EADS-3088 - add plsql modules to nexus
Fri, 28 Sep 2012 17:09:40 +0200
changeset 294e54aa95f5ac6
parent 293 2be66d14f571
child 295 cffbcb5bbbf8
EADS-3088 - add plsql modules to nexus
added maven-ant-tasks jar and ant targets for install and deploy.
     1.1 Binary file Libraries/ThirdParty/ant/maven-ant-tasks-2.1.3.jar has changed
     2.1 --- a/build.xml	Wed Sep 26 16:17:57 2012 +0200
     2.2 +++ b/build.xml	Fri Sep 28 17:09:40 2012 +0200
     2.3 @@ -2,117 +2,185 @@
     2.4  <!-- You may freely edit this file. See harness/README in the NetBeans platform -->
     2.5  <!-- for some information on what you could do (e.g. targets to override). -->
     2.6  <!-- If you delete this file and reopen the project it will be recreated. -->
     2.7 -<project name="plsql support" basedir="." default="netbeans">
     2.8 -    <description>Builds the module suite plsql support.</description>
     2.9 -    
    2.10 -    <property file="nbproject/private/platform-private.properties"/>
    2.11 -    <property file="build.properties"/>
    2.12 -    <property file="nbproject/platform.properties"/>
    2.13 -    
    2.14 -    <property name="use.timestamp" value="true"/>
    2.15 -    <property name="timestamp.file" value=".lastModified"/>
    2.16 -    
    2.17 -    <property environment="env"/>
    2.18 +<project name="plsql support" basedir="." default="netbeans" xmlns:artifact="antlib:org.apache.maven.artifact.ant">
    2.19 +   <description>Builds the module suite plsql support.</description>
    2.20 +
    2.21 +   <property file="nbproject/private/platform-private.properties"/>
    2.22 +   <property file="build.properties"/>
    2.23 +   <property file="nbproject/platform.properties"/>
    2.24 +
    2.25 +   <property name="use.timestamp" value="true"/>
    2.26 +   <property name="timestamp.file" value=".lastModified"/>
    2.27 +
    2.28 +   <property environment="env"/>
    2.29     <property name="env.BUILD_NUMBER" value="0" description="Set a fake value if not run from Jenkins"/>
    2.30     <property name="env.next_jira_release_version" value="8.72.0" description="Set a fake value if not run from Jenkins"/>
    2.31     <property name="new_version" value="${env.next_jira_release_version}.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}" description="Set a version number based on info from Jenkins"/>
    2.33 -    <condition property="build.id" value="${env.BUILD_ID}" else="dev">
    2.34 -        <isset property="env.BUILD_ID"/>
    2.35 -    </condition>
    2.36 -    
    2.37 -    <target name="calculate-netbeans-url" unless="skip.calculation">
    2.38 -        <get src="${netbeans.base.url}" dest="netbeans.html" usetimestamp="${use.timestamp}" verbose="true" ignoreerrors="${offline}"/>
    2.39 -        <loadfile srcfile="netbeans.html" property="netbeans.binaries.url">
    2.40 -            <filterchain>
    2.41 -                <tokenfilter>
    2.42 -                    <containsregex pattern=".*href=&quot;(netbeans-[a-z0-9-.]*javaee\.zip)&quot;.*" replace="${netbeans.base.url}/\1" flags="im"/>
    2.43 -                </tokenfilter>
    2.44 -            </filterchain>
    2.45 -        </loadfile>
    2.46 -    </target>
    2.47 +   <condition property="build.id" value="${env.BUILD_ID}" else="dev">
    2.48 +      <isset property="env.BUILD_ID"/>
    2.49 +   </condition>
    2.51 -    <target name="download-binaries" depends="calculate-netbeans-url" unless="skip.download">
    2.52 -        <parallel>
    2.53 -            <get src="${netbeans.binaries.url}" dest="netbeans.zip" usetimestamp="${use.timestamp}" verbose="false" ignoreerrors="${offline}"/>
    2.54 -        </parallel>
    2.55 -     </target>
    2.56 -     
    2.57 -     <target name="check-binaries">
    2.58 -        <condition property="binaries.uptodate">
    2.59 -            <and>
    2.60 -                <uptodate targetfile="${timestamp.file}">
    2.61 -                    <srcfiles dir="." includes="*.zip"/>
    2.62 -                </uptodate>
    2.63 -            </and>            
    2.64 -        </condition>
    2.65 -     </target>     
    2.66 +   <property name="maven_version" value="${env.next_jira_release_version}-SNAPSHOT" description="Set a version number based on info from Jenkins"/>
    2.68 -     <target name="unzip-binaries" unless="binaries.uptodate">
    2.69 -        <echo message="New binaries downloaded - re-installing."/>
    2.70 -        <delete dir="ide"/>
    2.71 -        <unzip src="netbeans.zip" dest="ide"/>
    2.72 -        <touch file="${timestamp.file}"/>        
    2.73 -    </target>
    2.74 -    
    2.75 -    <target name="update-binaries" depends="download-binaries,check-binaries,unzip-binaries"/>
    2.76 -    
    2.77 -    <target name="check-harness">
    2.78 -        <echo>nbplatform.default.netbeans.dest.dir resolved to ${nbplatform.default.netbeans.dest.dir}</echo>
    2.79 -        <echo>nbplatform.default.harness.dir resolved to ${nbplatform.default.harness.dir}</echo>
    2.80 -        <fail message="Harness is missing. Specify nbplatform.default.netbeans.dest.dir={path-to-your-sources-root}/ide/netbeans in nbproject/private/platform-private.properties">
    2.81 -            <condition>
    2.82 -                <not>
    2.83 -                    <available file="${nbplatform.default.harness.dir}" type="dir"/>
    2.84 -                </not>
    2.85 -            </condition>
    2.86 -        </fail>
    2.87 -    </target>
    2.88 -    
    2.89 -    <target name="build-suite" depends="check-harness">
    2.90 -        <ant antfile="build-suite.xml" target="build" inheritAll="false"/>
    2.91 -    </target>
    2.92 -    
    2.93 -    <target name="printinfo">
    2.94 +   <path id="maven-ant-tasks.classpath" path="Libraries/ThirdParty/ant/maven-ant-tasks-2.1.3.jar" />
    2.95 +   <typedef resource="org/apache/maven/artifact/ant/antlib.xml"
    2.96 +            uri="antlib:org.apache.maven.artifact.ant"
    2.97 +            classpathref="maven-ant-tasks.classpath" />
    2.98 +
    2.99 +
   2.100 +   <target name="maven-install" description="install jars in local maven repo" depends="nbms">
   2.101 +      <foreach param="jar.path" target="maven-install-jar" inheritall="true">
   2.102 +         <path>
   2.103 +            <fileset dir="build/cluster/modules">
   2.104 +               <include name="*.jar"/>
   2.105 +            </fileset>
   2.106 +         </path>
   2.107 +      </foreach>
   2.108 +   </target>
   2.109 +
   2.110 +   <target name="maven-install-jar" >
   2.111 +      <basename property="jar.file.name" file="${jar.path}"/>
   2.112 +      <basename property="name" file="${jar.path}" suffix=".jar"/>
   2.113 +      <echo level="info" message="Installing ${jar.file.name} in local maven repo as ${name}"/>
   2.114 +      <artifact:pom id="mypom" groupId="org.netbeans.api" artifactId="${name}" version="${maven_version}" name="${name} project">
   2.115 +         <license name="IFS" url="http://www.ifsworld.com"/>
   2.116 +      </artifact:pom>
   2.117 +
   2.118 +      <artifact:writepom pomRefId="mypom" file="build/mypom.xml"/>
   2.119 +      <artifact:pom id="mypom" file="build/mypom.xml" />
   2.120 +
   2.121 +      <artifact:install file="${jar.path}"  >
   2.122 +         <pom refid="mypom"/>
   2.123 +         <attach file="${basedir}/build/updates/${name}.nbm" type="nbm"/>
   2.124 +      </artifact:install>
   2.125 +   </target>
   2.126 +
   2.127 +   <target name="maven-deploy" description="deploy jars in remote internal maven repo" depends="nbms">
   2.128 +      <foreach param="jar.path" target="maven-deploy-jar" inheritall="true">
   2.129 +         <path>
   2.130 +            <fileset dir="build/cluster/modules">
   2.131 +               <include name="*.jar"/>
   2.132 +            </fileset>
   2.133 +         </path>
   2.134 +      </foreach>
   2.135 +   </target>
   2.136 +
   2.137 +   <target name="maven-deploy-jar" >
   2.138 +      <artifact:install-provider artifactId="wagon-http" version="2.2"/>
   2.139 +
   2.140 +      <basename property="jar.file.name" file="${jar.path}"/>
   2.141 +      <basename property="name" file="${jar.path}" suffix=".jar"/>
   2.142 +      <echo level="info" message="Installing ${jar.file.name} in local maven repo as ${name}"/>
   2.143 +      <artifact:pom id="mypom" groupId="org.netbeans.api" artifactId="${name}" version="${maven_version}" name="${name} project">
   2.144 +         <license name="IFS" url="http://www.ifsworld.com"/>
   2.145 +      </artifact:pom>
   2.146 +
   2.147 +      <artifact:writepom pomRefId="mypom" file="build/mypom.xml"/>
   2.148 +      <artifact:pom id="mypom" file="build/mypom.xml" />
   2.149 +
   2.150 +      <artifact:deploy file="${jar.path}"  >
   2.151 +         <remoteRepository url="http://gbglcrd10:8082/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots">
   2.152 +            <authentication username="${maven.deploy.user}" password="${maven.deploy.password}"/>
   2.153 +         </remoteRepository>
   2.154 +         <pom refid="mypom"/>
   2.155 +         <attach file="${basedir}/build/updates/${name}.nbm" type="nbm"/>
   2.156 +      </artifact:deploy>
   2.157 +   </target>
   2.158 +
   2.159 +
   2.160 +   <target name="calculate-netbeans-url" unless="skip.calculation">
   2.161 +      <get src="${netbeans.base.url}" dest="netbeans.html" usetimestamp="${use.timestamp}" verbose="true" ignoreerrors="${offline}"/>
   2.162 +      <loadfile srcfile="netbeans.html" property="netbeans.binaries.url">
   2.163 +         <filterchain>
   2.164 +            <tokenfilter>
   2.165 +               <containsregex pattern=".*href=&quot;(netbeans-[a-z0-9-.]*javaee\.zip)&quot;.*" replace="${netbeans.base.url}/\1" flags="im"/>
   2.166 +            </tokenfilter>
   2.167 +         </filterchain>
   2.168 +      </loadfile>
   2.169 +   </target>
   2.170 +
   2.171 +   <target name="download-binaries" depends="calculate-netbeans-url" unless="skip.download">
   2.172 +      <parallel>
   2.173 +         <get src="${netbeans.binaries.url}" dest="netbeans.zip" usetimestamp="${use.timestamp}" verbose="false" ignoreerrors="${offline}"/>
   2.174 +      </parallel>
   2.175 +   </target>
   2.176 +
   2.177 +   <target name="check-binaries">
   2.178 +      <condition property="binaries.uptodate">
   2.179 +         <and>
   2.180 +            <uptodate targetfile="${timestamp.file}">
   2.181 +               <srcfiles dir="." includes="*.zip"/>
   2.182 +            </uptodate>
   2.183 +         </and>
   2.184 +      </condition>
   2.185 +   </target>
   2.186 +
   2.187 +   <target name="unzip-binaries" unless="binaries.uptodate">
   2.188 +      <echo message="New binaries downloaded - re-installing."/>
   2.189 +      <delete dir="ide"/>
   2.190 +      <unzip src="netbeans.zip" dest="ide"/>
   2.191 +      <touch file="${timestamp.file}"/>
   2.192 +   </target>
   2.193 +
   2.194 +   <target name="update-binaries" depends="download-binaries,check-binaries,unzip-binaries"/>
   2.195 +
   2.196 +   <target name="check-harness">
   2.197 +      <echo>nbplatform.default.netbeans.dest.dir resolved to ${nbplatform.default.netbeans.dest.dir}</echo>
   2.198 +      <echo>nbplatform.default.harness.dir resolved to ${nbplatform.default.harness.dir}</echo>
   2.199 +      <fail message="Harness is missing. Specify nbplatform.default.netbeans.dest.dir={path-to-your-sources-root}/ide/netbeans in nbproject/private/platform-private.properties">
   2.200 +         <condition>
   2.201 +            <not>
   2.202 +               <available file="${nbplatform.default.harness.dir}" type="dir"/>
   2.203 +            </not>
   2.204 +         </condition>
   2.205 +      </fail>
   2.206 +   </target>
   2.207 +
   2.208 +   <target name="build-suite" depends="check-harness">
   2.209 +      <ant antfile="build-suite.xml" target="build" inheritAll="false"/>
   2.210 +   </target>
   2.211 +
   2.212 +   <target name="printinfo">
   2.213        <property environment="env" />
   2.214        <echo message="${env.BUILD_TAG}"/>
   2.215        <echo message="${env.JAVA_HOME}"/>
   2.216 -    </target>
   2.217 -    
   2.218 -    <target name="netbeans" depends="update-binaries,build-suite"/>
   2.219 -    <target name="build" depends="netbeans"/>
   2.220 -    
   2.221 -    <target name="clean">
   2.222 -        <echo>nbplatform.default.netbeans.dest.dir resolved to ${nbplatform.default.netbeans.dest.dir}</echo>
   2.223 -        <echo>nbplatform.default.harness.dir resolved to ${nbplatform.default.harness.dir}</echo>
   2.224 -        <ant antfile="build-suite.xml" target="clean" inheritAll="false"/>
   2.225 -    </target>
   2.226 -    
   2.227 -    <target name="real-clean" depends="clean">
   2.228 -        <echo message="Cleaning netbeans IDE"/>
   2.229 -        <delete dir="build"/>
   2.230 -        <delete dir="dist"/>
   2.231 -        <delete dir="ide"/>
   2.232 -        <delete>
   2.233 -            <fileset dir="." includes="*.zip"/>
   2.234 -        </delete>
   2.235 -        <delete>
   2.236 -            <fileset dir="." includes="*.html"/>
   2.237 -        </delete>
   2.238 -        <delete file="${timestamp.file}"/>
   2.239 -    </target>
   2.240 +   </target>
   2.242 -    <target name="nbms" depends="update-binaries">
   2.243 -        <ant antfile="build-suite.xml" target="nbms" inheritAll="false"/>
   2.244 -    </target>
   2.245 -    
   2.246 -    <target name="daily" depends="update-binaries,build">
   2.247 -        <mkdir dir="dist"/>
   2.248 -        <zip destfile="dist/netbeans-trunk-${build.id}-plsql.zip" duplicate="add">
   2.249 -            <zipfileset dir="build/cluster" prefix="netbeans/extra"/>
   2.250 -            <zipfileset dir="ide/netbeans" prefix="netbeans"/>
   2.251 -        </zip>
   2.252 -    </target>
   2.253 +   <target name="netbeans" depends="update-binaries,build-suite"/>
   2.254 +   <target name="build" depends="netbeans"/>
   2.255 +
   2.256 +   <target name="clean">
   2.257 +      <echo>nbplatform.default.netbeans.dest.dir resolved to ${nbplatform.default.netbeans.dest.dir}</echo>
   2.258 +      <echo>nbplatform.default.harness.dir resolved to ${nbplatform.default.harness.dir}</echo>
   2.259 +      <ant antfile="build-suite.xml" target="clean" inheritAll="false"/>
   2.260 +   </target>
   2.261 +
   2.262 +   <target name="real-clean" depends="clean">
   2.263 +      <echo message="Cleaning netbeans IDE"/>
   2.264 +      <delete dir="build"/>
   2.265 +      <delete dir="dist"/>
   2.266 +      <delete dir="ide"/>
   2.267 +      <delete>
   2.268 +         <fileset dir="." includes="*.zip"/>
   2.269 +      </delete>
   2.270 +      <delete>
   2.271 +         <fileset dir="." includes="*.html"/>
   2.272 +      </delete>
   2.273 +      <delete file="${timestamp.file}"/>
   2.274 +   </target>
   2.275 +
   2.276 +   <target name="nbms" depends="update-binaries">
   2.277 +      <ant antfile="build-suite.xml" target="nbms" inheritAll="false"/>
   2.278 +   </target>
   2.279 +
   2.280 +   <target name="daily" depends="update-binaries,build">
   2.281 +      <mkdir dir="dist"/>
   2.282 +      <zip destfile="dist/netbeans-trunk-${build.id}-plsql.zip" duplicate="add">
   2.283 +         <zipfileset dir="build/cluster" prefix="netbeans/extra"/>
   2.284 +         <zipfileset dir="ide/netbeans" prefix="netbeans"/>
   2.285 +      </zip>
   2.286 +   </target>
   2.288     <property name="ant.contrib.jar" value="${basedir}/Libraries/ThirdParty/ant/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar" />
   2.289     <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties">
   2.290 @@ -124,7 +192,7 @@
   2.291     <path id="manifest.file.paths">
   2.292        <fileset dir="${basedir}">
   2.293           <include name="**/manifest.mf"/>
   2.294 -<!--            <exclude name="**/Libraries/ThirdParty/**"/>-->
   2.295 +         <!--            <exclude name="**/Libraries/ThirdParty/**"/>-->
   2.296        </fileset>
   2.297     </path>
   2.299 @@ -136,7 +204,7 @@
   2.300        <echo level="verbose">${modules}</echo>
   2.302        <foreach param="module.path" target="-vcs-log" list="${modules}" delimiter=":"/>
   2.303 -<!--        <echoproperties srcfile="build/nbms_update.properties" />-->
   2.304 +      <!--        <echoproperties srcfile="build/nbms_update.properties" />-->
   2.305     </target>
   2.307     <target name="-add-kit-module" description="add kit module to update" >
   2.308 @@ -148,7 +216,7 @@
   2.309     <target name="-vcs-log" description="use mercurial to check if the last commit was a release commit">
   2.310        <echo level="info">module.path: ${module.path}</echo>
   2.312 -        <!-- find out revision number of HEAD, need svn.exe installed on local machine -->
   2.313 +      <!-- find out revision number of HEAD, need svn.exe installed on local machine -->
   2.314        <exec executable="hg" outputproperty="hglog.out" >
   2.315           <arg line="log -l 1 --style compact '${module.path}'"/>
   2.316        </exec>