Making the schema2beans tests up to date with the latest changes in the build infrastructure. Now all 28 tests pass. BLD200408081800
Fri, 06 Aug 2004 13:46:22 +0000
changeset 1563fdbe8ce5e27f
parent 1562 56fb5e4a8cba
child 1564 81e08d8fcf88
Making the schema2beans tests up to date with the latest changes in the build infrastructure. Now all 28 tests pass.
     1.1 --- a/schema2beans/test/build-unit.xml	Wed Aug 04 15:49:56 2004 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/schema2beans/test/build-unit.xml	Fri Aug 06 13:46:22 2004 +0000
     1.3 @@ -12,83 +12,26 @@
     1.4  Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
     1.5  -->
     1.7 -<project name="schema2beans logging tests compilers and executors" basedir="." default="all">
     1.8 +<project name="schema2beans tests compilers and executors" basedir="." default="all">
    1.10 -<!-- =================== -->
    1.11 -    <!-- Setting classpathes -->
    1.12 -    <!-- =================== -->
    1.14 -    <target name="set_classpath" depends="prepare-compile-classpath,prepare-codetest-classpath">
    1.15 +    <path id="schema2beans_test_cp">
    1.16 +        <pathelement location="${openide.dir}/${nb.lib.dir}/openide.jar"/>
    1.17 +        <pathelement location="${schema2beans/rt.dir}/${nb.modules.dir}/org-netbeans-modules-schema2beans.jar"/>
    1.18 +        <pathelement location="${schema2beans/dev.dir}/${nb.modules/autoload.dir}/schema2beansdev.jar"/>
    1.19 +    </path>    
    1.21 -        <!-- During filling classpathes remember that only <module>/test 
    1.22 -             is checked out during automated test execution so <module>/src 
    1.23 -             or <module>/netbeans isn't available. If you need to add something 
    1.24 -	     from <module>/src or <module>/netbeans to classpath, 
    1.25 -	     look below to "setting advanced claspathes" part of this target.
    1.26 -          -->
    1.27 -    
    1.28 -        <!-- List of directories where jars will be searched. -->
    1.29 -        <property name="xtest.extra.jars.path" location="${netbeans.home}/lib"/>
    1.30 -    
    1.31 -        <!-- This jars is used for compilation, execution codetests and also for
    1.32 -             execution ide tests (it means this classpath will be mounted in repository).
    1.33 -             You can also write only name of jar or zip file, not in which directory it is and 
    1.34 -             this file will be searched in directories specified by property xtest.extra.jars.path 
    1.35 -                 example: <property name="xtest.extra.jars" value="jemmy.jar;jelly.jar"/>
    1.36 -          -->
    1.37 -        <property name="xtest.extra.jars"     value="openide.jar"/>
    1.38 -   
    1.39 -        <!-- These jars will be copied to directory ${netebans.home}/lib/ext.
    1.40 -	     Again you can write only name of jar or zip file, not in which directory it is and 
    1.41 -             this file will be searched in directories specified by property xtest.extra.jars.path 
    1.42 -                 example: <property name="xtest.extra.jars.ide" value=";jdbcd_river2.jar"/>
    1.43 -          -->
    1.44 -        <property name="xtest.extra.jars.ide" value=""/>
    1.45 -
    1.46 -
    1.47 -        <!-- Arguments which will be added into commandline of starting IDE. 
    1.48 -                 example: <property name="xtest.ide.commandline.suffix" value="-J-Dxtest.useclassloader=org.openidex.util"/>
    1.49 -          -->
    1.50 -        <property name="xtest.ide.commandline.suffix" value=""/>
    1.51 -  	
    1.52 -        <!-- =========================== -->
    1.53 -        <!-- Setting avanced classpathes -->
    1.54 -        <!-- =========================== -->
    1.55 -    
    1.56 -        <!-- If you need to add something from <module>/src or <module>/netbeans
    1.57 -             to classpath use target prepare-compile-classpath or prepare-codetest-classpath
    1.58 -             which fills path according to property xtest.source.location. This property
    1.59 -             can have values "src" (compilation and execution against sources), "jar" (compil.
    1.60 -             and execut. against jars) or "ide" (compil. and execut. against installed IDE).
    1.61 -             "ide" mode is used during automated test execution so it has to be always supported. 
    1.62 -          -->
    1.63 -    
    1.64 -	<!-- This classpath is beside jars in xtest.extra.jars also used for compilation, 
    1.65 -	     but it depends on property xtest.source.location which classpath will be used.
    1.66 -	     Fill apropriate classpathes in targets "${xtest.source.location}compile-classath". -->
    1.67 -	<property name="compiletest.classpath" refid="compiletest.classpath"/>
    1.68 -            
    1.69 -	<!-- This classpath is beside jars in xtest.extra.jars also used for execution codetests,
    1.70 -	     but it depends on property xtest.source.location which classpath will be used.
    1.71 -	     Fill apropriate classpathes in targets "${xtest.source.location}test-classath". -->
    1.72 -	<property name="codetest.classpath" refid="codetest.classpath"/>
    1.73 -        
    1.74 -    </target>
    1.76      <!-- ========= -->
    1.77      <!-- Compilers -->
    1.78      <!-- ========= -->
    1.80 -    <target name="unit-compiler" depends="set_classpath">
    1.81 -       <ant dir="." antfile="${xtest.module_harness.antfile}"
    1.82 -             target="buildtests">
    1.83 -           <!-- This property contains directories to compile.
    1.84 -    	        These directories will be compiled separately. 
    1.85 -                   example: <property name="compile.srcdir" value="unit/src1;unit/src2"/>
    1.86 -             -->
    1.87 -           <property name="compile.srcdir" value="unit/src"/>
    1.88 -	   <property name="compile.excludes" value="**/data/**"/>
    1.89 -       </ant>
    1.90 +    <target name="unit-compiler">
    1.91 +	<buildTests srcDir="unit/src"  compileExcludes="**/data/**">
    1.92 +            <classpath>
    1.93 +                <path refid="schema2beans_test_cp"/>  
    1.94 +            </classpath>
    1.95 +        </buildTests>        
    1.96      </target>
    1.98      <!-- ========= -->
    1.99 @@ -97,126 +40,31 @@
   1.101      <!-- This target is executed from test-executor in newly created Project -->
   1.102      <!-- Name of this task is defined in cfg-xxx.xml -->
   1.103 +    <!-- This target executes tests inside IDE -->
   1.104 +    <target name="run-in-ide">
   1.105 +        <executeTests pluginName="ide">
   1.106 +            <classpath refid="schema2beans_test_cp"/>
   1.107 +        </executeTests>
   1.108 +    </target>
   1.109 +    
   1.110 +    <!-- This target is executed from test-executor in newly created Project -->
   1.111 +    <!-- Name of this task is defined in cfg-xxx.xml -->
   1.112      <!-- This target executes standalone tests -->
   1.113 -    <target name="runcodetest" depends="set_classpath">
   1.114 -        <ant dir="." antfile="${xtest.module_harness.antfile}"
   1.115 -             target="test">
   1.116 -           <property name="xtest.exectype" value="code"/>
   1.117 -        </ant>
   1.118 +    <target name="run-in-jvm">
   1.119 +        <executeTests pluginName="jvm">
   1.120 +            <classpath>
   1.121 +               <path refid="schema2beans_test_cp"/>
   1.122 +            </classpath> 
   1.123 +        </executeTests>    
   1.124      </target>
   1.127 -    <!-- =============================================================
   1.128 -        Following targets are for "advanced" users who needs more 
   1.129 -        compilacated classpathes, which depends on way of execution.
   1.130 -        ============================================================= -->
   1.131 -
   1.132 -    <!-- this "switch" will decide how to create classpath -->
   1.133 -    <target name="which-classpath">
   1.134 -        <condition property="jarcode.classpath">
   1.135 -            <equals arg1="${xtest.source.location}" arg2="jar"/>
   1.136 -        </condition>
   1.137 -        <condition property="srccode.classpath">
   1.138 -            <equals arg1="${xtest.source.location}" arg2="src"/>
   1.139 -        </condition>
   1.140 -        <condition property="idecode.classpath">
   1.141 -            <equals arg1="${xtest.source.location}" arg2="ide"/>
   1.142 -        </condition>
   1.143 -    </target>
   1.144 -
   1.145 -    <!-- ========================= -->
   1.146 -    <!-- Classpath for compilation -->
   1.147 -    <!-- ========================= -->
   1.148 -    
   1.149 -    <target name="prepare-compile-classpath"
   1.150 -         depends="jarcompile-classpath,srccompile-classpath,idecompile-classpath"/>
   1.151 -    
   1.152 -    <target name="jarcompile-classpath" depends="which-classpath" if="jarcode.classpath">
   1.153 -        <echo message="Using jars classpath for compilation."/>
   1.154 -    	<!-- this classpath will be used for compiling tests against jars -->
   1.155 -	<path id="compiletest.classpath">        
   1.156 -	    <!-- If you need e.g. openide.jar, write this:
   1.157 -	           <pathelement location="../netbeans/lib/openide.jar"/>
   1.158 - 	      -->
   1.159 -	    <pathelement location="${netbeans.home}/modules/autoload/schema2beans.jar"/>
   1.160 -	    <pathelement location="${netbeans.home}/modules/autoload/schema2beansdev.jar"/>
   1.161 -	</path>
   1.162 -    </target>
   1.163 -        
   1.164 -    <target name="srccompile-classpath" depends="which-classpath" if="srccode.classpath">
   1.165 -        <echo message="Using srcs classpath for compilation."/>
   1.166 -    	<!-- this classpath will be used for compiling tests against sources -->
   1.167 -    	<path id="compiletest.classpath">        
   1.168 -    	    <!-- If you need e.g. openide.jar, write this:
   1.169 -	           <pathelement location="../netbeans/lib/openide.jar"/>
   1.170 -	         If you need e.g. sources of your tested module, write this:
   1.171 -	           <pathelement location="../src"/>
   1.172 - 	      -->
   1.173 -	     <pathelement location="../src"/>
   1.174 -	</path>
   1.175 +    <!-- Default target saying this build script is not supposed to be run from 
   1.176 +	 command line. You shoud not modify this unless you know what you are doing.
   1.177 +    -->    
   1.178 +    <target name="all">
   1.179 +      <fail message="This buildfile is not intended to be directly executed. It contains executors and compilers. Use build.xml to execute tests."/>
   1.180      </target>
   1.182 -    <!-- we're not using this, because mymodule is not a part of IDE :-) -->    
   1.183 -    <target name="idecompile-classpath" depends="which-classpath" if="idecode.classpath">
   1.184 -        <echo message="Using IDE classpath for compilation."/>
   1.185 -    	<!-- this classpath will be used for compiling tests against installed IDE -->
   1.186 -    	<path id="compiletest.classpath">   
   1.187 -    	    <!-- If you need e.g. openide.jar, write this:
   1.188 -	           <pathelement location="${netbeans.home}/lib/openide.jar"/>
   1.189 -	         If you need e.g. your tested module, write this:
   1.190 -	           <pathelement location="${netbeans.home}/modules/somemodule.jar"/>
   1.191 - 	      -->
   1.192 -	    <pathelement location="${netbeans.home}/modules/autoload/schema2beans.jar"/>
   1.193 -	    <pathelement location="${netbeans.home}/modules/autoload/schema2beansdev.jar"/>
   1.194 -   	</path>
   1.195 -    </target>
   1.196 -    
   1.197 -    <!-- ================================== -->
   1.198 -    <!-- Classpath for execution code tests -->
   1.199 -    <!-- ================================== -->
   1.200 -    
   1.201 -    <target name="prepare-codetest-classpath" 
   1.202 -            depends="jartest-classpath,srctest-classpath,idetest-classpath"/>
   1.203 -    
   1.204 -    <target name="jartest-classpath" depends="which-classpath" if="jarcode.classpath">
   1.205 -        <echo message="Using jars classpath."/>
   1.206 -        <!-- this classpath will be used for executing tests against jars -->
   1.207 -	<path id="codetest.classpath">
   1.208 -       	    <!-- If you need e.g. openide.jar, write this:
   1.209 -	           <pathelement location="../netbeans/lib/openide.jar"/>
   1.210 - 	      -->
   1.211 -	      <!-- <pathelement location="/home/cliffwd/cvs/current/f4j_all/jwsdp/release/modules/autoload/ext/jax-qname.jar"/> -->
   1.212 -	      <pathelement location="${netbeans.home}/modules/autoload/schema2beans.jar"/>
   1.213 -	      <pathelement location="${netbeans.home}/modules/autoload/schema2beansdev.jar"/>
   1.214 -    	</path>
   1.215 -    </target>
   1.216 -        
   1.217 -    <target name="srctest-classpath" depends="which-classpath" if="srccode.classpath">
   1.218 -        <echo message="Using srcs classpath."/>
   1.219 -        <!-- this classpath will be used for executing tests against sources -->
   1.220 -    	<path id="codetest.classpath">
   1.221 -	    <!-- If you need e.g. openide.jar, write this:
   1.222 -	           <pathelement location="../netbeans/lib/openide.jar"/>
   1.223 -	         If you need e.g. sources of your tested module, write this:
   1.224 -	           <pathelement location="../src"/>
   1.225 - 	      -->
   1.226 -              <pathelement location="../src"/>
   1.227 -    	</path>
   1.228 -    </target>
   1.229 +</project>
   1.231 -
   1.232 -    <target name="idetest-classpath" depends="which-classpath" if="idecode.classpath">
   1.233 -        <echo message="Using IDE classpath."/>
   1.234 -        <!-- this classpath will be used for executing tests against installed IDE -->
   1.235 -    	<path id="codetest.classpath">
   1.236 -	    <!-- If you need e.g. openide.jar, write this:
   1.237 -	           <pathelement location="${netbeans.home}/lib/openide.jar"/>
   1.238 -	         If you need e.g. your tested module, write this:
   1.239 -	           <pathelement location="${netbeans.home}/modules/somemodule.jar"/>
   1.240 - 	      --> 
   1.241 -	     <pathelement location="${netbeans.home}/modules/autoload/schema2beans.jar"/>
   1.242 -	     <pathelement location="${netbeans.home}/modules/autoload/schema2beansdev.jar"/>
   1.243 -    	</path>
   1.244 -    </target>
   1.245 -
   1.246 -</project>
     2.1 --- a/schema2beans/test/build.xml	Wed Aug 04 15:49:56 2004 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/schema2beans/test/build.xml	Fri Aug 06 13:46:22 2004 +0000
     2.3 @@ -8,90 +8,21 @@
     2.6  The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
     2.7 -Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2000 Sun
     2.8 +Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun
     2.9  Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    2.10  -->
    2.12 -<project name="schema2beans tests build script" basedir="." default="all">
    2.13 +<project name="schema2beans module test build script" basedir="." default="all">
    2.15 -    <!-- Ant property. Value 'ignore' means that system classpath is ignored
    2.16 -         and only classpath specified in build file is used. -->
    2.17 -    <property name="build.sysclasspath" value="ignore"/>
    2.18 -
    2.19 -    <!-- Points to directory with IDE to test-->
    2.20 -    <property name="netbeans.home" location="../../nbbuild/netbeans"/>
    2.21 -    
    2.22      <!-- Name of tested module -->
    2.23      <property name="xtest.module" value="schema2beans"/>
    2.25 -    <!-- Home of XTest -->
    2.26 -    <property name="xtest.home" location="../../xtest"/>
    2.27 -   
    2.28 +    <!-- Imports buildtests, cleantests, runtest, cleanresults, realclean, printconfig targets. -->
    2.29 +    <import file="../../nbbuild/templates/xtest.xml"/>
    2.30 +
    2.31      <!-- default testtypes, attributes used when no value is supplied from command line -->
    2.32      <property name="xtest.testtype" value="unit"/>
    2.33 -    <property name="xtest.attribs" value="all,code,ide"/>
    2.34 -    
    2.35 -    <!-- Points to antfile with module's harness. 
    2.36 -         Targets from that antfile is called from this build.xml -->
    2.37 -    <property name="xtest.module_harness.antfile" location="${xtest.home}/lib/module_harness.xml"/>
    2.38 +    <property name="xtest.attribs" value="stable"/>
    2.40 -    <!-- Says how to create classpath for compilation and for execution code tests by default.
    2.41 -         Can have values src, jar, ide -->
    2.42 -    <property name="xtest.source.location" value="jar"/>
    2.43 -
    2.44 -    
    2.45 - 
    2.46 -    <!-- ============ -->
    2.47 -    <!-- Main targets -->
    2.48 -    <!-- ============ -->
    2.49 -    
    2.50 -    <target name="all" depends="runtests"/>
    2.51 -    
    2.52 -    <!-- This calls target which will call compilers according to cfg file.
    2.53 -         You should not change this target unless you realy know what you are doing -->
    2.54 -    <target name="buildtests">
    2.55 -       <ant dir="." antfile="${xtest.module_harness.antfile}"
    2.56 -             target="compiler-launcher"/>
    2.57 -    </target>
    2.58 -    
    2.59 -    <!-- This calls common clean process. -->
    2.60 -    <!-- You can write your own if you need something special -->
    2.61 -    <target name="cleantests">
    2.62 -       <ant dir="." antfile="${xtest.module_harness.antfile}"
    2.63 -             target="cleantests"/>
    2.64 -    </target> 
    2.65 -
    2.66 -    <!-- This target runs tests. You should not change this --> 
    2.67 -    <!-- target unless you realy know what you are doing -->
    2.68 -    <target name="runtests" depends="buildtests">
    2.69 -        <echo message="Module: Running tests for ${xtest.module}, testtype ${xtest.testtype}, attribs=${xtest.attribs}"/>
    2.70 -        <ant dir="." antfile="${xtest.module_harness.antfile}"
    2.71 -             target="runtests"/>
    2.72 -    </target>
    2.73 -   
    2.74 -    <!-- This target is executed from test-executor in newly created Project -->
    2.75 -    <!-- Name of this task is defined in cfg-xxx.xml -->
    2.76 -    <target name="test_report">
    2.77 -        <ant dir="." antfile="${xtest.module_harness.antfile}"
    2.78 -             target="test_report"/>
    2.79 -    </target>
    2.80 -    
    2.81 -    <target name="cleanresults">
    2.82 -        <ant dir="." antfile="${xtest.module_harness.antfile}"
    2.83 -             target="cleanresults"/>
    2.84 -    </target>
    2.85 -    
    2.86 -    <target name="realclean" depends="cleantests,cleanresults">
    2.87 -        <ant dir="." antfile="${xtest.module_harness.antfile}"
    2.88 -             target="realclean"/>
    2.89 -    </target>
    2.90 -    
    2.91 -    <target name="printconfig">
    2.92 -        <echo message="Default config is testtype: ${xtest.testtype}, attributes: ${xtest.attribs}."/>
    2.93 -    </target>
    2.94 -    
    2.95 -  <target name="build">
    2.96 -    <ant dir=".." antfile="build.xml" target="build" />
    2.97 -  </target>
    2.98  </project>
     3.1 --- a/schema2beans/test/cfg-unit.xml	Wed Aug 04 15:49:56 2004 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/schema2beans/test/cfg-unit.xml	Fri Aug 06 13:46:22 2004 +0000
     3.3 @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
     3.6  The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
     3.7 -Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2000 Sun
     3.8 +Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun
     3.9  Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    3.10  -->
    3.12 @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
    3.14      <!-- testbag with all schema2beans tests running in code mode (i.e. in standard JVM)
    3.15           use ant runtests -Dxtest.attribs=stable,code to run this testbag  -->
    3.16 -  <testbag testattribs="all and code" executor="code" name="all tests (no ide)" >
    3.17 +  <testbag testattribs="stable" executor="code" name="all tests (no ide)" >
    3.18  	<testset dir="unit/src">
    3.19  	  <patternset>
    3.20  		<include name="TestMain.class"/>
    3.21 @@ -80,12 +80,8 @@
    3.22                            then call this one. It is handy when some servers (e.g. rmi registry)
    3.23                            have to be started before tests are run and stopped after
    3.24                            the run. -->
    3.25 -    <executor name="code" antfile="build-unit.xml" target="runcodetest"/>
    3.26 +    <executor name="code" antfile="build-unit.xml" target="run-in-jvm"/>
    3.28      <compiler name="unit-compiler" antfile="build-unit.xml" target="unit-compiler" default="true"/>
    3.30 -    <!-- standard results processor - currently there is only one results processor
    3.31 -                                      in XTest -->    
    3.32 -    <resultsprocessor name="unit" antfile="build.xml" target="test_report" default="true"/>
    3.33 -    
    3.34  </mconfig>