Merge with release72
Wed, 15 Aug 2012 20:45:01 +0200
changeset 27830a3cac5c474
parent 169 fc1f88683289
parent 277 092b7a73a3ff
child 279 6c52ee5e5439
Merge with release72
     1.1 --- a/Options/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/Options/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
     1.3 @@ -5,5 +5,5 @@
     1.4  OpenIDE-Module: org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.options
     1.5  OpenIDE-Module-Localizing-Bundle: org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/op
     1.6   tions/
     1.7 -OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.7.15
     1.8 +OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.7.17
     2.1 --- a/Options/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/options/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
     2.2 +++ b/Options/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/options/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
     2.3 @@ -37,5 +37,6 @@
     2.4  GeneralPanel.jPanel3.AccessibleContext.accessibleName=Command Window
     2.5  GeneralPanel.cbDeployAllDatabasesAutomatically.text=Prompt before deploying to databases other than the project's main database
     2.6  GeneralPanel.jPanel3.border.title=Command Window
     2.7 -GeneralPanel.cbAutoCommit.text=Auto Commit
     2.8 +GeneralPanel.cbAutoCommit.text=AutoCommit SQL
     2.9 +GeneralPanel.cbAutoSelect.text=AutoSelect Statement
    2.10  GeneralPanel.cbExpandFolds.text=Expand All Code Folds by Default
     3.1 --- a/Options/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/options/GeneralPanel.form	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
     3.2 +++ b/Options/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/options/GeneralPanel.form	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
     3.3 @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
     3.4                <Component id="jPanel2" min="-2" max="-2" attributes="0"/>
     3.5                <EmptySpace type="unrelated" max="-2" attributes="0"/>
     3.6                <Component id="jPanel3" min="-2" max="-2" attributes="0"/>
     3.7 -              <EmptySpace pref="79" max="32767" attributes="0"/>
     3.8 +              <EmptySpace pref="56" max="32767" attributes="0"/>
     3.9            </Group>
    3.10        </Group>
    3.11      </DimensionLayout>
    3.12 @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
    3.13                <Group type="102" alignment="0" attributes="0">
    3.14                    <EmptySpace max="-2" attributes="0"/>
    3.15                    <Component id="cbDeployAllDatabasesAutomatically" min="-2" max="-2" attributes="0"/>
    3.16 -                  <EmptySpace pref="94" max="32767" attributes="0"/>
    3.17 +                  <EmptySpace pref="215" max="32767" attributes="0"/>
    3.18                </Group>
    3.19            </Group>
    3.20          </DimensionLayout>
    3.21 @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
    3.22                <Group type="102" alignment="0" attributes="0">
    3.23                    <EmptySpace max="-2" attributes="0"/>
    3.24                    <Component id="cbExpandFolds" min="-2" max="-2" attributes="0"/>
    3.25 -                  <EmptySpace pref="384" max="32767" attributes="0"/>
    3.26 +                  <EmptySpace pref="429" max="32767" attributes="0"/>
    3.27                </Group>
    3.28            </Group>
    3.29          </DimensionLayout>
    3.30 @@ -151,10 +151,13 @@
    3.31        <Layout>
    3.32          <DimensionLayout dim="0">
    3.33            <Group type="103" groupAlignment="0" attributes="0">
    3.34 -              <Group type="102" alignment="0" attributes="0">
    3.35 +              <Group type="102" attributes="0">
    3.36                    <EmptySpace max="-2" attributes="0"/>
    3.37 -                  <Component id="cbAutoCommit" min="-2" max="-2" attributes="0"/>
    3.38 -                  <EmptySpace pref="509" max="32767" attributes="0"/>
    3.39 +                  <Group type="103" groupAlignment="0" attributes="0">
    3.40 +                      <Component id="cbAutoCommit" alignment="0" min="-2" max="-2" attributes="0"/>
    3.41 +                      <Component id="cbAutoSelect" min="-2" max="-2" attributes="0"/>
    3.42 +                  </Group>
    3.43 +                  <EmptySpace pref="483" max="32767" attributes="0"/>
    3.44                </Group>
    3.45            </Group>
    3.46          </DimensionLayout>
    3.47 @@ -162,6 +165,8 @@
    3.48            <Group type="103" groupAlignment="0" attributes="0">
    3.49                <Group type="102" alignment="0" attributes="0">
    3.50                    <Component id="cbAutoCommit" min="-2" max="-2" attributes="0"/>
    3.51 +                  <EmptySpace max="-2" attributes="0"/>
    3.52 +                  <Component id="cbAutoSelect" min="-2" max="-2" attributes="0"/>
    3.53                    <EmptySpace max="32767" attributes="0"/>
    3.54                </Group>
    3.55            </Group>
    3.56 @@ -175,6 +180,13 @@
    3.57              </Property>
    3.58            </Properties>
    3.59          </Component>
    3.60 +        <Component class="javax.swing.JCheckBox" name="cbAutoSelect">
    3.61 +          <Properties>
    3.62 +            <Property name="text" type="java.lang.String" editor="org.netbeans.modules.i18n.form.FormI18nStringEditor">
    3.63 +              <ResourceString bundle="org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/options/" key="GeneralPanel.cbAutoSelect.text" replaceFormat="org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage({sourceFileName}.class, &quot;{key}&quot;)"/>
    3.64 +            </Property>
    3.65 +          </Properties>
    3.66 +        </Component>
    3.67        </SubComponents>
    3.68      </Container>
    3.69    </SubComponents>
     4.1 --- a/Options/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/options/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
     4.2 +++ b/Options/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/options/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
     4.3 @@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
     4.4          cbExpandFolds = new javax.swing.JCheckBox();
     4.5          jPanel3 = new javax.swing.JPanel();
     4.6          cbAutoCommit = new javax.swing.JCheckBox();
     4.7 +        cbAutoSelect = new javax.swing.JCheckBox();
     4.9          jPanel1.setBorder(javax.swing.BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage(GeneralPanel.class, "GeneralPanel.Database.Border.Title"))); // NOI18N
    4.11 @@ -79,7 +80,7 @@
    4.12              .addGroup(jPanel1Layout.createSequentialGroup()
    4.13                  .addContainerGap()
    4.14                  .addComponent(cbDeployAllDatabasesAutomatically)
    4.15 -                .addContainerGap(94, Short.MAX_VALUE))
    4.16 +                .addContainerGap(215, Short.MAX_VALUE))
    4.17          );
    4.18          jPanel1Layout.setVerticalGroup(
    4.19              jPanel1Layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING)
    4.20 @@ -99,7 +100,7 @@
    4.21              .addGroup(jPanel2Layout.createSequentialGroup()
    4.22                  .addContainerGap()
    4.23                  .addComponent(cbExpandFolds)
    4.24 -                .addContainerGap(384, Short.MAX_VALUE))
    4.25 +                .addContainerGap(429, Short.MAX_VALUE))
    4.26          );
    4.27          jPanel2Layout.setVerticalGroup(
    4.28              jPanel2Layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING)
    4.29 @@ -112,19 +113,25 @@
    4.31          org.openide.awt.Mnemonics.setLocalizedText(cbAutoCommit, org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage(GeneralPanel.class, "GeneralPanel.cbAutoCommit.text")); // NOI18N
    4.33 +        org.openide.awt.Mnemonics.setLocalizedText(cbAutoSelect, org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage(GeneralPanel.class, "GeneralPanel.cbAutoSelect.text")); // NOI18N
    4.34 +
    4.35          javax.swing.GroupLayout jPanel3Layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(jPanel3);
    4.36          jPanel3.setLayout(jPanel3Layout);
    4.37          jPanel3Layout.setHorizontalGroup(
    4.38              jPanel3Layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING)
    4.39              .addGroup(jPanel3Layout.createSequentialGroup()
    4.40                  .addContainerGap()
    4.41 -                .addComponent(cbAutoCommit)
    4.42 -                .addContainerGap(509, Short.MAX_VALUE))
    4.43 +                .addGroup(jPanel3Layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING)
    4.44 +                    .addComponent(cbAutoCommit)
    4.45 +                    .addComponent(cbAutoSelect))
    4.46 +                .addContainerGap(483, Short.MAX_VALUE))
    4.47          );
    4.48          jPanel3Layout.setVerticalGroup(
    4.49              jPanel3Layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING)
    4.50              .addGroup(jPanel3Layout.createSequentialGroup()
    4.51                  .addComponent(cbAutoCommit)
    4.52 +                .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED)
    4.53 +                .addComponent(cbAutoSelect)
    4.54                  .addContainerGap(javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
    4.55          );
    4.57 @@ -149,7 +156,7 @@
    4.58                  .addComponent(jPanel2, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
    4.59                  .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.UNRELATED)
    4.60                  .addComponent(jPanel3, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
    4.61 -                .addContainerGap(79, Short.MAX_VALUE))
    4.62 +                .addContainerGap(56, Short.MAX_VALUE))
    4.63          );
    4.65          jPanel1.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleName(org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage(GeneralPanel.class, "GeneralPanel.Database.Border.Title")); // NOI18N
    4.66 @@ -161,12 +168,14 @@
    4.67        cbDeployAllDatabasesAutomatically.setSelected(NbPreferences.forModule(GeneralPanel.class).getBoolean(OptionsUtilities.AUTO_DEPLOY_ALL_DATABASES_KEY, true));
    4.68        cbExpandFolds.setSelected(NbPreferences.forModule(GeneralPanel.class).getBoolean(OptionsUtilities.PLSQL_EXPAND_FOLDS_KEY, false));
    4.69        cbAutoCommit.setSelected(NbPreferences.forModule(GeneralPanel.class).getBoolean(OptionsUtilities.COMMAND_WINDOW_AUTO_COMMIT_KEY, false));
    4.70 +      cbAutoSelect.setSelected(NbPreferences.forModule(GeneralPanel.class).getBoolean(OptionsUtilities.COMMAND_WINDOW_AUTO_SELECT_KEY, false));
    4.71     }
    4.73     void store() {
    4.74        NbPreferences.forModule(GeneralPanel.class).putBoolean(OptionsUtilities.AUTO_DEPLOY_ALL_DATABASES_KEY, cbDeployAllDatabasesAutomatically.isSelected());
    4.75        NbPreferences.forModule(GeneralPanel.class).putBoolean(OptionsUtilities.PLSQL_EXPAND_FOLDS_KEY, cbExpandFolds.isSelected());
    4.76        NbPreferences.forModule(GeneralPanel.class).putBoolean(OptionsUtilities.COMMAND_WINDOW_AUTO_COMMIT_KEY, cbAutoCommit.isSelected());
    4.77 +      NbPreferences.forModule(GeneralPanel.class).putBoolean(OptionsUtilities.COMMAND_WINDOW_AUTO_SELECT_KEY, cbAutoSelect.isSelected());
    4.78     }
    4.80     boolean valid() {
    4.81 @@ -175,6 +184,7 @@
    4.82     }
    4.83      // Variables declaration - do not modify//GEN-BEGIN:variables
    4.84      private javax.swing.JCheckBox cbAutoCommit;
    4.85 +    private javax.swing.JCheckBox cbAutoSelect;
    4.86      private javax.swing.JCheckBox cbDeployAllDatabasesAutomatically;
    4.87      private javax.swing.JCheckBox cbExpandFolds;
    4.88      private javax.swing.JPanel jPanel1;
     5.1 --- a/Options/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/options/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
     5.2 +++ b/Options/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/options/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
     5.3 @@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
     5.4     public static final String PLSQL_ANNOTATIONS_ENABLED_KEY = "plsql.annotations.enabled";
     5.5     public static final String PLSQL_EXPAND_FOLDS_KEY = "plsql.folds.expand";
     5.6     public static final String COMMAND_WINDOW_AUTO_COMMIT_KEY = "";
     5.7 +   public static final String COMMAND_WINDOW_AUTO_SELECT_KEY = "";
     5.8     public static final String PLSQL_ANNOTATIONS_GENERAL_KEY = "plsql.annotations.general";
     5.9     public static final String PLSQL_ANNOTATIONS_IFS_KEY = "plsql.annotations.ifs";
    5.10     public static final String PLSQL_ANNOTATIONS_CURSOR_WHERE_KEY = "plsql.annotations.cursor.where";
    5.11 @@ -78,6 +79,10 @@
    5.12     public static boolean isCommandWindowAutoCommitEnabled() {
    5.13        return NbPreferences.forModule(GeneralPanel.class).getBoolean(COMMAND_WINDOW_AUTO_COMMIT_KEY, false);
    5.14     }
    5.15 +   
    5.16 +   public static boolean isCommandWindowAutoSelectEnabled() {
    5.17 +      return NbPreferences.forModule(GeneralPanel.class).getBoolean(COMMAND_WINDOW_AUTO_SELECT_KEY, false);
    5.18 +   }
    5.20     public static boolean isPlSqlAnnotationCursorWhereEnabled() {
    5.21        return NbPreferences.forModule(PLSQLAnnotationsPanel.class).getBoolean(PLSQL_ANNOTATIONS_CURSOR_WHERE_KEY, true);
     6.1 --- a/Options/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/options/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
     6.2 +++ b/Options/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/options/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
     6.3 @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
     6.5  import java.awt.Component;
     6.6  import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
     6.7 -import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
     6.8 +import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
     6.9  import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    6.10  import java.util.Enumeration;
    6.11  import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
    6.12 @@ -72,33 +72,57 @@
    6.13        treeAnnotations.setRootVisible(false);
    6.14        treeAnnotations.setShowsRootHandles(true);
    6.15        treeAnnotations.getSelectionModel().setSelectionMode(TreeSelectionModel.SINGLE_TREE_SELECTION);
    6.16 -      treeAnnotations.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
    6.17 +      treeAnnotations.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
    6.19 -         @Override
    6.20 -         public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
    6.21 -            valueChanged(e);
    6.22 -         }
    6.23 +            @Override
    6.24 +            public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
    6.25 +              //  throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
    6.26 +            }
    6.27 +
    6.28 +            @Override
    6.29 +            public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
    6.30 +              valueChanged(e);
    6.31 +            }
    6.32 +
    6.33 +            @Override
    6.34 +            public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
    6.35 +              //  throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
    6.36 +            }
    6.37 +
    6.38 +            @Override
    6.39 +            public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
    6.40 +             //   throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
    6.41 +            }
    6.42 +
    6.43 +            @Override
    6.44 +            public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
    6.45 +            //    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
    6.46 +            }
    6.47        });
    6.48     }
    6.50 -   private void valueChanged(MouseEvent e) {
    6.51 -      Object obj = e.getSource();
    6.52 -      if (obj != null && obj instanceof JTree) {
    6.53 -         JTree tree = (JTree) obj;
    6.54 -         DefaultMutableTreeNode node = getSelectedNode(root, tree.getSelectionPath());
    6.55 -         if (node != null) {
    6.56 -            Object tmp = node.getUserObject();
    6.57 -            if (tmp != null && tmp instanceof PrefNode) {
    6.58 -               if (((PrefNode) tmp).enabled) {
    6.59 -                  ((PrefNode) tmp).selected = !((PrefNode) tmp).selected;
    6.60 -                  setChildrenEnabled(node, false, ((PrefNode) tmp).selected);
    6.61 -                  setChildrenEnabled(node, true, ((PrefNode) tmp).selected);
    6.62 -                  updateUI();
    6.63 -               }
    6.64 +    private void valueChanged(MouseEvent e) {
    6.65 +        Object obj = e.getSource();
    6.66 +        if (obj != null && obj instanceof JTree) {
    6.67 +            JTree tree = (JTree) obj;
    6.68 +            int row = tree.getRowForLocation(e.getX(), e.getY());
    6.69 +            TreePath path = tree.getPathForRow(row);
    6.70 +            if (path != null) {
    6.71 +                DefaultMutableTreeNode node = getSelectedNode(root, path);
    6.72 +                if (node != null) {
    6.73 +                    Object tmp = node.getUserObject();
    6.74 +                    if (tmp != null && tmp instanceof PrefNode) {
    6.75 +                        if (((PrefNode) tmp).enabled) {
    6.76 +                            ((PrefNode) tmp).selected = !((PrefNode) tmp).selected;
    6.77 +                            setChildrenEnabled(node, false, ((PrefNode) tmp).selected);
    6.78 +                            setChildrenEnabled(node, true, ((PrefNode) tmp).selected);
    6.79 +                            updateUI();
    6.80 +                        }
    6.81 +                    }
    6.82 +                }
    6.83              }
    6.84 -         }
    6.85 -      }
    6.86 -   }
    6.87 +        }
    6.88 +    }
    6.90     /** This method is called from within the constructor to
    6.91      * initialize the form.
     7.1 --- a/PLSQL/Annotation/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
     7.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Annotation/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
     7.3 @@ -6,5 +6,5 @@
     7.4  OpenIDE-Module-Layer: org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/layer.xml
     7.5  OpenIDE-Module-Localizing-Bundle: org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotatio
     7.6   n/
     7.7 -OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.8.12
     7.8 +OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version:
     8.1 --- a/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
     8.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
     8.3 @@ -115,6 +115,9 @@
     8.4     public void update(final Observable obj1, final Object obj2) {
     8.5        if ((obj1 instanceof PlsqlBlockFactory) && (obj2 instanceof Document)) {
     8.6           final PlsqlBlockFactory blockFactory = (PlsqlBlockFactory) obj1;
     8.7 +         if(doc !=null){
     8.8 +            clearAllAnnotations();
     8.9 +         }
    8.10           doc = (Document) obj2;
    8.12           //Update start offsets of the changed annotations
    8.13 @@ -143,6 +146,7 @@
    8.14              detachAnnotation(temp);
    8.15           }
    8.16        }
    8.17 +      plsqlAnnotations.clear();
    8.18        errorSysCalls.clear();
    8.19        allowedTablesOrViews.clear();
    8.20     }
     9.1 --- a/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
     9.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
     9.3 @@ -64,6 +64,9 @@
     9.4   * @author YADHLK
     9.5   */
     9.6  public class PlsqlMethodAnnotationUtil {
     9.7 +static int hasReturn = 0;
     9.8 +private static final int HAS_RETURNS = 1;
     9.9 +private static final int NO_RETURNS = 2;
    9.11     private static Comparator<PlsqlBlock> comparator = new Comparator<PlsqlBlock>() {
    9.13 @@ -253,6 +256,21 @@
    9.14        }
    9.15        return false;
    9.16     }
    9.17 +  
    9.18 +    public static int isReturnExist(final Document doc, final PlsqlBlock block) {
    9.19 +        hasReturn = 0;
    9.20 +        boolean isMissing = isReturn(doc, block);
    9.21 +
    9.22 +        if (!isMissing) {
    9.23 +            if (hasReturn == HAS_RETURNS) {
    9.24 +                return HAS_RETURNS;
    9.25 +            } else {
    9.26 +                return NO_RETURNS;
    9.27 +            }
    9.28 +        } else {
    9.29 +            return 0;
    9.30 +        }
    9.31 +    }
    9.33     public static boolean isReturn(final Document doc, final PlsqlBlock block) {
    9.34        boolean isReturn = false;
    9.35 @@ -265,7 +283,7 @@
    9.36                 && child.getType() != PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD
    9.37                 && startOffset < child.getStartOffset()) {
    9.38              if (!isReturnMissing(startOffset, child.getStartOffset(), doc, true)) {
    9.39 -               isReturn = true;
    9.40 +               isReturn = true;               
    9.41                 break;
    9.42              }
    9.43           }
    9.44 @@ -332,6 +350,7 @@
    9.45                    || token.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("RAISE")) {
    9.46                 if (moveToReturnEnd(ts, endOffset)) {
    9.47                    isReturnMissing = false;
    9.48 +                  hasReturn = HAS_RETURNS;
    9.49                 }
    9.50              } else if (token.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("ERROR_SYS")
    9.51                    || token.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("APPLICATION_SEARCH_SYS")) {
    9.52 @@ -343,6 +362,7 @@
    9.53                          if (!token.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith("check")) {
    9.54                             if (moveToReturnEnd(ts, endOffset)) {
    9.55                                isReturnMissing = false;
    9.56 +                              hasReturn = HAS_RETURNS;
    9.57                             }
    9.58                          }
    9.59                       }
    10.1 --- a/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    10.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    10.3 @@ -104,6 +104,37 @@
    10.5        return offset;
    10.6     }
    10.7 +   //Use in global variable annotation to get the end of CONSTANT variables
    10.8 +    public static int checkForFirstImplBlock(final PlsqlBlock temp) {
    10.9 +      int offset = temp.getEndOffset();
   10.10 +      final Comparator<PlsqlBlock> comparator = new Comparator<PlsqlBlock>() {
   10.11 +
   10.12 +         @Override
   10.13 +         public int compare(final PlsqlBlock block1, final PlsqlBlock block2) {
   10.14 +            Integer o1pos, o2pos;
   10.15 +            if (block1.getStartOffset() > -1 && block2.getStartOffset() > -1) {
   10.16 +               o1pos = Integer.valueOf(block1.getStartOffset());
   10.17 +               o2pos = Integer.valueOf(block2.getStartOffset());
   10.18 +            } else {
   10.19 +               o1pos = Integer.valueOf(block1.getEndOffset());
   10.20 +               o2pos = Integer.valueOf(block2.getEndOffset());
   10.21 +            }
   10.22 +            return o1pos.compareTo(o2pos);
   10.23 +         }
   10.24 +      };
   10.25 +
   10.26 +      final List<PlsqlBlock> blocks = temp.getChildBlocks();
   10.27 +      Collections.sort(blocks, comparator);
   10.28 +      for (PlsqlBlock child : blocks) {
   10.29 +            PlsqlBlockType type = child.getType();
   10.30 +        if (!(type == PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT || type == PlsqlBlockType.CURSOR)) {
   10.31 +            offset = child.getStartOffset();
   10.32 +            break;
   10.33 +         }
   10.34 +      }
   10.35 +
   10.36 +      return offset;
   10.37 +   }
   10.39     public static boolean insertPackageDeclaration(final DataObject dataObj, final Document doc, final String decType, final int offset) {
   10.40        if (PlsqlAnnotationUtil.isFileReadOnly(doc)) {
    11.1 --- a/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    11.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    11.3 @@ -42,7 +42,6 @@
    11.4  package org.netbeans.modules.plsql.annotation;
    11.6  import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.annotation.annotations.PlsqlAnnotation;
    11.7 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.utilities.PlsqlFileUtil;
    11.8  import;
    11.9  import java.util.List;
   11.10  import java.util.Map;
   11.11 @@ -78,6 +77,7 @@
   11.12     protected void performAction(final Node[] activatedNodes) {
   11.13        RequestProcessor.getDefault().post(new Runnable() {
   11.15 +         @Override
   11.16           public void run() {
   11.17              ProgressHandle handle = ProgressHandleFactory.createHandle("Validating files of the component...");
   11.18              handle.start();
    12.1 --- a/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/annotations/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    12.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/annotations/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    12.3 @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
    12.4  function_return_annotation=Function without RETURN statement
    12.5 +function_return_annotation_warning=Function may RETURN without a value
    12.6  if_null_annotation=This condition will always return false
    12.7  missing_end_name_annotation=Function/Procedure name is missing in the END statement
    12.8  unreachable_annotation=Unreachable statement
    13.1 --- a/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/annotations/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    13.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/annotations/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    13.3 @@ -159,12 +159,7 @@
    13.4        }
    13.6        private boolean addApproveMarker(Document doc, int ignoreOffset) {
    13.7 -         String user = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(WindowManager.getDefault().getMainWindow(), "Please insert the User Id", "Information", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
    13.8 -         if (user == null || user.trim().equals("")) {
    13.9 -            return false;
   13.10 -         }
   13.11 -
   13.12 -         String key = "--@" + getIgnoreKey() + "(" + user + "," + getDateTime() + ")\n";
   13.13 +         String key = "--@" + getIgnoreKey() + "(" + System.getProperty("") + "," + getDateTime() + ")\n";
   13.14           return addMarker(doc, key, ignoreOffset);
   13.15        }
    14.1 --- a/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/annotations/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    14.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/annotations/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    14.3 @@ -121,6 +121,7 @@
    14.4                    if (!isIgnoreAlowed() || -1 == ignoreMarkerOffset) {
    14.5                       PlsqlAnnotationUtil.addAnnotation(annotation, annotationsToAdd);
    14.6                    }
    14.7 +                  checkIgnoreAnnotation(annotationsToAdd, getIgnoreKey(), ignoreMarkerOffset, exists);
    14.8                 }
    14.9                 param1 = "";
   14.10                 param2 = "";
   14.11 @@ -129,9 +130,7 @@
   14.12                 isCheck = true;
   14.13              }
   14.14           }
   14.15 -      }
   14.16 -
   14.17 -      checkIgnoreAnnotation(annotationsToAdd, getIgnoreKey(), ignoreMarkerOffset, exists);
   14.18 +      }     
   14.19     }
   14.21     @Override
    15.1 --- a/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/annotations/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    15.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/annotations/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    15.3 @@ -63,10 +63,10 @@
    15.4        return new PlsqlFunctionReturnAnnotation();
    15.5     }
    15.7 -   public PlsqlFunctionReturnAnnotation(int offset, int ignoreOffset) {
    15.8 +   public PlsqlFunctionReturnAnnotation(int offset, int ignoreOffset, int severity) {
    15.9        this.offset = offset;
   15.10        this.ignoreOffset = ignoreOffset;
   15.11 -      this.severity = ERROR;
   15.12 +      this.severity = severity;
   15.13        this.category = GENERAL;
   15.14     }
   15.16 @@ -82,25 +82,30 @@
   15.18     @Override
   15.19     public String getShortDescription() {
   15.20 -      return NbBundle.getMessage(this.getClass(), "function_return_annotation");
   15.21 +       if (this.severity == WARNING) {
   15.22 +           return NbBundle.getMessage(this.getClass(), "function_return_annotation_warning");
   15.23 +       } else {
   15.24 +           return NbBundle.getMessage(this.getClass(), "function_return_annotation");
   15.25 +       }
   15.26     }
   15.28 -   @Override
   15.29 -   public void evaluateAnnotation(Map<Integer, List<PlsqlAnnotation>> annotationsToAdd, Document doc, PlsqlBlock block, Document specDoc, PlsqlBlockFactory specBlockFac) {
   15.30 -      boolean isMissing = true;
   15.31 -      isMissing = !PlsqlMethodAnnotationUtil.isReturn(doc, block);
   15.32 -      int ignoreMarkerOffset = isIgnoreSpecified(doc, block.getStartOffset(), getIgnoreKey(), true);
   15.33 -      boolean exists = false;
   15.34 +    @Override
   15.35 +    public void evaluateAnnotation(Map<Integer, List<PlsqlAnnotation>> annotationsToAdd, Document doc, PlsqlBlock block, Document specDoc, PlsqlBlockFactory specBlockFac) {
   15.36 +        int isReturn = PlsqlMethodAnnotationUtil.isReturnExist(doc, block);
   15.37 +        int ignoreMarkerOffset = isIgnoreSpecified(doc, block.getStartOffset(), getIgnoreKey(), true);
   15.38 +        boolean exists = false;
   15.40 -      if (isMissing) {
   15.41 -         exists = true;
   15.42 -         PlsqlFunctionReturnAnnotation annotation = new PlsqlFunctionReturnAnnotation(block.getStartOffset(), block.getStartOffset());
   15.43 -         if (!isIgnoreAlowed() || -1 == ignoreMarkerOffset)
   15.44 -            PlsqlAnnotationUtil.addAnnotation(annotation, annotationsToAdd);
   15.45 -      }
   15.46 -
   15.47 -      checkIgnoreAnnotation(annotationsToAdd, getIgnoreKey(), ignoreMarkerOffset, exists);
   15.48 -   }
   15.49 +        if (isReturn > 0) {
   15.50 +            exists = true;
   15.51 +            PlsqlFunctionReturnAnnotation annotation = new PlsqlFunctionReturnAnnotation(block.getStartOffset(), block.getStartOffset(), isReturn);
   15.52 +            if (annotation != null) {
   15.53 +                if (!isIgnoreAlowed() || -1 == ignoreMarkerOffset) {
   15.54 +                    PlsqlAnnotationUtil.addAnnotation(annotation, annotationsToAdd);
   15.55 +                }
   15.56 +                checkIgnoreAnnotation(annotationsToAdd, getIgnoreKey(), ignoreMarkerOffset, exists);
   15.57 +            }
   15.58 +        }
   15.59 +    }
   15.61     @Override
   15.62     public Action[] getActions() {
    16.1 --- a/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/annotations/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    16.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/annotations/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    16.3 @@ -119,6 +119,7 @@
    16.4                       if (!isIgnoreAlowed() || -1 == ignoreMarkerOffset) {
    16.5                          PlsqlAnnotationUtil.addAnnotation(endNameAnnotation, annotationsToAdd);
    16.6                       }
    16.7 +	 checkIgnoreAnnotation(annotationsToAdd, getIgnoreKey(), ignoreMarkerOffset, exists);
    16.8                    }
    16.9                 }
   16.10                 break;
   16.11 @@ -126,9 +127,7 @@
   16.12                 break;
   16.13              }
   16.14           }
   16.15 -      }
   16.16 -
   16.17 -      checkIgnoreAnnotation(annotationsToAdd, getIgnoreKey(), ignoreMarkerOffset, exists);
   16.18 +      }      
   16.19     }
   16.21     @Override
    17.1 --- a/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/annotations/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    17.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/annotations/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    17.3 @@ -122,15 +122,14 @@
    17.4                    if (!isIgnoreAlowed() || -1 == ignoreMarkerOffset) {
    17.5                       PlsqlAnnotationUtil.addAnnotation(endNameAnnotation, annotationsToAdd);
    17.6                    }
    17.7 +                  checkIgnoreAnnotation(annotationsToAdd, getIgnoreKey(), ignoreMarkerOffset, exists);
    17.8                 }
    17.9                 break;
   17.10              } else if ( == PlsqlTokenId.IDENTIFIER || == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD) { //because there are some functions with keyword names (close,cancel etc)
   17.11                 isName = true;
   17.12              }
   17.13           }
   17.14 -      }
   17.15 -
   17.16 -      checkIgnoreAnnotation(annotationsToAdd, getIgnoreKey(), ignoreMarkerOffset, exists);
   17.17 +      }      
   17.18     }
   17.20     @Override
    18.1 --- a/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/annotations/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    18.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/annotations/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    18.3 @@ -45,7 +45,11 @@
    18.4  import java.util.List;
    18.5  import java.util.Map;
    18.6  import javax.swing.text.Document;
    18.7 +import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
    18.8 +import org.netbeans.api.editor.EditorRegistry;
    18.9  import org.netbeans.api.lexer.Token;
   18.10 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.annotation.PlsqlAnnotationManager;
   18.11 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.annotation.PlsqlAnnotationUtil;
   18.13  /**
   18.14   * Annotation class for annotations based on tokens
   18.15 @@ -55,4 +59,33 @@
   18.17     public abstract void evaluateAnnotation(Map<Integer, List<PlsqlAnnotation>> annotationsToAdd,
   18.18             Document doc, Token<PlsqlTokenId> token, int tokenOffset, int endParse, Object obj);   
   18.19 +   
   18.20 +    /**
   18.21 +    * Check and remove/add the ignore marker annotation
   18.22 +    * @param annotationsToAdd
   18.23 +    * @param ignoreKey
   18.24 +    * @param ignoreMarkerOffset
   18.25 +    * @param exists
   18.26 +    */
   18.27 +   public void checkIgnoreAnnotation(final Map<Integer, List<PlsqlAnnotation>> annotationsToAdd, final String ignoreKey, final int ignoreMarkerOffset, final boolean exists) {
   18.28 +      if (!exists && -1 != ignoreMarkerOffset) {
   18.29 +         PlsqlAnnotationUtil.addAnnotation(new PlsqlWrongIgnoreMarkerAnnotation(ignoreKey, ignoreMarkerOffset), annotationsToAdd);
   18.30 +      } else if (exists && -1 != ignoreMarkerOffset) {
   18.31 +         //Remove the WrongIgnoreMarkerAnnotation if existing
   18.32 +         final JTextComponent comp = EditorRegistry.lastFocusedComponent();
   18.33 +         if (comp == null) {
   18.34 +            return;
   18.35 +         }
   18.36 +
   18.37 +         final Document doc = comp.getDocument();
   18.38 +         if (doc == null) {
   18.39 +            return;
   18.40 +         }
   18.41 +
   18.42 +         final PlsqlAnnotationManager annotationManager = PlsqlAnnotationUtil.getAnnotationManager(doc);
   18.43 +         if (annotationManager != null) {
   18.44 +            annotationManager.removeAnnotation(ignoreMarkerOffset, "Plsql-wrong-ignore-marker-annotation");
   18.45 +         }
   18.46 +      }
   18.47 +   }
   18.48  }
    19.1 --- a/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/annotations/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    19.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/annotations/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    19.3 @@ -101,9 +101,8 @@
    19.4              if (!isIgnoreAlowed() || -1 == ignoreMarkerOffset) {
    19.5                 PlsqlAnnotationUtil.addAnnotation(annotation, annotationsToAdd);
    19.6              }
    19.7 -         }
    19.8 -
    19.9 -         checkIgnoreAnnotation(annotationsToAdd, getIgnoreKey(), ignoreMarkerOffset, exists);
   19.10 +            checkIgnoreAnnotation(annotationsToAdd, getIgnoreKey(), ignoreMarkerOffset, exists);
   19.11 +         }        
   19.12        } catch (BadLocationException ex) {
   19.13           Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
   19.14        }
    20.1 --- a/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/annotations/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    20.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/annotations/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    20.3 @@ -124,6 +124,7 @@
    20.4                    if (!isIgnoreAlowed() || -1 == ignoreMarkerOffset) {
    20.5                       PlsqlAnnotationUtil.addAnnotation(endNameAnnotation, annotationsToAdd);
    20.6                    }
    20.7 +                  checkIgnoreAnnotation(annotationsToAdd, getIgnoreKey(), ignoreMarkerOffset, exists);
    20.8                 }
    20.9                 break;
   20.10              } else if ( == PlsqlTokenId.IDENTIFIER || == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD) { //because there are some functions with keyword names (close,cancel etc)
   20.11 @@ -131,9 +132,7 @@
   20.12                 tokenOffset = ts.offset();
   20.13              }
   20.14           }
   20.15 -      }
   20.16 -
   20.17 -      checkIgnoreAnnotation(annotationsToAdd, getIgnoreKey(), ignoreMarkerOffset, exists);
   20.18 +      }      
   20.19     }
   20.21     @Override
    21.1 --- a/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/annotations/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    21.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/annotations/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    21.3 @@ -112,6 +112,7 @@
    21.4                    if (!isIgnoreAlowed() || -1 == ignoreMarkerOffset) {
    21.5                       PlsqlAnnotationUtil.addAnnotation(annotation, annotationsToAdd);
    21.6                    }
    21.7 +                  checkIgnoreAnnotation(annotationsToAdd, getIgnoreKey(), ignoreMarkerOffset, exists);
    21.8                    break;
    21.9                 }
   21.10              }
   21.11 @@ -124,9 +125,7 @@
   21.12                 param = param + " " + token.text().toString().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
   21.13              }
   21.14           }
   21.15 -      }
   21.16 -
   21.17 -      checkIgnoreAnnotation(annotationsToAdd, getIgnoreKey(), ignoreMarkerOffset, exists);
   21.18 +      }      
   21.19     }
   21.21     @Override
    22.1 --- a/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/annotations/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    22.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Annotation/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/annotation/annotations/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    22.3 @@ -136,14 +136,13 @@
    22.4                    if (!isIgnoreAlowed() || -1 == ignoreMarkerOffset) {
    22.5                       PlsqlAnnotationUtil.addAnnotation(annotation, annotationsToAdd);
    22.6                    }
    22.7 +                  checkIgnoreAnnotation(annotationsToAdd, getIgnoreKey(), ignoreMarkerOffset, exists);
    22.8                    break;
    22.9                 }
   22.10              }
   22.11              pre = type;
   22.12           }
   22.13 -      }
   22.14 -
   22.15 -      checkIgnoreAnnotation(annotationsToAdd, getIgnoreKey(), ignoreMarkerOffset, exists);
   22.16 +      }      
   22.17     }
   22.19     private int getParamOrderNo(final String param) {
    23.1 --- a/PLSQL/Completion/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    23.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Completion/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    23.3 @@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
    23.4  OpenIDE-Module-Layer: org/netbeans/modules/plsql/completion/layer.xml
    23.5  OpenIDE-Module-Localizing-Bundle: org/netbeans/modules/plsql/completio
    23.6   n/
    23.7 -OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.8.5
    23.8 +OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.8.8
    23.9  AutoUpdate-Show-In-Client: false
    24.1 --- a/PLSQL/Completion/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/completion/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    24.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Completion/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/completion/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    24.3 @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
    24.4  import org.netbeans.api.lexer.Token;
    24.5  import org.netbeans.api.lexer.TokenSequence;
    24.6  import org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument;
    24.7 +import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
    24.9  /**
   24.10   *
   24.11 @@ -802,7 +803,7 @@
   24.12        try {
   24.13           sql = doc.getText(start, end - start);
   24.14        } catch (BadLocationException ex) {
   24.15 -         ex.printStackTrace();
   24.16 +         Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
   24.17        }
   24.19        if (!sql.equals("")) {
    25.1 --- a/PLSQL/Completion/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/completion/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    25.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Completion/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/completion/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    25.3 @@ -168,16 +168,21 @@
    25.4     }
    25.6     private int findNextFrom(TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts) {
    25.7 +      int parenCount = 0; 
    25.8        while (ts.moveNext()) {
    25.9           Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = ts.token();
   25.10           PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
   25.11           String value = token.toString();
   25.12           if(tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.OPERATOR && ";".equals(value)) {
   25.13              return -1;
   25.14 +         }else if(tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LPAREN) {
   25.15 +            parenCount++;
   25.16 +         } else if(tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.RPAREN) {
   25.17 +            parenCount--;
   25.18           } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD) {
   25.19              if("NULL".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
   25.20                 //ignore NULL since this is a valid SQL keyword
   25.21 -            } else if("FROM".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
   25.22 +            } else if(parenCount==0 && "FROM".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
   25.23                 return ts.offset()+5;
   25.24              } 
   25.25           }
   25.26 @@ -191,6 +196,7 @@
   25.27     private int findTableAndViewListStartPosition(TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts) {
   25.28        boolean whereFound = false;
   25.29        boolean setFound = false;
   25.30 +      boolean asFound = false;
   25.31        int rParenCount=0;
   25.32        int lParenCount=0;
   25.33        PlsqlTokenId previousKeyWordTokenId = null;
   25.34 @@ -209,12 +215,15 @@
   25.35                 lParenCount++;
   25.36                 previousKeyWordTokenId = null;
   25.37              }
   25.38 -         } else if(tokenId == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD) {
   25.39 +         } else if(tokenId == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD || "SET".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
   25.40              if(rParenCount==0) {
   25.41                 if("WHERE".equalsIgnoreCase(value) || "BY".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
   25.42                    //set for where as well as order by and group by
   25.43                    whereFound = true;
   25.44                 } else if("SET".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
   25.45 +                   if(whereFound){
   25.46 +                    return ts.offset()+5; 
   25.47 +                   }
   25.48                    setFound = true;
   25.49                 } else if("FROM".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
   25.50                   if(whereFound)
   25.51 @@ -227,9 +236,12 @@
   25.52                   else 
   25.53                      return -1; //found update before where or set...
   25.54                 } else if(lParenCount==1 && "INTO".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { //find "INSERT INTO xxx (" type of statements
   25.55 -                  if(previousKeyWordTokenId==null) //no other keywords between INTO and the parenthesis 
   25.56 +                  if(previousKeyWordTokenId==null || asFound) //no other keywords between INTO and the parenthesis 
   25.57                       return ts.offset()+5;
   25.58 +               } else if("AS".equalsIgnoreCase(value)){
   25.59 +                 asFound = true;
   25.60                 }
   25.61 +               
   25.62              }
   25.63              previousKeyWordTokenId = tokenId;
   25.64           }
   25.65 @@ -267,29 +279,38 @@
   25.66           } else if (parenCount==0 && tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD) {
   25.67              if(keyWord.equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
   25.68                 return ts.offset();
   25.69 -            } 
   25.70 +            }
   25.71 +            else if(value.equalsIgnoreCase("SELECT") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("UPDATE") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("INSERT") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("DELETE")){
   25.72 +                return -1;
   25.73 +            }
   25.74           }
   25.75        }
   25.76        return -1;
   25.77     }
   25.79     private HashMap<String, String> extractAliases(TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts) {
   25.80 -      //start at the first point after the FROM statement
   25.81 -      //extract list of tables/views and aliases.
   25.82        HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
   25.83        int parenCount = 0;
   25.84        String viewName = null;
   25.85        String alias = null;
   25.86        final String SELECT_STATEMENT="select...";
   25.87 +        if(isUpdateStmt(ts.offset())){
   25.88 +            ts.move(findStmtStart(ts, "UPDATE")); 
   25.89 +            ts.moveIndex(ts.index()+1);
   25.90 +        }
   25.91        while (ts.moveNext()) {
   25.92           Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = ts.token();
   25.93           PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
   25.94           String value = token.toString();
   25.95 -         if(tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.OPERATOR && ";".equals(value)) {
   25.96 -            break;
   25.97 +         if(tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.OPERATOR && (";".equals(value) || "=".equals(value))) {
   25.98 +            if("=".equals(value)) 
   25.99 +                viewName = null;
  25.100 +            else
  25.101 +                break;
  25.102           } else if(tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.DOT && viewName!=null) {
  25.103              //schema prefix for the object - ignore the schema
  25.104 -            viewName = null;
  25.105 +             if(!isInsertStmt(ts.offset()))
  25.106 +                viewName = null;
  25.107           } else if(tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LPAREN) {
  25.108              parenCount++;
  25.109           } else if(tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.RPAREN) {
  25.110 @@ -298,6 +319,8 @@
  25.111              parenCount--;
  25.112              if(parenCount==0 && viewName==null) //closing parenthesis. If viewName != null this is probably an insert into statement...
  25.113                 viewName = SELECT_STATEMENT;
  25.114 +            else
  25.115 +                break;
  25.116           } else if(parenCount==0) {
  25.117              if(tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.IDENTIFIER || tokenID==PlsqlTokenId.STRING_LITERAL) {
  25.118                 if(viewName==null) {
  25.119 @@ -311,8 +334,9 @@
  25.120                 else if(viewName!=null && viewName!=SELECT_STATEMENT) //Yes - this should be "==..." and not equals(...)
  25.121                    selectViewsWithoutAlias.add(viewName);
  25.122                 viewName = alias = null;
  25.123 -            } else if(tokenID==PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD) {
  25.124 -                break;
  25.125 +            } else if(tokenID==PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD || "SET".equals(value)) {
  25.126 +                if(!("AS".equalsIgnoreCase(value)))  
  25.127 +                   break;
  25.128              }
  25.129           }
  25.130        }
  25.131 @@ -330,6 +354,22 @@
  25.132        ts.move(caretOffset);
  25.133        return findStmtStart(ts, "SELECT")>-1;
  25.134     }
  25.135 +   
  25.136 +   private boolean isUpdateStmt(int caretOffset) {
  25.137 +      TokenHierarchy tokenHierarchy = TokenHierarchy.get(doc);
  25.138 +      @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
  25.139 +      TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts = tokenHierarchy.tokenSequence(PlsqlTokenId.language());
  25.140 +      ts.move(caretOffset);
  25.141 +      return findStmtStart(ts, "UPDATE")>-1;
  25.142 +   }
  25.143 +   
  25.144 +   private boolean isInsertStmt(int caretOffset) {
  25.145 +      TokenHierarchy tokenHierarchy = TokenHierarchy.get(doc);
  25.146 +      @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
  25.147 +      TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts = tokenHierarchy.tokenSequence(PlsqlTokenId.language());
  25.148 +      ts.move(caretOffset);
  25.149 +      return findStmtStart(ts, "INSERT")>-1;
  25.150 +   }
  25.152     private boolean isExceptionStmt(int caretOffset) {
  25.153        //for now just return true...
    26.1 --- a/PLSQL/Debugging/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    26.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Debugging/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    26.3 @@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
    26.4  OpenIDE-Module-Layer: org/netbeans/modules/plsql/debug/layer.xml
    26.5  OpenIDE-Module-Localizing-Bundle: org/netbeans/modules/plsql/debug/Bun
    26.7 -OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.7.19
    26.8 +OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.7.23
    26.9  AutoUpdate-Show-In-Client: false
    27.1 --- a/PLSQL/Debugging/nbproject/project.xml	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    27.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Debugging/nbproject/project.xml	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    27.3 @@ -7,43 +7,21 @@
    27.4              <suite-component/>
    27.5              <module-dependencies>
    27.6                  <dependency>
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   27.50                      </run-dependency>
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   27.52                  <dependency>
   27.53 @@ -83,6 +61,46 @@
   27.54                      </run-dependency>
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  27.100 @@ -101,6 +119,14 @@
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  27.112                      <code-name-base>org.openide.dialogs</code-name-base>
  27.113                      <build-prerequisite/>
  27.114                      <compile-dependency/>
    28.1 --- a/PLSQL/Debugging/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/debug/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    28.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Debugging/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/debug/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    28.3 @@ -7,3 +7,5 @@
    28.4  TOOLTIP_CURRENT_EXP_LINE=Current Program Counter In Expression
    28.5  TOOLTIP_OTHER_THREAD=Thread {0} suspended at this line
    28.6  TOOLTIP_CALLSITE=Call Stack Line
    28.7 +GetProjectDialog.okButton.text=OK
    28.8 +GetProjectDialog.lblProject.text=Select a project to debug
    29.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    29.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Debugging/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/debug/GetProjectDialog.form	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    29.3 @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
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   29.64 +          <ResourceString bundle="org/netbeans/modules/plsql/debug/" key="GetProjectDialog.okButton.text" replaceFormat="org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage({sourceFileName}.class, &quot;{key}&quot;)"/>
   29.65 +        </Property>
   29.66 +      </Properties>
   29.67 +      <Events>
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   29.74 +          <ResourceString bundle="org/netbeans/modules/plsql/debug/" key="GetProjectDialog.lblProject.text" replaceFormat="org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage({sourceFileName}.class, &quot;{key}&quot;)"/>
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   29.81 +          <StringArray count="0"/>
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   29.85 +        <BindingProperty name="elements" source="cbProjects" target="cbProjects" targetPath="elements" updateStrategy="0" immediately="false"/>
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   29.88 +  </SubComponents>
   29.89 +</Form>
    30.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    30.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Debugging/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/debug/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    30.3 @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
    30.4 +/*
    30.6 + *
    30.7 + * Copyright 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    30.8 + *
    30.9 + * Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
   30.10 + * Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
   30.11 + *
   30.12 + * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
   30.13 + * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
   30.14 + * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
   30.15 + * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
   30.16 + * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
   30.17 + *
   30.18 + * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
   30.19 + * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
   30.20 + * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
   30.21 + * Notice in each file and include the License file at
   30.22 + * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Oracle designates this
   30.23 + * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   30.24 + * by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
   30.25 + * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
   30.26 + * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
   30.27 + * your own identifying information:
   30.28 + * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
   30.29 + *
   30.30 + * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
   30.31 + * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
   30.32 + * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
   30.33 + * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
   30.34 + * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
   30.35 + * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
   30.36 + * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
   30.37 + * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
   30.38 + * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
   30.39 + * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
   30.40 + *
   30.41 + * Contributor(s):
   30.42 + *
   30.43 + * Portions Copyrighted 2011 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
   30.44 + */
   30.45 +package org.netbeans.modules.plsql.debug;
   30.46 +
   30.47 +import java.util.HashMap;
   30.48 +import java.util.Map;
   30.49 +
   30.50 +/**
   30.51 + *
   30.52 + * @author  YaDhLK
   30.53 + */
   30.54 +public class GetProjectDialog extends javax.swing.JDialog {
   30.55 +
   30.56 +   static final Map<String, String> previousValues = new HashMap<String, String>();
   30.57 +   String variableName = null;
   30.58 +
   30.59 +   /** Creates new form PromptValue */
   30.60 +   public GetProjectDialog(java.awt.Frame parent, String[] variable, boolean modal) {
   30.61 +      super(parent, modal);
   30.62 +      initComponents();
   30.63 +      getRootPane().setDefaultButton(okButton);
   30.64 +      this.setLocation(325, 125);
   30.65 +      this.setTitle("Select Debug Project");
   30.66 +      for(int x =0; x < variable.length; x++){
   30.67 +       this.cbProjects.addItem(variable[x]);
   30.68 +      }
   30.69 +   }
   30.70 +   
   30.71 +   
   30.72 +    /**
   30.73 +    * Return the value of the text field
   30.74 +    * @return
   30.75 +    */
   30.76 +   public String getValue() {
   30.77 +      String value = cbProjects.getSelectedItem().toString();
   30.78 +      return value;
   30.79 +   }
   30.80 +   
   30.81 +   /** This method is called from within the constructor to
   30.82 +    * initialize the form.
   30.83 +    * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is
   30.84 +    * always regenerated by the Form Editor.
   30.85 +    */
   30.86 +    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Generated Code">//GEN-BEGIN:initComponents
   30.87 +    private void initComponents() {
   30.88 +        bindingGroup = new org.jdesktop.beansbinding.BindingGroup();
   30.89 +
   30.90 +        okButton = new javax.swing.JButton();
   30.91 +        lblProject = new javax.swing.JLabel();
   30.92 +        cbProjects = new javax.swing.JComboBox();
   30.93 +
   30.94 +        setDefaultCloseOperation(javax.swing.WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
   30.95 +
   30.96 +        okButton.setText(org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage(GetProjectDialog.class, "GetProjectDialog.okButton.text")); // NOI18N
   30.97 +        okButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
   30.98 +            public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
   30.99 +                okButtonActionPerformed(evt);
  30.100 +            }
  30.101 +        });
  30.102 +
  30.103 +        lblProject.setText(org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage(GetProjectDialog.class, "GetProjectDialog.lblProject.text")); // NOI18N
  30.104 +
  30.105 +        org.jdesktop.beansbinding.Binding binding = org.jdesktop.beansbinding.Bindings.createAutoBinding(org.jdesktop.beansbinding.AutoBinding.UpdateStrategy.READ_WRITE, cbProjects, org.jdesktop.beansbinding.ObjectProperty.create(), cbProjects, org.jdesktop.beansbinding.BeanProperty.create("elements"));
  30.106 +        bindingGroup.addBinding(binding);
  30.107 +
  30.108 +        org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout layout = new org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout(getContentPane());
  30.109 +        getContentPane().setLayout(layout);
  30.110 +        layout.setHorizontalGroup(
  30.111 +            layout.createParallelGroup(org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.LEADING)
  30.112 +            .add(layout.createSequentialGroup()
  30.113 +                .add(layout.createParallelGroup(org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.LEADING)
  30.114 +                    .add(layout.createSequentialGroup()
  30.115 +                        .addContainerGap()
  30.116 +                        .add(lblProject))
  30.117 +                    .add(layout.createSequentialGroup()
  30.118 +                        .add(31, 31, 31)
  30.119 +                        .add(layout.createParallelGroup(org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.TRAILING)
  30.120 +                            .add(okButton)
  30.121 +                            .add(cbProjects, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 214, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE))))
  30.122 +                .addContainerGap(31, Short.MAX_VALUE))
  30.123 +        );
  30.124 +        layout.setVerticalGroup(
  30.125 +            layout.createParallelGroup(org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.LEADING)
  30.126 +            .add(layout.createSequentialGroup()
  30.127 +                .add(24, 24, 24)
  30.128 +                .add(lblProject)
  30.129 +                .add(18, 18, 18)
  30.130 +                .add(cbProjects, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
  30.131 +                .addPreferredGap(org.jdesktop.layout.LayoutStyle.UNRELATED)
  30.132 +                .add(okButton)
  30.133 +                .addContainerGap(org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
  30.134 +        );
  30.135 +
  30.136 +        bindingGroup.bind();
  30.137 +
  30.138 +        pack();
  30.139 +    }// </editor-fold>//GEN-END:initComponents
  30.140 +
  30.141 +   private void okButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_okButtonActionPerformed
  30.142 +      // TODO add your handling code here:
  30.143 +      this.setVisible(false);
  30.144 +      this.dispose();
  30.145 +}//GEN-LAST:event_okButtonActionPerformed
  30.146 +  
  30.147 +  
  30.148 +    // Variables declaration - do not modify//GEN-BEGIN:variables
  30.149 +    private javax.swing.JComboBox cbProjects;
  30.150 +    private javax.swing.JLabel lblProject;
  30.151 +    private javax.swing.JButton okButton;
  30.152 +    private org.jdesktop.beansbinding.BindingGroup bindingGroup;
  30.153 +    // End of variables declaration//GEN-END:variables
  30.154 +   
  30.155 +}
    31.1 --- a/PLSQL/Debugging/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/debug/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    31.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Debugging/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/debug/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    31.3 @@ -41,15 +41,6 @@
    31.4   */
    31.5  package org.netbeans.modules.plsql.debug;
    31.7 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseConnectionManager;
    31.8 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseContentUtilities;
    31.9 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.ui.SQLCommandWindow;
   31.10 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.execution.PlsqlExecutableBlocksMaker;
   31.11 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.execution.PlsqlExecutableObject;
   31.12 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.execution.PlsqlFileExecutor;
   31.13 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.lexer.PlsqlBlock;
   31.14 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.lexer.PlsqlBlockFactory;
   31.15 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.lexer.PlsqlBlockUtilities;
   31.16  import;
   31.17  import;
   31.18  import;
   31.19 @@ -66,32 +57,53 @@
   31.20  import javax.swing.text.Document;
   31.21  import javax.swing.text.StyledDocument;
   31.22  import org.netbeans.api.db.explorer.DatabaseConnection;
   31.23 -import org.netbeans.api.project.FileOwnerQuery;
   31.24 -import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
   31.25 -import org.openide.cookies.EditorCookie;
   31.26 -import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
   31.27 -import org.openide.loaders.DataObjectNotFoundException;
   31.28 -import org.openide.nodes.Node;
   31.29 -import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
   31.30 -import org.openide.util.HelpCtx;
   31.31 -import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
   31.32 -import org.openide.util.actions.CookieAction;
   31.33 -import;
   31.34 -import;
   31.35 -import;
   31.36  import org.netbeans.api.debugger.Breakpoint;
   31.37  import org.netbeans.api.debugger.DebuggerInfo;
   31.38  import org.netbeans.api.debugger.DebuggerManager;
   31.39  import org.netbeans.api.debugger.Session;
   31.40  import org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda.LineBreakpoint;
   31.41  import org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda.ListeningDICookie;
   31.42 +import org.netbeans.api.project.FileOwnerQuery;
   31.43 +import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
   31.44 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.execution.PlsqlExecutableBlocksMaker;
   31.45 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.execution.PlsqlExecutableObject;
   31.46 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.execution.PlsqlFileExecutor;
   31.47 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.lexer.PlsqlBlock;
   31.48 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.lexer.PlsqlBlockFactory;
   31.49 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.lexer.PlsqlBlockUtilities;
   31.50 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseConnectionManager;
   31.51 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseContentUtilities;
   31.52 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.ui.SQLCommandWindow;
   31.53 +import org.openide.awt.ActionID;
   31.54 +import org.openide.awt.ActionReference;
   31.55 +import org.openide.awt.ActionReferences;
   31.56 +import org.openide.awt.ActionRegistration;
   31.57 +import org.openide.cookies.EditorCookie;
   31.58  import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
   31.59  import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
   31.60  import org.openide.loaders.DataFolder;
   31.61 +import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
   31.62 +import org.openide.loaders.DataObjectNotFoundException;
   31.63 +import org.openide.nodes.Node;
   31.64  import org.openide.text.NbDocument;
   31.65 +import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
   31.66 +import org.openide.util.HelpCtx;
   31.67 +import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
   31.68  import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor;
   31.69  import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor.Task;
   31.70 +import org.openide.util.actions.CookieAction;
   31.71 +import;
   31.72 +import;
   31.73 +import;
   31.75 +@ActionID(id = "org.netbeans.modules.plsql.debug.PlsqlDebugAction", category = "PLSQL")
   31.76 +@ActionRegistration(displayName = "#CTL_PlsqlDebugAction", iconBase = "org/netbeans/modules/plsql/debug/debug.png")
   31.77 +@ActionReferences({
   31.78 +   @ActionReference(path = "Shortcuts", name = "DS-D"),
   31.79 +   @ActionReference(path = "Shortcuts", name = "OS-D"),
   31.80 +   @ActionReference(path = "Editors/text/x-plsql/Popup", name = "org-netbeans-modules-plsql-debug-PlsqlDebugAction",
   31.81 +   position = 1020, separatorAfter = 1050)
   31.82 +})
   31.83  public final class PlsqlDebugAction extends CookieAction {
   31.85     private static final RequestProcessor RP = new RequestProcessor(PlsqlDebugAction.class.getName());
   31.86 @@ -152,6 +164,7 @@
   31.88     /**
   31.89      * Enable this action only for the SQL execution window
   31.90 +    *
   31.91      * @param nodes
   31.92      * @return
   31.93      */
    32.1 --- a/PLSQL/Debugging/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/debug/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    32.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Debugging/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/debug/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    32.3 @@ -41,47 +41,48 @@
    32.4   */
    32.5  package org.netbeans.modules.plsql.debug;
    32.7 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseConnectionManager;
    32.8 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseContentManager;
    32.9 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseContentUtilities;
   32.10 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.lexer.PlsqlBlock;
   32.11 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.lexer.PlsqlBlockFactory;
   32.12 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.utilities.PlsqlParserUtil;
   32.13  import java.sql.Connection;
   32.14  import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
   32.15  import java.sql.ResultSet;
   32.16  import java.sql.SQLException;
   32.17 -import java.sql.Statement;
   32.18 -import java.util.List;
   32.19  import java.util.Locale;
   32.20  import javax.swing.JEditorPane;
   32.21  import javax.swing.text.Caret;
   32.22  import org.netbeans.api.db.explorer.DatabaseConnection;
   32.23 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.lexer.PlsqlBlockFactory;
   32.24 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.utilities.PlsqlParserUtil;
   32.25 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseConnectionManager;
   32.26 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseContentUtilities;
   32.27 +import org.openide.awt.ActionID;
   32.28 +import org.openide.awt.ActionReference;
   32.29 +import org.openide.awt.ActionRegistration;
   32.30  import org.openide.cookies.EditorCookie;
   32.31  import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
   32.32  import org.openide.nodes.Node;
   32.33  import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
   32.34  import org.openide.util.HelpCtx;
   32.35  import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
   32.36 -import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor;
   32.37  import org.openide.util.actions.CookieAction;
   32.38  import;
   32.39  import;
   32.40  import;
   32.42 -
   32.43 +@ActionID(id = "org.netbeans.modules.plsql.debug.PlsqlDebugCompileAction", category = "PLSQL")
   32.44 +@ActionRegistration(displayName = "#CTL_PlsqlDebugCompileAction")
   32.45 +@ActionReference(path = "Editors/text/x-plsql/Popup", name = "org-netbeans-modules-plsql-debug-DebugCompileAction", position = 1000)
   32.46  public final class PlsqlDebugCompileAction extends CookieAction {
   32.48     String objectName;
   32.49 -    @Override
   32.50 -    protected int mode() {
   32.51 -       return CookieAction.MODE_EXACTLY_ONE;
   32.52 -    }
   32.54 -    @Override
   32.55 -    protected Class<?>[] cookieClasses() {
   32.56 -        return new Class[]{EditorCookie.class};
   32.57 -    }
   32.58 +   @Override
   32.59 +   protected int mode() {
   32.60 +      return CookieAction.MODE_EXACTLY_ONE;
   32.61 +   }
   32.62 +
   32.63 +   @Override
   32.64 +   protected Class<?>[] cookieClasses() {
   32.65 +      return new Class[]{EditorCookie.class};
   32.66 +   }
   32.68     @Override
   32.69     protected boolean asynchronous() {
   32.70 @@ -136,20 +137,20 @@
   32.71        }
   32.72     }
   32.74 -    @Override
   32.75 -    public String getName() {
   32.76 -        return NbBundle.getMessage(PlsqlDebugCompileAction.class, "CTL_PlsqlDebugCompileAction");
   32.77 -    }
   32.78 +   @Override
   32.79 +   public String getName() {
   32.80 +      return NbBundle.getMessage(PlsqlDebugCompileAction.class, "CTL_PlsqlDebugCompileAction");
   32.81 +   }
   32.83 -    @Override
   32.84 -    public HelpCtx getHelpCtx() {
   32.85 -        return HelpCtx.DEFAULT_HELP;
   32.86 -    }
   32.87 +   @Override
   32.88 +   public HelpCtx getHelpCtx() {
   32.89 +      return HelpCtx.DEFAULT_HELP;
   32.90 +   }
   32.92 -    @Override    
   32.93 +   @Override
   32.94     protected boolean enable(Node[] activatedNodes) {
   32.95 -       objectName = getObjectName(activatedNodes);
   32.96 -       return objectName!=null;
   32.97 +      objectName = getObjectName(activatedNodes);
   32.98 +      return objectName != null;
   32.99     }
  32.101     private String getObjectName(Node[] activatedNodes) {
  32.102 @@ -166,12 +167,12 @@
  32.103           return null;
  32.104        }
  32.105        String selection = panes[0].getSelectedText();
  32.106 -      if(selection!=null) { //check that this is a valid oracle identifier
  32.107 -         if(selection.startsWith("\"") && selection.endsWith("\"")) {
  32.108 +      if (selection != null) { //check that this is a valid oracle identifier
  32.109 +         if (selection.startsWith("\"") && selection.endsWith("\"")) {
  32.110              return selection;
  32.111           }
  32.112           String upper = selection.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
  32.113 -         if(DatabaseContentUtilities.isValidOracleUppercaseIdentifier(upper)) {
  32.114 +         if (DatabaseContentUtilities.isValidOracleUppercaseIdentifier(upper)) {
  32.115              return upper;
  32.116           }
  32.117           return null;
  32.118 @@ -181,16 +182,15 @@
  32.119        //go through the parse tree and find the "top" node. This is the object we should debug complie
  32.120        DataObject dataObject = activatedNodes[0].getLookup().lookup(DataObject.class);
  32.121        PlsqlBlockFactory fac = dataObject.getLookup().lookup(PlsqlBlockFactory.class);
  32.122 -      List<PlsqlBlock> blockHierarchy = fac.getBlockHierarchy();
  32.123 -      String objectName = PlsqlParserUtil.getPackageName(fac, position);
  32.124 -      if(objectName==null || objectName.length()==0) {
  32.125 -         objectName = PlsqlParserUtil.getMethodName(fac, position);
  32.126 +      String packageName = PlsqlParserUtil.getPackageName(fac, position);
  32.127 +      if (packageName == null || packageName.length() == 0) {
  32.128 +         packageName = PlsqlParserUtil.getMethodName(fac, position);
  32.129        }
  32.130 -      if(objectName!=null && objectName.length()>0) {
  32.131 -         if(objectName.startsWith("\"")) {
  32.132 -            return objectName;
  32.133 +      if (packageName != null && packageName.length() > 0) {
  32.134 +         if (packageName.startsWith("\"")) {
  32.135 +            return packageName;
  32.136           } else {
  32.137 -            return objectName.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
  32.138 +            return packageName.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
  32.139           }
  32.140        }
  32.141        return null;
    33.1 --- a/PLSQL/Debugging/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/debug/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    33.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Debugging/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/debug/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    33.3 @@ -41,42 +41,48 @@
    33.4   */
    33.5  package org.netbeans.modules.plsql.debug;
    33.7 +import org.netbeans.api.debugger.DebuggerInfo;
    33.8 +import org.netbeans.api.debugger.DebuggerManager;
    33.9 +import org.netbeans.api.debugger.Session;
   33.10 +import org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda.ListeningDICookie;
   33.11  import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
   33.12 +import org.openide.awt.ActionID;
   33.13 +import org.openide.awt.ActionRegistration;
   33.14  import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
   33.15  import org.openide.nodes.Node;
   33.16  import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
   33.17  import org.openide.util.HelpCtx;
   33.18  import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
   33.19 -import org.openide.util.actions.CookieAction;
   33.20 -import org.netbeans.api.debugger.DebuggerInfo;
   33.21 -import org.netbeans.api.debugger.DebuggerManager;
   33.22 -import org.netbeans.api.debugger.Session;
   33.23 -import org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda.ListeningDICookie;
   33.24  import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor;
   33.25  import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor.Task;
   33.26 +import org.openide.util.actions.CookieAction;
   33.28 -
   33.29 +@ActionID(id = "org.netbeans.modules.plsql.debug.PlsqlDebugListenAction", category = "Project/Node")
   33.30 +@ActionRegistration(displayName = "#CTL_PlsqlDebugListenAction")
   33.31  public final class PlsqlDebugListenAction extends CookieAction {
   33.33 -   private static final int DEBUG_PORT=13406;
   33.34 +   private static final int DEBUG_PORT = 13406;
   33.36     @Override
   33.37     protected void performAction(Node[] activatedNodes) {
   33.38        Project project = activatedNodes[0].getLookup().lookup(Project.class);
   33.39 -      if(project!=null) {
   33.40 +      if (project != null) {
   33.41           PlsqlToggleBreakpointActionProvider.setProject(project);
   33.42           startNetbeansDebugListener();
   33.43        }
   33.44     }
   33.46 +   @Override
   33.47     protected int mode() {
   33.48        return CookieAction.MODE_EXACTLY_ONE;
   33.49     }
   33.51 +   @Override
   33.52     public String getName() {
   33.53        return NbBundle.getMessage(PlsqlDebugListenAction.class, "CTL_PlsqlDebugListenAction");
   33.54     }
   33.56 +   @Override
   33.57     protected Class[] cookieClasses() {
   33.58        return new Class[]{DataObject.class};
   33.59     }
   33.60 @@ -86,6 +92,7 @@
   33.61        return "org/netbeans/modules/plsql/debug/debug.png";
   33.62     }
   33.64 +   @Override
   33.65     public HelpCtx getHelpCtx() {
   33.66        return HelpCtx.DEFAULT_HELP;
   33.67     }
   33.68 @@ -103,18 +110,20 @@
   33.69     @Override
   33.70     protected boolean enable(Node[] activatedNodes) {
   33.71        if (!super.enable(activatedNodes)) {
   33.72 -         return (activatedNodes.length==1 && activatedNodes[0].getLookup().lookup(Project.class)!=null);
   33.73 +         return (activatedNodes.length == 1 && activatedNodes[0].getLookup().lookup(Project.class) != null);
   33.74        }
   33.75 -      return activatedNodes.length==1;
   33.76 +      return activatedNodes.length == 1;
   33.77     }
   33.79     private boolean startNetbeansDebugListener() {
   33.80        Task task = RequestProcessor.getDefault().post(new Runnable() {
   33.81 +
   33.82 +         @Override
   33.83           public void run() {
   33.84 -            DebuggerManager debugManager = DebuggerManager.getDebuggerManager ();
   33.85 +            DebuggerManager debugManager = DebuggerManager.getDebuggerManager();
   33.86              Session[] sessions = debugManager.getSessions();
   33.87 -            if(sessions.length==0) {
   33.88 -               Object [] services = new Object[] { ListeningDICookie.create(DEBUG_PORT), this };
   33.89 +            if (sessions.length == 0) {
   33.90 +               Object[] services = new Object[]{ListeningDICookie.create(DEBUG_PORT), this};
   33.92                 DebuggerInfo debugInfo = DebuggerInfo.create(ListeningDICookie.ID, services);
   33.93                 debugManager.startDebugging(debugInfo);
   33.94 @@ -130,4 +139,3 @@
   33.95        return true;
   33.96     }
   33.97  }
   33.98 -
    34.1 --- a/PLSQL/Debugging/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/debug/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    34.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Debugging/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/debug/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    34.3 @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
    34.4   */
    34.5  package org.netbeans.modules.plsql.debug;
    34.7 +import;
    34.8  import static org.netbeans.modules.plsql.lexer.PlsqlBlockType.*;
    34.9  import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseConnectionManager;
   34.10  import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseContentManager;
   34.11 @@ -52,6 +53,7 @@
   34.12  import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
   34.13  import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
   34.14  import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;
   34.15 +import;
   34.16  import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
   34.17  import;
   34.18  import;
   34.19 @@ -63,8 +65,11 @@
   34.20  import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
   34.21  import javax.swing.text.StyledDocument;
   34.22  import org.netbeans.api.db.explorer.DatabaseConnection;
   34.23 +import org.netbeans.api.debugger.Breakpoint;
   34.24 +import org.netbeans.api.debugger.DebuggerManager;
   34.25  import org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda.JPDAThread;
   34.26  import org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda.LineBreakpoint;
   34.27 +import org.netbeans.api.project.FileOwnerQuery;
   34.28  import org.netbeans.spi.debugger.jpda.EditorContext;
   34.29  import org.netbeans.spi.debugger.ui.EditorContextDispatcher;
   34.30  import org.openide.cookies.EditorCookie;
   34.31 @@ -77,6 +82,8 @@
   34.32  import org.openide.util.WeakListeners;
   34.33  import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
   34.34  import org.openide.cookies.LineCookie;
   34.35 +import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
   34.36 +import org.openide.loaders.DataFolder;
   34.37  import org.openide.text.Annotation;
   34.38  import org.openide.text.Line;
   34.39  import org.openide.util.actions.SystemAction;
   34.40 @@ -125,8 +132,8 @@
   34.41        }
   34.42        return false;
   34.43     }
   34.44 -
   34.45 -   private String extractMethodName(String url, String namespace) {
   34.46 +   
   34.47 +     private String extractMethodName(String url, String namespace) {
   34.48        return null;
   34.49     }
   34.51 @@ -184,7 +191,7 @@
   34.52           for (Iterator it = annotations.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
   34.53              removeSingleAnnotation((Annotation);
   34.54           }
   34.55 -      } else {
   34.56 +      } else if(a instanceof Annotation){
   34.57           removeSingleAnnotation((Annotation) a);
   34.58        }
   34.59     }
   34.60 @@ -345,12 +352,9 @@
   34.61        if (blockFactory == null) {
   34.62           return null;
   34.63        }
   34.64 -
   34.65 +      
   34.66        int offset = NbDocument.findLineOffset(document, lineNumber - 1);
   34.67        PlsqlBlock block = PlsqlBlockUtilities.getCurrentBlock(offset, blockFactory.getBlockHierarchy());
   34.68 -      if (block == null) {
   34.69 -         return null;
   34.70 -      }
   34.72        DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider = DatabaseConnectionManager.getInstance(dataObject);
   34.73        if (connectionProvider == null) {
   34.74 @@ -360,6 +364,17 @@
   34.75        if (databaseConnection == null) {
   34.76           return null;
   34.77        }
   34.78 +      
   34.79 +      if (block == null) {
   34.80 +          //to avoid making the classname null
   34.81 +         DatabaseContentManager cache = DatabaseContentManager.getInstance(databaseConnection);
   34.82 +         FileObject primaryFile = dataObject.getPrimaryFile();
   34.83 +         String fileName = primaryFile.getName();
   34.84 +         if(cache !=null)
   34.85 +           return "$Oracle.PackageBody." + cache.getOwner(fileName) + "." + fileName;
   34.86 +         else  
   34.87 +           return null;
   34.88 +      }
   34.90        return PlsqlDebuggerUtilities.getClassName(block, databaseConnection);
   34.91     }
   34.92 @@ -399,7 +414,7 @@
   34.93             String url,
   34.94             int lineNumber,
   34.95             String annotationType,
   34.96 -           Object timeStamp) {
   34.97 +           Object timeStamp) {       
   34.98        return annotate(url, lineNumber, annotationType, timeStamp, null);
   34.99     }
  34.101 @@ -445,31 +460,94 @@
  34.102     }
  34.104     @Override
  34.105 -   public Object annotate(final String url,
  34.106 -           int lineNumber,
  34.107 -           String annotationType,
  34.108 -           Object timeStamp,
  34.109 -           JPDAThread thread) {
  34.110 -      if (url == null) {
  34.111 +    public Object annotate(final String url,
  34.112 +            int lineNumber,
  34.113 +            String annotationType,
  34.114 +            Object timeStamp,
  34.115 +            JPDAThread thread) {
  34.116 +        if (url == null) {
  34.117 +            return null;
  34.118 +        }
  34.119 +        Project project = PlsqlToggleBreakpointActionProvider.getProject();
  34.120 +        if (project == null) {
  34.121 +           return setDebugProject();
  34.122 +        }
  34.123 +        DataObject dataObject = getDataObject(url);
  34.124 +        if (dataObject == null) {
  34.125 +            final List result = new ArrayList();
  34.126 +            getDataObject(url, lineNumber, result);
  34.127 +            if (result.size() > 0) {
  34.128 +                lineNumber = ((Integer) result.get(0)).intValue();
  34.129 +                dataObject = (DataObject) result.get(1);
  34.130 +            }
  34.131 +        }
  34.132 +        if (dataObject == null || lineNumber < 1) {
  34.133 +            return null;
  34.134 +        }
  34.135 +        LineCookie lc = dataObject.getCookie(LineCookie.class);
  34.136 +        if (lc == null) {
  34.137 +            return null;
  34.138 +        }
  34.139 +        Line line = lc.getLineSet().getCurrent(lineNumber - 1);
  34.140 +        return new DebuggerAnnotation(annotationType, line, thread);
  34.141 +    }
  34.142 +   
  34.143 +    private DataObject setDebugProject() {
  34.144 +        String debugProj = null;
  34.145 +        Breakpoint[] breakpoints = DebuggerManager.getDebuggerManager().getBreakpoints();
  34.146 +        ArrayList<String> projNames = new ArrayList<String>();
  34.147 +        
  34.148 +        for(Breakpoint breakpoint : breakpoints){
  34.149 +           if(projNames.indexOf(breakpoint.getGroupName()) == -1)
  34.150 +                projNames.add(breakpoint.getGroupName());
  34.151 +        }
  34.152 +        if (projNames.isEmpty()) {
  34.153 +            debugProj = null;
  34.154 +        } else if (projNames.size() == 1) {
  34.155 +            debugProj = projNames.get(0);
  34.156 +        } else {
  34.157 +            String[] nameArry = new String[projNames.size()];
  34.158 +            nameArry = projNames.toArray(nameArry);
  34.159 +            if (!projNames.isEmpty()) {
  34.160 +                GetProjectDialog projDialog = new GetProjectDialog(null, nameArry, true);
  34.161 +                projDialog.setVisible(true);
  34.162 +                debugProj = projDialog.getValue();
  34.163 +            }
  34.164 +        }
  34.165 +        if (debugProj != null) {
  34.166 +            DataObject dataObject = null;
  34.167 +            for (Breakpoint breakpoint : breakpoints) {                
  34.168 +                if (breakpoint.getGroupName().equalsIgnoreCase(debugProj)) {                    
  34.169 +                    if (breakpoint instanceof LineBreakpoint) {
  34.170 +                        LineBreakpoint lbp = (LineBreakpoint) breakpoint;
  34.171 +                        String url = lbp.getURL();
  34.172 +                        int lineNumber = lbp.getLineNumber();
  34.173 +                        if (url != null && lineNumber > -1) {
  34.174 +                            String fileName = url.substring(6);
  34.175 +                            try {
  34.176 +                                fileName =, "UTF-8");
  34.177 +                            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
  34.178 +                                Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
  34.179 +                            }
  34.180 +                            final File file = new File(fileName);
  34.181 +                            if (!file.exists()) {
  34.182 +                                return null;
  34.183 +                            }
  34.184 +                            try {
  34.185 +                                dataObject = DataFolder.find(FileUtil.toFileObject(file));
  34.186 +                                if (dataObject != null) {
  34.187 +                                    Project debugProject = FileOwnerQuery.getOwner(dataObject.getPrimaryFile());
  34.188 +                                    PlsqlToggleBreakpointActionProvider.setProject(debugProject);
  34.189 +                                    return dataObject;
  34.190 +                                }
  34.191 +                            } catch (DataObjectNotFoundException ex) {
  34.192 +                                return null;
  34.193 +                            }
  34.194 +                        }
  34.195 +                    }
  34.196 +                }
  34.197 +            }
  34.198 +        }
  34.199           return null;
  34.200 -      }
  34.201 -      DataObject dataObject = getDataObject(url);
  34.202 -      if (dataObject == null) {
  34.203 -         final List result = new ArrayList();
  34.204 -         getDataObject(url, lineNumber, result);
  34.205 -         if (result.size() > 0) {
  34.206 -            lineNumber = ((Integer) result.get(0)).intValue();
  34.207 -            dataObject = (DataObject) result.get(1);
  34.208 -         }
  34.209 -      }
  34.210 -      if (dataObject == null || lineNumber < 1) {
  34.211 -         return null;
  34.212 -      }
  34.213 -      LineCookie lc = dataObject.getCookie(LineCookie.class);
  34.214 -      if (lc == null) {
  34.215 -         return null;
  34.216 -      }
  34.217 -      Line line = lc.getLineSet().getCurrent(lineNumber - 1);
  34.218 -      return new DebuggerAnnotation(annotationType, line, thread);
  34.219 -   }
  34.220 +    }
  34.221  }
    35.1 --- a/PLSQL/Debugging/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/debug/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    35.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Debugging/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/debug/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    35.3 @@ -77,16 +77,15 @@
    35.4  import org.netbeans.api.project.FileOwnerQuery;
    35.5  import org.netbeans.api.project.ProjectUtils;
    35.7 -public class PlsqlToggleBreakpointActionProvider extends ActionsProviderSupport
    35.8 -      implements PropertyChangeListener {
    35.9 +public class PlsqlToggleBreakpointActionProvider extends ActionsProviderSupport implements PropertyChangeListener {
   35.11     private final static Set<Object> ACTIONS = Collections.singleton(ActionsManager.ACTION_TOGGLE_BREAKPOINT);
   35.12 -   private static Project project=null;
   35.13 +   private static Project project = null;
   35.15     public PlsqlToggleBreakpointActionProvider() {
   35.16        setEnabled(ActionsManager.ACTION_TOGGLE_BREAKPOINT, true);
   35.17        TopComponent.getRegistry().addPropertyChangeListener(
   35.18 -            WeakListeners.propertyChange(this, TopComponent.getRegistry()));
   35.19 +              WeakListeners.propertyChange(this, TopComponent.getRegistry()));
   35.20     }
   35.22     public static Project getProject() {
   35.23 @@ -98,9 +97,9 @@
   35.24        //enable all breakpoints in this project, disable all other breakpoints
   35.25        Breakpoint[] breakpoints = DebuggerManager.getDebuggerManager().getBreakpoints();
   35.26        String projectName = ProjectUtils.getInformation(project).getName();
   35.27 -      for(int i=0; i<breakpoints.length; i++) {
   35.28 +      for (int i = 0; i < breakpoints.length; i++) {
   35.29           Breakpoint breakpoint = breakpoints[i];
   35.30 -         if(breakpoint.getGroupName()!=null && breakpoint.getGroupName().equals(projectName)) {
   35.31 +         if (breakpoint.getGroupName() != null && breakpoint.getGroupName().equals(projectName)) {
   35.32              breakpoint.enable();
   35.33           } else {
   35.34              breakpoint.disable();
   35.35 @@ -110,26 +109,32 @@
   35.37     public void doAction(Object action) {
   35.38        Node node = getActivatedPlsqlNode();
   35.39 -      if (node == null)
   35.40 +      if (node == null) {
   35.41           return;
   35.42 +      }
   35.44        DataObject dataObject = node.getLookup().lookup(DataObject.class);
   35.45        EditorCookie editorCookie = node.getLookup().lookup(EditorCookie.class);
   35.46 -      if (dataObject == null || editorCookie == null)
   35.47 +      if (dataObject == null || editorCookie == null) {
   35.48           return;
   35.49 +      }
   35.50        project = FileOwnerQuery.getOwner(dataObject.getPrimaryFile());
   35.51 -      if(project==null) //don't allow debugging outside of projects...
   35.52 +      if (project == null) //don't allow debugging outside of projects...
   35.53 +      {
   35.54           return;
   35.55 +      }
   35.57        JEditorPane editorPane = getEditorPane(editorCookie);
   35.58        StyledDocument document = editorCookie.getDocument();
   35.59 -      if (editorPane == null || document == null)
   35.60 +      if (editorPane == null || document == null) {
   35.61           return;
   35.62 +      }
   35.64        int caretDot = editorPane.getCaret().getDot();
   35.65        int lineNumber = NbDocument.findLineNumber(document, caretDot);
   35.66 -      if (lineNumber == -1)
   35.67 +      if (lineNumber == -1) {
   35.68           return;
   35.69 +      }
   35.71        FileObject fileObject = node.getLookup().lookup(FileObject.class);
   35.72        String url;
   35.73 @@ -144,54 +149,59 @@
   35.74        String methodName = null;
   35.75        PlsqlBlock block = PlsqlBlockUtilities.getCurrentBlock(caretDot, dataObject.getLookup().lookup(PlsqlBlockFactory.class).getBlockHierarchy());
   35.76        if (block != null && lineNumber == NbDocument.findLineNumber(document, block.getStartOffset())) {
   35.77 -         if (block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_DEF || block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL)
   35.78 +         if (block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_DEF || block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL) {
   35.79              methodName = block.getName().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
   35.80 -         else if (block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_DEF || block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL)
   35.81 +         } else if (block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_DEF || block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL) {
   35.82              methodName = block.getName().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
   35.83 -         else if (block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE || block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY)
   35.84 +         } else if (block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE || block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY) {
   35.85              methodName = ""; // All methods
   35.86 -
   35.87 +         }
   35.88           if (methodName != null) {
   35.89              DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider = DatabaseConnectionManager.getInstance(dataObject);
   35.90 -            if (connectionProvider == null)
   35.91 +            if (connectionProvider == null) {
   35.92                 return;
   35.93 +            }
   35.94              DatabaseConnection databaseConnection = connectionProvider.getTemplateConnection();
   35.95 -            if (databaseConnection == null)
   35.96 +            if (databaseConnection == null) {
   35.97                 return;
   35.98 +            }
  35.100              className = PlsqlDebuggerUtilities.getClassName(block, databaseConnection);
  35.101 -            if (className.startsWith("$Oracle.Procedure"))
  35.102 +            if (className.startsWith("$Oracle.Procedure")) {
  35.103                 methodName = ""; // All methods
  35.104 +            }
  35.105           }
  35.106        }
  35.108        Breakpoint oldBreakpoint = null;
  35.109 -      String[] classNames = new String[] {className};
  35.110 -      for (Breakpoint point : DebuggerManager.getDebuggerManager().getBreakpoints())
  35.111 +      String[] classNames = new String[]{className};
  35.112 +      for (Breakpoint point : DebuggerManager.getDebuggerManager().getBreakpoints()) {
  35.113           if (className != null && point instanceof MethodBreakpoint) {
  35.114 -            MethodBreakpoint methodBreakpoint = (MethodBreakpoint)point;
  35.115 +            MethodBreakpoint methodBreakpoint = (MethodBreakpoint) point;
  35.116              if (methodName.equals(methodBreakpoint.getMethodName())
  35.117 -                  && Arrays.deepEquals(classNames, methodBreakpoint.getClassFilters())) {
  35.118 +                    && Arrays.deepEquals(classNames, methodBreakpoint.getClassFilters())) {
  35.119                 oldBreakpoint = methodBreakpoint;
  35.120                 break;
  35.121              }
  35.122           } else if (point instanceof LineBreakpoint) {
  35.123 -            LineBreakpoint lineBreakpoint = (LineBreakpoint)point;
  35.124 -            if (lineBreakpoint.getURL().equals(url) &&
  35.125 -                  lineBreakpoint.getLineNumber() == lineNumber + 1) {
  35.126 +            LineBreakpoint lineBreakpoint = (LineBreakpoint) point;
  35.127 +            if (lineBreakpoint.getURL().equals(url)
  35.128 +                    && lineBreakpoint.getLineNumber() == lineNumber + 1) {
  35.129                 oldBreakpoint = lineBreakpoint;
  35.130                 break;
  35.131              }
  35.132           }
  35.133 +      }
  35.135 -      if (oldBreakpoint != null)
  35.136 +      if (oldBreakpoint != null) {
  35.137           DebuggerManager.getDebuggerManager().removeBreakpoint(oldBreakpoint);
  35.138 -      else {
  35.139 +      } else {
  35.140           Breakpoint breakpoint = null;
  35.141 -         if (className != null)
  35.142 +         if (className != null) {
  35.143              breakpoint = MethodBreakpoint.create(className, methodName);
  35.144 -         else
  35.145 +         } else {
  35.146              breakpoint = LineBreakpoint.create(url, lineNumber + 1);
  35.147 +         }
  35.148           breakpoint.setGroupName(ProjectUtils.getInformation(project).getName());
  35.149           DebuggerManager.getDebuggerManager().addBreakpoint(breakpoint);
  35.150        }
  35.151 @@ -209,8 +219,9 @@
  35.152        Node[] nodes = TopComponent.getRegistry().getCurrentNodes();
  35.153        if (nodes != null && nodes.length == 1) {
  35.154           FileObject file = nodes[0].getLookup().lookup(FileObject.class);
  35.155 -         if (file != null && file.getMIMEType().equals("text/x-plsql"))
  35.156 +         if (file != null && file.getMIMEType().equals("text/x-plsql")) {
  35.157              return nodes[0];
  35.158 +         }
  35.159        }
  35.160        return null;
  35.161     }
  35.162 @@ -223,15 +234,16 @@
  35.163           final JEditorPane[] paneArray = new JEditorPane[1];
  35.164           try {
  35.165              EventQueue.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
  35.166 +
  35.167                 public void run() {
  35.168                    JEditorPane[] panes = editorCookie.getOpenedPanes();
  35.169                    paneArray[0] = panes != null && panes.length == 1 ? panes[0] : null;
  35.170                 }
  35.171              });
  35.172           } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
  35.173 -            ex.printStackTrace();
  35.174 +            Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
  35.175           } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
  35.176 -            ex.printStackTrace();
  35.177 +            Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
  35.178           }
  35.179           return paneArray[0];
  35.180        }
    36.1 --- a/PLSQL/Debugging/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/debug/layer.xml	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    36.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Debugging/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/debug/layer.xml	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    36.3 @@ -1,28 +1,6 @@
    36.4  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    36.5  <!DOCTYPE filesystem PUBLIC "-//NetBeans//DTD Filesystem 1.2//EN" "">
    36.6  <filesystem>
    36.7 -   <folder name="Actions">
    36.8 -        <folder name="PLSQL">
    36.9 -         <file name="org-netbeans-modules-plsql-debug-PlsqlDebugAction.instance">
   36.10 -            <attr name="instanceClass" stringvalue="org.netbeans.modules.plsql.debug.PlsqlDebugAction"/>
   36.11 -         </file>
   36.12 -         <file name="org-netbeans-modules-plsql-debug-PlsqlDebugCompileAction.instance">
   36.13 -            <attr name="instanceClass" stringvalue="org.netbeans.modules.plsql.debug.PlsqlDebugCompileAction"/>
   36.14 -         </file>
   36.15 -      </folder>
   36.16 -      <folder name="Project">
   36.17 -         <folder name="Node">
   36.18 -            <file name="org-netbeans-modules-plsql-debug-PlsqlDebugListenAction-separatorBefore.instance">
   36.19 -               <attr name="instanceClass" stringvalue="javax.swing.JSeparator"/>
   36.20 -               <attr name="position" intvalue="700"/>
   36.21 -            </file>
   36.22 -            <file name="org-netbeans-modules-plsql-debug-PlsqlDebugListenAction.instance">
   36.23 -               <attr name="instanceClass" stringvalue="org.netbeans.modules.plsql.debug.PlsqlDebugListenAction"/>
   36.24 -               <attr name="position" intvalue="710"/>
   36.25 -            </file>
   36.26 -         </folder>
   36.27 -      </folder>
   36.28 -   </folder>
   36.29     <folder name="Editors">
   36.30        <folder name="text">
   36.31           <folder name="x-plsql">
   36.32 @@ -33,22 +11,15 @@
   36.33                 </file>
   36.34              </folder>
   36.35              <folder name="Popup">
   36.36 -                <file name="org-netbeans-modules-plsql-debug-DebugCompileAction.shadow">
   36.37 -                    <attr name="originalFile" stringvalue="Actions/PLSQL/org-netbeans-modules-plsql-debug-PlsqlDebugCompileAction.instance"/>
   36.38 -                    <attr name="position" intvalue="695"/>
   36.39 -                </file>
   36.40 -                <file name="org-netbeans-modules-debugger-ui-actions-ToggleBreakpointAction.shadow">
   36.41 -                    <attr name="originalFile" stringvalue="Actions/Debug/org-netbeans-modules-debugger-ui-actions-ToggleBreakpointAction.instance"/>
   36.42 -                    <attr name="position" intvalue="1005"/>
   36.43 -                </file>
   36.44 -                 <file name="org-netbeans-modules-debugger-ui-actions-ToggleBreakpointAction.instance">
   36.45 -                  <attr name="instanceClass" stringvalue="javax.swing.JSeparator"/>
   36.46 -                  <attr name="position" intvalue="1010"/>
   36.47 -                </file>
   36.48 +               <file name="org-netbeans-modules-debugger-ui-actions-ToggleBreakpointAction.shadow">
   36.49 +                  <attr name="originalFile" stringvalue="Actions/Debug/org-netbeans-modules-debugger-ui-actions-ToggleBreakpointAction.instance"/>
   36.50 +                  <attr name="position" intvalue="1005"/>
   36.51 +               </file>
   36.52              </folder>
   36.53              <folder name="Toolbars">
   36.54                 <folder name="Default">
   36.55                    <file name="org-netbeans-modules-plsql-debug-PlsqlDebugAction.instance">
   36.56 +                     <attr bundlevalue="org.netbeans.modules.plsql.debug.Bundle#CTL_PlsqlDebugAction" name="displayName"/>
   36.57                       <attr name="position" intvalue="19600"/>
   36.58                    </file>
   36.59                 </folder>
    37.1 --- a/PLSQL/Execution/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    37.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Execution/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    37.3 @@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
    37.4  OpenIDE-Module-Layer: org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/layer.xml
    37.5  OpenIDE-Module-Localizing-Bundle: org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution
    37.6   /
    37.7 -OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.8.20
    37.8 +OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version:
    37.9  AutoUpdate-Show-In-Client: false
    38.1 --- a/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    38.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    38.3 @@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
    38.4  CTL_DescribeAction=Describe
    38.5  CTL_CopyAsJavaStringAction=Copy as Java String
    38.6  CTL_PasteAsSqlCommandAction=Paste as SQL Command
    38.7 -CTL_fileExecution=Execute (Alt+Shift+E)
    38.8 +CTL_Execution=Execute
    38.9 +CTL_ExecutionDescription=Execute (Ctrl+Shift+E)
   38.10  CTL_fileCommit=Auto Commit ON
   38.11  CTL_PlsqlExecutionHistoryAction=Execution History
   38.12  CTL_PlsqlExecutionHistoryNextAction=Next Entry in Execution History
   38.13 @@ -23,3 +24,5 @@
   38.14  PromptDialog.okButton.text=OK
   38.15  PromptDialog.lblPrompt.text=
   38.16  PromptDialog.fieldSubstitutionValue.text=
   38.17 +SelectMethodDialog.jLabel1.text=Available Methods
   38.18 +SelectMethodDialog.btnOk.text=OK
    39.1 --- a/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    39.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    39.3 @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
    39.5  @ActionID(id = "org.netbeans.modules.plsql.execution.CopyAsJavaStringAction", category = "PLSQL")
    39.6  @ActionRegistration(displayName = "#CTL_CopyAsJavaStringAction")
    39.7 -@ActionReference(path = "Editors/text/x-plsql/Popup", position = 285)
    39.8 +@ActionReference(path = "Editors/text/x-plsql/Popup", position = 3995)
    39.9  public class CopyAsJavaStringAction extends CookieAction {
   39.11      @Override
   39.12 @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
   39.14          //first check if the user has selected some text
   39.15          if ((panes != null) && (panes.length != 0)) {
   39.16 -            selectedText = panes[0].getSelectedText();            
   39.17 +            selectedText = panes[0].getSelectedText();
   39.18          }
   39.19          //if no selection then consider the contents of the whole document
   39.20          if (selectedText == null || selectedText.equals("")) {
   39.21 @@ -102,16 +102,16 @@
   39.22              String[] lines = selectedText.trim().split("\n");
   39.23              for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
   39.24                  String line = lines[i].replaceAll("\"", "\\\\\""); //escape any " found in the SQL command
   39.25 -                if(i==0){ //first line
   39.26 -                   if (i==lines.length-1) //single line SQL command
   39.27 -                     sb.append("String dbStmt = \"" ).append(line.replaceAll("\\s+$", "")).append("\";");
   39.28 -                   else
   39.29 -                     sb.append("String dbStmt = \"" ).append(line.replaceAll("\\s+$", "")).append(" \"\n\t\t");
   39.30 -                }
   39.31 -                else if(i == lines.length - 1) { //last line when multiple lines exist
   39.32 +                if (i == 0) { //first line
   39.33 +                    if (i == lines.length - 1) //single line SQL command
   39.34 +                    {
   39.35 +                        sb.append("String dbStmt = \"").append(line.replaceAll("\\s+$", "")).append("\";");
   39.36 +                    } else {
   39.37 +                        sb.append("String dbStmt = \"").append(line.replaceAll("\\s+$", "")).append(" \"\n\t\t");
   39.38 +                    }
   39.39 +                } else if (i == lines.length - 1) { //last line when multiple lines exist
   39.40                      sb.append(" +\"").append(line.replaceAll("\\s+$", "")).append("\";");
   39.41 -                }
   39.42 -                else {
   39.43 +                } else {
   39.44                      sb.append(" +\"").append(line.replaceAll("\\s+$", "")).append(" \"\n\t\t");
   39.45                  }
   39.46              }
   39.47 @@ -119,14 +119,14 @@
   39.48              String formattedText = sb.toString();
   39.49              Clipboard clipboard = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(ExClipboard.class);
   39.50              //should we check for system clipboard as well?
   39.51 -            if (clipboard != null) {                
   39.52 +            if (clipboard != null) {
   39.53                  clipboard.setContents(new StringSelection(formattedText), null);
   39.54              }
   39.55          }
   39.56      }
   39.58      @Override
   39.59 -    public String getName() {       
   39.60 +    public String getName() {
   39.61          return NbBundle.getMessage(CopyAsJavaStringAction.class, "CTL_CopyAsJavaStringAction");
   39.62      }
    40.1 --- a/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    40.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    40.3 @@ -41,17 +41,6 @@
    40.4   */
    40.5  package org.netbeans.modules.plsql.execution;
    40.7 -import static org.netbeans.modules.plsql.lexer.PlsqlBlockType.*;
    40.8 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseConnectionManager;
    40.9 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseContentManager;
   40.10 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.ui.SQLCommandWindow;
   40.11 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.lexer.PlsqlBlockFactory;
   40.12 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.lexer.PlsqlBlock;
   40.13 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.lexer.PlsqlTokenId;
   40.14 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.utilities.NotConnectedToDbException;
   40.15 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.utilities.PlsqlFileUtil;
   40.16 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.utilities.PlsqlFileValidatorService;
   40.17 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.utilities.PlsqlParserUtil;
   40.18  import java.util.ArrayList;
   40.19  import java.util.List;
   40.20  import java.util.StringTokenizer;
   40.21 @@ -66,6 +55,17 @@
   40.22  import org.netbeans.api.lexer.TokenSequence;
   40.23  import org.netbeans.api.project.FileOwnerQuery;
   40.24  import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
   40.25 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.lexer.PlsqlBlock;
   40.26 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.lexer.PlsqlBlockFactory;
   40.27 +import static org.netbeans.modules.plsql.lexer.PlsqlBlockType.*;
   40.28 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.lexer.PlsqlTokenId;
   40.29 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.utilities.NotConnectedToDbException;
   40.30 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.utilities.PlsqlFileUtil;
   40.31 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.utilities.PlsqlFileValidatorService;
   40.32 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.utilities.PlsqlParserUtil;
   40.33 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseConnectionManager;
   40.34 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseContentManager;
   40.35 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.ui.SQLCommandWindow;
   40.36  import org.openide.awt.ActionID;
   40.37  import org.openide.awt.ActionReference;
   40.38  import org.openide.awt.ActionReferences;
   40.39 @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
   40.40  @ActionRegistration(displayName = "#CTL_CreateTestBlockAction")
   40.41  @ActionReferences(value = {
   40.42     @ActionReference(path = "Shortcuts", name = "AS-B"),
   40.43 -   @ActionReference(path = "Editors/text/x-plsql/Popup", position = 281)})
   40.44 +   @ActionReference(path = "Editors/text/x-plsql/Popup", position = 1010)})
   40.45  public final class CreateTestBlockAction extends CookieAction {
   40.47      private static final PlsqlFileValidatorService validator = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(PlsqlFileValidatorService.class);
   40.48 @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
   40.49              return;
   40.50          }
   40.52 -        String tempTemplate = "";
   40.53 +        String tempTemplate = "-- Enter values for your parameters. Use enter to move to the next parameter\n";
   40.55          Project project = FileOwnerQuery.getOwner(dataObject.getPrimaryFile());
   40.56          if (project == null) {
   40.57 @@ -119,10 +119,10 @@
   40.58          DatabaseConnection databaseConnection = dbConnectionProvider != null ? dbConnectionProvider.getPooledDatabaseConnection(false) : null;
   40.59          try {
   40.60              if (selectedBlock != null && selectedBlock.getType() == VIEW) {
   40.61 -                tempTemplate = "SELECT ${*} FROM " + selectedName + ";\n${cursor}";
   40.62 +                tempTemplate = tempTemplate + "SELECT ${*} FROM " + selectedName + ";\n${cursor}";
   40.63              } else if (selectedBlock != null && selectedBlock.getType() == CURSOR) {
   40.64                  try {
   40.65 -                    tempTemplate = doc.getText(selectedBlock.getStartOffset(), selectedBlock.getEndOffset() - selectedBlock.getStartOffset());
   40.66 +                    tempTemplate = tempTemplate + doc.getText(selectedBlock.getStartOffset(), selectedBlock.getEndOffset() - selectedBlock.getStartOffset());
   40.67                  } catch (BadLocationException ex) {
   40.68                      //Failed to extract statement from cursor. This shouldn't happen, but if it does - do nothing;
   40.69                      return;
   40.70 @@ -156,6 +156,7 @@
   40.71                          selectedBlock = null;
   40.72                          DataObject dataObj = null;
   40.73                          PlsqlBlock block = PlsqlParserUtil.findMatchingBlock(PlsqlParserUtil.getBlockHierarchy(dataObject), doc, doc, selectedName, parentName, temp.getStartOffset(), false, false, true);
   40.74 +
   40.75                          if (block == null) {
   40.76                              Document specDoc = getSpecDocument(doc);
   40.77                              if (specDoc == null) {
   40.78 @@ -183,7 +184,7 @@
   40.79                      if (selectedBlock.getParent() != null) {
   40.80                          selectedName = selectedBlock.getParent().getName() + "." + selectedBlock.getName();
   40.81                      }
   40.82 -                    tempTemplate = createMethodTemplate(doc);
   40.83 +                        tempTemplate = tempTemplate + createMethodTemplate(doc);
   40.84                  } catch (NotConnectedToDbException e) {
   40.85                      Exceptions.printStackTrace(e);
   40.86                  }
   40.87 @@ -357,7 +358,7 @@
   40.88              }
   40.90              //Now we have got the parameters and types
   40.91 -            tempTemplate = "DECLARE\n";
   40.92 +            tempTemplate = tempTemplate +  "DECLARE\n";
   40.93              for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
   40.94                  boolean out = false;
   40.95                  boolean in = false;
   40.96 @@ -663,7 +664,8 @@
   40.98      private void selectMatchingBlock(DataObject dataObj, Document specDoc, int offset) {
   40.99          List<PlsqlBlock> newBlockHier = PlsqlParserUtil.getBlockHierarchy(dataObj);
  40.100 -        PlsqlBlock block = PlsqlParserUtil.findMatchingBlock(newBlockHier, doc, specDoc, selectedName, parentName, offset, false, false, true);
  40.101 +       // PlsqlBlock block = null;
  40.102 +       PlsqlBlock block = PlsqlParserUtil.findMatchingBlock(newBlockHier, doc, specDoc, selectedName, parentName, offset, false, false, true);
  40.103          if (block != null && block.getParent() != null) {
  40.104              selectedBlock = block;
  40.105              doc = specDoc;
    41.1 --- a/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    41.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    41.3 @@ -41,12 +41,12 @@
    41.4   */
    41.5  package org.netbeans.modules.plsql.execution;
    41.7 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseConnectionManager;
    41.8 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseContentManager;
    41.9  import java.util.ArrayList;
   41.10  import java.util.List;
   41.11  import javax.swing.text.Document;
   41.12  import org.netbeans.api.db.explorer.DatabaseConnection;
   41.13 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseConnectionManager;
   41.14 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseContentManager;
   41.15  import org.openide.awt.ActionID;
   41.16  import org.openide.awt.ActionReference;
   41.17  import org.openide.awt.ActionRegistration;
   41.18 @@ -64,91 +64,91 @@
   41.19   */
   41.20  @ActionID(id = "org.netbeans.modules.plsql.execution.DescribeAction", category = "PLSQL")
   41.21  @ActionRegistration(displayName = "#CTL_DescribeAction")
   41.22 -@ActionReference(path = "Editors/text/x-plsql/Popup", position = 283)
   41.23 +@ActionReference(path = "Editors/text/x-plsql/Popup", position = 440, separatorAfter = 450)
   41.24  public class DescribeAction extends CookieAction {
   41.26 -   private String viewName = null;
   41.27 +    private static final RequestProcessor RP = new RequestProcessor(DescribeAction.class);
   41.28 +    private String viewName = null;
   41.30 -   @Override
   41.31 -   protected int mode() {
   41.32 -      return CookieAction.MODE_EXACTLY_ONE;
   41.33 -   }
   41.34 +    @Override
   41.35 +    protected int mode() {
   41.36 +        return CookieAction.MODE_EXACTLY_ONE;
   41.37 +    }
   41.39 -   @Override
   41.40 -   protected Class<?>[] cookieClasses() {
   41.41 -      return new Class[]{DataObject.class, EditorCookie.class};
   41.42 -   }
   41.43 +    @Override
   41.44 +    protected Class<?>[] cookieClasses() {
   41.45 +        return new Class[]{DataObject.class, EditorCookie.class};
   41.46 +    }
   41.48 -   @Override
   41.49 -   protected void performAction(Node[] activatedNodes) {
   41.50 -      DataObject dataObject = activatedNodes[0].getLookup().lookup(DataObject.class);
   41.51 -      EditorCookie ec = dataObject.getCookie(EditorCookie.class);
   41.52 -      final Document doc = ec.getDocument();
   41.53 -      final DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider = DatabaseConnectionManager.getInstance(dataObject);
   41.54 -      final DatabaseConnection connection = connectionProvider.getPooledDatabaseConnection(true);
   41.55 -      if (connection == null) {
   41.56 -         return;
   41.57 -      }
   41.58 +    @Override
   41.59 +    protected void performAction(Node[] activatedNodes) {
   41.60 +        DataObject dataObject = activatedNodes[0].getLookup().lookup(DataObject.class);
   41.61 +        EditorCookie ec = dataObject.getCookie(EditorCookie.class);
   41.62 +        final Document doc = ec.getDocument();
   41.63 +        final DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider = DatabaseConnectionManager.getInstance(dataObject);
   41.64 +        final DatabaseConnection connection = connectionProvider.getPooledDatabaseConnection(true);
   41.65 +        if (connection == null) {
   41.66 +            return;
   41.67 +        }
   41.69 -      RequestProcessor processor = RequestProcessor.getDefault();
   41.70 - Runnable() {
   41.71 + Runnable() {
   41.73 -         @Override
   41.74 -         public void run() {
   41.75 -            try {
   41.76 -               String selectStatement = "DESC " + viewName;
   41.77 -               PlsqlFileExecutor executor = new PlsqlFileExecutor(connectionProvider, connection);
   41.78 -               List<PlsqlExecutableObject> exeBlocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlExecutableObject>();
   41.79 -               exeBlocks.add(new PlsqlExecutableObject(0, selectStatement, "DESC", PlsqlExecutableObjectType.STATEMENT, 0, selectStatement.length() - 1));
   41.80 -               executor.executePLSQL(exeBlocks, doc, true, true);
   41.81 -            } finally {
   41.82 -               if (connection != null) {
   41.83 -                  connectionProvider.releaseDatabaseConnection(connection);
   41.84 -               }
   41.85 +            @Override
   41.86 +            public void run() {
   41.87 +                try {
   41.88 +                    String selectStatement = "DESC " + viewName;
   41.89 +                    PlsqlFileExecutor executor = new PlsqlFileExecutor(connectionProvider, connection);
   41.90 +                    List<PlsqlExecutableObject> exeBlocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlExecutableObject>();
   41.91 +                    exeBlocks.add(new PlsqlExecutableObject(0, selectStatement, "DESC", PlsqlExecutableObjectType.STATEMENT, 0, selectStatement.length() - 1));
   41.92 +                    executor.executePLSQL(exeBlocks, doc, true, true);
   41.93 +                } finally {
   41.94 +                    if (connection != null) {
   41.95 +                        connectionProvider.releaseDatabaseConnection(connection);
   41.96 +                    }
   41.97 +                }
   41.98              }
   41.99 -         }
  41.100 -      });
  41.101 -   }
  41.102 +        });
  41.103 +    }
  41.105 -   @Override
  41.106 -   public String getName() {
  41.107 -      return NbBundle.getMessage(ViewDataAction.class, "CTL_DescribeAction");
  41.108 -   }
  41.109 +    @Override
  41.110 +    public String getName() {
  41.111 +        return NbBundle.getMessage(ViewDataAction.class, "CTL_DescribeAction");
  41.112 +    }
  41.114 -   @Override
  41.115 -   public HelpCtx getHelpCtx() {
  41.116 -      return HelpCtx.DEFAULT_HELP;
  41.117 -   }
  41.118 +    @Override
  41.119 +    public HelpCtx getHelpCtx() {
  41.120 +        return HelpCtx.DEFAULT_HELP;
  41.121 +    }
  41.123 -   @Override
  41.124 -   protected boolean enable(Node[] activatedNodes) {
  41.125 -      viewName = null;
  41.126 +    @Override
  41.127 +    protected boolean enable(Node[] activatedNodes) {
  41.128 +        viewName = null;
  41.130 -      if (!super.enable(activatedNodes)) {
  41.131 -         return false;
  41.132 -      }
  41.133 +        if (!super.enable(activatedNodes)) {
  41.134 +            return false;
  41.135 +        }
  41.137 -      DataObject dataObject = activatedNodes[0].getLookup().lookup(DataObject.class);
  41.138 -      if (dataObject == null) {
  41.139 -         return false;
  41.140 -      }
  41.141 +        DataObject dataObject = activatedNodes[0].getLookup().lookup(DataObject.class);
  41.142 +        if (dataObject == null) {
  41.143 +            return false;
  41.144 +        }
  41.146 -      DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider = DatabaseConnectionManager.getInstance(dataObject);
  41.147 -      if (connectionProvider == null) {
  41.148 -         return false;
  41.149 -      }
  41.150 +        DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider = DatabaseConnectionManager.getInstance(dataObject);
  41.151 +        if (connectionProvider == null) {
  41.152 +            return false;
  41.153 +        }
  41.155 -      DatabaseConnection connection = connectionProvider.getDatabaseConnection(false);
  41.156 -      if (connection == null) {
  41.157 -         return false;
  41.158 -      }
  41.159 +        DatabaseConnection connection = connectionProvider.getDatabaseConnection(false);
  41.160 +        if (connection == null) {
  41.161 +            return false;
  41.162 +        }
  41.164 -      viewName = ViewDataAction.getSelectedViewOrTable(activatedNodes);
  41.165 -      if (viewName == null) {
  41.166 -         return false;
  41.167 -      }
  41.168 +        viewName = ViewDataAction.getSelectedViewOrTable(activatedNodes);
  41.169 +        if (viewName == null) {
  41.170 +            return false;
  41.171 +        }
  41.173 -      DatabaseContentManager dbCache = DatabaseContentManager.getInstance(connection);
  41.174 -      return dbCache.isView(viewName, connection) || dbCache.isTable(viewName, connection);
  41.175 -   }
  41.176 +        DatabaseContentManager dbCache = DatabaseContentManager.getInstance(connection);
  41.177 +        return dbCache.isView(viewName, connection) || dbCache.isTable(viewName, connection);
  41.178 +    }
  41.179  }
    42.1 --- a/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    42.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    42.3 @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
    42.5  @ActionID(id = "org.netbeans.modules.plsql.execution.PasteAsSqlCommandAction", category = "PLSQL")
    42.6  @ActionRegistration(displayName = "#CTL_PasteAsSqlCommandAction")
    42.7 -@ActionReference(path = "Editors/text/x-plsql/Popup", position = 286)
    42.8 +@ActionReference(path = "Editors/text/x-plsql/Popup", position = 4010)
    42.9  public class PasteAsSqlCommandAction extends CookieAction {
   42.11      @Override
   42.12 @@ -88,62 +88,62 @@
   42.13          Clipboard clipboard = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(ExClipboard.class);
   42.14          Transferable trn = clipboard.getContents(null);
   42.15          if (trn != null) {
   42.16 -             try {
   42.17 -                    String contents = (String) trn.getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor);
   42.18 -                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
   42.19 -                    String[] lines = contents.trim().split("\n");
   42.20 -                    int paramCount = 0;  //counter for '?' in SQL
   42.21 -                    for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
   42.22 -                        String line = lines[i].replaceAll("\\s+$", ""); //remove trailing space
   42.23 -                        line = line.replace("\\\"" , "\"");  // remove java escape (i.e. \) for double quotes used for column aliases in selects
   42.24 -                        line = line.replaceFirst("^\\s*\\+?\\s*\"", ""); // remove lines starting with " or +"
   42.25 -                        line = line.replaceAll("\"\\s*\\+?$", ""); // remove " and "+ from eol
   42.26 -                        line = line.replaceAll("\"\\s*;+$", ""); // remove "; from eol
   42.27 -                        //replace ? with code template place holders
   42.28 -                        for (;line.indexOf("?")>0;++paramCount){
   42.29 -                          line = line.replaceFirst("\\?", "\\${<value_"+paramCount+">}");
   42.30 -                        }
   42.31 -                        
   42.32 -                        if (line.trim().startsWith("\"")) {
   42.33 -                            line = line.replaceFirst("\"", ""); //preserves spaces at begining
   42.34 -                        }
   42.35 -                        
   42.36 -                        //finally append line to string builder
   42.37 -                        if (i == lines.length - 1) {
   42.38 -                            sb.append(line);
   42.39 -                        } else {
   42.40 -                            sb.append(line).append("\n");
   42.41 -                        }
   42.42 -                    }
   42.43 -                    JEditorPane[] panes = ec.getOpenedPanes();
   42.44 -                    if (panes != null && panes.length > 0) {
   42.45 -                        insert(sb.toString(), panes[0], doc);
   42.46 +            try {
   42.47 +                String contents = (String) trn.getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor);
   42.48 +                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
   42.49 +                String[] lines = contents.trim().split("\n");
   42.50 +                int paramCount = 0;  //counter for '?' in SQL
   42.51 +                for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
   42.52 +                    String line = lines[i].replaceAll("\\s+$", ""); //remove trailing space
   42.53 +                    line = line.replace("\\\"", "\"");  // remove java escape (i.e. \) for double quotes used for column aliases in selects
   42.54 +                    line = line.replaceFirst("^\\s*\\+?\\s*\"", ""); // remove lines starting with " or +"
   42.55 +                    line = line.replaceAll("\"\\s*\\+?$", ""); // remove " and "+ from eol
   42.56 +                    line = line.replaceAll("\"\\s*;+$", ""); // remove "; from eol
   42.57 +                    //replace ? with code template place holders
   42.58 +                    for (; line.indexOf("?") > 0; ++paramCount) {
   42.59 +                        line = line.replaceFirst("\\?", "\\${<value_" + paramCount + ">}");
   42.60                      }
   42.62 -                } catch (UnsupportedFlavorException ex) {
   42.63 -                    Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
   42.64 -                } catch (Exception ex) {
   42.65 -                    Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
   42.66 +                    if (line.trim().startsWith("\"")) {
   42.67 +                        line = line.replaceFirst("\"", ""); //preserves spaces at begining
   42.68 +                    }
   42.69 +
   42.70 +                    //finally append line to string builder
   42.71 +                    if (i == lines.length - 1) {
   42.72 +                        sb.append(line);
   42.73 +                    } else {
   42.74 +                        sb.append(line).append("\n");
   42.75 +                    }
   42.76                  }
   42.77 +                JEditorPane[] panes = ec.getOpenedPanes();
   42.78 +                if (panes != null && panes.length > 0) {
   42.79 +                    insert(sb.toString(), panes[0], doc);
   42.80 +                }
   42.81 +
   42.82 +            } catch (UnsupportedFlavorException ex) {
   42.83 +                Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
   42.84 +            } catch (Exception ex) {
   42.85 +                Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
   42.86 +            }
   42.87          }
   42.88      }
   42.89 -    
   42.90 -    private static void insert(String s, final JTextComponent target, final Document doc) {        
   42.91 +
   42.92 +    private static void insert(String s, final JTextComponent target, final Document doc) {
   42.93          try {
   42.94              //at first, find selected text range
   42.95              Caret caret = target.getCaret();
   42.96              int p0 = Math.min(caret.getDot(), caret.getMark());
   42.97              int p1 = Math.max(caret.getDot(), caret.getMark());
   42.98 -            doc.remove(p0, p1 - p0);            
   42.99 +            doc.remove(p0, p1 - p0);
  42.100              CodeTemplate ct = CodeTemplateManager.get(target.getDocument()).createTemporary(s);
  42.101 -            ct.insert(target);              
  42.102 +            ct.insert(target);
  42.103          } catch (BadLocationException ble) {
  42.104              Exceptions.printStackTrace(ble);
  42.105 -        }        
  42.106 +        }
  42.107      }
  42.109      @Override
  42.110 -    public String getName() {        
  42.111 +    public String getName() {
  42.112          return NbBundle.getMessage(PasteAsSqlCommandAction.class, "CTL_PasteAsSqlCommandAction");
  42.113      }
    43.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    43.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    43.3 @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
    43.4 +/*
    43.6 + *
    43.7 + * Copyright 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    43.8 + *
    43.9 + * Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
   43.10 + * Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
   43.11 + *
   43.12 + * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
   43.13 + * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
   43.14 + * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
   43.15 + * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
   43.16 + * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
   43.17 + *
   43.18 + * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
   43.19 + * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
   43.20 + * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
   43.21 + * Notice in each file and include the License file at
   43.22 + * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Oracle designates this
   43.23 + * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   43.24 + * by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
   43.25 + * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
   43.26 + * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
   43.27 + * your own identifying information:
   43.28 + * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
   43.29 + *
   43.30 + * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
   43.31 + * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
   43.32 + * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
   43.33 + * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
   43.34 + * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
   43.35 + * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
   43.36 + * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
   43.37 + * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
   43.38 + * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
   43.39 + * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
   43.40 + *
   43.41 + * Contributor(s):
   43.42 + *
   43.43 + * Portions Copyrighted 2011 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
   43.44 + */
   43.45 +package org.netbeans.modules.plsql.execution;
   43.46 +
   43.47 +import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
   43.48 +import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
   43.49 +import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;
   43.50 +import java.util.ArrayList;
   43.51 +import java.util.List;
   43.52 +import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
   43.53 +import javax.swing.text.Document;
   43.54 +import org.netbeans.api.db.explorer.DatabaseConnection;
   43.55 +import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
   43.56 +import;
   43.57 +import org.netbeans.api.progress.ProgressHandle;
   43.58 +import org.netbeans.api.progress.ProgressHandleFactory;
   43.59 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseConnectionManager;
   43.60 +import org.openide.cookies.EditorCookie;
   43.61 +import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
   43.62 +import;
   43.63 +
   43.64 +/**
   43.65 + *
   43.66 + * @author SubSLK
   43.67 + */
   43.68 +public class PlsqlCommit extends AbstractAction {
   43.69 +
   43.70 +    private boolean commit;
   43.71 +    private DataObject dataObject;
   43.72 +    private static List<PlsqlCommit> instance = new ArrayList<PlsqlCommit>();
   43.73 +    public static final String PROP_commit = "PlsqlCommit";
   43.74 +    private PropertyChangeSupport changeSupport = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
   43.75 +
   43.76 +    private PlsqlCommit(DataObject obj) {
   43.77 +        commit = false; 
   43.78 +        dataObject = obj;
   43.79 +    }
   43.80 +
   43.81 +    public static PlsqlCommit getInstance(DataObject obj) {
   43.82 +        if (instance.isEmpty()) {
   43.83 +            instance.add(new PlsqlCommit(obj));
   43.84 +            return instance.get(0);
   43.85 +        } else {
   43.86 +            for (int i = 0; i < instance.size(); i++) {
   43.87 +                PlsqlCommit plsqlCommit = instance.get(i);
   43.88 +                if (plsqlCommit.dataObject.equals(obj)) {
   43.89 +                    return plsqlCommit;
   43.90 +                }
   43.91 +            }
   43.92 +            PlsqlCommit plsqlCommit = new PlsqlCommit(obj);
   43.93 +            instance.add(plsqlCommit);
   43.94 +            return plsqlCommit;
   43.95 +
   43.96 +        }
   43.97 +    }
   43.98 +
   43.99 +    public void setCommit(boolean commit_) {
  43.100 +        boolean oldCommit = commit;
  43.101 +        commit = commit_;
  43.102 +        changeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_commit, oldCommit, commit);
  43.103 +    }
  43.104 +
  43.105 +    public boolean getCommit() {
  43.106 +        return commit;
  43.107 +    }
  43.108 +    
  43.109 +    public void commitTransaction(DataObject fileObj, DatabaseConnection connection, DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider){
  43.110 +        EditorCookie edCookie = fileObj.getLookup().lookup(EditorCookie.class);
  43.111 +        Document document = edCookie.getDocument();        
  43.112 +        InputOutput io = null;
  43.113 +        DataObject obj = FileExecutionUtil.getDataObject(document);        
  43.114 +        
  43.115 +        ProgressHandle handle = ProgressHandleFactory.createHandle("Commit database file...", this);
  43.116 +        handle.start();
  43.117 +
  43.118 +        try {
  43.119 +            io = IOProvider.getDefault().getIO(obj.getPrimaryFile().getNameExt(), false);
  43.120 +            if (!io.isClosed()) {
  43.121 +                io.getOut().println((new StringBuilder()).append("> Commit Statement successfully"));
  43.122 +            }
  43.123 +
  43.124 +            if (connection.getJDBCConnection() != null) {
  43.125 +                connectionProvider.commitRollbackTransactions(connection, true);
  43.126 +                setCommit(false);
  43.127 +            }
  43.128 +
  43.129 +        } catch (Exception ex) {
  43.130 +            io.getOut().println((new StringBuilder()).append(">!!! Error Commit Statement"));
  43.131 +            Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
  43.132 +        } finally {
  43.133 +            handle.finish();
  43.134 +        }
  43.135 +    }
  43.136 +    
  43.137 +    public void rollbackTransaction(DataObject obj, DatabaseConnection connection, DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider){
  43.138 +        InputOutput io = null;
  43.139 +        ProgressHandle handle = ProgressHandleFactory.createHandle("Commit database file...", this);
  43.140 +        handle.start();
  43.141 +
  43.142 +        try {
  43.143 +            io = IOProvider.getDefault().getIO(obj.getPrimaryFile().getNameExt(), false);
  43.144 +            if (!io.isClosed()) {
  43.145 +                io.getOut().println((new StringBuilder()).append("> Rollback Statement successfully"));
  43.146 +            }
  43.147 +
  43.148 +            if (connection.getJDBCConnection() != null) {
  43.149 +                connectionProvider.commitRollbackTransactions(connection, false);  
  43.150 +                setCommit(false);
  43.151 +            }
  43.152 +
  43.153 +        } catch (Exception ex) {
  43.154 +            io.getOut().println((new StringBuilder()).append(">!!! Error Rollback Statement"));
  43.155 +            Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
  43.156 +        } finally {
  43.157 +            handle.finish();
  43.158 +        }
  43.159 +    }
  43.160 +    
  43.161 +    @Override
  43.162 +    public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {
  43.163 +        PropertyChangeListener[] listeners = changeSupport.getPropertyChangeListeners();
  43.164 +        for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
  43.165 +            if (listeners[i] == listener) {
  43.166 +                return;
  43.167 +            }
  43.168 +        }
  43.169 +        changeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(listener);
  43.170 +    }
  43.171 +
  43.172 +    public void addPropertyChangeListener(String propertyName, PropertyChangeListener listener) {
  43.173 +        PropertyChangeListener[] listeners = changeSupport.getPropertyChangeListeners();
  43.174 +        for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
  43.175 +            if (listeners[i] == listener) {
  43.176 +                return;
  43.177 +            }
  43.178 +        }
  43.179 +        changeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(propertyName, listener);
  43.180 +    }
  43.181 +
  43.182 +    @Override
  43.183 +    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
  43.184 +       // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
  43.185 +    }
  43.186 +    }
    44.1 --- a/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    44.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    44.3 @@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
    44.4  import java.awt.Component;
    44.5  import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    44.6  import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    44.7 +import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
    44.8 +import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
    44.9  import;
   44.10  import java.util.Arrays;
   44.11  import java.util.List;
   44.12 @@ -52,10 +54,7 @@
   44.13  import javax.swing.Action;
   44.14  import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
   44.15  import javax.swing.JButton;
   44.16 -import javax.swing.text.Document;
   44.17  import org.netbeans.api.db.explorer.DatabaseConnection;
   44.18 -import org.netbeans.api.progress.ProgressHandle;
   44.19 -import org.netbeans.api.progress.ProgressHandleFactory;
   44.20  import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseConnectionManager;
   44.21  import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.options.OptionsUtilities;
   44.22  import org.openide.awt.ActionID;
   44.23 @@ -66,8 +65,6 @@
   44.24  import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
   44.25  import org.openide.util.*;
   44.26  import org.openide.util.actions.Presenter;
   44.27 -import;
   44.28 -import;
   44.30  @ActionID(id = "org.netbeans.modules.plsql.execution.PlsqlCommitAction", category = "PLSQL")
   44.31  @ActionRegistration(displayName = "#CTL_PlsqlCommit")
   44.32 @@ -78,7 +75,8 @@
   44.33      private DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider;
   44.34      private DatabaseConnection connection;
   44.35      private JButton button;
   44.36 -    public boolean autoCommit = true;
   44.37 +    PlsqlCommit commit; 
   44.38 +    private PropertyChangeListener EnableCommit;
   44.40      public PlsqlCommitAction() {
   44.41          this(Utilities.actionsGlobalContext());
   44.42 @@ -107,7 +105,7 @@
   44.44          if (dataObject != null) {
   44.45              setEnabled(true);
   44.46 -            autoCommit = OptionsUtilities.isCommandWindowAutoCommitEnabled();
   44.47 +           commit = PlsqlCommit.getInstance(dataObject);
   44.48          } else {
   44.49              setEnabled(false);
   44.50          }
   44.51 @@ -139,47 +137,26 @@
   44.52              return;
   44.53          }
   44.55 -        EditorCookie edCookie = dataObject.getLookup().lookup(EditorCookie.class);
   44.56 -        Document document = edCookie.getDocument();
   44.57          saveIfModified(dataObject);
   44.58 -
   44.59 -        InputOutput io = null;
   44.60 -        DataObject obj = FileExecutionUtil.getDataObject(document);
   44.61 -        ProgressHandle handle = ProgressHandleFactory.createHandle("Commit database file...", this);
   44.62 -        handle.start();
   44.63 -
   44.64 -        try {
   44.65 -            io = IOProvider.getDefault().getIO(obj.getPrimaryFile().getNameExt(), false);
   44.66 -            if (!io.isClosed()) {
   44.67 -                io.getOut().println((new StringBuilder()).append("> Commit Statement successfully"));
   44.68 -            }
   44.69 -
   44.70 -            if (connection.getJDBCConnection() != null) {
   44.71 -                connectionProvider.commitRollbackTransactions(connection, true);
   44.72 -            }
   44.73 -
   44.74 -        } catch (Exception ex) {
   44.75 -            io.getOut().println((new StringBuilder()).append(">!!! Error Commit Statement"));
   44.76 -            Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
   44.77 -        } finally {
   44.78 -            handle.finish();
   44.79 -        }
   44.80 +        commit.commitTransaction(dataObject, connection, connectionProvider);
   44.81      }
   44.82 -
   44.83 +    
   44.84      @Override
   44.85      public Component getToolbarPresenter() {
   44.86          if (!isEnabled()) {
   44.87              return null;
   44.88 -        }
   44.89 +        }     
   44.90          button = DropDownButtonFactory.createDropDownButton(
   44.91                  new ImageIcon(new BufferedImage(32, 32, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY)), null);
   44.92          button.setAction(this);
   44.93          button.setSelected(!OptionsUtilities.isCommandWindowAutoCommitEnabled());
   44.94 -        button.setEnabled(!OptionsUtilities.isCommandWindowAutoCommitEnabled());
   44.95 +        button.setEnabled(false);
   44.96          button.setDisabledIcon(new ImageIcon(ImageUtilities.loadImage("org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/database_commit_disable.png")));
   44.97 +        EnableCommit = new EnableCommit();
   44.98 +        commit.addPropertyChangeListener(EnableCommit);
   44.99          return button;
  44.100      }
  44.101 -
  44.102 +    
  44.103      private void saveIfModified(DataObject dataObj) {
  44.104          try {
  44.105              SaveCookie saveCookie = dataObj.getCookie(SaveCookie.class);
  44.106 @@ -190,4 +167,20 @@
  44.107              Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
  44.108          }
  44.109      }
  44.110 +    
  44.111 +    private class EnableCommit implements PropertyChangeListener {
  44.112 +
  44.113 +        public EnableCommit() {}
  44.114 +
  44.115 +        @Override
  44.116 +        public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) {
  44.117 +          if(!OptionsUtilities.isCommandWindowAutoCommitEnabled() && commit.getCommit()){
  44.118 +              button.setEnabled(true);
  44.119 +          }
  44.120 +          else
  44.121 +              button.setEnabled(false);
  44.122 +        }
  44.123 +
  44.124 +    }
  44.125  }
  44.126 +
    45.1 --- a/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    45.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    45.3 @@ -55,19 +55,10 @@
    45.4  import java.util.ArrayList;
    45.5  import java.util.List;
    45.6  import java.util.Locale;
    45.7 -
    45.8 -import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
    45.9 -import javax.swing.Action;
   45.10 -import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
   45.11 -import javax.swing.JButton;
   45.12 -import javax.swing.JEditorPane;
   45.13 -import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
   45.14 -import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
   45.15 -import javax.swing.JPopupMenu;
   45.16 +import javax.swing.*;
   45.17  import javax.swing.event.PopupMenuEvent;
   45.18  import javax.swing.event.PopupMenuListener;
   45.19  import javax.swing.text.Document;
   45.20 -
   45.21  import org.netbeans.api.db.explorer.DatabaseConnection;
   45.22  import org.netbeans.api.progress.ProgressHandle;
   45.23  import org.netbeans.api.progress.ProgressHandleFactory;
   45.24 @@ -75,29 +66,26 @@
   45.25  import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.utilities.PlsqlFileValidatorService;
   45.26  import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseConnectionManager;
   45.27  import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.options.OptionsUtilities;
   45.28 -import org.openide.awt.ActionID;
   45.29 -import org.openide.awt.ActionReference;
   45.30 -import org.openide.awt.ActionRegistration;
   45.31 -import org.openide.awt.DropDownButtonFactory;
   45.32 +import org.openide.awt.*;
   45.33  import org.openide.cookies.EditorCookie;
   45.34  import org.openide.cookies.SaveCookie;
   45.35  import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
   45.36  import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
   45.37 -import org.openide.util.Cancellable;
   45.38 -import org.openide.util.ContextAwareAction;
   45.39 -import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
   45.40 -import org.openide.util.ImageUtilities;
   45.41 -import org.openide.util.Lookup;
   45.42 -import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
   45.43 -import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor;
   45.44 -import org.openide.util.Utilities;
   45.45 +import org.openide.util.*;
   45.46  import org.openide.util.actions.Presenter;
   45.48  @ActionID(id = "org.netbeans.modules.plsql.execution.PlsqlExecuteAction", category = "PLSQL")
   45.49 -@ActionRegistration(displayName = "#CTL_fileExecution")
   45.50 -@ActionReference(path = "Shortcuts", name = "AS-E")
   45.51 +@ActionRegistration(displayName = "#CTL_Execution", iconBase = "org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/execute.png")
   45.52 +@ActionReferences({
   45.53 +    @ActionReference(path = "Shortcuts", name = "DS-E"),
   45.54 +    @ActionReference(path = "Shortcuts", name = "OS-E"),
   45.55 +    @ActionReference(path = "Editors/text/x-plsql/Popup", name = "org-netbeans-modules-plsql-execution-PlsqlExecuteAction",
   45.56 +    position = 405, separatorBefore = 404)
   45.57 +})
   45.58  public class PlsqlExecuteAction extends AbstractAction implements ContextAwareAction, Presenter.Toolbar {
   45.60 +    private static final String ICON_PATH = "org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/execute.png";
   45.61 +    private static final RequestProcessor RP = new RequestProcessor(PlsqlExecuteAction.class);
   45.62      private static final PlsqlFileValidatorService validator = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(PlsqlFileValidatorService.class);
   45.63      private static final String DATABASE_CONNECTION_KEY = "databaseConnection";
   45.64      private static final String TEST_BLOCK_NAME_PREFIX = "TestBlock:";
   45.65 @@ -110,15 +98,17 @@
   45.66      private JButton button;
   45.67      private ActionListener buttonListener = new ButtonListener();
   45.68      private boolean autoCommit = true;
   45.69 +    PlsqlCommit commit;
   45.71      public PlsqlExecuteAction() {
   45.72          this(Utilities.actionsGlobalContext());
   45.73      }
   45.75      public PlsqlExecuteAction(Lookup context) {
   45.76 -        putValue(NAME, NbBundle.getMessage(PlsqlExecuteAction.class, "CTL_fileExecution"));
   45.77 -        putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, NbBundle.getMessage(PlsqlExecuteAction.class, "CTL_fileExecution"));
   45.78 -        putValue(SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(ImageUtilities.loadImage("org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/execute.png")));
   45.79 +        putValue(NAME, NbBundle.getMessage(PlsqlExecuteAction.class, "CTL_Execution"));
   45.80 +        putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, NbBundle.getMessage(PlsqlExecuteAction.class, "CTL_ExecutionDescription"));
   45.81 +//        putValue(LONG_DESCRIPTION, NbBundle.getMessage(PlsqlExecuteAction.class, "CTL_ExecutionDescription"));
   45.82 +        putValue(SMALL_ICON, new ImageIcon(ImageUtilities.loadImage(ICON_PATH)));
   45.84          dataObject = context.lookup(DataObject.class);
   45.86 @@ -138,6 +128,9 @@
   45.87          if (validator.isValidTDB(dataObject)) {
   45.88              autoCommit = OptionsUtilities.isCommandWindowAutoCommitEnabled();
   45.89          }
   45.90 +        if (dataObject != null) {
   45.91 +            commit = PlsqlCommit.getInstance(dataObject);
   45.92 +        }
   45.93      }
   45.95      @Override
   45.96 @@ -168,7 +161,7 @@
   45.98          // If autocommit OFF - take the connection from data object.
   45.99          if (!autoCommit) {
  45.100 -            connection = dataObject.getLookup().lookup(DatabaseConnection.class);
  45.101 +            setConnection(connectionProvider.getTemplateConnection());
  45.102          }
  45.104          if (connection == null) {
  45.105 @@ -231,23 +224,75 @@
  45.107      private void populatePopupMenu() {
  45.108          popup.removeAll();
  45.109 -        if (autoCommit) {
  45.110 -            for (DatabaseConnection c : connectionProvider.getDatabaseConnections()) {
  45.111 -                String url = c.getDatabaseURL();
  45.112 -                String schema = c.getUser();
  45.113 -                int pos = url.indexOf("@") + 1;
  45.114 -                if (pos > 0) {
  45.115 -                    url = url.substring(pos);
  45.116 +        for (DatabaseConnection c : connectionProvider.getDatabaseConnections()) {
  45.117 +            String url = c.getDatabaseURL();
  45.118 +            String schema = c.getUser();
  45.119 +            int pos = url.indexOf("@") + 1;
  45.120 +            if (pos > 0) {
  45.121 +                url = url.substring(pos);
  45.122 +            }
  45.123 +            url = schema + "@" + url;
  45.124 +            String alias = c.getDisplayName();
  45.125 +            if (alias != null && !alias.equals(c.getName())) {
  45.126 +                url = alias + " [" + url + "]";
  45.127 +            }
  45.128 +            JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(url);
  45.129 +            item.putClientProperty(DATABASE_CONNECTION_KEY, c);
  45.130 +            item.addActionListener(buttonListener);
  45.131 +            popup.add(item);
  45.132 +        }
  45.133 +    }
  45.134 +
  45.135 +    private void setConnection(DatabaseConnection newConnection) {
  45.136 +        if (connection != null && connection.getName().equals(newConnection.getName())) {
  45.137 +            connection = dataObject.getLookup().lookup(DatabaseConnection.class);
  45.138 +        } else {
  45.139 +            if (connection != null) {
  45.140 +                connection = dataObject.getLookup().lookup(DatabaseConnection.class);
  45.141 +                if (commit.getCommit()) {
  45.142 +                    if (!OptionsUtilities.isDeployNoPromptEnabled()) {
  45.143 +
  45.144 +                        String msg = "Commit transactions for " + connection.getDisplayName() + " ?";
  45.145 +                        String title = "Confirm!";
  45.146 +                        int showOptionDialog = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null,
  45.147 +                                msg,
  45.148 +                                title,
  45.149 +                                JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE,
  45.150 +                                null, null, null);
  45.151 +
  45.152 +                        if (showOptionDialog == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
  45.153 +                            commit.commitTransaction(dataObject, connection, connectionProvider);
  45.154 +                        } else if (showOptionDialog == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) {
  45.155 +                            commit.rollbackTransaction(dataObject, connection, connectionProvider);
  45.156 +                        } else {
  45.157 +                            return;
  45.158 +                        }
  45.159 +                    }
  45.160                  }
  45.161 -                url = schema + "@" + url;
  45.162 -                String alias = c.getDisplayName();
  45.163 -                if (alias != null && !alias.equals(c.getName())) {
  45.164 -                    url = alias + " [" + url + "]";
  45.165 +            }
  45.166 +            if (!connectionProvider.isDefaultDatabase(newConnection)) {
  45.167 +                if (!OptionsUtilities.isDeployNoPromptEnabled()) {
  45.168 +                    String msg = "You are now connecting to a secondary database.";
  45.169 +                    String title = "Connecting to a Secondary Database!";
  45.170 +                    if (JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null,
  45.171 +                            msg,
  45.172 +                            title,
  45.173 +                            JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE,
  45.174 +                            null, null, null) == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) {
  45.175 +                        return;
  45.176 +                    }
  45.177 +                    connection = newConnection;
  45.178 +                    try {
  45.179 +                        Connection jdbcConnection = connection.getJDBCConnection();
  45.180 +                        if (jdbcConnection == null || !jdbcConnection.isValid(1000)) {
  45.181 +                            return;
  45.182 +                        }
  45.183 +                    } catch (SQLException ex) {
  45.184 +                        return;
  45.185 +                    }
  45.186                  }
  45.187 -                JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(url);
  45.188 -                item.putClientProperty(DATABASE_CONNECTION_KEY, c);
  45.189 -                item.addActionListener(buttonListener);
  45.190 -                popup.add(item);
  45.191 +            } else {
  45.192 +                connection = newConnection;
  45.193              }
  45.194          }
  45.195      }
  45.196 @@ -267,35 +312,14 @@
  45.197          if (file == null) {
  45.198              return;
  45.199          }
  45.200 -
  45.201 -        if (autoCommit && !connectionProvider.isDefaultDatabase(connection)) {
  45.202 -            if (!OptionsUtilities.isDeployNoPromptEnabled()) {
  45.203 -                String msg = "You are now connecting to a secondary database.";
  45.204 -                String title = "Connecting to a Secondary Database!";
  45.205 -                if (JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null,
  45.206 -                        msg,
  45.207 -                        title,
  45.208 -                        JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE,
  45.209 -                        null, null, null) == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) {
  45.210 -                    return;
  45.211 -                }
  45.212 -                connectionProvider.connect(connection);
  45.213 -                try {
  45.214 -                    Connection jdbcConnection = connection.getJDBCConnection();
  45.215 -                    if (jdbcConnection == null || !jdbcConnection.isValid(1000)) {
  45.216 -                        return;
  45.217 -                    }
  45.218 -                } catch (SQLException ex) {
  45.219 -                    return;
  45.220 -                }
  45.221 -            }
  45.222 -        } else {
  45.223 -            //to reconnect if the connection is gone. 
  45.224 -            if (connection.getJDBCConnection() == null) {
  45.225 -                connectionProvider.connect(connection);
  45.226 -            }
  45.227 +        //to reconnect if the connection is gone. 
  45.228 +        if (connection.getJDBCConnection() == null) {
  45.229 +            connectionProvider.connect(connection);
  45.230          }
  45.232 +        PlsqlExecutableBlocksMaker blockMaker = new PlsqlExecutableBlocksMaker(document);
  45.233 +        blocks = blockMaker.makeExceutableObjects();
  45.234 +                
  45.235          //if the user has selected any text in the window, create exec block using selected text only
  45.236          if (validator.isValidTDB(dataObject)) {
  45.237              JEditorPane[] panes = edCookie.getOpenedPanes();
  45.238 @@ -303,24 +327,46 @@
  45.239                  String selectedSql = panes[0].getSelectedText();
  45.240                  if (selectedSql != null && !selectedSql.trim().equals("")) { //some text has been selected
  45.241                      //create executable block with selected sql
  45.242 -                    blocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlExecutableObject>();
  45.243 -                    blocks.add(new PlsqlExecutableObject(0, selectedSql, "SQL", PlsqlExecutableObjectType.STATEMENT, 0, selectedSql.length() - 1));
  45.244 +                    List<PlsqlExecutableObject> newblocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlExecutableObject>();
  45.245 +                    int selectionStart = panes[0].getSelectionStart();
  45.246 +                    int selectionEnd = panes[0].getSelectionEnd();
  45.247 +                    for (PlsqlExecutableObject block : blocks) {
  45.248 +                        if ((selectionStart <= block.getStartOffset()) && (selectionEnd >= block.getEndOffset())) {
  45.249 +                            newblocks.add(block);
  45.250 +                        }
  45.251 +                    }
  45.252 +                    if (!newblocks.isEmpty()) {
  45.253 +                        blocks = newblocks;
  45.254 +                    }else {
  45.255 +                        blocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlExecutableObject>();
  45.256 +                        blocks.add(new PlsqlExecutableObject(0, selectedSql, "SQL", PlsqlExecutableObjectType.STATEMENT, 0, selectedSql.length() - 1));
  45.257 +                    }
  45.258 +                }else if (OptionsUtilities.isCommandWindowAutoSelectEnabled()) {
  45.259 +                    List<PlsqlExecutableObject> newblocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlExecutableObject>();
  45.260 +
  45.261 +                    int caretPos = 0;
  45.262 +                    if ((panes != null) && (panes.length > 0)) {
  45.263 +                        caretPos = panes[0].getCaretPosition();
  45.264 +                    }
  45.265 +                    for (PlsqlExecutableObject block : blocks) {
  45.266 +                        if (caretPos >= block.getStartOffset() && caretPos <= block.getEndOffset()) {
  45.267 +                            if (block.getPlsqlString().startsWith("SELECT")) {
  45.268 +                                newblocks.add(block);
  45.269 +                            }
  45.270 +                        }
  45.271 +                    }
  45.272 +                    if (!newblocks.isEmpty()) {
  45.273 +                        blocks = newblocks;
  45.274 +                    }
  45.275                  }
  45.276              }
  45.277          }
  45.278 -
  45.279 -        //if blocks were not created using selected text, use entire document to create exec blocks
  45.280 -        if (blocks == null) {
  45.281 -            PlsqlExecutableBlocksMaker blockMaker = new PlsqlExecutableBlocksMaker(document);
  45.282 -            blocks = blockMaker.makeExceutableObjects();
  45.283 -        }
  45.284          String extension = file.getExt();
  45.285          if (blocks.size() > 0 && "tdb".equalsIgnoreCase(extension) && (dataObject.getNodeDelegate().getDisplayName() == null || !dataObject.getNodeDelegate().getDisplayName().contains(TEST_BLOCK_NAME_PREFIX))) {
  45.286              String str = blocks.get(0).getPlsqlString().replaceAll("\n", " ");
  45.287              dataObject.getNodeDelegate().setDisplayName(str.length() > 30 ? str.substring(0, 30) + "..." : str);
  45.288          }
  45.289 -        RequestProcessor processor = RequestProcessor.getDefault();
  45.290 - ExecutionHandler(connectionProvider, connection, blocks, document));
  45.291 + ExecutionHandler(connectionProvider, connection, blocks, document));
  45.293      }
  45.295 @@ -409,7 +455,8 @@
  45.296          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
  45.298              JMenuItem item = (JMenuItem) e.getSource();
  45.299 -            connection = (DatabaseConnection) item.getClientProperty(DATABASE_CONNECTION_KEY);
  45.300 +            DatabaseConnection newConnection = (DatabaseConnection) item.getClientProperty(DATABASE_CONNECTION_KEY);
  45.301 +            setConnection(newConnection);
  45.302              saveAndExecute();
  45.304          }
    46.1 --- a/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    46.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    46.3 @@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
    46.4  import org.netbeans.modules.db.sql.execute.SQLExecutionResults;
    46.5  import org.netbeans.modules.db.sql.execute.StatementInfo;
    46.6  import org.netbeans.modules.db.sql.history.SQLHistory;
    46.7 +import org.netbeans.modules.db.sql.history.SQLHistoryEntry;
    46.8  import org.netbeans.modules.db.sql.history.SQLHistoryManager;
    46.9  import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.filetype.PlsqlEditor;
   46.10  import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.filetype.StatementExecutionHistory;
   46.11 @@ -196,15 +197,19 @@
   46.12              }
   46.13              if (state == NORMAL) {
   46.14                  nonCommentQuery.append(line).append("\n");
   46.15 -            }
   46.16 +             }
   46.17          }
   46.18 -        nonCommentQuery.deleteCharAt(nonCommentQuery.length() - 1);
   46.19 -        
   46.20 +         
   46.21 +        String querryString = nonCommentQuery.toString().trim();
   46.22 +        if(querryString.endsWith(";")){
   46.23 +           querryString = querryString.substring(0, querryString.lastIndexOf(";"));
   46.24 +        }
   46.25 +                  
   46.26          String newQuery = "";
   46.27          String token;
   46.28          boolean format = false;
   46.30 -        StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(nonCommentQuery.toString(), " \t\n");
   46.31 +        StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(querryString, " \t\n");
   46.32          while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
   46.33              token = tokenizer.nextToken();
   46.35 @@ -407,9 +412,9 @@
   46.36          }
   46.37          Connection con;
   46.38          Statement stm = null;
   46.39 -        String firstWord = null;
   46.40 -        boolean commit = false;
   46.41 -
   46.42 +        String firstWord = null;             
   46.43 +        PlsqlCommit commit = PlsqlCommit.getInstance((DataObject)object);
   46.44 +        
   46.45          //quick & dirty fix to avoid having output tabs for the SQL Execution window (unless there's an exception)
   46.46          //first check to see if this is a simple select statement and if so treat it separately.
   46.47          if (executableObjs.size() == 1) {
   46.48 @@ -522,11 +527,7 @@
   46.49                          } else {
   46.50                              firstWord = plsqlText;
   46.51                          }
   46.52 -                        
   46.53 -                        if (plsqlText.toUpperCase().contains("INSERT") || plsqlText.toUpperCase().contains("UPDATE") || plsqlText.toUpperCase().contains("DELETE")) {
   46.54 -                            commit = true;
   46.55 -                        }
   46.56 -                        
   46.57 +                                           
   46.58                          if (firstWord.equalsIgnoreCase("SELECT")) {
   46.59                              //this should really never happen... Unless there are multiple parts of a file and some sections are select statements
   46.60                              if (plsqlEditor != null && firstSelectStatement) {
   46.61 @@ -647,9 +648,6 @@
   46.62                      }
   46.63                  }
   46.64                  if (exeObj.getType() == PlsqlExecutableObjectType.BEGINEND) {
   46.65 -                    if (plsqlText.toUpperCase().contains("INSERT") || plsqlText.toUpperCase().contains("UPDATE") || plsqlText.toUpperCase().contains("DELETE")) {
   46.66 -                        commit = true;
   46.67 -                    }
   46.68                      try {
   46.69                          stm.executeUpdate(plsqlText);
   46.70                          processDbmsOutputMessages(con, io.getOut());
   46.71 @@ -668,9 +666,6 @@
   46.72                      }
   46.73                  }
   46.74                  if (exeObj.getType() == PlsqlExecutableObjectType.UNKNOWN) {
   46.75 -                    if (plsqlText.toUpperCase().contains("INSERT") || plsqlText.toUpperCase().contains("UPDATE") || plsqlText.toUpperCase().contains("DELETE")) {
   46.76 -                        commit = true;
   46.77 -                    }
   46.78                      //Parse aliases
   46.79                      define = getAliases(definesMap, doc, exeObj.getStartOffset(), exeObj.getEndOffset(), define, io);
   46.80                      //Replace aliases
   46.81 @@ -715,7 +710,7 @@
   46.82                                              ignoreDefines = "OFF".equalsIgnoreCase(token);
   46.83                                              if (!ignoreDefines && token.length() == 1) {
   46.84                                                   define.clear();
   46.85 -		         define.add(token.charAt(0));
   46.86 +                                                 define.add(token.charAt(0));
   46.87                                              }
   46.88                                          }
   46.89                                      }
   46.90 @@ -973,10 +968,16 @@
   46.91              }
   46.93              if (fileName.endsWith(".tdb") && !autoCommit) {
   46.94 -                if (!deploymentOk && !commit && !(firstWord != null
   46.95 +                if (!deploymentOk && !(firstWord != null
   46.96                          && (firstWord.equalsIgnoreCase("INSERT") || firstWord.equalsIgnoreCase("UPDATE") || firstWord.equalsIgnoreCase("DELETE")))) {
   46.97                      con.commit();
   46.98 +                }else{
   46.99 +                    if(deploymentOk && (firstWord != null
  46.100 +                        && (firstWord.equalsIgnoreCase("INSERT") || firstWord.equalsIgnoreCase("UPDATE") || firstWord.equalsIgnoreCase("DELETE")))){
  46.101 +                    commit.setCommit(true);
  46.102 +                    }
  46.103                  }
  46.104 +                
  46.105              } else {
  46.106                  con.commit();
  46.107              }
  46.108 @@ -1160,7 +1161,7 @@
  46.109                          definesMap.put(alias.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH), value);
  46.110                      }
  46.111                  } else if (tokenTxt.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).startsWith("SET ")) {
  46.112 -                    StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(tokenTxt);
  46.113 +                    StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(tokenTxt);                   
  46.114                      tokenizer.nextToken();
  46.115                      String alias;
  46.116                      boolean isNext = tokenizer.hasMoreTokens();
  46.117 @@ -1172,11 +1173,6 @@
  46.118                      } else {
  46.119                          break;
  46.120                      }
  46.121 -                    
  46.122 -                    if (alias.length() == 1) {
  46.123 -	    define.clear();
  46.124 -	    define.add(alias.charAt(0));//If define changed we catch it here
  46.125 -                    }
  46.126                  }
  46.127              }
  46.128              moveNext = ts.moveNext();
  46.129 @@ -1340,16 +1336,9 @@
  46.130          return null;
  46.131      }
  46.133 -    private void closeExecutionResult() {
  46.134 -        if (executionResults != null) {
  46.135 -            executionResults = null;
  46.136 -        }
  46.137 -    }
  46.138 -    
  46.139      private final class SQLExecutor implements Runnable, Cancellable {
  46.141          private static final int DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 100;
  46.142 -        private FileObject USERDIR = FileUtil.getConfigRoot();
  46.143          private final DatabaseConnection dbconn;
  46.144          private final String sqlStmt;
  46.145          private String label;
  46.146 @@ -1411,13 +1400,13 @@
  46.147                  DataView view = DataView.create(conn, sql, DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE);
  46.149                  // Save SQL statements executed for the SQLHistoryManager
  46.150 -                SQLHistoryManager.getInstance().saveSQL(new SQLHistory(url, sql, new Date()));
  46.151 +                SQLHistoryManager.getInstance().saveSQL(new SQLHistoryEntry(url, sql, new Date()));
  46.152                  result = new SQLExecutionResult(info, view);
  46.153                  results.add(result);
  46.154              }
  46.156              // Persist SQL executed
  46.157 -            SQLHistoryManager.getInstance().save(USERDIR);
  46.158 +            SQLHistoryManager.getInstance().save();
  46.160              if (!cancelled) {
  46.161                  return new SQLExecutionResults(results);
    47.1 --- a/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    47.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    47.3 @@ -190,13 +190,13 @@
    47.5          JMenu menu = new JMenu(getName());
    47.6          ActionListener buttonListener = new ButtonListener();
    47.7 -        DatabaseConnection[] databaseConnections = connectionProvider.getDatabaseConnections();
    47.8 -        for (int i = 0; i < databaseConnections.length; i++) {
    47.9 -            JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(formatDbConnectionName(databaseConnections[i]));
   47.10 -            item.putClientProperty(DATABASE_CONNECTION_KEY, databaseConnections[i]);
   47.11 +        List<DatabaseConnection> databaseConnections = connectionProvider.getDatabaseConnections();
   47.12 +        for (int i = 0; i < databaseConnections.size(); i++) {
   47.13 +            JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(formatDbConnectionName(databaseConnections.get(i)));
   47.14 +            item.putClientProperty(DATABASE_CONNECTION_KEY, databaseConnections.get(i));
   47.15              item.addActionListener(buttonListener);
   47.16              menu.add(item);
   47.17 -            if (i == 0 && databaseConnections.length > 1) {
   47.18 +            if (i == 0 && databaseConnections.size() > 1) {
   47.19                  menu.add(new JSeparator());
   47.20              }
   47.21          }
    48.1 --- a/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    48.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    48.3 @@ -56,138 +56,142 @@
    48.4  import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
    48.5  import org.openide.loaders.*;
    48.6  import org.openide.nodes.Node;
    48.7 +import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
    48.8  import org.openide.util.actions.SystemAction;
    48.9  import;
   48.10  import;
   48.12 -public class PlsqlOutputListener  implements OutputListener {
   48.13 +public class PlsqlOutputListener implements OutputListener {
   48.15 -   private List docLinesArray;
   48.16 -   private int lineNo;
   48.17 -   private int position;
   48.18 -   private String originalFileName=null;
   48.19 -   private String objectName=null;
   48.20 -   private Project project;
   48.21 -   private DatabaseContentManager cache;
   48.22 +    private List docLinesArray;
   48.23 +    private int lineNo;
   48.24 +    private int position;
   48.25 +    private String originalFileName = null;
   48.26 +    private String objectName = null;
   48.27 +    private Project project;
   48.28 +    private DatabaseContentManager cache;
   48.30 -   public PlsqlOutputListener() {
   48.31 -   }
   48.32 +    public PlsqlOutputListener() {
   48.33 +    }
   48.35 -   public PlsqlOutputListener(Project project, String objectName, int lineNo) {
   48.36 -      this.project = project;
   48.37 -      this.objectName = objectName;
   48.38 -      this.lineNo = lineNo;
   48.39 -      DatabaseConnectionManager provider = DatabaseConnectionManager.getInstance(project);
   48.40 -      this.cache = provider!=null ? DatabaseContentManager.getInstance(provider.getTemplateConnection()) : null;
   48.41 -   }
   48.42 -   
   48.43 -   public void outputLineSelected(OutputEvent outputevent) {
   48.44 -   }
   48.45 +    public PlsqlOutputListener(Project project, String objectName, int lineNo) {
   48.46 +        this.project = project;
   48.47 +        this.objectName = objectName;
   48.48 +        this.lineNo = lineNo;
   48.49 +        DatabaseConnectionManager provider = DatabaseConnectionManager.getInstance(project);
   48.50 +        this.cache = provider != null ? DatabaseContentManager.getInstance(provider.getTemplateConnection()) : null;
   48.51 +    }
   48.53 -   public void outputLineAction(OutputEvent outputEvent) {
   48.54 -      if (originalFileName != null) {
   48.55 -         try {
   48.56 -            File file = new File(originalFileName);
   48.57 -            if (file.exists()) {
   48.58 -               DataObject dObject = DataFolder.find(FileUtil.toFileObject(file));
   48.59 -               OpenCookie openCookie = dObject.getCookie(OpenCookie.class);
   48.60 -     ;
   48.61 -               Node n = dObject.getNodeDelegate();
   48.62 -               EditorCookie ec = dObject.getCookie(EditorCookie.class);        
   48.63 -               if (ec != null) {
   48.64 -                  JEditorPane panes[] = ec.getOpenedPanes();
   48.65 -                  if (panes.length > 0) {
   48.66 -                     JEditorPane pane = panes[0];
   48.67 -                     int caretPos = getCaretPositionFromLineNumber(lineNo, pane.getDocument());
   48.68 -                     pane.setCaretPosition(caretPos);
   48.69 -                  }
   48.70 -               }
   48.71 +    @Override
   48.72 +    public void outputLineSelected(OutputEvent outputevent) {
   48.73 +    }
   48.74 +
   48.75 +    @Override
   48.76 +    public void outputLineAction(OutputEvent outputEvent) {
   48.77 +        if (originalFileName != null) {
   48.78 +            try {
   48.79 +                File file = new File(originalFileName);
   48.80 +                if (file.exists()) {
   48.81 +                    DataObject dObject = DataFolder.find(FileUtil.toFileObject(file));
   48.82 +                    OpenCookie openCookie = dObject.getCookie(OpenCookie.class);
   48.83 +          ;
   48.84 +                    Node n = dObject.getNodeDelegate();
   48.85 +                    EditorCookie ec = dObject.getCookie(EditorCookie.class);
   48.86 +                    if (ec != null) {
   48.87 +                        JEditorPane panes[] = ec.getOpenedPanes();
   48.88 +                        if (panes.length > 0) {
   48.89 +                            JEditorPane pane = panes[0];
   48.90 +                            int caretPos = getCaretPositionFromLineNumber(lineNo, pane.getDocument());
   48.91 +                            pane.setCaretPosition(caretPos);
   48.92 +                        }
   48.93 +                    }
   48.94 +                } else {
   48.95 +                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Required File Not found");
   48.96 +                }
   48.97 +            } catch (DataObjectNotFoundException ex) {
   48.98 +                Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
   48.99 +            }
  48.100 +        } else if (objectName != null && cache != null && project != null) { //navigate to object
  48.101 +            PlsqlGoToDbImplAction action = SystemAction.get(PlsqlGoToDbImplAction.class);
  48.102 +            if (cache.isFunction(objectName)) {
  48.103 +                action.goToFunction(objectName, project, lineNo);
  48.104 +            } else if (cache.isProcedure(objectName)) {
  48.105 +                action.goToProcedure(objectName, project, lineNo);
  48.106              } else {
  48.107 -               JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Required File Not found");
  48.108 +                action.goToPackage(objectName, project, null, lineNo);
  48.109              }
  48.110 -         } catch (DataObjectNotFoundException ex) {
  48.111 -            ex.printStackTrace();
  48.112 -         }
  48.113 -      } else if(objectName!=null && cache!=null && project!=null) { //navigate to object
  48.114 -         PlsqlGoToDbImplAction action = SystemAction.get(PlsqlGoToDbImplAction.class);
  48.115 -         if(cache.isFunction(objectName)) {
  48.116 -            action.goToFunction(objectName, project, lineNo);
  48.117 -         } else if(cache.isProcedure(objectName)) {
  48.118 -            action.goToProcedure(objectName, project, lineNo);            
  48.119 -         } else {
  48.120 -            action.goToPackage(objectName, project, null, lineNo);            
  48.121 -         }
  48.122 -      }
  48.123 -   }
  48.124 +        }
  48.125 +    }
  48.127 -   public void outputLineCleared(OutputEvent outputevent) {
  48.128 -   }
  48.129 +    @Override
  48.130 +    public void outputLineCleared(OutputEvent outputevent) {
  48.131 +    }
  48.133 -   public int getCaretPositionFormLineNumber(int lineNo, int pos) {
  48.134 -      if (getDocLinesArray() == null) {
  48.135 -         throw new RuntimeException("DocLinesArray is Null");
  48.136 -      }
  48.137 -      int caretPos = 0;
  48.138 -      for (int i = 0; i < lineNo; i++) {
  48.139 -         String line = (String) getDocLinesArray().get(i);
  48.140 -         caretPos += line.length();
  48.141 -      }
  48.142 +    public int getCaretPositionFormLineNumber(int lineNo, int pos) {
  48.143 +        if (getDocLinesArray() == null) {
  48.144 +            throw new RuntimeException("DocLinesArray is Null");
  48.145 +        }
  48.146 +        int caretPos = 0;
  48.147 +        for (int i = 0; i < lineNo; i++) {
  48.148 +            String line = (String) getDocLinesArray().get(i);
  48.149 +            caretPos += line.length();
  48.150 +        }
  48.152 -      caretPos += pos;
  48.153 -      return caretPos;
  48.154 -   }
  48.155 +        caretPos += pos;
  48.156 +        return caretPos;
  48.157 +    }
  48.159 -   public int getCaretPositionFromLineNumber(int lineNo, Document doc) {
  48.160 -      String docText = "";
  48.161 -      try {
  48.162 -         docText = doc.getText(0, doc.getLength());
  48.163 -      } catch (BadLocationException ex) {
  48.164 -         ex.printStackTrace();
  48.165 -      } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
  48.166 -         ex.printStackTrace();
  48.167 -      }
  48.168 -      
  48.169 -      int caret = 0;
  48.170 -      int linebrakCount = 0;
  48.171 -      for (int i = 0; i < docText.length() && linebrakCount + 1 < lineNo; i++) {
  48.172 -         caret++;
  48.173 -         if (docText.charAt(i) == '\n') {
  48.174 -            linebrakCount++;
  48.175 -         }
  48.176 -      }
  48.177 +    public int getCaretPositionFromLineNumber(int lineNo, Document doc) {
  48.178 +        String docText = "";
  48.179 +        try {
  48.180 +            docText = doc.getText(0, doc.getLength());
  48.181 +        } catch (BadLocationException ex) {
  48.182 +            Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
  48.183 +        } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
  48.184 +            Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
  48.185 +        }
  48.187 -      return caret;
  48.188 -   }
  48.189 +        int caret = 0;
  48.190 +        int linebrakCount = 0;
  48.191 +        for (int i = 0; i < docText.length() && linebrakCount + 1 < lineNo; i++) {
  48.192 +            caret++;
  48.193 +            if (docText.charAt(i) == '\n') {
  48.194 +                linebrakCount++;
  48.195 +            }
  48.196 +        }
  48.198 -   public List getDocLinesArray() {
  48.199 -      return docLinesArray;
  48.200 -   }
  48.201 +        return caret;
  48.202 +    }
  48.204 -   public void setDocLinesArray(List docLinesArray) {
  48.205 -      this.docLinesArray = docLinesArray;
  48.206 -   }
  48.207 +    public List getDocLinesArray() {
  48.208 +        return docLinesArray;
  48.209 +    }
  48.211 -   public int getLineNo() {
  48.212 -      return lineNo;
  48.213 -   }
  48.214 +    public void setDocLinesArray(List docLinesArray) {
  48.215 +        this.docLinesArray = docLinesArray;
  48.216 +    }
  48.218 -   public void setLineNo(int lineNo) {
  48.219 -      this.lineNo = lineNo;
  48.220 -   }
  48.221 +    public int getLineNo() {
  48.222 +        return lineNo;
  48.223 +    }
  48.225 -   public int getPosition() {
  48.226 -      return position;
  48.227 -   }
  48.228 +    public void setLineNo(int lineNo) {
  48.229 +        this.lineNo = lineNo;
  48.230 +    }
  48.232 -   public void setPosition(int position) {
  48.233 -      this.position = position;
  48.234 -   }
  48.235 +    public int getPosition() {
  48.236 +        return position;
  48.237 +    }
  48.239 -   public String getOriginalFileName() {
  48.240 -      return originalFileName;
  48.241 -   }
  48.242 +    public void setPosition(int position) {
  48.243 +        this.position = position;
  48.244 +    }
  48.246 -   public void setOriginalFileName(String originalFileName) {
  48.247 -      this.originalFileName = originalFileName;
  48.248 -   }
  48.249 +    public String getOriginalFileName() {
  48.250 +        return originalFileName;
  48.251 +    }
  48.252 +
  48.253 +    public void setOriginalFileName(String originalFileName) {
  48.254 +        this.originalFileName = originalFileName;
  48.255 +    }
  48.256  }
    49.1 --- a/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    49.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    49.3 @@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
    49.4  import java.awt.Component;
    49.5  import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    49.6  import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    49.7 +import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
    49.8 +import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
    49.9  import;
   49.10  import java.util.Arrays;
   49.11  import java.util.List;
   49.12 @@ -77,8 +79,9 @@
   49.13      private DataObject dataObject;
   49.14      private DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider;
   49.15      private JButton button;
   49.16 -    public boolean autoCommit = true;
   49.17      private DatabaseConnection connection;
   49.18 +    PlsqlCommit commit;
   49.19 +    private PropertyChangeListener EnableRollback;
   49.21      public PlsqlRollbackAction() {
   49.22          this(Utilities.actionsGlobalContext());
   49.23 @@ -107,8 +110,8 @@
   49.24          }
   49.26          if (dataObject != null) {
   49.27 -            setEnabled(true);
   49.28 -            autoCommit = OptionsUtilities.isCommandWindowAutoCommitEnabled();
   49.29 +            setEnabled(true); 
   49.30 +            commit = PlsqlCommit.getInstance(dataObject);
   49.31          } else {
   49.32              setEnabled(false);
   49.33          }
   49.34 @@ -139,31 +142,9 @@
   49.35              return;
   49.36          }
   49.38 -        EditorCookie edCookie = dataObject.getLookup().lookup(EditorCookie.class);
   49.39 -        Document document = edCookie.getDocument();
   49.40          saveIfModified(dataObject);
   49.41 -
   49.42 -        InputOutput io = null;
   49.43 -        DataObject obj = FileExecutionUtil.getDataObject(document);
   49.44 -        ProgressHandle handle = ProgressHandleFactory.createHandle("Commit database file...", this);
   49.45 -        handle.start();
   49.46 -
   49.47 -        try {
   49.48 -            io = IOProvider.getDefault().getIO(obj.getPrimaryFile().getNameExt(), false);
   49.49 -            if (!io.isClosed()) {
   49.50 -                io.getOut().println((new StringBuilder()).append("> Rollback Statement successfully"));
   49.51 -            }
   49.52 -
   49.53 -            if (connection.getJDBCConnection() != null) {
   49.54 -                connectionProvider.commitRollbackTransactions(connection, false);
   49.55 -            }
   49.56 -
   49.57 -        } catch (Exception ex) {
   49.58 -            io.getOut().println((new StringBuilder()).append(">!!! Error Rollback Statement "));
   49.59 -            Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
   49.60 -        } finally {
   49.61 -            handle.finish();
   49.62 -        }
   49.63 +        commit.rollbackTransaction(dataObject, connection, connectionProvider);
   49.64 +        commit.setCommit(false);
   49.65      }
   49.67      @Override
   49.68 @@ -175,8 +156,10 @@
   49.69                  new ImageIcon(new BufferedImage(32, 32, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY)), null);
   49.70          button.setAction(this);
   49.71          button.setSelected(!OptionsUtilities.isCommandWindowAutoCommitEnabled());
   49.72 -        button.setEnabled(!OptionsUtilities.isCommandWindowAutoCommitEnabled());
   49.73 +        button.setEnabled(false);
   49.74          button.setDisabledIcon(new ImageIcon(ImageUtilities.loadImage("org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/database_rollback_disable.png")));
   49.75 +        EnableRollback = new EnableRollback();
   49.76 +        commit.addPropertyChangeListener(EnableRollback);
   49.77          return button;
   49.78      }
   49.80 @@ -190,4 +173,18 @@
   49.81              Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
   49.82          }
   49.83      }
   49.84 +    
   49.85 +    private class EnableRollback implements PropertyChangeListener {
   49.86 +
   49.87 +        public EnableRollback() {}
   49.88 +
   49.89 +        @Override
   49.90 +        public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) {
   49.91 +          if(!OptionsUtilities.isCommandWindowAutoCommitEnabled() && commit.getCommit()){
   49.92 +              button.setEnabled(true);
   49.93 +          }
   49.94 +          else
   49.95 +              button.setEnabled(false);
   49.96 +        }
   49.97 +    }
   49.98  }
    50.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    50.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/SelectMethodDialog.form	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    50.3 @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
    50.4 +<?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    50.5 +
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    50.7 +  <Properties>
    50.8 +    <Property name="defaultCloseOperation" type="int" value="2"/>
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   50.10 +  <SyntheticProperties>
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   50.53 +  <SubComponents>
   50.54 +    <Component class="javax.swing.JLabel" name="jLabel1">
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   50.56 +        <Property name="text" type="java.lang.String" editor="org.netbeans.modules.i18n.form.FormI18nStringEditor">
   50.57 +          <ResourceString bundle="org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/" key="SelectMethodDialog.jLabel1.text" replaceFormat="org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage({sourceFileName}.class, &quot;{key}&quot;)"/>
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   50.84 +    <Component class="javax.swing.JButton" name="btnOk">
   50.85 +      <Properties>
   50.86 +        <Property name="text" type="java.lang.String" editor="org.netbeans.modules.i18n.form.FormI18nStringEditor">
   50.87 +          <ResourceString bundle="org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/" key="SelectMethodDialog.btnOk.text" replaceFormat="org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage({sourceFileName}.class, &quot;{key}&quot;)"/>
   50.88 +        </Property>
   50.89 +        <Property name="enabled" type="boolean" value="false"/>
   50.90 +      </Properties>
   50.91 +      <Events>
   50.92 +        <EventHandler event="actionPerformed" listener="java.awt.event.ActionListener" parameters="java.awt.event.ActionEvent" handler="btnOkActionPerformed"/>
   50.93 +      </Events>
   50.94 +    </Component>
   50.95 +  </SubComponents>
   50.96 +</Form>
    51.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    51.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    51.3 @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
    51.4 +/*
    51.6 + *
    51.7 + * Copyright 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    51.8 + *
    51.9 + * Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
   51.10 + * Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
   51.11 + *
   51.12 + * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
   51.13 + * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
   51.14 + * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
   51.15 + * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
   51.16 + * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
   51.17 + *
   51.18 + * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
   51.19 + * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
   51.20 + * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
   51.21 + * Notice in each file and include the License file at
   51.22 + * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Oracle designates this
   51.23 + * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   51.24 + * by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
   51.25 + * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
   51.26 + * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
   51.27 + * your own identifying information:
   51.28 + * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
   51.29 + *
   51.30 + * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
   51.31 + * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
   51.32 + * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
   51.33 + * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
   51.34 + * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
   51.35 + * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
   51.36 + * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
   51.37 + * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
   51.38 + * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
   51.39 + * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
   51.40 + *
   51.41 + * Contributor(s):
   51.42 + *
   51.43 + * Portions Copyrighted 2011 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
   51.44 + */
   51.45 +package org.netbeans.modules.plsql.execution;
   51.46 +
   51.47 +import java.util.ArrayList;
   51.48 +import java.util.List;
   51.49 +import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent;
   51.50 +import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
   51.51 +import javax.swing.text.Document;
   51.52 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.lexer.PlsqlBlock;
   51.53 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.utilities.PlsqlParserUtil;
   51.54 +
   51.55 +/**
   51.56 + *
   51.57 + * @author shaalk
   51.58 + */
   51.59 +public class SelectMethodDialog extends javax.swing.JDialog {
   51.60 +
   51.61 +    private List<PlsqlBlock> blocks = null;
   51.62 +    
   51.63 +    /** Creates new form SelectMethodDialog */
   51.64 +    public SelectMethodDialog(java.awt.Frame parent, boolean modal, Document doc, List<PlsqlBlock> blocks) {
   51.65 +        super(parent, modal);
   51.66 +        initComponents();
   51.67 +        this.blocks = blocks;
   51.68 +        lstMethods.removeAll();
   51.69 +        ArrayList<String> items = new ArrayList<String>();
   51.70 +        for (PlsqlBlock block : blocks) {
   51.71 +            items.add(PlsqlParserUtil.fetchMethodHeader(doc, block.getStartOffset()));
   51.72 +        }
   51.73 +        lstMethods.setListData(items.toArray());
   51.74 +        lstMethods.addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() {
   51.75 +
   51.76 +            @Override
   51.77 +            public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
   51.78 +                if (!lstMethods.isSelectionEmpty()) {
   51.79 +                    btnOk.setEnabled(true);
   51.80 +                }
   51.81 +            }
   51.82 +        });
   51.83 +    }
   51.84 +    
   51.85 +    public PlsqlBlock getSelectedPlsqlBlock() {
   51.86 +        return blocks.get(lstMethods.getSelectedIndex());
   51.87 +    }
   51.88 +
   51.89 +    /** This method is called from within the constructor to
   51.90 +     * initialize the form.
   51.91 +     * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is
   51.92 +     * always regenerated by the Form Editor.
   51.93 +     */
   51.94 +    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
   51.95 +   // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Generated Code">//GEN-BEGIN:initComponents
   51.96 +   private void initComponents() {
   51.97 +
   51.98 +      jLabel1 = new javax.swing.JLabel();
   51.99 +      jScrollPane1 = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
  51.100 +      lstMethods = new javax.swing.JList();
  51.101 +      btnOk = new javax.swing.JButton();
  51.102 +
  51.103 +      setDefaultCloseOperation(javax.swing.WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
  51.104 +
  51.105 +      jLabel1.setText(org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage(SelectMethodDialog.class, "SelectMethodDialog.jLabel1.text")); // NOI18N
  51.106 +
  51.107 +      lstMethods.setModel(new javax.swing.AbstractListModel() {
  51.108 +         String[] strings = { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4", "Item 5" };
  51.109 +         public int getSize() { return strings.length; }
  51.110 +         public Object getElementAt(int i) { return strings[i]; }
  51.111 +      });
  51.112 +      lstMethods.setSelectionMode(javax.swing.ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION);
  51.113 +      jScrollPane1.setViewportView(lstMethods);
  51.114 +
  51.115 +      btnOk.setText(org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage(SelectMethodDialog.class, "SelectMethodDialog.btnOk.text")); // NOI18N
  51.116 +      btnOk.setEnabled(false);
  51.117 +      btnOk.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
  51.118 +         public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
  51.119 +            btnOkActionPerformed(evt);
  51.120 +         }
  51.121 +      });
  51.122 +
  51.123 +      javax.swing.GroupLayout layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(getContentPane());
  51.124 +      getContentPane().setLayout(layout);
  51.125 +      layout.setHorizontalGroup(
  51.126 +         layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING)
  51.127 +         .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup()
  51.128 +            .addContainerGap()
  51.129 +            .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING)
  51.130 +               .addComponent(jScrollPane1, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, 790, Short.MAX_VALUE)
  51.131 +               .addComponent(jLabel1)
  51.132 +               .addComponent(btnOk, javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.TRAILING))
  51.133 +            .addContainerGap())
  51.134 +      );
  51.135 +      layout.setVerticalGroup(
  51.136 +         layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING)
  51.137 +         .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup()
  51.138 +            .addContainerGap()
  51.139 +            .addComponent(jLabel1)
  51.140 +            .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED)
  51.141 +            .addComponent(jScrollPane1, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 242, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
  51.142 +            .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.UNRELATED)
  51.143 +            .addComponent(btnOk)
  51.144 +            .addContainerGap(javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
  51.145 +      );
  51.146 +
  51.147 +      pack();
  51.148 +   }// </editor-fold>//GEN-END:initComponents
  51.149 +
  51.150 +private void btnOkActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_btnOkActionPerformed
  51.151 +    this.setVisible(false);
  51.152 +}//GEN-LAST:event_btnOkActionPerformed
  51.153 +
  51.154 +
  51.155 +   // Variables declaration - do not modify//GEN-BEGIN:variables
  51.156 +   private javax.swing.JButton btnOk;
  51.157 +   private javax.swing.JLabel jLabel1;
  51.158 +   private javax.swing.JScrollPane jScrollPane1;
  51.159 +   private javax.swing.JList lstMethods;
  51.160 +   // End of variables declaration//GEN-END:variables
  51.161 +}
    52.1 --- a/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    52.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    52.3 @@ -59,16 +59,16 @@
    52.5  @ActionID(id = "org.netbeans.modules.plsql.execution.ViewDataAction", category = "PLSQL")
    52.6  @ActionRegistration(displayName = "#CTL_ViewDataAction")
    52.7 -@ActionReference(path = "Editors/text/x-plsql/Popup", position = 282)
    52.8 +@ActionReference(path = "Editors/text/x-plsql/Popup", position = 430)
    52.9  public final class ViewDataAction extends CookieAction {
   52.11      /**
   52.12 -     * Create a sql execution window for the selected methoad
   52.13 +     * Create a SQL execution window for the selected method
   52.14       * @param activatedNodes
   52.15       */
   52.16      @Override
   52.17      protected void performAction(Node[] activatedNodes) {
   52.18 -        String selectStatement = "SELECT ${*} FROM " + getSelectedViewOrTable(activatedNodes) + ";\n${cursor}";
   52.19 +        String selectStatement = "SELECT * FROM " + getSelectedViewOrTable(activatedNodes) + ";\n";
   52.20          SQLCommandWindow.createSQLCommandWindow(activatedNodes, selectStatement, null);
   52.21      }
    53.1 --- a/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/actions/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    53.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/actions/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    53.3 @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
    53.4  # and open the template in the editor.
    53.5  LBL_DatabaseNodeName=Database
    53.6  CTL_DeployFilesAction=Deploy Files...
    53.7 +CTL_DeployFilesOpenInEditorAction=Deploy Files Open in Editor...
    53.8  CTL_DeploySelectedCodeAction=Deploy Selection
    53.9  LBL_DeployDialogTitle=Select Files to Deploy
   53.10 -
   53.11 +OpenPlsqlFilesSelectorPanel.lblOpenFiles.text=Files Open In Editor
    54.1 --- a/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/actions/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    54.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/actions/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    54.3 @@ -41,32 +41,28 @@
    54.4   */
    54.5  package org.netbeans.modules.plsql.execution.actions;
    54.7 -import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseConnectionManager;
    54.8 +import;
    54.9 +import;
   54.10 +import java.util.List;
   54.11 +import java.util.Locale;
   54.12 +import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
   54.13 +import javax.swing.text.Document;
   54.14 +import org.netbeans.api.db.explorer.DatabaseConnection;
   54.15 +import org.netbeans.api.progress.ProgressHandle;
   54.16 +import org.netbeans.api.progress.ProgressHandleFactory;
   54.17 +import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
   54.18  import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.execution.PlsqlExecutableBlocksMaker;
   54.19  import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.execution.PlsqlFileExecutor;
   54.20  import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.utilities.PlsqlExecutorService;
   54.21 -import;
   54.22 -import javax.swing.text.Document;
   54.23 -import org.netbeans.api.progress.ProgressHandle;
   54.24 -import org.netbeans.api.progress.ProgressHandleFactory;
   54.25 -import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
   54.26 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseConnectionManager;
   54.27 +import org.openide.DialogDescriptor;
   54.28 +import org.openide.DialogDisplayer;
   54.29  import org.openide.cookies.EditorCookie;
   54.30 +import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
   54.31  import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
   54.32  import org.openide.nodes.Node;
   54.33 -import org.openide.util.Cancellable;
   54.34 -import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
   54.35 -import org.openide.util.HelpCtx;
   54.36 -import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
   54.37 -import org.openide.util.Task;
   54.38 +import org.openide.util.*;
   54.39  import org.openide.util.actions.CookieAction;
   54.40 -import;
   54.41 -import java.util.List;
   54.42 -import java.util.Locale;
   54.43 -import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
   54.44 -import org.netbeans.api.db.explorer.DatabaseConnection;
   54.45 -import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
   54.46 -import org.openide.util.Lookup;
   54.47 -import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor;
   54.48  import;
   54.49  import;
   54.50  import;
   54.51 @@ -76,210 +72,258 @@
   54.52   *
   54.53   * @author csamlk
   54.54   */
   54.55 -public class DeployFilesAction extends CookieAction {
   54.56 +public abstract class DeployFilesAction extends CookieAction {
   54.58 -   private static final PlsqlExecutorService executorService = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(PlsqlExecutorService.class);
   54.59 -   private Project project;
   54.60 -   //private DatabaseConnection connection;
   54.61 -   private Node[] activatedNodes;
   54.62 -   private static File lastLocation = null;
   54.63 +    private static final PlsqlExecutorService executorService = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(PlsqlExecutorService.class);
   54.64 +    private static final RequestProcessor RP = new RequestProcessor(DeployFilesAction.class);
   54.65 +    private Project project;
   54.66 +    private Node[] activatedNodes;
   54.68 -   @Override
   54.69 -   protected int mode() {
   54.70 -      return CookieAction.MODE_EXACTLY_ONE;
   54.71 -   }
   54.72 +    @Override
   54.73 +    protected int mode() {
   54.74 +        return CookieAction.MODE_EXACTLY_ONE;
   54.75 +    }
   54.77 -   @Override
   54.78 -   protected Class<?>[] cookieClasses() {
   54.79 -      return new Class[]{Project.class};
   54.80 -   }
   54.81 +    @Override
   54.82 +    protected Class<?>[] cookieClasses() {
   54.83 +        return new Class[]{Project.class};
   54.84 +    }
   54.86 -   @Override
   54.87 -   protected void performAction(Node[] arg0) {
   54.88 -      final JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser();
   54.89 -      fc.setMultiSelectionEnabled(true);
   54.90 -      fc.setCurrentDirectory(lastLocation);
   54.91 -      fc.setDialogTitle(NbBundle.getMessage(DeployFilesAction.class, "LBL_DeployDialogTitle"));
   54.92 -      fc.setApproveButtonText("OK");
   54.93 -      File[] files = null;
   54.94 -      int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(null);
   54.95 +    protected abstract File[] getFilesToDeploy();
   54.97 -      if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
   54.98 -         files = fc.getSelectedFiles();
   54.99 -         lastLocation = fc.getCurrentDirectory();
  54.100 -      }
  54.101 +    @Override
  54.102 +    protected boolean asynchronous() {
  54.103 +        return false;
  54.104 +    }
  54.106 -      if (files != null) {
  54.107 -         try {
  54.108 -            execute(files);
  54.109 -         } catch (IOException ex) {
  54.110 -            Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
  54.111 -         }
  54.112 -      }
  54.113 -   }
  54.114 +    @Override
  54.115 +    protected void performAction(Node[] arg0) {
  54.116 +        File[] files = getFilesToDeploy();
  54.117 +        if (files != null && files.length > 0) {
  54.118 +            try {
  54.119 +                execute(files);
  54.120 +            } catch (IOException ex) {
  54.121 +                Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
  54.122 +            }
  54.123 +        }
  54.124 +    }
  54.126 -   @Override
  54.127 -   public String getName() {
  54.128 -      return NbBundle.getMessage(DeployFilesAction.class, "CTL_DeployFilesAction");
  54.129 -   }
  54.130 +    @Override
  54.131 +    public abstract String getName();
  54.133 -   @Override
  54.134 -   public HelpCtx getHelpCtx() {
  54.135 -      return HelpCtx.DEFAULT_HELP;
  54.136 -   }
  54.137 +    @Override
  54.138 +    public HelpCtx getHelpCtx() {
  54.139 +        return HelpCtx.DEFAULT_HELP;
  54.140 +    }
  54.142 -   @Override
  54.143 -   protected boolean enable(Node[] activatedNodes) {
  54.144 -      this.activatedNodes = activatedNodes;
  54.145 -      if (!super.enable(activatedNodes)) {
  54.146 -         return false;
  54.147 -      }
  54.148 +    @Override
  54.149 +    protected boolean enable(Node[] activatedNodes) {
  54.150 +        this.activatedNodes = activatedNodes;
  54.151 +        if (!super.enable(activatedNodes)) {
  54.152 +            return false;
  54.153 +        }
  54.155 -      Project p = activatedNodes[0].getLookup().lookup(Project.class);
  54.156 +        Project p = activatedNodes[0].getLookup().lookup(Project.class);
  54.158 -      return DatabaseConnectionManager.getInstance(p).isOnline();
  54.159 -   }
  54.160 +        return DatabaseConnectionManager.getInstance(p).isOnline();
  54.161 +    }
  54.163 -   static void execute(DatabaseConnection connection, DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider, File[] files, boolean isTemporyFile) throws IOException {
  54.164 -      if (connection == null || connection.getJDBCConnection() == null) {
  54.165 -         return;
  54.166 -      }
  54.167 -      RequestProcessor processor = RequestProcessor.getDefault();
  54.168 - MultipleDbFileExecutionHandler(connection, connectionProvider, files, isTemporyFile));
  54.169 -   }
  54.170 +    static void execute(DatabaseConnection connection, DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider, File[] files, boolean isTemporyFile) throws IOException {
  54.171 +        if (connection == null || connection.getJDBCConnection() == null) {
  54.172 +            return;
  54.173 +        }
  54.174 + MultipleDbFileExecutionHandler(connection, connectionProvider, files, isTemporyFile));
  54.175 +    }
  54.177 -   private void execute(File[] files) throws IOException {
  54.178 -      DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider = null;
  54.179 -      project = activatedNodes[0].getLookup().lookup(Project.class);
  54.180 +    private void execute(File[] files) throws IOException {
  54.181 +        project = activatedNodes[0].getLookup().lookup(Project.class);
  54.183 -      connectionProvider = DatabaseConnectionManager.getInstance(project);
  54.184 -      RequestProcessor processor = RequestProcessor.getDefault();
  54.185 - MultipleDbFileExecutionHandler(connectionProvider, files));
  54.186 -   }
  54.187 +        DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider = DatabaseConnectionManager.getInstance(project);
  54.188 + MultipleDbFileExecutionHandler(connectionProvider, files));
  54.189 +    }
  54.191 -   private static class DeploymentError implements OutputListener {
  54.192 +    private static class DeploymentError implements OutputListener {
  54.194 -      private InputOutput errorTab;
  54.195 +        private InputOutput errorTab;
  54.197 -      public DeploymentError(InputOutput errorTab) {
  54.198 -         this.errorTab = errorTab;
  54.199 -      }
  54.200 +        public DeploymentError(InputOutput errorTab) {
  54.201 +            this.errorTab = errorTab;
  54.202 +        }
  54.204 -      @Override
  54.205 -      public void outputLineSelected(OutputEvent arg0) {
  54.206 -         //do nothing
  54.207 -      }
  54.208 +        @Override
  54.209 +        public void outputLineSelected(OutputEvent arg0) {
  54.210 +            //do nothing
  54.211 +        }
  54.213 -      @Override
  54.214 -      public void outputLineAction(OutputEvent arg0) {
  54.215 -         if (errorTab != null && !errorTab.isClosed()) {
  54.216 -  ;
  54.217 -         }
  54.218 -      }
  54.219 +        @Override
  54.220 +        public void outputLineAction(OutputEvent arg0) {
  54.221 +            if (errorTab != null && !errorTab.isClosed()) {
  54.222 +      ;
  54.223 +            }
  54.224 +        }
  54.226 -      @Override
  54.227 -      public void outputLineCleared(OutputEvent arg0) {
  54.228 -         //do nothing
  54.229 -      }
  54.230 -   }
  54.231 +        @Override
  54.232 +        public void outputLineCleared(OutputEvent arg0) {
  54.233 +            //do nothing
  54.234 +        }
  54.235 +    }
  54.237 -   private static class MultipleDbFileExecutionHandler implements Runnable, Cancellable {
  54.238 +    private static class MultipleDbFileExecutionHandler implements Runnable, Cancellable {
  54.240 -      private PlsqlFileExecutor executor;
  54.241 -      private boolean cancelDeployment = false;
  54.242 -      private final DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider;
  54.243 -      private DatabaseConnection connection = null;
  54.244 -      private final File[] files;
  54.245 -      private boolean isTemporyFile = false;
  54.246 +        private PlsqlFileExecutor executor;
  54.247 +        private boolean cancelDeployment = false;
  54.248 +        private final DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider;
  54.249 +        private DatabaseConnection connection = null;
  54.250 +        private final File[] files;
  54.251 +        private boolean isTemporyFile = false;
  54.253 -      public MultipleDbFileExecutionHandler(DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider, File[] files) {
  54.254 -         this.connectionProvider = connectionProvider;
  54.255 -         this.connection = null;
  54.256 -         this.files = files;
  54.257 -      }
  54.258 +        public MultipleDbFileExecutionHandler(DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider, File[] files) {
  54.259 +            this.connectionProvider = connectionProvider;
  54.260 +            this.connection = null;
  54.261 +            this.files = files;
  54.262 +        }
  54.264 -      public MultipleDbFileExecutionHandler(DatabaseConnection connection, DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider, File[] files, boolean isTemporyFile) {
  54.265 -         this.connectionProvider = connectionProvider;
  54.266 -         this.connection = connection;
  54.267 -         this.files = files;
  54.268 -         this.isTemporyFile = isTemporyFile;
  54.269 -      }
  54.270 +        public MultipleDbFileExecutionHandler(DatabaseConnection connection, DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider, File[] files, boolean isTemporyFile) {
  54.271 +            this.connectionProvider = connectionProvider;
  54.272 +            this.connection = connection;
  54.273 +            this.files = files;
  54.274 +            this.isTemporyFile = isTemporyFile;
  54.275 +        }
  54.277 -      @Override
  54.278 -      public void run() {
  54.279 -         List<String> executionOrder = executorService.getExecutionOrder();
  54.280 -         ProgressHandle handle = ProgressHandleFactory.createHandle("Deploying to database...", (Cancellable) this);
  54.281 -         cancelDeployment = false;
  54.282 -         //check if we're deploying to the "main" database. If so get a connection from the cache instead of using the "main" connection.
  54.283 -         if (connectionProvider != null && (connection == null || connection == connectionProvider.getTemplateConnection())) {
  54.284 -            connection = connectionProvider.getPooledDatabaseConnection(false);
  54.285 -         }
  54.286 -         try {
  54.287 -            handle.start();
  54.288 -            int count = 0;
  54.289 -            InputOutput io = IOProvider.getDefault().getIO("Deployment summary", false);
  54.290 -            io.getOut().reset();
  54.291 -            if (isTemporyFile) {
  54.292 -               io.getOut().println("Deploying to database");
  54.293 -            } else {
  54.294 -               io.getOut().println("Deploying database files");
  54.295 +        @Override
  54.296 +        public void run() {
  54.297 +            List<String> executionOrder = executorService.getExecutionOrder();
  54.298 +            ProgressHandle handle = ProgressHandleFactory.createHandle("Deploying to database...", (Cancellable) this);
  54.299 +            cancelDeployment = false;
  54.300 +            //check if we're deploying to the "main" database. If so get a connection from the cache instead of using the "main" connection.
  54.301 +            if (connectionProvider != null && (connection == null || connection == connectionProvider.getTemplateConnection())) {
  54.302 +                connection = connectionProvider.getPooledDatabaseConnection(false);
  54.303              }
  54.304 -            executor = new PlsqlFileExecutor(connectionProvider, connection);
  54.305 -            for (int typeIndex = 0; !cancelDeployment && typeIndex < executionOrder.size(); typeIndex++) {
  54.306 -               for (int i = 0; !cancelDeployment && i < files.length; i++) {
  54.307 -                  String fileName = files[i].getAbsolutePath();
  54.308 -                  DataObject obj = DataObject.find(FileUtil.toFileObject(files[i]));
  54.309 -                  if (obj != null) {
  54.310 -                     if (fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).endsWith(executionOrder.get(typeIndex))) {
  54.311 -                        //Load the editor cookier and allow parsing
  54.312 -                        EditorCookie ec = obj.getCookie(EditorCookie.class);
  54.313 -                        Task task = ec.prepareDocument();
  54.314 -                        task.waitFinished();
  54.315 -                        Document doc = ec.getDocument();
  54.316 -                        PlsqlExecutableBlocksMaker blockMaker = new PlsqlExecutableBlocksMaker(doc);
  54.317 -                        final List exeBlocks = blockMaker.makeExceutableObjects();
  54.318 -                        if (isTemporyFile) {
  54.319 -                           io.getOut().print("> Deploying...");
  54.320 -                        } else {
  54.321 -                           io.getOut().print("> Deploying " + fileName + "...");
  54.322 +            try {
  54.323 +                handle.start();
  54.324 +                int count = 0;
  54.325 +                InputOutput io = IOProvider.getDefault().getIO("Deployment summary", false);
  54.326 +                io.getOut().reset();
  54.327 +                if (isTemporyFile) {
  54.328 +                    io.getOut().println("Deploying to database");
  54.329 +                } else {
  54.330 +                    io.getOut().println("Deploying database files");
  54.331 +                }
  54.332 +                executor = new PlsqlFileExecutor(connectionProvider, connection);
  54.333 +                for (int typeIndex = 0; !cancelDeployment && typeIndex < executionOrder.size(); typeIndex++) {
  54.334 +                    for (int i = 0; !cancelDeployment && i < files.length; i++) {
  54.335 +                        String fileName = files[i].getAbsolutePath();
  54.336 +                        DataObject obj = DataObject.find(FileUtil.toFileObject(files[i]));
  54.337 +                        if (obj != null) {
  54.338 +                            if (fileName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).endsWith(executionOrder.get(typeIndex))) {
  54.339 +                                //Load the editor cookier and allow parsing
  54.340 +                                EditorCookie ec = obj.getCookie(EditorCookie.class);
  54.341 +                                Task task = ec.prepareDocument();
  54.342 +                                task.waitFinished();
  54.343 +                                Document doc = ec.getDocument();
  54.344 +                                PlsqlExecutableBlocksMaker blockMaker = new PlsqlExecutableBlocksMaker(doc);
  54.345 +                                final List exeBlocks = blockMaker.makeExceutableObjects();
  54.346 +                                if (isTemporyFile) {
  54.347 +                                    io.getOut().print("> Deploying...");
  54.348 +                                } else {
  54.349 +                                    io.getOut().print("> Deploying " + fileName + "...");
  54.350 +                                }
  54.351 +                                handle.setDisplayName("Deploying files to database (" + (++count) + ")");
  54.352 +                                InputOutput errorTab = executor.executePLSQL(exeBlocks, doc, true, true);
  54.353 +                                if (errorTab == null) {
  54.354 +                                    io.getOut().println("Ok");
  54.355 +                                } else {
  54.356 +                                    io.getOut().println("Failed");
  54.357 +                                    try {
  54.358 +                                        io.getErr().println("!!!Error deploying file " + fileName, new DeploymentError(errorTab));
  54.359 +                                    } catch (IOException ex) {
  54.360 +                                        Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
  54.361 +                                    }
  54.362 +                                    cancelDeployment = true;
  54.363 +                                }
  54.364 +                            }
  54.365                          }
  54.366 -                        handle.setDisplayName("Deploying files to database (" + (++count) + ")");
  54.367 -                        InputOutput errorTab = executor.executePLSQL(exeBlocks, doc, true, true);
  54.368 -                        if (errorTab == null) {
  54.369 -                           io.getOut().println("Ok");
  54.370 -                        } else {
  54.371 -                           io.getOut().println("Failed");
  54.372 -                           try {
  54.373 -                              io.getErr().println("!!!Error deploying file " + fileName, new DeploymentError(errorTab));
  54.374 -                           } catch (IOException ex) {
  54.375 -                              Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
  54.376 -                           }
  54.377 -                           cancelDeployment = true;
  54.378 -                        }
  54.379 -                     }
  54.380 -                  }
  54.381 -               }
  54.382 +                    }
  54.383 +                }
  54.384 +                io.getOut().close();
  54.385 +                io.getErr().close();
  54.386 +      ;
  54.387 +            } catch (IOException ex) {
  54.388 +                Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
  54.389 +            } finally {
  54.390 +                if (connectionProvider != null) {
  54.391 +                    connectionProvider.releaseDatabaseConnection(connection);
  54.392 +                }
  54.393 +                handle.finish();
  54.394              }
  54.395 -            io.getOut().close();
  54.396 -            io.getErr().close();
  54.397 -  ;
  54.398 -         } catch (IOException ex) {
  54.399 -            Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
  54.400 -         } finally {
  54.401 -            if (connectionProvider != null) {
  54.402 -               connectionProvider.releaseDatabaseConnection(connection);
  54.403 +        }
  54.404 +
  54.405 +        @Override
  54.406 +        public boolean cancel() {
  54.407 +            if (executor != null) {
  54.408 +                executor.cancel();
  54.409 +                cancelDeployment = true;
  54.410              }
  54.411 -            handle.finish();
  54.412 -         }
  54.413 -      }
  54.414 +            return true;
  54.415 +        }
  54.416 +    }
  54.418 -      @Override
  54.419 -      public boolean cancel() {
  54.420 -         if (executor != null) {
  54.421 -            executor.cancel();
  54.422 -            cancelDeployment = true;
  54.423 -         }
  54.424 -         return true;
  54.425 -      }
  54.426 -   }
  54.427 +    /*
  54.428 +     * Displays a file chooser dialog which can be used to browse and select arbitrary
  54.429 +     * files from disk to be deployed to the database.
  54.430 +     */
  54.431 +    
  54.432 +    public static class GenericDeployFilesAction extends DeployFilesAction {
  54.433 +
  54.434 +        private static File lastLocation = null;
  54.435 +
  54.436 +        @Override
  54.437 +        protected final File[] getFilesToDeploy() {
  54.438 +            final JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser();
  54.439 +            fc.setMultiSelectionEnabled(true);
  54.440 +            fc.setCurrentDirectory(lastLocation);
  54.441 +            fc.setDialogTitle(NbBundle.getMessage(DeployFilesAction.class, "LBL_DeployDialogTitle"));
  54.442 +            fc.setApproveButtonText("OK");
  54.443 +            int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(null);
  54.444 +            if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
  54.445 +                File[] files = fc.getSelectedFiles();
  54.446 +                lastLocation = fc.getCurrentDirectory();
  54.447 +                if (files != null) {
  54.448 +                    return files;
  54.449 +                }
  54.450 +            }
  54.451 +            return new File[0];
  54.452 +        }
  54.453 +
  54.454 +        @Override
  54.455 +        public String getName() {
  54.456 +            return NbBundle.getMessage(DeployFilesAction.class, "CTL_DeployFilesAction");
  54.457 +        }
  54.458 +    }
  54.459 +
  54.460 +    /*
  54.461 +     * Displays a dialog listing files currently open in the editor which makes it 
  54.462 +     * easy to select and deploy files to the database that are being worked on.
  54.463 +     */
  54.464 +    public static class DeployFilesOpenInEditorAction extends DeployFilesAction {
  54.465 +
  54.466 +        @Override
  54.467 +        protected final File[] getFilesToDeploy() {
  54.468 +            OpenPlsqlFilesSelectorPanel editorSelector = new OpenPlsqlFilesSelectorPanel();
  54.469 +            DialogDescriptor openFilesDialog = new DialogDescriptor(editorSelector, NbBundle.getMessage(DeployFilesOpenInEditorAction.class, "LBL_DeployDialogTitle"));
  54.470 +            DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(openFilesDialog);
  54.471 +            if (openFilesDialog.getValue().equals(DialogDescriptor.OK_OPTION)) {
  54.472 +                List<File> filesToDeploy = editorSelector.getOpenFiles();
  54.473 +                if (!filesToDeploy.isEmpty()) {
  54.474 +                    return filesToDeploy.toArray(new File[filesToDeploy.size()]);
  54.475 +                }
  54.476 +            }
  54.477 +            return new File[0];
  54.478 +        }
  54.479 +
  54.480 +        @Override
  54.481 +        public String getName() {
  54.482 +            return NbBundle.getMessage(DeployFilesAction.class, "CTL_DeployFilesOpenInEditorAction");
  54.483 +        }
  54.484 +    }
  54.485  }
    55.1 --- a/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/actions/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    55.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/actions/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    55.3 @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
    55.4  import;
    55.5  import;
    55.6  import;
    55.7 -
    55.8 +import java.util.List;
    55.9  import javax.swing.JEditorPane;
   55.10  import javax.swing.JMenu;
   55.11  import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
   55.12 @@ -54,7 +54,6 @@
   55.13  import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
   55.14  import javax.swing.text.Caret;
   55.15  import javax.swing.text.Document;
   55.16 -
   55.17  import org.netbeans.api.db.explorer.DatabaseConnection;
   55.18  import org.netbeans.api.project.FileOwnerQuery;
   55.19  import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
   55.20 @@ -75,7 +74,8 @@
   55.22  @ActionID(id = "org.netbeans.modules.plsql.execution.actions.DeploySelectedCodeAction", category = "PLSQL")
   55.23  @ActionRegistration(displayName = "#CTL_DeploySelectedCodeAction")
   55.24 -@ActionReference(path = "Editors/text/x-plsql/Popup", name = "org-netbeans-modules-plsql-execution-action-DeploySelectedCodeAction", position = 280)
   55.25 +@ActionReference(path = "Editors/text/x-plsql/Popup", name = "org-netbeans-modules-plsql-execution-action-DeploySelectedCodeAction",
   55.26 +position = 410)
   55.27  public final class DeploySelectedCodeAction extends CookieAction {
   55.29      private Node[] activatedNodes;
   55.30 @@ -86,7 +86,8 @@
   55.31      private final String TEMP_SQL_FILE_PREFIX = "Tempory";
   55.33      /**
   55.34 -     * Create a sql execution window for the selected methoad
   55.35 +     * Create a SQL execution window for the selected method
   55.36 +     *
   55.37       * @param activatedNodes
   55.38       */
   55.39      @Override
   55.40 @@ -127,6 +128,7 @@
   55.42      /**
   55.43       * Enable this action when right clicked on procedures or functions
   55.44 +     *
   55.45       * @param arg0
   55.46       * @return
   55.47       */
   55.48 @@ -180,13 +182,13 @@
   55.50          JMenu menu = new JMenu(getName());
   55.51          ActionListener buttonListener = new ButtonListener();
   55.52 -        DatabaseConnection[] databaseConnections = connectionProvider.getDatabaseConnections();
   55.53 -        for (int i = 0; i < databaseConnections.length; i++) {
   55.54 -            JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(databaseConnections[i].getName());
   55.55 -            item.putClientProperty(DATABASE_CONNECTION_KEY, databaseConnections[i]);
   55.56 +        List<DatabaseConnection> databaseConnections = connectionProvider.getDatabaseConnections();
   55.57 +        for (int i = 0; i < databaseConnections.size(); i++) {
   55.58 +            JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(databaseConnections.get(i).getName());
   55.59 +            item.putClientProperty(DATABASE_CONNECTION_KEY, databaseConnections.get(i));
   55.60              item.addActionListener(buttonListener);
   55.61              menu.add(item);
   55.62 -            if (i == 0 && databaseConnections.length > 1) {
   55.63 +            if (i == 0 && databaseConnections.size() > 1) {
   55.64                  menu.add(new JSeparator());
   55.65              }
   55.66          }
   55.67 @@ -208,15 +210,24 @@
   55.68                  Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
   55.69              }
   55.70              File tmpFile = null;
   55.71 +            FileWriter writer = null;
   55.72              try {
   55.73                  tmpFile = File.createTempFile(TEMP_SQL_FILE_PREFIX, ".sql",
   55.74                          FileUtil.toFile(project.getLookup().lookup(CacheDirectoryProvider.class).getCacheDirectory()));
   55.75                  tmpFile.deleteOnExit();
   55.76 -                FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(tmpFile);
   55.77 +                writer = new FileWriter(tmpFile);
   55.78                  writer.write(output);
   55.79 -                writer.close();
   55.80 +
   55.81              } catch (IOException ex) {
   55.82                  Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
   55.83 +            } finally {
   55.84 +                if (writer != null) {
   55.85 +                    try {
   55.86 +                        writer.close();
   55.87 +                    } catch (IOException ignore) {
   55.88 +                        // Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
   55.89 +                    }
   55.90 +                }
   55.91              }
   55.92              File[] files = {tmpFile};
   55.93              try {
    56.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    56.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/actions/OpenPlsqlFilesSelectorPanel.form	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    56.3 @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
    56.4 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    56.5 +
    56.6 +<Form version="1.5" maxVersion="1.6" type="org.netbeans.modules.form.forminfo.JPanelFormInfo">
    56.7 +  <AuxValues>
    56.8 +    <AuxValue name="FormSettings_autoResourcing" type="java.lang.Integer" value="1"/>
    56.9 +    <AuxValue name="FormSettings_autoSetComponentName" type="java.lang.Boolean" value="false"/>
   56.10 +    <AuxValue name="FormSettings_generateFQN" type="java.lang.Boolean" value="true"/>
   56.11 +    <AuxValue name="FormSettings_generateMnemonicsCode" type="java.lang.Boolean" value="true"/>
   56.12 +    <AuxValue name="FormSettings_i18nAutoMode" type="java.lang.Boolean" value="true"/>
   56.13 +    <AuxValue name="FormSettings_layoutCodeTarget" type="java.lang.Integer" value="2"/>
   56.14 +    <AuxValue name="FormSettings_listenerGenerationStyle" type="java.lang.Integer" value="0"/>
   56.15 +    <AuxValue name="FormSettings_variablesLocal" type="java.lang.Boolean" value="false"/>
   56.16 +    <AuxValue name="FormSettings_variablesModifier" type="java.lang.Integer" value="2"/>
   56.17 +  </AuxValues>
   56.18 +
   56.19 +  <Layout>
   56.20 +    <DimensionLayout dim="0">
   56.21 +      <Group type="103" groupAlignment="0" attributes="0">
   56.22 +          <Group type="102" alignment="0" attributes="0">
   56.23 +              <EmptySpace max="-2" attributes="0"/>
   56.24 +              <Group type="103" groupAlignment="0" attributes="0">
   56.25 +                  <Component id="jPanel1" alignment="0" pref="237" max="32767" attributes="0"/>
   56.26 +                  <Component id="lblOpenFiles" alignment="0" min="-2" max="-2" attributes="0"/>
   56.27 +              </Group>
   56.28 +              <EmptySpace max="-2" attributes="0"/>
   56.29 +          </Group>
   56.30 +      </Group>
   56.31 +    </DimensionLayout>
   56.32 +    <DimensionLayout dim="1">
   56.33 +      <Group type="103" groupAlignment="0" attributes="0">
   56.34 +          <Group type="102" alignment="0" attributes="0">
   56.35 +              <EmptySpace max="-2" attributes="0"/>
   56.36 +              <Component id="lblOpenFiles" min="-2" max="-2" attributes="0"/>
   56.37 +              <EmptySpace max="-2" attributes="0"/>
   56.38 +              <Component id="jPanel1" min="-2" pref="179" max="-2" attributes="0"/>
   56.39 +              <EmptySpace max="32767" attributes="0"/>
   56.40 +          </Group>
   56.41 +      </Group>
   56.42 +    </DimensionLayout>
   56.43 +  </Layout>
   56.44 +  <SubComponents>
   56.45 +    <Component class="javax.swing.JLabel" name="lblOpenFiles">
   56.46 +      <Properties>
   56.47 +        <Property name="text" type="java.lang.String" editor="org.netbeans.modules.i18n.form.FormI18nStringEditor">
   56.48 +          <ResourceString bundle="org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/actions/" key="OpenPlsqlFilesSelectorPanel.lblOpenFiles.text" replaceFormat="org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage({sourceFileName}.class, &quot;{key}&quot;)"/>
   56.49 +        </Property>
   56.50 +      </Properties>
   56.51 +    </Component>
   56.52 +    <Container class="javax.swing.JPanel" name="jPanel1">
   56.53 +
   56.54 +      <Layout class="org.netbeans.modules.form.compat2.layouts.DesignBorderLayout"/>
   56.55 +    </Container>
   56.56 +  </SubComponents>
   56.57 +</Form>
    57.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    57.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/actions/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    57.3 @@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
    57.4 +/*
    57.6 + *
    57.7 + * Copyright 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    57.8 + *
    57.9 + * Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
   57.10 + * Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
   57.11 + *
   57.12 + * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
   57.13 + * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
   57.14 + * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
   57.15 + * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
   57.16 + * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
   57.17 + *
   57.18 + * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
   57.19 + * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
   57.20 + * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
   57.21 + * Notice in each file and include the License file at
   57.22 + * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Oracle designates this
   57.23 + * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   57.24 + * by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
   57.25 + * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
   57.26 + * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
   57.27 + * your own identifying information:
   57.28 + * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
   57.29 + *
   57.30 + * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
   57.31 + * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
   57.32 + * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
   57.33 + * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
   57.34 + * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
   57.35 + * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
   57.36 + * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
   57.37 + * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
   57.38 + * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
   57.39 + * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
   57.40 + *
   57.41 + * Contributor(s):
   57.42 + *
   57.43 + * Portions Copyrighted 2011 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
   57.44 + */
   57.45 +package org.netbeans.modules.plsql.execution.actions;
   57.46 +
   57.47 +import java.awt.Component;
   57.48 +import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
   57.49 +import;
   57.50 +import java.util.*;
   57.51 +import javax.swing.*;
   57.52 +import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent;
   57.53 +import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
   57.54 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.filetype.PlsqlDataLoader;
   57.55 +import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
   57.56 +import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
   57.57 +import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
   57.58 +import org.openide.util.Lookup;
   57.59 +import;
   57.60 +import;
   57.61 +import;
   57.62 +
   57.63 +/**
   57.64 + *
   57.65 + * @author riralk 
   57.66 + * based on org.netbeans.modules.diff.EditorBufferSelectorPanel by Maros Sandor * 
   57.67 + */
   57.68 +class OpenPlsqlFilesSelectorPanel extends JPanel implements ListSelectionListener {
   57.69 +    
   57.70 +    private JList elementsList;
   57.71 +    private List<File> openFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
   57.72 +   
   57.73 +    public OpenPlsqlFilesSelectorPanel() {       
   57.74 +        initComponents();
   57.75 +        initEditorDocuments();
   57.76 +    }
   57.77 +
   57.78 +    private void initEditorDocuments() {
   57.79 +        elementsList = new JList() {
   57.80 +            @Override
   57.81 +            public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent event) {
   57.82 +                int index = locationToIndex(event.getPoint());
   57.83 +                if (index != -1) {
   57.84 +                    PlsqlFileListElement element = (PlsqlFileListElement) elementsList.getModel().getElementAt(index);
   57.85 +                    return element.fileObject.getPath();
   57.86 +                }
   57.87 +                return null;
   57.88 +            }                        
   57.89 +        };
   57.90 +        
   57.91 +        List<PlsqlFileListElement> elements = new ArrayList<PlsqlFileListElement>();
   57.92 +
   57.93 +        WindowManager wm = WindowManager.getDefault();
   57.94 +        Set<? extends Mode> modes = wm.getModes();
   57.95 +        for (Mode mode : modes) {
   57.96 +            if (wm.isEditorMode(mode)) {
   57.97 +                TopComponent[] tcs = mode.getTopComponents();
   57.98 +                for (TopComponent tc : tcs) {
   57.99 +                    Lookup lukap = tc.getLookup();
  57.100 +                    FileObject fo = lukap.lookup(FileObject.class);                    
  57.101 +                    if (fo == null) {
  57.102 +                        DataObject dobj = lukap.lookup(DataObject.class);                        
  57.103 +                        if (dobj != null) {
  57.104 +                            fo = dobj.getPrimaryFile();
  57.105 +                        }
  57.106 +                    }
  57.107 +                    if (fo != null && fo.getMIMEType().equals(PlsqlDataLoader.REQUIRED_MIME) && !fo.getExt().equals("tdb")) {
  57.108 +                        if (tc.getHtmlDisplayName() != null) {
  57.109 +                            elements.add(new PlsqlFileListElement(fo, tc.getHtmlDisplayName(), true));
  57.110 +                        } else {
  57.111 +                            elements.add(new PlsqlFileListElement(fo, tc.getName(), false));
  57.112 +                        }   
  57.113 +                    }
  57.114 +                }
  57.115 +            }
  57.116 +        }
  57.117 +
  57.118 +        elementsList.setListData(elements.toArray(new PlsqlFileListElement[elements.size()]));
  57.119 +        elementsList.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION);
  57.120 +        elementsList.addListSelectionListener(this);
  57.121 +        elementsList.setCellRenderer(new DefaultListCellRenderer() {
  57.122 +            @Override
  57.123 +            public Component getListCellRendererComponent (JList list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) {
  57.124 +                if (isSelected && value instanceof PlsqlFileListElement && ((PlsqlFileListElement) value).isHtml()) {
  57.125 +                    value = stripHtml(((PlsqlFileListElement) value).toString());
  57.126 +                }
  57.127 +                return super.getListCellRendererComponent(list, value, index, isSelected, cellHasFocus);
  57.128 +            }
  57.129 +
  57.130 +            private String stripHtml (String htmlText) {
  57.131 +                if (null == htmlText) {
  57.132 +                    return null;
  57.133 +                }
  57.134 +                String res = htmlText.replaceAll("<[^>]*>", ""); // NOI18N // NOI18N
  57.135 +                res = res.replaceAll("&nbsp;", " "); // NOI18N // NOI18N
  57.136 +                res = res.trim();
  57.137 +                return res;
  57.138 +            }
  57.139 +        });
  57.140 +
  57.141 +        JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(elementsList);
  57.142 +        jPanel1.add(sp);
  57.143 +    }
  57.144 +
  57.145 +    @Override
  57.146 +    public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
  57.147 +        if (e.getValueIsAdjusting() == false) {
  57.148 +            Object[] elements = elementsList.getSelectedValues();
  57.149 +            //reinitialize list
  57.150 +            openFiles = new ArrayList<File>();           
  57.151 +            if (elements != null && elements.length > 0) {
  57.152 +                for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
  57.153 +                    PlsqlFileListElement el = (PlsqlFileListElement) elements[i];
  57.154 +                    openFiles.add(FileUtil.normalizeFile(FileUtil.toFile(el.fileObject)));                   
  57.155 +                }               
  57.156 +            }
  57.157 +        }
  57.158 +    }
  57.159 +
  57.160 +    /** This method is called from within the constructor to
  57.161 +     * initialize the form.
  57.162 +     * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is
  57.163 +     * always regenerated by the Form Editor.
  57.164 +     */
  57.165 +    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
  57.166 +    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Generated Code">//GEN-BEGIN:initComponents
  57.167 +    private void initComponents() {
  57.168 +
  57.169 +        lblOpenFiles = new javax.swing.JLabel();
  57.170 +        jPanel1 = new javax.swing.JPanel();
  57.171 +
  57.172 +        org.openide.awt.Mnemonics.setLocalizedText(lblOpenFiles, org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage(OpenPlsqlFilesSelectorPanel.class, "OpenPlsqlFilesSelectorPanel.lblOpenFiles.text")); // NOI18N
  57.173 +
  57.174 +        jPanel1.setLayout(new java.awt.BorderLayout());
  57.175 +
  57.176 +        org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout layout = new org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout(this);
  57.177 +        this.setLayout(layout);
  57.178 +        layout.setHorizontalGroup(
  57.179 +            layout.createParallelGroup(org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.LEADING)
  57.180 +            .add(layout.createSequentialGroup()
  57.181 +                .addContainerGap()
  57.182 +                .add(layout.createParallelGroup(org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.LEADING)
  57.183 +                    .add(jPanel1, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, 237, Short.MAX_VALUE)
  57.184 +                    .add(lblOpenFiles))
  57.185 +                .addContainerGap())
  57.186 +        );
  57.187 +        layout.setVerticalGroup(
  57.188 +            layout.createParallelGroup(org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.LEADING)
  57.189 +            .add(layout.createSequentialGroup()
  57.190 +                .addContainerGap()
  57.191 +                .add(lblOpenFiles)
  57.192 +                .addPreferredGap(org.jdesktop.layout.LayoutStyle.RELATED)
  57.193 +                .add(jPanel1, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 179, org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
  57.194 +                .addContainerGap(org.jdesktop.layout.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
  57.195 +        );
  57.196 +    }// </editor-fold>//GEN-END:initComponents
  57.197 +
  57.198 +
  57.199 +    // Variables declaration - do not modify//GEN-BEGIN:variables
  57.200 +    private javax.swing.JPanel jPanel1;
  57.201 +    private javax.swing.JLabel lblOpenFiles;
  57.202 +    // End of variables declaration//GEN-END:variables
  57.203 +
  57.204 +    /**
  57.205 +     * @return the openFileSet
  57.206 +     */
  57.207 +    public List<File> getOpenFiles() {
  57.208 +        return Collections.unmodifiableList(openFiles);
  57.209 +    }
  57.210 +
  57.211 +    
  57.212 +    private static class PlsqlFileListElement {
  57.213 +        FileObject      fileObject;
  57.214 +        String          displayName;
  57.215 +        private final boolean html;
  57.216 +
  57.217 +        PlsqlFileListElement(FileObject tc, String displayName, boolean isHtml) {
  57.218 +            this.fileObject = tc;
  57.219 +            this.displayName = displayName;
  57.220 +            this.html = isHtml;
  57.221 +        }
  57.222 +
  57.223 +        @Override
  57.224 +        public String toString() {
  57.225 +            return displayName;
  57.226 +        }
  57.227 +        
  57.228 +        public boolean isHtml () {
  57.229 +            return html;
  57.230 +        }
  57.231 +    }
  57.232 +}
    58.1 --- a/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/layer.xml	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    58.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Execution/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/execution/layer.xml	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    58.3 @@ -4,9 +4,12 @@
    58.4      <folder name="Databases">
    58.5          <folder name="Nodes">
    58.6              <folder name="Oracle">
    58.7 -                <file name="org-netbeans-modules-plsql-execution-actions-DeployFilesAction.instance">
    58.8 +                <file name="org-netbeans-modules-plsql-execution-actions-DeployFilesAction$GenericDeployFilesAction.instance">
    58.9                      <attr name="position" intvalue="110"/>
   58.10                  </file>
   58.11 +                <file name="org-netbeans-modules-plsql-execution-actions-DeployFilesAction$DeployFilesOpenInEditorAction.instance">
   58.12 +                    <attr name="position" intvalue="120"/>
   58.13 +                </file>
   58.14              </folder>
   58.15          </folder>
   58.16      </folder>
   58.17 @@ -46,7 +49,7 @@
   58.18                              <attr name="position" intvalue="19400"/>
   58.19                          </file>
   58.20                          <file name="org-netbeans-modules-plsql-execution-PlsqlExecuteAction.instance">
   58.21 -                            <attr bundlevalue="org.netbeans.modules.plsql.execution.Bundle#CTL_fileExecution" name="displayName"/>
   58.22 +                            <attr bundlevalue="org.netbeans.modules.plsql.execution.Bundle#CTL_ExecutionDescription" name="displayName"/>
   58.23                              <attr name="position" intvalue="19500"/>
   58.24                          </file>
   58.25                  <!-- <file name="org-netbeans-modules-plsql-execution-PlsqlCommitAction.instance">
    59.1 --- a/PLSQL/FileType/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    59.2 +++ b/PLSQL/FileType/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    59.3 @@ -6,6 +6,6 @@
    59.4  OpenIDE-Module-Localizing-Bundle: org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/
    59.6  OpenIDE-Module-Requires: org.netbeans.api.javahelp.Help
    59.7 -OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.8.10
    59.8 +OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.8.13
    59.9  AutoUpdate-Show-In-Client: false
    60.1 --- a/PLSQL/FileType/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    60.2 +++ b/PLSQL/FileType/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    60.3 @@ -90,21 +90,22 @@
    60.4             if (connection.getJDBCConnection() != null) {
    60.6                 DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider = DatabaseConnectionManager.getInstance(dataObject);
    60.7 -
    60.8 -               if (DatabaseConnectionManager.getInstance(dataObject).hasDataToCommit(connection)) {
    60.9 -                   String msg = "There are pending transactions in the database. Do you want to commit?";
   60.10 -                   String title = dataObject.getNodeDelegate().getDisplayName();
   60.11 -                   int result = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, msg, title, JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, null, null);
   60.12 -                   if (result == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
   60.13 -                       //commit
   60.14 -                       connectionProvider.commitRollbackTransactions(connection, true);
   60.15 -                   } else if (result == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) {
   60.16 -                       //rollback
   60.17 -                       connectionProvider.commitRollbackTransactions(connection, false);
   60.18 -                   } else {
   60.19 -                       return false;
   60.20 +               if(connectionProvider.testConnection(connection)){
   60.21 +                   if (DatabaseConnectionManager.getInstance(dataObject).hasDataToCommit(connection)) {
   60.22 +                       String msg = "There are pending transactions in the database. Do you want to commit?";
   60.23 +                       String title = dataObject.getNodeDelegate().getDisplayName();
   60.24 +                       int result = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, msg, title, JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null, null, null);
   60.25 +                       if (result == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
   60.26 +                           //commit
   60.27 +                           connectionProvider.commitRollbackTransactions(connection, true);
   60.28 +                       } else if (result == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) {
   60.29 +                           //rollback
   60.30 +                           connectionProvider.commitRollbackTransactions(connection, false);
   60.31 +                       } else {
   60.32 +                           return false;
   60.33 +                       }
   60.34                     }
   60.35 -               }
   60.36 +               } 
   60.37             }
   60.38             FileUtil.toFile(dataObject.getPrimaryFile()).delete();
   60.39         }
    61.1 --- a/PLSQL/FileType/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/layer.xml	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    61.2 +++ b/PLSQL/FileType/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/layer.xml	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    61.3 @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
    61.4  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    61.5  <!DOCTYPE filesystem PUBLIC "-//NetBeans//DTD Filesystem 1.2//EN" "">
    61.6 -<filesystem>   
    61.7 +<filesystem>
    61.8     <folder name="Loaders">
    61.9        <folder name="text">
   61.10              <folder name="x-plsql">
   61.11 @@ -56,11 +56,11 @@
   61.12        </folder>
   61.13     </folder>
   61.14     <folder name="Services">
   61.15 -      <folder name="JavaHelp">
   61.16 +<!--      <folder name="JavaHelp">
   61.17           <file name="org-netbeans-modules-plsql-helpset.xml" url="plsql-helpset.xml">
   61.18              <attr name="position" intvalue="4230"/>
   61.19           </file>
   61.20 -      </folder>
   61.21 +      </folder>-->
   61.22        <folder name="MIMEResolver">
   61.23           <file name="PlsqlResolver.xml" url="PlsqlResolver.xml">
   61.24              <attr name="position" intvalue="2"/>
   61.25 @@ -72,64 +72,15 @@
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   61.33 -            <attr name="templateWizardURL" urlvalue="nbresloc:/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/api.html"/>
   61.34 -            <attr name="position" intvalue="1"/>
   61.35 -         </file>
   61.36 -         <file name="LogicalUnit.apy" url="resources/template.apy">
   61.37 -            <attr name="SystemFileSystem.localizingBundle" stringvalue="org.netbeans.modules.plsql.filetype.Bundle"/>
   61.38 -            <attr name="template" boolvalue="true"/>
   61.39 -            <attr name="templateCategory" stringvalue="pl-sql"/>
   61.40 -            <attr name="templateWizardURL" urlvalue="nbresloc:/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/apy.html"/>
   61.41 -            <attr name="position" intvalue="2"/>
   61.42 -         </file>
   61.43 -         <file name="Report.rdf" url="resources/template.rdf">
   61.44 -            <attr name="SystemFileSystem.localizingBundle" stringvalue="org.netbeans.modules.plsql.filetype.Bundle"/>
   61.45 -            <attr name="template" boolvalue="true"/>
   61.46 -            <attr name="templateCategory" stringvalue="pl-sql"/>
   61.47 -            <attr name="templateWizardURL" urlvalue="nbresloc:/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/rdf.html"/>
   61.48 -            <attr name="position" intvalue="3"/>
   61.49 -         </file>
   61.50 -         <file name="Module.cre" url="resources/template.cre">
   61.51 -            <attr name="SystemFileSystem.localizingBundle" stringvalue="org.netbeans.modules.plsql.filetype.Bundle"/>
   61.52 -            <attr name="template" boolvalue="true"/>
   61.53 -            <attr name="templateCategory" stringvalue="pl-sql"/>
   61.54 -            <attr name="templateWizardURL" urlvalue="nbresloc:/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/cre.html"/>
   61.55 -            <attr name="position" intvalue="4"/>
   61.56 -         </file>
   61.57 -         <file name="Script.cdb" url="resources/template.cdb">
   61.58 -            <attr name="SystemFileSystem.localizingBundle" stringvalue="org.netbeans.modules.plsql.filetype.Bundle"/>
   61.59 -            <attr name="template" boolvalue="true"/>
   61.60 -            <attr name="templateCategory" stringvalue="pl-sql"/>
   61.61 -            <attr name="templateWizardURL" urlvalue="nbresloc:/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/cdb.html"/>
   61.62 -            <attr name="position" intvalue="5"/>
   61.63 -         </file>
   61.64 -         <file name="Script.upg" url="resources/template.upg">
   61.65 -            <attr name="SystemFileSystem.localizingBundle" stringvalue="org.netbeans.modules.plsql.filetype.Bundle"/>
   61.66 -            <attr name="template" boolvalue="true"/>
   61.67 -            <attr name="templateCategory" stringvalue="pl-sql"/>
   61.68 -            <attr name="templateWizardURL" urlvalue="nbresloc:/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/upg.html"/>
   61.69 -            <attr name="position" intvalue="6"/>
   61.70 -         </file>
   61.71           <file name="Empty.sql">
   61.72              <attr name="SystemFileSystem.localizingBundle" stringvalue="org.netbeans.modules.plsql.filetype.Bundle"/>
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   61.74 +                <attr name="template" boolvalue="true"/>
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   61.76              <attr name="templateWizardURL" urlvalue="nbresloc:/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/empty.html"/>
   61.77              <attr name="position" intvalue="7"/>
   61.78           </file>
   61.79 -         <file name="InsertScript.ins" url="resources/template.ins">
   61.80 -            <attr name="SystemFileSystem.localizingBundle" stringvalue="org.netbeans.modules.plsql.filetype.Bundle"/>
   61.81 -            <attr name="template" boolvalue="true"/>
   61.82 -            <attr name="templateCategory" stringvalue="pl-sql"/>
   61.83 -            <attr name="templateWizardURL" urlvalue="nbresloc:/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/ins.html"/>
   61.84 -            <attr name="position" intvalue="8"/>
   61.85 -         </file>
   61.86        </folder>
   61.87 -   </folder>   
   61.88 +   </folder>
   61.89     <folder name="Actions">
   61.90        <folder name="PLSQL">
   61.91           <attr name="SystemFileSystem.localizingBundle" stringvalue="org.netbeans.modules.plsql.filetype.Bundle"/>
    62.1 --- a/PLSQL/FileType/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/api.html	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
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    62.5 -<html xmlns="">
    62.6 -  <head><title/></head>
    62.7 -  <body>
    62.8 -     <div>Creates a new utility logical unit specification (API file).</div>
    62.9 -  </body>
   62.10 -</html>
   62.11 \ No newline at end of file
    63.1 --- a/PLSQL/FileType/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/apy.html	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    63.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    63.3 @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
    63.4 -<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
    63.5 -<html xmlns="">
    63.6 -  <head><title/></head>
    63.7 -  <body>
    63.8 -     <div>Creates a new utility logical unit implementation (APY file).</div>
    63.9 -  </body>
   63.10 -</html>
   63.11 \ No newline at end of file
    64.1 Binary file PLSQL/FileType/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/badge_api.png has changed
    65.1 Binary file PLSQL/FileType/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/badge_apy.png has changed
    66.1 Binary file PLSQL/FileType/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/badge_cdb.png has changed
    67.1 Binary file PLSQL/FileType/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/badge_cre.png has changed
    68.1 Binary file PLSQL/FileType/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/badge_rdf.png has changed
    69.1 Binary file PLSQL/FileType/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/badge_upg.png has changed
    70.1 --- a/PLSQL/FileType/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/cdb.html	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    70.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    70.3 @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
    70.4 -<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
    70.5 -<html xmlns="">
    70.6 -  <head><title/></head>
    70.7 -  <body>
    70.8 -     <div>Creates a new database change script (CDB file).</div>
    70.9 -  </body>
   70.10 -</html>
   70.11 \ No newline at end of file
    71.1 --- a/PLSQL/FileType/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/cre.html	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    71.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    71.3 @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
    71.4 -<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
    71.5 -<html xmlns="">
    71.6 -  <head><title/></head>
    71.7 -  <body>
    71.8 -     <div>Creates a new database creation script (CRE file).</div>
    71.9 -  </body>
   71.10 -</html>
   71.11 \ No newline at end of file
    72.1 --- a/PLSQL/FileType/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/ins.html	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    72.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    72.3 @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
    72.4 -<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
    72.5 -<html xmlns="">
    72.6 -  <head><title/></head>
    72.7 -  <body>
    72.8 -     <div>Creates a new insert script (INS file).</div>
    72.9 -  </body>
   72.10 -</html>
   72.11 \ No newline at end of file
    73.1 --- a/PLSQL/FileType/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/rdf.html	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    73.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    73.3 @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
    73.4 -<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
    73.5 -<html xmlns="">
    73.6 -  <head><title/></head>
    73.7 -  <body>
    73.8 -     <div>Creates a new report definition.</div>
    73.9 -  </body>
   73.10 -</html>
   73.11 \ No newline at end of file
    74.1 --- a/PLSQL/FileType/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/template.api	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    74.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    74.3 @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
    74.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    74.5 ---
    74.6 ---  Logical unit: <<<LU: Put your LU name here>>>
    74.7 ---
    74.8 ---  IFS Developer Studio Template Version 2.5
    74.9 ---
   74.10 ---  Date    Sign    History
   74.11 ---  ------  ------  ---------------------------------------------------------
   74.12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   74.13 -
   74.14 -DEFINE MODULE        = <<<MODULE:   Put your module name here>>>
   74.15 -DEFINE LU            = <<<LU:       Put your lu name here>>>
   74.16 -DEFINE PKG           = <<<PKG:      Put your package name here>>>
   74.17 -
   74.18 -PROMPT Creating &PKG specification
   74.19 -
   74.21 -
   74.22 -module_  CONSTANT VARCHAR2(25) := '&MODULE'; 
   74.23 -lu_name_ CONSTANT VARCHAR2(25) := '&LU'; 
   74.24 -lu_type_ CONSTANT VARCHAR2(15) := 'Utility';
   74.25 -
   74.26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   74.27 --------------------- LU SPECIFIC PRIVATE METHODS ----------------------------
   74.28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   74.29 -
   74.30 -
   74.31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   74.32 --------------------- LU SPECIFIC PROTECTED METHODS --------------------------
   74.33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   74.34 -
   74.35 -
   74.36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   74.37 --------------------- LU SPECIFIC PUBLIC METHODS -----------------------------
   74.38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   74.39 -
   74.40 -
   74.41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   74.42 --------------------- FOUNDATION1 METHODS ------------------------------------
   74.43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   74.44 -
   74.45 -PROCEDURE Init;
   74.46 -
   74.47 -END &PKG;
   74.48 -/
   74.49 -SHOW ERROR
   74.50 -
   74.52 -UNDEFINE LU
   74.53 -UNDEFINE PKG
    75.1 --- a/PLSQL/FileType/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/template.apy	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    75.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    75.3 @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
    75.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    75.5 ---
    75.6 ---  Logical unit: <<<LU: Put your LU name here>>>
    75.7 ---
    75.8 ---  IFS Developer Studio Template Version 2.5
    75.9 ---
   75.10 ---  Date    Sign    History
   75.11 ---  ------  ------  ---------------------------------------------------------
   75.12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   75.13 -
   75.14 -DEFINE MODULE        = <<<MODULE:   Put your module name here>>>
   75.15 -DEFINE LU            = <<<LU:       Put your lu name here>>>
   75.16 -DEFINE PKG           = <<<PKG:      Put your package name here>>>
   75.17 -
   75.18 -PROMPT Creating &PKG specification
   75.19 -
   75.21 -
   75.22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   75.23 --------------------- LU SPECIFIC IMPLEMENTATION METHODS ---------------------
   75.24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   75.25 -
   75.26 -
   75.27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   75.28 --------------------- LU SPECIFIC PRIVATE METHODS ----------------------------
   75.29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   75.30 -
   75.31 -
   75.32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   75.33 --------------------- LU SPECIFIC PROTECTED METHODS --------------------------
   75.34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   75.35 -
   75.36 -
   75.37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   75.38 --------------------- LU SPECIFIC PUBLIC METHODS -----------------------------
   75.39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   75.40 -
   75.41 -
   75.42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   75.43 --------------------- FOUNDATION1 METHODS ------------------------------------
   75.44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   75.45 -
   75.46 -PROCEDURE Init;
   75.47 -
   75.48 -END &PKG;
   75.49 -/
   75.50 -SHOW ERROR
   75.51 -
   75.53 -UNDEFINE LU
   75.54 -UNDEFINE PKG
    76.1 --- a/PLSQL/FileType/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/template.cdb	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    76.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    76.3 @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
    76.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    76.5 ---  Module : <<<Module name here>>>
    76.6 ---  
    76.7 ---  File   : <<<Put your name here>>>.CDB
    76.8 ---
    76.9 ---  IFS/Design Template Version 2.3
   76.10 ---
   76.11 ---  Date    Sign  History
   76.12 ---  ------  ----  -----------------------------------------------------------
   76.13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   76.14 -
   76.15 -
   76.16 -
    77.1 --- a/PLSQL/FileType/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/template.cre	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    77.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    77.3 @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
    77.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    77.5 ---  Module : <<<Module name here>>>
    77.6 ---  
    77.7 ---  File   : <<<Put your name here>>>.CRE
    77.8 ---
    77.9 ---  IFS/Design Template Version 2.3
   77.10 ---
   77.11 ---  Date    Sign  History
   77.12 ---  ------  ----  -----------------------------------------------------------
   77.13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   77.14 -
   77.15 -
   77.16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   77.17 --------------------- TABLES AND INDEXES -------------------------------------
   77.18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   77.19 -
   77.20 -PROMPT Creating tables and indexes
   77.21 -
    78.1 --- a/PLSQL/FileType/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/template.ins	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    78.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    78.3 @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
    78.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    78.5 ---  Module : <<<Module name here>>>
    78.6 ---
    78.7 ---  Purpose: <<<Purpose>>>
    78.8 ---
    78.9 ---  File   : <<<Put your name here>>>.INS
   78.10 ---
   78.11 ---  IFS/Design Template Version 2.3
   78.12 ---
   78.13 ---  Date    Sign  History
   78.14 ---  ------  ----  -----------------------------------------------------------
   78.15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   78.16 -
   78.17 -
   78.18 -
    79.1 --- a/PLSQL/FileType/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/template.rdf	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    79.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    79.3 @@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
    79.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    79.5 ---
    79.6 ---  Logical unit: <<< Enter your logical unit description here >>>
    79.7 ---
    79.8 ---  File:         TEMPLATE.RDF
    79.9 ---  Version:      Foundation1 2.2
   79.10 ---
   79.11 ---  Date    Sign  History
   79.12 ---  ------  ----  -----------------------------------------------------------
   79.13 ---
   79.14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   79.15 -
   79.16 -define MODULE      = <<<MODULE:  Put your module name here>>>
   79.17 -define LU          = <<<LU: Put your logical unit here>>>
   79.18 -define PKG         = <<<PKG: Put your Package name here>>>
   79.19 -
   79.20 -define TABLE       = <<<TABLE: Put your generic Report Table here>>>
   79.21 -define RAWVIEW     = <<<RAWVIEW: Put your view showing Report Table here>>>
   79.22 -define VIEW        = <<<VIEW: Put your Report View here>>>
   79.23 -define METHOD      = <<<METHOD: Put your Report Method here>>>
   79.24 -
   79.25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   79.26 --- PACKAGE SPECIFICATION:     
   79.27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   79.28 -
   79.29 -PROMPT Creating &PKG specification
   79.30 -
   79.32 -
   79.33 -module_ CONSTANT VARCHAR2(6) := '&MODULE';
   79.34 -lu_name_ CONSTANT VARCHAR2(25) := '&LU';
   79.35 -
   79.37 -   report_attr_    IN VARCHAR2,
   79.38 -   parameter_attr_ IN VARCHAR2 );
   79.39 -
   79.40 -END &PKG;
   79.41 -/
   79.42 -SHOW ERROR
   79.43 -
   79.44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   79.45 --- REPORTS                     
   79.46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   79.47 -
   79.48 -PROMPT Refreshing RPV view &RAWVIEW
   79.49 -
   79.50 -BEGIN
   79.51 -   Report_SYS.Refresh_RPV_View ('&RAWVIEW', '&TABLE');
   79.52 -END;
   79.53 -/
   79.54 -
   79.55 -PROMPT Creating report view &VIEW
   79.56 -
   79.58 -SELECT RESULT_KEY                    RESULT_KEY,
   79.59 -       ROW_NO                        ROW_NO
   79.60 -FROM   &RAWVIEW
   79.61 -WITH   read only;
   79.62 -
   79.66 -
   79.68 -   'FLAGS=M----^DATATYPE=NUMBER^';
   79.70 -   'FLAGS=M----^DATATYPE=NUMBER^';
   79.71 -
   79.72 -
   79.73 -begin
   79.74 -   Report_SYS.Refresh_('&VIEW');   
   79.75 -end;   
   79.76 -/
   79.77 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   79.79 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   79.80 -
   79.81 -PROMPT Creating &PKG implementation
   79.82 -
   79.84 -
   79.86 -   report_attr_    IN VARCHAR2,
   79.87 -   parameter_attr_ IN VARCHAR2 )
   79.88 -IS
   79.89 -   result_key_ NUMBER;
   79.90 -   row_no_     NUMBER := 1;
   79.91 -BEGIN
   79.92 -   result_key_ := Client_SYS.Attr_Value_To_Number(Client_SYS.Get_Item_Value('RESULT_KEY', report_attr_));
   79.93 -END &METHOD;
   79.94 -
   79.95 -END &PKG;
   79.96 -/
   79.97 -SHOW ERROR
   79.98 -
   79.99 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  79.100 --- END
  79.101 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  79.102 -
    80.1 --- a/PLSQL/FileType/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/template.upg	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    80.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    80.3 @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
    80.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    80.5 ---  Module : <<<Module name here>>>
    80.6 ---
    80.7 ---  Purpose: <<<Purpose>>>
    80.8 ---
    80.9 ---  File   : <<<Put your name here>>>.UPG
   80.10 ---
   80.11 ---  IFS/Design Template Version 2.3
   80.12 ---
   80.13 ---  Date    Sign  History
   80.14 ---  ------  ----  -----------------------------------------------------------
   80.15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   80.16 -
   80.17 -
   80.18 -
    81.1 --- a/PLSQL/FileType/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/filetype/resources/upg.html	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    81.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    81.3 @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
    81.4 -<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
    81.5 -<html xmlns="">
    81.6 -  <head><title/></head>
    81.7 -  <body>
    81.8 -     <div>Creates a new database upgrade script (UPG file).</div>
    81.9 -  </body>
   81.10 -</html>
   81.11 \ No newline at end of file
    82.1 --- a/PLSQL/Formatter/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    82.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Formatter/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    82.3 @@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
    82.4  OpenIDE-Module-Layer: org/netbeans/modules/plsql/format/layer.xml
    82.5  OpenIDE-Module-Localizing-Bundle: org/netbeans/modules/plsql/format/Bu
    82.7 -OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.9.15
    82.8 +OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.9.20
    82.9  AutoUpdate-Show-In-Client: false
    83.1 --- a/PLSQL/Formatter/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/format/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    83.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Formatter/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/format/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    83.3 @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
    83.4   */
    83.5  package org.netbeans.modules.plsql.format;
    83.7 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.lexer.PlsqlBlockFactory;
    83.8  import;
    83.9  import java.util.Arrays;
   83.10  import java.util.HashSet;
   83.11 @@ -68,7 +69,8 @@
   83.12   */
   83.13  public class PlsqlFormatter extends ExtFormatter {
   83.15 -    private boolean isIndentOnly = false;
   83.16 +    private boolean isAutoIndent = true;
   83.17 +    private boolean isAutoUppercase = true;
   83.18      private boolean isTyping = false;
   83.20      public PlsqlFormatter(Class kitClass) {
   83.21 @@ -205,7 +207,7 @@
   83.22       */
   83.23      @Override
   83.24      public int[] getReformatBlock(JTextComponent target, String arg1) {
   83.25 -        if (isIndentOnly || arg1.length() != 1) //We dont need to consider spaces
   83.26 +        if (arg1.length() != 1) //We dont need to consider spaces
   83.27          {
   83.28              return null;
   83.29          }
   83.30 @@ -237,7 +239,7 @@
   83.31              DataObject dataObj = null;
   83.32              Object obj = doc.getProperty(Document.StreamDescriptionProperty);
   83.33              if (obj instanceof DataObject) {
   83.34 -                dataObj = (DataObject) obj;
   83.35 +               dataObj = (DataObject) obj;
   83.36              }
   83.38              if (dataObj == null) {
   83.39 @@ -250,8 +252,9 @@
   83.41                  //Get indent only value from the preferences
   83.42                  Preferences prefs = MimeLookup.getLookup(PlsqlEditorKit.MIME_TYPE).lookup(Preferences.class);
   83.43 -                isIndentOnly = prefs.getBoolean("indentOnly", false);
   83.44 -
   83.45 +                isAutoIndent = prefs.getBoolean("autoIndent", true); 
   83.46 +                isAutoUppercase = prefs.getBoolean("autoUppercase", true);
   83.47 +                
   83.48                  try {
   83.49                      PlsqlFormatSupport plsqlFormatSup = (PlsqlFormatSupport) createFormatSupport(fw);
   83.50                      FormatTokenPosition pos = plsqlFormatSup.getFormatStartPosition();
   83.51 @@ -272,38 +275,29 @@
   83.53                          if (pos != null && pos.getToken() != null) {
   83.54                              //if a new line indent
   83.55 -                            if (!isIndentOnly) {
   83.56 +                            if (isAutoUppercase) {
   83.57                                  plsqlFormatSup.formatKeyWords(plsqlFormatSup, pos, blockFactory, startOffset - colStart);
   83.58                                  if (startOffset != -1 && pane != null) {
   83.59                                      pane.setCaretPosition(startOffset);  // set the correct caret position                           
   83.60                                  }
   83.61                              }
   83.62 -
   83.63 -//                         FormatTokenPosition firstNWS = plsqlFormatSup.findLineFirstNonWhitespace(pos);
   83.64 -//                         if (firstNWS != null && firstNWS.getToken().getImage().equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
   83.65 -//                             plsqlFormatSup.indentLine(pos);
   83.66 -//                         }
   83.67                          }
   83.68                          isTyping = false;
   83.69                          return;
   83.70                      }
   83.71 -//                      
   83.72 -                    //pos = formatPreviousLine(pos,plsqlFormatSup);
   83.73 -
   83.74 +                    if (isAutoUppercase) {
   83.75 +                        if (startOffset == -1) {
   83.76 +                            plsqlFormatSup.formatLine(plsqlFormatSup, pos, blockFactory);
   83.77 +                        } else {
   83.78 +                            plsqlFormatSup.formatKeyWords(plsqlFormatSup, pos, blockFactory, startOffset - colStart);
   83.79 +                        }
   83.80 +                    }
   83.81 +                    if(isAutoIndent){
   83.82                      while (pos != null) {
   83.83                          // Indent the current line
   83.85                          plsqlFormatSup.indentLine(pos);
   83.87 -                        //If not indent only format also
   83.88 -                        if (!isIndentOnly) {
   83.89 -                            if (startOffset == -1) {
   83.90 -                                plsqlFormatSup.formatLine(plsqlFormatSup, pos, blockFactory);
   83.91 -                            } else {
   83.92 -                                plsqlFormatSup.formatKeyWords(plsqlFormatSup, pos, blockFactory, startOffset - colStart);
   83.93 -                            }
   83.94 -                        }
   83.95 -
   83.96                          // Goto next line
   83.97                          FormatTokenPosition pos2 = plsqlFormatSup.findLineEnd(pos);
   83.98                          if (pos2 == null || pos2.getToken() == null) {
   83.99 @@ -327,6 +321,7 @@
  83.100                              pos = plsqlFormatSup.findLineStart(pos);
  83.101                          }
  83.102                      }
  83.103 +                    }
  83.104                  } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
  83.105                  }
  83.107 @@ -335,7 +330,7 @@
  83.108                      isTyping = false;
  83.109                  }
  83.110              } finally {
  83.111 -//            blockFactory.afterSave(doc);
  83.112 +               
  83.113              }
  83.114          }
  83.115      }
  83.116 @@ -693,15 +688,17 @@
  83.118                      if (temp != null) {
  83.119                          tokenTemp = getEndParent(temp);
  83.120 -                        // check whether this is not just BEGIN/END block. i.e it's part of function/procedure BEGIN
  83.121 -                        if (tokenTemp.getImage().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("BEGIN") && !nextToken.getImage().trim().equals(";")) {
  83.122 -                            temp = getPreviousToken(tokenTemp);
  83.123 +                        if (tokenTemp != null && nextToken != null) {
  83.124 +                            // check whether this is not just BEGIN/END block. i.e it's part of function/procedure BEGIN
  83.125 +                            if (tokenTemp.getImage().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("BEGIN") && !nextToken.getImage().trim().equals(";")) {
  83.126 +                                temp = getPreviousToken(tokenTemp);
  83.128 -                            if (temp != null) {
  83.129 -                                tokenTemp = getBeginParent(temp);
  83.130 -                                tokenTemp = getPreviousToken(tokenTemp);
  83.131 -                            } else {
  83.132 -                                break;
  83.133 +                                if (temp != null) {
  83.134 +                                    tokenTemp = getBeginParent(temp);
  83.135 +                                    tokenTemp = getPreviousToken(tokenTemp);
  83.136 +                                } else {
  83.137 +                                    break;
  83.138 +                                }
  83.139                              }
  83.140                          }
  83.141                      } else {
    84.1 --- a/PLSQL/Formatter/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/format/resources/snippets.xml	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    84.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Formatter/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/format/resources/snippets.xml	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    84.3 @@ -11,10 +11,8 @@
    84.4     ${cursor}]]></code>
    84.5      </codetemplate>
    84.6      <codetemplate abbreviation="for" xml:space="preserve">
    84.7 -        <code><![CDATA[FOR rec_ IN ${cursor} LOOP
    84.8 -   BEGIN
    84.9 -      ${cursor}
   84.10 -   END;
   84.11 +        <code><![CDATA[FOR rec_ IN ${cursor} LOOP   
   84.12 +      ${cursor}   
   84.13  END LOOP;]]></code>
   84.14      </codetemplate>
   84.15      <codetemplate abbreviation="wl" xml:space="preserve">
   84.16 @@ -60,7 +58,7 @@
   84.17     ${cursor} )
   84.18  IS
   84.19  BEGIN
   84.20 -   General_SYS.Init_Method(lu_name_, &PKG, '${proc_name}');   
   84.21 +   General_SYS.Init_Method(lu_name_, '&PKG', '${proc_name}');   
   84.23  END ${proc_name};]]></code>
   84.24      </codetemplate>
    85.1 --- a/PLSQL/FormattingOptions/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    85.2 +++ b/PLSQL/FormattingOptions/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    85.3 @@ -6,6 +6,6 @@
    85.4   xml
    85.5  OpenIDE-Module-Localizing-Bundle: org/netbeans/modules/plsql/format/op
    85.6   tions/
    85.7 -OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.7.7
    85.8 +OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.7.8
    85.9  AutoUpdate-Show-In-Client: false
    86.1 --- a/PLSQL/FormattingOptions/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/format/options/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    86.2 +++ b/PLSQL/FormattingOptions/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/format/options/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    86.3 @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
    86.4  OpenIDE-Module-Name=PL/SQL Formatting Options
    86.5  OpenIDE-Module-Display-Category=PL/SQL Support
    86.6 -
    86.7 -PlsqlTabsAndIndents.chkIndentOnly.text=Indent Only
    86.8  AN_Preview=Preview
    86.9  AD_Preview=Preview
   86.10  SAMPLE_Default=Text
   86.11 -SAMPLE_TabsIndents=Text
   86.12 \ No newline at end of file
   86.13 +SAMPLE_TabsIndents=Text
   86.14 +PlsqlTabsAndIndents.chkIndent.text=Auto Indent
   86.15 +PlsqlTabsAndIndents.chkUppercase.text=Auto Keyword Uppercase
    87.1 --- a/PLSQL/FormattingOptions/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/format/options/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    87.2 +++ b/PLSQL/FormattingOptions/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/format/options/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    87.3 @@ -82,7 +82,8 @@
    87.4      public static final String tabSize = SimpleValueNames.TAB_SIZE;
    87.5      public static final String spacesPerTab = SimpleValueNames.SPACES_PER_TAB;
    87.6      public static final String indentSize = SimpleValueNames.INDENT_SHIFT_WIDTH;
    87.7 -    public static final String indentOnly = "indentOnly"; //NOI18N
    87.8 +    public static final String autoIndent = "autoIndent"; //NOI18N
    87.9 +    public static final String autoUppercase = "autoUppercase";
   87.11      private PlsqlFormatOptions() {
   87.12      }
   87.13 @@ -125,7 +126,8 @@
   87.14              {tabSize, "3"}, //NOI18N
   87.15              {spacesPerTab, "3"}, //NOI18N
   87.16              {indentSize, "3"}, //NOI18N
   87.17 -            {indentOnly, FALSE}, //NOI18N
   87.18 +            {autoIndent, TRUE}, //NOI18N
   87.19 +            {autoUppercase, TRUE}, //NOI18N
   87.20          };
   87.22          defaults = new HashMap<String, String>();
    88.1 --- a/PLSQL/FormattingOptions/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/format/options/PlsqlTabsAndIndents.form	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    88.2 +++ b/PLSQL/FormattingOptions/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/format/options/PlsqlTabsAndIndents.form	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    88.3 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
    88.4 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    88.5 +<?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    88.7  <Form version="1.5" maxVersion="1.7" type="org.netbeans.modules.form.forminfo.JPanelFormInfo">
    88.8    <AuxValues>
    88.9 @@ -16,10 +16,13 @@
   88.10    <Layout>
   88.11      <DimensionLayout dim="0">
   88.12        <Group type="103" groupAlignment="0" attributes="0">
   88.13 -          <Group type="102" alignment="0" attributes="0">
   88.14 +          <Group type="102" attributes="0">
   88.15                <EmptySpace max="-2" attributes="0"/>
   88.16 -              <Component id="chkIndentOnly" min="-2" max="-2" attributes="0"/>
   88.17 -              <EmptySpace pref="66" max="32767" attributes="0"/>
   88.18 +              <Group type="103" groupAlignment="0" attributes="0">
   88.19 +                  <Component id="chkIndent" alignment="0" min="-2" max="-2" attributes="0"/>
   88.20 +                  <Component id="chkUppercase" alignment="0" min="-2" max="-2" attributes="0"/>
   88.21 +              </Group>
   88.22 +              <EmptySpace max="32767" attributes="0"/>
   88.23            </Group>
   88.24        </Group>
   88.25      </DimensionLayout>
   88.26 @@ -27,17 +30,26 @@
   88.27        <Group type="103" groupAlignment="0" attributes="0">
   88.28            <Group type="102" alignment="0" attributes="0">
   88.29                <EmptySpace max="-2" attributes="0"/>
   88.30 -              <Component id="chkIndentOnly" min="-2" max="-2" attributes="0"/>
   88.31 -              <EmptySpace max="32767" attributes="0"/>
   88.32 +              <Component id="chkIndent" min="-2" max="-2" attributes="0"/>
   88.33 +              <EmptySpace pref="7" max="32767" attributes="0"/>
   88.34 +              <Component id="chkUppercase" min="-2" max="-2" attributes="0"/>
   88.35 +              <EmptySpace max="-2" attributes="0"/>
   88.36            </Group>
   88.37        </Group>
   88.38      </DimensionLayout>
   88.39    </Layout>
   88.40    <SubComponents>
   88.41 -    <Component class="javax.swing.JCheckBox" name="chkIndentOnly">
   88.42 +    <Component class="javax.swing.JCheckBox" name="chkIndent">
   88.43        <Properties>
   88.44          <Property name="text" type="java.lang.String" editor="org.netbeans.modules.i18n.form.FormI18nStringEditor">
   88.45 -          <ResourceString bundle="org/netbeans/modules/plsql/format/options/" key="PlsqlTabsAndIndents.chkIndentOnly.text" replaceFormat="org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage({sourceFileName}.class, &quot;{key}&quot;)"/>
   88.46 +          <ResourceString bundle="org/netbeans/modules/plsql/format/options/" key="PlsqlTabsAndIndents.chkIndent.text" replaceFormat="org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage({sourceFileName}.class, &quot;{key}&quot;)"/>
   88.47 +        </Property>
   88.48 +      </Properties>
   88.49 +    </Component>
   88.50 +    <Component class="javax.swing.JCheckBox" name="chkUppercase">
   88.51 +      <Properties>
   88.52 +        <Property name="text" type="java.lang.String" editor="org.netbeans.modules.i18n.form.FormI18nStringEditor">
   88.53 +          <ResourceString bundle="org/netbeans/modules/plsql/format/options/" key="PlsqlTabsAndIndents.chkUppercase.text" replaceFormat="org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage({sourceFileName}.class, &quot;{key}&quot;)"/>
   88.54          </Property>
   88.55        </Properties>
   88.56      </Component>
    89.1 --- a/PLSQL/FormattingOptions/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/format/options/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    89.2 +++ b/PLSQL/FormattingOptions/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/format/options/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    89.3 @@ -54,7 +54,8 @@
    89.4      /** Creates new form PlsqlTabsAndIndents */
    89.5      public PlsqlTabsAndIndents() {
    89.6          initComponents();
    89.7 -        chkIndentOnly.putClientProperty(OPTION_ID, indentOnly);
    89.8 +        chkIndent.putClientProperty(OPTION_ID, autoIndent);  
    89.9 +        chkUppercase.putClientProperty(OPTION_ID, autoUppercase);
   89.10      }
   89.12      public static PreferencesCustomizer.Factory getController() {
   89.13 @@ -71,9 +72,12 @@
   89.14      // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Generated Code">//GEN-BEGIN:initComponents
   89.15      private void initComponents() {
   89.17 -        chkIndentOnly = new javax.swing.JCheckBox();
   89.18 +        chkIndent = new javax.swing.JCheckBox();
   89.19 +        chkUppercase = new javax.swing.JCheckBox();
   89.21 -        chkIndentOnly.setText(org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage(PlsqlTabsAndIndents.class, "PlsqlTabsAndIndents.chkIndentOnly.text")); // NOI18N
   89.22 +        chkIndent.setText(org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage(PlsqlTabsAndIndents.class, "PlsqlTabsAndIndents.chkIndent.text")); // NOI18N
   89.23 +
   89.24 +        chkUppercase.setText(org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage(PlsqlTabsAndIndents.class, "PlsqlTabsAndIndents.chkUppercase.text")); // NOI18N
   89.26          javax.swing.GroupLayout layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(this);
   89.27          this.setLayout(layout);
   89.28 @@ -81,21 +85,26 @@
   89.29              layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING)
   89.30              .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup()
   89.31                  .addContainerGap()
   89.32 -                .addComponent(chkIndentOnly)
   89.33 -                .addContainerGap(66, Short.MAX_VALUE))
   89.34 +                .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING)
   89.35 +                    .addComponent(chkIndent)
   89.36 +                    .addComponent(chkUppercase))
   89.37 +                .addContainerGap(javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
   89.38          );
   89.39          layout.setVerticalGroup(
   89.40              layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING)
   89.41              .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup()
   89.42                  .addContainerGap()
   89.43 -                .addComponent(chkIndentOnly)
   89.44 -                .addContainerGap(javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
   89.45 +                .addComponent(chkIndent)
   89.46 +                .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED, 7, Short.MAX_VALUE)
   89.47 +                .addComponent(chkUppercase)
   89.48 +                .addContainerGap())
   89.49          );
   89.50      }// </editor-fold>//GEN-END:initComponents
   89.53      // Variables declaration - do not modify//GEN-BEGIN:variables
   89.54 -    private javax.swing.JCheckBox chkIndentOnly;
   89.55 +    private javax.swing.JCheckBox chkIndent;
   89.56 +    private javax.swing.JCheckBox chkUppercase;
   89.57      // End of variables declaration//GEN-END:variables
   89.59  }
    90.1 --- a/PLSQL/Lexer/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    90.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Lexer/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    90.3 @@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
    90.4  OpenIDE-Module-Layer: org/netbeans/modules/plsql/lexer/layer.xml
    90.5  OpenIDE-Module-Localizing-Bundle: org/netbeans/modules/plsql/lexer/Bun
    90.7 -OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.8.8
    90.8 +OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.8.10
    90.9  AutoUpdate-Show-In-Client: false
    91.1 --- a/PLSQL/Lexer/nbproject/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    91.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Lexer/nbproject/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    91.3 @@ -1,2 +1,9 @@
   91.11  javac.source=1.6
   91.12  javac.compilerargs=-Xlint -Xlint:-serial
    92.1 --- a/PLSQL/Lexer/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/lexer/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    92.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Lexer/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/lexer/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    92.3 @@ -69,3818 +69,3822 @@
    92.4   */
    92.5  public class PlsqlBlockFactory extends Observable implements DocumentListener {
    92.7 -   private List<PlsqlBlock> blockHierarchy;
    92.8 -   private List<PlsqlBlock> customFoldBlocks;
    92.9 -   private List<PlsqlBlock> newBlocks;
   92.10 -   private List<PlsqlBlock> toBeRemoved;
   92.11 -   private List<PlsqlBlock> changedBlocks;
   92.12 -   private HashSet<Integer> unsuccessBlocks;
   92.13 -   private HashMap<String, String> definesMap;
   92.14 -   private TokenHierarchy tokenHierarchy;
   92.15 -   private int docStartOffset = 0;
   92.16 -   private int docEndOffset = 0;
   92.17 -   private int startParse = 0;
   92.18 -   private int endParse = 0;
   92.19 -   private int changedLength = 0;
   92.20 -   private boolean isDefineChanged = false;
   92.21 -   private static RequestProcessor.Task updateBlocksTask = null;
   92.22 -   private static final LinkedList<EventProperties> updateEvents = new LinkedList<EventProperties>();
   92.23 -   private static final int DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME = 500;
   92.24 -   private boolean saveInProgress = false;
   92.25 -   private boolean caseChangeInProgress = false;
   92.26 -   private static final String updateLock = "This is used to synchronize navigator updates";
   92.27 -
   92.28 -   public PlsqlBlockFactory() {
   92.29 -      blockHierarchy = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
   92.30 -      tokenHierarchy = null;
   92.31 -      newBlocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
   92.32 -      toBeRemoved = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
   92.33 -      changedBlocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
   92.34 -      customFoldBlocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
   92.35 -      definesMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
   92.36 -      unsuccessBlocks = new HashSet<Integer>();
   92.37 -   }
   92.38 -
   92.39 -   /**
   92.40 -    * Method used to reparse the whole document
   92.41 -    * @param doc
   92.42 -    */
   92.43 -   public void reParse(Document doc) {
   92.44 -      clear();
   92.45 -
   92.46 -      if (doc == null) {
   92.47 -         return;
   92.48 -      }
   92.49 -
   92.50 -      docStartOffset = doc.getStartPosition().getOffset();
   92.51 -      docEndOffset = doc.getEndPosition().getOffset();
   92.52 -      startParse = docStartOffset;
   92.53 -      endParse = docEndOffset - 1;
   92.54 -
   92.55 -      //clean block hierarchy
   92.56 -      blockHierarchy.clear();
   92.57 -      customFoldBlocks.clear();
   92.58 -      generateBlocks(doc);
   92.59 -   }
   92.60 -
   92.61 -   /**
   92.62 -    * Return new blocks that were recognized by the latest change
   92.63 -    * @return
   92.64 -    */
   92.65 -   public List<PlsqlBlock> getNewBlocks() {
   92.66 -      return newBlocks;
   92.67 -   }
   92.68 -
   92.69 -   /**
   92.70 -    * Return the blocks who's offsets have changed
   92.71 -    * @return
   92.72 -    */
   92.73 -   public List<PlsqlBlock> getChangedBlocks() {
   92.74 -      return changedBlocks;
   92.75 -   }
   92.76 -
   92.77 -   /**
   92.78 -    * Return the custom fold blocks that are there
   92.79 -    * @return
   92.80 -    */
   92.81 -   public List<PlsqlBlock> getCustomFolds() {
   92.82 -      return customFoldBlocks;
   92.83 -   }
   92.84 -
   92.85 -   /**
   92.86 -    * Return block hierarchy
   92.87 -    * @return
   92.88 -    */
   92.89 -   public List<PlsqlBlock> getBlockHierarchy() {
   92.90 -      return blockHierarchy;
   92.91 -   }
   92.92 -
   92.93 -   /**
   92.94 -    * Method that will return the blocks that are removed
   92.95 -    * @return
   92.96 -    */
   92.97 -   public List<PlsqlBlock> getRemovedBlocks() {
   92.98 -      return toBeRemoved;
   92.99 -   }
  92.100 -
  92.101 -   /**
  92.102 -    * Check whether there are childrean of this fold here, if so add them
  92.103 -    * @param block
  92.104 -    * @param immediateBlockHier
  92.105 -    */
  92.106 -   private void addImmediateChildren(PlsqlBlock block, List<PlsqlBlock> immediateBlockHier) {
  92.107 -      for (int i = immediateBlockHier.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  92.108 -         PlsqlBlock tmp = immediateBlockHier.get(i);
  92.109 -         if ((tmp.getStartOffset() > block.getStartOffset())
  92.110 -                 && (tmp.getEndOffset() < block.getEndOffset())) {
  92.111 -            if (checkExisting(tmp, newBlocks)) {
  92.112 -               newBlocks.remove(tmp);
  92.113 +    private List<PlsqlBlock> blockHierarchy;
  92.114 +    private List<PlsqlBlock> customFoldBlocks;
  92.115 +    private List<PlsqlBlock> newBlocks;
  92.116 +    private List<PlsqlBlock> toBeRemoved;
  92.117 +    private List<PlsqlBlock> changedBlocks;
  92.118 +    private HashSet<Integer> unsuccessBlocks;
  92.119 +    private HashMap<String, String> definesMap;
  92.120 +    private TokenHierarchy tokenHierarchy;
  92.121 +    private int docStartOffset = 0;
  92.122 +    private int docEndOffset = 0;
  92.123 +    private int startParse = 0;
  92.124 +    private int endParse = 0;
  92.125 +    private int changedLength = 0;
  92.126 +    private boolean isDefineChanged = false;
  92.127 +    private static RequestProcessor.Task updateBlocksTask = null;
  92.128 +    private static final LinkedList<EventProperties> updateEvents = new LinkedList<EventProperties>();
  92.129 +    private static final int DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME = 500;
  92.130 +    private boolean saveInProgress = false;
  92.131 +    private boolean caseChangeInProgress = false;
  92.132 +    private static final String updateLock = "This is used to synchronize navigator updates";
  92.133 +    private static final RequestProcessor RP = new RequestProcessor(PlsqlBlockFactory.class);
  92.134 +
  92.135 +    public PlsqlBlockFactory() {
  92.136 +        blockHierarchy = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
  92.137 +        tokenHierarchy = null;
  92.138 +        newBlocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
  92.139 +        toBeRemoved = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
  92.140 +        changedBlocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
  92.141 +        customFoldBlocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
  92.142 +        definesMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
  92.143 +        unsuccessBlocks = new HashSet<Integer>();
  92.144 +    }
  92.145 +
  92.146 +    /**
  92.147 +     * Method used to reparse the whole document
  92.148 +     * @param doc
  92.149 +     */
  92.150 +    public void reParse(Document doc) {
  92.151 +        clear();
  92.152 +
  92.153 +        if (doc == null) {
  92.154 +            return;
  92.155 +        }
  92.156 +
  92.157 +        docStartOffset = doc.getStartPosition().getOffset();
  92.158 +        docEndOffset = doc.getEndPosition().getOffset();
  92.159 +        startParse = docStartOffset;
  92.160 +        endParse = docEndOffset - 1;
  92.161 +
  92.162 +        //clean block hierarchy
  92.163 +        blockHierarchy.clear();
  92.164 +        customFoldBlocks.clear();
  92.165 +        generateBlocks(doc);
  92.166 +    }
  92.167 +
  92.168 +    /**
  92.169 +     * Return new blocks that were recognized by the latest change
  92.170 +     * @return
  92.171 +     */
  92.172 +    public List<PlsqlBlock> getNewBlocks() {
  92.173 +        return newBlocks;
  92.174 +    }
  92.175 +
  92.176 +    /**
  92.177 +     * Return the blocks who's offsets have changed
  92.178 +     * @return
  92.179 +     */
  92.180 +    public List<PlsqlBlock> getChangedBlocks() {
  92.181 +        return changedBlocks;
  92.182 +    }
  92.183 +
  92.184 +    /**
  92.185 +     * Return the custom fold blocks that are there
  92.186 +     * @return
  92.187 +     */
  92.188 +    public List<PlsqlBlock> getCustomFolds() {
  92.189 +        return customFoldBlocks;
  92.190 +    }
  92.191 +
  92.192 +    /**
  92.193 +     * Return block hierarchy
  92.194 +     * @return
  92.195 +     */
  92.196 +    public List<PlsqlBlock> getBlockHierarchy() {
  92.197 +        return blockHierarchy;
  92.198 +    }
  92.199 +
  92.200 +    /**
  92.201 +     * Method that will return the blocks that are removed
  92.202 +     * @return
  92.203 +     */
  92.204 +    public List<PlsqlBlock> getRemovedBlocks() {
  92.205 +        return toBeRemoved;
  92.206 +    }
  92.207 +
  92.208 +    /**
  92.209 +     * Check whether there are childrean of this fold here, if so add them
  92.210 +     * @param block
  92.211 +     * @param immediateBlockHier
  92.212 +     */
  92.213 +    private void addImmediateChildren(PlsqlBlock block, List<PlsqlBlock> immediateBlockHier) {
  92.214 +        for (int i = immediateBlockHier.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  92.215 +            PlsqlBlock tmp = immediateBlockHier.get(i);
  92.216 +            if ((tmp.getStartOffset() > block.getStartOffset())
  92.217 +                    && (tmp.getEndOffset() < block.getEndOffset())) {
  92.218 +                if (checkExisting(tmp, newBlocks)) {
  92.219 +                    newBlocks.remove(tmp);
  92.220 +                } else {
  92.221 +                    removeBlock(block, immediateBlockHier);
  92.222 +                }
  92.223 +
  92.224 +                block.addChild(tmp);
  92.225 +            }
  92.226 +        }
  92.227 +    }
  92.228 +
  92.229 +    /**
  92.230 +     * Method that will look for custom start or end token based on the given type
  92.231 +     * @param customEndToken
  92.232 +     * @param ts
  92.233 +     * @param immediateBlockHier
  92.234 +     * @param parent
  92.235 +     * @param type
  92.236 +     */
  92.237 +    private void checkCustom(Token<PlsqlTokenId> customToken, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> immediateBlockHier, PlsqlBlock parent, String type) {
  92.238 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> found = customToken;
  92.239 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = customToken;
  92.240 +
  92.241 +        if (type.equals("START")) {
  92.242 +            //We have to find the end fold token now
  92.243 +            ts.move(found.offset(tokenHierarchy));
  92.244 +            ts.moveNext();
  92.245 +            while (ts.moveNext()) {
  92.246 +                token = ts.token();
  92.247 +                String image = token.text().toString();
  92.248 +                PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
  92.249 +
  92.250 +                if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
  92.251 +                    //only single comment line
  92.252 +                    if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
  92.253 +                        //We have come to another start
  92.254 +                        return;
  92.255 +                    } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
  92.256 +                        if (isTokenOk(token, immediateBlockHier, parent)) {
  92.257 +                            String name = found.text().toString();
  92.258 +                            int index = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
  92.259 +                            name = name.substring(index + 7).trim();
  92.260 +                            if (ts.moveNext()) {
  92.261 +                                token = ts.token();
  92.262 +                                PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(found.offset(tokenHierarchy),
  92.263 +                                        token.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
  92.264 +                                customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
  92.265 +                            }
  92.266 +                        }
  92.267 +                        //since we have found the other tag return
  92.268 +                        return;
  92.269 +                    }
  92.270 +                }
  92.271 +            }
  92.272 +        } else {
  92.273 +            ts.move(found.offset(tokenHierarchy));
  92.274 +            //We have to find the start fold token now
  92.275 +            while (ts.movePrevious()) {
  92.276 +                token = ts.token();
  92.277 +                String image = token.text().toString();
  92.278 +                PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
  92.279 +
  92.280 +                if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
  92.281 +                    //only single comment line
  92.282 +                    if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
  92.283 +                        if (isTokenOk(token, immediateBlockHier, parent)) {
  92.284 +                            String name = image;
  92.285 +                            int index = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
  92.286 +                            name = name.substring(index + 7).trim();
  92.287 +                            ts.move(found.offset(tokenHierarchy));
  92.288 +                            ts.moveNext();
  92.289 +                            if (ts.moveNext()) {
  92.290 +                                found = ts.token();
  92.291 +                                PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(token.offset(tokenHierarchy),
  92.292 +                                        found.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
  92.293 +                                customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
  92.294 +                            }
  92.295 +                        }
  92.296 +                        //since we have found the other tag return
  92.297 +                        return;
  92.298 +                    } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
  92.299 +                        //We have come to another end
  92.300 +                        return;
  92.301 +                    }
  92.302 +                }
  92.303 +            }
  92.304 +        }
  92.305 +    }
  92.306 +
  92.307 +    /**
  92.308 +     * Method that will check for a Java Source block
  92.309 +     * @param tempToken
  92.310 +     * @param ts
  92.311 +     * @param immediateBlockHier
  92.312 +     * @return
  92.313 +     */
  92.314 +    private PlsqlBlock checkJavaSource(Token<PlsqlTokenId> tempToken, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts) {
  92.315 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> begin = tempToken;
  92.316 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = tempToken;
  92.317 +        PlsqlBlock block = null;
  92.318 +
  92.319 +        //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
  92.320 +        if (sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
  92.321 +            return null;
  92.322 +        }
  92.323 +
  92.324 +        while (ts.moveNext()) {
  92.325 +            tmp = ts.token();
  92.326 +            String image = tmp.text().toString();
  92.327 +            PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
  92.328 +
  92.329 +            if ((tmp != null) && (!image.equals("/")) && (tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse)) {
  92.330 +                break;
  92.331 +            }
  92.332 +
  92.333 +            //We might have come to the end of the procedure/function declaration
  92.334 +            if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.OPERATOR) && image.equals("/")) {
  92.335 +                //check whether previous Non white space token to the identifier is END
  92.336 +                int offset = ts.offset();
  92.337 +                if (checkForOnlyChar(ts, offset)) {
  92.338 +                    ts.move(offset);
  92.339 +                    ts.moveNext();
  92.340 +                    ts.moveNext();
  92.341 +                    block = new PlsqlBlock(begin.offset(tokenHierarchy), offset, "", "", PlsqlBlockType.JAVA_SOURCE);
  92.342 +                    checkPrefix(begin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts, block);
  92.343 +                    break;
  92.344 +                }
  92.345 +            }
  92.346 +        }
  92.347 +
  92.348 +        return block;
  92.349 +    }
  92.350 +
  92.351 +    /**
  92.352 +     * Check whether this current token is the only token in this line
  92.353 +     * @param ts
  92.354 +     * @param offset
  92.355 +     * @return
  92.356 +     */
  92.357 +    private boolean checkForOnlyChar(TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, int offset) {
  92.358 +        boolean isStartOk = true;
  92.359 +        boolean isEndOk = true;
  92.360 +        ts.move(offset);
  92.361 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = null;
  92.362 +        while (ts.movePrevious()) {
  92.363 +            token = ts.token();
  92.364 +            if ( == PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE) {
  92.365 +                if (token.toString().contains("\n")) {
  92.366 +                    break;
  92.367 +                }
  92.368 +            } else if ( == PlsqlTokenId.JAVA_SOUCE) {
  92.369 +                break;
  92.370              } else {
  92.371 -               removeBlock(block, immediateBlockHier);
  92.372 +                isStartOk = false;
  92.373 +                break;
  92.374              }
  92.375 -
  92.376 -            block.addChild(tmp);
  92.377 -         }
  92.378 -      }
  92.379 -   }
  92.380 -
  92.381 -   /**
  92.382 -    * Method that will look for custom start or end token based on the given type
  92.383 -    * @param customEndToken
  92.384 -    * @param ts
  92.385 -    * @param immediateBlockHier
  92.386 -    * @param parent
  92.387 -    * @param type
  92.388 -    */
  92.389 -   private void checkCustom(Token<PlsqlTokenId> customToken, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> immediateBlockHier, PlsqlBlock parent, String type) {
  92.390 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> found = customToken;
  92.391 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = customToken;
  92.392 -
  92.393 -      if (type.equals("START")) {
  92.394 -         //We have to find the end fold token now
  92.395 -         ts.move(found.offset(tokenHierarchy));
  92.396 -         ts.moveNext();
  92.397 -         while (ts.moveNext()) {
  92.398 +        }
  92.399 +
  92.400 +        ts.move(offset);
  92.401 +        ts.moveNext(); //current token
  92.402 +        while (ts.moveNext()) {
  92.403 +            token = ts.token();
  92.404 +            if ( == PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE) {
  92.405 +                if (token.toString().contains("\n")) {
  92.406 +                    break;
  92.407 +                }
  92.408 +            } else {
  92.409 +                isEndOk = false;
  92.410 +                break;
  92.411 +            }
  92.412 +        }
  92.413 +
  92.414 +        ts.move(offset);
  92.415 +        ts.moveNext();
  92.416 +
  92.417 +        if (isStartOk && isEndOk) {
  92.418 +            return true;
  92.419 +        }
  92.420 +
  92.421 +        return false;
  92.422 +    }
  92.423 +
  92.424 +    /**
  92.425 +     * Method that will check for statement blocks other than the CURSOR and VIEW
  92.426 +     * @param tempToken
  92.427 +     * @param ts
  92.428 +     * @param immediateBlockHier
  92.429 +     * @return
  92.430 +     */
  92.431 +    private PlsqlBlock checkStatementBlock(Token<PlsqlTokenId> current, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
  92.432 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> stmtBegin = null;
  92.433 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = null;
  92.434 +        List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
  92.435 +        PlsqlBlock block = null;
  92.436 +        boolean moveNext = false;
  92.437 +
  92.438 +        //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
  92.439 +        if (sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
  92.440 +            return null;
  92.441 +        }
  92.442 +
  92.443 +        moveNext = ts.moveNext();
  92.444 +        token = ts.token();
  92.445 +        stmtBegin = current;
  92.446 +        boolean getName = true;
  92.447 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
  92.448 +        String name = current.text().toString();
  92.449 +
  92.450 +        while (moveNext) {
  92.451 +            String image = token.text().toString();
  92.452 +            PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
  92.453 +
  92.454 +            if ((token != null) && (!image.equals(";")) && (!image.equals("/")) && (token.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse)) {
  92.455 +                break;
  92.456 +            }
  92.457 +
  92.458 +            if (image.equals(";") || (image.equals("/") && checkForOnlyChar(ts, ts.offset()))) {
  92.459 +                block = new PlsqlBlock(stmtBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), token.offset(tokenHierarchy), name.trim(), "", PlsqlBlockType.STATEMENT);
  92.460 +                checkPrefix(stmtBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts, block);
  92.461 +                break;
  92.462 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATE")
  92.463 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DECLARE")
  92.464 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("BEGIN")
  92.465 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("WHEN")
  92.466 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("THEN")
  92.467 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("IF")
  92.468 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("END")
  92.469 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("ELSE")
  92.470 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")) {
  92.471 +                break;
  92.472 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CASE")) {
  92.473 +                int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
  92.474 +                List children = checkCaseBlock(token, ts, lstChild, true);
  92.475 +                if (children == null || children.isEmpty()) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
  92.476 +
  92.477 +                    ts.move(beforeOff);
  92.478 +                    moveNext = ts.moveNext();
  92.479 +                } else {
  92.480 +                    for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
  92.481 +                        PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
  92.482 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
  92.483 +                            lstChild.add(child);
  92.484 +                        }
  92.485 +                    }
  92.486 +                }
  92.487 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
  92.488 +                //only single comment line
  92.489 +                if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
  92.490 +                    customStartToken = token;
  92.491 +                } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
  92.492 +                    if (customStartToken != null) {
  92.493 +                        String fname = customStartToken.text().toString();
  92.494 +                        int index = fname.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
  92.495 +                        fname = fname.substring(index + 7).trim();
  92.496 +                        if (ts.moveNext()) {
  92.497 +                            token = ts.token();
  92.498 +                            PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
  92.499 +                                    token.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
  92.500 +                            customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
  92.501 +                        }
  92.502 +                        customStartToken = null;
  92.503 +                    }
  92.504 +                } else {
  92.505 +                    PlsqlBlock child = checkComment(token, ts);
  92.506 +                    if (child != null) {
  92.507 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
  92.508 +                            lstChild.add(child);
  92.509 +                        }
  92.510 +                    }
  92.511 +                }
  92.512 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
  92.513 +                int start = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
  92.514 +                PlsqlBlock child = new PlsqlBlock(start,
  92.515 +                        start + token.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
  92.516 +                if (child != null) {
  92.517 +                    if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
  92.518 +                        lstChild.add(child);
  92.519 +                    }
  92.520 +                }
  92.521 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE && image.contains("\n")) {
  92.522 +                getName = false;
  92.523 +            } else if (getName) {
  92.524 +                name = name + image;
  92.525 +            }
  92.526 +
  92.527 +            moveNext = ts.moveNext();
  92.528 +            token = ts.token();
  92.529 +        }
  92.530 +
  92.531 +        if (block != null) {
  92.532 +            //add children
  92.533 +            addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
  92.534 +        }
  92.535 +
  92.536 +        return block;
  92.537 +    }
  92.538 +
  92.539 +    /**
  92.540 +     * Check whether the given token offest is inlcuded in any existing block
  92.541 +     * @param token
  92.542 +     * @param immediateBlockHier
  92.543 +     * @param parent
  92.544 +     * @return
  92.545 +     */
  92.546 +    private boolean isTokenOk(Token<PlsqlTokenId> token, List<PlsqlBlock> immediateBlockHier, PlsqlBlock parent) {
  92.547 +        boolean isOk = true;
  92.548 +        int offset = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
  92.549 +        for (int i = immediateBlockHier.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  92.550 +            PlsqlBlock block = immediateBlockHier.get(i);
  92.551 +            if ((block.getStartOffset() <= offset) && (block.getEndOffset() >= offset)) {
  92.552 +                isOk = false;
  92.553 +                break;
  92.554 +            }
  92.555 +        }
  92.556 +
  92.557 +        if (isOk && parent != null) {
  92.558 +            if (!((parent.getStartOffset() <= offset) && (parent.getEndOffset() >= offset))) {
  92.559 +                isOk = false;
  92.560 +            }
  92.561 +        }
  92.562 +        return isOk;
  92.563 +    }
  92.564 +
  92.565 +    /**
  92.566 +     * Method that will look for trigger blocks
  92.567 +     * @param tempToken
  92.568 +     * @param ts
  92.569 +     * @param parentBlocks
  92.570 +     * @return
  92.571 +     */
  92.572 +    private PlsqlBlock checkTrigger(Token<PlsqlTokenId> tiggerToken, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
  92.573 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> triggerBegin = tiggerToken;
  92.574 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = tiggerToken;
  92.575 +        PlsqlBlock block = null;
  92.576 +        List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
  92.577 +
  92.578 +        String triggerName = "";
  92.579 +        boolean moveNext = false;
  92.580 +
  92.581 +        //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
  92.582 +        if (sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
  92.583 +            return null;
  92.584 +        }
  92.585 +
  92.586 +        //Get procedure/function name which is the next non whitespace token
  92.587 +        moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
  92.588 +        tmp = ts.token();
  92.589 +        if (moveNext == false) {
  92.590 +            return block;
  92.591 +        }
  92.592 +
  92.593 +        triggerName = tmp.text().toString();
  92.594 +        triggerName = checkForOtherSchema(ts, triggerName);
  92.595 +        String alias = "";
  92.596 +        if (triggerName.indexOf('&') != -1) {
  92.597 +            alias = triggerName;
  92.598 +        }
  92.599 +        triggerName = getDefine(triggerName);
  92.600 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
  92.601 +
  92.602 +        while (moveNext) {
  92.603 +            String image = tmp.text().toString();
  92.604 +            PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
  92.605 +
  92.606 +            if ((tmp != null) && (!image.equals(";")) && (tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse)) {
  92.607 +                break;
  92.608 +            }
  92.609 +
  92.610 +            //We might have come to the end of the procedure/function declaration
  92.611 +            if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.OPERATOR) && image.equals(";")) {
  92.612 +                //check whether previous Non white space token to the identifier is END
  92.613 +                int offset = ts.offset();
  92.614 +                getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
  92.615 +                Token<PlsqlTokenId> previousNWS = ts.token();
  92.616 +                String prevText = previousNWS.text().toString();
  92.617 +                getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
  92.618 +                previousNWS = ts.token();
  92.619 +                if (alias.equals("")) {
  92.620 +                    if ((prevText.equalsIgnoreCase(triggerName)
  92.621 +                            && previousNWS.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END"))
  92.622 +                            || prevText.equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
  92.623 +                        ts.move(offset);
  92.624 +                        moveNext = ts.moveNext();
  92.625 +                        moveNext = ts.moveNext();
  92.626 +                        block = new PlsqlBlock(triggerBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
  92.627 +                                ts.offset(), triggerName, alias, PlsqlBlockType.TRIGGER);
  92.628 +                        checkPrefix(triggerBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts, block);
  92.629 +                        break;
  92.630 +                    }
  92.631 +                } else {
  92.632 +                    if ((prevText.equalsIgnoreCase(alias)
  92.633 +                            && previousNWS.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END"))
  92.634 +                            || prevText.equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
  92.635 +                        ts.move(offset);
  92.636 +                        moveNext = ts.moveNext();
  92.637 +                        moveNext = ts.moveNext();
  92.638 +                        block = new PlsqlBlock(triggerBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
  92.639 +                                ts.offset(), triggerName, alias, PlsqlBlockType.TRIGGER);
  92.640 +                        checkPrefix(triggerBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts, block);
  92.641 +                        break;
  92.642 +                    }
  92.643 +                }
  92.644 +                ts.move(offset);
  92.645 +                moveNext = ts.moveNext();
  92.646 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE")
  92.647 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INDEX")
  92.648 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SELECT")
  92.649 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("UPDATE")
  92.650 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DELETE")
  92.651 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INSERT")
  92.652 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("MERGE")
  92.653 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DROP")
  92.654 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SEQUENCE")) {
  92.655 +                if (!isNotBlockStart(tmp, ts)) {
  92.656 +                    int offset = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
  92.657 +                    PlsqlBlock child = checkStatementBlock(tmp, ts, parentBlocks);
  92.658 +                    if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
  92.659 +
  92.660 +                        ts.move(offset);
  92.661 +                        ts.moveNext();
  92.662 +                    } else {
  92.663 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
  92.664 +                            lstChild.add(child);
  92.665 +                        }
  92.666 +                    }
  92.667 +                }
  92.668 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE")) {
  92.669 +                int beforeOff = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
  92.670 +                PlsqlBlock child = checkMethod(tmp, ts, PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL, lstChild);
  92.671 +                if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
  92.672 +                    ts.move(beforeOff);
  92.673 +                    ts.moveNext();
  92.674 +                } else {
  92.675 +                    if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
  92.676 +                        lstChild.add(child);
  92.677 +                    }
  92.678 +                }
  92.679 +            } //Inner procedure
  92.680 +            else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION")) {
  92.681 +                int beforeOff = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
  92.682 +                PlsqlBlock child = checkMethod(tmp, ts, PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL, lstChild);
  92.683 +                if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
  92.684 +
  92.685 +                    ts.move(beforeOff);
  92.686 +                    ts.moveNext();
  92.687 +                } else {
  92.688 +                    if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
  92.689 +                        lstChild.add(child);
  92.690 +                    }
  92.691 +                }
  92.692 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATE")
  92.693 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("/")
  92.694 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("PACKAGE")) {
  92.695 +                break;
  92.696 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
  92.697 +                //only single comment line
  92.698 +                if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
  92.699 +                    customStartToken = tmp;
  92.700 +                } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
  92.701 +                    if (customStartToken != null) {
  92.702 +                        String name = customStartToken.text().toString();
  92.703 +                        int index = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
  92.704 +                        name = name.substring(index + 7).trim();
  92.705 +                        if (ts.moveNext()) {
  92.706 +                            tmp = ts.token();
  92.707 +                            PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
  92.708 +                                    tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
  92.709 +                            customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
  92.710 +                        }
  92.711 +                        customStartToken = null;
  92.712 +                    }
  92.713 +                } else {
  92.714 +                    PlsqlBlock child = checkComment(tmp, ts);
  92.715 +                    if (child != null) {
  92.716 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
  92.717 +                            lstChild.add(child);
  92.718 +                        }
  92.719 +                    }
  92.720 +                }
  92.721 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
  92.722 +                int start = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
  92.723 +                PlsqlBlock child = new PlsqlBlock(start,
  92.724 +                        start + tmp.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
  92.725 +                if (child != null) {
  92.726 +                    if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
  92.727 +                        lstChild.add(child);
  92.728 +                    }
  92.729 +                }
  92.730 +            }
  92.731 +
  92.732 +            moveNext = ts.moveNext();
  92.733 +            tmp = ts.token();
  92.734 +        }
  92.735 +
  92.736 +        if (block != null) {
  92.737 +            //add children
  92.738 +            addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
  92.739 +        }
  92.740 +
  92.741 +        return block;
  92.742 +    }
  92.743 +
  92.744 +    /**
  92.745 +     * Method that will check the prefix of the given block and change the block values accordingly
  92.746 +     * @param startOffset
  92.747 +     * @param ts
  92.748 +     * @param begin
  92.749 +     */
  92.750 +    private void checkPrefix(int startOffset, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, PlsqlBlock block) {
  92.751 +        String prefix = "";
  92.752 +        int offset = ts.offset();
  92.753 +        ts.move(startOffset);
  92.754 +        ts.moveNext();
  92.755 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = ts.token();
  92.756 +        int beginOffset = startOffset;
  92.757 +
  92.758 +        while (ts.movePrevious()) {
  92.759              token = ts.token();
  92.760              String image = token.text().toString();
  92.761 -            PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
  92.762 -
  92.763 -            if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
  92.764 -               //only single comment line
  92.765 -               if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
  92.766 -                  //We have come to another start
  92.767 -                  return;
  92.768 -               } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
  92.769 -                  if (isTokenOk(token, immediateBlockHier, parent)) {
  92.770 -                     String name = found.text().toString();
  92.771 -                     int index = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
  92.772 -                     name = name.substring(index + 7).trim();
  92.773 -                     if (ts.moveNext()) {
  92.774 -                        token = ts.token();
  92.775 -                        PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(found.offset(tokenHierarchy),
  92.776 -                                token.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
  92.777 -                        customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
  92.778 -                     }
  92.779 -                  }
  92.780 -                  //since we have found the other tag return
  92.781 -                  return;
  92.782 -               }
  92.783 +
  92.784 +            if (image.contains("\n") || ( != PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && != PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE)) {
  92.785 +                break;
  92.786              }
  92.787 -         }
  92.788 -      } else {
  92.789 -         ts.move(found.offset(tokenHierarchy));
  92.790 -         //We have to find the start fold token now
  92.791 -         while (ts.movePrevious()) {
  92.792 +
  92.793 +            prefix = token.text().toString() + prefix;
  92.794 +            if ( != PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE) {
  92.795 +                beginOffset = ts.offset();
  92.796 +            }
  92.797 +        }
  92.798 +
  92.799 +        ts.move(offset);
  92.800 +        ts.moveNext();
  92.801 +        block.setStartOffset(beginOffset);
  92.802 +        block.setPrefix(prefix);
  92.803 +    }
  92.804 +
  92.805 +    /**
  92.806 +     * Check whether there is a block existing with the given offset as the start offset
  92.807 +     * @param blockHierarchy
  92.808 +     * @param offset
  92.809 +     * @return
  92.810 +     */
  92.811 +    private boolean isBlockStartExisting(List<PlsqlBlock> blockHierarchy, int offset) {
  92.812 +        boolean isExisting = false;
  92.813 +        for (int i = blockHierarchy.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  92.814 +            PlsqlBlock tmp = blockHierarchy.get(i);
  92.815 +            if (tmp.getStartOffset() == offset) {
  92.816 +                isExisting = true;
  92.817 +                break;
  92.818 +            }
  92.819 +
  92.820 +            if (!isExisting) {
  92.821 +                if (isBlockStartExisting(tmp.getChildBlocks(), offset)) {
  92.822 +                    isExisting = true;
  92.823 +                    break;
  92.824 +                }
  92.825 +            }
  92.826 +        }
  92.827 +
  92.828 +        return isExisting;
  92.829 +    }
  92.830 +
  92.831 +    private boolean isEqual(PlsqlBlock parent, PlsqlBlock block) {
  92.832 +        if ((parent == null) || (block == null)) {
  92.833 +            return false;
  92.834 +        }
  92.835 +        if ((parent.getStartOffset() == block.getStartOffset())
  92.836 +                || (parent.getEndOffset() == block.getEndOffset())
  92.837 +                || (parent.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(block.getName()))) {
  92.838 +            return true;
  92.839 +        }
  92.840 +        return false;
  92.841 +    }
  92.842 +
  92.843 +    private String readLine(TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, Token<PlsqlTokenId> token) {
  92.844 +        String line = token.toString();
  92.845 +        while (ts.moveNext()) {
  92.846 +            token = ts.token();
  92.847 +            if ( == PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE && token.text().toString().contains("\n")) {
  92.848 +                ts.movePrevious();
  92.849 +                break;
  92.850 +            }
  92.851 +
  92.852 +            line = line + token.toString();
  92.853 +        }
  92.854 +
  92.855 +        return line;
  92.856 +    }
  92.857 +
  92.858 +    /**
  92.859 +     * Method that will remove the begin block of this declare block if there
  92.860 +     * @param declareBlock
  92.861 +     */
  92.862 +    private void removeChildBegin(PlsqlBlock declareBlock) {
  92.863 +        //can check from the root hierarchies since begin/declare cannot be child blocks
  92.864 +        for (int i = blockHierarchy.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  92.865 +            PlsqlBlock tmp = blockHierarchy.get(i);
  92.866 +            if ((tmp.getStartOffset() > declareBlock.getStartOffset())
  92.867 +                    && (tmp.getEndOffset() == declareBlock.getEndOffset())
  92.868 +                    && (tmp.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.BEGIN_END)) {
  92.869 +                blockHierarchy.remove(tmp);
  92.870 +            }
  92.871 +        }
  92.872 +    }
  92.873 +
  92.874 +    /**
  92.875 +     * Change offsets of the blocks below the area
  92.876 +     * @param blockHier
  92.877 +     * @param endParse
  92.878 +     * @param length
  92.879 +     */
  92.880 +    private void changeOffSet(List<PlsqlBlock> blockHier, int offset, int length, boolean add, boolean adjust) {
  92.881 +        int count = blockHier.size();
  92.882 +        int start = 0;
  92.883 +        int end = 0;
  92.884 +        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
  92.885 +            PlsqlBlock temp = blockHier.get(i);
  92.886 +            start = temp.getStartOffset();
  92.887 +            end = temp.getEndOffset();
  92.888 +            if (temp.getStartOffset() >= offset) {
  92.889 +                if (temp.getPreviousStart() == -1) {
  92.890 +                    temp.setPreviousStart(start);
  92.891 +                }
  92.892 +                if (start + length < 0) {
  92.893 +                    temp.setStartOffset(0);
  92.894 +                } else {
  92.895 +                    temp.setStartOffset(start + length);
  92.896 +                    if (startParse == start && adjust) //changing offsets of toBeRemoved
  92.897 +                    {
  92.898 +                        startParse = start + length;
  92.899 +                    }
  92.900 +                }
  92.901 +
  92.902 +                if (temp.getPreviousEnd() == -1) {
  92.903 +                    temp.setPreviousEnd(end);
  92.904 +                }
  92.905 +                if (end + length < 0) {
  92.906 +                    temp.setEndOffset(0);
  92.907 +                } else {
  92.908 +                    temp.setEndOffset(end + length);
  92.909 +                    if (endParse == end && adjust) //changing offsets of toBeRemoved
  92.910 +                    {
  92.911 +                        endParse = end + length;
  92.912 +                    }
  92.913 +                }
  92.914 +
  92.915 +                if (add) {
  92.916 +                    addToChangedBlocks(temp);
  92.917 +                }
  92.918 +                changeOffSet(temp.getChildBlocks(), offset, length, add, adjust);
  92.919 +            } else if (temp.getEndOffset() >= offset) {
  92.920 +                if (temp.getPreviousEnd() == -1) {
  92.921 +                    temp.setPreviousEnd(end);
  92.922 +                }
  92.923 +                if (end + length < 0) {
  92.924 +                    temp.setEndOffset(0);
  92.925 +                } else {
  92.926 +                    temp.setEndOffset(end + length);
  92.927 +                    if (endParse == end && adjust) //changing offsets of toBeRemoved
  92.928 +                    {
  92.929 +                        endParse = end + length;
  92.930 +                    }
  92.931 +                }
  92.932 +
  92.933 +                if (add) {
  92.934 +                    addToChangedBlocks(temp);
  92.935 +                }
  92.936 +                changeOffSet(temp.getChildBlocks(), offset, length, add, adjust);
  92.937 +            }
  92.938 +        }
  92.939 +    }
  92.940 +
  92.941 +    /**
  92.942 +     * Method that will check whether there are DEFINE statements in the affected area
  92.943 +     * @param doc
  92.944 +     * @param startOffset
  92.945 +     * @param endOffset
  92.946 +     */
  92.947 +    private void checkAffected(Document doc, int startOffset, int endOffset) throws BadLocationException {
  92.948 +        int length = endOffset - startOffset;
  92.949 +        String changedText = doc.getText(startOffset, length);
  92.950 +
  92.951 +        if ((changedText.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("DEFINE ") != -1)
  92.952 +                || (changedText.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("DEFIN ") != -1)
  92.953 +                || (changedText.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("DEFI ") != -1)
  92.954 +                || (changedText.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("DEF ") != -1)) {
  92.955 +            isDefineChanged = true;
  92.956 +        }
  92.957 +    }
  92.958 +
  92.959 +    /**
  92.960 +     * Method that will make CURSOR blocks
  92.961 +     * @param tempToken
  92.962 +     * @param ts
  92.963 +     * @param parentBlocks
  92.964 +     * @return
  92.965 +     */
  92.966 +    private PlsqlBlock checkCursor(Token<PlsqlTokenId> current, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
  92.967 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> cursorBegin = current;
  92.968 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = current;
  92.969 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> cursorEnd = null;
  92.970 +        PlsqlBlock block = null;
  92.971 +        List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
  92.972 +        boolean moveNext = false;
  92.973 +
  92.974 +        //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
  92.975 +        if (sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
  92.976 +            return null;
  92.977 +        }
  92.978 +
  92.979 +        //Get next token which is the name
  92.980 +        int offset = ts.offset();
  92.981 +        moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, false);
  92.982 +        tmp = ts.token();
  92.983 +        if (moveNext == false) {
  92.984 +            ts.move(offset);
  92.985 +            ts.moveNext();
  92.986 +            return block;
  92.987 +        }
  92.988 +        String cursorName = tmp.text().toString();
  92.989 +        String alias = "";
  92.990 +        if (cursorName.indexOf('&') != -1) {
  92.991 +            alias = cursorName;
  92.992 +        }
  92.993 +        cursorName = getDefine(cursorName);
  92.994 +
  92.995 +        //Next token has to be IS or ( if not leave
  92.996 +        moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, false);
  92.997 +        tmp = ts.token();
  92.998 +        boolean isFound = false;
  92.999 +        boolean parameter = false;
 92.1000 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
 92.1001 +
 92.1002 +        while (moveNext) {
 92.1003 +            PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.1004 +            String image = tmp.text().toString();
 92.1005 +
 92.1006 +            if ((tmp != null) && (!image.equals(";")) && (tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse)) {
 92.1007 +                break;
 92.1008 +            }
 92.1009 +
 92.1010 +            //When we have come up to ';' stop
 92.1011 +            if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.OPERATOR) && (image.equals(";"))) {
 92.1012 +                if (isFound) {
 92.1013 +                    if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.1014 +                        tmp = ts.token();
 92.1015 +                    }
 92.1016 +                    cursorEnd = tmp;
 92.1017 +                    break;
 92.1018 +                } else {
 92.1019 +                    ts.move(offset);
 92.1020 +                    ts.moveNext();
 92.1021 +                    return null;
 92.1022 +                }
 92.1023 +            } else if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LPAREN) && (!isFound)) {
 92.1024 +                parameter = true;
 92.1025 +            } else if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.RPAREN) && (!isFound)) {
 92.1026 +                parameter = false;
 92.1027 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD) {
 92.1028 +                if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("IS")) {
 92.1029 +                    isFound = true;
 92.1030 +                } else if ((!parameter) && //If this keyword is a parameter inside cursor ignore
 92.1031 +                        ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("SUBTYPE"))
 92.1032 +                        || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CONSTANT"))
 92.1033 +                        || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("NUMBER"))
 92.1034 +                        || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("VARCHAR2")))) { //Avoid catching ';' of other statements
 92.1035 +
 92.1036 +                    return null;
 92.1037 +                } else if ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("VIEW"))
 92.1038 +                        || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE"))
 92.1039 +                        || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION"))
 92.1040 +                        || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("BEGIN"))
 92.1041 +                        || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("DECLARE"))
 92.1042 +                        || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATE"))
 92.1043 +                        || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CURSOR"))
 92.1044 +                        || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("EXCEPTION"))
 92.1045 +                        || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PRAGMA"))
 92.1046 +                        || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("END"))
 92.1047 +                        || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("COMMENT"))) { //Avoid catching ';' of other statements
 92.1048 +
 92.1049 +                    return null;
 92.1050 +                }
 92.1051 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.1052 +                //only single comment line
 92.1053 +                if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
 92.1054 +                    customStartToken = tmp;
 92.1055 +                } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
 92.1056 +                    if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.1057 +                        String name = customStartToken.text().toString();
 92.1058 +                        int index = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
 92.1059 +                        name = name.substring(index + 7).trim();
 92.1060 +                        if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.1061 +                            tmp = ts.token();
 92.1062 +                            PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.1063 +                                    tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
 92.1064 +                            customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
 92.1065 +                        }
 92.1066 +                        customStartToken = null;
 92.1067 +                    }
 92.1068 +                } else {
 92.1069 +                    PlsqlBlock child = checkComment(tmp, ts);
 92.1070 +                    if (child != null) {
 92.1071 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.1072 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.1073 +                        }
 92.1074 +                    }
 92.1075 +                }
 92.1076 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
 92.1077 +                int start = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.1078 +                PlsqlBlock child = new PlsqlBlock(start,
 92.1079 +                        start + tmp.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.1080 +                if (child != null) {
 92.1081 +                    if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.1082 +                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.1083 +                    }
 92.1084 +                }
 92.1085 +            }
 92.1086 +
 92.1087 +            moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.1088 +            tmp = ts.token();
 92.1089 +        }
 92.1090 +
 92.1091 +        if (cursorEnd != null) {
 92.1092 +            block = new PlsqlBlock(cursorBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts.offset(),
 92.1093 +                    cursorName, alias, PlsqlBlockType.CURSOR);
 92.1094 +        }
 92.1095 +
 92.1096 +        if (block != null) {
 92.1097 +            //add children
 92.1098 +            addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.1099 +        }
 92.1100 +
 92.1101 +        return block;
 92.1102 +    }
 92.1103 +
 92.1104 +    /**
 92.1105 +     * Check whether we have caught a begin of a declare block
 92.1106 +     * @param ts
 92.1107 +     * @param immediate
 92.1108 +     * @return
 92.1109 +     */
 92.1110 +    private boolean isDeclare(TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> immediate) {
 92.1111 +        int offset = ts.offset();
 92.1112 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = ts.token();
 92.1113 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> tokenPre = ts.token();
 92.1114 +
 92.1115 +        while (ts.movePrevious()) {
 92.1116              token = ts.token();
 92.1117              String image = token.text().toString();
 92.1118 -            PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.1119 -
 92.1120 -            if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.1121 -               //only single comment line
 92.1122 -               if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
 92.1123 -                  if (isTokenOk(token, immediateBlockHier, parent)) {
 92.1124 -                     String name = image;
 92.1125 -                     int index = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
 92.1126 -                     name = name.substring(index + 7).trim();
 92.1127 -                     ts.move(found.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.1128 -                     ts.moveNext();
 92.1129 -                     if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.1130 -                        found = ts.token();
 92.1131 -                        PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(token.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.1132 -                                found.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
 92.1133 -                        customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
 92.1134 -                     }
 92.1135 -                  }
 92.1136 -                  //since we have found the other tag return
 92.1137 -                  return;
 92.1138 -               } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
 92.1139 -                  //We have come to another end
 92.1140 -                  return;
 92.1141 -               }
 92.1142 +            if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("DECLARE") && (!isBlockStartExisting(immediate, ts.offset()))) {
 92.1143 +                PlsqlBlock block = checkDeclareBlock(token, ts, immediate);
 92.1144 +                if (block != null && (checkExisting(block, immediate) == false)) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.1145 +                    immediate.add(block);
 92.1146 +                    newBlocks.add(block);
 92.1147 +                } else {
 92.1148 +                    //Since we have not found the block we have to avoid getting caught up in a loop
 92.1149 +                    ts.move(offset);
 92.1150 +                    ts.moveNext();
 92.1151 +                }
 92.1152 +                return true;
 92.1153 +            } else if ((image.equals("/")) || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("BEGIN"))
 92.1154 +                    || ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("END")) && (tokenPre.text().toString().equals(";")))) {
 92.1155 +                break;
 92.1156              }
 92.1157 -         }
 92.1158 -      }
 92.1159 -   }
 92.1160 -
 92.1161 -   /**
 92.1162 -    * Method that will check for a Java Source block
 92.1163 -    * @param tempToken
 92.1164 -    * @param ts
 92.1165 -    * @param immediateBlockHier
 92.1166 -    * @return
 92.1167 -    */
 92.1168 -   private PlsqlBlock checkJavaSource(Token<PlsqlTokenId> tempToken, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts) {
 92.1169 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> begin = tempToken;
 92.1170 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = tempToken;
 92.1171 -      PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.1172 -
 92.1173 -      //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
 92.1174 -      if (sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
 92.1175 -         return null;
 92.1176 -      }
 92.1177 -
 92.1178 -      while (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.1179 -         tmp = ts.token();
 92.1180 -         String image = tmp.text().toString();
 92.1181 -         PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.1182 -
 92.1183 -         if ((tmp != null) && (!image.equals("/")) && (tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse)) {
 92.1184 -            break;
 92.1185 -         }
 92.1186 -
 92.1187 -         //We might have come to the end of the procedure/function declaration
 92.1188 -         if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.OPERATOR) && image.equals("/")) {
 92.1189 -            //check whether previous Non white space token to the identifier is END
 92.1190 -            int offset = ts.offset();
 92.1191 -            if (checkForOnlyChar(ts, offset)) {
 92.1192 -               ts.move(offset);
 92.1193 -               ts.moveNext();
 92.1194 -               ts.moveNext();
 92.1195 -               block = new PlsqlBlock(begin.offset(tokenHierarchy), offset, "", "", PlsqlBlockType.JAVA_SOURCE);
 92.1196 -               checkPrefix(begin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts, block);
 92.1197 -               break;
 92.1198 +
 92.1199 +            if (( != PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE)
 92.1200 +                    && ( != PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT)
 92.1201 +                    && ( != PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT)) {
 92.1202 +                tokenPre = token;
 92.1203              }
 92.1204 -         }
 92.1205 -      }
 92.1206 -
 92.1207 -      return block;
 92.1208 -   }
 92.1209 -
 92.1210 -   /**
 92.1211 -    * Check whether this current token is the only token in this line
 92.1212 -    * @param ts
 92.1213 -    * @param offset
 92.1214 -    * @return
 92.1215 -    */
 92.1216 -   private boolean checkForOnlyChar(TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, int offset) {
 92.1217 -      boolean isStartOk = true;
 92.1218 -      boolean isEndOk = true;
 92.1219 -      ts.move(offset);
 92.1220 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = null;
 92.1221 -      while (ts.movePrevious()) {
 92.1222 -         token = ts.token();
 92.1223 -         if ( == PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE) {
 92.1224 -            if (token.toString().contains("\n")) {
 92.1225 -               break;
 92.1226 +        }
 92.1227 +
 92.1228 +        ts.move(offset);
 92.1229 +        ts.moveNext();
 92.1230 +        return false;
 92.1231 +    }
 92.1232 +
 92.1233 +    /**
 92.1234 +     * Check whether the given block is already there in block hierachy
 92.1235 +     * @param block
 92.1236 +     * @param childList
 92.1237 +     * @return
 92.1238 +     */
 92.1239 +    private boolean checkExisting(PlsqlBlock block, List<PlsqlBlock> childList) {
 92.1240 +        boolean existing = false;
 92.1241 +        int count = childList.size();
 92.1242 +        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
 92.1243 +            PlsqlBlock tmp = childList.get(i);
 92.1244 +            if ((tmp.getName().equals(block.getName()) && tmp.getEndOffset() == block.getEndOffset())
 92.1245 +                    || (tmp.getName().equals(block.getName()) && tmp.getStartOffset() == block.getStartOffset())
 92.1246 +                    || (tmp.getEndOffset() == block.getEndOffset() && tmp.getStartOffset() == block.getStartOffset())) {
 92.1247 +                existing = true;
 92.1248 +                break;
 92.1249              }
 92.1250 -         } else if ( == PlsqlTokenId.JAVA_SOUCE) {
 92.1251 -            break;
 92.1252 -         } else {
 92.1253 -            isStartOk = false;
 92.1254 -            break;
 92.1255 -         }
 92.1256 -      }
 92.1257 -
 92.1258 -      ts.move(offset);
 92.1259 -      ts.moveNext(); //current token
 92.1260 -      while (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.1261 -         token = ts.token();
 92.1262 -         if ( == PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE) {
 92.1263 -            if (token.toString().contains("\n")) {
 92.1264 -               break;
 92.1265 +        }
 92.1266 +
 92.1267 +        return existing;
 92.1268 +    }
 92.1269 +
 92.1270 +    /**
 92.1271 +     * Clear internal variables used in a parse
 92.1272 +     */
 92.1273 +    private void clear() {
 92.1274 +        isDefineChanged = false;
 92.1275 +        startParse = 0;
 92.1276 +        endParse = 0;
 92.1277 +        changedLength = 0;
 92.1278 +        newBlocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.1279 +        toBeRemoved = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.1280 +        changedBlocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.1281 +        unsuccessBlocks = new HashSet<Integer>();
 92.1282 +        resetPreviousValues(blockHierarchy);
 92.1283 +    }
 92.1284 +
 92.1285 +    private void resetPreviousValues(List<PlsqlBlock> blockList) {
 92.1286 +        for (PlsqlBlock block : blockList) {
 92.1287 +            block.setPreviousStart(-1);
 92.1288 +            block.setPreviousEnd(-1);
 92.1289 +            resetPreviousValues(block.getChildBlocks());
 92.1290 +        }
 92.1291 +    }
 92.1292 +
 92.1293 +    public void beforeCaseChange() {
 92.1294 +        caseChangeInProgress = true;
 92.1295 +    }
 92.1296 +
 92.1297 +    public void afterCaseChange() {
 92.1298 +        caseChangeInProgress = false;
 92.1299 +    }
 92.1300 +
 92.1301 +    public void beforeSave(Document document) {
 92.1302 +        saveInProgress = true;
 92.1303 +        synchronized (updateLock) {
 92.1304 +            updateEvents.clear();
 92.1305 +        }
 92.1306 +    }
 92.1307 +
 92.1308 +    public boolean isSaveInProgress() {
 92.1309 +        return saveInProgress || caseChangeInProgress;
 92.1310 +    }
 92.1311 +
 92.1312 +    public synchronized void afterSave(Document document) {
 92.1313 +        setChanged();
 92.1314 +        //initHierarchy(document);
 92.1315 +        reParse(document);
 92.1316 +        parseAliases();
 92.1317 +        notifyObservers(document);
 92.1318 +        clearChanged();
 92.1319 +        saveInProgress = false;
 92.1320 +    }
 92.1321 +
 92.1322 +    private EventProperties addNewEvent(DocumentEvent e, DocumentEvent.EventType mode) {
 92.1323 +        EventProperties eventProperties = new EventProperties(this);
 92.1324 +        eventProperties.document = e.getDocument();
 92.1325 +        eventProperties.offset = e.getOffset();
 92.1326 +        eventProperties.length = e.getLength();
 92.1327 +        eventProperties.mode = mode;
 92.1328 +        updateEvents.addLast(eventProperties);
 92.1329 +        return eventProperties;
 92.1330 +
 92.1331 +    }
 92.1332 +
 92.1333 +    private void removeBlock(PlsqlBlock block, List<PlsqlBlock> lstBlocks) {
 92.1334 +        boolean removed = false;
 92.1335 +        if (!lstBlocks.remove(block)) {
 92.1336 +            if (removeBlock(blockHierarchy, block)) {
 92.1337 +                toBeRemoved.add(block);
 92.1338 +                removed = true;
 92.1339              }
 92.1340 -         } else {
 92.1341 -            isEndOk = false;
 92.1342 -            break;
 92.1343 -         }
 92.1344 -      }
 92.1345 -
 92.1346 -      ts.move(offset);
 92.1347 -      ts.moveNext();
 92.1348 -
 92.1349 -      if (isStartOk && isEndOk) {
 92.1350 -         return true;
 92.1351 -      }
 92.1352 -
 92.1353 -      return false;
 92.1354 -   }
 92.1355 -
 92.1356 -   /**
 92.1357 -    * Method that will check for statement blocks other than the CURSOR and VIEW
 92.1358 -    * @param tempToken
 92.1359 -    * @param ts
 92.1360 -    * @param immediateBlockHier
 92.1361 -    * @return
 92.1362 -    */
 92.1363 -   private PlsqlBlock checkStatementBlock(Token<PlsqlTokenId> current, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
 92.1364 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> stmtBegin = null;
 92.1365 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = null;
 92.1366 -      List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.1367 -      PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.1368 -      boolean moveNext = false;
 92.1369 -
 92.1370 -      //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
 92.1371 -      if (sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
 92.1372 -         return null;
 92.1373 -      }
 92.1374 -
 92.1375 -      moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.1376 -      token = ts.token();
 92.1377 -      stmtBegin = current;
 92.1378 -      boolean getName = true;
 92.1379 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
 92.1380 -      String name = current.text().toString();
 92.1381 -
 92.1382 -      while (moveNext) {
 92.1383 -         String image = token.text().toString();
 92.1384 -         PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.1385 -
 92.1386 -         if ((token != null) && (!image.equals(";")) && (!image.equals("/")) && (token.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse)) {
 92.1387 -            break;
 92.1388 -         }
 92.1389 -
 92.1390 -         if (image.equals(";") || (image.equals("/") && checkForOnlyChar(ts, ts.offset()))) {
 92.1391 -            block = new PlsqlBlock(stmtBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), token.offset(tokenHierarchy), name.trim(), "", PlsqlBlockType.STATEMENT);
 92.1392 -            checkPrefix(stmtBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts, block);
 92.1393 -            break;
 92.1394 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATE")
 92.1395 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DECLARE")
 92.1396 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("BEGIN")
 92.1397 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("WHEN")
 92.1398 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("THEN")
 92.1399 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("IF")
 92.1400 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("END")
 92.1401 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("ELSE")
 92.1402 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")) {
 92.1403 -            break;
 92.1404 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CASE")) {
 92.1405 -            int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.1406 -            List children = checkCaseBlock(token, ts, lstChild, true);
 92.1407 -            if (children == null || children.size() == 0) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.1408 -
 92.1409 -               ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.1410 -               moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.1411 -            } else {
 92.1412 -               for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.1413 -                  PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.1414 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.1415 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.1416 -                  }
 92.1417 -               }
 92.1418 -            }
 92.1419 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.1420 -            //only single comment line
 92.1421 -            if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
 92.1422 -               customStartToken = token;
 92.1423 -            } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
 92.1424 -               if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.1425 -                  String fname = customStartToken.text().toString();
 92.1426 -                  int index = fname.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
 92.1427 -                  fname = fname.substring(index + 7).trim();
 92.1428 -                  if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.1429 -                     token = ts.token();
 92.1430 -                     PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.1431 -                             token.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
 92.1432 -                     customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
 92.1433 -                  }
 92.1434 -                  customStartToken = null;
 92.1435 -               }
 92.1436 -            } else {
 92.1437 -               PlsqlBlock child = checkComment(token, ts);
 92.1438 -               if (child != null) {
 92.1439 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.1440 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.1441 -                  }
 92.1442 -               }
 92.1443 -            }
 92.1444 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
 92.1445 -            int start = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.1446 -            PlsqlBlock child = new PlsqlBlock(start,
 92.1447 -                    start + token.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.1448 -            if (child != null) {
 92.1449 -               if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.1450 -                  lstChild.add(child);
 92.1451 -               }
 92.1452 -            }
 92.1453 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE && image.contains("\n")) {
 92.1454 -            getName = false;
 92.1455 -         } else if (getName) {
 92.1456 -            name = name + image;
 92.1457 -         }
 92.1458 -
 92.1459 -         moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.1460 -         token = ts.token();
 92.1461 -      }
 92.1462 -
 92.1463 -      if (block != null) {
 92.1464 -         //add children
 92.1465 -         addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.1466 -      }
 92.1467 -
 92.1468 -      return block;
 92.1469 -   }
 92.1470 -
 92.1471 -   /**
 92.1472 -    * Check whether the given token offest is inlcuded in any existing block
 92.1473 -    * @param token
 92.1474 -    * @param immediateBlockHier
 92.1475 -    * @param parent
 92.1476 -    * @return
 92.1477 -    */
 92.1478 -   private boolean isTokenOk(Token<PlsqlTokenId> token, List<PlsqlBlock> immediateBlockHier, PlsqlBlock parent) {
 92.1479 -      boolean isOk = true;
 92.1480 -      int offset = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.1481 -      for (int i = immediateBlockHier.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
 92.1482 -         PlsqlBlock block = immediateBlockHier.get(i);
 92.1483 -         if ((block.getStartOffset() <= offset) && (block.getEndOffset() >= offset)) {
 92.1484 -            isOk = false;
 92.1485 -            break;
 92.1486 -         }
 92.1487 -      }
 92.1488 -
 92.1489 -      if (isOk && parent != null) {
 92.1490 -         if (!((parent.getStartOffset() <= offset) && (parent.getEndOffset() >= offset))) {
 92.1491 -            isOk = false;
 92.1492 -         }
 92.1493 -      }
 92.1494 -      return isOk;
 92.1495 -   }
 92.1496 -
 92.1497 -   /**
 92.1498 -    * Method that will look for trigger blocks
 92.1499 -    * @param tempToken
 92.1500 -    * @param ts
 92.1501 -    * @param parentBlocks
 92.1502 -    * @return
 92.1503 -    */
 92.1504 -   private PlsqlBlock checkTrigger(Token<PlsqlTokenId> tiggerToken, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
 92.1505 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> triggerBegin = tiggerToken;
 92.1506 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = tiggerToken;
 92.1507 -      PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.1508 -      List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.1509 -
 92.1510 -      String triggerName = "";
 92.1511 -      boolean moveNext = false;
 92.1512 -
 92.1513 -      //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
 92.1514 -      if (sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
 92.1515 -         return null;
 92.1516 -      }
 92.1517 -
 92.1518 -      //Get procedure/function name which is the next non whitespace token
 92.1519 -      moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.1520 -      tmp = ts.token();
 92.1521 -      if (moveNext == false) {
 92.1522 -         return block;
 92.1523 -      }
 92.1524 -
 92.1525 -      triggerName = tmp.text().toString();
 92.1526 -      triggerName = checkForOtherSchema(ts, triggerName);
 92.1527 -      String alias = "";
 92.1528 -      if (triggerName.indexOf('&') != -1) {
 92.1529 -         alias = triggerName;
 92.1530 -      }
 92.1531 -      triggerName = getDefine(triggerName);
 92.1532 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
 92.1533 -
 92.1534 -      while (moveNext) {
 92.1535 -         String image = tmp.text().toString();
 92.1536 -         PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.1537 -
 92.1538 -         if ((tmp != null) && (!image.equals(";")) && (tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse)) {
 92.1539 -            break;
 92.1540 -         }
 92.1541 -
 92.1542 -         //We might have come to the end of the procedure/function declaration
 92.1543 -         if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.OPERATOR) && image.equals(";")) {
 92.1544 -            //check whether previous Non white space token to the identifier is END
 92.1545 -            int offset = ts.offset();
 92.1546 -            getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.1547 -            Token<PlsqlTokenId> previousNWS = ts.token();
 92.1548 -            String prevText = previousNWS.text().toString();
 92.1549 -            getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.1550 -            previousNWS = ts.token();
 92.1551 -            if (alias.equals("")) {
 92.1552 -               if ((prevText.equalsIgnoreCase(triggerName)
 92.1553 -                       && previousNWS.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END"))
 92.1554 -                       || prevText.equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
 92.1555 -                  ts.move(offset);
 92.1556 -                  moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.1557 -                  moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.1558 -                  block = new PlsqlBlock(triggerBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.1559 -                          ts.offset(), triggerName, alias, PlsqlBlockType.TRIGGER);
 92.1560 -                  checkPrefix(triggerBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts, block);
 92.1561 -                  break;
 92.1562 -               }
 92.1563 -            } else {
 92.1564 -               if ((prevText.equalsIgnoreCase(alias)
 92.1565 -                       && previousNWS.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END"))
 92.1566 -                       || prevText.equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
 92.1567 -                  ts.move(offset);
 92.1568 -                  moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.1569 -                  moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.1570 -                  block = new PlsqlBlock(triggerBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.1571 -                          ts.offset(), triggerName, alias, PlsqlBlockType.TRIGGER);
 92.1572 -                  checkPrefix(triggerBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts, block);
 92.1573 -                  break;
 92.1574 -               }
 92.1575 -            }
 92.1576 -            ts.move(offset);
 92.1577 -            moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.1578 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE")
 92.1579 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INDEX")
 92.1580 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SELECT")
 92.1581 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("UPDATE")
 92.1582 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DELETE")
 92.1583 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INSERT")
 92.1584 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("MERGE")
 92.1585 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DROP")
 92.1586 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SEQUENCE")) {
 92.1587 -            if (!isNotBlockStart(tmp, ts)) {
 92.1588 -               int offset = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.1589 -               PlsqlBlock child = checkStatementBlock(tmp, ts, parentBlocks);
 92.1590 -               if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.1591 -
 92.1592 -                  ts.move(offset);
 92.1593 -                  ts.moveNext();
 92.1594 -               } else {
 92.1595 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.1596 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.1597 -                  }
 92.1598 -               }
 92.1599 -            }
 92.1600 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE")) {
 92.1601 -            int beforeOff = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.1602 -            PlsqlBlock child = checkMethod(tmp, ts, PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL, lstChild);
 92.1603 -            if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.1604 -               ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.1605 -               ts.moveNext();
 92.1606 -            } else {
 92.1607 -               if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.1608 -                  lstChild.add(child);
 92.1609 -               }
 92.1610 -            }
 92.1611 -         } //Inner procedure
 92.1612 -         else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION")) {
 92.1613 -            int beforeOff = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.1614 -            PlsqlBlock child = checkMethod(tmp, ts, PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL, lstChild);
 92.1615 -            if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.1616 -
 92.1617 -               ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.1618 -               ts.moveNext();
 92.1619 -            } else {
 92.1620 -               if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.1621 -                  lstChild.add(child);
 92.1622 -               }
 92.1623 -            }
 92.1624 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATE")
 92.1625 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("/")
 92.1626 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("PACKAGE")) {
 92.1627 -            break;
 92.1628 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.1629 -            //only single comment line
 92.1630 -            if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
 92.1631 -               customStartToken = tmp;
 92.1632 -            } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
 92.1633 -               if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.1634 -                  String name = customStartToken.text().toString();
 92.1635 -                  int index = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
 92.1636 -                  name = name.substring(index + 7).trim();
 92.1637 -                  if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.1638 -                     tmp = ts.token();
 92.1639 -                     PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.1640 -                             tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
 92.1641 -                     customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
 92.1642 -                  }
 92.1643 -                  customStartToken = null;
 92.1644 -               }
 92.1645 -            } else {
 92.1646 -               PlsqlBlock child = checkComment(tmp, ts);
 92.1647 -               if (child != null) {
 92.1648 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.1649 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.1650 -                  }
 92.1651 -               }
 92.1652 -            }
 92.1653 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
 92.1654 -            int start = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.1655 -            PlsqlBlock child = new PlsqlBlock(start,
 92.1656 -                    start + tmp.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.1657 -            if (child != null) {
 92.1658 -               if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.1659 -                  lstChild.add(child);
 92.1660 -               }
 92.1661 -            }
 92.1662 -         }
 92.1663 -
 92.1664 -         moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.1665 -         tmp = ts.token();
 92.1666 -      }
 92.1667 -
 92.1668 -      if (block != null) {
 92.1669 -         //add children
 92.1670 -         addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.1671 -      }
 92.1672 -
 92.1673 -      return block;
 92.1674 -   }
 92.1675 -
 92.1676 -   /**
 92.1677 -    * Method that will check the prefix of the given block and change the block values accordingly
 92.1678 -    * @param startOffset
 92.1679 -    * @param ts
 92.1680 -    * @param begin
 92.1681 -    */
 92.1682 -   private void checkPrefix(int startOffset, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, PlsqlBlock block) {
 92.1683 -      String prefix = "";
 92.1684 -      int offset = ts.offset();
 92.1685 -      ts.move(startOffset);
 92.1686 -      ts.moveNext();
 92.1687 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = ts.token();
 92.1688 -      int beginOffset = startOffset;
 92.1689 -
 92.1690 -      while (ts.movePrevious()) {
 92.1691 -         token = ts.token();
 92.1692 -         String image = token.text().toString();
 92.1693 -
 92.1694 -         if (image.contains("\n") || ( != PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && != PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE)) {
 92.1695 -            break;
 92.1696 -         }
 92.1697 -
 92.1698 -         prefix = token.text().toString() + prefix;
 92.1699 -         if ( != PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE) {
 92.1700 -            beginOffset = ts.offset();
 92.1701 -         }
 92.1702 -      }
 92.1703 -
 92.1704 -      ts.move(offset);
 92.1705 -      ts.moveNext();
 92.1706 -      block.setStartOffset(beginOffset);
 92.1707 -      block.setPrefix(prefix);
 92.1708 -   }
 92.1709 -
 92.1710 -   /**
 92.1711 -    * Check whether there is a block existing with the given offset as the start offset
 92.1712 -    * @param blockHierarchy
 92.1713 -    * @param offset
 92.1714 -    * @return
 92.1715 -    */
 92.1716 -   private boolean isBlockStartExisting(List<PlsqlBlock> blockHierarchy, int offset) {
 92.1717 -      boolean isExisting = false;
 92.1718 -      for (int i = blockHierarchy.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
 92.1719 -         PlsqlBlock tmp = blockHierarchy.get(i);
 92.1720 -         if (tmp.getStartOffset() == offset) {
 92.1721 -            isExisting = true;
 92.1722 -            break;
 92.1723 -         }
 92.1724 -
 92.1725 -         if (!isExisting) {
 92.1726 -            if (isBlockStartExisting(tmp.getChildBlocks(), offset)) {
 92.1727 -               isExisting = true;
 92.1728 -               break;
 92.1729 -            }
 92.1730 -         }
 92.1731 -      }
 92.1732 -
 92.1733 -      return isExisting;
 92.1734 -   }
 92.1735 -
 92.1736 -   private boolean isEqual(PlsqlBlock parent, PlsqlBlock block) {
 92.1737 -      if ((parent == null) || (block == null)) {
 92.1738 -         return false;
 92.1739 -      }
 92.1740 -      if ((parent.getStartOffset() == block.getStartOffset())
 92.1741 -              || (parent.getEndOffset() == block.getEndOffset())
 92.1742 -              || (parent.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(block.getName()))) {
 92.1743 -         return true;
 92.1744 -      }
 92.1745 -      return false;
 92.1746 -   }
 92.1747 -
 92.1748 -   private String readLine(TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, Token<PlsqlTokenId> token) {
 92.1749 -      String line = token.toString();
 92.1750 -      while (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.1751 -         token = ts.token();
 92.1752 -         if ( == PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE && token.text().toString().contains("\n")) {
 92.1753 -            ts.movePrevious();
 92.1754 -            break;
 92.1755 -         }
 92.1756 -
 92.1757 -         line = line + token.toString();
 92.1758 -      }
 92.1759 -
 92.1760 -      return line;
 92.1761 -   }
 92.1762 -
 92.1763 -   /**
 92.1764 -    * Method that will remove the begin block of this declare block if there
 92.1765 -    * @param declareBlock
 92.1766 -    */
 92.1767 -   private void removeChildBegin(PlsqlBlock declareBlock) {
 92.1768 -      //can check from the root hierarchies since begin/declare cannot be child blocks
 92.1769 -      for (int i = blockHierarchy.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
 92.1770 -         PlsqlBlock tmp = blockHierarchy.get(i);
 92.1771 -         if ((tmp.getStartOffset() > declareBlock.getStartOffset())
 92.1772 -                 && (tmp.getEndOffset() == declareBlock.getEndOffset())
 92.1773 -                 && (tmp.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.BEGIN_END)) {
 92.1774 -            blockHierarchy.remove(tmp);
 92.1775 -         }
 92.1776 -      }
 92.1777 -   }
 92.1778 -
 92.1779 -   /**
 92.1780 -    * Change offsets of the blocks below the area
 92.1781 -    * @param blockHier
 92.1782 -    * @param endParse
 92.1783 -    * @param length
 92.1784 -    */
 92.1785 -   private void changeOffSet(List<PlsqlBlock> blockHier, int offset, int length, boolean add, boolean adjust) {
 92.1786 -      int count = blockHier.size();
 92.1787 -      int start = 0;
 92.1788 -      int end = 0;
 92.1789 -      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
 92.1790 -         PlsqlBlock temp = blockHier.get(i);
 92.1791 -         start = temp.getStartOffset();
 92.1792 -         end = temp.getEndOffset();
 92.1793 -         if (temp.getStartOffset() >= offset) {
 92.1794 -            if (temp.getPreviousStart() == -1) {
 92.1795 -               temp.setPreviousStart(start);
 92.1796 -            }
 92.1797 -            if (start + length < 0) {
 92.1798 -               temp.setStartOffset(0);
 92.1799 -            } else {
 92.1800 -               temp.setStartOffset(start + length);
 92.1801 -               if (startParse == start && adjust) //changing offsets of toBeRemoved
 92.1802 -               {
 92.1803 -                  startParse = start + length;
 92.1804 -               }
 92.1805 -            }
 92.1806 -
 92.1807 -            if (temp.getPreviousEnd() == -1) {
 92.1808 -               temp.setPreviousEnd(end);
 92.1809 -            }
 92.1810 -            if (end + length < 0) {
 92.1811 -               temp.setEndOffset(0);
 92.1812 -            } else {
 92.1813 -               temp.setEndOffset(end + length);
 92.1814 -               if (endParse == end && adjust) //changing offsets of toBeRemoved
 92.1815 -               {
 92.1816 -                  endParse = end + length;
 92.1817 -               }
 92.1818 -            }
 92.1819 -
 92.1820 -            if (add) {
 92.1821 -               addToChangedBlocks(temp);
 92.1822 -            }
 92.1823 -            changeOffSet(temp.getChildBlocks(), offset, length, add, adjust);
 92.1824 -         } else if (temp.getEndOffset() >= offset) {
 92.1825 -            if (temp.getPreviousEnd() == -1) {
 92.1826 -               temp.setPreviousEnd(end);
 92.1827 -            }
 92.1828 -            if (end + length < 0) {
 92.1829 -               temp.setEndOffset(0);
 92.1830 -            } else {
 92.1831 -               temp.setEndOffset(end + length);
 92.1832 -               if (endParse == end && adjust) //changing offsets of toBeRemoved
 92.1833 -               {
 92.1834 -                  endParse = end + length;
 92.1835 -               }
 92.1836 -            }
 92.1837 -
 92.1838 -            if (add) {
 92.1839 -               addToChangedBlocks(temp);
 92.1840 -            }
 92.1841 -            changeOffSet(temp.getChildBlocks(), offset, length, add, adjust);
 92.1842 -         }
 92.1843 -      }
 92.1844 -   }
 92.1845 -
 92.1846 -   /**
 92.1847 -    * Method that will check whether there are DEFINE statements in the affected area
 92.1848 -    * @param doc
 92.1849 -    * @param startOffset
 92.1850 -    * @param endOffset
 92.1851 -    */
 92.1852 -   private void checkAffected(Document doc, int startOffset, int endOffset) throws BadLocationException {
 92.1853 -      int length = endOffset - startOffset;
 92.1854 -      String changedText = doc.getText(startOffset, length);
 92.1855 -
 92.1856 -      if ((changedText.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("DEFINE ") != -1)
 92.1857 -              || (changedText.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("DEFIN ") != -1)
 92.1858 -              || (changedText.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("DEFI ") != -1)
 92.1859 -              || (changedText.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("DEF ") != -1)) {
 92.1860 -         isDefineChanged = true;
 92.1861 -      }
 92.1862 -   }
 92.1863 -
 92.1864 -   /**
 92.1865 -    * Method that will make CURSOR blocks
 92.1866 -    * @param tempToken
 92.1867 -    * @param ts
 92.1868 -    * @param parentBlocks
 92.1869 -    * @return
 92.1870 -    */
 92.1871 -   private PlsqlBlock checkCursor(Token<PlsqlTokenId> current, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
 92.1872 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> cursorBegin = current;
 92.1873 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = current;
 92.1874 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> cursorEnd = null;
 92.1875 -      PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.1876 -      List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.1877 -      boolean moveNext = false;
 92.1878 -
 92.1879 -      //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
 92.1880 -      if (sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
 92.1881 -         return null;
 92.1882 -      }
 92.1883 -
 92.1884 -      //Get next token which is the name
 92.1885 -      int offset = ts.offset();
 92.1886 -      moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, false);
 92.1887 -      tmp = ts.token();
 92.1888 -      if (moveNext == false) {
 92.1889 -         ts.move(offset);
 92.1890 -         ts.moveNext();
 92.1891 -         return block;
 92.1892 -      }
 92.1893 -      String cursorName = tmp.text().toString();
 92.1894 -      String alias = "";
 92.1895 -      if (cursorName.indexOf('&') != -1) {
 92.1896 -         alias = cursorName;
 92.1897 -      }
 92.1898 -      cursorName = getDefine(cursorName);
 92.1899 -
 92.1900 -      //Next token has to be IS or ( if not leave
 92.1901 -      moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, false);
 92.1902 -      tmp = ts.token();
 92.1903 -      boolean isFound = false;
 92.1904 -      boolean parameter = false;
 92.1905 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
 92.1906 -
 92.1907 -      while (moveNext) {
 92.1908 -         PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.1909 -         String image = tmp.text().toString();
 92.1910 -
 92.1911 -         if ((tmp != null) && (!image.equals(";")) && (tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse)) {
 92.1912 -            break;
 92.1913 -         }
 92.1914 -
 92.1915 -         //When we have come up to ';' stop
 92.1916 -         if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.OPERATOR) && (image.equals(";"))) {
 92.1917 -            if (isFound) {
 92.1918 -               if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.1919 -                  tmp = ts.token();
 92.1920 -               }
 92.1921 -               cursorEnd = tmp;
 92.1922 -               break;
 92.1923 -            } else {
 92.1924 -               ts.move(offset);
 92.1925 -               ts.moveNext();
 92.1926 -               return null;
 92.1927 -            }
 92.1928 -         } else if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LPAREN) && (!isFound)) {
 92.1929 -            parameter = true;
 92.1930 -         } else if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.RPAREN) && (!isFound)) {
 92.1931 -            parameter = false;
 92.1932 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD) {
 92.1933 -            if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("IS")) {
 92.1934 -               isFound = true;
 92.1935 -            } else if ((!parameter) && //If this keyword is a parameter inside cursor ignore
 92.1936 -                    ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("SUBTYPE"))
 92.1937 -                    || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CONSTANT"))
 92.1938 -                    || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("NUMBER"))
 92.1939 -                    || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("VARCHAR2")))) { //Avoid catching ';' of other statements
 92.1940 -
 92.1941 -               return null;
 92.1942 -            } else if ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("VIEW"))
 92.1943 -                    || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE"))
 92.1944 -                    || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION"))
 92.1945 -                    || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("BEGIN"))
 92.1946 -                    || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("DECLARE"))
 92.1947 -                    || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATE"))
 92.1948 -                    || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CURSOR"))
 92.1949 -                    || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("EXCEPTION"))
 92.1950 -                    || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PRAGMA"))
 92.1951 -                    || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("END"))
 92.1952 -                    || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("COMMENT"))) { //Avoid catching ';' of other statements
 92.1953 -
 92.1954 -               return null;
 92.1955 -            }
 92.1956 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.1957 -            //only single comment line
 92.1958 -            if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
 92.1959 -               customStartToken = tmp;
 92.1960 -            } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
 92.1961 -               if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.1962 -                  String name = customStartToken.text().toString();
 92.1963 -                  int index = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
 92.1964 -                  name = name.substring(index + 7).trim();
 92.1965 -                  if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.1966 -                     tmp = ts.token();
 92.1967 -                     PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.1968 -                             tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
 92.1969 -                     customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
 92.1970 -                  }
 92.1971 -                  customStartToken = null;
 92.1972 -               }
 92.1973 -            } else {
 92.1974 -               PlsqlBlock child = checkComment(tmp, ts);
 92.1975 -               if (child != null) {
 92.1976 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.1977 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.1978 -                  }
 92.1979 -               }
 92.1980 -            }
 92.1981 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
 92.1982 -            int start = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.1983 -            PlsqlBlock child = new PlsqlBlock(start,
 92.1984 -                    start + tmp.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.1985 -            if (child != null) {
 92.1986 -               if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.1987 -                  lstChild.add(child);
 92.1988 -               }
 92.1989 -            }
 92.1990 -         }
 92.1991 -
 92.1992 -         moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.1993 -         tmp = ts.token();
 92.1994 -      }
 92.1995 -
 92.1996 -      if (cursorEnd != null) {
 92.1997 -         block = new PlsqlBlock(cursorBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts.offset(),
 92.1998 -                 cursorName, alias, PlsqlBlockType.CURSOR);
 92.1999 -      }
 92.2000 -
 92.2001 -      if (block != null) {
 92.2002 -         //add children
 92.2003 -         addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.2004 -      }
 92.2005 -
 92.2006 -      return block;
 92.2007 -   }
 92.2008 -
 92.2009 -   /**
 92.2010 -    * Check whether we have caught a begin of a declare block
 92.2011 -    * @param ts
 92.2012 -    * @param immediate
 92.2013 -    * @return
 92.2014 -    */
 92.2015 -   private boolean isDeclare(TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> immediate) {
 92.2016 -      int offset = ts.offset();
 92.2017 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = ts.token();
 92.2018 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> tokenPre = ts.token();
 92.2019 -
 92.2020 -      while (ts.movePrevious()) {
 92.2021 -         token = ts.token();
 92.2022 -         String image = token.text().toString();
 92.2023 -         if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("DECLARE") && (!isBlockStartExisting(immediate, ts.offset()))) {
 92.2024 -            PlsqlBlock block = checkDeclareBlock(token, ts, immediate);
 92.2025 -            if (block != null && (checkExisting(block, immediate) == false)) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.2026 -               immediate.add(block);
 92.2027 -               newBlocks.add(block);
 92.2028 -            } else {
 92.2029 -               //Since we have not found the block we have to avoid getting caught up in a loop
 92.2030 -               ts.move(offset);
 92.2031 -               ts.moveNext();
 92.2032 -            }
 92.2033 -            return true;
 92.2034 -         } else if ((image.equals("/")) || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("BEGIN"))
 92.2035 -                 || ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("END")) && (tokenPre.text().toString().equals(";")))) {
 92.2036 -            break;
 92.2037 -         }
 92.2038 -
 92.2039 -         if (( != PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE)
 92.2040 -                 && ( != PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT)
 92.2041 -                 && ( != PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT)) {
 92.2042 -            tokenPre = token;
 92.2043 -         }
 92.2044 -      }
 92.2045 -
 92.2046 -      ts.move(offset);
 92.2047 -      ts.moveNext();
 92.2048 -      return false;
 92.2049 -   }
 92.2050 -
 92.2051 -   /**
 92.2052 -    * Check whether the given block is already there in block hierachy
 92.2053 -    * @param block
 92.2054 -    * @param childList
 92.2055 -    * @return
 92.2056 -    */
 92.2057 -   private boolean checkExisting(PlsqlBlock block, List<PlsqlBlock> childList) {
 92.2058 -      boolean existing = false;
 92.2059 -      int count = childList.size();
 92.2060 -      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
 92.2061 -         PlsqlBlock tmp = childList.get(i);
 92.2062 -         if ((tmp.getName().equals(block.getName()) && tmp.getEndOffset() == block.getEndOffset())
 92.2063 -                 || (tmp.getName().equals(block.getName()) && tmp.getStartOffset() == block.getStartOffset())
 92.2064 -                 || (tmp.getEndOffset() == block.getEndOffset() && tmp.getStartOffset() == block.getStartOffset())) {
 92.2065 -            existing = true;
 92.2066 -            break;
 92.2067 -         }
 92.2068 -      }
 92.2069 -
 92.2070 -      return existing;
 92.2071 -   }
 92.2072 -
 92.2073 -   /**
 92.2074 -    * Clear internal variables used in a parse
 92.2075 -    */
 92.2076 -   private void clear() {
 92.2077 -      isDefineChanged = false;
 92.2078 -      startParse = 0;
 92.2079 -      endParse = 0;
 92.2080 -      changedLength = 0;
 92.2081 -      newBlocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.2082 -      toBeRemoved = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.2083 -      changedBlocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.2084 -      unsuccessBlocks = new HashSet<Integer>();
 92.2085 -      resetPreviousValues(blockHierarchy);
 92.2086 -   }
 92.2087 -
 92.2088 -   private void resetPreviousValues(List<PlsqlBlock> blockList) {
 92.2089 -      for (PlsqlBlock block : blockList) {
 92.2090 -         block.setPreviousStart(-1);
 92.2091 -         block.setPreviousEnd(-1);
 92.2092 -         resetPreviousValues(block.getChildBlocks());
 92.2093 -      }
 92.2094 -   }
 92.2095 -
 92.2096 -   public void beforeCaseChange() {
 92.2097 -      caseChangeInProgress = true;
 92.2098 -   }
 92.2099 -
 92.2100 -   public void afterCaseChange() {
 92.2101 -      caseChangeInProgress = false;
 92.2102 -   }
 92.2103 -
 92.2104 -   public void beforeSave(Document document) {
 92.2105 -      saveInProgress = true;
 92.2106 -      synchronized (updateLock) {
 92.2107 -         updateEvents.clear();
 92.2108 -      }
 92.2109 -   }
 92.2110 -
 92.2111 -   public boolean isSaveInProgress() {
 92.2112 -      return saveInProgress || caseChangeInProgress;
 92.2113 -   }
 92.2114 -
 92.2115 -   public synchronized void afterSave(Document document) {
 92.2116 -      setChanged();
 92.2117 -      //initHierarchy(document);
 92.2118 -      reParse(document);
 92.2119 -      parseAliases();
 92.2120 -      notifyObservers(document);
 92.2121 -      clearChanged();
 92.2122 -      saveInProgress = false;
 92.2123 -   }
 92.2124 -
 92.2125 -   private EventProperties addNewEvent(DocumentEvent e, DocumentEvent.EventType mode) {
 92.2126 -      EventProperties eventProperties = new EventProperties(this);
 92.2127 -      eventProperties.document = e.getDocument();
 92.2128 -      eventProperties.offset = e.getOffset();
 92.2129 -      eventProperties.length = e.getLength();
 92.2130 -      eventProperties.mode = mode;
 92.2131 -      updateEvents.addLast(eventProperties);
 92.2132 -      return eventProperties;
 92.2133 -
 92.2134 -   }
 92.2135 -
 92.2136 -   private void removeBlock(PlsqlBlock block, List<PlsqlBlock> lstBlocks) {
 92.2137 -      boolean removed = false;
 92.2138 -      if (!lstBlocks.remove(block)) {
 92.2139 -         if (removeBlock(blockHierarchy, block)) {
 92.2140 +        } else {
 92.2141              toBeRemoved.add(block);
 92.2142              removed = true;
 92.2143 -         }
 92.2144 -      } else {
 92.2145 -         toBeRemoved.add(block);
 92.2146 -         removed = true;
 92.2147 -      }
 92.2148 -
 92.2149 -      if (removed) {
 92.2150 -         //If this block is there in changed blocks remove it
 92.2151 -         removeBlock(changedBlocks, block);
 92.2152 -         if (startParse > block.getStartOffset()) {
 92.2153 -            startParse = block.getStartOffset();
 92.2154 -         }
 92.2155 -         if (endParse < block.getEndOffset()) {
 92.2156 -            endParse = block.getEndOffset();
 92.2157 -         }
 92.2158 -      }
 92.2159 -   }
 92.2160 -
 92.2161 -   private void addToChangedBlocks(PlsqlBlock temp) {
 92.2162 -      int count = changedBlocks.size();
 92.2163 -      boolean found = false;
 92.2164 -      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
 92.2165 -         PlsqlBlock tmp = changedBlocks.get(i);
 92.2166 -         if (tmp.getStartOffset() == temp.getStartOffset() && tmp.getEndOffset() == temp.getEndOffset()) {
 92.2167 -            found = true;
 92.2168 -            break;
 92.2169 -         }
 92.2170 -      }
 92.2171 -
 92.2172 -      if (!found) {
 92.2173 -         changedBlocks.add(temp);
 92.2174 -      }
 92.2175 -   }
 92.2176 -
 92.2177 -   private String checkForOtherSchema(TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, String currentName) {
 92.2178 -      int offset = ts.offset();
 92.2179 -      if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.2180 -         Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = ts.token();
 92.2181 -         if ( == PlsqlTokenId.DOT) {
 92.2182 -            if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.2183 -               token = ts.token();
 92.2184 -               if ( == PlsqlTokenId.DOT) {
 92.2185 -                  if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.2186 -                     return ts.token().toString();
 92.2187 -                  }
 92.2188 -               } else {
 92.2189 -                  return ts.token().toString();
 92.2190 -               }
 92.2191 +        }
 92.2192 +
 92.2193 +        if (removed) {
 92.2194 +            //If this block is there in changed blocks remove it
 92.2195 +            removeBlock(changedBlocks, block);
 92.2196 +            if (startParse > block.getStartOffset()) {
 92.2197 +                startParse = block.getStartOffset();
 92.2198              }
 92.2199 -         }
 92.2200 -      }
 92.2201 -
 92.2202 -      //Reset the original location
 92.2203 -      ts.move(offset);
 92.2204 -      ts.moveNext();
 92.2205 -
 92.2206 -      return currentName;
 92.2207 -   }
 92.2208 -
 92.2209 -   private static class EventProperties {
 92.2210 -
 92.2211 -      public int offset = -1;
 92.2212 -      public int length = -1;
 92.2213 -      public Document document = null;
 92.2214 -      DocumentEvent.EventType mode = null;
 92.2215 -      public PlsqlBlockFactory blockFactory = null;
 92.2216 -
 92.2217 -      public EventProperties(PlsqlBlockFactory blockFactory) {
 92.2218 -         this.blockFactory = blockFactory;
 92.2219 -      }
 92.2220 -   }
 92.2221 -
 92.2222 -   private static class UpdateBlocksThread implements Runnable {
 92.2223 -
 92.2224 -      public UpdateBlocksThread() {
 92.2225 -      }
 92.2226 -
 92.2227 -      public void run() {
 92.2228 -         synchronized (updateLock) {
 92.2229 -            while (updateEvents.size() > 0) {
 92.2230 -               EventProperties event = updateEvents.getFirst();
 92.2231 -               Document doc = event.document;
 92.2232 -               List<EventProperties> docList = new ArrayList<EventProperties>();
 92.2233 -
 92.2234 -               while (event != null && event.document.equals(doc)) {
 92.2235 -                  updateEvents.removeFirst();
 92.2236 -                  docList.add(event);
 92.2237 -                  event = null;
 92.2238 -                  if (updateEvents.size() > 0) {
 92.2239 -                     event = updateEvents.getFirst();
 92.2240 -                  }
 92.2241 -               }
 92.2242 -
 92.2243 -               docList.get(0).blockFactory.doUpdate(doc, docList);
 92.2244 +            if (endParse < block.getEndOffset()) {
 92.2245 +                endParse = block.getEndOffset();
 92.2246              }
 92.2247 -         }
 92.2248 -      }
 92.2249 -   }
 92.2250 -
 92.2251 -   private synchronized void doUpdate(final Document document, final List<EventProperties> docList) {
 92.2252 -
 92.2253 -      //make sure that the updates are run in the Swing thread
 92.2254 -      SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
 92.2255 -
 92.2256 -         public void run() {
 92.2257 -            setChanged();
 92.2258 -            updateBlocks(document, docList);
 92.2259 -            parseAliases();
 92.2260 -            notifyObservers(document);
 92.2261 -            clearChanged();
 92.2262 -         }
 92.2263 -      });
 92.2264 -   }
 92.2265 -
 92.2266 -   private void addUpdateEvent(DocumentEvent e, DocumentEvent.EventType mode) {
 92.2267 -      synchronized (updateLock) {
 92.2268 -         if (updateBlocksTask == null) {
 92.2269 -            updateBlocksTask = RequestProcessor.getDefault().create(new UpdateBlocksThread());
 92.2270 -         }
 92.2271 -         updateBlocksTask.schedule(DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME);
 92.2272 -         addNewEvent(e, mode);
 92.2273 -      }
 92.2274 -   }
 92.2275 -
 92.2276 -   /**
 92.2277 -    * Event fired on insert
 92.2278 -    * @param e
 92.2279 -    */
 92.2280 -   public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
 92.2281 -      if (isSaveInProgress()) {
 92.2282 -         return;
 92.2283 -      }
 92.2284 -
 92.2285 -      addUpdateEvent(e, DocumentEvent.EventType.INSERT);
 92.2286 -   }
 92.2287 -
 92.2288 -   /**
 92.2289 -    * Event fired in remove
 92.2290 -    * @param e
 92.2291 -    */
 92.2292 -   public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
 92.2293 -      if (isSaveInProgress()) {
 92.2294 -         return;
 92.2295 -      }
 92.2296 -      addUpdateEvent(e, DocumentEvent.EventType.REMOVE);
 92.2297 -   }
 92.2298 -
 92.2299 -   /**
 92.2300 -    * trigged when opening a different document
 92.2301 -    * @param e
 92.2302 -    */
 92.2303 -   public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
 92.2304 -      //It seems we don't have to handle this case since initHierarchy
 92.2305 -      // will always be called before this
 92.2306 -   }
 92.2307 -
 92.2308 -   /**
 92.2309 -    * Update block hierarchy on a document event
 92.2310 -    * @param e
 92.2311 -    * @param action
 92.2312 -    */
 92.2313 -   public synchronized void initHierarchy(Document doc) {
 92.2314 -      clear();
 92.2315 -
 92.2316 -      if (doc == null) {
 92.2317 -         return;
 92.2318 -      }
 92.2319 -
 92.2320 -      docStartOffset = doc.getStartPosition().getOffset();
 92.2321 -      docEndOffset = doc.getEndPosition().getOffset();
 92.2322 -      Object obj = doc.getProperty("Listener");
 92.2323 -
 92.2324 -      if ((obj == null) || (!obj.equals("YES"))) {
 92.2325 -         startParse = docStartOffset;
 92.2326 -         endParse = docEndOffset - 1;
 92.2327 -
 92.2328 -         //clean block hierarchy
 92.2329 -         blockHierarchy.clear();
 92.2330 -         customFoldBlocks.clear();
 92.2331 -         getAliases(doc);
 92.2332 -         generateBlocks(doc);
 92.2333 -         //This property is added only to ensure that document listener is added only once
 92.2334 -         doc.putProperty("Listener", "YES");
 92.2335 -         doc.addDocumentListener(this);
 92.2336 -      }
 92.2337 -   }
 92.2338 -
 92.2339 -   /**
 92.2340 -    * Method that will return the block within the start & end parse
 92.2341 -    * @param start
 92.2342 -    * @param end
 92.2343 -    * @return
 92.2344 -    */
 92.2345 -   private PlsqlBlock getParentBlock(List<PlsqlBlock> lstBlock, int start, int end) {
 92.2346 -      PlsqlBlock parent = null;
 92.2347 -      int count = lstBlock.size();
 92.2348 -      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
 92.2349 -         PlsqlBlock tmp = lstBlock.get(i);
 92.2350 -         if ((tmp.getStartOffset() < start) && (tmp.getEndOffset() > end)) {
 92.2351 -            PlsqlBlock child = getParentBlock(tmp.getChildBlocks(), start, end);
 92.2352 +        }
 92.2353 +    }
 92.2354 +
 92.2355 +    private void addToChangedBlocks(PlsqlBlock temp) {
 92.2356 +        int count = changedBlocks.size();
 92.2357 +        boolean found = false;
 92.2358 +        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
 92.2359 +            PlsqlBlock tmp = changedBlocks.get(i);
 92.2360 +            if (tmp.getStartOffset() == temp.getStartOffset() && tmp.getEndOffset() == temp.getEndOffset()) {
 92.2361 +                found = true;
 92.2362 +                break;
 92.2363 +            }
 92.2364 +        }
 92.2365 +
 92.2366 +        if (!found) {
 92.2367 +            changedBlocks.add(temp);
 92.2368 +        }
 92.2369 +    }
 92.2370 +
 92.2371 +    private String checkForOtherSchema(TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, String currentName) {
 92.2372 +        int offset = ts.offset();
 92.2373 +        if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.2374 +            Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = ts.token();
 92.2375 +            if ( == PlsqlTokenId.DOT) {
 92.2376 +                if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.2377 +                    token = ts.token();
 92.2378 +                    if ( == PlsqlTokenId.DOT) {
 92.2379 +                        if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.2380 +                            return ts.token().toString();
 92.2381 +                        }
 92.2382 +                    } else {
 92.2383 +                        return ts.token().toString();
 92.2384 +                    }
 92.2385 +                }
 92.2386 +            }
 92.2387 +        }
 92.2388 +
 92.2389 +        //Reset the original location
 92.2390 +        ts.move(offset);
 92.2391 +        ts.moveNext();
 92.2392 +
 92.2393 +        return currentName;
 92.2394 +    }
 92.2395 +
 92.2396 +    private static class EventProperties {
 92.2397 +
 92.2398 +        public int offset = -1;
 92.2399 +        public int length = -1;
 92.2400 +        public Document document = null;
 92.2401 +        DocumentEvent.EventType mode = null;
 92.2402 +        public PlsqlBlockFactory blockFactory = null;
 92.2403 +
 92.2404 +        public EventProperties(PlsqlBlockFactory blockFactory) {
 92.2405 +            this.blockFactory = blockFactory;
 92.2406 +        }
 92.2407 +    }
 92.2408 +
 92.2409 +    private static class UpdateBlocksThread implements Runnable {
 92.2410 +
 92.2411 +        @Override
 92.2412 +        public void run() {
 92.2413 +            synchronized (updateLock) {
 92.2414 +                while (updateEvents.size() > 0) {
 92.2415 +                    EventProperties event = updateEvents.getFirst();
 92.2416 +                    Document doc = event.document;
 92.2417 +                    List<EventProperties> docList = new ArrayList<EventProperties>();
 92.2418 +
 92.2419 +                    while (event != null && event.document.equals(doc)) {
 92.2420 +                        updateEvents.removeFirst();
 92.2421 +                        docList.add(event);
 92.2422 +                        event = null;
 92.2423 +                        if (updateEvents.size() > 0) {
 92.2424 +                            event = updateEvents.getFirst();
 92.2425 +                        }
 92.2426 +                    }
 92.2427 +
 92.2428 +                    docList.get(0).blockFactory.doUpdate(doc, docList);
 92.2429 +                }
 92.2430 +            }
 92.2431 +        }
 92.2432 +    }
 92.2433 +
 92.2434 +    private synchronized void doUpdate(final Document document, final List<EventProperties> docList) {
 92.2435 +
 92.2436 +        //make sure that the updates are run in the Swing thread
 92.2437 +        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
 92.2438 +
 92.2439 +            @Override
 92.2440 +            public void run() {
 92.2441 +                setChanged();
 92.2442 +                updateBlocks(document, docList);
 92.2443 +                parseAliases();
 92.2444 +                notifyObservers(document);
 92.2445 +                clearChanged();
 92.2446 +            }
 92.2447 +        });
 92.2448 +    }
 92.2449 +
 92.2450 +    private void addUpdateEvent(DocumentEvent e, DocumentEvent.EventType mode) {
 92.2451 +        synchronized (updateLock) {
 92.2452 +            if (updateBlocksTask == null) {
 92.2453 +                updateBlocksTask = RP.create(new UpdateBlocksThread());
 92.2454 +            }
 92.2455 +            updateBlocksTask.schedule(DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME);
 92.2456 +            addNewEvent(e, mode);
 92.2457 +        }
 92.2458 +    }
 92.2459 +
 92.2460 +    /**
 92.2461 +     * Event fired on insert
 92.2462 +     * @param e
 92.2463 +     */
 92.2464 +    @Override
 92.2465 +    public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
 92.2466 +        if (isSaveInProgress()) {
 92.2467 +            return;
 92.2468 +        }
 92.2469 +
 92.2470 +        addUpdateEvent(e, DocumentEvent.EventType.INSERT);
 92.2471 +    }
 92.2472 +
 92.2473 +    /**
 92.2474 +     * Event fired in remove
 92.2475 +     * @param e
 92.2476 +     */
 92.2477 +    @Override
 92.2478 +    public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
 92.2479 +        if (isSaveInProgress()) {
 92.2480 +            return;
 92.2481 +        }
 92.2482 +        addUpdateEvent(e, DocumentEvent.EventType.REMOVE);
 92.2483 +    }
 92.2484 +
 92.2485 +    /**
 92.2486 +     * trigged when opening a different document
 92.2487 +     * @param e
 92.2488 +     */
 92.2489 +    @Override
 92.2490 +    public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
 92.2491 +        //It seems we don't have to handle this case since initHierarchy
 92.2492 +        // will always be called before this
 92.2493 +    }
 92.2494 +
 92.2495 +    /**
 92.2496 +     * Update block hierarchy on a document event
 92.2497 +     * @param e
 92.2498 +     * @param action
 92.2499 +     */
 92.2500 +    public synchronized void initHierarchy(Document doc) {
 92.2501 +        clear();
 92.2502 +
 92.2503 +        if (doc == null) {
 92.2504 +            return;
 92.2505 +        }
 92.2506 +
 92.2507 +        docStartOffset = doc.getStartPosition().getOffset();
 92.2508 +        docEndOffset = doc.getEndPosition().getOffset();
 92.2509 +        Object obj = doc.getProperty("Listener");
 92.2510 +
 92.2511 +        if ((obj == null) || (!obj.equals("YES"))) {
 92.2512 +            startParse = docStartOffset;
 92.2513 +            endParse = docEndOffset - 1;
 92.2514 +
 92.2515 +            //clean block hierarchy
 92.2516 +            blockHierarchy.clear();
 92.2517 +            customFoldBlocks.clear();
 92.2518 +            getAliases(doc);
 92.2519 +            generateBlocks(doc);
 92.2520 +            //This property is added only to ensure that document listener is added only once
 92.2521 +            doc.putProperty("Listener", "YES");
 92.2522 +            doc.addDocumentListener(this);
 92.2523 +        }
 92.2524 +    }
 92.2525 +
 92.2526 +    /**
 92.2527 +     * Method that will return the block within the start & end parse
 92.2528 +     * @param start
 92.2529 +     * @param end
 92.2530 +     * @return
 92.2531 +     */
 92.2532 +    private PlsqlBlock getParentBlock(List<PlsqlBlock> lstBlock, int start, int end) {
 92.2533 +        PlsqlBlock parent = null;
 92.2534 +        int count = lstBlock.size();
 92.2535 +        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
 92.2536 +            PlsqlBlock tmp = lstBlock.get(i);
 92.2537 +            if ((tmp.getStartOffset() < start) && (tmp.getEndOffset() > end)) {
 92.2538 +                PlsqlBlock child = getParentBlock(tmp.getChildBlocks(), start, end);
 92.2539 +                if (child != null) {
 92.2540 +                    parent = child;
 92.2541 +                } else {
 92.2542 +                    parent = tmp;
 92.2543 +                }
 92.2544 +
 92.2545 +                break;
 92.2546 +            }
 92.2547 +        }
 92.2548 +
 92.2549 +        return parent;
 92.2550 +    }
 92.2551 +
 92.2552 +    /**
 92.2553 +     * Get the line offset of the beginning of this block end line
 92.2554 +     * @param doc
 92.2555 +     * @param parent
 92.2556 +     * @return
 92.2557 +     */
 92.2558 +    private int getPreLineOfBlockEnd(Document doc, PlsqlBlock parent) {
 92.2559 +        TokenHierarchy tokenHier = TokenHierarchy.get(doc);
 92.2560 +        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 92.2561 +        TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts = tokenHier.tokenSequence(PlsqlTokenId.language());
 92.2562 +        if (ts == null) {
 92.2563 +            return parent.getEndOffset();
 92.2564 +        }
 92.2565 +        int preEnd = parent.getEndOffset();
 92.2566 +
 92.2567 +        //go to the previous line break
 92.2568 +        ts.move(preEnd);
 92.2569 +        boolean movePrevious = ts.movePrevious();
 92.2570 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> tokenPre = ts.token();
 92.2571 +
 92.2572 +        while (movePrevious) {
 92.2573 +            if (tokenPre.text().toString().contains("\n")) {
 92.2574 +                preEnd = tokenPre.offset(tokenHier);
 92.2575 +                break;
 92.2576 +            }
 92.2577 +            movePrevious = ts.movePrevious();
 92.2578 +            tokenPre = ts.token();
 92.2579 +        }
 92.2580 +
 92.2581 +        return preEnd;
 92.2582 +    }
 92.2583 +
 92.2584 +    private boolean isNotBlockStart(Token<PlsqlTokenId> current, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts) {
 92.2585 +        boolean isNotBlockStart = false;
 92.2586 +        int offset = current.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.2587 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = current;
 92.2588 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> tokenPre = current;
 92.2589 +        int loopCount = 0;
 92.2590 +        while (ts.movePrevious()) {
 92.2591 +            token = ts.token();
 92.2592 +
 92.2593 +            if (loopCount == 0 && == PlsqlTokenId.DOT) {
 92.2594 +                isNotBlockStart = true;
 92.2595 +                break;
 92.2596 +            } else if ( == PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE) {
 92.2597 +                String preText = tokenPre.text().toString();
 92.2598 +                if (token.text().toString().contains("\n")) {
 92.2599 +                    if (preText.equalsIgnoreCase("TYPE")
 92.2600 +                            || preText.equalsIgnoreCase("GRANT")) {
 92.2601 +                        isNotBlockStart = true;
 92.2602 +                    }
 92.2603 +                    break;
 92.2604 +                }
 92.2605 +            } else if (token.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("TYPE")) {
 92.2606 +                isNotBlockStart = true;
 92.2607 +                break;
 92.2608 +            } else {
 92.2609 +                tokenPre = token;
 92.2610 +            }
 92.2611 +            loopCount++;
 92.2612 +        }
 92.2613 +
 92.2614 +        if (token.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("TYPE")
 92.2615 +                || token.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("GRANT")) {
 92.2616 +            isNotBlockStart = true;
 92.2617 +        }
 92.2618 +
 92.2619 +        ts.move(offset);
 92.2620 +        ts.moveNext();
 92.2621 +        return isNotBlockStart;
 92.2622 +    }
 92.2623 +
 92.2624 +    /**
 92.2625 +     * Get the line offset of the second line of this block start
 92.2626 +     * @param doc
 92.2627 +     * @param parent
 92.2628 +     * @return
 92.2629 +     */
 92.2630 +    private int getSecondLineOfBlock(Document doc, PlsqlBlock parent) {
 92.2631 +        TokenHierarchy tokenHier = TokenHierarchy.get(doc);
 92.2632 +        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 92.2633 +        TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts = tokenHier.tokenSequence(PlsqlTokenId.language());
 92.2634 +        if (ts == null) {
 92.2635 +            return parent.getStartOffset();
 92.2636 +        }
 92.2637 +        int preStart = parent.getStartOffset();
 92.2638 +        ts.move(preStart);
 92.2639 +        boolean moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.2640 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> tokenNext = ts.token();
 92.2641 +
 92.2642 +        while (moveNext) {
 92.2643 +            if (tokenNext.text().toString().contains("\n")) {
 92.2644 +                preStart = tokenNext.offset(tokenHier);
 92.2645 +                break;
 92.2646 +            }
 92.2647 +            moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.2648 +            tokenNext = ts.token();
 92.2649 +        }
 92.2650 +
 92.2651 +        return preStart;
 92.2652 +    }
 92.2653 +
 92.2654 +    /**
 92.2655 +     * If any defines are changed change the affected names
 92.2656 +     */
 92.2657 +    private void parseAliases() {
 92.2658 +        if (!isDefineChanged) {
 92.2659 +            return;
 92.2660 +        }
 92.2661 +
 92.2662 +        int size = blockHierarchy.size();
 92.2663 +        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
 92.2664 +            PlsqlBlock block = blockHierarchy.get(i);
 92.2665 +            evaluateBlock(block);
 92.2666 +        }
 92.2667 +    }
 92.2668 +
 92.2669 +    public boolean isAliasesChanged() {
 92.2670 +        return isDefineChanged;
 92.2671 +    }
 92.2672 +
 92.2673 +    /**
 92.2674 +     * Method that will evaluate the given block and
 92.2675 +     * decide whether the name has to be changed
 92.2676 +     * @param block
 92.2677 +     */
 92.2678 +    private void evaluateBlock(PlsqlBlock block) {
 92.2679 +        String alias = block.getAlias();
 92.2680 +        if (!alias.equals("")) {
 92.2681 +            block.setName(getDefine(alias));
 92.2682 +        }
 92.2683 +
 92.2684 +        int childCount = block.getChildBlocks().size();
 92.2685 +        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
 92.2686 +            PlsqlBlock child = block.getChildBlocks().get(i);
 92.2687 +            evaluateBlock(child);
 92.2688 +        }
 92.2689 +    }
 92.2690 +
 92.2691 +    /**
 92.2692 +     * Remove given block from the hierarchy
 92.2693 +     * @param blockHier
 92.2694 +     * @param block
 92.2695 +     */
 92.2696 +    private boolean removeBlock(List<PlsqlBlock> blockHier, PlsqlBlock block) {
 92.2697 +        int count = blockHier.size();
 92.2698 +        boolean isFound = false;
 92.2699 +
 92.2700 +        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
 92.2701 +            PlsqlBlock temp = blockHier.get(i);
 92.2702 +
 92.2703 +            if ((temp.getStartOffset() == block.getStartOffset())
 92.2704 +                    && (temp.getEndOffset() == block.getEndOffset())) {
 92.2705 +                blockHier.remove(temp);
 92.2706 +                isFound = true;
 92.2707 +                break;
 92.2708 +            } else {
 92.2709 +                if ((temp.getStartOffset() < block.getStartOffset())
 92.2710 +                        && (temp.getEndOffset() > block.getEndOffset())) { //block is a child
 92.2711 +
 92.2712 +                    if (removeBlock(temp.getChildBlocks(), block)) {
 92.2713 +                        isFound = true;
 92.2714 +                        break;
 92.2715 +                    }
 92.2716 +                }
 92.2717 +            }
 92.2718 +        }
 92.2719 +
 92.2720 +        return isFound;
 92.2721 +    }
 92.2722 +
 92.2723 +    /**
 92.2724 +     * Add child blocks enclosed by the change area to the remove list (do not update the parse area here, done only in REMOVE)
 92.2725 +     * @param doc
 92.2726 +     * @param plsqlBlocks
 92.2727 +     * @param toBeRemoved
 92.2728 +     * @param startOffset
 92.2729 +     * @param endOffset
 92.2730 +     * @return
 92.2731 +     */
 92.2732 +    private void removeEnclosedBlocks(Document doc, List<PlsqlBlock> plsqlBlocks, int startOffset, int endOffset) {
 92.2733 +        int count = plsqlBlocks.size();
 92.2734 +
 92.2735 +        for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
 92.2736 +            PlsqlBlock block = plsqlBlocks.get(i);
 92.2737 +
 92.2738 +            if ((block.getEndOffset() <= endOffset)
 92.2739 +                    && (block.getStartOffset() >= startOffset)) { //blocks which are enclosed by the affected area
 92.2740 +                removeBlock(block, plsqlBlocks);
 92.2741 +            } else {
 92.2742 +                removeEnclosedBlocks(doc, block.getChildBlocks(), startOffset, endOffset);
 92.2743 +            }
 92.2744 +        }
 92.2745 +    }
 92.2746 +
 92.2747 +    /**
 92.2748 +     * Add child blocks affected by the change area to the remove list
 92.2749 +     * and update the parse area
 92.2750 +     * @param doc
 92.2751 +     * @param plsqlBlocks
 92.2752 +     * @param toBeRemoved
 92.2753 +     * @param startOffset
 92.2754 +     * @param endOffset
 92.2755 +     * @return
 92.2756 +     */
 92.2757 +    private boolean removeBlocksWithin(Document doc, List<PlsqlBlock> plsqlBlocks, int startOffset, int endOffset) {
 92.2758 +        boolean blockIsFound = false;
 92.2759 +
 92.2760 +        int count = plsqlBlocks.size();
 92.2761 +
 92.2762 +        for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
 92.2763 +            PlsqlBlock block = plsqlBlocks.get(i);
 92.2764 +            int blockStart = block.getStartOffset();
 92.2765 +            int blockEnd = block.getEndOffset();
 92.2766 +            //assumption on max length of a package/procedure/function first line
 92.2767 +            if ((Math.abs(blockEnd - endOffset) < 150) && (checkSameLine(doc, blockEnd, endOffset))) {
 92.2768 +                removeBlock(block, plsqlBlocks);
 92.2769 +                blockIsFound = true;
 92.2770 +                //assumption on max length of a package/procedure/function first line
 92.2771 +            } else if ((Math.abs(blockStart - startOffset) < 150) && (checkSameLine(doc, blockStart, startOffset))) {
 92.2772 +                removeBlock(block, plsqlBlocks);
 92.2773 +                blockIsFound = true;
 92.2774 +            } else if ((blockEnd < endOffset)
 92.2775 +                    && (blockStart > startOffset)) { //blocks which are enclosed by the affected area
 92.2776 +                removeBlock(block, plsqlBlocks);
 92.2777 +                blockIsFound = true;
 92.2778 +            } else if ((blockEnd > endOffset) && (blockStart < startOffset)
 92.2779 +                    && (block.getType() != PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE && block.getType() != PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY)) {
 92.2780 +                //affected area included in the block we need to remove the block.
 92.2781 +                //Idealy we should remove all types, but concerning on the performance did this
 92.2782 +                //comment might be removed here
 92.2783 +                removeBlock(block, plsqlBlocks);
 92.2784 +                blockIsFound = true;
 92.2785 +            } else {
 92.2786 +                boolean isFound = removeBlocksWithin(doc, block.getChildBlocks(), startOffset, endOffset);
 92.2787 +                if (!isFound) {
 92.2788 +                    if ((blockStart >= startOffset)
 92.2789 +                            && (blockStart <= endOffset)
 92.2790 +                            && (blockEnd >= endOffset)) {//first part of the block enclosed
 92.2791 +                        removeBlock(block, plsqlBlocks);
 92.2792 +                        blockIsFound = true;
 92.2793 +                    } else if ((blockEnd <= endOffset)
 92.2794 +                            && (blockEnd >= startOffset)
 92.2795 +                            && (blockStart <= startOffset)) {//end part of the block enclosed
 92.2796 +                        removeBlock(block, plsqlBlocks);
 92.2797 +                        blockIsFound = true;
 92.2798 +                    } else if ((blockEnd < endOffset)
 92.2799 +                            && (blockStart > startOffset)) { //blocks which are enclosed by the affected area
 92.2800 +                        removeBlock(block, plsqlBlocks);
 92.2801 +                        blockIsFound = true;
 92.2802 +                    } else if ((blockEnd > endOffset) && (blockStart < startOffset)
 92.2803 +                            && (block.getType() != PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE && block.getType() != PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY)) {
 92.2804 +                        //affected area included in the block we need to remove the block.
 92.2805 +                        //Idealy we should remove all types, but concerning on the performance did this
 92.2806 +                        //comment might be removed here
 92.2807 +                        removeBlock(block, plsqlBlocks);
 92.2808 +                        blockIsFound = true;
 92.2809 +                    }
 92.2810 +                }
 92.2811 +            }
 92.2812 +        }
 92.2813 +        return blockIsFound;
 92.2814 +    }
 92.2815 +
 92.2816 +    /**
 92.2817 +     * Remove custom fold blocks that are there within the parse area
 92.2818 +     * @param customFoldBlocks
 92.2819 +     * @param startParse
 92.2820 +     * @param endParse
 92.2821 +     */
 92.2822 +    private void removeCustomBlocks(List<PlsqlBlock> customFoldBlocks, int startParse, int endParse) {
 92.2823 +        for (int i = customFoldBlocks.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
 92.2824 +            PlsqlBlock block = customFoldBlocks.get(i);
 92.2825 +            if ((block.getStartOffset() >= startParse)
 92.2826 +                    && (block.getEndOffset() <= endParse)) {
 92.2827 +                customFoldBlocks.remove(i);
 92.2828 +            } else if ((block.getEndOffset() <= endParse)
 92.2829 +                    && (block.getEndOffset() >= startParse)
 92.2830 +                    && (block.getStartOffset() <= startParse)) {
 92.2831 +                customFoldBlocks.remove(i);
 92.2832 +            } else if ((block.getStartOffset() >= startParse)
 92.2833 +                    && (block.getStartOffset() <= endParse)
 92.2834 +                    && (block.getEndOffset() >= endParse)) {
 92.2835 +                customFoldBlocks.remove(i);
 92.2836 +            }
 92.2837 +        }
 92.2838 +    }
 92.2839 +
 92.2840 +    /**
 92.2841 +     * If given block exists in the hier delete
 92.2842 +     * @param child
 92.2843 +     * @param parentBlocks
 92.2844 +     */
 92.2845 +    private void removeFromParent(PlsqlBlock child, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
 92.2846 +        for (int i = 0; i < parentBlocks.size(); i++) {
 92.2847 +            PlsqlBlock tmp = parentBlocks.get(i);
 92.2848 +            if ((tmp.getEndOffset() == child.getEndOffset())
 92.2849 +                    && (tmp.getStartOffset() == child.getStartOffset())) {
 92.2850 +                parentBlocks.remove(tmp);
 92.2851 +                break;
 92.2852 +            }
 92.2853 +        }
 92.2854 +    }
 92.2855 +
 92.2856 +    private boolean sqlPlusLine(TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts) {
 92.2857 +        int offset = ts.offset();
 92.2858 +        boolean isSqlPlus = false;
 92.2859 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = null;
 92.2860 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> tokenPre = null;
 92.2861 +        while (ts.movePrevious()) {
 92.2862 +            token = ts.token();
 92.2863 +            if ( == PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE && token.toString().contains("\n")) {
 92.2864 +                if (tokenPre != null && == PlsqlTokenId.SQL_PLUS) {
 92.2865 +                    isSqlPlus = true;
 92.2866 +                }
 92.2867 +                break;
 92.2868 +            }
 92.2869 +
 92.2870 +            if ( != PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE) {
 92.2871 +                tokenPre = token;
 92.2872 +            }
 92.2873 +        }
 92.2874 +
 92.2875 +        if (tokenPre != null && == PlsqlTokenId.SQL_PLUS) {
 92.2876 +            isSqlPlus = true;
 92.2877 +        }
 92.2878 +
 92.2879 +        ts.move(offset);
 92.2880 +        ts.moveNext();
 92.2881 +        return isSqlPlus;
 92.2882 +    }
 92.2883 +
 92.2884 +    /**
 92.2885 +     * Update block hierarchy based on the document event and the action
 92.2886 +     */
 92.2887 +    private synchronized void updateBlocks(Document doc, List<EventProperties> docList) {
 92.2888 +        clear();
 92.2889 +        try {
 92.2890 +            ((AbstractDocument) doc).readLock();
 92.2891 +
 92.2892 +            docStartOffset = doc.getStartPosition().getOffset();
 92.2893 +            docEndOffset = doc.getEndPosition().getOffset();
 92.2894 +
 92.2895 +            EventProperties event = docList.get(0);
 92.2896 +            //Area to be re parsed
 92.2897 +            startParse = event.offset;
 92.2898 +            endParse = event.offset + event.length;
 92.2899 +            if (event.mode == DocumentEvent.EventType.REMOVE) {
 92.2900 +                endParse = startParse;
 92.2901 +            }
 92.2902 +
 92.2903 +            for (int x = 0; x < docList.size(); x++) {
 92.2904 +                event = docList.get(x);
 92.2905 +                int offset = event.offset;
 92.2906 +                int length = event.length;
 92.2907 +                DocumentEvent.EventType action = event.mode;
 92.2908 +
 92.2909 +                //get the affected area
 92.2910 +                int startOffset = offset;
 92.2911 +                int endOffset = startOffset + length;
 92.2912 +                if (action == DocumentEvent.EventType.REMOVE) {
 92.2913 +                    endOffset = startOffset;
 92.2914 +                }
 92.2915 +
 92.2916 +                //If action is remove, remove code folds in the affected area and repass them
 92.2917 +                if (action == DocumentEvent.EventType.REMOVE || action == DocumentEvent.EventType.INSERT) {
 92.2918 +                    if (action == DocumentEvent.EventType.REMOVE) {
 92.2919 +                        //Rearrange the offsets of the blocks below the area
 92.2920 +                        removeEnclosedBlocks(doc, blockHierarchy, startOffset, startOffset + length);
 92.2921 +                        changeOffSet(blockHierarchy, startOffset, -length, true, false);
 92.2922 +                        changeOffSet(customFoldBlocks, startOffset, -length, true, false);
 92.2923 +                        changeOffSet(toBeRemoved, startOffset, -length, false, true);
 92.2924 +                        changedLength = changedLength - length;
 92.2925 +                    } else if (action == DocumentEvent.EventType.INSERT) {
 92.2926 +                        //Rearrange the offsets of the blocks below the start of the area                  
 92.2927 +                        changeOffSet(blockHierarchy, startOffset, length, true, false);
 92.2928 +                        changeOffSet(customFoldBlocks, startOffset, length, true, false);
 92.2929 +                        changeOffSet(toBeRemoved, startOffset, length, false, true);
 92.2930 +                        changedLength = changedLength + length;
 92.2931 +                    }
 92.2932 +                    //adjust offsets according to the change
 92.2933 +                    if (startParse > startOffset) {
 92.2934 +                        startParse = startOffset;
 92.2935 +                    }
 92.2936 +                    if (endParse < endOffset) {
 92.2937 +                        endParse = endOffset;
 92.2938 +                    }
 92.2939 +
 92.2940 +                    int count = blockHierarchy.size();
 92.2941 +                    removeBlocksWithin(doc, blockHierarchy, startOffset, endOffset);
 92.2942 +                    //If action removeimmediately before block and after block
 92.2943 +                    if (count == 0) {//If no blocks pass the whole root
 92.2944 +
 92.2945 +                        startParse = docStartOffset;
 92.2946 +                        endParse = docEndOffset - 1;
 92.2947 +                    } else {
 92.2948 +                        if (startParse == startOffset) {//if start offset already adjusted no need to do again
 92.2949 +
 92.2950 +                            PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.2951 +                            block = getImmediateBefore(blockHierarchy, block, startOffset);
 92.2952 +                            PlsqlBlock parent = getParentBlock(blockHierarchy, startParse, endParse);
 92.2953 +
 92.2954 +                            if ((parent != null) && (block != null)) {
 92.2955 +                                if (parent.getStartOffset() > block.getStartOffset()) {
 92.2956 +                                    int newStart = getSecondLineOfBlock(doc, parent); // we are not going to remove the parent here
 92.2957 +                                    if (newStart < startParse) {
 92.2958 +                                        startParse = newStart;
 92.2959 +                                    }
 92.2960 +                                } else {
 92.2961 +                                    removeBlock(block, parent.getChildBlocks());
 92.2962 +                                }
 92.2963 +                            } else {
 92.2964 +                                if (block != null) {
 92.2965 +                                    removeBlock(block, blockHierarchy);
 92.2966 +                                } else if (parent != null) { // we are not going to remove the parent here
 92.2967 +
 92.2968 +                                    int newStart = getSecondLineOfBlock(doc, parent);
 92.2969 +                                    if (newStart < startParse) {
 92.2970 +                                        startParse = newStart;
 92.2971 +                                    }
 92.2972 +                                } else {
 92.2973 +                                    startParse = docStartOffset;
 92.2974 +                                }
 92.2975 +                            }
 92.2976 +                        }
 92.2977 +
 92.2978 +                        if (endParse == endOffset) {//if end offset already adjusted no need to do again
 92.2979 +
 92.2980 +                            PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.2981 +                            block = getImmediateAfter(blockHierarchy, block, endOffset);
 92.2982 +                            PlsqlBlock parent = getParentBlock(blockHierarchy, startParse, endParse);
 92.2983 +
 92.2984 +                            if ((parent != null) && (block != null)) {
 92.2985 +                                if (parent.getEndOffset() < block.getEndOffset()) {
 92.2986 +                                    int newEnd = getPreLineOfBlockEnd(doc, parent); // we are not going to remove the parent here
 92.2987 +                                    if (newEnd > endParse) {
 92.2988 +                                        endParse = newEnd;
 92.2989 +                                    }
 92.2990 +                                } else {
 92.2991 +                                    removeBlock(block, parent.getChildBlocks());
 92.2992 +                                }
 92.2993 +                            } else {
 92.2994 +                                if (block != null) {
 92.2995 +                                    removeBlock(block, blockHierarchy);
 92.2996 +                                } else if (parent != null) { // we are not going to remove the parent here
 92.2997 +
 92.2998 +                                    int newEnd = getPreLineOfBlockEnd(doc, parent);
 92.2999 +                                    if (newEnd > endParse) {
 92.3000 +                                        endParse = newEnd;
 92.3001 +                                    }
 92.3002 +                                } else {
 92.3003 +                                    endParse = docEndOffset - 1;
 92.3004 +                                }
 92.3005 +                            }
 92.3006 +                        }
 92.3007 +
 92.3008 +                        //Remove custom fold blocks that are there within the parse area
 92.3009 +                        removeCustomBlocks(customFoldBlocks, startParse, endParse);
 92.3010 +
 92.3011 +                        //When files are deleted and written after opening once following can happen
 92.3012 +                        if ((endParse < 0) || (endParse > docEndOffset - 1)) {
 92.3013 +                            endParse = docEndOffset - 1;
 92.3014 +                        }
 92.3015 +
 92.3016 +                        if (startParse < 0) {
 92.3017 +                            startParse = docStartOffset;
 92.3018 +                        }
 92.3019 +
 92.3020 +                        if (startParse > docEndOffset - 1) {
 92.3021 +                            startParse = docEndOffset - 1;
 92.3022 +                        }
 92.3023 +                    }
 92.3024 +                } else { //UPDATE pass again
 92.3025 +
 92.3026 +                    startParse = docStartOffset;
 92.3027 +                    endParse = docEndOffset - 1;
 92.3028 +
 92.3029 +                    //clean block hierarchy
 92.3030 +                    blockHierarchy.clear();
 92.3031 +                    customFoldBlocks.clear();
 92.3032 +
 92.3033 +                    //we are going for a reparse, remove all the events for this doc
 92.3034 +                    docList.clear();
 92.3035 +                    break;
 92.3036 +                }
 92.3037 +            }
 92.3038 +
 92.3039 +            if (startParse >= endParse) //Can happen in removes
 92.3040 +            {
 92.3041 +                return;
 92.3042 +            }
 92.3043 +
 92.3044 +            //Check whether defines are changed from the affected area
 92.3045 +            checkAffected(doc, startParse, endParse);
 92.3046 +
 92.3047 +            if (isDefineChanged) {
 92.3048 +                getAliases(doc);
 92.3049 +            }
 92.3050 +
 92.3051 +            //pass affected section again
 92.3052 +            generateBlocks(doc);
 92.3053 +
 92.3054 +        } catch (Exception e) {
 92.3055 +            ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(e);
 92.3056 +        } finally {
 92.3057 +            ((AbstractDocument) doc).readUnlock();
 92.3058 +        }
 92.3059 +    }
 92.3060 +
 92.3061 +    /**
 92.3062 +     * Get block which is immediately before the given offset
 92.3063 +     * @param blocks
 92.3064 +     * @param block
 92.3065 +     * @param offset
 92.3066 +     * @return
 92.3067 +     */
 92.3068 +    private PlsqlBlock getImmediateBefore(List blocks, PlsqlBlock block, int offset) {
 92.3069 +        int count = blocks.size();
 92.3070 +
 92.3071 +        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
 92.3072 +            PlsqlBlock temp = (PlsqlBlock) blocks.get(i);
 92.3073 +            //check from children
 92.3074 +            PlsqlBlock child = getImmediateBefore(temp.getChildBlocks(), block, offset);
 92.3075              if (child != null) {
 92.3076 -               parent = child;
 92.3077 -            } else {
 92.3078 -               parent = tmp;
 92.3079 +                block = child;
 92.3080              }
 92.3082 -            break;
 92.3083 -         }
 92.3084 -      }
 92.3085 -
 92.3086 -      return parent;
 92.3087 -   }
 92.3088 -
 92.3089 -   /**
 92.3090 -    * Get the line offset of the beginning of this block end line
 92.3091 -    * @param doc
 92.3092 -    * @param parent
 92.3093 -    * @return
 92.3094 -    */
 92.3095 -   private int getPreLineOfBlockEnd(Document doc, PlsqlBlock parent) {
 92.3096 -      TokenHierarchy tokenHier = TokenHierarchy.get(doc);
 92.3097 -      @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 92.3098 -      TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts = tokenHier.tokenSequence(PlsqlTokenId.language());
 92.3099 -      if (ts == null) {
 92.3100 -         return parent.getEndOffset();
 92.3101 -      }
 92.3102 -      int preEnd = parent.getEndOffset();
 92.3103 -
 92.3104 -      //go to the previous line break
 92.3105 -      ts.move(preEnd);
 92.3106 -      boolean movePrevious = ts.movePrevious();
 92.3107 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> tokenPre = ts.token();
 92.3108 -
 92.3109 -      while (movePrevious) {
 92.3110 -         if (tokenPre.text().toString().contains("\n")) {
 92.3111 -            preEnd = tokenPre.offset(tokenHier);
 92.3112 -            break;
 92.3113 -         }
 92.3114 -         movePrevious = ts.movePrevious();
 92.3115 -         tokenPre = ts.token();
 92.3116 -      }
 92.3117 -
 92.3118 -      return preEnd;
 92.3119 -   }
 92.3120 -
 92.3121 -   private boolean isNotBlockStart(Token<PlsqlTokenId> current, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts) {
 92.3122 -      boolean isNotBlockStart = false;
 92.3123 -      int offset = current.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.3124 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = current;
 92.3125 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> tokenPre = current;
 92.3126 -      int loopCount = 0;
 92.3127 -      while (ts.movePrevious()) {
 92.3128 -         token = ts.token();
 92.3129 -
 92.3130 -         if (loopCount == 0 && == PlsqlTokenId.DOT) {
 92.3131 -            isNotBlockStart = true;
 92.3132 -            break;
 92.3133 -         } else if ( == PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE) {
 92.3134 -            String preText = tokenPre.text().toString();
 92.3135 -            if (token.text().toString().contains("\n")) {
 92.3136 -               if (preText.equalsIgnoreCase("TYPE")
 92.3137 -                       || preText.equalsIgnoreCase("GRANT")) {
 92.3138 -                  isNotBlockStart = true;
 92.3139 -               }
 92.3140 -               break;
 92.3141 +            if ((temp.getEndOffset() < offset)
 92.3142 +                    && ((block == null) || (block.getEndOffset() < temp.getEndOffset()))) {
 92.3143 +                block = temp;
 92.3144              }
 92.3145 -         } else if (token.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("TYPE")) {
 92.3146 -            isNotBlockStart = true;
 92.3147 -            break;
 92.3148 -         } else {
 92.3149 -            tokenPre = token;
 92.3150 -         }
 92.3151 -         loopCount++;
 92.3152 -      }
 92.3153 -
 92.3154 -      if (token.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("TYPE")
 92.3155 -              || token.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("GRANT")) {
 92.3156 -         isNotBlockStart = true;
 92.3157 -      }
 92.3158 -
 92.3159 -      ts.move(offset);
 92.3160 -      ts.moveNext();
 92.3161 -      return isNotBlockStart;
 92.3162 -   }
 92.3163 -
 92.3164 -   /**
 92.3165 -    * Get the line offset of the second line of this block start
 92.3166 -    * @param doc
 92.3167 -    * @param parent
 92.3168 -    * @return
 92.3169 -    */
 92.3170 -   private int getSecondLineOfBlock(Document doc, PlsqlBlock parent) {
 92.3171 -      TokenHierarchy tokenHier = TokenHierarchy.get(doc);
 92.3172 -      @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 92.3173 -      TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts = tokenHier.tokenSequence(PlsqlTokenId.language());
 92.3174 -      if (ts == null) {
 92.3175 -         return parent.getStartOffset();
 92.3176 -      }
 92.3177 -      int preStart = parent.getStartOffset();
 92.3178 -      ts.move(preStart);
 92.3179 -      boolean moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.3180 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> tokenNext = ts.token();
 92.3181 -
 92.3182 -      while (moveNext) {
 92.3183 -         if (tokenNext.text().toString().contains("\n")) {
 92.3184 -            preStart = tokenNext.offset(tokenHier);
 92.3185 -            break;
 92.3186 -         }
 92.3187 -         moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.3188 -         tokenNext = ts.token();
 92.3189 -      }
 92.3190 -
 92.3191 -      return preStart;
 92.3192 -   }
 92.3193 -
 92.3194 -   /**
 92.3195 -    * If any defines are changed change the affected names
 92.3196 -    */
 92.3197 -   private void parseAliases() {
 92.3198 -      if (!isDefineChanged) {
 92.3199 -         return;
 92.3200 -      }
 92.3201 -
 92.3202 -      int size = blockHierarchy.size();
 92.3203 -      for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
 92.3204 -         PlsqlBlock block = blockHierarchy.get(i);
 92.3205 -         evaluateBlock(block);
 92.3206 -      }
 92.3207 -   }
 92.3208 -
 92.3209 -   public boolean isAliasesChanged() {
 92.3210 -      return isDefineChanged;
 92.3211 -   }
 92.3212 -
 92.3213 -   /**
 92.3214 -    * Method that will evaluate the given block and
 92.3215 -    * decide whether the name has to be changed
 92.3216 -    * @param block
 92.3217 -    */
 92.3218 -   private void evaluateBlock(PlsqlBlock block) {
 92.3219 -      String alias = block.getAlias();
 92.3220 -      if (!alias.equals("")) {
 92.3221 -         block.setName(getDefine(alias));
 92.3222 -      }
 92.3223 -
 92.3224 -      int childCount = block.getChildBlocks().size();
 92.3225 -      for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
 92.3226 -         PlsqlBlock child = block.getChildBlocks().get(i);
 92.3227 -         evaluateBlock(child);
 92.3228 -      }
 92.3229 -   }
 92.3230 -
 92.3231 -   /**
 92.3232 -    * Remove given block from the hierarchy
 92.3233 -    * @param blockHier
 92.3234 -    * @param block
 92.3235 -    */
 92.3236 -   private boolean removeBlock(List<PlsqlBlock> blockHier, PlsqlBlock block) {
 92.3237 -      int count = blockHier.size();
 92.3238 -      boolean isFound = false;
 92.3239 -
 92.3240 -      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
 92.3241 -         PlsqlBlock temp = blockHier.get(i);
 92.3242 -
 92.3243 -         if ((temp.getStartOffset() == block.getStartOffset())
 92.3244 -                 && (temp.getEndOffset() == block.getEndOffset())) {
 92.3245 -            blockHier.remove(temp);
 92.3246 -            isFound = true;
 92.3247 -            break;
 92.3248 -         } else {
 92.3249 -            if ((temp.getStartOffset() < block.getStartOffset())
 92.3250 -                    && (temp.getEndOffset() > block.getEndOffset())) { //block is a child
 92.3251 -
 92.3252 -               if (removeBlock(temp.getChildBlocks(), block)) {
 92.3253 -                  isFound = true;
 92.3254 -                  break;
 92.3255 -               }
 92.3256 +        }
 92.3257 +
 92.3258 +        return block;
 92.3259 +    }
 92.3260 +
 92.3261 +    /**
 92.3262 +     * Get fold which is immediately after the given offset
 92.3263 +     * @param blocks
 92.3264 +     * @param block
 92.3265 +     * @param offset
 92.3266 +     * @return
 92.3267 +     */
 92.3268 +    private PlsqlBlock getImmediateAfter(List<PlsqlBlock> blocks, PlsqlBlock block, int offset) {
 92.3269 +        int count = blocks.size();
 92.3270 +
 92.3271 +        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
 92.3272 +            PlsqlBlock temp = blocks.get(i);
 92.3273 +            //check from children
 92.3274 +            PlsqlBlock child = getImmediateAfter(temp.getChildBlocks(), block, offset);
 92.3275 +            if (child != null) {
 92.3276 +                block = child;
 92.3277              }
 92.3278 -         }
 92.3279 -      }
 92.3280 -
 92.3281 -      return isFound;
 92.3282 -   }
 92.3283 -
 92.3284 -   /**
 92.3285 -    * Add child blocks enclosed by the change area to the remove list (do not update the parse area here, done only in REMOVE)
 92.3286 -    * @param doc
 92.3287 -    * @param plsqlBlocks
 92.3288 -    * @param toBeRemoved
 92.3289 -    * @param startOffset
 92.3290 -    * @param endOffset
 92.3291 -    * @return
 92.3292 -    */
 92.3293 -   private void removeEnclosedBlocks(Document doc, List<PlsqlBlock> plsqlBlocks, int startOffset, int endOffset) {
 92.3294 -      int count = plsqlBlocks.size();
 92.3295 -
 92.3296 -      for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
 92.3297 -         PlsqlBlock block = plsqlBlocks.get(i);
 92.3298 -
 92.3299 -         if ((block.getEndOffset() <= endOffset)
 92.3300 -                 && (block.getStartOffset() >= startOffset)) { //blocks which are enclosed by the affected area
 92.3301 -            removeBlock(block, plsqlBlocks);
 92.3302 -         } else {
 92.3303 -            removeEnclosedBlocks(doc, block.getChildBlocks(), startOffset, endOffset);
 92.3304 -         }
 92.3305 -      }
 92.3306 -   }
 92.3307 -
 92.3308 -   /**
 92.3309 -    * Add child blocks affected by the change area to the remove list
 92.3310 -    * and update the parse area
 92.3311 -    * @param doc
 92.3312 -    * @param plsqlBlocks
 92.3313 -    * @param toBeRemoved
 92.3314 -    * @param startOffset
 92.3315 -    * @param endOffset
 92.3316 -    * @return
 92.3317 -    */
 92.3318 -   private boolean removeBlocksWithin(Document doc, List<PlsqlBlock> plsqlBlocks, int startOffset, int endOffset) {
 92.3319 -      boolean blockIsFound = false;
 92.3320 -
 92.3321 -      int count = plsqlBlocks.size();
 92.3322 -
 92.3323 -      for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
 92.3324 -         PlsqlBlock block = plsqlBlocks.get(i);
 92.3325 -         int blockStart = block.getStartOffset();
 92.3326 -         int blockEnd = block.getEndOffset();
 92.3327 -         //assumption on max length of a package/procedure/function first line
 92.3328 -         if ((Math.abs(blockEnd - endOffset) < 150) && (checkSameLine(doc, blockEnd, endOffset))) {
 92.3329 -            removeBlock(block, plsqlBlocks);
 92.3330 -            blockIsFound = true;
 92.3331 -            //assumption on max length of a package/procedure/function first line
 92.3332 -         } else if ((Math.abs(blockStart - startOffset) < 150) && (checkSameLine(doc, blockStart, startOffset))) {
 92.3333 -            removeBlock(block, plsqlBlocks);
 92.3334 -            blockIsFound = true;
 92.3335 -         } else if ((blockEnd < endOffset)
 92.3336 -                 && (blockStart > startOffset)) { //blocks which are enclosed by the affected area
 92.3337 -            removeBlock(block, plsqlBlocks);
 92.3338 -            blockIsFound = true;
 92.3339 -         } else if ((blockEnd > endOffset) && (blockStart < startOffset)
 92.3340 -                 && (block.getType() != PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE && block.getType() != PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY)) {
 92.3341 -            //affected area included in the block we need to remove the block.
 92.3342 -            //Idealy we should remove all types, but concerning on the performance did this
 92.3343 -            //comment might be removed here
 92.3344 -            removeBlock(block, plsqlBlocks);
 92.3345 -            blockIsFound = true;
 92.3346 -         } else {
 92.3347 -            boolean isFound = removeBlocksWithin(doc, block.getChildBlocks(), startOffset, endOffset);
 92.3348 -            if (!isFound) {
 92.3349 -               if ((blockStart >= startOffset)
 92.3350 -                       && (blockStart <= endOffset)
 92.3351 -                       && (blockEnd >= endOffset)) {//first part of the block enclosed
 92.3352 -                  removeBlock(block, plsqlBlocks);
 92.3353 -                  blockIsFound = true;
 92.3354 -               } else if ((blockEnd <= endOffset)
 92.3355 -                       && (blockEnd >= startOffset)
 92.3356 -                       && (blockStart <= startOffset)) {//end part of the block enclosed
 92.3357 -                  removeBlock(block, plsqlBlocks);
 92.3358 -                  blockIsFound = true;
 92.3359 -               } else if ((blockEnd < endOffset)
 92.3360 -                       && (blockStart > startOffset)) { //blocks which are enclosed by the affected area
 92.3361 -                  removeBlock(block, plsqlBlocks);
 92.3362 -                  blockIsFound = true;
 92.3363 -               } else if ((blockEnd > endOffset) && (blockStart < startOffset)
 92.3364 -                       && (block.getType() != PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE && block.getType() != PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY)) {
 92.3365 -                  //affected area included in the block we need to remove the block.
 92.3366 -                  //Idealy we should remove all types, but concerning on the performance did this
 92.3367 -                  //comment might be removed here
 92.3368 -                  removeBlock(block, plsqlBlocks);
 92.3369 -                  blockIsFound = true;
 92.3370 -               }
 92.3371 +
 92.3372 +            if ((temp.getStartOffset() > offset)
 92.3373 +                    && ((block == null) || (block.getStartOffset() > temp.getStartOffset()))) {
 92.3374 +                block = temp;
 92.3375              }
 92.3376 -         }
 92.3377 -      }
 92.3378 -      return blockIsFound;
 92.3379 -   }
 92.3380 -
 92.3381 -   /**
 92.3382 -    * Remove custom fold blocks that are there within the parse area
 92.3383 -    * @param customFoldBlocks
 92.3384 -    * @param startParse
 92.3385 -    * @param endParse
 92.3386 -    */
 92.3387 -   private void removeCustomBlocks(List<PlsqlBlock> customFoldBlocks, int startParse, int endParse) {
 92.3388 -      for (int i = customFoldBlocks.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
 92.3389 -         PlsqlBlock block = customFoldBlocks.get(i);
 92.3390 -         if ((block.getStartOffset() >= startParse)
 92.3391 -                 && (block.getEndOffset() <= endParse)) {
 92.3392 -            customFoldBlocks.remove(i);
 92.3393 -         } else if ((block.getEndOffset() <= endParse)
 92.3394 -                 && (block.getEndOffset() >= startParse)
 92.3395 -                 && (block.getStartOffset() <= startParse)) {
 92.3396 -            customFoldBlocks.remove(i);
 92.3397 -         } else if ((block.getStartOffset() >= startParse)
 92.3398 -                 && (block.getStartOffset() <= endParse)
 92.3399 -                 && (block.getEndOffset() >= endParse)) {
 92.3400 -            customFoldBlocks.remove(i);
 92.3401 -         }
 92.3402 -      }
 92.3403 -   }
 92.3404 -
 92.3405 -   /**
 92.3406 -    * If given block exists in the hier delete
 92.3407 -    * @param child
 92.3408 -    * @param parentBlocks
 92.3409 -    */
 92.3410 -   private void removeFromParent(PlsqlBlock child, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
 92.3411 -      for (int i = 0; i < parentBlocks.size(); i++) {
 92.3412 -         PlsqlBlock tmp = parentBlocks.get(i);
 92.3413 -         if ((tmp.getEndOffset() == child.getEndOffset())
 92.3414 -                 && (tmp.getStartOffset() == child.getStartOffset())) {
 92.3415 -            parentBlocks.remove(tmp);
 92.3416 -            break;
 92.3417 -         }
 92.3418 -      }
 92.3419 -   }
 92.3420 -
 92.3421 -   private boolean sqlPlusLine(TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts) {
 92.3422 -      int offset = ts.offset();
 92.3423 -      boolean isSqlPlus = false;
 92.3424 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = null;
 92.3425 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> tokenPre = null;
 92.3426 -      while (ts.movePrevious()) {
 92.3427 -         token = ts.token();
 92.3428 -         if ( == PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE && token.toString().contains("\n")) {
 92.3429 -            if (tokenPre != null && == PlsqlTokenId.SQL_PLUS) {
 92.3430 -               isSqlPlus = true;
 92.3431 -            }
 92.3432 -            break;
 92.3433 -         }
 92.3434 -
 92.3435 -         if ( != PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE) {
 92.3436 -            tokenPre = token;
 92.3437 -         }
 92.3438 -      }
 92.3439 -
 92.3440 -      if (tokenPre != null && == PlsqlTokenId.SQL_PLUS) {
 92.3441 -         isSqlPlus = true;
 92.3442 -      }
 92.3443 -
 92.3444 -      ts.move(offset);
 92.3445 -      ts.moveNext();
 92.3446 -      return isSqlPlus;
 92.3447 -   }
 92.3448 -
 92.3449 -   /**
 92.3450 -    * Update block hierarchy based on the document event and the action
 92.3451 -    */
 92.3452 -   private synchronized void updateBlocks(Document doc, List<EventProperties> docList) {
 92.3453 -      clear();
 92.3454 -      try {
 92.3455 -         ((AbstractDocument) doc).readLock();
 92.3456 -
 92.3457 -         docStartOffset = doc.getStartPosition().getOffset();
 92.3458 -         docEndOffset = doc.getEndPosition().getOffset();
 92.3459 -
 92.3460 -         EventProperties event = docList.get(0);
 92.3461 -         //Area to be re parsed
 92.3462 -         startParse = event.offset;
 92.3463 -         endParse = event.offset + event.length;
 92.3464 -         if (event.mode == DocumentEvent.EventType.REMOVE) {
 92.3465 -            endParse = startParse;
 92.3466 -         }
 92.3467 -
 92.3468 -         for (int x = 0; x < docList.size(); x++) {
 92.3469 -            event = docList.get(x);
 92.3470 -            int offset = event.offset;
 92.3471 -            int length = event.length;
 92.3472 -            DocumentEvent.EventType action = event.mode;
 92.3473 -
 92.3474 -            //get the affected area
 92.3475 -            int startOffset = offset;
 92.3476 -            int endOffset = startOffset + length;
 92.3477 -            if (action == DocumentEvent.EventType.REMOVE) {
 92.3478 -               endOffset = startOffset;
 92.3479 -            }
 92.3480 -
 92.3481 -            //If action is remove, remove code folds in the affected area and repass them
 92.3482 -            if (action == DocumentEvent.EventType.REMOVE || action == DocumentEvent.EventType.INSERT) {
 92.3483 -               if (action == DocumentEvent.EventType.REMOVE) {
 92.3484 -                  //Rearrange the offsets of the blocks below the area
 92.3485 -                  removeEnclosedBlocks(doc, blockHierarchy, startOffset, startOffset + length);
 92.3486 -                  changeOffSet(blockHierarchy, startOffset, -length, true, false);
 92.3487 -                  changeOffSet(customFoldBlocks, startOffset, -length, true, false);
 92.3488 -                  changeOffSet(toBeRemoved, startOffset, -length, false, true);
 92.3489 -                  changedLength = changedLength - length;
 92.3490 -               } else if (action == DocumentEvent.EventType.INSERT) {
 92.3491 -                  //Rearrange the offsets of the blocks below the start of the area                  
 92.3492 -                  changeOffSet(blockHierarchy, startOffset, length, true, false);
 92.3493 -                  changeOffSet(customFoldBlocks, startOffset, length, true, false);
 92.3494 -                  changeOffSet(toBeRemoved, startOffset, length, false, true);
 92.3495 -                  changedLength = changedLength + length;
 92.3496 -               }
 92.3497 -               //adjust offsets according to the change
 92.3498 -               if (startParse > startOffset) {
 92.3499 -                  startParse = startOffset;
 92.3500 -               }
 92.3501 -               if (endParse < endOffset) {
 92.3502 -                  endParse = endOffset;
 92.3503 -               }
 92.3504 -
 92.3505 -               int count = blockHierarchy.size();
 92.3506 -               removeBlocksWithin(doc, blockHierarchy, startOffset, endOffset);
 92.3507 -               //If action removeimmediately before block and after block
 92.3508 -               if (count == 0) {//If no blocks pass the whole root
 92.3509 -
 92.3510 -                  startParse = docStartOffset;
 92.3511 -                  endParse = docEndOffset - 1;
 92.3512 -               } else {
 92.3513 -                  if (startParse == startOffset) {//if start offset already adjusted no need to do again
 92.3514 -
 92.3515 -                     PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.3516 -                     block = getImmediateBefore(blockHierarchy, block, startOffset);
 92.3517 -                     PlsqlBlock parent = getParentBlock(blockHierarchy, startParse, endParse);
 92.3518 -
 92.3519 -                     if ((parent != null) && (block != null)) {
 92.3520 -                        if (parent.getStartOffset() > block.getStartOffset()) {
 92.3521 -                           int newStart = getSecondLineOfBlock(doc, parent); // we are not going to remove the parent here
 92.3522 -                           if (newStart < startParse) {
 92.3523 -                              startParse = newStart;
 92.3524 -                           }
 92.3525 +        }
 92.3526 +
 92.3527 +        return block;
 92.3528 +    }
 92.3529 +
 92.3530 +    /**
 92.3531 +     * Method that will generate blocks of the given offset range
 92.3532 +     * @param startOffset
 92.3533 +     * @param endOffset
 92.3534 +     */
 92.3535 +    private synchronized void generateBlocks(Document doc) {
 92.3536 +        List<PlsqlBlock> immediateBlockHier;
 92.3537 +        tokenHierarchy = TokenHierarchy.get(doc);
 92.3538 +        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 92.3539 +        TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts = tokenHierarchy.tokenSequence(PlsqlTokenId.language());
 92.3540 +
 92.3541 +        PlsqlBlock parent = getParentBlock(blockHierarchy, startParse, endParse);
 92.3542 +        if (parent != null) {
 92.3543 +            immediateBlockHier = parent.getChildBlocks();
 92.3544 +        } else {
 92.3545 +            immediateBlockHier = blockHierarchy;
 92.3546 +        }
 92.3547 +
 92.3548 +        if (ts != null) {
 92.3549 +            //move offset
 92.3550 +            ts.move(startParse);
 92.3551 +            Token<PlsqlTokenId> tempToken = null;
 92.3552 +            Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
 92.3553 +            Token<PlsqlTokenId> customEndToken = null;
 92.3554 +
 92.3555 +            //Go through all the available tokens
 92.3556 +            while (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.3557 +                tempToken = ts.token();
 92.3558 +                PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.3559 +                String image = tempToken.text().toString();
 92.3560 +
 92.3561 +                //Check end offset and break (exception for colun which will mark end of some blocks)
 92.3562 +                if ((tempToken != null) && (!image.equals(";")) && (tempToken.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse)) {
 92.3563 +                    break;
 92.3564 +                }
 92.3565 +
 92.3566 +                if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD) {
 92.3567 +                    if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("VIEW")) {
 92.3568 +                        int offset = ts.offset();
 92.3569 +                        PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.3570 +                        block = checkView(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3571 +                        if (block == null) {
 92.3572 +                            //pass from the immediate next token to get inner blocks
 92.3573 +                            ts.move(offset);
 92.3574 +                            ts.moveNext();
 92.3575                          } else {
 92.3576 -                           removeBlock(block, parent.getChildBlocks());
 92.3577 +                            checkAndAddNew(block, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3578                          }
 92.3579 -                     } else {
 92.3580 -                        if (block != null) {
 92.3581 -                           removeBlock(block, blockHierarchy);
 92.3582 -                        } else if (parent != null) { // we are not going to remove the parent here
 92.3583 -
 92.3584 -                           int newStart = getSecondLineOfBlock(doc, parent);
 92.3585 -                           if (newStart < startParse) {
 92.3586 -                              startParse = newStart;
 92.3587 -                           }
 92.3588 +                    } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION")) {
 92.3589 +                        int offset = ts.offset();
 92.3590 +                        PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.3591 +                        block = checkMethod(tempToken, ts, PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3592 +                        if (block == null) {
 92.3593 +                            //pass from the immediate next token to get inner blocks
 92.3594 +                            ts.move(offset);
 92.3595 +                            ts.moveNext();
 92.3596                          } else {
 92.3597 -                           startParse = docStartOffset;
 92.3598 +                            checkAndAddNew(block, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3599                          }
 92.3600 -                     }
 92.3601 -                  }
 92.3602 -
 92.3603 -                  if (endParse == endOffset) {//if end offset already adjusted no need to do again
 92.3604 -
 92.3605 -                     PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.3606 -                     block = getImmediateAfter(blockHierarchy, block, endOffset);
 92.3607 -                     PlsqlBlock parent = getParentBlock(blockHierarchy, startParse, endParse);
 92.3608 -
 92.3609 -                     if ((parent != null) && (block != null)) {
 92.3610 -                        if (parent.getEndOffset() < block.getEndOffset()) {
 92.3611 -                           int newEnd = getPreLineOfBlockEnd(doc, parent); // we are not going to remove the parent here
 92.3612 -                           if (newEnd > endParse) {
 92.3613 -                              endParse = newEnd;
 92.3614 -                           }
 92.3615 +                    } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE")) {
 92.3616 +                        int offset = ts.offset();
 92.3617 +                        PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.3618 +                        block = checkMethod(tempToken, ts, PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3619 +                        if (block == null) {
 92.3620 +                            //pass from the immediate next token to get inner blocks
 92.3621 +                            ts.move(offset);
 92.3622 +                            ts.moveNext();
 92.3623                          } else {
 92.3624 -                           removeBlock(block, parent.getChildBlocks());
 92.3625 +                            checkAndAddNew(block, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3626                          }
 92.3627 -                     } else {
 92.3628 -                        if (block != null) {
 92.3629 -                           removeBlock(block, blockHierarchy);
 92.3630 -                        } else if (parent != null) { // we are not going to remove the parent here
 92.3631 -
 92.3632 -                           int newEnd = getPreLineOfBlockEnd(doc, parent);
 92.3633 -                           if (newEnd > endParse) {
 92.3634 -                              endParse = newEnd;
 92.3635 -                           }
 92.3636 +                    } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PACKAGE")) {
 92.3637 +                        int offset = ts.offset();
 92.3638 +                        PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.3639 +                        block = checkPackage(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3640 +                        if (block == null) {
 92.3641 +                            //pass from the immediate next token to get inner blocks
 92.3642 +                            ts.move(offset);
 92.3643 +                            ts.moveNext();
 92.3644                          } else {
 92.3645 -                           endParse = docEndOffset - 1;
 92.3646 +                            checkAndAddNew(block, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3647                          }
 92.3648 -                     }
 92.3649 -                  }
 92.3650 -
 92.3651 -                  //Remove custom fold blocks that are there within the parse area
 92.3652 -                  removeCustomBlocks(customFoldBlocks, startParse, endParse);
 92.3653 -
 92.3654 -                  //When files are deleted and written after opening once following can happen
 92.3655 -                  if ((endParse < 0) || (endParse > docEndOffset - 1)) {
 92.3656 -                     endParse = docEndOffset - 1;
 92.3657 -                  }
 92.3658 -
 92.3659 -                  if (startParse < 0) {
 92.3660 -                     startParse = docStartOffset;
 92.3661 -                  }
 92.3662 -
 92.3663 -                  if (startParse > docEndOffset - 1) {
 92.3664 -                     startParse = docEndOffset - 1;
 92.3665 -                  }
 92.3666 -               }
 92.3667 -            } else { //UPDATE pass again
 92.3668 -
 92.3669 -               startParse = docStartOffset;
 92.3670 -               endParse = docEndOffset - 1;
 92.3671 -
 92.3672 -               //clean block hierarchy
 92.3673 -               blockHierarchy.clear();
 92.3674 -               customFoldBlocks.clear();
 92.3675 -
 92.3676 -               //we are going for a reparse, remove all the events for this doc
 92.3677 -               docList.clear();
 92.3678 -               break;
 92.3679 -            }
 92.3680 -         }
 92.3681 -
 92.3682 -         if (startParse >= endParse) //Can happen in removes
 92.3683 -         {
 92.3684 -            return;
 92.3685 -         }
 92.3686 -
 92.3687 -         //Check whether defines are changed from the affected area
 92.3688 -         checkAffected(doc, startParse, endParse);
 92.3689 -
 92.3690 -         if (isDefineChanged) {
 92.3691 -            getAliases(doc);
 92.3692 -         }
 92.3693 -
 92.3694 -         //pass affected section again
 92.3695 -         generateBlocks(doc);
 92.3696 -
 92.3697 -      } catch (Exception e) {
 92.3698 -         ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(e);
 92.3699 -      } finally {
 92.3700 -         ((AbstractDocument) doc).readUnlock();
 92.3701 -      }
 92.3702 -   }
 92.3703 -
 92.3704 -   /**
 92.3705 -    * Get block which is immediately before the given offset
 92.3706 -    * @param blocks
 92.3707 -    * @param block
 92.3708 -    * @param offset
 92.3709 -    * @return
 92.3710 -    */
 92.3711 -   private PlsqlBlock getImmediateBefore(List blocks, PlsqlBlock block, int offset) {
 92.3712 -      int count = blocks.size();
 92.3713 -
 92.3714 -      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
 92.3715 -         PlsqlBlock temp = (PlsqlBlock) blocks.get(i);
 92.3716 -         //check from children
 92.3717 -         PlsqlBlock child = getImmediateBefore(temp.getChildBlocks(), block, offset);
 92.3718 -         if (child != null) {
 92.3719 -            block = child;
 92.3720 -         }
 92.3721 -
 92.3722 -         if ((temp.getEndOffset() < offset)
 92.3723 -                 && ((block == null) || (block.getEndOffset() < temp.getEndOffset()))) {
 92.3724 -            block = temp;
 92.3725 -         }
 92.3726 -      }
 92.3727 -
 92.3728 -      return block;
 92.3729 -   }
 92.3730 -
 92.3731 -   /**
 92.3732 -    * Get fold which is immediately after the given offset
 92.3733 -    * @param blocks
 92.3734 -    * @param block
 92.3735 -    * @param offset
 92.3736 -    * @return
 92.3737 -    */
 92.3738 -   private PlsqlBlock getImmediateAfter(List<PlsqlBlock> blocks, PlsqlBlock block, int offset) {
 92.3739 -      int count = blocks.size();
 92.3740 -
 92.3741 -      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
 92.3742 -         PlsqlBlock temp = blocks.get(i);
 92.3743 -         //check from children
 92.3744 -         PlsqlBlock child = getImmediateAfter(temp.getChildBlocks(), block, offset);
 92.3745 -         if (child != null) {
 92.3746 -            block = child;
 92.3747 -         }
 92.3748 -
 92.3749 -         if ((temp.getStartOffset() > offset)
 92.3750 -                 && ((block == null) || (block.getStartOffset() > temp.getStartOffset()))) {
 92.3751 -            block = temp;
 92.3752 -         }
 92.3753 -      }
 92.3754 -
 92.3755 -      return block;
 92.3756 -   }
 92.3757 -
 92.3758 -   /**
 92.3759 -    * Method that will generate blocks of the given offset range
 92.3760 -    * @param startOffset
 92.3761 -    * @param endOffset
 92.3762 -    */
 92.3763 -   private synchronized void generateBlocks(Document doc) {
 92.3764 -      List<PlsqlBlock> immediateBlockHier;
 92.3765 -      tokenHierarchy = TokenHierarchy.get(doc);
 92.3766 -      @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 92.3767 -      TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts = tokenHierarchy.tokenSequence(PlsqlTokenId.language());
 92.3768 -
 92.3769 -      PlsqlBlock parent = getParentBlock(blockHierarchy, startParse, endParse);
 92.3770 -      if (parent != null) {
 92.3771 -         immediateBlockHier = parent.getChildBlocks();
 92.3772 -      } else {
 92.3773 -         immediateBlockHier = blockHierarchy;
 92.3774 -      }
 92.3775 -
 92.3776 -      if (ts != null) {
 92.3777 -         //move offset
 92.3778 -         ts.move(startParse);
 92.3779 -         Token<PlsqlTokenId> tempToken = null;
 92.3780 -         Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
 92.3781 -         Token<PlsqlTokenId> customEndToken = null;
 92.3782 -
 92.3783 -         //Go through all the available tokens
 92.3784 -         while (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.3785 -            tempToken = ts.token();
 92.3786 -            PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.3787 -            String image = tempToken.text().toString();
 92.3788 -
 92.3789 -            //Check end offset and break (exception for colun which will mark end of some blocks)
 92.3790 -            if ((tempToken != null) && (!image.equals(";")) && (tempToken.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse)) {
 92.3791 -               break;
 92.3792 -            }
 92.3793 -
 92.3794 -            if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD) {
 92.3795 -               if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("VIEW")) {
 92.3796 -                  int offset = ts.offset();
 92.3797 -                  PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.3798 -                  block = checkView(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3799 -                  if (block == null) {
 92.3800 -                     //pass from the immediate next token to get inner blocks
 92.3801 -                     ts.move(offset);
 92.3802 -                     ts.moveNext();
 92.3803 -                  } else {
 92.3804 -                     checkAndAddNew(block, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3805 -                  }
 92.3806 -               } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION")) {
 92.3807 -                  int offset = ts.offset();
 92.3808 -                  PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.3809 -                  block = checkMethod(tempToken, ts, PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3810 -                  if (block == null) {
 92.3811 -                     //pass from the immediate next token to get inner blocks
 92.3812 -                     ts.move(offset);
 92.3813 -                     ts.moveNext();
 92.3814 -                  } else {
 92.3815 -                     checkAndAddNew(block, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3816 -                  }
 92.3817 -               } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE")) {
 92.3818 -                  int offset = ts.offset();
 92.3819 -                  PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.3820 -                  block = checkMethod(tempToken, ts, PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3821 -                  if (block == null) {
 92.3822 -                     //pass from the immediate next token to get inner blocks
 92.3823 -                     ts.move(offset);
 92.3824 -                     ts.moveNext();
 92.3825 -                  } else {
 92.3826 -                     checkAndAddNew(block, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3827 -                  }
 92.3828 -               } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PACKAGE")) {
 92.3829 -                  int offset = ts.offset();
 92.3830 -                  PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.3831 -                  block = checkPackage(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3832 -                  if (block == null) {
 92.3833 -                     //pass from the immediate next token to get inner blocks
 92.3834 -                     ts.move(offset);
 92.3835 -                     ts.moveNext();
 92.3836 -                  } else {
 92.3837 -                     checkAndAddNew(block, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3838 -                  }
 92.3839 -               } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CURSOR")) {
 92.3840 -                  int offset = ts.offset();
 92.3841 -                  PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.3842 -                  block = checkCursor(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3843 -                  if (block == null) {
 92.3844 -                     //pass from the immediate next token to get inner blocks
 92.3845 -                     ts.move(offset);
 92.3846 -                     ts.moveNext();
 92.3847 -                  } else {
 92.3848 -                     checkAndAddNew(block, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3849 -                  }
 92.3850 -               } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("TRIGGER")) {
 92.3851 -                  int offset = ts.offset();
 92.3852 -                  PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.3853 -                  block = checkTrigger(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3854 -                  if (block == null) {
 92.3855 -                     //pass from the immediate next token to get inner blocks
 92.3856 -                     ts.move(offset);
 92.3857 -                     ts.moveNext();
 92.3858 -                  } else {
 92.3859 -                     checkAndAddNew(block, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3860 -                  }
 92.3861 -               } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("COMMENT")) {
 92.3862 -                  int offset = ts.offset();
 92.3863 -                  PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.3864 -                  block = checkTblColComment(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3865 -                  if (block == null) {
 92.3866 -                     //pass from the immediate next token to get inner blocks
 92.3867 -                     ts.move(offset);
 92.3868 -                     ts.moveNext();
 92.3869 -                  } else {
 92.3870 -                     checkAndAddNew(block, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3871 -                  }
 92.3872 -               } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("DECLARE")) {
 92.3873 -                  PlsqlBlock block = checkDeclareBlock(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3874 -                  if (block != null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.3875 -                     checkAndAddNew(block, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3876 -                  }
 92.3877 -               } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("BEGIN")) {
 92.3878 -                  if (!isDeclare(ts, immediateBlockHier)) {//We need to check whether the declare is isolated by a CURSOR block
 92.3879 -
 92.3880 -                     int offset = ts.offset();
 92.3881 -                     PlsqlBlock block = checkBeginBlock(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3882 -                     if (block == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.3883 -
 92.3884 +                    } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CURSOR")) {
 92.3885 +                        int offset = ts.offset();
 92.3886 +                        PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.3887 +                        block = checkCursor(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3888 +                        if (block == null) {
 92.3889 +                            //pass from the immediate next token to get inner blocks
 92.3890 +                            ts.move(offset);
 92.3891 +                            ts.moveNext();
 92.3892 +                        } else {
 92.3893 +                            checkAndAddNew(block, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3894 +                        }
 92.3895 +                    } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("TRIGGER")) {
 92.3896 +                        int offset = ts.offset();
 92.3897 +                        PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.3898 +                        block = checkTrigger(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3899 +                        if (block == null) {
 92.3900 +                            //pass from the immediate next token to get inner blocks
 92.3901 +                            ts.move(offset);
 92.3902 +                            ts.moveNext();
 92.3903 +                        } else {
 92.3904 +                            checkAndAddNew(block, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3905 +                        }
 92.3906 +                    } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("COMMENT")) {
 92.3907 +                        int offset = ts.offset();
 92.3908 +                        PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.3909 +                        block = checkTblColComment(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3910 +                        if (block == null) {
 92.3911 +                            //pass from the immediate next token to get inner blocks
 92.3912 +                            ts.move(offset);
 92.3913 +                            ts.moveNext();
 92.3914 +                        } else {
 92.3915 +                            checkAndAddNew(block, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3916 +                        }
 92.3917 +                    } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("DECLARE")) {
 92.3918 +                        PlsqlBlock block = checkDeclareBlock(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3919 +                        if (block != null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.3920 +                            checkAndAddNew(block, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3921 +                        }
 92.3922 +                    } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("BEGIN")) {
 92.3923 +                        if (!isDeclare(ts, immediateBlockHier)) {//We need to check whether the declare is isolated by a CURSOR block
 92.3924 +
 92.3925 +                            int offset = ts.offset();
 92.3926 +                            PlsqlBlock block = checkBeginBlock(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3927 +                            if (block == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.3928 +
 92.3929 +                                ts.move(offset);
 92.3930 +                                ts.moveNext();
 92.3931 +                            } else {
 92.3932 +                                checkAndAddNew(block, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3933 +                            }
 92.3934 +                        }
 92.3935 +                    } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("IF")
 92.3936 +                            || image.equalsIgnoreCase("ELSIF")) {
 92.3937 +                        if (!isNotBlockStart(tempToken, ts)) {
 92.3938 +                            int offset = tempToken.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.3939 +                            List children = checkIfBlock(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3940 +                            if (children == null || children.isEmpty()) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.3941 +
 92.3942 +                                ts.move(offset);
 92.3943 +                                ts.moveNext();
 92.3944 +                            } else {
 92.3945 +                                for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.3946 +                                    PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.3947 +                                    checkAndAddNew(child, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3948 +                                }
 92.3949 +                            }
 92.3950 +                        }
 92.3951 +                    } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("ELSE")) {
 92.3952 +                        if (!isNotBlockStart(tempToken, ts)) {
 92.3953 +                            int offset = tempToken.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.3954 +                            List children = checkIfBlock(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3955 +                            if (children == null || children.isEmpty()) {
 92.3956 +                                children = checkCaseBlock(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier, false);
 92.3957 +                            }
 92.3958 +
 92.3959 +                            if (children == null || children.isEmpty()) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.3960 +
 92.3961 +                                ts.move(offset);
 92.3962 +                                ts.moveNext();
 92.3963 +                            } else {
 92.3964 +                                for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.3965 +                                    PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.3966 +                                    checkAndAddNew(child, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3967 +                                }
 92.3968 +                            }
 92.3969 +                        }
 92.3970 +                    } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CASE")
 92.3971 +                            || image.equalsIgnoreCase("WHEN")) {
 92.3972 +                        if (!isNotBlockStart(tempToken, ts)) {
 92.3973 +                            int offset = tempToken.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.3974 +                            List children = checkCaseBlock(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier, false);
 92.3975 +                            if (children == null || children.isEmpty()) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.3976 +
 92.3977 +                                ts.move(offset);
 92.3978 +                                ts.moveNext();
 92.3979 +                            } else {
 92.3980 +                                for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.3981 +                                    PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.3982 +                                    checkAndAddNew(child, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3983 +                                }
 92.3984 +                            }
 92.3985 +                        }
 92.3986 +                    } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")
 92.3987 +                            || image.equalsIgnoreCase("WHILE")
 92.3988 +                            || image.equalsIgnoreCase("FOR")) {
 92.3989 +                        if (!isNotBlockStart(tempToken, ts)) {
 92.3990 +                            int offset = tempToken.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.3991 +                            if (!unsuccessBlocks.contains(offset)) {
 92.3992 +                                PlsqlBlock child = checkLoopBlock(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3993 +                                if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.3994 +                                    unsuccessBlocks.add(offset);
 92.3995 +                                    ts.move(offset);
 92.3996 +                                    ts.moveNext();
 92.3997 +                                } else {
 92.3998 +                                    checkAndAddNew(child, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.3999 +                                }
 92.4000 +                            }
 92.4001 +                        }
 92.4002 +                    } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE")
 92.4003 +                            || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INDEX")
 92.4004 +                            || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SELECT")
 92.4005 +                            || image.equalsIgnoreCase("UPDATE")
 92.4006 +                            || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DELETE")
 92.4007 +                            || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INSERT")
 92.4008 +                            || image.equalsIgnoreCase("MERGE")
 92.4009 +                            || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DROP")
 92.4010 +                            || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SEQUENCE")) {
 92.4011 +                        if (!isNotBlockStart(tempToken, ts)) {
 92.4012 +                            int offset = tempToken.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.4013 +                            PlsqlBlock child = checkStatementBlock(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier);
 92.4014 +                            if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.4015 +
 92.4016 +                                ts.move(offset);
 92.4017 +                                ts.moveNext();
 92.4018 +                            } else {
 92.4019 +                                checkAndAddNew(child, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.4020 +                            }
 92.4021 +                        }
 92.4022 +                    }
 92.4023 +                } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.JAVA_SOUCE) {
 92.4024 +                    int offset = ts.offset();
 92.4025 +                    PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.4026 +                    block = checkJavaSource(tempToken, ts);
 92.4027 +                    if (block == null) {
 92.4028 +                        //pass from the immediate next token to get inner blocks
 92.4029                          ts.move(offset);
 92.4030                          ts.moveNext();
 92.4031 -                     } else {
 92.4032 +                    } else {
 92.4033                          checkAndAddNew(block, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.4034 -                     }
 92.4035 -                  }
 92.4036 -               } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("IF")
 92.4037 -                       || image.equalsIgnoreCase("ELSIF")) {
 92.4038 -                  if (!isNotBlockStart(tempToken, ts)) {
 92.4039 -                     int offset = tempToken.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.4040 -                     List children = checkIfBlock(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier);
 92.4041 -                     if (children == null || children.size() == 0) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.4042 -
 92.4043 -                        ts.move(offset);
 92.4044 -                        ts.moveNext();
 92.4045 -                     } else {
 92.4046 -                        for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.4047 -                           PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.4048 -                           checkAndAddNew(child, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.4049 +                    }
 92.4050 +                } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.4051 +                    //only single comment line
 92.4052 +                    if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
 92.4053 +                        customStartToken = tempToken;
 92.4054 +                    } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
 92.4055 +                        if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.4056 +                            String name = customStartToken.text().toString();
 92.4057 +                            int index = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
 92.4058 +                            name = name.substring(index + 7).trim();
 92.4059 +                            if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.4060 +                                tempToken = ts.token();
 92.4061 +                                PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.4062 +                                        tempToken.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
 92.4063 +                                customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
 92.4064 +                            }
 92.4065 +                            customStartToken = null;
 92.4066 +                        } else {
 92.4067 +                            customEndToken = tempToken;
 92.4068                          }
 92.4069 -                     }
 92.4070 -                  }
 92.4071 -               } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("ELSE")) {
 92.4072 -                  if (!isNotBlockStart(tempToken, ts)) {
 92.4073 -                     int offset = tempToken.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.4074 -                     List children = checkIfBlock(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier);
 92.4075 -                     if (children == null || children.size() == 0) {
 92.4076 -                        children = checkCaseBlock(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier, false);
 92.4077 -                     }
 92.4078 -
 92.4079 -                     if (children == null || children.size() == 0) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.4080 -
 92.4081 -                        ts.move(offset);
 92.4082 -                        ts.moveNext();
 92.4083 -                     } else {
 92.4084 -                        for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.4085 -                           PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.4086 -                           checkAndAddNew(child, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.4087 +                    } else {
 92.4088 +                        PlsqlBlock block = checkComment(tempToken, ts);
 92.4089 +                        if (block != null) {
 92.4090 +                            checkAndAddNew(block, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.4091                          }
 92.4092 -                     }
 92.4093 -                  }
 92.4094 -               } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CASE")
 92.4095 -                       || image.equalsIgnoreCase("WHEN")) {
 92.4096 -                  if (!isNotBlockStart(tempToken, ts)) {
 92.4097 -                     int offset = tempToken.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.4098 -                     List children = checkCaseBlock(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier, false);
 92.4099 -                     if (children == null || children.size() == 0) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.4100 -
 92.4101 -                        ts.move(offset);
 92.4102 -                        ts.moveNext();
 92.4103 -                     } else {
 92.4104 -                        for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.4105 -                           PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.4106 -                           checkAndAddNew(child, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.4107 +                    }
 92.4108 +                } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
 92.4109 +                    int start = tempToken.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.4110 +                    PlsqlBlock block = new PlsqlBlock(start,
 92.4111 +                            start + tempToken.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.4112 +                    if (block != null) {
 92.4113 +                        checkAndAddNew(block, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.4114 +                    }
 92.4115 +                } else if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.OPERATOR) && (image.equals(";"))) {
 92.4116 +                    PlsqlBlock block = checkEnd(tempToken, ts);
 92.4117 +                    //check whether this is the parent can happen in a remove
 92.4118 +                    if (block != null && (block.getType() != PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL && block.getType() != PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL)) {
 92.4119 +                        if (!isEqual(parent, block)) {
 92.4120 +                            if ((block != null) && (checkExisting(block, immediateBlockHier) == false)) {
 92.4121 +                                addImmediateChildren(block, immediateBlockHier);
 92.4122 +                                immediateBlockHier.add(block);
 92.4123 +                                newBlocks.add(block);
 92.4124 +                                if (parent != null) {
 92.4125 +                                    block.setParent(parent);
 92.4126 +                                }
 92.4127 +                            }
 92.4128                          }
 92.4129 -                     }
 92.4130 -                  }
 92.4131 -               } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")
 92.4132 -                       || image.equalsIgnoreCase("WHILE")
 92.4133 -                       || image.equalsIgnoreCase("FOR")) {
 92.4134 -                  if (!isNotBlockStart(tempToken, ts)) {
 92.4135 -                     int offset = tempToken.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.4136 -                     if (!unsuccessBlocks.contains(offset)) {
 92.4137 -                        PlsqlBlock child = checkLoopBlock(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier);
 92.4138 -                        if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.4139 -                           unsuccessBlocks.add(offset);
 92.4140 -                           ts.move(offset);
 92.4141 -                           ts.moveNext();
 92.4142 -                        } else {
 92.4143 -                           checkAndAddNew(child, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.4144 -                        }
 92.4145 -                     }
 92.4146 -                  }
 92.4147 -               } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE")
 92.4148 -                       || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INDEX")
 92.4149 -                       || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SELECT")
 92.4150 -                       || image.equalsIgnoreCase("UPDATE")
 92.4151 -                       || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DELETE")
 92.4152 -                       || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INSERT")
 92.4153 -                       || image.equalsIgnoreCase("MERGE")
 92.4154 -                       || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DROP")
 92.4155 -                       || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SEQUENCE")) {
 92.4156 -                  if (!isNotBlockStart(tempToken, ts)) {
 92.4157 -                     int offset = tempToken.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.4158 -                     PlsqlBlock child = checkStatementBlock(tempToken, ts, immediateBlockHier);
 92.4159 -                     if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.4160 -
 92.4161 -                        ts.move(offset);
 92.4162 -                        ts.moveNext();
 92.4163 -                     } else {
 92.4164 -                        checkAndAddNew(child, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.4165 -                     }
 92.4166 -                  }
 92.4167 -               }
 92.4168 -            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.JAVA_SOUCE) {
 92.4169 -               int offset = ts.offset();
 92.4170 -               PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.4171 -               block = checkJavaSource(tempToken, ts);
 92.4172 -               if (block == null) {
 92.4173 -                  //pass from the immediate next token to get inner blocks
 92.4174 -                  ts.move(offset);
 92.4175 -                  ts.moveNext();
 92.4176 -               } else {
 92.4177 -                  checkAndAddNew(block, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.4178 -               }
 92.4179 -            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.4180 -               //only single comment line
 92.4181 -               if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
 92.4182 -                  customStartToken = tempToken;
 92.4183 -               } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
 92.4184 -                  if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.4185 -                     String name = customStartToken.text().toString();
 92.4186 -                     int index = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
 92.4187 -                     name = name.substring(index + 7).trim();
 92.4188 -                     if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.4189 -                        tempToken = ts.token();
 92.4190 -                        PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.4191 -                                tempToken.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
 92.4192 -                        customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
 92.4193 -                     }
 92.4194 -                     customStartToken = null;
 92.4195 -                  } else {
 92.4196 -                     customEndToken = tempToken;
 92.4197 -                  }
 92.4198 -               } else {
 92.4199 -                  PlsqlBlock block = checkComment(tempToken, ts);
 92.4200 -                  if (block != null) {
 92.4201 -                     checkAndAddNew(block, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.4202 -                  }
 92.4203 -               }
 92.4204 -            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
 92.4205 -               int start = tempToken.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.4206 -               PlsqlBlock block = new PlsqlBlock(start,
 92.4207 -                       start + tempToken.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.4208 -               if (block != null) {
 92.4209 -                  checkAndAddNew(block, parent, immediateBlockHier);
 92.4210 -               }
 92.4211 -            } else if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.OPERATOR) && (image.equals(";"))) {
 92.4212 -               PlsqlBlock block = checkEnd(tempToken, ts);
 92.4213 -               //check whether this is the parent can happen in a remove
 92.4214 -               if (!isEqual(parent, block)) {
 92.4215 -                  if ((block != null) && (checkExisting(block, immediateBlockHier) == false)) {
 92.4216 -                     addImmediateChildren(block, immediateBlockHier);
 92.4217 -                     immediateBlockHier.add(block);
 92.4218 -                     newBlocks.add(block);
 92.4219 -                     if (parent != null) {
 92.4220 -                        block.setParent(parent);
 92.4221 -                     }
 92.4222 -                  }
 92.4223 -               }
 92.4224 +                    }
 92.4225 +                }
 92.4226 +            }   //we have come to the end now, check whether we have unmatched custom tokens
 92.4227 +
 92.4228 +            if (customEndToken != null) {
 92.4229 +                checkCustom(customEndToken, ts, immediateBlockHier, parent, "END");
 92.4230 +            } else if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.4231 +                checkCustom(customStartToken, ts, immediateBlockHier, parent, "START");
 92.4232              }
 92.4233 -         }   //we have come to the end now, check whether we have unmatched custom tokens
 92.4234 -
 92.4235 -         if (customEndToken != null) {
 92.4236 -            checkCustom(customEndToken, ts, immediateBlockHier, parent, "END");
 92.4237 -         } else if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.4238 -            checkCustom(customStartToken, ts, immediateBlockHier, parent, "START");
 92.4239 -         }
 92.4240 -      }
 92.4241 -   }
 92.4242 -
 92.4243 -   private void checkAndAddNew(PlsqlBlock block, PlsqlBlock parent, List<PlsqlBlock> immediateBlockHier) {
 92.4244 -      if (checkExisting(block, immediateBlockHier) == false && !isEqual(parent, block)) {
 92.4245 -         immediateBlockHier.add(block);
 92.4246 -         newBlocks.add(block);
 92.4247 -         if (parent != null) {
 92.4248 -            block.setParent(parent);
 92.4249 -         }
 92.4250 -      }
 92.4251 -   }
 92.4252 -
 92.4253 -   /**
 92.4254 -    * Check whether current ';' is the end of a function/procedure/view/package
 92.4255 -    * @param tempToken
 92.4256 -    * @param ts
 92.4257 -    */
 92.4258 -   private PlsqlBlock checkEnd(Token<PlsqlTokenId> endToken, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts) {
 92.4259 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> end = endToken; //means ';' here
 92.4260 -
 92.4261 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> begin = null;
 92.4262 -      String methodName = "";
 92.4263 -      int type = -1; //1 for FUNCTION/PROCEDURE/PACKAGE
 92.4264 -
 92.4265 -      boolean moveBack = false;
 92.4266 -      PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.4267 -      moveBack = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.4268 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = ts.token();
 92.4269 -
 92.4270 -      if (moveBack == false) {
 92.4271 -         ts.move(end.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.4272 -         ts.moveNext();
 92.4273 -         return block;
 92.4274 -      }
 92.4275 -
 92.4276 -      //If this is a function/procedure end take the name
 92.4277 -      if (( == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD) && (tmp.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END"))) {
 92.4278 -         type = 0;
 92.4279 -      } else if ( == PlsqlTokenId.IDENTIFIER || == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD) {
 92.4280 -         methodName = tmp.text().toString();
 92.4281 -
 92.4282 -         //Check whether this is an 'end <ide>;'
 92.4283 -         moveBack = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.4284 -         tmp = ts.token();
 92.4285 -
 92.4286 -         if (moveBack == false) {
 92.4287 +        }
 92.4288 +    }
 92.4289 +
 92.4290 +    private void checkAndAddNew(PlsqlBlock block, PlsqlBlock parent, List<PlsqlBlock> immediateBlockHier) {
 92.4291 +        if (checkExisting(block, immediateBlockHier) == false && !isEqual(parent, block)) {
 92.4292 +            immediateBlockHier.add(block);
 92.4293 +            newBlocks.add(block);
 92.4294 +            if (parent != null) {
 92.4295 +                block.setParent(parent);
 92.4296 +            }
 92.4297 +        }
 92.4298 +    }
 92.4299 +
 92.4300 +    /**
 92.4301 +     * Check whether current ';' is the end of a function/procedure/view/package
 92.4302 +     * @param tempToken
 92.4303 +     * @param ts
 92.4304 +     */
 92.4305 +    private PlsqlBlock checkEnd(Token<PlsqlTokenId> endToken, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts) {
 92.4306 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> end = endToken; //means ';' here
 92.4307 +
 92.4308 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> begin = null;
 92.4309 +        String methodName = "";
 92.4310 +        int type = -1; //1 for FUNCTION/PROCEDURE/PACKAGE
 92.4311 +
 92.4312 +        boolean moveBack = false;
 92.4313 +        PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.4314 +        moveBack = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.4315 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = ts.token();
 92.4316 +
 92.4317 +        if (moveBack == false) {
 92.4318              ts.move(end.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.4319              ts.moveNext();
 92.4320              return block;
 92.4321 -         }
 92.4322 -
 92.4323 -         if (( == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)
 92.4324 -                 && (tmp.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END"))) {
 92.4325 -            type = 1;
 92.4326 -         }
 92.4327 -
 92.4328 -      }
 92.4329 -
 92.4330 -      if (type == 1) {
 92.4331 -         begin = checkMethodBegin(ts, methodName);
 92.4332 -      } else if (type == 0) {
 92.4333 -         begin = checkMethodBegin(ts);
 92.4334 -
 92.4335 -         Token<PlsqlTokenId> nameToken = begin;
 92.4336 -         //get name
 92.4337 -         if (getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true)) {
 92.4338 -            nameToken = ts.token();
 92.4339 -            if (!nameToken.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("BODY")) {
 92.4340 -               methodName = nameToken.text().toString();
 92.4341 +        }
 92.4342 +
 92.4343 +        //If this is a function/procedure end take the name
 92.4344 +        if (( == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD) && (tmp.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END"))) {
 92.4345 +            type = 0;
 92.4346 +        } else if ( == PlsqlTokenId.IDENTIFIER || == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD) {
 92.4347 +            methodName = tmp.text().toString();
 92.4348 +
 92.4349 +            //Check whether this is an 'end <ide>;'
 92.4350 +            moveBack = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.4351 +            tmp = ts.token();
 92.4352 +
 92.4353 +            if (moveBack == false) {
 92.4354 +                ts.move(end.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.4355 +                ts.moveNext();
 92.4356 +                return block;
 92.4357 +            }
 92.4358 +
 92.4359 +            if (( == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)
 92.4360 +                    && (tmp.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END"))) {
 92.4361 +                type = 1;
 92.4362 +            }
 92.4363 +
 92.4364 +        }
 92.4365 +
 92.4366 +        if (type == 1) {
 92.4367 +            begin = checkMethodBegin(ts, methodName);
 92.4368 +        } else if (type == 0) {
 92.4369 +            begin = checkMethodBegin(ts);
 92.4370 +
 92.4371 +            Token<PlsqlTokenId> nameToken = begin;
 92.4372 +            //get name
 92.4373 +            if (getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true)) {
 92.4374 +                nameToken = ts.token();
 92.4375 +                if (!nameToken.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("BODY")) {
 92.4376 +                    methodName = nameToken.text().toString();
 92.4377 +                } else {
 92.4378 +                    if (getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true)) {
 92.4379 +                        nameToken = ts.token();
 92.4380 +                        methodName = nameToken.text().toString();
 92.4381 +                    }
 92.4382 +                }
 92.4383 +            }
 92.4384 +        }
 92.4385 +
 92.4386 +        //Cold block is found
 92.4387 +        if (begin != null) {
 92.4388 +            String image = begin.text().toString();
 92.4389 +            String alias = "";
 92.4390 +            if (methodName.indexOf('&') != -1) {
 92.4391 +                alias = methodName;
 92.4392 +            }
 92.4393 +
 92.4394 +            methodName = getDefine(methodName);
 92.4395 +
 92.4396 +            //Get the token after the end token
 92.4397 +            ts.move(end.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.4398 +            ts.moveNext();
 92.4399 +            ts.moveNext();
 92.4400 +
 92.4401 +            if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE")) {
 92.4402 +                block = new PlsqlBlock(begin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts.offset(),
 92.4403 +                        methodName, alias, PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL);
 92.4404 +                checkPrefix(begin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts, block);
 92.4405 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PACKAGE")) {
 92.4406 +                //get next token & check
 92.4407 +                //find semicolon
 92.4408 +                int endPos = ts.offset();
 92.4409 +                ts.move(begin.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.4410 +                ts.moveNext();
 92.4411 +                boolean moveNext = false;
 92.4412 +                moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.4413 +                Token<PlsqlTokenId> next = ts.token();
 92.4414 +                PlsqlBlockType foldType = PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE;
 92.4415 +                if ((moveNext != false) && (next.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("BODY"))) {
 92.4416 +                    foldType = PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY;
 92.4417 +                }
 92.4418 +
 92.4419 +                block = new PlsqlBlock(begin.offset(tokenHierarchy), endPos,
 92.4420 +                        methodName, alias, foldType);
 92.4421 +                checkPrefix(begin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts, block);
 92.4422              } else {
 92.4423 -               if (getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true)) {
 92.4424 -                  nameToken = ts.token();
 92.4425 -                  methodName = nameToken.text().toString();
 92.4426 -               }
 92.4427 +                block = new PlsqlBlock(begin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts.offset(),
 92.4428 +                        methodName, alias, PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL);
 92.4429 +                checkPrefix(begin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts, block);
 92.4430              }
 92.4431 -         }
 92.4432 -      }
 92.4433 -
 92.4434 -      //Cold block is found
 92.4435 -      if (begin != null) {
 92.4436 -         String image = begin.text().toString();
 92.4437 -         String alias = "";
 92.4438 -         if (methodName.indexOf('&') != -1) {
 92.4439 +        }
 92.4440 +
 92.4441 +        ts.move(end.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.4442 +        ts.moveNext();
 92.4443 +        return block;
 92.4444 +    }
 92.4445 +
 92.4446 +    /**
 92.4447 +     * Check whether there is a function/procedure in this block
 92.4448 +     * @param ts
 92.4449 +     * @param methodName
 92.4450 +     * @return
 92.4451 +     */
 92.4452 +    private Token<PlsqlTokenId> checkMethodBegin(TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, String methodName) {
 92.4453 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> begin = null;
 92.4454 +        boolean moveBack = ts.movePrevious();
 92.4455 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = ts.token();
 92.4456 +        int endCount = 0;
 92.4457 +
 92.4458 +        while (moveBack) {
 92.4459 +            String image = tmp.text().toString();
 92.4460 +
 92.4461 +            if (image.equalsIgnoreCase(methodName)) {
 92.4462 +                //Go to previous word
 92.4463 +                boolean move = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.4464 +                Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = ts.token();
 92.4465 +
 92.4466 +                if ((move != false) && ( == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)) {
 92.4467 +                    if ((token.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION"))
 92.4468 +                            || (token.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE"))) {
 92.4469 +                        //if there were inner functions & procedures
 92.4470 +                        if (endCount != 0) {
 92.4471 +                            endCount--;
 92.4472 +                        } else {
 92.4473 +                            return token;
 92.4474 +                        }
 92.4475 +                    } else if (token.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("BODY")) {
 92.4476 +                        boolean pre = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.4477 +                        Token<PlsqlTokenId> previous = ts.token();
 92.4478 +                        if ((pre != false) && (previous.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("PACKAGE"))) {
 92.4479 +                            return previous;
 92.4480 +                        }
 92.4481 +
 92.4482 +                    } else if (token.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
 92.4483 +                        ++endCount;
 92.4484 +                    }
 92.4485 +                }
 92.4486 +            }
 92.4487 +            moveBack = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.4488 +            tmp = ts.token();
 92.4489 +        }
 92.4490 +
 92.4491 +        return begin;
 92.4492 +    }
 92.4493 +
 92.4494 +    /**
 92.4495 +     * Check whether there is a function/procedure in this block
 92.4496 +     * Method name is not there in the 'END;'
 92.4497 +     * @param ts
 92.4498 +     * @return
 92.4499 +     */
 92.4500 +    private Token<PlsqlTokenId> checkMethodBegin(TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts) {
 92.4501 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> begin = null;
 92.4502 +        boolean moveBack = ts.movePrevious();
 92.4503 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = ts.token();
 92.4504 +        int endCount = 0;
 92.4505 +
 92.4506 +        while (moveBack) {
 92.4507 +            String image = tmp.text().toString();
 92.4508 +
 92.4509 +            if ( == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD) {
 92.4510 +                if ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("BEGIN"))) {
 92.4511 +                    endCount--;
 92.4512 +                } else if ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("END"))) {
 92.4513 +                    int off = ts.offset();
 92.4514 +                    if (getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true)) {
 92.4515 +                        tmp = ts.token();
 92.4516 +                    }
 92.4517 +
 92.4518 +                    if ((tmp.text().toString().equals(";")) || ( == PlsqlTokenId.IDENTIFIER)
 92.4519 +                            || ( == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && (!tmp.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("IF")
 92.4520 +                            && !tmp.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("CASE") && !tmp.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")))) {
 92.4521 +                        endCount++;
 92.4522 +                    }
 92.4523 +
 92.4524 +                    ts.move(off);
 92.4525 +                    ts.moveNext();
 92.4526 +                } else if ((endCount == 0) & (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PACKAGE"))) {
 92.4527 +                    return tmp;
 92.4528 +                } else if ((endCount == -1) && ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE"))
 92.4529 +                        || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION")))) {
 92.4530 +                    return tmp;
 92.4531 +                } else if ((endCount == 0) & (image.equalsIgnoreCase("BODY"))) {
 92.4532 +                    boolean pre = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.4533 +                    Token<PlsqlTokenId> previous = ts.token();
 92.4534 +                    if ((pre != false) && (previous.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("PACKAGE"))) {
 92.4535 +                        return previous;
 92.4536 +                    }
 92.4537 +                }
 92.4538 +            }
 92.4539 +
 92.4540 +            moveBack = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.4541 +            tmp = ts.token();
 92.4542 +        }
 92.4543 +
 92.4544 +        return begin;
 92.4545 +    }
 92.4546 +
 92.4547 +    /**
 92.4548 +     * Check whether this is a block comment, single line or multi lined comment
 92.4549 +     * @param current
 92.4550 +     * @param ts
 92.4551 +     * @return
 92.4552 +     */
 92.4553 +    private PlsqlBlock checkComment(Token<PlsqlTokenId> current, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts) {
 92.4554 +        //If the line don't start with the comment ignore
 92.4555 +        String prefix = getPreceedingText(current.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts);
 92.4556 +        if (!prefix.trim().equals("")) {
 92.4557 +            return null;
 92.4558 +        }
 92.4559 +
 92.4560 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> commentBegin = current;
 92.4561 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = current;
 92.4562 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> commentEnd = current;
 92.4563 +        PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.4564 +        String text = commentBegin.text().toString();
 92.4565 +        int offset = ts.offset();
 92.4566 +        boolean moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, false);
 92.4567 +        tmp = ts.token();
 92.4568 +        boolean takeDesc = true;
 92.4569 +        String desc = getCommentDescription(text);
 92.4570 +        if (!desc.equals("COMMENT...")) {
 92.4571 +            takeDesc = false;
 92.4572 +        }
 92.4573 +
 92.4574 +        while (moveNext) {
 92.4575 +            PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.4576 +
 92.4577 +            //We have come to the end of the view declaration
 92.4578 +            if (tokenID != PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.4579 +                break;
 92.4580 +            } else {
 92.4581 +                commentEnd = tmp;
 92.4582 +                if (takeDesc) {
 92.4583 +                    text = text + tmp.text().toString();
 92.4584 +                    desc = getCommentDescription(text);
 92.4585 +                    if (!desc.equals("COMMENT...")) {
 92.4586 +                        takeDesc = false;
 92.4587 +                    }
 92.4588 +                }
 92.4589 +                moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, false);
 92.4590 +                tmp = ts.token();
 92.4591 +            }
 92.4592 +        }
 92.4593 +
 92.4594 +        offset = commentEnd.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.4595 +        ts.move(offset);
 92.4596 +        ts.moveNext();
 92.4597 +
 92.4598 +        //Calculate end offset
 92.4599 +        int endOffset = commentEnd.offset(tokenHierarchy) + commentEnd.length();
 92.4600 +
 92.4601 +        block = new PlsqlBlock(commentBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.4602 +                endOffset, desc, "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.4603 +
 92.4604 +        return block;
 92.4605 +    }
 92.4606 +
 92.4607 +    /**
 92.4608 +     * Method that will give the description of the comment fold
 92.4609 +     * @param text
 92.4610 +     * @return
 92.4611 +     */
 92.4612 +    private String getCommentDescription(String text) {
 92.4613 +        String description = "COMMENT...";
 92.4614 +
 92.4615 +        //Get first -- character from begin to end
 92.4616 +        char[] textArr = text.toCharArray();
 92.4617 +        int begin = 0;
 92.4618 +        int end = 0;
 92.4619 +
 92.4620 +        //Get the start character which is not -
 92.4621 +        int i = 0;
 92.4622 +        while (textArr.length > i) {
 92.4623 +            if ((textArr[i] != '-') && (textArr[i] != ' ')) {
 92.4624 +                begin = i;
 92.4625 +                break;
 92.4626 +            }
 92.4627 +            i++;
 92.4628 +        }
 92.4629 +
 92.4630 +        //Get end character which is -
 92.4631 +        i++;
 92.4632 +        while (textArr.length > i) {
 92.4633 +            if (textArr[i] == '-') {
 92.4634 +                break;
 92.4635 +            }
 92.4636 +            i++;
 92.4637 +        }
 92.4638 +
 92.4639 +        end = i;
 92.4640 +
 92.4641 +        if (begin != 0) {
 92.4642 +            description = "-- " + text.substring(begin, end);
 92.4643 +        }
 92.4644 +
 92.4645 +        return description;
 92.4646 +    }
 92.4647 +
 92.4648 +    /**
 92.4649 +     * Check whether this is the start of a PROCEDURE/FUNCTION block
 92.4650 +     * @param methodToken
 92.4651 +     * @param ts
 92.4652 +     * @param type
 92.4653 +     * @return
 92.4654 +     */
 92.4655 +    private PlsqlBlock checkMethod(Token<PlsqlTokenId> methodToken, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, PlsqlBlockType type, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
 92.4656 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> methodBegin = methodToken;
 92.4657 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = methodToken;
 92.4658 +        PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.4659 +        List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.4660 +        boolean isFound = false;
 92.4661 +        boolean pragmaFound = false;
 92.4662 +        int colunCount = 0;
 92.4663 +        String methodName = "";
 92.4664 +        boolean moveNext = false;
 92.4665 +        int beginCount = 0; //workaround to identify end of method...
 92.4666 +
 92.4667 +        //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
 92.4668 +        if (sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
 92.4669 +            return null;
 92.4670 +        }
 92.4671 +
 92.4672 +        //Get procedure/function name which is the next non whitespace token
 92.4673 +        moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.4674 +        tmp = ts.token();
 92.4675 +        if (moveNext == false) {
 92.4676 +            return block;
 92.4677 +        }
 92.4678 +
 92.4679 +        methodName = tmp.text().toString();
 92.4680 +        methodName = checkForOtherSchema(ts, methodName);
 92.4681 +        String alias = "";
 92.4682 +        if (methodName.indexOf('&') != -1) {
 92.4683              alias = methodName;
 92.4684 -         }
 92.4685 -
 92.4686 -         methodName = getDefine(methodName);
 92.4687 -
 92.4688 -         //Get the token after the end token
 92.4689 -         ts.move(end.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.4690 -         ts.moveNext();
 92.4691 -         ts.moveNext();
 92.4692 -
 92.4693 -         if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE")) {
 92.4694 -            block = new PlsqlBlock(begin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts.offset(),
 92.4695 -                    methodName, alias, PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL);
 92.4696 -            checkPrefix(begin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts, block);
 92.4697 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PACKAGE")) {
 92.4698 -            //get next token & check
 92.4699 -            //find semicolon
 92.4700 -            int endPos = ts.offset();
 92.4701 -            ts.move(begin.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.4702 -            ts.moveNext();
 92.4703 -            boolean moveNext = false;
 92.4704 -            moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.4705 -            Token<PlsqlTokenId> next = ts.token();
 92.4706 -            PlsqlBlockType foldType = PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE;
 92.4707 -            if ((moveNext != false) && (next.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("BODY"))) {
 92.4708 -               foldType = PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY;
 92.4709 +        }
 92.4710 +
 92.4711 +        methodName = getDefine(methodName);
 92.4712 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
 92.4713 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> previous = tmp;
 92.4714 +
 92.4715 +        //Check whether there is the keyword 'IS' before ';'
 92.4716 +        while (moveNext) {
 92.4717 +            String image = tmp.text().toString();
 92.4718 +            PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.4719 +
 92.4720 +            if ((tmp != null) && (!image.equals(";")) && (!image.equalsIgnoreCase("END")) && (!previous.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END")) && (tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse)) { //end is added here for the abnormal case in code templates
 92.4721 +                break;
 92.4722              }
 92.4724 -            block = new PlsqlBlock(begin.offset(tokenHierarchy), endPos,
 92.4725 -                    methodName, alias, foldType);
 92.4726 -            checkPrefix(begin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts, block);
 92.4727 -         } else {
 92.4728 -            block = new PlsqlBlock(begin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts.offset(),
 92.4729 -                    methodName, alias, PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL);
 92.4730 -            checkPrefix(begin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts, block);
 92.4731 -         }
 92.4732 -      }
 92.4733 -
 92.4734 -      ts.move(end.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.4735 -      ts.moveNext();
 92.4736 -      return block;
 92.4737 -   }
 92.4738 -
 92.4739 -   /**
 92.4740 -    * Check whether there is a function/procedure in this block
 92.4741 -    * @param ts
 92.4742 -    * @param methodName
 92.4743 -    * @return
 92.4744 -    */
 92.4745 -   private Token<PlsqlTokenId> checkMethodBegin(TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, String methodName) {
 92.4746 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> begin = null;
 92.4747 -      boolean moveBack = ts.movePrevious();
 92.4748 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = ts.token();
 92.4749 -      int endCount = 0;
 92.4750 -
 92.4751 -      while (moveBack) {
 92.4752 -         String image = tmp.text().toString();
 92.4753 -
 92.4754 -         if (image.equalsIgnoreCase(methodName)) {
 92.4755 -            //Go to previous word
 92.4756 -            boolean move = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.4757 -            Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = ts.token();
 92.4758 -
 92.4759 -            if ((move != false) && ( == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)) {
 92.4760 -               if ((token.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION"))
 92.4761 -                       || (token.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE"))) {
 92.4762 -                  //if there were inner functions & procedures
 92.4763 -                  if (endCount != 0) {
 92.4764 -                     endCount--;
 92.4765 -                  } else {
 92.4766 -                     return token;
 92.4767 -                  }
 92.4768 -               } else if (token.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("BODY")) {
 92.4769 -                  boolean pre = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.4770 -                  Token<PlsqlTokenId> previous = ts.token();
 92.4771 -                  if ((pre != false) && (previous.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("PACKAGE"))) {
 92.4772 -                     return previous;
 92.4773 -                  }
 92.4774 -
 92.4775 -               } else if (token.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
 92.4776 -                  ++endCount;
 92.4777 -               }
 92.4778 +            //Increment colun count, if IS is not found before first break
 92.4779 +            if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.OPERATOR) && image.equals(";")) {
 92.4780 +                ++colunCount;
 92.4781 +                boolean isEndFound = false;
 92.4782 +                int offset = ts.offset();
 92.4783 +                boolean preMove = false;
 92.4784 +                preMove = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.4785 +
 92.4786 +                //workaround for issue with functions/procedures ending with End; (no name)
 92.4787 +                Token<PlsqlTokenId> previousNWS = ts.token();
 92.4788 +                PlsqlTokenId previd =;
 92.4789 +                if ((preMove != false) && previousNWS.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
 92.4790 +                    if (beginCount < 1) {
 92.4791 +                        isEndFound = true;
 92.4792 +                    }
 92.4793 +                } else {
 92.4794 +                    preMove = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.4795 +                    previousNWS = ts.token();
 92.4796 +                    if ((previd == PlsqlTokenId.IDENTIFIER || previd == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)
 92.4797 +                            && previousNWS.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
 92.4798 +                        isEndFound = true;
 92.4799 +                    }
 92.4800 +                }
 92.4801 +
 92.4802 +                ts.move(offset);
 92.4803 +                if ((colunCount == 1) && (!isFound) && (!pragmaFound) && (!isEndFound)) {
 92.4804 +                    //Although we were looking for impl's we have found a def here
 92.4805 +                    ts.moveNext();
 92.4806 +                    ts.moveNext();
 92.4807 +                    if (type == PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL) {
 92.4808 +                        block = new PlsqlBlock(methodBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.4809 +                                ts.offset(), methodName, alias, PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_DEF);
 92.4810 +                    } else {
 92.4811 +                        block = new PlsqlBlock(methodBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.4812 +                                ts.offset(), methodName, alias, PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_DEF);
 92.4813 +                    }
 92.4814 +
 92.4815 +                    return block;
 92.4816 +                }
 92.4817 +                ts.moveNext();
 92.4818              }
 92.4819 -         }
 92.4820 -         moveBack = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.4821 -         tmp = ts.token();
 92.4822 -      }
 92.4823 -
 92.4824 -      return begin;
 92.4825 -   }
 92.4826 -
 92.4827 -   /**
 92.4828 -    * Check whether there is a function/procedure in this block
 92.4829 -    * Method name is not there in the 'END;'
 92.4830 -    * @param ts
 92.4831 -    * @return
 92.4832 -    */
 92.4833 -   private Token<PlsqlTokenId> checkMethodBegin(TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts) {
 92.4834 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> begin = null;
 92.4835 -      boolean moveBack = ts.movePrevious();
 92.4836 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = ts.token();
 92.4837 -      int endCount = 0;
 92.4838 -
 92.4839 -      while (moveBack) {
 92.4840 -         String image = tmp.text().toString();
 92.4841 -
 92.4842 -         if ( == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD) {
 92.4843 -            if ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("BEGIN"))) {
 92.4844 -               endCount--;
 92.4845 -            } else if ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("END"))) {
 92.4846 -               int off = ts.offset();
 92.4847 -               if (getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true)) {
 92.4848 -                  tmp = ts.token();
 92.4849 -               }
 92.4850 -
 92.4851 -               if ((tmp.text().toString().equals(";")) || ( == PlsqlTokenId.IDENTIFIER)
 92.4852 -                       || ( == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && (!tmp.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("IF")
 92.4853 -                       && !tmp.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("CASE") && !tmp.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")))) {
 92.4854 -                  endCount++;
 92.4855 -               }
 92.4856 -
 92.4857 -               ts.move(off);
 92.4858 -               ts.moveNext();
 92.4859 -            } else if ((endCount == 0) & (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PACKAGE"))) {
 92.4860 -               return tmp;
 92.4861 -            } else if ((endCount == -1) && ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE"))
 92.4862 -                    || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION")))) {
 92.4863 -               return tmp;
 92.4864 -            } else if ((endCount == 0) & (image.equalsIgnoreCase("BODY"))) {
 92.4865 -               boolean pre = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.4866 -               Token<PlsqlTokenId> previous = ts.token();
 92.4867 -               if ((pre != false) && (previous.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("PACKAGE"))) {
 92.4868 -                  return previous;
 92.4869 -               }
 92.4870 +
 92.4871 +            //We might have come to the end of the procedure/function declaration
 92.4872 +            if (((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.OPERATOR) && image.equals(";")) && isFound) {
 92.4873 +                //check whether previous Non white space token to the identifier is END
 92.4874 +                int offset = ts.offset();
 92.4875 +                boolean preMove = false;
 92.4876 +                preMove = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.4877 +                //workaround for issue with functions/procedures ending with End; (no name)
 92.4878 +                Token<PlsqlTokenId> previousNWS = ts.token();
 92.4879 +                String prevText = previousNWS.text().toString();
 92.4880 +                if ((preMove != false) && prevText.equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
 92.4881 +                    if (beginCount <= 0) {
 92.4882 +                        ts.move(offset);
 92.4883 +                        moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.4884 +                        moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.4885 +                        block = new PlsqlBlock(methodBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.4886 +                                ts.offset(), methodName, alias, type);
 92.4887 +                        checkPrefix(methodBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts, block);
 92.4888 +                        break;
 92.4889 +                    }
 92.4890 +                } else {
 92.4891 +                    preMove = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.4892 +                    previousNWS = ts.token();
 92.4893 +                    if (previousNWS.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
 92.4894 +                        if (beginCount <= 0) {
 92.4895 +                            ts.move(offset);
 92.4896 +                            moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.4897 +                            moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.4898 +                            block = new PlsqlBlock(methodBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.4899 +                                    ts.offset(), methodName, alias, type);
 92.4900 +                            checkPrefix(methodBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts, block);
 92.4901 +                            break;
 92.4902 +                        }
 92.4903 +                    }
 92.4904 +                }
 92.4905 +                ts.move(offset);
 92.4906 +                moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.4907 +            } else if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)
 92.4908 +                    && ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE"))
 92.4909 +                    || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION"))
 92.4910 +                    || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CURSOR")))) {
 92.4911 +                if (isFound && beginCount <= 0) {
 92.4912 +                    int beforeOff = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.4913 +
 92.4914 +                    if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE")) {
 92.4915 +                        PlsqlBlock child = checkMethod(tmp, ts, PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL, lstChild);
 92.4916 +                        if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.4917 +
 92.4918 +                            ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.4919 +                            moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.4920 +                        } else {
 92.4921 +                            if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.4922 +                                lstChild.add(child);
 92.4923 +                            }
 92.4924 +                        }
 92.4925 +                    } //Inner procedure
 92.4926 +                    else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION")) {
 92.4927 +                        PlsqlBlock child = checkMethod(tmp, ts, PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL, lstChild);
 92.4928 +                        if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.4929 +
 92.4930 +                            ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.4931 +                            moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.4932 +                        } else {
 92.4933 +                            if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.4934 +                                lstChild.add(child);
 92.4935 +                            }
 92.4936 +                        }
 92.4937 +                    } //Inner function
 92.4938 +                    else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CURSOR")) {
 92.4939 +                        PlsqlBlock child = checkCursor(tmp, ts, lstChild);
 92.4940 +                        if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.4941 +
 92.4942 +                            ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.4943 +                            moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.4944 +                        } else {
 92.4945 +                            if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.4946 +                                lstChild.add(child);
 92.4947 +                            }
 92.4948 +                        }
 92.4949 +                    } //Inner cursor
 92.4950 +                } else {
 92.4951 +                    break;
 92.4952 +                }
 92.4953 +            } else if ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("IF")) && isFound) {
 92.4954 +                int beforeOff = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.4955 +                List children = checkIfBlock(tmp, ts, lstChild);
 92.4956 +                if (children == null || children.isEmpty()) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.4957 +
 92.4958 +                    ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.4959 +                    moveNext =
 92.4960 +                            ts.moveNext();
 92.4961 +                } else {
 92.4962 +                    for (int i = 0; i
 92.4963 +                            < children.size(); i++) {
 92.4964 +                        PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.4965 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.4966 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.4967 +                        }
 92.4968 +                    }
 92.4969 +                }
 92.4970 +            } //If block
 92.4971 +            else if ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("CASE")) && isFound) {
 92.4972 +                int beforeOff = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.4973 +                List children = checkCaseBlock(tmp, ts, lstChild, false);
 92.4974 +                if (children == null || children.isEmpty()) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.4975 +
 92.4976 +                    ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.4977 +                    moveNext =
 92.4978 +                            ts.moveNext();
 92.4979 +                } else {
 92.4980 +                    for (int i = 0; i
 92.4981 +                            < children.size(); i++) {
 92.4982 +                        PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.4983 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.4984 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.4985 +                        }
 92.4986 +                    }
 92.4987 +                }
 92.4988 +            } else if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)
 92.4989 +                    && ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP"))
 92.4990 +                    || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("WHILE"))
 92.4991 +                    || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("FOR")))) {
 92.4992 +                if (isFound) {
 92.4993 +                    int beforeOff = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.4994 +                    if (!unsuccessBlocks.contains(beforeOff)) {
 92.4995 +                        PlsqlBlock child = checkLoopBlock(tmp, ts, lstChild);
 92.4996 +                        if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.4997 +                            unsuccessBlocks.add(beforeOff);
 92.4998 +                            ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.4999 +                            moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.5000 +                        } else {
 92.5001 +                            if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.5002 +                                lstChild.add(child);
 92.5003 +                            }
 92.5004 +                        }
 92.5005 +                    }
 92.5006 +                }
 92.5007 +            } else if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD) && (image.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE")
 92.5008 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INDEX")
 92.5009 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SELECT")
 92.5010 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("UPDATE")
 92.5011 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DELETE")
 92.5012 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INSERT")
 92.5013 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("MERGE")
 92.5014 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DROP")
 92.5015 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SEQUENCE"))) {
 92.5016 +                if (!isNotBlockStart(tmp, ts)) {
 92.5017 +                    int offset = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.5018 +                    PlsqlBlock child = checkStatementBlock(tmp, ts, parentBlocks);
 92.5019 +                    if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.5020 +
 92.5021 +                        ts.move(offset);
 92.5022 +                        ts.moveNext();
 92.5023 +                    } else {
 92.5024 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.5025 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.5026 +                        }
 92.5027 +                    }
 92.5028 +                }
 92.5029 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.5030 +                //only single comment line
 92.5031 +                if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
 92.5032 +                    customStartToken = tmp;
 92.5033 +                } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
 92.5034 +                    if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.5035 +                        String name = customStartToken.text().toString();
 92.5036 +                        int index = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
 92.5037 +                        name =
 92.5038 +                                name.substring(index + 7).trim();
 92.5039 +                        if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.5040 +                            tmp = ts.token();
 92.5041 +                            PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.5042 +                                    tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
 92.5043 +                            customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
 92.5044 +                        }
 92.5045 +                        customStartToken = null;
 92.5046 +                    }
 92.5047 +                } else {
 92.5048 +                    PlsqlBlock child = checkComment(tmp, ts);
 92.5049 +                    if ((child != null) && (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false)) {
 92.5050 +                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.5051 +                    }
 92.5052 +                }
 92.5053 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
 92.5054 +                int start = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.5055 +                PlsqlBlock child = new PlsqlBlock(start,
 92.5056 +                        start + tmp.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.5057 +                if ((child != null) && (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false)) {
 92.5058 +                    lstChild.add(child);
 92.5059 +                }
 92.5060 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && (image.equalsIgnoreCase("BEGIN"))) {
 92.5061 +                beginCount++;
 92.5062 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && image.equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
 92.5063 +                int off = ts.offset();
 92.5064 +                if (getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true)) {
 92.5065 +                    tmp = ts.token();
 92.5066 +                }
 92.5067 +
 92.5068 +                if ((tmp.text().toString().equals(";")) || ( == PlsqlTokenId.IDENTIFIER)
 92.5069 +                        || ( == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && (!tmp.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("IF")
 92.5070 +                        && !tmp.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("CASE") && !tmp.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")))) {
 92.5071 +                    beginCount--;
 92.5072 +                }
 92.5073 +
 92.5074 +                ts.move(off);
 92.5075 +                ts.moveNext();
 92.5076 +                tmp = ts.token();
 92.5077 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && image.equalsIgnoreCase("PRAGMA")) {
 92.5078 +                pragmaFound = true;
 92.5079 +            } else {
 92.5080 +                //Mark when we come to 'IS'
 92.5081 +                if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)
 92.5082 +                        && ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("IS")))) {
 92.5083 +                    isFound = true;
 92.5084 +                }
 92.5085              }
 92.5086 -         }
 92.5087 -
 92.5088 -         moveBack = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.5089 -         tmp = ts.token();
 92.5090 -      }
 92.5091 -
 92.5092 -      return begin;
 92.5093 -   }
 92.5094 -
 92.5095 -   /**
 92.5096 -    * Check whether this is a block comment, single line or multi lined comment
 92.5097 -    * @param current
 92.5098 -    * @param ts
 92.5099 -    * @return
 92.5100 -    */
 92.5101 -   private PlsqlBlock checkComment(Token<PlsqlTokenId> current, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts) {
 92.5102 -      //If the line don't start with the comment ignore
 92.5103 -      String prefix = getPreceedingText(current.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts);
 92.5104 -      if (!prefix.trim().equals("")) {
 92.5105 -         return null;
 92.5106 -      }
 92.5107 -
 92.5108 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> commentBegin = current;
 92.5109 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = current;
 92.5110 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> commentEnd = current;
 92.5111 -      PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.5112 -      String text = commentBegin.text().toString();
 92.5113 -      int offset = ts.offset();
 92.5114 -      boolean moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, false);
 92.5115 -      tmp = ts.token();
 92.5116 -      boolean takeDesc = true;
 92.5117 -      String desc = getCommentDescription(text);
 92.5118 -      if (!desc.equals("COMMENT...")) {
 92.5119 -         takeDesc = false;
 92.5120 -      }
 92.5121 -
 92.5122 -      while (moveNext) {
 92.5123 -         PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.5124 -
 92.5125 -         //We have come to the end of the view declaration
 92.5126 -         if (tokenID != PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.5127 -            break;
 92.5128 -         } else {
 92.5129 -            commentEnd = tmp;
 92.5130 -            if (takeDesc) {
 92.5131 -               text = text + tmp.text().toString();
 92.5132 -               desc = getCommentDescription(text);
 92.5133 -               if (!desc.equals("COMMENT...")) {
 92.5134 -                  takeDesc = false;
 92.5135 -               }
 92.5136 +            if (tokenID != PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE) {
 92.5137 +                previous = tmp;
 92.5138              }
 92.5139 -            moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, false);
 92.5140 +
 92.5141 +            moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.5142              tmp = ts.token();
 92.5143 -         }
 92.5144 -      }
 92.5145 -
 92.5146 -      offset = commentEnd.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.5147 -      ts.move(offset);
 92.5148 -      ts.moveNext();
 92.5149 -
 92.5150 -      //Calculate end offset
 92.5151 -      int endOffset = commentEnd.offset(tokenHierarchy) + commentEnd.length();
 92.5152 -
 92.5153 -      block = new PlsqlBlock(commentBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.5154 -              endOffset, desc, "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.5155 -
 92.5156 -      return block;
 92.5157 -   }
 92.5158 -
 92.5159 -   /**
 92.5160 -    * Method that will give the description of the comment fold
 92.5161 -    * @param text
 92.5162 -    * @return
 92.5163 -    */
 92.5164 -   private String getCommentDescription(String text) {
 92.5165 -      String description = "COMMENT...";
 92.5166 -
 92.5167 -      //Get first -- character from begin to end
 92.5168 -      char[] textArr = text.toCharArray();
 92.5169 -      int begin = 0;
 92.5170 -      int end = 0;
 92.5171 -
 92.5172 -      //Get the start character which is not -
 92.5173 -      int i = 0;
 92.5174 -      while (textArr.length > i) {
 92.5175 -         if ((textArr[i] != '-') && (textArr[i] != ' ')) {
 92.5176 -            begin = i;
 92.5177 -            break;
 92.5178 -         }
 92.5179 -         i++;
 92.5180 -      }
 92.5181 -
 92.5182 -      //Get end character which is -
 92.5183 -      i++;
 92.5184 -      while (textArr.length > i) {
 92.5185 -         if (textArr[i] == '-') {
 92.5186 -            break;
 92.5187 -         }
 92.5188 -         i++;
 92.5189 -      }
 92.5190 -
 92.5191 -      end = i;
 92.5192 -
 92.5193 -      if (begin != 0) {
 92.5194 -         description = "-- " + text.substring(begin, end);
 92.5195 -      }
 92.5196 -
 92.5197 -      return description;
 92.5198 -   }
 92.5199 -
 92.5200 -   /**
 92.5201 -    * Check whether this is the start of a PROCEDURE/FUNCTION block
 92.5202 -    * @param methodToken
 92.5203 -    * @param ts
 92.5204 -    * @param type
 92.5205 -    * @return
 92.5206 -    */
 92.5207 -   private PlsqlBlock checkMethod(Token<PlsqlTokenId> methodToken, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, PlsqlBlockType type, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
 92.5208 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> methodBegin = methodToken;
 92.5209 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = methodToken;
 92.5210 -      PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.5211 -      List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.5212 -      boolean isFound = false;
 92.5213 -      boolean pragmaFound = false;
 92.5214 -      int colunCount = 0;
 92.5215 -      String methodName = "";
 92.5216 -      boolean moveNext = false;
 92.5217 -      int beginCount = 0; //workaround to identify end of method...
 92.5218 -
 92.5219 -      //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
 92.5220 -      if (sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
 92.5221 -         return null;
 92.5222 -      }
 92.5223 -
 92.5224 -      //Get procedure/function name which is the next non whitespace token
 92.5225 -      moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.5226 -      tmp = ts.token();
 92.5227 -      if (moveNext == false) {
 92.5228 -         return block;
 92.5229 -      }
 92.5230 -
 92.5231 -      methodName = tmp.text().toString();
 92.5232 -      methodName = checkForOtherSchema(ts, methodName);
 92.5233 -      String alias = "";
 92.5234 -      if (methodName.indexOf('&') != -1) {
 92.5235 -         alias = methodName;
 92.5236 -      }
 92.5237 -
 92.5238 -      methodName = getDefine(methodName);
 92.5239 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
 92.5240 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> previous = tmp;
 92.5241 -
 92.5242 -      //Check whether there is the keyword 'IS' before ';'
 92.5243 -      while (moveNext) {
 92.5244 -         String image = tmp.text().toString();
 92.5245 -         PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.5246 -
 92.5247 -         if ((tmp != null) && (!image.equals(";")) && (!image.equalsIgnoreCase("END")) && (!previous.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END")) && (tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse)) { //end is added here for the abnormal case in code templates
 92.5248 -            break;
 92.5249 -         }
 92.5250 -
 92.5251 -         //Increment colun count, if IS is not found before first break
 92.5252 -         if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.OPERATOR) && image.equals(";")) {
 92.5253 -            ++colunCount;
 92.5254 -            boolean isEndFound = false;
 92.5255 -            int offset = ts.offset();
 92.5256 -            boolean preMove = false;
 92.5257 -            preMove = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.5258 -
 92.5259 -            //workaround for issue with functions/procedures ending with End; (no name)
 92.5260 -            Token<PlsqlTokenId> previousNWS = ts.token();
 92.5261 -            PlsqlTokenId previd =;
 92.5262 -            if ((preMove != false) && previousNWS.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
 92.5263 -               if (beginCount < 1) {
 92.5264 -                  isEndFound = true;
 92.5265 -               }
 92.5266 -            } else {
 92.5267 -               preMove = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.5268 -               previousNWS = ts.token();
 92.5269 -               if ((previd == PlsqlTokenId.IDENTIFIER || previd == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)
 92.5270 -                       && previousNWS.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
 92.5271 -                  isEndFound = true;
 92.5272 -               }
 92.5273 +        }
 92.5274 +
 92.5275 +        if (block != null) {
 92.5276 +            //check whether there is a parent block
 92.5277 +            PlsqlBlock parent = getParentBlock(blockHierarchy, block.getStartOffset(), block.getEndOffset());
 92.5278 +            if ((parent != null) && (parent.getName().equals(block.getName()))) {
 92.5279 +                if (parent.getEndOffset() == block.getEndOffset()) {
 92.5280 +                    return null;
 92.5281 +                }
 92.5282              }
 92.5284 -            ts.move(offset);
 92.5285 -            if ((colunCount == 1) && (!isFound) && (!pragmaFound) && (!isEndFound)) {
 92.5286 -               //Although we were looking for impl's we have found a def here
 92.5287 -               ts.moveNext();
 92.5288 -               ts.moveNext();
 92.5289 -               if (type == PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL) {
 92.5290 -                  block = new PlsqlBlock(methodBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.5291 -                          ts.offset(), methodName, alias, PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_DEF);
 92.5292 -               } else {
 92.5293 -                  block = new PlsqlBlock(methodBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.5294 -                          ts.offset(), methodName, alias, PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_DEF);
 92.5295 -               }
 92.5296 -
 92.5297 -               return block;
 92.5298 -            }
 92.5299 -            ts.moveNext();
 92.5300 -         }
 92.5301 -
 92.5302 -         //We might have come to the end of the procedure/function declaration
 92.5303 -         if (((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.OPERATOR) && image.equals(";")) && isFound) {
 92.5304 -            //check whether previous Non white space token to the identifier is END
 92.5305 -            int offset = ts.offset();
 92.5306 -            boolean preMove = false;
 92.5307 -            preMove = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.5308 -            //workaround for issue with functions/procedures ending with End; (no name)
 92.5309 -            Token<PlsqlTokenId> previousNWS = ts.token();
 92.5310 -            String prevText = previousNWS.text().toString();
 92.5311 -            if ((preMove != false) && prevText.equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
 92.5312 -               if (beginCount <= 0) {
 92.5313 -                  ts.move(offset);
 92.5314 -                  moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.5315 -                  moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.5316 -                  block = new PlsqlBlock(methodBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.5317 -                          ts.offset(), methodName, alias, type);
 92.5318 -                  checkPrefix(methodBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts, block);
 92.5319 -                  break;
 92.5320 -               }
 92.5321 -            } else {
 92.5322 -               preMove = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.5323 -               previousNWS = ts.token();
 92.5324 -               if (previousNWS.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
 92.5325 -                  if (beginCount <= 0) {
 92.5326 -                     ts.move(offset);
 92.5327 -                     moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.5328 -                     moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.5329 -                     block = new PlsqlBlock(methodBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.5330 -                             ts.offset(), methodName, alias, type);
 92.5331 -                     checkPrefix(methodBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts, block);
 92.5332 -                     break;
 92.5333 -                  }
 92.5334 -               }
 92.5335 -            }
 92.5336 -            ts.move(offset);
 92.5337 -            moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.5338 -         } else if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)
 92.5339 -                 && ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE"))
 92.5340 -                 || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION"))
 92.5341 -                 || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CURSOR")))) {
 92.5342 -            if (isFound && beginCount <= 0) {
 92.5343 -               int beforeOff = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.5344 -
 92.5345 -               if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE")) {
 92.5346 -                  PlsqlBlock child = checkMethod(tmp, ts, PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL, lstChild);
 92.5347 -                  if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.5348 -
 92.5349 -                     ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.5350 -                     moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.5351 -                  } else {
 92.5352 -                     if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.5353 -                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.5354 -                     }
 92.5355 -                  }
 92.5356 -               } //Inner procedure
 92.5357 -               else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION")) {
 92.5358 -                  PlsqlBlock child = checkMethod(tmp, ts, PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL, lstChild);
 92.5359 -                  if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.5360 -
 92.5361 -                     ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.5362 -                     moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.5363 -                  } else {
 92.5364 -                     if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.5365 -                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.5366 -                     }
 92.5367 -                  }
 92.5368 -               } //Inner function
 92.5369 -               else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CURSOR")) {
 92.5370 -                  PlsqlBlock child = checkCursor(tmp, ts, lstChild);
 92.5371 -                  if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.5372 -
 92.5373 -                     ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.5374 -                     moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.5375 -                  } else {
 92.5376 -                     if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.5377 -                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.5378 -                     }
 92.5379 -                  }
 92.5380 -               } //Inner cursor
 92.5381 -            } else {
 92.5382 -               break;
 92.5383 -            }
 92.5384 -         } else if ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("IF")) && isFound) {
 92.5385 -            int beforeOff = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.5386 -            List children = checkIfBlock(tmp, ts, lstChild);
 92.5387 -            if (children == null || children.size() == 0) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.5388 -
 92.5389 -               ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.5390 -               moveNext =
 92.5391 -                       ts.moveNext();
 92.5392 -            } else {
 92.5393 -               for (int i = 0; i
 92.5394 -                       < children.size(); i++) {
 92.5395 -                  PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.5396 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.5397 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.5398 -                  }
 92.5399 -               }
 92.5400 -            }
 92.5401 -         } //If block
 92.5402 -         else if ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("CASE")) && isFound) {
 92.5403 -            int beforeOff = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.5404 -            List children = checkCaseBlock(tmp, ts, lstChild, false);
 92.5405 -            if (children == null || children.size() == 0) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.5406 -
 92.5407 -               ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.5408 -               moveNext =
 92.5409 -                       ts.moveNext();
 92.5410 -            } else {
 92.5411 -               for (int i = 0; i
 92.5412 -                       < children.size(); i++) {
 92.5413 -                  PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.5414 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.5415 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.5416 -                  }
 92.5417 -               }
 92.5418 -            }
 92.5419 -         } else if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)
 92.5420 -                 && ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP"))
 92.5421 -                 || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("WHILE"))
 92.5422 -                 || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("FOR")))) {
 92.5423 -            if (isFound) {
 92.5424 -               int beforeOff = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.5425 -               if (!unsuccessBlocks.contains(beforeOff)) {
 92.5426 -                  PlsqlBlock child = checkLoopBlock(tmp, ts, lstChild);
 92.5427 -                  if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.5428 -                     unsuccessBlocks.add(beforeOff);
 92.5429 -                     ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.5430 -                     moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.5431 -                  } else {
 92.5432 -                     if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.5433 -                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.5434 -                     }
 92.5435 -                  }
 92.5436 -               }
 92.5437 -            }
 92.5438 -         } else if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD) && (image.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE")
 92.5439 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INDEX")
 92.5440 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SELECT")
 92.5441 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("UPDATE")
 92.5442 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DELETE")
 92.5443 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INSERT")
 92.5444 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("MERGE")
 92.5445 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DROP")
 92.5446 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SEQUENCE"))) {
 92.5447 -            if (!isNotBlockStart(tmp, ts)) {
 92.5448 -               int offset = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.5449 -               PlsqlBlock child = checkStatementBlock(tmp, ts, parentBlocks);
 92.5450 -               if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.5451 -
 92.5452 -                  ts.move(offset);
 92.5453 -                  ts.moveNext();
 92.5454 -               } else {
 92.5455 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.5456 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.5457 -                  }
 92.5458 -               }
 92.5459 -            }
 92.5460 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.5461 -            //only single comment line
 92.5462 -            if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
 92.5463 -               customStartToken = tmp;
 92.5464 -            } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
 92.5465 -               if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.5466 -                  String name = customStartToken.text().toString();
 92.5467 -                  int index = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
 92.5468 -                  name =
 92.5469 -                          name.substring(index + 7).trim();
 92.5470 -                  if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.5471 -                     tmp = ts.token();
 92.5472 -                     PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.5473 -                             tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
 92.5474 -                     customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
 92.5475 -                  }
 92.5476 -                  customStartToken = null;
 92.5477 -               }
 92.5478 -            } else {
 92.5479 -               PlsqlBlock child = checkComment(tmp, ts);
 92.5480 -               if ((child != null) && (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false)) {
 92.5481 -                  lstChild.add(child);
 92.5482 -               }
 92.5483 -            }
 92.5484 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
 92.5485 -            int start = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.5486 -            PlsqlBlock child = new PlsqlBlock(start,
 92.5487 -                    start + tmp.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.5488 -            if ((child != null) && (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false)) {
 92.5489 -               lstChild.add(child);
 92.5490 -            }
 92.5491 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && (image.equalsIgnoreCase("BEGIN"))) {
 92.5492 -            beginCount++;
 92.5493 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && image.equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
 92.5494 -            int off = ts.offset();
 92.5495 -            if (getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true)) {
 92.5496 -               tmp = ts.token();
 92.5497 -            }
 92.5498 -
 92.5499 -            if ((tmp.text().toString().equals(";")) || ( == PlsqlTokenId.IDENTIFIER)
 92.5500 -                    || ( == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && (!tmp.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("IF")
 92.5501 -                    && !tmp.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("CASE") && !tmp.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")))) {
 92.5502 -               beginCount--;
 92.5503 -            }
 92.5504 -
 92.5505 -            ts.move(off);
 92.5506 -            ts.moveNext();
 92.5507 -            tmp = ts.token();
 92.5508 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && image.equalsIgnoreCase("PRAGMA")) {
 92.5509 -            pragmaFound = true;
 92.5510 -         } else {
 92.5511 -            //Mark when we come to 'IS'
 92.5512 -            if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)
 92.5513 -                    && ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("IS")))) {
 92.5514 -               isFound = true;
 92.5515 -            }
 92.5516 -         }
 92.5517 -         if (tokenID != PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE) {
 92.5518 -            previous = tmp;
 92.5519 -         }
 92.5520 -
 92.5521 -         moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.5522 -         tmp = ts.token();
 92.5523 -      }
 92.5524 -
 92.5525 -      if (block != null) {
 92.5526 -         //check whether there is a parent block
 92.5527 -         PlsqlBlock parent = getParentBlock(blockHierarchy, block.getStartOffset(), block.getEndOffset());
 92.5528 -         if ((parent != null) && (parent.getName().equals(block.getName()))) {
 92.5529 -            if (parent.getEndOffset() == block.getEndOffset()) {
 92.5530 -               return null;
 92.5531 -            }
 92.5532 -         }
 92.5533 -
 92.5534 -         //add children
 92.5535 -         addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.5536 -      }
 92.5537 -
 92.5538 -      return block;
 92.5539 -   }
 92.5540 -
 92.5541 -   /**
 92.5542 -    * Check whether this is the start of a PACKAGE block
 92.5543 -    * @param tempToken
 92.5544 -    * @param ts
 92.5545 -    * @return
 92.5546 -    */
 92.5547 -   private PlsqlBlock checkPackage(Token<PlsqlTokenId> packToken, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
 92.5548 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> packBegin = packToken;
 92.5549 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = packToken;
 92.5550 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmpPre = packToken;
 92.5551 -      boolean isFound = false;
 92.5552 -      String packageName = "";
 92.5553 -      boolean isPackageBody = false;
 92.5554 -      boolean moveNext = false;
 92.5555 -      PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.5556 -      List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.5557 -      int beginCount = 0;
 92.5558 -
 92.5559 -      //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
 92.5560 -      if (sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
 92.5561 -         return null;
 92.5562 -      }
 92.5563 -
 92.5564 -      //Get package name which is the next non whitespace token in spec
 92.5565 -      moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.5566 -      tmp = ts.token();
 92.5567 -      if (moveNext == false) {
 92.5568 -         return block;
 92.5569 -      }
 92.5570 -
 92.5571 -      if (tmp.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("BODY")) {
 92.5572 -         isPackageBody = true;
 92.5573 -         moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.5574 -         tmp = ts.token();
 92.5575 -         if (moveNext == false) {
 92.5576 +            //add children
 92.5577 +            addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.5578 +        }
 92.5579 +
 92.5580 +        return block;
 92.5581 +    }
 92.5582 +
 92.5583 +    /**
 92.5584 +     * Check whether this is the start of a PACKAGE block
 92.5585 +     * @param tempToken
 92.5586 +     * @param ts
 92.5587 +     * @return
 92.5588 +     */
 92.5589 +    private PlsqlBlock checkPackage(Token<PlsqlTokenId> packToken, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
 92.5590 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> packBegin = packToken;
 92.5591 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = packToken;
 92.5592 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmpPre = packToken;
 92.5593 +        boolean isFound = false;
 92.5594 +        String packageName = "";
 92.5595 +        boolean isPackageBody = false;
 92.5596 +        boolean moveNext = false;
 92.5597 +        PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.5598 +        List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.5599 +        int beginCount = 0;
 92.5600 +
 92.5601 +        //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
 92.5602 +        if (sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
 92.5603 +            return null;
 92.5604 +        }
 92.5605 +
 92.5606 +        //Get package name which is the next non whitespace token in spec
 92.5607 +        moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.5608 +        tmp = ts.token();
 92.5609 +        if (moveNext == false) {
 92.5610              return block;
 92.5611 -         }
 92.5612 -      }
 92.5613 -
 92.5614 -      packageName = tmp.text().toString();
 92.5615 -      packageName = checkForOtherSchema(ts, packageName);
 92.5616 -      String alias = "";
 92.5617 -      if (packageName.indexOf('&') != -1) {
 92.5618 -         alias = packageName;
 92.5619 -      }
 92.5620 -      else if(hasDefineKey(packageName)){
 92.5621 -         alias =  '&'+getDefineKey(packageName);
 92.5622 -      }
 92.5623 -
 92.5624 -      packageName = getDefine(packageName);
 92.5625 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
 92.5626 -
 92.5627 -      while (moveNext) {
 92.5628 -         String image = tmp.text().toString();
 92.5629 -         PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.5630 -
 92.5631 -         if ((tmp != null) && (!image.equals(";")) && (tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse)) {
 92.5632 -            break;
 92.5633 -         }
 92.5634 -
 92.5635 -         //We might have come to the end of the package
 92.5636 -         if (((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.OPERATOR) && (image.equals(";") || (image.equals("/") && checkForOnlyChar(ts, ts.offset())))) && (isFound)
 92.5637 -                 && ((tmpPre.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(packageName))
 92.5638 -                 || ((!alias.equals("")) && (tmpPre.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(alias)))
 92.5639 -                 || ((tmpPre.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END")) && (beginCount < 0)))) {
 92.5640 -            boolean isPackage = false;
 92.5641 -            if (tmpPre.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(packageName)
 92.5642 -                    || tmpPre.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(alias)) {
 92.5643 -               //check whether previous Non white space token to the identifier is END
 92.5644 -               int offset = ts.offset();
 92.5645 -               boolean preMove = false;
 92.5646 -               preMove = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.5647 -               preMove = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.5648 -               Token<PlsqlTokenId> previousNWS = ts.token();
 92.5649 -
 92.5650 -               ts.move(offset);
 92.5651 -               ts.moveNext();
 92.5652 -
 92.5653 -               if ((preMove != false)
 92.5654 -                       && previousNWS.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
 92.5655 -                  isPackage = true;
 92.5656 -               }
 92.5657 -            } else if ((tmpPre.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END")) && (beginCount < 0)) {
 92.5658 -               isPackage = true;
 92.5659 -            }
 92.5660 -
 92.5661 -            //If this is a package end create the block
 92.5662 -            if (isPackage) {
 92.5663 -               PlsqlBlockType type = PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE;
 92.5664 -
 92.5665 -               if (isPackageBody) {
 92.5666 -                  type = PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY;
 92.5667 -               }
 92.5668 -
 92.5669 -               ts.moveNext();
 92.5670 -
 92.5671 -               block = new PlsqlBlock(packBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.5672 -                       ts.offset(), packageName, alias, type);
 92.5673 -               checkPrefix(packBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts, block);
 92.5674 -               break;
 92.5675 -            }
 92.5676 -         } else if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)
 92.5677 -                 && ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE"))
 92.5678 -                 || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION"))
 92.5679 -                 || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CURSOR")))) {
 92.5680 -            if (isFound) {
 92.5681 -               int beforeOff = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.5682 -
 92.5683 -               if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE")) {
 92.5684 -                  PlsqlBlock child = checkMethod(tmp, ts, PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL, lstChild);
 92.5685 -                  if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.5686 -
 92.5687 -                     ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.5688 -                     ts.moveNext();
 92.5689 -                  } else {
 92.5690 -                     if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.5691 -                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.5692 -                     }
 92.5693 -                  }
 92.5694 -               } //Inner procedure
 92.5695 -               else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION")) {
 92.5696 -                  PlsqlBlock child = checkMethod(tmp, ts, PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL, lstChild);
 92.5697 -                  if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.5698 -
 92.5699 -                     ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.5700 -                     ts.moveNext();
 92.5701 -                  } else {
 92.5702 -                     if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.5703 -                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.5704 -                     }
 92.5705 -                  }
 92.5706 -               } //Inner function
 92.5707 -               else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CURSOR")) {
 92.5708 -                  PlsqlBlock child = checkCursor(tmp, ts, lstChild);
 92.5709 -                  if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.5710 -
 92.5711 -                     ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.5712 -                     ts.moveNext();
 92.5713 -                  } else {
 92.5714 -                     if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.5715 -                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.5716 -                     }
 92.5717 -                  }
 92.5718 -               } //Inner cursor
 92.5719 -
 92.5720 -            } else {
 92.5721 -               break;
 92.5722 -            }
 92.5723 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && (image.equalsIgnoreCase("BEGIN"))) {
 92.5724 -            beginCount++;
 92.5725 -         } else if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)
 92.5726 -                 && (image.equalsIgnoreCase("END"))) {
 92.5727 -            int off = ts.offset();
 92.5728 -            if (getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true)) {
 92.5729 -               tmp = ts.token();
 92.5730 -            }
 92.5731 -
 92.5732 -            if ((tmp.text().toString().equals(";")) || ( == PlsqlTokenId.IDENTIFIER)
 92.5733 -                    || ( == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && (!tmp.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("IF")
 92.5734 -                    && !tmp.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("CASE") && !tmp.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")))) {
 92.5735 -               beginCount--;
 92.5736 -            }
 92.5737 -
 92.5738 -            ts.move(off);
 92.5739 -            ts.moveNext();
 92.5740 -            tmp = ts.token();
 92.5741 -         } else if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)
 92.5742 -                 && ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATE")) || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PACKAGE")))) {
 92.5743 -            return block;
 92.5744 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.5745 -            //only single comment line
 92.5746 -            if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
 92.5747 -               customStartToken = tmp;
 92.5748 -            } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
 92.5749 -               if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.5750 -                  String name = customStartToken.text().toString();
 92.5751 -                  int index = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
 92.5752 -                  name = name.substring(index + 7).trim();
 92.5753 -                  if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.5754 -                     tmp = ts.token();
 92.5755 -                     PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.5756 -                             tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
 92.5757 -                     customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
 92.5758 -                  }
 92.5759 -                  customStartToken = null;
 92.5760 -               }
 92.5761 -            } else {
 92.5762 -               PlsqlBlock child = checkComment(tmp, ts);
 92.5763 -               if ((child != null) && (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false)) {
 92.5764 -                  lstChild.add(child);
 92.5765 -               }
 92.5766 -            }
 92.5767 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
 92.5768 -            int start = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.5769 -            PlsqlBlock child = new PlsqlBlock(start,
 92.5770 -                    start + tmp.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.5771 -            if ((child != null) && (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false)) {
 92.5772 -               lstChild.add(child);
 92.5773 -            }
 92.5774 -         } else {
 92.5775 -            //Mark when we come to 'IS'
 92.5776 -            if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)
 92.5777 -                    && ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("IS")) || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("AS")))) {
 92.5778 -               isFound = true;
 92.5779 -            }
 92.5780 -         }
 92.5781 -
 92.5782 -         if (tokenID != PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE) {//previous non whitespace token
 92.5783 -
 92.5784 -            tmpPre = tmp;
 92.5785 -         }
 92.5786 -
 92.5787 -         moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.5788 -         tmp = ts.token();
 92.5789 -      }
 92.5790 -
 92.5791 -      if (block != null) {
 92.5792 -         //add children
 92.5793 -         addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.5794 -
 92.5795 -         //Add immediate children
 92.5796 -         addImmediateChildren(block, parentBlocks);
 92.5797 -      }
 92.5798 -
 92.5799 -      return block;
 92.5800 -   }
 92.5801 -
 92.5802 -   /**
 92.5803 -    * Method that will check declare end blocks
 92.5804 -    * @param current
 92.5805 -    * @param ts
 92.5806 -    * @param parentBlocks
 92.5807 -    * @returns
 92.5808 -    */
 92.5809 -   private PlsqlBlock checkDeclareBlock(Token<PlsqlTokenId> current, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
 92.5810 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> declareBegin;
 92.5811 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = null;
 92.5812 -      boolean moveNext = false;
 92.5813 -      boolean isBeginFound = false;
 92.5814 -      List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.5815 -      PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.5816 -
 92.5817 -      //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
 92.5818 -      if (sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
 92.5819 -         return null;
 92.5820 -      }
 92.5821 -
 92.5822 -      moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.5823 -      token = ts.token();
 92.5824 -      declareBegin = current;
 92.5825 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
 92.5826 -
 92.5827 -      while (moveNext) {
 92.5828 -         PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.5829 -         String image = token.text().toString();
 92.5830 -
 92.5831 -         if ((token != null) && (!image.equals(";")) && (token.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse)) {
 92.5832 -            break;
 92.5833 -         }
 92.5834 -
 92.5835 -         //We have come to the end of the comment
 92.5836 -         if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.OPERATOR) && ((image.equals("/") && checkForOnlyChar(ts, ts.offset())) || image.equals(";"))) {
 92.5837 -            //check whether its END; or END before /
 92.5838 -            boolean movePre = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.5839 -            Token<PlsqlTokenId> pre = ts.token();
 92.5840 -            if (!movePre) {
 92.5841 -               ts.move(token.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.5842 -               ts.moveNext();
 92.5843 -            }
 92.5844 -
 92.5845 -            if (image.equals("/")) {
 92.5846 -               if (pre.toString().equals(";")) {
 92.5847 -                  movePre = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.5848 -                  pre = ts.token();
 92.5849 -                  if ((movePre) && (pre.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END"))) {
 92.5850 -                     ts.move(token.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.5851 -                     ts.moveNext();
 92.5852 -                     ts.moveNext();
 92.5853 -                     block = new PlsqlBlock(declareBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.5854 -                             ts.offset(), "", "", PlsqlBlockType.DECLARE_END);
 92.5855 -                     removeChildBegin(block);
 92.5856 -                     break;
 92.5857 -                  }
 92.5858 -               } else {
 92.5859 -                  //something has gone wrong '/' is a terminal
 92.5860 -                  break;
 92.5861 -               }
 92.5862 -            } else {
 92.5863 -               if ((movePre) && (pre.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END"))) {
 92.5864 -                  ts.move(token.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.5865 -                  ts.moveNext();
 92.5866 -                  ts.moveNext();
 92.5867 -                  block = new PlsqlBlock(declareBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.5868 -                          ts.offset(), "", "", PlsqlBlockType.DECLARE_END);
 92.5869 -                  removeChildBegin(block);
 92.5870 -                  break;
 92.5871 -               }
 92.5872 -            }
 92.5873 -            ts.move(token.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.5874 -            ts.moveNext();
 92.5875 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CURSOR")) {
 92.5876 -            int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.5877 -            PlsqlBlock child = checkCursor(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.5878 -            if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.5879 -
 92.5880 -               ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.5881 -               moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.5882 -            } else {
 92.5883 -               if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.5884 -                  lstChild.add(child);
 92.5885 -               }
 92.5886 -            }
 92.5887 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE")) {
 92.5888 -            if (isBeginFound) {//Can be there only before begin in a declare block
 92.5889 -
 92.5890 -               break;
 92.5891 -            }
 92.5892 -
 92.5893 -            int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.5894 -            PlsqlBlock child = checkMethod(token, ts, PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL, lstChild);
 92.5895 -            if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.5896 -
 92.5897 -               ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.5898 -               moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.5899 -            } else {
 92.5900 -               if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.5901 -                  lstChild.add(child);
 92.5902 -               }
 92.5903 -            }
 92.5904 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION")) {
 92.5905 -            if (isBeginFound) {//Can be there only before begin in a declare block
 92.5906 -
 92.5907 -               break;
 92.5908 -            }
 92.5909 -
 92.5910 -            int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.5911 -            PlsqlBlock child = checkMethod(token, ts, PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL, lstChild);
 92.5912 -            if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.5913 -
 92.5914 -               ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.5915 -               moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.5916 -            } else {
 92.5917 -               if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.5918 -                  lstChild.add(child);
 92.5919 -               }
 92.5920 -            }
 92.5921 -         } else if (isBeginFound && image.equalsIgnoreCase("DECLARE")) {
 92.5922 -            int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.5923 -            PlsqlBlock child = checkDeclareBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.5924 -            if (child != null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.5925 -               if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.5926 -                  lstChild.add(child);
 92.5927 -               }
 92.5928 -            }
 92.5929 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("BEGIN")) {
 92.5930 -            if (isBeginFound) {
 92.5931 -               int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.5932 -               PlsqlBlock child = checkBeginBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.5933 -               if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.5934 -
 92.5935 -                  ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.5936 -                  moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.5937 -               } else {
 92.5938 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.5939 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.5940 -                  }
 92.5941 -               }
 92.5942 -            } else {
 92.5943 -               isBeginFound = true;
 92.5944 -            }
 92.5945 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("IF")) {
 92.5946 -            int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.5947 -            List children = checkIfBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.5948 -            if (children == null || children.size() == 0) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.5949 -
 92.5950 -               ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.5951 -               moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.5952 -            } else {
 92.5953 -               for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.5954 -                  PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.5955 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.5956 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.5957 -                  }
 92.5958 -               }
 92.5959 -            }
 92.5960 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CASE")) {
 92.5961 -            int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.5962 -            List children = checkCaseBlock(token, ts, lstChild, false);
 92.5963 -            if (children == null || children.size() == 0) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.5964 -
 92.5965 -               ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.5966 -               moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.5967 -            } else {
 92.5968 -               for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.5969 -                  PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.5970 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.5971 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.5972 -                  }
 92.5973 -               }
 92.5974 -            }
 92.5975 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")
 92.5976 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("WHILE")
 92.5977 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("FOR")) {
 92.5978 -            int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.5979 -            if (!unsuccessBlocks.contains(beforeOff)) {
 92.5980 -               PlsqlBlock child = checkLoopBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.5981 -               if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.5982 -                  unsuccessBlocks.add(beforeOff);
 92.5983 -                  ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.5984 -                  moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.5985 -               } else {
 92.5986 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.5987 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.5988 -                  }
 92.5989 -               }
 92.5990 -            }
 92.5991 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE")
 92.5992 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INDEX")
 92.5993 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SELECT")
 92.5994 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("UPDATE")
 92.5995 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DELETE")
 92.5996 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INSERT")
 92.5997 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("MERGE")
 92.5998 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DROP")
 92.5999 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SEQUENCE")) {
 92.6000 -            if (!isNotBlockStart(token, ts)) {
 92.6001 -               int offset = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6002 -               PlsqlBlock child = checkStatementBlock(token, ts, parentBlocks);
 92.6003 -               if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.6004 -
 92.6005 -                  ts.move(offset);
 92.6006 -                  ts.moveNext();
 92.6007 -               } else {
 92.6008 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6009 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.6010 -                  }
 92.6011 -               }
 92.6012 -            }
 92.6013 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.6014 -            //only single comment line
 92.6015 -            if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
 92.6016 -               customStartToken = token;
 92.6017 -            } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
 92.6018 -               if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.6019 -                  String name = customStartToken.text().toString();
 92.6020 -                  int index = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
 92.6021 -                  name = name.substring(index + 7).trim();
 92.6022 -                  if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.6023 -                     token = ts.token();
 92.6024 -                     PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.6025 -                             token.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
 92.6026 -                     customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
 92.6027 -                  }
 92.6028 -
 92.6029 -                  customStartToken = null;
 92.6030 -               }
 92.6031 -            } else {
 92.6032 -               PlsqlBlock child = checkComment(token, ts);
 92.6033 -               if (child != null) {
 92.6034 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6035 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.6036 -                  }
 92.6037 -               }
 92.6038 -            }
 92.6039 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
 92.6040 -            int start = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6041 -            PlsqlBlock child = new PlsqlBlock(start,
 92.6042 -                    start + token.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.6043 -            if (child != null) {
 92.6044 -               if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6045 -                  lstChild.add(child);
 92.6046 -               }
 92.6047 -            }
 92.6048 -         }
 92.6049 -
 92.6050 -         moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.6051 -         token = ts.token();
 92.6052 -      }
 92.6053 -
 92.6054 -      if (block != null) {
 92.6055 -         //add children
 92.6056 -         addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.6057 -      } else {
 92.6058 -         if (moveNext) { //If have come to last return otherwise we will loop with begin
 92.6059 -            ts.move(declareBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.6060 -            ts.moveNext();
 92.6061 -         }
 92.6062 -      }
 92.6063 -
 92.6064 -      return block;
 92.6065 -   }
 92.6066 -
 92.6067 -   /**
 92.6068 -    * Method that will check begin end blocks
 92.6069 -    * @param current
 92.6070 -    * @param ts
 92.6071 -    * @param parentBlocks
 92.6072 -    * @returns
 92.6073 -    */
 92.6074 -   private PlsqlBlock checkBeginBlock(Token<PlsqlTokenId> current, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
 92.6075 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> begin;
 92.6076 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = null;
 92.6077 -      PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.6078 -      List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.6079 -      boolean moveNext = false;
 92.6080 -
 92.6081 -      //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
 92.6082 -      if (sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
 92.6083 -         return null;
 92.6084 -      }
 92.6085 -
 92.6086 -      moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.6087 -      token = ts.token();
 92.6088 -      begin = current;
 92.6089 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
 92.6090 -
 92.6091 -      while (moveNext) {
 92.6092 -         PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.6093 -         String image = token.text().toString();
 92.6094 -
 92.6095 -         if ((token != null) && (!image.equals(";")) && (token.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse)) {
 92.6096 -            break;
 92.6097 -         }
 92.6098 -
 92.6099 -         //We have come to the end of the comment
 92.6100 -         if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.OPERATOR) && ((image.equals("/") && checkForOnlyChar(ts, ts.offset())) || image.equals(";"))) {
 92.6101 -            //check whether its END; or END; before /
 92.6102 -            boolean movePre = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.6103 -            Token<PlsqlTokenId> pre = ts.token();
 92.6104 -            if (!movePre) {
 92.6105 -               ts.move(token.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.6106 -               ts.moveNext();
 92.6107 -            }
 92.6108 -
 92.6109 -            if (image.equals("/")) {
 92.6110 -               if (pre.toString().equals(";")) {
 92.6111 -                  movePre = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.6112 -                  pre = ts.token();
 92.6113 -                  if ((movePre) && (pre.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END"))) {
 92.6114 -                     //check whether there is a  DECLARE_END parent block with the same offset
 92.6115 -                     ts.move(token.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.6116 -                     ts.moveNext();
 92.6117 -                     ts.moveNext();
 92.6118 -                     int start = begin.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6119 -                     int end = ts.offset();
 92.6120 -                     PlsqlBlock parent = getParentBlock(blockHierarchy, start, end);
 92.6121 -                     if ((parent == null) || (parent.getEndOffset() != end)) {
 92.6122 -                        block = new PlsqlBlock(start, end, "", "", PlsqlBlockType.BEGIN_END);
 92.6123 -                     }
 92.6124 -
 92.6125 -                     break;
 92.6126 -
 92.6127 -                  }
 92.6128 -               } else {
 92.6129 -                  //something has gone wrong '/' is a terminal
 92.6130 -                  break;
 92.6131 -               }
 92.6132 -            } else {
 92.6133 -               if ((movePre) && (pre.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END"))) {
 92.6134 -                  //check whether there is a  DECLARE_END parent block with the same offset
 92.6135 -                  ts.move(token.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.6136 -                  ts.moveNext();
 92.6137 -                  ts.moveNext();
 92.6138 -                  int start = begin.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6139 -                  int end = ts.offset();
 92.6140 -                  PlsqlBlock parent = getParentBlock(blockHierarchy, start, end);
 92.6141 -                  if ((parent == null) || (parent.getEndOffset() != end)) {
 92.6142 -                     block = new PlsqlBlock(start, end, "", "", PlsqlBlockType.BEGIN_END);
 92.6143 -                  }
 92.6144 -
 92.6145 -                  break;
 92.6146 -               }
 92.6147 -            }
 92.6148 -            ts.move(token.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.6149 -            ts.moveNext();
 92.6150 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && image.equalsIgnoreCase("DECLARE")) {
 92.6151 -            int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6152 -            PlsqlBlock child = checkDeclareBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.6153 -            if (child != null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.6154 -               if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6155 -                  lstChild.add(child);
 92.6156 -               }
 92.6157 -            }
 92.6158 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && (image.equalsIgnoreCase("BEGIN"))) {
 92.6159 -            int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6160 -            PlsqlBlock child = checkBeginBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.6161 -            if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.6162 -
 92.6163 -               ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.6164 -               moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.6165 -            } else {
 92.6166 -               if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6167 -                  lstChild.add(child);
 92.6168 -               }
 92.6169 -            }
 92.6170 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("IF")) {
 92.6171 -            int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6172 -            List children = checkIfBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.6173 -            if (children == null || children.size() == 0) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.6174 -
 92.6175 -               ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.6176 -               moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.6177 -            } else {
 92.6178 -               for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.6179 -                  PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.6180 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6181 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.6182 -                  }
 92.6183 -               }
 92.6184 -            }
 92.6185 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CASE")) {
 92.6186 -            int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6187 -            List children = checkCaseBlock(token, ts, lstChild, false);
 92.6188 -            if (children == null || children.size() == 0) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.6189 -
 92.6190 -               ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.6191 -               moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.6192 -            } else {
 92.6193 -               for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.6194 -                  PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.6195 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6196 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.6197 -                  }
 92.6198 -               }
 92.6199 -            }
 92.6200 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")
 92.6201 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("WHILE")
 92.6202 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("FOR")) {
 92.6203 -            int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6204 -            if (!unsuccessBlocks.contains(beforeOff)) {
 92.6205 -               PlsqlBlock child = checkLoopBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.6206 -               if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.6207 -                  unsuccessBlocks.add(beforeOff);
 92.6208 -                  ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.6209 -                  moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.6210 -               } else {
 92.6211 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6212 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.6213 -                  }
 92.6214 -               }
 92.6215 -            }
 92.6216 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE")
 92.6217 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INDEX")
 92.6218 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SELECT")
 92.6219 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("UPDATE")
 92.6220 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DELETE")
 92.6221 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INSERT")
 92.6222 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("MERGE")
 92.6223 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DROP")
 92.6224 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SEQUENCE")) {
 92.6225 -            if (!isNotBlockStart(token, ts)) {
 92.6226 -               int offset = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6227 -               PlsqlBlock child = checkStatementBlock(token, ts, parentBlocks);
 92.6228 -               if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.6229 -
 92.6230 -                  ts.move(offset);
 92.6231 -                  ts.moveNext();
 92.6232 -               } else {
 92.6233 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6234 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.6235 -                  }
 92.6236 -               }
 92.6237 -            }
 92.6238 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE")
 92.6239 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION")) {
 92.6240 -            break;
 92.6241 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.6242 -            //only single comment line
 92.6243 -            if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
 92.6244 -               customStartToken = token;
 92.6245 -            } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
 92.6246 -               if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.6247 -                  String name = customStartToken.text().toString();
 92.6248 -                  int index = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
 92.6249 -                  name = name.substring(index + 7).trim();
 92.6250 -                  if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.6251 -                     token = ts.token();
 92.6252 -                     PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.6253 -                             token.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
 92.6254 -                     customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
 92.6255 -                  }
 92.6256 -
 92.6257 -                  customStartToken = null;
 92.6258 -               }
 92.6259 -            } else {
 92.6260 -               PlsqlBlock child = checkComment(token, ts);
 92.6261 -               if (child != null) {
 92.6262 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6263 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.6264 -                  }
 92.6265 -               }
 92.6266 -            }
 92.6267 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
 92.6268 -            int start = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6269 -            PlsqlBlock child = new PlsqlBlock(start,
 92.6270 -                    start + token.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.6271 -            if (child != null) {
 92.6272 -               if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6273 -                  lstChild.add(child);
 92.6274 -               }
 92.6275 -            }
 92.6276 -         }
 92.6277 -
 92.6278 -         moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.6279 -         token = ts.token();
 92.6280 -      }
 92.6281 -
 92.6282 -      if (block != null) {
 92.6283 -         //add children
 92.6284 -         addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.6285 -      }
 92.6286 -
 92.6287 -      return block;
 92.6288 -   }
 92.6289 -
 92.6290 -   /**
 92.6291 -    * Method to check table & column comments
 92.6292 -    * @param current
 92.6293 -    * @param ts
 92.6294 -    * @param parentBlocks
 92.6295 -    * @returns
 92.6296 -    */
 92.6297 -   private PlsqlBlock checkTblColComment(Token<PlsqlTokenId> current, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
 92.6298 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> commentBegin = current;
 92.6299 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmpPre = current;
 92.6300 -      PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.6301 -      List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.6302 -
 92.6303 -      //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
 92.6304 -      if (sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
 92.6305 -         return null;
 92.6306 -      }
 92.6307 -
 92.6308 -      int beginOffset = ts.offset();
 92.6309 -      boolean isTable = false;
 92.6310 -      boolean isEnd = false;
 92.6311 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> previousBlock = null;
 92.6312 -      String tableName = "";
 92.6313 -      boolean moveNext = false;
 92.6314 -      moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.6315 -      String alias = "";
 92.6316 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
 92.6317 -
 92.6318 -      //Check whether that is table/column comment
 92.6319 -      if (moveNext == false) {
 92.6320 -         return block;
 92.6321 -      }
 92.6322 -
 92.6323 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = ts.token(); //catching ON
 92.6324 -
 92.6325 -      moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.6326 -      tmp = ts.token();    //TABLE OR VIEW
 92.6327 -
 92.6328 -      if ((moveNext != false) && ( == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)) {
 92.6329 -         String image = tmp.text().toString();
 92.6330 -         if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE")) {
 92.6331 -            isTable = true;
 92.6332 -
 92.6333 +        }
 92.6334 +
 92.6335 +        if (tmp.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("BODY")) {
 92.6336 +            isPackageBody = true;
 92.6337              moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.6338              tmp = ts.token();
 92.6339 -
 92.6340 -            if (moveNext != false) {
 92.6341 -               tableName = tmp.text().toString();
 92.6342 -               tableName = checkForOtherSchema(ts, tableName);
 92.6343 -               if (tableName.indexOf('&') != -1) {
 92.6344 -                  alias = tableName;
 92.6345 -               }
 92.6346 -
 92.6347 -               tableName = getDefine(tableName);
 92.6348 -               if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.6349 -                  tmp = ts.token();
 92.6350 -                  if (( == PlsqlTokenId.DOT) && ts.moveNext()) {
 92.6351 -                     tmp = ts.token();
 92.6352 -                  }
 92.6353 -               }
 92.6354 +            if (moveNext == false) {
 92.6355 +                return block;
 92.6356              }
 92.6357 -
 92.6358 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("COLUMN")) {
 92.6359 -            isTable = false;
 92.6360 +        }
 92.6361 +
 92.6362 +        packageName = tmp.text().toString();
 92.6363 +        packageName = checkForOtherSchema(ts, packageName);
 92.6364 +        String alias = "";
 92.6365 +        if (packageName.indexOf('&') != -1) {
 92.6366 +            alias = packageName;
 92.6367 +        } else if (hasDefineKey(packageName)) {
 92.6368 +            alias = '&' + getDefineKey(packageName);
 92.6369 +        }
 92.6370 +
 92.6371 +        packageName = getDefine(packageName);
 92.6372 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
 92.6373 +
 92.6374 +        while (moveNext) {
 92.6375 +            String image = tmp.text().toString();
 92.6376 +            PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.6377 +
 92.6378 +            if ((tmp != null) && (!image.equals(";")) && (tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse)) {
 92.6379 +                break;
 92.6380 +            }
 92.6381 +
 92.6382 +            //We might have come to the end of the package
 92.6383 +            if (((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.OPERATOR) && (image.equals(";") || (image.equals("/") && checkForOnlyChar(ts, ts.offset())))) && (isFound)
 92.6384 +                    && ((tmpPre.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(packageName))
 92.6385 +                    || ((!alias.equals("")) && (tmpPre.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(alias)))
 92.6386 +                    || ((tmpPre.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END")) && (beginCount < 0)))) {
 92.6387 +                boolean isPackage = false;
 92.6388 +                if (tmpPre.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(packageName)
 92.6389 +                        || tmpPre.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(alias)) {
 92.6390 +                    //check whether previous Non white space token to the identifier is END
 92.6391 +                    int offset = ts.offset();
 92.6392 +                    boolean preMove = false;
 92.6393 +                    preMove = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.6394 +                    preMove = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.6395 +                    Token<PlsqlTokenId> previousNWS = ts.token();
 92.6396 +
 92.6397 +                    ts.move(offset);
 92.6398 +                    ts.moveNext();
 92.6399 +
 92.6400 +                    if ((preMove != false)
 92.6401 +                            && previousNWS.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
 92.6402 +                        isPackage = true;
 92.6403 +                    }
 92.6404 +                } else if ((tmpPre.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END")) && (beginCount < 0)) {
 92.6405 +                    isPackage = true;
 92.6406 +                }
 92.6407 +
 92.6408 +                //If this is a package end create the block
 92.6409 +                if (isPackage) {
 92.6410 +                    PlsqlBlockType type = PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE;
 92.6411 +
 92.6412 +                    if (isPackageBody) {
 92.6413 +                        type = PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY;
 92.6414 +                    }
 92.6415 +
 92.6416 +                    ts.moveNext();
 92.6417 +
 92.6418 +                    block = new PlsqlBlock(packBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.6419 +                            ts.offset(), packageName, alias, type);
 92.6420 +                    checkPrefix(packBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts, block);
 92.6421 +                    break;
 92.6422 +                }
 92.6423 +            } else if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)
 92.6424 +                    && ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE"))
 92.6425 +                    || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION"))
 92.6426 +                    || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CURSOR")))) {
 92.6427 +                if (isFound) {
 92.6428 +                    int beforeOff = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6429 +
 92.6430 +                    if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE")) {
 92.6431 +                        PlsqlBlock child = checkMethod(tmp, ts, PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL, lstChild);
 92.6432 +                        if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.6433 +
 92.6434 +                            ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.6435 +                            ts.moveNext();
 92.6436 +                        } else {
 92.6437 +                            if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6438 +                                lstChild.add(child);
 92.6439 +                            }
 92.6440 +                        }
 92.6441 +                    } //Inner procedure
 92.6442 +                    else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION")) {
 92.6443 +                        PlsqlBlock child = checkMethod(tmp, ts, PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL, lstChild);
 92.6444 +                        if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.6445 +
 92.6446 +                            ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.6447 +                            ts.moveNext();
 92.6448 +                        } else {
 92.6449 +                            if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6450 +                                lstChild.add(child);
 92.6451 +                            }
 92.6452 +                        }
 92.6453 +                    } //Inner function
 92.6454 +                    else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CURSOR")) {
 92.6455 +                        PlsqlBlock child = checkCursor(tmp, ts, lstChild);
 92.6456 +                        if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.6457 +
 92.6458 +                            ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.6459 +                            ts.moveNext();
 92.6460 +                        } else {
 92.6461 +                            if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6462 +                                lstChild.add(child);
 92.6463 +                            }
 92.6464 +                        }
 92.6465 +                    } //Inner cursor
 92.6466 +
 92.6467 +                } else {
 92.6468 +                    break;
 92.6469 +                }
 92.6470 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && (image.equalsIgnoreCase("BEGIN"))) {
 92.6471 +                beginCount++;
 92.6472 +            } else if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)
 92.6473 +                    && (image.equalsIgnoreCase("END"))) {
 92.6474 +                int off = ts.offset();
 92.6475 +                if (getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true)) {
 92.6476 +                    tmp = ts.token();
 92.6477 +                }
 92.6478 +
 92.6479 +                if ((tmp.text().toString().equals(";")) || ( == PlsqlTokenId.IDENTIFIER)
 92.6480 +                        || ( == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && (!tmp.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("IF")
 92.6481 +                        && !tmp.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("CASE") && !tmp.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")))) {
 92.6482 +                    beginCount--;
 92.6483 +                }
 92.6484 +
 92.6485 +                ts.move(off);
 92.6486 +                ts.moveNext();
 92.6487 +                tmp = ts.token();
 92.6488 +            } else if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)
 92.6489 +                    && ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATE")) || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PACKAGE")))) {
 92.6490 +                return block;
 92.6491 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.6492 +                //only single comment line
 92.6493 +                if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
 92.6494 +                    customStartToken = tmp;
 92.6495 +                } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
 92.6496 +                    if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.6497 +                        String name = customStartToken.text().toString();
 92.6498 +                        int index = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
 92.6499 +                        name = name.substring(index + 7).trim();
 92.6500 +                        if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.6501 +                            tmp = ts.token();
 92.6502 +                            PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.6503 +                                    tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
 92.6504 +                            customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
 92.6505 +                        }
 92.6506 +                        customStartToken = null;
 92.6507 +                    }
 92.6508 +                } else {
 92.6509 +                    PlsqlBlock child = checkComment(tmp, ts);
 92.6510 +                    if ((child != null) && (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false)) {
 92.6511 +                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.6512 +                    }
 92.6513 +                }
 92.6514 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
 92.6515 +                int start = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6516 +                PlsqlBlock child = new PlsqlBlock(start,
 92.6517 +                        start + tmp.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.6518 +                if ((child != null) && (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false)) {
 92.6519 +                    lstChild.add(child);
 92.6520 +                }
 92.6521 +            } else {
 92.6522 +                //Mark when we come to 'IS'
 92.6523 +                if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)
 92.6524 +                        && ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("IS")) || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("AS")))) {
 92.6525 +                    isFound = true;
 92.6526 +                }
 92.6527 +            }
 92.6528 +
 92.6529 +            if (tokenID != PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE) {//previous non whitespace token
 92.6530 +
 92.6531 +                tmpPre = tmp;
 92.6532 +            }
 92.6533 +
 92.6534 +            moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.6535 +            tmp = ts.token();
 92.6536 +        }
 92.6537 +
 92.6538 +        if (block != null) {
 92.6539 +            //add children
 92.6540 +            addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.6541 +
 92.6542 +            //Add immediate children
 92.6543 +            addImmediateChildren(block, parentBlocks);
 92.6544 +        }
 92.6545 +
 92.6546 +        return block;
 92.6547 +    }
 92.6548 +
 92.6549 +    /**
 92.6550 +     * Method that will check declare end blocks
 92.6551 +     * @param current
 92.6552 +     * @param ts
 92.6553 +     * @param parentBlocks
 92.6554 +     * @returns
 92.6555 +     */
 92.6556 +    private PlsqlBlock checkDeclareBlock(Token<PlsqlTokenId> current, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
 92.6557 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> declareBegin;
 92.6558 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = null;
 92.6559 +        boolean moveNext = false;
 92.6560 +        boolean isBeginFound = false;
 92.6561 +        List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.6562 +        PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.6563 +
 92.6564 +        //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
 92.6565 +        if (sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
 92.6566 +            return null;
 92.6567 +        }
 92.6568 +
 92.6569 +        moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.6570 +        token = ts.token();
 92.6571 +        declareBegin = current;
 92.6572 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
 92.6573 +
 92.6574 +        while (moveNext) {
 92.6575 +            PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.6576 +            String image = token.text().toString();
 92.6577 +
 92.6578 +            if ((token != null) && (!image.equals(";")) && (token.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse)) {
 92.6579 +                break;
 92.6580 +            }
 92.6581 +
 92.6582 +            //We have come to the end of the comment
 92.6583 +            if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.OPERATOR) && ((image.equals("/") && checkForOnlyChar(ts, ts.offset())) || image.equals(";"))) {
 92.6584 +                //check whether its END; or END before /
 92.6585 +                boolean movePre = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.6586 +                Token<PlsqlTokenId> pre = ts.token();
 92.6587 +                if (!movePre) {
 92.6588 +                    ts.move(token.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.6589 +                    ts.moveNext();
 92.6590 +                }
 92.6591 +
 92.6592 +                if (image.equals("/")) {
 92.6593 +                    if (pre.toString().equals(";")) {
 92.6594 +                        movePre = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.6595 +                        pre = ts.token();
 92.6596 +                        if ((movePre) && (pre.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END"))) {
 92.6597 +                            ts.move(token.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.6598 +                            ts.moveNext();
 92.6599 +                            ts.moveNext();
 92.6600 +                            block = new PlsqlBlock(declareBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.6601 +                                    ts.offset(), "", "", PlsqlBlockType.DECLARE_END);
 92.6602 +                            removeChildBegin(block);
 92.6603 +                            break;
 92.6604 +                        }
 92.6605 +                    } else {
 92.6606 +                        //something has gone wrong '/' is a terminal
 92.6607 +                        break;
 92.6608 +                    }
 92.6609 +                } else {
 92.6610 +                    if ((movePre) && (pre.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END"))) {
 92.6611 +                        ts.move(token.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.6612 +                        ts.moveNext();
 92.6613 +                        ts.moveNext();
 92.6614 +                        block = new PlsqlBlock(declareBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.6615 +                                ts.offset(), "", "", PlsqlBlockType.DECLARE_END);
 92.6616 +                        removeChildBegin(block);
 92.6617 +                        break;
 92.6618 +                    }
 92.6619 +                }
 92.6620 +                ts.move(token.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.6621 +                ts.moveNext();
 92.6622 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CURSOR")) {
 92.6623 +                int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6624 +                PlsqlBlock child = checkCursor(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.6625 +                if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.6626 +
 92.6627 +                    ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.6628 +                    moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.6629 +                } else {
 92.6630 +                    if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6631 +                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.6632 +                    }
 92.6633 +                }
 92.6634 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE")) {
 92.6635 +                if (isBeginFound) {//Can be there only before begin in a declare block
 92.6636 +
 92.6637 +                    break;
 92.6638 +                }
 92.6639 +
 92.6640 +                int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6641 +                PlsqlBlock child = checkMethod(token, ts, PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL, lstChild);
 92.6642 +                if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.6643 +
 92.6644 +                    ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.6645 +                    moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.6646 +                } else {
 92.6647 +                    if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6648 +                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.6649 +                    }
 92.6650 +                }
 92.6651 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION")) {
 92.6652 +                if (isBeginFound) {//Can be there only before begin in a declare block
 92.6653 +
 92.6654 +                    break;
 92.6655 +                }
 92.6656 +
 92.6657 +                int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6658 +                PlsqlBlock child = checkMethod(token, ts, PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL, lstChild);
 92.6659 +                if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.6660 +
 92.6661 +                    ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.6662 +                    moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.6663 +                } else {
 92.6664 +                    if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6665 +                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.6666 +                    }
 92.6667 +                }
 92.6668 +            } else if (isBeginFound && image.equalsIgnoreCase("DECLARE")) {
 92.6669 +                int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6670 +                PlsqlBlock child = checkDeclareBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.6671 +                if (child != null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.6672 +                    if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6673 +                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.6674 +                    }
 92.6675 +                }
 92.6676 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("BEGIN")) {
 92.6677 +                if (isBeginFound) {
 92.6678 +                    int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6679 +                    PlsqlBlock child = checkBeginBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.6680 +                    if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.6681 +
 92.6682 +                        ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.6683 +                        moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.6684 +                    } else {
 92.6685 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6686 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.6687 +                        }
 92.6688 +                    }
 92.6689 +                } else {
 92.6690 +                    isBeginFound = true;
 92.6691 +                }
 92.6692 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("IF")) {
 92.6693 +                int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6694 +                List children = checkIfBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.6695 +                if (children == null || children.isEmpty()) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.6696 +
 92.6697 +                    ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.6698 +                    moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.6699 +                } else {
 92.6700 +                    for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.6701 +                        PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.6702 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6703 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.6704 +                        }
 92.6705 +                    }
 92.6706 +                }
 92.6707 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CASE")) {
 92.6708 +                int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6709 +                List children = checkCaseBlock(token, ts, lstChild, false);
 92.6710 +                if (children == null || children.isEmpty()) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.6711 +
 92.6712 +                    ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.6713 +                    moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.6714 +                } else {
 92.6715 +                    for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.6716 +                        PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.6717 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6718 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.6719 +                        }
 92.6720 +                    }
 92.6721 +                }
 92.6722 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")
 92.6723 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("WHILE")
 92.6724 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("FOR")) {
 92.6725 +                int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6726 +                if (!unsuccessBlocks.contains(beforeOff)) {
 92.6727 +                    PlsqlBlock child = checkLoopBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.6728 +                    if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.6729 +                        unsuccessBlocks.add(beforeOff);
 92.6730 +                        ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.6731 +                        moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.6732 +                    } else {
 92.6733 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6734 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.6735 +                        }
 92.6736 +                    }
 92.6737 +                }
 92.6738 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE")
 92.6739 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INDEX")
 92.6740 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SELECT")
 92.6741 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("UPDATE")
 92.6742 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DELETE")
 92.6743 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INSERT")
 92.6744 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("MERGE")
 92.6745 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DROP")
 92.6746 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SEQUENCE")) {
 92.6747 +                if (!isNotBlockStart(token, ts)) {
 92.6748 +                    int offset = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6749 +                    PlsqlBlock child = checkStatementBlock(token, ts, parentBlocks);
 92.6750 +                    if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.6751 +
 92.6752 +                        ts.move(offset);
 92.6753 +                        ts.moveNext();
 92.6754 +                    } else {
 92.6755 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6756 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.6757 +                        }
 92.6758 +                    }
 92.6759 +                }
 92.6760 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.6761 +                //only single comment line
 92.6762 +                if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
 92.6763 +                    customStartToken = token;
 92.6764 +                } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
 92.6765 +                    if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.6766 +                        String name = customStartToken.text().toString();
 92.6767 +                        int index = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
 92.6768 +                        name = name.substring(index + 7).trim();
 92.6769 +                        if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.6770 +                            token = ts.token();
 92.6771 +                            PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.6772 +                                    token.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
 92.6773 +                            customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
 92.6774 +                        }
 92.6775 +
 92.6776 +                        customStartToken = null;
 92.6777 +                    }
 92.6778 +                } else {
 92.6779 +                    PlsqlBlock child = checkComment(token, ts);
 92.6780 +                    if (child != null) {
 92.6781 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6782 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.6783 +                        }
 92.6784 +                    }
 92.6785 +                }
 92.6786 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
 92.6787 +                int start = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6788 +                PlsqlBlock child = new PlsqlBlock(start,
 92.6789 +                        start + token.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.6790 +                if (child != null) {
 92.6791 +                    if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6792 +                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.6793 +                    }
 92.6794 +                }
 92.6795 +            }
 92.6796 +
 92.6797 +            moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.6798 +            token = ts.token();
 92.6799 +        }
 92.6800 +
 92.6801 +        if (block != null) {
 92.6802 +            //add children
 92.6803 +            addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.6804 +        } else {
 92.6805 +            if (moveNext) { //If have come to last return otherwise we will loop with begin
 92.6806 +                ts.move(declareBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.6807 +                ts.moveNext();
 92.6808 +            }
 92.6809 +        }
 92.6810 +
 92.6811 +        return block;
 92.6812 +    }
 92.6813 +
 92.6814 +    /**
 92.6815 +     * Method that will check begin end blocks
 92.6816 +     * @param current
 92.6817 +     * @param ts
 92.6818 +     * @param parentBlocks
 92.6819 +     * @returns
 92.6820 +     */
 92.6821 +    private PlsqlBlock checkBeginBlock(Token<PlsqlTokenId> current, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
 92.6822 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> begin;
 92.6823 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = null;
 92.6824 +        PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.6825 +        List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.6826 +        boolean moveNext = false;
 92.6827 +
 92.6828 +        //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
 92.6829 +        if (sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
 92.6830 +            return null;
 92.6831 +        }
 92.6832 +
 92.6833 +        moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.6834 +        token = ts.token();
 92.6835 +        begin = current;
 92.6836 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
 92.6837 +
 92.6838 +        while (moveNext) {
 92.6839 +            PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.6840 +            String image = token.text().toString();
 92.6841 +
 92.6842 +            if ((token != null) && (!image.equals(";")) && (token.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse)) {
 92.6843 +                break;
 92.6844 +            }
 92.6845 +
 92.6846 +            //We have come to the end of the comment
 92.6847 +            if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.OPERATOR) && ((image.equals("/") && checkForOnlyChar(ts, ts.offset())) || image.equals(";"))) {
 92.6848 +                //check whether its END; or END; before /
 92.6849 +                boolean movePre = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.6850 +                Token<PlsqlTokenId> pre = ts.token();
 92.6851 +                if (!movePre) {
 92.6852 +                    ts.move(token.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.6853 +                    ts.moveNext();
 92.6854 +                }
 92.6855 +
 92.6856 +                if (image.equals("/")) {
 92.6857 +                    if (pre.toString().equals(";")) {
 92.6858 +                        movePre = getPreviousNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.6859 +                        pre = ts.token();
 92.6860 +                        if ((movePre) && (pre.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END"))) {
 92.6861 +                            //check whether there is a  DECLARE_END parent block with the same offset
 92.6862 +                            ts.move(token.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.6863 +                            ts.moveNext();
 92.6864 +                            ts.moveNext();
 92.6865 +                            int start = begin.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6866 +                            int end = ts.offset();
 92.6867 +                            PlsqlBlock parent = getParentBlock(blockHierarchy, start, end);
 92.6868 +                            if ((parent == null) || (parent.getEndOffset() != end)) {
 92.6869 +                                block = new PlsqlBlock(start, end, "", "", PlsqlBlockType.BEGIN_END);
 92.6870 +                            }
 92.6871 +
 92.6872 +                            break;
 92.6873 +
 92.6874 +                        }
 92.6875 +                    } else {
 92.6876 +                        //something has gone wrong '/' is a terminal
 92.6877 +                        break;
 92.6878 +                    }
 92.6879 +                } else {
 92.6880 +                    if ((movePre) && (pre.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("END"))) {
 92.6881 +                        //check whether there is a  DECLARE_END parent block with the same offset
 92.6882 +                        ts.move(token.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.6883 +                        ts.moveNext();
 92.6884 +                        ts.moveNext();
 92.6885 +                        int start = begin.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6886 +                        int end = ts.offset();
 92.6887 +                        PlsqlBlock parent = getParentBlock(blockHierarchy, start, end);
 92.6888 +                        if ((parent == null) || (parent.getEndOffset() != end)) {
 92.6889 +                            block = new PlsqlBlock(start, end, "", "", PlsqlBlockType.BEGIN_END);
 92.6890 +                        }
 92.6891 +
 92.6892 +                        break;
 92.6893 +                    }
 92.6894 +                }
 92.6895 +                ts.move(token.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.6896 +                ts.moveNext();
 92.6897 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && image.equalsIgnoreCase("DECLARE")) {
 92.6898 +                int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6899 +                PlsqlBlock child = checkDeclareBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.6900 +                if (child != null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.6901 +                    if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6902 +                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.6903 +                    }
 92.6904 +                }
 92.6905 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && (image.equalsIgnoreCase("BEGIN"))) {
 92.6906 +                int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6907 +                PlsqlBlock child = checkBeginBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.6908 +                if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.6909 +
 92.6910 +                    ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.6911 +                    moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.6912 +                } else {
 92.6913 +                    if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6914 +                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.6915 +                    }
 92.6916 +                }
 92.6917 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("IF")) {
 92.6918 +                int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6919 +                List children = checkIfBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.6920 +                if (children == null || children.isEmpty()) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.6921 +
 92.6922 +                    ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.6923 +                    moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.6924 +                } else {
 92.6925 +                    for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.6926 +                        PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.6927 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6928 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.6929 +                        }
 92.6930 +                    }
 92.6931 +                }
 92.6932 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CASE")) {
 92.6933 +                int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6934 +                List children = checkCaseBlock(token, ts, lstChild, false);
 92.6935 +                if (children == null || children.isEmpty()) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.6936 +
 92.6937 +                    ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.6938 +                    moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.6939 +                } else {
 92.6940 +                    for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.6941 +                        PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.6942 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6943 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.6944 +                        }
 92.6945 +                    }
 92.6946 +                }
 92.6947 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")
 92.6948 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("WHILE")
 92.6949 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("FOR")) {
 92.6950 +                int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6951 +                if (!unsuccessBlocks.contains(beforeOff)) {
 92.6952 +                    PlsqlBlock child = checkLoopBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.6953 +                    if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.6954 +                        unsuccessBlocks.add(beforeOff);
 92.6955 +                        ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.6956 +                        moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.6957 +                    } else {
 92.6958 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6959 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.6960 +                        }
 92.6961 +                    }
 92.6962 +                }
 92.6963 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE")
 92.6964 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INDEX")
 92.6965 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SELECT")
 92.6966 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("UPDATE")
 92.6967 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DELETE")
 92.6968 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INSERT")
 92.6969 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("MERGE")
 92.6970 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DROP")
 92.6971 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SEQUENCE")) {
 92.6972 +                if (!isNotBlockStart(token, ts)) {
 92.6973 +                    int offset = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.6974 +                    PlsqlBlock child = checkStatementBlock(token, ts, parentBlocks);
 92.6975 +                    if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.6976 +
 92.6977 +                        ts.move(offset);
 92.6978 +                        ts.moveNext();
 92.6979 +                    } else {
 92.6980 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.6981 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.6982 +                        }
 92.6983 +                    }
 92.6984 +                }
 92.6985 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE")
 92.6986 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION")) {
 92.6987 +                break;
 92.6988 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.6989 +                //only single comment line
 92.6990 +                if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
 92.6991 +                    customStartToken = token;
 92.6992 +                } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
 92.6993 +                    if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.6994 +                        String name = customStartToken.text().toString();
 92.6995 +                        int index = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
 92.6996 +                        name = name.substring(index + 7).trim();
 92.6997 +                        if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.6998 +                            token = ts.token();
 92.6999 +                            PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.7000 +                                    token.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
 92.7001 +                            customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
 92.7002 +                        }
 92.7003 +
 92.7004 +                        customStartToken = null;
 92.7005 +                    }
 92.7006 +                } else {
 92.7007 +                    PlsqlBlock child = checkComment(token, ts);
 92.7008 +                    if (child != null) {
 92.7009 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.7010 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.7011 +                        }
 92.7012 +                    }
 92.7013 +                }
 92.7014 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
 92.7015 +                int start = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.7016 +                PlsqlBlock child = new PlsqlBlock(start,
 92.7017 +                        start + token.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.7018 +                if (child != null) {
 92.7019 +                    if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.7020 +                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.7021 +                    }
 92.7022 +                }
 92.7023 +            }
 92.7024 +
 92.7025 +            moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.7026 +            token = ts.token();
 92.7027 +        }
 92.7028 +
 92.7029 +        if (block != null) {
 92.7030 +            //add children
 92.7031 +            addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.7032 +        }
 92.7033 +
 92.7034 +        return block;
 92.7035 +    }
 92.7036 +
 92.7037 +    /**
 92.7038 +     * Method to check table & column comments
 92.7039 +     * @param current
 92.7040 +     * @param ts
 92.7041 +     * @param parentBlocks
 92.7042 +     * @returns
 92.7043 +     */
 92.7044 +    private PlsqlBlock checkTblColComment(Token<PlsqlTokenId> current, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
 92.7045 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> commentBegin = current;
 92.7046 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmpPre = current;
 92.7047 +        PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.7048 +        List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.7049 +
 92.7050 +        //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
 92.7051 +        if (sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
 92.7052 +            return null;
 92.7053 +        }
 92.7054 +
 92.7055 +        int beginOffset = ts.offset();
 92.7056 +        boolean isTable = false;
 92.7057 +        boolean isEnd = false;
 92.7058 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> previousBlock = null;
 92.7059 +        String tableName = "";
 92.7060 +        boolean moveNext = false;
 92.7061 +        moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.7062 +        String alias = "";
 92.7063 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
 92.7064 +
 92.7065 +        //Check whether that is table/column comment
 92.7066 +        if (moveNext == false) {
 92.7067 +            return block;
 92.7068 +        }
 92.7069 +
 92.7070 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = ts.token(); //catching ON
 92.7071 +
 92.7072 +        moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.7073 +        tmp = ts.token();    //TABLE OR VIEW
 92.7074 +
 92.7075 +        if ((moveNext != false) && ( == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)) {
 92.7076 +            String image = tmp.text().toString();
 92.7077 +            if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE")) {
 92.7078 +                isTable = true;
 92.7079 +
 92.7080 +                moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.7081 +                tmp = ts.token();
 92.7082 +
 92.7083 +                if (moveNext != false) {
 92.7084 +                    tableName = tmp.text().toString();
 92.7085 +                    tableName = checkForOtherSchema(ts, tableName);
 92.7086 +                    if (tableName.indexOf('&') != -1) {
 92.7087 +                        alias = tableName;
 92.7088 +                    }
 92.7089 +
 92.7090 +                    tableName = getDefine(tableName);
 92.7091 +                    if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.7092 +                        tmp = ts.token();
 92.7093 +                        if (( == PlsqlTokenId.DOT) && ts.moveNext()) {
 92.7094 +                            tmp = ts.token();
 92.7095 +                        }
 92.7096 +                    }
 92.7097 +                }
 92.7098 +
 92.7099 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("COLUMN")) {
 92.7100 +                isTable = false;
 92.7101 +                moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.7102 +                tmp = ts.token();
 92.7103 +
 92.7104 +                if (moveNext != false) {
 92.7105 +                    tableName = tmp.text().toString();
 92.7106 +                    if (tableName.indexOf('&') != -1) {
 92.7107 +                        alias = tableName;
 92.7108 +                    }
 92.7109 +
 92.7110 +                    tableName = getDefine(tableName);
 92.7111 +                    if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.7112 +                        tmp = ts.token();
 92.7113 +                        if (( == PlsqlTokenId.DOT) && ts.moveNext()) {
 92.7114 +                            tmp = ts.token();
 92.7115 +                        }
 92.7116 +                    }
 92.7117 +                }
 92.7118 +            } else {
 92.7119 +                ts.move(beginOffset);
 92.7120 +                ts.moveNext();
 92.7121 +                ts.moveNext();
 92.7122 +                return block;
 92.7123 +            }
 92.7124 +        }
 92.7125 +
 92.7126 +        while (moveNext) {
 92.7127 +            PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.7128 +            String image = tmp.text().toString();
 92.7129 +
 92.7130 +            //Check end offset and break (exception for colun which will mark end of some blocks)
 92.7131 +            if ((tmp != null) && (tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse) && (!image.equals(";")) && (!(image.equals("/") && checkForOnlyChar(ts, ts.offset())))) {
 92.7132 +                ts.move(beginOffset);
 92.7133 +                ts.moveNext();
 92.7134 +                ts.moveNext();
 92.7135 +                break;
 92.7136 +            }
 92.7137 +
 92.7138 +            //We have come to the end of the comment
 92.7139 +            if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.OPERATOR)
 92.7140 +                    && (image.equals(";") || (image.equals("/") && checkForOnlyChar(ts, ts.offset())))) {
 92.7141 +                isEnd = true;
 92.7142 +                previousBlock = tmp;
 92.7143 +                int offset = ts.offset();
 92.7144 +                boolean mNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, false); //after ';' dont ignore comments
 92.7145 +
 92.7146 +                Token<PlsqlTokenId> next = ts.token();
 92.7147 +                ts.move(offset);
 92.7148 +                ts.moveNext();
 92.7149 +
 92.7150 +                if ((mNext == false) || (!next.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("COMMENT"))
 92.7151 +                        || ((next.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("COMMENT")) && (next.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse))) {                  //we have come to the end of the comments
 92.7152 +
 92.7153 +                    if (isTable) {
 92.7154 +                        block = new PlsqlBlock(commentBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.7155 +                                previousBlock.offset(tokenHierarchy), tableName, alias, PlsqlBlockType.TABLE_COMMENT);
 92.7156 +                    } else {
 92.7157 +                        block = new PlsqlBlock(commentBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.7158 +                                previousBlock.offset(tokenHierarchy), tableName, alias, PlsqlBlockType.COLUMN_COMMENT);
 92.7159 +                    }
 92.7160 +
 92.7161 +                    break;
 92.7162 +                }
 92.7163 +            } else if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)) {
 92.7164 +                if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("COLUMN")) {
 92.7165 +                    if (isTable == true) {
 92.7166 +                        isTable = false;
 92.7167 +
 92.7168 +                        if (previousBlock != null) {
 92.7169 +                            //Create table comment fold
 92.7170 +                            block = new PlsqlBlock(commentBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.7171 +                                    previousBlock.offset(tokenHierarchy), tableName, alias, PlsqlBlockType.TABLE_COMMENT);
 92.7172 +                            ts.move(tmpPre.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.7173 +                            break;
 92.7174 +                        }
 92.7175 +                    }
 92.7176 +                } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE")) {
 92.7177 +                    if (isTable == false) {
 92.7178 +                        isTable = true;
 92.7179 +
 92.7180 +                        if (previousBlock != null) {
 92.7181 +                            //Create column comment fold
 92.7182 +                            block = new PlsqlBlock(commentBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.7183 +                                    previousBlock.offset(tokenHierarchy), tableName, alias, PlsqlBlockType.COLUMN_COMMENT);
 92.7184 +                            ts.move(tmpPre.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.7185 +                            break;
 92.7186 +                        }
 92.7187 +                    }
 92.7188 +                } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("COMMENT")) {
 92.7189 +                    tmpPre = tmp;
 92.7190 +                    moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.7191 +                    tmp = ts.token();
 92.7192 +                    if (isEnd == false) {
 92.7193 +                        commentBegin = tmpPre;
 92.7194 +                    }
 92.7195 +                }
 92.7196 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.7197 +                //only single comment line
 92.7198 +                if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
 92.7199 +                    customStartToken = tmp;
 92.7200 +                } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
 92.7201 +                    if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.7202 +                        String name = customStartToken.text().toString();
 92.7203 +                        int index = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
 92.7204 +                        name = name.substring(index + 7).trim();
 92.7205 +                        if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.7206 +                            tmp = ts.token();
 92.7207 +                            PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.7208 +                                    tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
 92.7209 +                            customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
 92.7210 +                        }
 92.7211 +
 92.7212 +                        customStartToken = null;
 92.7213 +                    }
 92.7214 +                } else {
 92.7215 +                    PlsqlBlock child = checkComment(tmp, ts);
 92.7216 +                    if (child != null) {
 92.7217 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.7218 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.7219 +                        }
 92.7220 +                    }
 92.7221 +                }
 92.7222 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
 92.7223 +                int start = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.7224 +                PlsqlBlock child = new PlsqlBlock(start,
 92.7225 +                        start + tmp.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.7226 +                if (child != null) {
 92.7227 +                    if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.7228 +                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.7229 +                    }
 92.7230 +                }
 92.7231 +            }
 92.7232 +
 92.7233              moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.7234              tmp = ts.token();
 92.7235 -
 92.7236 -            if (moveNext != false) {
 92.7237 -               tableName = tmp.text().toString();
 92.7238 -               if (tableName.indexOf('&') != -1) {
 92.7239 -                  alias = tableName;
 92.7240 -               }
 92.7241 -
 92.7242 -               tableName = getDefine(tableName);
 92.7243 -               if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.7244 -                  tmp = ts.token();
 92.7245 -                  if (( == PlsqlTokenId.DOT) && ts.moveNext()) {
 92.7246 -                     tmp = ts.token();
 92.7247 -                  }
 92.7248 -               }
 92.7249 +        }
 92.7250 +
 92.7251 +        if (block != null) {
 92.7252 +            //add children
 92.7253 +            addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.7254 +        }
 92.7255 +
 92.7256 +        return block;
 92.7257 +    }
 92.7258 +
 92.7259 +    /**
 92.7260 +     * Get Return next non whitespace token
 92.7261 +     * @param ts
 92.7262 +     * @param ignoreComment: if true will ignore comments also
 92.7263 +     * @return
 92.7264 +     */
 92.7265 +    private boolean getNextNonWhitespace(TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, boolean ignoreComment) {
 92.7266 +        boolean moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.7267 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = ts.token();
 92.7268 +
 92.7269 +
 92.7270 +        while (moveNext) {
 92.7271 +            if ( == PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE) {
 92.7272 +                moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.7273 +                tmp = ts.token();
 92.7274 +            } else {
 92.7275 +                if ((ignoreComment == true) && ( == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT
 92.7276 +                        || == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT)) {
 92.7277 +                    moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.7278 +                    tmp = ts.token();
 92.7279 +                } else {
 92.7280 +                    break;
 92.7281 +                }
 92.7282              }
 92.7283 -         } else {
 92.7284 -            ts.move(beginOffset);
 92.7285 -            ts.moveNext();
 92.7286 +        }
 92.7287 +
 92.7288 +        return moveNext;
 92.7289 +    }
 92.7290 +
 92.7291 +    /**
 92.7292 +     * Return previous non whitespace token
 92.7293 +     * @param ts
 92.7294 +     * @param ignoreComment
 92.7295 +     * @return
 92.7296 +     */
 92.7297 +    private boolean getPreviousNonWhitespace(TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, boolean ignoreComment) {
 92.7298 +        boolean movePrevious = ts.movePrevious();
 92.7299 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = ts.token();
 92.7300 +
 92.7301 +        while (movePrevious) {
 92.7302 +            if ( == PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE) {
 92.7303 +                movePrevious = ts.movePrevious();
 92.7304 +                tmp = ts.token();
 92.7305 +            } else {
 92.7306 +                if ((ignoreComment == true) && ( == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT
 92.7307 +                        || == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT)) {
 92.7308 +                    movePrevious = ts.movePrevious();
 92.7309 +                    tmp = ts.token();
 92.7310 +                } else {
 92.7311 +                    break;
 92.7312 +                }
 92.7313 +            }
 92.7314 +        }
 92.7315 +        return movePrevious;
 92.7316 +    }
 92.7317 +
 92.7318 +    /**
 92.7319 +     * Check whether this is the start of a VIEW block
 92.7320 +     * @param viewToken
 92.7321 +     * @param ts
 92.7322 +     * @param parentBlocks
 92.7323 +     * @return
 92.7324 +     */
 92.7325 +    private PlsqlBlock checkView(Token<PlsqlTokenId> viewToken, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
 92.7326 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> viewBegin = viewToken;
 92.7327 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = viewToken;
 92.7328 +        PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.7329 +        List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.7330 +
 92.7331 +        boolean moveNext = false;
 92.7332 +        String viewName = "";
 92.7333 +        int offset = ts.offset();
 92.7334 +
 92.7335 +        //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
 92.7336 +        if (sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
 92.7337 +            return null;
 92.7338 +        }
 92.7339 +
 92.7340 +        //second non whitespace character should be the name
 92.7341 +        moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.7342 +        if (moveNext == false) {
 92.7343 +            ts.move(offset);
 92.7344              ts.moveNext();
 92.7345              return block;
 92.7346 -         }
 92.7347 -      }
 92.7348 -
 92.7349 -      while (moveNext) {
 92.7350 -         PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.7351 -         String image = tmp.text().toString();
 92.7352 -
 92.7353 -         //Check end offset and break (exception for colun which will mark end of some blocks)
 92.7354 -         if ((tmp != null) && (tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse) && (!image.equals(";")) && (!(image.equals("/") && checkForOnlyChar(ts, ts.offset())))) {
 92.7355 -            ts.move(beginOffset);
 92.7356 -            ts.moveNext();
 92.7357 -            ts.moveNext();
 92.7358 -            break;
 92.7359 -         }
 92.7360 -
 92.7361 -         //We have come to the end of the comment
 92.7362 -         if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.OPERATOR)
 92.7363 -                 && (image.equals(";") || (image.equals("/") && checkForOnlyChar(ts, ts.offset())))) {
 92.7364 -            isEnd = true;
 92.7365 -            previousBlock = tmp;
 92.7366 -            int offset = ts.offset();
 92.7367 -            boolean mNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, false); //after ';' dont ignore comments
 92.7368 -
 92.7369 -            Token<PlsqlTokenId> next = ts.token();
 92.7370 -            ts.move(offset);
 92.7371 -            ts.moveNext();
 92.7372 -
 92.7373 -            if ((mNext == false) || (!next.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("COMMENT"))
 92.7374 -                    || ((next.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("COMMENT")) && (next.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse))) {                  //we have come to the end of the comments
 92.7375 -
 92.7376 -               if (isTable) {
 92.7377 -                  block = new PlsqlBlock(commentBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.7378 -                          previousBlock.offset(tokenHierarchy), tableName, alias, PlsqlBlockType.TABLE_COMMENT);
 92.7379 -               } else {
 92.7380 -                  block = new PlsqlBlock(commentBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.7381 -                          previousBlock.offset(tokenHierarchy), tableName, alias, PlsqlBlockType.COLUMN_COMMENT);
 92.7382 -               }
 92.7383 -
 92.7384 -               break;
 92.7385 -            }
 92.7386 -         } else if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)) {
 92.7387 -            if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("COLUMN")) {
 92.7388 -               if (isTable == true) {
 92.7389 -                  isTable = false;
 92.7390 -
 92.7391 -                  if (previousBlock != null) {
 92.7392 -                     //Create table comment fold
 92.7393 -                     block = new PlsqlBlock(commentBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.7394 -                             previousBlock.offset(tokenHierarchy), tableName, alias, PlsqlBlockType.TABLE_COMMENT);
 92.7395 -                     ts.move(tmpPre.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.7396 -                     break;
 92.7397 -                  }
 92.7398 -               }
 92.7399 -            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE")) {
 92.7400 -               if (isTable == false) {
 92.7401 -                  isTable = true;
 92.7402 -
 92.7403 -                  if (previousBlock != null) {
 92.7404 -                     //Create column comment fold
 92.7405 -                     block = new PlsqlBlock(commentBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.7406 -                             previousBlock.offset(tokenHierarchy), tableName, alias, PlsqlBlockType.COLUMN_COMMENT);
 92.7407 -                     ts.move(tmpPre.offset(tokenHierarchy));
 92.7408 -                     break;
 92.7409 -                  }
 92.7410 -               }
 92.7411 -            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("COMMENT")) {
 92.7412 -               tmpPre = tmp;
 92.7413 -               moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.7414 -               tmp = ts.token();
 92.7415 -               if (isEnd == false) {
 92.7416 -                  commentBegin = tmpPre;
 92.7417 -               }
 92.7418 -            }
 92.7419 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.7420 -            //only single comment line
 92.7421 -            if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
 92.7422 -               customStartToken = tmp;
 92.7423 -            } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
 92.7424 -               if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.7425 -                  String name = customStartToken.text().toString();
 92.7426 -                  int index = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
 92.7427 -                  name = name.substring(index + 7).trim();
 92.7428 -                  if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.7429 -                     tmp = ts.token();
 92.7430 -                     PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.7431 -                             tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
 92.7432 -                     customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
 92.7433 -                  }
 92.7434 -
 92.7435 -                  customStartToken = null;
 92.7436 -               }
 92.7437 -            } else {
 92.7438 -               PlsqlBlock child = checkComment(tmp, ts);
 92.7439 -               if (child != null) {
 92.7440 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.7441 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.7442 -                  }
 92.7443 -               }
 92.7444 -            }
 92.7445 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
 92.7446 -            int start = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.7447 -            PlsqlBlock child = new PlsqlBlock(start,
 92.7448 -                    start + tmp.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.7449 -            if (child != null) {
 92.7450 -               if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.7451 -                  lstChild.add(child);
 92.7452 -               }
 92.7453 -            }
 92.7454 -         }
 92.7455 -
 92.7456 -         moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.7457 -         tmp = ts.token();
 92.7458 -      }
 92.7459 -
 92.7460 -      if (block != null) {
 92.7461 -         //add children
 92.7462 -         addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.7463 -      }
 92.7464 -
 92.7465 -      return block;
 92.7466 -   }
 92.7467 -
 92.7468 -   /**
 92.7469 -    * Get Return next non whitespace token
 92.7470 -    * @param ts
 92.7471 -    * @param ignoreComment: if true will ignore comments also
 92.7472 -    * @return
 92.7473 -    */
 92.7474 -   private boolean getNextNonWhitespace(TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, boolean ignoreComment) {
 92.7475 -      boolean moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.7476 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = ts.token();
 92.7477 -
 92.7478 -
 92.7479 -      while (moveNext) {
 92.7480 -         if ( == PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE) {
 92.7481 -            moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.7482 -            tmp = ts.token();
 92.7483 -         } else {
 92.7484 -            if ((ignoreComment == true) && ( == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT
 92.7485 -                    || == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT)) {
 92.7486 -               moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.7487 -               tmp = ts.token();
 92.7488 -            } else {
 92.7489 -               break;
 92.7490 -            }
 92.7491 -         }
 92.7492 -      }
 92.7493 -
 92.7494 -      return moveNext;
 92.7495 -   }
 92.7496 -
 92.7497 -   /**
 92.7498 -    * Return previous non whitespace token
 92.7499 -    * @param ts
 92.7500 -    * @param ignoreComment
 92.7501 -    * @return
 92.7502 -    */
 92.7503 -   private boolean getPreviousNonWhitespace(TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, boolean ignoreComment) {
 92.7504 -      boolean movePrevious = ts.movePrevious();
 92.7505 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = ts.token();
 92.7506 -
 92.7507 -      while (movePrevious) {
 92.7508 -         if ( == PlsqlTokenId.WHITESPACE) {
 92.7509 -            movePrevious = ts.movePrevious();
 92.7510 -            tmp = ts.token();
 92.7511 -         } else {
 92.7512 -            if ((ignoreComment == true) && ( == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT
 92.7513 -                    || == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT)) {
 92.7514 -               movePrevious = ts.movePrevious();
 92.7515 -               tmp = ts.token();
 92.7516 -            } else {
 92.7517 -               break;
 92.7518 -            }
 92.7519 -         }
 92.7520 -      }
 92.7521 -      return movePrevious;
 92.7522 -   }
 92.7523 -
 92.7524 -   /**
 92.7525 -    * Check whether this is the start of a VIEW block
 92.7526 -    * @param viewToken
 92.7527 -    * @param ts
 92.7528 -    * @param parentBlocks
 92.7529 -    * @return
 92.7530 -    */
 92.7531 -   private PlsqlBlock checkView(Token<PlsqlTokenId> viewToken, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
 92.7532 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> viewBegin = viewToken;
 92.7533 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> tmp = viewToken;
 92.7534 -      PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.7535 -      List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.7536 -
 92.7537 -      boolean moveNext = false;
 92.7538 -      String viewName = "";
 92.7539 -      int offset = ts.offset();
 92.7540 -
 92.7541 -      //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
 92.7542 -      if (sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
 92.7543 -         return null;
 92.7544 -      }
 92.7545 -
 92.7546 -      //second non whitespace character should be the name
 92.7547 -      moveNext = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.7548 -      if (moveNext == false) {
 92.7549 -         ts.move(offset);
 92.7550 -         ts.moveNext();
 92.7551 -         return block;
 92.7552 -      }
 92.7553 -
 92.7554 -      tmp = ts.token();
 92.7555 -
 92.7556 -      //Second token is the view name
 92.7557 -      viewName = tmp.text().toString().trim();
 92.7558 -      viewName = checkForOtherSchema(ts, viewName);
 92.7559 -      String alias = "";
 92.7560 -      if (viewName.indexOf('&') != -1) {
 92.7561 -         alias = viewName;
 92.7562 -         viewName = getDefine(viewName);
 92.7563 -      }
 92.7564 +        }
 92.7565 +
 92.7566 +        tmp = ts.token();
 92.7567 +
 92.7568 +        //Second token is the view name
 92.7569 +        viewName = tmp.text().toString().trim();
 92.7570 +        viewName = checkForOtherSchema(ts, viewName);
 92.7571 +        String alias = "";
 92.7572 +        if (viewName.indexOf('&') != -1) {
 92.7573 +            alias = viewName;
 92.7574 +            viewName = getDefine(viewName);
 92.7575 +        }
 92.7576  //      if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.7577  //         tmp = ts.token();
 92.7578  //         if (( == PlsqlTokenId.DOT) && ts.moveNext()) {
 92.7579 @@ -3893,26 +3897,26 @@
 92.7580  //         }
 92.7581  //      }
 92.7583 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
 92.7584 -      boolean isOk = false;
 92.7585 -
 92.7586 -      while (moveNext) {
 92.7587 -         String image = tmp.text().toString();
 92.7588 -         PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.7589 -
 92.7590 -         //Check end offset and break(exception for colun which will mark end of some blocks)
 92.7591 -         if ((tmp != null) && (tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse) && (!image.equals(";"))) {
 92.7592 -            break;
 92.7593 -         }
 92.7594 -
 92.7595 -         if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD) && (image.equalsIgnoreCase("AS"))) {
 92.7596 -            isOk = true;
 92.7597 -         }
 92.7598 -
 92.7599 -         //We have come to the end of the view declaration
 92.7600 -         if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.OPERATOR)
 92.7601 -                 && (image.equals(";") || (image.equals("/") && checkForOnlyChar(ts, ts.offset())))) {
 92.7602 -            if (isOk) {
 92.7603 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
 92.7604 +        boolean isOk = false;
 92.7605 +
 92.7606 +        while (moveNext) {
 92.7607 +            String image = tmp.text().toString();
 92.7608 +            PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.7609 +
 92.7610 +            //Check end offset and break(exception for colun which will mark end of some blocks)
 92.7611 +            if ((tmp != null) && (tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse) && (!image.equals(";"))) {
 92.7612 +                break;
 92.7613 +            }
 92.7614 +
 92.7615 +            if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD) && (image.equalsIgnoreCase("AS"))) {
 92.7616 +                isOk = true;
 92.7617 +            }
 92.7618 +
 92.7619 +            //We have come to the end of the view declaration
 92.7620 +            if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.OPERATOR)
 92.7621 +                    && (image.equals(";") || (image.equals("/") && checkForOnlyChar(ts, ts.offset())))) {
 92.7622 +                if (isOk) {
 92.7623  //               String alias = "";
 92.7624  //               if (viewName.indexOf('&') != -1) {
 92.7625  //                  int dotIndex = viewName.indexOf('.');
 92.7626 @@ -3926,999 +3930,1000 @@
 92.7627  //                  }
 92.7628  //               }
 92.7630 -               block = new PlsqlBlock(viewBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.7631 -                       tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy), viewName, alias, PlsqlBlockType.VIEW);
 92.7632 -               checkPrefix(viewBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts, block);
 92.7633 -               break;
 92.7634 +                    block = new PlsqlBlock(viewBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.7635 +                            tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy), viewName, alias, PlsqlBlockType.VIEW);
 92.7636 +                    checkPrefix(viewBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts, block);
 92.7637 +                    break;
 92.7638 +                } else {
 92.7639 +                    ts.move(offset);
 92.7640 +                    ts.moveNext();
 92.7641 +                    ts.moveNext(); // to avoid getting caught here again we have to move next
 92.7642 +                    break;
 92.7643 +                }
 92.7644 +            } else if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)
 92.7645 +                    && ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("COMMENT"))
 92.7646 +                    || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATE")))) { //Avoid catching ';' of other statements
 92.7647 +
 92.7648 +                ts.move(offset);
 92.7649 +                ts.moveNext();
 92.7650 +                ts.moveNext(); // to avoid getting caught here again we have to move next
 92.7651 +
 92.7652 +                break;
 92.7653 +
 92.7654 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.7655 +                //only single comment line
 92.7656 +                if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
 92.7657 +                    customStartToken = tmp;
 92.7658 +                } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
 92.7659 +                    if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.7660 +                        String name = customStartToken.text().toString();
 92.7661 +                        int index = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
 92.7662 +                        name = name.substring(index + 7).trim();
 92.7663 +                        if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.7664 +                            tmp = ts.token();
 92.7665 +                            PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.7666 +                                    tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
 92.7667 +                            customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
 92.7668 +                        }
 92.7669 +
 92.7670 +                        customStartToken = null;
 92.7671 +                    }
 92.7672 +                } else {
 92.7673 +                    PlsqlBlock child = checkComment(tmp, ts);
 92.7674 +                    if (child != null) {
 92.7675 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.7676 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.7677 +                        }
 92.7678 +                    }
 92.7679 +                }
 92.7680 +                moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.7681 +                tmp = ts.token();
 92.7682 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
 92.7683 +                int start = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.7684 +                PlsqlBlock child = new PlsqlBlock(start,
 92.7685 +                        start + tmp.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.7686 +                if (child != null) {
 92.7687 +                    if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.7688 +                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.7689 +                    }
 92.7690 +                }
 92.7691 +                moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.7692 +                tmp = ts.token();
 92.7693              } else {
 92.7694 -               ts.move(offset);
 92.7695 -               ts.moveNext();
 92.7696 -               ts.moveNext(); // to avoid getting caught here again we have to move next
 92.7697 -               break;
 92.7698 +                moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.7699 +                tmp = ts.token();
 92.7700              }
 92.7701 -         } else if ((tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD)
 92.7702 -                 && ((image.equalsIgnoreCase("COMMENT"))
 92.7703 -                 || (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATE")))) { //Avoid catching ';' of other statements
 92.7704 -
 92.7705 -            ts.move(offset);
 92.7706 -            ts.moveNext();
 92.7707 -            ts.moveNext(); // to avoid getting caught here again we have to move next
 92.7708 -
 92.7709 -            break;
 92.7710 -
 92.7711 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.7712 -            //only single comment line
 92.7713 -            if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
 92.7714 -               customStartToken = tmp;
 92.7715 -            } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
 92.7716 -               if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.7717 -                  String name = customStartToken.text().toString();
 92.7718 -                  int index = name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
 92.7719 -                  name = name.substring(index + 7).trim();
 92.7720 -                  if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.7721 -                     tmp = ts.token();
 92.7722 -                     PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.7723 -                             tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
 92.7724 -                     customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
 92.7725 -                  }
 92.7726 -
 92.7727 -                  customStartToken = null;
 92.7728 -               }
 92.7729 -            } else {
 92.7730 -               PlsqlBlock child = checkComment(tmp, ts);
 92.7731 -               if (child != null) {
 92.7732 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.7733 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.7734 -                  }
 92.7735 -               }
 92.7736 +        }
 92.7737 +
 92.7738 +        if (block != null) {
 92.7739 +            //add children
 92.7740 +            addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.7741 +        }
 92.7742 +
 92.7743 +        return block;
 92.7744 +    }
 92.7745 +
 92.7746 +    /**
 92.7747 +     * Get the name defined by &Name
 92.7748 +     * @param inputName
 92.7749 +     * @return
 92.7750 +     */
 92.7751 +    public String getDefine(
 92.7752 +            String inputName) {
 92.7753 +        String name = inputName;
 92.7754 +
 92.7755 +        if (name.indexOf('&', 0) != -1) {
 92.7756 +            String val = definesMap.get(name.substring(1).toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
 92.7757 +            if (val != null) {
 92.7758 +                name = val;
 92.7759              }
 92.7760 +        }
 92.7761 +
 92.7762 +        return name;
 92.7763 +    }
 92.7764 +
 92.7765 +    /**
 92.7766 +     * Check &Name is in map as a key
 92.7767 +     * @param inputName
 92.7768 +     * @return
 92.7769 +     */
 92.7770 +    public boolean isDefine(String inputName) {
 92.7771 +        String name = inputName;
 92.7772 +
 92.7773 +        if (name.indexOf('&', 0) != -1) {
 92.7774 +            return definesMap.containsKey(name.substring(1).toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
 92.7775 +        }
 92.7776 +
 92.7777 +        return false;
 92.7778 +    }
 92.7779 +
 92.7780 +    /**
 92.7781 +     * Check &Name is in map as a value
 92.7782 +     * @param inputName
 92.7783 +     * @return
 92.7784 +     */
 92.7785 +    public boolean hasDefineKey(String inputName) {
 92.7786 +        String name = inputName;
 92.7787 +        return definesMap.containsValue(name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
 92.7788 +    }
 92.7789 +
 92.7790 +    /**
 92.7791 +     * Get the key of &Name
 92.7792 +     * @param inputName
 92.7793 +     * @return
 92.7794 +     */
 92.7795 +    public String getDefineKey(String inputName) {
 92.7796 +        for (Object o : definesMap.keySet()) {
 92.7797 +            if (definesMap.get(o).equals(inputName)) {
 92.7798 +                return o.toString();
 92.7799 +            }
 92.7800 +        }
 92.7801 +        return null;
 92.7802 +    }
 92.7803 +
 92.7804 +    public Map<String, String> getDefines() {
 92.7805 +        return Collections.unmodifiableMap(definesMap);
 92.7806 +    }
 92.7807 +
 92.7808 +    /**
 92.7809 +     * Method that will parse the document and initialize the aliases
 92.7810 +     * @param doc
 92.7811 +     */
 92.7812 +    private void getAliases(Document doc) {
 92.7813 +        TokenHierarchy tokenHier = TokenHierarchy.get(doc);
 92.7814 +        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 92.7815 +        TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts = tokenHier.tokenSequence(PlsqlTokenId.language());
 92.7816 +        if (ts == null) {
 92.7817 +            return;
 92.7818 +        }
 92.7819 +
 92.7820 +        //start to check aliases from the previous line end
 92.7821 +        ts.move(startParse);
 92.7822 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = ts.token();
 92.7823 +
 92.7824 +        //Get the difine by the name
 92.7825 +        while (ts.moveNext() && ts.offset() <= endParse) {
 92.7826 +            token = ts.token();
 92.7827 +            //Check whether this is DEFINE
 92.7828 +            if ( == PlsqlTokenId.SQL_PLUS
 92.7829 +                    && (token.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("DEF")
 92.7830 +                    || token.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("DEFI")
 92.7831 +                    || token.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("DEFIN")
 92.7832 +                    || token.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("DEFINE"))) {
 92.7833 +                String tokenTxt = readLine(ts, token);
 92.7834 +                if (!tokenTxt.contains(" = ") && tokenTxt.contains("=")) {
 92.7835 +                    tokenTxt = tokenTxt.substring(0, tokenTxt.indexOf("=")) + " = " + tokenTxt.substring(tokenTxt.indexOf("=") + 1);
 92.7836 +                }
 92.7837 +
 92.7838 +                StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(tokenTxt);
 92.7839 +                tokenizer.nextToken();
 92.7840 +                String alias;
 92.7841 +                String value = "";
 92.7842 +                boolean isNext = tokenizer.hasMoreTokens();
 92.7843 +
 92.7844 +                //alias
 92.7845 +                if (isNext) {
 92.7846 +                    alias = tokenizer.nextToken();
 92.7847 +                } else {
 92.7848 +                    break;
 92.7849 +                }
 92.7850 +
 92.7851 +                isNext = tokenizer.hasMoreTokens();
 92.7852 +
 92.7853 +                if ((isNext) && (tokenizer.nextToken().equals("="))) {
 92.7854 +                    boolean isComment = false;
 92.7855 +                    while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens() && !isComment) {
 92.7856 +                        String temp = tokenizer.nextToken();
 92.7857 +                        if (temp.startsWith("--") || temp.startsWith("/*")) {
 92.7858 +                            isComment = true;
 92.7859 +                        } else {
 92.7860 +                            value = value + " " + temp;
 92.7861 +                        }
 92.7862 +                    }
 92.7863 +
 92.7864 +                    value = value.trim();
 92.7865 +
 92.7866 +                    if ((value.startsWith("\"") && value.endsWith("\""))
 92.7867 +                            || (value.startsWith("\'") && value.endsWith("\'"))) {
 92.7868 +                        value = value.substring(1, value.length() - 1);
 92.7869 +                    }
 92.7870 +
 92.7871 +                    definesMap.put(alias.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH), value);
 92.7872 +                }
 92.7873 +            }
 92.7874 +        }
 92.7875 +    }
 92.7876 +
 92.7877 +    /**
 92.7878 +     * Replace exStr in the given text with newStr
 92.7879 +     * @param plsqlString
 92.7880 +     * @param exStr
 92.7881 +     * @param newStr
 92.7882 +     * @return
 92.7883 +     */
 92.7884 +    public String replaceText(
 92.7885 +            String plsqlString, String exStr, String newStr) {
 92.7886 +        if (plsqlString.indexOf(exStr) >= 0) {
 92.7887 +            plsqlString = plsqlString.replace(exStr, newStr);
 92.7888 +        }
 92.7889 +
 92.7890 +        return plsqlString;
 92.7891 +    }
 92.7892 +
 92.7893 +    /**
 92.7894 +     * Check whether the given offsets are in the same line
 92.7895 +     * @param doc
 92.7896 +     * @param offset1
 92.7897 +     * @param offset2
 92.7898 +     * @return
 92.7899 +     */
 92.7900 +    private boolean checkSameLine(Document doc, int offset1, int offset2) {
 92.7901 +        int startLine = offset2;
 92.7902 +        int endLine = offset2;
 92.7903 +
 92.7904 +        TokenHierarchy tokenHier = TokenHierarchy.get(doc);
 92.7905 +        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 92.7906 +        TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts = tokenHier.tokenSequence(PlsqlTokenId.language());
 92.7907 +        if (ts == null) {
 92.7908 +            return false;
 92.7909 +        }
 92.7910 +
 92.7911 +        //go to the previous line break
 92.7912 +        ts.move(offset2);
 92.7913 +        boolean movePrevious = ts.movePrevious();
 92.7914 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> tokenPre = ts.token();
 92.7915 +
 92.7916 +        while (movePrevious) {
 92.7917 +            if (tokenPre.text().toString().contains("\n")) {
 92.7918 +                startLine = tokenPre.offset(tokenHier);
 92.7919 +                break;
 92.7920 +
 92.7921 +            }
 92.7922 +            movePrevious = ts.movePrevious();
 92.7923 +            tokenPre = ts.token();
 92.7924 +        }
 92.7925 +
 92.7926 +        //If cannot move previous and start line not set it is the document begin
 92.7927 +        if ((startLine == offset2) && (!movePrevious)) {
 92.7928 +            startLine = doc.getStartPosition().getOffset();
 92.7929 +        }
 92.7930 +
 92.7931 +        //go to the next line break
 92.7932 +        ts.move(offset2);
 92.7933 +        boolean moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.7934 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> tokenNext = ts.token();
 92.7935 +
 92.7936 +        while (moveNext) {
 92.7937 +            if (tokenNext.text().toString().contains("\n")) {
 92.7938 +                endLine = tokenNext.offset(tokenHier);
 92.7939 +                break;
 92.7940 +            }
 92.7941 +
 92.7942              moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.7943 -            tmp = ts.token();
 92.7944 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
 92.7945 -            int start = tmp.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.7946 -            PlsqlBlock child = new PlsqlBlock(start,
 92.7947 -                    start + tmp.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.7948 -            if (child != null) {
 92.7949 -               if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.7950 -                  lstChild.add(child);
 92.7951 -               }
 92.7952 +            tokenNext = ts.token();
 92.7953 +        }
 92.7954 +
 92.7955 +        //If cannot move next and end line not set it is the document end
 92.7956 +        if ((endLine == offset2) && (!moveNext)) {
 92.7957 +            endLine = doc.getEndPosition().getOffset();
 92.7958 +        }
 92.7959 +
 92.7960 +        if ((offset1 >= startLine) && (offset1 <= endLine)) {
 92.7961 +            if ((offset2 >= startLine) && (offset2 <= endLine)) {
 92.7962 +                return true;
 92.7963              }
 92.7964 -            moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.7965 -            tmp = ts.token();
 92.7966 -         } else {
 92.7967 -            moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.7968 -            tmp = ts.token();
 92.7969 -         }
 92.7970 -      }
 92.7971 -
 92.7972 -      if (block != null) {
 92.7973 -         //add children
 92.7974 -         addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.7975 -      }
 92.7976 -
 92.7977 -      return block;
 92.7978 -   }
 92.7979 -
 92.7980 -   /**
 92.7981 -    * Get the name defined by &Name
 92.7982 -    * @param inputName
 92.7983 -    * @return
 92.7984 -    */
 92.7985 -   public String getDefine(
 92.7986 -           String inputName) {
 92.7987 -      String name = inputName;
 92.7988 -
 92.7989 -      if (name.indexOf('&', 0) != -1) {
 92.7990 -         String val = definesMap.get(name.substring(1).toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
 92.7991 -         if (val != null) {
 92.7992 -            name = val;
 92.7993 -         }
 92.7994 -      }
 92.7995 -
 92.7996 -      return name;
 92.7997 -   }
 92.7998 -
 92.7999 -   /**
 92.8000 -    * Check &Name is in map as a key
 92.8001 -    * @param inputName
 92.8002 -    * @return
 92.8003 -    */
 92.8004 -   public boolean isDefine(String inputName) {
 92.8005 -      String name = inputName;
 92.8006 -
 92.8007 -      if (name.indexOf('&', 0) != -1) {
 92.8008 -         return definesMap.containsKey(name.substring(1).toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
 92.8009 -      }
 92.8010 -
 92.8011 -      return false;
 92.8012 -   }
 92.8013 -   
 92.8014 -   /**
 92.8015 -    * Check &Name is in map as a value
 92.8016 -    * @param inputName
 92.8017 -    * @return
 92.8018 -    */
 92.8019 -   public boolean hasDefineKey(String inputName) {
 92.8020 -      String name = inputName;
 92.8021 -      return definesMap.containsValue(name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
 92.8022 -   }
 92.8023 -   
 92.8024 -   /**
 92.8025 -    * Get the key of &Name
 92.8026 -    * @param inputName
 92.8027 -    * @return
 92.8028 -    */
 92.8029 -    public String getDefineKey(String inputName) {       
 92.8030 -        for(Object o:definesMap.keySet()){
 92.8031 -            if(definesMap.get(o).equals(inputName))
 92.8032 -                return o.toString();                
 92.8033 -        }       
 92.8034 -        return null;
 92.8035 -   }
 92.8036 -
 92.8037 -   public Map<String, String> getDefines() {
 92.8038 -      return Collections.unmodifiableMap(definesMap);
 92.8039 -   }
 92.8040 -
 92.8041 -   /**
 92.8042 -    * Method that will parse the document and initialize the aliases
 92.8043 -    * @param doc
 92.8044 -    */
 92.8045 -   private void getAliases(Document doc) {
 92.8046 -      TokenHierarchy tokenHier = TokenHierarchy.get(doc);
 92.8047 -      @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 92.8048 -      TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts = tokenHier.tokenSequence(PlsqlTokenId.language());
 92.8049 -      if (ts == null) {
 92.8050 -         return;
 92.8051 -      }
 92.8052 -
 92.8053 -      //start to check aliases from the previous line end
 92.8054 -      ts.move(startParse);
 92.8055 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = ts.token();
 92.8056 -
 92.8057 -      //Get the difine by the name
 92.8058 -      while (ts.moveNext() && ts.offset() <= endParse) {
 92.8059 -         token = ts.token();
 92.8060 -         //Check whether this is DEFINE
 92.8061 -         if ( == PlsqlTokenId.SQL_PLUS
 92.8062 -                 && (token.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("DEF")
 92.8063 -                 || token.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("DEFI")
 92.8064 -                 || token.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("DEFIN")
 92.8065 -                 || token.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("DEFINE"))) {
 92.8066 -            String tokenTxt = readLine(ts, token);
 92.8067 -            if (!tokenTxt.contains(" = ") && tokenTxt.contains("=")) {
 92.8068 -               tokenTxt = tokenTxt.substring(0, tokenTxt.indexOf("=")) + " = " + tokenTxt.substring(tokenTxt.indexOf("=") + 1);
 92.8069 +        }
 92.8070 +
 92.8071 +        return false;
 92.8072 +    }
 92.8073 +
 92.8074 +    /**
 92.8075 +     * Method that will check if blocks
 92.8076 +     * @param current
 92.8077 +     * @param ts
 92.8078 +     * @param parentBlocks
 92.8079 +     * @return
 92.8080 +     */
 92.8081 +    private List<PlsqlBlock> checkIfBlock(Token<PlsqlTokenId> current, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
 92.8082 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> ifBegin = null;
 92.8083 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = null;
 92.8084 +        int preOffset = -1;
 92.8085 +        List<PlsqlBlock> ifBlocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.8086 +        List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.8087 +        boolean moveNext = false;
 92.8088 +
 92.8089 +        //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
 92.8090 +        if (sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
 92.8091 +            return null;
 92.8092 +        }
 92.8093 +
 92.8094 +        moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.8095 +        token = ts.token();
 92.8096 +        ifBegin = current;
 92.8097 +        String name = ifBegin.text().toString() + " ";
 92.8098 +        boolean isThen = false;
 92.8099 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
 92.8100 +        //If this is an else check we need to ignore then
 92.8101 +        if (name.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("ELSE")) {
 92.8102 +            isThen = true;
 92.8103 +        }
 92.8104 +        while (moveNext) {
 92.8105 +            String image = token.text().toString();
 92.8106 +            PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.8107 +
 92.8108 +            if ((token != null) && (!image.equals(";")) && (token.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse)) {
 92.8109 +                break;
 92.8110              }
 92.8112 -            StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(tokenTxt);
 92.8113 -            tokenizer.nextToken();
 92.8114 -            String alias;
 92.8115 -            String value = "";
 92.8116 -            boolean isNext = tokenizer.hasMoreTokens();
 92.8117 -
 92.8118 -            //alias
 92.8119 -            if (isNext) {
 92.8120 -               alias = tokenizer.nextToken();
 92.8121 -            } else {
 92.8122 -               break;
 92.8123 -            }
 92.8124 -
 92.8125 -            isNext = tokenizer.hasMoreTokens();
 92.8126 -
 92.8127 -            if ((isNext) && (tokenizer.nextToken().equals("="))) {
 92.8128 -               boolean isComment = false;
 92.8129 -               while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens() && !isComment) {
 92.8130 -                  String temp = tokenizer.nextToken();
 92.8131 -                  if (temp.startsWith("--") || temp.startsWith("/*")) {
 92.8132 -                     isComment = true;
 92.8133 -                  } else {
 92.8134 -                     value = value + " " + temp;
 92.8135 -                  }
 92.8136 -               }
 92.8137 -
 92.8138 -               value = value.trim();
 92.8139 -
 92.8140 -               if ((value.startsWith("\"") && value.endsWith("\""))
 92.8141 -                       || (value.startsWith("\'") && value.endsWith("\'"))) {
 92.8142 -                  value = value.substring(1, value.length() - 1);
 92.8143 -               }
 92.8144 -
 92.8145 -               definesMap.put(alias.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH), value);
 92.8146 -            }
 92.8147 -         }
 92.8148 -      }
 92.8149 -   }
 92.8150 -
 92.8151 -   /**
 92.8152 -    * Replace exStr in the given text with newStr
 92.8153 -    * @param plsqlString
 92.8154 -    * @param exStr
 92.8155 -    * @param newStr
 92.8156 -    * @return
 92.8157 -    */
 92.8158 -   public String replaceText(
 92.8159 -           String plsqlString, String exStr, String newStr) {
 92.8160 -      if (plsqlString.indexOf(exStr) >= 0) {
 92.8161 -         plsqlString = plsqlString.replace(exStr, newStr);
 92.8162 -      }
 92.8163 -
 92.8164 -      return plsqlString;
 92.8165 -   }
 92.8166 -
 92.8167 -   /**
 92.8168 -    * Check whether the given offsets are in the same line
 92.8169 -    * @param doc
 92.8170 -    * @param offset1
 92.8171 -    * @param offset2
 92.8172 -    * @return
 92.8173 -    */
 92.8174 -   private boolean checkSameLine(Document doc, int offset1, int offset2) {
 92.8175 -      int startLine = offset2;
 92.8176 -      int endLine = offset2;
 92.8177 -
 92.8178 -      TokenHierarchy tokenHier = TokenHierarchy.get(doc);
 92.8179 -      @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 92.8180 -      TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts = tokenHier.tokenSequence(PlsqlTokenId.language());
 92.8181 -      if (ts == null) {
 92.8182 -         return false;
 92.8183 -      }
 92.8184 -
 92.8185 -      //go to the previous line break
 92.8186 -      ts.move(offset2);
 92.8187 -      boolean movePrevious = ts.movePrevious();
 92.8188 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> tokenPre = ts.token();
 92.8189 -
 92.8190 -      while (movePrevious) {
 92.8191 -         if (tokenPre.text().toString().contains("\n")) {
 92.8192 -            startLine = tokenPre.offset(tokenHier);
 92.8193 -            break;
 92.8194 -
 92.8195 -         }
 92.8196 -         movePrevious = ts.movePrevious();
 92.8197 -         tokenPre = ts.token();
 92.8198 -      }
 92.8199 -
 92.8200 -      //If cannot move previous and start line not set it is the document begin
 92.8201 -      if ((startLine == offset2) && (!movePrevious)) {
 92.8202 -         startLine = doc.getStartPosition().getOffset();
 92.8203 -      }
 92.8204 -
 92.8205 -      //go to the next line break
 92.8206 -      ts.move(offset2);
 92.8207 -      boolean moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.8208 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> tokenNext = ts.token();
 92.8209 -
 92.8210 -      while (moveNext) {
 92.8211 -         if (tokenNext.text().toString().contains("\n")) {
 92.8212 -            endLine = tokenNext.offset(tokenHier);
 92.8213 -            break;
 92.8214 -         }
 92.8215 -
 92.8216 -         moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.8217 -         tokenNext = ts.token();
 92.8218 -      }
 92.8219 -
 92.8220 -      //If cannot move next and end line not set it is the document end
 92.8221 -      if ((endLine == offset2) && (!moveNext)) {
 92.8222 -         endLine = doc.getEndPosition().getOffset();
 92.8223 -      }
 92.8224 -
 92.8225 -      if ((offset1 >= startLine) && (offset1 <= endLine)) {
 92.8226 -         if ((offset2 >= startLine) && (offset2 <= endLine)) {
 92.8227 -            return true;
 92.8228 -         }
 92.8229 -      }
 92.8230 -
 92.8231 -      return false;
 92.8232 -   }
 92.8233 -
 92.8234 -   /**
 92.8235 -    * Method that will check if blocks
 92.8236 -    * @param current
 92.8237 -    * @param ts
 92.8238 -    * @param parentBlocks
 92.8239 -    * @return
 92.8240 -    */
 92.8241 -   private List<PlsqlBlock> checkIfBlock(Token<PlsqlTokenId> current, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
 92.8242 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> ifBegin = null;
 92.8243 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = null;
 92.8244 -      int preOffset = -1;
 92.8245 -      List<PlsqlBlock> ifBlocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.8246 -      List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.8247 -      boolean moveNext = false;
 92.8248 -
 92.8249 -      //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
 92.8250 -      if (sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
 92.8251 -         return null;
 92.8252 -      }
 92.8253 -
 92.8254 -      moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.8255 -      token = ts.token();
 92.8256 -      ifBegin = current;
 92.8257 -      String name = ifBegin.text().toString() + " ";
 92.8258 -      boolean isThen = false;
 92.8259 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
 92.8260 -      //If this is an else check we need to ignore then
 92.8261 -      if (name.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("ELSE")) {
 92.8262 -         isThen = true;
 92.8263 -      }
 92.8264 -      while (moveNext) {
 92.8265 -         String image = token.text().toString();
 92.8266 -         PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.8267 -
 92.8268 -         if ((token != null) && (!image.equals(";")) && (token.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse)) {
 92.8269 -            break;
 92.8270 -         }
 92.8271 -
 92.8272 -         if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("ELSE")) {
 92.8273 -            if (isThen) {
 92.8274 -               PlsqlBlock block = new PlsqlBlock(ifBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), preOffset, name.trim(), "", PlsqlBlockType.IF);
 92.8275 -               if (block != null) {
 92.8276 -                  //add children
 92.8277 -                  addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.8278 -                  ifBlocks.add(block);
 92.8279 -                  lstChild.clear();
 92.8280 -               }
 92.8281 -
 92.8282 -               name = "ELSE";
 92.8283 -               ifBegin = token;
 92.8284 -            } else {
 92.8285 -               break;
 92.8286 -            }
 92.8287 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("ELSIF")) {
 92.8288 -            if (isThen) {
 92.8289 -               PlsqlBlock block = new PlsqlBlock(ifBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), preOffset, name.trim(), "", PlsqlBlockType.IF);
 92.8290 -               if (block != null) {
 92.8291 -                  //add children
 92.8292 -                  addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.8293 -                  ifBlocks.add(block);
 92.8294 -                  lstChild.clear();
 92.8295 -               }
 92.8296 -               //reset everything for ELSE IF
 92.8297 -               name = "ELSIF";
 92.8298 -               isThen = false;
 92.8299 -               ifBegin = token;
 92.8300 -            } else {
 92.8301 -               break;
 92.8302 -            }
 92.8303 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
 92.8304 -            if (isThen) {
 92.8305 -               boolean next = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.8306 -               Token<PlsqlTokenId> nextTok = ts.token();
 92.8307 -               if (next && nextTok.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("IF")) {
 92.8308 -                  next = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.8309 -                  nextTok = ts.token();
 92.8310 -                  if (next && nextTok.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(";")) {
 92.8311 -                     ts.moveNext();
 92.8312 -                     PlsqlBlock block = new PlsqlBlock(ifBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts.offset(), name.trim(), "", PlsqlBlockType.IF);
 92.8313 -                     if (block != null) {
 92.8314 +            if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("ELSE")) {
 92.8315 +                if (isThen) {
 92.8316 +                    PlsqlBlock block = new PlsqlBlock(ifBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), preOffset, name.trim(), "", PlsqlBlockType.IF);
 92.8317 +                    if (block != null) {
 92.8318                          //add children
 92.8319                          addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.8320                          ifBlocks.add(block);
 92.8321                          lstChild.clear();
 92.8322 +                    }
 92.8323 +
 92.8324 +                    name = "ELSE";
 92.8325 +                    ifBegin = token;
 92.8326 +                } else {
 92.8327 +                    break;
 92.8328 +                }
 92.8329 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("ELSIF")) {
 92.8330 +                if (isThen) {
 92.8331 +                    PlsqlBlock block = new PlsqlBlock(ifBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), preOffset, name.trim(), "", PlsqlBlockType.IF);
 92.8332 +                    if (block != null) {
 92.8333 +                        //add children
 92.8334 +                        addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.8335 +                        ifBlocks.add(block);
 92.8336 +                        lstChild.clear();
 92.8337 +                    }
 92.8338 +                    //reset everything for ELSE IF
 92.8339 +                    name = "ELSIF";
 92.8340 +                    isThen = false;
 92.8341 +                    ifBegin = token;
 92.8342 +                } else {
 92.8343 +                    break;
 92.8344 +                }
 92.8345 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
 92.8346 +                if (isThen) {
 92.8347 +                    boolean next = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.8348 +                    Token<PlsqlTokenId> nextTok = ts.token();
 92.8349 +                    if (next && nextTok.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("IF")) {
 92.8350 +                        next = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.8351 +                        nextTok = ts.token();
 92.8352 +                        if (next && nextTok.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(";")) {
 92.8353 +                            ts.moveNext();
 92.8354 +                            PlsqlBlock block = new PlsqlBlock(ifBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts.offset(), name.trim(), "", PlsqlBlockType.IF);
 92.8355 +                            if (block != null) {
 92.8356 +                                //add children
 92.8357 +                                addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.8358 +                                ifBlocks.add(block);
 92.8359 +                                lstChild.clear();
 92.8360 +                                break;
 92.8361 +                            }
 92.8362 +                        } else {
 92.8363 +                            break;
 92.8364 +                        }
 92.8365 +                    }
 92.8366 +                } else {
 92.8367 +                    break;
 92.8368 +                }
 92.8369 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("THEN")) {
 92.8370 +                isThen = true;
 92.8371 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("IF")) {
 92.8372 +                int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.8373 +                List children = checkIfBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.8374 +                if (children == null || children.isEmpty()) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.8375 +
 92.8376 +                    ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.8377 +                    moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.8378 +                } else {
 92.8379 +                    for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.8380 +                        PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.8381 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.8382 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.8383 +                        }
 92.8384 +                    }
 92.8385 +                }
 92.8386 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CASE")) {
 92.8387 +                int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.8388 +                List children = checkCaseBlock(token, ts, lstChild, false);
 92.8389 +                if (children == null || children.isEmpty()) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.8390 +
 92.8391 +                    ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.8392 +                    moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.8393 +                } else {
 92.8394 +                    for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.8395 +                        PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.8396 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.8397 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.8398 +                        }
 92.8399 +                    }
 92.8400 +                }
 92.8401 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && image.equalsIgnoreCase("DECLARE")) {
 92.8402 +                PlsqlBlock child = checkDeclareBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.8403 +                if (child != null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.8404 +                    if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.8405 +                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.8406 +                    }
 92.8407 +                }
 92.8408 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && (image.equalsIgnoreCase("BEGIN"))) {
 92.8409 +                int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.8410 +                PlsqlBlock child = checkBeginBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.8411 +                if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.8412 +
 92.8413 +                    ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.8414 +                    moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.8415 +                } else {
 92.8416 +                    if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.8417 +                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.8418 +                    }
 92.8419 +                }
 92.8420 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("WHILE")
 92.8421 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("FOR")
 92.8422 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")) {
 92.8423 +                int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.8424 +                if (!unsuccessBlocks.contains(beforeOff)) {
 92.8425 +                    PlsqlBlock child = checkLoopBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.8426 +                    if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.8427 +                        unsuccessBlocks.add(beforeOff);
 92.8428 +                        ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.8429 +                        moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.8430 +                    } else {
 92.8431 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.8432 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.8433 +                        }
 92.8434 +                    }
 92.8435 +                }
 92.8436 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE")
 92.8437 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INDEX")
 92.8438 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SELECT")
 92.8439 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("UPDATE")
 92.8440 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DELETE")
 92.8441 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INSERT")
 92.8442 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("MERGE")
 92.8443 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DROP")
 92.8444 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SEQUENCE")) {
 92.8445 +                if (!isNotBlockStart(token, ts)) {
 92.8446 +                    int offset = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.8447 +                    PlsqlBlock child = checkStatementBlock(token, ts, parentBlocks);
 92.8448 +                    if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.8449 +
 92.8450 +                        ts.move(offset);
 92.8451 +                        ts.moveNext();
 92.8452 +                    } else {
 92.8453 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.8454 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.8455 +                        }
 92.8456 +                    }
 92.8457 +                }
 92.8458 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE")
 92.8459 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION")
 92.8460 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATE")) {
 92.8461 +                break;
 92.8462 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.8463 +                //only single comment line
 92.8464 +                if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
 92.8465 +                    customStartToken = token;
 92.8466 +                } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
 92.8467 +                    if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.8468 +                        String fname = customStartToken.text().toString();
 92.8469 +                        int index = fname.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
 92.8470 +                        fname = fname.substring(index + 7).trim();
 92.8471 +                        if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.8472 +                            token = ts.token();
 92.8473 +                            PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.8474 +                                    token.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
 92.8475 +                            customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
 92.8476 +                        }
 92.8477 +                        customStartToken = null;
 92.8478 +                    }
 92.8479 +                } else {
 92.8480 +                    PlsqlBlock child = checkComment(token, ts);
 92.8481 +                    if (child != null) {
 92.8482 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.8483 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.8484 +                        }
 92.8485 +                    }
 92.8486 +                }
 92.8487 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
 92.8488 +                int start = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.8489 +                PlsqlBlock child = new PlsqlBlock(start,
 92.8490 +                        start + token.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.8491 +                if (child != null) {
 92.8492 +                    if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.8493 +                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.8494 +                    }
 92.8495 +                }
 92.8496 +            } else if (!isThen) {
 92.8497 +                name = name + image;
 92.8498 +            }
 92.8499 +
 92.8500 +            preOffset = ts.offset();
 92.8501 +            moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.8502 +            token = ts.token();
 92.8503 +        }
 92.8504 +
 92.8505 +        return ifBlocks;
 92.8506 +    }
 92.8507 +
 92.8508 +    /**
 92.8509 +     * Method that will check case blocks
 92.8510 +     * @param current
 92.8511 +     * @param ts
 92.8512 +     * @param parentBlocks
 92.8513 +     * @return
 92.8514 +     */
 92.8515 +    private List<PlsqlBlock> checkCaseBlock(Token<PlsqlTokenId> current, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks, boolean isStatement) {
 92.8516 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> caseBegin = null;
 92.8517 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = null;
 92.8518 +        int preOffset = -1;
 92.8519 +        List<PlsqlBlock> caseBlocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.8520 +        List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.8521 +        boolean moveNext = false;
 92.8522 +
 92.8523 +        //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
 92.8524 +        if (!isStatement && sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
 92.8525 +            return null;
 92.8526 +        }
 92.8527 +
 92.8528 +        moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.8529 +        token = ts.token();
 92.8530 +        caseBegin = current;
 92.8531 +        String name = caseBegin.text().toString() + " ";
 92.8532 +        boolean isThen = false;
 92.8533 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
 92.8534 +        //If this is an else check we need to ignore then
 92.8535 +        if (name.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("ELSE")) {
 92.8536 +            isThen = true;
 92.8537 +        }
 92.8538 +
 92.8539 +        while (moveNext) {
 92.8540 +            String image = token.text().toString();
 92.8541 +            PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.8542 +
 92.8543 +            if ((token != null) && (!image.equals(";")) && (token.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse)) {
 92.8544 +                break;
 92.8545 +            }
 92.8546 +
 92.8547 +            if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("ELSE")) {
 92.8548 +                if (isThen) {
 92.8549 +                    PlsqlBlock block = new PlsqlBlock(caseBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), preOffset, name.trim(), "", PlsqlBlockType.CASE);
 92.8550 +                    if (block != null) {
 92.8551 +                        //add children
 92.8552 +                        addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.8553 +                        caseBlocks.add(block);
 92.8554 +                        lstChild.clear();
 92.8555 +                    }
 92.8556 +
 92.8557 +                    name = "ELSE";
 92.8558 +                    caseBegin = token;
 92.8559 +                } else {
 92.8560 +                    break;
 92.8561 +                }
 92.8562 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("WHEN")) {
 92.8563 +                if (isThen) {
 92.8564 +                    PlsqlBlock block = new PlsqlBlock(caseBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), preOffset, name.trim(), "", PlsqlBlockType.CASE);
 92.8565 +                    if (block != null) {
 92.8566 +                        //add children
 92.8567 +                        addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.8568 +                        caseBlocks.add(block);
 92.8569 +                        lstChild.clear();
 92.8570 +                    }
 92.8571 +                    //reset everything for ELSE IF
 92.8572 +                    name = "WHEN";
 92.8573 +                    isThen = false;
 92.8574 +                    caseBegin = token;
 92.8575 +                } else if (name.trim().startsWith("CASE")) { //first WHEN
 92.8576 +                    name = name + image;
 92.8577 +                } else {
 92.8578 +                    break;
 92.8579 +                }
 92.8580 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
 92.8581 +                if (isThen) {
 92.8582 +                    boolean next = false;
 92.8583 +                    Token<PlsqlTokenId> nextTok = token;
 92.8584 +                    int offset = ts.offset();
 92.8585 +
 92.8586 +                    next = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.8587 +                    nextTok = ts.token();
 92.8588 +                    if (next && nextTok.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("CASE")) {
 92.8589 +                        next = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.8590 +                        nextTok = ts.token();
 92.8591 +                    }
 92.8592 +                    if (!(!isStatement && next && nextTok.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(";"))) {
 92.8593 +                        ts.move(offset);
 92.8594 +                        ts.moveNext();
 92.8595 +                    }
 92.8596 +
 92.8597 +                    ts.moveNext();
 92.8598 +                    PlsqlBlock block = new PlsqlBlock(caseBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts.offset(), name.trim(), "", PlsqlBlockType.CASE);
 92.8599 +                    if (block != null) {
 92.8600 +                        //add children
 92.8601 +                        addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.8602 +                        caseBlocks.add(block);
 92.8603 +                        lstChild.clear();
 92.8604 +                        if (isStatement && ts.token().toString().equals(";")) {
 92.8605 +                            ts.movePrevious();
 92.8606 +                        }
 92.8607                          break;
 92.8608 -                     }
 92.8609 -                  } else {
 92.8610 -                     break;
 92.8611 -                  }
 92.8612 -               }
 92.8613 -            } else {
 92.8614 -               break;
 92.8615 +                    }
 92.8616 +                } else {
 92.8617 +                    break;
 92.8618 +                }
 92.8619 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("THEN")) {
 92.8620 +                isThen = true;
 92.8621 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("IF")) {
 92.8622 +                int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.8623 +                List children = checkIfBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.8624 +                if (children == null || children.isEmpty()) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.8625 +
 92.8626 +                    ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.8627 +                    moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.8628 +                } else {
 92.8629 +                    for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.8630 +                        PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.8631 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.8632 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.8633 +                        }
 92.8634 +                    }
 92.8635 +                }
 92.8636 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CASE")) {
 92.8637 +                int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.8638 +                List children = checkCaseBlock(token, ts, lstChild, isStatement);
 92.8639 +                if (children == null || children.isEmpty()) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.8640 +
 92.8641 +                    ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.8642 +                    moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.8643 +                } else {
 92.8644 +                    for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.8645 +                        PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.8646 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.8647 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.8648 +                        }
 92.8649 +                    }
 92.8650 +                }
 92.8651 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("WHILE")
 92.8652 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("FOR")
 92.8653 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")) {
 92.8654 +                int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.8655 +                if (!unsuccessBlocks.contains(beforeOff)) {
 92.8656 +                    PlsqlBlock child = checkLoopBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.8657 +                    if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.8658 +                        unsuccessBlocks.add(beforeOff);
 92.8659 +                        ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.8660 +                        moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.8661 +                    } else {
 92.8662 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.8663 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.8664 +                        }
 92.8665 +                    }
 92.8666 +                }
 92.8667 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && (image.equalsIgnoreCase("BEGIN"))) {
 92.8668 +                int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.8669 +                PlsqlBlock child = checkBeginBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.8670 +                if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.8671 +
 92.8672 +                    ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.8673 +                    moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.8674 +                } else {
 92.8675 +                    if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.8676 +                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.8677 +                    }
 92.8678 +                }
 92.8679 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE")
 92.8680 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INDEX")
 92.8681 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SELECT")
 92.8682 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("UPDATE")
 92.8683 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DELETE")
 92.8684 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INSERT")
 92.8685 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("MERGE")
 92.8686 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DROP")
 92.8687 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SEQUENCE")) {
 92.8688 +                if (!isNotBlockStart(token, ts)) {
 92.8689 +                    int offset = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.8690 +                    PlsqlBlock child = checkStatementBlock(token, ts, parentBlocks);
 92.8691 +                    if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.8692 +
 92.8693 +                        ts.move(offset);
 92.8694 +                        ts.moveNext();
 92.8695 +                    } else {
 92.8696 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.8697 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.8698 +                        }
 92.8699 +                    }
 92.8700 +                }
 92.8701 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE")
 92.8702 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION")
 92.8703 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATE")) {
 92.8704 +                break;
 92.8705 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.8706 +                //only single comment line
 92.8707 +                if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
 92.8708 +                    customStartToken = token;
 92.8709 +                } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
 92.8710 +                    if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.8711 +                        String fname = customStartToken.text().toString();
 92.8712 +                        int index = fname.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
 92.8713 +                        fname = fname.substring(index + 7).trim();
 92.8714 +                        if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.8715 +                            token = ts.token();
 92.8716 +                            PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.8717 +                                    token.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
 92.8718 +                            customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
 92.8719 +                        }
 92.8720 +                        customStartToken = null;
 92.8721 +                    }
 92.8722 +                } else {
 92.8723 +                    PlsqlBlock child = checkComment(token, ts);
 92.8724 +                    if (child != null) {
 92.8725 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.8726 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.8727 +                        }
 92.8728 +                    }
 92.8729 +                }
 92.8730 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
 92.8731 +                int start = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.8732 +                PlsqlBlock child = new PlsqlBlock(start,
 92.8733 +                        start + token.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.8734 +                if (child != null) {
 92.8735 +                    if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.8736 +                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.8737 +                    }
 92.8738 +                }
 92.8739 +            } else if (!isThen) {
 92.8740 +                name = name + image;
 92.8741              }
 92.8742 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("THEN")) {
 92.8743 -            isThen = true;
 92.8744 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("IF")) {
 92.8745 -            int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.8746 -            List children = checkIfBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.8747 -            if (children == null || children.size() == 0) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.8748 -
 92.8749 -               ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.8750 -               moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.8751 -            } else {
 92.8752 -               for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.8753 -                  PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.8754 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.8755 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.8756 -                  }
 92.8757 -               }
 92.8758 +
 92.8759 +            preOffset = ts.offset();
 92.8760 +            moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.8761 +            token = ts.token();
 92.8762 +        }
 92.8763 +
 92.8764 +        return caseBlocks;
 92.8765 +    }
 92.8766 +
 92.8767 +    /**
 92.8768 +     * Method that will return the prefix of the given block
 92.8769 +     * @param startOffset
 92.8770 +     * @param ts
 92.8771 +     * @return
 92.8772 +     */
 92.8773 +    private String getPreceedingText(int startOffset, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts) {
 92.8774 +        String prefix = "";
 92.8775 +        int offset = ts.offset();
 92.8776 +        ts.move(startOffset);
 92.8777 +        ts.moveNext();
 92.8778 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = ts.token();
 92.8779 +
 92.8780 +        while (ts.movePrevious()) {
 92.8781 +            token = ts.token();
 92.8782 +            String image = token.text().toString();
 92.8783 +
 92.8784 +            if (image.contains("\n")) {
 92.8785 +                break;
 92.8786              }
 92.8787 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CASE")) {
 92.8788 -            int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.8789 -            List children = checkCaseBlock(token, ts, lstChild, false);
 92.8790 -            if (children == null || children.size() == 0) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.8791 -
 92.8792 -               ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.8793 -               moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.8794 -            } else {
 92.8795 -               for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.8796 -                  PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.8797 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.8798 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.8799 -                  }
 92.8800 -               }
 92.8801 +
 92.8802 +            prefix = token.text().toString() + prefix;
 92.8803 +        }
 92.8804 +
 92.8805 +        ts.move(offset);
 92.8806 +        ts.moveNext();
 92.8807 +        return prefix;
 92.8808 +    }
 92.8809 +
 92.8810 +    /**
 92.8811 +     * Method that will check loop blocks
 92.8812 +     * @param current
 92.8813 +     * @param ts
 92.8814 +     * @param parentBlocks
 92.8815 +     * @return
 92.8816 +     */
 92.8817 +    private PlsqlBlock checkLoopBlock(Token<PlsqlTokenId> current, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
 92.8818 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> loopBegin = null;
 92.8819 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = null;
 92.8820 +        List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.8821 +        PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.8822 +        boolean moveNext = false;
 92.8823 +
 92.8824 +        //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
 92.8825 +        if (sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
 92.8826 +            return null;
 92.8827 +        }
 92.8828 +
 92.8829 +        moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.8830 +        token = ts.token();
 92.8831 +        loopBegin = current;
 92.8832 +        boolean isLoop = false;
 92.8833 +        Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
 92.8834 +        PlsqlBlockType type = PlsqlBlockType.LOOP;
 92.8835 +        String name = "";
 92.8836 +        if (loopBegin.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")) {
 92.8837 +            isLoop = true;
 92.8838 +        } else if (loopBegin.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("WHILE")) {
 92.8839 +            type = PlsqlBlockType.WHILE_LOOP;
 92.8840 +        } else if (loopBegin.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("FOR")) {
 92.8841 +            type = PlsqlBlockType.FOR_LOOP;
 92.8842 +        }
 92.8843 +
 92.8844 +        while (moveNext) {
 92.8845 +            String image = token.text().toString();
 92.8846 +            PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.8847 +
 92.8848 +            if ((token != null) && (!image.equals(";")) && (token.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse)) {
 92.8849 +                break;
 92.8850              }
 92.8851 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && image.equalsIgnoreCase("DECLARE")) {
 92.8852 -            PlsqlBlock child = checkDeclareBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.8853 -            if (child != null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.8854 -               if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.8855 -                  lstChild.add(child);
 92.8856 -               }
 92.8857 +
 92.8858 +            if (!isLoop && image.equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")) {
 92.8859 +                isLoop = true;
 92.8860 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
 92.8861 +                if (isLoop) {
 92.8862 +                    boolean next = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.8863 +                    Token<PlsqlTokenId> nextTok = ts.token();
 92.8864 +                    if (next && nextTok.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")) {
 92.8865 +                        next = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.8866 +                        nextTok = ts.token();
 92.8867 +                        if (next && nextTok.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(";")) {
 92.8868 +                            ts.moveNext();
 92.8869 +                            block = new PlsqlBlock(loopBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts.offset(), name.trim(), "", type);
 92.8870 +                            break;
 92.8871 +                        } else {
 92.8872 +                            break;
 92.8873 +                        }
 92.8874 +                    }
 92.8875 +                } else {
 92.8876 +                    break;
 92.8877 +                }
 92.8878 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("IF")) {
 92.8879 +                int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.8880 +                List<PlsqlBlock> children = checkIfBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.8881 +                if (children == null || children.isEmpty()) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.8882 +
 92.8883 +                    ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.8884 +                    moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.8885 +                } else {
 92.8886 +                    for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.8887 +                        PlsqlBlock child = children.get(i);
 92.8888 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.8889 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.8890 +                        }
 92.8891 +                    }
 92.8892 +                }
 92.8893 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CASE")) {
 92.8894 +                int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.8895 +                List<PlsqlBlock> children = checkCaseBlock(token, ts, lstChild, false);
 92.8896 +                if (children == null || children.isEmpty()) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.8897 +
 92.8898 +                    ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.8899 +                    moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.8900 +                } else {
 92.8901 +                    for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.8902 +                        PlsqlBlock child = children.get(i);
 92.8903 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.8904 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.8905 +                        }
 92.8906 +                    }
 92.8907 +                }
 92.8908 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")
 92.8909 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("WHILE")
 92.8910 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("FOR")) {
 92.8911 +                int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.8912 +                if (!unsuccessBlocks.contains(beforeOff)) {
 92.8913 +                    PlsqlBlock child = checkLoopBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.8914 +                    if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.8915 +                        unsuccessBlocks.add(beforeOff);
 92.8916 +                        ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.8917 +                        moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.8918 +                    } else {
 92.8919 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.8920 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.8921 +                        }
 92.8922 +                    }
 92.8923 +                }
 92.8924 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE")
 92.8925 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INDEX")
 92.8926 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SELECT")
 92.8927 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("UPDATE")
 92.8928 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DELETE")
 92.8929 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INSERT")
 92.8930 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("MERGE")
 92.8931 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DROP")
 92.8932 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SEQUENCE")) {
 92.8933 +                if (!isNotBlockStart(token, ts)) {
 92.8934 +                    int offset = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.8935 +                    PlsqlBlock child = checkStatementBlock(token, ts, parentBlocks);
 92.8936 +                    if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.8937 +
 92.8938 +                        ts.move(offset);
 92.8939 +                        ts.moveNext();
 92.8940 +                    } else {
 92.8941 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.8942 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.8943 +                        }
 92.8944 +                    }
 92.8945 +                }
 92.8946 +            } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE")
 92.8947 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION")
 92.8948 +                    || image.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATE")) {
 92.8949 +                break;
 92.8950 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.8951 +                //only single comment line
 92.8952 +                if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
 92.8953 +                    customStartToken = token;
 92.8954 +                } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
 92.8955 +                    if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.8956 +                        String fname = customStartToken.text().toString();
 92.8957 +                        int index = fname.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
 92.8958 +                        fname = fname.substring(index + 7).trim();
 92.8959 +                        if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.8960 +                            token = ts.token();
 92.8961 +                            PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.8962 +                                    token.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
 92.8963 +                            customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
 92.8964 +                        }
 92.8965 +
 92.8966 +                        customStartToken = null;
 92.8967 +                    }
 92.8968 +                } else {
 92.8969 +                    PlsqlBlock child = checkComment(token, ts);
 92.8970 +                    if (child != null) {
 92.8971 +                        if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.8972 +                            lstChild.add(child);
 92.8973 +                        }
 92.8974 +                    }
 92.8975 +                }
 92.8976 +            } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
 92.8977 +                int start = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.8978 +                PlsqlBlock child = new PlsqlBlock(start,
 92.8979 +                        start + token.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.8980 +                if (child != null) {
 92.8981 +                    if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.8982 +                        lstChild.add(child);
 92.8983 +                    }
 92.8984 +                }
 92.8985 +            } else if (!isLoop) {
 92.8986 +                name = name + image;
 92.8987              }
 92.8988 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && (image.equalsIgnoreCase("BEGIN"))) {
 92.8989 -            int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.8990 -            PlsqlBlock child = checkBeginBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.8991 -            if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.8992 -
 92.8993 -               ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.8994 -               moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.8995 -            } else {
 92.8996 -               if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.8997 -                  lstChild.add(child);
 92.8998 -               }
 92.8999 -            }
 92.9000 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("WHILE")
 92.9001 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("FOR")
 92.9002 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")) {
 92.9003 -            int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.9004 -            if (!unsuccessBlocks.contains(beforeOff)) {
 92.9005 -               PlsqlBlock child = checkLoopBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.9006 -               if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.9007 -                  unsuccessBlocks.add(beforeOff);
 92.9008 -                  ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.9009 -                  moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.9010 -               } else {
 92.9011 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.9012 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.9013 -                  }
 92.9014 -               }
 92.9015 -            }
 92.9016 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE")
 92.9017 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INDEX")
 92.9018 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SELECT")
 92.9019 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("UPDATE")
 92.9020 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DELETE")
 92.9021 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INSERT")
 92.9022 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("MERGE")
 92.9023 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DROP")
 92.9024 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SEQUENCE")) {
 92.9025 -            if (!isNotBlockStart(token, ts)) {
 92.9026 -               int offset = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.9027 -               PlsqlBlock child = checkStatementBlock(token, ts, parentBlocks);
 92.9028 -               if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.9029 -
 92.9030 -                  ts.move(offset);
 92.9031 -                  ts.moveNext();
 92.9032 -               } else {
 92.9033 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.9034 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.9035 -                  }
 92.9036 -               }
 92.9037 -            }
 92.9038 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE")
 92.9039 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION")
 92.9040 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATE")) {
 92.9041 -            break;
 92.9042 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.9043 -            //only single comment line
 92.9044 -            if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
 92.9045 -               customStartToken = token;
 92.9046 -            } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
 92.9047 -               if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.9048 -                  String fname = customStartToken.text().toString();
 92.9049 -                  int index = fname.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
 92.9050 -                  fname = fname.substring(index + 7).trim();
 92.9051 -                  if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.9052 -                     token = ts.token();
 92.9053 -                     PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.9054 -                             token.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
 92.9055 -                     customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
 92.9056 -                  }
 92.9057 -                  customStartToken = null;
 92.9058 -               }
 92.9059 -            } else {
 92.9060 -               PlsqlBlock child = checkComment(token, ts);
 92.9061 -               if (child != null) {
 92.9062 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.9063 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.9064 -                  }
 92.9065 -               }
 92.9066 -            }
 92.9067 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
 92.9068 -            int start = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.9069 -            PlsqlBlock child = new PlsqlBlock(start,
 92.9070 -                    start + token.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.9071 -            if (child != null) {
 92.9072 -               if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.9073 -                  lstChild.add(child);
 92.9074 -               }
 92.9075 -            }
 92.9076 -         } else if (!isThen) {
 92.9077 -            name = name + image;
 92.9078 -         }
 92.9079 -
 92.9080 -         preOffset = ts.offset();
 92.9081 -         moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.9082 -         token = ts.token();
 92.9083 -      }
 92.9084 -
 92.9085 -      return ifBlocks;
 92.9086 -   }
 92.9087 -
 92.9088 -   /**
 92.9089 -    * Method that will check case blocks
 92.9090 -    * @param current
 92.9091 -    * @param ts
 92.9092 -    * @param parentBlocks
 92.9093 -    * @return
 92.9094 -    */
 92.9095 -   private List<PlsqlBlock> checkCaseBlock(Token<PlsqlTokenId> current, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks, boolean isStatement) {
 92.9096 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> caseBegin = null;
 92.9097 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = null;
 92.9098 -      int preOffset = -1;
 92.9099 -      List<PlsqlBlock> caseBlocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.9100 -      List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.9101 -      boolean moveNext = false;
 92.9102 -
 92.9103 -      //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
 92.9104 -      if (!isStatement && sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
 92.9105 -         return null;
 92.9106 -      }
 92.9107 -
 92.9108 -      moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.9109 -      token = ts.token();
 92.9110 -      caseBegin = current;
 92.9111 -      String name = caseBegin.text().toString() + " ";
 92.9112 -      boolean isThen = false;
 92.9113 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
 92.9114 -      //If this is an else check we need to ignore then
 92.9115 -      if (name.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("ELSE")) {
 92.9116 -         isThen = true;
 92.9117 -      }
 92.9118 -
 92.9119 -      while (moveNext) {
 92.9120 -         String image = token.text().toString();
 92.9121 -         PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.9122 -
 92.9123 -         if ((token != null) && (!image.equals(";")) && (token.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse)) {
 92.9124 -            break;
 92.9125 -         }
 92.9126 -
 92.9127 -         if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("ELSE")) {
 92.9128 -            if (isThen) {
 92.9129 -               PlsqlBlock block = new PlsqlBlock(caseBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), preOffset, name.trim(), "", PlsqlBlockType.CASE);
 92.9130 -               if (block != null) {
 92.9131 -                  //add children
 92.9132 -                  addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.9133 -                  caseBlocks.add(block);
 92.9134 -                  lstChild.clear();
 92.9135 -               }
 92.9136 -
 92.9137 -               name = "ELSE";
 92.9138 -               caseBegin = token;
 92.9139 -            } else {
 92.9140 -               break;
 92.9141 -            }
 92.9142 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("WHEN")) {
 92.9143 -            if (isThen) {
 92.9144 -               PlsqlBlock block = new PlsqlBlock(caseBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), preOffset, name.trim(), "", PlsqlBlockType.CASE);
 92.9145 -               if (block != null) {
 92.9146 -                  //add children
 92.9147 -                  addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.9148 -                  caseBlocks.add(block);
 92.9149 -                  lstChild.clear();
 92.9150 -               }
 92.9151 -               //reset everything for ELSE IF
 92.9152 -               name = "WHEN";
 92.9153 -               isThen = false;
 92.9154 -               caseBegin = token;
 92.9155 -            } else if (name.trim().startsWith("CASE")) { //first WHEN
 92.9156 -               name = name + image;
 92.9157 -            } else {
 92.9158 -               break;
 92.9159 -            }
 92.9160 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
 92.9161 -            if (isThen) {
 92.9162 -               boolean next = false;
 92.9163 -               Token<PlsqlTokenId> nextTok = token;
 92.9164 -               int offset = ts.offset();
 92.9165 -
 92.9166 -               next = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.9167 -               nextTok = ts.token();
 92.9168 -               if (next && nextTok.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("CASE")) {
 92.9169 -                  next = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.9170 -                  nextTok = ts.token();
 92.9171 -               }
 92.9172 -               if (!(!isStatement && next && nextTok.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(";"))) {
 92.9173 -                  ts.move(offset);
 92.9174 -                  ts.moveNext();
 92.9175 -               }
 92.9176 -
 92.9177 -               ts.moveNext();
 92.9178 -               PlsqlBlock block = new PlsqlBlock(caseBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts.offset(), name.trim(), "", PlsqlBlockType.CASE);
 92.9179 -               if (block != null) {
 92.9180 -                  //add children
 92.9181 -                  addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.9182 -                  caseBlocks.add(block);
 92.9183 -                  lstChild.clear();
 92.9184 -                  if (isStatement && ts.token().toString().equals(";")) {
 92.9185 -                     ts.movePrevious();
 92.9186 -                  }
 92.9187 -                  break;
 92.9188 -               }
 92.9189 -            } else {
 92.9190 -               break;
 92.9191 -            }
 92.9192 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("THEN")) {
 92.9193 -            isThen = true;
 92.9194 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("IF")) {
 92.9195 -            int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.9196 -            List children = checkIfBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.9197 -            if (children == null || children.size() == 0) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.9198 -
 92.9199 -               ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.9200 -               moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.9201 -            } else {
 92.9202 -               for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.9203 -                  PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.9204 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.9205 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.9206 -                  }
 92.9207 -               }
 92.9208 -            }
 92.9209 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CASE")) {
 92.9210 -            int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.9211 -            List children = checkCaseBlock(token, ts, lstChild, isStatement);
 92.9212 -            if (children == null || children.size() == 0) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.9213 -
 92.9214 -               ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.9215 -               moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.9216 -            } else {
 92.9217 -               for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.9218 -                  PlsqlBlock child = (PlsqlBlock) children.get(i);
 92.9219 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.9220 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.9221 -                  }
 92.9222 -               }
 92.9223 -            }
 92.9224 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("WHILE")
 92.9225 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("FOR")
 92.9226 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")) {
 92.9227 -            int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.9228 -            if (!unsuccessBlocks.contains(beforeOff)) {
 92.9229 -               PlsqlBlock child = checkLoopBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.9230 -               if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.9231 -                  unsuccessBlocks.add(beforeOff);
 92.9232 -                  ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.9233 -                  moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.9234 -               } else {
 92.9235 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.9236 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.9237 -                  }
 92.9238 -               }
 92.9239 -            }
 92.9240 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.KEYWORD && (image.equalsIgnoreCase("BEGIN"))) {
 92.9241 -            int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.9242 -            PlsqlBlock child = checkBeginBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.9243 -            if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.9244 -
 92.9245 -               ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.9246 -               moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.9247 -            } else {
 92.9248 -               if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.9249 -                  lstChild.add(child);
 92.9250 -               }
 92.9251 -            }
 92.9252 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE")
 92.9253 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INDEX")
 92.9254 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SELECT")
 92.9255 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("UPDATE")
 92.9256 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DELETE")
 92.9257 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INSERT")
 92.9258 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("MERGE")
 92.9259 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DROP")
 92.9260 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SEQUENCE")) {
 92.9261 -            if (!isNotBlockStart(token, ts)) {
 92.9262 -               int offset = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.9263 -               PlsqlBlock child = checkStatementBlock(token, ts, parentBlocks);
 92.9264 -               if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.9265 -
 92.9266 -                  ts.move(offset);
 92.9267 -                  ts.moveNext();
 92.9268 -               } else {
 92.9269 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.9270 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.9271 -                  }
 92.9272 -               }
 92.9273 -            }
 92.9274 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE")
 92.9275 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION")
 92.9276 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATE")) {
 92.9277 -            break;
 92.9278 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.9279 -            //only single comment line
 92.9280 -            if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
 92.9281 -               customStartToken = token;
 92.9282 -            } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
 92.9283 -               if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.9284 -                  String fname = customStartToken.text().toString();
 92.9285 -                  int index = fname.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
 92.9286 -                  fname = fname.substring(index + 7).trim();
 92.9287 -                  if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.9288 -                     token = ts.token();
 92.9289 -                     PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.9290 -                             token.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
 92.9291 -                     customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
 92.9292 -                  }
 92.9293 -                  customStartToken = null;
 92.9294 -               }
 92.9295 -            } else {
 92.9296 -               PlsqlBlock child = checkComment(token, ts);
 92.9297 -               if (child != null) {
 92.9298 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.9299 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.9300 -                  }
 92.9301 -               }
 92.9302 -            }
 92.9303 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
 92.9304 -            int start = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.9305 -            PlsqlBlock child = new PlsqlBlock(start,
 92.9306 -                    start + token.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.9307 -            if (child != null) {
 92.9308 -               if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.9309 -                  lstChild.add(child);
 92.9310 -               }
 92.9311 -            }
 92.9312 -         } else if (!isThen) {
 92.9313 -            name = name + image;
 92.9314 -         }
 92.9315 -
 92.9316 -         preOffset = ts.offset();
 92.9317 -         moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.9318 -         token = ts.token();
 92.9319 -      }
 92.9320 -
 92.9321 -      return caseBlocks;
 92.9322 -   }
 92.9323 -
 92.9324 -   /**
 92.9325 -    * Method that will return the prefix of the given block
 92.9326 -    * @param startOffset
 92.9327 -    * @param ts
 92.9328 -    * @return
 92.9329 -    */
 92.9330 -   private String getPreceedingText(int startOffset, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts) {
 92.9331 -      String prefix = "";
 92.9332 -      int offset = ts.offset();
 92.9333 -      ts.move(startOffset);
 92.9334 -      ts.moveNext();
 92.9335 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = ts.token();
 92.9336 -
 92.9337 -      while (ts.movePrevious()) {
 92.9338 -         token = ts.token();
 92.9339 -         String image = token.text().toString();
 92.9340 -
 92.9341 -         if (image.contains("\n")) {
 92.9342 -            break;
 92.9343 -         }
 92.9344 -
 92.9345 -         prefix = token.text().toString() + prefix;
 92.9346 -      }
 92.9347 -
 92.9348 -      ts.move(offset);
 92.9349 -      ts.moveNext();
 92.9350 -      return prefix;
 92.9351 -   }
 92.9352 -
 92.9353 -   /**
 92.9354 -    * Method that will check loop blocks
 92.9355 -    * @param current
 92.9356 -    * @param ts
 92.9357 -    * @param parentBlocks
 92.9358 -    * @return
 92.9359 -    */
 92.9360 -   private PlsqlBlock checkLoopBlock(Token<PlsqlTokenId> current, TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
 92.9361 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> loopBegin = null;
 92.9362 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = null;
 92.9363 -      List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 92.9364 -      PlsqlBlock block = null;
 92.9365 -      boolean moveNext = false;
 92.9366 -
 92.9367 -      //Check whether the beginning is in a SQL Plus command
 92.9368 -      if (sqlPlusLine(ts)) {
 92.9369 -         return null;
 92.9370 -      }
 92.9371 -
 92.9372 -      moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.9373 -      token = ts.token();
 92.9374 -      loopBegin = current;
 92.9375 -      boolean isLoop = false;
 92.9376 -      Token<PlsqlTokenId> customStartToken = null;
 92.9377 -      PlsqlBlockType type = PlsqlBlockType.LOOP;
 92.9378 -      String name = "";
 92.9379 -      if (loopBegin.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")) {
 92.9380 -         isLoop = true;
 92.9381 -      } else if (loopBegin.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("WHILE")) {
 92.9382 -         type = PlsqlBlockType.WHILE_LOOP;
 92.9383 -      } else if (loopBegin.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("FOR")) {
 92.9384 -         type = PlsqlBlockType.FOR_LOOP;
 92.9385 -      }
 92.9386 -
 92.9387 -      while (moveNext) {
 92.9388 -         String image = token.text().toString();
 92.9389 -         PlsqlTokenId tokenID =;
 92.9390 -
 92.9391 -         if ((token != null) && (!image.equals(";")) && (token.offset(tokenHierarchy) > endParse)) {
 92.9392 -            break;
 92.9393 -         }
 92.9394 -
 92.9395 -         if (!isLoop && image.equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")) {
 92.9396 -            isLoop = true;
 92.9397 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("END")) {
 92.9398 -            if (isLoop) {
 92.9399 -               boolean next = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.9400 -               Token<PlsqlTokenId> nextTok = ts.token();
 92.9401 -               if (next && nextTok.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")) {
 92.9402 -                  next = getNextNonWhitespace(ts, true);
 92.9403 -                  nextTok = ts.token();
 92.9404 -                  if (next && nextTok.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(";")) {
 92.9405 -                     ts.moveNext();
 92.9406 -                     block = new PlsqlBlock(loopBegin.offset(tokenHierarchy), ts.offset(), name.trim(), "", type);
 92.9407 -                     break;
 92.9408 -                  } else {
 92.9409 -                     break;
 92.9410 -                  }
 92.9411 -               }
 92.9412 -            } else {
 92.9413 -               break;
 92.9414 -            }
 92.9415 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("IF")) {
 92.9416 -            int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.9417 -            List<PlsqlBlock> children = checkIfBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.9418 -            if (children == null || children.size() == 0) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.9419 -
 92.9420 -               ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.9421 -               moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.9422 -            } else {
 92.9423 -               for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.9424 -                  PlsqlBlock child = children.get(i);
 92.9425 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.9426 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.9427 -                  }
 92.9428 -               }
 92.9429 -            }
 92.9430 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("CASE")) {
 92.9431 -            int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.9432 -            List<PlsqlBlock> children = checkCaseBlock(token, ts, lstChild, false);
 92.9433 -            if (children == null || children.size() == 0) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.9434 -
 92.9435 -               ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.9436 -               moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.9437 -            } else {
 92.9438 -               for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
 92.9439 -                  PlsqlBlock child = children.get(i);
 92.9440 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.9441 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.9442 -                  }
 92.9443 -               }
 92.9444 -            }
 92.9445 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("LOOP")
 92.9446 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("WHILE")
 92.9447 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("FOR")) {
 92.9448 -            int beforeOff = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.9449 -            if (!unsuccessBlocks.contains(beforeOff)) {
 92.9450 -               PlsqlBlock child = checkLoopBlock(token, ts, lstChild);
 92.9451 -               if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.9452 -                  unsuccessBlocks.add(beforeOff);
 92.9453 -                  ts.move(beforeOff);
 92.9454 -                  moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.9455 -               } else {
 92.9456 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.9457 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.9458 -                  }
 92.9459 -               }
 92.9460 -            }
 92.9461 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE")
 92.9462 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INDEX")
 92.9463 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SELECT")
 92.9464 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("UPDATE")
 92.9465 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DELETE")
 92.9466 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("INSERT")
 92.9467 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("MERGE")
 92.9468 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("DROP")
 92.9469 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("SEQUENCE")) {
 92.9470 -            if (!isNotBlockStart(token, ts)) {
 92.9471 -               int offset = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.9472 -               PlsqlBlock child = checkStatementBlock(token, ts, parentBlocks);
 92.9473 -               if (child == null) {//If inner check seems to have failed need to continue this one
 92.9474 -
 92.9475 -                  ts.move(offset);
 92.9476 -                  ts.moveNext();
 92.9477 -               } else {
 92.9478 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.9479 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.9480 -                  }
 92.9481 -               }
 92.9482 -            }
 92.9483 -         } else if (image.equalsIgnoreCase("PROCEDURE")
 92.9484 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("FUNCTION")
 92.9485 -                 || image.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATE")) {
 92.9486 -            break;
 92.9487 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.LINE_COMMENT) {
 92.9488 -            //only single comment line
 92.9489 -            if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<FOLD>")) {
 92.9490 -               customStartToken = token;
 92.9491 -            } else if (image.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains("<END-FOLD>")) {
 92.9492 -               if (customStartToken != null) {
 92.9493 -                  String fname = customStartToken.text().toString();
 92.9494 -                  int index = fname.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).indexOf("<FOLD>");
 92.9495 -                  fname = fname.substring(index + 7).trim();
 92.9496 -                  if (ts.moveNext()) {
 92.9497 -                     token = ts.token();
 92.9498 -                     PlsqlBlock custom = new PlsqlBlock(customStartToken.offset(tokenHierarchy),
 92.9499 -                             token.offset(tokenHierarchy), name, "", PlsqlBlockType.CUSTOM_FOLD);
 92.9500 -                     customFoldBlocks.add(custom);
 92.9501 -                  }
 92.9502 -
 92.9503 -                  customStartToken = null;
 92.9504 -               }
 92.9505 -            } else {
 92.9506 -               PlsqlBlock child = checkComment(token, ts);
 92.9507 -               if (child != null) {
 92.9508 -                  if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.9509 -                     lstChild.add(child);
 92.9510 -                  }
 92.9511 -               }
 92.9512 -            }
 92.9513 -         } else if (tokenID == PlsqlTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT) {
 92.9514 -            int start = token.offset(tokenHierarchy);
 92.9515 -            PlsqlBlock child = new PlsqlBlock(start,
 92.9516 -                    start + token.length(), "BLOCK COMMENT", "", PlsqlBlockType.COMMENT);
 92.9517 -            if (child != null) {
 92.9518 -               if (checkExisting(child, lstChild) == false) {
 92.9519 -                  lstChild.add(child);
 92.9520 -               }
 92.9521 -            }
 92.9522 -         } else if (!isLoop) {
 92.9523 -            name = name + image;
 92.9524 -         }
 92.9525 -
 92.9526 -         moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.9527 -         token = ts.token();
 92.9528 -      }
 92.9529 -
 92.9530 -      if (block != null) {
 92.9531 -         //add children
 92.9532 -         addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.9533 -      }
 92.9534 -
 92.9535 -      return block;
 92.9536 -   }
 92.9537 -
 92.9538 -   /**
 92.9539 -    * Method that will add the given child blocks to the block and
 92.9540 -    * remove from parent blocks if existing there
 92.9541 -    * @param block
 92.9542 -    * @param lstChild
 92.9543 -    * @param parentBlocks
 92.9544 -    */
 92.9545 -   private void addChildren(PlsqlBlock block, List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
 92.9546 -      int size = lstChild.size();
 92.9547 -      for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
 92.9548 -         PlsqlBlock child = lstChild.get(i);
 92.9549 -         block.addChild(child);
 92.9550 -         removeFromParent(child, parentBlocks);
 92.9551 -      }
 92.9552 -   }
 92.9553 -
 92.9554 -   public int getStartParse() {
 92.9555 -      return startParse;
 92.9556 -   }
 92.9557 -
 92.9558 -   public int getEndParse() {
 92.9559 -      return endParse;
 92.9560 -   }
 92.9561 -
 92.9562 -   public int getChangedLength() {
 92.9563 -      return changedLength;
 92.9564 -   }
 92.9565 +
 92.9566 +            moveNext = ts.moveNext();
 92.9567 +            token = ts.token();
 92.9568 +        }
 92.9569 +
 92.9570 +        if (block != null) {
 92.9571 +            //add children
 92.9572 +            addChildren(block, lstChild, parentBlocks);
 92.9573 +        }
 92.9574 +
 92.9575 +        return block;
 92.9576 +    }
 92.9577 +
 92.9578 +    /**
 92.9579 +     * Method that will add the given child blocks to the block and
 92.9580 +     * remove from parent blocks if existing there
 92.9581 +     * @param block
 92.9582 +     * @param lstChild
 92.9583 +     * @param parentBlocks
 92.9584 +     */
 92.9585 +    private void addChildren(PlsqlBlock block, List<PlsqlBlock> lstChild, List<PlsqlBlock> parentBlocks) {
 92.9586 +        int size = lstChild.size();
 92.9587 +        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
 92.9588 +            PlsqlBlock child = lstChild.get(i);
 92.9589 +            block.addChild(child);
 92.9590 +            removeFromParent(child, parentBlocks);
 92.9591 +        }
 92.9592 +    }
 92.9593 +
 92.9594 +    public int getStartParse() {
 92.9595 +        return startParse;
 92.9596 +    }
 92.9597 +
 92.9598 +    public int getEndParse() {
 92.9599 +        return endParse;
 92.9600 +    }
 92.9601 +
 92.9602 +    public int getChangedLength() {
 92.9603 +        return changedLength;
 92.9604 +    }
 92.9605  }
    93.1 --- a/PLSQL/Navigator/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    93.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Navigator/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
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    93.6   /
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    93.8 +OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.8.4
    93.9  AutoUpdate-Show-In-Client: false
    94.1 --- a/PLSQL/Navigator/nbproject/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    94.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Navigator/nbproject/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    94.3 @@ -1,2 +1,9 @@
   94.11  javac.source=1.6
   94.12  javac.compilerargs=-Xlint -Xlint:-serial
    95.1 --- a/PLSQL/Navigator/nbproject/project.xml	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    95.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Navigator/nbproject/project.xml	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    95.3 @@ -7,14 +7,6 @@
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  95.115 -                        <specification-version></specification-version>
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    96.1 --- a/PLSQL/Navigator/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/navigator/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    96.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Navigator/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/navigator/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    96.3 @@ -5,4 +5,5 @@
    96.4  OpenIDE-sort-byAlpha=SORT_ALPHA
    96.6  OpenIDE-toolTip-Sort-by-Source=Sort by Source
    96.7 -OpenIDE-toolTip-sort-byAlpha=Sort by Name
    96.8 \ No newline at end of file
    96.9 +OpenIDE-toolTip-sort-byAlpha=Sort by Name
   96.10 +QuickSearch/PL/SQL/org-netbeans-modules-plsql-navigator-PlsqlSearchProvider.instance=PL/SQL
    97.1 --- a/PLSQL/Navigator/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/navigator/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    97.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Navigator/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/navigator/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    97.3 @@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
    97.4  import org.openide.ErrorManager;
    97.5  import org.openide.cookies.EditorCookie;
    97.6  import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
    97.7 +import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
    97.8  import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor;
    97.9  import;
   97.11 @@ -85,6 +86,8 @@
   97.12   */
   97.13  public class PlsqlNavigatorComponent extends NavigatorTopComponent {
   97.15 +    private static final RequestProcessor RP = new RequestProcessor(PlsqlNavigatorComponent.class);
   97.16 +
   97.17      /**
   97.18       * Setting up a MouseListner for the navigator. This activates when the
   97.19       * user clicked on the navigator area.
   97.20 @@ -105,8 +108,9 @@
   97.22          if (getDocument() == null) {
   97.23              JTextComponent component = Utilities.getFocusedComponent();
   97.24 -            if (component != null)
   97.25 +            if (component != null) {
   97.26                  setDocument(Utilities.getDocument(component));
   97.27 +            }
   97.28          }
   97.30          customizeIcon();
   97.31 @@ -124,7 +128,6 @@
   97.32          }
   97.33      }
   97.35 -
   97.36      public void navigatorButtonListner() {
   97.37          ActionListener al = new ActionListener() {
   97.39 @@ -175,7 +178,7 @@
   97.40                                  openAndFocusElement();
   97.41                              }
   97.42                          } catch (Exception ex) {
   97.43 -                            ex.printStackTrace();
   97.44 +                            Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
   97.45                          }
   97.46                      }
   97.47                  }
   97.48 @@ -189,10 +192,10 @@
   97.49       * @param blockFactory
   97.50       */
   97.51      public void update(PlsqlBlockFactory blockFactory) {
   97.52 -       final List<PlsqlBlock> newBlocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>(blockFactory.getNewBlocks());
   97.53 -       final List<PlsqlBlock> changedBlocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>(blockFactory.getChangedBlocks());
   97.54 -       final List<PlsqlBlock> removedBlocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>(blockFactory.getRemovedBlocks());
   97.55 -       loadAndExpandTree(root, treeModel, newBlocks, changedBlocks, removedBlocks);
   97.56 +        final List<PlsqlBlock> newBlocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>(blockFactory.getNewBlocks());
   97.57 +        final List<PlsqlBlock> changedBlocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>(blockFactory.getChangedBlocks());
   97.58 +        final List<PlsqlBlock> removedBlocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>(blockFactory.getRemovedBlocks());
   97.59 +        loadAndExpandTree(root, treeModel, newBlocks, changedBlocks, removedBlocks);
   97.60      }
   97.62      /**
   97.63 @@ -206,7 +209,7 @@
   97.64              setDocument(doc);
   97.65              loadAndExpandInitialTree(root, treeModel, data, blocks);
   97.66          } catch (Exception ex) {
   97.67 -            ex.printStackTrace();
   97.68 +            Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
   97.69          }
   97.70      }
   97.72 @@ -233,7 +236,7 @@
   97.73       */
   97.74      private void addChildNode(DefaultMutableTreeNode parent, PlsqlBlock child, PlsqlBlockType parentType) {
   97.75          PlsqlBlockType type = child.getType();
   97.76 -         int index = 0;
   97.77 +        int index = 0;
   97.78          //We are looking for child blocks and adding now
   97.79          if (type == PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL) { //Leaf node
   97.81 @@ -262,20 +265,19 @@
   97.82          }
   97.83      }
   97.85 -
   97.86 -    private void sortTreeModel(){
   97.87 -         int count = root.getChildCount();
   97.88 +    private void sortTreeModel() {
   97.89 +        int count = root.getChildCount();
   97.90          if (count > 0) {
   97.91              int i = 0;
   97.92              ArrayList parent = Collections.list(root.children());
   97.93              Collections.sort(parent, new CompareNodes(sortBySource));
   97.94              // for main nodes
   97.95 -            while(i < count){
   97.96 -                treeModel.removeNodeFromParent((DefaultMutableTreeNode)root.getChildAt(0));
   97.97 +            while (i < count) {
   97.98 +                treeModel.removeNodeFromParent((DefaultMutableTreeNode) root.getChildAt(0));
   97.99                  i++;
  97.100              }
  97.101              // for child nodes
  97.102 -            i =0;
  97.103 +            i = 0;
  97.104              while (i < count) {
  97.105                  DefaultMutableTreeNode child = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) parent.get(i);
  97.106                  if (child.getChildCount() > 1) {
  97.107 @@ -296,11 +298,10 @@
  97.108                  i++;
  97.109              }
  97.110          }
  97.111 -         expandAll(jTree1, new TreePath(root), true);
  97.112 +        expandAll(jTree1, new TreePath(root), true);
  97.113          jTree1.updateUI();
  97.114      }
  97.116 -  
  97.117      /**
  97.118       * Get the parent node for the given block
  97.119       * @param root
  97.120 @@ -315,8 +316,8 @@
  97.121              if (node.getUserObject() instanceof NodeInfo) {
  97.122                  NodeInfo nodeInfo = (NodeInfo) node.getUserObject();
  97.124 -                if ((nodeInfo.startOffset < block.getStartOffset()) &&
  97.125 -                        (nodeInfo.endOffset > block.getEndOffset())) {
  97.126 +                if ((nodeInfo.startOffset < block.getStartOffset())
  97.127 +                        && (nodeInfo.endOffset > block.getEndOffset())) {
  97.128                      parentNode = node;
  97.129                      break;
  97.130                  }
  97.131 @@ -336,7 +337,7 @@
  97.132       */
  97.133      private synchronized void loadAndExpandInitialTree(DefaultMutableTreeNode root, DefaultTreeModel treeModel, DataObject dataObject, List<PlsqlBlock> blockhierarchy) {
  97.134          List<PlsqlBlock> blocks = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>(blockhierarchy);
  97.135 -       Collections.sort(blocks, new CompareBlocks(sortBySource));
  97.136 +        Collections.sort(blocks, new CompareBlocks(sortBySource));
  97.137          //Remove all the previous nodes
  97.138          if (root.getChildCount() > 0) {
  97.139              while (root.getChildCount() > 0) {
  97.140 @@ -344,8 +345,9 @@
  97.141              }
  97.142          }
  97.144 -        if (!dataObject.isValid())
  97.145 -           return;
  97.146 +        if (!dataObject.isValid()) {
  97.147 +            return;
  97.148 +        }
  97.150          //Set root name
  97.151          String rootName = "Navigator Tree";
  97.152 @@ -466,60 +468,62 @@
  97.153      }
  97.155      private boolean isBlockShownInNavigator(PlsqlBlock block, DefaultMutableTreeNode parentNode) {
  97.156 -       PlsqlBlockType parentType = null;
  97.157 -       if (parentNode!=null && parentNode.getUserObject() instanceof NodeInfo)
  97.158 -           parentType = ((NodeInfo)parentNode.getUserObject()).type;
  97.159 -       return (block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE ||
  97.160 -          block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY ||
  97.161 -          block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.VIEW ||
  97.162 -          ((parentType==null || parentType == PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE) &&
  97.163 -             (block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_DEF ||
  97.164 -              block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_DEF)) ||
  97.165 -          ((parentType==null || parentType == PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY) &&
  97.166 -             (block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL ||
  97.167 -              block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL)));
  97.168 +        PlsqlBlockType parentType = null;
  97.169 +        if (parentNode != null && parentNode.getUserObject() instanceof NodeInfo) {
  97.170 +            parentType = ((NodeInfo) parentNode.getUserObject()).type;
  97.171 +        }
  97.172 +        return (block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE
  97.173 +                || block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY
  97.174 +                || block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.VIEW
  97.175 +                || ((parentType == null || parentType == PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE)
  97.176 +                && (block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_DEF
  97.177 +                || block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_DEF))
  97.178 +                || ((parentType == null || parentType == PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY)
  97.179 +                && (block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL
  97.180 +                || block.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL)));
  97.181      }
  97.183 +    private static class CompareBlocks implements Comparator<PlsqlBlock> {
  97.185 -   private static class CompareBlocks implements Comparator<PlsqlBlock> {
  97.186 -      private boolean byPosition;
  97.187 -      public CompareBlocks(boolean byPosition) {
  97.188 -         this.byPosition = byPosition;
  97.189 -      }
  97.190 +        private boolean byPosition;
  97.192 -      public int compare(PlsqlBlock o1, PlsqlBlock o2) {
  97.193 -         //first sort by type
  97.194 -         int result = o1.getType().compareTo(o2.getType());
  97.195 -         if(result!=0 && !((o1.getType()==PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_DEF  || o1.getType()==PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_DEF ||
  97.196 -                            o1.getType()==PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL || o1.getType()==PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL) &&
  97.197 -                           (o2.getType()==PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_DEF || o2.getType()==PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_DEF ||
  97.198 -                            o2.getType()==PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL || o2.getType()==PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL)))
  97.199 -            return result;
  97.200 +        public CompareBlocks(boolean byPosition) {
  97.201 +            this.byPosition = byPosition;
  97.202 +        }
  97.204 -         if(byPosition) {
  97.205 -            Integer o1pos, o2pos;
  97.206 -            if(o1.getPreviousStart()>-1 && o2.getPreviousStart()>-1) {
  97.207 -               o1pos = new Integer(o1.getPreviousStart());
  97.208 -               o2pos = new Integer(o2.getPreviousStart());
  97.209 -            } else if(o1.getPreviousEnd()>-1 && o2.getPreviousEnd()>-1) {
  97.210 -               o1pos = new Integer(o1.getPreviousEnd());
  97.211 -               o2pos = new Integer(o2.getPreviousEnd());
  97.212 -            } else if(o1.getStartOffset()>-1 && o2.getStartOffset()>-1){
  97.213 -               o1pos = new Integer(o1.getStartOffset());
  97.214 -               o2pos = new Integer(o2.getStartOffset());
  97.215 -            } else {
  97.216 -               o1pos = new Integer(o1.getEndOffset());
  97.217 -               o2pos = new Integer(o2.getEndOffset());
  97.218 +        @Override
  97.219 +        public int compare(PlsqlBlock o1, PlsqlBlock o2) {
  97.220 +            //first sort by type
  97.221 +            int result = o1.getType().compareTo(o2.getType());
  97.222 +            if (result != 0 && !((o1.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_DEF || o1.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_DEF
  97.223 +                    || o1.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL || o1.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL)
  97.224 +                    && (o2.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_DEF || o2.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_DEF
  97.225 +                    || o2.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL || o2.getType() == PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL))) {
  97.226 +                return result;
  97.227              }
  97.228 -            return o1pos.compareTo(o2pos);
  97.229 -         } else { //sort by name
  97.230 -            return o1.getName().compareToIgnoreCase(o2.getName());
  97.231 -         }
  97.232 -      }
  97.234 -   }
  97.235 +            if (byPosition) {
  97.236 +                Integer o1pos, o2pos;
  97.237 +                if (o1.getPreviousStart() > -1 && o2.getPreviousStart() > -1) {
  97.238 +                    o1pos = new Integer(o1.getPreviousStart());
  97.239 +                    o2pos = new Integer(o2.getPreviousStart());
  97.240 +                } else if (o1.getPreviousEnd() > -1 && o2.getPreviousEnd() > -1) {
  97.241 +                    o1pos = new Integer(o1.getPreviousEnd());
  97.242 +                    o2pos = new Integer(o2.getPreviousEnd());
  97.243 +                } else if (o1.getStartOffset() > -1 && o2.getStartOffset() > -1) {
  97.244 +                    o1pos = new Integer(o1.getStartOffset());
  97.245 +                    o2pos = new Integer(o2.getStartOffset());
  97.246 +                } else {
  97.247 +                    o1pos = new Integer(o1.getEndOffset());
  97.248 +                    o2pos = new Integer(o2.getEndOffset());
  97.249 +                }
  97.250 +                return o1pos.compareTo(o2pos);
  97.251 +            } else { //sort by name
  97.252 +                return o1.getName().compareToIgnoreCase(o2.getName());
  97.253 +            }
  97.254 +        }
  97.255 +    }
  97.257 -   
  97.258      private static class CompareNodes implements Comparator<DefaultMutableTreeNode> {
  97.260          private boolean byPosition;
  97.261 @@ -528,6 +532,7 @@
  97.262              this.byPosition = byPosition;
  97.263          }
  97.265 +        @Override
  97.266          public int compare(DefaultMutableTreeNode o1, DefaultMutableTreeNode o2) {
  97.268              NodeInfo ni1;
  97.269 @@ -575,229 +580,230 @@
  97.270              }
  97.271          }
  97.272      }
  97.273 -  
  97.274 +
  97.275      /**
  97.276       * Method that will be called to update the tree structure on document events
  97.277       * @param root
  97.278       * @param treeModel
  97.279       * @param blockFactory
  97.280       */
  97.281 -   private synchronized void loadAndExpandTree(DefaultMutableTreeNode root, DefaultTreeModel treeModel, List<PlsqlBlock> newBlocks, List<PlsqlBlock> changedBlocks, List<PlsqlBlock> removedBlocks) {
  97.282 -  
  97.283 -      Collections.sort(newBlocks, new CompareBlocks(sortBySource));
  97.284 -      Collections.sort(changedBlocks, new CompareBlocks(sortBySource));
  97.285 -      Collections.sort(removedBlocks, new CompareBlocks(sortBySource));
  97.286 -      //Update offsets of the changed blocksparentNodeparentNode
  97.287 +    private synchronized void loadAndExpandTree(DefaultMutableTreeNode root, DefaultTreeModel treeModel, List<PlsqlBlock> newBlocks, List<PlsqlBlock> changedBlocks, List<PlsqlBlock> removedBlocks) {
  97.289 -      Enumeration topLevelNodes = root.children();
  97.290 -      if (topLevelNodes.hasMoreElements()) {
  97.291 -         DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)topLevelNodes.nextElement();
  97.292 -         Enumeration currentNodeList = topLevelNodes;
  97.293 -         DefaultMutableTreeNode parentNode = null;
  97.294 -         for (int i = 0; i < changedBlocks.size(); i++) {
  97.295 -            PlsqlBlock block = changedBlocks.get(i);
  97.296 -            if (isBlockShownInNavigator(block, parentNode)) {
  97.297 -               boolean childBlock = (block.getType() != PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE) && (block.getType() != PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY);
  97.298 -               boolean matchFound = false;
  97.299 -               boolean fromTheTop = false;
  97.300 -               while(node!=null && !matchFound) {
  97.301 -                  if (node.getUserObject() instanceof NodeInfo) {
  97.302 -                     NodeInfo nodeInfo = (NodeInfo) node.getUserObject();
  97.303 -                     if ((nodeInfo.type == block.getType()) &&
  97.304 -                           ((nodeInfo.type==PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY && || //workaround for issue with packages... Should really be fixed in a different way...
  97.305 -                             (((nodeInfo.startOffset != block.getStartOffset()) &&
  97.306 -                             (nodeInfo.startOffset == block.getPreviousStart())) ||
  97.307 -                             ((nodeInfo.endOffset != block.getEndOffset()) &&
  97.308 -                             (nodeInfo.endOffset == block.getPreviousEnd()))))) {
  97.309 -                        //we found the match
  97.310 -                        nodeInfo.startOffset = block.getStartOffset();
  97.311 -                        nodeInfo.endOffset = block.getEndOffset();
  97.312 -               = block.getName();
  97.313 -                        nodeInfo.alias = block.getAlias();
  97.314 -                        node.setUserObject(nodeInfo);
  97.315 -                        matchFound = true;
  97.316 -                     }
  97.317 -                  }
  97.318 -                  if (currentNodeList==topLevelNodes) {
  97.319 -                     currentNodeList = node.children();
  97.320 -                     parentNode = node;
  97.321 -                  }
  97.322 -                  if(!currentNodeList.hasMoreElements() || (!childBlock && !matchFound)) {
  97.323 -                     currentNodeList=topLevelNodes;
  97.324 -                     parentNode = null;
  97.325 -                  }
  97.326 -                  if(currentNodeList.hasMoreElements())
  97.327 -                     node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)currentNodeList.nextElement();
  97.328 -                  else if(matchFound || fromTheTop)
  97.329 -                     node = null;
  97.330 -                  else {
  97.331 -                     //this shouldn't happen if there are any remaining "changed" blocks. However, it could happen in some strange scenario so we'll try from the start again
  97.332 -                     topLevelNodes = root.children();
  97.333 -                     node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)topLevelNodes.nextElement();
  97.334 -                     currentNodeList = topLevelNodes;
  97.335 -                     parentNode = null;
  97.336 -                     fromTheTop=true;
  97.337 -                  }
  97.338 -               }
  97.339 +        Collections.sort(newBlocks, new CompareBlocks(sortBySource));
  97.340 +        Collections.sort(changedBlocks, new CompareBlocks(sortBySource));
  97.341 +        Collections.sort(removedBlocks, new CompareBlocks(sortBySource));
  97.342 +        //Update offsets of the changed blocksparentNodeparentNode
  97.343 +
  97.344 +        Enumeration topLevelNodes = root.children();
  97.345 +        if (topLevelNodes.hasMoreElements()) {
  97.346 +            DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) topLevelNodes.nextElement();
  97.347 +            Enumeration currentNodeList = topLevelNodes;
  97.348 +            DefaultMutableTreeNode parentNode = null;
  97.349 +            for (int i = 0; i < changedBlocks.size(); i++) {
  97.350 +                PlsqlBlock block = changedBlocks.get(i);
  97.351 +                if (isBlockShownInNavigator(block, parentNode)) {
  97.352 +                    boolean childBlock = (block.getType() != PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE) && (block.getType() != PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY);
  97.353 +                    boolean matchFound = false;
  97.354 +                    boolean fromTheTop = false;
  97.355 +                    while (node != null && !matchFound) {
  97.356 +                        if (node.getUserObject() instanceof NodeInfo) {
  97.357 +                            NodeInfo nodeInfo = (NodeInfo) node.getUserObject();
  97.358 +                            if ((nodeInfo.type == block.getType())
  97.359 +                                    && ((nodeInfo.type == PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY && || //workaround for issue with packages... Should really be fixed in a different way...
  97.360 +                                    (((nodeInfo.startOffset != block.getStartOffset())
  97.361 +                                    && (nodeInfo.startOffset == block.getPreviousStart()))
  97.362 +                                    || ((nodeInfo.endOffset != block.getEndOffset())
  97.363 +                                    && (nodeInfo.endOffset == block.getPreviousEnd()))))) {
  97.364 +                                //we found the match
  97.365 +                                nodeInfo.startOffset = block.getStartOffset();
  97.366 +                                nodeInfo.endOffset = block.getEndOffset();
  97.367 +                       = block.getName();
  97.368 +                                nodeInfo.alias = block.getAlias();
  97.369 +                                node.setUserObject(nodeInfo);
  97.370 +                                matchFound = true;
  97.371 +                            }
  97.372 +                        }
  97.373 +                        if (currentNodeList == topLevelNodes) {
  97.374 +                            currentNodeList = node.children();
  97.375 +                            parentNode = node;
  97.376 +                        }
  97.377 +                        if (!currentNodeList.hasMoreElements() || (!childBlock && !matchFound)) {
  97.378 +                            currentNodeList = topLevelNodes;
  97.379 +                            parentNode = null;
  97.380 +                        }
  97.381 +                        if (currentNodeList.hasMoreElements()) {
  97.382 +                            node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) currentNodeList.nextElement();
  97.383 +                        } else if (matchFound || fromTheTop) {
  97.384 +                            node = null;
  97.385 +                        } else {
  97.386 +                            //this shouldn't happen if there are any remaining "changed" blocks. However, it could happen in some strange scenario so we'll try from the start again
  97.387 +                            topLevelNodes = root.children();
  97.388 +                            node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) topLevelNodes.nextElement();
  97.389 +                            currentNodeList = topLevelNodes;
  97.390 +                            parentNode = null;
  97.391 +                            fromTheTop = true;
  97.392 +                        }
  97.393 +                    }
  97.394 +                }
  97.395              }
  97.396 -         }
  97.397 -      }
  97.398 +        }
  97.400 -      //find nodes to remove (but don't actually remove them...)
  97.401 -      topLevelNodes = root.children();
  97.402 -      List<DefaultMutableTreeNode> nodesToRemove = new ArrayList<DefaultMutableTreeNode>();
  97.403 -      if (topLevelNodes.hasMoreElements()) {
  97.404 -         DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)topLevelNodes.nextElement();
  97.405 -         DefaultMutableTreeNode parentNode = null;
  97.406 -         Enumeration currentNodeList = topLevelNodes;
  97.407 -         for (int i = 0; i < removedBlocks.size(); i++) {
  97.408 -            PlsqlBlock block = removedBlocks.get(i);
  97.409 -            if (isBlockShownInNavigator(block, parentNode)) {
  97.410 -               boolean childBlock = (block.getType() != PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE) && (block.getType() != PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY);
  97.411 -               boolean matchFound = false;
  97.412 -               boolean fromTheTop = false;
  97.413 -               while(node!=null && !matchFound) {
  97.414 -                  if (node.getUserObject() instanceof NodeInfo) {
  97.415 -                     NodeInfo nodeInfo = (NodeInfo) node.getUserObject();
  97.416 -                     if ((nodeInfo.type == block.getType()) &&
  97.417 -                           ( &&
  97.418 -                           (nodeInfo.type==PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY || //workaround for issue with packages... Should really be fixed in a different way...
  97.419 -                           ((nodeInfo.startOffset == block.getStartOffset()) ||
  97.420 -                           (nodeInfo.endOffset == block.getEndOffset()) ||
  97.421 -                           (nodeInfo.startOffset == block.getPreviousStart()) || 
  97.422 -                           (nodeInfo.endOffset == block.getPreviousEnd())))) {
  97.423 -                        nodesToRemove.add(node);
  97.424 -                        matchFound = true;
  97.425 -                     }
  97.426 -                  }
  97.427 -                  //go to next candidate node
  97.428 -                  if (currentNodeList==topLevelNodes) {
  97.429 -                     currentNodeList = node.children();
  97.430 -                     parentNode = node;
  97.431 -                  }
  97.432 -                  if(!currentNodeList.hasMoreElements() || (!childBlock && !matchFound)) {
  97.433 -                     currentNodeList=topLevelNodes;
  97.434 -                     parentNode = null;
  97.435 -                  }
  97.436 -                  if(currentNodeList.hasMoreElements())
  97.437 -                     node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)currentNodeList.nextElement();
  97.438 -                  else if(matchFound || fromTheTop)
  97.439 -                     node = null;
  97.440 -                  else {
  97.441 -                     //this shouldn't happen if there are any remaining "removed" blocks. However, it could happen in some strange scenario so we'll try from the start again
  97.442 -                     topLevelNodes = root.children();
  97.443 -                     node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)topLevelNodes.nextElement();
  97.444 -                     currentNodeList = topLevelNodes;
  97.445 -                     parentNode = null;
  97.446 -                     fromTheTop=true;
  97.447 -                  }
  97.448 -               }
  97.449 +        //find nodes to remove (but don't actually remove them...)
  97.450 +        topLevelNodes = root.children();
  97.451 +        List<DefaultMutableTreeNode> nodesToRemove = new ArrayList<DefaultMutableTreeNode>();
  97.452 +        if (topLevelNodes.hasMoreElements()) {
  97.453 +            DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) topLevelNodes.nextElement();
  97.454 +            DefaultMutableTreeNode parentNode = null;
  97.455 +            Enumeration currentNodeList = topLevelNodes;
  97.456 +            for (int i = 0; i < removedBlocks.size(); i++) {
  97.457 +                PlsqlBlock block = removedBlocks.get(i);
  97.458 +                if (isBlockShownInNavigator(block, parentNode)) {
  97.459 +                    boolean childBlock = (block.getType() != PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE) && (block.getType() != PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY);
  97.460 +                    boolean matchFound = false;
  97.461 +                    boolean fromTheTop = false;
  97.462 +                    while (node != null && !matchFound) {
  97.463 +                        if (node.getUserObject() instanceof NodeInfo) {
  97.464 +                            NodeInfo nodeInfo = (NodeInfo) node.getUserObject();
  97.465 +                            if ((nodeInfo.type == block.getType())
  97.466 +                                    && (
  97.467 +                                    && (nodeInfo.type == PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY || //workaround for issue with packages... Should really be fixed in a different way...
  97.468 +                                    ((nodeInfo.startOffset == block.getStartOffset())
  97.469 +                                    || (nodeInfo.endOffset == block.getEndOffset())
  97.470 +                                    || (nodeInfo.startOffset == block.getPreviousStart())
  97.471 +                                    || (nodeInfo.endOffset == block.getPreviousEnd())))) {
  97.472 +                                nodesToRemove.add(node);
  97.473 +                                matchFound = true;
  97.474 +                            }
  97.475 +                        }
  97.476 +                        //go to next candidate node
  97.477 +                        if (currentNodeList == topLevelNodes) {
  97.478 +                            currentNodeList = node.children();
  97.479 +                            parentNode = node;
  97.480 +                        }
  97.481 +                        if (!currentNodeList.hasMoreElements() || (!childBlock && !matchFound)) {
  97.482 +                            currentNodeList = topLevelNodes;
  97.483 +                            parentNode = null;
  97.484 +                        }
  97.485 +                        if (currentNodeList.hasMoreElements()) {
  97.486 +                            node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) currentNodeList.nextElement();
  97.487 +                        } else if (matchFound || fromTheTop) {
  97.488 +                            node = null;
  97.489 +                        } else {
  97.490 +                            //this shouldn't happen if there are any remaining "removed" blocks. However, it could happen in some strange scenario so we'll try from the start again
  97.491 +                            topLevelNodes = root.children();
  97.492 +                            node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) topLevelNodes.nextElement();
  97.493 +                            currentNodeList = topLevelNodes;
  97.494 +                            parentNode = null;
  97.495 +                            fromTheTop = true;
  97.496 +                        }
  97.497 +                    }
  97.498 +                }
  97.499              }
  97.500 -         }
  97.501 -      }
  97.502 -      //actually remove the nodes
  97.503 -      for(DefaultMutableTreeNode node : nodesToRemove)
  97.504 -         treeModel.removeNodeFromParent(node);
  97.505 +        }
  97.506 +        //actually remove the nodes
  97.507 +        for (DefaultMutableTreeNode node : nodesToRemove) {
  97.508 +            treeModel.removeNodeFromParent(node);
  97.509 +        }
  97.511 -      //Now we can add new blocks with their children
  97.512 -      for (int i = 0; i < newBlocks.size(); i++) {
  97.513 -         PlsqlBlock temp = newBlocks.get(i);
  97.514 -         int lastInsertionIndex = 0;
  97.515 -         if (isBlockShownInNavigator(temp, null)) {
  97.516 -            DefaultMutableTreeNode parentNode = getParentNode(root, temp);
  97.517 -            if (parentNode != null) {
  97.518 -               //if this is a child of a leaf ignore
  97.519 -               DefaultMutableTreeNode leafParent = getParentNode(parentNode, temp);
  97.520 -               if (leafParent == null) {
  97.521 -                  //add to parent
  97.522 -                  boolean expand = parentNode.isLeaf();
  97.523 -                  addChildNode(parentNode, temp, ((NodeInfo) parentNode.getUserObject()).type);
  97.524 -                  if (expand) {
  97.525 -                     expandAll(jTree1, new TreePath(treeModel.getPathToRoot(parentNode)), true);
  97.526 -                  }
  97.527 -               }
  97.528 -            } else {
  97.529 -               //If a view add to views
  97.530 -               PlsqlBlockType type = temp.getType();
  97.531 -               if (type == PlsqlBlockType.VIEW) {
  97.532 -                  boolean expand = false;
  97.533 -                  DefaultMutableTreeNode viewsNode = null;
  97.534 -                  int count = root.getChildCount();
  97.535 -                  for (int x = 0; x < count; x++) {
  97.536 -                     DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) root.getChildAt(x);
  97.537 -                     if (node.toString().equals("Views")) {
  97.538 -                        viewsNode = node;
  97.539 +        //Now we can add new blocks with their children
  97.540 +        for (int i = 0; i < newBlocks.size(); i++) {
  97.541 +            PlsqlBlock temp = newBlocks.get(i);
  97.542 +            int lastInsertionIndex = 0;
  97.543 +            if (isBlockShownInNavigator(temp, null)) {
  97.544 +                DefaultMutableTreeNode parentNode = getParentNode(root, temp);
  97.545 +                if (parentNode != null) {
  97.546 +                    //if this is a child of a leaf ignore
  97.547 +                    DefaultMutableTreeNode leafParent = getParentNode(parentNode, temp);
  97.548 +                    if (leafParent == null) {
  97.549 +                        //add to parent
  97.550 +                        boolean expand = parentNode.isLeaf();
  97.551 +                        addChildNode(parentNode, temp, ((NodeInfo) parentNode.getUserObject()).type);
  97.552 +                        if (expand) {
  97.553 +                            expandAll(jTree1, new TreePath(treeModel.getPathToRoot(parentNode)), true);
  97.554 +                        }
  97.555 +                    }
  97.556 +                } else {
  97.557 +                    //If a view add to views
  97.558 +                    PlsqlBlockType type = temp.getType();
  97.559 +                    if (type == PlsqlBlockType.VIEW) {
  97.560 +                        boolean expand = false;
  97.561 +                        DefaultMutableTreeNode viewsNode = null;
  97.562 +                        int count = root.getChildCount();
  97.563 +                        for (int x = 0; x < count; x++) {
  97.564 +                            DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) root.getChildAt(x);
  97.565 +                            if (node.toString().equals("Views")) {
  97.566 +                                viewsNode = node;
  97.568 -                        //Check whether a leaf node
  97.569 -                        if (viewsNode.isLeaf()) {
  97.570 -                           expand = true;
  97.571 +                                //Check whether a leaf node
  97.572 +                                if (viewsNode.isLeaf()) {
  97.573 +                                    expand = true;
  97.574 +                                }
  97.575 +                                break;
  97.576 +                            }
  97.577                          }
  97.578 -                        break;
  97.579 -                     }
  97.580 -                  }
  97.582 -                  if (viewsNode == null) {
  97.583 -                     viewsNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Views");
  97.584 -                     treeModel.insertNodeInto(viewsNode, root, 0);
  97.585 -                     expand = true;
  97.586 -                  }
  97.587 +                        if (viewsNode == null) {
  97.588 +                            viewsNode = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Views");
  97.589 +                            treeModel.insertNodeInto(viewsNode, root, 0);
  97.590 +                            expand = true;
  97.591 +                        }
  97.593 -                  NodeInfo nodeInfo = new NodeInfo(temp.getStartOffset(), temp.getEndOffset(),
  97.594 -                          temp.getName(), temp.getAlias(), temp.getType());
  97.595 -                  DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(nodeInfo);
  97.596 -                  treeModel.insertNodeInto(node, viewsNode, getChildIndex(viewsNode, node));
  97.597 +                        NodeInfo nodeInfo = new NodeInfo(temp.getStartOffset(), temp.getEndOffset(),
  97.598 +                                temp.getName(), temp.getAlias(), temp.getType());
  97.599 +                        DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(nodeInfo);
  97.600 +                        treeModel.insertNodeInto(node, viewsNode, getChildIndex(viewsNode, node));
  97.602 -                  //If the 'Views' node is newly added expand that
  97.603 -                  if (expand) {
  97.604 -                     expandAll(jTree1, new TreePath(treeModel.getPathToRoot(viewsNode)), true);
  97.605 -                  }
  97.606 -               } else if (type == PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE) { //Parent node
  97.607 +                        //If the 'Views' node is newly added expand that
  97.608 +                        if (expand) {
  97.609 +                            expandAll(jTree1, new TreePath(treeModel.getPathToRoot(viewsNode)), true);
  97.610 +                        }
  97.611 +                    } else if (type == PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE) { //Parent node
  97.613 -                  NodeInfo nodeInfo = new NodeInfo(temp.getStartOffset(), temp.getEndOffset(),
  97.614 -                          temp.getName(), temp.getAlias(), temp.getType());
  97.615 -                  DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(nodeInfo);
  97.616 -                  lastInsertionIndex = getRootIndex(root, node, lastInsertionIndex);
  97.617 -                  treeModel.insertNodeInto(node, root, lastInsertionIndex);
  97.618 +                        NodeInfo nodeInfo = new NodeInfo(temp.getStartOffset(), temp.getEndOffset(),
  97.619 +                                temp.getName(), temp.getAlias(), temp.getType());
  97.620 +                        DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(nodeInfo);
  97.621 +                        lastInsertionIndex = getRootIndex(root, node, lastInsertionIndex);
  97.622 +                        treeModel.insertNodeInto(node, root, lastInsertionIndex);
  97.624 -                  //Remove child nodes if there are in the parent level first
  97.625 +                        //Remove child nodes if there are in the parent level first
  97.626  //                  removeChildNodes(root, temp.getChildBlocks());
  97.627 -                  //Add child nodes and expand the node
  97.628 -                  addChildNodes(node, temp.getChildBlocks(), temp.getType());
  97.629 -                  expandAll(jTree1, new TreePath(treeModel.getPathToRoot(node)), true);
  97.630 -               } else if (type == PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY) { //Parent node
  97.631 +                        //Add child nodes and expand the node
  97.632 +                        addChildNodes(node, temp.getChildBlocks(), temp.getType());
  97.633 +                        expandAll(jTree1, new TreePath(treeModel.getPathToRoot(node)), true);
  97.634 +                    } else if (type == PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY) { //Parent node
  97.636 -                  NodeInfo nodeInfo = new NodeInfo(temp.getStartOffset(), temp.getEndOffset(),
  97.637 -                          temp.getName(), temp.getAlias(), temp.getType());
  97.638 -                  DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(nodeInfo);
  97.639 -                  lastInsertionIndex = getRootIndex(root, node, lastInsertionIndex);
  97.640 -                  treeModel.insertNodeInto(node, root, lastInsertionIndex);
  97.641 +                        NodeInfo nodeInfo = new NodeInfo(temp.getStartOffset(), temp.getEndOffset(),
  97.642 +                                temp.getName(), temp.getAlias(), temp.getType());
  97.643 +                        DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(nodeInfo);
  97.644 +                        lastInsertionIndex = getRootIndex(root, node, lastInsertionIndex);
  97.645 +                        treeModel.insertNodeInto(node, root, lastInsertionIndex);
  97.647 -                  //Remove child nodes if there are in the parent level first
  97.648 +                        //Remove child nodes if there are in the parent level first
  97.649  //                  removeChildNodes(root, temp.getChildBlocks());
  97.650 -                  //Add child nodes and expand the node
  97.651 -                  addChildNodes(node, temp.getChildBlocks(), temp.getType());
  97.652 -                  expandAll(jTree1, new TreePath(treeModel.getPathToRoot(node)), true);
  97.653 -               } else if (type == PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL) { //Leaf node
  97.654 +                        //Add child nodes and expand the node
  97.655 +                        addChildNodes(node, temp.getChildBlocks(), temp.getType());
  97.656 +                        expandAll(jTree1, new TreePath(treeModel.getPathToRoot(node)), true);
  97.657 +                    } else if (type == PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL) { //Leaf node
  97.659 -                  NodeInfo nodeInfo = new NodeInfo(temp.getStartOffset(), temp.getEndOffset(),
  97.660 -                          temp.getName(), temp.getAlias(), temp.getType());
  97.661 -                  DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(nodeInfo);
  97.662 -                  lastInsertionIndex = getRootIndex(root, node, lastInsertionIndex);
  97.663 -                  treeModel.insertNodeInto(node, root, lastInsertionIndex);
  97.664 -               } else if (type == PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL) { //Leaf node
  97.665 +                        NodeInfo nodeInfo = new NodeInfo(temp.getStartOffset(), temp.getEndOffset(),
  97.666 +                                temp.getName(), temp.getAlias(), temp.getType());
  97.667 +                        DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(nodeInfo);
  97.668 +                        lastInsertionIndex = getRootIndex(root, node, lastInsertionIndex);
  97.669 +                        treeModel.insertNodeInto(node, root, lastInsertionIndex);
  97.670 +                    } else if (type == PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL) { //Leaf node
  97.672 -                  NodeInfo nodeInfo = new NodeInfo(temp.getStartOffset(), temp.getEndOffset(),
  97.673 -                          temp.getName(), temp.getAlias(), temp.getType());
  97.674 -                  DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(nodeInfo);
  97.675 -                  lastInsertionIndex = getRootIndex(root, node, lastInsertionIndex);
  97.676 -                  treeModel.insertNodeInto(node, root, lastInsertionIndex);
  97.677 -               }
  97.678 +                        NodeInfo nodeInfo = new NodeInfo(temp.getStartOffset(), temp.getEndOffset(),
  97.679 +                                temp.getName(), temp.getAlias(), temp.getType());
  97.680 +                        DefaultMutableTreeNode node = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(nodeInfo);
  97.681 +                        lastInsertionIndex = getRootIndex(root, node, lastInsertionIndex);
  97.682 +                        treeModel.insertNodeInto(node, root, lastInsertionIndex);
  97.683 +                    }
  97.684 +                }
  97.685              }
  97.686 -         }
  97.687 -      }
  97.688 +        }
  97.690  //      jTree1.updateUI();
  97.691 -   }
  97.692 +    }
  97.694      /**
  97.695       * Opens and focusses on the appropriate location of the document when the
  97.696 @@ -820,6 +826,7 @@
  97.697          }
  97.698          SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
  97.700 +            @Override
  97.701              public void run() {
  97.702                  JEditorPane[] panes = ec.getOpenedPanes();
  97.703                  if (panes != null && panes.length > 0) {
  97.704 @@ -857,9 +864,9 @@
  97.705              DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) parentNode.getChildAt(i);
  97.706              if (node.getUserObject() instanceof NodeInfo) {
  97.707                  NodeInfo nodeInfo = (NodeInfo) node.getUserObject();
  97.708 -                if (( &&
  97.709 -                        (nodeInfo.startOffset == block.getStartOffset()) &&
  97.710 -                        (nodeInfo.endOffset == block.getEndOffset())) {
  97.711 +                if ((
  97.712 +                        && (nodeInfo.startOffset == block.getStartOffset())
  97.713 +                        && (nodeInfo.endOffset == block.getEndOffset())) {
  97.714                      //we found the match
  97.715                      treeModel.removeNodeFromParent(node);
  97.716                      return true;
  97.717 @@ -896,14 +903,15 @@
  97.718       * @param pane The the editor pane which the document exists.
  97.719       */
  97.720      private void selectElementInPane(final JEditorPane pane) {
  97.721 -        RequestProcessor.getDefault().post(new Runnable() {
  97.722 + Runnable() {
  97.724 +            @Override
  97.725              public void run() {
  97.726                  BaseDocument bdoc = (BaseDocument) getDocument();
  97.727                  try {
  97.728                      pane.setCaretPosition(Utilities.getRowStart(bdoc, startOffset));
  97.729                  } catch (BadLocationException ex) {
  97.730 -                    ex.printStackTrace();
  97.731 +                    Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
  97.732                  }
  97.733              }
  97.734          });
  97.735 @@ -961,10 +969,10 @@
  97.736              }
  97.738              if ((userObj instanceof NodeInfo) && (childUserObj instanceof NodeInfo)) {
  97.739 -                if ((((NodeInfo) userObj).type == PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE) ||
  97.740 -                        (((NodeInfo) userObj).type == PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY)) {
  97.741 -                    if ((((NodeInfo) childUserObj).type != PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE) &&
  97.742 -                            (((NodeInfo) childUserObj).type != PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY)) {
  97.743 +                if ((((NodeInfo) userObj).type == PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE)
  97.744 +                        || (((NodeInfo) userObj).type == PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY)) {
  97.745 +                    if ((((NodeInfo) childUserObj).type != PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE)
  97.746 +                            && (((NodeInfo) childUserObj).type != PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY)) {
  97.747                          continue;
  97.748                      }
  97.749                  }
  97.750 @@ -1010,10 +1018,10 @@
  97.751                  NodeInfo block = (NodeInfo) (node.getUserObject());
  97.752                  if (PlsqlBlockType.VIEW == block.type) {
  97.753                      return viewIcon;
  97.754 -                } else if ((PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL == block.type) ||
  97.755 -                        (PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL == block.type) ||
  97.756 -                        (PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_DEF == block.type) ||
  97.757 -                        (PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_DEF == block.type)) {
  97.758 +                } else if ((PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_IMPL == block.type)
  97.759 +                        || (PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_IMPL == block.type)
  97.760 +                        || (PlsqlBlockType.FUNCTION_DEF == block.type)
  97.761 +                        || (PlsqlBlockType.PROCEDURE_DEF == block.type)) {
  97.762                      if ("___")) {
  97.763                          return implementationMethodIcon;
  97.764                      } else if ("___")) {
  97.765 @@ -1025,8 +1033,8 @@
  97.766                      } else {
  97.767                          return publicMethodIcon;
  97.768                      }
  97.769 -                } else if (PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE == block.type ||
  97.770 -                        PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY == block.type) {
  97.771 +                } else if (PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE == block.type
  97.772 +                        || PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY == block.type) {
  97.773                      return pkgIcon;
  97.774                  }
  97.775              }
    98.1 --- a/PLSQL/Navigator/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/navigator/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
    98.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Navigator/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/navigator/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    98.3 @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
    98.4              editorDocument = ec.openDocument();
    98.5              blockFactory.initHierarchy(editorDocument);
    98.6           } catch (IOException ex) {
    98.7 -            ex.printStackTrace();
    98.8 +            Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
    98.9           }
   98.11           if (oldObserver != null) {
    99.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    99.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Navigator/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/navigator/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
    99.3 @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
    99.4 +/*
    99.5 + * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
    99.6 + * and open the template in the editor.
    99.7 + */
    99.8 +package org.netbeans.modules.plsql.navigator;
    99.9 +
   99.10 +import;
   99.11 +import java.util.*;
   99.12 +import java.util.regex.Pattern;
   99.13 +import org.netbeans.api.db.explorer.DatabaseConnection;
   99.14 +import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
   99.15 +import org.netbeans.api.project.ui.OpenProjects;
   99.16 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.lexer.PlsqlBlockType;
   99.17 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.utilities.NotConnectedToDbException;
   99.18 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.utilities.PlsqlFileLocatorService;
   99.19 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.utilities.PlsqlFileUtil;
   99.20 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseConnectionManager;
   99.21 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseContentManager;
   99.22 +import org.netbeans.spi.quicksearch.SearchProvider;
   99.23 +import org.netbeans.spi.quicksearch.SearchRequest;
   99.24 +import org.netbeans.spi.quicksearch.SearchResponse;
   99.25 +import org.openide.cookies.OpenCookie;
   99.26 +import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
   99.27 +import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
   99.28 +import org.openide.util.Lookup;
   99.29 +
   99.30 +public class PlsqlSearchProvider implements SearchProvider {
   99.31 +
   99.32 +    final static String MODEL_DIRECTORY_PATH = "#COMPONENT#" + File.separator + "database" + File.separator + "#COMPONENT#";
   99.33 +    private final PlsqlFileLocatorService locatorService = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(PlsqlFileLocatorService.class);
   99.34 +
   99.35 +    /**
   99.36 +     * Method is called by infrastructure when search operation was requested. Implementors should evaluate given
   99.37 +     * request and fill response object with appropriate results
   99.38 +     *
   99.39 +     * @param request Search request object that contains information what to search for
   99.40 +     * @param response Search response object that stores search results. Note that it's important to react to return
   99.41 +     * value of SearchResponse.addResult(...) method and stop computation if false value is returned.
   99.42 +     */
   99.43 +    @Override
   99.44 +    public void evaluate(SearchRequest request, SearchResponse response) {
   99.45 +        Project[] projects = OpenProjects.getDefault().getOpenProjects();
   99.46 +
   99.47 +        String query = request.getText().toLowerCase();
   99.48 +        boolean useRegExp = query.contains("*");
   99.49 +        if (useRegExp) {
   99.50 +            query = query.replaceAll("\\.", "\\.");
   99.51 +            query = query.replaceAll("\\*", ".*");
   99.52 +        }
   99.53 +
   99.54 +        for (Project project : projects) {
   99.55 +            //For Local Files            
   99.56 +            Collection<File> allObjects = locatorService.getAllPlsqlFiles(project);
   99.57 +            if (allObjects != null) {
   99.58 +                for (File fileObj : allObjects) {
   99.59 +                    String name = fileObj.getName().toLowerCase().substring(0, fileObj.getName().indexOf("."));
   99.60 +                    boolean match = useRegExp ? Pattern.matches(query, name) : name.contains(query);
   99.61 +                    if (match) {
   99.62 +                        if (!response.addResult(new OpenLocalPlsqlFile(fileObj.getPath()), fileObj.getName() + "(" + project.getProjectDirectory().getName() + ")")) {
   99.63 +                            return;
   99.64 +                        }
   99.65 +                    }
   99.66 +                }
   99.67 +            }
   99.68 +
   99.69 +            //for Package files in DB. Do not consider tables, views, etc
   99.70 +            Set<String> DBFiles = getPlsqlFilesFromDB(project);
   99.71 +            for (String DBFile : DBFiles) {
   99.72 +                boolean match = useRegExp ? Pattern.matches(query, DBFile.toLowerCase()) : DBFile.toLowerCase().contains(query);
   99.73 +                if (match) {
   99.74 +                    if (!response.addResult(new OpenPlsqlFileFromDB(DBFile, project), DBFile.toLowerCase() + " (" + project.getProjectDirectory().getName() + ")")) {
   99.75 +                        return;
   99.76 +                    }
   99.77 +                }
   99.78 +            }
   99.79 +        }
   99.80 +    }
   99.81 +
   99.82 +    private Set<String> getPlsqlFilesFromDB(Project project) {
   99.83 +        Set<String> allPackages = new HashSet<String>();
   99.84 +        DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider = project.getLookup().lookup(DatabaseConnectionManager.class);
   99.85 +        if (connectionProvider != null) {
   99.86 +            DatabaseContentManager cache = DatabaseContentManager.getInstance(connectionProvider.getTemplateConnection());
   99.87 +            if (cache != null) {
   99.88 +                allPackages = (Set<String>) cache.getAllPackages();
   99.89 +            }
   99.90 +        }
   99.91 +        return allPackages;
   99.92 +    }
   99.93 +
   99.94 +    private static class OpenLocalPlsqlFile implements Runnable {
   99.95 +
   99.96 +        String filePath;
   99.97 +
   99.98 +        public OpenLocalPlsqlFile(String filePath_) {
   99.99 +            filePath = filePath_;
  99.100 +        }
  99.101 +
  99.102 +        @Override
  99.103 +        public void run() {
  99.104 +            DataObject dataObj = PlsqlFileUtil.getDataObject(filePath);
  99.105 +            if (dataObj != null) {
  99.106 +                OpenCookie openCookie = dataObj.getCookie(OpenCookie.class);
  99.107 +      ;
  99.108 +            }
  99.109 +        }
  99.110 +    }
  99.111 +
  99.112 +    private static class OpenPlsqlFileFromDB implements Runnable {
  99.113 +
  99.114 +        String packageName;
  99.115 +        Project project;
  99.116 +
  99.117 +        public OpenPlsqlFileFromDB(String packageName_, Project project_) {
  99.118 +            packageName = packageName_;
  99.119 +            project = project_;
  99.120 +        }
  99.121 +
  99.122 +        @Override
  99.123 +        public void run() {
  99.124 +            final DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider = DatabaseConnectionManager.getInstance(project);
  99.125 +            DatabaseConnection databaseConnection = connectionProvider.getPooledDatabaseConnection(false);
  99.126 +            DataObject dataObj;
  99.127 +            try {
  99.128 +                dataObj = PlsqlFileUtil.fetchAsTempFile(packageName, PlsqlBlockType.PACKAGE_BODY, databaseConnection, project, null);
  99.129 +
  99.130 +                if (dataObj != null) {
  99.131 +                    OpenCookie openCookie = dataObj.getCookie(OpenCookie.class);
  99.132 +          ;
  99.133 +                }
  99.134 +            } catch (NotConnectedToDbException ex) {
  99.135 +                Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
  99.136 +            }
  99.137 +        }
  99.138 +    }
  99.139 +}
   100.1 --- a/PLSQL/Navigator/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/navigator/layer.xml	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
   100.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Navigator/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/navigator/layer.xml	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   100.3 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
   100.4  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   100.5 -<!DOCTYPE filesystem PUBLIC "-//NetBeans//DTD Filesystem 1.1//EN" "">
   100.6 +<!DOCTYPE filesystem PUBLIC "-//NetBeans//DTD Filesystem 1.2//EN" "">
   100.7  <filesystem>
   100.8      <folder name="Navigator">
   100.9          <folder name="Panels">
  100.10 @@ -10,4 +10,15 @@
  100.11              </folder>
  100.12          </folder>
  100.13      </folder>
  100.14 +    <folder name="QuickSearch">
  100.15 +        <folder name="Database Files">
  100.16 +            <folder name="SQL">
  100.17 +                <attr name="command" stringvalue="nb"/>
  100.18 +                <attr name="position" intvalue="0"/>
  100.19 +                <file name="org-netbeans-modules-plsql-navigator-PlsqlSearchProvider.instance">
  100.20 +                    <attr name="displayName" bundlevalue="org.netbeans.modules.plsql.navigator.Bundle#QuickSearch/PL/SQL/org-netbeans-modules-plsql-navigator-PlsqlSearchProvider.instance"/>
  100.21 +                </file>
  100.22 +            </folder>
  100.23 +        </folder>
  100.24 +    </folder>
  100.25  </filesystem>
   101.1 --- a/PLSQL/Palette/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
   101.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Palette/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   101.3 @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@
   101.4  OpenIDE-Module-Layer: org/netbeans/modules/plsql/palette/layer.xml
   101.5  OpenIDE-Module-Localizing-Bundle: org/netbeans/modules/plsql/palette/B
   101.7 -OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.8.9
   101.8 +OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.8.10
   101.9  AutoUpdate-Show-In-Client: false
   102.1 --- a/PLSQL/Palette/nbproject/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
   102.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Palette/nbproject/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   102.3 @@ -1,2 +1,9 @@
  102.11  javac.source=1.6
  102.12  javac.compilerargs=-Xlint -Xlint:-serial
   103.1 --- a/PLSQL/Palette/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/palette/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
   103.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Palette/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/palette/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   103.3 @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
   103.4  import org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument;
   103.5  import org.netbeans.lib.editor.codetemplates.api.CodeTemplate;
   103.6  import org.netbeans.lib.editor.codetemplates.api.CodeTemplateManager;
   103.7 +import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
  103.10  /*
  103.11 @@ -95,11 +96,12 @@
  103.12          if (doc instanceof BaseDocument) {
  103.13              ((BaseDocument) doc).runAtomic(new Runnable() {
  103.15 +                @Override
  103.16                  public void run() {
  103.17                      try {
  103.18                          insert(s, target, doc);
  103.19                      } catch (BadLocationException ex) {
  103.20 -                        ex.printStackTrace();
  103.21 +                        Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
  103.22                      }
  103.23                  }
  103.24              });
  103.25 @@ -125,16 +127,16 @@
  103.26              int p1 = Math.max(caret.getDot(), caret.getMark());
  103.27              doc.remove(p0, p1 - p0);
  103.28              start = caret.getDot();
  103.29 -            
  103.30 +
  103.31              //Insert the text as a code template
  103.32              if (target != null) {
  103.33                  CodeTemplate ct = CodeTemplateManager.get(target.getDocument()).createTemporary(s);
  103.34 -                ct.insert(target);                
  103.35 -           }
  103.36 +                ct.insert(target);
  103.37 +            }
  103.38          } catch (BadLocationException ble) {
  103.39 -            ble.printStackTrace();
  103.40 +            Exceptions.printStackTrace(ble);
  103.41          }
  103.43          return start;
  103.44 -    }   
  103.45 +    }
  103.46  }
   104.1 --- a/PLSQL/Project/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
   104.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Project/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   104.3 @@ -5,5 +5,5 @@
   104.4  OpenIDE-Module: org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.project
   104.5  OpenIDE-Module-Localizing-Bundle: org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/db
   104.6   /project/
   104.7 -OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.0.1
   104.8 +OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.0.2
   105.1 --- a/PLSQL/Project/nbproject/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
   105.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Project/nbproject/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   105.3 @@ -1,2 +1,9 @@
  105.11  javac.source=1.6
  105.12  javac.compilerargs=-Xlint -Xlint:-serial
   106.1 --- a/PLSQL/Project/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/db/project/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
   106.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Project/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/db/project/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   106.3 @@ -66,76 +66,78 @@
   106.5  public class DatabasePanel extends JPanel {
   106.7 -   public static final String DATA_VALID = "dataValid";
   106.8 +    public static final String DATA_VALID = "dataValid";
   106.9 +    private Category category;
  106.10 +    private DefaultTableModel connectionTableModel;
  106.11 +    private DatabaseConnection mainConnection;
  106.12 +    private boolean valid = true;
  106.13 +    private ValidationInvoker validationInvoker = new ValidationInvoker();
  106.15 -   private Category category;
  106.16 -   private DefaultTableModel connectionTableModel;
  106.17 -   private DatabaseConnection mainConnection;
  106.18 +    public DatabasePanel(Category category) {
  106.19 +        this.category = category;
  106.20 +        initComponents();
  106.21 +        connectionTableModel = (DefaultTableModel) connectionTable.getModel();
  106.22 +        TableColumn connectionTableColumn = connectionTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
  106.23 +        connectionTableColumn.setCellEditor(new CellEditor());
  106.24 +        connectionTableColumn.setCellRenderer(new CellRenderer());
  106.25 +        connectionTable.setRowHeight(connectionTable.getRowHeight() + 4);
  106.26 +        connectionTableModel.addTableModelListener(validationInvoker);
  106.27 +        connectionTable.getColumnModel().getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener(validationInvoker);
  106.28 +        performValidation();
  106.29 +    }
  106.31 -   private boolean valid = true;
  106.32 -   private ValidationInvoker validationInvoker = new ValidationInvoker();
  106.33 +    public List<DatabaseConnection> getDatabaseConnections() {
  106.34 +        List<DatabaseConnection> connections = new ArrayList<DatabaseConnection>();
  106.35 +        if (mainConnection != null) {
  106.36 +            connections.add(mainConnection);
  106.37 +        }
  106.38 +        for (int i = 0; i < connectionTableModel.getRowCount(); i++) {
  106.39 +            Object item = connectionTableModel.getValueAt(i, 0);
  106.40 +            if (item instanceof DatabaseConnection) {
  106.41 +                DatabaseConnection connection = (DatabaseConnection) item;
  106.42 +                if (!connections.contains(connection)) {
  106.43 +                    connections.add(connection);
  106.44 +                }
  106.45 +            }
  106.46 +        }
  106.47 +        return connections;
  106.48 +    }
  106.50 -   public DatabasePanel(Category category) {
  106.51 -      this.category = category;
  106.52 -      initComponents();
  106.53 -      connectionTableModel = (DefaultTableModel)connectionTable.getModel();
  106.54 -      TableColumn connectionTableColumn = connectionTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
  106.55 -      connectionTableColumn.setCellEditor(new CellEditor());
  106.56 -      connectionTableColumn.setCellRenderer(new CellRenderer());
  106.57 -      connectionTable.setRowHeight(connectionTable.getRowHeight() + 4);
  106.58 -      connectionTableModel.addTableModelListener(validationInvoker);
  106.59 -      connectionTable.getColumnModel().getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener(validationInvoker);
  106.60 -      performValidation();
  106.61 -   }
  106.62 +    public void setDatabaseConnections(List<DatabaseConnection> connections) {
  106.63 +        connectionTableModel.setRowCount(0);
  106.64 +        for (DatabaseConnection connection : connections) {
  106.65 +            connectionTableModel.addRow(new Object[]{connection});
  106.66 +        }
  106.67 +        if (!connections.isEmpty()) {
  106.68 +            mainConnection = connections.get(0);
  106.69 +        }
  106.70 +    }
  106.72 -   public DatabaseConnection[] getDatabaseConnections() {
  106.73 -      List<DatabaseConnection> connections = new ArrayList<DatabaseConnection>();
  106.74 -      if (mainConnection != null)
  106.75 -         connections.add(mainConnection);
  106.76 -      for (int i = 0; i < connectionTableModel.getRowCount(); i++) {
  106.77 -         Object item = connectionTableModel.getValueAt(i, 0);
  106.78 -         if (item instanceof DatabaseConnection) {
  106.79 -            DatabaseConnection connection = (DatabaseConnection)item;
  106.80 -            if (!connections.contains(connection))
  106.81 -               connections.add(connection);
  106.82 -         }
  106.83 -      }
  106.84 -      return connections.toArray(new DatabaseConnection[connections.size()]);
  106.85 -   }
  106.86 +    private void performValidation() {
  106.87 +        int row = connectionTable.getSelectedRow();
  106.88 +        boolean hasSelection = row != -1;
  106.89 +        boolean hasSelectedConnection = hasSelection && connectionTableModel.getRowCount() > row
  106.90 +                && connectionTableModel.getValueAt(row, 0) instanceof DatabaseConnection;
  106.91 +        btnRemove.setEnabled(hasSelection);
  106.92 +        btnSetAsMain.setEnabled(hasSelectedConnection);
  106.94 -   public void setDatabaseConnections(DatabaseConnection[] connections) {
  106.95 -      connectionTableModel.setRowCount(0);
  106.96 -      for (DatabaseConnection connection : connections)
  106.97 -         connectionTableModel.addRow(new Object[] {connection});
  106.98 -      if (connections.length > 0)
  106.99 -         mainConnection = connections[0];
 106.100 -   }
 106.101 +        String errorMessage = "";
 106.103 -   private void performValidation() {
 106.104 -      int row = connectionTable.getSelectedRow();
 106.105 -      boolean hasSelection = row != -1;
 106.106 -      boolean hasSelectedConnection = hasSelection && connectionTableModel.getRowCount() > row
 106.107 -            && connectionTableModel.getValueAt(row, 0) instanceof DatabaseConnection;
 106.108 -      btnRemove.setEnabled(hasSelection);
 106.109 -      btnSetAsMain.setEnabled(hasSelectedConnection);
 106.110 +        for (DatabaseConnection connection : getDatabaseConnections()) {
 106.111 +            if (!connection.getDriverClass().equals(DatabaseConnectionManager.ORACLE_DRIVER_CLASS_NAME)) {
 106.112 +                errorMessage += NbBundle.getMessage(getClass(), "MSG_NonOracleDatabaseChosen");
 106.113 +                break;
 106.114 +            }
 106.115 +        }
 106.117 -      String errorMessage = "";
 106.118 +        boolean wasValid = valid;
 106.119 +        valid = errorMessage.equals("");
 106.120 +        category.setValid(valid);
 106.121 +        category.setErrorMessage(errorMessage);
 106.122 +        firePropertyChange(DATA_VALID, wasValid, valid);
 106.123 +    }
 106.125 -      DatabaseConnection[] connections = getDatabaseConnections();
 106.126 -      for (DatabaseConnection connection : connections)
 106.127 -         if (!connection.getDriverClass().equals(DatabaseConnectionManager.ORACLE_DRIVER_CLASS_NAME)) {
 106.128 -            errorMessage += NbBundle.getMessage(getClass(), "MSG_NonOracleDatabaseChosen");
 106.129 -            break;
 106.130 -         }
 106.131 -
 106.132 -      boolean wasValid = valid;
 106.133 -      valid = errorMessage.equals("");
 106.134 -      category.setValid(valid);
 106.135 -      category.setErrorMessage(errorMessage);
 106.136 -      firePropertyChange(DATA_VALID, wasValid, valid);
 106.137 -   }
 106.138 -
 106.139 -   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 106.140 +    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 106.141     // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Generated Code">//GEN-BEGIN:initComponents
 106.142     private void initComponents() {
 106.144 @@ -215,35 +217,37 @@
 106.145     }// </editor-fold>//GEN-END:initComponents
 106.147     private void btnAddActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_btnAddActionPerformed
 106.148 -      connectionTableModel.addRow((Object[])null);
 106.149 -      connectionTable.editCellAt(connectionTableModel.getRowCount() - 1, 0);
 106.150 +       connectionTableModel.addRow((Object[]) null);
 106.151 +       connectionTable.editCellAt(connectionTableModel.getRowCount() - 1, 0);
 106.152     }//GEN-LAST:event_btnAddActionPerformed
 106.154     private void btnRemoveActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_btnRemoveActionPerformed
 106.155 -      int row = connectionTable.getSelectedRow();
 106.156 -      assert row != -1;
 106.157 -      TableCellEditor editor = connectionTable.getCellEditor();
 106.158 -      if (editor != null)
 106.159 -         editor.stopCellEditing();
 106.160 -      DatabaseConnection connection = (DatabaseConnection)connectionTableModel.getValueAt(row, 0);
 106.161 -      if (connection == mainConnection)
 106.162 -         mainConnection = null;
 106.163 -      connectionTableModel.removeRow(row);
 106.164 +       int row = connectionTable.getSelectedRow();
 106.165 +       assert row != -1;
 106.166 +       TableCellEditor editor = connectionTable.getCellEditor();
 106.167 +       if (editor != null) {
 106.168 +           editor.stopCellEditing();
 106.169 +       }
 106.170 +       DatabaseConnection connection = (DatabaseConnection) connectionTableModel.getValueAt(row, 0);
 106.171 +       if (connection == mainConnection) {
 106.172 +           mainConnection = null;
 106.173 +       }
 106.174 +       connectionTableModel.removeRow(row);
 106.175     }//GEN-LAST:event_btnRemoveActionPerformed
 106.177     private void btnSetAsMainActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_btnSetAsMainActionPerformed
 106.178 -      int row = connectionTable.getSelectedRow();
 106.179 -      assert row != -1;
 106.180 -      Object item = connectionTableModel.getValueAt(row, 0);
 106.181 -      if (item instanceof DatabaseConnection) {
 106.182 -         mainConnection = (DatabaseConnection)item;
 106.183 -         connectionTableModel.fireTableDataChanged();
 106.184 -         TableCellEditor cellEditor = connectionTable.getCellEditor();
 106.185 -         if(cellEditor!=null)
 106.186 -            cellEditor.stopCellEditing();
 106.187 -      }
 106.188 +       int row = connectionTable.getSelectedRow();
 106.189 +       assert row != -1;
 106.190 +       Object item = connectionTableModel.getValueAt(row, 0);
 106.191 +       if (item instanceof DatabaseConnection) {
 106.192 +           mainConnection = (DatabaseConnection) item;
 106.193 +           connectionTableModel.fireTableDataChanged();
 106.194 +           TableCellEditor cellEditor = connectionTable.getCellEditor();
 106.195 +           if (cellEditor != null) {
 106.196 +               cellEditor.stopCellEditing();
 106.197 +           }
 106.198 +       }
 106.199     }//GEN-LAST:event_btnSetAsMainActionPerformed
 106.200 -
 106.201     // Variables declaration - do not modify//GEN-BEGIN:variables
 106.202     private javax.swing.JButton btnAdd;
 106.203     private javax.swing.JButton btnRemove;
 106.204 @@ -253,47 +257,52 @@
 106.205     private javax.swing.JLabel databaseConnectionLabel;
 106.206     // End of variables declaration//GEN-END:variables
 106.208 -   private class ValidationInvoker implements TableModelListener, ListSelectionListener {
 106.209 +    private class ValidationInvoker implements TableModelListener, ListSelectionListener {
 106.211 -      public ValidationInvoker() {}
 106.212 +        public ValidationInvoker() {
 106.213 +        }
 106.215 -      public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) {
 106.216 -         performValidation();
 106.217 -      }
 106.218 +        @Override
 106.219 +        public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) {
 106.220 +            performValidation();
 106.221 +        }
 106.223 -      public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
 106.224 -         performValidation();
 106.225 -      }
 106.226 -   }
 106.227 +        @Override
 106.228 +        public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
 106.229 +            performValidation();
 106.230 +        }
 106.231 +    }
 106.233 -   private static class CellEditor extends DefaultCellEditor {
 106.234 +    private static class CellEditor extends DefaultCellEditor {
 106.236 -      public CellEditor() {
 106.237 -         super(new JComboBox());
 106.238 -         DatabaseExplorerUIs.connect((JComboBox)editorComponent, ConnectionManager.getDefault());
 106.239 -      }
 106.240 +        public CellEditor() {
 106.241 +            super(new JComboBox());
 106.242 +            DatabaseExplorerUIs.connect((JComboBox) editorComponent, ConnectionManager.getDefault());
 106.243 +        }
 106.245 -      @Override
 106.246 -      public Object getCellEditorValue() {
 106.247 -         Object item = ((JComboBox)editorComponent).getSelectedItem();
 106.248 -         return item instanceof DatabaseConnection ? (DatabaseConnection)item : null;
 106.249 -      }
 106.250 -   }
 106.251 +        @Override
 106.252 +        public Object getCellEditorValue() {
 106.253 +            Object item = ((JComboBox) editorComponent).getSelectedItem();
 106.254 +            return item instanceof DatabaseConnection ? (DatabaseConnection) item : null;
 106.255 +        }
 106.256 +    }
 106.258 -   private class CellRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer {
 106.259 +    private class CellRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer {
 106.261 -      public CellRenderer() {}
 106.262 +        public CellRenderer() {
 106.263 +        }
 106.265 -      @Override
 106.266 -      public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value,
 106.267 -                                                     boolean selected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
 106.268 -         super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, selected, hasFocus, row, column);
 106.269 -         if (value != null) {
 106.270 -            setText(((DatabaseConnection)value).getName());
 106.271 -            if (value == mainConnection)
 106.272 -               setFont(getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD));
 106.273 -         }
 106.274 -         return this;
 106.275 -      }
 106.276 -   }
 106.277 +        @Override
 106.278 +        public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value,
 106.279 +                boolean selected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
 106.280 +            super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, selected, hasFocus, row, column);
 106.281 +            if (value != null) {
 106.282 +                setText(((DatabaseConnection) value).getName());
 106.283 +                if (value == mainConnection) {
 106.284 +                    setFont(getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD));
 106.285 +                }
 106.286 +            }
 106.287 +            return this;
 106.288 +        }
 106.289 +    }
 106.290  }
   107.1 --- a/PLSQL/Project/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/db/project/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
   107.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Project/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/db/project/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   107.3 @@ -73,9 +73,9 @@
   107.4                  if (fields.length == 4) {
   107.5                      DatabaseConnection connection = null;
   107.6                      for (DatabaseConnection c : ConnectionManager.getDefault().getConnections()) {
   107.7 -                        if (c.getDatabaseURL().equalsIgnoreCase(fields[0]) &&
   107.8 -                                c.getUser().equalsIgnoreCase(fields[1]) &&
   107.9 -                                c.getSchema().equalsIgnoreCase(fields[3])) {
  107.10 +                        if (c.getDatabaseURL().equalsIgnoreCase(fields[0])
  107.11 +                                && c.getUser().equalsIgnoreCase(fields[1])
  107.12 +                                && c.getSchema().equalsIgnoreCase(fields[3])) {
  107.13                              connection = c;
  107.14                          }
  107.15                      }
  107.16 @@ -98,16 +98,16 @@
  107.17                  }
  107.18              }
  107.19          }
  107.20 -        manager.setDatabaseConnections(connections.toArray(new DatabaseConnection[connections.size()]));
  107.21 +        manager.setDatabaseConnections(connections);
  107.22      }
  107.24      @Override
  107.25      protected void storeProperties(EditableProperties properties) {
  107.26 -        DatabaseConnection[] connections = manager.getDatabaseConnections();
  107.27 -        String[] connectionStrings = new String[connections.length];        
  107.28 -        for (int i = 0; i < connections.length; i++) {
  107.29 +        List<DatabaseConnection> connections = manager.getDatabaseConnections();
  107.30 +        String[] connectionStrings = new String[connections.size()];
  107.31 +        for (int i = 0; i < connections.size(); i++) {
  107.32              StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
  107.33 -            DatabaseConnection connection = connections[i];
  107.34 +            DatabaseConnection connection = connections.get(i);
  107.35              if (connection.getDatabaseURL() != null) {
  107.36                  builder.append(connection.getDatabaseURL());
  107.37              }
  107.38 @@ -123,13 +123,13 @@
  107.39              if (connection.getSchema() != null) {
  107.40                  builder.append(connection.getSchema());
  107.41              }
  107.42 -            connectionStrings[i] = builder.toString();            
  107.43 +            connectionStrings[i] = builder.toString();
  107.44          }
  107.45          setProperty(properties, CONNECTIONS_KEY, connectionStrings);
  107.46          //get appowner of main DB (i.e. the first connection)
  107.47          String appowner = "";
  107.48 -        if (connections.length > 0){ 
  107.49 -            appowner = connections[0].getSchema();
  107.50 +        if (!connections.isEmpty()) {
  107.51 +            appowner = connections.get(0).getSchema();
  107.52          }
  107.53          setProperty(properties, DB_APPOWNER_KEY, appowner);
  107.54      }
   108.1 --- a/PLSQL/Utilities/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
   108.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Utilities/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   108.3 @@ -5,5 +5,5 @@
   108.4  OpenIDE-Module: org.netbeans.modules.plsql.utilities
   108.5  OpenIDE-Module-Localizing-Bundle: org/netbeans/modules/plsql/utilities
   108.6   /
   108.7 -OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.7.20
   108.8 +OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version:
   109.1 --- a/PLSQL/Utilities/nbproject/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
   109.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Utilities/nbproject/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   109.3 @@ -1,2 +1,9 @@
  109.11  javac.source=1.6
  109.12  javac.compilerargs=-Xlint -Xlint:-serial
   110.1 --- a/PLSQL/Utilities/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/utilities/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
   110.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Utilities/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/utilities/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   110.3 @@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
   110.4  OpenIDE-Module-Display-Category=PL/SQL Support
   110.5  OpenIDE-Module-Name=PL/SQL Utilities
   110.6 +SelectMethodDialog.jLabel1.text=Available Methods
   110.7 +SelectMethodDialog.btnOk.text=OK
   110.8 +SelectMethodDialog.title=Select Method
   111.1 --- a/PLSQL/Utilities/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/utilities/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
   111.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Utilities/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/utilities/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   111.3 @@ -41,8 +41,10 @@
   111.4   */
   111.5  package org.netbeans.modules.plsql.utilities;
   111.7 +import;
   111.8  import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.lexer.PlsqlBlockType;
   111.9  import;
  111.10 +import java.util.Collection;
  111.11  import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
  111.12  import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
  111.13  import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
  111.14 @@ -92,4 +94,10 @@
  111.15     public void addFileToCache(Project project, FileObject fileObject) throws IOException;
  111.17     public void rebuildCache(Project project);
  111.18 +   
  111.19 +    /**
  111.20 +    * Give all objects in a project.
  111.21 +    * @param project
  111.22 +    */
  111.23 +   public Collection<File> getAllPlsqlFiles(Project project);     
  111.24  }
   112.1 --- a/PLSQL/Utilities/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/utilities/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
   112.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Utilities/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/utilities/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   112.3 @@ -286,6 +286,9 @@
   112.4     }
   112.6     public static boolean fileChanged(final File tmpFile, final long lastModified) {
   112.7 +       if (lastModified == -1) {
   112.8 +            return false;
   112.9 +       }
  112.10        if (tmpFile.exists()) {
  112.11           if (lastModified == -1) {
  112.12              return false;
   113.1 --- a/PLSQL/Utilities/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/utilities/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
   113.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Utilities/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/utilities/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   113.3 @@ -88,6 +88,73 @@
   113.4          } else {
   113.5              usageParams = fetchMethodDefParamTypes(source, startOffset);
   113.6          }
   113.7 +  
   113.8 +        if (packageName == null || packageName.equals("")) {
   113.9 +            packageName = getPackageName(getBlockFactory(source), startOffset);
  113.10 +        }
  113.11 +
  113.12 +        //Take PlsqlBlock one by one and compare the parameters
  113.13 +        for (int x = 0; x < matchList.size(); x++) {
  113.14 +            PlsqlBlock block = matchList.get(x);
  113.15 +            if (!(block.getParent() != null ? block.getParent().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(packageName) : true)) {
  113.16 +                continue; //If the parent block name is not the same this is not a match
  113.17 +            }
  113.18 +
  113.19 +            List<String> params = fetchMethodDefParamTypes(dest, block.getStartOffset());
  113.20 +            int defaultNo = fetchDefaultParams(dest, block.getStartOffset());
  113.21 +            if (compareParameters(usageParams, params, defaultNo)) {
  113.22 +                match = block;
  113.23 +                break;
  113.24 +            }
  113.25 +        }
  113.26 +        //get method from user
  113.27 +        if(match == null && findBestMatch && matchList.size() > 0){
  113.28 +            if(matchList.size()==1){
  113.29 +                match = matchList.get(0);
  113.30 +            }
  113.31 +            else{
  113.32 +                match = getMethodFromUser(dest,matchList);
  113.33 +            }
  113.34 +        }
  113.35 +
  113.36 +        return (match == null && findBestMatch && matchList.size() > 0) ? null : match;
  113.37 +    }
  113.38 +    
  113.39 +    private static PlsqlBlock getMethodFromUser(Document doc, List<PlsqlBlock> blocks) {
  113.40 +        SelectMethodDialog dialog = new SelectMethodDialog(null, true, doc, blocks);
  113.41 +        dialog.setVisible(true);
  113.42 +        return dialog.getSelectedPlsqlBlock();
  113.43 +    }
  113.44 +    
  113.45 +    /**
  113.46 +     * Method that will find & return list of matching FUNCTION/ PROCEDURE of the body file
  113.47 +     * @param blockHier
  113.48 +     * @param source
  113.49 +     * @param dest
  113.50 +     * @param name
  113.51 +     * @param startOffset
  113.52 +     * @param isUsage       whether this is method usage
  113.53 +     * @param isImpl
  113.54 +     * @param findBestMatch   whether best match is OK
  113.55 +     * @return
  113.56 +     */    
  113.57 +    public static List<PlsqlBlock> findMatchingBlocks(final List<PlsqlBlock> blockHier, final Document source,
  113.58 +            final Document dest, final String name, String packageName, final int startOffset, final boolean isUsage, final boolean isImpl, final boolean findBestMatch) {
  113.59 +        PlsqlBlock match = null;
  113.60 +        final List<PlsqlBlock> matchList = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
  113.61 +        if (isImpl) {
  113.62 +            findMatchingImplBlocks(blockHier, name, matchList);
  113.63 +        } else {
  113.64 +            findMatchingDefBlocks(blockHier, name, matchList);
  113.65 +        }
  113.66 +
  113.67 +        //There are several methods with the same name. Have to check the signature
  113.68 +        List<String> usageParams;
  113.69 +        if (isUsage) {
  113.70 +            usageParams = fetchMethodParamTypes(source, startOffset);
  113.71 +        } else {
  113.72 +            usageParams = fetchMethodDefParamTypes(source, startOffset);
  113.73 +        }
  113.75          if (packageName == null || packageName.equals("")) {
  113.76              packageName = getPackageName(getBlockFactory(source), startOffset);
  113.77 @@ -107,9 +174,38 @@
  113.78                  break;
  113.79              }
  113.80          }
  113.81 +        if (match == null && findBestMatch) {
  113.82 +           List<PlsqlBlock> similarParaCountList = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
  113.83 +           int usageCount = fetchMethodParamsCount(source, startOffset);
  113.84 +           for (int x = 0; x < matchList.size(); x++) {
  113.85 +               PlsqlBlock block = matchList.get(x);
  113.86 +               if (!(block.getParent() != null ? block.getParent().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(packageName) : true)) {
  113.87 +                   continue; //If the parent block name is not the same this is not a match
  113.88 +               }
  113.90 -        return (match == null && findBestMatch && matchList.size() > 0) ? null : match;
  113.91 -    }
  113.92 +               int count = fetchMethodParamsCount(dest, block.getStartOffset());
  113.93 +               
  113.94 +               if (usageCount == count) {
  113.95 +                   similarParaCountList.add(block);
  113.96 +               }
  113.97 +            }
  113.98 +            if (similarParaCountList.size() > 0) {
  113.99 +                if (similarParaCountList.size() == 1) {
 113.100 +                    match = similarParaCountList.get(0);
 113.101 +                } else {
 113.102 +                    return similarParaCountList;
 113.103 +                }
 113.104 +            }
 113.105 +            if (match == null && matchList.size() > 0) {
 113.106 +                return matchList;
 113.107 +            }
 113.108 +            }
 113.109 +        List<PlsqlBlock> returnList = new ArrayList<PlsqlBlock>();
 113.110 +        if (match != null) {
 113.111 +            returnList.add(match);
 113.112 +        }
 113.113 +        return (match == null && findBestMatch && matchList.size() > 0) ? null : returnList;
 113.114 +    }        
 113.116      /**
 113.117       * Compare given parameter lists
 113.118 @@ -257,6 +353,50 @@
 113.119          }
 113.120          return params;
 113.121      }
 113.122 +    
 113.123 +    private static int fetchMethodParamsCount(final Document doc, final int start) {
 113.124 +        int noOfParams = 0;
 113.125 +        final TokenHierarchy tokenHierarchy = TokenHierarchy.get(doc);
 113.126 +        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 113.127 +        final TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts = tokenHierarchy.tokenSequence(PlsqlTokenId.language());
 113.128 +
 113.129 +        if (ts != null) {
 113.130 +            ts.move(start);
 113.131 +            Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = ts.token();
 113.132 +            HashSet<String> keywords = new HashSet<String>();
 113.133 +            while (ts.moveNext()) {
 113.134 +                token = ts.token();
 113.135 +                if ((token.text().toString().equals(",")) || (token.text().toString().equals(")"))) {
 113.136 +                    noOfParams++;
 113.137 +                }
 113.138 +
 113.139 +                if ((token.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("IS")) || (token.text().toString().equals(")")) || (token.text().toString().equals(";"))) {
 113.140 +                    break;
 113.141 +                }
 113.142 +            }
 113.143 +        }
 113.144 +        return noOfParams;
 113.145 +    }
 113.146 +    
 113.147 +    public static String fetchMethodHeader(final Document doc, final int start) {
 113.148 +        String header = "";
 113.149 +        final TokenHierarchy tokenHierarchy = TokenHierarchy.get(doc);
 113.150 +        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 113.151 +        final TokenSequence<PlsqlTokenId> ts = tokenHierarchy.tokenSequence(PlsqlTokenId.language());
 113.152 +
 113.153 +        if (ts != null) {
 113.154 +            ts.move(start);
 113.155 +            Token<PlsqlTokenId> token = ts.token();
 113.156 +            while (ts.moveNext()) {
 113.157 +                token = ts.token();
 113.158 +                header += token;
 113.159 +                if ((token.text().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("IS")) || (token.text().toString().equals(")")) || (token.text().toString().equals(";"))) {
 113.160 +                    break;
 113.161 +                }
 113.162 +            }
 113.163 +        }
 113.164 +        return header;
 113.165 +    }        
 113.167      /**
 113.168       * Method that will access the parameter types of the function/procedure definition
   114.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   114.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Utilities/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/utilities/SelectMethodDialog.form	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   114.3 @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
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  114.76 +        <Component class="javax.swing.JList" name="lstMethods">
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 114.104 +</Form>
   115.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   115.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Utilities/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/utilities/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   115.3 @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
   115.4 +/*
   115.6 + *
   115.7 + * Copyright 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   115.8 + *
   115.9 + * Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
  115.10 + * Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
  115.11 + *
  115.12 + * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
  115.13 + * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
  115.14 + * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
  115.15 + * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
  115.16 + * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
  115.17 + *
  115.18 + * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
  115.19 + * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
  115.20 + * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
  115.21 + * Notice in each file and include the License file at
  115.22 + * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Oracle designates this
  115.23 + * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
  115.24 + * by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
  115.25 + * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
  115.26 + * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
  115.27 + * your own identifying information:
  115.28 + * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
  115.29 + *
  115.30 + * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
  115.31 + * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
  115.32 + * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
  115.33 + * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
  115.34 + * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
  115.35 + * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
  115.36 + * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
  115.37 + * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
  115.38 + * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
  115.39 + * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
  115.40 + *
  115.41 + * Contributor(s):
  115.42 + *
  115.43 + * Portions Copyrighted 2011 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  115.44 + */
  115.45 +package org.netbeans.modules.plsql.utilities;
  115.46 +
  115.47 +import java.util.ArrayList;
  115.48 +import java.util.List;
  115.49 +import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent;
  115.50 +import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
  115.51 +import javax.swing.text.Document;
  115.52 +import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.lexer.PlsqlBlock;
  115.53 +
  115.54 +/**
  115.55 + *
  115.56 + * @author shaalk
  115.57 + */
  115.58 +public class SelectMethodDialog extends javax.swing.JDialog {
  115.59 +
  115.60 +    private List<PlsqlBlock> blocks = null;
  115.61 +    
  115.62 +    /** Creates new form SelectMethodDialog */
  115.63 +    public SelectMethodDialog(java.awt.Frame parent, boolean modal, Document doc, List<PlsqlBlock> blocks) {
  115.64 +        super(parent, modal);
  115.65 +        initComponents();
  115.66 +        this.blocks = blocks;
  115.67 +        lstMethods.removeAll();
  115.68 +        ArrayList<String> items = new ArrayList<String>();
  115.69 +        for (PlsqlBlock block : blocks) {
  115.70 +            items.add(PlsqlParserUtil.fetchMethodHeader(doc, block.getStartOffset()));
  115.71 +        }
  115.72 +        lstMethods.setListData(items.toArray());
  115.73 +        lstMethods.addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() {
  115.74 +
  115.75 +            @Override
  115.76 +            public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
  115.77 +                if (!lstMethods.isSelectionEmpty()) {
  115.78 +                    btnOk.setEnabled(true);
  115.79 +                }
  115.80 +            }
  115.81 +        });
  115.82 +    }
  115.83 +    
  115.84 +    public PlsqlBlock getSelectedPlsqlBlock() {
  115.85 +        return blocks.get(lstMethods.getSelectedIndex());
  115.86 +    }
  115.87 +
  115.88 +    /** This method is called from within the constructor to
  115.89 +     * initialize the form.
  115.90 +     * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is
  115.91 +     * always regenerated by the Form Editor.
  115.92 +     */
  115.93 +    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
  115.94 +    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Generated Code">//GEN-BEGIN:initComponents
  115.95 +    private void initComponents() {
  115.96 +
  115.97 +        jLabel1 = new javax.swing.JLabel();
  115.98 +        jScrollPane1 = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
  115.99 +        lstMethods = new javax.swing.JList();
 115.100 +        btnOk = new javax.swing.JButton();
 115.101 +
 115.102 +        setDefaultCloseOperation(javax.swing.WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
 115.103 +        setTitle(org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage(SelectMethodDialog.class, "SelectMethodDialog.title")); // NOI18N
 115.104 +        setLocationByPlatform(true);
 115.105 +
 115.106 +        jLabel1.setText(org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage(SelectMethodDialog.class, "SelectMethodDialog.jLabel1.text")); // NOI18N
 115.107 +
 115.108 +        lstMethods.setModel(new javax.swing.AbstractListModel() {
 115.109 +            String[] strings = { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4", "Item 5" };
 115.110 +            public int getSize() { return strings.length; }
 115.111 +            public Object getElementAt(int i) { return strings[i]; }
 115.112 +        });
 115.113 +        lstMethods.setSelectionMode(javax.swing.ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION);
 115.114 +        jScrollPane1.setViewportView(lstMethods);
 115.115 +
 115.116 +        btnOk.setText(org.openide.util.NbBundle.getMessage(SelectMethodDialog.class, "SelectMethodDialog.btnOk.text")); // NOI18N
 115.117 +        btnOk.setEnabled(false);
 115.118 +        btnOk.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
 115.119 +            public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
 115.120 +                btnOkActionPerformed(evt);
 115.121 +            }
 115.122 +        });
 115.123 +
 115.124 +        javax.swing.GroupLayout layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(getContentPane());
 115.125 +        getContentPane().setLayout(layout);
 115.126 +        layout.setHorizontalGroup(
 115.127 +            layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING)
 115.128 +            .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup()
 115.129 +                .addContainerGap()
 115.130 +                .addGroup(layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING)
 115.131 +                    .addComponent(jScrollPane1, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 463, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
 115.132 +                    .addComponent(jLabel1))
 115.133 +                .addContainerGap())
 115.134 +            .addGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.TRAILING, layout.createSequentialGroup()
 115.135 +                .addContainerGap(274, Short.MAX_VALUE)
 115.136 +                .addComponent(btnOk)
 115.137 +                .addContainerGap())
 115.138 +        );
 115.139 +        layout.setVerticalGroup(
 115.140 +            layout.createParallelGroup(javax.swing.GroupLayout.Alignment.LEADING)
 115.141 +            .addGroup(layout.createSequentialGroup()
 115.142 +                .addContainerGap()
 115.143 +                .addComponent(jLabel1)
 115.144 +                .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED)
 115.145 +                .addComponent(jScrollPane1, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 151, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
 115.146 +                .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED)
 115.147 +                .addComponent(btnOk)
 115.148 +                .addContainerGap(javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE))
 115.149 +        );
 115.150 +
 115.151 +        pack();
 115.152 +    }// </editor-fold>//GEN-END:initComponents
 115.153 +
 115.154 +private void btnOkActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_btnOkActionPerformed
 115.155 +    this.setVisible(false);
 115.156 +}//GEN-LAST:event_btnOkActionPerformed
 115.157 +
 115.158 +
 115.159 +    // Variables declaration - do not modify//GEN-BEGIN:variables
 115.160 +    private javax.swing.JButton btnOk;
 115.161 +    private javax.swing.JLabel jLabel1;
 115.162 +    private javax.swing.JScrollPane jScrollPane1;
 115.163 +    private javax.swing.JList lstMethods;
 115.164 +    // End of variables declaration//GEN-END:variables
 115.165 +}
   116.1 --- a/PLSQL/Utilities/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/utilities/localization/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
   116.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Utilities/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/utilities/localization/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   116.3 @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
   116.4   */
   116.5  package org.netbeans.modules.plsql.utilities.localization;
   116.7 +import java.util.Collection;
   116.8  import org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db.DatabaseConnectionManager;
   116.9  import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.lexer.PlsqlBlockType;
  116.10  import org.netbeans.modules.plsql.utilities.PlsqlFileLocatorService;
  116.11 @@ -179,4 +180,17 @@
  116.12           }
  116.13        }
  116.14     }
  116.15 +
  116.16 +    @Override
  116.17 +    public Collection<File> getAllPlsqlFiles(Project project) {
  116.18 +        Collection<File> allPlsqlFiles = null;
  116.19 +        if (project != null) {
  116.20 +            PlsqlProjectFileCacheManager fileCache = cachePerProject.get(getProjectName(project));
  116.21 +            if (fileCache != null) {
  116.22 +                allPlsqlFiles = fileCache.getAllPlsqlObjects();
  116.23 +                return allPlsqlFiles;
  116.24 +            }
  116.25 +        }
  116.26 +        return allPlsqlFiles;
  116.27 +    }
  116.28  }
   117.1 --- a/PLSQL/Utilities/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/utilities/localization/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
   117.2 +++ b/PLSQL/Utilities/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsql/utilities/localization/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   117.3 @@ -106,6 +106,12 @@
   117.4     FileObject get(final PlsqlSearchObject searchObject) {
   117.5        return cache.get(searchObject);
   117.6     }
   117.7 +   
   117.8 +   Collection<File> getAllPlsqlObjects(){
   117.9 +   final PlsqlFileFinder scanner = new PlsqlFileFinder(rootFolder);
  117.10 +      final Collection<File> listFiles = scanner.findPlsqlFiles();
  117.11 +      return listFiles;
  117.12 +   }
  117.14     int numberPlsqlObjects() {
  117.15        return cache.numberPlsqlObjects();
   118.1 --- a/Utilities/Oracle/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
   118.2 +++ b/Utilities/Oracle/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   118.3 @@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
   118.4  OpenIDE-Module-Localizing-Bundle: org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/db
   118.5   /
   118.6  OpenIDE-Module-Layer: org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/db/layer.xml
   118.7 -OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.8.19
   118.8 +OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version: 1.8.23
   118.9  AutoUpdate-Show-In-Client: false
   119.1 --- a/Utilities/Oracle/nbproject/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
   119.2 +++ b/Utilities/Oracle/nbproject/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   119.3 @@ -1,2 +1,9 @@
  119.11  javac.source=1.6
  119.12  javac.compilerargs=-Xlint -Xlint:-serial
   120.1 --- a/Utilities/Oracle/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/db/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
   120.2 +++ b/Utilities/Oracle/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/db/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   120.3 @@ -53,7 +53,9 @@
   120.4  import java.sql.ResultSet;
   120.5  import java.sql.SQLException;
   120.6  import java.sql.Statement;
   120.7 +import java.util.ArrayList;
   120.8  import java.util.HashMap;
   120.9 +import java.util.List;
  120.10  import java.util.Map;
  120.11  import java.util.Properties;
  120.12  import java.util.Stack;
  120.13 @@ -80,8 +82,9 @@
  120.14      public static final String PROP_DATABASE_CONNECTIONS = "databaseConnections";
  120.15      public static final String PROP_CW_DATABASE_CONNECTIONS = "commandWindowDatabaseConnections";
  120.16      public static final String PROP_ONLINE = "online";
  120.17 +    private static final String REVERSE_DATABASE_KEY = "";
  120.18      private static Map<FileObject, DatabaseConnectionManager> instances = new HashMap<FileObject, DatabaseConnectionManager>();
  120.19 -    private DatabaseConnection[] connections = new DatabaseConnection[]{};
  120.20 +    private List<DatabaseConnection> connections = new ArrayList<DatabaseConnection>();
  120.21      private final Stack<DatabaseConnection> connectionPool = new Stack<DatabaseConnection>();
  120.22      private DatabaseConnection templateConnection;
  120.23      private Connection debugConnection = null;
  120.24 @@ -92,6 +95,8 @@
  120.25      private PropertyChangeSupport changeSupport = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
  120.26      private static FileObject tempFolder = null;
  120.27      private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DatabaseConnectionManager.class.getName());
  120.28 +    private static final RequestProcessor RP = new RequestProcessor(DatabaseConnectionManager.class);
  120.29 +    private DatabaseConnection reverseConnection;
  120.31      static {
  120.32          String tempDir = System.getProperty("");
  120.33 @@ -162,7 +167,7 @@
  120.34          return templateConnection != null && templateConnection.getJDBCConnection() != null;
  120.35      }
  120.37 -    public DatabaseConnection[] getDatabaseConnections() {
  120.38 +    public List<DatabaseConnection> getDatabaseConnections() {
  120.39          return connections;
  120.40      }
  120.42 @@ -173,16 +178,16 @@
  120.43       */
  120.44      public String getPrimaryConnectionURL() {
  120.45          String result = "";
  120.46 -        if (connections.length > 0) {
  120.47 -            result = connections[0].getDatabaseURL();
  120.48 +        if (!connections.isEmpty()) {
  120.49 +            result = connections.get(0).getDatabaseURL();
  120.50          }
  120.51          return result;
  120.52      }
  120.54      public boolean isDefaultDatabase(DatabaseConnection connection) {
  120.55 -       return databaseConnectionsAreEqual(connection, templateConnection);
  120.56 +        return databaseConnectionsAreEqual(connection, templateConnection);
  120.57      }
  120.58 -    
  120.59 +
  120.60      private boolean databaseConnectionsAreEqual(DatabaseConnection a, DatabaseConnection b) {
  120.61          return (a != null && b != null
  120.62                  && a.getDatabaseURL().equals(b.getDatabaseURL())
  120.63 @@ -217,10 +222,10 @@
  120.64          synchronized (connectionPool) {
  120.65              //if main database is still the same add the connection to the connection pool. Otherwise close and discard.
  120.66              if (databaseConnectionsAreEqual(connection, this.templateConnection)) {
  120.67 -               if(!connectionPool.contains(connection)) {
  120.68 -                  connectionPool.push(connection);
  120.69 -                  logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Returning connection {0} to cache. Number of pooled connections={1}", new Object[]{connection.hashCode(), connectionPool.size()});
  120.70 -               }
  120.71 +                if (!connectionPool.contains(connection)) {
  120.72 +                    connectionPool.push(connection);
  120.73 +                    logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Returning connection {0} to cache. Number of pooled connections={1}", new Object[]{connection.hashCode(), connectionPool.size()});
  120.74 +                }
  120.75              } else {
  120.76                  if (connection != null) {
  120.77                      logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Returning connection {0} to cache. Discard because connected to different database", connection.hashCode());
  120.78 @@ -248,18 +253,18 @@
  120.79          }
  120.80      }
  120.82 -   /**
  120.83 +    /**
  120.84       *
  120.85       * @return True if there in on going transactions for a command window.
  120.86       */
  120.87 -   public boolean hasDataToCommit(DatabaseConnection connection) {
  120.88 +    public boolean hasDataToCommit(DatabaseConnection connection) {
  120.89          ResultSet rs = null;
  120.90          PreparedStatement stmt = null;
  120.91          String commitData = null;
  120.92          if (connection == null || connection.getJDBCConnection() == null) {
  120.93              return false;
  120.94          }
  120.95 -       
  120.96 +
  120.97          try {
  120.98              String sqlSelect = " SELECT taddr FROM   v$session WHERE  AUDsid=userenv('SESSIONID')";
  120.99              stmt = connection.getJDBCConnection().prepareStatement(sqlSelect);
 120.100 @@ -269,14 +274,14 @@
 120.101              }
 120.102              if (commitData != null) {
 120.103                  return true;
 120.104 -            }else{
 120.105 +            } else {
 120.106                  return false;
 120.107              }
 120.108          } catch (SQLException ex) {
 120.109              Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
 120.110          }
 120.111 -            return false;
 120.112 -   }
 120.113 +        return false;
 120.114 +    }
 120.116      private void clearConnectionPool() {
 120.117          synchronized (connectionPool) {
 120.118 @@ -335,8 +340,9 @@
 120.119          if (prompt) {
 120.120              if (templateConnection == null) {
 120.121                  templateConnection = new DatabaseConnectionPanel().showDialog();
 120.122 -                connections = templateConnection != null ? new DatabaseConnection[]{templateConnection} : new DatabaseConnection[]{};
 120.123 +                connections.clear();
 120.124                  if (templateConnection != null) {
 120.125 +                    connections.add(templateConnection);
 120.126                      usagesEnabled = isFindUsagesEnabled();
 120.127                      DatabaseContentManager contentManager = DatabaseContentManager.getInstance(templateConnection);
 120.128                      contentManager.addExceptionListener(connectionErrorListener);
 120.129 @@ -354,8 +360,8 @@
 120.130          DatabaseConnection connection = templateConnection;
 120.131          if (useConnectionPool) {
 120.132              connection = getDatabaseConnectionFromPool();
 120.133 -            if(connection!=null && connection.getJDBCConnection()==null) {
 120.134 -               connect(connection);
 120.135 +            if (connection != null && connection.getJDBCConnection() == null) {
 120.136 +                connect(connection);
 120.137              }
 120.138          }
 120.140 @@ -423,13 +429,17 @@
 120.141          return debugConnection;
 120.142      }
 120.144 -    public void setDatabaseConnections(DatabaseConnection[] connections) {
 120.145 -        DatabaseConnection[] oldConnections = this.connections;
 120.146 -        this.connections = connections;
 120.147 +    public void setDatabaseConnections(List<DatabaseConnection> newConnections) {
 120.148 +//      List<DatabaseConnection> oldConnections = new ArrayList<DatabaseConnection>(connections.size());
 120.149 +//      Collections.copy(oldConnections, connections);
 120.150 +//      this.connections.clear();
 120.151 +//      this.connections.addAll(newConnections);
 120.152 +        List<DatabaseConnection> oldConnections = connections;
 120.153 +        connections = newConnections;
 120.154          if (templateConnection != null) {
 120.155              DatabaseContentManager.getInstance(templateConnection).removeExceptionListener(connectionErrorListener);
 120.156          }
 120.157 -        templateConnection = connections.length > 0 ? connections[0] : null;
 120.158 +        templateConnection = !newConnections.isEmpty() ? newConnections.get(0) : null;
 120.159          if (templateConnection != null) {
 120.160              DatabaseContentManager.getInstance(templateConnection).addExceptionListener(connectionErrorListener);
 120.161          }
 120.162 @@ -437,7 +447,7 @@
 120.163          //clear the connection pool and the debug connection when the main database changes
 120.164          clearConnectionPool();
 120.165          this.debugConnection = null;
 120.166 -        changeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_DATABASE_CONNECTIONS, oldConnections, connections);
 120.167 +        changeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_DATABASE_CONNECTIONS, oldConnections, newConnections);
 120.168      }
 120.170      public synchronized void connect(final DatabaseConnection connection) {
 120.171 @@ -455,55 +465,55 @@
 120.172                  }
 120.173                  return;
 120.174              } else {
 120.175 -               if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
 120.176 -                  try {
 120.177 -                     ConnectionManager.getDefault().showConnectionDialog(connection);
 120.178 -                  } catch (NullPointerException e) {
 120.179 -                     failed = true;
 120.180 -                  } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
 120.181 -                     failed = true;
 120.182 -                  }
 120.183 -               } else {
 120.184 -                  try {
 120.185 -                     SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
 120.186 +                if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
 120.187 +                    try {
 120.188 +                        ConnectionManager.getDefault().showConnectionDialog(connection);
 120.189 +                    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
 120.190 +                        failed = true;
 120.191 +                    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
 120.192 +                        failed = true;
 120.193 +                    }
 120.194 +                } else {
 120.195 +                    try {
 120.196 +                        SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
 120.198 -                        @Override
 120.199 -                        public void run() {
 120.200 -                           ConnectionManager.getDefault().showConnectionDialog(connection);
 120.201 +                            @Override
 120.202 +                            public void run() {
 120.203 +                                ConnectionManager.getDefault().showConnectionDialog(connection);
 120.204 +                            }
 120.205 +                        });
 120.206 +                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
 120.207 +                        failed = true;
 120.208 +                    } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
 120.209 +                        failed = true;
 120.210 +                    }
 120.211 +                }
 120.212 +                if ((connection.getJDBCConnection() == null || connection.getJDBCConnection().isClosed())) {
 120.213 +                    if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
 120.214 +                        Task request = Runnable() {
 120.215 +
 120.216 +                            @Override
 120.217 +                            public void run() {
 120.218 +                                try {
 120.219 +                                    ConnectionManager.getDefault().connect(connection);
 120.220 +                                } catch (DatabaseException ex) {
 120.221 +                                }
 120.222 +                            }
 120.223 +                        });
 120.224 +                        try {
 120.225 +                            request.waitFinished(10000);
 120.226 +                        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
 120.227 +                            Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
 120.228                          }
 120.229 -                     });
 120.230 -                  } catch (InterruptedException e) {
 120.231 -                     failed = true;
 120.232 -                  } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
 120.233 -                     failed = true;
 120.234 -                  }
 120.235 -               }
 120.236 -               if ((connection.getJDBCConnection() == null || connection.getJDBCConnection().isClosed())) {
 120.237 -                 if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {
 120.238 -                    Task request = RequestProcessor.getDefault().post(new Runnable() {
 120.239 -
 120.240 -                       @Override
 120.241 -                       public void run() {
 120.242 -                          try {
 120.243 -                             ConnectionManager.getDefault().connect(connection);
 120.244 -                          } catch (DatabaseException ex) {
 120.245 -                          }
 120.246 -                       }
 120.247 -                    });
 120.248 -                    try {
 120.249 -                       request.waitFinished(10000);
 120.250 -                    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
 120.251 -                       Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
 120.252 +                    } else {
 120.253 +                        try {
 120.254 +                            ConnectionManager.getDefault().connect(connection);
 120.255 +                        } catch (DatabaseException ex) {
 120.256 +                            failed = true;
 120.257 +                        }
 120.258                      }
 120.259 -                 } else {
 120.260 -                    try {
 120.261 -                       ConnectionManager.getDefault().connect(connection);
 120.262 -                    } catch (DatabaseException ex) {
 120.263 -                       failed = true;
 120.264 -                    }
 120.265 -                 }
 120.266 -              }
 120.267 -           }
 120.268 +                }
 120.269 +            }
 120.270          } catch (SQLException ex) {
 120.271              failed = true;
 120.272          }
 120.273 @@ -535,9 +545,9 @@
 120.274                  templateConnection = DatabaseConnection.create(templateConnection.getJDBCDriver(), templateConnection.getDatabaseURL(), templateConnection.getUser(), templateConnection.getSchema(), templateConnection.getPassword(), true, templateConnection.getDisplayName());
 120.275                  clearConnectionPool();
 120.276                  this.debugConnection = null;
 120.277 -                DatabaseConnection[] oldConnections = new DatabaseConnection[connections.length];
 120.278 -                System.arraycopy(connections, 0, oldConnections, 0, connections.length);
 120.279 -                connections[0] = templateConnection;
 120.280 +                List<DatabaseConnection> oldConnections = new ArrayList<DatabaseConnection>(connections.size());
 120.281 +                oldConnections.addAll(connections);
 120.282 +                connections.set(0, templateConnection);
 120.283                  changeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_DATABASE_CONNECTIONS, oldConnections, connections);
 120.284              }
 120.285     = online;
 120.286 @@ -546,12 +556,25 @@
 120.287      }
 120.289      public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {
 120.290 -       PropertyChangeListener[] listeners = changeSupport.getPropertyChangeListeners();
 120.291 -       for(int i = 0; i<listeners.length; i++) {
 120.292 -          if(listeners[i]==listener) //don't register the same listener more than once
 120.293 -             return;
 120.294 -       }
 120.295 -       changeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(listener);
 120.296 +        PropertyChangeListener[] listeners = changeSupport.getPropertyChangeListeners();
 120.297 +        for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
 120.298 +            //don't register the same listener more than once
 120.299 +            if (listeners[i] == listener) {
 120.300 +                return;
 120.301 +            }
 120.302 +        }
 120.303 +        changeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(listener);
 120.304 +    }
 120.305 +
 120.306 +    public void addPropertyChangeListener(String propertyName, PropertyChangeListener listener) {
 120.307 +        PropertyChangeListener[] listeners = changeSupport.getPropertyChangeListeners();
 120.308 +        for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
 120.309 +            if (listeners[i] == listener) //don't register the same listener more than once
 120.310 +            {
 120.311 +                return;
 120.312 +            }
 120.313 +        }
 120.314 +        changeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener(propertyName, listener);
 120.315      }
 120.317      public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {
 120.318 @@ -575,6 +598,45 @@
 120.319          }
 120.320      }
 120.322 +    /**
 120.323 +     * Set Reverse Engineering DatabaseConnection
 120.324 +     * @param newConnection
 120.325 +     */
 120.326 +    public void setReverseConnection(DatabaseConnection newConnection) {
 120.327 +        DatabaseConnection oldConnection = this.reverseConnection;
 120.328 +        this.reverseConnection = newConnection;
 120.329 +        changeSupport.firePropertyChange(REVERSE_DATABASE_KEY, oldConnection, newConnection);
 120.330 +    }
 120.331 +
 120.332 +    /**
 120.333 +     * Returns Reverse Engineering DatabaseConnection
 120.334 +     * @return
 120.335 +     */
 120.336 +    public DatabaseConnection getReverseConnection() {
 120.337 +        return reverseConnection;
 120.338 +    }
 120.339 +
 120.340 +    /**
 120.341 +     * Returns true is Reverse Engineering DatabaseConnection has been set.
 120.342 +     * @return
 120.343 +     */
 120.344 +    public boolean hasReverseConnection() {
 120.345 +        return reverseConnection != null;
 120.346 +    }
 120.347 +
 120.348 +    /**
 120.349 +     * Returns true is Reverse Engineering DatabaseConnection is online.
 120.350 +     * @return
 120.351 +     */
 120.352 +    public boolean isReverseOnline() {
 120.353 +        try {
 120.354 +            return hasReverseConnection() && reverseConnection.getJDBCConnection() != null && reverseConnection.getJDBCConnection().isValid(1000);
 120.355 +        } catch (SQLException ex) {
 120.356 +            Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
 120.357 +        }
 120.358 +        return false;
 120.359 +    }
 120.360 +
 120.361      private class ConnectionErrorListener implements ExceptionListener {
 120.363          public ConnectionErrorListener() {
   121.1 --- a/Utilities/Oracle/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/db/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
   121.2 +++ b/Utilities/Oracle/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/db/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   121.3 @@ -1446,131 +1446,136 @@
   121.4        return null;
   121.5     }
   121.7 -   /**
   121.8 -    * Get model
   121.9 -    * @param objectName
  121.10 -    * @param type
  121.11 -    * @param connection
  121.12 -    * @return
  121.13 -    */
  121.14 -   public static DatabaseModelObjectInfo getModelObject(String objectName, String type, DatabaseConnection connection) throws SQLException {
  121.15 -      PreparedStatement stmt = null;
  121.16 -      DatabaseModelObjectInfo modelObject = null;
  121.17 -      //FETCH MODEL
  121.18 -      String query = "SELECT COMPONENT, MODEL_FILE FROM " + connection.getSchema() + ".FNDBAS_MODEL_OBJECT_TAB WHERE OBJECT_TYPE=? AND OBJECT_NAME=?";
  121.19 -      try {
  121.20 -         if (connection != null) {
  121.21 -            stmt = connection.getJDBCConnection().prepareStatement(query);
  121.22 -            stmt.setString(1, type);
  121.23 -            stmt.setString(2, objectName);
  121.24 -            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
  121.25 -            while ( {
  121.26 -               modelObject = new DatabaseModelObjectInfo(objectName, rs.getString(1), type, rs.getBytes(2));
  121.27 -            }
  121.28 -            rs.close();
  121.29 -            stmt.close();
  121.30 -         }
  121.31 -      } catch (SQLException ex) {
  121.32 -         return null; //work around for non-ifs databases
  121.33 -      } finally {
  121.34 -         if (stmt != null) {
  121.35 -            stmt.close();
  121.36 -         }
  121.37 -      }
  121.38 -      return modelObject;
  121.39 -   }
  121.40 -
  121.41 -   /**
  121.42 -    * Get models updated after lastFetchDate
  121.43 -    * @param lastFetchDate
  121.44 -    * @param type
  121.45 -    * @param models
  121.46 -    * @param connection
  121.47 -    * @return lastImportFileDate
  121.48 -    */
  121.49 -   public static String getModelNames(String lastFetchDate, Map<String, Set<String>> models, DatabaseConnection connection) throws SQLException {
  121.50 -      PreparedStatement stmt = null;
  121.51 -
  121.52 -      //FETCH MODEL NAMES
  121.53 -      String query = "SELECT object_name, object_type, to_char(import_file_stamp, " + TIMESTAMP_FORMAT + ") import_file_stamp "
  121.54 -            + "FROM " + connection.getSchema() + ".fndbas_model_object_tab "
  121.55 -            + "WHERE import_file_stamp > to_date(?, " + TIMESTAMP_FORMAT + ") "
  121.56 -            + "ORDER BY import_file_stamp DESC";
  121.57 -      try {
  121.58 -         String timestamp = null;
  121.59 -         if (connection != null) {
  121.60 -            stmt = connection.getJDBCConnection().prepareStatement(query);
  121.61 -            stmt.setString(1, lastFetchDate);
  121.62 -            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
  121.63 -            while ( {
  121.64 -               Set<String> modelList = models.get(rs.getString(2));
  121.65 -               if (modelList == null) {
  121.66 -                  modelList = new HashSet<String>();
  121.67 -                  models.put(rs.getString(2), modelList);
  121.68 -               }
  121.69 -               modelList.add(rs.getString(1));
  121.70 -               if (timestamp == null) {
  121.71 -                  timestamp = rs.getString(3);
  121.72 -               }
  121.73 -            }
  121.74 -            rs.close();
  121.75 -            stmt.close();
  121.76 -         }
  121.77 -         return timestamp != null ? timestamp : lastFetchDate;
  121.78 -      } catch (SQLException ex) {
  121.79 -         return null; //work around for non-ifs databases
  121.80 -      } finally {
  121.81 -         if (stmt != null) {
  121.82 -            stmt.close();
  121.83 -         }
  121.84 -      }
  121.85 -   }
  121.86 -
  121.87 -   /**
  121.88 -    * Method that will return the last modified time of the given model object
  121.89 -    * @param name
  121.90 -    * @param type
  121.91 -    * @param connection
  121.92 -    * @return
  121.93 -    */
  121.94 -   public static long getLastModifiedTime(String name, String type, DatabaseConnection connection) throws SQLException {
  121.95 -      {
  121.96 -         Date timeStamp = null;
  121.97 -         DateFormat dfm = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
  121.98 -
  121.99 -         if (connection != null) {
 121.100 -            try {
 121.101 -               List<String> objList = new ArrayList<String>();
 121.102 -               ResultSet objSet = null;
 121.103 -
 121.105 -               PreparedStatement stmt = null;
 121.106 -               try {
 121.107 -                  stmt = connection.getJDBCConnection().prepareStatement(query);
 121.108 -                  stmt.setString(1, type);
 121.109 -                  stmt.setString(2, name);
 121.110 -                  objSet = stmt.executeQuery();
 121.111 -                  while ( {
 121.112 -                     objList.add(objSet.getString("FILE_TIME_STAMP"));
 121.113 -                  }
 121.114 -               } finally {
 121.115 -                  if (stmt != null) {
 121.116 -                     stmt.close();
 121.117 -                  }
 121.118 -               }
 121.119 -               if (objList.size() > 0) {
 121.120 -                  timeStamp = dfm.parse(objList.get(0));
 121.121 -               }
 121.122 -            } catch (ParseException ex) {
 121.123 -               Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
 121.124 -            }
 121.125 -         }
 121.126 -
 121.127 -         if (timeStamp == null) {
 121.128 -            return -1;
 121.129 -         } else {
 121.130 -            return timeStamp.getTime();
 121.131 -         }
 121.132 -      }
 121.133 -   }
 121.134 +//   /**
 121.135 +//    * Get model
 121.136 +//    * @param objectName
 121.137 +//    * @param type
 121.138 +//    * @param connection
 121.139 +//    * @return
 121.140 +//    */
 121.141 +//   public static DatabaseModelObjectInfo getModelObject(String objectName, String type, DatabaseConnection connection) throws SQLException {
 121.142 +//     return getModelObject(objectName, type, connection.getSchema(), connection.getJDBCConnection());      
 121.143 +//   }
 121.144 +//   
 121.145 +//   
 121.146 +//    public static DatabaseModelObjectInfo getModelObject(String objectName, String type, String schema, Connection connection) throws SQLException {
 121.147 +//      PreparedStatement stmt = null;
 121.148 +//      DatabaseModelObjectInfo modelObject = null;
 121.149 +//      //FETCH MODEL
 121.151 +//      try {
 121.152 +//         if (connection != null) {
 121.153 +//            stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query);
 121.154 +//            stmt.setString(1, type);
 121.155 +//            stmt.setString(2, objectName);
 121.156 +//            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
 121.157 +//            while ( {
 121.158 +//               modelObject = new DatabaseModelObjectInfo(objectName, rs.getString(1), type, rs.getBytes(2));
 121.159 +//            }
 121.160 +//            rs.close();
 121.161 +//            stmt.close();
 121.162 +//         }
 121.163 +//      } catch (SQLException ex) {
 121.164 +//         return null; //work around for non-ifs databases
 121.165 +//      } finally {
 121.166 +//         if (stmt != null) {
 121.167 +//            stmt.close();
 121.168 +//         }
 121.169 +//      }
 121.170 +//      return modelObject;
 121.171 +//   }
 121.172 +//
 121.173 +//   /**
 121.174 +//    * Get models updated after lastFetchDate
 121.175 +//    * @param lastFetchDate
 121.176 +//    * @param type
 121.177 +//    * @param models
 121.178 +//    * @param connection
 121.179 +//    * @return lastImportFileDate
 121.180 +//    */
 121.181 +//   public static String getModelNames(String lastFetchDate, Map<String, Set<String>> models, DatabaseConnection connection) throws SQLException {
 121.182 +//      PreparedStatement stmt = null;
 121.183 +//
 121.184 +//      //FETCH MODEL NAMES
 121.185 +//      String query = "SELECT object_name, object_type, to_char(import_file_stamp, " + TIMESTAMP_FORMAT + ") import_file_stamp "
 121.186 +//            + "FROM " + connection.getSchema() + ".fndbas_model_object_tab "
 121.187 +//            + "WHERE import_file_stamp > to_date(?, " + TIMESTAMP_FORMAT + ") "
 121.188 +//            + "ORDER BY import_file_stamp DESC";
 121.189 +//      try {
 121.190 +//         String timestamp = null;
 121.191 +//         if (connection != null) {
 121.192 +//            stmt = connection.getJDBCConnection().prepareStatement(query);
 121.193 +//            stmt.setString(1, lastFetchDate);
 121.194 +//            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
 121.195 +//            while ( {
 121.196 +//               Set<String> modelList = models.get(rs.getString(2));
 121.197 +//               if (modelList == null) {
 121.198 +//                  modelList = new HashSet<String>();
 121.199 +//                  models.put(rs.getString(2), modelList);
 121.200 +//               }
 121.201 +//               modelList.add(rs.getString(1));
 121.202 +//               if (timestamp == null) {
 121.203 +//                  timestamp = rs.getString(3);
 121.204 +//               }
 121.205 +//            }
 121.206 +//            rs.close();
 121.207 +//            stmt.close();
 121.208 +//         }
 121.209 +//         return timestamp != null ? timestamp : lastFetchDate;
 121.210 +//      } catch (SQLException ex) {
 121.211 +//         return null; //work around for non-ifs databases
 121.212 +//      } finally {
 121.213 +//         if (stmt != null) {
 121.214 +//            stmt.close();
 121.215 +//         }
 121.216 +//      }
 121.217 +//   }
 121.218 +//
 121.219 +//   /**
 121.220 +//    * Method that will return the last modified time of the given model object
 121.221 +//    * @param name
 121.222 +//    * @param type
 121.223 +//    * @param connection
 121.224 +//    * @return
 121.225 +//    */
 121.226 +//   public static long getLastModifiedTime(String name, String type, DatabaseConnection connection) throws SQLException {
 121.227 +//      {
 121.228 +//         Date timeStamp = null;
 121.229 +//         DateFormat dfm = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
 121.230 +//
 121.231 +//         if (connection != null) {
 121.232 +//            try {
 121.233 +//               List<String> objList = new ArrayList<String>();
 121.234 +//               ResultSet objSet = null;
 121.235 +//
 121.237 +//               PreparedStatement stmt = null;
 121.238 +//               try {
 121.239 +//                  stmt = connection.getJDBCConnection().prepareStatement(query);
 121.240 +//                  stmt.setString(1, type);
 121.241 +//                  stmt.setString(2, name);
 121.242 +//                  objSet = stmt.executeQuery();
 121.243 +//                  while ( {
 121.244 +//                     objList.add(objSet.getString("FILE_TIME_STAMP"));
 121.245 +//                  }
 121.246 +//               } finally {
 121.247 +//                  if (stmt != null) {
 121.248 +//                     stmt.close();
 121.249 +//                  }
 121.250 +//               }
 121.251 +//               if (objList.size() > 0) {
 121.252 +//                  timeStamp = dfm.parse(objList.get(0));
 121.253 +//               }
 121.254 +//            } catch (ParseException ex) {
 121.255 +//               Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
 121.256 +//            }
 121.257 +//         }
 121.258 +//
 121.259 +//         if (timeStamp == null) {
 121.260 +//            return -1;
 121.261 +//         } else {
 121.262 +//            return timeStamp.getTime();
 121.263 +//         }
 121.264 +//      }
 121.265 +//   }
 121.266  }
   122.1 --- a/Utilities/Oracle/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/db/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
   122.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
   122.3 @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
   122.4 -/*
   122.6 - *
   122.7 - * Copyright 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   122.8 - *
   122.9 - * Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
  122.10 - * Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
  122.11 - *
  122.12 - * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
  122.13 - * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
  122.14 - * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
  122.15 - * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
  122.16 - * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
  122.17 - *
  122.18 - * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
  122.19 - * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
  122.20 - * License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
  122.21 - * Notice in each file and include the License file at
  122.22 - * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Oracle designates this
  122.23 - * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
  122.24 - * by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
  122.25 - * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
  122.26 - * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
  122.27 - * your own identifying information:
  122.28 - * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
  122.29 - *
  122.30 - * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
  122.31 - * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
  122.32 - * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
  122.33 - * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
  122.34 - * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
  122.35 - * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
  122.36 - * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
  122.37 - * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
  122.38 - * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
  122.39 - * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
  122.40 - *
  122.41 - * Contributor(s):
  122.42 - *
  122.43 - * Portions Copyrighted 2011 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  122.44 - */
  122.45 -package org.netbeans.modules.plsqlsupport.db;
  122.46 -
  122.47 -public class DatabaseModelObjectInfo {
  122.48 -
  122.49 -   private String objectName;
  122.50 -   private String component;
  122.51 -   private String type;
  122.52 -   private byte[] data;
  122.53 -
  122.54 -   // Use to store the query results of model data from Model Cache Table in Database
  122.55 -   public DatabaseModelObjectInfo(String objectName, String component, String type, byte[] data) {
  122.56 -      this.objectName = objectName;
  122.57 -      this.component = component;
  122.58 -      this.type = type;
  122.59 - = data;
  122.60 -   }
  122.61 -
  122.62 -   public String getName() {
  122.63 -      return objectName;
  122.64 -   }
  122.65 -
  122.66 -   public String getComponent() {
  122.67 -      return component;
  122.68 -   }
  122.69 -
  122.70 -   public String getType() {
  122.71 -      return type;
  122.72 -   }
  122.73 -
  122.74 -   public byte[] getData() {
  122.75 -      return data;
  122.76 -   }
  122.77 -   
  122.78 -}
   123.1 --- a/Utilities/Oracle/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/db/ui/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
   123.2 +++ b/Utilities/Oracle/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/db/ui/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   123.3 @@ -63,102 +63,109 @@
   123.5  public class DatabaseNode extends AbstractNode {
   123.7 -   private static final Image ONLINE_ICON = ImageUtilities.loadImage("org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/db/ui/resources/database_online.gif");
   123.8 -   private static final Image OFFLINE_ICON = ImageUtilities.loadImage("org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/db/ui/resources/database_offline.gif");
   123.9 -   private static final Image NO_CONNECTION_ICON = ImageUtilities.loadImage("org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/db/ui/resources/database_notconnected.gif");
  123.10 -   private Project project;   
  123.11 +    private static final Image ONLINE_ICON = ImageUtilities.loadImage("org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/db/ui/resources/database_online.gif");
  123.12 +    private static final Image OFFLINE_ICON = ImageUtilities.loadImage("org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/db/ui/resources/database_offline.gif");
  123.13 +    private static final Image NO_CONNECTION_ICON = ImageUtilities.loadImage("org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/db/ui/resources/database_notconnected.gif");
  123.14 +    private Project project;
  123.16 -   public DatabaseNode(Project project) {
  123.17 -      super(Children.LEAF, Lookups.fixed(project));
  123.18 -      this.project = project;
  123.19 -      setName("Database");
  123.20 -      DatabaseConnectionManager dbConnectionProvider = project.getLookup().lookup(DatabaseConnectionManager.class);
  123.21 -      if (dbConnectionProvider != null)
  123.22 -         dbConnectionProvider.addPropertyChangeListener(new ConnectionChangeListener());
  123.23 -   }
  123.24 +    public DatabaseNode(Project project) {
  123.25 +        super(Children.LEAF, Lookups.fixed(project));
  123.26 +        this.project = project;
  123.27 +        setName("Database");
  123.28 +        DatabaseConnectionManager dbConnectionProvider = project.getLookup().lookup(DatabaseConnectionManager.class);
  123.29 +        if (dbConnectionProvider != null) {
  123.30 +            dbConnectionProvider.addPropertyChangeListener(new ConnectionChangeListener());
  123.31 +        }
  123.32 +    }
  123.34 -   public static NodeFactory createFactory() {
  123.35 -      return new Factory();
  123.36 -   }
  123.37 +    public static NodeFactory createFactory() {
  123.38 +        return new Factory();
  123.39 +    }
  123.41 -   @Override
  123.42 -   public Image getIcon(int type) {
  123.43 -      DatabaseConnectionManager dbConnectionProvider = project.getLookup().lookup(DatabaseConnectionManager.class);
  123.44 -      if (!dbConnectionProvider.hasConnection())
  123.45 -         return NO_CONNECTION_ICON;
  123.46 -      return dbConnectionProvider.isOnline() ? ONLINE_ICON : OFFLINE_ICON;
  123.47 -   }
  123.48 +    @Override
  123.49 +    public Image getIcon(int type) {
  123.50 +        DatabaseConnectionManager dbConnectionProvider = project.getLookup().lookup(DatabaseConnectionManager.class);
  123.51 +        if (!dbConnectionProvider.hasConnection()) {
  123.52 +            return NO_CONNECTION_ICON;
  123.53 +        }
  123.54 +        return dbConnectionProvider.isOnline() ? ONLINE_ICON : OFFLINE_ICON;
  123.55 +    }
  123.57 -   @Override
  123.58 -   public Image getOpenedIcon(int type) {
  123.59 -      return getIcon(type);
  123.60 -   }
  123.61 +    @Override
  123.62 +    public Image getOpenedIcon(int type) {
  123.63 +        return getIcon(type);
  123.64 +    }
  123.66 -   @Override
  123.67 -   public Action[] getActions(boolean context) {
  123.68 -      List<? extends Action> actions = Utilities.actionsForPath("Databases/Nodes/Oracle");
  123.69 -      return actions.toArray(new Action[actions.size()]);
  123.70 -   }
  123.71 +    @Override
  123.72 +    public Action[] getActions(boolean context) {
  123.73 +        List<? extends Action> actions = Utilities.actionsForPath("Databases/Nodes/Oracle");
  123.74 +        return actions.toArray(new Action[actions.size()]);
  123.75 +    }
  123.77 -   @Override
  123.78 -   public String getHtmlDisplayName() {
  123.79 -      return getDisplayName(true);
  123.80 -   }
  123.81 +    @Override
  123.82 +    public String getHtmlDisplayName() {
  123.83 +        return getDisplayName(true);
  123.84 +    }
  123.86 -   @Override
  123.87 -   public String getDisplayName() {
  123.88 -      return getDisplayName(false);
  123.89 -   }
  123.90 +    @Override
  123.91 +    public String getDisplayName() {
  123.92 +        return getDisplayName(false);
  123.93 +    }
  123.95 -   private String getDisplayName(boolean addHTML) {
  123.96 -      String name = NbBundle.getMessage(getClass(), "LBL_DatabaseNodeName"); // NOI18N
  123.97 -      DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider = project.getLookup().lookup(DatabaseConnectionManager.class);
  123.98 -      DatabaseConnection[] connections = connectionProvider.getDatabaseConnections();
  123.99 -      if (connections.length > 0) {
 123.100 -         String url = connections[0].getDatabaseURL();
 123.101 -         String alias = connections[0].getDisplayName();
 123.102 -         if(alias !=null && !alias.equals(connections[0].getName()))
 123.103 -             name = name + " " + alias;
 123.104 -         url = connections[0].getUser() + "@" + url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("@") + 1);
 123.105 -         if (connectionProvider.isOnline())
 123.106 -            name = name + " [" + url + "]";
 123.107 -         else if (addHTML)
 123.108 -            name = name + " [<s>" + url + "</s>]";
 123.109 -      } else if (addHTML)
 123.110 -         name = "<font color='AAAAAA'>" + name + "</font>";
 123.111 -      return name;
 123.112 -   }
 123.113 +    private String getDisplayName(boolean addHTML) {
 123.114 +        String name = NbBundle.getMessage(getClass(), "LBL_DatabaseNodeName"); // NOI18N
 123.115 +        DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider = project.getLookup().lookup(DatabaseConnectionManager.class);
 123.116 +        List<DatabaseConnection> connections = connectionProvider.getDatabaseConnections();
 123.117 +        if (!connections.isEmpty()) {
 123.118 +            String url = connections.get(0).getDatabaseURL();
 123.119 +            String alias = connections.get(0).getDisplayName();
 123.120 +            if (alias != null && !alias.equals(connections.get(0).getName())) {
 123.121 +                name = name + " " + alias;
 123.122 +            }
 123.123 +            url = connections.get(0).getUser() + "@" + url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("@") + 1);
 123.124 +            if (connectionProvider.isOnline()) {
 123.125 +                name = name + " [" + url + "]";
 123.126 +            } else if (addHTML) {
 123.127 +                name = name + " [<s>" + url + "</s>]";
 123.128 +            }
 123.129 +        } else if (addHTML) {
 123.130 +            name = "<font color='AAAAAA'>" + name + "</font>";
 123.131 +        }
 123.132 +        return name;
 123.133 +    }
 123.135 -   private void updateCache() {
 123.136 -      DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider = project.getLookup().lookup(DatabaseConnectionManager.class);
 123.137 -      DatabaseConnection[] connections = connectionProvider.getDatabaseConnections();
 123.138 -      if (connections.length > 0) {
 123.139 -         DatabaseContentManager dbCache = DatabaseContentManager.getInstance(connections[0]);
 123.140 -         if(dbCache!=null)
 123.141 -            dbCache.updateCache(connectionProvider);
 123.142 -      }
 123.143 -   }
 123.144 -   private static class Factory implements NodeFactory {
 123.145 +    private void updateCache() {
 123.146 +        DatabaseConnectionManager connectionProvider = project.getLookup().lookup(DatabaseConnectionManager.class);
 123.147 +        List<DatabaseConnection> connections = connectionProvider.getDatabaseConnections();
 123.148 +        if (!connections.isEmpty()) {
 123.149 +            DatabaseContentManager dbCache = DatabaseContentManager.getInstance(connections.get(0));
 123.150 +            if (dbCache != null) {
 123.151 +                dbCache.updateCache(connectionProvider);
 123.152 +            }
 123.153 +        }
 123.154 +    }
 123.156 -      public Factory() {}
 123.157 +    private static class Factory implements NodeFactory {
 123.159 -      public NodeList createNodes(Project project) {
 123.160 -         return NodeFactorySupport.fixedNodeList(new DatabaseNode(project));
 123.161 -      }
 123.162 -   }
 123.163 +        @Override
 123.164 +        public NodeList createNodes(Project project) {
 123.165 +            return NodeFactorySupport.fixedNodeList(new DatabaseNode(project));
 123.166 +        }
 123.167 +    }
 123.169 -   private class ConnectionChangeListener implements PropertyChangeListener {
 123.170 +    private class ConnectionChangeListener implements PropertyChangeListener {
 123.172 -      public ConnectionChangeListener() {}
 123.173 +        @Override
 123.174 +        public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) {
 123.175 +            SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
 123.177 -      public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) {
 123.178 -         SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
 123.179 -            public void run() {
 123.180 -               fireIconChange();
 123.181 -               setDisplayName(getHtmlDisplayName());
 123.182 -               updateCache();
 123.183 -            }
 123.184 -         });
 123.185 -      }
 123.186 -   }
 123.187 +                @Override
 123.188 +                public void run() {
 123.189 +                    fireIconChange();
 123.190 +                    setDisplayName(getHtmlDisplayName());
 123.191 +                    updateCache();
 123.192 +                }
 123.193 +            });
 123.194 +        }
 123.195 +    }
 123.196  }
   124.1 --- a/Utilities/Oracle/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/db/ui/	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
   124.2 +++ b/Utilities/Oracle/src/org/netbeans/modules/plsqlsupport/db/ui/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   124.3 @@ -111,15 +111,6 @@
   124.4                          if ((panes != null) && (panes.length != 0)) {
   124.5                              JEditorPane component = panes[0];
   124.6                              if (component != null) {
   124.7 -                                //Ugly workaround for a bug in code templates.
   124.8 -                                //This bug makes it impossible to insert code templates at the first position in a file.
   124.9 -                                //By adding a comment line at the start of the file we avoid this problem for our test blocks...
  124.10 -                                Document doc = component.getDocument();
  124.11 -                                try {
  124.12 -                                    doc.insertString(0, "-- Enter values for your parameters. Use enter to move to the next parameter\n", null);
  124.13 -                                } catch (BadLocationException ex) {
  124.14 -                                    Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
  124.15 -                                }
  124.16                                  CodeTemplate ct = CodeTemplateManager.get(component.getDocument()).createTemporary(codeTemplate);
  124.17                                  ct.insert(component);
  124.18                              }
   125.1 --- a/build.xml	Tue Feb 14 17:36:37 2012 +0100
   125.2 +++ b/build.xml	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   125.3 @@ -13,6 +13,10 @@
   125.4      <property name="timestamp.file" value=".lastModified"/>
   125.6      <property environment="env"/>
   125.7 +   <property name="env.BUILD_NUMBER" value="0" description="Set a fake value if not run from Jenkins"/>
   125.8 +   <property name="env.next_jira_release_version" value="8.72.0" description="Set a fake value if not run from Jenkins"/>
   125.9 +   <property name="new_version" value="${env.next_jira_release_version}.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}" description="Set a version number based on info from Jenkins"/>
  125.10 +
  125.11      <condition property="" value="${env.BUILD_ID}" else="dev">
  125.12          <isset property="env.BUILD_ID"/>
  125.13      </condition>
  125.14 @@ -132,10 +136,13 @@
  125.15        <echo level="verbose">${modules}</echo>
  125.17        <foreach param="module.path" target="-vcs-log" list="${modules}" delimiter=":"/>
  125.18 +<!--        <echoproperties srcfile="build/" />-->
  125.19 +   </target>
  125.20 +
  125.21 +   <target name="-add-kit-module" description="add kit module to update" >
  125.22        <propertyfile  file="build/">
  125.23           <entry key="selected.modules" default="" operation="+" value="plsql-support.kit/"/>
  125.24        </propertyfile>
  125.25 -<!--        <echoproperties srcfile="build/" />-->
  125.26     </target>
  125.28     <target name="-vcs-log" description="use mercurial to check if the last commit was a release commit">
  125.29 @@ -177,31 +184,14 @@
  125.30     <target name="current-version" depends="-read-version" description="show current specification.version">
  125.31     </target>
  125.33 -   <target name="incr-major" description="increment major version for modules with changes" depends="-find-modules-for-update">
  125.34 +   <target name="update-version" depends="-find-modules-for-update, -add-kit-module"
  125.35 +           description="update version for all modules in suite that has changes since last release">
  125.36 +      <echo level="info">Updating modules to version: ${new_version}</echo>
  125.37        <loadproperties srcfile="build/" />
  125.38        <echo>selected.modules=${selected.modules}</echo>
  125.39 -      <foreach param="manifest.file" target="-major" >
  125.40 +      <foreach param="manifest.file" target="-update-meta-files" >
  125.41           <path path="${selected.modules}"/>
  125.42        </foreach>
  125.43 -      <delete file="" />
  125.44 -   </target>
  125.45 -
  125.46 -   <target name="incr-minor" description="increment minor version for modules with changes" depends="-find-modules-for-update">
  125.47 -      <loadproperties srcfile="build/" />
  125.48 -      <echo>selected.modules=${selected.modules}</echo>
  125.49 -      <foreach param="manifest.file" target="-minor" >
  125.50 -         <path path="${selected.modules}"/>
  125.51 -      </foreach>
  125.52 -      <delete file="" />
  125.53 -   </target>
  125.54 -
  125.55 -   <target name="incr-revision" description="increment revision version for modules with changes" depends="-find-modules-for-update">
  125.56 -      <loadproperties srcfile="build/" />
  125.57 -      <echo>selected.modules=${selected.modules}</echo>
  125.58 -      <foreach param="manifest.file" target="-revision" >
  125.59 -         <path path="${selected.modules}"/>
  125.60 -      </foreach>
  125.61 -      <delete file="" />
  125.62     </target>
  125.64     <target name="-read-version">
  125.65 @@ -209,61 +199,15 @@
  125.66        <property file="${manifest.file}"></property>
  125.67        <property name="specification.version" value="${OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version}"/>
  125.68        <echo>OpenIDE-Module: ${OpenIDE-Module}</echo>
  125.69 -      <echo>Current build number:${specification.version}</echo>
  125.70 -      <propertyregex property="major.version" input="${specification.version}"  regexp="(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$" select="\1" />
  125.71 -      <echo level="verbose">major: ${major.version}</echo>
  125.72 -      <propertyregex property="minor.version" input="${specification.version}"  regexp="(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$" select="\2" />
  125.73 -      <echo level="verbose">minor: ${minor.version}</echo>
  125.74 -      <propertyregex property="revision.version" input="${specification.version}"  regexp="(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$" select="\3" />
  125.75 -      <echo level="verbose">revision: ${revision.version}</echo>
  125.76 -      <propertyfile file="">
  125.77 -         <entry key="build.major.number" type="int" value="${major.version}" />
  125.78 -         <entry key="build.minor.number" type="int" value="${minor.version}" />
  125.79 -         <entry key="build.revision.number" type="int" value="${revision.version}" />
  125.80 -      </propertyfile>
  125.81 +      <echo>Current build number:${env.BUILD_NUMBER}</echo>
  125.82     </target>
  125.84 -   <target name="-revision" depends="-read-version">
  125.85 -      <propertyfile  file="">
  125.86 -         <entry key="build.revision.number" type="int" operation="+" value="1"/>
  125.87 -      </propertyfile>
  125.88 -
  125.89 -      <loadproperties srcfile="" />
  125.90 -      <manifest file="${manifest.file}" mode="update">
  125.91 -         <attribute name="OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version" value="${build.major.number}.${build.minor.number}.${build.revision.number}" />
  125.92 +   <target name="-update-meta-files" depends="-read-version">
  125.93 +      <manifest file="${manifest.file}" mode="update" >
  125.94 +         <attribute name="OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version" value="${new_version}" />
  125.95        </manifest>
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 125.113 -
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   126.2 +++ b/nbproject/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
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   129.2 +++ b/plsql-support.kit/	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
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   130.9  # This file is used by a NetBeans-based IDE to track changes in generated files such as build-impl.xml.
  130.10  # Do not edit this file. You may delete it but then the IDE will never regenerate such files for you.
  130.11 -nbproject/
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   131.2 +++ b/plsql-support.kit/nbproject/project.xml	Wed Aug 15 20:45:01 2012 +0200
   131.3 @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
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  131.62 @@ -75,19 +75,19 @@
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  131.85 @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
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  131.94 @@ -109,13 +109,13 @@
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