author Masaki Katakai <>
Fri, 15 Jul 2011 10:14:03 +0900
changeset 1662 0412cb49d653
parent 1660 50956dfce18c
permissions -rw-r--r--
weekly community updates
     1 # This module is part of NetBeans and is open-source.
     2 # You can see for details.
     3 #
     4 # You may use the binary however you like. The source file license is:
     5 #
     7 #
     8 # Copyright 1997-2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
     9 #
    10 # Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
    11 # Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
    12 #
    13 # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
    14 # General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
    15 # Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
    16 # "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
    17 # License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
    18 #
    19 # or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
    20 # specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
    21 # License.  When distributing the software, include this License Header
    22 # Notice in each file and include the License file at
    23 # nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP.  Oracle designates this
    24 # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
    25 # by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
    26 # accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
    27 # License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
    28 # your own identifying information:
    29 # "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
    30 #
    31 # Contributor(s):
    32 #
    33 # The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
    34 # Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun
    35 # Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    37 # Sample ResourceBundle properties file
    39 # Libraries Panel
    40 ADD_PROJECT_BUTTON_TXT=Afegir projecte...
    41 ADD_PROJECT_BUTTON_TT=Add the output from another project to the link line
    43 ADD_STANDARD_LIBRARY_BUTTON_TXT=Afegir biblioteca est\u00e0ndard...
    44 ADD_STANDARD_LIBRARY_BUTTON_TT=Add a standard library to the link line
    46 ADD_PKG_CONFIG_LIBRARY_BUTTON_TXT=Add PkgConfig Library...
    47 ADD_PKG_CONFIG_LIBRARY_BUTTON_TT=Add a pkgconfig library to the link line
    49 ADD_LIBRARY_BUTTON_TXT=Afegir biblioteca...
    50 ADD_LIBRARY_BUTTON_TT=Add a library (m, gnome, ...) to the link line
    52 ADD_LIBRARY_FILE_BUTTON_TXT=Afegir fitxer de biblioteca...
    53 ADD_LIBRARY_FILE_BUTTON_TT=Add a library file (/usr/lib/libodbc.a) to the link line
    55 ADD_OPTION_BUTTON_TXT=Afegir opci\u00f3...
    56 ADD_OPTION_BUTTON_TT=Add an option to the link line
    60 ADD_PROJECT_DIALOG_TITLE=Afegir projecte
    61 ADD_PROJECT_DIALOG_AD=Di\u00e0leg afegir projecte
    62 SELECT_STATNDARD_LIBRARY_DIALOG_TITLE=Seleccionar biblioteca est\u00e0ndard
    63 SELECT_LIBRARY_CHOOSER_TITLE=Seleccionar biblioteca
    64 SELECT_LIBRARY_FILE_CHOOSER_TITLE=Seleccionar fitxer de biblioteca
    65 SELECT_CHOOSER_BUTTON=Seleccionar
    67 LIBRARIES_AND_OPTIONS_TXT=Biblioteques i opcions:
    70 # Projects Panel
    72 ADD_PROJECTS_BUTTON_TT=Afegir projecte al llistat de projectes necessaris
    74 PROJECTS_TXT=Projectes:
    75 PROJECTS_MN=p
    78 # LibraryOptionPanel
    79 STATIC_BINDINGS_TXT=&Static Bindings
    81 DYNAMIC_BINDINGS_TXT=&Dynamic Bindings
    83 OTHER_OPTION_TXT=&Other Option
    86 #Make Artifact Chooser
    87 PROJECT_NAME_TXT=Nom del projecte:
    88 PROJECT_LIBRARY_FILES_TXT=Con&figurations:
    90 PROJECT_LIBRARY_FILES_AD=Configuracions
    91 ADD_ITSELF_ERROR=No es pot afegir una refer\u00e8ncia a ell mateix.
    92 ADD_CYCLIC_ERROR=No es poden afegir refer\u00e8ncies c\u00edcliques.
    93 LOADING_PROJECT=Carregant...
    95 # OptionsPanel
    96 ALL_OPTIONS_TXT=&All Options:
    98 INHERIT_TXT=&Inherit from project
   100 INHERIT_AD=Heretat del projecte
   101 ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS_TXT=Additional &Options:
   102 ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS_AD=Opcions addicionals
   105 #StdLibPanel
   106 STANDARD_LIBRARIES_TXT=&Standard Libraries:
   108 MANAGE_LIBRARIES_TXT=Gestionar biblioteques...
   111 #TableEditorPanel
   112 CLICK_TO_CHANGE=Configuraci\u00f3 - clicar per canviar...
   113 ITEM=Element
   114 CONFIGURATION=Configuraci\u00f3
   115 BUILD=Construir
   116 BROKEN=Trencat:
   118 # StdLibPanel
   119 LIBRARY_LIST_SD=List of standard libraries
   120 LIBRARY_LIST_NM=Biblioteques est\u00e0ndards
   122 # LibraryOptionPanel
   123 LINKER_OPTIONS_PANEL_SD=Di\u00e0leg d'opcions de l'enlla\u00e7ador
   124 LINKER_OPTIONS_DYNAMIC_RB_SD=Afegir din\u00e0mica est\u00e0tica de l'enlla\u00e7ador
   125 LINKER_OPTIONS_STATIC_RB_SD=Afegir opci\u00f3 est\u00e0tica de l'enlla\u00e7ador
   126 LINKER_OPTIONS_OTHER_RB_SD=Afegir un altra opci\u00f3 de l'enlla\u00e7ador
   127 LINKER_OPTIONS_OTHER_TF_SD=Altres opcions de l'enlla\u00e7ador
   129 # ProjectPropPanel
   130 ProjectPropPanel.sourceRootLabel.text=Carpetes de fonts:
   132 ProjectPropPanel.testRootLabel.text=Carpetes de proves:
   134 ProjectPropPanel.projectLabel.text=&Localitzaci\u00f3 del projecte:
   135\u00f3 del projecte
   138 ADD_BUTTON_TXT=Afegir
   140 # {0} - name of configuration
   141 ProjectPropPanel.encodingLabel.text=Codificaci\u00f3:
   143 # DevelopmentHostNodeProp's customizer
   144 DLG_TITLE_Connect=Host Configuration Check
   146 # Packaging
   147 PackagingFilesPanel.addButton.text=Nou
   149 empty entry
   150 PackagingFilesPanel.addFileOrDirButton.text=Afegir fitxer o directori
   152 fitxer o directori
   153 PackagingFilesPanel.addFilesButton.text=Afegir fitxers del directori
   155 fitxers del directori
   156 PackagingFilesPanel.addLinkButton.text=Afegir enlla\u00e7 feble
   158 enlla\u00e7 feble
   159 PackagingFilesPanel.addParameterButton.text=Afegir
   162 PackagingFilesPanel.duplicateButton.text=Duplicar
   164 entrada
   165 PackagingFilesPanel.listlabel.text=Fitxers:
   167 AddNewLinkDialogTitle=Afegir nou enlla\u00e7 feble
   168 PackagingInfoPanel.listlabel.text=Par\u00e0metres:
   170 Softlink_tt=Enlla\u00e7 feble: {0}
   171 Directory_tt=Directori: {0}
   172 File_tt=Fitxer: {0}
   174 PACKAGING_ARCH_DOC=A comma-separated list of alphanumeric tokens that indicate  the  architecture associated with the package. The pkgmk(1) tool can be used to create or modify this value when  actually  building the package. The maximum length of a token is 16 characters  and  it  cannot  include  a comma. Solaris's installation software meaningfully  uses  only one architecture token of the form: <instruction_set_architecture>[.<platform_group>] where platform_group is intended only for  Solaris  installation  packages.  Third  party  application software should restrict itself to ARCH values from the following Solaris-supported  instruction  set architectures (uname -p): sparc, i386, and ppc. Examples of Solaris' platform groups  (uname  -m)  are sun4u for the SPARC instruction set and i86pc for the i386 instruction set. See uname(1) and isalist(1) for more details.
   175 PACKAGING_CATEGORY_DOC=A comma-separated list of categories under which a package  can be displayed. A package must at least belong to the  system  or  application  category.  Categories  are case-insensitive  and  can  contain  only alphanumerics. Each category is limited in length to 16 characters.
   176 PACKAGING_NAME_DOC=Text that specifies the package name (maximum length  of 256  ASCII  characters).  Use  the NAME parameter as the foundation for describing the functionality and  purpose of  the package; spell out any acronyms and avoid internal product/project code names. The DESC  parameter  can then  be used to expand the descriptive information. Use the NAME parameter to state as specifically as  possible the  use  of  the package, why a user would need to load it, and so on.
   177 PACKAGING_PKG_DOC=Abbreviation for the package being installed. All  characters in the abbreviation must be alphanumeric. You can also use the - and + characters in the abbreviation. The first character cannot be numeric, a + or a -. The abbreviation is limited to a maximum  length  of  32 characters. install, new, and all are reserved abbreviations. It is customary to make the  first  four  letters unique to your company, such as the company's stock symbol.
   178 PACKAGING_VERSION_DOC=Text that specifies the current version associated  with the  software  package.  The maximum length is 256 ASCII characters and the first  character  cannot  be  a  left parenthesis.  The pkgmk(1) tool can be used to create or modify this value when actually  building  the  package. Current  Solaris  software  practice  is  to assign this parameter monotonically increasing Dewey decimal  values of the form: <major_revision>.<minor_revision>[.<micro_revision>] where all the revision fields are integers. The versioning  fields  can  be  extended to an arbitrary string of numbers in Dewey-decimal format, if necessary.
   179 PACKAGING_BASEDIR_DOC=The pathname to a default directory where  "relocatable" files  can  be  installed.  If blank, the package is not relocatable and any files that have  relative  pathnames are  not  installed.  Un administrador pot sobrecarregar el directori predeterminat.
   180 PACKAGING_CLASSES_DOC=Un llistat de classes separades amb comes definides per a un paquet. L'ordre en el llistat determina l'ordre en el que les classes s'ha d'instal\u00b7lar.  Les classes que es mostren abans s'instal\u00b7len abans (en un mitj\u00e0 amb les bases del mitj\u00e0). Aquest par\u00e0metre pot modificar-se amb l'script de sol\u00b7licitud.
   181 PACKAGING_DESC_DOC=Text que descriu el paquet (la llargada m\u00e0xima es de 256 car\u00e0cters ASCII ). This parameter value is used to provide the installer with a description of what the  package  contains  and  should build on the description provided in the NAME parameter.  Try to make the two parameters  work  together  so  that  a pkginfo -l provides a fairly comprehensive textual description of the package.
   182 PACKAGING_EMAIL_DOC=An  electronic  address  where  further  information  is available or bugs can be reported (maximum length of 256 ASCII characters).
   183 PACKAGING_HOTLINE_DOC=Phone number and/or mailing address where further information  can be received or bugs can be reported (maximum length of 256 ASCII characters).
   184 PACKAGING_INTONLY_DOC=Indicates that the  package  should  only  be  installed interactively when set to any non-null value.
   185 PACKAGING_ISTATES_DOC=Un llistat d'estats d'execucions permesos per a la instal\u00b7laci\u00f3 d'un paquet (per exemple,  "S s 1" permet els estats d'execuci\u00f3 S, s o 1). L'entorn operatiu de Solaris suporta els nivells d'execuci\u00f3 s,  S,  0, 1, 2, 3, 5, i 6. Els nivells d'execuci\u00f3 que es poden aplicar a aquest par\u00e0metre s\u00f3n s, S, 1, 2, i 3.  Per a m\u00e9s detalls vegeu init(1M).
   186 PACKAGING_MAXINST_DOC=El nombre m\u00e0xim d'inst\u00e0ncies d'un paquet que es pot permetre al mateix temps en un ordinador. Per defecte, \u00fanicament es permet una inst\u00e0ncia d'un paquet.  Aquest par\u00e0metre pot establir-se per a tenir diverses inst\u00e0ncies d'un paquet. In order to support multiple instances of packages (for example, packages that differ in their ARCH or VERSION parameter value), the value  of  this  parameter must  be  high  enough  to  allow for all instances of a given package, including multiple versions coexisting on a software server.
   187 PACKAGING_ORDER_DOC=A list of classes  defining  the  order  in  which  they should  be put on the medium. Utilitzat per pkgmk(1) en la creaci\u00f3 del paquet. Classes not defined in this  field  are placed  on  the  medium using the standard ordering procedures.
   188 PACKAGING_PSTAMP_DOC=Production stamp used to mark the pkgmap(4) file on  the output  volumes.  Provides  a  means  for distinguishing between production copies of a version if more than  one is in use at a time. Si no es defineix PSTAMP, s'utilitza el valor predeterminat. The default consists of the UNIX system machine  name  followed  by  the string "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS" (year, month, date, hour, minutes, seconds).
   189 PACKAGING_RSTATES_DOC=A list of allowable run states for package removal  (for example,  "S  s  1" allows run states of S, s or 1). L'entorn operatiu de Solaris suporta els nivells d'execuci\u00f3 s, S,  0, 1, 2, 3, 5, i 6. Els nivells d'execuci\u00f3 que es poden aplicar a aquest par\u00e0metre s\u00f3n s,  S,  1,  2,  i  3  Per a m\u00e9s detalls vegeu  init(1M).
   190 PACKAGING_SUNW_ISA_DOC=Solaris-only optional parameter that indicates a software package contains 64-bit objects if it is set to sparcv9. If this parameter is not set, the  default ISA (instruction set architecture) is set to the value of the ARCH parameter.
   191 PACKAGING_SUNW_LOC_DOC=Solaris-only  optional  parameter  used  to  indicate  a software  package  containing  localization  files for a given product or application. The parameter value  is  a comma-separated  list of locales supported by a package. \u00danicament s'utilitza per als paquets que continguin fitxers L10N, normalment cat\u00e0legs de missatges. The allowable values for this string field  are  those  found  in the table  of  Standard Locale Names located in the International Language Environments Guide. SUNW_LOC="<nom_localitzaci\u00f3>,<nom_localitzaci\u00f3>,..,\ <nom_localitzaci\u00f3>" on <nom_localitzaci\u00f3>::= <idioma>[_<territori>]\ [.<codeset>] <language>::= the set of names from ISO 639 <territory>::= the set of territories specified in ISO 3166 <codeset>::= is a string corresponding to the coded character set Since a value of C specifies the traditional UNIX system behavior  (American  English, en_US), packages belonging to the C locale are viewed  as  non-localized  packages, and   thus  must  not  have  SUNW_LOC  and  SUNW_PKGLIST included in their pkginfo file.  Per a m\u00e9s informaci\u00f3 vegeu el par\u00e0metre SUNW_LOC a packagetoc(4) i setlocale(3C). This keyword is not recognized by the  addon software utility Software Manager.
   192 PACKAGING_SUNW_PKG_DIR_DOC=Un valor establert amb pkgadd que cont\u00e9 la localitzaci\u00f3 de la instal\u00b7laci\u00f3 del paquet.  Aquest valor es proporciona per a qualsevol moment en que es processi l'script d'instal\u00b7laci\u00f3 del paquet que necessiti con\u00e8ixer on est\u00e0 instal\u00b7lat el paquet. Aquest par\u00e0metre mai s'ha d'establir manualment des de l'interior del fitxer pkginfo.
   193 PACKAGING_SUNW_PKG_ALLZONES_DOC=Defineix si un paquet,  quan s'instal\u00b7la,  ha d'instal\u00b7lar-se i ha de ser id\u00e8ntic en totes les zones. El valor assignat pot ser cert o fals. El valor predeterminat \u00e9s fals. L'establiment de  SUNW_PKG_ALLZONES  t\u00e9 els efectes que es descriuen a continuaci\u00f3. Per a m\u00e9s detalls vegeu man -s4 pkginfo.
   194 PACKAGING_SUNW_PKG_HOLLOW_DOC=Defines whether a package should be visible in any  nonglobal  zone if that package is required to be installed and be identical in all zones (for  example,  a  package that  has SUNW_PKG_ALLZONES=true). El valor assignat pot ser cert o fals.  El valor predeterminat \u00e9s fals. No es necessari que s'instal\u00b7li el paquet, per si s'instal\u00b7la, l'establiment de  SUNW_PKG_HOLLOW  t\u00e9 els efectes que es descriuen a continuaci\u00f3. Per a m\u00e9s detalls vegeu man -s4 pkginfo.
   195 PACKAGING_SUNW_PKG_THISZONE_DOC=Defines whether a  package  must  be  installed  in  the current  zone only. El valor assignat pot ser cert o fals. El valor predeterminat \u00e9s fals.   L'establiment de  SUNW_PKG_THISZONE  t\u00e9 els efectes que es descriuen a continuaci\u00f3. Per a m\u00e9s detalls vegeu man -s4 pkginfo.
   196 PACKAGING_SUNW_PKGLIST_DOC=Solaris-only optional  parameter  used  to  associate  a localization  package to the package(s) from which it is derived. Es necessita sempre que es defineixi el par\u00e0metre SUNW_LOC.  This parameter value is an comma-separated list of package abbreviations of the form: SUNW_PKGLIST="pkg1[:version],pkg2[:version],..." where version (if specified) should  match  the  version string in the base package specified (see VERSION parameter in this manual page).  Quan s'utilitza,  SUNW_PKGLIST ajuda a determinar l'ordre de la instal\u00b7laci\u00f3 del paquet. Els paquets llistats en els par\u00e0metres s'instal\u00b7len abans del paquet L10N en la pregunta est\u00e0 instal\u00b7lat. When left blank, SUNW_PKGLIST="", the package is  assumed  to be  required  for  the locale to function correctly. See the SUNW_PKGLIST parameter  in  packagetoc(4)  for  more information.  This keyword is not recognized by the addon software utility Software Manager.
   197 PACKAGING_SUNW_PKGTYPE_DOC=Solaris-only  parameter  for  Sun  internal  use   only. Required  for  packages  part  of  the Solaris operating environment releases which install  into  the  /,  /usr, /usr/kvm,  and  /usr/openwin  file  systems. The Solaris operating environment installation  software  must  know which packages are part of which file system to properly install a  server/client  configuration.  The  currently allowable  values for this parameter are root, usr, kvm, and ow.  If no SUNW_PKGTYPE parameter  is  present,  the package  is  assumed to be of BASEDIR=/opt. SUNW_PKGTYPE is optional only for packages  which  install  into  the /opt  name  space  as  is  the  case for the majority of Solaris add-on software. See the SUNW_PKGTYPE  parameter in packagetoc(4) for further information.
   198 PACKAGING_SUNW_PKGVERS_DOC=Solaris-only parameter  indicating  of  version  of  the Solaris operating environment package interface. SUNW_PKGVERS="<sunw_package_version>" where <sunw_package_version> has the form x.y[.z] and  x, y,  and  z  are  integers.  For  packages built for this release and previous releases, use SUNW_PKGVERS="1.0".
   199 PACKAGING_SUNW_PRODNAME_DOC=Solaris-only parameter indicating the name of  the  product  this  package  is  a part of or comprises (maximum length of 256  ASCII  characters).  A  few  examples  of currently   used   SUNW_PRODNAME  values  are:  "SunOS", "OpenWindows", and "Common Desktop Environment".
   200 PACKAGING_SUNW_PRODVERS_DOC=Solaris-only parameter indicating the version or release of  the  product  described  in  SUNW_PRODNAME  (maximum length of 256  ASCII  characters).  For  example,  where SUNW_PRODNAME="SunOS", and the Solaris 2.x Beta release, this string could be "5.x BETA", while for  the  Solaris 2.x  FCS release, the string would be "5.x". For Solaris 10, the string is "5.10". If the SUNW_PRODNAME parameter is NULL, so should be the SUNW_PRODVERS parameter.
   201 PACKAGING_ULIMIT_DOC=If set, this parameter is passed as an argument  to  the ulimit(1)  command (see limit(1)), which establishes the maximum size of a file during installation.
   202 PACKAGING_VENDOR_DOC=Used to identify the  vendor  that  holds  the  software copyright (maximum length of 256 ASCII characters).
   203 PACKAGING_VSTOCK_DOC=The vendor stock number, if any,  that  identifies  this product (maximum length of 256 ASCII characters).
   205 PackagingNewEntryPanel.entryLabel.text=&Nom:
   206 PackagingNewEntryPanel.valueLabel.text=&Valor:
   207 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.filePermLabel.text=Regular F&iles:
   208 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.ownerLabel.text=O&wner:
   209 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.groupLabel.text=&Group:
   210 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.defaultValues.text=Propietats predeterminades per als fitxers (utilitzades quan s'afegeixin fitxers o directoris):
   211 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.exePermLabel.text=E&xe Files:
   212 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.topDirectoryLabel.text=T&op Directory:
   213 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.column.0.text=Tipus
   214 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.column.1.text=Cam\u00ed al directori o al fitxer en el paquet
   215 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.column.2.text=Fitxer original o enlla\u00e7
   216 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.column.3.text=Permisos
   217 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.column.4.text=Propietari
   218 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.column.5.text=Grup
   219 FileChooserFileTitle=Afegir fitxer o directori
   220 FileChooserFilesTitle=Afegir fitxers del directori
   221 FileChooserButtonText=Seleccionar
   222 PackagingInfoPanel.column.0.text=Nom
   223 PackagingInfoPanel.column.1.text=Valor
   224 AddNewParameterDialogTitle=Afegir nou par\u00e0metre
   225 PackagingAddingFilesProgressPanel.Stop.Button.text=Aturar
   227 PackagingAddingFilesProgressPanel.title=Adding Files...
   229 # PackagingPanel
   230 InfoPanelText=Informaci\u00f3
   231 FilePanelText=Fitxers
   233 # PackagingNodeProp
   234 FilesTextZero=0 Files
   235 FilesTextOne={0} File: {1}
   236 FilesTextMany={0} Fitxers: {1}
   237 PackagingPanel.tabbedPane.AccessibleContext.accessibleName=FilesAndInfoPanel
   238 PackagingPanel.tabbedPane.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Files and Info Panels
   239 PackagingInfoOuterPanel.docTextArea.AccessibleContext.accessibleName=DocArea
   240 PackagingInfoOuterPanel.docTextArea.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Documentation Area
   241 PackagingNewEntryPanel.docArea.AccessibleContext.accessibleName=DocArea
   242 PackagingNewEntryPanel.docArea.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Documentation Area
   243 PackagingNewEntryPanel.entryComboBox.AccessibleContext.accessibleName=ParameterComboBox
   244 PackagingNewEntryPanel.entryComboBox.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Parameter Chooser
   245 PackagingNewEntryPanel.entryValueTextField.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Valor del par\u00e0metre
   246 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.topDirectoryTextField.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Directori superior
   247 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.exePermTextField.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Permisos de l'executable
   248 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.filePermTextField.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Permisos del fitxer
   249 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.ownerTextField.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Propietari del fitxer
   250 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.groupTextField.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Grup el fitxer
   251 PackagingNewLinkPanel.nameLabel.text=&Name of link:
   252 PackagingNewLinkPanel.linkLabel.text=->
   253 PackagingNewLinkPanel.nameTextField.text=
   254 PackagingNewLinkPanel.linkTextField.text=
   255 it links to:
   256 PackagingNewLinkPanel.nameTextField.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Name of link
   257 PackagingNewLinkPanel.linkTextField.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=What it links to
   258 PackagingAddingFilesProgressPanel.fileLabel.text=&File added:
   259 PackagingAddingFilesProgressPanel.fileTextField.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=File being added
   260 PackagingAddingFilesProgressPanel.AccessibleContext.accessibleName=ProgressPanel
   261 PackagingAddingFilesProgressPanel.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Progress Panel
   262 PackagingAddingFilesProgressPanel.progressBar.AccessibleContext.accessibleName=ProgressBar
   263 PackagingAddingFilesProgressPanel.progressBar.AccessibleContext.accessibleDescription=Barra de progressi\u00f3
   264 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.jLabel4.text=Propietari i grup
   265 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.rLabel3.text=r
   266 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.wLabel3.text=v
   267 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.eLabel3.text=x
   268 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.rLabel1.text=r
   269 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.wLabel1.text=v
   270 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.eLabel1.text=x
   271 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.rLabel2.text=r
   272 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.wLabel2.text=v
   273 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.eLabel2.text=x
   274 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.filePermTextField.AccessibleContext.accessibleName=Permisos del fitxers executables normals
   275 PackagingFilesOuterPanel.exePermTextField.AccessibleContext.accessibleName=Permisos del fitxers EXE normals
   277 # AdditionalInfoPanel
   278 AdditionalInfoLabel_txt=Informaci\u00f3 addicional:
   279 AdditionalInfoLabel_mn=I
   280 ADD_DIALOG_LABEL_TXT=Informaci\u00f3 addicional:
   285 UP_BUTTON_LBL=Amunt
   287 DOWN_BUTTON_LBL=Abaix
   289 ProjectPropPanel.seeAlsoLabel.text=(Vegeu tamb\u00e9 el filtre de fitxers a nivell de l'IDE en Opcions->Miscel\u00b7lani->Fitxers)
   290 ProjectPropPanel.ignoreFoldersLabel.text=Patr\u00f3 de les carpetes &ignorades:
   292 ProjectPropPanel.ignoreFoldersDefaultButton.text=Predeterminat
   295 #CompilerSetEditorCustomizer
   296 CompilerSetEditorCustomizerTitile=Gesti\u00f3 de col\u00b7lecci\u00f3 d''eines - {0}
   298 RemoteSyncFactoryTxt=Codi
   299 RemoteSyncFactoryNoFactory=Local (sense sincronitzaci\u00f3)
   300 RemoteSyncFactoryHint=Per a un projecte remot, especifiqueu on estan localitzats els fonts, localment, remotament o compartits
   302 default_cs=Predeterminat
   303 PkgConfigLibrary.label.text=Biblioteques &PkgConfig:
   304 PkgConfigLibrary.filterLabel.text=&Filtre:
   305 PkgConfigLibrary.tooltip.text=<html>{0}<br>Versi\u00f3: {1}<br>Biblioteques: {2}