changeset 178 4b78d4f028b3
parent 107 152aedcc45d0
child 179 c5fbddc4c590
     1.1 --- a/quoridor/src/main/java/cz/xelfi/quoridor/Board.java	Tue Sep 22 23:06:16 2009 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/quoridor/src/main/java/cz/xelfi/quoridor/Board.java	Thu Jan 07 22:34:17 2010 +0100
     1.3 @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
     1.4  import java.util.HashSet;
     1.5  import java.util.List;
     1.6  import java.util.Set;
     1.7 +import java.util.TreeSet;
     1.8  import java.util.regex.Matcher;
     1.9  import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    1.11 @@ -352,7 +353,11 @@
    1.12       * @return board object, if the string can be read
    1.13       * @throws IllegalPositionException if the string does not represent the board
    1.14       */
    1.15 -    public static Board valueOf(String board) throws IllegalPositionException {
    1.16 +    public static Board valueOf(String board) {
    1.17 +        return new Board(board);
    1.18 +    }
    1.19 +
    1.20 +    public static Board picture2board(String board) throws IllegalPositionException {
    1.21          try {
    1.22              return read(new StringReader(board));
    1.23          } catch (IOException ex) {
    1.24 @@ -697,6 +702,10 @@
    1.25       */
    1.26      @Override
    1.27      public String toString() {
    1.28 +        return Board.board2HashCode(this);
    1.29 +    }
    1.30 +
    1.31 +    public String boardToPicture() {
    1.32          StringWriter w = new StringWriter();
    1.33          try {
    1.34              write(w);
    1.35 @@ -863,4 +872,91 @@
    1.36          return 17 * y + x;
    1.37      }
    1.39 +    public Board(String hashCode) throws IllegalStateException{
    1.40 +        this.fences = new HashSet<Fence>();
    1.41 +        if((hashCode != null) && (hashCode.length() > 6)){
    1.42 +            char[]c = hashCode.toCharArray();
    1.43 +            this.players = Collections.unmodifiableList (Arrays.asList (new Player[] {
    1.44 +                new Player ((c[0]-'A')*2, (c[1]-'0')*2, c[2]-'a', Player.Direction.NORTH),
    1.45 +                new Player ((c[3]-'A')*2, (c[4]-'0')*2, c[5]-'a', Player.Direction.SOUTH),
    1.46 +            }));
    1.47 +            if(c[6]=='w'){
    1.48 +                this.turn = 0;
    1.49 +                this.winner = null;
    1.50 +            }else if(c[6]=='b'){
    1.51 +                this.turn = 1;
    1.52 +                this.winner = null;
    1.53 +            }else if(c[6]=='W'){
    1.54 +                this.turn = 0;
    1.55 +                this.winner = this.players.get(0);
    1.56 +            }else if(c[6]=='B'){
    1.57 +                this.turn = 1;
    1.58 +                this.winner = this.players.get(1);
    1.59 +            }else{
    1.60 +                this.turn = 0;
    1.61 +                this.winner = null;
    1.62 +            }
    1.63 +            for(int i=7; i<c.length;i+=2){
    1.64 +                int f = Integer.parseInt(hashCode.substring(i, i+2),16);
    1.65 +                Fence.Orientation o = Fence.Orientation.HORIZONTAL;
    1.66 +                if(f > 64){
    1.67 +                    o = Fence.Orientation.VERTICAL;
    1.68 +                    f -= 64;
    1.69 +                }
    1.70 +                fences.add(new Fence((f/8)*2+1, (f%8)*2+1,o));
    1.71 +            }
    1.72 +        }else{
    1.73 +            this.players = Collections.unmodifiableList (Arrays.asList (new Player[] {
    1.74 +                new Player (8,0,10,Player.Direction.NORTH),
    1.75 +                new Player (8,16,10,Player.Direction.SOUTH),
    1.76 +            }));
    1.77 +            this.winner = null;
    1.78 +            this.turn = 0;
    1.79 +        }
    1.80 +        try {
    1.81 +            this.occupied = computeOccupied (players, fences);
    1.82 +        } catch (IllegalPositionException ex) {
    1.83 +            throw new IllegalStateException (ex.getMessage ());
    1.84 +        }
    1.85 +    }
    1.86 +
    1.87 +    public static String board2HashCode(Board b){
    1.88 +        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    1.89 +        for(Player p: b.getPlayers()){
    1.90 +            sb.append((char)(p.getColumn() + 'A'));
    1.91 +            sb.append((char)(p.getRow() + '0'));
    1.92 +            sb.append((char)(p.getFences() + 'a'));
    1.93 +        }
    1.94 +        Player winner = b.getWinner();
    1.95 +        if(winner == null){
    1.96 +            if(b.players.indexOf(b.getCurrentPlayer())==0)
    1.97 +                sb.append('w');
    1.98 +            else if(b.players.indexOf(b.getCurrentPlayer())==1)
    1.99 +                sb.append('b');
   1.100 +            else
   1.101 +                sb.append('n');
   1.102 +        }else{
   1.103 +            if(b.players.indexOf(winner)==0)
   1.104 +                sb.append('W');
   1.105 +            else if(b.players.indexOf(winner)==1)
   1.106 +                sb.append('B');
   1.107 +            else
   1.108 +                sb.append('N');
   1.109 +        }
   1.110 +
   1.111 +        TreeSet<Integer> fences = new TreeSet<Integer>();
   1.112 +        for(Fence f: b.getFences()){
   1.113 +            int a = (f.getColumn() - 'A')*8 + (f.getRow()-1);
   1.114 +            if(f.getOrientation().equals(Fence.Orientation.VERTICAL))
   1.115 +                a+=64;
   1.116 +            fences.add(a);
   1.117 +        }
   1.118 +        for(int f: fences){
   1.119 +            if(f<16)
   1.120 +                sb.append('0');
   1.121 +            sb.append(Integer.toHexString(f));
   1.122 +        }
   1.123 +        return sb.toString();
   1.124 +    }
   1.125 +
   1.126  }