42 +            <filterchain>
    1.43 +                <striplinebreaks/>
    1.44 +            </filterchain>
    1.45 +        </loadfile>
    1.46 +        <property name="cvsroot" value=""/>
    1.47 +        <loadfile srcfile="CVS/Tag" property="cvstag" failonerror="false" quiet="true">
    1.48 +            <filterchain> 
    1.49 +                <tokenfilter delimoutput="">
    1.50 +                    <containsregex pattern="^T(.+)" replace="\1"/>
    1.51 +                </tokenfilter>
    1.52 +            </filterchain>
    1.53 +        </loadfile>
    1.54 +        <property name="cvstag" value=""/>
    1.55 +        <!-- on my hudson date 2007. is not seen as valid date for the cvs task
    1.56        <loadfile srcfile="CVS/Tag" property="cvsdate" failonerror="false">
    1.57            <filterchain> 
    1.58                <tokenfilter delimoutput="">
    1.59 @@ -50,16 +50,16 @@
    1.60            </filterchain>
    1.61        </loadfile>
    1.62        -->
    1.63 -      <property name="cvsdate" value=""/>
    1.64 -      <echo>Right now we'll do checkout of necessary modules from CVS</echo>
    1.65 -      <echo>To suppress this you can invoke the Ant script with -Dskip.checkout=true</echo>
    1.66 -      <cvs 
    1.67 -        command="checkout -P -f" compressionlevel="6" cvsroot="${cvsroot}" 
    1.68 -        dest="${nbroot}" package="${cvsmodules}" tag="${cvstag}" date="${cvsdate}" 
    1.69 -        quiet="true" failonerror="true" 
    1.70 -      />
    1.71 -  </target>
    1.72 -
    1.73 +        <property name="cvsdate" value=""/>
    1.74 +        <echo>Right now we'll do checkout of necessary modules from CVS</echo>
    1.75 +        <echo>To suppress this you can invoke the Ant script with -Dskip.checkout=true</echo>
    1.76 +        <cvs 
    1.77 +            command="checkout -P -f" compressionlevel="6" cvsroot="${cvsroot}" 
    1.78 +            dest="${nbroot}" package="${cvsmodules}" tag="${cvstag}" date="${cvsdate}" 
    1.79 +            quiet="true" failonerror="true" 
    1.80 +        />
    1.81 +    </target>
    1.82 +    
    1.83      <!--
    1.85      There exist several targets which are by default empty and which can be 
    1.86 @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
    1.87          </copy>
    1.88          <mkdir dir="${tomcat.base}/logs/"/>
    1.89      </target>
    1.90 -        
    1.91 +    
    1.92      <target name="deploy" depends="-tomcat-properties,build-all,run"/>
    1.93      <target name="debug" depends="deploy">
    1.94          <antcall target="connect-debugger">
    1.95 @@ -206,19 +206,19 @@
    1.96      <target name="run" depends="-tomcat-properties,start-tomcat">
    1.97          <taskdef name="deploy" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.DeployTask"
    1.98                   classpath="${tomcat.home}/lib/catalina-ant.jar"/>
    1.99 -                 
   1.100 +        
   1.101          <deploy url="${tomcat.url}/manager" username="${tomcat.username}"
   1.102                  password="${tomcat.password}" path="/exceptions"
   1.103                  war="${basedir}/../StrutsExceptions/dist/exceptions.war" update="true"/>
   1.104 -                
   1.105 +        
   1.106          <deploy url="${tomcat.url}/manager" username="${tomcat.username}"
   1.107                  password="${tomcat.password}" path="/analytics"
   1.108                  war="${basedir}/dist/analytics.war" update="true"/>
   1.109 -
   1.110 +        
   1.111          <antcall target="-define-analytics-dir" inheritall="true"/>
   1.112 -           
   1.113 -        <antcall target="-test-server" inheritall="true">
   1.114 -        </antcall>
   1.115 +        
   1.116 +        <antcall target="-test-server" inheritall="true"/>
   1.117 +        <antcall target="-test-server-upload" inheritall="true"/>
   1.118      </target>
   1.120      <target name="-define-analytics-dir" if="analytics.dir">
   1.121 @@ -295,11 +295,11 @@
   1.122          <echo message="Starting Tomcat..."/>
   1.123          <property name="tomcat.root" location="${tomcat.home}/.."/>
   1.124          <property name="tomcat.opts" value=""/>
   1.125 -
   1.126 +        
   1.127          <mkdir dir="${tomcat.base}/temp"/>
   1.128          <exec os="Windows NT Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows 2000 Windows 2003 Windows XP" 
   1.129 -            executable="${tomcat.root}/bin/catalina.bat" dir="${tomcat.root}/bin/"
   1.130 -            spawn="true"
   1.131 +              executable="${tomcat.root}/bin/catalina.bat" dir="${tomcat.root}/bin/"
   1.132 +              spawn="true"
   1.133          >
   1.134              <arg value="jpda"/>
   1.135              <arg value="start"/>
   1.136 @@ -313,13 +313,13 @@
   1.137              <env key="JPDA_SUSPEND"  value="${tomcat.debug.suspend}"/>
   1.138          </exec>
   1.139          <exec os="Linux SunOS Solaris Mac OS X"
   1.140 -            executable="/bin/sh" dir="${tomcat.root}/bin/"
   1.141 +              executable="/bin/sh" dir="${tomcat.root}/bin/"
   1.142          >
   1.143              <!--<arg value="-x"/>-->
   1.144              <arg value="${tomcat.root}/bin/"/>
   1.145              <arg value="jpda"/>
   1.146              <arg value="start"/>
   1.147 -
   1.148 +            
   1.149              <env key="DISPLAY" value=""/>
   1.150              <env key="CATALINA_HOME" value="${tomcat.root}"/>
   1.151              <env key="CATALINA_BASE" value="${tomcat.base}"/>
   1.152 @@ -335,7 +335,7 @@
   1.153          <loadresource property="serverstamp1" failonerror="false" quiet="true">
   1.154              <url url="${tomcat.url}/stamp"/>
   1.155          </loadresource>
   1.156 -
   1.157 +        
   1.158          <fail message="Tomcat is not started at ${tomcat.url}">
   1.159              <condition>
   1.160                  <not>
   1.161 @@ -346,13 +346,13 @@
   1.162      </target>
   1.164      <target name="stop-tomcat" depends="-check-tomcat"  if="tomcat.running">
   1.165 -
   1.166 +        
   1.167          <echo message="Stopping Tomcat..."/>
   1.169          <property name="tomcat.root" location="${tomcat.home}/.."/>
   1.170 -
   1.171 +        
   1.172          <exec os="Windows NT Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows 2000 Windows 2003 Windows XP" 
   1.173 -            executable="${tomcat.root}/bin/catalina.bat" dir="${tomcat.root}/bin/"
   1.174 +              executable="${tomcat.root}/bin/catalina.bat" dir="${tomcat.root}/bin/"
   1.175          >
   1.176              <arg value="stop"/>
   1.178 @@ -361,10 +361,10 @@
   1.179              <env key="JAVA_HOME" value="${java.home}"/>
   1.180          </exec>
   1.181          <exec os="Linux SunOS Solaris Mac OS X"
   1.182 -            executable="${tomcat.root}/bin/" dir="${tomcat.root}/bin/"
   1.183 +              executable="${tomcat.root}/bin/" dir="${tomcat.root}/bin/"
   1.184          >
   1.185              <arg value="stop"/>
   1.186 -
   1.187 +            
   1.188              <env key="DISPLAY" value=""/>
   1.189              <env key="CATALINA_HOME" value="${tomcat.root}"/>
   1.190              <env key="CATALINA_BASE" value="${tomcat.base}"/>
   1.191 @@ -398,14 +398,11 @@
   1.192          <fail unless="tomcat.url" message="tomcat.url property has to be filled now after starting tomcat"/>
   1.193          <echo message="${tomcat.url}" file="${url.file}"/>
   1.194      </target>
   1.195 -
   1.196 +    
   1.197      <target name="-test-server">
   1.198          <tempfile destdir="build" deleteonexit="true" property="index.file"/>
   1.199          <get src="${tomcat.url}/analytics/index.jsp" dest="${index.file}"/>
   1.200          <loadfile srcfile="${index.file}" property="${index.content}"/>
   1.201 -        <tempfile deleteonexit="true" property="upload.file"/>
   1.202 -        <get src="${tomcat.url}/analytics/upload.jsp" dest="${upload.file}"/>
   1.203 -        <loadfile srcfile="${upload.file}" property="${upload.content}"/>
   1.204          <fail message="Valid page must be returned">
   1.205              <condition>
   1.206                  <and>
   1.207 @@ -414,6 +411,12 @@
   1.208                  </and>
   1.209              </condition>
   1.210          </fail>
   1.211 +    </target>
   1.212 +    
   1.213 +    <target name="-test-server-upload" unless="skip.upload">
   1.214 +        <tempfile deleteonexit="true" property="upload.file"/>
   1.215 +        <get src="${tomcat.url}/analytics/upload.jsp" dest="${upload.file}"/>
   1.216 +        <loadfile srcfile="${upload.file}" property="${upload.content}"/>
   1.217          <fail message="upload.jsp file should be accessible">
   1.218              <condition>
   1.219                  <and>