add targets to build uml only with dependencies. uml_visualcomponent_root
Mon, 14 May 2007 23:00:45 +0000
changeset 21769f02f478a4a4
parent 2175 30d2efa86a6f
child 2177 9287ccd357c8
add targets to build uml only with dependencies.
     1.1 --- a/uml/build.xml	Mon May 14 11:48:38 2007 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/uml/build.xml	Mon May 14 23:00:45 2007 +0000
     1.3 @@ -25,22 +25,77 @@
     1.4      <description>Builds the module suite uml.</description>
     1.5      <property name="uml-modules" value="antlr-2-7-2,codegen,core,designpattern,documentation,dom4jdependencies,doorsrequirements,drawingareacontrol,ideintegration,java5parser,kit,modelingpalette,projectui,propertysupport,requirements,tomsawyer,webreport,xmlrequirements"/>
     1.6      <target name="build">
     1.7 -      <ant dir="../nbbuild" target="build-nozip">
     1.8 -        <property name="moduleconfig" value="uml"/>
     1.9 -        <property name="nb.clusters.list" value="nb.cluster.uml"/>
    1.10 -      </ant>
    1.11 +        <ant dir="../nbbuild" target="build-nozip">
    1.12 +            <property name="moduleconfig" value="uml"/>
    1.13 +            <property name="nb.clusters.list" value="nb.cluster.uml"/>
    1.14 +        </ant>
    1.15      </target>
    1.16 +    
    1.17 +    <target name="build-uml">
    1.18 +        <ant dir="../nbbuild" target="init"/>
    1.19 +        <subant target="netbeans" inheritAll="false">
    1.20 +            <property name="scan.binaries" value="true"/>
    1.21 +            
    1.22 +            <buildpath location="antlr-2-7-2"/>
    1.23 +            <buildpath location="dom4jdependencies"/>
    1.24 +            <buildpath location="tomsawyer"/>   
    1.25 +            <buildpath location="core"/>
    1.26 +            <buildpath location="java5parser"/>  
    1.27 +            <buildpath location="propertysupport"/>
    1.28 +            <buildpath location="projectui"/>
    1.29 +            <buildpath location="designpattern"/>
    1.30 +            <buildpath location="documentation"/>
    1.31 +            <buildpath location="doorsrequirements"/>
    1.32 +            <buildpath location="requirements"/>
    1.33 +            <buildpath location="modelingpalette"/>
    1.34 +            <buildpath location="ideintegration"/>
    1.35 +            <buildpath location="codegen"/>
    1.36 +            <buildpath location="drawingareacontrol"/>
    1.37 +            <buildpath location="webreport"/>
    1.38 +            <buildpath location="xmlrequirements"/>
    1.39 +            <buildpath location="kit"/>
    1.40 +        </subant>
    1.41 +    </target>
    1.42 +    
    1.43      <target name="clean">
    1.44 -      <ant dir="../nbbuild" target="real-clean">
    1.45 -        <property name="moduleconfig" value="uml"/>
    1.46 -        <property name="nb.clusters.list" value="nb.cluster.uml"/>
    1.47 -      </ant>
    1.48 +        <ant dir="../nbbuild" target="real-clean">
    1.49 +            <property name="moduleconfig" value="uml"/>
    1.50 +            <property name="nb.clusters.list" value="nb.cluster.uml"/>
    1.51 +        </ant>
    1.52      </target>
    1.53 +    
    1.54 +    <target name="clean-uml">
    1.55 +        <ant dir="../nbbuild" target="init"/>
    1.56 +        <subant target="clean" inheritAll="false">
    1.57 +            <property name="scan.binaries" value="true"/>            
    1.58 +            
    1.59 +            <buildpath location="antlr-2-7-2"/>
    1.60 +            <buildpath location="dom4jdependencies"/>
    1.61 +            <buildpath location="tomsawyer"/>
    1.62 +            <buildpath location="core"/>
    1.63 +            <buildpath location="java5parser"/>  
    1.64 +            <buildpath location="propertysupport"/>
    1.65 +            <buildpath location="projectui"/>
    1.66 +            <buildpath location="designpattern"/>
    1.67 +            <buildpath location="documentation"/>
    1.68 +            <buildpath location="doorsrequirements"/>
    1.69 +            <buildpath location="requirements"/>
    1.70 +            <buildpath location="modelingpalette"/>
    1.71 +            <buildpath location="ideintegration"/>
    1.72 +            <buildpath location="codegen"/>
    1.73 +            <buildpath location="drawingareacontrol"/>
    1.74 +            <buildpath location="webreport"/>
    1.75 +            <buildpath location="xmlrequirements"/> 
    1.76 +            <buildpath location="kit"/>
    1.77 +        </subant>
    1.78 +    </target>
    1.79 +    
    1.80 +    
    1.81      <target name="nbms" depends="nbm"/>
    1.82      <target name="nbm">
    1.83 -      <ant dir="../nbbuild" target="build-nbms">
    1.84 -        <property name="moduleconfig" value="uml"/>
    1.85 -        <property name="nb.clusters.list" value="nb.cluster.uml"/>
    1.86 -      </ant>
    1.87 +        <ant dir="../nbbuild" target="build-nbms">
    1.88 +            <property name="moduleconfig" value="uml"/>
    1.89 +            <property name="nb.clusters.list" value="nb.cluster.uml"/>
    1.90 +        </ant>
    1.91      </target>        
    1.92  </project>