Moving apisupport's testing scripts out of bin/ so they do not force trunk_after_ui_cleanup_merge
Sun, 21 Mar 2004 09:57:30 +0000
changeset 1488cf367ea91293
parent 1487 fbe26f62ee57
child 1489 0b83d447680f
Moving apisupport's testing scripts out of bin/ so they do not force
the NBM to be global.
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/apisupport/release/nb-prof-debug/	Sun Mar 21 09:57:30 2004 +0000
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
     1.4 +#!/usr/bin/perl -w
     1.5 +#                 Sun Public License Notice
     1.6 +#
     1.7 +# The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
     1.8 +# Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
     1.9 +# compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
    1.10 +#
    1.11 +#
    1.12 +# The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
    1.13 +# Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun
    1.14 +# Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    1.15 +
    1.16 +use strict;
    1.17 +use File::Basename qw(dirname);
    1.18 +# If you don't have this, get it from CPAN:
    1.19 +use Time::HiRes qw(time);
    1.20 +
    1.21 +unless (@ARGV) {
    1.22 +  print STDERR <<'USAGE';
    1.23 +Measure startup-time impact of a change to NetBeans.
    1.24 +
    1.26 +
    1.27 +Suggested flags (in ARG section):
    1.28 +-nogui -nosplash		Run in non-GUI mode
    1.29 +-J-Dnetbeans.warm.close=true	Run warm-up tasks before exiting
    1.30 +
    1.31 +Implied flags (always included):
    1.32 +
    1.33 +-userdir <<testarea>> -J-Dnetbeans.logger.console=false -J-Dnetbeans.close=true -J-Dnetbeans.full.hack=true
    1.34 +
    1.35 +This script (and the NB build in it) should maybe be in /dev/shm or a
    1.36 +similar RAM disk. Disable as many other apps on the machine as possible,
    1.37 +or timing results may be disturbed.
    1.38 +USAGE
    1.39 +  exit 2;
    1.40 +}
    1.41 +my $runide_old = shift;
    1.42 +my $runide_new = shift;
    1.43 +print "Testing startup time in: $runide_old and $runide_new\n";
    1.44 +print "Shut down any other major running GUI apps before starting!\n";
    1.45 +print "That includes fancy screensavers.\n";
    1.46 +print "Now go get some coffee and come back in ten minutes.\n";
    1.47 +
    1.48 +my $primer_stages = 3;
    1.49 +my $real_stages = 15;
    1.50 +my $userdir_base = -w "/dev/shm" ? "/dev/shm/time-delta-ud" : "/tmp/time-delta-ud";
    1.51 +system('rm', '-rfv', $userdir_base) and die "rm -rfv $userdir_base: $!";
    1.52 +
    1.53 +sub run($$) {
    1.54 +  my ($stage, $opt) = @_;
    1.55 +  if ($opt eq 'true') {
    1.56 +    print "Running optimized $stage...\n";
    1.57 +  } else {
    1.58 +    print "Running unoptimized $stage...\n";
    1.59 +  }
    1.60 +  my $actual_userdir = "$userdir_base/opt-$opt";
    1.61 +  unlink("$actual_userdir/system/ide.log"); # OK if fails
    1.62 +  my $start = time;
    1.63 +  my $actual_runide = ($opt eq 'true') ? $runide_new : $runide_old;
    1.64 +  system($actual_runide, '-userdir', $actual_userdir, '-J-Dnetbeans.logger.console=false', '-J-Dnetbeans.close=true', '-J-Dnetbeans.full.hack=true', @ARGV)
    1.65 +    and die "Failed to start NetBeans: $!";
    1.66 +  my $end = time;
    1.67 +  my $delta = $end - $start;
    1.68 +  print "\tElapsed time: $delta\n";
    1.69 +  return $delta;
    1.70 +}
    1.71 +
    1.72 +# Run primer stages to get RAM and disk cache ready:
    1.73 +foreach my $i (map {"primer$_"} 1..$primer_stages) {
    1.74 +  foreach my $j ('false', 'true') {
    1.75 +    run($i, $j);
    1.76 +  }
    1.77 +}
    1.78 +
    1.79 +# Now the real runs:
    1.80 +my $unopted = 0;
    1.81 +my @unopted = ();
    1.82 +my $opted = 0;
    1.83 +my @opted = ();
    1.84 +foreach my $i (map {"stage$_"} 1..$real_stages) {
    1.85 +  my $time = run($i, 'false');
    1.86 +  push @unopted, $time;
    1.87 +  $unopted += $time;
    1.88 +  $time = run($i, 'true');
    1.89 +  push @opted, $time;
    1.90 +  $opted += $time;
    1.91 +}
    1.92 +
    1.93 +# Lies, damn lies, and statistics:
    1.94 +$unopted /= $real_stages;
    1.95 +$opted /= $real_stages;
    1.96 +my $delta = $unopted - $opted;
    1.97 +my $perc = $delta / $unopted * 100;
    1.98 +my $unopted_sumsq = 0;
    1.99 +foreach my $i (@unopted) {$unopted_sumsq += ($i - $unopted) ** 2}
   1.100 +my $unopted_stddev = sqrt($unopted_sumsq / ($real_stages - 1));
   1.101 +my $opted_sumsq = 0;
   1.102 +foreach my $i (@opted) {$opted_sumsq += ($i - $opted) ** 2}
   1.103 +my $opted_stddev = sqrt($opted_sumsq / ($real_stages - 1));
   1.104 +print "Average times: unoptimized  $unopted\n";
   1.105 +print "                 std. dev.  $unopted_stddev\n";
   1.106 +print "                 optimized  $opted\n";
   1.107 +print "                 std. dev.  $opted_stddev\n";
   1.108 +print "Improvement:                $delta\n";
   1.109 +print "Percentage:                 $perc%\n";
   1.110 +my $max_dev = ($unopted_stddev > $opted_stddev) ? $unopted_stddev : $opted_stddev;
   1.111 +print "Executive summary:\n";
   1.112 +if ($delta < 0) {
   1.113 +  print "You're a hoser.\n";
   1.114 +} elsif ($delta < $max_dev) {
   1.115 +  print "These numbers are so close as to be meaningless. Give up.\n";
   1.116 +} elsif ($delta < 2 * $max_dev) {
   1.117 +  print "You might have saved a little time, but it's not really clear.\n";
   1.118 +} elsif ($delta < 3 * $max_dev) {
   1.119 +  print "You probably saved some time here, though it is not for sure.\n";
   1.120 +} else {
   1.121 +  print "You pretty clearly saved time. Congratulations!\n";
   1.122 +}