author Jaroslav Tulach <>
Tue, 17 Apr 2018 14:13:09 +0200
changeset 2011 a495151de3fb
parent 1583 f67aa0ba9208
permissions -rw-r--r--
While the original names comes from the English specification, the translations are done by NetBeans team
     1 OpenIDE-Module-Display-Category=Ruby
     2 OpenIDE-Module-Name=Ruby Editing
     3 Services/MIMEResolver/ruby-mime-resolver.xml=Fitxers Ruby
     4 text/x-ruby=Ruby
     5 text/x-ruby-string-double=Cadena de text entre cometes de Ruby
     6 text/x-ruby-string-single=Ruby Strings
     7 text/x-ruby-comment=Ruby Comments
     9 ruby-reflow-paragraph=Re-formatar par\u00e0graf
    10 editor-popup-ruby-reflow-paragraph=Re-formatar par\u00e0graf
    12 NoRename=No es pot canviar el nom d'aquest s\u00edmbol; \u00fanicament es permeten par\u00e0metres i variables locals o din\u00e0miques.
    13 NoRenameWithErrors=No es pot canviar el nom quan la font cont\u00e9 errors
    14 UnexpectedError=Error sint\u00e0ctic, no s''esperava {0}
    15 OptionsCategory_Name=Ruby
    16 OptionsCategory_Title=Ruby
    17 UnsafeIdentifierName=Only a-z, A-Z, digits and underscore are safe in Ruby names
    19 ## TEMPORARY -- this should be removed soon
    20 # because the colors should be added dynamically from the infrastructure
    21 ERROR=Error
    22 CLASS_VAR=Variable classe
    23 REGEXP_LITERAL=Expressi\u00f3 Regular
    24 LINE_COMMENT=L\u00ednia de comentari
    25 CONSTANT=Constant
    26 INT_LITERAL=N\u00famero
    27 IDENTIFIER=Identificador
    28 keyword=Paraula clau
    29 WHITESPACE=Espai en blanc
    30 FLOAT_LITERAL=Floating Point Number
    31 ANY_OPERATOR=Operador
    32 INSTANCE_VAR=Inst\u00e0ncia
    33 STRING_INVALID=Cadena de text no permesa
    34 GLOBAL_VAR=Variable global
    35 STRING_LITERAL=Cadena de text
    36 DOUBLE_LITERAL=Double
    37 BLOCK_COMMENT=Bloc de comentari
    38 STRING_TEXT=Cadena de text
    39 QUOTED_STRING_LITERAL=Cadena de text entre cometes
    40 LONG_LITERAL=Long
    41 STRING_ESCAPE=Cadena d'escapament
    42 DOCUMENTATION=Documentaci\u00f3
    43 COMMENT_TEXT=Comentari de text
    44 COMMENT_TODO=Comentari de text TODO
    45 COMMENT_RDOC=Comentari de tag RDoc
    46 COMMENT_HTMLTAG=Comentari de tag HTML
    47 COMMENT_LINK=Comentari d'enlla\u00e7
    48 COMMENT_BOLD=Comentari en negreta
    49 COMMENT_ITALIC=Comentari en cursiva
    50 TYPE_SYMBOL=S\u00edmbol de tipus
    51 REGEXP_TEXT=Expressi\u00f3 Regular
    52 REGEXP_META=Car\u00e0cter meta expressi\u00f3 regular
    53 REGEXP_INVALID=Expressi\u00f3 regular no permesa
    55 #"Semantic" highlighting:
    56 mod-unused=Element sense utilitzar
    57 mod-abstract=Element abstracte
    58 mod-field=Camp
    59 mod-local-variable=Variable local
    60 mod-parameter=Par\u00e0metre
    61 mod-method=M\u00e8tode
    62 mod-constructor=Constructora
    63 mod-class=Classe
    64 mod-interface=Interf\u00edcie
    65 mod-annotation-type=Anotaci\u00f3
    66 mod-enum=Enumeraci\u00f3
    67 mod-deprecated=Element obsolet
    68 mod-static=Membre est\u00e0tic
    69 mod-private=Membre privat
    70 mod-package-private=Membre privat del paquet
    71 mod-protected=Membre protegit
    72 mod-public=Membre p\u00fablic
    73 mod-type-parameter-declaration=Par\u00e0metre del tipus
    74 mod-type-parameter-use=Utilitzaci\u00f3 del par\u00e0metre del tipus
    75 mod-undefined=Element sense definir
    76 mark-occurrences=Marcatge d'ocurr\u00e8ncies
    77 covered=Covered
    78 uncovered=Not Covered
    79 inferred=Inferred Covered
    81 #ct_l==&gt;
    82 #ct_jc=import Java class
    83 #ct_do=do { |e| \u2026 }
    84 #ct_module=module end
    85 #ct_begin=begin rescue end
    86 #ct_if=if \u2026 | end
    87 #ct_ife=if \u2026 | else \u2026 | end
    88 #ct_doc==begin/=end documentation
    90 # TextMate snippets: Ruby.tmbundle
    91 ct_hash=Add # =&gt; Marker
    92 ct_colon=Hash Pair :key =&gt; "value"
    93 #ct_Comp=include Comparable \u2026
    94 #ct_Dir=Dir.glob("\u2026") { |file| \u2026 }
    95 #ct_Enum=include Enumerable \u2026
    96 #ct_File=File.foreach ("\u2026") { |line| \u2026 }
    97 #ct_Forw-=extend Forwardable
    98 { |hash, key| hash[key] = \u2026 }
    99 #ct_Md=Marshal.dump(\u2026, file)
   100 #ct_Ml=Marshal.load(obj)
   101 \u2026 )
   102 #ct_Yd-=YAML.dump(\u2026, file)
   103 #ct_Yl-=YAML.load(file)
   104 #ct_all=all? { |e| \u2026 }
   105 #ct_am=alias_method \u2026
   106 #ct_any=any? { |e| \u2026 }
   107 #ct_app=application_code { \u2026 }
   108 #ct_as=assert(\u2026)
   109 #ct_ase=assert_equal(\u2026)
   110 #ct_asid=assert_in_delta(\u2026)
   111 #ct_asio=assert_instance_of(\u2026)
   112 #ct_asko=assert_kind_of(\u2026)
   113 #ct_asm=assert_match(\u2026)
   114 #ct_asn=assert_nil(\u2026)
   115 #ct_asne=assert_not_equal(\u2026)
   116 #ct_asnm=assert_no_match(\u2026)
   117 #ct_asnn=assert_not_nil(\u2026)
   118 #ct_asnr=assert_nothing_raised(\u2026) { \u2026 }
   119 #ct_asns=assert_not_same(\u2026)
   120 #ct_asnt=assert_nothing_thrown { \u2026 }
   121 #ct_aso=assert_operator(\u2026)
   122 #ct_asr=assert_raise(\u2026) { \u2026 }
   123 #ct_asrt=assert_respond_to(\u2026)
   124 #ct_ass=assert_same(\u2026)
   125 #ct_ast=assert_throws(\u2026) { \u2026 }
   126 #ct_bm-=Benchmark.bmbm do \u2026 end
   127 #ct_case=case \u2026 | end
   128 #ct_cl=classify { |e| \u2026 }
   129 #ct_cla=ClassName = Struct \u2026 do \u2026 end
   130 #ct_clafn=class_from_name()
   131 #ct_col=collect { |e| \u2026 }
   132 #ct_dop=do \u2026 end
   133 #ct_deec=deep_copy(\u2026)
   134 #ct_def=def \u2026 | end
   135 #ct_defd=def_delegator \u2026
   136 #ct_defds=def_delegators \u2026
   137 #ct_defmm=def method_missing \u2026 end
   138 #ct_defs=def self \u2026 end
   139 #ct_deft=def test_ \u2026 end
   140 #ct_deli=delete_if { |e| \u2026 }
   141 #ct_det=detect { |e| \u2026 }
   142 #ct_ea=each { |e| \u2026 }
   143 #ct_eab=each_byte { |byte| \u2026 }
   144 #ct_eac-=each_char { |chr| \u2026 }
   145 #ct_eai=each_index { |i| \u2026 }
   146 #ct_eak=each_key { |key| \u2026 }
   147 #ct_eal=each_line { |line| \u2026 }
   148 #ct_eap=each_pair { |name, val| \u2026 }
   149 #ct_eas-=each_slice(\u2026) { |group| \u2026 }
   150 #ct_eav=each_value { |val| \u2026 }
   151 #ct_eawi=each_with_index { |e, i| \u2026 }
   152 #ct_elsif=elsif \u2026
   153 #ct_end=__END__
   154 #ct_fin=find { |e| \u2026 }
   155 #ct_fina=find_all { |e| \u2026 }
   156 #ct_fl=flunk(\u2026)
   157 #ct_flao=flatten_once()
   158 #ct_gre=grep(/pattern/) { |match| \u2026 }
   159 #ct_loo=loop { \u2026 }
   160 #ct_map=map { |e| \u2026 }
   161 #ct_mapwi-=map_with_index { |e, i| \u2026 }
   162 #ct_max=max { |a, b| \u2026 }
   163 #ct_min=min { |a, b| \u2026 }
   164 #ct_mod=module \u2026 ClassMethods \u2026 end
   165 #ct_par=partition { |e| \u2026 }
   166 #ct_patfh=path_from_here( \u2026 )
   167 #ct_r=attr_reader \u2026
   168 #ct_ran=randomize()
   169 #ct_rb=#!/usr/bin/env ruby -wKU
   170 #ct_rej=reject { |e| \u2026 }
   171\u2026) { \u2026 }
   172 #ct_req=require "\u2026"
   173 #ct_reve=reverse_each { |e| \u2026 }
   174 #ct_rw=attr_accessor \u2026
   175 #ct_sca=scan(/\u2026/) { |match| \u2026 }
   176 #ct_sel=select { |e| \u2026 }
   177 #ct_sin=singleton_class()
   178 #ct_sor=sort { |a, b| \u2026 }
   179 #ct_sorb=sort_by { |e| \u2026 }
   180 #ct_tc=class \u2026 &lt; Test::Unit::TestCase \u2026 end
   181 #ct_ts=require "tc_\u2026" \u2026
   182 #ct_uni=unix_filter { \u2026 }
   183 #ct_unless=unless \u2026 | end
   184 #ct_until=until \u2026 end
   185 #ct_usai=usage_if()
   186 #ct_usau=usage_unless()
   187 #ct_w=attr_writer \u2026
   188 #ct_when=when \u2026 | 
   189 #ct_while=while \u2026 end
   190 #ct_y=:yields:
   191 #ct_zip=zip(enums) { |row| \u2026 }
   193 # TextMate snippets from Ruby on Rails.tmbundle
   194 #ct_art=assert_redirected_to
   195 #ct_asre=assert_response
   196 #ct_bt=belongs_to
   197 #ct_flash=flash[\u2026 | ]
   198 #ct_habtm=has_and_belongs_to_many
   199 #ct_hm=has_many
   200 #ct_ho=has_one
   201 #ct_log=logger.debug
   202 ct_mccc=Create Several Columns
   203 ct_mcol=Afegir columna
   204 #ct_mp=map(&amp;:sym_proc)
   205 ct_mtab=Crear taula
   206 #ct_ra=render (action)
   207 #ct_ral=render (action, layout)
   208 #ct_rcea=render_component (action)
   209 #ct_rcec=render_component (controller)
   210 #ct_rceca=render_component (controller, action)
   211 #ct_rdb=RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.debug
   212 #ct_rea=redirect_to (action)
   213 #ct_reai=redirect_to (action, id)
   214 #ct_rec=redirect_to (controller)
   215 #ct_reca=redirect_to (controller, action)
   216 #ct_recai=redirect_to (controller, action, id)
   217 #ct_rf=render (file)
   218 #ct_rfu=render (file, use_full_path)
   219 #ct_ri=render (inline)
   220 #ct_ril=render (inline, locals)
   221 #ct_rit=render (inline, type)
   222 #ct_rl=render (layout)
   223 #ct_rn=render (nothing)
   224 #ct_rns=render (nothing, status)
   225 #ct_rp=render (partial)
   226 #ct_rpc=render (partial, collection)
   227 #ct_rpl=render (partial, locals)
   228 #ct_rpo=render (partial, object)
   229 #ct_rps=render (partial, status)
   230 #ct_rt=render (text)
   231 #ct_rtl=render (text, layout)
   232 #ct_rtlt=render (text, layout =&gt; true)
   233 #ct_rts=render (text, status)
   234 #ct_va=validates_associated
   235 #ct_vaif=validates_associated if
   236 #ct_vc=validates_confirmation_of
   237 #ct_vcif=validates_confirmation_of if
   238 #ct_ve=validates_exclusion_of
   239 #ct_veif=validates_exclusion_of if
   240 #ct_verify=verify \u2026 render
   241 #ct_vl=validates_length_of
   242 #ct_vp=validates_presence_of
   243 #ct_vpif=validates_presence_of if
   244 #ct_vu=validates_uniqueness_of
   245 #ct_vuif=validates_uniqueness_of if
   246 # Mime Type application/x-httpd-eruby
   247 #ct_ft=form_tag
   248 #ct_lia=link_to (action)
   249 #ct_liai=link_to (action, id)
   250 #ct_lic=link_to (controller)
   251 #ct_lica=link_to (controller, action)
   252 #ct_licai=link_to (controller, action, id)
   254 DynamicMethod=This method is generated dynamically by Rails, and will search your model for matches of the given column. You can also search by combinations of columns by concatenating them with <code>_and_</code>.
   255 NoCommentFound=Cap comentari trobat
   256 #Documented=(documented)
   257 #NoDoced=(:nodoc:)
   258 RubyLib=Ruby Library
   259 In=entrada
   260 FileDeleted=No s'ha pogut trobar el fitxer Potser ha estat eliminat fora de l'IDE?\nYou can force an update of the index by removing the var/cache/gsf-index\ndirectory in your user directory.
   261 # Displayed as a return type (in navigator etc) when a method has an unknown return type
   262 RubyUnknownType=Desconegut
   263 InferredType=Inferred type:
   264 # used as a delimiter when displaying return types, e.g. String or Float 
   265 Or=or
   267 InstalledVersions=Installed version(s): {0}
   269 SC_100=100 (Continue)
   270 SC_100_DESC=The requestor should continue with the request. The server returns this code to indicate that it has received the first part of a request and is waiting for the rest.
   271 SC_101=101 (Switching protocols)
   272 SC_101_DESC=The requestor has asked the server to switch protocols and the server is acknowledging that it will do so.
   273 SC_200=200 (amb \u00e8xit)
   274 SC_200_DESC=El servidor ha processat amb \u00e8xit la petici\u00f3. Generally, this means that the server provided the requested page.
   275 SC_201=201 (Created)
   276 SC_201_DESC=La petici\u00f3 va tenir \u00e8xit i el servidor ha creat el nou recurs.
   277 SC_202=202 (Accepted)
   278 SC_202_DESC=The server has accepted the request, but hasn't yet processed it.
   279 SC_203=203 (Non-authoritative information)
   280 SC_203_DESC=El servidor ha processat amb \u00e8xit la petici\u00f3, per\u00f2 la seva informaci\u00f3 retornada pot venir des d'un altre origen.
   281 SC_204=204 (No content)
   282 SC_204_DESC=El servidor ha processat amb \u00e8xit la petici\u00f3, per\u00f2 no est\u00e0 retornant cap contingut.
   283 SC_205=205 (Restablir contingut)
   284 SC_205_DESC=El servidor ha processat amb \u00e8xit la petici\u00f3, per\u00f2 no est\u00e0 retornant cap contingut. Unlike a 204 response, this response requires that the requestor reset the document view (for instance, clear a form for new input).
   285 SC_206=206 (Contingut parcial)
   286 SC_206_DESC=El servidor ha processat amb \u00e8xit una petici\u00f3 GET parcial.
   287 SC_300=300 (Multiple choices)
   288 SC_300_DESC=The server has several actions available based on the request. The server may choose an action based on the requestor (user agent) or the server may present a list so the requestor can choose an action.
   289 SC_301=301 (Moved permanently)
   290 SC_301_DESC=The requested page has been permanently moved to a new location. When the server returns this response (as a response to a GET or HEAD request), it automatically forwards the requestor to the new location.
   291 SC_302=302 (Moved temporarily)
   292 SC_302_DESC=The requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI. Since the redirection might be altered on occasion, the client SHOULD continue to use the Request-URI for future requests. This response is only cacheable if indicated by a Cache-Control or Expires header field.
   293 SC_303=303 (See other location)
   294 SC_303_DESC=The server returns this code when the requestor should make a separate GET request to a different location to retrieve the response. For all requests other than a HEAD request, the server automatically forwards to the other location.
   295 SC_304=304 (Not modified)
   296 SC_304_DESC=If the client has performed a conditional GET request and access is allowed, but the document has not been modified, the server SHOULD respond with this status code. The 304 response MUST NOT contain a message-body, and thus is always terminated by the first empty line after the header fields.
   297 SC_305=305 (Use proxy)
   298 SC_305_DESC=The requestor can only access the requested page using a proxy. When the server returns this response, it also indicates the proxy that the requestor should use.
   299 SC_307=307 (Temporary redirect)
   300 SC_307_DESC=The requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI. Since the redirection MAY be altered on occasion, the client SHOULD continue to use the Request-URI for future requests. This response is only cacheable if indicated by a Cache-Control or Expires header field.
   301 SC_400=400 (Bad request)
   302 SC_400_DESC=The server didn't understand the syntax of the request.
   303 SC_401=401 (Not authorized)
   304 SC_401_DESC=The request requires authentication. The server might return this response for a page behind a login.
   305 SC_403=403 (Forbidden)
   306 SC_403_DESC=The server is refusing the request.
   307 SC_404=404 (Not found)
   308 SC_404_DESC=The server can't find the requested page. For instance, the server often returns this code if the request is for a page that doesn't exist on the server.
   309 SC_405=405 (Method not allowed)
   310 SC_405_DESC=The method specified in the request is not allowed.
   311 SC_406=406 (Not acceptable)
   312 SC_406_DESC=The requested page can't respond with the content characteristics requested.
   313 SC_407=407 (Proxy authentication required)
   314 SC_407_DESC=This status code is similar 401 (Not authorized); but specifies that the requestor has to authenticate using a proxy. When the server returns this response, it also indicates the proxy that the requestor should use.
   315 SC_408=408 (Temps d'expiraci\u00f3 en la petici\u00f3)
   316 SC_408_DESC=The server timed out waiting for the request.
   317 SC_409=409 (Conflict)
   318 SC_409_DESC=The server encountered a conflict fulfilling the request. The server must include information about the conflict in the response. The server might return this code in response to a PUT request that conflicts with an earlier request, along with a list of differences between the requests.
   319 SC_410=410 (Gone)
   320 SC_410_DESC=The server returns this response when the requested resource has been permanently removed. It is similar to a 404 (Not found) code, but is sometimes used in the place of a 404 for resources that used to exist but no longer do. If the resource has permanently moved, you should use a 301 to specify the resource's new location.
   321 SC_411=411 (Length required)
   322 SC_411_DESC=The server won't accept the request without a valid Content-Length header field.
   323 SC_412=412 (Pre-condici\u00f3 sense \u00e8xit)
   324 SC_412_DESC=The server doesn't meet one of the preconditions that the requestor put on the request.
   325 SC_413=413 (Request entity too large)
   326 SC_413_DESC=The server can't process the request because it is too large for the server to handle.
   327 SC_414=414 (Requested URI is too long)
   328 SC_414_DESC=The requested URI (typically, a URL) is too long for the server to process.
   329 SC_415=415 (Unsupported media type)
   330 SC_415_DESC=The request is in a format not support by the requested page.
   331 SC_416=416 (Requested range not satisfiable)
   332 SC_416_DESC=The server returns this status code if the request is for a range not available for the page.
   333 SC_417=417 (Expectaci\u00f3 sense \u00e8xit)
   334 SC_417_DESC=The server can't meet the requirements of the Expect request-header field.
   335 SC_500=500 (Internal server error)
   336 SC_500_DESC=The server encountered an error and can't fulfill the request.
   337 SC_501=501 (Not implemented)
   338 SC_501_DESC=The server doesn't have the functionality to fulfill the request. For instance, the server might return this code when it doesn't recognize the request method.
   339 SC_502=502 (Bad gateway)
   340 SC_502_DESC=The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid response from the upstream server.
   341 SC_503=503 (Service unavailable)
   342 SC_503_DESC=The server is currently unavailable (because it is overloaded or down for maintenance). Generally, this is a temporary state.
   343 SC_504=504 (Timeout en la porta d'enlla\u00e7)
   344 SC_504_DESC=The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and didn't receive a timely request from the upstream server.
   345 SC_505=505 (HTTP version not supported)
   346 SC_505_DESC=The server doesn't support the HTTP protocol version used in the request.